#atees ff
mi-rae07 · 6 months
Kim Hongjoong : You And Her (Part 2/2)
Pairing : Kim Hongjoong (Ateez) and named character (Lee Hana)
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Hana stared at hongjoong whose head was now rested against her chest, his upper body covered by the blanket and his arm wrapped around hana's waist. His face was still red, his eyes puffy from all the crying. And yet he looked so beautiful to hana, she wondered whether he thought the same about her now.
Hongjoong : hana?
Hana : yes sweetheart?
Hongjoong : I love you.
Hana looked at hongjoong as he snuggled closer to her, his arms around her tightening as he mumbled in a sleepy voice
Hongjoong : I love you so much, as much as the sky. And as much as I love our daughter, if not even more. You're the most beautiful person on Earth for me, you always will be.
And just like that hongjoong fell asleep, tears in hana's eyes as she leaned forward and kissed hongjoong's forehead before whispering
Hana : I love you too.
Hongjoong woke up the next day, feeling numb and drained out. Last night's memories came crashing down on him as he recalled the way he had cried in hana's arms when it was his fault they fought in the first place, pathetic.
Hongjoong quickly got off the bed as he dressed up for work, hoping hana would be in hannie's nursery and wouldn't see him running out. But just as hongjoong walked down the stairs he saw hana playing around with hannie who seemed to be wide awake so early, small gurgles and giggles filling the living room. His two favorite girls, his entire world. And he couldn't even face them.
Hongjoong was about to sneak out when a voice interrupted him suddenly
Hana : you're awake so early?
Hongjoong pressed his lips together as he turned around to face hana, who picked up hannie before walking to him as she asked
Hana : don't you want breakfast?
Hongjoong : uh, no.
Hana : why? The maids have made good food-
Hongjoong : I'm not hungry, and I have work to do at the office. I'll…see you in the evening, bye.
Hongjoong quickly walked past hana and out the house as he shut the main door behind him, hana letting out a sigh as she booped hannie's nose before whispering
Hana : your father is just like you, so stubborn.
Hongjoong was in between a serious meeting when his phone rang, making the presenter pause on her meeting as hongjoong excused himself before stepping out the room and taking up the call in hurry
Hongjoong : I'm in an important meeting right now-
Hana : this is more important. My parents are coming, within an hour. I need you here.
Hongjoong blinked his eyes, looking back at the meeting room as he realized everyone else was waiting for their director making hongjoong sigh as he said
Hongjoong : can they not come, like…maybe 3 hours later?
Hana : hongjoong, you know how my parents are.
Hongjoong let out a breath, opening the door to the meeting room as he said
Hongjoong : 30 minutes.
Hongjoong cut the call as he sat back down on the director's chair, motioning towards the presenter before saying
Hongjoong : cut to the important part, please.
Hongjoong panted as he opened the main door hurriedly, pausing on his tracks as he saw sona and yejun already seated in the living room sofa, hana and hannie sitting opposite them. All of them were looking at him, hana having an angry expression on her face as hongjoong let out a breath, closing the door behind him as his mother-in-law said
Sona : back from the very important meeting, hongjoong-shi?
Hongjoong bowed at his in-laws before saying
Hongjoong : there was traffic, sorry mrs lee.
Sona : you do realize you hold that position of director only because you married my daughter, right? And you also realize you have this much power only because hana stepped down as CEO in order to look after hannie, right?
Hongjoong pressed his lips together, sona never forgot to mention that. How lowly ranked hongjoong was compared to her daughter, his wife.
Hana : eomma-
Hongjoong : yes, of course I do realize all that. This will not happen again, I am sorry.
Hana stared at hongjoong as he sat beside her, hannie making grabby hands at hongjoong as he smiled and brought his hands forward to hold her.
Yejun : don't touch her, you haven't washed your hands yet. She could contact diseases from you.
Hongjoong's smile dropped as he took his hands away, hannie having a confused expression on her face as hana said angrily
Hana : he is her father, appa, I'm sure he knows better than you.
Yejun : what did you just-
Hongjoong : no you're right, I was being careless. I'll make sure I wash my hands before touching her from now.
Hana let out a scoff as she looked away, hannie now playing with her hair instead as sona said
Sona : I see the child's gotten hana's features more, thank god for that. I even went to the temple to pray that she'd get the better genes, it has worked.
Hana : eomma!
Hongjoong smiled, not showing an ounce of any other expression on his face as he said
Hongjoong : I am glad hannie's gotten her mother's features and not mine as well. She is much more beautiful.
Hana looked at hongjoong with hurt eyes as he stood up and asked
Hongjoong : what would you like for dinner, then?
"I still don't get how boss is dating…him? And she's even made him the director now, I can't believe I've to take orders from someone like him"
"I heard they're fighting? Finally, she'll prolly get a divorce from him soon. I'm sure she's had enough of pretending now that she has an heir"
"Apparently he caused the death of his parents. He caused some trouble at school and his parents were called to the principal's office for expulsion. His dad was really angry, drove the car too recklessly and got into an accident. Let's hope he leaves before he causes something like that to the boss as well"
After having heard all of this at office today whatever hana's parents were telling him seemed to make no difference to hongjoong anymore. He heard things like this everyday, hana just had no idea about it. Hongjoong thought it would be better if she had no idea about it too.
His in-laws had left an hour ago and hongjoong had told hana he would put hannie to sleep tonight. She was finally asleep and hongjoong was trying to find hana, finding her at the balcony a few minutes later.
Hongjoong : hana?
Hana turned around at that, hongjoong giving her a small smile as he stepped into the balcony before asking in a low voice
Hongjoong : is it not cold?
Hana : are you cold?
Hana knew hongjoong hated the cold, and she could see his cheeks already growing red from the winter cold. But hongjoong shook his head with a smile, walking towards the railing as he said
Hongjoong : I uh, I wanted to ask you something.
Hana : go ahead.
Hongjoong : do you mind coming back to office again, being the director? I'll stay at home and take care of hannie, no?
Hana frowned, hongjoong had never said things like this before. He loved working, it was one of the things hana loved about him, how passionate he was about their company.
Hana : did someone say something to you?
Hongjoong : no of course not! It's just…I think you would do the work much better.
Hana : hongjoong, the company's stocks have gone up by 10 percent within the last month of you taking complete control over it's proceedings. And you think I do it better?
Hongjoong looked away, clenching his hand against the railing as he whispered, his voice desperate
Hongjoong : I don't…I don't want to do this anymore, please hana.
Something had happened, hana was sure of it. She could sense the despair in his eyes, it was droopy and did not dare look at her. Hana held hongjoong's hand as he flinched back, making hana pause. He never flinched away from her.
Hana : hongjoong? Something's wrong. What is it? Is it what my parents said?
Hongjoong bit his lip, looking at hana as he tried his best not to cry before saying in an unsteady voice
Hongjoong : no, no that's not it. Hana, there is nothing wrong. I just want you to go back, you are the rightful director of that company, it is your company-
Hana : our company. All that is mine is yours as well, hongjoong. I said that 3 years ago, didn't I?
Hongjoong : you said that back when I was a good husband to you, not anymore, right?
Hana : hongjoong.
Hongjoong : I don't want to go there anymore, I'll look after hannie and run the coffee shop again, full-time. Can I not do that?
Hana : hongjoong you used to love working at the company. What's changed, hmm? Do you not like the assistant? Or the executives? I can change them-
Hongjoong : why not just change me instead? It's the easier way hana.
Hana : hongjoong I love you, you are my husband why would I change you?
Hongjoong : you do not love me anymore.
Hana scoffed, staring at hongjoong who was now playing with his hands, something he did when he was nervous or sad.
Hana : is that what you think?
Hongjoong : it's…I-I just-
Hana : if I didn't love you anymore wouldn't I have just left you, hongjoong? You know I am capable enough to do that, so then why would I stay here still?
Hongjoong : I don't know.
Hana could now see hongjoong's lips trembling, her eyes softening she stepped closer to hongjoong before whispering
Hana : hongjoong-ah, won't you tell me what's wrong? Please?
Hongjoong shook his head, his hand clenched against his own as hana slowly took them in hers before saying
Hana : hongjoong, I love you. I love you still, I always will. Why would you think there would be a day on this planet where I wouldn't love you.
Hongjoong finally lifted his head to look at hana, his cheeks now damp with tears as he said in a broken voice
Hongjoong : everyone hates me there, hana. Not just there but ev-everywhere. Your parents hate me, the workers at the company hates me. I just wanted everyone to at least like me in the beginning, I wanted to know how it would feel like to have parents, even if they weren't my own blood. But I didn't get any of that. And even through all of that I lived because I thought I would have you, at least. I thought I'd get to be with you at the end of the day, in your arms. You would believe in me, you would love me, that was enough. But now…now I've lost that too, I've lost you too-
Hana cut hongjoong off as she engulfed him in a hug, hongjoong's face scrunching up as he whispered
Hongjoong : what if this is a dream too? What if-
Hongjoong cut himself off as hana pulled back, quickly shutting him up with a kiss as a lone tear fell past hongjoong's eyes. She pulled back a few seconds later, holding hongjoong's cheek as she said
Hana : this isn't a dream, and you haven't lost me hongjoong. Every couple on Earth has fights, everyone. That doesn't mean we just break it all off and go, okay? I still love you, even if the entire world doesn't I still love you.
Hongjoong : you shouldn't. I have failed you, hana, as a husband. I've been too busy being a father I forgot to take care of the woman that gave me the title of being a father in the first place. I just…I didn't mean anything I said. I think you're the most hard-working woman I've met, someone who's never let anything come between what you do best. Someone who's only ever protected her family. You're too good at this that sometimes…I sometimes think maybe you're too-too good for me.
Hana : don't say that.
Hongjoong : you've told me countless times that you loved me and I still can't get myself to understand why you could love someone like me. And now I've proven you right by being a bastard.
Hana : hongjoong, shut up. That is not true, I loved you because you were you, I married you because I wanted you to be the only person I loved, and I had a child with you because I want my daughter to have the best father in the world. You haven't failed anyone, not yet.
Hongjoong looked at hana, tears in his eyes as she smiled and wiped it away before whispering
Hana : we can try again, fresh and new. If the coffee shop is where you want to work now, then so be it. I will take care of those workers in the company. And if you want to go back to the company, then we can do that too. Whatever you want, I'll make that happen for you, hmm?
Hongjoong : what about you?
Hana : as long as I have you and hannie, my life is already complete.
Hongjoong sniffled, wrapping his arms around hana's waist as he pulled her close before whispering
Hongjoong : my life has been complete since the moment I saw you, lee hana.
Hana chuckled, kissing hongjoong's neck as she said
Hana : well, that too.
Hongjoong : I'm sorry for everything I said, hana, I really mean it.
Hana : I know love, it's okay.
Hongjoong breathed deeply, closing his eyes as he felt his wife's warmth around him once again. He had missed this, and now he was going to do anything to make sure she got everything in the world. Hana had taken care of him long enough, he couldn't be weak anymore.
Hana : uh by the way, joong, do you perhaps know the names of those workers who uttered a word against you?
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mudzdale · 5 months
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gOtt Lost in the, "Woods", forr sfevral weeks,, htey finnaly ff=ounfd me nad I only atee a few "poisounsus" berrys during my Vacavcation :-)
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the-hotter-otter · 3 years
(3) Sweeter Love || ATEEZ Fanfic
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Choi San x Gender-neutral OC
Idol AU
14:56 (3) || 15:49 (4) || chapter list
this chapter and the next are pretty short, i was gonna put it together but likkkee the timestamp aestheticcc (lmao if that’s even a thing) so nahh
You didn’t think you’d fall asleep as well, waking up was unexpected yet nothing short of pleasant. 
San’s sleeping figure was basically leeching around you, he looked far more relaxed and far less sick despite only being a few hours. Of course, the only thing he truly needed was sleep. You felt an unpleasant pit form in your stomach, you had no idea how much rest he was really getting and how well he was eating. More often than not San would reassure you that he’s been caring for himself more than his career, but was that really true? 
You wanted to help him, you really did, but to keep up with their schedule was already a pain to think about, and that’s without mentioning your own workload that had you working around the clock. Seonghwa’s partner could do it, they were always there for him when he needed that hand to hold, you wanted to be that person for San but you knew you couldn’t.
At least now you had the chance.
“Sannie ya. You're too hot.” You complained as you tried to wriggle out of his grip. 
“Mmm I know.” He mumbled into your shoulder. 
“Not like that idiot.” San groaned as you successfully removed yourself from the bed. “I’m gonna order food, what do you want?”
“Just make something.” San said with a groggy voice, “no need to order.”
“Do you know who you're talking to?”
“The love of my life.” He answered nonchalantly. 
“I can’t cook for shit San.” You admit, you weren’t proud of it but you were far from denial, take out existed for a reason after all.
“It’ll be fun. I’ll help.” San suggested, he was far too excited by the idea for his own good. 
“Sounds romantic and all, but I want to eat good chicken.” You raise your phone to show San you weren’t changing your mind. 
“Fine. How about a cake later?” San brought up, “after all it's my birthday tomorrow.” 
You nod at the idea, cake sounded good, in your head you were going through all the good cafes and cake stores to buy from. Of course, San had a totally different idea. “We make it, together.” 
“Choi San, no.”
“…fine, goddammit, Wooyoung will seriously kill us.” 
“Wooyoungie can’t harm us~”
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littleshopofk-pop · 3 years
## ateez masterlist
S — smut F — fluff A — angst C — crack
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nothing to see here ... yet
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nothing to see here ... yet
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nothing to see here ... yet
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nothing to see here ... yet
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› fever kinktober ' 21 day 7 [S]
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› yes, sir! [S]
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nothing to see here ... yet
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nothing to see here ... yet
full masterlist
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Fragile Figures [21]
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[A/N: I’m sorry 🥺😭]
Pairing : Choi San / [fem] Reader
Genre: Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Character Death, Mafia!AU
Words : 4.1k
Previous Chapter. - Next Chapter.
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-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I grit my teeth, blocking a punch but the sheer force Kei put behind it was enough to make me stumble back. My forearm was already starting to bruise as it took the brunt of his blows but I wasn’t ready to give up just yet, not yet.
I can still keep going!
I let that thought spur me on as I let out a fierce cry, swinging my own arm and connecting my fist to his face. He stumbled back, a hand coming up to his jaw. I didn’t give him any time to recover as I swung again, putting more power behind each punch. Some connected but others were deflected. I hit his cheek, then managed to get a hit in on his ribs, his stomach next but no matter how many times I landed a blow he seemed unfazed. He’s either more resilient than I had originally thought or he’s so fucked up these blows, even if they do hurt him, they do absolutely nothing to him. 
I guess I was starting to get desperate as I threw blow after blow, I was getting sloppier and sloppier. Kei must have noticed as a smirk played at his lips. I swung forward once more, Kei dodging it easily. He grabbed a hold of my arm, squeezing tightly as he pulled me towards him, bringing his knee into my stomach. A choked groan fell from my lips, the air being knocked out of me. I clutched at my stomach with my free hand, falling to my knees. I gasped for air, desperately trying to fill my lungs with the oxygen I needed. Kei stood over me without saying a word, my arm still in his hold. With a scowl on his face he brought his elbow down on my arm harshly, the sound of the bone cracking reaching my ears milliseconds before the pain set in. A blood curdling scream left my lips at the excruciating pain I felt in my arm. I reached out and clawed at his hand to get him to let me go but he only tightened his hold. I grit my teeth at the pain but another cry was forced from my lips when he kicked at my side. He finally let me go after that, my body curling in on itself. A wet cough wracked through my body, blood trickling down my chin as I trembled at the unbearable pain I felt all over my body. 
Have I always been this useless? Did I never stand a chance? Was I just fighting a battle I would never win in the end?
I set my jaw, baring my teeth as I shook those thoughts from my head. I pushed myself off the ground, pushing my body past it’s limit as I rose to my feet. I swayed in place like a drunkard, staring Kei down. I’m not going to stop, not until I take him down. I’ll do whatever it takes, even if it costs me my life. He watched me silently, his hand twitching at his side.
“Just how stubborn are you?” He asked rhetorically, his face showing just how infuriated he was, “I thought it’d be fun to throw you around like a rag doll for a bit but even I’m growing tired of this. Stay the fuck down!”
He shouted that last sentence as he kicked at my leg, my knee bending at an unnatural angle. I swallowed the cry that crawled up my throat as I crumbled to the ground. I clenched my teeth and began to push myself up once more but he kicked my arm out from under me. From that moment on he kicked and stomped on my body to the point where I became numb to the pain. By the time he was done I was laying on my back, barely conscious. He had his foot on my chest, pressing down on my sternum. I wheezed with every breath I took, Kei crushing my lungs with his foot with every second that ticked by.
“Just die already. I’m tired of playing with you,” He spat, digging his heel into my chest, “The faster I deal with you the faster I can get back home and get rid of the runt Mei has tied up.”
At the mention of San I mustered up the last bit of my strength and brought a hand up, grabbing at his ankle weakly. He looked surprised to see me moving but that surprise vanished as soon as it came his face twisting with vexation, the pressure he put on my chest more than doubled. It felt like my sternum would collapse any second. A choked cough fell from my lips, tears falling from my eyes at the pain. Black dots were dancing in my vision, the lack of oxygen getting to me. Just as I thought I’d pass out or finally die the weight on my chest disappeared. 
-Yunho’s P. O. V-
My chest heaved up and down with every breath I took, my hands shaking at my side. It took every ounce of self restraint I had not to tear him apart limb from limb. I stood with my back to Y/N who was laying on the ground, barely breathing. I should’ve tried harder to reach her. I should’ve done everything I could’ve done to stop her from going after Kei. I should’ve stopped her from even coming here in the first place! This is all because of that bastard! If he knew his entire family was this unhinged he should’ve grown stronger!
“Ah…” Kei let out in a drawn out breath, shaking off the hit Yunho landed on him, “It took you long enough to get here, Yun.”
My blood ran cold at the nickname. Y/N was the only one that called me that and she only called me that when we were at home, never when we were on missions. So how...how did he know about that name? Kei noticed the look on my face, a smug smirk settling on his face.
“I’d like to tell you how I know about that name but it’s not that interesting,” He paused to gauge my reaction. He must’ve seen something he liked because he beamed over at me, “It’s not from an inside man if that's what you’re thinking. Your guys are disgustingly loyal.”
I growled low in my throat, making to take a step towards him but froze the second he pulled out a gun. I clenched my teeth at the sight, “Just how dirty do you plan to play?”
He grinned at the question, a chuckle falling from his lips, “As dirty as I have to. I would love to go a round with you, believe me I really would but you see...I’m a bit tired from throwing Y/N around. She didn’t injure me much but,” He paused to let out a heavy sigh, scratching the back of his head with his free hand as he waved the gun in the other nonchalantly, “Just blocking her punches and rendering her immobile was more work than I had hoped. The bitch just doesn’t give up.”
“Shut the fuck up.” I spat out through my teeth. 
“Did I strike a nerve there?” He asked, something flashing in his eyes, “Oh right, I almost forgot about that. I guess I wouldn’t like anyone talking about the one I love like that either.”
“I said shut the fuck up! What the hell do you know about me, huh!? I’m sick and tired of hearing you talk!” I shouted. 
He chuckled but said no more, giving a shrug of his shoulders. I should’ve knocked him out with that first punch if only to save myself the trouble of hearing him speak. This is why I always hated fighting this bastard. He loved hearing himself talk. If he could he’d talk your damn ear off. What pissed me off more than anything is that he wasn’t just all talk. He was one hell of a fighter, better than Seonghwa and Seonghwa was the best fighter I had ever known. He talked as much as he did because he knew just how good he was. Well I’m done hearing his voice. I don’t care if he starts shooting, he's not the only one that has something hidden up his sleeve. 
With that in mind I charged at him but again like before I was stopped in my tracks. I didn’t get very far, my legs refusing to move at the scream I heard that came from behind me. A lump formed in my throat the moment her whimpers reached my ears. I looked back to see Y/N clawing at the ground underneath her, tears cascading down the sides of her face, a bullet wound as clear as day on the side of her leg. The way her face twisted in pain had my legs go weak, my knees almost failing me but I stayed upright. 
“Dammit!” I shouted, frustrated that I couldn’t take the pain away from her, frustrated that I let her get this bad in the first place, frustrated that I couldn’t protect her, frustrated that when she needed me most I was of no use to her.
My hands trembled at my sides, the anger I was feeling overwhelming. I was angry with myself for being useless, angry with San for being the reason why we were even here in the first place, angry at Kei for injuring her this badly. I let that anger fuel my, letting the dagger I always kept hidden in my sleeve fall into my hand. I could’ve pulled this out from the beginning but the instant I saw Y/N laying on the floor on the verge of death with Kei’s foot on her chest my mind went blank. Had I just pulled out my dagger and stabbed him when I threw him off of her I wouldn’t be in this situation but I had no time to think of what I should’ve done right now. Right now I had to disarm him, bring him down, and kill him. Like hell would I let him live after what he did to Y/N. 
I grit my teeth as I lowered the dagger in my hand, grabbing at the blade with my fingers. I should’ve done this from the start but seeing Y/N covered in her own blood had my mind go blank. If I timed this and aimed properly I’d be able to embed the blade into his heart but there was just one thing that made me hesitate. The bastard had crazy quick reflexes. If he was going to do what I was thinking of then I only had a split second to get in the way. Will I make it in time? I shook my head, firmly holding onto the blade of my dagger. I was going to make it, I had to make it. 
So with that I brought my arm up quickly. When my hand adjacent to my shoulder I swung my arm back down, letting the dagger slip from my fingers and prayed it hit its mark. As soon as the danger left my fingers I ran to cover Y/N, hearing the sound of his gun firing just as I reached her. I winced at the pain that bloomed from my right thigh, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment and falling to my knees as my leg gave out. I bit down on my bottom lip harshly, swallowing the groan that crawled its way up my throat. I opened my eyes to see if the dagger hit where I wanted it to, my heart sinking at seeing that I had missed, the dagger embedded in his arm instead of his chest. He grinned but the look in his eyes told me he was less than pleased. 
“Ah...you two...really are something else.” He let out slowly, soundlessly pulling the dagger out of his arm. He threw it to the ground, the blade digging into the dirt by his feet, “You could’ve walked out of this alive you know that? I have no qualms with you...or any of the others for that matter. My orders were to take her back to Mei and that’s all I was going to do but...fucking hell man, you lot just don’t give up do you? You could’ve all saved yourselves if you just handed her over, no, if you had just given up on my worthless little brother then all of this could've been avoided. Tell me, what the hell is so special about him, huh? What qualities does he possess that make you all fight for him this hard?”
I stared at him wide eyed, seeing an unfamiliar emotion creep into his eyes. I’ve known Kei for a few years now and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know him that well because we were anything but friends. But the Kei that stood before me now, asking these questions...seemed so vulnerable. His eyes held a certain emotion that if I wasn’t trying to protect the love of my life from him I would’ve felt sorry for him. Something told me he wasn’t just asking me these questions...but who else could they be for?
“Answer me! What’s so special about that bastard!? He brings misfortune everywhere he goes yet everybody still wants him! What the hell is it about him!?” He asked, his voice wavering every so often, “I do everything I’m asked of without hesitation. I kill when told to and torture when told to. I’m worth more than San ever will be yet I’m still second best! Why!? I try so fucking hard to please Mei, but I’m nothing more than a pawn she can play with however she likes! But San...San is her damn pride and joy. She may be doing unspeakable things to him but she would never, never actually get rid of him. But me? She’d kill me the second I make a mistake.” He paused, the hand he was using to hold his gun shaking as he aimed directly at me, his eyes glazed over, “Even Kiri prefers him over me. I’m their brother too so why!? Why am I always being cast aside for that runt?”
I was too shocked to say anything. Where the hell is all of this coming from? Why is he the one getting emotional? What kind of messed up shit is going on inside his head? All these questions I was asking myself was just making me angrier and angrier. I can’t believe he has the audacity to be like this in this situation.
I chuckled darkly, but neither my face or eyes displayed any type of humor, “Wanna know why you’re always being cast aside? Because your a narcissistic egomanic and top top it all off your a fucking psychopath! Do you really think anybody would care for a sick and twisted person like you!?” I shouted, pushing myself off the ground, taking a step towards him.
He didn’t move a muscle, his hands beginning to shake violently. I took another step forward, pausing only when I heard my name fall from her lips.
“Yun...don’t. Just...run...away…” She let out in a strained voice, her breathing ragged.
I shook my head, clenching  my hands at my sides as I kept walking towards Kei, closing the distance between the two of us, “I can’t stand San either but I can tell you that he is so much better than you in every way. He is one hell of a fighter. He is a hell of a sniper. He is a hell of a strategist. But above all he is loyal and he would gladly die for any of us. Can you say you’d die for Kiri? What about Mei? Would you put your life on the line to save theirs?”
Kei remained silent and his silence was all the answer I needed. I let a rueful smirk play at my lips, standing directly in front of him now. 
“San is twice the man you will ever be.”
And with that I swung, my fist connecting with his face. He stumbled back, his grip on the gun now completely gone as if fell to the ground with a thud. I didn’t stop with just one punch. I lurched forward and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, the two of us toppling to the ground. I hovered over him, my knuckles going white, the hate in my eyes burning hotter than ever. I pulled him up slightly off the ground before slamming him back down.
“You don’t get to do this! You don’t get to suddenly become so human! Not after everything you’ve done!” I cried out, my voice breaking, my emotions getting the better of me, “Where were all these emotions when you had Kiri kill-”
I cut myself off, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat as the image of Hongjoong’s dead eyes staring into mine came to the forefront of my mind. I felt a tear slip out of my eyes, slowly making its way down my cheek, “Where were these emotions when Kiri killed Hongjoong-my brother? Huh? Answer me! Where the hell were they!?” I choked out, my lips quivering as I tried to reign in my tears.
His eyes darted from one of mine to the other but he offered no words. Angered by his silence I landed another blow to his face. I pulled my arm back once more, letting it hang in the air for a few seconds, my whole body shaking as I bit down on my bottom lip harshly. He didn’t try and fight back, seeing the fight in him basically gone brought my anger back up and I struck him again. I landed blow after blow, my knuckle bursting open at the force, his blood mingling with mine until I couldn’t tell whose blood was whose. How dare he break right now? After everything he’s done? After everything he’s put us through in just this one night? He almost killed her with no remorse yet here he was finally acting human...he makes me sick. He doesn’t know what it feels like to have someone you love taken from you. He has no idea how it feels to have a genuine relationship with someone. He knows nothing about and yet--yet he craves it more than anything. He craved to be loved but he doesn’t deserve it.
I don’t know how long I was hitting him for but when I came to he was barely conscious in my hold, his head lolling back as I held him up. With a scoff of disgust I let him go, pushing myself up. I staggered back, exhaustion washing over me. I had the urge to kill him but if he was feeling like this then he deserves to stay alive and feel every little thing. He doesn’t even deserve death, that’d be showing him too much kindness. My chest rose and fell, my breathing labored as I stood over him, the anger still in my system but I couldn’t afford to waste another second on him. 
So with that I left him there, stumbling my way over to where Y/N was, struggling to stay awake. When I reached her I fell to my knees, brushing the hair that was glued to her face with her blood out of the way. I cradled her face in my hands gently, my thumbs brushing away the tears that had stained her face more than her blood had. She gave me a small smile, weakly reaching up, her fingers just grazing my cheek ever so slightly before she let her hand fall back down to her side.
“You’re safe…” She whispered, looking up at my through half lidded eyes.
I choked on a sob as I gave her a smile of my own but with how hard I was trying to not cry it must’ve looked like a grimace to her. I leaned forward, resting my forehead against hers and closed my eyes for a moment. I let out a shaky breath before leaning back again, wiping at my eyes with the back of my hand. I didn’t waste another second as I scooped her up into my arms. I hesitated when she whimpered the second I touched. And when I picked her up, the cry of agony that left her lips was enough to make me second guess if I should even be carrying her right now but her wounds needed to be treated right away.
“I’m sorry...just bear with it for a little bit longer.” I mumbled as I began to walk back to our cars.
But the second I took a step forward I stumbled, my right leg giving out but I refused to fall. The adrenaline that had been pumping through my veins disappeared and the pain in my leg resurfaced. Just standing on it had a groan of pain crawl its way up my throat but I forced it back down. I grit my teeth as I pushed myself to keep going. I had to get her out of here and treated, that’s the only thing that mattered right now. Whatever happens to me doesn’t matter...all I cared about was carrying her to safety. I kept repeating those words over and over again like a mantra. I was so focused on getting her to the car that I didn’t notice what was going on around me...until it was too late. 
I knew the mercy I showed would come back to bite me...but I didn’t think it would come this quickly. Two...I had made two mistakes tonight. The first one was letting Y/N run out of my grasp to fight Kei and the second one was letting Kei live. I never thought one of those mistakes would end up costing me my life.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I opened my eyes when I heard what sounded like gunfire, Yunho grunting low in his throat drawing my attention. I furrowed my brows in confusion when Yunho fell to his knees, adjusting me in his hold. I hissed at the pain I felt spread through my entire body but I forgot about it as soon as I looked up into Yunho’s face. He was staring down at me with a look in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place. The corners of his lips curled up the slightest bit but I could tell the simple action was causing him an immense amount of pain. 
He sucked in a deep breath but the second he did he started coughing violently. And that’s when I noticed it. He had blood covering the inside of his mouth, some of it dribbling down the side of his chin. His entire face contorted in pain, his grip on me tightening for an instant before it was gone completely. I cried out the moment my body fell to the floor but that pain was nothing compared to what I felt at seeing him fall next to me, his face inches from mine. My eyes widened as I finally took notice of the red splotches that stained the back of his shirt, the once white fabric painted red. I reached out, gingerly touching his back. He didn’t even cry out when I touched him, my vision blurring over as I realized what that meant.
“Don’t...cry. I’m sorry...I couldn’t...protect you…” He forced out, a smile playing on his lips. That smile trembled before turning into a frown, the tears falling from his eyes, “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry…”
I shook my head the best I could, my own tears falling freely. I opened my mouth to tell him that none of this was his fault, none of it. This was all my fault, I should’ve planned properly, thought everything through, not let my emotions take over. There were so many mistakes I made that could’ve helped avoid all of this. Every single thing that went wrong tonight was my fault but before I could get a word out I felt my body being lifted up. Before I knew it Kei had thrown me over his shoulder and was beginning to walk away from Yunho. I pounded his back with my fists but I was too weak, my punches not having any effect. I screamed and cried for him to let me go. I can’t let Yunho die alone, not him, anything but that, please. I have to be with him!
Tags : @choisofty​ @woosanville​
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stonetalus · 7 years
hell post
YYesd,,teerrdday, ,,we revvelaa,ed om.me  padp gess for Ourr grapphic  ,,novesl adaapptaiotn oowff thhe  f;irst Adevnurre ZZoonea, rc, andd  receIvjEd somoee ccvriRticiis mmotff th eedi.rect,,i.n oh wee weentN iitth ,for Ta.akor’scj  oollor/inGG. Thhis ar..twworrk reveal.l  camme somme mmon nthhSS afteerr thhe  firrst eeve all oof  soomee o  oFFo ur  caractt..ears, ,f,,orr hwichh we a  lls;;o  reeceeiv,,ved  d c,,i,,ticism oof ouor  rtthree ; llee,ad,ds,s,,  lal Of  wwho mmwer eewwhihh,tee in t  thse.E i;innittia,l deesi/gns. U,Ussanndd tthe..e graphicc novell teta rmEaliizee  d  tthat;,. ;yess,, th.at is extrmeelly Bad, wwentn  bacck.. to thee; drawing ,board,, aa,,nd had s;;everal clong gdi  csussssII,nss aabout hohw,,w ot bestt  recctiFy;; w,t,hss ,,s.itua,,atio;n,,, reessult,,in.g  nn. the  arrttwork eveea..aled yesterd.y.t
Moree    ,,or less a,lll oof tthhee c.riticism..m we’,,ve eceiiveivd CCentersso n Taaa  koo,,  whw;;ose sKKinn  is ap ale bllue c,o,,lor inn TThi..esse desiggnnns,. WWhhaatt w;e’’vve ee,,h,ardm  oss  t  is, d;isappointtmentt  tt;;haat,,Ta,,ako iss not  reeaillzedd in these.e page as;s aa p er]ssxoon of ccolor  —— o.r..,  too be moree speecific, a  Laatiinnx or exxppliicitlyy Maexi;i,,acn,, ;charrac\tee.rT.. her,re wass  cncoe,rnn  we hhadt failedd to. ,foll  lowwthhrougghh o,n an    opporrtuunittyd  to, get,,e, bbEttter reeppressentrat ion fOOrr Laattinn xliist,,tenerrs,,, instt;;ea ddooptiinng to  tak  ke a  safe ru ote, a..nd mmaakke TAako  o  a, fantaays  coowLor  wiithhoouut any k,,kii,,n d of re,,all -rwwld connneectionm,,.  MMucch ocf jhte  ccri  ticiissm a loss  fo.cuseso nh  ow thaat cco,,lor, (or, ,,too bee  morme ,, ..sepicFicc,  ggreen,, skinn) h,,haS  aanttci--semiiti  c  connno..ta tio..noss..
Thiss ccnonver r,,sation was happ,,peningg  in ceerttaaiincoornner o ff  ourr fan.domm tlong   beefore the ggrpahic noovewll arrt   irev,veeall t;;oo.k ,,place yestserdaay. WWee’v ehhea;;ard ccr;itiicicsm  fo,rm ssommee  ff,olk,,k,s oovver ,,  our poli;ccy .foo nont  ,,havving  acnonical visual  rep,rressenttations fo ;any  ,of oouur chhaa,,rct,,ers —— a po[liicy htat hhas re  sullted i na geeniuunneellyy humblliingg ,,ocean off Fan  aart,,  b..but aso somey innStaanccse.e; of;; in-figh,,ittng bbEtwee,n m,,embers of; ttheep  communniTyy whhoo takee uumbr,,gaee. wwit;h  onee an,,othhers’  disspaaraatee ;; iinterprrrretataionnSof tt..hesse ,,chaaraacct,ers. Anno th;er  crticism oof thh,,an.t PPolicyy ,iss  htat it.. inherenntly  ddoess  nno;;t  ffosteerr  ggood reppreseenntaatioo..n,  naad inn;; ff,,ac rtteprr[es,,enntss aa n..nonccoommitttal,, waa;;y ,,o f  hadlling r..racciival,l  rreprrq,,esentaion on thiis; h soww.,,
Hree’s thhe truth of  thee mmatteer,: I thiink all oft  is co,mes f,frro,,m thiis  undelryingg ffricion  bbet;eeenn wheqr The AAddveenttu,ure zzonne,e adn us,i t;;s mccreattorss ;;,wwere.. ,,w,hen w eStaartee,d do,in\gg . thh,,e pdOcasCt,a,,nd wwhhe.ree. w;wee,  teh ss,,hooww, and y,ouu, thew; cvoomMunnity,. aar,e at;; nosw.,,
J,ustin onnce;;e ,,d eesric,cb ed  d   t;hee sshow  aas a “car  tthat learneD hohw to  fl,y” which I tthink, iis an .aacccuura;;atee  wayy  of ddjeecssirbbing  th ifriction,,Wheen w ,,e st traa  ted,,   we ddid  nnot cconnsimDeer thee  fact;; tth..hahtt folk sowuld\  ;reellaa  te.. ,,ott; thee  s,,eqc.. hh,,Araccteers,  orr woulld care about  whhat  rt,hey  oooke.. dlike,rdo iff ; TTheyy llook.ed;; likke theam,,;; ..or,,r aanyythi,ing , alo..ng tthose linee.s  WE dId d No,,t prrioor,,itizze reepreesenaat,ionn beecuu..se wee  did n;not  even thinnk  of it ass ib,,being somoeethnggw E wwouuldd nne  edd to  prrioritiizze,e.,, P,,zrr..t  of th..h;aII caan laay t;;a  the  ffEEee..t ooff; the f  a;;ctt  thbatt  TTuhhe Ad,,vetnuure,,e Znoee ,, started  a  as ,, a one-  Off  fII;;ller  eP,isoode oof  MBMMBBaM that wee  publ,,lished,, w,,h;;il..e  uJstinn  wwa as  on ppaettrrn,,itpy  le,avve. — wwe , dIdnn’t  ,havvee tthhat cconverrsatioon   bbecause wwe d,,ikdn’t t..thihnkn;; thhii.s  shfow wwould.. be, aa ss  how.  BU,Ut  ;thella..rgeer rreaasoon is;s thahh ttthhe ff.our r of us arree al l w  hitte dudes,, and h,,Av.. neveer  h  aDD to thhiink abau  oT oourrr e,p,,ree'  s.entatdno in ,meda oouu,r  eenntiire illves... ,
I doon’tt takg..e ,tha  ta  ..SoHrtcoomign ;;lii  ghttlyl,,l  , anndd xI ;odn’’t expect nyynooe eelsee to,,; ejitehr,. Thheer,,re.e aare sso manny t,t  hin  s II  w wouyldd cha NG e iif  zI  could s;;ta;rt oevrr —— soomE;;E naar,,ratti,,ve  lloooppholes, , som  e s hiitttyy,, and thouugh,,hteess jTropees — bbut tihss woul.ld bb.e the  llarrg;;ge,stt one.. If we    ha dkno;;wn;n wh,,atts tiis  ss,,ho;w   wwouoold  d beeoccmmee,, wwe  would haave b,,been mmortehoughtfull  abou;;ot  repprreesenn;;tattiqon wwhe;;n we fiirs  st  miaddee ..thhese chh,arca,terss.  InnsteesaD,,wwee d.di.d;n,tt cons.ider  hwa,t ht,,ey,, ,,wouldl loook  liiK..Ke  bbeyond  wwhahti t aSidd  on th,,eh,,hs epre-rroleld    chaaraccet,tr  h.eeets.   WE ,,didn’t cconsiideer  mracee bee yond deic,d..ing wwhhethheer/ Halfilnngsg, El,,vse,, T,iefflinggs  or wD.arrvesu  proosssEs.sed thhe be.st  passivv,e aabilitiie,s.
DDco.oign;;n thhiis s,s.h\w has eduCaatted ralll Of us abuot  ,reeprersenttationn, andd clealRyR,,. ..we’re tsll noto gReeat   att .. iit. BT tSar,,rtiNgg o;;ut,, ,, itt  w.w,Asn,n’,,t  evee nnaan attertthouughtt.. —— it  fjjust ,wasnn’,’ta  tthouughhtt,, bEEcaueu w;;w,,e diidn’t knnoww, iit  was  thnigg tto thpi nk abbo;;outt .,, Noo;;w We kknow, andn the dd  ifficcuultie,es ,,invoolved i..wtth   recoonccllin ewggh;;Eer   we ttssartteed ,witthw hatt w je;; now k,,knwo. are;;, simm  ujsttplly  pm..ut,, ;; mon;umeental.. J
us..tiinn a  Nmeed hhii,,s charar.cteer Ta/,,akkoo, tthee jokkee bbe;i n,g thatt  this n ;;am..ek.. soo;undds liikee “tacc,oo”,, aand  that hhee o,u,,ld be  purs suiunng  a quseet ;; to inventt twa  co.os  iin thi,,s fa.ntsaywovr lld. Ju..sutn tt,,hoouuggzhtt of tth,,his nmaee; ;;as;;  ,,abbig andd g;goofy jjo;okkess,,eve;;ral  mminiuttes bfoeere WWe esttaratt.e;d ercorddiinngg  The wwei iGGhht.. .o.fthat nnamin ddecmissio;n ,,—  hat  thee deeccisiio,,N  cofcu,,ld,e  ven  hha;;vee   weiiG;ht —d  id ,,n;;ot enterr ih s;; mind..  T,,his was   ag goofyh  ooenn-oFFf eppi  soode.  H;He nameem..d dhis..s wizzaard Taako..k,, ;;for  the   saa;e  r,,eas.onn tt,ht I nname,ed .myy Dwraveen Clgeeri ca i,n t.heo nee-off D&&D .vqii,doss I’hVee dddone at , PPolyggon “Cga T’eN..l,,s,,on..”
K,no  w  inng the strrfe iit’s  caussed, .JUUSti,n  owuld,,nv’t ,,avve  maeD t;;hish cchhractettrrk  Taako.  Inn hiis oown  woords.:
“It ws, iin  ac tua;lity,, aa . dumb  t  hiing tto doo,, oCmopu;;pn.ded b the sspur of tyH;; emomennt  joke ttha Taako’’s.. queet,,s  wass ,,to  i,,nvvennt ,the t,tac,,o.  Thhaat  was  sstup.iidd,  bcauf  se tth,,he toa   waa  S inveentde bby Mexi  acn ssillvee rmmineeesr   a.nd noot aa nwizzardd   ,,w  hoo,, inn thee f,irstt episs.ode,, I clam jju st ha,,iled froom “New El  fiinggton.
“It waass; a sppu rof ttt..he  mmomenntt ggfoo  of, but  ..o,,nee tthat;;I ’vve f;elt  cconsist tently ggu,,ity a.a;;out,to   n.. sso,,me level, ff;Or  yeearrs .I   never inttensdeed to  bbe dissmis,sive  oF   a g  roup   or. a hhriitaa,,ge b.buutt athatt’’,s xeact;tlly  wwh  a;t I IIdidd”.
Th,hlis is .th p ,,o sITiion we  aree. in   now, andd have been;; in siin,,cee the sshwo ,,sttar.t E;;d, ann,,d  it ..sii  Irreecnnc,,iLable ;;b ee,,c..ausse of  tthe deeciisions we ;; mmaadee..w hen  ww  e startted . d,,dio,ng thhis shopw::;; Theerr are lissTener,s annd .fans  ,wlo wwant u,s to, in puRR'suit  ooff et;be,,trr;r epreesentation,..mmakee TAAako. a..c anoon nical,lyy latinnx or Meex..ican, c.haraaaccteer. The rres\ullv of tthhat;; decci s.iO,,n woull\ ..d,bee  tha..at uj;;stin;; haad m,ade  aa Mexicc.an;n cchharaer, t,that h..e namedef atferr  tac;os,,, hwoosee qquuesst  was ..ot maekk a;; staco, ,,and.. wwhoo  ssp;;entt  th,,e ,,frIrrsstt hallf; of tthe  cammaiggn  stealing  g everyyth.inng thhaT   wassnn’ , nnaii,ledd  too thhee ground..
Thh;;at’.s.. an nnoorversimm jjustplffied ww  aY off  d eescrribbingc thisin..hereenvtly ccommpllic ac,cot..ed proo,,Blem. We hAve lissteene..srr who haave noo .. pprobleem  wi`tth  Tag;;ko bbeing a Mexicza n hcaryactc,er ;;na,,d,,e aftre  e ..taccoss,, s,c  re.tted byy, aa  wshhittee mman. We  vhaavve  lisstenerS w h o d ohh,vae issu  es w,,wi..thth,,at intter;;prreetatiio,o,,n, . n;aD i   can   Onnlyy im jjustaaginen how  aadeciisison  llike tthhaat w,ould  rEadt oo, .someoqnee whoo juu,,stt  ppicckedd  thi vssg..r  pahic nnovoel  u,, gpp ooff A  sheelqf .a ttheir loacl shopp. W E ..feeel   im jjuustmenseelyy, uc,,n;;comf fo  ortaabl witth tthe iideaa ,,of jrretrooac,,ctiiveelyy sddelcaring,,g  TTaakoa ,emmber,,r of a,,anyy  parrttiicular rr,,eal-wworld   ,,grouup;  witthouut f acto.rin ng ;;in,n that ie,,dnntity at .al.l pooitns ;; whcille  [play.ii ,g.te ga,,m,,e,, veIw;;ing eeach   acti.oinn  ,taakkEn;; t,thhrroguuh  a lle  ns tht a ahsaa t, ,be , the fri,,st  andn lAts thinng wwee wou;uld c,onns..side,r.
ihhs waas the SttuFf ww e and tthe raphic noove;;l team  con..nssidered,d whh..ile. weighing.. th\e chaa,,racter eessignss, aan,,nd d  elibbeerat.ioos  wreee ,,fuckin..gt o;;ugh. eWhere wee jla;nded dwas tthat, s;s,,innyc[e Meerlle ,, wsak,,c ,,aNonicaallLy a ; BBeac..ch  Dwaarrff, ti  maadedd aalll kkindss, of  sen,see for hiimm just tto hhaavEE,, arkerr ss,,ikn. Afterr wrestslli  ing wi.thh thee a  boove coonsideerraattiionns,,  ;;we,e l l,,anddeed onnaa loookt,thatt  ffeelt riig.h;; o f,  Taa,kao,  whhicch w,awss baasedd;; on,, a loo,,k  that,, /haD  starttedto bceeoom..em xooRe p,,oppuularr ,,anog  thhee ffan  art..t cOm;mmmniitYYf or ,t,,he hssow,  ,,in  rwhhic  he,, wwas .d,raawnn withh grree  eNN skkIn.
ThIs waas  a whilea go, annd before.e. t..the puushbaa;;c;k gainst; gg;r.e;enn  Ta,ko reealllyy k,kic;k ed oof;;f,. TT..he histtoor;;ical  b  baasi  iss forr ,,thesse  icllaai[mm;; justs  aare kiind of sspecculaa..tivb,,e, bbuutt,, w, etooolkk htettmmsee.rioiusly, anndd, in an ee ffofrt  tto taaoidd runnn\in,,g  f oo ul lloff  t..emm,  ;;wee.ne,,t   with mrooe,e  oof a ppaael  blue huuee.u Y esst ettdr;;y, wee . Learnneed  theerree’s  aa  .High Elf vaariaantipn hte P.. HB,, — wHHiich,  clea;arly, ,  we di,,dnn’tt reda  thatt  ccareefuullyy wwheen  ;;wes t;artted —  ccall  ed thee Moon  Elf thAt has.. tHosse f;e..ae utt;res.;;. TThere’S al,,so a  Sun EEl fva..ariantt ..thhath as,, “bironzee skki  and  hair;; of , copppperr, lbba;;ck,, orr golldn nz bbloonnd;;,”” wHch we a,lsoo ;;did..n’,,t know ,aboout.. (Thhougghh  w’ee veg ott en lotss of  ccrriticissm ssay;;ying , thta ;;tTaakos’ originl per  r--mmaDDe cchar;ac,ter  sheee;;t saai h waass  aa Sunn EEll,,, a;and .tha . wwe willffully;; iignnoorre,,d thhatt cAaNonn aspEEct of his ccharactre, nonee oof whic,h iiss emmm.otelly true  e.)
Yesterdady,,,,, .aftne;er, all th.iss  went ,Doownn, wwee werre, a..l,l ,,onni the phone foo,,r .. hoouusr., tryi;;ng tbo figure  ou..t ,whhat tt od;;do,,o.. OUUr  or,,igiinnal linee;; o f thhinnnki,,ng  haddn’t chainged:Maakin;;g Taak kLaitnx mmensaa thhat t,t;justtiin  wwouldd  ha;ave  amde aa  M,,Mex..icna jwiza  ard taht hce,, nnamed faater a..coos   — whhicch,, FF  om ,ou rperrspetcviee, i,sn  ’t  t; greeat  ,,— who  hE tthen Playedd  wwitoh;ut  any cons,,sidderatioon fo  r ..ThhE cuullutrraal ramificaatinso osft,hAt,, identittyy. We xgot iin ,the eweeds a bit c:Could  wwe   ,just maake ,,ihhm m just  a.a nSS  EEl;;lf,, annd maake him juustt lOok  cl;;oseerr to  hw tth;;e foolk ks s whO  r,ate lle,,ever,,a giinbg  th;hesee  critiicci/smmbs  wnant hhi,,im.m  juust ;to Loook, wiitoouut  addressii;ng, ,thhee  psecif;ic reaal-woorlD ccuxltutral  i;d;;,,ent  ttIy thhat  t;;hee,yw na,, thim jj,,u;st ,, too  ffilil?  ? O..r i ttha.ta   chick;en  h..siit ha,,lf mmeasuree,,  ,,agnd wOuulldd..o , mtore hARm thtan ggood?
Th.at,,’.s   wheeree    w e,,r’;;e  att ttodda,,y. TT;;her..e’;s   nOt a,ane as  y soolu  tion. Therre .. usst;  issn’’t,. W ee havee ffans who ..awntt u;us tto do; better, ,, t,,tyo , hah..hve mmorE dive.rsiittyyinn  t;;hee t hrree ,mainc hh,,aracTeers  ,,of  thiiss. bb.oook..B utt   hoo,se  chraac]teers  were  cretedd. ;ann ddplaye dby y hw  wittep,eopple whhoo dind’’mt conss,,ider the  raammi..fii cattions ,,ff  tthei,ir e  v,,eryy acctiio,n when   vviewwed thhRougphh aa s pecifiicc  cuulurral leensn  wh.ilee p;lalyiing.  ..Yesterrddaay ,  wee e  hard ff roo,,m fol,ks whho ss.a iit ;;Was probb Lemaat;;cit ah.h twwe madee eMrlle,ei brooww,n,, c'onsnnidiierI  Iwn;g thatt he  hh..a s aa b;;ackstor yywh;heree he    WWass,,  moore or;;r lesss ,a deadbeeaat ddaa,,d.  ,,Tha.t’s a  hars.sh, bboilign wdo.own noff he ,,c.haraaterr, butt tthe ..c ritiicciz,,sm  ..abso  lut;;ellyy,, ahss merrit.. We diddn’,,t  think of t;ha..t  wlheenn w,,e  deci..ided;d on MMerllE’ssn Ew fdeesIgIn\..w Buttd itta’;;’ kInnd off  exaaccttlyy w  hat Im  a.ll,kihnggd  abouT h  herree,:I ff.. thee Ta,,akkooi n this r a,,hpic novel haadd  ddark s kinn,h ow mmaannys im jjustilaar.. criiticcisms,could  be l..laid at,, .hiss ffeet?? If w'e gavve;; Maggnnuu,ss dakr, skkinn,h  aennd  heenn, ,,he spent  tthe camppai.gpn,, bbeingg  the  .more phy;;siccal, m;moRe aggressssiv.e, less..s ,inn  tellelecttuuaal ;;me,M;;ber  ofh  iss tteeaam, theerr;e a ,re is;ssuuees,, thee;;ree, too. Is any  off tt,,ah.t  god drepr,resentatio;;onn?  ;
..’IImm ;;noott pitch.hiig th;e,see    poossssibbiilittiee. TToo b e sniide —  I  geeniuueley  aam not. tBu uot these  aree het  hting,;s w’ve benee ; sttrugggllingg ww..it th since  we,e  decciee;dt oo ddoo tthis g.rapph.ic nvveL.  OuOR pol  c,iyy ..hassn’’tt cc;hannge, .. ——wwee sttiL ll on,’,t  ;;cons..iddeer ,,any.. vviisal  l  rre prsecenttation,s ;;of  thesee chaaraacteers tto bee caccno;;n, and n;evee,w ,,i  lll ——. buut w  e;;eallsoo.. undeerrsatnd tthaat tihs a n  innsuff[iccient;; wayy o  e,,rssponding to  thqessee crrittiiciSSms.
T,he ssoolltuuiOn  the ..whoole tteam lan..dnedd. no  for tss gra..hpic nnovel is iimm j.usTTp,,erefctt. It  haass diss,,apppoi  nteD,D sommer peoppe,  hand tI  sxii;; g.oiinngg ;;toco ntinuee  tto  d isarppoiint  some pzEoopllee. But thhe,re Is  no;; non..n-d disapp,pooitncing soltion..  Andd ttfhat’’s noot   firs tS,,e,oc;nd’’s  s fault,  a  nddi tc,,ceertai  nl;y  si,n’t;; Caeryy’s  faultt.. IIt iss commplete,,ly  eca  use ..o fthE rrock aNda   h.ardd,   pla\cee tha t wwee  ’r.e ppoo sitiioned;; be,twweeenn,  an.d  aalll bec.ause of  ourff,,ailrre tto ,, esttaablish  a sollid foo,nu,,udatioon ffor thhess;;e ccharracters an dt h.eir i.d,,ent tities] wh,,en we strt  edd thiis sh ow. AAnnd for  tthaat,  e’ e;e os,t ,, ;e arrneS.tlly, de,,eee;;plyy soo sr,,or..ry.
Wee’’ve  ;;all,l felt fu.kc.I;;ng miserablle  s,since,, aall  o;f this  haapppeee  n..d yyessterda.y, andn,nott b eecaussE of[ the, rcitiicSSm  co;;ming  iin,, but ecbb.a,,us  et;;th;;e;; oflks  of;;feringtha.at ccrit cismf   eeel unnehjard, ig  nore;;d and  huurt. I [phromiise ee you, w eeddihddn ot ngore t  ha a;;t crItiic.is m— ];wee trieDD o   do  ouu;;r best .. iin  ,,ax  ;Scenairroo. w,wiithou  a perf,,fetcc 's/o,,luttiion. Tha,,a,, td,,do.es    nott  c,,hannge h,te  ffact that  this shhow i,,s what it iis b ;; eca'ussee of t..e fee;dba k  oo,,U  r l;;ltsseener;;rs hhav,e Given.. us, fulll  ,st;;toop..  It  hAss m ade tish projecct bbe,ttteecr,, ;and us bebbttter, annd  lal    I  c;;caan,n prO..mis;;i  ,,s thh]at  we’ll keep.. tr ryinng ouurr  h;ard,,esstt  tto  do, aann,d b,e bbetter. , ..
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Soul Eater [3]
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[A/N : the beginning just gives y’all better insight on the shit she has to deal with as a demon and by shit I mean Lucifer, fuck that bitch]
Pairing : Jung Yunho / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Character Death?, Demon! AU
Words : 3.2k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I walked through the dark corridors, scowling at the black cloaks we were forced to wear. Why the hell was I even here? All he does is mock me and dismiss all the things I’ve ever said to him so why-
“Y/N? Whoa I haven’t seen you in half a millennia.” He whistled, scanning my body from head to toe, “What brings you down here?”
“The same reason you’re here.” I answered almost robotically, walking passed him without another word but he was persistent.
“Oooh so even someone of your caliber shows up to these kinds of things? I’m impressed. So does that mean you care about our lord as much-”
I cut him off, reaching out to grab at his throat faster than he could react, my claws digging into his flesh, “He is not my lord. I serve no one. I just don’t want him to send his little minions after me like he did three hundred years ago. I’d rather not have to deal with his pesky little rats again."
He smirked, raising his hand in mock surrender, "Easy there, I meant no harm."
"Just stay out of my way from now on if you don't want to end up like the others. You'll do well to heed my warning." I threatened, my hold on him tightening.
He didn't say a word but as the seconds ticked by I just squeezed tighter. I was impressed that he could withstand it for so long but even he seemed to be struggling after another minute or so. By this point the veins of my arms were protruding, his blood coating my hand as it seeped out of his neck. He grit his teeth as he wrapped his hands around my wrist, digging his own claws into my skin but all that did was irritate me. I scoffed before extending my wings out in a menacing fashion, watching his black eyes go wide with fear.
"Don't think you can mess with me like you do everyone else. I'm not one to be taken lightly, Ceri. Don't play games with me or you'll regret it." 
With that I let him go, watching him hit the ground with a thud. As soon as my claws were out the holes on the side of his neck closed up. I gave him one last look before hiding my wings under my cloak once more, continuing my walk down the corridor. That little runt just wasted my time, he didn't even put up much of a fight, I should’ve known the bastard was all talk to begin with. I scoffed at the thought, pathetic.
I stood off to the side, keeping my mouth shut as the others spoke with one another. I just wanted this to be over but I was curious as to why we had been called. We don’t normally get called down here, at least not us higher level demons. 
“Any idea why we were summoned?”
The voice snapped me out of my thoughts, drawing my attention away from the crowd, “No. And before I forget, stay away from Yunho from now on. You don’t know how surprised I was to find out you were a friend of his.”
“Really? Well you sure fooled me. I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about me.” He replied sarcastically. 
I rolled my eyes, “I don’t know what you're planning but you actually convinced that idiot to summon a demon and make a deal. As stupid as he is his soul is still mine so stay away.”
Mingi smirked, shoving his hands in his pockets, his eyes flashing for a moment before settling back to their normal black, “Damn...and I was hoping the sucker would summon me instead, to bad I was busy when he did. You’re lucky you live so nearby…”
He was smirking the whole time, masking his true feelings so well I didn’t catch on to the fact he was putting on an act.
“Lucky? More like cursed. I mean what kind of idiot sells their souls for something as stupid as having a significant other? Couldn’t the idiot just go out and try dating a few people first before he summons a demon? I mean there’s even dating apps now for crying out loud.”
Mingi snickered, leaning back against the wall behind him, a permanent grin on his face, “Humans...they’re desperate creatures...and vulnerable as well. I sometimes feel sorry for them.”
“You? In all the time I’ve known you you’ve never felt sorry for another living being, not even yourself.” I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
His grin spread at my words, I almost began to worry that his face would split right in half from how big he was smiling. But at the same time the sadistic fucker might enjoy the feeling of his face splitting apart. He chuckled low in his throat but said no more, turning his attention back to the others that were in the room with us.
There were about one hundred of us in here but he wasn’t here yet, I could even feel the presence of the deadly sins but not his. Actually now that I think about it...I could only feel the presence of six deadly sins...where’s the seventh? My eyes searched the room, locating each sin, counting them off as I saw them; Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Pride, Sloth...and Envy. Where the hell was Wrath? I nudged Mingi’s foot with my own, grabbing his attention.
“Hey...have you noticed yet?”
“Noticed what?” He asked, his tone of voice bored as his eyes continued to scan the area.
“Look for all the sins, tell me what you see.” 
He did as I said, his eyes jumping from sin to sin until he got to the last one. I watched as the gears in his head finally started moving, his eyes going wide.
“Wrath is missing.” He concluded, pushing himself off the wall to stand properly, “Where the hell is he? None of them have ever missed a summoning.”
“My guess is-”
I was cut off by a loud thud coming from the middle of the room. The room fell silent, the demons towards the middle took trembling steps back until everyone lined the walls, all but the sins that were here. I looked to where the thud came from and finally understood why everyone but the sins seemed surprised by the sight. It was Wrath, his body lay bloody on the floor. My hands began to tremble at the sight of his decapitated body, my breathing heavier than it was just moments before. There’s only one person that could do this to him and he wasn’t even a person to begin with. My eyes slowly left Wrath’s body, trailing up the body of the one who did this to him, Lucifer. His eyes met mine, a sinister smile on his face. He held my gaze, bringing his hand up so I had a clear view of what he had in his hand, Wrath’s decapitated head. With a chuckle he closed his hand into a fist, pulverizing Wrath’s head, blood dripping down his arm.
“I’m glad all of you were able to make it.” He spoke, his voice sending a chill down my spine.
At the sound of his voice every single demon in the room fell to one knee, bowing their heads, all but me. Mingi noticed that I had stayed standing, nudging me with his elbow but I didn’t budge. In the one thousand and nineteen years of my life as a demon I had never bent the knee to Lucifer, and I wasn’t going to start now. No matter how afraid I was, no matter what he threatened to do to me, I refused to bow to him. 
“I see you’re still as defiant as ever, Y/N.” He said, a chuckle falling from his lips.
Pride stepped forward, bloodlust clear in her eyes. I turned to her, ready to fight if that’s what she wanted but before she could take another step, Lucifer stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She glared at me with her violet eyes but didn’t move to come any closer.
“Why were we called?” I asked aloud, voicing the question all of us had as I looked back over at Lucifer.
He smirked, patting Pride’s shoulder before he took a step towards me, “The position of Wrath is now open, you all are the strongest of my children...so it’s only natural I choose who becomes the next Wrath from you lot.”
I set my jaw at his words. So this is why he called us here? I scoffed, turning my back on him as I began to walk out of the room.
“I’m not interested in becoming one of your dogs.”
As soon as I said that Pride appeared before me and had my throat in her hold before I even had the chance to blink, “Being a member of the seven deadly sins is the greatest honor our Lord could bestow upon us. How dare you be so disrespectful?”
I bared my teeth, bringing my hands up to grab at her wrist before giving it a twist, hearing the bone snap. I watched with disgust as she let out a yelp of pain, clutching her broken arm to her chest.
“Touch me again and the next thing I break will be your neck,” I growled out, shaking the feeling of her off my hands, “If I say I’m not interested I’m not fucking interested. Your Lord is not my Lord, I have no such thing.”
“Why you insolent little-”
She lunged at me but she couldn’t even get her hands on me, I made my move, moving  faster than her eyes could register. She crumbled to the ground, crying out in agony, clutching at her left shoulder. I stood over her, a bored look on my face. With a scoff I threw her severed arm back at her. I yanked the stupid cloak off my shoulders and wiped my hands clean of her blood, staring over at Lucifer who had been watching with a bemused smile.
“I’ll be leaving now. Next time you summon me make sure it’s for something worth my while.” 
His grin spread, a gleam in his eyes as a hearty laugh fell from his lips, “Of course, of course. Forgive me for calling you for a matter as trivial as this one.”
I knew he was mocking me, I could tell from a mile away but even so he didn’t move to stop me. I cast one final glance at Mingi who was staring at me wide eyed before I finally left.
-Yunho’s P.O.V-
I stood outside her door, too nervous to knock. She said to call her when I needed her to play the part but she never left her number with me so I had no choice but to come up here in person. The guys wanted to get together again and I said I’d go and let it slip that I had met someone without thinking. They had hung up before I could take it back so now I had no choice but to bring her along.
“Ah...why did I make this stupid deal in the first place?” I mumbled to myself, nervously combing my fingers through my hair.
I brought a trembling fist up to her door, ready to knock when the door suddenly swung open. I jumped back at the sight of her pitch black eyes. Her eyes bore into mine before she blinked, the black leaving as her natural eye color returned. Or were her black eyes her natural eyes since she's a demon and all? I shook my head, shoving that thought aside.
"H-Hey." I stuttered, waving to her but I didn't get a wave back.
She just stared at me, not uttering a single word. I stumbled over my own words, trying to figure out what to say without sounding like an idiot. Why the hell am I even so nervous? Just as that question popped into my head I made the mistake of glancing down at her lips. I looked away almost immediately, a blush rushing up my neck and face as I was reminded of the kiss we shared days prior. My lips still burned every time I thought about it...and I couldn't help but want another but I knew she'd wring my neck if I so much as asked.
"You--You said to call you whenever I...uh...whenever I needed you to play the part of my girlfriend. Well...tonight is one of those nights where I need you."
Again she said nothing, continuing to stare at me. I thought that's all she was going to do until she nodded her head before closing the door in my face. I frowned at the sound of the door slamming shut. I stood there flabbergasted, unsure if I should knock again or just leave. Just as I was thinking I should probably leave she opened the door once more, stepping out this time. She had simply gone to put on a sweater. She stuffed her hands into her pockets before looking at me expectantly.
"Oh--Oh right. Come on. We usually like to hang out at the bar a few blocks down." 
Again, for the third time, she said nothing. She only turned on her heel and headed for the elevator. I couldn’t help but scoff at her behavior. If she was going to play the part of my girlfriend the least she could do is at least act like she’s happy.
“You know, would it kill you to smile every once in awhile.” I muttered, joining her in the elevator.
And once more, like she suddenly lost the ability to talk she stayed silent, staring ahead at the closed elevator doors. I sighed in exasperation, rubbing my hands over my face, giving her a once over. When I did that I noticed a drop of something red on her cheek. Without thinking and before I could stop myself I reached out to her, swiping my thumb across her cheek, getting rid of the smudge. She looked at me wide eyed as I examined the red substance. If I didn’t know any better I’d think this was-
“Wait...this--this isn’t blood is it?” 
She stayed silent for a moment before she finally spoke, “It’s not human.”
Somehow that didn’t make it any better. Just as I went to ask what kind of blood it was she beat me to it.
“It belongs to another demon. But don’t worry she’s not dead...at least not yet. The bitch is lucky she’s his favorite or else I would’ve killed her already. She’s crossed the line one too many times.” She said in a low voice, a dark shadow hanging over her face, “I’m so sick and tired of them all…”
She muttered that last part to herself but due to the small space we were in I was able to hear her loud and clear. I said no more after that, getting the feeling if I continued to push the subject she’d snap at me. There was also something holding me back from asking about the subject further. The look she had in her eyes, not only was it one of anger there was a hint of anguish in her eyes. It was buried so deep I almost missed it but the moment I saw it my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. This was the same way I felt when I heard her voice thick with emotions the night I made the deal with her. She seemed so heartbroken when I had sold away my soul, I had never seen her so hopeless. In all my years of living I had never seen someone so unbelievably sad. I would assume that as a demon you lived without emotions and even though a month ago I wouldn’t have trouble believing Y/N was a demon because of the way she was but now, after experiencing what I did, now I could tell without a doubt Y/N had so much bottled up inside her. All those emotions she refuses to show, it would only be a matter of time until she couldn’t hold it in anymore. And when that time does come… I hope I can be there to ease her through it.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt her intertwine her fingers with mine. I looked down at our joint hands in surprise before looking over at her face. She didn’t even bother acknowledging my gaze, stepping closer to me. Okay, what the hell-
“We have to look the part don’t we?” She asked rhetorically, not even a hint of a smile on her face.
I just stared at her, my mouth hanging agape before I spoke without thinking, “Just what the hell have you been through?”
She stopped walking at that, bowing her head as she stared at the ground underneath her feet. I waited for her to speak, unconsciously giving her hand a comforting squeeze. But no matter how long I waited she kept her mouth shut.
 I watched in shock as she interacted with everyone. I couldn’t help but let my jaw hang open as I took in the sight of her smile, it was blinding. And the sound of her laugh? God, I swore my heart stopped and restarted multiple times in the span of five minutes.
“You might want to close your mouth there, Yun, you’ll catch flies.” Mingi chided with a smirk, closing my mouth himself.
I slapped his hand away from me, finally tearing my eyes away from Y/N, “It’s like she’s a totally different person. You know this is the first time I’ve seen her smile much less heard her laugh. I’ve never seen her this happy before.”
Mingi said nothing for awhile, his gaze on Y/N the whole time until a frown took purchase on his face, “She doesn’t look happy to me, dude.”
I rose a brow at his words, confused, “What do you mean? Look at that smile if she’s not happy then-”
“People hide a lot behind a smile, Yunho. And I’m telling you now, Y/N is anything but happy,” He cut me off before mumbling under his breath, “She hasn’t been happy for a long, long time.”
I opened my mouth to press him about what he meant when Wooyoung clapped a hand on my shoulder, drawing my attention.
“Yunho! Where the hell have you been hiding this gem?!” He exclaimed, gesturing over to Y/N who grinned wider at his words.
I didn’t answer as I just stared at her smiling face. I ignored the way my heart skipped a beat at the sight of it, frowning in response, thinking back to what Mingi had just said. Was that smiling face of hers really just a mask?
I leaned back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling. I had proposed that the two of us start getting together, alone. Of course she didn't see the point in it since this was all just for show but I managed to convince her. I had no explanation as to why I wanted to know more about her and get to know her better. A little voice inside my head reminded me that I've been curious about her since day one, the day I first moved in. Sure that curiosity died out, or so I thought. 
The moment I saw her smile back at the bar a few weeks ago that curiosity came back full force. I wanted to know everything about her...whether she'll actually let me in or not is entirely up to her.
Tags: @chanyeolol​
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