huntersgrace15 · 5 years
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Finally got my first original work done - if anyone would like to check it out I’ve put it up on AO3. Let me know what you guy think; like, comment and repost. 
All chapters should be uploaded in the next couple of days.
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huntersgrace15 · 5 years
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Pula Colosseum, Croatia 🇭🇷 Sightseeing on Tour earlier this year, missing this place 👌🏻🌅
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huntersgrace15 · 5 years
***NEW WORK*** 
Supercorp Hunger Games AU
In what was once North America, the Capitol of Panem maintains its hold on its 12 districts by forcing them each to select two tributes to compete in a nationally televised event called the Hunger Games. Every citizen must watch as the youths fight to the death until only one remains.
In this the 74th annual Hunger Games, the stakes are even higher.
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huntersgrace15 · 5 years
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We be trying 😫😂📝
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huntersgrace15 · 5 years
If anyone feels like asking anything, you’re more than welcome to. Don’t like having nothing to do, rather bored 😂
Anons pls
ask me random stuff, I’m pretty bored atm
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huntersgrace15 · 5 years
Behind Enemy Lines - **NEW CHAPTER**
Chapter 17 - Breaking Point
It’s been a long time in the making, so are you all ready to find out the truth about what happened to Thalia? 9 months in Nazi Germany trying to fix a broken country, trying to stop a war and save lives... How would you do it? How could you do it?
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huntersgrace15 · 5 years
Behind Enemy Lines
Hey everyone, I would like to apologise for my Uni induced absence, but I’m back now and I mean business... Nothing like a bit of method writing to get you back into your characters - let me know if you guys would like to read this when it’s all done too 👌🏻
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
3 for Theyna
#3 - Cop/Criminal AU
In The Mind Of A Criminal
“So, what’s the deal cop?” The renowned criminal asked, a smirk gracing her face as she sat across from the young Lieutenant. The woman refused to look at the cop as she sat there though, wild hair falling over her eyes.
“The deal is, that I let you out of here if you help me.” The cop’s voice was calm and relaxed, but commanding. A low, gravelly laugh broke the calmness of the situation, and the cop tried not to let her nerves show at the woman’s response. She knew full well how unpredictable the criminal sat opposite her could be and that laugh was enough to make her squirm in her seat.
“You know who I am, don’t you? Letting me off my leash, now that is funny.” The woman raised her head to meet the gaze of the young Lieutenant for the first time, and the electric blues eyes that looked up at her caused the cop to clench her jaw slightly.
“Look, I’ve been through your records. 7 accounts of arsen, 16 of robbery, 20 of illegal possession of weapons-” The criminal counted out the accusations on her fingers, looking up at the cop innocently. “Don’t mock me, you’re one of the worst criminals in this city.”
“Sorry, darling.” The woman replied with a smirk. “I don’t mean to mock.”
“Whatever. Are you in or out?” The woman tilted her head as if considering her options.
“I’ll help you find Castellan, but-” She paused, holding up a finger to the cop. “You tell me where my brother is.”
“That’s not the deal, Grace.” The cop frowned. Lightning blue eyes hardened as she sat back in her chair.
“My brother, cop. Or you can find Kronos yourself.”
The two stared each other out for a moment, and the cop caved. Pinching the bridge of her nose as she spoke simply.
“Fine. I’ll give you your brother’s case file.”
The smile that spread across the criminal’s face was large and lopsided and would probably have been endearing had there not been a dangerous edge to it. She leaned forward, extending a hand to the Puerto Rican sat opposite her.
“You got yourself a deal cop; all you gotta do is shake.”
Hesitantly the woman reached out, clasping her hand in the taller girl’s. It was not her finest moment. In an instant the girl’s grip tightened and pulled the cop forward with such force that she was tugged up from her seat, her hips slamming painfully into the metal table, until the pair were eye level. Already the younger girl could hear the panicked voices in her earpiece, any moment now guards would burst in and pull her off.
“I have one rule and one rule only. Never trust a cop. But I’m breaking it. If you stab me in the back, I will gut you like a pretty little fish.” The criminal growled. Narrowing her eyes, the cop managed to outdo the other girl’s strengths and twist her wrist at a painful angle in return. The criminal didn’t even wince like a normal person would have. All she did was stare.
The door eventually burst open behind the Lieutenant and the other girl was tackled to the floor, but she fought back like a wild animal. No one could teach you how to fight like that, she was running off an instinct learned when you needed to survive… The cop wondered just what she’d had to survive over the years that meant she could fight like that, as other now bloodied cops dragged the girl from the room.
“You cops think you know everything. Think you own the city, that you can cleanse it of criminals… You don’t know the half of it!” The woman spat at the Lieutenant as she was dragged away.
With shaking hands, the cop turned and walked away. Castellan was the key to everything. He ruled the underground businesses and all major criminal players in the city, along with the criminal packs that flooded the streets in secret… and the psychopath she just met with was the key to him. She knew where he was, who he was, and not just as Kronos.
The cop made her way down the winding halls and stairs to the prison ward for ‘special cases’. The cells were cold and dank and they had to be kept relatively empty… These people could do some crazy things with simple objects; a cop was killed once by a boy named Ethan Nakamura (Codename: Vengeance), the cop was knocked down and all Nakamura had was a piece of paper but he gave the poor victim so many paper cuts that were deep enough to hit major veins that the officer ended up bleeding to death.
Cell 1 that was where she was. All the way at the end of the eerie corridor. Cat calls rang out from numerous cells as she walked by, but one person was instead curled in a ball crying their eyes out and sucking their thumb – the cop looked at that prisoner curiously as she kept her pace.
“Well, well, well… If it isn’t my favourite cop.” The voice was quiet, but it still echoed off the walls of the corridor and the other prisoners fell quiet at the sound of it.
“I brought the file like I said I would…” The Lieutenant tilted her head to view into the cell as she stepped closer to the bars, trying to pinpoint the inmate’s location. Then came a faint sound of water splatter on the floor, a constant drip. But there was no water supply in the cells.
The young cop jumped back as the criminal dropped down in front of her, the girl’s eyes held amusement but buried deeper the cop could see a pain in her gaze too. Blood trickled down her face from multiple lacerations. The dripping was small red droplets pooling and falling from her head where her jet black hair was matted to her head with blood.
The woman stepped back towards the bars carefully to hand the file through the bars, the other girl snatching it from her hands so she could flick through it.
“We had a deal Grace, I help you and you help me.” The criminal snapped the folder shut and looked up to meet the cop’s gaze.
“Can you tell me the guard rotations? There’s a skinny blonde boy, about your height, I’m interested to know when he’ll be stopping by again.”
“He hit you, didn’t he?” The Puerto Rican asked carefully, eyeing the wounds visible on the pale skin of the other girl.
The girl nodded, allowing some vulnerability to show through before she corrected herself and immediately changed the subject.
“Enough about me though! Let’s see what we have here…” The woman pressed her bloodied face to the bars as she looked over the cop in front of her. “Rookie aren’t you? New to the forces but highly intelligent. Self-righteous desire to cleanse the city. Probably from a tough home. Daddy was always there but he wasn’t right in the head was he? Mommy wasn’t around, but you had a sibling… a sister I presume.”
“How can you possibly know all of that?” The cop asked, stepping back nervously. She knew the girl had seen her file, but half of that was redacted from the file.
“Oh, I didn’t… but you just told me I’m right.” The criminal grinned as she stuck her hand out through the bars. “Thalia Grace, pleasure to meet you.”
“I know who you are, I’ve read your file.” The Lieutenant replied, refusing to take the pre-offered hand.
“Files don’t tell you everything.” Thalia replied simply, letting her arm drop away from the cop to rest against the bars instead. “You can go now.”
The cop nodded as she stepped away - not gone but out of sight as the criminal sat facing a wall, flicking through the file. The woman watched curiously as Thalia dug out the contents of the file, looking more like the detectives sat upstairs as she focussed on the case than the criminal she was known to be. Thalia dug something out from her orange prison uniform then, a pen, and started making notes across the pages she had spread out in front of her - ordering them how she wanted them until she was satisfied with them. Eventually the girl stood, taking the pages with her as she used some of the blood still dripping from various parts of her to stick the pages to the wall in the order she’d settled on.
The other woman watched in a disgusted kind of awe - Thalia was impossibly smart, in a way that couldn’t really be described. But then, she had broken out of 5 prisons before this one, which left the cop wondering what had her staying in this one so long… It wasn’t the most secure facility she’d been in by far.
“Hi, yes, question?” The Lieutenant jumped in shock, watching an amused smirk play across the criminal’s lips as she settled herself to step back towards her. “Do you have any thumbtacks?”
“No…” She replied hesitantly, still shocked by the inmate catching her staring.
“No, not you, I meant in general? Y’know, elsewhere?” Thalia fidgeted with the pen as she spoke. “Come on cop, help me out here, I thought we had a deal?”
“How many do you need?” The cop huffed out, pinching at the bridge of her nose as she did so.
“Oh, approximately… 500 divided by 2, times by 4, minus 100, divided by 30, add 18, divided by 12… lastly, add 4.” Thalia’s smirk grew as the cop blinked once, thinking she’d caught her out again.
“So you need 8?” The smirk fell at the immediate response.
“Or you could put it that way.”
The cop turned and left then, returning shortly with the thumbtacks as requested. Watching the criminal pull off her shirt to tear it into strings so she could connect the papers in some fashion or another. She left her there not long after though, heading for a lunch break for some peace.
Or at least, some short lived peace.
A loud cry rang out across the dining hall, and all the cops sprang into action as they ran down the stairs - following their Captain and Lieutenant. They entered the corridor of cells not long later and saw one of the guards, Octavian, clutching a bleeding hand.
“She bit me!” He cried. The young cop approached cautiously as she noticed the cell door standing open. She glanced inside and saw Thalia looking sadly down at the now shredded papers on the floor.
“What happened?” The woman demanded as she turned to face Octavian.
“I’m going to kill you.” Thalia said from behind the young cop, voice trembling with uncontrolled rage. “That was the only lead on my brother!”
“Did you ruin the evidence?” Her voice was demanding and she shoved the pathetic excuse of a cop into the wall. “Did you?!”
“She’s not supposed to have case files.” He spat. “Let alone thumbtacks!”
“Is that what I asked?! No! Did you or did you not shred the files?” The younger cop pressed her forearm against the man’s throat angrily. “Answer me.”
“What are you so worried about? Making deals with the devil so you can get your old partner back.” Octavian laughed despite the fact that his cheeks were turning purple from a lack of oxygen. “He’s dead anyways.”
That may have been the worst mistake he could have possibly made. The girl had no time to react as in an instant she was shoved off him and she hit the ground hard. Above her somewhere Octavian cried out in pain and when she glanced up she saw him crumpled on the floor, his cheeks impaled with thumbtacks.
“You know who else is gonna die?” Thalia growled as she picked him up with ease and glared at him with cold, dead eyes – suddenly looking much more like the infamous criminal she was known as than the genius she had been not long before. “You.”
Octavian was retching in fear as he reached for his face.
Holding up her hands the young cop faced Thalia, advancing as she put her gun away.
“Hey, look at me; I need you to put him down okay?”
“No.” Thalia’s tone was sharp and controlled. “If he wants to play dirty then I can play dirty too… and I’m gonna win.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Look at me. You know the information, what do you remember?” As Thalia turned to face her, the fire in her eyes dimmed a little, tears starting to brim in them instead.
“I don’t remember. I should, but I can’t.”
“Drop Octavian and think, close your eyes and think.” The cop said calmly. Her grip tightened on him a bit but with an angry sigh she let him go and backed up to lean against the outside of her cell.
“I don’t know. It was all there.” She slid down until she was sitting with her knees to her chest again. For once she appeared vulnerable. Octavian scrambled away and continued to claw at his face, pulling out the tacks with pain filled cries. “I can’t do this… I’m done.”
“Grace, you gotta pull through here.”
“I’m done! It’s over… we both know that file was the only one about what happened. You weren’t allowed to make copies because it legally never happened. Your system covered it up.”
“That’s not-”
“True?” Thalia turned harshly to glare at the cop, who raised her hands in surrender as she crouched next to the other woman. “Who did they blame for his disappearance?”
“You… Because the evidence in the files pointed to you.” The woman responded calmly. “Files aren’t always right.” The cop mumbled. “You were trying to tell me you weren’t involved.”
“Of course I wasn’t. I never would’ve done that to him.”
“What happened to the files in your case Thals?”
Thalia looked between the woman before her and the other cops around them.
“Tell them to leave.” The Lieutenant nodded as she waved the others away.
“You were unfairly accused, weren’t you?” Thalia made no attempt to respond, simply pressing something flat into the cop’s hand. An emblem – one familiar to most as the judicial seal of approval… a wax stamp.
“It’s fake. My case never passed through real officials.”
“What do you mean? And how did you get this?” The Lieutenant asked in surprise.
“I’ve always had it. You’d be surprised where one can hide things. The point is; my trial was a fraud.” Thalia’s eyes bore deep into the young cop’s. “The judge was paid off, the attorneys were fakes. Someone wanted me out of the case.”
“Who would want that? If anything you were the key to what actually happened.” Thalia nodded in agreement.
“Which is exactly why I’m going to help you with your case Lieutenant.” Blue eyes met chocolate brown in fierce determination. “I think it intertwines with mine… He has him, I know it’s him… Castellan.”
The cop let her jaw go slack for a moment before allowing herself to smile at the criminal in front of her.
“To an unholy alliance then?” She said as she made to offer her own hand this time.
“Unholy indeed, Ramírez… He’ll smell foul play if we do this by the books though. So, what’s your plan?”
Reyna glanced over her shoulder before standing and hauling the other girl to her feet.
“What do you say to adding another tally to your prison break score?” Thalia laughed, that dark gravelly laugh that set every nerve in Reyna’s body alight.
“I like you, Ramírez… Now, let’s go catch you a killer!”
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
Prompt List - AU
1. College AU
2. Assassin AU
3. Cop/Criminal AU
4. Alien AU
5. Hogwarts AU
6. Soulmate AU
7. Halloween AU
8. Christmas AU
9. Folklore AU (Werewolves/Vampires/etc.)
10. Meet-Cute AU
Hi guys! So, I’ve been running a little low on motivation for writing some of my longer fanfics for a while now, so I figured I’d try some one-shots!
Please send me an ask with the number you’d like me to write for!
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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The Lakewood 5 were finally returning to normality after everything that had happened. So much had happened in the last month - Kieran’s death, the Halloween incident, 4 of the group having therapy, returning to school, Gina and Audrey breaking up, Stavo and Brooke still going strong, oh yeah… and Emma finally got up the guts to talk to her best friend about the barn confession that had felt like a lifetime ago, and her best friend is now her girlfriend of almost a month...
Unfortunately not everything had improved since the Halloween incident...
UNKNOWN: Someone is lying to you Emma.
UNKNOWN: Have you been paying attention?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14907980/chapters/34530389
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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*UPDATE* New Chapter - Behind Enemy Lines - A Year From Then
July 21st 1944 - Vichy, Allied France 9 months. That's how long it had been since Reyna had left Thalia in Sobibor. How long it had been since she'd heard anything from the German at all. But she had heard how things in German were starting to unravel... If that was anything to go by, then her German was still alive. But she didn't know for sure, and no news was often worse than bad news when you're waiting for someone you love.
Like, reblog, comment, let me know what you think.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14265228/chapters/35266403
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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*UPDATE* New Chapter - Behind Enemy Lines - The Sobibor Revolt
It’s the big one guys... Are you all ready for the biggest escape plot of German history?
October 14th 1943 - Sobibor Concentration Camp, Sobibor, Poland Welcome to the day that history books would be written. Mengele wanted today to be the day he broke the American soldiers, killed one of them maybe. Thalia, however, had very different plans for today... Today she would get Reyna out, and safely home with her sister. Today was the Sobibor Revolt.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14265228/chapters/35174750
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
Some more theyna art I’ve been working on. Demigods like to have sleepovers too...
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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*UPDATE* - Behind Enemy Lines - The Best Laid Plans
The Ramírez sisters face torture, but Thalia won’t let them face it for long.
It was time to write a new date in the history books as they planned to start the Sobibor Revolt
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14265228/chapters/35053703
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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*UPDATE* - The Spartan - Spartan Gladiators
Reyna did not want this day to come... She couldn't watch more people she cared for taken away, murdered by Rome. The Colosseum was a brutal place, it demanded a blood sacrifice. Could the Spartans make sure that sacrifice was Roman blood?
It’s time to find out... Just remember: Sparta Kneels For No-one
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15033533/chapters/34896056
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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*UPDATE* - The Spartan - The Fallen City
Rome had suffered defeat at the hands of Sparta, and they were never likely to take kindly to that. So, they would return, and they would come vying for the blood of the Spartan Queen. This. Is. Sparta. Sparta kneels for no man. Sparta falls for no man. Sparta will stand until it is burnt to ashes... Because that is what its Queens demand of it.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15033533/chapters/34863782
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huntersgrace15 · 6 years
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*NEW WORK* - The Spartan - Enter The Empire
The Romans wage war with Greece on all fronts, and to expand the Empire, they must crush the growing Greek rebellion. That victory would come with the defeat of its strongest cities, its most powerful warriors, but if you want to bring about the Greeks silence... Well, you best make sure you've put them all to death. Because if one wolf survives, then the sheep are never safe...
This. Is. Sparta. Here you will pay for a life with your own.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15033533/chapters/34863782
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