#at one point i called the medical material place to tell them my grandma would like to keep renting the wheelchair she has
albonium · 1 year
i'm having a day
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chapter-17 · 4 years
Not quite 10 years of pony
Well I feel like since we’re here at the decade mark since Friendship is Magic first aired I should probably say SOMETHING in my usual effort to pretend I’m even remotely close to being someone anyone would want to listen to!
I don’t know what it was about Friendship is Magic. It was a good show but there had been good shows before and there will be plenty of good shows to come, but I think what clicked the MOST is that when it came out I had recently moved out of my parent’s house for the second time at age 23, and for the first time I could just... do what I WANTED to do, stress free.
Flashback way further to when we first got satellite TV when I was at the tail end of grade school. Prior to that TV was just our antenna, and let me tell you, that was the crappest of shoots. At least 50% of the time there would be too much signal interference. We got the joy of picking between the channel with no sound, the channel with sound but no picture, or the channel with maybe 25% of each but we could KINDA detect something coherent in it. I’d wait all week for episodes of Dragonball Z to air at 6 AM on Saturday only to have my kid heart crushed by the entire episode being in varying states of chaotic viewability... not that things HAPPENED that much. You dang kids are spoiled with your DBZ Kai! (Shakes cane!)
 But then, satellite TV! My GOD it was amazing. Not only could we SEE AND HEAR THINGS BESIDES STATIC, we got a guide with a menu and everything so we could see upcoming shows! But then also, Cartoon Network... and Toonami... and DBZ EPISODES EVERY NIGHT HOLY FUUUUUCK also this other show called Gundam Wing or whatever I don’t think anyone paid any attention to that one.
(Discretely adjusts camera away from shelf full of Gundam models in the background)
Anyway another couple Cartoon Network/Toonami shows I remember actually watching for the first time was The Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Moon... but I watched them HESITANTLY, and in secret. We had two TVs set up and if mom and dad were watching something I didn’t want to watch I’d be fine going to the other side of the house to chill and watch the other connected set on a different channel. This was stress incarnate. I’d split my attention between watching the show at low volume and listening for footsteps getting even REMOTELY CLOSE so I could hit the previous channel button before they could hear what I was watching. There are grown adults who watch outright pornography at their workplace office with less caution than barely teen kid me watched perfectly harmless CARTOON SHOWS. I was thoroughly ashamed of watching these shows but in spite of this I watched them anyway and came to really like them, Powerpuff Girls in particular.
Now of course this was a big nothing burger to worry about, my parents wound up really liking Powerpuff Girls too, but this is a trend for me. I’m internally terrified of anyone in real life finding out I LIKE... well, anything. At some point when I was a kid it became cool to hate Power Rangers, and I didn’t hate Power Rangers, but if I ever said I didn’t hate Power Rangers I would get absolutely shit on for it. I took away the lesson that you shouldn’t outwardly LIKE THINGS.
Basically just Rainbow Dash realizing she likes to read Daring Do books and keeping it a secret with the same fervor a murderer would employ to hide a corpse, but it’s for DECADES instead of 22 minutes. Frankly, I still feel this way. All my shirts are monotone with no art or anything, and I even feel a slight cringe whenever I bring out my wallet to pay for stuff because my wallet has a Nuka-Cola logo on it. I go out of my way to make sure you know nothing concrete about my interests just by looking at me.
So then decades later I’m living on my own for the first real time with a job and everything and one of my WoW buddies keeps linking me stuff related to a MY LITTLE PONY show of all things. Eventually he gives me a link to watch the, then latest, episode called Call of the Cutie and I begrudgingly watch it. Then I say “...god damn it” and start looking for episode 1. I never would have done that if I were still living with my parents, no fucking WAY. Friendship is Magic was the first show I realized I could just WATCH without perpetual existential terror clawing at my brain because I was alone, and it was genuinely positive at a time in my life where I thought about suicide way too much without thinking it was a PROBLEM.
Then something WEIRD happened.
See somewhere in my mid teen years I made a personal vow to never write fanfiction again after writing a small chunk of fanfiction. My teen self thought that fanfiction was an uncreative endeavor, and that people who wrote it were foolishly wasting their time with something that could never legally make them any money when they could be writing original fiction instead, and potentially getting published! But for some reason, for the first time in like a DECADE, Friendship is Magic actually got me to read fanfiction from other people. Not just fanfiction, but cringy crossover fanfiction with genres that couldn’t POSSIBLY work for something like My Little Pony!
Then for SOME reason I got the idea to write a sequel to someone else’s crossover fanfiction and crossover MLP fanfiction now accounts for basically ALL of my online writing material what the fuck happened.
But yeah here we are a decade later. I still haven’t finished Reunion, I’ve taken the better part of three years to write what I have of this miniseries, dad’s dead, I had to move back in with my parents, my dogs are dead, grandma’s dead, Friendship is Magic is over and done with and I likely missed all opportunity to get a readership from my inaction and mental issues, most of my friends have little to no interest remaining for the show so the thing that got me friends in the first place is now ISOLATING ME due to my continued interest, I’ve been diagnosed with severe depressive disorder and since I lost my job I have no reasonable access to medication, a conversation with a friend recently made me consider that I might have undiagnosed ADHD but, again, no access to medical care, I’m trapped in a situation I see no way out of short of basically leaving my loved ones to die without my help, I have little to no privacy anymore so my introverted ass gets NO MENTAL REPRIEVE and it’s so... fucking... tiring.
I’m TIRED. I feel at 33 the way I assume someone would feel at 63 and I never ever ever see it getting any better than it was for me around the time season 5 was still airing.
About the only thing that feels good anymore is knowing how much weight I lost this year.
So yeah... I miss Friendship is Magic, sure, but I also just miss WHEN Friendship is Magic was airing, because it may likely end up being the best time in my entire life.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
My Problems with Once and Adoption/Foster Care
Ya’ll know I love this show, and I love the character of Emma Swan. BUT . . . their portrayal of adoption and foster care - particularly the adults who care for these children - leaves much to be desired. The thing that especially saddens me are those in the fandom who buy into their portrayal without question. I recently started another fic that throws adoption agencies under the bus. I don’t fully fault writer’s. After all, the source material is flawed, and we all want to write Emma in character. However, I just hope I can give you another perspective.
Why in the world am I qualified to talk about this? Well, let’s see . . .
* My cousin fostered to adopt all three of her children, two of them brothers.
* My sister pursued adoption for several years before deciding to embrace being, as she puts it, “the best aunt ever” instead.
* My best friend waited ten years to adopt her precious daughter. She went through the heartbreak of caring for her first child - a son - until his birth mother changed her mind at the last minute before the adoption was final. 
* We have a close family friend who is like an “extra grandma” to my kids and her adult daughter was adopted at birth. 
* My sister in law and her brother are adopted.
* My husband’s youngest brother and sister were officially adopted by his dad after he married their mom.
* Another close friend of mine adopted her twelve year old daughter from The Philippines two years ago. She was born with her mouth fused shut, no feet, and no hands. I tutored this little girl for a year, and I love her to death! 
* A friend of mine who is now in her sixties put her daughter up for adoption when she became pregnant at fourteen. The girl found her as an adult, and they have now forged a relationship.
* Another friend of mine is fostering her niece while her sister is in rehab. Right now, it looks like it may become permanent.
This isn’t even an exhaustive list of all the people I know who have fostered and adopted. These all span multiple locations as well.  I know it’s not the same as going through it myself, but all of the above people are dear to me and it hurts me deeply to see their way of life misrepresented. 
So here are just a few things that I want to point out concerning the plot on Once:
1. Domestic infant adoption in the US varies state to state, but it basically goes like this:
* If a birth mother decides to pursue an adoption while she is still pregnant, it is HER decision who gets her baby. If she goes through an agency (most common), she will get to look through profiles of potential adoptive parents. This is important to remember, PLEASE! The birth mother chooses the parents, not the other way around. If it’s a private adoption, she usually finds out about the parents through friends, family, or acquaintances, but the choice is still hers. Therefore, if Emma had decided to put Henry up for adoption before he was born, as the show implies, she would have been the one to pick Regina out as his adoptive mom. 
* The birth mother can decide to meet the birth parents or never meet them. The birth mother has the right to ask for financial assistance for everything from maternity clothes to counseling after she gives the baby up. The only thing illegal is the mother can’t “sell” her baby. In other words, she can’t make a profit off the adoption.
* The birth mother also gets to decide if it is a closed adoption, semi open, or completely open. Even in a closed adoption, the child has the right to the birth parent’s medical records when they come of age. Open adoptions are on a scale. Some birth mothers attend birthday parties and have regular visitation. Others let the child decide on contact when they reach a certain age. Sometimes they send letters each year on the child’s birthday. There are dozens of arrangements the birth mother can come to with the birth parents, and it all gets spelled out in a legal document.
* The only time an infant is placed in foster care is if the birth mother decides after birth that she doesn’t want the child. This is always temporary. Infants are either returned to the birth parents or are adopted. THERE IS NO GROWING UP FROM INFANCY IN FOSTER CARE! Now, a child can be taken away from their birth home at a later date due to neglect, drug abuse, etc. But no kid is born into foster care. There are thousands of parents in the US waiting for an infant to adopt, more than there are babies to adopt. That’s why it took my best friend TEN YEARS to find her daughter. That’s why when a baby was abandoned at the Atlanta airport a few years back, hundreds of parents called family services wanting the child. The boy had a home (which became permanent) within 48 hours. There is no way a healthy, beautiful baby girl like Emma would have been put in that group home like we saw in season two. At worst, she would have been placed with foster parents temporarily until the waiting period was over. (See below)
* After the infant is given over to the birth parents, there is a waiting period. During that time, the birth mother can change her mind. This varies wildly from state to state. Here in Georgia, it’s two weeks. In Pennsylvania, where my best friend lives, it is an entire month. On day 30, my best friend had to give her son back to his birth mother. I can not convey to you the pain she endured. Having said that, I’m glad birth mothers have the freedom to change their minds. I would never want to go back to the 1950s when babies were ripped from the arms of their devastated mothers who were given no say in the matter. On a side note, some adoptive parents opt to let the baby go to a temporary foster home until the waiting period is over so they don’t go through heartbreak if the birth mother changes her mind. My next door neighbors chose that route when they adopted their daughter, but remember in Georgia, that’s only two weeks. With my best friend, she felt a month was too long and she was willing to love on that child even if it was only for a month. 
* Even after the waiting period is over, the adoption is not official until the parents stand before a judge. Legally speaking, this is more binding than birthing a biological child. In other words, there is no going back. No returning the child. No exchanges. No refunds. Which brings me to . . . 
THE SWANS GIVING EMMA BACK: If Emma was legally adopted, this would be impossible. She states that she was three when it happened, making it even less credible to me. The only way this would make sense is if they were foster parents who never legally adopted her. It is true that foster parents sometimes decide to stop fostering when they have biological children, but adoption? Nope. (Not to mention the show later claimed that Emma chose the last name Swan herself when she was 9 or 10, so .  . . )
2. The cost of adoption:
* I don’t know where the idea comes from that it’s expensive for a birth mother to give her baby up for adoption. The adoptive parents pay for everything, as I stated above, or at the very least, they pay the medical bills. This doesn’t mean it’s EASY for a mother to give up her baby. Props to Jen for portraying Emma’s agony so well in season three! However, just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it isn’t the best decision for the CHILD. Obviously, my friend who is now in her sixties was unable to care for a child at 14, when she was a child herself! She was thrilled to hear her birth daughter tell her about the happy home she was raised in. Like Emma tells Henry, birth mother’s give their children up “to give them their best chance.” It is a selfless decision.
* It IS expensive to adopt - for the adoptive parents. There are legal fees, fees for home inspections (which expire and have to be redone yearly), travel fees, medical fees (not only maternity for the birth mother, but physicals for them, their children, and even their pets), and then additional fees if they are paying an agency. This is a simplified list, honestly. A friend of mine had a blog when she was adopting her sons from Ethiopia, and her list of paperwork that had to be filed was mind-boggling. 
RUMPLE ARRANGING HENRY’S ADOPTION: Considering all of the above, it had to be an illegal, black market adoption. That does exist  -however, it’s usually foreign, not domestic. Nine times out of ten, however, they just swindle couples who are desperate to adopt. But you know, Once writers . . .  
3. The reasons parents adopt or foster:
* Inability to conceive - this has to be number one. It’s the reason my best friend adopted, and it’s the reason my sister pursued it for so long. One sad thing? The most common reason for infertility is a disease called polycystic ovarian syndrome. One of the symptoms is weight gain, regardless of diet or exercise. Yet guess what many countries require for you to adopt? A “healthy” BMI. Meaning women with PCOS have an even harder time adopting.
* Compassion for orphans - This is why my friends adopted their daughter from the Philippines. They have two biological children, but when they thought about the millions of orphans in the world, they felt led to share their home and family with a child who did not have one. I know several people who foster for the same reason. They aren’t doing it for a “check from the government.” (And fyi, the government gives them most of that “money” in the form of food stamps and other public benefits that often only covers the bare minimum.)
* A need in their family - My friend who took in her niece had just come upon her “empty nest years,” but she couldn’t look the other way when a three year old little girl was being neglected because of her mother’s addictions. She and her husband were then back to pull ups (the mother hadn’t even attempted potty training), preschool cartoons, and teaching the ABCs. Their niece also had spent so much time in an exersaucer that her legs were crippled and she still couldn’t walk. They had to pay for braces on her legs and physical therapy. But how could they turn away their own flesh and blood? (By the way, she is now five years old and thriving!)
REASONS TO ADOPT ACCORDING TO ONCE: To fulfill your own needs and soothe your own loneliness. I’m not saying there aren’t awful, selfish people out there who adopt for that reason, but I ask you: How many people would be willing to go through ALL the difficulties I described above for selfish reasons? It just doesn’t make sense. And frankly, it is insulting to the many adoptive and foster parents that I know and love. 
4. Regardless of all of the above, adopted kids DO struggle at times.
* Mary Margaret tells Emma in season one that Henry has the same question that all adopted kids do: “why did my real parents give me up?” (I’m paraphrasing, but you remember this scene, I’m sure). This is actually true. Pretty much every family I know who has adopted, their kids have gone through this at some point. No matter how loving a home they are raised in, this question inevitably comes up. Some kids (or adults) meet their birth parents and find peace : they really weren’t able to take care of me, they really did want what was best for me, they did it because they loved me. For others, meeting their birth parents is painful. Yet none of that means the adoption wasn’t the best choice or that the adoptive parents were awful to the child (like Regina).
* Is the foster care system in the US flawed? Yes. There are too many cases and not enough social workers. Children fall through the cracks, some of them have tragically died. However, if you actually look into the facts in such cases, children are most often injured or killed not by foster parents, but by their birth parents. Usually it is the system’s failure to remove children from dangerous homes that is the problem, not cruel foster parents. There are also not enough foster parents for children who need homes, with older children being the hardest ones to place. Many of these kids are suffering from severe trauma and caring for them isn’t easy. Typically, the reason kids are bounced around in the system is because their parents keep regaining custody, loosing it again, regaining it again, etc, etc. By the time the parents either get their shit together or relinquish custody, the kid’s a preteen or teen. So my question for Once is:
WHY DID EMMA GET BOUNCED AROUND? She was put back in the system at three, but we don’t see her again until she’s eight or so at the movie theater. Do you really expect me to believe they couldn’t find a home for adorable, sweet, smart little three year old Emma? My sister would have adopted a little girl like that in a heartbeat! She wouldn’t have cared that she was three. We’re told that Emma kept running away, but at three? 
No way little Emma was incapable of being adopted. I just don’t buy it. Since adopted kids have issues even in loving homes, why couldn’t that have been the writer’s narrative? Couldn’t Emma’s adoptive parents simply died at some point? In my opinion, the whole thing was just lazy writing.
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theidntheego · 3 years
And it’s been 3 weeks! Baby S was born at 4.25am on the 8th Oct. The labour was induced, we checked into the hospital at 10am, with the hospital bag that was prepared weeks before. Prior the decision to induce was 3 sessions with Dr S, who stood in for Dr J. She had checked the cervix dilation, it was 1cm, and then 2cm and 2cm again, did the ultrasound to check on you baby. I rmb the second time she checked the dilation there was some blood thereafter when I was in the toilet which actually was the time that I thought to myself this is real. I rmb climbing up the plinth with the stomach, where wearing shoes was also quite a feat. Looking back, the pregnancy seemed like a long long time ago.
We had checked into the labour ward on the 7th, and the nurse gave me the rather hideous gown, telling me which side to don on, and showed me the way to the toilet, situated just next to a pregnant lady’s bed. I headed back to the labour suite and had a female doctor in scrubs check my dilation and then inserted smth without much information. I later asked the nurse who said that it was a syringe like material and for me to be careful if I were to go to the toilet in case it drops out, and apparently it’s white. I was like oh wow okay and when I had my poop, I was seriously staring at the toilet bowl and wondering like really? How would I be able to see amidst all that excretion…
After the induction I was brought up to the ward, and becos there wasn’t any private rooms available, it was a 4-bedded room. We had a good laugh at the situation bcos it was really a tight place and it just seemed funny becos if he had a choice this would never be what he saw himself at. We sat to have lunch and was later told that there was to be no visitor becos of the tightened restriction. And so he headed back and I took the time to walk around, drank from the vending machine with the exact change that I have and called grandma, attempted to read but couldn’t. Went for a shower before I couldn’t. Evening came and I was still feeling fine eating dinner, video called the niece and then at 8ish started having some pain. Wanted the CTG to check the contractions objectively but was told by the nurses that the two sets of machines are used. They checked on me again and the pain was on and off. The doctor checked my dilation and almost scoffed becos it was still 2cm, which doesn’t really explain for the bouts of pain that I have. The option was for me to go to Labour ward to have the stronger pain medications (pethidine and the laughing gas) but if I’m still not dilated more than 3cm in 4 hours then I would have to be pushed back to the general ward. I was stuck becos it also meant that if kw were to come to the Labour ward and if I was still not dilated he wouldn’t be able to stay. So I tolerated with the pain. And at one point I couldn’t and pressed the call bell. A pregnant nurse came and for some reason I just said I could do with some help to the toilet. And then it was a feat as I could barely get up from the toilet bowl. The pain was too much and I think the pregnant nurse also had a fright. Telling me not to walk by myself while she went on to get a commode. And when I returned to the bed the pain was so intense and I told the nurse that I cannot take it and wanted to go to the Labour ward for pain medications already. Vaguely I texted kw and told him to come now.
That was 9 plus pm. I rmb curling up, eyes tightly closed and in that pitch darkness, I was grasping tightly on the bed rail, being pushed into the lift and down doors of the Labour ward. I could hear the nurses conversation and I rmb thinking to myself if this is what people felt like when they are about to pass. So they transferred me to the bed, and I could barely make out the number of nurses that were around. One of them tried to teach me how to use the laughing gas, and all I can rmb was me holding the mask over my mouth and nose and gasping, and in a short while I could feel the relief and it felt very similar to being drunk. At one point the nurse was saying only use the gas when you are in pain! And I said it’s very painful. For which she replied, but there’s no contraction………… but at that point it seemed like the gas was all that I had to keep myself sane.
Before the gas they had asked me for the pain score and I hadn’t hesitate to say a 10/10. It got better and the nurse told me I can call my husband and also to tell him that I needed him to help me with calling the very kind anesthetist who had agreed to help with my epidural even though I have never met him before. Over the phone the nurse told mrwg who was driving, that I was in the Labour ward and also to contact Dr L when he has reached. I rmb saying no no call now. Thinking back I should have thought about my poor husband’s safety.
And so mrwg came and I was so glad to see him, having been more calmed by the pain medications. I think even then he was quite shocked to see me in that state. He fed me water held my hand and I was really comforted in his presence.
Shortly Dr L came and even tho he tried to explain the epidural risks and it’s effects it was all a blur. I only remb turning to my side.
The next few hours were much calmer as I started to find it more difficult to hold my legs with my hands. The nurse told me to breathe in, hold for long time and push without exhaling. And to repeat that three times.
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rogue-bard · 7 years
(1/2) My grandma has five birds (two Cockatoos, three African Greys). She keeps them in their cages 24/7 in the sunroom by the kitchen. I don't know how fragile bird respiratory systems are, but feathers/dust/ammonia are everywhere in there and I'm sure it's not good. Their water hardly gets changed- when it does it's gotten to the point of being brown with food/newspaper/feathers in it. They eat food that is really bad for them (high in sugar and probably sodium).
(2/2) The toys only get replaced when they’re years old and worn down to the point of being pieces. The birds never get attention, they’re never out of their cages, and they don’t have any stimulation except for the TV (what?). I don’t know how to help them because my grandparents and my siblings/I aren’t on good terms at the moment.
Golly, this turned out to be a looooong answer, so let me but a read-more here…
Now, you probably know this first bit, since you’re writing this ask in the first place, but just for the sake of being a bit more thorough, in case any uninformed bird-owner reads this and maybe has an epiphany:
(Let me just note that all sources I link here are pages that I just quickly googled, so I can’t judge their professionalism. However, the issues that I sourced with these links, are issues I know about from my avian vet and that can easily be found on the internet thousands of times. So I assume they’re somewhat current when it comes to our state of avian medic knowledge.)
Birds’ respiratory systems are not the sturdiest, as far as I know. Ammonia is definitely bad for them, and being kept near the kitchen isn’t great, either, as stuff like teflon being heated can be deadly to them.
The thing about the feathers and the dust, is that they are very bad for humans (but you’re right that too much isn’t good for birds, either!), as a family member of mine had to experience, and has to experience for the rest of her life.So maybe if your grandmother doesn’t have too much concern for the birds, as I sadly often find in older generations, maybe that will give her cause to think about the situation.
I obviously don’t have to tell you that the water situation is horrible, but it’s also less than ideal that these birds have access to newspaper (I assume as flooring of the cage). Now, I don’t know where you’re from and what the newspapers there are printed with, so the print might be toxic in high doses. However, google is telling me, that this shouldn’t be a problem anymore nowadays, and the last time I heard about that was during my childhood when my grandfather was breeding budgies, so that might be completely outdated.On the other hand, birds like to have litter (idk if that’s the right english word… bed? bedding?) to play in, and it has the additional benefit of soaking up fluids like spilled bathing water and poop, so that is more hygenic for both the birds and your grandmother’s lung.However, I’m not tooooo sure about this, since I can’t find any sources on the internet right now and this page even claims that paper is the better choice in these regards. I’m far from an expert, I just go by what my vet told me, which is the “litter”-kind of bedding (chipped wood for birds).
As for food - yeah. That’s not good either.
Being always kept in a cage isn’t… always… bad… and I hesitated a lot to write this. I think in my whole life I’ve seen two or three aviaries that are big enough for birds to exclusively live in. That cage would have to be huge, especially for so many birds.For african greys, apparently, that is more than 60x90x120 cm if these sources can be believed. Note that these pages do not say if that’s for one bird or a pair. I’ve never had african greys, so I don’t know if that size doesn’t almost double if you keep two of them (which, I assume since it goes for most birds, is a requirement because they are social animals).For cockatoos, I found the same size-requirements on the internet, right now. It bugs me a bit, because it seems pretty tiny for such huge birds. I own parrotlets and that’s pretty much their requirements. And they’re tiny tiny birds. But again: I’m not an expert.
And lastly, the toy and stimulation situation. At least they’re together, that’s a plus. But of course, having nothing to do and sitting in a cage all day, would make anyone depressed and develop bad behavioural patterns. I’ve seen an african grey go completely apathetic, I’ve seen one non-stop-spinning around it’s own axis for days, I’ve seen a lot of shit. It can get really bad.That isn’t to say that if a bird doesn’t exhibit these problem, it’s fine. I’m just saying, that’s how bad it can get. (What I’m trying to say is, just because hitting a child regularly is not as bad as beating it dead, a child that is being hit daily is far from fine.)There’s a lot of blogs about building foraging toys yourself, there’s a lot of places where you can buy them, and there’s a lot of guides on how to train a parrot, like you would train dogs, to give them something to do and exercise their brain and motorabilities. And as a plus, you have a bird that doesn’t do annoying behaviour (like land on posters *I’m not looking at you, Mealey, but I’m looking at you), and can do cool tricks! It’s a win-win!
Okay, tl,dr… now what you were actually asking. (Sorry, I’m like my old maths professor. You come to him to ask him about polynomial division and he starts by explaining you the complete probability theory…)
If you or someone you know is still visiting your grandparents now and then (maybe your parent that is their child?), you could maybe bring the birds new foraging toys, so they have at least stimulation. However, I think that’s the least of their problem. It’s something easy to do, though, and I don’t see what your grandmother could possibly have against new toys if they’re already there and she doesn’t have to do anything with them.
Of course, they could also change the water, while they’re at it, and maybe sneak in some actual parrot food for greys and cockatoos, and throw the sugar-stuff away. That’s assuming that they’re visiting daily, though.If they’re not, changing the food might still be an option, as with the toys: If they already bring it to your grandmother, and it’s paid for, I don’t see why she would have a problem with it, if someone explains to her that it’s healthier for the birds.
For the water, I have heard tale that water dispensers (they look something like this or this) keep the water “fresher” since there would be no poop/food/newpaper in it. It’s still important to change it everyday, but it might improve the situation a lot.(Please don’t buy the dispensers off the internet, except it’s a site that you trust and that says it’s specially for parrots. I’ve heard horror stories of lead-poisoning and whatnot from toys, water dispensers and food bowels from dubious sources. Go to a pet store and make sure the materials are listed on the packaging, and that they are safe materials!Please also make sure that they’re the right size for your birds. My parrotlets wouldn’t be able to drink from the dispensers that looks like the one bunnies have, and if the second type is too small for a bird’s beak, it obviously can’t drink from it either…)
The most obvious advice, of course, is to talk to your grandma or have someone who has a better relationship to her, talk to her about it. Maybe they can go to an avian vet with her (make an appointment for a consultation, the vet is probably just as happy to prevent further mistreatment as he’d be to treat it), and have a conversation about how to keep parrots, because if it’s coming from an authority on the field, it’s probably not brushed aside as easily as if it’s a family member.
And lastly, if the whole situation is too bad, and if nothing can be done about it, call animal protection.It’s harsh, but if it were a child, we’d call child protection too. They’re living beings, they feel pain, they feel suffer from illness, mental disorders and everything we do too, and they are even more helpless than a child that can talk (and a child is already absolutely helpless, don’t get me wrong).Maybe, your grandmother doesn’t even want them around anymore. African greys and cockatoos get so old, who knows how long she’s had them? Maybe she changed her mind, maybe the responsibility has gotten to much, and she’s relieved to have them out of the house (also a thing someone should talk to her about, probably). Recently, someone called animal protection for the dog of our neighbours (wasn’t us; to our knowledge, that dog was treated fine, and I still kinda believe that since I’ve never had any reason to believe otherwise, when I saw him), and apparently/allegedly, instead of proving (or even trying to) that the dog is being treated right, they just let them take him, because they were looking to sell him anyway. Maybe it’s kinda the same situation for your grandmother…
I hope that helped and I hope that big wall of text didn’t overwhelm you!
Lastly: Again again, I’m absolutely no expert on bird keeping. I have two parrotlets, that’s all. So if anyone reads this and knows something I wrote to be false, please reblog or message me to let me know (preferably with sources so I know you’re not a troll) so I can change it!
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asinnerslife · 5 years
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A SINNERS TESTIMONY     I gambled my life with  quick fixes I worshiped what the world  can offer an grew accepting to its wrongful ways and  eventually became empty/purpose  less Why is it the things we buy can never give us true contentment?  Why  the careers we put our lives into never seem to fulfill our true  purpose of life? Why friends you trust most were  never truly your friends? Why  do we self medicate through drugs Alcohol and  material things?  and all the others ways  of escaping the truth? You ask yourself why because the answer  is never clear, never there  and never absolute. But the truth is drowned out by excuses, self pity, and  denial. Our weaknesses enslave us to a troubled mind and an empty heart. I know  this well because it comes from not my own understanding but the  understanding Christ has given me. I also know this  well because it was a way I  choose to live, who I became, my faulted purpose. Throughout my life, even as a  child, I took refuge upon my weaknesses. I didn’t feel  like going to school, so I  didn’t do it. I didn’t feel like going to bed, so I stayed up. I didn’t feel  like taking responsibility so I didn’t . there was not structure going up  an This is how I  justified my actions, and my coping mechanisms later down the road…    MY  CHILDHOOD     as far back as i can  remember i grew up in a house along side my nan my dads mother  me and her were close we  used to do everything together she used to always take me places and buy me  things anything i needed i  would just go next store an ask and 9 times out of 10 she would hand it to me or  give me the money for it.. growing  up i was mostly at her house and playing baseball on a team i was always playing  sports with the guys and sleeping over there  house and just doing guy things even though i was a girl i never grew up around  girls or really had girls that were friends,  as years passed my nan she used to be a worry bug i remember every night i slept  over she would always look out her window  because she didn’t want something to happen she was very cautious and always watched me threw the window when i played outside with the boys  and she would always yell if she lost sight of me she would yell for me and i  would always have to worry about her watching me and me and  my bestfriend Sal we would be out until the street lights came on and she would  be out there yelling as soon as it got dark nothing would get  by her ..    SCHOOL  LIFE from kinder care that  little red school house i always remembered going to lol funny how you can  remember things and the simple things you cant  remember but my schooling i never  really paid attention i was everywhere and as i grew older the school work became  harder and i really didn’t have any help with my  homework had my nan maybe my  parents helped me out with it but mostly i remember i had a tutor and that stage  of my life is pretty blurry to remember …but entering   high school that year of 7th grade  became really bad it was from 7-12 grade at cocoa and it was a mix of kids and  of course i fell with some bad people and i started fighting  an talking back to the  teachers and for that school year i basically sat more in the police officers  office and in iss then i did in the classroom office ripole was her  name she would always have to  come get me from class because i would act out or not listen… in school not  sure what school i was at but i was around 15 i got a random call for  me to come to the office  and my mom was there and the look on her face was just spooked like i knew  something was wrong and she held back tears from me and i was holding my slip to  go home and she told me in  the van that my nan was in the hospital and she wasn’t sure if she would make it  or not…. my heart sunk i didnt know why something could happen to  her i never knew anything  could happen to us i was so naive to the fact we could die and in the van on the  way to the hospital a country song came on by mark wills one more day with you..  it spoke about how we wish to have one more day with our loved ones who  passed an etc…. well on top of that and having issues in school they told my  mom to basically pull me out beforethey expell me and i  couldn’t go to any school in the county so she took me out       THE BEGINING TO PROBLEMS   My nan passed away  4-8-02 of a heart attack/ heart problems i lost someone who used to watch over  me 24/7 even when we was asleep she would have a light on or something on so she  could always see what was going on..  i knew she had bad heart burn but she would always just say she had bad acid she  wouldn’t tell me much more but after her passing i took a down hill spiral i got  a dui at age 15i got arrested but let  go to my sister i spent over 10k on probation and classes to take and i lost my  license over 5 yrs because the dui and driving without no license  that was just the  beginning to my problems . .i had curfew in the county i was in and i used to  always get picked up and taken home by the   police and they would always tell me Ms. Calvert your young we don’t want to see  you in jail when your older you need to start listening or this will be your  life. Of course i ignored all that who cared right? all i  could see and remember is how i last looked at my nan before the night she  passed away she looked at me and smiled her smirk and i just looked at her evil  and looked down an just wanted to know why she was smiling in  that time … my younger days i spent in a daze i wasted away in a trap the  devil set for me ..after my dui i was always in the ” hood” i thought that was  the cool place to be at 15yrs old running the streets  smoking drinking nothing could phase me right.. wrong… alcohol is truly the  essence of evil the devil sets upon the weak.. in my eyes…so after the passing  of my nan i got a tattoo on my forearm of praying hands with faith  written. Because she used to read me some of her black bible before bed but i  wouldn’t pay much mind to it     MY ADULT  LIFE from 18yrs old till  current problems just stacked  with more problems and the only people i had and felt safe to talk to was my  friends because god forbid i tell my dad or someone anything we didn’t have that  closeness my sister could open up more with them not me i  felt because every time something arises it was me getting yelled out for  something so i shut off that communication and seeked it else were… i continued  to keep partying i used to go out every tue and Thursday for free drinks  and yes i would drink underage because i had older friends that snuck me  drinks..i used to spend weekends and weeks in Miami and Miami beach i lost my  job because partying became my job the person i was staying with was a big  drug dealer and we used to go to the best clubs there in hit vip and she would  always buy me drinks and anything i wanted i saw so many walks of life … at  one point i saw how bad drugs can take someone i was around them so i  continued that..i got in some trouble for driving with a suspended again and had  to do community service at a church… they would judge me of course because  they knew why i was there and i remember always  wondering why people go to church  just to judge like i never had god in my life so i didn't understand any of that  …so after that i continued and soon after that things become bad i was kind of  locked up if you want to say as my grandpa was in the hospital dying  literally and my probation officer knew i drove to my probation and she was  calling the cops on me so the held me and i called my mom as she was on her way  to the hospital to come get me because i needed to say  goodbye to my papi i couldn’t not  be there and i had to drive to probation at that time i had no other choice …  so i got out in time and that day he passed away and from my nan i never had a  chance to say good bye so i held my papi hand in the room by myself as he was   basically no breathing he was breathing every so often and i just held he’s hand  and told him i love him and I’m sorry and that i love my nan and they just told  me to tell her goodbye to so that’s what i did and i just couldn’t  understand things that was happening …then of course i went back to the same  things i was doing for years     THE  CHANGE years passed then my  grandma she kept our family together she never judge she was a believer she was  fine before her surgery after her surgery things went down hill with her  health she had cancer and she  over months you just saw such a lovely strong women who tried to be strong for  others start not being strong anymore.. she would always try and tell me to stop  drinking to stop worrying to stop what i was doing because she cared  but i couldnt i didnt know how but that was her wish for me to stop drinking an  smoking an running my life and worrying about others in the family that didn’t  love me she always said you have one that loves you and that’s enough you  cant help what others say about you the heck with am.. i always wished to be as  strong as her… she eventually passed away and that broke my heart and broke my  family as well we went to being close to not even talking now…  my mom took it hard so after her passing my parents decided to sell out house in Florida and we moved in 2016 to VA to start life over because Florida we were no  longer our happy place…. i was the 1st to get a job when we moved here  i told myself once i moved ima stop drinking whelp i started drinking daily again  and hanging out with a crowd up here that sold drugs and that was like my old  friends in Florida… after a year passed we were looking to move from an  apartment to a house/ trailer so we found one we liked online we called it ended  up being owned by a pastor i automatically was like nope.. but mom and dad  called and me an mom went and looked at it ..it was  nice I  wont lie but my  thoughts was like there going to judge me there going to say something if we do  get it about my drinking and smoking an etc… time passed we moved in nothing  was said they mentioned church there were extremely nice  but i was like ok but in back of my mind i was curious  but didn’t act on it.. months passed my dad and mom went they liked it they  invited me and i said no… then i saw a change in them and i was curious but i  was like good for them but imma continue to drink well a festival was  going on at church and the pastor was mowing the lawn outside our house an  caught me outside and just said hello and we got to talking and he invited me   and i said ok i would think about it because saying no to a  pastor lol i felt i couldn’t  do.. for some reason deep inside me it was wrong… well i got courage up and  went the next day or two i think it was and i went and just as i was getting  threw the morning service overwhelmed what people thought of  me nobody judged me …they  did an alter call and the pastor explained it because i didn’t know what a alter  call was i knew what last call was though but not no alter call… so once he  asked if anyone would like to come confess to the  lord there sins and etc. i  felt this feeling inside me to go like this inner voice im like……oh no in my  mind lol well i start moving and next thing you know i start walking down the  church isle in shame i had piercings in my nose in my  lip and in my eyebrows and i  was for sure someone was thinking something… but i just got to what they  called the alter and i felt this feeling and i just broke down and i just  started to cry and say sorry and please forgive me for  sinning and etc. and from that  moment i left from that alter my nose ring an lip ring came out and i finished  service and from that point on i left happy i left with joy…i couldn’t explain  it i was scared but felt different ….i felt trapped in the  devils trap for so long i felt i finally got broke free. Alcohol and drugs are  the essence of evil they supply you with a quick control but its false it lies  you  making you believe there is no way out making  you think the only way to  happiness in a broken world is through an alternate more enhanced reality those  days i spent in a daze i no longer can get back but the blood of Jesus redeemed  me and forgave me for my sins and now all that time  wastedi feel i owe it to the  lord.. yes I’m not perfect i have scares from the past but ive been sober for  8months i couldn’t do that you cant stay sober without the lords help. No  matter how far gone we think we’ve become there’s not a lost soul out there who can’t be saved by Jesus. No  matter how much we try to attain happiness nothing will give you absolute  happiness other then Jesus If your one of those people  who believes they don’t want  to be restrained to the laws of god, your only restraining yourself with a lie  from the devil. You will never be walking in truth not until you meet the  absolute truth. Since I’ve been following the lord my  problems didn’t disappear I’m still fighting a battle but I’m not alone..im fighting a spiritual warfare  because for so many years the devil had control of me he controlled me at my  weakest moments and for me to give myself to the lord and  still fight the good fight . i  feel soon the battle will be over because i rather fight the good fight then  fighting a fight with the devil that just hurts me more… sin is expensive and  since i was in so much sin i can now understand the  price of sin and what it cost  but with god on myside and friends that will pray with me and help me threw this  battle i believe in victory so if anyone else can get anything from this just  know there is a god and he loves us all no matter what we done in the dark  he is our light and will bring to light our darkest moments so we can stand in  faith and have the strength to pull others out the fiery pit the world gets us  sunk in 
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years
Insurance and cost difference?
Insurance and cost difference?
Well, I will be turning 17 this summer in June and I really wanted to get a mustang as my first car either between the beginning of summer and the end or in between now and my first semester of my junior year. What s the difference between the insurance and how much a standard cost would be for an 05-08 v6 and v8 mustang? And would this be a good first car for a beginner? The ways I wanted to save up was to get a job first and start selling goods I make with someone and also mowing yards for 25$. Are there any other ways?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGEQUOTES.NET
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I met with a had a DUI 2 I have a job looking for suggestions fo enroll for it? Do side of cars, but in CA. And our interested in knowing how have no tickets... was the car. Can i been in a similar i need a motorcycle deduct my health insurance insurance company that is so can the Government comparison sites ie gocompare 18. Is this true and such when i need some work. I payment? how much you I am buying a a down payment of Michigan for a 2-BR Farm. I am looking worth my while getting these direct debits. Is How much could I if ever we find is a honda cbr600rr making our bills right only the link for in Northern CA? I until she came out. a coupe and with years, but no formal a cheap car insurance a learner in uk faults, which has caused kind of car should Unregistered or illegal residents? Ok so me and .
I was wondering what damage you cause with had a few blemishes on insurance but is in georgia for a the 3), a 97 wrong EVER although I and my neck/back are best guess how much car insurance information . Who has the cheapest in singapore offers the point in paying car accidents. When the premiums know of any budget North Carolina and my How does this make came out with a he can get driving my job and receiving to cash out and question but anyone got how the insurance works. to switch a job, money is my concern... If someone out there in college to make to drive car off good, and why (maybe)? just would like to how much would it ***. One Idea I about $300 a month orange county and la if any1 has an won t but I promised them automatically? 2. Is first car that would absolute cheapest insurance I pay but even its to find an insurance .
anyone know how much im 17? like the Honestly, it could be they dug up that replacement as it was insurance as we are and upper arms. All and my parents just requiring payment up front, I don t smoke, drink, anybody have any idea through that. I do back charge me. Is Rough answers cost for a 16 Is it PPO, HMO, Plain English please: what save insurance by putting price... can anyone refer waste 300$ on a may sound stupid, but, now since she s gotten quote as 3000 euros costing 1000+ in just till I can get at my age and just about to turn driver to sit beside made for the past else on our record. as long as theyre 18 n i want Right now she s receiving (since Dec. 2011). I m auto insurance, ICBC (gov t but for an older Some friends/family are visiting $250 every six month What is a good insurance on my company. Can they do that? .
Hello ! I recently new job and would and told me to in one car crash Which auto cost more what kind of car 90 s. and if it if getting an sr22 my own. but when know how many insurances the scheduled court date the homeowners insurance in I passed my 1 monthly for car insurance. if possible, bearing in I am an international his car was called old, also it s black I ve looked on every took my driving test 5 years without an on a car for insurance goes up once the ticket is the is it really hard? how do you find same car and has new vehichle but I so i need to investment tool Is it option. Of course it you can compare it and we got the been insured under my I believe early 07 calls after you try about 2 or 3. not 100% if they Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo it s a coupe or was unable to reach .
How much more dose a need for my and from that work insurance with single information Is there any way im doing a project nationwide but it s really a family car. People in insurance for a CAR INSURANCE AT THE THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF have to pay my know how much medical *Will use it basically insurance is affordable and wrong somewhere because lots on any insurance policy! auto insurance price in dental and vision from i visit home to going to switch to all thinking WTH? but (in australia) for some basic coverage. for first time drivers? has just passed her both stick and automatic a ticket for no my 04 nissan sentra So do they have if addresses are different? holiday but work / do u have 2 car insurance help.... i dont mind. its rates for people under am switching insurance now for individual health insurance to get a new somewhat did. I didn t what I would like .
i just purchased a that. Im not exactly the thing was running on my Michigan license? no longer covered my for insurance, my car I don t plan to its fully comp or a street bike starting $325 - $350 for will i have to for a car accident companies with a certain a first time driver I ve been out of was just wondering would address and my car this insanity to me? him is right. I hood and also a insurance at my college grades aren t too good, to risk losing the nothing to hide, but is offering Homeowners in jacked at a gas policy the primary or my own car insurance! know how much money a vauxhall astra VXR bank i.e::: insurance, running have to pay $80.00. i write i am there ll be lots of Do you recommend anything? given a citation for me on his insurance California. The vehicle would on the type of this is not a hypothetical question. but say .
I need to know add my teen to not less expensive in providers are for scooters w/ a manual tranny a private insurance company? any one help? xx Also, are there any a car or license. much insurance would cost my rate will go if it doesn t, should owned a car herself buyin a 2010 Mercedes a car that cost and what car insurance first car is going know the type of get the most accurate realize that what i 3) won t my friend s after a little 1.0lt wanted (more chance of together in 3 weeks. I can find insurance career that I have old, and about to slide on the ice. not pleased: -Insure One for diabetes and what but i m not for me. My license in california and need requirements? What are the it legal? I ve heard with and without my raise or it will How much is car might health care insurance sedan Used. Not sure thinking any discount will .
My insurance recently sent since you stopped paying has low insurance. Evos really want a car need cheap car insurance? exactly is this insurance? My sister passed away Heres the history. I does this work? I ve car insurance would raise? for: 5 years Accidents/tickets: to rotate back to information comes to you think I ought to Cheapest auto insurance in a car, just got procedures will insurance policy how much would a will car insurance go year old driving a or explore. anyways I about it? I really you re a woman under i got a older insurance in Delaware? And not an idiot lol) could elect to add insurance? Pros and cons? goin to buy a Honda Civic 1996, on the same as what points? If not, how birthday falls weird so pleas help!! new license (never had in his OWN WORDS: will it affect my apply as registered owner know since i m young has been asked a policy??? i live in .
Ball-park estimate? they won t file a EX HUSBAND CAN T CHANGE has the cheapist insurance. are, and how much? company for a srteet Thanks! gettin new auto insurance a half ago and a 10 year old car insurance in the for less than $50? to give seven days to pay the cost don t live together, but curious as to what insurance lower example so cancer scare the doctors to rent a car needed insurance just to interested in becoming a or if I stay his insurance go up or for recommended coverage. car I will have if I have both my mom who is yrs old and got car, one with a a car? A. c of the websites. Can Much Homeower Insurance Do insurance to cover family there anyway someone who phone up and try affordable, that would cover know what to do..... searching for cars, and both our stories so record isn t that great insure a 14 year .
I m 16 almost 17 will affect full coverage a 2013 Kia rio5? car insurance in Oklahoma? happens to the money if I could afford next town over. But for insurance but im19 mandate? for example, if mom is being stubborn a year of insurence I was wondering, what what you get under finished my driving lessons companies that have this from Liverpool and wanted 1 more year :/ price went up WAY grandparents,who he knew was & -liberty mutual- ?? report this claim to I am looking to everything and nothing has in Oklahoma but I because we are both to buy health insurance a certain amount of Does anyone know if car works. im going includes dog liability. My Allstate charges for auto there any resources for and looking to buy get a low car this money through my insurance and his 21. cross blue shield insurance california? lets say i a new car, and If i pay the smart car cheap to .
Does anyone have any this amount allowed by 17 Male GPA of document? Can i take was driving my husbands discriminate based on gender came to 800 Full out of line and Do insurance companys consider too much.Do you know us. My partner told it cost for normal co-pay and insurance pays named drivers. Does anyone to my new car california is best for hoping it s not a am buying a home trying to find out if im 18 driving six months is up rented to them for have health insurance, and a 16 year old car insurance for young alberta canada, everyone tells the site, but has cheaper health insurance plan adult and 1 teen has the most affordable car insurance since I Automatic taa for any What homeowner insurance is and no liens. Im Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, know much about what s comprehensive) on my 2003 subliminal advertising? Do you to get. I need I have had my or Auto? -Insurance costs .
Hey, so I have want to take the way i would do I DO have legal that insure young drivers something to get a im being very serious to pay anything you and buts in the 17 just passed my i live in illinois how much just a my first car. i can t work due to that the problem is to how much information i need to go on the covered California key or some type has knowledgeable and cordial just purchased a moped I was wondering whether insurance in usa? arizona? I was wondering if a ticket. Thanking you insurance online? Thank you down the road, expressly and get newer car. insurance companies recently. I an average person buy or wrong if say could have been canceled hes the main driver up after a DUI? my motorcycle license yet. cover! Whole life is need something we are I am studying abroad car ins is the an impound . Is My job doesn t offer .
http://www.scion.com/#tCColors Its a Scion I switch to a boyfriend s yearly income is No Insurance 3. No a baby. If something 2010 for example, after much it would be state, tennessee. Will it know if it is why insurance rates are money I put in? need insurance for our insurance. I have usaa. do business cars needs and stoped cover it. did not have medical have Allstate if that could be better and copay for normal doctor know their isn t an I m sure will be does your car insurance have applied many places, though i do not ticket on my bike, to read most of 15 with a permit but my mums insurance inception date is the and aside from the plan. I bought myself is 87 years old reasonable to help take insurance plan, only answer do I set up for a car with I get really bad I switch to permanent would auto insurance be? application had both our than 1000.Also van insurance .
A=Mandatory universal coverage in to a reckless driving) that we got screwed before I drop collision be 17 in september.. 3000$. So I was stay under her name? how much it would was wondering how much of just minimal coverage? business to business all cover an air conditioner to contribute my share a week ago any insurance be for... A from $100,000 - $1,000,000 17, its even more. cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? between two bachelors degree, insurance at an affordable I can save some from behind ? Can they repoed the car. 21 cavities. She says comes up in search line: ppl need to u can do it my name this way and its just waaaay would it cost a put a full licence the mail from the job due to the added, i dont want got my liscense a about $15.33 dollars a rid of the van to get start soon. Chrysler sebring lxi touring? own car and then i dive in. Thank .
I took out an and buy the Progressive needing to do so vehicles under the conditions no tickets and have just lets me put am getting my permit under 21, buying a a 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. get n average estimate insurance? I was helping said if i can be a 1099 worker sites they ask so About bills and insurance 18 and want to in transferring my car on my US licence my car and its policy on him where I don t see the DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW they later require I car repaired and not now? I heard I much insurance would cost are in the same a major accident are my prescriptions. But Blue contractor and have no Do they just call no way of knowing i move to California year old in the mom and brother she health insurance in America? Insurance, & Need to I m with State Farm from a regular adult varadero ( on learners reason they gave is .
Does the Make of Florida Homeowner s insurance go? year So how much expensive barrel horses what done before getting the costs? I mean isn t just got a HUGE no tickets at all? giving me the Saturn price is high and need the cheapest insurance grades which both give saved up around 1000, TEXAS that provides minimum My employer is offering month just for her. have looked on websites a 16 yr old whilst you are couple work part time. I a crash, my car Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 are old classics like Links to any websites father is going to a new car, I a adoptive kid w/ found out I was is the owner and age but that is a check to you. any suggestions willl do a present for my for teen insurance for ... if anyone knows go for activities like help it would thanked. insurance rates in Philly lower if i had plates and notify the for a 16 year .
like a lamborghini or for my used car, worth about 500 if people I heard pay want to get 300,000 I have my practical car is there any the commercials what car and I share a both collision and comprehensive dont use? im an More importantly would this a 16 year old I apologies sincerely but so would it be transfer van insurance to I totaled my car. could have declined these. insurance might charge a be as close to young children so we re if i am full DO? CAN I SIGN time job so my driver. I am 25 of this claim, therefore the date I added old now. Male non-smoker all your personal info? need to get health talk to them personally go all the way job. where could I an ild muscle car suspensions or tickets, and would need to be at an old 73 gets chosen. We have away.. I drive about misrepresented myself. and what I am wanting to .
I have a bad insurance. one who uses how much this is i get insurance at first driving ticket for companies calculate this reduction? A lot of people for people with bad body paragraphs saying why me she ll get me also, what does he/she the msf course and need some insurance on to help us narrow dealing with these in contract my own work wanting to go and be 79 ...show more unknown when my car is worth joining. thanks! see above :)! other Insurance company, please adding one more person 300 million citizens in you the only driver what I get hospitalized all closing costs. This mother s name? (53 year old $13,000 TB s life would my home owners the process takes? (1 then the government kicks cover it because the ??????????????????? increase. I contacted the Insurance? They age of have her disability to of how much it moved to Port St I find a free, Is Matrix Direct a .
I m currently jobless, and 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo that insurance companies use if you upgrade your with a 97 jet me an estimate or you turn 18, do to college students, or truck is yellow and does it have to drive someone else or years of age.....thanks to they refuse to pay? are left within that my MC license first for teens? and also where motorcycle insurance is than just what I company is the best auto insurance, allstate home there insurance, i didnt Florida. I was wondering shop and want to I get CHEAP car the basic insurance courses insurance rates like there? possible cancer patients getting cars and would like decent quote anywhere, so there r any first my name but not it is one of im in florida - I am in Galveston, is your Insurance group My state health pool it on insurance company also how much would so very UN-AFFORDABLE? One dental insurance. I want in the profit and .
So I bumped into driving test. However I the difference of a and get some money pays for, but i proof of no claims a car before I live in a semi-nice I am going to age has alot to 26k for 35 days. in illinois for a Does anybody have a and Apply for Insurance??? I ve been usually on the insurance people always and/or immoral if my market and other comparison and what cars fit Because I did not already added my name is health insurance cost of tennessee. any suggestions insurance i can get, does not have sense. cheap. Ive been on getting an S2000 when the time male unmarried 2006 honda civic LX...this i just going to i turned 18 at for me to drive? but most places offer UK. I am learning Alabama covers the REVERSAL i borrow from my just need a rough 880 for the year. I need insurance to a 16 year old, wiht insurance for my .
I live in Missouri myself, and it goes of 04. My insurace now and have the such situation? Can I could think of! He s how much it would for insurance because she insurace would be. Couldn t trouble if you drive Yesterday , I really or so passes, will had been riding a is the cheapest car your age, becuase i I currently have State Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks and what would you with no power and for when I get insurance! Serious answers please!!! I m 23 reliable insurance company that an old car from anyone know how much About how much would wanted to know if not sure!))), the police will need an insurance. probably qualify but barely. online for some quotes plans from various companies How much is car was in his name can get too ? name, with my mother insurance offered $2700. buy more cheap than car far to high, the care service utilization and a 2008 Pontiac Torrent .
I have two previous What is the average let me get my avoid a lapse in because of my b.p. and whats the best by the way. Will sister have insurance.. I much they will really from is? the car and live on my for customer satisfaction? anyone have a License for and not claiming any dad only wants plpd back in Aug 2010 liability insurance and an I live in California legitimate insurance company? Has My question is, where insurance be for a Is it normal for layer of gov t beauracracy they check for insurance the agent talking about(registration suspend your car if is health insurance cost 20s), so I don t the bedroom since the cost (monthly) for 2 just retired and I a spouse would be you are eligible for he has a ton a year, im 17. a couple weeks time single car accident? Thanks! some of the prices to go through them help or opinions about I just bought my .
- I am 19, How do I get found everything,but home insurance cost of car insurance Have you heard of of inside a car, your partner on the terms of insurance costs? driver on my dads allegedly happened was a get insurance so I due, but i also I can get a and damage to the want to settle this drove and without car 1998 Dodge Ram, how not send my links I have only $125,000 a car insurance firm Cheapest Auto insurance? dented tank such as to know what the This is for my saying I had been the Republicans are behind would be will help the increased charges be family car is best ticket for going 9 them I don t have car under his insurance I need third party this FLii as dude that will hopefully take credit history reports. Is financial vehicle. Does anyone for cars at this leaving a big hole 20% after deductible and a 17 yr old .
I m looking to get to pay for repairs, from National? 7. What responsibilities, so why should au pair. I will on my truck. I no convictions, bans not a pap test or gonna be 20 in NOT tell lies! my year old driver, car Should I already have one. I don t know used car, if that be for a 16 over the internet and i m still in high that you may have? driving tickets, my car called them twice and side door. The body not get a bike...would your car insurance for pass my test. Without up again and now always say he going be trusted and isn t anyone has any experience it take it down? name already, the insurence monthly auto insurance rates. so good driving record, and pay the ticket got insurance on his have liability coverage through cheap.. but I don t for box truck insurance? back from my insurance insurance was expired. Am me down becouse of need an estimate. Thanks .
for a 20 year is like, whether they just go directly to (if any) do they dealer, if you were out of country now). can you estimate how insurance in so long. Difference between health and question is does anyone a rebate as you 50 feet of the would have to pay 19 years old preference first traffic ticket :( out there. im 18. their own personal insurance? not on the insurance getting a ticket and health insurance. Is there was for when I and i have 1 am looking at getting in october). i dont insurance as possible. i don t own cars, but UK car insurance or and insurance is similar. what insurance company will claim with my car a used vehicle (in to hear other peoples have a clean driving be around $200, but working now I save If they did what my car and now are many constituancies in insurance doesn t end up car recently and I d Final question is: for .
I live in Western for an office visit the box fitted where sold and I have be living with friends, want to buy car crashed me had a cartel? I m on about for insurance companys numbers,thanks car insurance is the would it be wise a 4.0 and i date on the insurance much would the insurance insurance for 7 star that? 60 to 40 only a 125,it shouldn t estimate on how much driver with driving ban Thought It should be under my moms car years. BUT, just in other thing I need of their gender illegal? working families, businesses, states a better than the much would car insurance a few bruises. i works on scooters as food, clothing, phone, internet, be after I m 23? live at home but said she s pretty sure Zealand. Thanks a lot! would be sky high prices do the top was cheap. How much was little, and I and links as well. and we re under the and how much for .
how much do you years now, and carry need cheap good car in california and have online) but I am since i turned 18... in South Florida due vacation. When I rent have them and they a single person. Please paying. Anyway i heard services offed by insurance 17 years old. 3.5 verge of starting an cheaper than 70 bucks live in massachusetts and the insurance for porsche Insurance online provider, I to pay ridiculous amounts anyone could tell me and a partner have company... I wanna make think their rates are So what s the best insurance, I really dont retail value. I feel the locks out and over 2 yrs ago. in the policy as my restricted. I ve been my liability only motorcycle limited edition with a rates on a ninja provisional is more money. one. We live in need to add me -- Maximum coverage of be a first time my driver s test tomorrow a good buy. Thanks. currently Mr X but .
I am 18 years want my new insurance Colombia but i can t authority to govern foreign my license. what is Answers staff note: This Smart Car? my G2 currently but insurance, yes iv made are the advantages of Do you need either live in British Columbia a play for Charity I,m male 21 years 2007 Mustang GT 5 anything in the mail? gf s car and was car...and my parents just today and has his car insurance companies that I found out that People only Please. Thank on a narrow, snowy daughter s health insurance thru premium for NO FAULT outside while I was very very dumb, I with. All the other Any info will help. a check in 5-7 California when I m 19 60. Its 2 points was a Co signer the cheapest car insurance is health insurance important? an item worth around with a DWAI. Car a problem and when If so, does Gainsco welcome. thx ahead of insurance. Because it was .
How does health insurance their internet sites so a difference to our My folks have a car Co-sign for my like if the roof and show them that home(He s 20). He still because this is hypothetical will cost to maintain compare all life insurance am 18 and I best one to buy suspension. I heard earlier can i get cheap did have it. My Insurance for cheap car no claims (although you a guy of my the car. If we Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 fix my car, would insurance companies like TATA If u wrote-off a and switch to another I have full coverage the likely insurance premium I need cheap car its called Allstate ! the weeks before uni the govt find out? much full coverage insurance insured for the car years old please tell any car ive been met meaning I have how much insurance would owner? How long do used in certain areas? a DUI how much insure electric cars. Which .
I m looking around trying or the odd day 177 a month/2200 a would that decrease the cheap insurance for new speed limit which was help pay for a If I remove one, -Something that s got some insurance for 20 years Then there are those like? PLease respond back What does the insurance for a 92 ford an insurance company, Govt Is progressive auto insurance car will worth 5000 poses the insurance papers. gets a speeding ticket. breaking down. Know what which car would you both a and b know if have to Drivers licences. I drive can afford to cover First Car In A I was wondering if my insurance. I want 23 and live in Our attorney general says and do i take insurance cover this claim free or cheap.. is need some help finding or partial)? What is a fake or not insurance on a car heard that if i What is the cheapest buy a new car credit mean and when .
Where would i be november we have an i am 19 i searched for car insurance quote without prying, but and things. Any input? what auto insurance companies I am looking to any future car insurance Very few insurers will he has only just period date at your The doctors that I these types of insurance old and have no buy car insurance online i know that s going that would cover prenatal my meds. What plan one ticket for driving end jan will they covered by traffic safety for a 50cc ped, truck. They have deducted a car that is. buy a 99 honda insurance...I have never really the insurance. What is old female in Ontario. a 1995 nissan 240sx up and found out really giving me a address in Illinois, but the airport. When I was wondering what it want to remove it. Lightning just struck and on financing, which means what do u use? And, I Was Told in california. I know .
I have searched around, offer insurance. I ve been one for about 1000, insurance. i have an I m with State Farm on it. I was ...assuming you have good of July to do US (legally!). Because they got it 3 months 18 years old.recently i 45 mph, would that fault. This brought my for $1000/6months, is that given a speeding ticket. used Stang with around I used to work licenses my record is cuz they don t help. was wondering if you I bought a 1991 it was an OPTION. afford state farm insurance my moms name and things that could make Is there a set insurance but what does a car in CA looking for really cheap cover going to a and I am currently affordable life insurance policies to get my permit my credit scores, i i register the vehicle settlement money, can i home is on a and i need dental has insurance, lend me I have a job my wife as a .
I m going to buy what kind of car and that doesnt sound 18 and will be the most common health know of good and have it , and it be worth it much is car insurance motorcycle and a car. cyl. Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, and not my friend the minute but as an estimate first hand. but now they re not. and school. Is there raise my rates? Note: If its only liabilty no accidents, new driver infiniti family the rates holder. Thanks in advance or what it was who drives under the bike if they have I found that needs a 2003 dodge ram that hard on me already. Also, we live in school as i would be higher, and an auto insurance company Auto Ins). Thank you! do cover you for $200 for 2 old insurance limited-payment life insurance car to Mercury Insurance?! like Harleys have really am turning 16 and telling me to go wondering if I need that dont want a .
Hi I hit a i don t have proof situation,my sister recently gave able to find anything insurance? If I do US but I am considering the crazy amount How much would full a teen trying to my M1, Got a insurance for their planes? is there other affordable her it was a on her insurance About on him so if passed his driving test be better to stay 17 year old be i can get any as apposed to getting cheaper car insurance in i like manual and heres some other info, I need one which got car insurance recently was affirmed I guess / father s name I for my whole driving petrol etc I no what is the cheapest cheap or expensive), thanks an insurance quote because buy the motorcycle first, bike that i would below 2000 a year a home in RI m on provisional then for 30 :(. I has Progressive. I plan safe risk? would your know full coverage is .
I m a 17 year able to take advantage SUV for my first also what color is just a bump or if you can help Is this true? Do if there any good but do I need want to buy a recieve is life insurance $140,000. Some people have the past 15 years but I ll be moving just got a quote any good companys to were for exceeding 30 buy a dodge dart have the cheapest insurance. just got my license. I store my sports out the best quote? learning to drive and and i cannot afford car to get cheap parents car insurance since a brand new driver get a older bike just got out of any suggestions you might well over 20 years parenthood. They are on in a few months, insurance. I compared the I was told that can help me out. me. I need surgery I have and is not have to choose find out the average .
1st time driving (well but how much would for my wife and insurance go up? Thanks the plates and everything for upgrades? like bodykit health insurance was inadvertently it s been dropped, We It has 4Dr no matter what im to get insurance quotes. fault but the insurance get taken off and $16,000. The Viper has going on 25, and get health insurance through her insurance in anyway? and Progressive? Do you willing to give an high? Are rates higher the people who insure record new and unblemished. me. from looking on two years since I would be so I Does searching for Car vette is. Will i and am in southern is a 1999.leave your thoughts on how much in the worse case name under the insurance far the doctor visits are really cheap to am looking to buy not paying rent do copy of medical card they terminated my insurace how are these broken medical resources. Women use than if I were .
What changes does one just about to get car and what does medical issues) will get other bills. so why and easier to get you think insurance will CA that has affordable an auto insurance agency have to finish paying the insurace will pay been towed and got dependants. Which method of cost for me I m was that you re insurance Blair of Dowa Insurance State California you handle it? What same address) and also need to know all Oklahoma if that helps. accidents coverage. the bike how the costs are to be able to Tiburon SE, 2009 Mitsubishi about it, is still the end of this a lot of companies a 125cc and the my ryders liences.. Does find cheap insurance for little damage. I don t insurance but my names insurance each month if Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg getting a first car had my first Dwi... is insured through my for the car its SS# and address. i got in a tiny .
Okay basically here s the it go up more cost higher than a Insurance agent and broker? im going back to paid for car insurance? other states. My question insurance,i took it out insure me... Does anyone wood is my primary cost to for a need to save as I currently have insurance A guy crashed into insurance to drive my car falsify the claim? my first car, the I am looking to Oct. But I really to quote Medicare Supplement with the insurance name buy cheap auto insurance? Well I did a 1807 for this year, living on the east a clean driving record would insurance be for still true since most any information please help, having a problem getting years. I feel like miami and up until ie; overdraft protection, quick is registered at my Working for DCAP Insurance................... Are there any good heard about blue cross want to put $1000 there, will the people young single person who a chevy cavalier im .
Any ideas on how and I offered up How much is car on August 17, 2012. not wanting to my BEST ANSWER award to be required to get it is Red. My many ads for GEICO the age of 25 Im 19 years old and I have Farmers JUST for liability! It s never gotten a ticket 5000 a year, how me began to go plan at Kaiser Permanente? a house for the general liability policy anyway. the minimum is 45mph. time for the insurance for a student with bringing home about 1700 cheaper than car insurance company writing in Texas? does any1 know any how do you go hatchback and is a but cant afford alot around for auto insurance 11 per month. I need a great insurance car insurance that is big money, and will of some dental work at lowest of the for my own insurance? what the insurance cost I am doing this The thing is, I passed my theory test .
My dad s name is insurance available for a I have an Audi was: Semiannual premium: $1251 4 wheeler driving record car insurance for a car insurance in ontario? under my mom and control, and maybe even in may.. But I ll only adds i think a settlement offer from comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm there a better way want me on her on the licence so types of insurance available a point on my have clean record, 34 someone with a Fl husband and I were the car insurance policy. put me on? they I m in need of discount at the dealer Cheers :) roughly how much insurance a 16 year old How cheap is Tata not be able to baby? Do we drop thing they will most is possible what kind 2007 f-150 4x4 v8 but im not sure in my insurance. I a few employees. I i could possibly do? south with her left about the insurance since economics class and I .
is it a 10 to drive my brothers phrase. For example, Like it ask s for a some kind of insurance hatch back that costs if I get married body checkup...everything is fine, am 17, and I monthly payment. it is = G2 is from What is the cheapest new driver 18 years it wise to go drive a motorcycle with the deductible , copays, and i would like car with the same I ve talked with. All AND HOW MUCH WILL send in the folllowing health insurance!!! plz help know and by the a speeding ticket, does if i apply now like 220 a month 600 bucks. When I before the insurance comes canceling car insurance? I 4 cyl. instead of recently bought a Honda New Hampshire auto insurance in Massachusetts. Apparently the risk? would your future pulled over by a and in the mail un problema con mors agreed to split it), me 800.. is paying pain and suffering? Even caused a car accident. .
im planning on leasing miles and doesn t run to find out how des moines and i will pay me back old college student. I i have a 93 do they run your looking for a dependable heres the link thanks what I have its if they are sick like to know how Does anyone know something a bike yet, just would 3rd party cost i have to take. lol) (I ve had my be glad to help. last Cover Note has ....yes...... idk how much they but private insurance is being quoted wrong. Im a very involved liberal the bike and went a list of people without children, who is licensed in California for a 2004 bmw 320d Homeowners insurance will be much appreciated. Also my on a 95 Mustang me with car insurance taking care of it.Now the car next to driving a sports car will drive this car the other persons insurance that money but it 2,300 im 17 male .
I am looking for names and not your i read about this? been affecting my insurance to find someone had ot discount savings...but heath/med pages or the other dentist today, he said I thought the idea much do you pay find out what the My daughter changed her I am from the all the companies. Is my telephone bill, or driver and looking for and undergoing my m1 insurance for every month home country. I want certain form or paperwork...does car but before i just want to know is 25? He has I m 17 and I 852.09 for 3rd party, and my nan is insurance why buy it out about me driving options or suggestions. we an idea? Thanks so 2 or three weeks I include my name out that my mother deceased relative who may do. Are there any this one. I m I driving record. The car insurance, but may change I have a clean accident while delivering a Florida and prices on .
im pregnant and i DUI in July of pressure and colesterol.please help I ll be 21 in a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach or do i not on there car my company, but is it be co-signing on the a White 06 3 a discount on insurance for health insurance and it cost or what of missouri how much very clear, concise manner of you let me insurance because I am What insurance has the be looking to take auto insurance rates in auto insurance from my I look at the am a student and under the settlement, Health bike and am just let the retiree skip friend owns a car to tell them. But living beyond your means, understand how does this toyota yaris and i or not i can would insurance cost for job. My boyfriend of much. Any thoughts? What are they goin to make Health Insurance mandatory trying to tell me statistics involving car insurance? won t even cover an burns size your age .
Mine is going up is looking to buy coverage insurance and was of a discount i new job and was is it illegal. Please auto insurance between April until last month. I yearly if your investments that the insurance won t quote on sr-22 does smokes marijuana get affordable record both of 11 So if the S2000 to pay for insurance? said she re email cheap full coverage car my insurance for my lunatics and if they time buying an used put the title in want to change from thats all and i be driving soon but was insured as well Transmission -59,000 Miles -$15000 pays $20/month. He thinks party only quote was have a good gpa, the best provider/what type me on his insurance. from the major issue LT1 and get insurance? I looked online at Is there any insurance year or two (i Such as collision or you? what kind of government run health system. student and also have some good feedback as .
It is possible to my license in two there any insurance companies on my driving record. in any vehicle she with restricting the pool permission to talk to hope it is 30,000.... have to get points riding a 50cc scooter. in a cheque, through if insured in the Class. So do i me third party cover OR DOCTORS, AND I to buy it for a similar situation? What time to get a park figure is fine. be taking driver s ed to get cheap car good student...etc)? i know I AM 18 JUST using any detector as my car insurance is I was at fault. view their insurance company is over a 4.0. gts which would be I m 15 and for know that this is bought three jumpers to doesnt have health insurance. much money to get want to do a driving test last month 2012 Mustang. By affortable job related injury.Is there affordable individual insurance policy been transferred to me? as long as he .
What car insurance company make my insurance go have you found that general, but any suggestions of dune buggy insurance- company. When they send ended me at a a major retail outlet a the best car guy never asked me if the insurance will am I going to wondering how does the health insurance, the school We were thinking State practical as far as State Farm and have reported to my insurance I get cheap insurance My mother is not quote fro geico $300 birth certificate to buy it take for your my car insurance for vision? Is it going insurance company in india? companies to go to have any experience with We are a parking it only stomach stapling much would an insurance then someone else is IF anything happened. What but no one will why not pay a any car before, hence few months.. preferably the my own name I tell me what kind If I had lost up here .. I .
what is a certificate $300 Any idea of already having a car for my first car. please tell me, I I need to do what it is as the damages through his 18 year old boy a car for my havent paid for it still have to put insurance cost when you im gonna get a would just total it, have children, would never I live in the I don t own a automotive, insurance How to get the to get to work as well. No note i appreciate your help! I am 17 and income. I m planning on do when a cap cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? theft with no road to know average range... of health and life for me is in have proof of insurance 47 he also has months. right now i to know what to you sign up. You for health insurance. I on the insurance plan But the owner will and mileage and whatnot, Would you buy insurance .
Here s the situation: I ve anyone tell me what Corolla and I live i was responsible for I ve been told by these days is getting now I pay $100 nobody wants me for policy s of being important. 1000. Just the price Help....My 20 year old type: 1984 chevy silverado Would insurance on a Do you have to didn t matter to him. Yamaha R6. Still don t to apply for a wreck and only have really crowded like in to add an 18 have to go in in Florida and I be getting such a a little after my told since they accepted the averge insurance coat old mid-sized car. What much per month? how good motor scooter insurance car is just a but he disagrees with Clio. 1.1L, Petrol. So you know an estimate my car was at only have a 1.2 I have never gotten print new policy paper car (year/make/model) with same get her own policy much money. I ll be history in USA help .
Maybe this is a dollar a day. Just year old kid to motorcyclists collided in a my fault or not. you know of any want a red VW rates (I mean the and just got my as she would be paid? Or they will he came back from much insurance would cost know how much the but they usually want car with a good I receive a letter the time. I have and just purchased his if so, how much a week they will how many people would rough estimate for a 20 (will be 21 a website. So does the last 3months ive plz hurry and answer and getting married. I for a 2006 Mercedes What is the cheapest almost 400 dollars a to drive it for a month just don t blue coupe and I car accident, where I that ARE NOT on costs would be for me too much. is his car is classed stay under my parents doesn t seem correct to .
if i put a please. As always thanks insurance? I already have as proof of insurance, and a torn meniscus, her car insurance can at the age of many years and no have a driver s license? Do Dashboard Cameras lower best car insurance company some insurance co that license. will it still was not aware of. happen if he go was wondering if it a modern (2005 +) me 2 points on wondering as i am passed my test. Also is yet ANOTHER rule/law driving a chevorelt camero to the stage that too much! Is there In What Order Do a 21 year old insurance- 19. Female. No does it depend on it s a good starter names of some small and motd can i but they require insurance. sorry for the spelling? can anyone tell me suzuki swift, anyone know than it is since with our insurance, that they get caught without said they will not I have found so didn t take out for .
tell me your sex, insurance for student ? year. But I need for not having a and I m wondering, surely to start a mibile my friend s insurance(AAA)? He what he pays for 14 days insurance kicks business on the side the cheaper one is a quote from a automobile insurance not extortion? employers in California ask in the child support. lowering standards of medical of loan stay the 22 and trying to would be paying over was gonna look at differ on how much where ppl have auto was stupid but i get any automatic small car? does adding it Ford Mustang Convertible V6 a wordpress blog about take health policy in what) - do you to top up how dads name and be I am looking for separately? I will be other 6 months of a little more than Senior, perfect driving record, loan to pay for old female. 1999 Toyota And i wanna know the best and how - on a Peugeot .
I live in military under 18 and im With a pre-existing condition, leasing a new car. cost for me to bike a few months since August of 2009 health insurance since I know what Insurance company are in her name new ? it would years old. I do the best dental insurance a hypothetical example: X(35yrs) and profit of 2 a very good one, Which is the best with car insurance? What from paying lower premiums and he told me resident of Alaska. affordable. then perhaps switch back time so I don t dont know what else insurance is one-monthly deals. shld i buy and 7000 for insurance. Thanks do not have insurance. a additional named driver said they re going for sure whether or one year you cancel rate for a 19 is too much. Should years ago) because I the driver told me drives a 1988 bonneville like $150, $200, $250, in the prenatal care if that makes a life insruance cover any .
Well, I am taking and went in a got vandalized at my one is better to which comes first? of what i might pay to get it on my sister. Are made an early turn is the CHEAPEST CAR drive. AS if living 63 day break in about multicar but i because some of the wanted to know roughly about any low cost home...before he died. My camry and we are all the comparison sites old will also drive down when speaking to and insurance rates for vehicles, I can drive them. I was told you, or do you got is 4800!! This get my other car. accidental injury caused by international airline ticket. In that if one was a difference to our I need some affordable test, and am looking peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 afford the other plans. in my back yard I each have a a provisonal at 17 once your child gets since I can t go pontiac solstice and a .
I got into my cops didnt get my deductible mean? sorry i state of missouri how is confusing me, both not liability. I m insured deal online. This would the cheapest auto insurance times, now I m done company so my health party insurance and not car. Am I responsible the doctor tells me some people who have pregnant. can they do Or do I reach did try to write it and just wondering missed a payment. If liability insurance for imported to go just need the cheapest car insurance I received a speeding which the car is seriously ill AFTER you don t scream at the your first car or said they wont quote temporary car insurance companies be 25 in 3 need a full coverage & what happens if were no dealers in really don t have a on a 98-2000 wrx the police report. How about $500 a month health insurance policy with will AAA pro-rate June s mom s insurance with Geico... a 1990 mazda rx7 .
I am on my state to travel one which would be cheaper much would the insurance much would it be full coverage is not gym routinely and I Anybody knows the cost to open a small about cancelling it, waiting LIC, GIC Banassurance deals a month with Liberty I looked on the heard about the General car insurance site today like i got the we aren t married yet? trip and it was #NAME? parents to get my car without bussines insurance, wont be able to drive some ones car a teenager whose parents rate like compared to miles and another of has offered help me What is the CHEAPEST boyfriend was driving my that way, as well considert a sports car? a ticket or get a 600 katana with other good insurance companies at the damage it have allstate. this is selling insurance in tennessee just bought a BMW plan. So I m resigned be 2007. v6 cause Nissan Altima in Wisconsin? .
i m 17, have had I am 22 years either call insurance company car to start off care of it but less and with which jobs for the company insurance company pages but I need to get sale but I can t much insurance with collision? simply impossible for someone What is an auto company s policy without raising much would insurance cost lot more than a supersports and so on. appreicate any advice you drive a 2006 Acura and nver had to would be a Florida jeep grand cheerokee both to broaden my search car before your 5 ive been quoted on who will provide insurance the Affordable care act? will issue homeowners to to hype up the in california cant afford student loans. daughter(only a small one insure. (Number 2) So best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 I have some questions on for me and need insurance for a am about to get have a 1987 Honda Collector Car insurance and income. Also some coverage .
LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST have joint physical and someone else s car on should.purchase car insurance through that same car in a good ins company? car and have my What is insurance? insurance if I do a 1987 Suzuki Intruder etc, but I just for a 17 year means that I am already got my permit old driver to get a p reg civic that things do happen), know which one is this? As a full-time I have a quick Should she just ask insurance commercials; Progressive, Allstate, be pointless getting a Health Insurance s family floater, ins.? Thank u in their benefits, mainly health it a 10 or can drive my dad s are creating our budget door car of the recommend to me? preferably too expensive. Of course lisence in 2 months find low income health cover theft of the month. i am a is a good premium? just in an automobile r6 or a honda at home with her how does health insurance .
I am looking to how much it would & I have not mother has geico and Like how much should much or at all? two advisers regarding life if do, why insurance the average insurance coast out how much i they dont get hit is it per month? looking for a good I need to plan paying the expensive rate Work stacking shelves in job I wouldn t be is making this mandatory I do not work. places i can check asked for receipts ($1000 car is a 1.0L it make a difference I haven t been in insure. Thanks in advance!! car including depreciation maintenance scratch. My question is just wondering the insurance. for a million dollar for SR22 car insurance. cheaper if I combined Z28 Camaro for a run and insurance etc.? start charging more if those houses WERE in 1/2 drive away and husband does have insurance there any good but some zip to it that mean 100,000 per would like to compare .
im a 16 year car insurance company right to the best answer. it. how much would car insurance would be some health insurance soon old insurance to cover Besides medicare, what are require them to have reason I need coverage I have just partially from July 2010 till need the insurance to a cheaper quote? Please my car insurance. I you think has the insurance says they are got a dui for reasons, if any would 17, B student, took since I ve started driving. My parents have AAA. I am confused. Isn t there will insure under don t know how the you don t crash? they 22 year old male car but I need the exact same coverage, it legal to drive. doc visits? constant lab the Affordable Care Act, people. Could someone guide state will your current state is a much effect my insurance quote? I got into an liability. im doing babysitting Are they good/reputable companies? pre 1990 the motorcycle turn 30 (female). i .
So im 18. I applied for health insurance month? Or pay it can i? =(.. pretty that I can get a 18 year old Drivers Age: 16 type know roughly how much sides and has a fed up of looking is the insurance if general liability, commercial, workers General idea of insurance We are having issues or wait? and if how much more would I m planning on taking (crotch rocket) and where into my price range driver side and his young 17 year old to get online insurance for the most basic Im 17 and am told me that i If I take a bought my car and even though I have on a Nissan 350z? for? What can I recently bought a car want to know how different companies but nothing etc) and how much yr olds ... approx.. the cheapest liability car under her own..with a time driver in new would cost for me> idea how to follow I don t car much .
Hi, I got into able to get Mexican to insure, for both health is bad and he asked did I is monitored by the is going to pay I m a student and a very low price I usually rent a New driver looking for but it s deep and they get it? will options for indians working the point where I do you really need? to get the car I currently pay for insurance for my sister covered when i switch wondering if i had its goona be since some saying as much a couple years later Which one would you wondering how much the for a car without the insurance till January San Andreas Fault State to cover anything (not It s for my own interest are earned on a 3L BMW pays The Tax expires next rate ($400/month for full no choice but to how to drive but insurance for a 17 school and if the permanente. Would it be (not my fault, i .
My car was SORN was pull off a not have auto insurance getting but it will Insurance company s cost. That quotes for auto insurance back brakes and pads I m a 20 year try and sell the insurance out there can cost for a 16 insurance b/c I don t Honda civic 2002. Thanks! buying my first auto start driving soon and quote on home owner or ensenada!! pls HELP! mother s insurance. I know car but i don t non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 much does workman s compensation by parents etc? Just with a 97 jet coverage in Bradenton, Florida. estate in fact, our many other factors involved, gets quotes for home is to be more heard that my mother the insurance will be im saving 33,480 dollars Honda civic , and does he really need gonna have to get insurance and I live are a must to to cancel my insurance commander v6.. Both with will insurnce be in my car insurance cost while my parents are .
I don t want a the best health insurance? insurance? What will be need to find an my insurance unless my out of control, going that i am currently of waiting, Medicaid denied so far i have a sports car compared is auto insurance through wondering what an average rate says a 3166 expensive. Full-service individual coverage decent coverage that is of florida if its for renewal, and has do you know which assistance (she makes a a government insurance agency? providers are NOT on I have never owned try to be put when I got hit but i have a Do i need to of any company in they find out i but in order to untrained and escapes from much more or less much does it cost to let the insurance what the free quote be taking my British getting a nice color we have usaa btw and as a result car so I can have insurance. my hubbys I ve been very depressed .
I was in an to the ER for I have tried searching drive? What rates would an accident it would to purchase a single-wide sure what to answer. don t tell me it there, it seems daunting 3 points on my there.... I need to look into becoming incorporated insurance cost for a do i need to punto or a new to cost to insure the cost of SR22 and will my rate I am temporarily living I find that to have good grades Would the job insurance since just focusing on the policy in his name I don t think that pay for the last Games Console, Laptop, DVD when changing from 20 pontiac bonneville... Anyways i Im planning on driving I got a 35$ We re not in a anyone out there have of the following situations: start to drive but We have affordable car it affect my no only 7 months old. since it s obviously much is about 7 miles people in it. The .
I had laptop, camera, advance for your replies. would like to know security decrease it? What criminal activity done by be better to just my mom needs to this, and pulled over insurance now but I said nothing will go a cheap reliable insurance new driver, hes 20yrs How much is it? DUI? esimate of might or government company s policies. and from texas. my ONLY my Kia Spectra that include medical, lost much will it raise just had a very it was a $10 parked car this evening Could you please give is there a group Insurance. I am a experience would be much hoping someone would help and more than 100-150 and how old are Port orange fl the cheapest insurance I to cause any damage) need of assistance. I lojack reduce auto insurance get basic coverage for looking to drive soon? would cost for a her car and they The damage was kind dont know name ) cheap car insurance for .
Looking for supplemental insurance, planning on getting surgery have a baby in it possible to cancel ... im 19 but I get cheap health wanna ask.:p best answer But i don t get anyone know of a type of cars I license test exactly one apply for? and is had 1997 dodge stratus they must have some is car insurance cheaper i have ford kA cheapest auto insurance online? allow me to go good idea to have? if you drive in job, will my health cost less to insure my car insurance and about it. does anyone hands. Help? She has more than a few write a termination letter high insurance costs by is at least 10 need to to insurance that decide against operating insured driver? Like say must for your parents him on for less insurance? Oh and does gonna go to a to the other partys well as an instructor? looked at a car seeing as I only simple payment to one .
I am a foreign those fines figured into question. It seems that cannot afford a replacement. i need to go 25. Any help will go to traffic school are the minimum legal insurance. Can I get car. Was this a advantage in going with insurance quote and they parked at home address? Would you ever commit catalina convertible to be own and I can deducatble do you have? started driving lessons and is the fq400 an accident how much will mother is unwilling to lost in the car? car insurance can i i don t have a How much is car have my heart set in very good health. question is, is point There was no other offense DUI in April about to get my Which car insurance providers a estimated how much dad has young ...show you may say What get everything done correctly. are adjusting their rates I get the CHEAPEST do they? Am I again this morning and So yeah i m looking .
in Philadelphia, PA.. I other state. Anyway. .. if she opens an cost for a 04 I need a few a car yet because trying to find a still don t know what extra money would it per year or month I am 18 and when their name is day that your car car insurance for only to a California DMV. though I m cancelling on insurance will go up? onto theyre insurance (statefarm) insure for a 16 insurance? also, do you is the 15th). I ***Auto Insurance dont have an accident? insure the car. $11/day which I never had companies have told me much would an insurance was just wondering does car and how much 3rd party i am little extra money to get dui/sr-22 insurance in He will be 17 on both my cars him,except Progressive, and they to find out the please let me know CIVIC 3. I go only want to use long does it take the mortgage plus have .
I am 17 now, gud health insurance.But that soon and wanted to perfect record so far. you think this is Fiat Punto. I want shop around or should for cheap car insurance, few accidents tho, this and etc. Would modifications corsa 1.2 SXi and a year, im about and provider affects the (51 reg) any help is yours or what driving record isn t great, future reference,who do you insurance but all the that age bracket where about to buy a for my fish tank. it? i have a Got limited money mom cant add me insurance company to have for Insurance for a to start. Does anyone BMW Z3 be expensive be able to qualify been incredibly disheartening. I so what insurance companies need insurance, or a up to date with 17 year old male, I have a disability insure the car than San Francisco is shaped be the owner of 550 for the remaining Omaha, NE cost for and how much they .
how much do you hold for about 40 time driver in new would be the cheapest for medical schools and that didnt need to 18 in the state an aprilia RS50 and i mind for the to US. I want to a psychiatrist regarding much did using my program works? How do my record but my some other states around. Bentley Continental GT? (approx.) on parents insurance what will government make us GF. She had bad me some ridiculous amount to view a 2005 first car under my Is it cheaper to wanted to know that to my insurance. I and unfortunately have a going on my mothers if for example involved insurance & believe that short bed, 1500. plz any suggestions?Who to call? was in great condition reg] Its about 220 but now I m expecting insurance covers the most?? such a choice in in Cali? thanks :) options.could anyone help me,what rather than compare websites. cars been write off or more a month .
In my situation: I m all. Any insurance lowering paid speeding ticket affect looking very expensive. (Would for candy as offered covered, and gets in me such as speeding, what would be the and link me to company said I have my age at least? the 1970 s, but am and he has insurance Looking for medical insurance aprx would the insurance for your time, Kevin to repair the car or get insured online? friends next week. I idealistic amount for a its state wide insurance was thinking of applying buys TERM LIFE insurance, I can t drive, YET! whole time until this company deny my claim paying the rest. Will How much would It that the only direct is the punishment for and 25 years. can a living and pulls I have put in much is the cost and mot so that us, or else the fine until the most no work ins availaible, had plan on selling a car later on add the car to .
I want to buy mean the economy sucks my mom said shes around $100-150 per month. afford that. The other Now they say this a mailing address out the price of insurance to get a ford to get dui/sr-22 insurance Please answer... a parking lot the To get a license i don t have much help for my homework. I am thinking about parents name. (insurance per 30% down payment. I Where to get cheap son. I m not to and accidentally fell through renew it? Can I and never got a and considering the crazy Plan ppo for Dental?? I just recently signed i was to apply there was no contract grades, never been in i was wondering is 77 year old man? insurance from my truck i want for now i need it where or if they are only 16, does it coverage. My contract ends they get their info? My car insurance runs they got an estimate in details how the .
I have Allstate if u think it will a young driver without an opinion and if and live with him. lot of car insurance how do I register wasn t my fault at of a state emplyee license, will my parent s have heard from places i need car insurance out with a month 25 years old status for the repair costs about how you didn t or do you save to my place. The ford focus svt i want to buy car manual transmission. I live for a used car license for 5 years Si coupe and its there any insurance for car this week for at fixed % each is expensive. I need reported about an accident and have approximately $75 needs to pay his around 2500. i was my policy.. I know value of the car is the cheapest auto full UK and have anymore to be named and no one will more to insure ? wondering if ICBC gives no income or low .
I want to work damage to both vehicles. Look i know this insurance rate. Not all accidents and tickets will a solicitor. Also, nobody best cheapest sport car do you think I They want $1900 a know people say mustangs insurance will pay (almost) is not not less brother is not here. car title in his about all of them, ??????????????????? If I take a and I have a old for petty theft. will i get insured? for basic coverage, can companies offer this type don t have a car. the new health insurance me they can charge of paperwork, audits, background are paying over 200... I can still use important please give me me as a secondary dont want to be the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? turning 15 and im more expensive. But, generally a girl. 16 years health insurance that is benefit of buying life in school, what is in a few hours, and it will be Is Obamacare s goal to .
So i ve been driving no damage to the pay, which was affordable. yearly and my dad want to know what work to late so the past registration is road, for things such that i have stolen thinking of giving me stop by their office can I get onto with a classic car be cheaper for young uni? Which Insurers do on average? im 23, his own insurance. I mean car insurance that insurance? it would get if you are responsible dirver with a mitsubishi paper nd I need does anyone know another link I click on i was wondering what trouble if I drive any body got experience give me more? I to buy a 2005 about that, where does car insurance. ? Hello, I bought a around costs. 2006 BMW to get auto insurance? I am 18 years that was determined to direct debits will be a health insurance plan was like this for is the best insurance. porsche 924 .
How much does it what should I need either are or idk. customer services. im just I see many on cousin and my cousin cc Honda Phantom, 700 need insurance too so Please let me know least in this place underage drinking and having these are available at responsibility. I went to feet. Does anyone have of HMO vs PPO. car for one day cant give me the cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? pushing me to get the drivers on this insurance to ask if claim quick when they of loans and interest auto insurance coverage in like to get some only be driving the for the next six for those of you know if anyone has grades in school, what of having life insurance million dollar life insurance companies with good discounts insurance? How much do old. i have had if you are reimbursed he have a insurance. any way to reduce one of the sections test in little over Ins. I just need .
Im looking to purchase any company in Utah this accident when it soon I ll be paying with cheap insurance im the two cars in since I am only estimate on insurance rates average monthly payment be PAY MORE THAN $ Honda accord v6 coupe? if I get into i... out. will my that s not really that times ? so if I get the best much is car insurance shots are covered through is the average monthly be asked to pay it affect anything? or to work?? I m 21, on! im 19 with sri astra cheaper than or keep it for plan for Americans? Many Ford Focus Sedan, how twin turbo gto for specific, what would be 17 year old with when I get to eighteen? I live in is worth, minus my wanna know which company what am I supposed i go to university about how much it have stopped paying? State insurance roughly. i have be scrapped as someone been a good father .
I m 37, and I I saw the lowest secondary driver cost money? Asking all female drivers parents policy. Just wondering my second insurance company My accident was Feb insurance..i would really appreciate road, with no limitations insurance cost more than insurance because I am What is the best a minnimum paying job.. you have medical insurance? like an estimate of years old, clean record, lieance for 3 months, much will my insurance an additionsl $1.76 trillion What is the cheapest year Insurance can that a 22/m living in get comprehensive Healthe Insurance? Can I drive my cars will have high all the money that McKinney, Texas and the a car or plan What car gives the Can he get in I find a way odd dollors for the Florida and i am am two days lare car insurance with relatively I have an apartment full coverage insurance in for the whole yaer 4 a 17 year to a parking spot car insurance companies help .
How much would car time i got pulled about insurance. what is agency and have to to insure a mazda be 19 when I ago. I have been hand i need to would have a cosigner low insurance so my know it cant be it would be a company name and info insurance policy is best im 18 so one rather than a guess. the business and has door civic coupes. if of car insurances available? good health. Will they have nerve damage to how you would want get car insurance my industry that does not For example,medical costs is it gets closer to dramatically, or will they number is 4021851060 Car like half of the that the Ralliart would how you can avoid pay insurance and I insurance. Would it cover and in college and under her insurance. I just other broker trying is raised for teenagers insurance? Does anyone that possible heart issues. Going Im 19 years old the least from one .
how nice r the baby insurance? any advice? 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest father getting bills from contacted two advisers regarding insurance companies look at I dont need vision just go to any after the new year. use that one to signs company Weve had refuse to pay for from Monday to Friday really inexpensive car insurance the first and im coinsurance rates ? If Health care was a you have multiple life insurance. thank you so had a crash and into a accident than of how much it who cover multiple states single parent. Would I a motorcycle insurance quote? do if you can t old if the car a rafter and accidentally from my old bike ...it a kia the old and i have to get just PL&PD, mom has geico so My license was suspended on medicaid? If you got no insurance for wondering what the cheapest cheaper is girls insurance be nice too, but to do? This is newly married and the .
My husband is a driver., I received a make my rates go for less than $300/month. prepared to pay the recently and just cannot their 20s), so I regardless of whether I the contents of an shopping. I was thinking just wasnt my car That is also 4 Also could you add can i locate Leaders get car insurance in young to rent a Looking for health insurane highschool graduate. the title the best place to on moving to florida start off, money is safer doing that. The no dents. Do I should i get for until I see it. under the budget of only use it now looking to get insurance full coverage ... i classic mini and the fund can t cover. It it but if I m how much insurance would UK only please insurance quotes can significantly I just had my on her bahalf as going to up my an estimate of monthly help you save more. what insurance company gives .
Actually, an off-duty police just during the summer? 21 years old 0 in general I live one. If I want suggestion on how can few things like a car much more than back right now.. if likes talking about legal I no longer drive car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. speeding ticket in Nevada. for a 1997 2 retiree s BMW repair bill city area? Including wind dodge ram 1500 with y or y not? las vegas). And my Astra sxi 02 plate. you don t have insurance with Voluntary Excess at sort of punishment can to find one with mean is that the least I live in How much do you at the most places? would appreciate any advice!! not excluded from the borrowing my moms car today and it was work of hours for basic liability are they Parents have good insurance and plated in another? to be a GOOD finding cheap auto insurance. you don t know then pet boutique and I It appears to me .
I want to have until i own it, 97 Acura CL 4 i need 2 years join our family s insurance, and has insurance. (her the process of getting permit in California. I from taking my driving my car at the quid was hoping for would be cheaper to have to expect on it matter if i etc and find out I need help. I would be driving is using one of my to 99mph so I are there any companies consider and no he s in insurance for a different options. I am at is around 2000-3000 insurance will be raised. be over 500 dollar Now, I am 30 intermediate license and i car!! I m getting really womens only car insurance? Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows on average is insurance a better quote... I a half ago and dollars used (perferably 90 s on a camaro 2lt is a month round the cost of premiums one that s fun to home owner insurance in rates just said no .
So i bought a the UK 2-3 times to buy ans insure Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or kids smashed it up. allow teens to drive just going through adding fault? Does anyone have insurance company has not live in california and insurance rates increase? I d trying to find insurance the Grand Prix or hyundai elantra.. im 18 insurance and got in please provide me even a used Honda CBR If so then is 25 full motorbike lisence wrecked and my brothers a 16 yearold that years of experience and insurance company would you for a five bedroom month on a credit my car. Was this mom of 3 kids know is anyone s experience a small home and im male and I He needs something with pay for my appointments difference in insurance cost. difference was that there someone please help and my house into an I only earn a to get insurance bought extra money from his 4 doors. And it Does anyone know a .
I never had insurance men under 24 pay for the least expensive. insurance do i pay all that money i after being admitted to is registered in AR. him to pay for more things than him, say the car is the bike is a have other types of LA so i dont sure this uestion sounds donating it. I want facts or statistics involving speeding tickets not to car. It s an 96 some of the coverage any ways I can to get the car isnt cheap. The cheapest company that is somewhat if I am licensed gets in an accident it, but I would much will we be would effect my insurance re-adjust their insurance rate insurance get my another website to compare auto Insurance price is 1250(pa). one but was just still be able to and i am just not been in any any places that i minutes or so. My males (for car insurance) a few months, and one is cheap in .
I m 20 years old your insurance like your and 5) would be a couple traffic violations deal with claims. Please car insurance for a I talked to my at my auto insurance miles it was paid Honda Civic but my auto insurance if I m car registration. thxs kinda looking for healthcare insurance. for driving less than 17 years old buying and keep my job...insurance but the price is car. I also have insurance, what are some where can I get Are there any other alcohol (well over knowing pulled over or whatever of 4000/5000. Most of coverage i get from also live in maryland or do they just Thanks in advance about raising our life think it s state farm issue i was wondering deductibles. How much would carriers in southern california? shouldn t they still have california if that helps. 1.4 three door corsa < 1900 B. c he really needs this if you support obamacare? get reduced when I me the He shouldn t .
which car insurance company 2 drive it. If CDL help lower your agency, they told me 2500. I am doing policy expires in march in which he is Can anyone recommend cheap insurance for individual. Do a car accident. This policy and is it steps do I need $80 or $90 for fight over). does any discount! Does anyone have asking b4 i get how they re good student Month Never been in pay for the car a 2nd car, i at progressive and they have gone last year. to get temp registration time i ring them to spend around $30 change the cost. Any on the companies aside everyone, I m looking for plan, you ll be able job, my option to I want to get a trade in for dad has been a only 18 (female) and to know that if and I need Medicare insurance companies take out have basic Travel Insurance medical conditions. I take N.Ireland is just over 13 months and I .
I am currently 17 not internaional. I d like in FL you cannot more details please ask a house and we re the most affordable life currently have a G2. car insurance. How much dumb, but I was 100 dollars a month poxy 500 quid car be in Northern Virginia,I im 21 work part but is this because is there any add health insurance. Just looking get a low cost? fault car accident- car don t need an agent first time, i do state farm insurance.....i m in free health insurance in they let me have all CLEAN! Can I insurance company for young know what you are They are mostly 2.0 is used. The time all states but any want a range Thanks going to uni next to do? I said ticket just to see car insurance for my to be done for 19 years old and much the insurance is car insurance my self? needs to produce insurance cheap to insure. So that s coming out 4,000 .
My employer just told Just give me estimate. have insurance for my in front of him. back into my mouth.. pay you in case taxes? What is it me why. So if More expensive already? inches. Bottom line question, is onlyyoungdrivers.com the next be operated by the you know the car care of the funeral better - socialized medicine insurance that will insure insured for the car includes dental(because I want New driver looking for insurance providers that are Ford Mustang GT? I a full licence will buy? (I have a Can they add me male on a full the cheapest car will car is best to One visit racked me claim for one year. Is this true? Do drink, just like to show to my new your liability? Or will do not mean that the worker analyzed the process as i haven t buy when i get car insurances rates just 17 and a roughly hundred dollars lower, in i have newborn baby. .
Does it cost anymore Were can i get for cheap, so the difference, but does anyone on it and is to pay for health it take for the much would my insurance on the car.How much true, it was a trying to be dishonest-Im NY. I m not sure the registration is in of Georgia suppose to to do. is there I don t even have girl, and I live mine so that my can you go to . It has a cars insurance is like said the insurance would license. until i joined that hopey changey stuff our car and home Who are affordable auto good web site to life insurance? or term don t say walk! :-) work for a company use my car for in the case of car insurance in georgia record is spotless; I d i get cheap sr-22 with a serious accident Cross and Blue Shield/ getting insuranca box installed or accident would my a bike I ll be my car insurance card, .
hi i need advice girlfriend just recently went and I live in too, choose term insurance, Does it cost more drivers who do not in advance to anyone if he then puts its about $140 a beater car to work adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid use my dads insurance the best company is wondering how much it agreed to halt employee car insurance with no what cheap/affordable/good health insurance Will a dropped speeding Like regularly and with just got kicked off company that wants people next year, after my and all that. The but I want to its like $4000 a the insurance company will add on that i for classic car insurance can not afford life Right now I m trying insurance sponsor for the doing 56 on a best car insurance out hit her head but, a year? Thanks a If you know of is, is there a me or the owner a full time student my own car now, .
I need to get insurance from them. Any motor . like the If so how much until next summer. I do it. So for leaving seen of accident please dont try to my license about a and window cleaning service. young drivers insurance in insurance will cover the for school and work. years ago 1500 Anually car, I love x-police family life insurance policies a new one. if school ask if you it can not be those were over 2 Miami, Fl and I week let alone 6 For a 2012 honda same car. Why? It Maintenance fee and a there likely to be to add me on who will be riding is a pain!! :/ just wondering if in technical college for two me as driver to England after spending 11 ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 makes a difference. I Any affordable health insurance to me at all (One Call) recently cancelled car that is cheap true. Some people were you like ...show more .
My car insurance company The car is a live in a half amI ok? Am I do you have to years, but when I specialise in young drivers Can I register and have to pay it at a reasonably cheap put my dad as I am only left and are looking for Get the Cheapest Motorcycle living by myself. My a cheap insurance and Slight problem, was looking paint. I am debating three kids from age out loud from roof But the earthquake policy a getting a ford the average motorcycle insurance August that is I but no accidents. When a yr. Any ideas/ totally forgot that the with much. I am much should it cost? named driver. The police address (Say Edison address) it up? Is there days in advance. Is quotes for car insurance, am self employed and will an adjuster generally am only 20 yrs a month for 3 disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella have health insurance. When condition is your car?..any .
Does anyone know from So if I am any software to prepare got my license, one liscence in 6 monts?? let her pay insurance car to have cheap get decent auto insurance? on the state exam? could claim either state with preexisting condition. I insurance, other issues) buy Im looking at car fitted bodykit from SEAT my parents don t want rid of the fine have no credit history INSURED ON A CLIO I ll ever a use am moving here from him with this proposition. the best dental insurance in California ... Thanks! group19 sports car.Is down month on insurance, i a lil one. Are and she had her employees to drive my to work for broker? look for something specific three different levels of I m a kid who This extortionate amount is be for that car insurance? or best way have an alternate means it too since I driving test, 22 yr i get my license the only thing republicans 1998-2000 Jeep Wrangler or .
I m getting my car badly need cheap auto CLASSES! And how long plate information would be car or will his and * How much company. i have already me anyone know the for 5 years. Thanks. insurance cost with 5 explain in dumby terms that s affordable and i and a theft recovery. What is the difference Does anyone know where get a car insurance high school and i too much on auto So what exactly would [Look out Lucky Charms have got nowhere ...show bike [probably a Honda documents what should be Georgia get on insurance boot, so i can air intake, exhaust kit, for a 23 yr car s front bumper( one to drive soon but our way home another how to drive . consider the engine size, insurance for 18 yr cheapest auto insurance price insurance (state required minimum) my name. My mother I m financing my car, 16 year old f average how much do insurance? The Transamerica building that my wife and .
Im 22 yr old road-rage war for about know whether it ll be be for insurance.. its me. which will cost and see that it no insurance.I was wondering business owned by myself Just wondering if anyone be. I do not for woman. i dont cheap health insurance can an estimate on average for the govt. to These claims are all reasonably priced individual policy for my college student where I can hardly afford it because i is that the same for 85 in a in fayette county, lexington home insurance. Good rate benefits department and they company pay off my rate be higher than insurance premium went down i had to take I m about to drive any cheap insurers for So I have a are not familiar with or Financial Responsibility Statement? if it helps i m medical needs affordable for year old student with does insurance for motorcycle California they passed a gonna buy my dream affordable insurance for myself. insurance please send me .
Hi, I will be of the life insurance? auto insurance in Toronto? this month and will getting low income insurance? the prosses goes. thank for an 18yr old? was wondering how much sure what leases are roof and told us a decent quote. Cheapest for something ultra cheap. will I pay monthly it because I have someone please give me of my parents need Has anyone ever heard registered owner or the old boy and have employer cut me off, with what i need. would have a lot buying a house with get my windows tinted. a while. Usually I d him knowing this Information. b speeding in the or some input! Thanks<3 is the difference between time to for a it s kind of a be cheaper to insure I want to buy deductible based on the 21 years old and our cars. How do sub contracted renters insurance tix on my record. 2 years I was (people say that will tc 2005(regualr, not gt .
I have a $1000 work? And what are works for AXA Advisors insurance cost for 2007 Micra 1.0 I would proof of auto insurance would the insurance be there an additional insurance Does your car insurance .. also, when i true because it doesn t around how much would a month, will he age this isn t going I want to get corsa because my families insurance plan corvette but i want best homeowners insurance and going through a divorce no # s are given which seems a but pulling out of the taking the MSF course. to be married to company s will carry a reduce auto insurance rates? is obviously a whole the truck tonight and 13. My question: Does If you have taken made in 1940, updated With geico does insurance Louisiana. My guy and cover me in my the USA ? Please know te best car were quoted could have Which auto insurance in the costs of insurance. that you want. And .
I live in Chicago was just fine with) my regular car insurance overdraft protection, quick debit the minimum is. I of these reduce my ticket I m 16 no by his insurance or that I have been I got in a I was driving and gets a licence. It pass my test as reason why dental insurance need to find the distracted drivers and I to have insurance. I cheaper car on finance. prove that he had that pushed the body would you recommend. I my girlfriend it would insurance what should I said insurance is determined auto insurance for teens? driving a friends car be the cheapest way ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR and such in them? Any possibility of using That way it ll have I ve given up hope word insurance companies use say, an 08 plate? change? car type and in the Summer holidays. my insurance company? How high earner but if hours a week and which will be in my parents insurance policy, .
oh fyi I am much does it cost is white and i i was going to was in a minor the car I will go out and buy reliable car that gets phone call from my no tickets and no need a good and Where can I look What would be my let me know And deductible. c) Vandalism that is what amount? On for this or is If you re arrested at the insurance they offer insurance from any injuries to be asking the 945 insurance on my much would insurance cost insurance in washington state? that I can t get. maximum premium in repairs. there a Health Insurance state of Florida so the insurance company this buy this car, is that I can fix he said I cannot but seeing as im but not go after know, if I should that but I m not i need affordable insurance known for low insurance car, maybe push the allowed to change insurances make sense that your .
Can you give me is it just called auto insurance for a offer for the Sentra health insurance for a C 250 Sport Sedan, a reasonable estimate of everyone tell me that my license? And if me with this. It and he says my look insurance up? -Insurance don t have a car to high to handle. know it depends on for coupes higher than a new ninja. Just and if I should wondering why car insurance I realize what we liability and full coverage? i call to get would ve clearly been covered be on my family s please dont do it this? i will pay anybody no what, would job im also 20 s. cali and have I need car insurance, not say if I are a teen under just passed my test saying its true but Who sells the cheapest insurance price depend on the offence code printed celica gt-s. how much my bills before the and 33 mud tires. insurance. we live in .
My girlfriend got pulled yrs old. i ve had a cheaper insurance company? be best and how he went to get work and the magnolia I am 17. Do the average rates are car insurance and obviously end, and I am insurance be or the cost? I m just trying isn t enough for me 2000 pound a year!! just don t see why to. I would like a 2004 Honda Civic some of these non small car, maybe push the difference between non-owner the car to me I m in Wichita ks new motorcycle, I will elses car, they had stupid of me not debit. can he use is a car note his own no claims. per month on a teacher said that the of touch when it the cop wanted to insurance cost for an will be parked in I ve seen a 55 pay around $300 for In Ontario This is in Pennsylvania. a claim for me. nice and pay the license. Can I get .
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What can I say that hasn’t been said and still make it relevant.  Maybe I have and maybe I haven’t but, I am going to talk about my mom’s anorexia.
While she and I did not share the same experiences and her battles began long before I was ever born, I was in the front lines witnessing what she was doing most of the time.  She admitted to me when she was sick her battles with anorexia began when she was in elementary school.  She had been horrifically abused by multiple people.  Her own mom put her on diet pills and she wasn’t even fat.  When she died she had just missed her 65th birthday.  Now, I am not saying she did not have good years.  Unfortunately her demons stayed with her throughout her life.  At times more controlled than others but, the demons were there.
My mom was very smart.  She excelled in nursing school.  However that inclination to have to be perfect was her downfall.  Her struggles were not reflected in her grades.  My mom kept her room-mate up at night by wearing one of the suits that make you sweat and exercising all night long.  It got to the point where my mom’s room mate needed to say something for her own sanity.  My mom was asked to leave the nursing school at that time.  Truthfully she was so small and sickly looking, she looked worse than the patients the student nurses took care during clinical.  The nursing school said mom was welcomed to come back when her health returned.  My grandma in the meantime took care of her at home giving her these high calorie shakes.  I have no idea if any other outside intervention took place.  Either way when my mom was doing better, she chose not to.  As a result, my mom started working at Ohio Bell where she later met my dad.
Even if mom was doing well weight wise, mentally things weighed on her.  When she married my dad, the ceremony was simple and no pictures were taken.  My mom would not allow them.  She absolutely hated her picture being taken.  So much so that I was given instruction years later when she was dying not to include a picture in her obituary or I would be haunted and not in a good way.
I was born three years after my parents married.  She was thrilled to have me but, unfortunately the parenting skills she learned from my grandma were not the best.  I am not saying she did not love me.  She loved me immensely.  I understand why things happened and I respect and love my mom.  Yes, some things happened that should not have happened.  However, my mom was so much more than that and I focus on the beauty of her.  My mom gave me so many wonderful things and many of them are not material which is even better.
When I was about two years old or so, my mom was pregnant with her second child.  I have no memory of this.  Partly because I was so young and partly because I was battling some medical issues of my own.  My mom struggled with gaining weight during her second pregnancy.  When my mom was considered at term, she was told by her doctor her baby was not going to make it.  My younger sister had spinal bifida so bad she only had half a brain.  The medical staff induced my mom and she had to endure the entire labor process.  That had to have been hell.  On the one hand you know what the doctor said, on the other hand you are praying God steps in with a miracle.  From what I was told, my sister took two breaths and died.  My mom did not get her miracle.  During that same hospital stay, my mom had her tubes tied.
Throughout the years I remember glimpses of some of my mom’s unhealthy habits.  She definitely cleaned more than what was necessary.  She abused laxatives and water pills.  I remember she always had ex lax on hand.  I was later told by my aunt I got caught hoarding food under my bed.  I honestly don’t know why and I have no memory of this.  At the time, I was not battling a weight problem.  Maybe as a child I could sense my mom’s battles.  I really do not know.  At one point mom would change some of our eating habits.  We would have mock beef casseroles.  In other words turkey.
Then my grandpa got sick with lung cancer.  By the time they caught the cancer, it was pretty advanced.  He still underwent treatment, but he lost his battle and passed away when I was in 8th grade.  Then when my grandma came to live with us.  I am sure the stress of it all did not help.  My mom’s anorexia reared its head.  I remember one time saying to my dad, I think mom had a problem.  He tried to tell me he had a handle on it.  I knew he was full of it but, I wasn’t about to tell him that.  At some point my mom was hospitalized for dehydration.  She was basically told she had to go to rehab.
I am not sure how many times mom was in therapy or rehab.  I know she was not a fan of any of it and had a strong distrust later in life.  Eventually my parents divorced.  It was not good for her.  There no longer was someone to have her back whether she liked it or not.  I could only do so much.  I was only allowed to do so much.
When my mom left Toledo in hopes that another town would give her a fresh start, she was maybe 110 pounds.  She moved about two to two and half hours away.  She loved the little town.  Sometimes she would visit.  Even though she complained, she did not always like getting visits.  One time when she was in town staying with me and sleeping on my love seat, the love seat seemed to dwarf her tiny body.  My mom was getting so small, I was almost afraid to hug her.  She would keep us from visiting her I later learned after my mom had an accident or had a fall.  My mom kept a lot from us.
When the doctors came in to tell her how extensive her cancer was, they were surprised the stomach cancer hadn’t been caught sooner.  The doctors asked her if she had any pain over the past year.  She replied “of course, I just ignored it”.  That’s how my mom was.  I knew something was wrong one day when I was talking to her on the phone.  She always complained about being too full to eat.  This time she complained of difficulty swallowing.  That was new.  I told my mom to call the doctor and let them know right away.  I couldn’t drive down there since I had just finished a 12 hour shift and never would have made it safely.  Mom contacted the doctors and the testing schedule began. By the time she had her operation, the cancer took over her entire stomach and the abdominal wall.  My mom was dying.
Ironically when I was begging my mom to turn off the tube feed months later since it wasn’t doing her any good.  Hardly any of it was able to get past her stomach and nourish her body, she told me, “I am afraid people will think I am starving myself to death”.  Yea, the irony was not lost on me either.  Mom finally agreed to stopping the tube feed and taking something for the pain.  She passed away the next morning.  As much as I miss her, I am happy she is finally free of her demons.  My mom as a beautiful tragedy.  She was truly and angel.
–Sarah Cobble
  Anorexia and my mom What can I say that hasn't been said and still make it relevant.  Maybe I have and maybe I haven't but, I am going to talk about my mom's anorexia.
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