#at the asks currently in my inbox -> I’ll get to you eventually hopefully
coffee-at-annies · 2 years
Anon you’re fine. If I wasn’t down to answer it would have stayed in my inbox. Send shit whenever. I’ll answer when I have time and energy and headspace.
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hells-wasabii · 7 months
I would like to request Sir Pentious X Fem!HotelGuest!Reader who is his #1 fan headcanons? Like, while he was really ‘evil’ with his inventions and turf wars and things like that, the reader would always be boasting about how she was his #1 fan and how great he was, and when he arrived at the Hazbin Hotel, she would swoon over him and always follow him around like a puppy?
Thank you!! :)
A/N:Alriiight this is the last solo Sir Pentious in my inbox, the rest are prompts with multiple characters, which hopefully I’ll get back into a steady flow of writing
Character: Sir Pentious
Type: Headcanons (Sir Pentious x #1 fan fem!reader, Fluff)
Oh, you knew what you were doing when you showed up at the titular hotel, didn’t you? They were hardly secretive about the sinners that they had within their walls. You knew he was their newest guest at their little rehabilitation. It was only a matter of time really, before you made your appearance. This was your big shot, after all! You just had to meet him!
Even when no one really knew who he was, you were right there in his corner(figuratively). You would root for him from the sidelines when he would join in the local turf wars, making sure to get just close enough to watch your favorite evil genius in action without putting yourself in danger.
Sir Pentious was taken aback when he found out that you even knew who he was! He really couldn’t believe it! Him? Having a fan as dedicated as you? Oh, he could positively cry! (and he did, on more than one occasion.)
He’s also positively ecstatic to have someone to talk to about his inventions! No one had ever shown such an interest in his current or past works, so the two of you definitely had plenty of things to talk about.
It was only a matter of time really before he began to reciprocate your feelings too. At first his own feelings frightened him, though not in the way you may think. he’s afraid that he might be mistaking gratitude for your companionship but after a heart-to-heart talk with Vaggie of all people. As it turns out she had dealt with some pretty similar feelings herself with Charlie.
He has a grand plan to ask you out too! Social interaction may not be his strong suit, but if there’s one thing he’s good at it’s inventing! He uses this to his advantage, running through several ideas, prototypes, and eventually small test rounds. He doesn’t stop until he’s sure it's perfect. And soon, he’s ready! Little does he know that all he really had to do was simply ask and you would have said yes regardless. You had already loved him for some time, after all. Hadn’t you?
No one was really surprised when the two of you announced that the two of you were together. Though maybe To the very end, you’d always be his biggest fan, and he was yours.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Waterpark Kisses (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,863
Summary: You and Ushijima decide that a waterpark would be a fun date, but insecurities begin to rise and you’re left wondering if Ushijima really does love you like he claims.
This is dedicated to my @sunshinewitchz​, the love of my life and the biggest simp for Wakatoshi I know. She’s literally the best and deserves the best💕💕💕
I hope you all enjoy this garage. My biggest concern when writing is making sure I capture the character’s personality, so hopefully I did a good job for this one😅
Also I know I have some requests sitting in my inbox, I’ll get to them eventually, but at the moment for requests I’ll only be writing three at time. 
Anyway please enjoy!:)
“It was nice of Tendou-kun to give us these tickets.” You said brightly, staring up at the tall ace that was currently next to you. 
 The smell of chlorine was heavy in the air, along with the sounds of running water, and kids screaming and laughing. 
 “Yeah.” Ushijima said briefly, eyes flickering down to yours briefly before surveying the area. “I thought it would just be us though.” he finished, eyes now gazing at his teammates.
 “Now, now, Wakatoshi-kun.” Tendou said coming up to you guys and swinging an arm around your shoulders. “Think of it as team building! Right guys?” 
 Semi scoffed, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “No one wanted to come to the waterpark Tendou, you literally forced everyone to go.”
 You and Ushijima frowned slightly at his statement. When Tendou had asked if you guys wanted tickets to go to the new waterpark that opened, you were ecstatic. You and Ushijima hadn’t gone on a date in a while, and this was the perfect chance. 
 However, you weren’t expecting it to be a group thing.
 “I wanted to go.” Ushijima said, looking at Semi with a blank expression. “Y/n and I wanted to go on a date and you guys decided to tag along.” his blunt statement had you gently patting his muscular bicep. 
 “Waka-kun. It’s fine. We can still have fun.” You said brightly, beaming up at the stoic male. “I’m just happy to be with you.”
 Ushijima’s face softened as he stared back at you. This was just one of the many reasons why he adored you. You were literally the sun, incredibly warm and bright. Your sweet face melted away the bitterness he was feeling towards his teammates. 
 Nothing else mattered as long as he got to spend time with you.
 “Let’s go find a place to put our stuff, Y/n.” He said, his large hand engulfing yours completely. Thick, rough fingers grasped at your dainty ones, gently squeezing before intertwining them together.
 Ushijima’s hands were always so warm. The rough calluses from years of volleyball practice tickled your skin pleasantly. But the safety you felt when he held your hand was one of your favorite feelings. 
 It had always been like this though, while you and Ushijima had only started dating halfway through your second year at Shiratorizawa, the overwhelming feeling of love was always transparent between the two of you. 
 You had never thought that the stoic, blunt, blank faced captain would be attentive to you. Would care for you as deeply as he did. He never ceased making you feel adored.
 “Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendou called out loudly. 
 Right now, you guys were sitting at one of the many tables that overlooked the main waterpark area, you guys were currently looking at the map of the park, deciding on what you wanted to do first.
 “What is it Tendou?” Ushijima asked, staring at the spiky red-haired male making his way over to you guys.
 “They’re doing a game of volleyball! Let’s play!” he gestured over his shoulder to one of the pools, a group of people beginning to pull up a net.
 You noticed the slight glint in Ushijima’s eye at the mention of the sport, but he glanced over at you in expectation.
 “Go play for a bit Toshi-kun.” you said, smiling in amusement. “I’ll keep looking over the map and after you finish, we can go yeah?”
 He nodded, getting up from his chair to leave. “Okay. I won’t be long.” he stooped down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. He easily removed his black shirt from his body, the thick muscles in his arms flexing deliciously, the hard lines on his stomach revealed for all eyes to see.
 But those were yours. You knew his body like the back of your hand; knew all the ways to make him unravel. You knew exactly how he liked to be touched. 
 He was yours. Simple as that. 
 You couldn’t help but watch the game for a moment, there was something truly amazing about seeing him play. 
 You loved his strength and his passion for the sport, the raw power that he possessed was breathtaking. 
 His play left you in awe every time.
 You were staring in awe for a different reason this time. The water ran down his body, seeping into the deep crevices of his muscles, soaking his hair until it was dark and sticking to his forehead. His eyes focused and determined with that familiar glint that he always got when he played.
 The tall ace was just so fucking beautiful, it was almost too much to watch. 
 But again, he was yours. The amount of love you possessed for Ushijima Wakatoshi was indescribable.
 But there were times where you couldn’t help but wonder why he was with you; especially now, a group of girls had paused their conversation to stare at the tall male, your boyfriend.
 “Look how hot that guy is.” one of them whispered, unconsciously fixing her swimsuit. “Do you think he’s single?”
 A frown began to form on your lips as you listened in. A slight pang of insecurity and jealousy flooding in your blood. 
 You had the utmost trust and confidence in Ushijima, you knew that he would never cheat on you, you knew that he never had a wandering eye… but there were times when that little voice in the back of your head began those ‘what if’ scenarios.
 Especially since those girls that were ogling your boyfriend were incredibly pretty. 
 “Oh my god, look he’s coming right over here.” one of them said in hushed excitement, they all began fixing their hair and their swimsuits. “He’s looking right at us!”
 Ushijima was looking at you. 
 His swim trunks hung low on his hips, revealing the deep ‘V’ set at the base of his hips. Water was still trickling down his toned stomach.
 A greek fucking god he was.
 “Y/n, did you see my win?” he asked in his deep voice as he approached you, grabbing the towel you had set out for him earlier.
 However, you were too busy staring at the girls who were now glaring at you. “Is that his girlfriend? There’s no way. He’s too good for her.”
 You immediately averted your gaze as soon as you heard those words; your shoulders curling in on themselves as you tried to make yourself as small as possible.
 “Y/n?” Ushijima asked, frowning as he sat next to you once more, toweling off his hair. 
 “Oh! Uh… sorry Toshi-kun… yes, I did see your win! It was great!” you said, a fake smile covering your lips.
 Ushijima’s frown deepened, his large hand reaching out to cup your face, he knew something was wrong, that smile of yours… it wasn’t the smile he was used to. 
 “But you’re back now! So, let’s go to this part!” You said, pointing off in a random direction. You didn’t want Ushijima to see you upset, you didn’t want to ruin the time you had together because of your insecurities. 
 He stared at you for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Let’s go then.” he said, grabbing your stuff and your small hand before walking off.
 The waterpark was vast, it had so many different pools with different themes, but somehow you guys ended up in a quiet beach themed area. 
 The serenity and the quietness were actually quite welcoming, and there weren’t that many people there.
 Ushijima had set down your guys’ things on one of the folding chairs, before looking at you expectantly.
 “Should we swim?” he asked, nodding towards the water.
 You nodded eagerly, almost forgetting about the incident earlier. But as you went to remove the shawl that covered your body, you hesitated.
 It wasn’t like Ushijima had never seen your body before, but for some reason… you were left feeling entirely unsure about it.
 Had those pretty girls and their crude comments gotten to you?
 As your mind was reeling, you hadn’t noticed that Ushijima was watching you closely. Once again noticing your odd behavior, your usual sunny and bright expression was incredibly cloudy.
 That was something that he absolutely despised, all he wanted was your happiness. If he wasn’t able to give you that… then… he felt like he wasn’t doing his duty to you as your boyfriend, as your protector.
 “A-Actually Waka-kun, I think I’ll take a break for a moment.” you finally said, giving him another fake smile.
 “You haven’t even gotten in the water today.” he said bluntly, causing you to flinch at the trueness to it. 
 “W-Well, watching you play volleyball was just so exhausting for me.” you said nervously.
 He wasn’t buying it though. He walked over to you, gently grabbing your wrist and tugging you closer to him.
 “Don’t lie to me Y/n.” he said, carefully cupping your chin and moving your face up so you were gazing directly at him. “What happened? You’re acting strange.”
 You stared back at him, his face was contorted into a frown, but you could see the love and the worry clear in his eyes.
 “Do you… do you love me Wakatoshi?” you asked quietly.
 “Are you stupid?” he asked bluntly, causing you to pout at his mean words. “Of course, I love you. You already know that.”
 He wasn’t wrong there. He told you that he loves you almost every day it seemed. Of course, you knew, he never let you forget.
 “Are you… attracted to me?” You tried again.
 The expression on his face was incredibly confused now. “Why would you ask me that? Of course, I do. If I didn’t we wouldn’t have had se-” “Okay!” you interrupted reaching up to cover his mouth, although even on your tiptoes, you could only reach his chin, face burning in embarrassment at his bold claim. 
 He removed your hand from his face, cradling both in his large ones as he stared down at you. 
 “If I wasn’t attracted to you, we wouldn’t be dating.” he said simply. “Why are you asking me these things?”
 You sighed softly, gazing at the sand beneath your feet now. “I just… those girls were so pretty… I got insecure…” you trailed off.
 He frowned again, what girls? 
 “I don’t know what girls you’re talking about.” he said. “But you’re beautiful. I don’t see any reason for you to be insecure. I love your body.”
 You could feel the blush rising in your cheeks at his statement, a familiar feeling of warmth and love washing away the feelings of insecurity and worry.
 “Really?” you asked, looking up at him through your lashes. 
 “Yes.” he gently cupped your cheek, tilting your face up to gaze at him. His heart racing slightly at the sweet expression on your face, the dark clouds seemed to disappear now, leaving behind that warm, bright face he adored the most.
 He stooped down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before standing straight again. “Let’s go swimming now.”
 “Can you turn around so I can take off my cover?” You asked.
 “Why? You strip down in front of me all the time before we have se-”
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An explanation of recent events
Hi all. I am posting a timeline of the recent events that have ended up with me inviting some of the mods I trust from @advicetotraumasurvivors to this blog. It is incomplete; as of this posting (4pm CST, August 23, 2021), nobody has admitted any wrongdoing, but I know a lot of you aren't really sure what happened at all. I apologize in advance for the verb tense shift midway through. I unfortunately don't have the spoons to edit it.
Hayden does not plan to stay with the blog. Olive plans to stay at least for now. I will likely stay. I'm not sure about Henrie or Berry at the moment. Those are the only mods that currently have access to this blog. (Edit from Mod Henrie: I’ll be staying.)
The timeline will be under the cut as it is fairly long. All times are in Central Standard Time.
Around 5:30pm CST last night, April messaged the Discord telling us she was leaving the blog. She left both the Discord and the blog shortly thereafter. We got some anons asking about why she'd left and I directed those towards her @traumasurvivors blog because I didn't feel comfortable trying to speak for her, One of them felt my answers was dismissive. That anon ended up being a mod in the Discord who was triggered by my tone. We received more asks from them, one passive-aggressive and one outright guilt-trippy.
At 7:30pm CST Henrie made an announcement that everyone who participates in the blog is a volunteer. Several mods offered in the Discord to mediate since the mod who was upset didn't feel comfortable addressing the issue with me directly.
Around 9:00pm CST we started getting some positive messages to the blog. I started to think maybe the situation had blown over. I tried to answer one of the positive anons. Tumblr gave me an error code.
We discovered the upset mod had deleted all of our inbox messages.
At 9:30pm CST Berry noticed posts were disappearing from our blog. I had noticed some weren't showing up for me, but because Tumblr is a Hellsite I figured they were there and it was just a glitch. Even the pinned post got deleted.
I panicked and asked what if the Carrd got deleted. Unfortunately, whoever the mod was, saw that and changed the email and password to the Carrd.
At 9:36pm I started adding Henrie, Hayden, Berry, and Olive to this side blog. This ended up taking several hours because we were all disoriented and triggered pretty badly by then.
At 9:45 pm I noticed they deleted my mod tag. We kept trying to encourage them to stop. Henrie reblogged all the asks that were still there to their personal in case they got deleted.
At 9:55pm I left the server and asked Berry to invite me to the new one they said they'd make so the handful of us could discuss the situation while feeling a bit more safe. There's a gap of about 20 minutes in the timeline here but I'm not sure anything super important happened during it.
Olive rescues most of the info from the Carrd by 10:21pm. April offers to transcribe the pinned post that I managed to screenshot on my phone.
Hayden makes a post around this time saying we've moved URLs. The upset mod deletes it.
I ask April if she will write down the URLs of all of our followers on advicetotraumasurvivors and send asks to them one by one to let them know what's going on. An extremely inefficient method, but at this point I'm at a loss. Henrie starts sending the asks to our followers. April finishes transcribing the pinned post at about 10:30.
At this point I have taken my sleep med and am losing reading comprehension rapidly. I say I'm going to bed but end up not sleeping until something like 4am.
At 10:31 Olive discovers that the upset mod has password-protected the blog. Henrie copy pastes the only ask in the inbox. It came in after the others were deleted.
At 11pm Olive announces she has a download/export of the blog in progress to hopefully preserve some of the posts and information on it. I ask April to boost the new URL. Henrie asks Tumblr's customer service system about uploading the file to the new blog.
At 11:10 Berry notices the queue is being messed with. Several mods go back and forth with the saboteur mod changing how often the queue posts. I suggest that we reblog ask games to the new blog so people can get to know us better once this all dies down.
At 11:21 Hayden announces the blog title has been changed to DON'T TALK TO US. A few minutes later Olive says some extremely tasteless tags are being added to queued posts, including the r slur and the n word. We won't go to any more detail about any of the other things that were said because they were extremely triggering, but we are deeply sorry to any followers (and mods) that may have seen those tags.
11: 38pm: Henrie makes posts on both blogs saying it's not us typing these awful things and to block advicetotraumasurvivors.
11:40pm: We decide to delete all the posts on the blog and the whole queue. April starts mass deleting.
11:53pm: I screenshot all the asks in the drafts. We delete all the drafts. The upset mod continues to change the blog title to triggering and inflammatory things.
1am today (Monday): Henrie asks if it's okay to announce to the original server that we moved discords and blogs. I ask if we can avoid adding people to the new discord until we know who the mod is that's upset. We eventually agree to hold off on adding people into the new discord.
2:44am: April gets an anon apologizing for their poor/inflammatory actions on her traumasurvivors blog and posts a response separate from the ask. We wait, hoping that the anon will message April.
3am: We get a similar apology on the new blog. It gets screenshotted and sent the new Discord so everyone can see it. I delete the ask from the inbox with everyone's permission because it feels very guilt trippy to me.
3:23 April gets more anons blaming her for the situation spiraling out of control, presumably from the upset mod.
12:22pm: April has more anons when we all wake up. All of us in the new server agree that we're tired and just want the situation resolved. No one comes forward.
Edit from mod Henrie: This is a timeline of all of the “major events”, but it doesn’t convey how frantic we all were. We were all feverishly working on deleting triggering tags/deleting posts/trying to find out who was doing this/etc. in between each of these times. It was chaotic and messy and incredibly exhausting for everyone involved.
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Correspondence, Chapter 01
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Pairing: HotchReid
Summary:  An AU where Reid never joined the FBI, but got roped into consulting for the LA field office while working and teaching at Caltech. Hotch gets his email referred from a fellow agent, and they start to work on cases together -- until they start talking on a regular basis. Regular becomes frequent, frequent becomes constant. They know nothing about each other, but they don't really mind.
Rating: Mature/Explicit (eventually)
Chapter CW/notes: some profanity, a side character who is a dick about Reid, set in season 06, self beta’d
Word Count: 2437
Masterpost Link
Ao3 Link
Chapter 01
March 2010
Dr. Spencer Reid
(Current Tenure: California Institute of Technology): Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics; Director, Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department Head of Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy at Caltech.
- (Degrees, in order) Ph.D. Mathematics, Caltech, 1995; Ph.D. Chemistry, Caltech, 1997; M.A. Nuclear Science, MIT, 1999; Ph.D. Engineering, MIT, 2000; M.A. Sociology, Columbia University, 2001; M.A. Philosophy, Georgetown, 2001; Ph.D. Psychology, Georgetown, 2002; M.A. Applied Analytics, Columbia University, 2003; M.A. Socio Economic Statistics, MIT, 2004; M.A. Geology, Caltech, 2006; Ph.D. Geography, Caltech, 2006; M.A. Economics, Caltech, 2008; M.A. Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Caltech, 2009
- (Teaching positions, in order) Professor of Mathematics, Caltech, 1995-1997, Professor of Mathematics and Statistical Analysis, MIT, 1998-2005, Visiting Associate, Georgetown, 1999-2002; Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT, 2002-05; Kavli Professor, Mathematics, Caltech, 2005-; Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, 2006-; Deputy Chair, 2005-; Director, 2008-.
The dossier is just an information sheet; no photo ID, no news articles beyond text component pieces, but it is a thick stack of correspondence and case consultations that S.S.A Aaron Hotchner holds in his hands.
“Five Ph.D.’s and eight separate M.A.’s in fourteen years? What was he doing before that?”
“Who knows? You don’t earn a Ph.D. overnight, even if his accommodation sheet makes ‘em look like they pop up like mushrooms,” Mark Anderson says, audibly tired through the phone speaker on his desk. He was one of the Unit Chief's from the teams at the FBI L.A. field office, who’s phone number was given to him by an old friend, Sam Cooper -- another BAU team leader. Hotch had hit dead end after dead end on this case, and sitting at his desk in Quantico, Virginia, he looks down at the recommended consultant’s extensive list of degrees and teaching positions with a building headache behind his dark eyes. He wasn’t a fan of Anderson, or his briskness, but at this point he’d take anything he could get. “I’m pretty sure that man has never lived outside an academic field. He’s a handful, runs my agents up the damn wall, but he knows his stuff.”
“I hope so. I’ve been on the phone the past three days trying to find someone with a background in Obscure Cognitive Linguistics,” Hotch reads from a separate file, filled with violent images and depraved acts described in morbid detail. “Our unsub sites a very particular thesis about a Study of Language from a Cognitive and Developmental Law, and I keep getting sent to experts in adjacent fields. I don’t see anything in this Dr. Reid’s background about language.”
“Oh, trust me, Hotch -- you’ll get more than you bargained for. This is your guy. He’s basically an expert on everything, and if he doesn’t know anything about languages I’ll eat my tie. He never shuts up.”
Frowning at the speaker phone, Hotch keeps his comments to himself. He’s sure that Anderson probably doesn’t appreciate having an old professor puttering around the field office, but that didn’t mean he had to insult the man. Especially when he was there as a consultant. 
“Okay, fine. Thank you. I’ll give him a call now-”
“Oh, you don’t want to do that. Just send him an email. Trust me.” Anderson all but groans like a petulant child. Graining on Hotch’s nerves excruciatingly.
“I’m sure he’s busy enough with his students, he doesn’t need to be fielding emails from the FBI,” Hotch hedged, still frowning. 
“Not too busy to write you a dissertation in reply, I’m sure, but you’ll at least get the answers you need. You could be on the phone with him a half hour before you get to what you called about. Hopefully it won’t take you too long to sift through.” 
Alright, now he is done listening to the other agent.
“Right. Thanks, Mark.”
“Anyti-” Hotch hangs up on him before the man could make any other remarks. His patience is non-existent after the past week and this extremely brutal case that only seems to compound exponentially in it’s viciousness with each passing day. If Anderson felt like being an asshole to some old man with nothing better to do than rack up Ph.D.’s, he could do it on his own time. Hotch needed help, and this man seemed to be the only person around who might be able to finally do so.
Dr. Reid’s office number is in front of him, as well as about three different lab location phone numbers, and one email address connected to the school faculty. He considers for a moment just ignoring Anderson’s advice and calling the old professor, but he has a meeting with his Department Chief, Strauss, in twenty minutes and the team would be arriving from canvasing the dumpsites soon. 
So with a suffering sigh, Hotch pulls up a new email (for what feels like the millionth time for this case) and composes a standard correspondence introduction. Who he is, credentials, case numbers and specifics as far as clearance rates for civilians go, and then finally the questions he needs answered. There is something about this particular thesis that has to be very tongue in cheek to the unsub, saying something that isn’t really there, and this could just be another dead end -- but if it led to them saving a victim from becoming another dead body, he is willing to give it one last try. 
Thank you for your time,  S.S.A. Aaron Hotchner Unit Chief, Behavioral Analysis Unit, FBI Quantico, VA. 
Then he hits send, and leaves the response up to the universe.
The team came up with nothing fruitful. Strauss proceeded to ream Hotch six ways from Sunday for wasting valuable bureau resources and coming up with zero results. His day was spinning down the drain in a hellish cyclone when he sits down behind his desk in his office an hour after leaving it. Case files still piled to one side, grotesque photos stacked within them, and Aaron Hotchner wants nothing more than for them to disappear. For the case to be solved and to be able to go home to his son and his quiet house. But there was no break in sight, no new information, nothing.
Except a new email in his inbox.
Agent Hotchner, 
I know that thesis paper well. I can help you.
All air seems to have been sucked from the room as Hotch reads the words a couple of times, not quite comprehending after the morning he has had that someone wasn’t giving him more bad news. That this Dr. Reid said he could help him. 
 A single click of the email opens up the correspondence reply, and the agent is met with a giant wall of text. Scrolling down for pages, and a quick skim of the material shows such a complex, comprehensive amount of information that there is no way it’s just copy and pasted from any one source. Or even several. It’s a long email spanning a vast number of pages, covering every topic he had asked about (and then some).
The thesis paper, the tongue-in-cheek citation from the unsub, how this killer is acting like he’s being clever when it’s really ‘very obvious what he’s doing, as long as you know the paper’ and detailed links and quotations and references to locations and side tangents on items mentioned that could be evidence to look for or weapons of choice, and so much else Hotch’s head feels like it’s spinning. Like reading the cliffnotes of a complex spy novel, with all the spoilers in one place. 
It takes him half an hour to read through everything Dr. Reid sent, meaning the professor had to have been typing a million words a minute from the moment Hotch had emailed him to get everything replied so quickly, and Hotch was baffled to realize that an old man with a handful of Ph.D.’s and no FBI training just solved his case.
Not a figment of speech.
Dr. Reid just solved the case, without even holding the file in his hands.
Hotch is dialing a phone number on his speed dial without even looking away from the screen. 
“Garcia? Call the team into the briefing room, and phone SWAT to mobilize. We’re going down to the riverfront in thirty minutes.”
“--Wait, what are you talking about? Did you figure out the unsub’s code?”
Not me, Aaron thought to himself, standing up and printing Dr. Reid’s email after forwarding it to the entire team and their tech analyst, Penelope Garcia. He didn’t have time to explain it that many times, and the amount of information in that single email would be enough to send any of them tumbling heels over head. But it solved every aspect of their case. Hook, line, and sinker.
And the clock was ticking. 
“Now, Garcia.”
He rushes from the room with the stack of files in his hands and his laptop open to Dr. Reid’s email. Not even thinking to thank the man for his help as he heads across the bullpen with profound determination.
They have work to do.
They catch the unsub that very day. 
Quick, efficient, completely by surprise. They saved Amanda Sutton and another girl they hadn’t even known was missing. No one died. None of his team was hurt. The unsub hadn’t confessed, but Rossi and Morgan had played him like a fiddle in interrogation and now all of his team members were walking to the elevators leaving for a long weekend where they wouldn’t have to worry about serial killers or another dead soul on their conscience. Today was a win. As close to a win as they ever can get, in their line of work. 
And it isn’t until he’s back at his desk, the hours ticking into the night, that he opens up his email and there in his inbox is the very reply that started everything. Dr. Spencer Reid. CalTech Department Head. Professor of everything under the sun. Expert on anything, even the obscure. 
The reason Hotch will get to spend the weekend with his son, without the overbearing aftershocks of a case gone so horribly bad plaguing him. 
His hands are moving before he can stop them. Opening up the email, typing out a response to Dr. Reid thanking him for his help. Relaying what happened, detail by detail much in the same fashion he had completed the paperwork piled on his desk. Letting him know that his information really did end up helping them. All of it. Even the side tangents. 
I don’t know how I can ever thank you for the extensive consideration you gave this case, or how to explain how it solved it so seamlessly, but your time and effort does not go unnoticed by me. 
Okay, so maybe he fluffs it up a bit more than the dreadful bullet-point list descriptions required by the Deputy Chief and the Director and SWAT Team justification reports. Just so it doesn’t look so inadequate in comparison to the man’s thesis-paper-length email he sent to aide Hotch and his team. The passion he has for his work leaps off the page, but it was a lot -- and if the old man put that much dedication into a basic FBI correspondence email, then he was probably used to it being a thankless effort. 
Hotch sends the reply, and continues with his work. He always takes a bulk of the paperwork, so his team can go home and rest and recharge. He needs them at their best for each case, and if that means he spends a couple hours longer after when they finish a case, it is worth every minute. But this time, once he finishes, he gets to take the coveted time off as well. 
It’s as he’s finishing up, everything stacked neatly and ready to be dropped at records, in the mailroom, Strauss’s office, the director’s, and he’s about to log off his laptop that he sees a surprise -- Dr. Reid replied to him, again.
It’s much more brief this time.
Agent Hotchner,
I’m so glad I was able to help you. 
You are one of the only agents to reach out and tell me how the case went after my consultation, and I’m very grateful to know that my information actually helped your team catch the killer. I know I tend to spout facts at random, but I do have methods to my madness and it’s such a nice change to correspond with someone who understands that. 
My services are always at your disposal. Anytime. Whatever I can do to help.
Sincerely, Dr. Spencer Reid
Hotch types out a brief reply. Thanking him for his offer, for lending him his expertise, and letting him know in not so many words --
I’ll have to take you up on that. 
He’d be a fool not to. Someone with that much knowledge and the ability to connect it all in the way Dr. Reid had in the span of an hour? He could be a real asset to the BAU, as a permanent consultant, even through email correspondence. 
He sends the reply just as he stands to leave. Turning off his office light, and his chest feels lighter for the interaction. For giving the professor that sense of assurance that what he had to say did in fact do some real good. Hotch even finds himself smiling softly, sadly, that he has also found a little bit of solace in helping another lonely old man across the country find a sense of purpose that night. Who was working late, as well, despite it being the end of the week. Speaking to not much waiting for him back at home, in whatever shape ‘home’ takes for the man. But Hotch can relate to that, too. Jack is at Jessica’s until the morning, and there is nothing at his apartment to greet him but silence and bare walls and memories he’d rather not dote on. Maybe this Dr. Spencer Reid is in a similar boat, finding comfort in his work when he can. He certainly seems to, with the amount of time he’s poured into his doctorates and degrees. In the number of departments he runs and monitors. 
Hotch can’t help but feel a connection, a companionship between empty offices. Thousands of miles apart, but maybe -- possibly -- at least similar in that aspect.
Not so alone, even if only for a brief moment.
Tagged list: @spencehotchner @ssa-sarahsunshine @gothamapologist @reidology @marsjareau @dragon-snaps-fandom​ @emmyraebird @just-an-emo-rat​​​ @aaron-hotchner187 @dk18077 @more-heid-pls
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krysyuy · 4 years
hi! i'm currently shoved in the world of cdrama (😭)and would like to ask what's your most recommended cdrama? current or finished drama will do! thanks!! <3
First off, anon, I’m shocked that you would come to my inbox to ask me this, lmao. I don’t think I’ve posted very much cdrama content, which is actually quite strange, since I’m watching them almost exclusively at the moment (and I went through a cdrama phase earlier this year and last year too). I haven’t touched a kdrama since Flower of Evil, though Tale of the Nine-Tailed is supposed to be next on my list. The timing just hasn’t been right on my end…
Anyways! Enough about kdramas, you asked about cdramas. Now I’m not sure what genre you’re looking for, so I’ll just throw out my personal recommendations across the map. I’m incapable of recommending just one, lol.
Please note that while I’m watching cdramas currently, my pool of cdramas actually isn’t particularly deep compared to others. I may not have watched any of the classics or what would be considered top-tier dramas that other blogs may recommend (e.g. Nirvana in Fire, etc).
I’ll “spoil” whether the endings are happy or not, but I won’t go into detail.
- General’s Lady (2020) !!!!! - I’m watching it on YouTube, but I just found out Viki has it too, lol. The subs are up to Episode 15 (out of 30). This is currently airing. I adore it and am absolutely obsessed. I plan to gif this series eventually. The story isn’t complicated, but this drama hits all my fluff kinks. The OTP has great chemistry, and the sweet moments (the kisses! the skinship!) are off the charts. Cheesy? Yes. 110% down my alley? Absolutely, lmao. Caesar Wu has managed to capture my heart with this role (an icy general who ends up head over heels for his lady), and he’s been added to my list of favorite c-actors to look out for. The female lead is smart and spunky, and she’s very proactive which is refreshing. She can also be very cute without it getting annoying. I couldn’t resist watching raws ahead and - to no one’s surprise, I imagine - it’s a happy ending. There’s also a mystifying scene at the end, which I hope subs will provide context for. A strange but not unwelcome surprise. I’m also kind of hoping this means the team is open to a Season 2, lmao.
- The Rise of Phoenixes (2018) - Completed. Watched it on Netflix. This was actually my first cdrama. It set the bar quite high in terms of the fantastic overall quality with the actors, production value, etc etc. Unfortunately, while this drama is very well-done, it did not escape the clutches of the censors and it got a bit chopped up towards the end, iirc. And a happy ending, this does not have. But I still think it’s worth the watch! Heartbreaking OTP and all.
- Gank Your Heart (2019) - Completed. Watched it… elsewhere. E-sports drama. Romance! I had no idea “gank” was an actual word before this drama, lmao. Anyways, the characters are great, the OTP is sweet, and it’s just fun all around. Happy ending~ Give us a season 2!
- The King’s Avatar (2019) - Completed. Watched it on Netflix. E-sports drama. No romance. The novel this is based on is massive but fantastic. I actually just spent the last couple weeks of October finally binge-reading it, lol. The drama doesn’t remain true to the novel, which can’t be helped since the novel mostly focuses on stuff that happens in the game. The drama instead chooses to focus a lot on what happens outside of it, fleshing out the characters and building on what the novel gave us. (Or, for better or worse, going in a different direction for dramatization.) We see how our protagonist team comes together and develops, and their relationships with each other. I actually watched this while it was airing, and I remember eagerly waiting for each episode weekly. I didn’t realize until later that novel readers weren’t happy with it since it deviates so much. I think you just have to treat it as its own thing. Happy ending! Hopefully there’s a Season 2.
- Love O2O (2016) - Completed. Watched it on Netflix. I didn’t recall until afterwards that this was a pretty big hit while it was airing, lol. I watched this after The King’s Avatar because of the male lead, Yang Yang. Solidified my love for him, which was already pretty strong after TKA. A romcom set against the gaming world, it hits all the right spots. Happy ending ofc ♥
- Eternal Love (2017) - Completed. Watched it on Netflix (see a pattern? lmao). This one I actually remembered people loving, lol. Again, I was late to the game on this one, but I definitely got the hype. Epic OTP with an epic storyline, it’s responsible for my love of the xianxia genre with story elements like cultivation, immortal/heavenly characters, love trials, etc etc. Happy ending, which the OTP deserved after all their struggles.
- The Untamed (2019) - Completed. Watched on a variety of platforms while it was airing, but it’s on Netflix now, lol. Based on a BL novel. While it couldn’t be stated explicitly, it’s there as much as it can be without the censors coming after them. I actually almost forgot to recommend this? lmao You must’ve heard of it or have already watched it, but its popularity is well-deserved. Another epic OTP with an epic storyline. I’m not too up to date with the cdrama world, but I’m hoping the other works from this author get adapted to live action as well. I consider it a happy ending; it was as good as we were gonna get without the censors touching it.
- Love the Way You Are (2019) - Completed. Watched it on YouTube. Romcom. This kind of has a wacky premise, at least in regards to the female lead’s “disease”. It takes suspension of disbelief, but I was somehow charmed by both her and the male lead. Try to give it a chance, and the OTP’s chemistry may capture you too. Happy ending!
- The Prince of Tennis (2019) - Completed. Watched it on Netflix.  Not sure if you’re into sports dramas, but if you like the original Japanese manga this is based on or just the shounen genre in general, this is for you! The adaptation is fantastic and pretty true to the source material, physics-defying tennis and all. The characters and their relationships are a lot of fun, and my friends and I had a great time watching them. Netflix has 40 episodes, while MyDramaList lists 42 episodes. I personally think Netflix just re-edited the episodes for length (making each episode 45min instead of 35min) instead of it being a typo or there being a mysterious missing two eps. They’ve actually done this with a Taiwanese drama I was watching back in the day (can’t recall which one), so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the case here. Ofc a happy ending with hopefully a Season 2.
Anon, I’m not sure if you’ve watched or are currently watching some of these, but I hope this list helps! Enjoy!!! ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
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mandoalorian · 4 years
** on writing hiatus from: 16th Dec—20th of Dec.
I will be back on Friday to post promised a Din Djarin x Reader fic based on the season finale but I’ll be ia for these next few days to avoid WW84 spoilers! When I return I will tag all spoilers (ww84 spoilers, wonder woman 1984 spoilers) so be sure to mute those!
ALL December Writing Challenge prompts over the pan of these four days will be temporarily suspended until I have seen the movie.
I just want to reiterate my requests are always open unless I strictly state otherwise. I currently have 22 requests in my ask inbox though and by the looks of things, I'm not going to be able to get through them all until January. I hope you understand.
7 of these asks are for a continuation of my Javier Peña x Reader fic ‘Birthday Bloodbath’. Since so many people want this I will make it a priority and you can expect the finale before the new year.
All submitted requests have been accepted and I can promise they will eventually be done. It means so much to me that so many people are enjoying my writing. I can't believe how much my account has grown in the space of only a few months.
As always, December Magic will be finished by New Year; the epilogue being posted on New Years Day. I want to thank you all so much for your love and support on my first ever series. I can’t wait to hopefully start new series' during 2021 and see what next year brings.
I will not be checking messages, asks, or notifs until I return!
I hope everyone has a lovely few days and enjoys the movie we have anticipated for SO long. Hope to return and we’re all Max Lord stannies. Lots of love. — Rach Xx
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Do you have any a whole castle head cannons you could please share? I love all your work!!
*cracks fingers* one for each character like last time, though there’s lots of crossover in this one. I don’t actually have lots of notes for this story so there’s not too much to give out, but the more prompts it gets, the more it helps. There’s a few prompts In the inbox and I think one I’ll start soon since I finally got ideas for it. Hopefully, my writing demon will pick one of the current ones soon.
Logan is four years older than Roman at 35. He was the one who wanted kids the most. It took Logan months to convince Roman that it was something they could do. Roman was scared he’d do a bad job of being a father and has his own father issues he was struggling with. He eventually gave in because Logan reassured him that he would have a lot in common with a child and they could build a connection. This pissed Roman off at first, but they made up quickly. Logan’s tendency to Roast (and/or lovingly pester) Roman never really died out even after they started dating.
Roman’s nickname for Virgil, “Stormy Sky”, is because it’s one of the first time they really bonded together when Virgil just couldn’t resist playing in the rain when they were on the way home from eating out. Logan thought they were insane and they both caught colds from splashing about in the lawn for too long. Virgil was embarrassed about the nickname at first but he likes it as long as Roman doesn’t use it in public. Roman comes up with lots of little nicknames for Virgil, but that one is his favourite because it’s one of his favourite memories.  Virgil was afraid of trying new things because he was scared of messing up. It took a long time with Picani, but what really helped was when Logan tried baking bread for the first time and made a brick of cloddy garbage and Roman told Logan that no matter how many times messed up that Roman would still love him to the ends of the earth and try his bad bread anyway. When he realized his dads wouldn’t hate him for a few mistakes he had an easier time forcing himself to start. He still struggles with it, though, and puts off starting projects (and homework) all the time. He still doesn’t like letting people know he’s doing things, though. Currently, his fear of being publicly humiliated is still very prevalent.  Patton was largely ignored as a child by his birth parents. If he was too loud or was too present sometimes his parents would lash out- he wasn’t wanted. He was used to quietly play with toys in his room for the most part and it was a hard habit to break for the sanders. They included him on as many family activities as he was willing to do. Roman nearly cried when Patton pushed out his box of building blocks to play with in the living room. Logan had to console him before Patton freaked out. It meant so much to them that he finally trusted that they wanted him there and wanted to be near them.  Janus is trans and not out with his parents, so he really likes being over at the Sanders’ house where they use his name and his pronouns without question. He’s really scared of them finding out and losing his safe place where people treat him the way that makes him happy. Virgil has tried to reassure him that they’re not assholes like that, but Janus just really wants to keep his safe place the way it is. He also is just, like, so incredibly amused by Roman’s antics and how much Virgil hates it. 
Remus 100% eats playdoh and Logan opted to start homemaking edible playdoh for them so Remus wouldn’t get sick since Remus refuses to listen every time Logan has told him that just because it technically is nontoxic it doesn’t mean it’s safe to ingest in large quantities. Patton thinks its funny as heck and makes him cakes out of playdoh. Virgil bought one of those playdoh spaghetti stations for him because he also is just wildly amused by this kid going to town on playdoh. Even Roman has indulged him, and that drives Logan completely up the wall. He tried to talk to Remus’s parents about it, but they said he was too old for playdoh and of course he didn’t, which just confused Logan even further, since indulging in the arts doesn’t have an age range and Remus was the one who asked to play with playdoh in the first place.  (Sorry Uncle Remus anon! I had already planned on having Remus be a kid with Pat. Uncle Remy, on the other hand, I might do...) 
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pennywaltzy · 3 years
🌹 (Can't wait to see what you post!)
Awww, thanks, hun! This is from the WIP in the MCU/Sherlock series I write for you and @strangelock221b (“Just Pieces On The Board”), from the first chapter of “Playing The Game: Act II – Knights & Knowledge, Romance & Regret.” Another large chunk, but I love this part...and hopefully this will be a fic I finish for WIPBB that gets art.
After a moment she laid down, knees still bent and then looked up. “What happens if we don’t find Phil and his team, Sherlock?”
After a moment he moved next to her, lying down next to her, their arms touching. “We go back to London. You live your live with my brother pestering you to join MI-6 every week and twice on the weekends.” Molly snorted a laugh at that. “I stop using your flat as a bolt hole and we share that bed of yours on a regular basis. Eventually, we find some semblance of normality like you had, unless that isn’t what you want.”
“And if it isn’t what I want?” she asked, turning to face him as the door opened again.
“Then I go where you go,” he said simply before they heard a cleared throat. Molly pushed herself up to a sitting position and turned to face the door, expecting Mary or Natasha or Clint.
Instead, there stood Phil Coulson, shaking his head with a smirk. “Trust you to get the guy who’s supposed to be a high functioning sociopath all sentimental, Hooper. I swear, you could give an android feelings.”
“Phil!” she said, scrambling to her feet. “Do you realize you’re an impossible bastard to find?”
“When you’re supposed to be dead, it helps,” he said. “Especially when your organization is no longer official. But I think we have some things to talk about, you and me and your team.” He paused. “And you have to tell me how you managed to get Romanov, Barton and the elusive assassin Rosamund under you because I know you’re good, but wow. I just managed to get Melinda when I started the team.”
“And Leo and Jemma,” she pointed out. A look crossed Phil’s face, one almost of guilt, and Molly frowned. “Phil?”
“There’s a lot you need to get caught up on,” he said, “and it’s not all good. But if you’re here to help take down HYDRA, I could use the help.”
“Just one member in particular,” Molly said, shaking her head. “And I have the feeling you want him taken down too.”
“Grant Ward?” Phil ventured. Molly nodded. “I almost forgot how close you and Victoria were.”
“Most people do. It wasn’t like we were open about it,” she said.
“You couldn’t be, then,” Phil said. He glanced over to Sherlock. “Does he…?”
“Know that I’m bisexual?” Molly asked. “Yes. And he knows Victoria was my ex-girlfriend. It’s not something I would like the others to know, though. I mean, as far as most of S.H.I.E.L.D. was concerned, we were best friends.”
“It was open knowledge about Victoria, you know,” Phil said.
“But about us?” Molly asked quietly. Phil shook his head. “Then if she died not talking about our relationship, it should stay between the few who knew the truth. But you know why I want Grant Ward to rot. You know what it means to me to make sure her death is avenged.”
Phil nodded. “Which is why your team is part of S.H.I.E.L.D. as long as it takes to take the bastard down,” he said. Molly felt a weight taken off of her shoulders. “Get dressed and go up to Natasha’s suite. She’s usually got Stoli, right?”
“She has some,” Molly said with a nod, and with that Phil turned around and left. A moment later Molly felt Sherlock come to her side and take her hand in his. “I suppose that life in London is going to have to wait a bit.”
“Just as well,” he said, leaning over and pressing a kiss in her hair. “I didn’t want to have to deal with my brother that much anyway.” Molly grinned a bit at that and the two of them headed towards the exit to go to the room. There wouldn’t be a chance to work up a sweat today, but there was forward movement on the mission. This was almost worth the loss of the moment of bliss.
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing  
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imaginekpoplikethis · 4 years
A charismatic roommate - Roomate Au - Kim Taehyung - Part 1
Henlo I’m back. Hopefully for a while. There’s a lot going on and this is one of the only ways to keep my mind off things.
Hope you enjoy 
Part 1 - Here
Today was supposed to be a special day. An anniversary of sorts. This particular day last year you had finally sprouted wings and left your parents’ home to take on a sense of individuality, the idea of having to work for yourself driving you to experience such a stepping stone head on. You had moved into a share house situated near your university. Your new home had all the necessities needed to live comfortably. If anything, you had managed to score a deal with the house. The number of rooms came to a total of seven. A kitchen and living room combined two bathrooms and four bedrooms. The rent was a miracle and you were elated when you had initially found this place.
That was until your roommate suddenly decided to move out. This meant you were the only one living in a house that could have four other people. Your initial reaction was that of shock and then worry hit you like a truck. The owner of the share house had let you know that if no one else moved in within the next few months she was going to turn the house into ‘the cafe of her dreams’. You were sure you were not going to find any other places to live since the academic year has already started. This is precisely the reason you found yourself posting on your universities forum, looking for a potential roommate. You didn’t dare tell your parents of your predicament, fearful that they would drag you back home despite the hefty journey it would take to travel to university from their home.
Surprisingly enough, you received several replies within the first week though after much consideration you chose not to accept any. This was mainly due to the fact that you knew of these people. For example, one happened to be the captain of the swimming club and although many would die over the chance to room with such a handsome man, the rumours and his personality almost had you deleting his reply and acting as if you had never seen it. He was in no way rude but the size of his ego was simply nauseating. He even happened to be in your class and had wasted no time in trying to romance you at the beginning of the year. The memory of your encounter with him almost made you scream out loud.
Your other replies consisted of three third year girls, notorious for their partying habits, a supposedly sketchy boy from the year above and another boy in his final year. All had fallen short of your expectations and so you notified them that you were in contact with a potential roommate and would let them know if the deal fell through. Of course this was a lie but you were not about to let them know you just didn’t think they’d be appropriate roommates. Around two days after your rejections, a new candidate privately messaged you, inquiring about the bills that would need to be paid. Glancing at the name of the user, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“KT? Ah, as in Katie? That’s got to be it…”
Typing a brief but detailed reply, you hit send and stood from your seat at your desk, preparing yourself for a shower. You weren’t expecting a reply for at least a few hours so you turned off your laptop and went about your evening plans. It seemed the whole exchange had slipped your mind since you found yourself waking up the next morning and jumped out of bed at the thought of a reply. As you had expected, a reply was sitting in your inbox.
‘If its fine with you, I’d like to view the place and move in as soon as possible. Could you let me know which day is good for you?’
Smiling to yourself, you let KT know that if need be, they could visit and potentially move in tomorrow afternoonto which they quickly answered that it would be perfect for them since they didn’t have much. Thus the twenty four hour wait began. You couldn’t help the excitement that had taken shelter within you and pondered over what kind of person this ‘KT’ was. You mentally slapped yourself for not asking what their actual name was but decided you could eventually ask them tomorrow. For now you had a class to get ready for, one which you finally realised you were late for. Cursing under your breath, you decided to skip on breakfast and ran straight to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and rushing back out to gather your belongings. Quickly fixing your appearance at the hallway mirror, you eventually left your apartment and began your rush to your university.
Finally Friday... this was the longest week of my life.
—— You had made it to the gates ten minutes late with a few other students also rushing to their classes. Fortunately for you, your lesson took place in a lecture room at the front of the campus so not much more time would be wasted. A text suddenly came in and you glanced briefly at your phone screen, noting it was from your friend Iris Inquiring about where you were. Deciding against replying back as you were bound to see her in less than a minute, you trudged to the door, ready for the walk of shame to your seat.  As you were going over the different apologies you could make to your lecturer you failed to notice the boy beside you slightly panicking. It was the sudden hand on your wrist that brought you back to your senses and your startled eyes came into contact with the glass door inches from your face.
“Whoa, great timing! I’m truly impressive.” You snapped your eyes to the boy who had saved you from a day of embarrassment, a grin plastered on his face.
“It’s too early in the morning to be walking into doors, haha.” Your face flushed and you let out a huff of amusement whilst quietly taking him in. He was quite handsome, probably the most handsome person you had come face to face with in a while. He also seemed to be fairly charismatic if his overly joyful attitude this early in the morning was anything to go by.
“Thank you… I can’t even begin to explain how embarrassing that would have been.” A small, appreciative smile spread on your lips and his grin only widened.
“Don’t worry about it, it happens to the best looking of us!”
Now you were slightly lost.
“You mean the best of us?” He stopped for a moment and just stared at you in confusion.
“Wait, it’s not what I just said? Is that why the old lady laughed at me the other day?”
As you tilted your head in even more confusion, an alarm startled the both of you and he grabbed his phone out of his pocket, eyes widening drastically at the sight displayed to him.
“No, I’m gonna be super late!” That seemed to snap you back into reality and you prepared to head into the building when he turned around and ran straight into the door. The sound seemed to echo throughout the mostly empty campus and you couldn’t help but feel second hand embarrassment.
The boy didn’t turn around, just exhaled slowly and opened the door, halting only to hold it open for you and then he was off.
He’s got one heck of a personality, I’ll give him that…
“He actually smacked into the same door he saved you from? Sounds like a sacrifice to me… but seriously how does that happen? That’s the kind of stuff that only happens in fiction, not real life.”
You were currently eating lunch with Iris, both of you having no more lessons for the day, and you had just finished filling her in on your encounter with the boy from earlier that morning.
“Maybe this is fiction and we’re in a book.”
Iris looked at you as if you had grown two heads.
“Just kidding but trust me, it happened. I had enough second hand embarrassment for both of us.”
Noticing you both had finished your respective lunches, you gathered the rubbish from the tables and stood, Iris following suit.
“I can imagine... Well at least he’s cute. You probably should’ve gotten his number.”
You scoffed at the idea of asking a boy for his number.
“Me? Ask for someone’s number? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re a stranger or something. You know I don’t have the social skills to do that.”
Iris’ laughter had a small smile spreading on your face.
“I know, I know. I really I wish I was there, I could have gotten it for you.”
“Nah, it doesn’t matter. I’ll probably never see him again. Anyway I need to get home and clean the house before ‘KT’ comes tomorrow.”
You both stopped to bid farewells, stepping in for a quick hug.
“Right! Tell me how it goes. I wanna know who this ‘KT’ person is.”
“Will do.”
You couldn’t help the nervous jitters that wracked your body as you waited for your potential new roommate. It was already twenty minutes past the initial time you had decided to set up the room viewing and ‘KT’ had yet to appear. You had in fact messaged them ten minutes prior and the lack of reply had you worried something may have happened. Despite your thought process, you didn’t want to jump to conclusions and actually call them. At least not yet. Speaking to strangers over the phone wasn’t really your strongest social skill so you normally tried to avoid doing just that. However, as the minutes waiting began to increase, you hesitantly reached for your phone, quickly going over the ways you could explain the sudden call if they happened to pick up.
Just as you unlocked your phone, a rhythmic knock on your door made you jump up from your seat and shuffle towards it.
“Finally, I was really starting to freak out.”
Mumbling under your breath, you placed your hand on the doorknob and eagerly
opened the door. A petite girl stood before you, a look of surprise adorning her round face.
“Um...  hi. Are you viewing the room?”
You cursed yourself for letting your anxiousness seep into your voice but she didn’t seem to notice, to your immense relief.
“I’m actually here for a housewarming party but I guess this is the wrong place...”
She pulled out her phone and unlocked it, glancing up at you somewhat apologetically.
“Er... if it’s not too much trouble could you help me find this place?”
Nodding, you took a look at the address she had pulled up on her phone and stepped out to better direct her.
“If you turn this corner, the place you’re looking for is the second building.”
She shot you an appreciative smile.
“Thank you so much! Have a great rest of the day.”
Smiling back at her, you nodded and reciprocated her farewell before turning back into the house. Just as you were about to close the door, a voice called out to you.
“Wait! I’m here and I’m sorry I’m late but I’m here!”
Releasing a sigh of relief, you swung the door back open and stepped back out, only to collide with a body and fall to the ground.
“Ah! I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you would step completely out... Wait, I know you!”
Yeah right, I don’t know anyone this chaotic.
Lifting your head to get a good look at the wrecking ball that was ‘KT’, your eyes widened when they made contact with the same boy from yesterday. The first thing you could think to do in this current situation was blurt out whatever came to mind and apparently he had the same idea.
“You’re the cute girl who almost walked into the door!”
“You’re the pretty boy who ran into the door!”
Both of you slapped your hands over your mouths, a deep red spreading over your faces.
I can’t believe this sh-
You found yourself sitting in front of ‘KT’, also known as Kim Taehyung, two cups of coffee set in front of you both as you waited for him to give his final impressions of the share house.
“Woah! So you have this whole house all to yourself? It’s awesome!”
“Not really, I’m actually meant to be rooming with at least two other people hence the term share house. My last roommate bailed on me and the owner of the house can’t really run this place with one person living here.”
He nodded in understanding, his smile gradually growing.
“So in total... five people can stay here?”
“Yeah, as you saw there are three rooms for one person each and one room with two beds.”
“Cool! I haven’t heard of many mixed share houses... are there any rules?”
Besides the obvious rules such as not entering a room that isn’t yours without permission you could only think of one.
“Not really any special ones except there’s no mixed rooms. So you either have to share with a guy or pick the single room.”
“That’s fine. I think I’ve made my decision.”
He began to drum his hands on the table, imitating a drumroll. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you due to his goofy attitude. He enthusiastically pointed his thumb at himself and gave you a close eyed boxy grin.
“Say hello to your new roommate! I mean... if that’s fine with you, haha.”
A grin almost as wide as his own plastered itself on your face.
“That’s absolutely fine with me. So are you bringing stuff over today?”
“Yep! My friend is bringing stuff over in his car later tonight. So I’ll be done moving in by tomorrow afternoon.”
Standing from your seat, you grabbed the empty cups and made your way to the sink.
“Great. You should probably go and talk to the house owner. She has spare keys and a contract you need to sign. Don’t worry she’s sweet.”
“Will do! Thank you Y/N, you’re really kind.”
Your cheeks burned with the compliment.
“Thank you Taehyung, you too.”
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
oh no! im so sorry to hear about your apartment :( hopefully all will be okay! to brighten your day (and because your current fic is so good) could i please have some ignoct? you've inspired me to love this ship when i had always been on the fence about it but now i super love it! ive requested other asks from you so im really happy your doing this again! umm, how about some older ignoct, like both are kings now! not sure on theme but something fluffy something sexy. stay safe love your stuff
[Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your request! You are the first to make it over to the inbox :) I am so glad that you’re enjoying my current fic, and I’m even happier that you like it even though Ignoct was iffy for you before it! I hope you enjoy this prompt- it was a lot of fun to write! <3]
At thirty years old, many assumed that King Noctis would have grown out of his penchant for sleep. Many assumed that as a king, he had many tasks to do and didn’t have time to sleep. The best part about being married to someone as capable as Ignis Scientia made sleep easier, not just for Noctis but for Ignis as well. As King and King Consort, they found that they did well nearly working in shifts. Ignis took over the morning duties, advisements, and other kingly needs, while Noctis would wake up later and take care of the late night items on the docket. It worked for them rather well, but the thing that they looked forward to move was the time that they had in between, when there was nothing for them to do. Well, almost nothing.
Noctis was fast asleep in their bed chambers within the Citadel, enjoying his peaceful rest until the early afternoon hours. He was usually up until the early morning hours, sometimes staying up to take care of things that Ignis would take over when he awoke and insisted Noctis get some rest. Right now, he was lost in a dream world, somewhere far away and at peace, a soft smile on his face as Ignis stepped into the chamber to wake him.
Before waking him, though, Ignis took off his kingly reignment, knowing that he would don that attire soon enough. It didn’t bother him, although it was a tedious process to take off all the adornments befitting the King Consort. While Noctis was eager to just throw his clothes anywhere, Ignis was careful to lay them out for the staff to care for. Ignis had gotten in the habit of picking up after Noctis at an early age. At least on that front, things hadn’t really changed.
“Noctis,” Ignis said as he walked over to his husband, caressing the soft black hair as he moved it out of his face. Noctis let out a low hum, somewhere between a grunt and a moan of disapproval. It made Ignis smile. Always so difficult. “It’s time to get up. You have to be the king for today.”
“As king I declare that I’m going to sleep,” Noctis protested, making Ignis laugh. Noctis pulled the blankets around him tighter, reminding Ignis of when he was twenty, or fifteen, or ten. It was always the same hassle, yet that was why Ignis had dressed down into his black slacks and a shirt instead of wearing something particularly fancy. Sometimes he just had to have the ability to stretch in the event he had to toss Noctis out of the bed.
“And as the king consort, I declare that you need to get up so you can give me a kiss,” Ignis replied. He suppressed a grin, knowing that such a proclamation always worked on Noctis. 
Today, though, it had the opposite effect of what Ignis expected. Quickly, Noctis reached for him and wrapped his arms around his waist, knocking him off balance as he pulled Ignis into the bed. Both of them ended up laughing, delighting in an intimate moment before the world hit them with all their duties. Ignis ended up straddled on top of Noctis, pinning his hands down on either side of his head, fingers intertwined. Noctis’s eyes finally fluttered open, deep pools of liquid smoke and azure that had yet to dull with age.
“Cheater,” Noctis accused, but he didn’t seem that genuine in his stubbornness. Ignis knew this game well. They had played it for years, ever since they got together when Noctis was twenty. Ignis looked down and realized Noctis was sleeping shirtless this time, his bare chest beautiful and toned.
“Who is the cheater exactly?” Ignis asked, watching as Noctis flushed a bit. Even after all these years, it still sent a flurry of excitement through him. He would never tire of Noctis’s shyness and inability to accept any sort of compliment.
“I got hot in the night,” Noctis explained, his eyes darting away in vague embarrassment. “It’s your fault. You hang on me all night.”
“I do,” Ignis purred, leaning down so their lips were almost touching. He could feel Noctis’s breath on his lips, not at all bothered at his morning breath. They had been together for ten years as a couple, after all. If he was bothered by it now, then it was going to be a shock to them both. “And you are hot all the time, Noctis. It’s time you admit that.”
Noctis made to protest, but Ignis was kissing him before he could stop him. For a long while they were lost in each other’s lips, their hands clutching onto each other as they forgot their worries for just a moment and only remembered each other. Ignis eventually pulled away with a smile, looking at his husband with a love that he hadn’t ever felt for anyone else. Noctis looked breathless, as he always did during these moments, and Ignis knew that his king felt the same.
“I can see you’re up now,” Ignis mused with a bit of a laugh, rocking his hips just a bit so Noctis let out a low moan. Instead of indulging him, he got up and out of the bed. Noctis let out a whine, a plea for him not to be so cruel. “If you don’t overwork yourself today then perhaps we can enjoy each other’s company tonight.”
Noctis perked up at that, hopping out of bed and looking at Ignis with excited eyes. Even at thirty years old, he was so easy to read. “I’ll be done by midnight.”
“I look forward to it,” Ignis chuckled. “Get ready and I’ll join you for your duties this afternoon.”
Noctis beamed at that, and immediately began to get dressed for the day, looking far more a king than just a few moments ago. Ignis watched him, delighting in the fact that this was his life. Noctis was his life and always had been. Nothing was going to change that, and Ignis was forever grateful that his adoring husband felt the same.
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Prompt: Although powerful, The Snatcher still cannot use his powers forever. Unfortunately for him, his contractually obligated BFF wants to know the extent of his shapeshifting. Hopefully he doesn’t get stuck.
Thank you for the request! Also, 2 drabbles in one day because I wanted to and because I suddenly got 4 more requests today (yesterday by the time this posts, technically yesterday for me too because it’s 2am) one of which is the other drabble I just posted because I was hyped for it. So I wanted to make up a little ground on the massive amount of requests I have in my inbox. Also just because I was looking forward to writing this one today so I did.
According to Snatcher’s innate sense of time as well as his pocket watch, it as officially midnight now. Meaning everyone else on the ship except for the night crew should be asleep now so it was safe for him to come out.
He slid out through the cracks in the box, landing in him in the cargo bay. The doors out were locked of course but that was no problem for him. On the other side, he shifted his form to disguise himself as an owl. He’d have preferred to disguise as one of the crew but while he could mimic the seals’ shape, he was still a ghost and thus could only turn himself various shades of purple. So he had to make do with an owl shape and large coat with hood to cover himself.
The moon was full and bright when he finally made his way to the top deck and out into fresh air. The stars were pretty too of course. It had been a long time since he’d been away from the forest and seen the night sky like this… he should really try to do that more. Though it probably wasn’t smart; if Vanessa decided to attack while he was away… She probably wouldn’t, her attacks were few and far between and her most recent attempt was only a couple years ago. So it was probably fine and thus he could enjoy himself.
Except not even five minutes after he’d settled in one of the abandoned lawn chairs to look up at the sky, he sensed someone approaching. He glanced that way and… it was Hat Kid. Of course it was her, who else was insane enough to be up and about after midnight. He glanced away, pretending he wasn’t aware of her.
Thankfully she went right by him. … Or at least for a bit she did because she turned around and came right back after only getting a few feet away. As she stepped up right beside his chair, he pulled his hood down over his face in an attempt to hide his ghostly features. The owls had a tendency to be very anxious, hopefully she’d attribute his behaviour to a stronger version of that.
“Hello?” she said.
“U-uh hi kid,” he replied, perfectly mimicking an owl, layering on the anxiety a bit thicker than normal. He just wanted to be left alone, why was that so much to ask? “W-what are you… doing up so l-late?” That wasn’t too much, was it?
“I’m looking for a friend of mine. I figured he’d probably only come out when it’s dark because he’s a big old grump who doesn’t like people and he snuck abroad illegally.”
“W-well I haven’t seen him so…”
“I don’t need your help finding him because I already have, right Snatcher?” Damn it! “I saw your eyes before you covered them when you glanced my way as I approached. I was already suspecting it was you anyway because I knew you’d be out her tonight. I just wanted to mess with you a little. Your acting is very good though. You should talk to one or both of the directors about getting a role in a movie one day.”
Snatcher sighed as he gave up hiding his face and pulled his hood back up to look at her. “You found me, congrats,” he said in his normal voice but quieter in case anyone else was nearby who might hear.
She smiled at him. “You want to play a game?”
“No, I want you to leave me alone.” Which probably wasn’t going to happen but he could try, right?
“But I want to play.” She pouted at him as if that would ever sway him. “What if I blackmailed you into playing with me? I’ll tell the Captain about you and where to find you and then you’ll be in trouble.”
“You are aware right that I can just kill him if he tries to kick me off or anything else, right?”
“Yep, but you don’t want to bother with all that because then you’re going to have to deal with the whole crew and everyone else on the ship reacting to you in some way. And I know for a fact that at least all the seals would attack you, they’re too loyal to the Captain to not back him up in things. So instead of dealing with all that you can put up with playing with me for a few hours instead, how’s that sound?”
Would she really risk that though? … If it were anyone other than her, he’d have bet on this being a bluff but she was insane, unpredictable even, borderline feral. So… she might be willing to risk the lives of everyone on board in order to get him to play with her. Meaning he had a choice to make, say ‘no’ and deal with all that nonsense, ruining the vacation, or say ‘yes’ and play with her for a few hours.
With a sigh he stood up and discard the coat before morphing to be a clone of her. “Fine, I’ll play with you.” Hopefully the late hour would result in her getting sleepy soon so he wouldn’t have to up with her for long.
“Yes! I knew you’d see reason.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. What game do you want to play?” If it was anything too obnoxious, he’d refuse, peck the consequences.
“Hmm…” Hat Kid lifted hand to tap a finger to her chin in an exaggerated thinking pose. “I was planning on asking you to play ball with me but seeing you shapeshift like that has got me wondering just how much you can shapeshift.”
“That’s not a game.”
“We can make it a game though. We can play with the ball and every time you catch it you have to morph into a new shape, if you repeat one or don’t change, you lose and have to say something nice about me. I lose if I have to use any of my hats to catch the ball and then I have to say something nice about you before leaving you alone to be your grumpy old self. We can change the specifics of the game if we get bored. Sound like fun?”
What would happen if he won sure did, otherwise, no. But if he won fast, it’d be not a problem at all so… “All right fine.”
“Good! And no cheating otherwise you lose by default and we have to play something else after you say something nice about me. Cheating includes, throwing the ball overboard or anywhere that’s impossible for me to catch it, okay?” Well there went that plan.
Oh well, he’d just have to beat her fair and square, it couldn’t be that hard, could it? “Fine, just go get a stupid ball to play with already so we can get this over with.” He wanted to get back to relaxing and doing nothing.
Hat Kid smiled at him before running off. She returned with a purple bouncy ball that had his face on it, she was holding it as if to make sure he saw it. He almost asked her where she got it from but didn’t, mostly because that’s clearly what she wanted but also because he wasn’t in the mood and really didn’t care. He’d find out on his own time later and sue the pants off them for using his likeness without permission.
She tossed it at him and he caught it, morphing into a likeness of Mustache Girl as he did so. This was going to be easy.
Except it wasn’t easy, not as a whole anyway. At the start it was because there were plenty of people he could morph into and just catching the ball was simple. He started running out of people to turn into after a short while though and had to think fast for something new each time the ball was thrown his way. One time he even morphed into a likeness of himself when he was alive, cringing internally as he did so and hating it.
After that was when he really started trying hard to beat her. He was not going to lose to her at a children’s game of catch that eventually turned into basically volleyball, with a pool between them instead of a net. Another reason he was so eager to win though was because shapeshifting was one of the more taxing forms of magic. It took a lot of energy to shift one’s entire shape into something new, especially so quickly. And the more he did it in rapid succession, the more it seemed to take out of him.
Eventually he had the thought to start morphing into fictional beings which saved him and opened a whole slew of new options. That there was no way he had enough energy to last long enough to get through. He needed to win now.
The ball was coming his way. He tried to morph as he moved towards it but… nope, he was out of energy. Instead he stumbled and lost balance, faceplanting into the deck instead. That’s part of the reason he hated walking around on legs, too easy to trip and fall. The ball hit on the head a second later, adding insult to injury. The only thing more humiliating than this moment was when he’d lost to Hat Kid after taking two EX potions. … Ugh, why did all his most humiliating moments involve Hat Kid?
He looked up as the sound of Hat Kid running around to him. She looked… concerned? “Are you okay?” she asked upon reaching him.
He groaned. “You won, please leave me alone now.”
“You fell and aren’t moving anymore, so no, I’m not leaving until you I know you’re okay.”
“I’m fine kid,” he said as he finally pushed himself upright. “I’m just out of energy.” He should not have agreed to that game. If he’d known it would’ve dragged on for about the hour or so it did, he wouldn’t have. “Shapeshifting isn’t easy to do.”
“Oh, sorry but… that means you’ll be okay with some rest?”
“Yes, now leave me be.”
“Still nope, you lost so you have to say something nice to me now. Also, I want to know what your shifted into because you’re adorable.”
Giving into her demands would probably be the quickest way to get rid of her. What could he possibly say that was nice about her though? … “Your top hat is decent as far as top hats worn by feral alien children go.”
“Well… I was hoping for something different but… thank you, I guess.”
“As for what my current form is, it’s Stitch from the movie Lilo and Stitch.” He’d chosen it at random but with Hat Kid being an alien, it was a fitting form to take.
“You’re going to have show me that movie later if it has something as cute as you are now in it. But are you stuck like that? I assume you are because otherwise you would’ve gone back to your normal shape by now, right?”
“Yes, I’m currently stuck and its your fault. So please just leave me alone now.” If he ate the soul of one of the passengers would anyone notice? That’d be the quickest way to regain his strength, he could use his current cuteness to disarm them too.
“Hmm… okay. But you want to go back into my room and rest for a bit. Since you’re like that, we could say you’re my pet, right? Since you look a lot like an animal. That way you don’t have to hide and stuff and no one should care that you didn’t buy a ticket.” That was fitting in a way she didn’t even understand.
“No, thanks. Just let me rest out here.” He’d slink back to his box later when the sun started getting close to rising. Until then he wanted to go back to staring up at the night sky.
“Uh… all right. But sorry about this, I didn’t know it would happen. I wouldn’t have forced you to do it if I had. So… see you later.” She patted him on the head before collecting the ball and finally running off.
For this drabble event.
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bgn846 · 4 years
Worthy Chapter 6: Trapped FFXV A/B/O Promnis
<Previous Chapter 5
A faint buzzing noise drifted in and out of Noct’s dream. His brain finally latched onto what it meant and woke him up.  His phone was vibrating with an incoming call, and it was three in the morning. A quick glance indicated it was Prompto, and Noct scrambled to pick up the phone.
 “Hey! Are you alright? What happened? I’ve been trying to call you all night,” the prince admitted.
 “Um – I might have to hide in my room for the rest of my life,” Prompto admitted in a small voice.
 “What the hell happened?” he asked, concerned.
 “That lady, um – Saeva. She tried to get me.”
 “What do you mean get you?  Are you hurt?” Noct asked, sitting upright in his bed with alarm.
 “She cornered me, and she had a knife.”
 “I’m waking Ignis up, and we are coming to get you right now!”
 “I can’t leave my mum, Noct. She doesn’t think anything’s wrong.”
 “Did you tell her snaky threatened your fucking life?!” Noct yelled into the phone.  “That’s gotta mean something.”
 “Hey, calm down, buddy. I can’t tell her. She wouldn’t believe me, anyway,” Prompto lamented.  “I can hide at home for a little while, but I’ll have to eventually leave the house. I don’t know what to do!”
 “So what do we need to do to get your mother to leave?”
 “I don’t know that either!” he wailed.
 “It’s okay, we are going to figure this out.  I gotta talk to Ignis, though, and see what he can do.  We need to get you outta there, like, yesterday.”
 Noct listened as Prompto recounted his whole ordeal.  It sounded terrible, and thank the six something had distracted her when they were alone together.  It took some convincing, but Noct finally agreed to not come and get him right then and there. The omega wasn’t going to leave his mother, so Noct needed to figure that out first.   Unfortunately, he had no time if this nasty woman was after him.
 After forty minutes, Noct could barely stay awake, and Prompto kept yawning.  He made the omega promise to call him when he woke up the next morning. He needed to be sure his friend was safe.
 Sleep was fitful at best, but morning finally came, and Noct exchanged text messages with Prompto.  He was still in his room with the door locked. Good. He was safe for the day, hopefully. Now to get Ignis updated and on the case.
   “Are you sure he’s up for the task, dearest? I mean he’s not exactly – bright,” Saeva pondered in a hushed tone from behind a large column.
 “I’m telling you he’s perfect. Besides, I can’t really ask Alban, now can I?” Otho frowned.  He really was desperate to make the dark-haired woman happy. She’d unexpectedly visited Otho last night, and he was still feeling the effects of their activities.  A very small part of his brain recognized his actions as a betrayal to his older brother Alban. However, this opportunity was too good to pass up.
 Saeva had begged his help in a certain matter regarding his omegan step brother Prompto.  Turns out the little stinker was trying to work his way to the top of the line. Otho rarely spoke with Prompto, but according to Saeva he was plotting something nasty.
 Apparently, Prompto’s whole painfully shy routine was a façade. Saeva recounted how the blond had cornered her at the banquet and threatened her life.  The little bastard wanted her to leave and drop the engagement.
 Saeva had stopped several times during the retelling of the incident to cry.  Otho had made sure he was nearby to provide a shoulder to cry on. The most shocking part of the story was Alban’s reaction.   His older brother had supposedly dismissed the whole thing and claimed she was drunk. Then, to add insult to injury, he’d tried to force himself on her, but Saeva had managed to get away.  It was amazing that even as a rare alpha female, she still had trouble with this sort of thing.
 This beautifully delicate woman was in fear for her life, and Otho was determined to save her.  Otho had consoled her most of the night, offering to help in any way he could. Saeva had tearfully admitted the only way she would feel truly safe was if both Prompto and Alban were gone.   Without hesitation, Otho had pledged his assistance. He had to save her. His first task was to get Prompto out of the way; the wiry blond seemed like an easy target. Alban was another matter.
 Currently, they were both hiding behind a column waiting for Amet, one of his other brothers.  Otho knew he would be a perfect match for the job he had in mind. As Saeva had so pointedly noticed, Amet wasn’t the brightest.  However, his lack of basic life skills was essential if he got caught. Amet would most likely forget all important details pertaining to his given task.
 “Wait here, dove. I’ll be right back.” Otho offered as he slipped out to speak with Amet.  Saeva nodded and stayed out of sight.
 Sauntering over, Otho greeted his brother.  “Amet, I appreciate you meeting me away from the palace.”
 “Anytime, brother. You seemed stressed over the phone.”
 “Oh, very. Some information has come to light that indicates Alban’s life may be in danger.”
 Amet blinked stupidly for a few seconds before he could answer.  “How?”
 “This will sound crazy, but it appears our step-brother may be plotting against us all.”
 “Who?” he asked with an equally dazed expression.
 Sighing through his nose, Otho worked to control his temper.   Dealing with Amet came with certain challenges. “Our step brother, the omega,” he tried again, unwilling to actually say Prompto’s name.
 “Huh, which one?”  
 Otho was working hard to not yell.  “Not our half-brothers, Amet. Our step-brother.”
 “Oh right, Cirus.  He seemed fine when I saw him yeste--.”
 “Prompto!” Otho hissed, cutting his younger brother off.  “Our fucking step-brother, you nitwit!”
 “Oh, right, that one. I get them all confused.  Do you need me to deliver a message or something?” Amet asked innocently.  
 “What do you mean that one?” Otho sputtered. “We only have the one step-brother! Astrals, never mind. I need you to hire someone to make him leave the city.”
 “No.” Otho growled, “Prompto.”
 “Oh, yeah. Right, the omega.”
 “Yes. Now can you handle that?”
 “Yeah, for sure. I can deliver a message to Cirus, no problem.”  Amet smiled.
 “No. Not Cirus. Please forget you ever mentioned his name.”
 “Of course, brother. Now what did you want again?”
 Otho balled his fits up and took a deep breath. He tried to control his scent. The last thing he needed was to set off Amet’s alpha rage inadvertently.   “I need you to hire someone to make Prompto leave the city.”
 “Preferably someone that knows how to use force.”      
 “Right, that makes sense.  You know I could do it myself. I work out.” Amet beamed as he flexed his right arm.
 “I know you do, but hire someone.  I need Prompto to be gone by the end of the week.”
 “Consider it done, I’ll make Cir — I mean Prompto — leave right away.”
 “Good. Be sure to use the private account if you need to pay the person you hire.”
 “Uh, how do I find this person, anyway -  the one I need to hire?” Amet questioned with a furrowed brow.
 “Go to the shitty part of town with some cash and start asking people to help you get rid of someone.  They’ll want a name and money.”
 “Huh – that easy, eh.  Great, I’ll go get some money now.  Do you want to do dinner later?” Amet asked eagerly.
 “Forgive me, brother, but I’m otherwise engaged. Perhaps another time,” Otho offered as he backed away.  Amet waved goodbye and smiled as he turned to leave the empty corridor. Phase one had been set in motion.  Otho knew Amet would draw far too much attention during his mission, and once things were said and done, he’d probably go to prison for his role.  However, that would mean there was one less person to threaten his claim to the throne.
 Saeva was still waiting for him behind the column.  “Dear heart, I must go run an errand. Will you be free for dinner?”
 “Where are you going? What if Alban sees you?”
 “I’ll be alright; this is something I must attend to privately.  Women’s matters. You understand, don’t you?” She crooned.
 “Of course, dove. I’ll be waiting.”  Otho smiled. He watched as his dark-haired beauty quietly slipped away into the shadows.  Things had been set in motion. Now he just had to sit back and wait.
     Ignis had been on edge all morning.  The prince had actually called him before Ignis had left his apartment.
 That never happened.
 Noct had been in a panic about Lady Saeva and how she was out to get Prompto.  The advisor listened dutifully and tried to calm his charge, but Noct was truly fearful over what might happen if they didn’t intervene.
 Thankfully, Ignis had enough foresight to send Nyx back to keep tabs on Saeva and Prince Prompto.  His nervousness at the moment stemmed from not having received a check in from Nyx. The soldier had arrived in Niflheim sometime in the middle of the night. Aside from a short text indicating he’d landed, Ignis had heard nothing else.  He knew he was riding a fine line sending a glaive into another kingdom to spy, but someone’s life was in danger.
 The person who      had     managed to clog his inbox was Noct. The prince had been texting him nearly every fifteen minutes wanting an update.  Ignis almost regretted telling him that he’d sent Nyx. However, the advisor knew if he hadn’t said anything, Noct would have been a total wreck.  This was a lesser of two evils.
 Finally, at around one thirty in the afternoon, Ignis received a text that wasn’t from Noct.
Nyx Ulric 1:32pm: This shit is real… o-o  sunshine still beaming, snaky is scary af.  Got job interview to go to now.
 Ignis stared at his phone. What in Titan’s name was Nyx up to in Niflheim?  Opting to keep it simple, he replied      good luck     and pocketed his phone.  He knew they couldn’t text exact details, but Nyx definitely had a way with words - or the lack thereof, Ignis wasn’t sure.
 Taking a deep breath, he continued on in his day, clinging to the small bit of Nyx’s text that read,      sunshine still beaming    .  Prompto was safe for now.  That’s what mattered.
     Nyx had been following Amet Clavus, the third in line to the Niflheim throne, for an hour.  He’d been trailing Saeva Pravus all morning after she’d left Otho Calvus quarters. Nyx was too far away to hear what had transpired between Otho and Amet during their meeting, but he was sure it was important.
 Hoping his hunch was correct; Nyx chose to follow Amet for the afternoon.   His efforts were about to pay off big time. The hulking form of the alpha strolled ahead at a leisurely pace in the most disgusting part of town Nyx had ever seen.  If it weren’t for the fact that the man was clearly a body-builder and stood damn near close to Gladio’s height, he would have been robbed ages ago.
 Finally, Nyx was able to overhear what Amet had been asking people.  He needed a hired gun to run someone out of town. Putting on his best smile, Nyx wandered up to Amet and slapped him on the arm.   “Oi, I hear you’re in the market for some hired muscle. Can’t imagine why, though. You’ve got plenty to go around.”
 Amet stared at him for a moment and then smiled back.  “I do work out quite a bit. Every day, in fact,” he announced proudly. A burst of pheromones soon followed, confirming his happiness regarding the topic.
 “That’s excellent, gotta keep those muscles in peak condition.  So, I hear you need help with something?” Nyx tried again.
 “Oh!  Yes, I need someone to leave town by the end of the week.”
  “Uh – sure, I can help out with that,” Nyx replied, suddenly realizing that Amet was a few players short of a full team.
 “Great!” Amet breathed in relief.  “I really want to get back so I can work out again, and it was taking too long to find someone.”
 “Right, well, I’m your man.” Nyx grinned as he smoothed out his black denim jacket.  Ignis had instructed him to go undercover and not wear anything that could tie him back to the crown.
 “Ok, then, if you could swing by later and let me know when you’re done, that’d be great. I have to tell my brother.”
 “I can do that, no problem.” Nyx answered slowly even though the large alpha hadn’t given him a location.  Amet made to walk away, and Nyx scooted around in front of him again. “I just need a name and a deposit.”
 “Yeah! So it’s my half – no wait!” Amet paused dramatically holding his hands out. “It’s my step-brother, Cirus! Oh no, that’s not right, either!”  The man sighed and furrowed his brow clearly deep in thought.
 “Would it help if I tired guessing?” Nyx offered dryly.
 “It’s on the tip of my brain.”
 Nyx figured a lot of things were on the tip of Amet’s brain, but they’d been ignored for so long they’d turned to dust ages ago.  The glaive was about to start throwing letters out to help when Amet sprang back to life.
 “The omega!  His name begins with a P.  That’s all I remember.”
 “Where does this omega live?” Nyx questioned further.
 “With me.”
 “Oh – like, um, in the same house?”
 “No, a different one.”
 Nyx decided to take a different direction even though he knew who Amet was talking about and where Prompto lived. “So where do you live?” he asked gleefully.
 “Under the old keep. You know, in the government compound where the royals live,” Amet whispered as if it mattered.
 “Gotcha, I know where that is.  So I just need a deposit, and I’ll be on my merry way.”
 “Perfect. I really gotta go,” agreed Amet as he dug around in his pocket and handed over a wad of cash.
 Nyx nearly busted a blood vessel when Amet gave it to him.  The glaive pocketed it as fast as he could and hoped no one would come after him for it next.  
 “Bye!” Amet cheered as he turned and left.
 Nyx literally ran back to the airfield where he’d been hiding out.  The shed Prompto had hid his clothes in proved to be a perfect base of operations. Thankfully, no one followed him, and he hid the money after wiping off his prints.   Now to find out what Saeva was up to. But before he left again, Nyx texted Ignis once more.
 Nyx Ulric 3:48pm:          Got the job but it's night shift, boss doesn’t mind if it’s dark all day long.  I might have to take my work home with me if it gets difficult.  
   Prompto flinched when his phone chimed.  He’d been on edge all day wondering if Saeva would try something again.  Prompto wouldn’t put it past her to visit his house; she truly was a snake.  Grabbing his phone revealed a message from Ignis.
Ignis Scientia 3:55pm: Are you doing alright?
 The blond blinked a few times.  Ignis was checking on him, but why?  He knew the advisor was aware of his predicament, but he didn’t think he’d text him directly.
Prompto Argentum 3:58pm: I’m okay, just nervous about seeing Saeva again.
 Ignis Scientia 4:00pm      :          I would advise you to stay in your room for as long as you can.  Do you still have Nyx’s phone number?  
 He thought about the nice beta soldier that they’d stationed outside Noct’s suite in Insomnia.  He still had the number, but he’d never used it.
Prompto Argentum 4:02pm: Yeah I still have it.
 Ignis Scientia 4:03pm:          Excellent. Keep it and call or text that number if you need immediate assistance.  Is that understood?  
 Prompto stared at his phone. Did that mean that soldier was here?  Was Nyx in Niflheim? That meant he could leave, if he had an escort.  However, he remembered he still had to convince his mother to leave.    
 Prompto Argentum 4:05pm:          Ok I will.  Thanks for checking on me.  
Ignis Scientia 4:05pm: Of course, anything to help.
 Waiting a few minutes produced no more messages, and Prompto focused on taking deep breaths.  He was going to survive this. He had people who wanted to help and who wanted to be friends with him.
     Checking her phone once more, Saeva looked up and smiled sweetly at Alban.  The dolt was clueless about everything. He’d already completely forgotten about her issue with Prompto.  He was prattling on about the latest model car that had been released in Altissia and showed no signs of stopping.  “Darling, I feel a headache coming on. I’m going to retire to my rooms for a nap.”
 This comment seemed to shut Alban up.  “Oh, can I come?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.  
 Working to hide her disdain, Saeva smiled again. “Oh, I would love to have you, but I fear my headache is too great.  Rain check?”
 The slightly balding alpha seemed upset, but he backed off.  “Of course. Perhaps we could do dinner together?”
 “Wasn’t this lovely lunch enough? Besides, I fear I may still be sleeping later. Tomorrow?”
 Alban agreed, and Saeva finally stood to leave the stuffy room they’d been confined to for over an hour.  She had her own meeting to attend. Smiling, she quickly left the suites and went outside the royal compound.
 Things were going well.  The groundwork had been laid linking Otho and Amet with the plot to harm Prompto.  However, she still needed to arrange his actual death. She didn’t trust either of them to accomplish the task.  Amet was a good looking lump of muscle and nothing more. Otho was blinded by her kisses and promises. He didn’t stand a chance.  Now when the lowly boy turned up dead, they would go down for his murder.
  Alban, on the other hand, was moldable; she could work with that later.
 Meeting with an assassin for hire in the late afternoon wasn’t normal, but nothing Saeva did followed the rules.  Ducking into a side street, she huddled into her fur lined coat and waited.
 “I didn’t think you’d show up,” a sultry voice nearby called out.
 “I have a tight schedule to keep, so this was my only availability,” Saeva replied.
 “Hmmm, I see.  Details please?” the voice asked as the figure came out from an overhang.
 Saeva pulled a small envelope out of her inside coat pocket and handed it over to the woman approaching.  She was wearing a long fitted trench coat and military grade boots. After pocketing the item, the light haired woman smiled ever so slightly and stared at Saeva.  She made no move to say anything else, and appeared to be studying her.
 Taking a deep breath Saeva nodded curtly.  She was done with this transaction and needed to return to the government compound.   Suddenly, the other woman shifted and was directly in front of her. Saeva was unable to fight back when the assassin roughly shoved her into the wall.
 “Something about you doesn’t sit well with me,” she offered in a hushed tone.
 Saeva went to push her away, but something sharp poked her in the side.  This fucking bitch had pulled a knife on her. “If you want the rest of your fucking money, whore, I suggest you back off,” Saeva spit.
 “Oh no, how scary --” The woman drawled coolly.  “Listen up, gold digger. If you want to stay pretty, I suggest you keep your end of the bargain.  Also, my price just went up for your brass assumption regarding my sexual habits. Now, off you go. Run back to your big, strong, stupid alphas and play with them.”
 The anger bubbling up in Saeva’s veins was causing her to shake.  How dare this woman talk to her in such a manner. “Fuck off!” she hissed.
 The woman shrugged slightly and tilted her head. “If that’s what you want.”
 Biting back a yelp, Saeva felt the woman get      even     closer, as she leaned in with her full weight.  What in Shiva’s name was happening? The knife was a steady presence in her side, so she couldn’t move away.
 Saeva then felt a pair of sharp teeth near her neck.  “Stop it. I’ll pay the extra,” she relented unhappily.  She couldn’t risk getting bitten. The other woman was an alpha and knew what she was doing.  If Saeva had gotten marked, then she couldn’t marry the king. This fucking bitch was such a hassle.  She hoped that when she found Prompto, she’d make him hurt. The blade went away, and Saeva finally pushed the woman away and walked out of the alley. 
>Next Chapter 7 
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einsamkalte · 4 years
ooc. tl;dr sorry for the absence and hopefully the coming weeks i’ll be around more on this gal + my other blogs.
without getting into current events, lemme just say things have been really uh, wild offline for me the past few weeks and work is kind of eating me alive at times. i will admit it’s dulled some of my muse for at least two of the characters i write (and effectively pushed me into dropping at least one character i was excited to take back up) and has generally made it difficult to write. i’m sure i’m not the only one running into a wall like this and getting stressed out and that we’re all of us going through a hard time right now.
i was debating going on hiatus (on weiss + at least one of my other characters, if not 3 of the 4) but i’m not sure if that’s going to end up making me feel more or less stressed / guilty for being absent from a hobby i enjoy. like i figured i’d be able to ease back into things once i started the new job and then lol no! anyway. anyway! i’m getting off-track here and this is half for my own peace of mind anyway.
basically i just wanna say that i will be sticking around and staying off hiatus if i can mentally + physically + emotionally handle that, but that i will still likely be lower on the activity side until things... stabilize. i like my job in the pharmacy, don’t get me wrong! it’s just not leaving me with a lot of energy for my writing, both for myself and for roleplay. so again, thanks and sorry if you read this far lol. (also i’m sorry for the gigantic pile of unanswered asks in my inbox, weiss has been a somewhat nerve-wracking muse for me given that rwby is relatively popular and well-known, so that’s all on me being a wuss. i’ll try to eventually clear those all out... no matter how old. i still really appreciate all the IC messages i’ve gotten!! ;; )
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
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Freed up some time, actually!  Gonna blog the new pages of HS^2.  Liveblogging resume...
FYI, the post I glimpsed that alerted me to the fact that new pages exist had a translucent screenshot of Brain Ghost Dirk on it, so I know that at least is in store for me.  Makes sense; a way to involve Dirk’s voice obnoxiously heavily even when he’s too far away to narrate.  And ties into this... chapter(?) name, of course.  Chapters, huh?
> CHAPTER 1. Ghostflusters
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God. Damnit.
Could we NOT???  No?
Fuck you, Dirk.  I blame you for this.
So we have greenery, a can-city and Sburb-legal human house mix... some sorta cow-looking thing from far away in the front yard...
The void resounds. Space seizes and warps as the bounds of relevance erode away to nothing but the wishful nostalgia of times passed. There is a hole in the middle of the universe, and it is hungry.
All very literally true.
But the denizens of this particular iteration of Earth C don’t know it. All of this is just business as fucking usual for a planet plagued by war, continuous inclement ghost weather, and the general malaise of being absolutely severed from canon.
--oh, FUCK.  This isn’t the new planet, this is Candy timeline Earth.  I didn’t wanna come back here!  :C
I guess that explains most of the content warnings.  Except fucking ALCOHOLISM.  Gee, thanks for adding THAT to the Candy timeline, as if it wasn’t fucked over enough!!!  Bluh.
I thought the closing lines of the Epilogue were that after RoboDave, Aradia and alt!Callie dove out of the Candyverse inside the singularity, the black-hole timelines and Dirk’s presumably-still-”relevant” nonsense weren’t going to collide with each other again?  So... why are we seeing this?  Is there going to be MORE influence like that, and the ending line was just fancy-talk?  Is it just an irrelevant little follow-up to Candy to show things turning out okay or pseudo-okay, like an epilogue to the epilogue?  Or is some of this Dirk nonsense presumably within the bounds of some sort of canon going to still have some last bit of influence on this so-called non-canon timeline?
That last one would make sense, given that it echoes how Homestuck^2′s dubious canonicity would still have definite influence on fanworks outside of canon.  Right?
Let me pull that last line from the epilogues again--
...where’s the Epilogues’ log, this is getting kind of hard to find with all their reorganization... fuck, I had to guess at the URL even.  Here we go, the last page of Meat...
The hole leaves behind an absence in the sky so calm that continuing to call it a sky wouldn’t seem to do it justice. It’s a perfectly neutral expanse into which anything one can imagine might be summoned. And for a while, anything was. But not anymore. Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
...Right.  This implies that Canon and Non-Canon shall never meet again.  BOTH ways.  Doesn’t quite gel with the fact that we’re cutting back here--
This is about Jake and Brain Ghost Dirk isn’t it.  I noticed his name down further on the page.  THAT’S why we’re cutting back here.
So, Canon and Non-Canon aren’t exactly meeting... not for anything relevant, anyway.  But we’re using Candy Jake’s visibility of Brain Ghost Dirk to get a better idea of Dirk’s broader self and plans through a splinter of him?  While getting another glimpse into how the post-epilogue Candy timeline is going for our, er... “curiosity”?  Is that it?
Hm.  I guess that doesn’t count as the twain “meeting”... I’ll just keep reading now.
They spend their days absorbed in the petty and pointless pursuits of “having jobs” and “raising families” and “falling in love”.
Is this Dirk’s narrator voice?  This sounds like something the current megalomaniacal Dirk would say.
I’m not going to quote the rest of the text’s further reminders of how Jane has been made into an absolutely fucked-over asshole in every timeline except the one where she grew old to open a Joke shop, adopt Dad, die, get prototyped and timeline-doubled, then mysteriously disappear from any mention in the Epilogues as if the Sprites were just forgotten about completely eventually.
> (==>)
Oooh, using the less-relevance-surrounding-parens that were used on retconned ghost!Vriska back in Homestuck proper to denote our presence in the non-canon Candy timeline? How handy!
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Not a far-away cow, then.
John has been an incredible pal, opening up his home to Jake and his son on such short notice, and even offering him a pair of pants, as well as a shirt that he has so far neglected to put on.
Alright, that got a chuckle from me.
John’s house doesn’t have air conditioning.
What the flying fuck.
...Ah, John’s been away patching things up with Roxy some more, I presume.
It, like the rest of his assets, is in her name. She’d seen to that as soon as they were married.
Life players and assets, huh?  Always gotta be hoggin’ em.
He hasn’t seen much of Tavros today either, but that’s not unusual. He’s probably out with his kismesis, the one he thinks Jake doesn’t know about.
Huh.  Maybe Candy’s young Vriska?  Couldn’t get the real Tavros with your main self, so your alternate nigh-clone self settled with a human by the same name?  Or one of the other kids we heard of from this ‘verse..?
> (==>)
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Jake’s hot man-bod cropped out of this image to avoid titillating my readers too much.
(Tumblr keeps jumping back to the top of my post after I add images and I keep thinking the title reads “Ghostfuckers”.)
Jake washes the dirt out from under his fingernails, and his eyes fall on the bottle still sitting on the counter. John had opened it, but together they’d barely touched the stuff. Jake had promised him and Tavvy he’d dry up his act and all, but... well.
God damnit.  If this is still Dirk-voiced narration -- I’m not sure it can be, now I think about it, as he’s supposed to be “out of range” or something, unless non-canon is just malleable like that, which wouldnt be surprising (or Dirk’s splinter’s presence allows it) -- he could literally be inducing or writing in Jake’s drinking problem just to hurt him more.  You can’t really put an overstep that assholish past Prince Dirk the way he’s gotten to be.
There was another ask in my inbox insisting that Dirk wasn’t going to stay the true villain here, if only as some sort of karmic revenge for declaring his self-importance... but I still don’t think that’s the case.  For one, Dirk HASN’T declared himself the villain... he still can’t see how fucked-up and unjustified his trampling over of everyone’s wills IS.  Shadows of recognition... but not really.  He really honestly believes he has the fucking RIGHT to do what he’s doing.
(Which is, incidentally -- to answer another ask -- why there’s basically NO chance that Rose has some sort of control or recognition of her situation under the surface, and is playing Dirk, as another person hopefully surmised.  No.  She really IS being unknowingly steered away from personal growth and recognition of the thought-control she’s under... because nothing less could feel as horrible to us.)
Part of the entire POINT of Homestuck and its Riddle was to show that these crazy kids, if they put their wills to it, always had the potential to be the literal Gods of the world around them.  That when ordinary people grasp the will and drive to shape the world around them, they can turn everything back from the brink of destruction... or vice versa.  Thus, it’s only appropriate that a player from this game could become a villain more disgusting than any we’d imagined in the series so far.  What he’s been doing -- writing twisted sorrow directly into the lives and experiences of those around him, nurturing their worst, most power-hungry tendencies (Rose) and deceiving them more directly than Doc Scratch (who was PART Dirk) ever did, making a JOKE of their free will in a more terribly direct way than ANY have been shown onscreen to do?? It IS, and is MEANT to be, the worst we have EVER seen in Homestuck.  Not as clumsy and from-the-outside as Lord English, but just as blatantly direct.  Not as easy to ignore or mistake as Doc Scratch’s horrible, intentional Prince-of-Hearty worsening of the players, instead just as impossible to gloss-over as it is to bear witness to.  That very TITLE, “Prince of Heart”, can embody the very ANTITHESIS of the Ultimate Riddle itself, robbing EVERYONE of their ability to shape not just the world around them, but even so much as themselves or their very thoughts.  When used the way Dirk is using it RIGHT NOW, anyway.  And his ambition is to impose this on all of Paradox Space.
There COULD be another villain, later.  But I can’t imagine a single one more appropriate.  And Andrew’s just the type to use one of the Striders, both practically self-inserts of parts of his personality and presence, as that ultimate villain to be overcome in a story about escaping Canon, too.
Turning his ex into an alcoholic just for his own self-satisfaction?  In a side timeline where Jake didn’t even try a relationship with him again and finally had a chance to grow up happy in SOME universe?  I wouldn’t put it past him, and you shouldn’t either.
Moving on.
> (==>)
Eugh.  I just... don’t want to think about him being an alcoholic on TOP of everything else.  As if there wasn’t enough to deal with in Candy already.
> (==>)
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> (==>)
The jungle air is heavy, humid, and familiar. Twenty years on and the thick drag into his lungs settles on him in a blanket of nostalgia, reassuring in its discomfort.
Hm.  Is this his fantasy, or a view of him in another timeline?
He is deeper in the jungle than he’d ever venture in his waking hours. There were places on his island that not even his Gran would tread, and she’d been the bravest person he’d ever known.
Hmm.  So he even knows it’s a dream, but is still in control...
Jake doesn’t recognize anything. The jungle of his dreams is wild and unknown, and there are things moving in the dense undergrowth.
...Hhhuh.  Still not sure what to think of this yet.
A sudden wind thrashes the canopy. There are pine needles in his mouth. There aren’t any pine needles in the jungle.
Very Dream, then.
> (==>)
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> (==>)
> (==>)
JAKE: Yes you are i know that much. I saw your body! I carried your coffin chock full of all those stupid fucking swords! DIRK: Nope. JAKE: Dont nope me mister!
They would pile all those shitty swords into his coffin, yeah.
Anyway, now to see how much Prince Dirk is in this Dirk.  And if he’s in one mind with himself or has the slightest chance of feeling rebellious.
JAKE: I know a dead dirk when i see one! DIRK: Sure you do. But that wasn’t me. Are you really surprised to find out I got a couple of spares? JAKE: So what youre saying is you arent my dirk. DIRK: ...That is a whole ‘nother conversation that we really don’t have time for, pertaining to exactly who or what ‘your dirk’ actually constitutes. DIRK: Do you mean the Dirk from your timeline? DIRK: Then yes, that Dirk is dead. DIRK: If you mean the Dirk that you fucked and then ghosted, no, I’m not your Dirk. DIRK: If you mean the Dirk that you felt closest to, that you really knew--
...well, this Dirk still knows how to be a presumptuous, pushy creep.  :(
JAKE: Ahhh! Brain ghost dirk! DIRK: In the ghosty flesh. JAKE: Crumbs bro where have you been? JAKE: I could have used someone on my side! JAKE: You just disappeared one day without even the odd toodaloo to mark your passing! DIRK: That isn’t strictly true. I did disappear, but it was in a catastrophic blaze of hope-drenched pathos. I even threw out a couple one-liners. DIRK: But you wouldn’t remember that. JAKE: Because...it was a different dirk? DIRK: No, a different Jake.
Hhhuh.  So in the claymation-reproduced Lord English stagefight -- or, maybe more likely, the pre-retcon Aranea-induced Game Over timeline -- he was too washed out by hopesplosions to manifest properly?
DIRK: Until recently there’s been a shortage of ambient narrative relevance for Dirks, since one particular motherfucker has been sucking it all up like a thirsty little twink at his first interspecies rave.
Hm!  So Prince Dirk has been making it so other splinters of himself have really limited ability to influence, huh?  Guess that’s a sort of price for the narrative-hijacking power he’s attained.  Wonder how this Dirk really feels about that.
> (==>)
--Pff.  He’s certainly not shy about letting Jake know he shouldn’t trust him, though!  That’s a good sign.
I’ll split the post here for a bit.  Seems we’re about halfway through this upd8 from the look of the log.
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queenofmoons67 · 5 years
Update time!
Hey everyone! I’ve posted a lot of new things recently, but also haven’t really talked about my longer stuff in awhile. I’ll put a list of my new fanfics at the end of this post (with fandoms and such, so you should be able to find them through tags; sorry, I’m posting from my phone). But for now, my longer works!
Write Your Letters in the Sand: Supernatural: WOW it’s been... it’s been a really long time since I updated this fic. I never officially put it on hiatus, but... yeah. I’m really sorry guys.
Write’s situation boils down to the fact that I pretty much dropped both the show and the fandom around the same time that I stopped updating. Most of that was due to being busy with real life, and then when I wasn’t as busy, I was exploring new fandoms. I thought I would eventually get back into SPN, but... well. That probably isn’t happening anytime soon. HOWEVER.
This fic was my baby for a very long time, and all you readers have been wonderful, and I promised both you and myself that I would eventually see it completed. I intend to keep that promise. It may not happen soon. But at some point, I promise I will post the final chapters: whether they’re fleshed out and actually written, or just the outlines and ideas I had before.
We Are the Challengers (Plus Ultra!): Daiya no Ace in the Boku no Hero Academia universe: <clutches crossover universe baby to chest> you guys. This ‘verse. I think about it pretty much every day. And here’s the deal: There is a fic coming for it. It will be the longest fic I have ever written. It currently sits at about 21k, and it hasn’t moved in a very long time because of writer’s block and other plot bunnies, but it will eventually be finished. I don’t even know how long it will be when it is, but this was my nano project last year so... yeah. It’ll be long.
And I’m not sure when it’ll be posted (possibly when season three ends? If I can manage to start writing it again).
In the meantime though, if you want to read more for this ‘verse: my asks are open! I will answer questions about the upcoming fic (called “The King is Dead (Long Live the King)”). I will answer questions about the ‘verse as a whole, or just a tiny part of it. Is there something you want to know that I haven’t addressed? A character or quirk or?? Ask! Please! This ‘verse has been and continues to be my baby, I am always willing to talk about it and brainstorm with people. You might even get short fics out of it (that being said, if you just want to straight up give me a prompt for this ‘verse, I will be so happy to deliver).
the wingbeats carry on: Akatsuki no Yona: I actually updated this one about two months ago, but there is so much more I want to write for it. I also have a prompt for it I need to fill, so that will be fun! I’ve finally (almost) shed a ton of real life priorities, so hopefully that happens soon. In the meantime, what I said about asks with Challengers applies here, too! I am always willing to talk about / brainstorm this fic with people, and always taking prompts!
And now... to introduce those other plot bunnies I mentioned... they don’t have actual titles yet, so I’ve just been calling them:
That Tiger and Bunny fic where Kotetsu gets turned into a dog and no one else knows. Yes, it’s that old cliché. No, I don’t care. I’m rather proud of it actually. It currently sits at almost 6k, and guys, this will be another long one. I’m just rolling with it, no outline, so idk how long it’ll be... but it’ll be long. I’m just getting started (I hope). When I start posting it will depend entirely on whether or not I hold out till it’s finished so I can edit it all together, or if I cave and post erratically.
Tiger and Bunny x BNHA fic. That... yeah, that’s all I’m saying for now plot wise. All you need to know is that it is Kotetsu focused, but will involve all of class 1A (minus M*neta plus Shinsou) and Kotetsu actively adopting ALL OF THEM because he can’t help himself, it’s the dad instincts.
And... yes, I’ve said this for the other two not posted ones, but I’m saying it again: it’ll be a long one. I’m focusing on just writing an outline for now (my most detailed yet), I haven’t even started chapter four’s part yet, and it’s already hit 3k. The outline. Has hit 3k.
Posting wise, this will probably be posted after the dog fic. Depends on how long they both end up being, and how long it takes me to finish this outline and switch to the actual writing.
<wipes forehead> wow that’s a lot. But good news! Even with all those wip fics, I have posted a few (short) new ones recently!
we built a dynasty: Daiya no Ace: In which Narumiya Mei is Narumiya Mei, and that makes all the difference when he ends up stuck back in his first year body
Can be read as pre-Mei/Itsuki or pre-Mei/Harada, but it is found family focused
Triple Crown: Lord of the Rings: Arwen arrives in Gondor to find Estel shuffling a little guiltily, but ultimately firm-backed, with a handsome man by his side. “Arwen,” Estel begins. “I love you—and I have discovered I also love Boromir. And it would mean the world to me if you would grant the three of us a chance, because I know I have a heart large enough for the both of you.”
Aragorn/Arwen/Boromir, also known as my new ship in an old fandom
hey brother: The Hardy Boys: Prompt: Hey, I was wondering if you could write a bonus aftermath scene for the 70s hardy boys episode sole survivor? Focusing on joe?
Worried Frank and hurt Joe, because what else am I supposed to write for a prompt like that
speeding through red lights: Double Decker! Doug & Kirill: After a long night at the office, Deana suggests they play truth without the dare.
Or, in which Kirill and I both struggle through how he accepts everyone else for who they are, but his first reaction to himself or anyone else thinking he’s attracted to a man is no because he, himself, is a man.
WARNING for internalized homophobia. One-sided Kirill / Doug.
a life in the sun: FMA:B x Harry Potter: Ling narrowed his eyes at the tall, silver-haired man kneeling next to Ed. He had been willing to ignore him throughout the Promised Day for the sake of—well, everything—but now it was over. Greed was gone. Fu was gone. But Ed was here, and Ling wasn’t about to watch him disappear again. It took him ten seconds to march over, but just one to grip the stranger’s shoulder in a tight, pinching grip.
Pre Ed/Ling, Ed/Draco, Draco/Ling, and Ed/Draco/Ling. I will go down with this ship
I’ll admit, this one went up a month and a half ago. But I love it, so
And if you go back even farther, I have a handful of short one-shots posted for both HakYona Week 2019 and AkaYona Week 2019! I won’t list them all because they would require their own separate list, but they are there!
I hope everyone enjoys the posted fics, and don’t be afraid to reach out and ask me questions / prompts, or to just throw your thoughts at me! My inbox is always open 😊
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