#at this point in time shanks kind of wants mihawk to be his knight in shining armour so he's happy to hear what mihawk did
reineydraws · 4 months
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i have this fic series i'm still working on where mihawk sort of becomes rayleigh's kid and spends ages 11-17ish on the oro jackson.
shanks and buggy imprint on him (bugs considers him a sort of older brother figure/sparring inspiration and shanks has a crush that eventually turns into full-blown love) and this is how i imagine they're like on the day mihawk sets off on his own haha.
#fic recs#dracule mihawk#akataka#mishanks#buggy#buggy the clown#shanks#akagami no shanks#red haired shanks#one piece#one piece fanart#op fanart#clearly my workaround to 'i should be working on my deadlines instead of doodling mishanks' is to finger-draw on my phone instead#on the plus side i'll never be tempted to go and fully render what was supposed to be a sketch#on the minus side i'm wondering if drawing with my finger takes up the same amount of time anyways.........#smh#anyways in this au i have this part planned where after shankd and buggy get into a fight over the chop chop#shanks comes crying to mihawk all devastated and annoyed and mihawk who is 16 and absolutely doesnt want to deal with a crying 12 year old#decides to fix things himself by showing buggy the pros of his devil fruit via forceful and incredibly harrowing sparring session LOL.#makes him see right away how much of a boon it is to never be able to get cut by a blade. it turns into an actually fun sesh#'cuz mihawk starts enjoying the challenge and the creativity and control and buggy starts wielding his knives in flying hands.#ends with mihawk berating him on how he treats his brother and how mihawk never wants to have to deal with shanks like that again#and also lowkey encouraging buggy by saying he's a resourceful kid and he's got people if he cant do things himself.#at this point in time shanks kind of wants mihawk to be his knight in shining armour so he's happy to hear what mihawk did#but mihawk is Fully Over bunking with two 12 year olds. ray please can he just set out on his own now. he's done it before. come on.#he is not a babysitter!!!!!!#tho these fics will focus mostly on hawk & ray jsyk#i digress
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acescorazon · 1 year
Can you do cross guild x reader with a devil fruit power that basically makes them immortal with near instant regeneration( like ban from sds) and they forget to tell them Please
Hi ik this is late. i'm sorry and you can def beat my ass if you want just don't be mad :(((( i was on hiatus and being stinky :(((( ily MUAH. DONT be mad. ANYWAYS. i've never seen SDS but fuck it we ball.
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Title: Whoopsies
Pairing: Fem Reader x Cross guild
Rating: PG..?
Word count: 3112
Warnings: a LITTLE bit of violence, that's all folks.
Summary (it's actually an Excerpt ...shhh) :
Due to the brief distraction, You end up making a foolish, rookie mistake at that very moment. One that in any other situation you wouldn’t have made, and proving that Mihawk was truly right, that you’re never too good of a fighter to avoid any or all injury. A sharp stinging sensation spread across the front of your body, something that you couldn’t quite comprehend at the moment and the next thing you knew you’re body was hitting the ground with a heavy thud and concerned screams echoed all around you.
Even in your earlier days as a pirate, when you were relatively unknown and your bounty was insignificant at best, life still presented formidable challenges for you. You remained vigilant at all times though, uncertain of who might be lurking around the corner. The marines could apprehend you at any moment or a rival group of pirates could launch an unexpected attack, and if neither of those things got you, something like a sea king or even the ocean itself could and would. Yes, being a pirate is terrifying at best and down right tragic at worst, yet over time you craved more excitement.
Maybe that’s why you were dead set on joining Cross Guild. It was never about the fame or publicity, or even the power that came with joining such a notorious group of pirates. What you wanted was the thrill of it all: You desperately needed to go on more adventures, find more treasures, and fight stronger foes, and those were all things you were able to do once you joined said group.
Luckily the process of joining the group was fairly simple: you just had to hunt down one of the marines that had a bounty on their heads and, boom, once that was done Buggy was accepting you with open arms and offering you a place to stay, plus his protection if you needed it.
(You didn’t need his protection, but you weren’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth either..)  
Every day with Cross Guild offered something new and exciting, and as you quickly climbed the ranks in the organization, you also managed to get closer to the three founding members as well. You befriended Buggy first, and while some people may see Buggy’s arrogance and flamboyance as his weak points, you, just like the rest of your crew mates, have often found yourself mesmerized by his entire being.
He almost seemed like a larger-than-life celebrity who’s a regular part of your every waking day. It’s hard to believe that someone who once sailed the seas with Gol. D. Roger and Dark Knight Rayleigh, and is Red haired Shanks’ very own best friend is actually your captain, but he is and there’s an added pride that comes with that kind of knowledge.  You and your crew mates often clung to everything he said, eager to learn everything about him that he was willing to share and, luckily, Buggy was willing to share a lot about himself… Maybe a little bit too much at times, actually.  
But maybe that wasn't the worst thing when it came to him. Buggy’s an open book who’s pleasingly predictable and the great thing about that is you don’t have to wonder what he’s thinking or feeling, and in a world that’s so erratic, something as simple as being able to tell if your captain is pissed or not is…comforting?
There’s just something about his laid back, predictable at times, nature that made being near him so easy. You’d think someone like him would be hard to approach and wouldn’t bat an eye at someone unless they were particularly powerful, but Buggy was different. He’s extremely outgoing and treats everyone like a member of his family, so maybe that’s why you often found yourself in his company, listening in awe as he told you all sorts of lively tales, most of which were about his younger years.  
Crocodile was another fabulous figure in your life, and you truly wished that people would gather the courage to get to know him because he wasn't as scary or as cruel as he let people believe he was. He may be a bit of a grouch and has this thing where he always has to be in control, and if things don’t go his way-- You better watch out-- Still, even he had a good side to him once you got to know him.
On the surface he doesn’t seem particularly gentle…and well, he isn’t, but he has his own ways of showing compassion and appreciation for others, and it often comes in the form of personally working side by side with him, something that you found to be such a big privilege and learning experience once you were allowed to do it.
He’s ravishing, and at times carries himself in a way that makes him shine brighter than even Buggy The Clown himself. An esteemed former warlord in his own right, Crocodile often enticed you with the smallest of actions, and you stubbornly tried to tell yourself that all you felt for him was simple admiration. You’ve come to admire how goal-oriented he is and you wished you could be like him at times; Hell bent on achieving your goals and willing to crush anyone who gets in your way. That’s all…
….Or is it?
Regardless, and perhaps this is weird to say about him, but he’s someone who gives you inspiration and more confidence when you feel your lowest. Though, he has a rather….unique way of doing so, often challenging you to grow as a person in ways that to others might seem a little rude or back-handed but, hey, it is Crocodile we’re talking about after all, and the fact that he even approaches you and on some days even has an actual conversation with you, means you’re probably fairing better than most people in Cross Guild right now. You wanted to make him proud, even if the only compliment you’ll probably ever get out of him would be something like: “Oh, so you could do it after all? Good work, brat.”
Anyways, lord, who could forget Mihawk?  Intelligent, strong, elegant, Mihawk who may not be as flashy as your other two superiors, but is a star in his own right. He doesn’t talk much and if he isn’t standing by Crocodile’s side, then he’s probably off on his own, enjoying himself but behind that cold facade of his there’s a caring man, who begrudgingly agreed to take you under his wing and taught you more than you could have ever imagined about wielding a sword. You thought you were a great swordsman before, but you were foolishly mistaken.
In fact, you’re big enough of a person to admit that you weren’t even close to being the best version of yourself until Mihawk helped you unlock your true capabilities, and for that, you’re truly grateful. The time you spent with him often felt short and you wished that there were more words exchanged between the two of you because Mihawk is pretty fun to talk to and also has a hidden kind side to him, one that you wished you could see more of… if only there were more time in the day and during practices.
The founding members of Cross Guild were all charming in their own ways and your poor heart was often an unwilling participant in a three-way game of tug of war.  A laugh from Buggy could send your heart in one direction, a compliment from Crocodile in another, and a nod of approval from Mihawk after an intense sparring session could send it in a third direction.  And anytime one of them made that annoying muscle in your chest pound, you tried to stubbornly ignore your feelings and deny everything. There’s no way you could or should have a crush on any one of your superiors and yet…
Oh, who has time to worry about that sort of thing anyways? But...like, there's definitely no way they’d like you back…right?
Sure, life was a tad confusing with your (romantic) feelings for each of your superiors blossoming but things were going great...That is, until one day Black Beard's crew made a sudden appearance on Emptee Bluffs Island. They came in the middle of the night without any warning and started destroying everything in sight; ships, homes, people, everything. You were told specifically by the boss himself not to fight and to instead help some of your sick or injured comrades off the island. And while you realized helping others escape is no easy feat in its own right, you were hankering for a fight and confident you could take on some of the black beard pirates, or even the emperor himself if he were on the island …. if you were just given permission to…
You pleaded with Buggy to change his mind and let you join the battle instead, but he seemed unusually hesitant. “No, no... It’s too dangerous out there,” He insisted, “Just sit this one out.” But… they needed all the people they could get to fight, and you were willing and able to stand up against Black Beard’s crew, so why couldn’t you just help out? You’ve been in plenty of fights before and Buggy always complimented your strength and fighting spirit. So why were things different now?
“But, I--”
You frowned, wanting to protest more, but figured it would be wise not to, so you begrudgingly followed his orders and began evacuating your most vulnerable allies. With little difficulty, you managed to help everyone who needed to flee the island onto one of the giant ships that the organization owned and anxiously waited for further instruction.
Every scream or loud noise took hold of your heart and squeezed it tight as the fear of the unknown very quickly started to eat away at your conscious. How could you know for certain that all those horrible, pain filled screams coming from the distance were coming from the enemies and not your own crew if you were stuck on the ship? How could you be certain that your side was winning and not being destroyed on the battlefield?  If Cross Guild is actually losing the battle, how could you allow yourself to let it happen without trying to aid some of your friends and superiors?
How could you just sit and watch everyone and everything you cared about be destroyed?  
Another distressed scream from a distance snapped you out of your thoughts, finally bringing you to your breaking point. You couldn’t just stand around and do nothing. You decided then and there that you were going to go against Buggy’s orders and join the battle, and that you’d deal with any negative repercussions later.
You made a rather bold announcement to those who helped you evacuate the island, making it known that you just had to go out there and lend a helping hand in this fight despite the chairman’s orders, and your eagerness earned you a few concerned looks, but no one dared to stop you. Instead, your allies offered a few whispered warnings, “Be careful out there…” and "Just be safe..."
Pft, what's there to be worried about? You got this!
You bid your farewell to your allies on board the ship quickly before rushing onto the battlefield, alert and ready for a fight, but not foolish enough to walk directly into harm's way as you followed the sound of all the commotion. It doesn't take you long to find a horrendous scene, one that confirms almost all your fears in an instant; everything within eyesight that you held dear is destroyed, either on fire or already turned to ash and the scent of smoke lingers heavy in the air, making your lungs burn.
You tried your best to remain calm, knowing a full-blown panic attack wouldn't help anyone in this situation, but... you struggle to keep a cool head as screams and sounds of bodies collapsing to the ground with heavy thuds echo through your ears as you watch the battle rage on, horrified, as both your enemies and allies alike fall to the ground in front of you.
A plethora of different emotions swelled up in your chest at that moment and threatened to swallow you whole; Panic, grief, anger, guilt, and so many other things that you couldn’t manage to put into words right now, left you frozen where you stood as the battle continued around you with no signs of stopping. For better or for worse though, the sound of footsteps approaching you at full speed brought you back down to earth, and with seconds to spare, you barely managed to react to being lunged at by one of Blackbeard’s burly men, one who was wielding a rather impressive sword.
You reached to your side, unsheathing your own brand new sword that was recently gifted to you by Mihawk, blocking the attack targeted at you. You were still shaken by everything going on around you but forced yourself to focus on the task at hand with the hopes that perhaps one of Cross Guild’s higher-ups would see you standing toe to toe with an imposing foe and, instead of scolding you for disobeying orders, they’d praise you and even thank you for bravely helping out during an unprecedented battle such as this.  
Well, you got the first part right at least.
As you gave it your all against one of Blackbeard’s men, you heard an angry, breathless voice from your side, calling out to you and asking you what you thought you were doing. Moments later you realized it was the chairman himself, of course, somehow managing to still be able to scold you despite having to constantly avoid sword strikes from his own opposing foe, “I Thought I told you to stay on the ship?” Buggy yelled over to you with a frown plastered across his painted lips.
“But, Chairm--”
Due to the brief distraction, You end up making a foolish, rookie mistake at that very moment. One that in any other situation you wouldn’t have made, and proving that Mihawk was truly right, that you’re never too good of a fighter to avoid any or all injury. A sharp stinging sensation spread across the front of your body, something that you couldn’t quite comprehend at the moment and the next thing you knew you’re body was hitting the ground with a heavy thud and concerned screams echoed all around you.
Okay, ow, you thought, more out of instinct than anything because truth be told you’ve been sliced by a number of swords during your life as a pirate, and though the pain never lasted for long due to your devil fruit powers, there were still occasionally those short moments in time where you found yourself flinching from the pain and thinking, well, that freaking hurt, before your body quickly healed itself and you were able to resume whatever fight you were in prior to getting cut or even stabbed by a sword.
And just like all those times before, you were ready to get back up and fight in less than a second, but something stopped you this time. Before you can jump up and get back to your opponent, a tall figure quickly appeared above you and everything after that happened so quickly. There was the sight of a giant sword glimmering in the moonlight followed by a blood-curdling scream from your would-be opponent. Mihawk…? You thought, confused as to where he even came from because the last time you checked he was nowhere near you before.
Your confusion only grew as Buggy, who seconds prior had just finished off his own opponent, hurried over to your side, obviously in a state of panic as he leaned down to cradle your head, yet you didn’t understand why. You’re perfectly fine, the only thing that suffered was your poor, blood stained shirt that got sliced during your short lived battle. His panic brought along more unneeded attention, first by Mihawk and then by Crocodile, both of which you swear weren’t anywhere near you earlier, but perhaps you were too caught up in your fight and your own emotions to properly assess the scene.  
“Crap, just hang on there a little longer. We'll get you to a doctor soon, I promise.” Buggy whined, scooping you up into his arms. Why do I need a doctor? You found yourself thinking, still utterly baffled and now growing a little flustered in Buggy’s arms.
“I…” You wanted to assure everyone that you were fine and that you weren’t even bleeding anymore, but a small argument broke out between your superiors and prevented you from assuring them that you were actually okay or as fine as one can be in this situation.
For the most part, it was just Buggy and Crocodile going back and forth with each other and trying to pin your injury on each other despite the fact that your ‘injury’ was brought on by your own carelessness and had nothing to do with either of them. ”What did I tell you, clown?” Crocodile frowned, “I told you if anything happened to h--”
“How was I supposed to know she’d ignore my orders and get off the ship?!” Buggy protested.
You tried to speak up again, but Mihawk inadvertently cut you off before you could, making sure he got his own jab in against Buggy, “Well, maybe if you had a little bit more control over your subordinates, this wouldn’t have happened.”
 You groaned out of sheer annoyance, unable to believe that these three were actually standing around bickering with each other when the entire island was literally under attack right now.  “Um. Actually… I’m okay,” You muttered, finally able to voice your own feelings on the subject. Three pairs of eyes quickly glanced at you, and you squirmed a little under their gazes, wishing that Buggy would just drop you already so you could return to the battle.
Buggy was the first to respond, “You can’t be serious right now. You were just sliced into two, we’ve got to get you to a doctor!” Okay, one, that’s a little bit of an exaggeration, and, two, if they thought it was that important to get you to a doctor they would have taken you to see one right away instead of bickering with each other.
“Really, I’m fine,” You said with a sheepish grin, trying to squirm your way out of Buggy’s arms once you realized that he had no intentions of putting you down. ”We saw you get slashed to pieces though. We need to get you some h--"
“Oh, yeah!” You exclaimed, cutting off Buggy as he continued to panic, finally realizing why everyone was freaking out about you. “I forgot to mention this before, but my devil fruit powers give me the power of regeneration!”
Almost all at once the three men surrounding you narrowed their eyes, looking offended. In an almost comedic moment, they all asked you the same question at the same time: “How did you forget to mention that?”
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where-s-all-blue · 4 years
Actor AU : Kids
Makino's daughter, whose name is Ann.
A tad insecure of her own abilities.
Adores Ace and refers to him as her older brother.
Her voice was digitally altered to sound a bit lower for the series.
She's been doing little bit acting before, but never on this scale.
Ann's (child Ace's actress) younger brother.
Goes regularly to speech therapy as he had some trouble with it.
Probably has ADHD.
Loves to spend time with the adult Luffy.
The actual younger brother of Sabo's adult actor.
Idolises his older brother.
Has been doing acting for quite some time now.
Adult Sabo personally oversees every single acting contract to ensure that there won't be any trouble for his brother.
Appears to have a tiny crush on the child actor of Koala.
The son of the director.
Wants to be as cool as the adult Zoro.
Spent several months learning kendo for the role even if it turned out that it wasn't necessary.
Is interested in martial arts in general.
Originally he had a great deal of trouble with socialising with the other kids as he hadn't spent that much time with people of his own age.
Is a foster child, his biological family was abusive so he was taken from them very quickly.
Has therapy sessions to which the adult Sanji attends with him.
He's very shy boy to the point where he had trouble even talking to other kids at first.
Meeting the adult Sanji has been a great help as the man understands what he has gone through and has been able to support him.
There have been rumours of adult Zoro and Sanji planning on adopting him as Sanji's brother.
The son of the actress who played the part of Usopp's mother in the flashback along with the actor of Yasopp.
Very mischievous and loves to cause trouble on purpose.
He's one of the kids who find Eustass to be extra cool person.
He has very good memory and is capable of memorising things relatively quickly.
Despite of being a trouble maker, he is also very sensitive to other's pain and thus is seen often trying to cheer others up.
Adult Nami's (and Shanks') baby cousin.
Has some sensory problems; for example she's very sensitive towards the feel of fabrics.
She knows how to read braille (her mother is blind).
She's very artistic kid and is often seen drawing.
She gets easily along with other kids.
Garp's granddaughter.
She's very used to being on filming sites as her grandfather and both parents are actors as well.
She herself wants to become a writer and is often seen writing short stories.
She also loves cute things that aren't exactly the normal kind of cute, for example, she has a white Teddy bear which has red claws and looks like it has just eaten someone.
She acted Wednesday Addams in a movie prior to her role as young Nico Robin.
Actual daughter of Dragon's actor.
Has highly active imagination.
Yes, she did get the fishman actors adore her and has them wrapped around her finger.
She often follows Eustass because the way he looks intrigues her and she likes to ask him questions.
Eustass taught her how to tinker with motorbikes much to the horror of Dragon. As a result of this, she wants one herself because they are cool.
Son of the man who plays the part of adult Trafalgar Law.
His name is Atlan.
He's often seen going around the site and asking people if they could start dating his father.
The previous is because he believes Law to be lonely and in need of a new wife or a husband.
He is a lot more serious than his father is and is often embarrassed by his father's antics, more specifically his habit of hugging people.
Judge's granddaughter.
She's Koala's best friend and thus is one of the kids who follows Eustass wherever he goes.
She's more of a girly girl herself but that doesn't stop her from appreciating her friend's tomboyish interests.
She's platinum blonde.
She has shown interest in befriending Atlan as she believes that the boy needs some softness in his life and she wants to see him smile.
Surprise surprise, he and the child actors of Niji and Yonji are related to one another.
The trio is also related to Cavendish, in fact they are his cousins twice removed. Cavendish himself isn't aware of this tough.
Ichiji is the most courageous of the trio and is often seen chattering with the so called scary people like the adult Katakuri, Bege and Mihawk.
He is also a blonde.
He's very interested in ships and more over pirates.
The shy one of the trio.
He likes to share tiny tidbits of information of what he knows though and he's easy to be coined into the conversation by talking about something that he's interested in.
He's currently going through knight phase, his previous phases include ninjas and pirates.
He wants to become a historian when he grows up.
He likes Law a lot because of how laid back the adult is and how he knows how to deal with kids.
He managed to befriend Atlan.
The youngest of the trio of brothers is brash little boy with a lot of attitude.
He's friends with Luffy, Usopp and Zoro, often getting in trouble with them.
He holds a great deal of respect towards the adult Nico Robin as she has a lot of interesting stories.
He wants to become an actor like she is.
Despite of his boastful personality, he is very easy to fluster.
He is one of the older kids on the set and he actively expressed the interest in playing his character.
He has redd One Piece and was very excited to learn that it was going to be made into a TV series.
He looks up to the adult Katakuri even if he is very intimidating looking thanks to his size.
The younger kids think that he is super cool because of how much he knows.
He has become an older brother figure to child Zoro.
Made a double role as Lami and Brulee.
She was very nervous about the whole thing, but Atlan was there to help her calm down.
She and Atlan are actually friends through their parents as their parents were often hired on the same jobs.
This is Brulee's first acting job.
Her father, though a camera man, filled in as the father of child Law and Lami in the series as the original actor couldn't make it. Her mother is a makeup artist.
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