#at the end of the day these are men i dont trust them as delusional as i may portray myself on this hellsite
bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 5 - Meat Page 7
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Okay, time for Rose and Dirk to talk delicious politics or something.
Heh, customary show-end riots.
Rose, stop causing all of us undue alarm.
Ascending? Is she going to fade out into a concept or something???
Oh shit, Dirk’s doing something similar.  Some sort of inevitability once God-Tier is reached or some such.
Dirk has a solution to the problem in the works.  That’s... well, Rose already cautioned that that could be ominous.  I hope it doesn’t involve decapitation.  Or robot bodies, or turning her into an omniscient cueball or something.
Okay, stage play time.  I can see a weird-seeming text color choice for Caliborn down below, hm.  Time to read down to there...
Ah, the classic finale-callback thumbs down.  Nice.
...yeah, reinforcing the point he was trying to make a little less explicitly with his earlier finale of Homestuck that Lord English had really just, sort of, trapped them in this narrative that their ultimate reward would be to escape, realizing it never really mattered too much compared to their own long lives and happiness or something.
Epilogue TWO??????  D:
Okay now it’s, like, Andrew commenting isn’t it.
Oh shit, it DOES suck them up and trap them? Huh. That explains how Jade was dealt with, I’d forgotten. Also because it was one of the huge goddamn unanswered fucking hugepoints that made it seem like a slap in the face when we were told it didn’t matter and-- yeah okay let me just keep reading.
Huh, broken glasses.
And, phew; the ages it takes is from an OUTSIDE perspective.  Let’s see what it is from an inside perspective...
Jaaaane!!! :D
Okay let’s read about Janey.
Mhmm, that’s not that surprising... Dirk knew that Karkat was going to run against Jane, but Jane didn’t, even though Dirk was ostensibly “working” for her.  There’s definitely a plan here.  Maybe it involves Jane and Karkat smooching publicly at the end.  ...No, that’s just my wishful imagination talking, isn’t it.
Oh my god she’s screaming into a pillow at hearing she has competition.  That’s adorable.
YES, JANE.  UNDERESTIMATE KARKAT.  YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM LIKE EVERYONE ELSE (though probably platonically).  It does upset me that they’ve taken this long to really get acquainted, though; I’ve argued for years that their personalities are naturally compatible as the straight men for all their friends’ bullshit.
In fact, Jane is pretty sure that Karkat Vantas would probably literally burst into flame if too many people happened to look at him at the same time, like a vampire walking out into the sun.
Yes, but he’d get over it.  And be a flaming president or something.
In fact, Jane cannot remember a single conversation she’s ever had with him that wasn’t about the economy. She thinks back to one time at John’s eighteenth birthday when Dave engaged her in a rigorous and rather one-sided debate about deregulation and the failure of “neoliberal austerity measures” until Karkat had to come over and put his hands over his roommate’s mouth to make him stop talking.
Oh my FUCKING god, it’s true.  Dave’s appropriately liberal in the modern, Krugman-esque, statistically grounded way.  Karkat has my vote already.
She’d be happy to accept a graceful, temporary defeat and let Karkat play president for a couple of years. After all, unlike her, he was not immortal.
Hey fuck you.  Also, why the FUCK haven’t they used one of the myriad likely ways to extend Karkat’s lifespan basically indefinitely yet???  Heck, JANE could probably do it with Life powers if she crawled back out of her own butt!  We already know the Condesce could extend other trolls’ lifespans with weird troll powers so Life powers are almost certainly enough to suffice.  >:(
Ohhh, so maybe Jane is just, like... slightly traumatized by trolls? And thus a little tiny bit predisposed against trusting them cause of the Condesce? :(
Interesting how she views her past reliance on / pursuance of Jake as something that made her “weak” specifically.
Okay, I’m getting a slightly uncomfortable vibe that Jane is willing to almost play at seduction with Jake falsely to get his endorsement on--
And she’s willing to do more than that, too.
Okay FUCK, JANE.  GET YOURSELF UNDER CONTROL.  I’m starting to believe the shittalking the others have given about you!  You’d better shape up by the end of this epilogue or what have you.
Okay, trapped John can hear the other three through the walls of their prison or something.
Conversation and musings, conversation and musings.....
Wait, Jade LIVES with Dave and Karkat in that SAME HOUSE and they didn’t even mention it??!??  What is even up with their thing.
Heh, John’s thinking he really could have used a nice kismesis riling him up to better himself.  That’s what they’re for, really.
There there, John.
Oh my fucking GOD, Jane rolls with supply side economics???  TAKE.  HER.  DOWN.
And Jade is just... here?  Huh.
Yeah they DEFS weren’t listening.
JADE: especially when JADE: there are much better things we could all be doing with our mouths.....
Her tail swishes from side to side
Wasn’t that something that the ask-responses from Andrew said she canonically DIDN’T have or what the fuck
Since I guess it wasn’t confirmed IN CANON he just decided he liked it enough to offer it here or???? I DON’T KNOW????
Wow why am I all worked up by this all of a sudden.  It’s just transferring from her earlier line isn’t it.
three of her bras
Okay no nevermind Andrew’s just fucking with us.
...Even though this can probably still be considered canon.  Which only makes how he’s fucking with us work even better, really.  I mean, why WOULDN’T he lob this at us on the ten year anniversary and watch us squirm, really.  There’s no incentive not to.
--oh wait wait never mind reading further these are just bras from different days she threw over the couch.  PHEW.  I thought for a second that we were dealing with dog anatomy stuff that would REQUIRE multiple bras on her.  Jesus.  I wonder if Andrew intentionally phrased things so some people would think that for a minute.
JADE: also you know trolls dont actually have two dicks dave thats an offensive stereotype
Wait, is it that Dave and Karkat’s relationship isn’t quite full-hearts sexual and Jade is incessantly shipping them?? :O
because that’d be hilarious too??  --*reads*
The thing about Jade Harley is that she’s not as good at personal things as she is at other things. Like science, or mastering fraymotifs, or kissing, the last of which she has definitely put a lot of levels into over the past few years because, well, what else are you supposed to do with immortal godhood once you hit the age where the dog hormones start kicking into overdrive? 
f uck
dog hormones
i’m wheezing
Alright, Jade’s springing a thorough relationship talk on them.  That’s cool.  Also she’s throwing statistics in there and I LOVE that now that Jade is older we’re reinforcing just how scary science smart she is, I can’t wait to see other people roleplaying her properly because of it too.
...Yeah Jade would definitely date a chess couple
Jade sighs and crawls closer. She takes one of Karkat’s hands in hers.
JADE: i think wed all work good together
Jade being
literally the thirstiest person in this ENTIRE CAST OF CHARACTERS
to the point that everyone’s calling her out on it
in something that’s virtually goddamn canon
holy fucking shit I love everything.  I love life.  Living in a universe where this hilarious shit happens is fun.
Ooh, dueling god-tier powers for petty reasons.
...yeah her hair would get everywhere, wouldn’t it.
yes make fun of ship names some more
What Jade leaves in her wake is not quite the emotional scorched-earth situation that she was going for, but a few of her needles have definitely gotten under some skin. Dave and Karkat both stare after her, silently caught in their own private rationalization spirals.
So this whole time Jade’s been all “JUST KISS ALREADY” and they’ve been all “what no” and now she’s just laid it all out in the open and left them to it.  Yeah that sounds about like what would’ve happened.
Aaaand of course, since this is Dave and Karkat, they just choose to stall some more and play video games.  Jade really DOES complete this relationship with her pushing them to accept reality and stop downplaying their own feelings and self-esteem and all.  But that’s what I thought would happen BEFORE I even read any epilogue stuff so I’m biased.
Pff, Vriska time.
You’ve now got two bitches of either gender at your side
Vriska, shame!  Don’t use that kind of language!!
Yep, this version of her didn’t learn her lesson and is still pretty much completely delusional.
Alright, Real Terezi™ is still flying out in the abyss trying to scoop Vriska out of this jam, cool, cool.
Flailing and spinning, screaming, not being able to see the final event or whatever-- someone save her already we know it’s gonna happen!
JOHN: Emerge from the juju.
Oh.  Well, that’s uncomfortably in line with earlier presumably-discredited theories.  About John saving Vriska from the black hole the Green Sun left in its wake and all.  :|
Yawns too wide and snaps in half?  The moment he was dreaming about?
Oh hai Jake.  This really IS the perfect time to get to see some attempted-exploitative discomfort between Jane and you.  I mean that!  The narrative timing is pretty hilarious.
The sunset has turned the head offices of Crockercorp into a shimmering glass monolith—a beacon, if you will, of the future, visible for miles in every direction.
Jane probably likes to think about it that way at least.
Wow, Jane REALLY sounds like she needs to be knocked down a peg or seven.
The whole place is candlelit, and Jane is reclining on her desk, sprawled out like a lounge singer on a grand piano.
Thank you, Jake, for coming through and tanking this.
This is not really the kind of conversation you initiate if you’re looking to extract a sexual deal out of someone. It is, however, the kind of conversation that you might have with a childhood friend who has become somewhat emotionally estranged from you.
THANK FUCKING GOD.  Jane has been saved from herself for the moment.
Okay I see a whole bunch of paragraphs of black text down below just as these two are likely coming together for a kiss.  Uh oh.
...Yep, kiss there.  And, uh...
Okay whew, most of it is Jake privately soliloquy-ing to the narrative about the circumstances leading up to this. I can deal with that.
...Oh my god he keeps thinking of Dirk while getting in close to Jane.  This is gonna blow up in his face isn’t it.
Reading on....
--Ah, yeah, he just realizes he’s more into Dirk I guess.  Ouch.  Ouch, Jane.
DIRK: Were you nice to him? JANE: Well, I... DIRK: I told you, you can’t be nice to Jake. JANE: ...
DIRK: Why don’t you leave Jake to me?
Now ain’t that telling?
Ooh, getting down to plot business with Rose.
Back to John.  I see a bit that says “Listen” there, is he going to hear Vriska screaming? Or is Terezi going to pick her up? Since, like, I mean she has the jetpack and has been searching for her longer and stuff.
Yep, big ol’ LE tantrum.  Though alt!Calliope seems at least as much at fault for the end of the universe as him, if not moreso.
Ah, right, Andrew wanted us to THINK he’d hear Vriska screaming just so he could troll us like that.  Makes more sense, anyway.
Huh, the Juju just pops away.
OW.  Down a spare Rose, just like that, huh?  Probably part of why main Rose knew what the plan was supposed to be for all this.
Ah right, can’t use your Green Sun powers here, Jade.
OW.  Another quasi-doomed side-character death.
Yep, you have to make a tough, leaderly decision and let go.  :C  --Oh crap, you saved her body.  Are you gonna put the ring there or what, I’m not sure where that’s going plotways.
Pff, the whole fight going south just due to John losing his glasses... that’s pretty funny from a perspective.
Oh huh, real ghost Tavros gets nuked.
Oh shit, Meenah’s going in!  Don’t die, I actually care about this version of you!!
--Ah, thrown out and fate unclear, that’s a bit better than clear death.
Hm, Davepeta vs English round two?  I wonder what the purpose of all of this really is, anyway, beyond just a sense that some only implied-wrapped-up things are being actually wrapped up?  This whole Meat arc?  Is Candy going to be ultimately more important to everyone, as was part of the point, or?  Huhhm.
Final Round!!
Hammer buffet!
Slight obligatory feelings allusion via hammer!
Oh no! VORE!!! D:
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < wrow you almost got vored to death
Phew, avoided
Ow, another decapitation.  There’s a killing blow and being trapped forever in a black hole for LE to look forward to, though.  Weren’t there theories about him being trapped forever at the center of that black hole or whatever?  Huh.  I mean there WAS the garbage disposal that his metaphorical Jigsaw-head gets stuck in early in the comic after all.
Alright, Davepeta sticks him in there?  Cool.
Yeah, you just had to remind us that he’s going to be plunging into his dead sister’s gaping hole, didn’t you? >:|
Davepeta. How they were so unfettered and brave. How they sacrificed themselves by flying right into the black hole like...
Like a fucking piece of garbage, you can almost hear Dave saying. May God rest his soul.
Yup.  Closing another callback.  Why is it silent, though?  Did the black hole stop sucking now that it’s gotten almost everything but John, or is it just his blackout?  I mean, is the end of everything just a thing that “happens” (which is still pretty fine, Paradox Space had a pretty good run), or did it just stop, or is it yet to be resolved or re-John-creates-Paradox-Space’s-beginning-because-hes-the-only-thing-left-constituted if he inexplicably doesn’t die from his heroic wounds or?  And Terezi definitely didn’t go flying around Paradox Space’s dying remains just to get sucked in too, right?  I definitely haven’t seen the whole picture yet I guess.
Alright, back to Rose... actually this post’s getting long so I’ll cut here and keep going in another post.
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fuckshiru · 5 years
345rv5 ten year anniversary. Couldn’t upload this to DA for some reason
You know when you're getting older when people start having 10 year aniversaries. But alas. I still await my aniversary (which wont be for over 3 years).
You're delusional if you think I wont be posting about this.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been watching people rant online for a long ass time. I've watched Youtube videos, blogs, and deviantart journals of course. And stamps. It used to be game reviewers (Clement and SomecallmeJohnny), then it was political videos (The Amazing Atheist formerly then Sargon and Hunter Avallone currently). But I've never actually made friends with any of them. Unlike 345rv5.
I've made friends with 345rv5 just a few years back. While he isn't millionaire famous, he has a rather large following on deviantart. And that's because there's a little bit of everything on his page. He started off reviewing anime but then he would he started getting into debates. I think what made him a force to be reckoned with was the fact that he made very long journals and comments. But they wern't long because he wanted to win the debate (just a side note, if you're on a debate online, dont EVER simply write a wall of text or copy n paste from wikipedia. That doesn't work.), he would also deconstruct each of the points of the other side and obliterate them. Lets get into the journal that started it all.
Dragon Fail Live Action Piece of Shit
Dragon fail live action peice of shit
Now, 345rv5 has been around before he made the journal, but in my opinon this was the review that started everything. This was his Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. I've read all of his journals. Anime and video games was his thing earlier on. He didn't start making political videos until around 2012/2013. This day marks the ten year anniversary of him making that journal.
It really set off his channel (or should I say page). I guarentee that if he had a youtube channel, he would be filthy rich, even with youtube's ad-pocalypse and whatnot.
He started off ranting about shows and movies, essentially pointing out all of the flaws. Some notable things he's ranted about were Cartoon Network and Super Mario Live Action movie.
Anime Recaps and Reviews
Weekly Shonen Recap :RECAP !
Anime and Manga was his passion. He almost exclusively watched anime, some of his favourites were Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon. Others shows, such as Bleach not so much. There's not much to say on this part, but if you enjoy anime, you'll enjoy his reviews.
As time passed on, he began showing everyone his insane debating skills. This caused many people to hold grudges toward him. He began his series BDTDT/BSTDT (Bigots Do/say the dumbest things) and a subseries FTSTDT (Fantards say the dumbest things) and RFSTDT (Radical Feminists Say The Dumbest Things. He also started shorter series entitled "Concentrated Stupidity", which ended shortly.
Watching him take part in these debates that lasted over months was actually pretty entertaining. He's debated people such as Arrnacar Fighter, DragonoftheEastBlue (which apparently made a youtube video), BrianaBater, Insanity123 (didn't get a journal), Sychtemantis, and Party999999. The debate between him and Party999999 lasted for over a year. It ended in 2016, when Party99999 made a final response, and called it quits.
The topics of these debates covered politics. When it wasn't that, he would literally go in depth on how strong a character is, using math equations and Science to justify his claims.
And no, I'm not insulting any of thse people. Hell for a debate to last that long meant that they put up a good fight and must've good points.
Unfortunately, with so many debates online someone was eventually going to make a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica about him.
Before I start, I will say that I'm suprised that I don't have a page on Encylopedia Dramatica. I should've gotten one a few years back when I got into a big fight in the complaints forum, but now that I'm fading away into nothing, I'm probably never gonna get one. That's good I guess. But an Encyclopedia Dramatica page really only shows the worst in people.
Even when he got banned from DA, he still occasionally called people out here on this site from tumblr (such as OddGarfield and Aknaton-II)
The Story, Political Views, and Removal from DA
Earlier on, 345rv5 was a liberal. He was the same kind of liberal as The Amazing Athiest, as in, he wasn't a SJW, they didn't believe in white privilege or any of that garbage. Instead, they only believed in green privilege. (I dont know if TJ still believes that given I haven't watched his videos in months)
He still is a egaliratian, and one of his sickest ownages was his DESTROYING someone who insulted and slut shamed SHE-HULK by calling her a whore.
BSTDT:She Hulk is a Whore!
He was a true EGALITARIAN. Trust me, you will not find a bigger equalist than 345rv5 on the internet. He has stood up for atheists, women, men, people of colour, whites, Religious people, you name it. Every one of those instances I wholeheartedly agreed with.
BSTDT: Brother Dean the Anti Gay, Sexist Pastor
BSTDT: Atheist Pluser Says fuck you to Christans
After time passed, he slowly distanced himself from the left. He is a firm supporter of AllLivesMatter. This however, would cause him to get banned permanently from the site.
RIP 345rv5
I was beyond angry when that happened. But its been over 3 years and it is what is I guess. After being banned from DA, he made a tumblr account. This is where he REALLY shifted away from the left. 1 year later in 2016, He came out as a supporter of Trump weeks away from the election day. At that point I was still sceptical of Trump but I do admit that people have retarded reasons for hating him. I believe he still identifies as a liberal, but honestly, it hard to be considered a liberal or a leftist at this point because the left keeps fucking up for themselves. Paul Joseph Watson said Conservatism is the new counter culture, and I totally agree. Its popular to be left leaning these days.
The arguement The Amazing Athiest had with Hunter Avallone really shows that sides have switched. It used to be a younger liberal vs a older conservative. Now its a younger conservative vs an older liberal.
But furthermore, 345rv5 continued making posts on tumblr. These were very similar to the posts he made here. This went on until Tumblr shot itself and got rid of pornographic content.
After that, he migrated to another website.
What made him great?
I think it was his ability to debate made him great. He would fucking decimate people. But he would only do that if you had horrible opinions. His followers were literally like familiy, everyone digged in to help him stand up to abusive admins. When he got banned, everyone was upset. We all love his journals, which everyone can see, thanks to this link here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150406180849/http://345rv5.deviantart.com/
Yet he was such a nice guy. And that is why he will always be remembered.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Innocent little demon update? Or maybe devil's deal and wrong universe, again? I really enjoy reading those, it makes me happy to see something like alternate or different versions of them. I just wanna say you have a beautiful mind. Your type of creativity in writing is quite wonderful and a fun time to read too. You dont have to rush or even give an immediate update,take your time 😆😆😆
I’m so happy to hear you enjoy the stories; they’re a lot of fun to write! Innocent Little Demon is complete though, the five parts of it were all there were to write. Wrong Universe, Again, has hit a hiccup; because I have NO idea where that one was going so I’m trying to sort it out.
As to your request for Devil’s Deal, that I can continue and I hope you enjoy!
Inconsequentially Important…
Raven sighed as she sat in Warrior as Kyle stared at theobject of his affections. The one-sided affections he insisted he didn’t have,but were plainly written all over his face.
“If you stare at his ass any harder you’re going to burn a holein it,” Raven informed Kyle as she took a sip of her bourbon.
“We can’t all have crushes on perfect matches,” Kyle stated.
“I do not!” she protested.
“Garth Curry.”
“Okay fine, but at least I don’t stalk him at his place ofwork and moon over his ass,” she countered as she rolled her eyes and slowlystood.
“Where are you going!?” Kyle demanded his panic obvious asshe shouldered her bag.
“I have to get up in the morning, and I have that jobinterview, I also have my own story to finish writing, and I need to call mymoms and wish them a happy anniversary,” Raven said.
“You’re leaving me!?” Kyle sputterd.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” she promised as she walkedaway.
“FIEND! You never leave a wingman behind!”
“I’m not going to sit here all night so you can moon oversome Guy’s ass,” Raven punned back as she walked out.
“You’re a cold hearted witch sometimes!”
“Demon!” she shouted back as she waved him off and walked outinto the city’s night. Tugging her coat on a bit tighter she pulled her capover her messy hair as she started walking down the street for her stop.
Artemis Crock walked with Jason through the bustling city.
“And check on Slade’s defenses,” Jason said.
“You know that this is a terrible idea,” Artemis said.
“Just do it.”
“It’s going to be worse when he finds out you were sleepingwith his daughter,” Artemis stressed and Jason stopped.
Artemis was of the very few people who knew; really knew, Jason.He’d survived two years of torture from the serial killer Joker, he’d dughimself from the depths of his own grave, he’d fought, and killed, he’d trainedto the point of being more lethal than SEALs, Delta, SAS and others. He was aruthless killer, he was a gentle soul with more empathy and compassion in himthan anyone could ever prove.
And she loved him, like the annoying little brother she’dnever had. She loved him.
“He knows, I’m pretty sure Rose rubs it in his face,” Jason admittedas they walked to her stop.
“Alright, I’ll compile the information, and forward it toyou before the end of the week.”
“Good,” he nodded.
“Anything else, boss?”
“Yeah, tell the moron to stop trying to tail me,” Jason ordered.
“You know Roy cares because he tails!” she chimed.
“I like my privacy.”
“I’ll tell him, see you tomorrow Jason,” she waved him offas she jogged down the stairs to her subway stop. Jason nodded at her as hedisappeared into the crowd and she sighed as she walked with the crowd.
She really wished it wasn’t Lucifer Morningstar of all thedamn people that B could have made that deal with.
Jason supposed he couldn’t be furious with his father fordoing what any father really should do, but he was angry all the same because he’drather be dead most days than dealing with this shit. To be fair he’d beentortured in everyway possible by a delusional serial killer, and Jason was notentirely sure if life or death would be an easier route for him. But as long ashe was breathing he’d keep fighting, keep working, it was in his nature.
Sighing he continued down the street when he twitched hearinga disturbance to the bustling night. His head turned, and he looked into analley where he had heard the muffled sound. Jason pocketed his phone as he creptforward, into the darkness.
“Shut up!” a man growled.
“Please! I’ll give you anything you want!” the small voicegasped.
“look at this Rob she’s pretty!” another man mused.
“No, please!” the woman gasped and it clicked where he knewthe voice as his eyes narrowed dangerously on the men. They threw her againstthe fence, pawing at her and Jason stepped out of the shadows.
“I believe the little bird said ‘No’.” he snarled lowly,there was a flash of panic in the woman’s eyes as she saw him. “Let her go.NOW.”
The men released her.
“Little bird,” he motioned for her, and the girl lookedbetween her attackers flanking her and him before she darted behind him, herfingers caught his coat as she pressed herself securely behind him and he couldfeel her peering around him at the men. God above the woman was tiny.
“Now we’re leaving, come after us and I will kill you,” hewarned darkly as his own arm came around Raven and they backed out of the alley,his hand on his weapon in his pocket. They made it to the street before hepulled her around and into his side, slinging his arm over her shoulders heguided her to a near stop. He’d get her home but first they’d be ditching dumband dumber before he circled back to kill them.
“Thank you,” she whispered inaudible against his side.
“No problem,” he admitted.
“Little bird?” she whispered.
“Like you don’t have a code name for me in the morning,little bird.”
“Jay, I call you Jay.”
“That’s not very original.”
“I also call you Mr. Sexy Muscles but I’d never dare to saythat aloud,” she mumbled.
Jason stared at her as they walked; watching her face turnscarlet and then he finally roared with laughter. “Little bird I think anyone’sever called me sexy.”
“I can’t believe I said that! What’s wrong with me!?” shesputtered.
“Do you honestly think me sexy?” he persisted, her faceturning a more violent shade of red in this November cold.
“Will we please get off this topic!?” she pleaded.
“Hell no!” he laughed.
“Okay, despite the grime, bad boy, aura, and the obvious troublemaker vibe you have, you’re very handsome, and why am I little bird?” shedemanded.
Jason was shocked hearing nothing about the J carved intohis cheek or the other scars that were visible. “Isn’t that obvious? You’retiny and you remind me of a little bird.”
“That’s not reassuring.”
“Jason, Jason Todd,” he smiled a bit at her.
“Raven, Raven Quinzel-Isley,” she answered.
“That’s a hell of a mouthful,” he said.
“My moms hyphenated their last names,” she shrugged.
“You mind if I walk you home?”
“We’re heading for the wrong train then,” she mumbled.
“We’re going to ride around for a bit, until I know you’resafe,” he said. She nodded into his side and he felt her shaking now as they walkedthe subway and she was leaning heavily into him.
Jason got them on the train, he saw the men behind and Raven’sknees gave out, which had him scooping her up. She was shaking somethingviolently and it wasn’t from the cold as far as he could tell as he sat withher on his lap.
“I… I…” she chattered.
“I’ll get you home to Sylvester,” he promised.
“You remember?” she whispered, her gloved fingers curledinto his chest.
“Yeah, you know sometimes you’re the best part of my day,”he admitted softly.
“Thank you….” she whispered.
“Mind giving me your address, little bird? I’ll get youhome,” he promised.
“I trust you,” she murmured as she hid against his chest.
“Good, and we’ll go back to our morning routine,” hepromised holding her tight. This felt right for some reason, and he liked thatthe scar wasn’t her main interest for being around him. It was comforting.
“I just want to go home,” she sobbed now, he held her firmlyagainst her as he rubbed circles on her back and whispered promises of goinghome.
She whispered her address to him an hour later and hecarefully navigated his way to her apartment, not letting her walk as she hadnearly fallen on her face when he’d set her down. Making it to her building waseasy enough, she fumbled to get him the keys.
They made it up to her apartment and he got them in thedoor. Raven said nothing as she hid her face against his shoulder.
“Kay little bird,” he said setting her on the chair. Before hefumbled around for a light. He was a bit surprised to note he only lived twobuilding over from her, he could see his apartment building across the street,even see his apartment window for his kitchen. There was a black hiss of furthat was on the kitchen counter.
“Stay!” she grabbed his hand. “Please!” she pleaded.
“You get changed for bed, my apartment’s across the way, I’llbe right back and take the couch,” he said softly. She reluctantly let his handgo as he jogged out of her apartment.
Raven stumbled to her room, she changed and found hercollege hoodie to pull on and her hair was loose around her. She didn’t want tobe alone just yet, she couldn’t stand the thought, and she was terrified to bealone at this minute even as Sylvester wound his way around her ankles.
She gasped when she heard a light buzz on the intercom.
“Jay!?” she pleaded.
“Yeah, ready to lemme in?” he asked her. Raven didn’t haveto wait five minutes before he appeared. He was in sweats and a hoodie, with abag slung over his shoulder, his feet had boots on though.
“I… You…” she started.
“I’m staying one night, I’ll walk you to the coffee shop andthen we go back to our morning routine, deal?” he held out his hand.
She nodded as she tentatively took it.
“Kay,” he smiled a bit.
“Thank you again, you didn’t have to,” she whispered.
“Of course I had to little bird, you’re my morning routine,can’t have someone fuck with that,” he smiled.
“Thank you, again, for… for everything.”
“Uh-huh, bed,” he ordered. She nodded as she walked to herroom.
“You can…”
“I’m taking the couch, see you in the morning, we’ll getcoffee and back to normal,” he promised.
Raven nodded as she slid into her room, she watched as he sethimself on the couch and she felt Sylvester on her bed, prowling towards her ashe claimed his spot behind her back. Raven shivered a bit as she pulled thecovers closer to her shoulders.
She was safe. Jason was here to protect her. She was safe.
Jason waited until he was sure the little bird was asleepbefore he sat up and opened his phone to see the slew of messages from hisbrothers.
Everyone was concerned about the heir to LuciferMorningstar, he was concerned about the little bird. Fuck him, until he’d heardher in that alley he hadn’t thought about what the morning routines meant tohim.
It was just coffee; but every morning it was consistent.
It was this impersonal personal friendship and one he didn’tknow he valued so much until now. He was fucked he was so royally fucked.
Someone so inconsequential to his existence was apparentlyimportant, and that terrified him.
Jason supposed he was just going to have to keep an extraeye out on Raven and make sure she didn’t attract anymore trouble. Come tomorrowher attackers would be dead; he’d see to that, because no doubt those men hadattacked other women. Jason wouldn’t stand for that. And making bodies disappear;well that was easy. It merely took a matter of proper planning and he was goodat planning.
He’d assign Artemis to protecting Raven until he was certainshe was safe.
He didn’t relish the idea of losing her.
Getting up he peeked into the room where his morning routinewas in a fitful sleep, her cat glared dangerously at him and Jason groaned. Hewas so fucked!
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chrliekclly · 6 years
do you think charlei and dee had sex because they mistook their genuine platonic bonding as attraction? (serious question, steming from thatlesbian dee post). I never thought of it that way, and I'm interested to hear that side !
YES that’s actully smthn i lose my sht abt !! iv blown up ppls mssgs with this kinda talk like, im a mess. ok lemme type right nd lemme type A Lot Again Anyways cz thos 2 giv me Way too many feelings (im spposd to b working on a final rn christ…)
okay…i scrolled back up after finishing nd turns out i went…literally insane…aka Much too far…so i need to under-the-cut it. mobile…viewers…i’m rly so sorry. swipe hard to leap ahead…hell im sorry fr computer viewers too. my theme is rough.
to start, my HCs surrounding chardee are rooted in charlie being on the ace spectrum and dee being gay (or like @ least bi, but imo all the men stuff is straight up compulsory heterosexuality).
i will always cling tight to the deleted scene wherein charlie says he thinks sex is gross and will genuinely get sick when he thinks about it unless he thinks about it with one specific woman. i know he shows sexual interest a decent amount of times throughout the show and has canonically had sex (on camera too, yeesh) but i see each time as very out of the blue moments (coming onto dee @ multiple points while worked up, agreeing to bang tatiana cuz she says to, that kinda thing) or relating to his long standing and delusional obsession with the waitress. in that vein, he’s also canonically enjoyed sex, and I don’t try and blind-eye any of it, because ace doesn’t always mean sex can’t be enjoyed in the moment. charlie definitely has a libido, and bodies be bodies. hell, sex-repulsed can sometimes even flip 180 in the right conditions. shit is one fun spectrum i’ll tell you that…but either way, to start with him, i think him going forward with banging dee was very much a misjudgment of what feelings are and being extremely caught up in a moment where he felt real, genuine, closeness with someone else who he was having a damn good time making terrible poetry with.
as for dee, i, first of all, just agree with everything in that post. in the context of chardee, as much as i will lose my mind in tags about how hard i ride or die the ship, it’s mostly my obsession with their dynamic. i don’t think chardee is meant to be endgame. i absolutely 100% believe that dee, too, is misinterpreting her feelings. i think part of it is her consistent comp het, and the other is she’s never been close with someone the way she has been with charlie, and she doesn’t know what she’s meant to do with it. i think she was similarly caught up in a moment in which she showed her own vulnerability, opening herself up to someone who could easily just ridicule her as she’s used to (”right now? i’m scared”), and she receives support from him instead (”you’re not gunna bomb, you’re gunna do great”). we’ve seen how much dee craves validation, thats her entire thing. i’m not shocked she dropped her pants in this moment lmao. she probably felt her damn heart flutter cuz she got told by someone who she at least somewhat trusts that she really is good, even if she doesn’t think so. the only rational explanation for the feeling associated with that person is that he’s The One right? pretty big leap
just…basically i dont think either of them know what a relationship is.
charlie’s lived nearly his entire life deluding himself into thinking that, 1. he and the waitress have a relationship that is anything other than creepy, and 2. that the warped-ass mess of an image he’s created in his brain for what he and the waitress are to each other is what love is. he thinks he’s making progress in getting close to her when the only thing she’s Ever done pre-s12 is ask him to leave her the fuck alone. he’s never even attempted to look past the waitress before, and the only time he shows interest in other people it’s purely his libido talking. he doesn’t pursue romance, and the one time we’ve seen him do so he was using her to get to, who else?, the damn waitress. 
dee’s lived her entire life having to prove herself to every single person she interacts with, and its familiar to her to getting ahead by using men, usually as sexual objects. i’m hesitant to bring this up on a post wherein i speak on dee’s sexuality because i don’t want to link this trait to it in any way as if its related, but to be fair, dee is as much a serial rapist as dennis is in that regard. the gang are shitty people, we know that. she will get men drunk to have sex with them, or pressure them into it, or trick them into it. she’s not having sex with these men for pleasure, she’s literally doing it for power. it’s absolutely fucked up, but so is she.
when she Is romantically involved, she’s shown to leap headfirst into those relationships and blow them out of proportion on 0 grounds for it. she buys a promise ring for a guy who didn’t think they were dating, it’s implied she’s going to actually go ahead with the brad fisher marriage thing after the episode ends, she gloats about how important she is to a stripper who was literally shame-crying during sex (also? she says “we BOTH wept,” and she can say that’s because it was that good, but i really doubt it). i mean the woman GAGS when talking to men she’s “nervous” around, something she takes as meaning she’s attracted to them? lmao uh???
at this point i’ve probably repeated myself over and over, my brain is on backwards and my train of thought went off the rails years ago. but i’m still gunna retype an old set of tags i found:
i hc that neither of them end up together but they do go through a relationship-ish phase, but dee’s gay and charlie’s okay with that (and always ace in my mind) because they finally move on from their own irrational drives to adhere to what they think is expected of them. i dont think either of them have any idea what a relationship is meant to be and they pathetically grasp at each other because they’re kind-ish to one another and that feels safe for once. chardee may be my main ship but i purposefully backtrack on myself because i know they’re two people who barely know love and have found each other, both as underdogs in their environments, and feel an electrifying Something that they Cant Name wen theyre together, and that something just so happens to be friendship and they don’t realize it cuz they’re doofuses who’ve led really unfortunate lives where friendship and hatred are always intermingling.
i’ve never brought it up here, but i often imagine a timeline of their relationship, because i enjoy the idea of them figuring themselves out through each other, just because they are genuinely amazing (platonically) together, and they get into some of my favorite shit. the thought of late night talks and confessions about their worries and confusion about their feelings while lying in bed, just close because they feel comfortable that way, realizing they can keep loving each other and not force it to mean something it doesn’t, the relief that comes with that, a final kiss that really doesn’t mean anything but thank you, not losing what they had but rather gaining a whole new kind of intimacy, and still getting into absolutely ridiculous situations. maybe dee realizes shes, ironically, found herself with a crush on the waitress and it cracks charlie up. he doesnt mind. he’s finally learned that if he Is going to be with someone it should definitely be with someone who makes him feel at Least half as comfortable as the way being around dee does, and knowing he doesn’t have to make himself look for that, but when he knows he will know. plus, he cant imagine dee pulling that one off. but maybe one day she does. dees gentler around the edges, and she gets butterflies when talking to women, but she never gags. charlie’s a terrible wingman but he keeps convincing dee to let him try. she brings a girl home for the first time and charlie all but backflips in an empty pool that day. they’re still shithats but they’re learning to let that go. people can get better. AA would probably help.
iv gone too far goodbye
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jadenvargen · 7 years
umm i hope im not being annoying w asking a fandom questioon but!! why do you see naoto as a trans boy?? IM NOT...I OBV SEE WHY I MEA IM TRANS TOO but hmmm.. i alwasy thought i wasnt allowed to think of naoto as trans bc they seemed ok being gendered as either male or female...OFC ID LOVE TO.. HAVE THAT TRANS NAOTO CANON but i thought ppl would argue with me that "she was just crossdressing to avoid sexism in work"
:I its not annoying but its like... he's clearly trans but handled awfully and i DON'T want to open up that discussion cuz i know the entire fandom is like nuh uh... but ill get into it. itll be long and im PISSED OFF ABT IT CUZ NAOTO IS CANON TRANS BUT THE GAME TREATS HIM LIKE SHIT!!! i dont care abt cis peoples opinions on this btw so if any cis tries to  answer like “naoto is cis-” shut up. 
his whole ark was centered around wanting to transition but being unsure+the societal pressure to transition. literally his whole dungeon was just medical transition equipment and conversations... then his friends(one of whom is a raging homophobe) forced him to "accept himself" so in the end he "accepted" he didnt want to become a man. literally every friend he has got is pressuring him, the moment they found out he was afab everyone ganged up by going “oh so youre a girl huh girl youre a girl”.
also if he was “crossdressing to avoid sexism” honestly i doubt his lab would’ve been as transition based as it was, with LITERAL explicit talk of medical bottom and top surgery. if this was the story they wanted to tell, they failed miserably cause if so they “borrowed” so many elements from trans people’s-specifically trans men’s- stories just to serve aesthetic purposes, but didnt realise the implications. which are clear. naoto shirogane is transmasculine, he doesnt identify as a woman but his friends are unaccepting and basically convinced him not to transition.
it was basically the story equivalent of one coming out as trans and all your friends who you thought u could trust ganging up on u saying "r u sure?" "r u sure?" "r u sure u just arent a sad girl?" and in the end you just give in, which is what naoto did if you see how unhappy and uncomfortable he is for the rest of the game. it's awful, and it’s basically the game’s way of saying “trans people aren’t real, they’re delusional”. they did the same to kanji, who is gay, but his friends forced him to swallow this and just “you just like girly things you arent gay!” and he just “...ok?” 
basically persona 4 handles lgbt characters worse than most games ive seen ever but it doesnt matter cuz naoto is a trans man and hes right there and kanji is a gay guy... like, whatever the game writes for them, those are the characters theyve written, imo. so i tend to... pluck them gently(along with rise... oh god my poor rise they handled her equally bad) from the franchise and let them have a nice day together also kanj and naoto are boyfriends. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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jessicalloll-blog · 7 years
Week 11- GAGA
This famous line is from the song "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga (from her album Born This Way, 2011).
"Born This Way" is about don't change yourself; be proud of who you are because you were born that way.
Below are some of famous quotes that Lady Gaga used
1.) We need fantasy to survive because reality is too difficult.
2.) Sometimes in life you don’t always feel like a winner, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a winner. 
3.) When you leave here tonight, know that at least one person believesin you. 
4.) You define beauty yourself, society doesn’t define your beauty. 
5.) You have to be unique and different and shine in your own way.
6.) Don’t be insecure if your heart is pure.
7.) At the end of the day, you won’t be happy until you love yourself.
8.) Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore. 
9.) Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that **** reflection
10.) Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are.
11.) Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, cuz we were born this way! 
12.) If you dont have any shadows you’re not in the light.
13.) I want women — and men — to feel empowered by a deeper and more psychotic part of themselves. The part they’re always trying desperately to hide. I want that to become something that they cherish. 
14.) Whether I’m wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I’m always the same person inside. I had this dream, and I really wanted to be a star. And I was almost a monster in the way that I was really fearless with my ambitions. – Lady Gaga
15.) Every bit of me is devoted to love and art. And I aspire to try to be a teacher to my young fans who feel just like I felt when I was younger. I just felt like a freak. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m trying to liberate them, I want to free them of their fears and make them feel that they can make their own space in the world. – Lady Gaga
16.) You have to be careful about how much you reveal to people that look up to you so much. – Lady Gaga
17.) I think that promoting insecurity in the form of plastic surgery is infinitely more harmful than an artistic expression related to body modification. – Lady Gaga
18.) I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose throughout my life. – Lady Gaga
19.) I feel like if you’re a really good human being, you can try to find something beautiful in every single person, no matter what. 
20.) Money can run out but talent is forever.
21.) Why spend your whole life trying to be somebody that you’re not? It’s so much more fun to be yourself **** what everybody says. 
22.) If you’re laying in bed next to someone that really doesn’t make you feel like the goddess that you are, you need to rediscover what it is that you truly want and need. 
23.) I used to be so delusional. I always imagined I could be more than I was, and eventually I grew and evolved into that person. 
24.) I won’t give up on my life as a warrior queen live passionately tonight
25.) I don’t wanna be alone forever but I can be tonight. 
26.) If you’re a stong female you don’t need permission. 
27.) It’s always wrong to hate but its never wrong to love. 
28.) Even if the whole world turns their back on you, you’ll always have yourself. 
29.) You laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at you because you are all the same.
30.) “Born this way” is about being yourself, and loving who you are and being proud.
31.) Don’t judge anyone but don’t trust anyone.
32.) I want you to let go of all of your insecurities. I want you to reject anyone of anything that ever made you feel like you don’t belong. 
0 notes
i just ... dont feel right inside of myself. like something is slowly leaking into my brain. yesterday i slept for a good portion of the day at his house, then went to sleep around 10pm. when i woke up yesterday it was to an alarm at 5:40. i told him the alarm had given me anxiety straight away - i had to search for the phone in my bag and couldnt find it right away. 
he said it was okay and reminded me that its just because the day is starting and if today is not good i have to remember there is a tomorrow and tomorrow might be better. he told me that i have to remember not to give up and to keep doing what im doing because im doing good. 
i dont feel like im doing good. i dont feel like im progressing like i should be but like.. i put some weight on medication solving many issues and it did but it did not solve the underlying issue which i think my doctor recognized right away. 
and i really appreciate my doctor. i really appreciate that there is someone of professional studied calibre to say - hey, you know what. you went through a lot of shit. youre not fucked for not being able to cope. the majority of people dont go through what youve gone through. and they probably wont. 
and thats it you know - like i want a level of sympathy but not pity. i want the understandng of how important it is to my life that i do not have parents or a family. that is a huge defining factor of so many things. and its not because i needed them to take care of me. thats not it at all. i am perfectly capable of caring for myself - in fact; ive done so for most of my life. i cared FOR THEM so its not laziness. its not me going out in the world and crying about how i have to be an adult. ive been an adult since i was 10. like since i hit puberty, ive been an adult. ive taken on adult responsibilities an handled adult situations since i was 10. and thats 17 years. my doctor brought this up himself - he recognized that ive had 17 years of dealing with trauma that most people dont deal with or deal with at amuch much older age when theyre able to cope. i grew up in trauma. i was built by trauma. 
my doctor actually repeats it a lot - you lost both of your parents. like its not the excuse - its the reason why i am struggling. i dont need anxiety about why im struggling or why i cant get better; there is a reason. he is giving me the answer that im looking for. 
last night i was very upset. he asked if i wanted to go for a walk or refocus or stretch or talk about it. but i just felt very very upset. i told him that i had felt very isolated for the past few weeks. but not because i spend time alone. i have no problem spending time alone. i was an only child, i learned to cope with being alone and i found peace in it. being alone is very peaceful. 
but you dont be alone forever. you cant just _be_ alone unless you literally isolate yourself and live off the land. like you have to revert back to cavemen times to be entirely alone. and i’m not interested in that; people realized by banding together you accomplish more and i’m not going to go against proof of a millenium of years. so people; all people - every single person is important. they might not be important to YOU but theyre important to SOMEONE so theyre important, you know? everyone is important; everyone i meet will affect my life in some way. 
but this isolation is not in a lack of meeting people. ive been around people. ive had options and choices to be around even more people. but when im around people and i try to relate with them or have a conversation ... i dont care? like i care, i care about whats happening with them but like i have no sense of relation to them. like theyre hanging out with cousins or family or they have this wedding to go to and their cat dies and its the worst thing that happens or their grandma dies and people are sooo sympathetic and thats not my experience of life? like i have not had that experience of life. so i’m carrying a lot of resentment and bitterness towards life itself right now. and i feel like i have to reprogram myself to be okay that i didnt have the exprience a majority of people have and continue to have. so its kind of an ongoing battle to be like - hey, its okay you dont have a mother. its okay you dont have a father. its okay no one really cares if youre dead or alive. just keep doing you.
i guess in some ways im envious of people who have good mothers. i always wanted to have a good mother. and you know what? it would be amazing to have a good mother right now. even as an adult. that would be really nice. i feel like if i had a good mother i could sit down and chat with her and she would be invested in my life and give me weird advice i dont know if id take but maybe i would and she’d make cookies or maybe shed buy cookies and give them to me but either way im getting cookies. and then you know maybe at the end she slips me 20$ for bus money or something - you know moms and i go off to work or something. 
i’m not really asking a lot of a mom, i guess. i have pretty low expectations. it’d be great if they didnt hurt me. i feel like ive been hurt a lot. even by my father - maybe unintentionally. like it hurt that he didnt care enough to be well. and he couldve. he really couldve. i feel like there was a lot of senseless death around me. i feel like no one cares. like people literally died because no one cares. thats how serious life is. i cant unshake that. its not like a belief i have. its my truth. its what ive lived. 
but im not delusional, you know? i can obviously see people caring. like the bubble i grew up in - no one fucking cares. not a single ass person givesa  fuck and i think we were all developed in our own ways to not give a fuck beyond ourselves because maybe this whole bubble was just survival. 
but i can see it exists. i can see its not beyond a human being to care. i can see it with my own eyes so thats also a truth. but i feel resentful its not a truth for me; as much as i’ve tried to have it be and not just with my parents and not just within my bubble. but it cant be the whole truth because life has variables. 
like i feel very attached to him right now because he is a variable. and i hate to create this like.. level of heavy importance on who he is and who he is to me because to me it feels like life or death. not that iw ould die. its very unlikely i would kill myself over him. like ... theres too many other reasons for it to land on him, honestly. but its life or death of my hope in the world as i know it. this is like the one last shot, one last chance of being proven that not every person i meet is going to be an asshole. that i have atleast the CHANCE for love, support, care & understanding. 
but thats because of who he is. not because i came into it with the hope that hewould do this for me. i never had an expectation for him - ever. i was pretty fed up and just kind of went with whatever was going on in all of life. but he became a variable because as i got to know him, i realized how good of a person he is and how much he cares for me.
one of the biggest things that gives me so much... i dont even know. like something good that is undescribable. he is not like.. some next level person or anything. hes just a normal guy, but because hes capable of being ... i dont even know if its mature or adult because adult men older than him have been worse and have been worse to me. like, to me this is transcendent in a very deep scar that has been within me for a long time regarding men and sex.
i have been treated terribly in most of my relationships. if not all of them. and a good amount of that treatment has come in the form of sex. men have not given a single fuck about me in a relationship when it comes to sex. i am an obligation. they deserve sex because theyre in a relationship with me and thats what we do. thats just how it is. even in terrible times, you know? even in the worst of times, they’d still be trying to fuck. and its fine - really, maybe thats a nature of a man. but if it is - and you overcome that nature to display a level of fucking respect, thank you. 
i think he understood before i said it last night, but i described it outloud - i have bigger problems than your passive need for an orgasm. life is a lot bigger and harder than this. it’s a lot more real. he had made a sarcastic and joking comment when i was scrolling on my phone (in view of him, on instagram) to stop talking to all my boyfriends. my gut reaction was a very stern, rolling of the eyes kind of “sure”. i understood he was joking but to me it was so stupid - so stupid - that even as a joke i wouldnt entertain the idea of it when i do in fact feel anxiety on a constant basis to a point that even thinking about other men or other people in such a way is a waste of my time and something i’m really not interested in. having “more” boyfriends or additional relationships honestly progresses nothing in my life. the relationship and friendship i have with him is acknowledgable as incredibly important. 
i think weve had sex once in three weeks. not because no one is interested in being physical, and not because we’ve become distant in any way, but because its not the most important thing to do right now. its not really really necessary. i believe he almost understands it as just a physical need that is natural like a sneeze or take a shit. which sounds terrible, sex should be more than that - and it is, but when you’re overcome with the need or the urge for such a thing, you may be lonely or you may just have an urge - like an urge for eating mcdonalds or chocolate. you dont need to satisfy that urge by creating multiple parterships and fucking all sorts of people. it can be as simple as jacking off and moving on in your day. 
though, truthfully, i enjoy having sex with him. he’s created a trust level that has allowed me to sincerely enjoy it and when we have sex, even when it’s a quick thing, it feels like he really appreciates that i’m offering my body to him. whether or not i was still fairly asexual, whether or not i had an inherent desire, i was still offering my body to him for him to use. it’s hard not to feel like you’re in a passive/submissive position when you’re the one being prodded; even if you take enjoyment from it. but maybe its just me. i dont know. regardless i feel lik the position is respected. 
sometimes, i feel like a true ‘queen’. he treats me so well and has given me such legitimate deep care. when i speak about even the few things he does for me, on his own accord, i feel like there are some who are envious / jealous and try to express somethig their boyfriend does for them; like it’s an one-up contest. instead of appreciating that there’s someone - anyone - in my 27 years of life who gives a fuck enough to show me such treatment, they try to extole the virtues of their own partners. 
but there are some i feel appreciate it. why shouldnt i be treated like that? why shouldnt he braid my hair, feed me fruit, make me cakes, dance with me to flashdance when im sad? why? i didnt ask for any of these things (i asked for cake) - why dont i deserve someone who wants to do these things? not only does he do this - he frequently, if not on a daily basis, looks at me in clear honesty and tells me i look pretty or that my clothes look good, or my hair looks nice. if i manage to put on makeup, he always acknowledges it. if i dont, i’m still told i’m beautiful. 
one time he told me it and i told him he always tells me it when i kind of look terrible - like i havent showered in a few days or i forgot to brush my teeth or wash my face or brush my hair. i’m a mess, most of the time. he told me he could see “underneath all of that”, as a joke. 
he was - and told me - he’d talk to that girl last night. i fell asleep and he was awake for maybe a half an hour or so but i dont know if he did or not. i truly dont care. i feel like the only reason he cares is a perceived notion tht i have something aganst her personally; which i dont. her existence only matters because of his past connection to her, otherwise i wouldn’t know of her at all. and his past connections are so far in the past and so meaningless to the present that i legitimately dont care. thats not his life or my life or our life anymore. 
and i guess thats kind of a way i grew as a person. and he might not even realize that, which is okay. but like - i’d definitely, in the past, hold a lot of resentment and bitterness and distrust in a person who has done some of the things he has done. but he’s never lied. and that’s like.... that’s real. he has never once even attempted to hide or lie anything. ever. and knowing things makes life better. knowing whats happening around you and why and who the person youre dealing with is and why they do things and what theyve done before - it’s a choice. you can choose to be involved when its all laid out or you can leave. your choice. are you hurt or do you move on? 
i really appreciate that level of honesty for once in my life. for all the liars and theives ad fucked up people ive been around, i need that. and i am a mostly honest person with him. which is bad. like to use mostly is already bad. and if i was entirely honest, it’d probably be okay, but i have shame in what i did. and again - no interest in being with others, so i’ve not been with anyone since weve been together. i havent even spoken to other people. 
this morning he asked how i felt. i said about the same. but he let me wake up in a more natural way instead of rushing me or waking me up himself and it helped a bit. as he was driving me home he said something like, “baby girl, even though you’re upset you still have to find me funny”. i told him i wasnt upset. he said “well sad or unwell or whatever, you still have to find me funny”. as i got out of the car, he repeated that he loved me a few times and to have a good day. i told him to text me later, he told me he’d call and see how i was doing. 
his concern makes me feel like at least taking a shower is worth doing in my day. 
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