#at least this is keeping the corps off our planet???
kivaember · 4 months
new ac6 au idea help me
okay so i've been playing pacific drive since it came out, and it gave me SUCH brainworms for a post-apocalyptic AU of AC6. In BULLET POINT FORM:
when the Fires happened (the first one), it occured just as a coral collapse started to initiate
this basically fucked up rubicon and its now the bermuda triangle of space
anyone who lands on it don't come back and no sensors or satellites can penetrate the thick crimson cloud that covers the entire planet (looks like jupiter from the outside now, with storms and the like)
still, corpos gonna corpo. so after a few decades when nothing changes, they send a few reconnaisance groups to the planet
some manage to report back before vanishing, and the reports are: laws of physics have been screwed up, nothing makes sense, and everything's trying to kill them
Corpos sent their ac squads bc if its dangerous bring guns
They vanish, and after sending a few more they throw up their hands and are like, planet's haunted. fuck it. no coral ever now
who's been closely observing this whole thing for a while
paranoid this effect will spread to other systems, as ambient coral levels are rising in the vaccuum of space around the planet
sends 621 to the planet's surface with strict orders for him to find 'watchpoint alpha' which should have a functioning comms array that can send through heavy coral interference
621 crashlands on the surface and man, what the hell is this scp shit
anyways, there're still ppl living on rubicon, but they've adapted to the fact that they're stuck in a reality-warped nightmare and roll with the weirdness
they have acs, but they're such precious resources that they're only deployed whenever they're gonna do a big expedition for a resource haul when identifying a safe passage opening up to some intact ruins or old foundries
most of the time they're trundling around the planet's surface on old MRAPs or jeeps, harvesting resources where they can
the redguns and vespers who were sent before have kind of like. settled down there - those that survived, anyways. bc they can't leave, but they can't survive without working together either. so there's like an uneasy alliance between the native rubiconians, the redguns and the vespers. as well as various independents that landed and learned to survive
so sentient coral do exist, and they tend to possess random objects
ayre in this case has possessed a car :| 621's gonna drive it
anyway 621 and ayre come across rusty, who's a scavenger for his rubiconian outpost - and the pilot of STEEL HAZE - and tl;dr rusty takes 621 back to the warrens
621 saying he has a mission to reach watchpoint alpha, bc then he and walter can "fix" rubicon
(621 is unaware of the "burn all the coral" plan. walter only told him they're fixing this mess)
rusty's interested, but says reaching the watchpoint is dependent on the conditions. he may have to wait a while
anyway i had to get that idea out of my mind and writen down. ac combat is super rare and is only done when redguns and vespers scrap over a big haul of resources, and even then they try not to damage each ther too much, bc if their acs get too damaged, that's it. it's not being fixed with their limited resources.
rusty who's never been a spy. born on rubicon when it was already messed up and thinks this is normal. oh hey so the landscape is constantly shifting and transforming a mile long field of grass into an acidic bog that'll chew through metal in seconds? haha yeah that happens. it is what it is. oh those manniquins you see on the road sometime? yeah they multiply when you're not looking and try to creep up on you. they explode. yeah that's normal. it really is!
god rusty would actually be incredibly weird in this. even 621 would be side eyeing him...
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boypussydilf · 1 year
can i ask for your thoughts on keron society? i cannot stop thinking about this little nightmare planet
i work best with guiding/prompting questions so in the absence of those i will just ramble about shit until i cant recall any more of my thoughts so this might be strange and disjointed 👍
im obsessed w keron society so i keep an eye out for canon indications of What It’s Like so here’s my list of canon keron society trivia i remember off the top of my head: they have military training schools for elementary school age children. more specifically, they seem to have almost exclusively if not actually exclusively military training schools, i.e., i dont know if theres any mention of non-military schools of any kind and the way characters talk about it indicates that Military Training Schools are the schools everyone goes to by Default. In fact! overall! keron society seems to be built on the military, run by the military, and almost entirely comprised of the military. It’s not necessarily unusual for most of the keronians we meet to be part of the army since all of our Main Characters are part of the army and we’re therefore seeing the world From Their Perspective but uh. I think “join the army” is straight up the default, expected life path on keron and anything else is a noteworthy Deviation. My evidence: when putata first shows up giroro immediately assumes that he’s part of the army and asks for his rank even though like,. “being a keronian on earth” really does NOT automatically correlate to being there as part of the military, by that point we’ve at least met… Well, by that point i’m pretty sure we’ve at least met dororo’s mom, who as far as I can tell isn’t part of the keron army at least anymore, so you know………. Point IS: all signs I’ve noticed point to: Keron is founded on its military. The majority of its population is part of its military. It’s a military society. Fucked up right?
SPEAKING OF THE SHURARA CORPS. *GESTURES TO GIRURU AND DOKUKU* FUCKED UP RIGHT ??????????? I’ve already kind of forgotten the EXACT details as they go over them in the dokuku episode but context if any of my non-keroro followers are reading this heres how i remember it: (*resists the urge to go rewatch that part of the episode to double check*) giruru and dokuku are brothers, they were experimented on by, i believe, the fucking military again, and turned into A Liquid and A Gas respectively, and this is explicitly framed as “wow! fucked up! both of their lives were literally RUINED and they DO NOT WANT THIS”. HUH? Also what’s with dokuku being specifically called like the first gas keronian THEY MADE MORE? LIKE OF COURSE THEY MADE MORE BUT ??? UNETHICAL KERONIAN EXPERIMENTATION CANON.
SPEAKING OF THAT HEY WHATS UP WITH THE CLONING THING. No literally, what’s up with the cloning thing. The garuru platoon arc in the manga explains it pretty concisely, platoon commanders get their fucking DNA saved so that if they’re ever deemed unfit for command in any way by the Keron army they can be REPLACED WITH A CLONE OF THEMSELF and then DE-AGED TO A POINT IN THEIR LIFE LONG BEFORE THEY WERE CONSIDERED UNFIT TO COMMAND AND THE ORIGINAL IS PUT ASIDE AS PART OF THE RESERVE FORCES. The manga also says somewhere that keroro is the 315th. THE THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH K66 TYPE KERONIAN. HEY WHAT? GUYS ARE YOU GONNA ELABORATE ON THAT? NO? NO? I mean, maybe they do in some way. But probably not. I don’t know.
*falls to my knees and punches the floor* keron society is incredibly fucked up. I think literally everyone on that planet needs therapy. I also get the feeling that Planet “Every Single Person Born Here Is Going To Join Our Military While Still A Literal Child, Correct? Awesome!” does not have great resources for coping with any trauma or anything else induced by their military. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s FASCINATING. Studying the nightmare planet as a means to study the main characters. Studying the nightmare planet and desperately wishing we had more information about it. I want to watch this shitshow up close and in action. It’s bad. It is bad. Fucked up planet from hell. Dear God.
anyway this post is already long and i have to go soon but here’s a lightning round list of theories vaguely related to “the keroro of “back then”” and the question of how the Fuck sergeant procrastination-and-french-fries has been genuinely trusted with an entire platoon and the invasion of an entire planet
keroro puts his energy towards things he finds Fun and at one point he found being part of the army Fun enough to give it his full and genuine attention and earn a reputation as someone competent and capable before he stopped finding it particularly Fun and stopped really giving a shit or trying very hard. (aka, Keroro is Space Neurodivergent, which is true anyway)
there’s an episode of the anime where keroro’s dad saves the whole platoon, completely unknowingly, by complete accident, while also drunk off his ass. What if he’s always like that. Competent on accident. What if Keroro is also like that. He did a bunch of cool shit, but like, just kind of stumbled into it without meaning to or really realizing what he was doing.
I’m out of time. I should probably put this post under a readmore but i. won’t <3
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canchewread · 2 years
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Editor’s note: The War on Sharing is an informal journal about my life as an anti-capitalist dissident in a burgeoning Pig Empire police state, during a time of normalized fascist reaction. Given the deeply personal nature of this writing, please consider citations to be arbitrary, profanity to be praxis, and slang to be artisanal.
TWoS: When Everything Falls Apart
As you may have noted, the above quote isn’t my writing and instead comes to you from Antonio Gramsci; a Marxist philosopher and the founder of the Italian Communist Party. A brilliant thinker, Gramsci wrote the above passage while imprisoned by Mussolini and his fascist government, where he ultimately died at age forty-six; you can read the appropriately titled “Selections from the Prison Notebooks” by clicking here.
If this quote seems simultaneously familiar, and yet off somehow to you, that’s probably because you’ve heard a mistranslation offered by (highly questionable) philosopher Slavoj Žižek. That wording typically goes “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.” While both of these quotes relate well to what I’m writing about here today, I went with the Gramsci original as a headliner because I feel some kindred nature with the author; which is certainly not something I’d say about Žižek.
So why does Gramsci’s quote speak to me on this chilly October morning? Because although he could not have intended it, our author has nevertheless spoken what I perceive to be an undeniable truth about our present, and at times, terrifying moment in human history. We too live in a moment when the old, a capitalist liberal democratic order in the Pig Empire, is dying. We too are trapped inside a birthing moment, where the new socio-political and perhaps economic order that will replace it is unclear. More importantly, our society is being artificially rooted inside this old and dying order by powerful forces capable of delaying this transition; but only at great cost, and only for a time.
This is without question a frightening time to be alive. It’s not an accident that fascism is rising, the real wage economy is imploding, the neoliberal foreign policy consensus lies in tatters, life in free market capitalist societies has become a Cyberpunk-esque libertarian dystopia, and the oceans are literally boiling; all at once. 
These are all merely the visible symptoms of the same problem; we’ve run out of planet, and it’s either the end of capitalism, or the end of a human habitat that can support several billion people. I’m not telling you this to frighten you, I’m telling you this so that you will understand why everything around you seems to be falling apart at the same time. Knowledge is power; it’s the difference between knowing what to do, and dying because some rich fascist has got you locked in a lie and working against your own class interests.
The plain truth of the matter is that rich people mean you harm; which is why I can’t just disregard Žižek’s translation of this quote entirely. These billionaires, in-pocket politicians, and their pet propagandists are monsters, and right now they have unfathomable power over our society. Given the choice of saving the planet, or continuing capitalism, the ruling capitalist order has more or less en masse chosen capitalism - bodies be damned. 
Furthermore, in this frozen moment between the death of the old, and the birth of the new, the laws and social mores of the Pig Empire make truly fighting back almost impossible (or at least highly dangerous) for those of us who don’t intend to go quietly into that good night so oil companies and rich nazi futurists can keep the grand game going for another generation at most. For now.
And so it is that we all must continue to come together on websites, at protests, in discussion groups. Watching, waiting, teaching the truths, ideas, and theories that will carry humanity forward when no amount of money and violence can maintain the dead corpse of the old, in the rightful place of the new. If you’re out there reading this someplace dark and lonely, take heart; the fall of a rigged neoliberal democratic order doesn’t mean the death of democracy, and just because the fascists seize the levers of power doesn’t mean we have to obey. 
It is undeniably a time of monsters, but the simple peasant folk still have answers even when the laws of our lords and masters forbid it. Patience is a virtue, and revenge is a dish best served cold - preferably from a height of roughly three feet. 
 - nina illingworth
Anarcho-syndicalist writer, critic and analyst.
You can find my work at ninaillingworth.com, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog
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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”
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askthechronoverse · 1 year
Chapter Seven: It All Seemed so Fine...
Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
"Princess, have you given consideration to how we will be celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Unikingdom?" Rick floated next to Unikitty, who was at a desk with a large notebook that was probably made exclusively of glitter.
"Of course! It's gonna be my best party yet! I'm inviting everyone! Even Master Frown." She pat a large stack of rainbow hued invitations. "I'm gonna hand deliver each one later today!"
"You may want to hold off on that for the time being. We are expecting an important guest today." The brick slid a piece of official looking paperwork on the desk. "Her Highness is coming here all the way from Syspocalypstar and we need to make sure everything is in order in the castle and beyond before she arrives." There was a cross of anxiety and the joy that came from potentially seeing an old friend again in Richard's voice. Unikitty looked over the paper and grinned.
"I haven't seen her since the wedding! It'll be so nice to see her again!" The cat put that paper aside. "But you deep cleaned the castle yesterday. What else would we need to…" The brick turned her head to the window, where the Rexcelsior hung in the late morning sky. "Ohhhh. Yeah. He may need to move that."
"Hawkodile has been looking for Rex since we got the letter and has had no luck finding him. This may be a good thing, since that could mean he's off planet right now. We need to make sure that's the case, all while making sure we get ready to receive our guest."
"Yeah, I'm sure he left the planet." Hawkodile slammed a hastily written note on the desk, startling the two. Unikitty read the note:
Gone to Syspocalypstar to take care of something important.
Should be back after your bedtime, so don't wait up for me.
"Well. That was easy." Rick nodded, relief washing over his face. "If Rex isn't even here, we can avoid some awkwardness from their shared history."
"Yep! I really think he should have stayed and tried to apologize, but that's not my business. Annnnnyway! We're going to make this meet up super fun! Will she be with us long?" Unikitty pushed Rex's note aside and pulled the announcement to the center.
"The note said he had important business to take care of, Unikitty. That's not important to us right now, however. From what I was told, she won't be with us long. She does have other planets to visit before getting ready for other celebration festivities." Rick's nervousness was turned up to eleven now. "We shouldn't need to prepare a whole party for her, but I would recommend providing at least snacks. We don't have a timetable for her arrival, but I would assume we are going to be one of the last planets she arrives to, given our distance to Syspocalypstar."
"Has she started her journey?" Hawkodile asked, arms folded.
"She should be on her way to the Systar System's Space Corps base right now. You should hear from the general of the naval command a few hours before she reaches the atmosphere. Have you had any luck contacting the Rexcelsior's engine room to have them move the ship out of the atmosphere?" Richard spoke with a seriousness that almost worried Unikitty. The way he spoke, it sounded like something he was both dreading and something he'd been through before
"They won't listen to me. Keep askin' for Rex or another authorized party to confirm the move. I got no idea who that is and Rex is probably halfway to Syspocalypstar by now." Hawkodile shook his head. "I'm goin' back to work on it, but I thought you'd want to know Rex himself won't be a problem." The chimera left to tend to the captainless ship.
"Speaking of parties!" Unikitty grabbed a pen and began to make a list. "We can do the meet up in Flowery Park by the fountain! I'll get some tables to set up a cupcake tower and some punch!" She tapped her pen on her cheek. "What else can I put out?"
"Maybe we should wait for the Space Corps base to get back to me about the nature of the visit." Richard said with a soft sigh.
"Of course! This could be something that begs for ball gowns and glitter! Well, every event needs glitter." She started to write some things down.
Meanwhile, Hawkodile approached Rex's cabin, to see the door was wide open. "Rex? Bro, I thought ya woulda left by now, but ya gotta move your ship. Queen Wa-!" He heard noises coming from the study and peeked cautiously through the open door. In front of Rex's radio was the silhouette of a being with two horns wearing a vest similar to the one Rex wore.
"Mothership, access code is Romeo Echo X-ray. Authority is given to move out of Unikingdom airspace. Do you copy?" The voice of the speaker sounded familiar, but not enough for Hawkodile to place it. It was deep and regal, speaking like they were meant to be there. The being waited for the grumbling to subside. "I am aware of that fact, command. I was sent to avoid an intergalactic incident under code Tango Papa 19-14." After a pause to let the radio grumble, the being shook his head. "Confirmation received, mothership. The captain will appreciate your co-operation and listen to your concerns on this process when you and he reach the appropriate part of the timeline. Over and out." The being rushed out the door, past Hawkodile. He caught a glimpse of blue fur in the light made by the windows, but the being was gone before he could get a better look.
He left the cabin and watched the Rexcelsior move out of the sky out into what he assumed was space at large. Who was that being and how did they command the ship when he was told only the captain himself had authority? It didn't matter right now. The ship wasn't a problem anymore and he could move on to security.
Meanwhile, Unikitty and Puppycorn were in the park, setting up tables for the reception. It was the cat doing most of the work, while the dog played with a toy truck. She looked up to see the fist ship was gone from the sky and just nodded, glad Hawkodile took care of the issue.
The puppy lifted an ear when he heard a noise coming from the pathway. He turned his head lazily and saw it was Rick rushing up to Unikitty.
"I have received word from the base, Princess. She will be here to give us a gift to celebrate the anniversary of the union of the planets. Please decorate accordingly." He informed her, clipboard in his trembling and invisible hand.
"Then we need more glitter and sparkly things. That's gonna be a lot, but I'm sure we've got enough. Hey, Puppycorn! Grab the light pink tablecloths from that box over there!" She pointed to a large box that was labeled "super fancy party stuff". The dog grabbed the cloth and handed it to Unikitty. When Puppycorn returned to his truck, a flash of blue could be seen rushing through the flowers, away from the fountain. A manilla envelope was left next to the truck that was labeled "For Rexcelsior team leader. Report for code TP 19-14." He tilted his head and put the envelope out of his mind to play with the truck. When Puppycorn's attention went back to where the envelope was, it was gone.
The reception was soon ready to go and time was winding down until the guest of honor arrived. Richard placed and adjusted a little crown on Puppycorn's head. "Do I haveta wear this?" The dog shook his head and the crown tilted on his head.
"Yeah, but only until she leaves. We gotta look our best." He rushed off to get something to keep the crown from tilting. The puppy sat down and could feel the crown on his head adjust in place. He tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't budge. He thought he could hear a deep voice say "All clear in this time." He looked around and couldn't find the source.
By this point, a girl in a white space suit had arrived with an ice cream cone with a tie. The two seemed to be on high alert here, watching the skies for something unknown to the puppy. The girl stuck with Hawkodile and Puppycorn's ears went up when he heard his name. The conversation turned to something else before he could respond. He walked over to his sister, who was happy to see the crown was staying firm.
"Okay. We have an hour until our guest arrives. Don't run off, please." Richard tied a bowtie around the pup's collar. Puppycorn nodded, though it was clear he really wasn't fully in the moment.
"This is totally working out. No sign of Master Frown and the Doom Lords. Rex is still on Syspocalypstar, probably. All good." Unikitty sighed in relief as she finished last minute decorating.
Until she saw what she thought was Puppycorn in the gathering crowd. She looked where she saw her brother last and saw he was playing with his toy truck. She looked back to where she thought he was and saw no one there. No way. Her mind was playing tricks on her. She took a breath and walked into position. Before she could get to the fountain, she checked the spot once more and saw nothing. She had just gotten into position when the empress of the former Systar System got into the park plaza, a blonde stereotypical looking princess following behind with a chest.
"I'm sorry I can't stay long, my friend. I fell a little behind, but I am so happy to be here." The nebulous queen beamed. "I have a special present for you, Unikitty." The princess handed her queen the chest, which she opened to reveal large gemstones with mirror backs. There were four, each in different colors but all were shaped like hearts. "As my gift to the Unikingdom on the anniversary of its founding, as well as the union of the planets of the Systar System with the people of Apocalypseburg, I am giving you the Gemstones of Ackrilique. No one knows where the gems came from, but it is said they can boost the natural abilities of the person who holds them. I know you know how to rock a sparkly rock, girl. I know you can put them to good use." She handed Unikitty the chest and turned to address the crowd.
"I know that what we'd all been through during Armommageddeon last year was the worst, but we all became stronger together because of it. We didn't let darkness take over. As part of the Syspocalypstar System, we all are united to remain amazing forever. That's a pretty great reason to celebrate, if you ask me!" The crowd cheered and the queen left the area to mingle for a bit. Unikitty tried to do the same, but Hawkodile called her over to help him move the mysterious gems to the castle to keep them safe. Once the two returned, they joined the party, which continued long after the queen and her entourage left.
When the party was winding down, Unikitty saw Rex walk into the park. He was dressed up in a dark blue tuxedo vest and bright green tie, hair neatly combed beyond his untameable cowlick. Unikitty rushed up to him. "Hey, Rex. You missed the queen. You also didn't have to dress up."
"Princess, I'm dressed up for other reasons." He grabbed a cupcake and took a bite into it.
"What reasons?" He handed Unikitty some paperwork. It was a notarized form, signed by some person unknown to the princess and was stamped with the official insignia of the Queen of Syspocalypstar. She scanned the forms and saw that it said his name was now Rex Joseph Brickowski in all things legal according to Systarian law.
"I went down there to change my name. I'm not Emmet Brickowski but I'm not Rex Dangervest anymore, either. I think I'm someone in between those two. So I needed to do something to show that somehow. I dunno. Thought it was important enough to get dressed up."
"It is so important enough a thing to get all dressed up for! It's like a second birthday! Congratulations!" Unikitty pulled a candle from out of nowhere and put it in the cupcake Rex was eating. "Why did you go all the way to Syspocalypstar to do that? I'm pretty sure I could have helped with something like this."
"Emmet wanted to come. He even took me and Lucy out for dinner afterward to celebrate. The guy was weirdly excited that I wanted to take that step." He chuckled when he noticed the candle. He attempted to pull out the candle, but Unikitty put a paw on his hand.
"It's your second first birthday or I say it is, anyway. Birthday wishes here are magical." She lit the candle with a match she grabbed from the same place she got the candle. "Go on, Rex…. Or maybe we can just call you RJ. Make a wish. It'll come true because that's how it works around here. I've seen it myself."
"I really don't think that works like that in this case, but alright." He thought for a moment, then blew out the candle. "And yeah. RJ sounds about right."
"There ya go! Now, what did you wish for?" The cat sat next to her friend.
"Thought you weren't supposed to tell someone what you wished for. Pretty sure it's a universal rule of wishes." He laughed, eyes scanning the thinning crowd of partygoers.
"Oh, you've got me. Hang on. You said you went to dinner with Emmet and Lucy, right? Did it really take that long to get to Syspocalypstar?"
"Nah. I took a detour on the way over. I wanted to see another old friend of mine." He picked at some stray sprinkles on his half eaten cupcake.
"Do I know them too?"
"Princess, why are you… Benny. I went to see Benny." The man stopped playing with the cupcake. "He was able to see right through me and recognize me for who I was before, which I'm kinda okay with. Made it easy to talk to him about what I went through. It's amazing how much things stay the same between timelines sometimes." He turned to Unikitty. "Glad you didn't." The faintest smile dimly lit his face. She amplified the smile Rex gave on her face tenfold.
"I told you I'd try. I don't wanna keep hurting you. Even after what you've done, you don't deserve that. I just hope you keep trying too."
"That's the plan, Princess." He pocketed the now long extinguished candle.
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imforeverpositive · 1 year
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Recovered ship log transcript
“…don’t know if I should be happy this thing’s still in one piece. I, uh… There’s nothing to guarantee this will ever reach the hands of Kratos, General Kratos, anyway. But, for posterity’s sake…I owe the crew at least this much. So.
“Pilot Log uhh fiveish. Guess this makes me interim Captain, ha… I’m not sure how long it’s been since we set off, the days bleed into each other, and it’s not like I have anyone to confirm how long I’ve been unconscious since I landed on this asteroid for repairs. The clocks are all broken and my captor doesn’t seem to have a similar concept of hours and days as we do.
“I’m the sole survivor of the crew. Wildspace exploration mission, uhh something? Who even remembers those strings of letters? After about a month’s journey headed towards the latest divined portal we took heavy damage from a large, hostile warship—they showed signs of cultist activity—and were forced to try a crash landing on a nearby planet. It was a shitshow. The hull was already scraped up, and strong winds in the atmosphere had us spinning down like a damn mining drill. Next thing I know, we’re… I’m on the ground, and Shale. Our engineer…Shale…I can’t. The rest of the crew, too. I’m still not sure if what I saw was real. Maybe I just don’t want it to be.
“The planet we crashed on is overrun by Plasmoids, they surrounded the crash site and…took all of those dead or dying. Everyone else is gone. There will be no funerals, their bodies desecrated in a manner more horrifying than I can say. They dealt with the warship that pursued us all the way to their land. From the screams I heard before we made an escape on the scout ship, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about this wave.
“We… That devil and me made it out. The closest thing to a miracle I’ve seen, now that the hull’s only holding together with spit and string. I’ve been taken hostage and tasked with teaching a Plasmoid to pilot. It keeps wearing Shale’s face as some sort of torture, but hasn’t attacked yet. Fucking coward. My attempts to stall are going fine so far, but I can only keep it up for so long before it realises. Since I’m already doomed, when that time comes I plan to go down swinging.
“I’ll leave this tape here in an electrum case, hopefully someone from Gaia Corp picks up the unusual trace. An army of cultists is coming from another Crystal Sphere. The Plasmoids are organising to fly into Wildspace. Get ready for the beasts you poked awake with those war efforts. Fuck whoever’s listening to this, fuck General Kratos, and everyone else who put us in this place. May the stone preserve the rest.
“Viridian Ortiz signing out.”
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solarrush · 2 years
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FNAF AU: Song for a Siren Chapter 1: Welcome Aboard!
Word count: ~5350  (Temporarily posting chapters below the cut until my AO3 is up and running. Please don’t repost this story elsewhere!)
Song for a Siren; Chapter 1: Welcome Aboard!
Just one drop of blood contains billions of strands of DNA — the building blocks of life! It’s a blueprint for building a living thing. As our world faces the extinction of millions of species, the need for new, radical ideas to save those species has grown. That’s where our Faz Researchers step in. 
Using sophisticated technology, our team of scientists have collected and stored tens of thousands of samples from species great and small. Our geneticists teamed up with other like-minded partners across the world to create the first successful clones of endangered species. Through careful planning, animals that faced rapid population decreases, like salmon, would be boosted exponentially over several seasons, improving the overall health of local ecosystems. 
Now, Faz Corp’s vision to advocate and educate future generations on our planet’s most important resource — our oceans — has led to the foundation of the Faz Aquarium and Research Center, or The ARC…
ARC? That seems a bit…pretentious. You can feel yourself going cross-eyed as you stared at the black box before you, distracted by its ancient appearance. For a job orientation you half expected a…well, honestly, a show of sorts. This was *the* Faz ARC you’d been hired at, after all; a place where a mad scientist’s dreams could come true. Creatures from children’s stories were brought to life here, for Pete’s sake. 
You’d been surprised when, instead of a grand presentation, your team lead wheeled in this little 90s TV on a rolling cart and popped the DVD in (at least it wasn’t a VHS, you supposed). 
Whatever. You weren’t here to be a part of the Research Team, not the cutting-edge one, anyway. Your job would be in the Children’s Education Center, teaching kids cool facts about the tide pools. 
Like how one defense mechanism of the sea cucumber is forcefully ejecting their internal organs out their ass. 
You realize you’ve zoned out for a good portion of the orientation video at this point. Whoops. Hopefully nothing you couldn’t Wiki later. Correcting your slouched posture and giving a stretch, the sound of the break room door opening signaled the return of your team lead. 
“Alright, let’s get you your badge and uniform.” 
Vanessa gestured loosely for you to follow as she promptly turned right back around and walked out the door. You had to jog to catch up, matching her pace while soaking in your surroundings.
“Work day starts at 8:00am, make sure to clock in on time and take your breaks as scheduled. Your days end at 4:30, but there might be times you’re asked to swing shift.” She droned, handing over a paper bag with your name scrawled across the top and two outfits within. A badge is activated at the employee check-in desk and snapped to a lanyard, which you take and slip over your head. Keys on a loop are handed over last, snapped to your belt loop for safe keeping.
Exiting the employee building takes you out into the main park where families were already bustling about. The ARC was a massive campus sectioned off into three areas: the public aquarium, the research centers and a restricted zone where only upper management had access. 
The entire campus criss-crossed with eco-friendly, recycled terrain paths and large gardens of native flora. As the name suggested, much of the architecture of surrounding buildings had a vaguely ship-like appearance; abstract enough to go unnoticed by most, but a wink-wink nudge-nudge for those who noticed. 
Down the grassy hill a crowd had begun to gather at the Faz ARC’s main attraction: the Faz Theater. It was nearly 10:00am, which meant the first show of the day was about to start. 
While their story might have started in conservation, what Faz was *really* known for was their “species ambassadors.” The ARC homed four of the only merfolk in the world, better recognized to the populace as the glamorous marvels of bio-engineering: Freddy, Roxy, Chica and Monty.
These merfolk were ambassadors for the species meticulously chosen for them and their purpose was to bring awareness to those species’ endangered status. How exactly the arguably “human” features came about wasn’t something Faz went about sharing, though. 
Following Vanessa down the stairs towards the back entrance of the theater, you’re welcomed by familiar smells and noises of your childhood. A popcorn cart fizzled and popped continuously, buttery goodness wafting out every time the glass door was opened. Greasy hotdogs and tooth-rotting cotton candy delighted and satisfied early-lunch cravings.
From the employee back stage path you could survey the dome’s full layout. Colorful murals depicting the four stars flowed across the walls, up-lit in blues, purples and green spotlights. Facts about the ocean and its inhabitants bubbled up beside the depictions of Faz’s merfolk, little kids hopped up on adrenaline spinning the circular sign installments with “did you know” trivia. Obligatory gift shop to the back left, already full of squabbling kids; bleachers surrounded the massive show tank in a half crescent, echoing with the metallic sounds of hundreds of feet taking a seat. 
“Wow…” You’re hit with a brief moment of nostalgia as you recalled begging your folks to see the merfolk perform. 
“Ya know, when I was a kid seeing this show was all anyone in my class talked about. Some of the older kids would compare stories or what mercy their folks got them. I was always so jealous,” you chuckle, smiling wistfully at the crowd of kids. Vanessa said nothing, sparing a brief glance your way but looking away in the next beat.
“Wasn’t till my tenth birthday did my folks take me to my first show. I couldn’t help but be absolutely captivated by the merfolk and the trainers they worked with.” Ever since then you were dead set on working at the aquarium when you were older. 
Each mer’s dedicated handler and trainer tended to their every need. A round-the-clock position, they oversaw the health both physical and mental of their mer. To the public it appeared to be all fun and games at their shows, not knowing just how much time and dedication the job really demanded. 
That didn’t deter you at all, however. Becoming a handler had always been the goal, and while you were starting small you were still one big step closer to that dream! 
Your gaze zeroed in on the handlers just below deck and did a double take when one appeared fairly shorter than the rest. 
“What’s that kid doing down there?” You ask before the brain-mouth filter kicked in. Vanessa barely glanced up from the tablet — when’d she grab that? — in her hands. 
“Gregory, our summer intern. He’s paired with Freddy.”
“I didn’t know Faz hired interns…”
“We don’t.”
You watched her type away, waiting for an explanation. When none came you cleared your throat. “So…what’s the deal?”
Vanessa gave a withering sigh through the nose before finally lowering the tablet and looking out at the intern. “Management noticed Freddy had taken a particular interest in the kid last summer. Freddy’s always been engaging and amiable with everyone he works with, but something clicked I guess with that kid.” Her face screwed tight momentarily. “Management likes to call it a ‘bond’ of sorts. They’re very interested. So…now we have an intern.”
Lucky bastard, you couldn’t help but think. The chances of that happening seemed a million to one. 
Were you jealous of a teenager?
Ok. Yeah, maybe. What, you could admit that to yourself, you were an adult after all!
Gregory appeared to be speaking and gesturing to Freddy, dwarfed almost comically by the mer whose rapt attention was only on the boy. Even when Gregory started walking towards the stairs that led up to the show platform Freddy’s shadow slowly followed along with lazy strokes of his shimmering tail.
You’d been so focused on the pair that the sudden and loud sound of the announcer’s voice over the intercom gave you a jolt. Vanessa merely cocked an eyebrow at you as you flashed a sheepish grin in return.
“Welcome, Faz Friends, to today’s first show at the ARC Theater!” A pause for cheers, background music bumps steadily growing in volume to feed the hype. The lights in the theater slowly dimmed until only the pool remained fully lit, glowing a mesmerizing teal. 
“We’re so glad you could visit us today! Our glamorous mer friends have a wonderful show for you they can’t wait to share!”
All at once the four mer leapt out of the water from the depths of the pool, delighting those in the crowd close enough to get caught in the resulting wave as they crashed back into the water. Colored lights danced over the rippling surface, bouncing off the shimmering scales of the mer as they swam in mesmerizing patterns before breaking apart. From above your perch the massive LED wall lit up with the show’s intro, the narration sounding similar to the orientation video you’d finished this morning.
Well, look at that. Seems you’ll be getting that show after all. 
“Here at the Faz ARC, our work with these magnificent creatures provides valuable data for conservation efforts around the globe.”
As the narration droned on your gaze drifts to the handlers. Despite being in shadow you could make out how their black wet suits sported accent colors according to the mer they worked with. Even Gregory wore one, you realized. He stood beside the senior handler, nodding along while pulling treats from the nearby cooler and into the bucket they’d take up. Glancing about, the other handlers are doing the same thing. 
On cue, the handlers mounted their individual platforms and waited as the mer and handler introductions began. 
“Hi everybody!” A young woman with a ponytail of bright red curly hair stepped into the pink spotlight at her platform, waving to the crowd. Her wet suit screamed Chica with pink and green ribs, both patterned accordingly. “My name’s Alexi, and this is my wonderful friend Chica!” The crowd ooh’d at Chica’s twirling launch into the air, splashing the front row before returning to her spotlit platform. 
“Chica is our ambassador for several species of tropical fish and rays.” A sweeping gesture with one arm sends the white, pink and green mer out to swim the edge of the pool in a showy display. “Her tiger-like stripes and spotted scales make her captivating to watch, but also serve to help Chica blend into her surroundings.” 
You hum to yourself as you watch the pool become bathed in leopard-patterned spotlights, Chica’s form occasionally lost amongst the visual chaos. She was the second in popularity for the merfolk, appealing unsurprisingly to little girls in particular. 
The lights went out and the next platform lit up in pale purple. A young man grinned at his turn, fists planted on his hips. Unlike Alexi, his suit was a solid black and purple. “Hey, guys! My name’s Jax and this rockstar is Roxy!” One fist pumps the air in time with the gray and purple mer jumping into the air, drawing hoots and hollers from the crowd. “Roxy’s got the highest agility of the mer with her leopard seal and mako shark primary genetics. Check out how she maneuvers these obstacles in the blink of an eye!” 
A mechanical hum accompanied by a rush of bubbles from below revealed a version of Roxy’s course, the mer immediately darting through hoops and around pillars with precision. Roxy’s sea leopard face was certainly cute, but she had no qualms about flashing her sharp canines at the visitors who stood by the glass. 
You couldn’t help leaning forward over the railing just a bit as the next mer was introduced. His size alone was a marvel, and, quite frankly, Monty had to be the most badass of the crew.  His handler was petite in an all-black suit contrasted by their cropped, lime green hair.
“Hey folks, make some noise for the baddest mer on the block!” Their stance spread beneath the green spotlight as their arms opened wide, the crowd screaming in delight as Monty’s massive form rose from below and breached to his dorsal spines, intimidating maw snapping shut on morsel suspended from the ceiling. Splashing back into the water, Monty lazily swam back to his handler, swallowing the morsel whole. 
“I’m Jessie, and this big guy is my partner Monty! Monty’s size and thick scales are courtesy of his sturgeon DNA. You might recognize some of his traits as being similar to a mosasaur too — an ancient predator from oceans long gone.” 
Monty and Roxy definitely had the “danger” and “edgy” factor on their side, appealing largely to teenagers and young adults. You’re pretty sure Monty doesn’t have actual mosasaur DNA, but it’s still a very cool comparison. Crocodile seemed more likely. Although, you weren’t sure what they crossed him with to get that oil-slick green sheen over his scales. Eel or sea snake, you supposed. 
An energy had begun to grow in the crowd with each introduction, dripping with anticipation for the final mer. No surprise there, of course. 
Monty’s spotlight went out and at last came a beam of gold light on the fourth and final platform. The oldest handler stepped forward, smiling broadly. “We’re so thankful you all could join us in another celebration of our oceans. Now it’s time to meet our final member of the species ambassadors: Freddy!”
If you’d thought the crowd was loud before, you cringed when the screams doubled at the final mer’s introduction jump. 
Freddy looked exactly as you remembered him so many years ago, dazzling orange-gold scales accented by bolts of turquoise sparkling with every stroke of his tail. He was always the star of the show; second biggest of the four, his gentle-giant personality made him a hit for visitors of all ages hoping to have a close encounter (for a fee, of course). 
All mer now accounted for, the show could commence. While you half expected to be able to watch the dazzling show in its entirety, Vanessa was walking away from you.
“Oh, we’re not staying?”
“No, we have a lot to cover for your first day.” Came the blunt reply, your shoulders slumping minutely as you hurried after her back. 
Casting one last glance back at the show, you felt your resolve harden once more. One day that’d be you up there.
“Please don’t pick up the sea cucumber, he’ll puke his guts again and no one wants that,” The plea rolls off your tongue for the hundredth time today as you reach across the tide pool to gently brush away the grabby hands from poor cucumber Larry. 
It’d been a few weeks since you started working at the ARC as the “Tide Pool Guide” for visitors. All in all, about what you had been anticipating; demanding parents wanting their gremlin children pushed ahead of the others patiently waiting, other gremlins snatching hermit crabs from their pools and running off to “show their friends.” Larry was depending on you to prevent another repeat of the birthday kid trying to squeeze it like those water wigglers sold in the gift shop. 
There were only two mer-shows a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, so a good chunk of the day could be spent exploring the rest of the ARC. Which meant, in this case, a manic rush of kids high on mer-adrenaline flooding the interactive exhibits for a solid five or so hours. 
It could be worse, you suppose. You could be still working retail. This was your first big job out of college and damnit you were going to be an Adult™ and do it well. Armed with a plethora of SpongeBob references and fun (gross) facts about the critters you care for, you let yourself get lost in the children’s awe and wonder. 
“See this guy right here?” You wave your hand across the vision of several 8 year olds, directing their attention to the chunky pink starfish. “He’s growing back an arm ‘cause the original fell off,” you point towards some rocks beneath the surface not far away, “and now it’s going to become a new starfish!” 
A gasp to your right and you glance up at the little tike in a Freddy shirt. “Baby starfish!?”
“Yup! Wanna feel how bumpy they are?” Giggles answered as you took the child’s hand to gently pet the starfish. 
“Weird!” “I wanna touch too!” 
You watched with a smile as the kids took turns cautiously petting, some braver than others. Glancing over your shoulder you survey the rest of the tide pools. A few teenagers huddled together filming the sting rays, several visitors were watching the octopus tank and a handful more petting the anemones. This late in the day meant guests slowly started filtering out and wandered off in search of a bite to eat or planning on claiming their seats for the evening show. 
Glancing at your watch, a rush of relief hits you with the realization that soon enough you could close up and focus on your end-of-day routine. While every shift got easier and you slipped more comfortably into your kids “show” persona, getting some quiet time with the tide pool critters was a nice way to end the day. 
When that final call for the show chimed across the intercom you happily led guests out of the tunnel and hung up the chain.
“Not bad, shrimp.” Vanessa appeared from behind you, tapping on her tablet. 
“V, it was one time,” you whined, head dropping back against your shoulders. Almost eating shit after slipping on a shrimp earned you the nickname for the foreseeable future, apparently. 
“One’s all it takes,” came the smug reply, Vanessa glancing up from her screen to smirk. “Full house tonight. I’ll be with the others doing crowd control; you’re on meal prep for the Pools and Cove.” With a taunting wink, she turned and promptly disappeared into one of the tunnels leading out to the rest of the aquarium. 
For a beat you just stared where she’d been, grimacing at the thought of sticking your hands in the cold feed bins. Shivering, you shook the thought away and went about cleaning and locking up the exhibit. You had about an hour before clocking-out, lest the wrath of Faz-god fall upon you for not being on time, so you make quick work sweeping up wrappers, scraping up unnamed (gum? you hoped it was gum) substances from the floor and peeling stickers off the tank glass. 
Food prep always took you a hot minute, still learning the correct measurements and which supplements went to which inhabitant, so you wanted to maximize your time appropriately. Hoofing it back to the “kitchen” through the employee tunnel you run through your mental checklist. 
One drawback to doing meal prep was just how damn far it was from the Tide Pools. You practically went half way through the aquarium to get there and you rarely came across another team member during the trek this time of day. The occasional chatter from your walkie was a welcome comfort on the otherwise silent walk. 
A map caught your eye, easy to pass over tucked in between colorful posters and other employee notes. Peering closer, you skim the employee-only paths to the Tide Pools. The tunnel you were currently walking went out along the outer edge of the building, but according to this there was another route that cut through the Reef. 
Your brows furrow in consideration. The Reef had been a brief part of the orientation tour, more of a “there it is” than anything. You certainly didn’t recall taking a corridor down that way. Maybe you simply missed it?
Glancing at your watch, you decide that now wasn’t the time to stand and ponder the logic of the building’s maze of hallways. Taking a quick snap of the map with your phone, you hurried along to the kitchen. 
When you arrive you can’t help but sigh in relief to see Vanessa had actually already done some of the meal prep, laminated notes left behind for what still needed to be done. Not about to let this gesture go to waste, you're quick to pick up where she left off. 
Thanks to Vanessa’s head start you finish the prep in record time, snagging your feed bucket for the Tide Pool’s evening meal and booking it outta there. 
You must’ve taken a wrong turn, however, because now you’re in a hall you don’t recognize. 
“Uh…” You glance at your watch. 30 minutes till clock out. Calculations race through your head, figuring how reasonably fast you could dump the food in the tanks and head out. Taking the route you’d gone on your way here wouldn’t leave you enough time, but if you were to cut through this Reef area…well, the shortest distance between two points is straight, right?
Chewing your lip in indecision, you decide to pull up the map on your phone again and speed walk in the supposed direction of the Reef corridor. Familiar murals and tanks greeted you, but it wasn’t until you walked past a darkened hallway that you realized a “staff only” sign was hung up at the door. 
Ok, “door” was generous — it was more a pvc temporary door that had been covered in black vinyl and vague reef illustrations to blend into the rest of the murals on the wall. That must have been how you missed it the first time.
Feeling more confident that this would save you time, you fumble for your keys and unlock the door. 
“Holy crap it’s dark in here…” you slap your hand on the nearest wall, wet and cold, feeling along for the light switch. Stumbling over a few leftover boxes and whatever else, you sigh in frustration and instead pull out your phone once more and shine its flashlight around you. 
“Oh, weird…” These walls appeared to have a character you didn’t recognize on them — a mer with features similar to a leafy sea dragon or perhaps lionfish. None of the glam-mers had these kinds of features. “What is this…?” You slowly walk along the wall, shining your phone on reef facts and across fake coral installments. 
From the amount of materials and boxes strewn about, sporting a thin film of gunky dust, you’d think this part of the reef was shut down. But it didn’t take long to hear the hum of what must have been a significant filtration system, very much on and not at all offline. Having seen what decommissioned tanks looked like, and considering the illustrations, a strange sense of unease began to fill your chest.
“No personnel beyond this point…” You frown at the sign hanging from a chain cutting off your path. Up ahead plastic tarps hung from the walls, giving off very alien biohazard vibes. 
Was it technically trespassing if you worked there?
The sign’s fine print about hazards and construction ahead seemed reasonable. Surely the “no personnel” was just a warning for the general public…
Right? Besides, the aquarium map you found clearly showed cutting through here would lead you back to the tide pools faster than going around. Employees surely used to cut through here all the time before renovation. Shifting your feed-filled bucket to the other hand, you steel your nerves and step over the chain.
“Just don’t touch anything…it’ll be fine.” You attempt to reassure yourself, carefully maneuvering through the plastic curtains. 
It was only a tad darker than the rest of the aquarium, huge fish nets, more tools and random construction supplies scattered alongside the walls. The filtration system’s soft hum and your echoing footsteps were all you heard as you made your way through the winding tunnel. For an abandoned exhibit, you half expected the tanks to be empty. But the kelp fronds and small schools of fish said otherwise as you walked along the glass, the cool, damp room illuminated by the green-blue light of their lights. Jellyfish lazily floated up and over the glass tunnel you found yourself in, bringing you to a pause to watch their white and pink bodies drift by. 
The lights along the edge of these tanks may be on, but staring further into them revealed barely any light — natural or otherwise. 
“Creepy…” Shaking off the feeling, you focus back on the task at hand: feeding time and clocking out. Exiting the underwater tunnel brought you into what looked like a main viewing area, circular in shape and half of one wall essentially glass panels to observe what was held within.
You were almost at the end of the exhibit when a large shadow moved out of the corner of your eye, drawing you to a halt. Immediately your heart leapt to your throat, every muscle in your body holding perfectly still. 
For a long moment nothing moved. 
Then, through the misty, algae-covered glass a shape emerged out from behind a section of reef. At first, watching it move reminded you of a shark. But as it approached its frilled features came into focus.
“Holy shit…” The air was sucked right out of your lungs as you came face-to-face with big glowing eyes. Distantly you felt your watch buzz with a heart rate warning, but you were helpless to do anything but stare back at the creature before you. 
Merfolk might be the ARC’s main marketing angle, but as far as the public (or you) knew, only four lived here. Why was this one separated from the rest in a supposedly closed exhibit?
A soft thump startled you from your spiraling thoughts, focusing back on the creature in time to watch its webbed hand slide down from the glass. Were those scratch marks on the glass?
Without thinking, you placed your hand where theirs had been. The creature’s head tilts to the side ever so slightly, eyes unblinking and seemingly peering into your soul. A mutual curiosity kept you both close to the glass, barely more than a foot or two separating you from something that 10 minutes ago didn’t exist. 
“What….Who are you…?” Your voice sounds strange even to you, tongue thick and mouth uncomfortably dry. The mural from earlier flashes through your mind as you leaned close enough to fog the glass. “Another mer…”
The creature glided back at your advancement, but didn’t stray far. Its feather-like fins flared slowly on either side of its body, a proper display that could easily be interpreted as a threat. 
But you’re instead distracted by the display, both hands now on the glass. “Whoa. You’re the mer from the wall — the sea dragon lookin one. Yeah? Do you have a name? What are you doing here?” You frown as the mer tilted its head the opposite way, seeming to consider you. 
“Ah, hey, wait!” With a flick of its tail the mer turned away, swimming along the glass. You’d think it had lost interest in you if it weren’t for the fact that the mer clearly was glancing back to be sure you were following. 
Stumbling over your own feet and painfully knocking the feed bucket into your knee, you curse as you try to keep up. For the second time in your short career here you nearly ate shit on the stairs you definitely did not see in your distracted state. 
“Oh fu-!” Catching yourself on the railing, your gaze trails up the dark stairwell. “What the hell…” 
Your fishy companion wasn’t in the window anymore, but you could vaguely make out the end  fronds of their tail. Supposing there must be a second level (and you’ve come this far already) you make your way up. 
Pushing through a creaky wood door at the top, you step out onto the observation deck level. It reminded you of a larger-scale version of your tide pool — this floor was basically a huge donut with the tank taking up the center. A protective wire and plexiglass barrier circled the perimeter, tall enough to prevent little kids from falling in. Much like the ARC Theater, this room had educational illustrations on its colorful walls, now muted from dust and mold. Part of it was covered in more plastic tarp, and the wall sported strange gouges that cracked fake coral. 
Your hand brushes over the textured surface as you walk along the length of the room. Finally you came upon the sea dragon mer, taking in all its patterns and spines. “Wow…”
A splash from behind startles you from your thoughts, drawing your focus back to the water. From its surface you could just make out white eyes peering out at you, one fin crest drooped back from gravity. Against better judgment, you find your feet carrying you closer. 
“What are you doing here all alone?” 
The mer didn’t answer, but did glance (you think it did, anyway. It didn’t have pupils) at your bucket. 
“Oh! Are you hungry?” You reach in to grab a handful of smelt, holding it up for the mer to see. A sound like an alligator’s rumble meets your ears, and you can’t help your grin. “I guess the others can share, huh?” You toss the fish up and watch as the mer disappears briefly to snatch the morsels out of the water. 
Your smile fades as you begin to worry. When was the last time this mer was fed? Was anyone taking care of it? You’d seen no evidence of its existence anywhere. One would assume such an asset would be flaunted along with the other mer. 
Judging from the algae growth and just overall unkempt appearance of the exhibit, you weren’t so sure this mer had a handler. Actually, this place looked properly abandoned; posters ripped from the walls and random debris scattered across the floor, plastic tarps sectioning off half of the room from the rest and just an overall dreary vibe. A play area with foam fish and coral to climb had long since faded like the rest of the room. What was probably a gift shop looked like Black Friday gone wrong with its shattered glass doors and cracked display window. 
Wandering that way, you lean down to scoop up a plush from the floor. Its colors were long since muted from time, but you could make out its sunset stripes and sun ray-like head fins. Its big eyes and cat-like mouth screamed kid-friendly. Way more friendly than what was in the tank only a few yards away. 
“Ah, that’s kinda unfair…” you mumble to yourself, shaking your head. Obviously this mer was part of something more kid-oriented, perhaps even a daycare of sorts judging by the play area and registration desk nearby. 
Plush in-hand, you wander back to the tank and startle yet again to see the mer’s head poking out of the water entirely. It watched you in eerie silence, head fins seeming to flow ever so slight even in the open air. Like this, you’re reminded of the Teletubby Sun Baby and can’t help smiling at the creature.
“You remind me of a children’s cartoon sun, ya’know?” Its head tilts one way, then the other, fins flicking. “I’m gonna call you Sunny, ok?” Leaning down to your bucket, you pick up a couple more fish and toss them into the water. They’re gobbled up in seconds. “That cool?”
Sunny gave an indifferent sniff and disappeared back into the water. 
“Alrighty then, I’m gonna take that as a yes.” Pleased with yourself, your gaze falls to the plush in your hand. Perhaps you could take this home and wash it up? 
A buzzing from your watch flashed the 15 minute warning before you’d need to clock out, shocking you from your thoughts.
“Shit! I gotta go, uh, Sunny? I’ll come back tomorrow, ok? Bye!” You don’t look back to see if the mer heard you, racing down the stairs as fast as you dared and booking it down the hall with your bucket in tow. 
So much for saving you time!!
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syzekrom · 2 years
Kirby and the Forgotten Land Dialogue and Miscellaneous Translations
It’s been a month since Kirby and the Forgotten Land came out, and after translating all the Gotcha figure descriptions, this will be my last post, covering important dialogue in the game, as well as all the level, music, and cutscene names.
As always, the purpose of posts like this is to highlight mistakes and changes in the English localization in the game, which persist despite Kumazaki’s efforts to work with the localization teams, as evidenced by missing and misinterpreted information in the Gotcha Figure descriptions.
Spoilers for the entire game under the cut.
Phew! You saved me! Thank you…
But what about those other guys, the Waddle Dees? They were all captured! And taken away! We fought those beasts as hard as we could, but they kept coming back for more.
Now I’m the only one left… I have to go save them. I have to!
You’ll help me save everyone? That’s great!
So…your name is Kirby?
I’m Elfilin! Nice to meet you!
ありがとう、 たすかったよ~! Thank you, I’m saved~!
でも あの子たちは… ワドルディたちは さらわれちゃった…。 なんども 町をおそわれて みんなで たたかって いたんだけど、 But those children… The Waddle Dees have been abducted… The town’s been attacked so many times and everyone fought, but…
とうとう ボクだけに なっちゃった…。 はやく たすけに行かなくっちゃ… In the end, I’m the only one left… I have to go save them fast…
えぇっ? What?
いっしょに たすけに行ってくれるの? ありがとう~! You’re going to go save them with me? Thank you~!
キミは… カービィって 言うんだね。 Your name… is Kirby.
ボクは エフィリンだよ! よろしくねっ! I’m Efillin! Nice to meet you!
Hey, Kirby!
Boy, am I glad to see you! I got pulled through that vortex over Planet Popstar too. If you ever want a second player to join you, just let me know. I’ll always be ready!
お~い、カービィ! Hey, Kirby!
ボクも ポップスターから すいこまれて ここに 来ちゃったんだ。 2人プレイで ぼうけん したくなったら いつでも よんでね! I also came here sucked in from Popstar. Call me if you ever want to have a 2 player adventure!
That weird vortex pulled me into the sky… I had no idea what was happening. I still don’t!
At least I found the other Waddle Dees. It looks like they arrived in this new world just before me.
I was searching high and low for our friends… and then I saw an odd, pink car dash by.
I’m guessing that was you, huh, Kirby?
That looked like quite a mouthful. Everything OK in there? Don’t bite off more than you can chew!
とつぜん お空に すいこまれて ホント ビックリしちゃったよ~! I was suddenly sucked into the air, it was really shocking~!
ボクより先に ほかのワドルディたちも この世界に 来ていたらしくて… It seems other Waddle Dees came to this world before I did…
みんなを おっかけて いたら、 ちょうど ピンクの車が 見えたんだ。 When I was chasing after everyone, I saw a pink car.
やっぱり あれカービィだったんだね! Sure enough, it was Kirby!
けど、あんなの ほおばっちゃって お口 だいじょうぶ~…? But, is your mouth okay from stuffing it like that…?
Say… What do you think the Beast Pack wants the Waddle Dees for anyway?
I had just gotten to know all of them when the pack arrived and started capturing everyone.
We’re far from the beasts’ territory, so we thought building a town here would keep us safe…
Thank goodness you came along, Kirby!
ワドルディたちを さらって、 あのビースト軍団は 何をする つもりなんだろう? What does that Beast Corps intend to do abducting Waddle Dees?
ボクが はじめて ワドルディたちに 出会ったときも ビースト軍団に おわれていたんだ。 When I first saw the Waddle Dees, they were being chased by the Beast Corps.
だから、ナワバリから とおい このばしょに 町を作って くらしていたんだけど、 すぐに 見つかっちゃって… So, we built a town and lived in this place far from their territory, but we were found right away…
だから カービィが来てくれて ほんとうに 助かったよ~! That’s why Kirby’s arrival really saved us~!
Have you wondered why the Beast Pack stopped attacking and left this town alone?
You certainly helped when you arrived, Kirby, but…
The Waddle Dees told me that Meta Knight has been fighting to protect the town all on his own!
He keeps watch day and night… He’s even doing it right now from that perch up there!
Gosh, Meta Knight is so strong…and so cool!
ずっと おそわれていた町が どうして へいわに なったのか しってる? Do you know why the constantly-attacked town became peaceful?
もちろん カービィが 来てくれたからって いうのも あるんだけど… Certainly it’s also because you came…
ボク、ワドルディから 聞いたんだけど じつは メタナイトが ずっと町にいて 守ってくれて いるから なんだって! But I heard from the Waddle Dees that it’s actually because Meta Knight’s been guarding the town all this time!
今も あの場所で 町を 見守って くれてるんだよ~。 He’s even watching over the town over there right now~.
メタナイトって 強くて クールで、 カッコイイよね! Meta Knight is powerfully cool, and handsome!
Automatic language detection…activated. Authentication system…activated. Authenticating… Authenticating… Entry code approved. Initiating facility navigation protocol. Welcome, visitors, to the Dream Discoveries Tour of our science facility, Lab Discovera! On this thrilling tour, you’ll be introduced to the ultimate life-form, specimen ID-F86! From the moment ID-F86 arrived on our planet, it began a campaign of destruction that threatened the native wildlife of our entire world. Luckily, our research team managed to capture it before it could complete its invasion. Once it was contained, our lab began studying ID-F86’s spatial teleportation ability— research that laid the groundwork for the planetary warp technology we enjoy today! However, 30 years after our research began, a “warp-experiment incident” occurred in this facility. A new life-form, separated from the main specimen, escaped in the aftermath. That new subspecimen has yet to be recovered. In the time since, ID-F86 has shown no signs of activity. It is now kept in a state of permanent stasis within the custom-made Eternal Capsule here on the top level of Lab Discovera. And here we are! Let’s meet the ultimate life-form: specimen ID-F86!
言語設定… オート… Language setting… Auto… 認証システム… 作動… Authentication system… Operational… 認証中…… 認証中…… Authenticating…… Authenticating…… 入館コードを承認。 Entry code approved. 館内ナビゲーションを 再起動します。 Rebooting building navigation. いかがでしたか? How was it? (*Looks like the tour is actually finished/at the last step in Japanese) 科学研究所「ラボ・ディスカバール」の ドキドキ発見ドリームツアー! The Heart-Pounding Discoveries Dream Tour of the scientific research institute, “Lab Discoveru”! (Elfilin’s Twitter posts are called “Efillin’s Heart-Pounding Discoveries! Discover Travelogue” in reference to the name of this tour) それでは最後に、 究極の生命体「ID-F86」について ご紹介します。 Finally, we would like to introduce the ultimate lifeform, “ID-F86”. ID-F86は この惑星に飛来して以来、 多くの原生種に対し 侵略活動を 続けて来ました。 Since ID-F86 arrived on this planet, it continued with invading activities against the native species. 危険性を憂慮した 研究対策チームは その対象を捕獲。 Concerned about the risks, the research team caught the subject. 以来、当研究所にて ID-F86の持つ 空間転移能力の 研究開発が始まり、 今、我々が手にしている 惑星間ワープ技術の 基礎となるのです! Since then, research and development of the dimensional transport ability that ID-F86 held began at our research institute, and it would become the basis of the interplanetary warp technology we now wield! しかし、研究開発から30年… あの歴史的な ワープ実験事故が発生します。 However, 30 years after research and development… the historic Warp Experiment Incident occurred. 事故により 体内から分離した別個体は 施設外へ脱走。 A distinct specimen separated from within its body due to the incident, and escaped to the outside of the facility. 現在もまだ、見つかっておりません。 It has not yet been found to this day. その後、ID-F86は 再び活動を 再開する事なく 今もここ、ラボ・ディスカバールの最上階にある エターナルカプセルにて、 永久保存されているのです。 Afterwards, ID-F86, without resuming its activities again, is even now eternally preserved within the Eternal Capsule on the top floor of Lab Discoveru. それでは ご覧ください! Now, please take a look! 究極の生命体、ID-F86です! It’s the ultimate life-form, ID-F86!
Take a good look, pink intruder… Isn’t this a beautiful sight?
You’re not even seeing the Great One in full form. They’re incomplete without their other half.
Long ago, the Great One granted the people of this world a miraculous power…
Those people left this world behind…and entered a land of dreams.
Once the Great One is complete again…
I know we will also receive this miraculous power. We, the ones they left behind in this forgotten land.
And now…the time has finally come!
That’s right. This small creature here…is the Great One’s missing half!
Finally, after all our planning and effort, we can help the Great One reach their complete form.
We’ve dreamed of this moment for so many years… If you dare to stand in our way…
We’ll feast on your hide!
美しい であろう… ピンクの まねかれざる者よ。 It’s beautiful, isn’t it… Uninvited pink one.
だが、このお方は まだ 完全な おすがた ではない…。 かたわれを うしなって おられるのだ。 However, this is still not the honorable one’s perfect appearance… He has lost his other half.
( 完全な おすがた might make more sense as ‘completed form’ than perfect appearance)
かつて、この地に 住んでいた者たちは このお方から キセキの力を さずかり… The ones formerly living in this land were blessed with the power of miracles from this honorable one…
キセキの力 is the same term that would be used in Chaos Elfilis’s figure description to describe Kirby.
その力で かなた 夢の大地へと 飛び立って いったのだ。 They flew off to a distant land of dreams with that power.
このお方が 完全な おすがたに もどられれば… If we can recover the perfect appearance of this honorable one…
この 忘れられし大地に 残された われらにも、 キセキの力を おあたえ くださるだろう。 We will be gifted the power of miracles, and we too can leave this forgotten land.
そして… ついに その時が来たのだ! And now… The time has finally come!
そうだ、この 小さき者こそ… うしなわれた、かたわれ なのだ! That’s right, this little one is… the other half that was lost!
ようやく… ひとつの 完全な おすがたに もどられる。 Finally… they can recover their perfect appearance as one.
その 積年の悲がんを はばむのならば、今ここで… If you wish to prevent this ancient, dearest wish, right here and now…
野獣どもの えじきとなれぃ!! You’ll be prey to wild beasts!!
You… You dare…
Plan ruined. Important plan. Needed labor. Opened vortex. Found workforce. Brought here. And yet? Error made. Irksome, pink contaminant…
Careful planning. Now wasted. No more planning. No more patience. Instead…
おのれェ… あれは一体、なんダ…? I… What in the world… was that…?
あまたの 空間カラ つかエルモノを 引きヨセタガ… あんな ジャマモノガ まざってイタトハ… Pulled in a multitude of useful things from space… It was mixed with nuisances like this…
マァ ヨィ… モハヤ… サクを ネルノモ メンドウダ… So be it… At this point… Working out a plan would be a hassle…
スベテ喰ロウテ クレヨウ…! I shall consume everything…!
Notes: His speech is randomly mixed with Katakana to sound robotic or awkward/foreign/alien 喰ロウテ/喰ろうて is archaic クレヨウ/くれよう is a pretentious form, like being spoken by a king or a god. Fixed an error in my translation of the second last line.
Such incredible power! Whatever it’s trying to do, it’s going to be pretty bad…
What is it, Kirby?
Whoa! Is that…
Is that your home? That’s Planet Popstar?!
Oh no! It’s pulling Popstar through that huge vortex! It wants your world to collide with this one!
We have to stop it! But how?!
とてつもない 力だ! どこに あんな力が 残って…? That’s enormous power! How much of that kind of power is left…?
カービィ、どうしたの!? Kirby, what’s wrong!?
カービィたちの星、 ポップスターだって!? Eh! That’s… Even Kirby and friends’ star, Popstar!?
まさか… ポップスターごと 引きよせて この世界に ぶつけるつもり なのぉ!? No way… He intends to pull in the entirety of Popstar and crash it into this world!?
はやく 止めないと! でもでも、どうしたら…っ! We have to stop him fast! But but, how can we do that…!
I’m so glad we’re all able to see Elfilin again! He really had us worried for a minute…
Elfilin’s power seems to have opened a stable connection between this world and Planet Popstar.
This just became our home away from home! Now we can keep adventuring here without any worries!
また エフィリンに 会えてホントよかったね。 I’m so glad we got to see Efillin again.
エフィリンの フシギな力の おかげで ポップスターと この世界は つながっているから… Thanks to Efillin’s strange power, Popstar and this world are linked together…
これからも しんぱい しないで この世界を いっしょに ぼうけんできる からねっ! From now on, we can adventure together in this world without worry!
Gosh, Kirby! I’m glad you like talking to me so much.
Say…I never told you about what happened here before you arrived, did I?
In the past, all the animals of this world lived in peace and harmony—kinda like we are now!
I mean, we fought every now and then, but…
We all tried to share our food and work together. Things were really nice!
Then one day…a big, scary figure calling himself Leongar rose to power.
Under his rule, everyone started going wild!
I got pretty scared, so I went into hiding for a long time…until the Waddle Dees started appearing!
They were lost and afraid, so I wanted to help them. We eventually decided a town would keep us safe!
The first few buildings had just gone up when the animals—now called the Beast Pack—found us.
We fought as hard as we could, but in the end, the town was destroyed…and everyone got captured…
That’s when you dropped in, Kirby!
Thank you so much for saving me back then. I’m so glad I met you…
I hope we can go on another adventure someday!
My power to create vortices isn’t very strong, but I can open one to Planet Popstar anytime.
So no matter what the future holds… I hope we’ll always stay friends, Kirby!
カービィ、なんども 話しかけてくれて ボク うれしいよ! Kirby, I’m happy you talk to me so much!
それじゃあ、カービィが この世界に来る まえの話でも しようかな? Well then, should we talk about before Kirby arrived in this world?
むかしも、今みたいに この世界の アニマルたちと なかよく してたんだ! In the past, I got along with the animals of this world like I do now!
時には ケンカしちゃったり いろいろ あったんだけど… Occasionally there was arguing and other things but…
みんなで たべものを わけあったりして がんばって くらしていたんだ。   We were sharing food and doing our best to get along.
そんなある日、あのレオンガルフが きゅうに おそろしいリーダーに なって… Then one day, Leongarf suddenly became a terrifying leader…
(In the English description, Elfilin describes Leongar like he didn’t know who Leon was when he suddenly rose to power. However, as per the Leon & Carol figure description in both English and Japanese, Leon & Carol were already the famous leaders of the animals. So the English version of this line contradicts the figure, but here in Japanese, all he says is that Leongar suddenly became a bad leader, not that he suddenly rose to power.)
それから みんなも すごく らんぼうものに なっちゃったんだ。 After that, everyone became extremely violent people.
ボク こわくなって、長いあいだ かくれていたんだけど… そこに ワドルディたちが 1人、2人と この世界に まよいこんで きたんだ。 I got scared, so I went into hiding for a long time, but… Then, one or two Waddle Dees started wandering into this world.
こまっていた ワドルディたちと 話しあって、 あんぜんな草原に 町づくりを はじめたんだよ。 After talking with the troubled Waddle Dees, we began town planning in the grasslands for safety.
けど、さいしょの町が りっぱになってきたころ、 あのアニマルたちが、きょうぼうな ビースト軍団となって せめてきたんだ! But when the first town was getting good, those animals, they attacked us as the frenzied Beast corps!
みんなで たたかって いたんだけど さいごには 町もこわされ、みんなも さらわれちゃって… Everyone fought, but in the end, the town was still demolished, and everyone was kidnapped…
そこへ キミが、 カービィが きてくれたんだ! Then you, Kirby, came!
あの時は たすけてくれて ホントありがとう! キミに出会えて、ボクとっても うれしいよ。 Thank you so much for rescuing me that time! I’m so happy I met you.
また キミと どこか、 新しい世界へ ぼうけんに 行ってみたいな! I want to go on an adventure to a new world somewhere with you again!
ボクに のこされた 空間をこえる力は あまり大きく ないけれど、 ポップスターには いつでも かえれるからね! The power to transcend space left within me isn’t a lot, but we can return to Popstar any time!
だから… これからも よろしくね! 星のカービィ! So… thanks for having me! Kirby of the Stars!
Hey, look! Clawroline is visiting our town! She looks a bit upset… Hmm…
Ah! Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Kirby?
When things finally calmed down and the animals came to celebrate with us…Leongar was missing.
I bet Clawroline has been looking for him…
She might have found something! We should ask her what’s going on.
あっ、キャロラインが また 町にきてるね! 何か あったのかな? Ah, Caroline came to town again! Did something happen?
そうそう、カービィ しってた? Oh right, Kirby, did you know?
へいわに なった後、アニマルたちと みんなで あつまった時も、 レオンガルフは いなかったでしょ? That after it got peaceful, even when all the animals gathered, Leongarf wasn’t there?
あれいらい、ずっと キャロラインも かれを さがしている みたいなんだ。 Since then, Caroline seems to have been looking for him.
もしかしたら、何かわかったのかな? 行ってみようよ! Maybe she learned something? Let’s go!
When I severed the connection between our two worlds, I used up all of my power. I blacked out…
But Clawroline found me. She kept me alive!
That’s how I was able to see you again, Kirby. So…if she needs help, then I volunteer!
ポップスターと この世界の つながりを とじた時、 ボクは 力つきて たおれちゃったんだ。 When I closed the connection between Popstar and this world, I used up all my strength and collapsed.
そんな ボクを 見つけて 手当てを してくれたのも キャロラインなんだよ。 It was Caroline who found me like that and treated me.
おかげでまた、カービィと 会えたんだ! だから もし かのじょが こまっているなら ボク、助けてあげたいな…! Thanks to her, I was able to see Kirby again! So if she’s in trouble, I want to help…!
Is this…another mysterious vortex?!
What? You sense Leongar somewhere in there?
これって… まさか、ナゾのうず!? This is… no way, a mysterious vortex!?
えっ? ここから レオンガルフの 気はいが するって…!? Huh? You can sense Leongarf in there?
Oh my gosh…
This feeling! This is exactly how it felt when I was absorbed by my other half, Fecto Elfilis!
It’s possible that, after that big battle, Leongar became trapped in this strange place…
C'mon, Kirby! We have to check it out!
ここは… This place…
…この感じ! ボクが フェクト・エフィリスに とりこまれた時に みた世界に そっくりだ! …This feeling! It’s just like the world I saw when I was absorbed by Fecto Efillis!
(While Elfilin in English just vaguely says this place feels similar to when he was absorbed, in Japanese, he is saying this seems to be the world he ended up in when he was absorbed, so Leon who was also absorbed never managed to escape it even after Elfilis was defeated.)
もしかしたら あの 戦いのあと、レオンガルフは この世界に とじこめられちゃった のか���… Maybe after that battle, Leongarf was imprisoned in this world…
カービィ、 いっしょに しらべてみようよ! Kirby, let’s investigate together!
This place feels like it’s made from super- strong psychic energy… Let’s be careful.
ここは おそろしい思念で 作られた世界だ… しんちょうに すすもう…っ! This place is a world made from terrifying thoughts… proceed carefully!
Sorry we disappeared on you, Clawroline!
The space through that tiny vortex is so weird! It’s made from powerful psychic energy.
I think I’ve been in that place before… It felt just like getting absorbed by my other half!
Leongar must be stuck in that mysterious space somewhere…
We’ll keep looking for him in there, OK? Just hold on a little bit longer!
キャロライン、しんぱいかけて ごめんね。 Caroline, sorry for worrying you.
あの空間は、とても強い思念で 作られた すごく フシギな空間で… That dimension, it’s a very strange dimension made from very intense thought…
ボクが フェクト・エフィリスに とりこまれた時に 見た世界に そっくりだったんだ。 It was just like the world I saw when I was absorbed by Fecto Efillis.
ひょっとしたら、レオンガルフも あの 空間のどこかに いるのかもしれない! Perhaps Leongarf is also somewhere in that dimension!
カービィと がんばって かならず 見つけだすから、 もうすこしだけ まっててねっ! Kirby and I will do our best to find them, so just wait a bit longer!
This place feels unstable. It’s like we’re inside someone’s dream…
この世界、とっても ふあんていだよ。 だれかの 夢の中にいる みたいだ… This world is very unstable. It’s like being inside someone’s dream…
Don’t worry! I’m sure we’ll find Leongar in there…
Once he returns, your pack will finally have its old leader back. Just hang on a bit longer!
だいじょうぶ! レオンガルフは きっと 見つかるよ。 It’s fine! We’ll definitely find Leongarf.
かえってきたら また、アニマルたちの たよれる リーダーになって くれるよ! もうすこし まっててね! When he comes back, he’ll become the dependable leader of the animals again! Just wait a bit more!
I’m really glad we were able to find Leongar—oops, I mean Leon—and bring him back!
I haven’t forgotten, y'know. When I used up all my powers to close the connection between worlds…
You saved me, Clawroline. You kept me alive and made sure I’d be able to see Kirby again!
You helped me when I needed it, and we helped you in return. Now we can all be friends together!
レオンガルフと また会えて ホント よかったね! I’m really glad to see Leongarf again!
ボクの ほうこそ、世界の つながりをとじて すべての力を つかいはたして しまったとき… When I used up all my strength to close the connection between worlds…
キャロラインが たおれている ボクを 助けてくれた おかげで、 こうしてまた カービィと いっしょにいることが できるんだよ! Thanks to Caroline saving me from collapsing, I could be with Kirby again!
あの時は 助けてくれて ありがとう! これからも よろしくねっ! Thank you for saving me then! Best regards from now on!
Kirby! I should warn you about The Ultimate Cup Z…
The Ultimate Cup Z takes place in some other realm where you’ll face intense battles with scary foes.
I can’t follow you into that arena…and worse than that, I can’t commentate over your battles…
But I know you’ll survive. No—I know you’ll WIN! After all, you just saved this entire world!
カービィせん手… The アルティメットカップZ にエントリー するんですね…。 Competitor Kirby… You’re entering The Ultimate Cup Z, aren’t you…
(The Ultimate Choice also had ‘The’ written in English at the front)
The アルティメットカップZでは、 ココとは 別の空間で とってもヤバい ヤツらと バトルを おこなうことになります…っ! In The Ultimate Cup Z, you’ll be taking on battles with super dangerous folks in a different dimension than this one!
わたしは その空間まで じっきょうしに 行くことは できませんが… I can’t go into that dimension to live-report…
この世界を すくった カービィせん手なら、 かならず勝てると しんじていますよ!! I believe that if competitor Kirby saved this world, he will certainly win!!
You’ve entered The Ultimate Cup Z… It’s a gauntlet of brutal battles in a mysterious arena!
You’ll be fighting in a different realm than ours, so I can’t follow you…or provide any commentary…
But I WILL be cheering you on from the rest area between battles. So good luck, Kirby! Go get ‘em!
The アルティメットカップZ にエントリー しました。 You’ve entered The Ultimate Cup Z.
とてもキケンな 場所での バトルになります… There will be battles in a very dangerous place…
ココとは 別の空間で 戦うことになるため、カービィせん手の ゆうしを じっきょうすることは できませんが… Since you’ll be battling in a dimension different from this one, we’ll be unable to live-report on competitor Kirby’s heroic figure…
ひかえしつから、おうえんしています! どうか、ごぶうんを! We’ll be cheering you on from the waiting room! So please, good luck!
Area and Stage Names
Level 0
Point of Arrival はじまりの地 Land of the Beginning
Level 1
Natural Plains ネイチェル草原 Neichel Grasslands
Like the corrupted Forgotten in Forgo’s name and the Isolated Isles names, or like Planet Robobot’s Japanese world names (Proptom/Prompt, Rasterd/Rastered, Octarn/Octane, Gigant/Giganto-, Repositrim/Repository, Aciss Arcs/Access Ark), FL features corrupted words for world names. However, like with Star Allies, this game no longer writes world names in both English and Japanese. 
ネイチェル neicheru, from ネイチャー neicha- (nature), or possibly ナチュラル nachuraru (natural). NEICHEL is also the name credited as the singer of Welcome to the New World in the game’s credits.
Downtown Grassland 草原のビルディング Grassland Buildings
Through the Tunnel トンネルくぐって Through the Tunnel
Rocky Rollin' Road ごろりんロード Rumbling Rolling Road 
A Trip to Alivel Mall 行こうよアライブルモール Let’s Go to Alivel Mall
The Brawl at the Mall モールにひびくおたけび Resounding Roar in the Mall
Level 2
Everbay Coast エバーブルグ海岸 Everburg Coast
-burg place names are usually written as ブルク buruku rather than ブルグ burugu as it is here
Abandoned Beach 泳げ!ひろびろビーチ Swim! Vast Beach
Concrete Isles コンクリートアイランズ Concrete Islands
Scale the Cement Summit 登ってブロックヒルズ Ascend the Block Hills
Fast-Flowing Waterworks 地下水道に流されて Swept Away in the Underground Waterworks
The Tropical Terror きょうふのトロピカル Terrifying Tropical
Level 3
Wondaria Remains ワンダリア跡地 Former Site of Wonderia
As I mentioned in the figure translations, the spelling Wonderia is written in the local script throughout the park.
Welcome to Wondaria ようこそワンダリア Welcome to Wonderia
Circuit Speedway サーキットでGO! GO on the Circuit!
This name is in the same format as the names of Extra modes (Meta Knightmare = Go with Meta Knight!, Dededetour! = Go with Dedede!, Guest Star ???? Star Allies Go! = ???? of the Stars: GO with Star Friends!)
Invasion at the House of Horrors びっくりホラーハウス Frightening Horror House
The Wondaria Dream Parade ワンダリアパレードの夢 Dream of the Wonderia Parade
Danger under the Big Top あぶないサーカスショー Dangerous Circus Show
Level 4
Winter Horns ホワイティホルンズ Whiteyhorns
Northeast Frost Street 北のホワイトストリート Northern White Street
Metro on Ice フローズン・メトロ Frozen Metro
Windy, Freezing Seas いてつく海と風と The Freezing Sea and Wind
The Battle of Blizzard Bridge ブリザードブリッヂの戦い The Battles of Blizzard Bridge
(Japanese does not have plurals)
An Unexpected Beast King まさかのビーストキング The Unexpected Beast King
Level 5
Originull Wasteland オリジネシア荒野大地 Originesia Desert Wastelands
The Wastes Where Life Began 命はじまる大荒野 The Great Desert Where Life Begins
(荒野 can mean desert, wastelands, or just wilderness)
Searching the Oasis うるおい求めて In Search of Moisture
Alivel Mall (Staff Side) うら・アライブルモール Other Alivel Mall
What in the world does ‘staff side’ mean? It’s not like it’s a headquarters, and it’s another building on another continent...
Moonlight Canyon ムーンライトキャニオン Moonlight Canyon
Collector in the Sleepless Valley 眠らぬ谷のコレクター The Collector of the Sleepless Valley
Level 6
Redgar Forbidden Lands レッドガル禁足地 Redgar Forbidden Land
Enter the Fiery Forbidden Lands アツアツの禁足地へ To the Burning Forbidden Land
Conquer the Inferno Road 烈火征く道 The Road to Conquering the Raging Fire
Burning, Churning Power Plant 資源エネルギープラント Resources Energy Plant
(Guess this name tries to highlight the story element of Leongar gathering resources but uh. Yea it’s really lame)
Gathering of the Beast Council 幹部招集 Executive Summons
The Beast Pack's Final Stand 決戦!ビースト軍団包囲網 Decisive Battle! Besiege the Beast Corps
In the Presence of the King 王の御前 In the Presence of the King
Level 7
Lab Discovera ラボ・ディスカバール Lab Discoveru
ディスカバール disukaba-ru, from ディスカバー disukaba- (discover)
Extra Story
Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams 絶島ドリーミー・フォルガ Isolated Isles: Dreamy Forgo
Forgo Plains フォルガトゥン・チェル Forgotten Chel
フォルガトゥン forugatoun, a corruption of Forgotten. フォル Foruga is how Forgo’s name is spelled in Japanese, so his name is very simply just the first half of the English word Forgotten, and not some complicated thing based on Latin, nor the English word ‘forgo’ like I’ve seen people try and explain.
A more normal way to spell Forgotten in Japanese could be フォーガットン fo-gatton, though other ways like フォーゴトン fo-goton フォゴトゥン fogotoun have been used too.
Forgo Bay フォルガトゥン・ブルグ Forgotten Burg
Forgo Park フォルガトゥン・ダリア Forgotten Deria
Forgo Horns フォルガトゥン・ホルンズ Forgotten Horns
Forgo Wasteland フォルガトゥン・ネシア Forgotten Nesia
Forgo Zone フォルガトゥン・ガル Forgotten Gar
In Big Red Tortuilding’s figure description, for some reason the location name is written as ‘the forbidden zone of Redgar’ rather than Redgar Forbidden Lands. Along with that, for some reason this name here is based on that.
Also, all the Japanese names here are the second half of the actual names of the locations (i.e. Neichel, Everburg, Wonderia, Whiteyhorns, Originesia, Redgar) rather than the word describing what the place is (i.e. Grasslands, Coast, Remains, Wastelands, Forbidden Lands).
Forgo Land フォルガトゥン・ランド Forgotten Land
...Do you get the feeling they dropped the ball? Well, maybe they did this so it’d be easier to look up the final level rather than just the game, haha. Ha.
Movie Names
Kirby and the Mysterious Vortex
カービィと ナゾのうず
Kirby and the Mysterious Vortex
Mysterious Mouthful Mode
フシギ! ほおばりヘンケイ
Mysterious! Mouthful Deformation
Welcome to the New World!
The Waddle Dees Are Here Too?!
あのワドたちも この世界に
Those Waddles Are Also In This World
Invasion of the Destroyed Town
町もこわされ 大りゃくだつ
Even The Town Was Demolished and Plundered
Meeting Elfilin
ボクは エフィリン
I’m Efillin
The Brawl at the Mall
モールにひびく おたけび
Resounding Roar in the Mall
A Sword-Fighting Rival Appears
剣のライバルも この世界に
The Sword Rival Is Also In This World
The Tropical Terror
きょうふの トロピカル
Terrifying Tropical
Danger under the Big Top
あぶない サーカスショー
Dangerous Circus Show
An Unexpected Beast King
まさかの ビーストキング
The Unexpected Beast King
From Victory to Sorrow
かなしみの カービィ
Kirby of Sadness
(Might be a joke with the title Kirby of the Stars?)
Collector in the Sleepless Valley
眠らぬ谷の コレクター
The Collector of the Sleepless Valley
The Mind- Corrupting Mask
思念に よどむマスク
Thought-Dulling Mask
The King's Turn to Shine
オレ様の… 出番だろーが!
It’s My… Turn to Shine!
(Dedede uses the egotistical 俺様 oresama)
The Dream Discoveries Tour
ドキドキ発見 ドリームツアー
Heart-Pounding Discoveries Dream Tour
(Elfilin’s twitter posts are called ‘Elfilin’s Heart-Pounding Discoveries!’)
The One Who Controls the World
The Apex Who Rules the Star
Sudden Metamorphosis
トランスフォーム・ ネオテニー
Transform Neoteny
(Frankly the simple dictionary definition wording is really confusing imo but Neoteny is when an organism has accelerated sexual development/delayed somatic development, such as humans which retain juvenile traits like not having a full body of hair in adulthood like most primates, or axolotl which reach sexual maturity and never undergo metamorphosis to exit the larval stage of an amphibian… so technically the English translation is saying the exact opposite of the Japanese if we were to go by the scientific definition :P
So  basically when the dictionary definition says ‘retention of juvenile features in an adult animal’ remember that adult in biology means sexual maturity. Though I don’t really think Kuma really understood this term past ‘fancy biology term for how axolotls reach adulthood while still being a larva’ considering uh… literally every aspect of Forgo’s physiology transforms. Into goo.
Perhaps the ability to turn into goo is the juvenile feature of Elfilis’s species that normally goes away in adulthood. But Forgo is like…an atrophied form of the original invader anyway right, so what does it even mean for him to be a ‘larva’ anyway… Or was Elfilis not his original form but instead just an adult body, while he invaded in his larval stages? Who knows.
Gemini Reunion
Reunited Gemini
(The Gemini represents twins)
The Ultimate Life-Form
パーフェクト ライフフォーム
Perfect Lifeform
The Fate of Two Worlds
この世界も、 あの世界も
Both This World and That World
A Full-Speed Farewell
Invincible GOODBYE!
No Night Is Eternal
翔る決意〜No night lasts forever
Soaring Determination〜No night lasts forever
Entering a Dream of Isolated Isles
To Dreamy Isolated Islands
Slumbering, Caged Leon
Sleeping Caged Leon
Surging Psychic Power
Surging Thought
Fluttering Foe on an Isolated Isle
あの夢見鳥も この絶島に
That Dreaming Bird Is Also In These Isolated Islands
Kirby, the Beasts, and the King
カービィと みんなのねがい
The Wishes of Kirby and Everybody
True Ending
真 エンディング
True Ending
A New Species of World Consumer
Star-Eroding New Species
(蝕む can mean to eat away at, like by a worm, or to corrupt/undermine/spoil something, so I don’t know if it’s referring to his ability to influence the world through thoughts or just his invading tendencies)
Finding the Light
やさしさの光を みつけて
Finding the Gentle Light
Music Names
These will be in the order the entries are listed in the text file because I’m too lazy to sort them into the in-game order.
Kirby and the Mysterious Vortex
Kirby and the Mysterious Vortexes
Running Through the New World
Running Through the New World
Mysterious Mouthful Mode
Mysterious! Mouthful Deformation
Welcome to the New World!
Invasion of the Destroyed Town
Even the Town was Demolished and Plundered
Through the Tunnel
Through the Tunnel
Secret Area: HAL Room
Secret Area: HAL Room
A Trip to Alivel Mall
Let’s Go to Alivel Mall
The Smell of a Scary Beast
The Smell of a Scary Beast
VS. Dangerous Beast
VS. デンジャラスビースト
VS. Dangerous Beast
Abandoned Beach
Swim! Vast Beach
Blue, Blue Breeze
Fast-Flowing Waterworks
Swept Away in the Underground Waterworks
Welcome to Wondaria
Welcome to Wonderia
Circuit Speedway
GO on the Circuit!
Invasion at the House of Horrors
Frightening Horror House
Pitch-Black Horror
Pitch-Black Horror
The Wondaria Dream Parade
Dream of the Wonderia Parade
Northeast Frost Street
Northern White Street
Metro on Ice
Frozen Metro
The Battle of Blizzard Bridge
The Battles of Blizzard Bridge
An Unexpected Beast King
シャウト オブ デデデ
The Unexpected Beast King
Roar of Dedede
シャウト オブ デデデ
Shout of Dedede
This name is a reference to Dedede’s FDX and SA themes, ヒストリー オブ デデデ  History of Dedede, and マッチョ オブ デデデ Macho of Dedede. 
Edit 2023/01/21: This naming scheme seems to have actually started with the name of the final level of Revenge of the King in Super Star Ultra, “The Revenge”, which in Japanese was “ リベンジオブデデデ Revenge of Dedede”.
The Wastes Where Life Began
The Great Desert Where Life Begins
Pitch-Black Valley
Pitch-Black Valley*
Valley is normally spelled バレー bare- rather than ヴァレー vare-
Moonlight Canyon
Moonlight Canyon
Enter the Fiery Forbidden Lands
To the Burning Forbidden Land
Burning, Churning Power Plant
Resources Energy Plant
Secret Area: HAL Room 2
Secret Area: HAL Room 2
The Beast Pack's Final Stand
Decisive Battle! Besiege the Beast Corps
Masked and Wild: D.D.D.
This is a reference to the Japanese names of his 3DX and PR themes,  王位の復権:D.D.D. (Reinstatement of the Crown: D.D.D.) and  伝導電磁式三連砲:D.D.D. (Conductive Electromagnetic Triple Cannons: D.D.D.). They are translated consistently with each other as Dedede’s Royal Payback and Dedede’s Tridimensional Cannon, but here the D.D.D. is kept like in the original Japanese.
The King's Turn to Shine
It’s My… Turn to Shine!
The Dream Discoveries Tour
The Heart-Pounding Discoveries Dream Tour
The One Who Controls the World
The Apex Who Rules the Star
The Raging Lion Roars
The Muscular Lion Pack’s Roar
I have no idea what this Japanese title actually means. The furigana given for 獅子叢 is ししむら, so 叢/むら I think is an alternative kanji for 群 ‘gather’
Edit: While I did originally consider looking for alternate meanings of shishimura and found 肉叢 which also uses the 叢 kanji, I ignored it since I couldn’t derive any meaning from the dictionary definition I was given, ‘a lump of meat’, or ‘body/flesh’. However, I’ve asked Falco who says he’s talked with Jp people who thought it might be a pun on this term, and on re-evaluation I guess the point would be to hear it as ‘roar of a muscular body’. But this term is super uncommon so I don’t know if that’s the case.
I also looked into the Chinese localization as Asian localizations are directly translated from Japanese instead of being translated from the English localization, and they did translate 獅子叢 as basically meaning ‘a pride of lions’ (狮群), a translation I did originally consider, to just be referring to the Beast Pack which Leongar leads as a lion, but thought it was too much of a stretch. But it seems it really is the case if that’s how the Chinese translation interpreted it as well. 
Sudden Metamorphosis
Transform Neoteny
Hunted by the Beast
Pursuing Beast
Gemini Reunion
Reuniting Gemini
Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit
Twin Planets Creep Toward the Roche Limit
双星 seems to normally refer to two stars which appear close when observed from Earth despite actually being very far apart
The Fate of Two Worlds
Both This World and That World
A Full-Speed Farewell from the New World
Soaring Determination: No Night Is Eternal
翔る決意~No night lasts forever
Soaring Determination~No night lasts forever
Faded Dream of a Psychomeddler
Fading Psychomeddler Dream
Scattered Souls across Isolated Isles
On Forgotten, Isolated Isles Scattered with Souls
VS. Psychic Power Given Form
VS. 象りの思念バトル
VS. Battle Modeled from Thought
Eternal Echo of the Thrilling Tour-our-our
The Heart-Pounding Eternal Tour-our Echoes Occasionally
時ドキ tokidoki is a pun on 時々tokidoki meaning occasionally, and ドキドキ dokidoki, being the sound a thumping heart, as per the name of the normal tour track, ドキドキ発見ドリームツアー dokidoki hakken doriimu tsuaa which I translated as Heart-Pounding Discoveries Dream Tour earlier. Funnily enough, ドキドキ is ignored in the name of the cutscene and music track, being just The Dream Discoveries Tour, but in both the actual tour dialogue and the name of this track, ドキドキ is translated as Thrilling. Perhaps it’d be better to word this as The Occasional Echo of the Heart-Pounding Eternal Tour-our to keep the echo at the end.
Morpho Knight
Barufurei Knight
Kirby, the Beasts, and the King
The Wishes of Kirby and Everybody
From Those Who Departed for Space
From Those Who Departed for Space
Welcome to the New World! (Full)
Welcome to the New World! (Bonus Track)
Beginner Treasures
Beginning Treasures
Dazzling Treasures
Dazzling Treasures
Forgo's Treasures
Forgotten Treasures
Plundering Beast Battle
Plundering Beast Battle
Sword of the Surviving Guardian
Ready to Go!
Now, Are You Ready?
Finding the Light
Finding the Gentle Light
Kirby Dance (Short)
Kirby Dance/Short
Kirby Dance (Long)
Kirby Dance/Long
Wild Results
Wild Results
Stage Cleared!
Clear Sound
Time Attack!
Time Attack!
Invincible Candy
Invincible Candy
Waddle Dee Town
Waddle Dee Town
A Thriving, Peaceful Town
Bustling, Peaceful Town
Waddle Dee's Weapons Shop
Mr. Waddle-Dee’s-Weapon-Shop
Welcome Back, Kirby
“I’m Home!” Kirby
A Quick Nap
Taking a Nap
Please Don't Inhale the Cinema Patrons
Do Not Inhale The People In Front of You
Care for a Refreshment?
Would You Like a Drink With Us?
Lunch Rush! A Wave of Waddles
Starved for Lunch! A Wanya-ing Crowd
Tilt-and-Roll Kirby
Korokoro! Tamakoro Kirby (Rolling! Rolling Ball Kirby)
Korokoro Kirby is the Japanese name of Tilt ‘n’ Tumble
Tilt-and-Roll Kirby (Extra Hard)
Extra Hard! Tamakoro Kirby
Admiring the Figure Collection
Staring at Gotchas
ガチャルポン Gocharupon is a corruption of ガチャポン Gachapon
Got 'Em All! Gotcha Machine Master
Everything Discovered! Gotcha Master
Waiting Room
Waiting Room
Champion's Waiting Room
Champion Waiting Room
The Ultimate Fight
Ultimate Fight
In Pursuit of Victory
Going Beyond the Royal Road
王道 is a term Kumazaki often uses in interviews to mean the main series Kirby games, as it can also mean orthodox/traditional
Decisive Battle: Ultimate Z
Decisive Battle Ultimate Z
Try Again Tomorrow
Try Again Tomorrow
Try Again Tomorrow... Again!
Try Again Tomorrow... Again!
Hero Interview
Hero Interview
Natural Plains
Neichel Grasslands
Everbay Coast
Everburg Coast
Wondaria Remains
Former Site of Wonderia
Winter Horns
Originull Wasteland
Originesia Desert Wastelands
Redgar Forbidden Lands
Redgar Forbidden Land
Isolated Isles: Forgo Dreams
Isolated Isles: Dreamy Forgo
The Beast's Prey
Prey to Wild Beasts
This title is a snippet of the end of Leongar’s speech in Japanese, “If you wish to prevent this ancient, dearest wish, right here and now… You’ll be prey to wild beasts!”, similar to Under My Control being from the end of Magolor’s Japanese speech. (The translation of the song title as Under My Control rather than I Will Rule doesn’t actually fit the way the sentence is worded though, it’s like “Yes, I will rule starting from your star... Popstar! There’s a bit more nuance to this title, Shihai Shite Ageruyo, where Shite Ageru is used when the speaker is doing something as a favor for someone, so Magolor is saying he will take control as a favor to you)
Welcome to the New World! Lyrics
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bixbythemartian · 2 years
I wanna tell y’all what happened in our tabletop game last night but to do it right I have to give a bit of context, so.
We’re playing Blue Planet, which is a future space game where you’re playing on world called Poseidon, which is much more water based than Earth. It’s an earth colony, and one of the things about this environment is that some cetaceans have been ‘uplifted’ and, with the use of mods and drones, can communicate easily with humans. You get killer whales who can hack computers, that kind of thing. It’s shadowrun-esque except there’s no magic (some characters have, like, ESP but that’s the limit). There’s all kindsa genetically modified humanoids. Our team has a doctor who’s a cat person and two ‘squiddies’, humanoids who are adapted to swim and have gills and so on. The only actual baseline human is our resident murder hobo.
Sections of the planet are corporate run, the government is almost entirely run through corporate.
My character is a bottlenose dolphin (I don’t remember whether or not bottlenose are actually some of the uplifted dolphin species but neither me nor my dm care) named Livya- I don’t remember her last name off the top of my head but she specifically gave herself a first name last name because she thought humanoids would find it more relatable.
I am gonna put a cut in here because this got super long but I really just want to write this all down
She’s a high level employee in the dolphin-run corporation, which is... basically the least evil one to work for. And again, this is not just a business, but also a government- she’s done a lot of translation and ambassador work. she’s a paper pusher, she does languages, she’s really good at her job.
the start of the game she was helping with a public outreach program to treat a disease common to anybody who lives most of their life in the water, and then someone blew up the building she was in and dropped it on top of her. She got evacced with two water adapted humanoids, a cat, an npc killer whale named Jet who is almost entirely jet black, and the aforementioned murder hobo. 
now I want to remind you that she is basically a high level paper pusher. she’s really good at her job! but there is nothing about her life that has prepared her to be launched into an intrigue plot in outer space. she knows what forms they need to fill out- but she can’t pilot, she doesn’t even have any of her drones with her (which are all specialized to communication). she doesn’t know anything worth knowing, even, she’s reliable and gets her reports returned on time and is pretty good at, like, translation work and getting people shuffled around where they need to go and, like, logistics of keeping buildings going and stuff like that.
but the game basically turned into a star trek away mission, where they got conclusive proof of ancient alien technology, as well as proof of a plot by a rival corp that is trying to steal their find and murder them all to death. and she’s just a dolphin who knows languages and is good at talking to people! she can requisition you supplies! she doesn’t know how to fly spaceships or deal with people who want to murder you when there’s not a marshall to bring in!
she was given, by the Boss (who is, essentially, the president, and also a dolphin) a drone named Good Boy. Good Boy is, by all appearances, a Black Lab, but he’s essentially a terminator dog- a skeleton made of heavy, durable metal under a fleshy exterior. He does have an autonomous mode- she can set him to go do things on his own- but she can also ride inside him.
(Like riggers from Shadowrun- she doesn’t have much in the tech side of things, other than what she needs to do her job, with the exception of running drones- because she uses drones a lot.)
They’ve been in space for weeks and she’s now got, inside her head, some of the most valuable information in the fucking galaxy, she’s way out of her depth and extremely aware of it.
With all that context, here’s the situation coming into last night- their ship, the Tillikum (yes, named for that specific Killer Whale by the DM, but tbh I can 100% see some future dolphin ceo ordering the commissioning of a ship by that name) has been attacked and damaged by another incorporate, who’s desperate to get the extremely valuable information they have. Their only chance to get the ship repaired enough to leave is to take the nearby base out of commission. The base is on a low gravity (very low g) moon with no atmosphere to speak of.
This is not the A squad. This isn’t even the B-squad. This is ‘well it’s this or sit here and wait for either our oxygen to run out or for them to blow us to smithereens’ squad. We’re poorly equipped but we gotta do something.
So our pilot took one of the stealth shuttles we completely stole from this incoporate from one of our previous raids on the ship and kinda accidentally dropped it through the barracks (he intended to land on top).
Fortunately for us, it depressurized the barracks and took a lot of their man power out in one fell swoop, but there’s an underground base with people hiding who were running drones.
Our hacker, Churro (a heavily tattooed orca) brought his hacking drone constellation, and Livya brought Good Boy, who does not require oxygen. The only weapons this drone has is teeth- if you don’t know that this is a drone, he looks like a black lab.
Churro grabbed their shuttle, which was attempting to flee- he hacked it and seized control. When they started trying to disable the ship, he just started shaking it violently back and forth and may actually blow the doors and start shaking them out (like the last penny in an oddly shaped jar).
Livya, inside Good Boy, broke into a machine shed, broke the knee on a four-legged walker drone, and headed down further into the base where she discovered a much larger base indeed. She knows she needs to take the drones out, and she’s gonna go to the source- the drone operators.
But it’s a maze of a base. So I ask the DM ‘hey, this is a place- it’s gotta be like a hospital or something, where there’s writing on the wall and lines leading places and so on. Is there any indication of that here?’
he goes ‘yeah, but it’s all in-’ and he stopped and looked at me. ‘you speak German.’
Yeah, Livya knows several languages, German is one of them.
And so he gave me a list, and I was like okay hang on, can I do a beaurocracy roll to figure out where the likeliest place the drone operators would be? from the perspective of I’ve probably seen plans for and requisitioned supplies for a base like this, and probably have some idea of where the drone op would be set up, this is me using my base knowledge as a corporate dingus to figure this out- one of my best skills.
Probably one of my favorite things to do as a player is to use the thing my character is good at in a way the DM didn’t expect but is absolutely valid. He knows I am going to succeed in some level on this roll- while it’s theoretically possible for me to fail it, it’s pretty unlikely- and he also knows that I have got every reason to approach it from this direction.
So he’s like- yeah, and I find them- and they are all humanoids. And like my dolphin self- which is like a quarter of a mile away from the drone- they are fully immersed.
They can’t hear the room they’re in, or perceive it in any meaningful way, they are jacked into various drones that are doing their level best to turn my friends into greasy red smears.
Good Boy has. Extremely sharp. Teeth. It is the only weapon on the drone but in a room full of helpless, fleshy humanoids- you don’t need much else.
anyway I like to imagine that their internal group chat (because they’re all on the comms in a way that combines voice and visual images and chat) looked something like this
Livya: hey I found the drone operators
Tumblr media
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chopper-witch · 3 years
A Sense and A Feeling: Umbrageous (Ch 2)
Umbrageous (adj): apt to take offense.
WC: 3k
Characters: reader, Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Nala Se, Shaak Ti shows up on a holo, a guest appearance from ~ an ~ AZI unit 
Reader is AFAB, gender-neutral, sometimes referred to with feminine terms by other characters
Warnings: disappointment
Summary: Crosshair finds himself on a rollercoaster of satisfaction and regrets upon Tech pulling up your file; Hunter is really beginning to regret whatever he’s allowed his brothers into. 
A/N: I’m sorry in advance for the info-dumping kind of chapter and any errors and for this taking so long. 
For any curious what chakrams are, here is a video on them. As for sais, here is a video on them. They are more popularized than chakrams (Elektra and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles use em, whereas the only major character to use a Chakram was Xena).
Also, I fucked up the months in the first chapter because I forgot Star Wars standard months don’t work like our standard months, so uh just uh ignore that uh.
(Story masterlist)
Previous Chapter // Next
Back in their barracks, each boy is quick to shuffle off to their own space. Processing what the hell just happened is not something they can effectively do together. Not when all of their reactions are violently different. 
Hunter is more exasperated than anything; Wrecker is excited in the prospect of a new member, albeit subdued in his reaction from the pain killers he is on; Tech is somewhere between curious and apprehensive; Crosshair is, well, sulking quietly. 
“They got you good, Cross,” Wrecker teases as Cross quickly maneuvers around the wall of boxes he keeps around his bunk. 
“Shut up, Wrecker.”
“Hopefully it will only leave a temporary bruise, and you will not be left with a deformed face,” Tech comments, sliding into his own and physically connecting his datapad to the port he created to connect to Kamino’s database. 
Cross pauses his search for an ice patch. “What did you just say?”
Tech smiles. “Nothing at all.”  
Hunter closes his eyes while removing his armor, pretending he did not hear what Tech just said. If he didn’t hear it, Cross can’t get mad at him later about it. Right? 
“What can you find on them, Tech?” Hunter finally asks after a few moments of silence in the room. 
Well, as silent as it can be on a stormy planet in a room filled with four men. 
“Not much,” he replies, shifting in his bunk to at least remove his pauldrons. “The Jedi keep their files remarkably well sealed. They typically keep them as close to a physical record as you may find now, and even if you were to obtain a file, some can only be opened by Jedi. Ingenious design.” 
“Tech,” Hunter warns. 
His second youngest brother scoffs and adjusts his goggles. 
“I was able to find their transfer papers when they were reassigned to Kamino. I was right about them being a failed Jedi.” 
Crosshair sits up just a little at that. Maybe there is some salvation in this incident. 
“They were reassigned from the Medical Corps where they were on special reassignment already from the Council of Reassignment, seeing as it is typical for a failed Jedi to enter the Service Corps, which include the Educational Corps, Exploration Corps, and Agricultural Corps. They were asked for personally by General Shaak Ti to come here to train medics and learn more about Kaminoan medical technology.”
Hunter begins to undo his boots after ensuring all of his armor is stacked neatly as he does every night, only this time he is especially ready to just flop into bed with a pillow over his head. They do not need the entire history of the Jedi Order to accompany a few questions about a medic. 
“How long have they been a medic?”
“Says here since 1 GrS.” 
Hunter sighs. The first clone wasn’t even born until 3 GrS. “And it’s now 14 GrS. So 13 standard years of training.”  
Tech leans out of his bunk and looks over at Hunter. “There is a behavioral analysis attached if you are curious.” 
“No,” Crosshair growls as Wrecker and Hunter reply, “Yes.” 
Hunter glares at Cross, who can’t even see him from his position lying down and blockaded in. “If they are going to force us to take on another person, we should know what we are dealing with.” 
Wrecker, who just took his next dose of pain medication, is quick to simply agree.  
“It says here, and I quote, ‘(___) is brash with a tendency towards rudeness and boorish behavior. When treating patients, however, they show kindness rarely seen. See previous assessments for more information.’”
Hunter finally lies down, too mentally drained to do anything more physically. “Anything else?”
Tech scrolls further. “A combat assessment dated yesterday.” 
Wrecker leans forward at that. “What’s it say?” 
“Summary says: ‘Despite being given no formal training in combat per request of the Council, they still excel with their chosen weaponry and in heavy armor. Still unable to properly use a blaster and is banned from using a lightsaber, however.’” 
“They can’t use a blaster?” Crosshair chuckles. 
Ridiculous. The Jedi, Kaminoans, whoever expects his brothers to bring someone unable to use a blaster into battle? 
“Well, we did see their weaponry four days ago. They have two very ancient yet effective designs and given this video…” Tech sends it their holo display in the middle of the room. “I would say they are made of beskar.” 
They watch as you deflect blaster bolts with your sais, much like Jedi do with their lightsabers. It’s clear you still move like most Jedi; moving smoothly and effortlessly, utilizing predictive movements to stay just slightly ahead. But the weaponry is shorter, requiring more action on your behalf, and on your upper-back rests a set of four circular disks with open centers, thin and sharp from what the holo shows. 
“Where the hell did they get beskar?” Crosshair mutters. 
“They’re good,” Wrecker sleepily compliments. 
It switches from the first video to a video beginning with the circles in your hands, two each, recording as you alternate throwing them, and they ricochet against set bounce points while slicing precisely through targets set throughout the entire room. They return to your hands in the same order in which you threw them, gloves preventing them from cutting your hands. From offscreen, someone says something, at least the brothers assume, because you look over your shoulder, just past the camera with a frown. 
Then the holo switches again. It’s the citadel exercise, but the way they’ve seen it set up when the Jedi are here. The ground is moving, columns randomly extending to heights beyond everything but the final platform's highest point.
There is nothing particularly unique about the way you go about the course. Not anything they haven’t seen before, per se. The only difference is your weapons. 
Before you can finish, however, your foot catches on the edge of a rising column, and you go tumbling down thirty or so feet, landing hard on your tailbone. The knife you threw has already hit the target, finishing the exercise, thus stopping the firing from the turrets and introduction of new droids to the arena. Still, you technically failed the exercise by not making it up to the end yourself. 
General Ti is watching from above, and as she does with every exercise she observes, she turns and exits after staring for a moment. But there is not a look of concern or understanding. It is somewhere between analysis and disappointment, and the second the door closes behind her, you pull your fingers together. The four training droids near you practically disintegrate into nothing more than unrecognizable scraps of metal.
“That’s not terrifying,” Crosshair quietly mutters, suddenly not as cocky about you not being able to fire a blaster. 
“What are those circular things?” Wrecker asks, his last ounce of energy being slowly sapped away.
He’ll have to thank Tech for whatever extra he gave him.  
“I believe they are called chakrams.” Tech looks down at his datapad, trying to find more information on the design they have only read about once several years ago when they were much smaller cadets. Or maybe he read about it. “They are of an ancient design, similar to her other weapons, and hard to throw as precisely as she does. Though if the Jedi did not let her train with a lightsaber, I suppose figuring out precision with these is easy.” 
“Anything about a home planet?” Hunter inquires. 
Tech might as well tell him as if he does not, Nala Se or Taun We will by tomorrow. 
“It’s been redacted. In fact, all personal information is redacted.” 
“Isn’t that normal for a Jedi?” Crosshair grumbles. He’s sick of this conversation. 
“No, it is not. I could look at General Shaak Ti’s and see her date of birth and home planet, at minimum. This is extremely rare.” 
Crosshair chuckles, pulling the ice patch from his nose. “No wonder they’re so angry then. No clue where they came from, not even how old they are.” 
Hunter turns his head.  “What do you mean?”
“Tech just said he could find the General’s. So some failed out medic’s info should be much easier. It’s not. Which means it doesn’t exist.”
“Crosshair is probably right, Hunter.” 
Tech is distracted as the rest fall quiet and get ready to sleep. 
Intelligence tests, dexterity and fitness tests, ship mechanic tests, medical equipment repair tests, and general education scores are almost inconsistent with one another. For a standard human female, they are all well above average. Still, dexterity outpaces fitness to an almost frightening degree, and the intelligence score is far too high for someone with such low standard academic scores. 
Following that almost random collection is your specialty tests. The ones that are actually relevant to your field. Your medical test scores are perfect or near perfect. Signed off to perform surgeries and cybernetic attachments without droid help, certified field medic, emergency medicine, certified for post-humous analysis, excellent scores on Jedi-specific skills like Force Healing (which most Jedi don’t ever succeed in learning).  
You were right. 
He’s passable (in the medic aspect). 
You’re perfect. 
“So why did the Jedi fail you?” He whispers to himself. 
“What was that?” Wrecker shouts from across the room after panic-waking, worried Tech may have been trying to talk to him. 
“I’m turning the lights out,” Hunter announces, feeling near-insane at this point in the night. 
How the flimsi hasn’t crumbled yet, you aren’t sure. Flimsi like this doesn’t even exist commonly anymore and is very expensive, so for someone to just have it on them to write a note and leave it on a baby is strange. Impossible. Wrong, almost. 
“A rescue, huh,” you whisper. “If I ever meet you, I won’t know whether to punch you or thank you.” 
It’s a sad routine, but one you’ve had since you could read: 
Read the note out loud. Wonder who left you, wonder if you will dream of them. Wonder if you will ever meet them. Tuck it back into whatever spot you’ve decided is its little hidey-hole for where you are at, then go to bed. 
A shrill, singular beep pulls you from thought. 
Someone’s pulled up your confidential file using a ghost profile. Untraceable, meant not to even show up on a log. You know better than to let someone do that to you. 
“Suppose it’s only fair,” you mutter, knowing precisely who is looking at your information. “I’ve seen yours; now you see mine.” 
The following morning, you awake to a distinctly metallic knock on your door. 
You have no lessons to teach, no meetings to attend, nothing to do. You planned on sleeping in for once, reveling in the small break you are given. 
Of course you cannot even be allowed to do that. 
“I was instructed to drop these off to you,” the AZI droid who sometimes joins you says, holding out a stack of clothes.
“What are these?”
The droid blinks once. “Your Medical Corps uniform for combat.”
You take them from the droid but stare at the pile with concern. “It’s… white?”
“I am just in charge of giving it to you.” There is a pause. “I will be back with a few other things.” 
Unfolding the first thing in the pile and placing the rest on the middle briefing council of your converted room, you hold the undershirt and pants up that were stuck together. You’ve already got dozens of these shirts. They are a part of the Medical Corps uniform anyway for those who choose not to wear traditional robes. Many choose not to while in the Center, so these are readily available. They seem to be in every closet back in the Temple’s medical center on Coruscant. From what you remember, every time you went looking for something, you actually needed. The only other requirement is a white jacket of some kind, Medical Corps logo stitched on the left breast. The only difference you can find is the pants the droid just handed over are form-fitting in nature rather than the slightly flared and loose cut you typically are dressed in. 
The jumpsuits are white as well, with burgundy panels. You sigh. White? In the field? You’ve seen the plastoid the clones wear after one mission; forget fabric that you actually need to wash. 
Forget the times you’ve had to rid of white clothing due to blood soaking it through. 
You can forgive white for beneath the jumpsuit, but not for the jumpsuit itself.
Putting down the white sleeveless shirt and pants, you take a closer look at the jumpsuit. Your fingers trace the front of it where the Medical Corps signet is stitched in. For 12 years, you saw it every day on everything. Stitched on uniforms, painted on viewports and walls, printed onto plastoid, and lasered into durasteel. 
You haven’t actually seen it beyond the one fraying on your Medics coat in about eight months now. 
It’s almost comforting to see again. It was the longest period of stability you ever had, even if it was fraught with poor behavior and disapproval. It was home.
“I have the rest of the items for you, sir.” 
Turning to the droid, you watch as it carries in a clear box filled with something plastoid. 
It’s armor pieces, based on the shape. White, plastoid armor adjusted for your personal measurements but the same as every clone from what you can tell. Boring. 
And dangerously useless. 
At least they thought of you.
“Is there an armory here?” You ask with a grimace. Then you add, “With a forge?” Upon realizing that yes, Kamino has an armory. Of course, it does.
“Yes, sir.” 
You look back at the white plastoid and smile. 
Your vambraces are already designed how you want, as well as your helmet. You’ve been using both of them to show clone medics ways to use their HUD to do certain medical scans, seeing as medics’ helmets are slightly different, and one of their vambraces has at least a minor interface beyond comms in it. 
They’re beskar, pulled from the black-painted pile you were found in. You recently painted them a dull light gray to look like plastoid, so it isn’t obvious that they are drastically different in material when teaching. There is no need for distractions like what alloy is wrapped around you when teaching how to read brain scans on the field and their proper treatment. 
“You are not allowed in here,” a Kaminoan you don’t recognize says as you try to enter the forge room. 
“She can go in.” 
You turn to see Nala Se behind you. She nods, allowing you through, and the other Kaminoan says nothing. 
How she knew precisely where you were is suspicious, but you’ve learned to stop questioning how they can so easily get to and find you. It is a genetic facility, after all, and they are probably biometrically tracking everyone who enters. A concern you brought up to Shaak Ti, who agreed but ultimately dismissed it as she determined if that were true, it was a worthy trade-off. 
You insisted otherwise, but even other Jedi waved it off as something worth ‘handling later.’ 
So never. 
The forge is relatively large, which you are not surprised about. Tipoca City was converted into a military base within the past 10 years. The room is filled with a few of the trainers who were either allowed to stay on or chose to stay on even after the Jedi discovered the army, trainers that do not mind you due to your unique relationship with said Jedi. 
Because most of them do not have a good relationship with the Jedi.
In the back corner sits a forge that looks perfectly fine and safe to use but not up to the Kamino Standard, as you call it. Where everything must be spotless and perfect despite that not being necessary at all. It’s empty, a layer of dust threatening to collect on it due to lack of use, and perfect for what you need to do.
“Time to redo my armor,” you mutter to yourself, pulling out the black-painted beskar armor pieces you pulled apart a good decade ago from the box you dragged with you. 
Based on what the clones wear, designs you have seen from years of reading and exploring the Coruscant underworld, and what you know of Mandalorian armor, you get to work forging.
You aren’t sure how many hours you spend in there, but you do know you went just after you were woken in your pajamas, and you are starving now. 
Hunter sighs as he stands in front of your room’s door. They should all be apologizing, going to you, and asking for forgiveness for their poor behavior. Instead, it’s just him. Crosshair’s ego is too bruised, Wrecker is getting checked on, and Tech is scared you might yell at him. 
Tech usually is not so meek, but after witnessing you break Crosshair’s nose, he doesn’t want to risk confrontation. Hunter is sure it’s about something else. His brother spent all night staring at his datapad, not moving once after he first opened your file. 
Hunter is partially convinced it’s the same reason he is here. Sure, as the leader, he should be making amends and ensuring cohesion, but he’s also been told to “keep an eye on that Jedi” and “keep her docile” and some other nonsense. 
Not that he even knows what the hell any of that’s supposed to mean. 
He’s about to knock, hand held up to the door, when a voice rings out behind him. 
“What are you doing?”
He turns to see you carrying a heap of armor in your arms, white paint streaked on your face, and what looks like pajamas of all things on your body. Not medic clothes, not armor underclothes. Pajamas. 
It’s nearly dinner time. 
“I came to apologize for yesterday.”
You brush past him and open the door to your room. “Why?” 
He hesitates outside. 
“You can come in.”
So he does. 
The room looks more like an old meeting room that has been converted, and considering your location in the maze that is Tipoca, he wouldn’t be surprised if it actually was. A briefing console sits in the center. It’s clearly lived in but impeccably organized and clean. An entire wall is covered in flimsi diagrams and charts, while another is floor-to-ceiling drawers. Lived in, organized. 
But it’s dark. Darker than how he and his brothers keep their room, even with the lights clearly turned on. There is an almost sinister feel it, even if entirely unintentional. 
The distinct crashing noise of you tossing the armor on the console breaks Hunter from his trance. 
“My brothers and I can be a lot to handle on our own,” he begins, eyes still noting everything he can. “When we’re forced into a situation, we tend to fight back as hard as we can. Our behavior wasn’t appropriate.”
You slide past him again to grab the box that once held the extra beskar you had so you can place your armor in it. “No, but informative.” 
Hunter pauses and furrows his brows. “So you aren’t mad?”
You open it and begin to place the freshly forged pieces inside. “I’m furious, but not at you or your brothers.” 
“Oh, uh. Okay.” 
You glance over your shoulder to look at him. “Anything else?”
“Yes, actually. We leave tomorrow for our first mission with you.”
With a soft laugh, you turn to your container again and continue to place the pieces carefully. “Guess we’ll see then if we work together or not.” 
“Guess we will. Do you need anything before then?”
For you to get out of my space. 
Hunter turns his head just slightly to the right, ears picking up the faintest whisper. Far too quiet to understand, far too quiet for him to even locate where it is. Possibly nothing at all, or if anything, a pipe down the hall. 
“Got your uniform?” 
You nod towards the undersuit and jumpsuit. His eyes glance over to the crumpled pile of white and burgundy, and he raises his brows. Surely you don’t plan to walk into battle with white-colored under armor? 
“Just finished redoing my armor to be more like what they gave me. That’s what I was carrying.” 
So you do. 
“Can I see?” He asks. 
Now it’s your turn to hesitate. 
“As long as you put it all back.” 
He picks up the first piece, your chest piece, painted a burgundy. He glances to see every piece of armor is painted a burgundy that matches the emblem embroidered on the jumpsuit you gestured to. It’s heavy, much heavier than the plastoid he sees sitting on a table across the room. 
Beskar. Just like your chakrams, your sais, the knives you have. So much goddamn beskar. 
“This is heavy. Really heavy. Are you sure you’ll be able to do what you need to in it? There’s a reason we use a plastoid alloy.” 
“I’m sure.” You cross your arms. "I’ve been wearing it ever since I was old enough to.” 
Hunter raises a brow and scoffs. “The Jedi let you wear this?” 
“Uh, not really. Story for another time, perhaps.” 
Hunter nods and sets it back in the box. Now is not the time to pry. 
“Not really.” 
The way your body is reacting says otherwise, Hunter internally grumbles. 
“Well, I will see you tomorrow then.” 
The hesitation about you is rolling off of him in waves; every few seconds, he calms and borders on trusting you, and then it resets, his worry evident once again. Worry is settling over him once again - this time determined to stay. 
So you decide to prove to him he doesn’t need to worry. He turns, and the second he reaches the door, you throw one of your knives to slide just past his ear. 
He snatches it out of the air by the handle.
“What was that about?” He demands.
“I can handle myself just fine.” 
There is something in your eyes he noticed yesterday but did not take note of until now. A subtle color change, a glow so subtle that he figured it was just the lights yesterday. But there are no red lights in your room that could possibly be casting that hue onto you this time. 
“Hear you loud and clear.” 
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
Return to Me
Clone Ship Week | Day 6 | Post-Battle - @cloneshipweek
Rating: G
Warnings: mentions of Point Rain, canon typical violence, disgustingly cute happy ending
Ao3 link
           Geonosis was just as awful as every vod had ever described. It was hot and dusty, of course, but Cody didn’t really care about any of that.  It was the number of brothers he’d lost on the way to Point Rain, the hundreds more killed by the bugs and their weaponry, on top of all the droids that seemed to come in never-ending waves.
           Cody and the rest of the 212th were going to join General Mundi and the 21st Nova Marine Corps on the other side of the planet while Rex and his men worked with Gree and the 41st under General Unduli.  They would be taking on the enormous droid factory the next day, and Cody would not be able to help any of them.  He would have his own mission to run.
           There were hundreds of vod’e all over the fortified base they’d managed to find and set up camp in.  Brothers from all four battalions mingled and shared increasingly exaggerated stories.  Cody had spotted Corporals Fives and Echo talking to some boys from the 21st, and he’d seen the medics fussing over the injured vod’e and generals.  But there was no sign of Cody’s cyare.
           “Lieutenant!” Cody called to 2nd Lieutenant Jesse of the 501st.
           Jesse snapped off a sharp salute.  “Sir!”
           “At ease, Lt.  Have you seen Rex around recently?” Cody asked.
           Thinking for a moment, Jesse slowly nodded.  “I think I saw him over by the remaining gunships, sir. He was talking to General Skywalker about half an hour ago.”
           Cody nodded and clapped the trooper on his shoulder. “Thanks.  Make sure you take some time to rest, Lt.  We’re in for a rough campaign.”
           “Of course, sir.  You do the same and see if you can get Rex to sleep, too.”
           As Cody walked away, he chuckled to himself.  Little brothers were getting uppity.  At the start of the war, there was no way any trooper, let alone one from a different battalion, would have talked to him so casually.  It was a testament to how well the men of the 501st were relaxing around their Jedi and learning how to be something besides soldiers.  It was nice.
           Cody prayed to whatever gods watched over clones bred for war that Rex hadn’t gone back up to the Resolute already.  He needed to see Rex and make sure his cyare was alright. Too many vod’e were walking wounded, and even more were severely injured or dead.  As much as he knew it was a real possibility, Cody did not want to ever consider a reality where Rex marched on ahead of him.
           “Hey, Commander!” Commander Tano chirped from out of nowhere.  She smiled up at him with bright eyes that hadn’t been weighed down by war yet.  She still had hope and Cody prayed that she would never lose that.  Yet another thing he prayed for to unknown gods.
           “Hello, Commander.”  Cody dodged a pair of vod’e carrying a crate full of supplies and glanced down at Commander Tano.  “Can I help you with something?”
           “Jesse said you’re looking for Rex?  I know where he is!  But we have to hurry before my Master pulls him away again.”
           If Commander Tano was willing to help him find Rex, Cody was definitely not going to say no.  Especially after the massacre they’d just faced.  “Thank you, Commander,” he said, warm affection warming his chest briefly. “I appreciate it.”
           Commander Tano waved away his thanks.  “It’s no problem.  I get it.  Master Skywalker practically ran to Master Kenobi’s side as soon as we got here, and I know Jesse went to go find a batchmate of his from the 41st. Sometimes, you just need to make sure everyone’s alive.”
           “That is very wise, Commander,” Cody said.  He really shouldn’t be surprised, but in his mind, the Commander was just so young.  She shouldn’t have insights into how war worked, and why they needed time to recuperate after a bad battle, if only to reassure themselves that their loved ones made it out alive or to mourn the ones that hadn’t.
           There were far too many mourning vod’e.
           “I have a great teacher,” Commander Tano said with a warm smile.  “Rex said you taught him a lot of what he knows and he’s been passing some of that down to me.  It’s helped me in some tough situations, so I should be thanking you, Commander.”
           “No thanks necessary, Commander,” Cody managed to say without choking or giving away his emotions.  Not that it probably mattered since Jedi were attuned to the people around them.  Only General Kenobi had ever thanked him for anything, and Cody was convinced that his General would thank Ventress after she stabbed him with her saber.  Karking di’kutla jetti.
           “Anyway, Rex is over in that tent, hopefully taking a nap. Coric was threatening him earlier with sedation, so he might have followed through on that threat.”
           And with that, Commander Tano skipped away, most likely to terrorize some poor shiny who wouldn’t know how to deal with an overly friendly shiny Jedi Commander. Cody privately wished he had a holo of their flailing.  It would provide some good laughs in the future.
           Cody strode over to the tent Commander Tano had pointed out, and knocked on the frame.
           “Come in,” Rex called and something inside of Cody’s chest loosened.
           He undid the fastenings and stepped inside, taking his bucket off immediately.  Rex was sitting on the cot, a datapad in his hands, likely going over the initial casualty reports for the battle.  Most importantly, he was very much alive.
           “Rex,” Cody gasped out with a strangled breath.
           Rex jerked at his voice and then a second later, Cody had his arms wrapped around his cyare, breathing him in as he held on as tight as he could.
           “Cody!  You’re okay!” Rex said.  He pulled back to give Cody a sharp look.  “You are okay, right?”
           “Yes, I am.  I didn’t end up getting injured.  That was purely my General,” Cody said, trying for some dry humor but it fell flat in the face of their combined relief.  “What about you?  I heard you got thrown off a wall?”
           “Karking Fives and Echo,” Rex growled.  “General Skywalker and Ahsoka caught me, so I wasn’t hurt.  Nothing beyond a few bumps and bruises.”
           Cody ran his eyes over Rex’s body, as though that would tell him if Rex was hiding any injuries with the armor in the way.  Once he verified that there wasn’t any gaping hole or crack in Rex’s armor, Cody dropped his helmet to the ground and pulled Rex into a bruising kiss.  His cyare responded eagerly, clinging desperately to the hard, sharp planes of Cody’s armor.  There was no finesse, no sweetness in the kiss.  Just pure, heady relief and a desperation to prove that they really survived.
           Rex gripped Cody’s hair tightly with one hand, the other wrapping around his waist to pull him as close as their armor would allow. He sucked on Cody’s bottom lip and gently nibbled before letting go and pressing his head against Cody’s in a soft keldabe.
           “I was so worried when we heard that most of your gunships went down, including General Kenobi’s.  You’re usually flying with him.”
           “We decided to split our forces.  It was a really close call a few times, but we made it.  We both made it,” Cody answered.  He was shaking from relief at having Rex in his arms, alive and unharmed.  Nothing would ever be able to beat that heady feeling of overwhelming gratitude to whatever gods were listening.  They’d listened to at least one of his prayers today.
           “Stay alive tomorrow,” Cody demanded after a moment of just breathing each other in.  “That factory is going to be really dangerous.”
           “I know.  Gree is a solid vod, though.  He’ll have my back and I’ll have his.  Plus, we have the Jedi to help keep us safe.”
           Cody very carefully didn’t think about the many times General Skywalker had gotten men killed by doing something reckless or stupid. The R2 droid was not important enough to sacrifice his padawan, Rex, and three other men to General Grievous.  Out of four, only Rex and Denal had made it back, and Commander Tano had nearly been killed by Grievous when she kept Grievous from killing Rex, all for a droid.  Cody was skeptical, but he also had faith in Commander Tano and General Unduli and her padawan.  They’d protect the men while Skywalker handled whatever crazy idea he had.
           “We will be safe,” Rex said, giving Cody a shake. “While you’re off with the Marines, you should talk to Bacara.  They’re out of contact with most of the GAR.  Only Neyo and Jet can get through the blockades to deliver supplies and intelligence to Nova.”
           A frown carved the worry lines on his face deeper as Cody absorbed that information.  “I’ll talk to him.  See what we can do,” Cody swore.
           Rex nodded.  “Good.  He’ll keep you alive.  Bacara already told me he’s planning on sharing all of my embarrassing ARC training stories to you while you’re on campaign together.”
           Cody grinned.  “I’ve been trying to pull those out of Neyo, Keeli, Thorn, and Thire for ages now.  And Bacara’s the one to spill the beans?”
           Rex grumbled and buried his face against the crook of Cody’s neck.  “He said I don’t have enough blackmail material on him to keep him from blabbing. He also said I don’t scare him because, and I quote, “I’m as terrifying as a sleepy baby nexu cub buried in a pile of nip”.”
           “That—is strangely accurate,” Cody choked out, laughing at Rex’s offended growl.  “You’re a little prickly, but everyone knows you’re just a softy.  I mean, you’ve been teaching Commander Tano what I taught you?”
           His cyare shrugged.  “She’s in the middle of a war, and she doesn’t have the training we do. I don’t want to see her die when I could have prevented it.  Nor do I want to see my vod’e die because she makes a bad decision.  I’m giving her all the tools she’ll need to be successful and survive this war.”
           “You’ve adopted her.”  Cody couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it before.  Rex had always loved with all his heart, as evidenced by the numerous vod’e who loved him unconditionally.  Of course, Commander Tano would have made the list.  “If she’s yours, then she’s mine, too,” Cody said. “We’re in this together.”
           Rex finally peeked his head back out from where he’d hidden it against the small sliver of skin on Cody’s neck.  “Really?”
           Cody didn’t hesitate.  He nodded and bumped their foreheads together.  “I promise.”
           For the first time since their first kiss, Cody had the amazing opportunity to see Rex completely and totally flustered.  He blushed bright red, sputtering and coughing as he tried to find something to say.
           It took a few minutes for Rex to completely compose himself and then it was Cody’s turn to be flustered.  “Are you asking me to be your riduur?”
           “What?” Cody spluttered.
           For a second, Rex faltered.  But then he squared his jaw and firmed his spine as if he was facing the worst of odds in a battle.  “We are one when together.  We already do that, and have done that since we were cadets.  We are one when apart.  At this point, I don’t think there’s anything that could separate us, even when we’re fighting on opposite ends of the galaxy.  We share all.  We tell each other everything.  You said it yourself.  What’s mine is yours, too.  We will raise warriors.  We are raising Ahsoka together, since we share all.  Not to mention all of our men that we’ve both trained since this war started. If that doesn’t count, I don’t know what would.
           “So, are you asking me to be your riduur?”
           As Rex laid out each point, Cody found himself agreeing. He and Rex were already married, they just hadn’t said the vows to each other yet.  And honestly, there wasn’t a better time than now.  Cody would rather be married to the love of his life for a few hours, then never have married him and watched him die in battle.
           “Yes, Rex of Torrent.  I am asking you to be my riduur,” Cody said, determination in every cell of his body.
           Rex lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Cody, bringing their foreheads together.  “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome, mhi me’dinui an, mhi ba’juri verde,” Rex swore fervently, his whole heart bared for Cody to see.
           “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome, mhi me’dinui an, mhi ba’juri verde,” Cody echoed the vow, offering Rex his heart with every breath.
           They shared the same space for a moment, pressing into the keldabe more firmly before their lips brushed together.  Like a firework had been set off in his bones, Cody tugged Rex into a passionate, over-whelming kiss that stole their breath away.  He could feel his heart swelling with the amount of love he felt for Rex, bursting out from behind the dam he kept on his emotions most days.  It rolled over him until the only thing he could think of was that Rex was alive, in his arms, and that they were now married.  What more could Cody care for in that moment?
           Eventually, air became a necessity, and they broke away from each other to breathe.  Rex gave a soft chuckle.  “You do realize that means you’re going to have to adopt Ahsoka, too, right?”
           “YES!  I get two dads AND Cody has to call me by my name now!”
           “Shh, they can hear you, Soka.”
           “Oops!  Everyone scatter!”
           Cody laughed.  His heart couldn’t contain the joy he felt, and he would carry that joy throughout the war as a hopeful flame for when they could all have peace again. But in that moment, he had all night with his riduur, and Cody planned on making the most of it.
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out-of-jams · 3 years
Space Trash || teaser || jhs
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↠ Space Trash ↞ “I mean, we escaped from prison, accidentally stole this super important data drive, and now we’re about to try and take on one of the biggest, baddest douche bags in the entire universe. We gotta at least come up with a name to call ourselves so they have something to put on our tombstones.” Hoseok glanced around at each and every one of your faces slowly, smile beaming in an attempt to rally the troops.
“How about ‘The Guardians of the Galaxy’,” Jimin offered with his bright, lavender hued eyes trained to the metal ceiling of the Milano in thought. “It has a nice ring to it.”
“That’s a little too ostentatious for this circus of clowns. We’re more like space trash than galaxy guardians,” you scoffed. A moment of brief silence passed where all that could be heard was the gentle, constant thrumming of the ship as it drifted in space. “Oh, no.”
“I kinda like it,” Jungkook voiced and scratched his tattooed neck, accompanied by the agreeing murmurs of everyone else and an ‘I am V!’ from V.
Hoseok beamed. “Space Trash, it is!” 
pairing: Hoseok x Reader
word count: TBD. possibly 20-30k holy space balls this will take me forever omfg
release date: TBD
warnings/genre: guardians of the galaxy!au. S2E2EL2L. violence. comedy. i swear this isn’t pure crack. angst. space au. they’re all criminals. pilot/thief/why am i here/don’t make me stab you!Reader. (HIIC) head idiot in charge!Hoseok. i eat nails for breakfast but can’t tie my own shoes!Jungkook. pink skinned sassy weapons master techie genius beautiful superior to all others (”who is letting that narcissistic asshole write his own descriptions?”)!Jimin. is that a fucking talking tree!Taehyung. explicit language. one shot. rated M for badassMotherfuckers.
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He was staring and you were starting to get more annoyed than you usually were on any day that ended in a ‘y.’  
It was obvious, seeing as how he refused to even blink. You’d think that someone would know better than to do it so conspicuously. Especially in a place such as the Kyln, otherwise known as the dreaded bowels of the galaxy’s most inescapable prison. Only criminals of the highest degree were ever dragged there by the galaxy’s military police: The Nova Corps. Murderers, intergalactic thieves, underground warlords, whoever ran up enough of a bounty that a Headhunter would want to cash them in for credits, you name it.
You fell into two of those categories, though, you supposed, rather three. A repercussion of too many stolen ships from when you’d jump from planet to planet in search of something besides the next place you’d put your sticky fingers. A kleptomaniac, your parents had called you. But you’d needed something to keep yourself busy and out of the house when their fighting had gotten to be too much.
Until that led you to packing your bags in the dead of night and stealing your retired dad’s old, busted down, single passenger ship that you’d oh-so-painstakingly repaired over the years. One jump through The Universal Neural Teleportation Network (UNTN) later and you were finally free. Of the yelling, of the constant comparison to your dead brother who’d done more with his life than you could ever hope to accomplish.
(But no matter how far you ran, the stench of cigarettes and booze and the metallic haze of blood from a busted nose or swollen lip or blackened eye would never wash out of your system.)
Fast forward to three months ago when you’d stolen a ship from a guy who was angry enough and rich enough to hire a whole squad of Headhunters to bring you down. It wasn’t your fault that you hadn’t known he was apart of the Government Counsel on the frosty planet of Contraxia, seeing as how it was mostly inhabited by sexbots, and the man had been a pink skinned Krylorian.
Though, sending ten men after one woman was a bit of an overkill, if you had any say about it. But no one asked your opinion on the Kyln unless they wanted to know which way you preferred to have your insides carved up. You kept to yourself mostly. Not that you weren’t personable, you just had no interest making friends with serial killers. Or murderers. Or serial killers who killed murderers. Or murderers who killed serial killers who killed murderers, because there were about five of them wandering around somewhere.
Which was exactly why you were two seconds away from slamming your metal lunch tray so hard into that leering douche bag’s face that he woke up in another galaxy. He was sitting across the mess hall, with its jumbled chaos of shouting yellow skinned, hairless Aakons, and Courgs stuffing their muzzled, dog like faces with the slop they called food, and the rest of the gaggle of fear-mongering A-holes spilling out of their cells.
He was easy to spot solely for the fact that he was sitting at the bottom half of a table by himself like the seats around him were vacated because he had bad body odor. The piss yellow, tank-top-like shirt and matching pants combo weren’t well worn enough to signify that he’d been stuck in that hellhole for a while. If the blatant staring didn’t give him away as a newbie, that certainly would have. You couldn’t see the color of the stripes on his pants from where you sat, so the classification of whatever crime he’d committed to get in there was a mystery.
The sudden squinting of his — what looked to be from the distance you sat at — muddy brown eyes had a glare sparking to life on your face. He looked human with his obnoxiously sharp jawline and tanned skin and heart shaped lips, but there were a lot of species out there who only appeared to be so.
Whatever the reason for his gawking, he must have found what he was looking for because he stood up away from his full tray of food and picked his way across the room towards you. A fight wasn’t on your itinerary for the day, but you’d gladly shove your metal spork through his eyehole if he tried anything funny.
Or if the thing about him having B.O. rang true. The last thing you wanted to deal with was a prick who smelled like a box of musty socks that mated with a sewer grate and popped out a sharp-nosed baby.
Your fingers tightened around your spork as he approached like he had all the time in the world, and a pair of Courg’s hadn’t descended on his untouched food tray four steps behind him like they hadn’t eaten in days. Even though they had just licked their own clean. Your eyes flickered down to the green stitching threaded through the left upper thigh of his pants.
Treason, your mind supplied. Crimes against more than one governing agency on more than one planet. Possibly in more than one galaxy. 
The definition of treason ranged far and wide, from assassinating a planet’s leader, to selling trade secrets, to figureheading a revolution. Or something else just as equally detrimental.
The moment he made it to your once peaceful corner, he immediately sat down on the stool soldered into the table without asking for an invitation. At least he didn’t smell. 
“Hey there, beautiful. Come here often?”
You were about to say to hell with it and stab him anyway. “What,” was spat out through gritted teeth.
“You.” His voice was low, pitched with a grating vocal fry like he’d just woken up and the first things he’d chosen to spew from his pink hued mouth was that. Leaning forward, he braced his folded hands on the cold, metal table and two tiny, twin dimples peaked out from the corners of his lips when he grinned. “Come here. Often? Beautiful.” 
“Oh, is that what got you landed in here?”
Your response must have caught him off guard since his eyebrows pinched together in confusion and it took him a moment to formulate words. “Pardon?”
“Idiocy,” you supplied him with an answer. “You. In here. Because dumb?”
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All works here are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission. That is illegal and you are stealing no matter if you give credit or not.
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mightynonagesimus · 3 years
15 Minutes (What If I Told You)
ANGST WITH AN UNHAPPY ENDING. DO NOT READ FOR A GOOD TIME. This is a supercorp oneshot I wrote after I hear the title song. Very Angsty, you are warned. Trigger Warning : Angst, mentions of suicidal thoughts, depression, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Obiviously. This is pre-apocalypse.
Monday, July 13th
Lena's Loft,
National City.
It was very unnoticeable at first. Solar flares from a nearby galaxy far enough that they didn't think much of it. A few explosions a couple galaxies down hardly warranted the DEO's involvement. Besides, Earth had different things to worry about. The Team had different things to worry about. Probably. Lena wouldn't know anymore, would she? After the Fortress, she had taken extra precautions to block every single one of them out of her life. She didn't need anyone. She just needed to save the world.
And to be honest? Lena was ashamed it took her that long to figure it out. It wasn't like her. The  Prodigy of her generation. The CEO of one of the biggest Tech Corporations in America. The sister of Earth's most infamous criminal mastermind.
If she had just gotten out of bed, checked any of her projects, called her secretary back. But she was too numb, too empty. Lying in bed, unable to move or think. Wishing to die. She couldn't even muster up the energy to lift a hand, it was just... pathetic.
After a week, Jess had had enough. It took Sam flying over from Metropolis to even get Lena out of bed. Sam had no idea about Kara, of course. But it didn't take long for her to march over to Alex's apartment and threaten her friend until the truth spilled. Lena had never seen that furious. Over Lena, of all people.
She didn't deserve Sam.
Sam had been pestering her all week. Bringing over food and staying with her every night. Lena felt like an asshole, taking up so much of her time. That was the main reason she returned to L-Corp after a week That was when she found out about the satellite malfunctions. Some radioactive signature was messing with their signals. That was fine, this was a problem Lena could fix, right? Easy.
Wrong. Turns out the signature was something her systems could recognize. Kryptonite. A giant chunky piece of Kryptonite and debris about the size of a small moon. A Krypto-Comet that was hurtling at half the speed of light from deep space, directly towards Earth.
Mondays, right?
Of course, she contacted the DEO immediately. They were horrified. For a Secret Government Agency handling the extraterrestrial, they had some shockingly bad tech. She wasn't really surprised.  Also, they might have been slightly distracted with Leviathan. Lena had spent the next three days cooped up in a lab with Brainiac 5 desperately trying to come up with a way to deflect it or destroy it, or anything really. Usually, an Anti-Kryptonite suit and Supergirl would have taken care of the problem real quick, but considering the size of the comet and the excessive amount of Kryptonite on it, it just wouldn't be possible. There was no time to call for back-up from Argo City either, with the satellites malfunctioning.
The last five days were utter chaos. Naturally, the news hit the public hard. It was pandemonium, but how could you keep a goddamn meteorite impact from them? The skies were already turning purple.
Lena however, was still in her lab. Over the course of three days, a complete whirlwind of people checked in and out of her lab. People she had never met before. People she had never even heard of. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow. A scientist named Raymond Palmer with some very interesting ideas on molecular structure and shrinkage. Felicity Smoak. Alex pulled her aside during lunch to explain about the Multiverse.
What. Even. What.
It felt like her brain was exploding, but she was their best chance of saving the planet. She had to pull it together. She can't show any weakness.
Alex called for another excruciating meeting the second day.
"Attention! I have some news." Alex exhaled slowly. "Sara?"
"I'm sorry guys, but it's bad. We were unable to prevent this event from not occurring. It happens rarely, but this can't be prevented by modifying the timeline. It's inevitable. We have to find other ways."
"What if we move your population to our Earth?" Harry? Larry? The guy in red spandex asked.
"More than half out Earth's population have doppelgangers in yours. It will mess with the balance of your universe. We can't move them. How about finding an empty universe?"
"Kara is out looking for one, but every Earth we found was either ruined or full. That's too long a shot, I don't think we'll find one in time."
"Well, theoretically-" Brainy hesitated - "My ancestors had a way of...dealing with planets that disagreed with them. They would shrink them down and have them as trophies."
"We can't shrink the planet, the gravitation of the solar system would collapse and we would fall into the sun." Lena muttered distractedly, fiddling with her pen.
"Let's not do that. Any luck contacting Superman?"
"Radio silence. The radiation is messing with communications."
"We could push it through a wormhole, or a portal, but-"
"The comet will be here before we could begin to build it. What if we transport our people to a different planet?"
"Seven billion people on a different planet without nearly enough food and water?"
"Or maybe into a space station?"
"We have four days. To transport seven billion people. And essential items."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work either."
"Okay, let's keep at it guys." Alex clapped her hands together. "There IS a way, we just don't know it yet."
Yeah, there was no other way. The days went by in a whirl. They came up with theory after theory, but it was too late. Their world was going to end. Nothing can stop it.
During the last day, Alex ordered every non-Earth-38 person off the universe. And even though there was some resistance, everyone sombrely agreed it was the best move.
A surprising lot of friendships were made that week. World-ending threats tend to do that, apparently. Lena personally never wanted to experience Nia and Zari Tarazi try to cook a pizza together ever again. They almost blasted the dough halfway across the DEO building and into the miniature Nuclear Reactor.
Lena would never, not in a million years, ever admit it; but she wanted what they had.
She couldn't fathom that comfort, that mutual understanding of trust that Nia shared with Zari. How did they build it? How could they rely on it, when they had been strangers only a week ago? How could you share your secrets, yourself, with someone who could potentially turn against you, someone who could be lying through their teeth like Eve was, someone who might hate you just because of a name that you can't change?
Not that anything could be done now. It was too late.
They were gathered at the DEO training facility off-city to say their final goodbyes, except Lena was at L-Corp. It took her a while to accept it, but this time it was real. There was no hail mary, no high stake final masterplan left in her. She was going to die, along with her planet.
So it was the perfect time to break out her finest bottle of scotch.
The L-Corp building was deadly silent. Any other day, Lena would have enjoyed it. The building was almost never fully empty, with the security team and the journalists and the interns who never sleep. Today it put her on edge.
Because she did this. Lena caused all this, it was Lena's fault. She was the reason-
The tiny blue screen lit up on her desk, ringing insistently. The tech mogul was almost relieved that something interrupted.
The silence. Interrupted the silence.
Lena brought it to her ear.
"Lena!? Where the hell are you?" For a second, Lena relished the panic in Alex's voice. Of course, it probably was over the world ending, but she wanted to pretend that it was over Lena. That Alex actually cared about her.
"What do need me to do, Director Danvers?" Her voice was meant to be posh and clipped as always, but it came out slightly more drunk than she wanted it to.
"Wha-Nothing! I just couldn't find you anywhere so I thought I'd check up on you." Aww, Alex. You don't need to pretend, everything is gonna go to shit anyway.
"Is Sam still there?"
"Uh- Yes. Yeah, she's here. Do you want to talk to her?"
"Nooo." Lena considered it. "No, definitely not."
"Lena, are you drunk?"
Lena exhaled loudly. "Why did you call me, Director?"
"Because the universe is ending!" Lena cringed away from the phone. That was too loud for her sleep-deprived brain.
"I don't see your point." She huffed back.
"Goddammit. Look, Kara and I will keep looking for a solution, you don't need to worry, okay? You know she never gives up. Nia and the others-"
"Please just stop." Lena begged.
"I-Stop?" Lena could picture Alex's face. She hated that she did.
"I don't care! About anything, anymore. Just leave me alone. Goodbye, Alex."Sorry I pulled so much shit.
Lena switched it off and chucked it across the room, onto her couch. It bounced over the cushions and fell over.
She was alone, now.
"Greetings, miss Luthor. What can I do for you today?" Hope was always here. Lena's only constant companion through everything. Even if it did wear the face of her traitor friend.
"You understand that this will be the last day?"
"Yes, miss Luthor-"
"Lena. Call me Lena."
The robot cocked its head to the side. Why did Lena program it so life-like?
"Lena. Would you like for me to call anyone else?"
"No, thank you. How long is it now?"
"Seventeen minutes and three seconds."
Lena cradled her head. It felt like her brain was swimming in the alcohol. At least she won't have to feel this tomorrow.
"Execute terminal orders and shut down, please."
"Executed. Goodbye, Miss Luthor."
The hologram blinked off. Lena swirled the last of the scotch in her glass. It didn't taste nearly as good as she hoped. She set it down in distaste.
God, this was all her doing, wasn't it?
If only Lex could see her now, pushing everyone away, alone and lonely on top of the empire that was built by her psychopathic family. Everything he said that day was true.
And it was all Lena's fault. Because she chose to trust Kara. She chose her new family. She wanted that. She craved that. Even when she knew she could never have it. She's always craved that. This wonderful 'family' she could love with all her heart. They would have been her people, they would love her no matter her last name. They would support her through hell and back. She fucking fantasized about how they would be there for her every birthday, about how she would shower them with love and affection, about game nights and road trips. She didn't give a shit about romantic, platonic, she just wanted someone to be there at the airport when she comes back from month-long expeditions through Europe.
It all seems so naive now. She was still here, on top of an empty building, because of her choices. Because of her stupid, stubborn pride. She must have chosen this, right? This is what she wanted. To be alone. Sixteen minutes from the world ending. She had chosen to be alone, bitter, angry at herself for doing what she had done.
Fuck, no.
But it was too late. Too late to accept her family, too late to enjoy them. Too late to save the world. Too late to apologize.
Fuuuuuuck, she messed up. What she wouldn't give to go back in time, find her younger self and...eughh. Berate her? Explain? Mug her? Lena had no idea.
This scotch tastes like shit.
Why is time so slow?
Her life is shit. She would like a refund.
The alcohol is really getting to her brain, cause she found that funny.
The entire floor rattled when the door flies open behind her. *
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Oh hey, Sam. You did come.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She crossed her arms, raising one brow at her CFO.
"Lena, no." Sam stomped over and wretched the glass away from Lena.
"Goddammit, leave me alone, Sam!" Why I am so shitty all the time Sam?
"No." She repeated firmly.
"No. I should have done this a long time ago when I first got back here. I'm not leaving you alone, I'm not letting you drink yourself to death. I'm not let you wallow in your misery when the world is fucking ending and you still stubbornly refuse to put down your pride. I'm not leaving!"
She walked over to Lena's hidden break room and poured the scotch down the sink.
"But I-"
"No. Listen, you dumbass. You've been through some horrible, messed-up shit. Your brother almost destroyed the world multiple times. Your mother was a narcissistic fucking psychopath. I cannot even begin to understand how you feel most of the time. Having every move scrutinized by the world, feeling like you can't trust anyone."
"I trust you."
Sam paused. "I-What?"
"I trust you, Sam. You may be the only person who I can be myself around right now. And-And I know that isn't fair to you, me having constant breakdowns. I keep you from your life and Ruby and I hate it-"
"Lena!" Sam takes her hand. "You can always tell me about it. Everything. And I won't lie, helping you through your trauma isn't easy, especially since you refuse to meet a therapist. But that doesn't mean you can keep everything to yourself. It means that your pain, it matters to me. It is a piece of you that you have shared with me, and it isn't going to fucking evaporate the second I know about it. You matter. Your trauma matters. To me, and to everyone at the DEO. I want to help you." She inhaled deeply.
"And I can't promise that everything is going to be fine, I don't even know if we'll exist an hour from now, but I can tell you this. You don't deserve all this pain. That doesn't mean you don't have it. You are not responsible for what your family did, and you are not responsible for your mother's death. You don't deserve to die alone and at odds with everyone you love."
"Sam, but I-"
"And I'm sorry, I know Kara and the others messed up. But they love you. They are your family now. And I can't watch you punish yourself over this. Lena, it's time to let go."
Tears lined Lena's eyes. "I can't do it, Sam!"
"You can."
"I can't! I trusted Kara with everything. I shared every piece of me with her. Love and family were supposed to cure me! I made myself completely powerless, I was vulnerable, and she threw it back at my face. I cannot make that mistake again!"
"It's not fucking magic, Lena! Love isn't a cure-all. It doesn't mean everything bad that ever happened disappears! It only means that you aren't alone in your fight. Family and friendship, it  takes work! You have to see them, and they have to see you. And Kara and the others, they love you!"
"If they fucking love me so much, why do they keep hurting me? Why am I the only one who gets lied to?!"
"It not that fucking simple! Everyone there has their own stuff. We're fucking terrified all the time. And now everything we ever feared is happening, and we can't even fucking be together!"
"What, now you're on their side?!" Lena heard the words spill out her head as messily as she felt, drenched in bitterness and insecurity. "Should've known that you would turn on me too."
Regret fills her immediately, but Lena drops Sam's hand like a searing pan.
"How can you think that?" Sam's voice was quiet now. Her eyes, Lena realized, were also filled with tears.
This is it. This is the moment I chase away the last person who's ever cared for me. One last screw over that will be wiped after the comet hits. One more mistake in my endless list.
Sam raised her arms. Lena reflexively leaned back, her heart hammering against her chest. Shit. She knew how this goes. She's seen enough fights between Lillian and Lionel end. She could hear the resonating crack from almost two decades ago. Lionel might have loved Lena, but he wasn't all that kind to Lillian.
You deserve this. You failed. You failed to protect yourself,  failed to protect the universe. You are never going to be enough. You failed both your families, you failed yourself.
Warmth burst around her. Sam wrapped her arms around Lena.
What in the world... why was Sam hugging her?
Shit, this feels nice.
"There are no sides, Lena. That's the whole point. You are a part of this family, and we will fight like hell to keep it that way." Sam stroked her hair. "We aren't perfect, we are flawed, we hurt each other. But we aren't alone. We love fiercely, and we have each other's back. We take care of our own. And you are one of us. We love you. We are here if you accept us."
Lena sniffled against Sam's shirt. A fierce rush of gratitude rushed through her. Sam has always been her rock, her constant for almost six years now. She's had her back so many times. Her best friend.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Sam." Lena sobbed. "Shit, it's too late. I can't fix everything. I messed up. I messed the whole thing up-"
"Hey. There's still time." Sam drew back and swiped at her eyes. "You can still call Alex. We have... seven minutes left."
Lena nodded, biting her lip.
"Thank you, Sam."
She shakily dialed her phone.
"Hi! Aunt Lena!" A little bundle of joy crawled into Lena's lap and gave her a hug.
Ruby.  She always meant a lot to Lena. Maybe because Lena never really had an aunt while she grew up. Maybe because her hugs were made of pure love; because Ruby is the most wonderful little human Lena ever met. Maybe because there was no tension, no tears involved. Ruby felt like hugging Lena, so she did.
It was the first time Lena cracked a smile in over a year.
"Hello, little monkey. Did you eavesdrop our whole fight?" She mussed her hair.
"Hey! I'm fourteen now. Not so little anymore." She carefully flattened her hair down. "And I know what swear words are, Auntie."
"Do you, now?"
"Yes!" She huffed. "Mom said she's making Mac and Cheese. She said your fridge was full of atrocious rabbit fodder and she hid about seventy percent of your kale." Ruby's voice dropped low and she whispered conspiratorially. "It's behind the eggs, don't tell her said that. Not that we'd be needing it anymore." She glanced sadly at the red skies.
"Are you okay, little monkey?"
"Aunt Lena, is there really no way to destroy the comet?" Ruby asked her.
Lena's heart broke. At that moment, she would've given anything to be back in her lab three weeks ago when they first found the comet. To have found a way out of this catastrophe.
She smiled sadly at Ruby. "I'm sorry, monkey. There's nothing we can do."
How do you tell a child that you failed her, that the entire world was gonna burn? That they were all going to die?
"It's okay, Aunt Lena. I love you." She kissed Lena on the cheek.
The elevator bell dinged and Lena could hear the doors open with a hiss. Her's mouth got just a little dry.
"I'm going to go help mom with the cheese. You should talk to them."
"Wait, Ruby-" she was gone. Great.
Lena exhaled shakily and got to her feet.
Here goes. Oh god. Why did I do this? This is a bad idea, shit. Shit, shit, shit. They still hate me why did I call them, they- Alex.
It was Alex. Suddenly, it wasn't the monsters that she was facing. It was Alex and Kelly and Nia and Brainy. Her family.
Alex stumbled forward first. "Lena, I-" She interrupted herself by crashing into Lena-"I'm so fucking sorry. I should've told you when the whole thing with Reign happened, but then Kara told me that she had to work things out between you and Supergirl, and then I lost my memories for a while-" Lena realized with a jerk that Alex was sobbing against her shoulder.
"-I feel like such an awful friend." Alex's voice cracked.
"Ale-Alex! Hey, it's okay." And for the first time, Lena really meant it. "I'm sorry too. I just felt-"
"Betrayed. I know. I'm sorry." She repeated, stepping away from Lena. She gave Lena a small smile. Smaller, but much like the one she gave Lena the first time they met in Kara's apartment. Tired, but it gives off so much warmth that Lena could feel it. It reminded Lena of all the times they spent together. All the days when they made small explosions in her lab and teamed up for game night.  When Alex took her to self-defense classes and showed her fancy tricks with her guns. She was Lena's best friend. She is.
"Brainy, Nia." God, it felt good to- Lena couldn't even describe it. She missed this. Her friendship with Brainy was one of the few things she treasured most in the world. He was the only one who could ever match her intellect, her best lab partner. Her friend. And to the lonely twelve-year-old genius from the Luthor family, that was everything. And Nia was one of the bravest people Lena knew, unafraid to be herself and face the world. Fighting every day for the greater good. And she was more than that, she was the one who taught Lena that she didn't have to hide who she was. Lena will be a Luthor her entire life. She just had to embrace it. Or as Nia had framed, quite eloquently; 'own it.'
Kelly, and her crazy therapy skills. Lena regretted not spending more time with her. She was such a wonderful person. Kelly was the silent rock of their group, Lena could see that now. She was always there and she knew exactly what to say. In Lena's eyes, she was magical. So determined in supporting her friends through everything. The sweetest, most bad-ass person out of them all.
Shit, Lena was crying now.
"No more little boxes, Lena." Brainy whispered in her ear, and she giggled. Even Lena was surprised by that.
He was right. No more boxes. She has three minutes left to live and she wasn't going to crush herself with the weight of her stupid boxes.
There was still one more person-
"Kara. I'm sorry Lena, she- couldn't make it." Alex squeezed her shoulder. "Barry's Earth- they don't have a Kara. She can live there and not disintegrate. I told her to go with him. I'm sorry, Lena."
Lena's lungs filled with lead.
"Yes, of course." Lena's voice sounded far away even to herself. "She deserves to live there, in peace. I'm sorry, excuse me."
Something akin to panic swelled over her. Anxiety? Sorrow? Feelings were not Lena's strong suit. Panic attacks, unfortunately, she's already dealt with. She backed away from the room, almost knocking Sam over in the process. "Uh- Bathroom."
The door slammed behind her, and Lena splashed her face with cold water.
She would never get to apologize, she would never even get to see Kara again. Her best friend. Her soulmate. And now, she would die without Kara knowing- knowing that-
Because Lena only ever hated herself. She could never,ever hate Kara.
She curled into a ball on the floor, trying to physically hold herself together so she didn't fall apart. She couldn't fall apart, not right now. Her heart was racing and her breathing was short and distressed.
"Lena? Open the door." Alex's voice, carried in through the door.
"I-I'll be right out!" Even Lena knew they won't buy it. She could hear her voice crack with emotion.
"Lena? You don't have to go through this alone, I just told you that." Her voice was soft, and Lena chose to listen.
"I know it's hard. I know you miss her, and I can't imagine what it must feel after everything that happened between you and Kara. It was difficult for me too. I'm leaving her alone, just like everyone else in her life. I'm leaving her and her world is ending again, and we can't do anything about it. I hate it. I broke my promise. She doesn't deserve this pain, and you don't either."
The door creaked open. Suddenly it was Alex surprised by the hug.
"Alex, I'm so sorry."
"Lena." Alex wrapped her arms around the small brunette. "Trust me, she knows. She knows that you love her."
Lena sniffed and pulled back.
"That's just it, Alex." Lena's voice grew softer. "She doesn't know that I'm in love with her."
"You're in love with me?" A small, hopeful voice echoed from the back of the room.
The blonde superhero stepped forward with the sunny smile Lena loved. "Sorry I'm late but, I bought emergency Potstickers." She waved a bag at the rest of them.
"Kara-" The word was out of her mouth before she realized it, but then it was Lena in Kara's arms and nothing else mattered. She buried her head in the Kryptonian's shoulders.
"Hey." Kara tucked a strand of hair behind Lena's mismatched eyes, and Lena fucking melted.  "You know, I've been doing some research." Her voice was low and breathy.
"Oh yeah?" Lena's eyes shined as bright as the red skies outside. Kara thought she could see the whole galaxy in her them.
"I think I finally know what Quantum Entanglement means." She rested her forehead against Lena's and smiled softly.
Lena's heart was racing. She reached up and caught Kara's lips in hers.
"I love you too, Lena."
"System error. Terminal order simulation failed."
Lena gasped and fell to her knees.
"Redirect operations to internal systems." She gasped, tears streaming down her face.
Just a few more, a few more minutes. Please. I need to hold her. I need to be held by her.
"Simulation failed."
"No! No, no, no. Please. Try again." Lena fumbled with her screen.
"Simulation failed."
"TRY AGAIN, GODDAMMIT." Lena cried, her voice full of raw emotion.
"Simulation failed. Shutting down. Thirty seconds left in final countdown."
"Twenty-five seconds."
The air was getting hotter. She could already see the streaks of green and red raining down from above outside Kara's window.
"Nooo." She sobbed. "Please, I need to see them. I need to hold her. Please." She crumpled on the floor, holding Kara's green hoodie in her hand. The last piece of her Lena had. The worst part is, Kara wasn't dead. Just lost forever, to Lena.
"Ten seconds."
"Five seconds."
"I don't want to be alone." She whispered.
Here's my twitter, go yell at me. https://twitter.com/Keroessa24
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep5: Female Friends
So I was up hella late because of Daylight Savings screwing my sleep schedule, and I was on Twitch and one of the people I follow was speedrunning a Yugioh game (I think it was called Forbidden Memories like it was some Romance YA novel) and I was like “that’s a thing?” And I watched about 15 minutes of just complete nonsense. Like this game makes no sense when your scrubbing through 30 minutes of gameplay, but when a whole game takes 45 seconds and they have mechanics using like planets and astrology symbols? What?
Y’all, I’m a little concerned your card game ain’t real. Like this is some ploy by knowing adults and this is some sort of Santa Claus situation where everyone else knows that this game ain’t real, but I’m the last person alive who’s like... “it is real though, right?” Hoping that I haven’t been played all of these years, despite having literally no empirical evidence that it is.
Just saying, I’m on to you, Yugioh.
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Thanks dub.
I am pretty convinced (could be wrong) but pretty convinced that Grandpa was probably just normal horny in this scene. Like it just kinda matches what I know about horny grandpa tropes (that and Vivian is really talked up to be this hot stuff although she’s just youknow...some girl who exists.)
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He immediately falls over. Like immediately, and I don’t know what’s up with Grandpa’s weird slipped disc, but luckily this is the one thing that Mokuba is prepared to deal with as a park manager.
Or what was his job again, Master of Ceremonies? That was the name of Mokuba’s actual chosen job that a 12-13 yo would choose?
Only Mokuba would have the choice to choose “a literal astronaut” and not choose an astronaut. This kid probably hates space though, with his family’s countless war machines now currently flying through the void.
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The amount of times that the Kaibas have had to call a doctor for these guys.
(read more under the cut)
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Bro was like “So Hawkins paid Grandpa to pretend to fall down so they could ditch Rebecca’s duel, right?” and youknow...probably. It was a pretty boring duel. They got off scott free.
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Rex and Weevil do cartoon antics that actually feel like cartoon antics--which feels so weird for this show. Of course, it also has this Vivian plotline that is a little sus for a children’s show?
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OK, show. You keep throwing women at Yugi Muto, and I get it’s a joke because he’s the world’s most undateable boy but there is a line of plausibility that even for a kid’s cartoon show it’s like “eh, probably not.”
Anyway, Vivian has Cho Chang energy of “I’m here for a problematic romantic conflict that never needed to happen and hamfisted diversity and uhhhhhh that’s it! I won’t exist after book 5!”
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What a step down from dueling on top of the train, right? Like this whole time you could have just dueled next to it? What? In this show?
The rest of the party show up to the train station, where there’s really no other audience watching. Like where are Rebecca’s adoring fans who were asking for her autograph like 3 episodes back?
Card culture is brutal, y’all.
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Vivian is not drawn like a 16 yo, being real. I was pretty surprised that she was under 25 according to a cursory Google search. Course, Joey Wheeler is drawn like a built adult, too, so I think the only convincing teenage child on this show is Pharaoh because at least he’s short. Just ignore how sometimes he’s got muscles on his arms that have no right to be there at the age of 16. (17?)
Then we had like a little Season Zero vibes where everyone just picks on Yugi for a hot minute.
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And so Tea’s character development comes full circle as she realizes that this whole time, the Female Friend she needed was already here in the form of that small child who has a crush on her kinda boyfriend.
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This was such an episode written by a bunch of dudes.
But at least Rebecca and Tea found something in common, although I really wish it wasn’t Yugi, considering how little on screen development he has with either of them. Where’s the reward for me as the viewer? If I cared about either of this love pentagon at all (well, hexagon...Bakura’s still in there.) there will never be a payout. You very well may be waiting forever for a relationship the writers clearly had never any intention to ever write except to act as a foil for our protagonists instead of like...a relationship.
And the show seems a little inconsistent with the relationship between Rebecca and Tea, too. They hang out a lot as the girls on the sideline, and appear to get along a lot of the time--but then they hate eachother a lot of the time as well because of jealousy? It’s just so weird.
I feel like TV shows in general have a really hard time approaching girl friendships, and speaking as a girl, I wish TV and books recognized more that our female friendships don’t have to be so freakin serious. We just act friendly and that’s freakin it.
That and these girls are going to go right back to hating eachother half the time after this is over because the main problem--Yugi not piping up and telling one of them to back the hell off--has never been addressed and never will be because Yugi is a broken, broken wet blanket.
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Back at the base, Seto is also making up his own problems to be upset about in the absence of any apocalypses happening on screen.
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Unless that hacker is Noah Kaiba, you’re probably fine. I really haven’t had too much of a reason to feel any fear over Zigfried von Schroeder. And maybe it’s because his character design was pretty complicated so no one wanted to draw it.
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This was a ‘who’s on first’ joke but still.
...why do cards have to be like this?
Also, I didn’t see anything about this nonsense in the speedrun I watched the other night so, guys, this game ain’t real.
Anyway, Rebecca won.
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We find out a little more of what happens to other duelists. Our Cowboy lost to a Sherlock Holmes boy, and I was very happy that I don’t have to come up with jokes about country music because I have none other than like...Taylor Swift jokes? Does she still count as country? I have no idea what’s going on in the country music scene.
On other side of the park, Yugioh decide to pay another tribute to the creative crotch shot with one of these:
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Rex and Weevil are off to fight the big bad, and when you think “OK, we’re gonna get a wacky duel battle with these two balancing on top of eachother,” they kinda whiffed it before they made it to the stage.
And then I kind of whiffed it when I realized that Mokuba and Weevil have never spoken in the same place before and they have the same exact font color so fml.
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The fact that Mokuba didn’t realize anything was wrong until they fell and revealed they were two small adults in a trench coat says a lot about most of the competitors in this duel.
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It is incredible how both the Battle City Tournament and the Kaiba Corp Tourney (s that it’s name?) are both poorly managed, but in a different way. The Battle City Tourney unfortunately had a bunch of murderers in it. This tournament, no one is killing eachother, but they are still kind of sneaking in through the back door and being chronically late to everything.
(and I just want to point out that after the last match Mokuba oversaw that had Joey nearly miss the appointment, Mokuba decided to set this one in front of a Giant Clock just to get his point across)
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So Zigfried has some sort of flying horse card that wiped them out right away, which makes you wonder........
.............why use any other cards?
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Kaiba makes these cards, right????
Like he should be the last person who’s surprised????
Anyway, Zigfried top-decked a horse, and the guy who spends about 15 minutes getting ready his big ol blue eyes dragons every match he’s ever played was like “Yo I have GOT to get into speedrunning!”
And yes, the speedrun I was watching did not use Blue Eyes White Dragons. They were using a bunch of other stuff that I tried to look up just now and the art is completely different from what I recall so...unfortunately that means that your game is fake. Pretty sure it’s fake and you have no way to prove to me this is real.
Anyway, that’s it for now, not much to say since we’re still at the beginning of the arc. Next week I guess we’ll find out if Seto ever removes his ass from this chair.
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Oops forgot to post this on here last night when I updated lol. Hope you’re all happy with my choice of villain. And for those who don't know the Eleven/the Thirteen yet, you'll get to know them alongside the Paternoster gang as they're totally clueless themselves lol. So real hope you enjoy this next chapter, let's see where everyone is off to!
Chapter 8: Where We Started
Glasgow, 2021
Jack returned in no time at all, at least from the perspective of the team at Torchwood Two.
“You better be grateful, this took me all night and I’m starving!“ Jack announced after materialising in the centre of the room. He was crouching in between two dead bodies, holding on to a wrist each to pull them with him through the time vortex.
“Food is still warm.“ Mickey retorted and gave Jack a hand lifting the two men onto gurneys.
“What’s so significant about them?“ Ryan asked, stepping closer. There was no obvious cause of death. Both men were young, 20s, 30s maybe and looked healthy. There was no blood, no bullet holes…
“How did they die?“ Graham asked, noticing the same thing. “Who killed them?“
“We’re not quite sure on the who yet.“ One of the Osgoods answered, steppinganswered stepping up to the body on her right. She pulled a scanner from her lab coat pocket and ran it over the dead man’s chest.
“And not sure about theon the killing either.“ The other Osgood agreed as she stepped up to the other corps, mirroring her twin’s actions with a scanner of her own.
“Well, they are dead…“ Ryan couldn’t help but point out but by now he knew better than to judge a book by its cover.
“Yes, but we’re not entirely sure they meant to kill them…“ The second Osgood replied, frowning a little at the readings she was getting.
“What do you mean by that?“ Graham asked, looking around for answers. None of the others appeared surprised so he could only presume these were not the first two cases.
“These are not murders as such, we believe these are experiments gone wrong.“ Kate revealed and Ryan and Graham exchanged concerned glances.
“We’re just not sure to what end.“ Martha came to stand next to them.
“We’re not the first to notice.“ Kate carried on. It was time they filled them in properly. She had been worried about revealing too much back in Sheffield but they could talk freely now. “When dead bodies turn up, the police do tend to get involved.“
“That’s when people started disappearing from time, being erased.“ Jack concluded.
“For examining these murders?“ Ryan frowned, deeply concerned now.
“This is why we’re doing our best to keep off the radar.“ Gwen explained as they all gathered around now. “Someone is trying to cover this up and they’re using very advanced technology to do it. You can’t just erase people from time.“
“So far, whoever is behind this has not noticed our investigation.“ Kate stated, which wasn’t to say that they wouldn’t be found out eventually.  
“Or at least they have not found a way to erase us yet.“ Jack interjected, more grimly.
“Like I said previously, people who have had dealings with the Doctor, particularly those who have travelled with them, seem to be less affected.“ Kate continued to explain and one of the Osgoods added:
“By travelling in time, you become a temporal anomaly, a complex space time event. Much harder to erase than someone who has only existed in one time period.“
“I guess that makes sense…“ It didn’t make an awful lot of sense to Ryan but he chose to just accept it.
“Either way, we have to tread carefully. Someone is using humanity as guinea pigs.“ Kate crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“And we need to find out why.“ Jack nodded. “Now that we have two bodies, we might be able to do just that. And once we know what they want, we will stop them.“ His voice was full of determination.
“I will need a while to analyse.“ The Osgoods gave apologetic smiles, indicating they would like to be left in peace to do their work now.
“You best get some rest. We will have a lot of work to do soon.“ Kate smiled at Ryan and Graham who could hardly refuse the request. It had been a very long night already.
In orbit around the Library, 52nd Century
Paternoster Gang
“So this Thirteen person, is it possible they’re the one that took the child as well?“ Yaz asked, leaning onto the control desk as they digested the news. “They are a Time Lord, we found Time Lord technology at your house.“
“It would be an extraordinary coincidence if it wasn’t.“ Vastra agreed, she was pacing the room. Even though they had no idea what their motivations were, they had to assume the same person was behind both kidnappings. She knew nothing of the dealings either the Doctor or Professor Song had had with this particular Time Lord but she decided it didn't matter for the time being. What mattered was that they found River and her son. With any luck they were being taken to the same place. They could ask questions later.
“We need to find a way of following them.“ Jenny concluded, watching her wife pace. As much as they had hoped for a conversation with the Professor, for a chance to make their apologies and to promise to make amends, at least they had a trail to follow now.
“Did our sensors pick anything up on our approach? Any other ships in the vicinity? Someone heading away from the Library?“ Vastra asked, looking to Strax who started working the controls with military efficiency.
“We were too far out at the time. Nothing on long range sensors.“ Strax growled seemingly displeased with the efficiency of the scanners. “This wouldn’t have happened on a Sontaran warliner.“ He huffed.
“What about the Library? Do they not have any sensors or CCTV or something?“ Yaz asked as she thought back to her police training. If someone was kidnapped, looking for CCTV footage in the area would be the first step, surely.
“Excellent idea, Ms. Kahn!“ Vastra gave her a kind smile. “Mr. Maldovar, any suggestions as to how we might establish a more permanent link to the Library?“
“It’s a closed system, trying to keep out intruders, probably a defence mechanism…“ Dorium mused, putting his feelers out. What he lacked in physical mobility, he was making up for with technological know how.
“If not a video link, at least some means of data exchange?“ She gave him a kind smile. “I have every confidence in your abilities.“
“She means: see if you can hack the system.“ Jenny chuckled, recalling Dorium’s rather impressive work at Demon’s Run. It seemed as though all their expertise would be called upon at one point or another.
“I don’t suppose CAL would mind once she realises what you’re trying to do.“ Vastra carried on. “Perhaps if you started with a reassuring message for her. Would you maybe be able to get information about ships that approached or departed?“
“I shall certainly try.“ Dorium agreed, his tone gracious, but he hardly had to try at all. “Never mind, she’s ahead of us, she’s sending something across.“ Dorium looked up to the screen. “I believe we can extrapolate the course from this.“ A diagram appeared on screen, green dots outlining a route away from the planet.
“Bringing us around now.“ Strax announced as the computer worked out the course. “We shall hunt them down and shoot them out of the sky!“
“Not with Professor Song on board, we won’t.“ Vastra pointed out and Strax huffed displeased.
“Ready to jump into hyper speed.“ He grumbled in response.
“Hang on, CAL is sending some more data across.“ Dorium announced. “Just wait till… There we are, all done.“ He nodded and nearly fell out of his box doing so.
“What is it?“ Vastra asked as the ship jumped into faster-than-light travel and the stars blurred outside. They left the Library behind.  
“A file with everything the Library had to offer on the Thirteen and their previous incarnations, I’m sure that will make for exciting reading…“ Dorium almost sounded surprised.
“Clever girl!“ Jenny grinned.
“Perhaps we can learn who we are dealing with.“ Yaz felt a little better that they were all in the same boat. She wasn’t behind this time, they all had to start from scratch.
“Best to know your enemy.“ Strax grinned. “Give us the intel, head.“
“Sorry, Doctor but I can’t take credit for that.“ The Master laughed at the look of surprise and disappointment on her face. She had hoped to get answers but there were none to be had.
“And you never will.“ It was a split second decision on the Doctor’s part as she pulled a gun from under the console.
She had always pretended she didn’t know where River had hidden her guns around the TARDIS but of course she did. She wasn’t quite sure why she had never stopped her doing it. Perhaps because she knew eventually, they would come in handy. River had borrowed the TARDIS plenty of times and if she ever got herself in a scrape, she didn’t want to leave her wife defenceless. While the TARDIS had redecorated since River had last been here, she had kept her guns where they belonged.
“Well, well, well Doctor.“ The Master smirked as she pointed the gun at him.
“Get out.“ She said.The weapon felt heavy and uncomfortable in her hand but that didn’t stop her. She couldn’t take the risk of the Master getting off Gallifrey. She had no way of knowing for sure whether he would be responsible for her son’s abduction in the future but she couldn’t take the risk. If it was the case, she would stop it here. She gestured to the door. “Now.“
“You’re not leaving me here.“ The Master laughed, shaking his head, he didn’t seem to be taking her seriously.
“Yes I am. You are not getting off this rock. You will never get the opportunity to hurt my family, ever.“ The Doctor retorted, her voice low and threatening.
“You won’t shoot me.“ The Master shrugged, taking a step closer, daring her to do just that.
“Yes I will.“ The Doctor snapped, taking proper aim.
“No you won’t. You didn’t last time and you won’t now, you’re weak.“ The spat, enjoying seeing her struggle with herself. Her kindness and reluctance to use force had always been her greatest weakness. “You think you can protect them when you can’t even find out who’s behind it all? You’re pathetic. Probably best if you don’t find your child, you’d be such a disappointment to them.“
A shot rang out and the Master staggered back. The Doctor was shocked herself but she tried her best to cover that moment of disbelief. She tightened the grip on the gun just in time for the Master to look up again.  
“Wow…“ He grinned, in a maniacal sort of way and pressed his hand to his arm. She had only grazed his shoulder. She was a terrible shot that lacked the strength of her convictions. Or at least she thought she did. Part of her couldn’t believe she had shot him at all and the other part couldn’t believe she had missed.
“The next one will be lethal.“ She threatened, squaring her jaw. She pointed to the door, hoping he would leave already and not put it to the test. In a way, leaving him on Gallifrey was just as bad as shooting him. Both were a death sentence, one just felt a lot easier than the other. Either way, she had to protect her family and if she was strong now, perhaps things would find a way of resolving themselves.
“No, it won’t.“ The Master laughed and before she could follow through on her threat, he darted forward. The Doctor felt the ground move under her feet but not because he knocked her over. He hadn’t gone for her, he had lunged for the controls.
“What have you done?“ The Doctor shouted and crashed against one of the crystalline arms in the control room. The gun was knocked from her hand and skidded off somewhere. The TARDIS was spinning, somersaulting, they were launching into the vortex.
“What have you done? You tried to kill me!“ The Master shot back and was knocked to the ground as well. The TARDIS was out of control.
“Oh because you’ve always been so restrained?!“ The Doctor snapped over the racket of them catapulting through the vortex, hitting energy fields, chronon clouds and any other kind of obstacle the vortex had to offer.
The Doctor pulled herself along the floor, towards the control panel. She had to stabilise them. Just for the moment, the Master was not her primary concern. She managed to grab hope of the console and pulled herself up, hitting the blue stabiliser button. The TARDIS stopped shaking, steadying itself and the Doctor let go a sigh of relief. She got to her feet properly and turned back to the Master who was clambering to his feet as well.
“That was really stupid and incredibly dangerous, we could have been torn apart.“ The Doctor snapped.
“I couldn’t let you leave me there. Better to be killed than return to that isolation.“ The Master huffed, slightly calmer than before. “Do you know what it was like, Doctor? Just you with your own thoughts? Not a living, breathing thing in sight?“ His tone was surprisingly genuine and there was a bitter edge to it.
“You’re not the only one who’s had a tough few decades.“ She retorted but was in no mood to fill him in on her prison sentence so she changed the subject quickly: “Can’t have been all that lonely, you told someone about the timeless child.“
“For the last time, Doctor, I didn’t tell anyone!“ He groaned in annoyance, tossing his arms in the air. He hissed as the movement sent a jolt of pain through his injured arm. “I killed everyone that could possibly have known.“
“Then it was you that told Dorium!“ The Doctor snapped.
“I already told you, I didn’t! When would I have done that?!“ The Master yelled.
“What then? Someone else just found out about the Timeless Child and happened to have taken an interest in my child?!“ The Doctor was trying to wrap her head around it. She only trusted the Master as far as she could throw them but she was beginning to doubt her previous assessment.
“Why would you think those two things are connected?“ The Master shook his head at her shortsightedness.
“What do you mean? Of course they’re connected!“ The Doctor shot back angrily.
“Because you have the word child in both sentences?“ He laughed, gesturing question marks into the air. “Come on, anyone could have taken your child with no other motive other than to get to you. And there are a lot of people who would love a way to get to you, not just me.“
“What do you mean by that?“ The Doctor frowned, taken aback. This was not something she had considered before.
“You have a lot of enemies, Doctor, have you never noticed? None as brilliant as me, obviously, but they’re out there.“ The Master chuckled, giving her a patronising look.
“Is that a hypothetical or do you actually know something?“ The Doctor pressed on. There had to be more there than he was letting on.
The Master shrugged.
“Because if you don’t and you claim to have nothing to do with it, I might as well take you back to Gallifrey.“ She stepped up to the console, intent on changing the course.
“Don’t.“ The Master grabbed her arm and pulled her away. “You know I have nothing to do with this and I don’t know where your child is.“
“You’re gonna have to give me more than that.“ The Doctor shook him off. “You know something… what did you do?“
“Alright… I may be guilty of a teensy little fibette…“ The Master smirked, clearly enjoying this. “Perhaps someone did hear about the timeless child… so maybe it is connected to the kidnapping of your child after all… though, I wonder how they would have found out about your son…“ He mused but was interrupted when the Doctor grabbed him by the collar of his coat.
“What did you do?“ She growled, fresh anger shooting through her.
“I just wanted to play… create a little chaos…“ The Master grinned.
“What did you do?“ She repeated pulling him closer.
“Every species has their black sheep don’t they… apart from you and me of course…“ He smirked.
“You didn’t…“ The Doctor’s eyes widened as she sensed where he was going with this. So close to him, she could almost see his memory of it in her own mind.
“What do you think would happen if you free all of Gallifrey’s bad boys and girls in one go? I couldn’t create all that destruction just by myself, could I.“ The expression in his eyes was nothing short of madness.
“And you think someone fled the planet before you destroyed everything?“ The Doctor carried on and he shrugged:
“Who knows, I didn’t keep count.“
Space, 52nd Century
“It’s not much… bits and pieces of his misadventures… this bit is interesting, it’s a footnote from the Book of the Revenants, you know the Doctor has her own volume.“ Dorium flicked through the data in his mind, keeping quiet for a moment as he focused.
“Yeah she’s mentioned that…“ Yaz couldn’t help but smile at the fond memory. What a carefree adventure that had been in comparison to what was happening now. She wondered how the Doctor was doing. She had no idea River had been taken as well… Perhaps they should try to contact her…
“As if their head wasn’t big enough…“ Vastra sighed. “What does it say?“
“It’s a brief description of their personalities, stops at twelve, sadly.“ Dorium revealed and he started to recite: “Originally a member of the High Council on Gallifrey, the One fell from grace and became one of Gallifrey’s most notorious criminals. Suffering from regenerative dissonance, the personalities of their regenerations remain within their consciousness. Following incarnations are known and distinguishable. The One: the archivist, often pedantic and knowledgeable on many Gallifreyan secrets.“
“So he could have known about the Timeless Child?“ Jenny jumped in, listening closely and her wife nodded in agreement. They had yet to find out what exactly that phrase was meant to mean. The Doctor hadn’t filled them in but somehow, that secret from Time Lord lore seemed to be at the centre of everything.
“Indeed…“ Vastra mumbled. “What else does it say?“
“Brief descriptions of the others, make them more distinguishable I suppose…“ Dorium continued: “The Two: The charmer, a charismatic liar and manipulator; and the Three: The Juvenile, childish and self-centred, prone to tantrums and violence.“
“Not unlike the Master then, makes sense you would confuse them.“ Yaz wondered if the Doctor just attracted a certain kind of mad man to face off against. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it was an amusing thought.
“The Four: The intellectual, a sophisticated and arrogant game-player. The Five: The joker, a funny, wise-cracking and confident trickster. The Six: The psychopath, extremely violent and unstable.“ Dorium carried on as the others listened intently.
“A man after my own heart.“ Strax grinned.
“The Seven: The scientist, clever and calculated with vast scientific knowledge.“ Dorium chose to ignore Strax’s comment and skipped to the next one.
“It sounds like he would have quite the arsenal of abilities at his disposal.“ Vastra mused, trying her best to commit the different personalities to her memory. There was no way of knowing if and when it would become useful. If their hunt was successful, they would soon find themselves face to face with this mysterious Time Lord.
“The Eight: The good man, who unlike his other selves strove to do good.“ Dorium raised his eyebrows, surprised. He checked the data entry twice, just to be sure.  
“Interesting…“ Vastra pursed her lips and Jenny added:
“People don’t have to be just good or just bad, there are two sides to everyone…“
“I’m beginning to see that…“ Yaz admitted, thinking back to the Doctor and the way she had been acting in Dorium’s bar. Her anger and fear had brought out the worst sides of her. She could only hope she was doing okay where she was now.
“The Nine: The kleptomaniac, driven by greed and prone to theft.“ Dorium continued reciting: “The Ten: The hypnotist, confident and able psychic.“
“Another useful ability…“ Vastra commented.
“The Eleven: The schemer, clever, patient and determined.“
“None of them particularly sound like a breeze to deal with…“ Jenny sighed.
“The Twelve: The matriarch, first female and last known regeneration. They are presumed dead.“ Dorium concluded at last.
“Imagine what that’s like, having all those personalities inside you.“ Yaz shook her head to herself. Anyone might go mad under those circumstances.
“I shall be glad to put them out of their misery.“ Strax announced, checking through his blaster rifle.
River’s head was spinning. She was disoriented. The flood of sensation that came over her was painful in its intensity. She had a splitting headache. Her chest burned with every breath and she coughed. Light was blinding her, her eyes were refusing to adjust just yet. Her muscles were stiff and her joints ached, as if she was awakening from a long sleep.
That was when she realised she had corporal shape. She had a body. She tried to move but found her muscles wouldn’t cooperate, not just yet anyway. She was still getting used to breathing again.
“What…“ She tried to speak but she couldn’t produce sound yet. She felt utterly helpless but she was alive.  
“There we are, slowly coming to.“ The voice seemed very distant and her ears were only just getting used to processing sound again.
“A Time Lord’s body is a miracle. Even one that has spent all their regenerations.“ There was another voice but she couldn’t place it either. Her mind was still trying to catch up to where she was, how she had got here, what had happened last. The Library… had it all been a bad dream?
“She’s not a Time Lord.“ The first voice grew sharper and was beginning to sound more familiar as her senses began to normalise.
“Close enough.“ The second sounded female.
“What’s taking so long?“ There was the first voice again but changed. “Patience, Three.“ River knew that she knew this person but her brain wasn’t at full capacity yet. She blinked against the light. If only she could make something out. She was slowly adjusting. “You did a good job keeping her body intact.“
“The machine will restore her, it might take a while but she will be herself soon enough.“ River knew she had heard the female voice before, too.
“I hope so, I do like them with a bit of bite.“ The Thirteen. The memories were coming back to River now. She had been in the Library and someone had hacked into the system. He must have taken her, brought her elsewhere, returned her to a body. How had he done it?
“No.“ River whispered, her voice horse as her vocal chords hadn’t been used in a long time. It was like she had to learn how to use her body all over again. That was when she realised how she knew the second voice, a voice that still haunted her nightmares.
“Hello Melody.“ Madame Kovarian smirked, leaning over and into her field of vision.
“What are you…“ River tried to reach and push her away, she managed to raise her hands but collided with a glass case. She pressed her hands against it, she was in a glass tube of some kind. Or was it a coffin? She looked at her hands, pressed against the glass, finding her skin red and raw from the electrocution she had suffered while connecting herself to the Library core. She should have been dead. She had been dead. They had brought her body back to life and it was painful.
“Easy now, Melody, dear. A few days and your body will be good as new.“ Kovarian smirked. “Lucky really we got there in time but you were right, Time Lords take forever to properly die…“
“What are you planning on doing with me?“ River managed to turn her head and spotted the Thirteen standing behind Kovarian, watching with a content smirk on his face.
“All in good time, Professor, get your strength back now. It’s no fun beating you when you’re already down.“
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midnight-queery · 3 years
The first time it happened Kara didn’t remember it. She’d had a little too much Aldebaran rum at the alien bar and had flown home, waking up sprawled across her bed and still in her super suit, a foul taste in her mouth and a pounding in her temples. She rolled out of bed with a grimace and went through her morning routine even slower than a human, barely making it to work on time.
Kara walked into Lena’s office at CatCo with a bag of pastries from Noonan’s, two coffees, and a wide grin, and Lena smiled back, a sparkle of amusement in her eyes as she gestured for Kara to take a seat.
“Breakfast is served,” Kara chirped, hangover already gone thanks to her Kryptonian biology and the bright sun climbing high in the sky.
Lena hummed appreciatively and took a delicate bite of the scone Kara had brought her (its appalling lack of sweetness didn’t faze the CEO, apparently) as the blonde bit into her first sticky bun. “Have you seen the news yet, Kara?”
“Huh? Uh, no, not yet. I had kind of a slow start this morning.” Kara finished off her second sticky bun and took a swig of coffee. “Why, something interesting happen?”
“You could say so.” Lena gave Kara a small smile and turned on one of the televisions mounted on the wall, unmuting it so Kara could hear.
“-a distinctly Supergirl-shaped hole. Here to comment is the owner of the small business currently advertising on the billboard.” Kara whipped her head around and stared at the screen with wide eyes. The newscast cut to an older black woman, her hair in thick braids and a wide grin stretching across her face. “Oh no, we definitely don’t wanna get it fixed. My son already called the company we’re renting the space from and got them to promise to leave it alone. Why would we wanna get rid of our Super-stamp of approval? ‘Sides, she managed to fly through a bit of empty space!” The woman waved her hand and gave a throaty laugh as the interview was replaced by some B-roll of the billboard in question. Blocky text across the top of the billboard advertised ‘a homecooked meal- even if your home is another planet!’ and the bottom right corner had different pictures of food, ranging from a bowl of chowder to something neon blue that honestly looked like it might still be alive. The bottom left corner featured a vaguely person-shaped hole.
“Oh Rao,” Kara muttered. She turned back around when Lena started laughing. “Lenaaa!”
“Sorry darling, but you have to admit it is amusing.” Lena gave Kara a bright grin, her green eyes sparkling. “Of all the headlines I was expecting to wake up to this morning, this was never on the list.”
Kara groaned and lowered her head into her hands. “D’you think Alex saw?”
“She already texted me the link to the article,” Lena admitted, biting her lip to try to hide her grin. “I’m not sure how she managed to find the article before me when I own the company, but she said I should just be glad she knows how little sleep I get, else she’d have called me at 4am when it posted.”
Kara looked up and gave Lena a surprised look. “There’s an article too? Who the heck wrote it that early?”
“Me, of course,” a voice chimed in, and Kara turned with wide eyes, her face quickly melting into a pout when she saw a certain young reporter leaning against the door frame, arms crossed smugly and a shit-eating grin on her face.
“Nia,” Kara whined. “How could you? Gosh, I don’t even remember flying through it, how’d you know about it?”
“I dreamed it and woke myself up laughing just in time to get there and see it for myself.” Nia pushed off from the door jamb and sauntered into the room, pulling out her phone. “If you hadn’t been in your civvies I would have been able to post the video of you flying through it.” She held her phone out and showed the video to Kara and Lena, the latter laughing as her companion’s face turned bright red. A small shape with blonde hair and pastel-coloured clothes sped through the air, only coming to a halt when she blasted through something with a bang, a startled look on her face. The billboard never stood a chance.
“But that- but- when I woke up I was in my suit!” Kara exclaimed, looking from Nia to Lena and back, a desperate gleam in her eyes. “So it couldn’t’ve been me! It was probably just some shapeshifter trying to embarrass me!”
“Keep watching,” Lena murmured, gesturing to Nia’s phone with a smirk.
Kara turned back to the phone with a sinking feeling in her stomach. From somewhere off-screen Nia’s voice yelled for Supergirl to put her damn suit on, and a moment later, after squinting dubiously at the camera and wobbling midair, on-screen Kara mumble-yelled something about already having her suit on and looked down, realizing mid ramble that she was wearing a “stupid librarian costume” before ripping her clothes off and flying off in her suit. Kara was just glad she’d had her super suit on under her clothes instead of just her ‘birthday suit’ as the humans called it, else the video would have been even more mortifying.
The video finally (blessedly) ended, and Nia tucked her phone into her pocket with a smirk. “I’m definitely playing this at you guys’s wedding.”
Kara spluttered for several moments before sighing and slouching back in her chair, muttering about backstabbing dreamers and rude girlfriends as Nia and Lena started watching the video again.
The second time it happened wasn’t Kara’s fault. She was fighting an alien nearly as strong as her, and one of its punches sent her careening through the air and straight through the flimsy material of the billboard, this time one advertising cat food. Kara thought nothing of it at the time, focused on the fight and not even realizing what had just happened. It wasn’t until she’d flown back to the DEO, alien safely apprehended, that she found out about it.
“You are affecting the billboard industry in very interesting ways,” Brainy commented when Kara trudged out of the infirmary, a small scowl on her face since the fight had interrupted her lunch with Lena.
“I’m- what?”
Brainy turned to her, a thoughtful frown on his face. “Companies have begun hiring analysts to predict which billboards are in areas you might crash through and have even begun trading billboards in an effort to find the ‘sweet spot’.”
“It’s that bad?” Kara asked, horrified. “I only crashed through one!”
“Two, actually,” Brainy corrected, pointing the large screen taking up the back wall. A billboard advertising a tasty cat food with a large hole torn though the place the bowl of food used to be glared back at her tauntingly. “And it is that good. The companies want Supergirl to crash through their billboards. They have come to see it as a badge of honor. A ‘Super-stamp of approval’ as Ms. Thomas put it.”
“I’m just glad they aren’t billing us,” J’onn added, standing off to the side, his arms crossed and a rare, wide grin on his face. “If only National City saw infrastructure damage the same way.”
Kara groaned and flew away as J’onn asked Brainy if they could start charging the billboard companies.
The third time wasn’t Kara’s fault either, but she didn’t say anything when Alex lectured her about it. She had been on her way to interview someone for an article when Lena had sent her a very… distracting picture and she’d accidently flown through a billboard advertising lingerie of all things (oh the irony). She was just glad she’d crashed through part of the company’s slogan and not anywhere inappropriate on the picture of the model.
“I can’t believe you’re running this story,” Kara grumped, flopping down onto the couch in Lena’s office at L-Corp. She’d flown over from CatCo as soon as Snapper had handed out assignments in the bull pen. “And I really can’t believe you’re making me write it!”
“I thought it might be fun for you.” Lena glanced at Kara over her laptop, but quickly looked back at the screen as she continued typing out an email to R&D, outlining all the reasons a Supergirl-flight-path-predictor was a horrible idea, billboard companies be damned. “You always feel bad when your fights cause property damage, but these people are actually arguing over which bit of damage you caused is best.”
“But it’s so embarrassing,” Kara whined, throwing her hands over her face. “I know they won’t know it’s me, but I have to interview them about the holes I made in their billboards and then write an article outlining which one is ‘the most representative of Supergirl’.” The eyeroll was audible in her voice.
Lena hummed in response but when Kara was quiet she stopped typing again and looked up. “Personally, darling, I’m a fan of the hole in the lingerie advertisement. It’s not as well-placed as the others, but I do appreciate that you were apparently more distracted then than when you were drunk.”
Kara lifted one of her hands enough to give Lena the side-eye. “That was your fault and you know it. Rao, I still can’t believe you texted me a picture of you- of you-”
“More scantily clad than the lingerie model whose billboard spotlight you stole?” Lena quipped, arching her eyebrow.
Kara squeaked an affirmative and fled her girlfriend’s sultry look, figuring she’d best get the interviews over with before she got hot and bothered enough to crash through a fourth billboard and had to add another interview to her list.
Supergirl only crashed through a few more billboards in the following months, but apparently graffiti artists found it all quite inspiring because the Superfriends seemed to send Kara a new skillfully painted picture of herself breaking through brick walls and train cars at least once a week. (She’d never admit it to anyone, but she actually liked the one of a chibi Supergirl bursting out of a water tower, spurts water following behind her… she’d liked it so much she’d let the kid who painted it finish before she’d flown her down and lectured her on the dangers of precarious perches for humans.)
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astromechs · 3 years
there's more to this story, but i don't know quite what to do with it yet, so... here's the first part! vague spoilers for the most recent issue of gotg, but nothing really major, basically i'm here to splooge feelings on a page
@ al ewing give me another name for the therapist character besides "doc" challenge
It’s not that the overhead lights in the therapist’s office on Halfworld, somehow brighter and more abrasive than they’ve ever seemed, are judging him — but Rich kind of thinks they’re judging him. How could they not? He’s judging him; there are a whole pile of broken promises at his feet, and any progress he’s made has probably just seen some major setbacks. No, this isn’t good at all, and he’s got about a thousand apologies to make, starting with:
“Sorry, Doc.” After he’s been sitting in silence for at least the past five minutes, the words are out of his mouth in a rush, and under his helmet, his face flushes with embarrassment. “I know it’s been —”
“— a month since our last session.” Doc peers up over his datapad with a kind smile. “It’s all right, Richard. You’ve been busy running a new team of heroes. I won’t hold it against you.”
Rich feels a little stupid, but that actually is a relief to hear; letting out a long breath, he finally, finally peels his helmet off of his head, gently setting it on the table beside him. A knot loosens in his chest, and he leans back in his seat. For the first time, he notices just how stiff every muscle in his body had become with all the tension.
“By the way,” Doc cuts in before that train of thought can go any further (and not for the first time, Rich wonders if he’s some kind of telepath, because he always seems to know the right times to change the track of the conversation), “how is that going?”
“Well —” Rich begins, stretching out his legs as he considers where to take things first. “About as well as it can, I guess. We’ve saved a few planets, which is definitely good. Sent some bad guys running scared, which is also good.” He lifts a shoulder in a shrug. “As a bonus, no one’s killed anyone yet, either.”
A laugh tumbles out of him before he remembers — right. There’s a time and place for jokes, and this really isn’t it. His eyes flick down to watch his feet shift on the floor for a second before returning to the gaze that’s meeting them across the room; his expression, and voice, shift to something more appropriately serious. “Think we’ve got something good. Something that’ll stick around for a while and actually help people. Definitely what the galaxy needs.”
The smile that pulls on his own mouth then is easy. Completely natural.
Doc mirrors it. “That’s something to be proud of. And I know there are many people out there who can’t thank you enough for what you do.” His fingers drum idly on the datapad for a moment. “I can’t help but notice, though, that, once again, you’ve said nothing about yourself. So let me ask this more directly.” Doc sets the datapad aside now, folding his hands in his lap instead. “How are you?”
It’d be his tendency to shrink away from a question like that, and after a month of slacking on his work here, it’s really tempting to let that tendency drive everything again. But Rich fights the impulse, does his best to stay present and reach for an actual honest answer.
“I like what I’m doing now. Feels more useful out here than anything I ever did as part of the Nova Corps or by myself.” Once it starts, it isn’t so hard to let it keep rolling. Except — “And Pete’s back with us, working with the team.” Sometimes things slip out. Flark, he hadn’t intended to bring Peter up in this session at all. But now that he has — “That’s good, right?” He reaches a hand to rub absently at the back of his neck. “I mean, when you spend months thinking that your best friend’s dead, and then he isn’t, and then you get to see him everyday, have his back and let him have your back like he used to, it should be a good thing. And it is, but….”
Eye contact, suddenly, is too much; his gaze drops as he trails off, fixating intently on one specific spot on the floor like it’s the most interesting thing in the universe. After ten seconds, he memorizes every detail of it. After twenty, he does it all over again. After thirty —
“He had a kid, Doc. Back in the other dimension. The place where he was.” Somewhere in the back of his mind, Rich wishes the floor would swallow him like quicksand in some dumb movie; he forces himself to keep going. “He had this whole other life, and now it’s just… gone. That’s not okay.” It’d be hard to miss the way his voice cracks at that. “He told me that it was, but it isn’t. That can’t possibly be okay for him.”
“Richard.” Doc’s tone is soft, and it’s nowhere close to patronizing (not like the kind of stuff his dad had pulled once upon a time), but he knows it still signals something he doesn’t want to hear. “How do you feel about it, this life that Peter had?” Sure enough, he actually winces visibly at the question, but as it turns out, that’s not even the worst of it. “That you weren’t part of.”
That you weren’t part of.
For some reason — if asked, he really couldn’t say why — tears start to sting in Rich’s eyes; he blinks quickly, trying to hold them back. A lump sticks in his throat, impossible to swallow down. It’s there, in his voice, when he finally manages: “Doesn’t matter. Still isn’t okay for it to get taken away from him like that.”
Silence, thick enough to make the air feel suffocating, falls over the room. Doc leans forward in his chair, considering for a moment, before:
“I think it does matter, Richard.” Even with his eyes still on the floor, Rich can feel Doc’s gaze, piercing, staring right through him. “I think it matters a great deal.”
The words haunt him long after he leaves Halfworld behind.
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