#ateez au crossover
SIC PARVIS MAGNA {Charac. Profiles Pt.1}
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an au by @that-irrelevant-ricecakeaddict & @seventhcallisto
SERIES MASTERLIST, Charac. Profiles Pt.2
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Reader: Kang Y/N
[21 years old]
>Forensic science student at Okja Central College
>Lives in Seoultham with her elder brother, Kang Taehyun, who travels often for work but helps to pay for expenses
>One of the 2 registered residents staying at Felony Alley, Halazia Apartments
-Level 3, unit 03-01
>Works as a convenience store cashier and a lab assistant at the college when she's not in lectures or class
>Parents were killed during a break-in at their childhood home and town that her and Taehyun chose to move out of when Taehyun had enough money to take them somewhere else (Seoultham was the cheapest option)
>Rides a bike everywhere, despite how often it gets damaged or has its parts stolen by the many thieves roaming the alleys
Kim Hongjoong {Lucky Quinn}
[25 years old]
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(based on Harleen Quinzel, Harley Quinn)
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Backstory: Grew up in Seoultham and started studying psychology in college at a young age. At 17, he was kidnapped by and experimented on by notorious Seoultham villain The Joker. He was eventually forced to take a serum derived from the same chemicals that drove Joker insane and bleached his skin. Naturally, Hongjoong suffered from the same effects and even developed a sick admiration for the villain. He did everything and anything he could in an attempt to earn Joker's trust and approval. However, Joker and his other followers would often ostracise and abuse him, eventually kicking him out to the streets to die after a few years. Luckily for him, his childhood friend Mingi found him and took him in. With Mingi's help, Hongjoong was able to gain back some sanity and somewhat integrate back into society. Well...the society that he had known for the past few years, at least. He founded Birds of Prey with Mingi.
>Unemployed to avoid being detected by the government
>"Kim Hongjoong" was classified as dead after getting kidnapped by the Joker, so he's known by local law enforcement as mad vigilante Lucky Quinn
>Adopted his alias from his psychology professor, Prof. Quinzel, who had been with him when Joker came to kidnap him. Professor Quinzel was killed in the process, and Hongjoong wanted to honor her
>Still a little messed up in the head, but tame in comparison to how he was when he was still under Joker
>Spends his time either at New World Underground Crime Ring or back and forth between the other members' homes
>Known in the crime scene as a dangerous and violent vigilante who crashes illegal dealings and ongoing crimes, but is highly unpopular with the police for his impulsive behaviour often causing a lot of collateral damage in the city
>Learned how to fight from living with Joker for years
>Captain of the team
>Despite his impulsive and unpredictable nature, hes very caring and understanding of his members (even though their clumsiness causes him trouble occasionally)
Song Mingi {Flying Fox}
[23 years old]
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(based on Barbara Gordon, Batgirl)
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Backstory: Child tech genius who grew up in Seoultham. From young, he was always very socially awkward and introverted due to how much time he spent inventing and programming. He built seemingly impractical but highly advanced machinery and programmes, which he would later on make use of as a vigilante. When Hongjoong, his only friend growing up, suddenly went off the grid, Mingi dropped everything to try to track him down. After a few years, he succeeded in finding Hongjoong and took him in. Horrified after hearing of Hongjoong's experience, he soon started the Birds of Prey with him in hopes of finding other like-minded outcasts who wanted to help keep Seoultham safe.
>Computer-science student at Okja Central College
>The only other registered resident at Felony Alley, Halazia Apartments
- Level 2, unit 02-01 (reader's downstairs neighbour)
>Learned martial arts as a kid and has photographic memory
>Due to his side gig of being a vigilante, he's quite busy, so he usually only attends online classes and lectures
>One of, if not the ONLY, Birds of Prey member thats on neutral terms with the police since he occasionally helps them with detective cases
>Tech support and happy pill of the team
>A little clueless on things that aren't related to fighting or tech, meaning that, more often than not, the members have to look after him because he himself won't
Park Seonghwa {Ivy}
[26 years old]
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(based on Pamela Isley, Poison ivy)
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Backstory: Moved to Seoultham at 17-18 to study biotechnology and plants there. He fell in love with his biotechnology professor and let her conduct experiments on him. After undergoing the experiment that permanently altered his DNA to that of a plant's, the professor lied about having an antidote and instead abandoned him and ran away. A 19 year old Seonghwa developed hatred of women and extreme trust issues, and started isolating himself and his plants from the world. For years, he hid away from society to learn about his new abilities, and would only leave his hiding places to go to bars to seduce people that he could bring home as food for his carnivorous plants. This was how he met Hongjoong, who had been bored and wandering the streets by himself. When trying to feed Hongjoong to his plants, he was taken aback by how the light-skinned man was more fascinated than afraid. Hongjoong talked about the Birds of Prey, and Seonghwa decided to join them. The two men bonded quickly due to shared experience and trauma of being betrayed and ruined by someone they admired.
>Certified plant biologist, works as a lab assistant at Okja Central College
>Knows and is friends with the old lady who owns Halazia Apartments, hence he stays in the basement from time-to-time
-the landlady and her daughter, Chungha, are the only women he's comfortable with (before meeting reader)
>When he's not fighting crime as Ivy, he's in his "human" form
-meaning most of the time, hes just a tall, thin and pale nerd with faded red hair, and very weak presence that is often ignored by people (in comparison to his true beauty as Ivy being too distracting and dangerous)
>Spends his free time experimenting with different plants and flowers, occasionally accidentally creates drugs that he gives to Hongjoong to sell for money
>Finds comfort in being able to look after the other members
(Park) Yeosang {Orphan}
[23 years old]
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(based on Cassandra Cain, Orphan)
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Backstory: His parents were contract killers from a secret society, and he was trained from a young age to be a highly-efficient killing machine. He was deprived of a normal childhood and did not fully learn to write or speak, hence his lisp when talking. Mingi had ran into a 19 year old Yeosang on accident while investigating the organisation's activities. He brought him back to the Birds of Prey because he felt sad seeing how isolated and hopeless Yeosang was with the organisation.
>Unregistered in Seoultham, or anywhere for that matter (hence the censored barcode in his profile card!)
>Spends his time either as a bodyguard for Hongjoong at New World, or following around Seonghwa and Mingi at Okja Central College
>Was only referred to as "Yeosang" while training with the secret society, so he doesn't have an official surname
>Was very quiet but clingy to Seonghwa when he first joined the team, leading to his cover story of being Seonghwa's younger brother (hence why he's sometimes referred to with the same surname 'Park')
>When fighting crime, nearly his entire face is covered
>Despite his unique and advanced set of skills, he dislikes using violence and often only uses it as a last resort
>Best fighter on the team
>Doted on and babied by the rest of the team
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asherthehimbo · 7 months
Characters: Nyx's children (Nixie's)| Halazia (Hala) pack | extra's
Information: Creature lore | Geology
Season one
Balance | prolauge
Pearl | chapter 1
Season two
New characters
Extra content
meme's | poems | scrapped ideas
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Taglist [10/30]: @foxilsdenn @zzstar @glitchyaiko @brrrkdslek @scarfac3 @xavi-in-kpopland @conwunder @venn-ie @dahbee8 @idkwhatto-namethis
if its in bold/blue I couldnt tag you
Status:start posting February 2024
comment to be added to the taglist
notes: ignore the fact that guardians is spelt wrong at the synopsis
copyright | 2024 | @asherthehimbo
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depressedhouseplant · 14 days
Just Fucking Write - Day 122
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A/N: Hey, hey, hey here’s some bonus content for C&R! You can find the main fic here.
Kevin was walking out of the hospital when his private phone rang. He didn’t bother to look at the number before answering.
”Who needs stitches now?” He asked.
“No one, to my knowledge,” Mingi replied.
”Oh, hi. How did you get this number? This is the phone Juyeon gave me,” Kevin said.
”I know and I have my sources,” Mingi told him. “Don’t worry. No one was harmed in the procurement of this phone number.”
”That makes me feel better. So, uh, why are you calling?” Kevin asked.
”I was hoping you might be interested in a second try at a first date. Unless, of course, you aren’t interested. I would understand,” Mingi suggested. Kevin smiled to himself as he got in the car. A mafia sniper was stumbling over his words trying to ask him out. How many people had that happen twice in their lives?
”Was it the crying?” Kevin laughed a little.
”And the fact you’re the only person I’ve ever told I was married. That’s something I thought I’d take to my grave. Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to put it like that,” Mingi replied.
”You’re fine. I guess that’s something we have in common, dead spouses,” Kevin said.
”I hope we have something more than that and maybe a little less morbid,” Mingi sounded hopeful.
”Sure, I’m willing to give it another shot. Maybe I’ll even clean my apartment before you come over,” Kevin smiled.
”Already inviting me over and I haven’t even bought you dinner yet?” Mingi laughed.
”I guess I am,” Kevin replied.
”Looking forward to it already,” Mingi said.
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sheepsanfluff · 1 year
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Stealing Both Hearts and Minds 🖤
15 notes · View notes
partvonal · 10 months
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The Deserts of Camp Jupiter
Chapter one: Hongjoong
-A segítségedet kell kérnem. - ejtette ki Hongjoong kelletlenül a szavakat. Kényelmetlenül érezte magát Yeosang fekete szemei előtt, amelyek, mintha mindent ki tudtak volna olvasni elméjéből.
-Tudod jól, hogy nem jósolok. - válaszolta a különös fiú halkan, olyan hangsúllyal, mely egyszerre hatott megértőnek és fenyegetőnek. Hongjoong-ot kirázta a hideg tőle s feldühítette.
Mindennél jobban szüksége volt a másik segítségére a másnap esedékes küldetéssel kapcsolatban. Nyilvánvaló volt, hogy valami nincs rendben, Neptunusz személyes üzenete önmagában egy ezrednyi római harcos által félt előjelnek számított, különösen, hogy nem is tulajdon fiát, hanem egyenesen őt és három társát kérte a küldetés vezetésére, amelyről semmit sem árult el. Hongjoong Plútó fiaként nem félte a halált, hisz része volt születése óta, azonban úgy érezte, egyszerű feláldozható csaliként kezelik, mely fojthatatlan dühöt váltott ki belőle. Hiába esküdött fel olyan fiatalon rómáért, mindenki kívűlállóként kezelte: a selejtes ötödik légióba osztották, a legótvarabb munkákat bízták rájuk és megalázták őket. A bizonyítási vágy s lázongás egyszerre forrongott vérében, emiatt pedig felfoghatatlannak hatottak számára Yeosang ellenkező szavai.
-Ez vészhelyzet te barom! Nem bukhatunk el az ostoba elveid miatt mindent! Láttad mi folyik ott kint?! Őrültekháza, mégis nevetnek, nevetnek mert mi fogjuk megszívni ezt. Az ötödik légió egy csőd. Nem fáradtál bele, hogy le sem köpnek minket? Vess kártyákat vagy csinálj amit akarsz Yeosang, de adnod kell valami támpontot! - csapott az asztalra Hongjoong, mire az említett összerezzent. Nem állt szándékában megijesztenie a fiatalabbat. Amióta az eszét tudta, szeretett volna rácáfolni a halál fiait súlytó előítéletekre, dühe s kétségbeesése azonban mielőtt visszafoghatta volna, teret talált magának. - Mi olyan rohadt nehéz egy joslatban?
-Nem lehet. - felelte halkan az előtte ülő arcát fürkészve. Ugyanolyan elveszettek voltak mindketten és nála volt amire mindkettejüknek szüksége volt. Hongjoong hitetlenkedve nézett vissza rá, nem értette az indokot a másik ellenkezése mögött.
-Miért? Megadhatok neked bármit. - jelentette ki idegességében elnevetve magát. - Annyi aranyat hozok a felszínre amennyit csak akarsz vagy…
-Nem. Lehet. - ismételte magát Yeosang ökölbeszorult kézzel. Hogy lehet ennyire önző? Hongjoong minden önuralmát elsodorta a mellkasába ömlő, folytogató, sűrű kétségbeesés.
-Hogy lehetsz ilyen önző? Rajtad múlhat a légió jövője! Ha értem nem is teszed meg… - torpant meg a felismeréstől a mondat közepén Plútó fia, mire a másik felkapta védtelen, sötét tekintetét. Tudta mi következik, mindketten tudták. Hongjoong nem akarta ezt tenni, de úgy érezte nem hagynak választást neki.
-Ha értem nem is teszed meg, tedd meg Wooyoung-ért. Magammal viszem őt és tudod, hogy nem fog nemet mondani.
A fiú nem hitte, hogy a mindig csendes, kedves és jóindulatúnak tűnő Yeosang képes ennyi gyűlöletet egyetlen pillantásába sűríteni. A legjobb gyerekkori barátjának belekeverése ebbe elég volt, hogy Hongjoong tudja, megszerezte amit akart.
-Meglátom mit tehetek. - köpte oda a másik, miközben túl régóta könyvei alá temetett kártyáiért nyúlt. A szavak dactól ázottak voltak de reménnyel kecsegtettek, Hongjoong bűntudatát azonban még a gondolat, miszerint a másik fiúért is cselekszik sem nyomhatta el többé.
-Jóslást nem szabad megköszönni, - felelte Yeosang kimérten, a kelleténél halkabban, amitől a másik úgy érezte, csendben kell maradnia - balszerencsét hoz.
A szobát lassan s megmagyarázhatatlanul töltötte színültig a sötétség, csupán a kezei alatt szentjános bogárként, ibolyaszínen fénylő kártyák vetettek halovány fényfátylat a fiú arcára. Bőre hófehérnek hatott, arcába hulló, fekete, túl hosszúra nőtt tincsei sem rejthették el majdhogy élettelennek tűnő szemeit, ahogy egy mozdulattal, félhold alakban Hongjoong elé terítette a kártyákat.
A fiú egy pillanatig arra gondolt, vajon mi lesz, ha rossz kártyát választ, amiért gondolatban magára uszított egy ezrednyi élőholtat meg San törpemalacát és gyorsan elhesegette ezt az irreális rémképet. Talán kevesebbet kellene pókereznie. Lassan végigvezette tekintetét a lapokon. Arra számított, az egyik különös vonzzással hívja majd magához, de az összes, egytől egyig semlegesnek hatott, nem is sejtetve melyik rejtheti díszes hátoldala alatt ködös jövőjét. Hongjoong-nak fogalma sem volt, Yeosang tudja-e mit érez a kártyákkal kapcsolatban, de a lehető legmagabiztosabban, mély levegőt véve, véletlenszerűen egy jobb keze felőli lapra bökött, melynek pillanatában a lila derengés ködként semmivé foszlott, s csak a kiválasztott darab ragyogott tovább.
Yeosang szellemszerű, lassú mozdulattal nyúlt utána majd felfordította.
-A szeretők - olvasta fel a Yeosang, anélkül, hogy levette volna pislogás nélküli tekintetét Hongjoong-ról. A kártya apró, részletes ecsetvonásokkal festett, ruhátlan alakjai megelevenedtek. Kissé úgy festettek mint Ádám és Éva a hatalmasra nyúló virágzó fa alatt, ahogy a szélekről, a gyönyörű szegélyektől a lap közepén egymáshoz közel értek. Megragadták egymás kezét örömükben, - legalábbis így látszott - majd mintha csak megszállta volna őket valami, fejüket egyenesen Hongjoong felé fordították, mintha valóban láthatnák őt. Szavalni kezdtek, de csupán néma ábrák lehettek egy papírlapon. Yeosang formált helyettük minden szót.
„Lépteid alatt csak a mély
Esküt szeg a halál
Tenger oldozza kereszted
Egy elhal de a többi visszatalál”
A jóslat, mitöbb prófécia részletei fájdalmasan világosnak látszottak. Ezzel együtt pedig a különös, szobára telepedett sötétség is lassan elfolyt, kitudja hova, Yeosang újra élettel teli ámbár visszahúzódó lényét hagyva maga után. Hongjoong úgy érezte, mintha fejbeverték volna. A pulzusa az utolsó sor hallatán a kétszeresére gyorsult.
-Yeosang… ezt most el kell mondanom Alison-nak. - nyögte ki végül, s több szó pazarlása helyett zavaros fejjel a kijárat felé indult.
Még hallotta, hogy Trivia fia utánakiáltja, „A jóslatom nem prófécia.” de ő az intő szavakat maga mögött feledve kivágta maga előtt a barakk ajtaját.
・・・・・・・・・・ ✧ ・・・・・・・・・・
Hongjoong valójában a legkevésbé sem akart beszélni Alison-nal, így a principia ajtajában állva gyorsan bekopogott, mielőtt meggondolhatta volna magát.
Az épület kívülről sokkal szerényebbnek nézett ki ahhoz képest, mint amilyen hadi pompa ragyogta körbe belülről. Hongjoong-ot lassan tíz táborban töltött év után is képes volt lenyűgözni a belsőépítészet részletes díszítettsége és az asztalon végig húzódó káosz összhangja, ahogy az engedély elhangzása után belépett az ajtón. Az egész annyira tökéletsen festett, hogy nehéz lett volna elhinni, Alison édesanyja nem Minerva, hisz ő alakította át az egész helyet, mikor praetorrá választották.
A lányt mint mindig ebben az időpontban, -na nem mintha a fiú annyit járt volna ide- most is az asztala mögött találta. Fájdalmasan szorosra font, sötétvörös kontyából kiszabadult néhány tincs, melyek az arcába hullottak megragadva Hongjoong figyelmét, ahogy azonban meglátta őt azonnal eltűrte onnan. Az arckifejezéséből komolyságon kívűl semmi más nem volt kiolvasható, mintha csak egy lett volna a tökéletesre formázott érzelemmentes, falfehér szobrok közül, melyek kissé távolabb tőlük, a csigalápcső mellett sorakoztak. Ez volt az első számú dolog, amit Hongjoong ki nem állhatott a lányban. A második pedig, hogy rendezett vonásai ellenére a fiú mégis képes volt megmondani, mennyire nem örül a jelenlétének.
-Sajnálom, hogy zavarl…
-Miért jöttél? - vágott a szavába rámeredve, mintha Hongjoong minden szava, mely nem közvetlenül a légiót érinti pazarlás volna. Még egy dolog, amit Hongjoong ki nem állhatott.
-Egyedül indulok el holnap... - jelentette ki komolyan, hibát vétve azzal, hogy vett egy levegőt a magyarázat előtt.
-Hárman indulnak küldetésre hagyományosan. Ezúttal Neptunusz külön kérésére négyen, de a te -nyomta meg ezt a szót- kérésedre semmi esetre sem kevesebben.
Plútó fia igyekezett a lehető leglátványosabban mindenfelé unottan nézelődni, amíg hallgatta a lány túl kevés információ birtokában tett monológját. Mintha csak most látná először a principia berendezését, magában még egy puccos műértő hangsúlyával meg is jegyezte, hogy „Micsoda érzéki ajtófélfa!”.
- Harcedzett vagy, de távolrol sem olyan erős mint ijesztő, Hongjoong. Nyilvánvalóan meghalnál egyedül. -fejezte be a lány végül.
A fiúnak erős késztetése támadt, hogy mosolyogva kijelentse, „Épp ez a lényeg”, de nem lett volna célravezető, úgyhogy inkább elvetette az ötletet.
-Nem arról van szó amiről gondolod. Jóslatot…
-Alison! - Rontott be ekkor az épületbe, a második légió egyik tagja, két kissé soványnak tűnő, azonban meglepő módon egyáltálán nem megszeppent tíz év körüli fiúval a nyomában. Alison olyan gyilkos tekintetet zúdított a tisztre, hogy Hongjoong a helyében Plútó szentélyéig szaladt volna áldozni valamit, nehogy végül a tartatoszban kössön ki.
-Újoncok? - kérdezte, Hongjoong pedig kezdte feladni, hogy valamikor is érdemileg szóhoz jusson.
-Feltehetőleg félistenek, a Caldecott alagúton át érkeztek. Testvérek.
A fiú eltűnődött, vajon csak képzelte-e, hogy a praetor lány vonásai egy pillanatra megfeszültek, ugyanis egy másodperccel később újra rezzenéstelen komolysággal az arcán fordult felé.
-Hongjoong, úgylátom ráérsz. Vezesd körbe az új barátainkat! Tudod a protokolt. A szenátusi gyűlésen találkozunk a választott társaiddal együtt.
Olyan lekezelő s ellentmondást nem tűrő hangsúllyal ejtette ki az utolsó mondatot, hogy Plútó fiának a nyelvére kellett harapnia, ha nem akarta a gyerekek előtt elkáromkodni magát. Egyáltálán nem volt hangulata a bébiszitterkedéshez, ráadásul temérdek elintéznivalója akadt az indulás előtt. Ahogy azonban a két kiskölyökre nézett, akik épp egymást bökdösve halkan kuncogva civakodtak valamin, nem tudott nem arra gondolni, hogy ő és Mingi ugyanilyenek voltak majdhogy tíz évvel ez előtt ugyanitt állva, ahogy mindketten halálosan unták az akkori praetor beszédét a tábori szabályokról.
-Add vissza! - kiáltotta Hongjoong hirtelen kiszaladva a pincipia épületéből Mingi után eredve, ahogy észrevette, a fiú ismételten elcsent egyet aprócska kezein sorakozó, hatalmas, különböző ékkövekkel díszített gyűrűi közül. Saját maga által vágott, koszos sötét tincsei viccesen himbálóztak a menetszélben ahogy hozzátette: - Rádszabadítom a szellemeket!
-Úgysem mered! - felelte Mingi levegőért kapkodva. A másik fiúéhoz hasonlóan rongyos, méreténél jóval nagyobb pólója csak úgy lobogott utána, az arcán rosszcsont vigyor virított. Hongjoong-ot rendkívűl bosszantotta, hogy egy nála fiatalabb mindegyre kijátsza őt, ráadásul az ékszerek mind sokat jelentettek számára. Édesanyja születésétől fogva minden születésnapjára ajándékozott neki egyet, így mostanra mindegyik ujjára jutott egy-egy csillogó kavics. Különös ajándék volt. Az óvodából és iskolából ismert barátai általában játékokat vagy pénzt kaptak, amik kétségtelenül hasznosabbnak tűntek, de az ő anyukája ékszerész volt a San Francisco-i kínai negyedben, az ottani legjobb, -nem is- a világon a legjobb, így ő nem találta ezt furcsának. Szeretve és erősnek érezte magát édesanyja munkáit viselve. Hisz csak ők voltak egymásnak.
De bárcsak ne tervezte volna olyan bőre őket.
-Ha elkaplak megfojtalak Mingi! -kiáltotta, s saját meglepettségére utolérte, mitöbb keresztülesett a hirtelen megtoppanó fiatalabb fiún. Mindketten elterültek a fűben, de mintha ez őt egyáltálán nem zavarta volna, csak maga elé mutatott.
Hongjoong-nak fogalma sem volt, Mingi a panorámán ámult-e el ennyire, ugyanis a tábor sokkal de sokkal hatalmasabb volt annál, mint azt az előtt képzelte, vagy a tájon mindenhol össze vissza cikázó szellemek ijesztették meg. Őszintén abban sem volt biztos őt melyik lepte meg jobban.
-Azt a kur…
-És még a szája is mocskos! - méltatlankodott a preátor fiú ahogy Mingit a grabancánál fogva fél kézzel lábraállította.
Hongjoong észre sem vette, hogy utolérte őket, de hálát adott, hogy ő magától tápászkodhatott fel. Nem szerette ha az emberek megérintik.
-Nem sok újoncot láttam aki a megérkezését követően egyből bajt okozott, élve. -jelentette ki. Hongjoong nem tudta kiolvasni a vonásaiból, de remélte hogy csak viccel. Egy biztos volt, a preator fiú nem volt hozzászokva, hogy a dolgok nem úgy történnek ahogy ő akarja. Plútó fiának kedve támadt nem kikísérletezni a határait. Egyenlőre.
Mingi-t elnézve ő is hasonló véleményen lehetett ahogy megszeppenten álldogállt egyik lábáról a másikra. Hongjoong legszívesebben kinevette volna.
-Kivételesen én vezetlek körbe benneteket. Ezt a feladatot álltalában alacsonyabb rangú tisztek végzik. -“Micsoda megtiszteltetés” futott át Hongjoong agyán, de eszébe sem jutott, hogy hangosan kimondja. A légió részévé kellett válnia, ez volt a feladata, nem ronthatta el már az elején.- Ahol eddig jártatok, az a princípia épülete, a preátorok, az az Henry és az én… nos úgy működik akár egy iroda. Körülötte található a fürdő, bizonyára az is feltűnt, valamint az öt légió barakkjai. Ez pedig amit itt láttok -mutatott az egyébként valóban csodás látkép felé drámaian- Új róma.
-Kik élnek itt? - szólalt meg Hongjoong eltűnődve. A város, távolról is látható volt, hogy nyüzsgött az élettől. Egy egyetemnek látszó épület körül fiatal felnőttek lézengtek, az utcákon nála fiatalabb gyerekek szaladgáltak, felnőttek sétálgattak, vásároltak az út széli fák árnyékában. A halál fiának honvágya támadt tőle. Mert ő nem csak a halál fia volt, hanem a világ legjobb ékszerészé is. Semmiért sem vallotta volna be, főleg Mingi-nek de nagyon hiányzott neki az otthona. Édesanyjával ketten éltek a műhelyéhez közel, egy gyönyörű, általuk felújított panellakásban egy kínai büfé felett. Hongjoong-nak mikor odaköltöztek még azt is megengedte, hogy dínókat fessen a szobája falára, így a felületet több, különböző színben pompázó őskövület is borította. Szeretett ott lenni. Elnézve őket gyakran eljátszott a gondolattal, hogy a gyűrűibe foglalt ékköveket talán egyenesen egy dínó csontváza mellől bányászták ki, s éppen csak nem vettek észre egy 150 millió éve ott pihengető apatosaurust. Hongjoong ettől csak méginkább kötődött az ékszereihez. Köztük a rubintköves gyűrűhöz, ami még mindig Mingi koszos mancsainak foglya volt.
-Félistenek és leszármazottjaik, nameg faunok, de nemhiszem hogy rájuk gondoltál. Ők inkább a tábor körül legyeskednek, majd megszívjátok velük párszor és megtanuljátok. - magyarázta megfeszült arccal. Tényleg nincs hozzászokva a kérdésekhez, gondolta Hongjoong és elmosolyodott.
-És a szellemek?
-Nem te idézted őket? - kapta fel a fejét Mingi.
-Most nem. - vetette oda büszkén. Még ha egynél többet soha nem is hozott a felszínre, hízelgő volt a tény, hogy riválisa azt hitte képes minderre. Az egész tábor és új róma ugyanis tele volt szellemekkel.
-Larkok, vagyis ősök lelkei. Ez a hely biztonságot nyújt mindannyiunknak. Az egyszerű halandók számára láthatatlan, a szörnyek pedig képtelenek bejutni.
A preator végigvezette őket Új Rómán miután megbizonyosodott, hogy nincs náluk fegyver, -mert mint kiderült a városiak érdekében a promerániai vonalon belül, mely körülveszi a várost tilos a fegyverviselés- majd felvitte őket a templom dombra az istenek szentélyeihez.
Habár nyomasztó volt látni a teljesen üresen, leharcoltan álldogáló, poros sötét épületet, mely egyértelműen Plútót hivatott eredeti mivoltában szolgálni, Hongjoong annyira izgatott volt, hogy majd kiugrott a bőréből. Első látásra itt minden varázslatosnak tűnt. Az egész, egyszerű halandók szemei elől elfedett tábor létezése, a rajta keresztülágazó Kis Tiberis folyó, mely a valódi Tiberis erejét hordozza, a szellemek, a város és a vásárlóutca, a légiók… Alig várta hogy kiderüljön melyikbe osztják majd és kik lesznek a szobatársai.
Most, közel tíz évvel később azonban teljesen elhalványult a szemében a Jupiter Tábor minden fénye.
Buta egy gondolat, de talán kissé irigykedve nézett a rábízott két kisfiúra. Bizakodóak voltak, lenyűgözöttek és tele voltak erős érzésekkel. Hongjoong, ahogy hárman végül visszaértek a barakkokhoz a körbevezetés után, azt kívánta bárcsak itt otthonra találnának. Bárcsak számukra megmaradhatna ennek a helynek a varázsa.
Chapter two ->
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lemonsanshine · 1 year
san like jd 💣 & yeosang like veronica 🏑
but their story will end differently
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rhysiana · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @hmslusitania!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
96, somehow (some of them are ficlets preserved for posterity, so there should probably be more, if I remembered to move some more things from here)
2. What’s your total word count on AO3?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most actively at this exact moment, kpop rpf (ATEEZ and SHINee), but all but one thing in this category is a WIP I haven't posted yet. But I also have a Devil Judge AU I *really* want to write, if my writing brain picks back up properly.
4. Top five fics by kudos
This is hilariously skewed to Teen Wolf just by virtue of the size of the fandom, I don't actually think these are the fics I'm most known for, but:
-The (un)Usual? -Can I...? -Derek from the Club -You Give Me Butterflies -Rebalance
*Bonus content, least amount of kudos (because it is one of two fics for the entire fandom):
-This Would Be Enough
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "In Love with Ghosts," a character study about Lan Xichen and Song Lan have to deal with being left behind in the world of the living
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write so much fluff, I'm sure this is very subjective, but I think the one that makes *me* the happiest is the 2-part Petopher series Silver & Gold, because the middle-aged second-chance romance of them finally getting everything they've ever wanted was written to cater exactly to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but I do have a hilarious bookmark saying one of my rare M-rated fics should be a G (????)
9. Do you write smut?
Related to the above answer, not really. I collab for smut very happily, but I spent several years in my irl career copy editing for a self-published romance writer who was very prolific but not great at keeping characterization consistent in sex scenes and it kind of burned me out on thinking through such scenarios for my own hobby purposes. That said, I do keep writing things that toe closer and closer to the line, so. Perhaps I am recovering from the trauma.
10. Craziest crossover?
Uh, I'm pretty sure that would be the Kent Parson/Derek Hale thing I wrote here as penance for being a vector of cross-fandom Derek confusion, but I don't think that ever got moved over to AO3. The funniest AU that's almost but not quite a crossover was the Wenzhou AU ("Persistence Pays Off") I wrote that started from the premise of Senpai, Don't You Know?, which is a niche enough reference that I'm probably the only one who understands how hilarious the mismatch is.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! Several times, it's very fun.
14. All time favourite ship?
You want me to choose??? Nurseydex, for the sheer power they had over my brain for so long, and Petopher, for being such tired Actual Adults
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really want to finish Bull City Blues, but my brain started avoiding working on it hardcore because it was bringing up all my own bad grad school experiences, so I'm stuck here with most of the end written but not the ability to push through the middle, and I deeply apologize for that. I keep hoping I'll come up with a way around it, just so I can post the end, finally.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue (where I mentally always start) and descriptions of specific imagery (because I see scenes like movies in my head)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot. (Longfic who? I don't know her.)
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It's fine? If I ever wrote a long enough passage in not-English that it wasn't apparent from context, I'd have the translation in footnotes/hovertext, but it hasn't come up yet. Since so many of the fandoms I've written in recently have been non-English, I do sometimes have the dialogue in my head running in two languages simultaneously, but I tend to just write it all in English for ease of reading.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Like, to be posted on the internet? Check, Please! Ever? I genuinely could not tell you.
20. Fave fics you’ve written?
-Petals & Thorns (Nurseydex pop punk star/florist AU series)
-Silver & Gold (Petopher rock star/lawyer second-chance romance)
-This Would Be Enough (Atom no Ko post-canon, the ace-est thing I've written so far)
-Fragments of a Life Lived in Dreams (Nirvana in Fire dreamsharing AU)
Ngl, I reread all my own fics regularly, but these are probably some of the most reread ones.
Tagging: anyone who wants to play! (but especially @annundriel, @cobrilee, and @gendzl, if you want)
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lunar-serpentinite · 4 months
Introductory Post
Hello ~ I'm Cloud and welcome to my blog !
My pronouns are they/them ! I don't really have hard no's for gendered terms used to refer to me .
I'm a '02-liner (meaning i was born in 2002) and from Southeast Asia . I am currently in uni studying Geology and I use my spare time to think about my hyperfixations <3
I'm neurodivergent and I usually vibe on my own but I'm open to chats ! I'm bad at replying though so don't be afraid to bump up messages
I've been on Tumblr since 2012 but this is the first time I have ever tried to be more active instead of keeping in the background .
Fuck JKR !!
Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, free everyone who has suffered and are currently suffering under a capitalistic, warmongering white supremacist society . Never stop talking about the genocides and human rights injustices currently happening around the world . Share, save, boycott, educate, donate when and if you can !
Current Fixations / Interests / Fandoms
Harry Potter (specifically the character himself, as well as Drarry)
MXTX Novels
Percy Jackson
Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail
(Especially for those who are particularly focused on Harry Potter canon and/or certain dynamics.)
In my headcanons and posts, I will stretch canon pretty thinly. I will rewrite and redo huge chunks of what we know as the Harry Potter canon. This includes huge changes in the history, the timeline, and the ethnicities of a lot of characters (read: majority of the characters we know in my AU are now BIPOC). Everything I am doing is purely for my own enjoyment and I just wanted to share the things I made with anyone who wanted to have a read.
I do not follow any Marauders fandom headcanons nor do I consider myself part of the fandom . This means my Lilys and Jameses will have vastly different friend groups than what you're used to if you're from the Marauders fandom .
If you're particular about dynamics, I am a fixed DMHP account . I don't post NSFW on this blog since I focus on worldbuilding and more SFW character building, but I'm just throwing this out there :3
Have a good day ! (My AUs under the cut)
Current AUs
Nandhini's Legacy - my main AU and the reason why I made this blog in the first place ! This is a Harry Potter AU where the Potter family are South Indian (specifically Tamil [James] and Telugu [Lily]) and the Black family are SWANA . New elements in the story include entirely new fancasts for the entire cast, the introduction of a Magical British Museum (the new primary antagonist besides Lord Voldemort), OC siblings for characters like Harry and Pansy, and several timeline changes .
Related Links : Families Masterlist, Fancast, Main Tag
pls ask me abt this au i have so much to say
Son of Hecate Harry AU - a PJO x HP crossover AU where Harry was born to Lily and James but with the additional blood from Hecate . In this AU he was taken away from the Dursleys by a satyr and raised in Camp Half-Blood . By the time he arrives at Hogwarts, Harry has already undergone one quest and is only at the institution because of another prophecy (not Trelawney's) . He is accompanied by fellow demigods and witches Yurika Haneda (Slytherin, Hermes) and Poppy Caxton (Hufflepuff, Athena)
My Mortal Companion - the AU in which post-War, Harry retains his title as Master of Death and believes his next destiny is to be the sole Unspeakable in the Death Room since he's the "only one who could do it" . Features Harry's relationships and dynamics with various psychopomps and death deities of diverse pantheons
Related Links : Main Tag
Favourite of the Fae Harry AU - an AU where Harry is highly favoured by the Fair Folk of Great Britain, but only in the way a human might highly favour what they deem a particularly cute pet . Includes tidbits of Harry being his mother's son because Lily was their previous favourite, and Harry having difficulties with socialising in the "proper" human way because he was used to the constant transactional socialising of the Fae
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Hey ya'll I’m 25+ and Gender fluid and I am looking for some long-term, OC x Canon double-ups on Discord, specifically for K-pop. I am looking for people who are semi-lit who are comfortable with either small paragraph responses (like a paragraph or so) or breaking the discord word limit (I'm lenient just no one-liners) my only request is that this is for 18+ to 20+ writers only, please. I’m not comfortable writing with minors.
The groups I write for and are willing to play are:.
Ateez (I am still getting into them so feel free to gush about them,)
Stray Kids (I have been dying to play Felix against someone or maybe Hyunjin)
Bts (haven't been a part of Army for long just barely got into them, as well so feel free to gush/tell me all about them)
I welcome all Ocs including LGBTQ+ friendly, I'm all for AU's, crossovers, and stuff like that. I'd love to be able to chat out of character, send playlists and just overall become friends and if you have a specific idol or group that I haven't heard of that you would like I will be more than happy to look into them,
But if this interests you, please interact or shoot me a DM or ask, and have a nice day
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SIC PARVIS MAGNA {Charac. Profiles Pt. 2}
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an au by @that-irrelevant-ricecakeaddict & @seventhcallisto
SERIES MASTERLIST, Charac. Profiles Pt. 1
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Jeong Yunho {Hans}
[24 years old]
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(based on Helena Bertinelli, Huntress)
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Backstory: He grew up with police officer parents who had interests in car mechanics, so he naturally picked up the same hobbies. Eventually started making weapons and studying art of weaponry as well as hopology. His family moved to Seoultham when he was a young teenager, where his parents got killed. Yunho had to resort to crime and smuggling to survive. He hated himself for committing crime (out of love for his deceased parents), hence he adopted the alias Huntsman (later renamed as Hans when he met the others) to gatecrash dangerous weapon dealings he hears of. Later on, he met Hongjoong through the New World weapons black market and joined him after hearing about Birds of Prey.
>Originally named Huntsman, Mingi pestered him to change it because it sounded too "intimidating"
>Co-founder of Limitless Mechanics, a 2 storey mechanics shophouse located next to the entrance of Felony Alley
>Lives at the shophouse with San
>Used to be an infamous illegal arms dealer, still has contacts in the intergalactic black market even as a vigilante
>Can be very protective of his members
>Resident Fix-It Felix of the team
>Spends most of his time tinkering at the shop with San
>Quickly grew attached to Mingi when he joined the team, and likes brainstorming new gadget ideas with him
>Signature weapon is a crossbow that he's always finding new features to add to it
Choi San {Hawke}
[23 years old]
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(based on Shayera Thal, Hawkgirl)
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Backstory: An alien warrior from planet Aurora who designed high tech weaponry from the planet's raw materials. His first encounter with a human was when he met Yunho, who was on a smuggling mission to Aurora. San assumed that Yunho was another greed-filled thief who came to his home planet to steal, but became friends with him when he found out they had a shared interest in weapons design. He was intrigued by Yunho's stories of life on Earth and decided to follow him back.
>Registered in Seoultham ("Omg my first human identity!!") thanks to Mingi pulling some strings
>On Aurora, he was known as San Hol, but he adopted the surname Choi after coming to Earth because he wanted to blend in more
>Co-founder of Limitless Mechanics (with Yunho)
>Has large feathered wings that he can shrink and hide
>A strong fighter with extensive knowledge on weapon design
>Can come off as very earnest and innocent
>Spends his time with Yunho at the shop or following around his other members to their activities out of curiosity
>Has very eccentric tastes due to growing up on a completely different planet
>Fix-It Felix pt. 2
Choi Jongho {Nightingale}
[22 years old]
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(based on Dinah Lance, Black Canary)
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Backstory: An only child living in a small town with his parents, he was born with a mutated voice box that allowed him to physically manifest soundwaves with his voice. He accidentally hurt his father with it when he was a kid, and started to see it as a curse for the majority of his life and didn't speak much out of fear of causing harm to others. At 18, he moved away from his parents to live in Seoultham to lay low. He eventually heard from word of mouth about Mingi's expertise in tech, and went to him for help in building soundwave-muting technology. Mingi did built a device for him, but also encouraged him to embrace his ability and got him to join the Birds of Prey.
>Works as a barista at Nightbrew Cafe
>Lives with Wooyoung in a suite located on Diamond Street, which is just across Felony Alley (16 Diamond Street, #1, 1117)
>Occasionally does singing gigs at bars, and is known by regulars as Lucifer's Bard due to how sinfully addicting his voice is
-He started singing from a young age as he thought it would help to build control of his ability
>Wears a necklace made of a metal that absorbs excess vibrations, allowing him to speak normally without having to constantly watch his volume (takes it off sometimes to fight)
>when fighting crime, he wears a cloth mask made of a special fabric that San brought from Aurora. It allows his voice to pass through without interference while still providing coverage for his identity
>Came off as uptight to the other members at first, but Mingi brought out his real fun-loving and laid back personality
Jung Wooyoung {Kitty}
[23 years old]
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(based on Selina Kyle, Catwoman)
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Backstory: Grew up in Seoultham and got by with his good looks and street smarts. At 17, he started to date a rich young man who would often abuse and berate him. Soon after, Wooyoung was kicked out of his house by his parents who found him disgraceful, and was stuck with his then-boyfriend who eventually broke up with him and left him alone and penniless. Wooyoung took revenge by breaking into his now ex's penthouse and stealing all his expensive possessions, which was when he developed a knack for stealing. He was living off stolen goods when he met San (who had just arrived on earth) and befriended him. San, being the sweetheart he is, invited Wooyoung to join the Birds of Prey, which Wooyoung, albeit with some hesitation, obliged to.
>Works as a museum curator at the Visage of History Museum
>Lives with Jongho in their suite (rent is paid off mostly by Wooyoung's salary and "souvenirs" from his occasional heists on local robbers)
>His alias, Kitty, is known by locals and authorities as a genderless vigilante who is efficient and quick, as well as extremely slippery and hard to catch
>Used to steal from the wealthy out of desperation to survive and was an infamous cat burglar, but stopped after joining Birds of Prey
>Has very expensive taste and splurges the team's money (not that they mind, though)
>He occasionally ambushes and robs the illegal jewellery smugglers that he hears about from his police friend Changbin and the museum staff
>Knows reader through Taehyun and Yeonjun
>very physically affectionate, often subjects the rest of the team to overly dramatic displays of affection
Kang Taehyun (reader's elder brother)
[23 years old]
-travelling archaeologist
-permanent business partners with Yeonjun and Soobin
-wooyoung's business partner (introduced through Yeonjun)
-due to how often he travels, he rarely gets to come back to visit his sister. And since him and his partners work with Wooyoung, reader always sees them doing admin work together when she comes to see him.
-Taehyun wasn't home when their parents died, he had been at a party, making him feel guilty for the death of them. Because of it, he promised to take care of his sister as much as he could, even if it meant being away most of the time to work and pay for bills
Seo Changbin (local police officer)
[27 years old]
-Yeonjun and Wooyoung's good friend
-has taken a liking to Taehyun and is always chatting him up when Taehyun visits with Yeonjun and Soobin
-a loud mouth, but he means well
-occasionally slips up and tells Wooyoung details on his recent cases
-himbo energy
Choi Seungcheol (local police detective)
[28 years old]
-the most renowned detective in Seoultham
-his father was also a detective but he died in the line of work by one of Joker's henchmen
-he started off at a younger age and became an unstoppable force in his work
-He's got plenty of loyal companions and he doesn't mind bending the rules to his favor if it means catching the perp he's chasing
-he doesn't particularly see his actions as morally wrong or that he might be abusing his title. What matters to him at the end is putting the person behind bars permanently
-Has a thing against vigilantes, even if they have truces with the police force (ahem ahem mingi)
Yoo Jeongyeon (reader's good friend)
[20 years old]
-attends Ok-ja Central college, law degree.
-Her and Nayeon share an apartment together in a more protected and enriched part of the city 
-which leads to them asking reader to move in with them, because they're worried for her wellbeing at Halazia apartments
-the more chill of the three friends. she's definitely the mom of the group
-she's always had the best grades, separating her future career and her personal life in the process
-her parents both work as lawyers, so it was in her nature to follow their footsteps. She doesn't feel the pressure to, though
-both her parents and younger brother live in another city
-chose seoultham as it was an unconventional place for her to make her mark, seeing as there was so much crime. 
-her father and Nayeon's father were friends, and due to that they became roommates and then close friends
Im Nayeon (reader's good friend)
[21 years old]
-attends Ok-ja Central college, visual arts degree
-Her eldest sister was a photographer before she passed, which left Nayeon with their sickly mother at the time. She had to take care of both of them for a while
-her mother proceeded to remarry a rich man after her sickness had gone away, said rich man became Nayeon's father
-he encouraged nayeon and promised to take care of her expenses. So then, when she graduated, she immediately applied for Ok-ja Central college at 18
-her step-father moved her into the luxury apartments, making sure she was in a safe part of seoultham
-conventionally enough her step-father also knew Jeongyeon's father, which ended up with them both becoming roommates. That led to them becoming close friends
-Her and Jeongyeon met reader in the college's dining hall when she stepped in between an argument to grab her silverware, completely disregarding the fighting men in favor of eating. They quickly took to befriending her
Kim Chungha/Annie
[28 years old]
-daughter of Halazia Apartment’s Landlady, and helps out a lot with managing the place
-works as a dance instructor 
-lesbian ("OMG GIRL KISSER CHUNGHA 😍😍" -leslie and calli)
-interested in Seonghwa's plants and occasionally visits him at the apartment to ask about his collection
-her and her mother are the only women Seonghwa is comfortable with (besides reader)
-she is SUPER lenient with the people in the building. How much trouble could two college kids cause?
-Chungha is not at all surprised by the amount of friends Mingi keeps up at his apartment, as long as they're not causing too big of a ruckus and trashing the place
-when her mother occasionally comes to visit the apartments, she makes sure to tidy up, as she does leave the place messy due to her packed schedule
Choi Soobin (Taehyun’s close friend)
[24 years old]
-Soobin and the rest of Taehyun's close friends had been around since childhood, having grown up with the Kang siblings.
-Soobin sees reader as if she's his own sibling.
-reader had a crush on him when they were younger 
-works as a historian, partners with Taehyun and Yeonjun a lot for projects and is hence always travelling with them
Choi Beomgyu (Taehyun's close friend)
[24 years old]
-works as an actuary 
-super laid back and fun
-often plays online games with reader even though they live in different cities
-crashes at reader's place whenever he visits (which is often, especially with the amount of travelling he can afford on his salary)
Choi Yeonjun (Taehyun's close friend)
[25 years old]
-works as a geologist, partners with Taehyun and Soobin and travels a lot with them for projects
-the one who originally got Taehyun a partnership with Visage of History Museum (and subsequently with Wooyoung)
-fratboy energy.. but not the nasty type of fratboy yknow
Huening Kai (Taehyun's close friend)
[22 years old]
-popular fashion designer in a bigger city
-founder of Huekai fashion brand (Hongjoong is a fan of him)
-he had a thing for reader when they were younger. And he still happens to have a small innocent child-like crush on her
-a goofy sweetheart, genuinely good hearted like a puppy
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asherthehimbo · 7 months
◇ Nyx's children [Nixie's]
m.list | next [Hala pack]
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[m/n] does not have a face claim, I just use the picture for refrence, while there are some specifics you can imagine him however you want. he is not and oc, you can imagine him as one or yourself if you want , it all depends on you, but ultimately I will be writing him as a reader
Taglist [4/30]: @foxilsdenn @zzstar @glitchyaiko @brrrkdslek
ik weapon is spelled wrong ignore that☝️
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depressedhouseplant · 2 months
🔞 Cops & Robbers 🔞
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Chapter 14
Tags: None - threat of violence I guess?
Felix was trying to balance his coffee and phone as he unlocked his office door. It seemed like everyone and their mother needed something from him and they needed it yesterday.
“Hello Felix,” a familiar voice got his attention. He dropped his phone and barely caught his coffee when he saw Hongjoong sitting at his desk.
“How did you…?” Felix looked down at the keys in his hand.
“How did I get in here? It wasn’t that difficult. You really should upgrade your lock if you keep sensitive information in here,” Hongjoong idly twisted a pen between his fingers.
“I thought our meeting was tomorrow,” Felix picked up his phone and walked over to the desk. He knew better than to even imply the older man should move. He sat in one of the chairs across the desk. Across from the chair where Eric -
Eric. No. There was no way.
“It was, but I had some free time this morning so I thought I’d stop by,” Hongjoong replied.
“Right, I apologize I’m not prepared. I was planning on getting that done today,” Felix told him.
“I know you’ve been busy with keeping the mayor happy and you’re down two employees thanks to Juyeon. I’ll forgive it for the moment,” Hongjoong replied. Forgive? The man Felix knew never forgave anything. At least, not that he’d seen.
”Thank you, sir. I appreciate that,” Felix nodded.
”I thought I’d offer you some temporary help,” Hongjoong said, hitting a button on his phone. It was a text he’d been waiting to send. The door opened a few moments later and another older man walked in.
“This is Yeosang. He’s been obtaining information for me for, what, thirty years?” Hongjoong introduced.
”Thereabouts,” his voice was almost as deep as Felix’s own. He sat on the couch, eyeing Felix like a lion might view a gazelle. ”Though I am slowing down a bit. I suppose that happens when you get old.”
”Nice to meet you,” Felix said, bowing his head a little.
”Of course, Jisung and Changbin weren’t exactly experts, couldn’t even follow orders, so I thought until you find suitable replacements, you’re free to borrow Yeosang,” Hongjoong told him.
”All due respect, sir, but I don’t believe I need anyone to help with that right now. Hyunjin is regularly getting information from the mayor,” Felix ventured.
”Is that so?” Hongjoong hit a button on his phone again. Another text. Every fear Felix had came true when the door opened. Hongjoong’s two pet cops came in, one on either side holding Eric’s arms. He was handcuffed and gagged, but otherwise looked unharmed. His eyes went wide when he saw Felix.
”He doesn’t know anything. He put together that I was the one who tortured Younghoon based on the description Younghoon gave him. That’s all he knows,” Felix told Hongjoong, trying to keep his voice calm.
”Yes, but who did he tell? Secrets have a nasty way of getting out and at the worst possible time. That’s what I need to know,” Hongjoong replied. “And that’s why I brought Yeosang here.”
Eric looked at Felix and shook his head.
“Take the gag out,” Hongjoong said. The shorter cop removed the cloth from Eric’s mouth.
“It’ll be fine. Don’t put yourself out there,” Eric said to Felix.
“I’m not letting him torture you when you don’t know anything,” Felix replied. Eric looked Hongjoong dead in the eye, something Felix rarely did even after years of working for him.
“Felix is telling the truth. When I heard Younghoon’s description I knew it was him. I confronted him, he told me I was right, and that’s all. Younghoon doesn’t know that I know. Neither does Juyeon. If Juyeon knew, I’m pretty sure Felix would be dead by now,” Eric said to the older man.
“And no one else knows?” Hongjoong asked.
“No, no one else knows. Can I go now? Juyeon is going to start to ask questions if I don’t at least check in,” Eric replied. Felix was equal parts terrified and turned on. He knew Eric knew the stakes. He knew Eric knew who Hongjoong was, but he wasn’t backing off. He wasn’t showing an ounce of fear even if he was afraid.
Hongjoong considered what Eric said.
“Fine, I’ll believe you for now. However, if I find out you lied to me, either of you, the consequences will be dire,” he said, standing up. Felix heard the distinctive sound of joints popping.
“Let him go and give him his phone back,” he instructed the cops. The taller one unlocked the cuffs and the shorter one returned his phone. Eric didn’t move. Felix stood up as Hongjoong, Yeosang, and the cops went to the door. Felix waited for some parting words, but they left with only a click of the door behind them. Felix waited a beat and then ran over to lock it.
“I knew this was going to happen, I knew it, I’m so sorry baby,” Felix pulled Eric into his arms.
”Babe, you’re gonna suffocate me,” Eric coughed.
”Sorry,” Felix let go and ran his hands over the younger man, checking for injuries.
”I’m fine, other than the fact they dragged me out of bed at three am,” Eric replied.
”Is it true? That you really haven’t told anyone?” Felix asked. Eric hugged Felix and pressed his lips next to Felix’s ear.
”There’s a bug in here. I don’t know where. That’s how he knew you told me and we’re together. Of course, we weren’t exactly subtle at the party. Don’t say anything you don’t want him to hear,” Eric whispered.
”Right,” Felix nodded.
”Sunwoo could find it, but you’d have to give him full access,” Eric continued. Felix considered Eric’s proposal.
“Okay, I can do that. I don’t think there’s anything Juyeon doesn’t already know anyway,” Felix whispered back.
”He doesn’t know what you did to Younghoon,” Eric pointed out.
“You haven’t told him?” Felix asked.
”Not yet,” Eric confirmed. “But there is someone else who does know.”
”Fuck,” Felix hissed.
”Let me handle my side. I know I can,” Eric told him. Felix hugged him tighter. He didn’t know exactly what dire consequences entailed, but he wasn’t sure he could handle anything happening to Eric. He’d promised to protect him as long as he was alive and he fully intended to keep that promise.
”Set it up with Sunwoo,” Felix said.
”Okay,” Eric nodded into Felix’s shoulder.
”I love you,” Felix breathed.
”I know,” Eric smiled. “I love you too.”
“Are you nuts? We can’t quit! This isn’t the kind of thing you just quit!” Yunho screeched at Jongho’s suggestion.
”We’re kidnapping people! We’re criminals! The extra money isn’t worth it!” Jongho protested.
”Yes, but I like having all my limbs and appendages. I’m pretty fond of my eyes, too,” Yunho replied.
”You really think he’d poke your eyes out?” Jongho gave him a look.
”I don’t know what he would and wouldn’t do, but I definitely got the impression he was going easy on Younghoon,” Yunho said.
”How much of this do you think is actually true and how much is just a myth he’s built up over the years? Gangsters die young, it’s a hazard of the trade. If he’s made it this long and everyone else is either dead or in jail then how do we know it’s true? There’s no one around to dispute the stories. He certainly can’t be bothered to do his own dirty work which is why he isn’t in jail. If anybody goes to jail it’ll be us. I don’t know about you, but I’m not overly keen on the idea of prison food for the rest of my life. We know for a fact he didn’t kill Changbin. He probably didn’t kill Jisung. I’m sure he had Mingi do that. Do we even know where Mingi is because I haven’t seen him in a while. Where’s the proof, Yunho? There isn’t any,” Jongho was practically out of breath by the time he finished.
”So what do you suggest we do? Turn in our two weeks’ notice in writing? You might not believe any of it, but I’m really not in the mood to test that theory,” Yunho snapped.
”We tell Wooyoung. We tell him everything,” Jongho replied.
”Like to his face? Then we’ll lose our jobs completely so we’ll be unemployed and not have eyes,” Yunho said.
”We broke into his house. We drugged and kidnapped his husband because some old guy who may or may not be what we think he is told us to. I’m sick of saying ‘how high’ every time Kim Hongjoong says ‘jump’,” Jongho snapped back. “But I’m going to do it alone. I need you to be with me on this.”
”Why? It sounds like you’ve already got your mind made up,” Yunho questioned.
”Because we’re partners and I don’t want to make your situation any worse than mine,” Jongho replied.
”Getting sentimental on me Choi?” Yunho snorted.
”You tell me Jeong,” Jongho said. “Though now that we know his MO, I think I know where we can get the leverage we need to quit.”
”What do you mean?” Yunho asked.
”He wanted something from Juyeon so he took Younghoon. He wanted something from Wooyoung so he took San. We want something from him, so we take Seonghwa,” Jongho said.
”Seriously?” Yunho stared at him.
”If we’re gonna get what we want, then we play by his rules,” Jongho replied.
”I can’t believe you’re actually suggesting this and I’m actually considering it,” Yunho shook his head.
”Honestly? Neither can I,” Jongho said.
”What would you have done if he called your bluff?” Yeosang asked Hongjoong in the back of the car after they left Felix’s office.
”Which one?” Hongjoong asked.
”Me torturing Eric in front of him,” Yeosang replied.
”The kid certainly has a set on him,” Hongjoong observed.
”Something tells me that’s part of his appeal,” Yeosang said. Hongjoong snorted a laugh.
”It always ends badly though,” he observed.
”Who do you think he told?” Yeosang asked.
”I don’t know, but I’ll find out,” Hongjoong leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
”And those dire consequences?” Yeosang continued.
”Haven’t decided yet. I figure I’ll let them stew for a while. It’s always more fun that way,” the other man replied.
”You always did have an odd definition of fun,” Yeosang said.
”I’m not the one who tortures people and enjoys it. You’ve got me confused with Haknyeon,” Hongjoong opened one eye.
”As do you,” Yeosang said.
”I do want you to keep an eye on Yunho and Jongho, though. I suspect they’re up to something, too,” Hongjoong instructed.
”Surveillance, it’s own form of torture,” Yeosang sighed.
”Just make sure they haven’t figured out where the bugs are yet. I know Jongho found the one in the car so I haven’t had ears on them there for a few days. He’s the one I’m more concerned about,” Hongjoong picked his head up.
”And if I find something?” Yeosang asked.
”I’ll leave that up to your discretion,” Hongjoong replied.
”Now that’s what I like to hear,” Yeosang grinned.
“I knew you would,” Hongjoong replied.
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sheepsanfluff · 1 year
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Denji Mingi !!!! 💝🪚
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jinisnuggets · 9 months
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Genre: Crossover, Idol AU, Introductions
Warnings: none
Word Count: 0.5k
RBW Entertainment
Fandom Name: Traitors
Official Colors: Black and Red
Dorm Arrangement:
Dorm 1: Ciel ; Hanako
Dorm 2: Tanjiro ; Mikey ; Toge
Dorm 3: Kenma ; Killua
All members have individual dorms too
Extra Info:
Traded debuted on November 16th, 2017. The group consist of 7 members
Debut Song: OnlyOneOf, Seoul Drift
I think Traded goes well with Ateez voices, so I make them sing Ateez songs.
They are arranged in age order based on their real birth date and the time the anime takes place.
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Anime: Black Butler
Positions: Producer, Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual
Ateez Member: Seonghwa & Wooyoung
Voice Alike Idol: P1Harmony, Theo
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: December 14th, 1875
-AU Birthday: December 14th, 1998
-At first, Ciel was meant to be a Main Vocalist, because of Toge joining the agency later on, he became a lead.
-His dance style is like Enhypen Sunghoon.
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Anime: Demon Slayer
Positions: Leader, Main Vocalist, Main Dancer
Ateez Member: San & Seonghwa
Voice Alike Idol: NCT, Ten & Oneus, Seoho
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: July 14th, 1900
-AU Birthday: July 14th, 1999
-Tanjiro is normally considered the best vocalist of the group because he can do all sorts of tones and pitches, he's stable, and flexible.
-Tanjiro is the all rounder of the group, being number 1 on vocals, 1 on dance, and 5 on rap.
-His dance style is like San, Seonghwa
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Anime: TBHK
Positions: Sub Vocalist, FOTG (Potential Lead Dancer)
Ateez Member: Yunho & Yeosang
Voice Alike Idol: TXT, Huening Kai & Ateez, Yeosang
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: November 25th, 1955
-AU Birthday: November 25th, 1999
-Hanako debuted as a visual along with Ciel and Toge, but he was switched for Face as the group debuted without one.
-Hanako is also an actor!
-His dance style is like TXT Huening Kai.
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Anime: Hunter X Hunter
Positions: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist
Ateez Member: Hongjoong & Yeosang
Voice Alike Idol: Oneus, Ravn
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: July 7th, 1987
-AU Birthday: July 7th, 2000
-Sometimes Killua Is considered the 2nd Main Rapper of the group.
-He was about to debut with Dreamers.
-His dance style is like Oneus Hwanwoong No Diggity style :)
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Anime: Tokyo Revengers
Positions: Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Center
Ateez Member: Mingi
Voice Alike Idol: NCT, Winwin
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: August 20th, 1990
-AU Birthday: August 20th, 2000
-He is the deep voice of the group, although his normal voice is soft.
-His dance style is like Treasure Junkyu
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Anime: Haikyuu
Positions: Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist (Potential Lead Vocalist)
Ateez Member: Hongjoong & Wooyoung
Voice Alike Idol: The Boyz, Sunwoo & NCT, YangYang
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: October 16th, 1995
-AU Birthday: October 16th, 2000
-Kenma didn't want to become an idol he wanted to be a producer for the company.
-Kenma gets a lot of vocal lines and is treated like a lead vocalist.
-He doesn't have good stamina but is a part of the all rounder line, being the 1st in rap, 2nd in dance, 4th in vocals.
-His dance style is like The Boyz Sunwoo & NCT YangYang.
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Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Positions: Main Vocalist, Visual, Maknae
Ateez Member: Jongho
Voice Alike Idol: Ateez, Jongho
Extra Info:
-Real Birthday: October 23rd, ??? (Theory: 1999-2001)
-AU Birthday: October 23rd, 2001
-He joined the agency when the group already had a line up, but only had few training months.
-He was supposed to debut in another group as Traded was already getting a line up, but since the line up wasn't official, he became the 7th member.
-His dance style is like Oneus Xion and Ateez Jongho.
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changbin-froggy-jimin · 11 months
Fill You Up Till You're Bursting
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Ship: Wooyoung/Seonghwa
Fandom: Ateez/FNAF Security Breach Crossover
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,845
AU: Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach
Tags: AI Robot Seonghwa, Janitor Wooyoung, Seonghwa has a virus, Seonghwa is an AI, People are dying in typical universe fashion but it's not kids, Seonghwa has anger issues but they're not his fault, Wooyoung is a bit stupid but we love him anyways, FANGS!!!!!, Biting!!!, Venom!!!, Horror elements!!!!
Crossposted to Ao3
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Wooyoung is a janitor at the newly opened Ateez Pizzaplex, staffed by state of the art AI rockstars. It was every child's dream to have a party there. And Wooyoung would be a liar if he said that he didn't get a job at the place just to be able to relive some part of his childhood. He was content to be one of the few human staff in the building, feeling at home with the robots and AI there.
It's just when staff asks him to start cleaning up mysteriously appearing blood, and soon enough bodies, that Wooyoung starts to get scared of just who exactly is running this place, and why they don't seem to care that the only way that these bodies keep appearing, is the same thing entertaining hundreds of children every single day.
And why won't Rockstar Seonghwa stop staring at him?
(No FNAF knowledge needed to read this!)
(Also I guess you could probably also read this without Ateez knowledge either 🤔)
(Though Seonghwa was based on Glamrock Bonnie, just in case you're curious)
Wooyoung was content to mop the floor. He was content to mop the floor and not think about the robot staring at him. He really really was, no matter how jovial he normally would have been. How he would normally have greeted the other by now.
The only thing he could think about was being pulled to the backroom yesterday by management and being told to clean up the bodies and gore that were left behind.
Nothing… Nothing human could have done that. No living thing had that kind of strength.
Seonghwa stares at him from across the room. He knows he is. Even though Seonghwa is popular, and tending to the various kids around him who want his attention. It’s like he can see the shift in Wooyoung, and Wooyoung is far too scared to look at him now.
This whole place is filled with bots. That was in the job description, that was what he signed up for. Janitor at Ateez Pizzaplex: Don’t have to worry about murderous nutjobs anymore! It’s all bots* (* with only a very few humans included to take care of the bots/facility)
It was nice. Honestly, at least at first, because Wooyoung could avoid various awkward break room conversations. Had no one over him to yell at him if he took too long on his break, no one to stop him from eating the leftover pizza (as gross as it is, he was hungry ok?). And no one to stop him from talking to the various AI around the facility. Yeah sure there were a few human security guards, but they came out at night, when Wooyoung was finishing up his shift, and he would wave at them on his way out and never talk to them besides a goodnight in the groupchat. No one ever replied, and that was perfectly fine with him.
Instead, he had friends outside of work that he had good interactions with, and even more than that. Wooyoung, though shyly admitted, really liked hanging out with the band. Not only just the band, but any of the helpful animatronics and AI that were roaming around, they were all really really nice.
He had formed good, but different relationships with all of them. Though there were a few he was less close to than others. Hongjoong was often so busy he didn’t have the ability to talk to him more. Jongho was still being integrated into the new band. And San was often too busy talking to his adorning tiny fans to be able to talk to him either.
Seonghwa, Mingi, Yunho, and Yeosang though, were a different story. Seonghwa was a main member of the band but he always took care to form relationships with the human staff around him. And Mingi and Yeosang often needed help with cleaning up in their areas that regular staff bots just couldn’t meet the demands of. Yunho was the AI that watched over the whole place and kept his eyes on everything, as well as kept up the human staffs training and schedules.
When Wooyoung was called in, it was to help clean things that were in hard to reach places. Which was basically vomit in odd places mostly. Wooyoung can’t even count the amount of times he’s had to clean it out of the ballpit or had to crouch down into the gears of Mingi’s airboat ride. It was nauseating. But it brought him joy to be able to make everything safe for the kids who would come behind. It wasn’t their fault they got sick, sometimes it was just like that.
Or at least it used to bring him joy to make everything safer. Now he was worried for them. Worried if there was something he could do to make everything better for them. People were dying. And he was helping this place to get rid of the bodies.
How long would it be until it was one of the kids? It had just been adults so far but… Wooyoung tried to shake the thought off. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real.
It was just pretend blood that washed down his drain along with a healthy amount of bleach.
Seonghwa again tried to get his attention, waving at him once the crowd around him disappeared, he looked like he was going to walk over, but Wooyoung was quick to pull up his Hongjoong branded watch and pretend to be called somewhere else so he wouldn’t have to talk to the robot.
Seonghwa watched with disappointment as Wooyoung walked away, Wooyoung gave him a small wave and mouthed sorry on his way out. He felt bad, and the AI were just too human for him not to feel like he was crushing someone else's feelings.
Normally Wooyoung would happily greet the bot, always happy to talk to him, all wide smiles and loud laughter. It made both Wooyoung and Seonghwa happy. Sometimes Seonghwa would even help Wooyoung clean up just to be able to talk to the human more. Wooyoung was so much more interesting than the other people who came here. While Seonghwa was grateful to everyone who came, of course he was, even if this was in his programming, he loved performing, loved the attention. But when the lights turned off at night, when everyone went home. Seonghwa didn’t think of anyone but the few humans past and present who walked around the facility. They were the only people he could really have conversations with, interact with in any way outside of his programming. It was nice.
And Wooyoung was his favorite.
❀´ ¸.☆¸.✿¸.•°”˜ƸӜƷ˜”°•.•.¸ღ¸☆´ ¸.✿´´¯`•.¸¸.
Wooyoung is cleaning up outside of the daycare, Yeosang already helped for the day, thankfully nothing too major, and Yeosang was made to be a self-sustaining bot. Wooyoung was half convinced that Yeosang only left a bit of mess there so Wooyoung would come and talk to him about something that wasn’t the topics of poop, candy, or animals for twenty minutes.
The topic was almost off his mind, he had headphones in, the children and their parents all being ushered out by staff bots and given stickers as well as well wishes and making both the parents and their children promise to return.
He hadn’t been asked to clean up gore in the back rooms today either, so that was a major plus. The only reason he had come back was that stupid contract anyways. He should have listened better when Beomgyu and Soobin told him to make sure to read it over with a fine toothed comb seeing as how KQ Animatronic Entertainment had many people go missing at their old facilities anyways. Wooyoung just saw the dollar signs and signed his life away. His friends used their God given right to call him stupid to his face, and Wooyoung accepted his lot in life. Such is the way of the person who is slightly out of their mind, but that was fine enough with Wooyoung and his pocketbook. What? Did they actually expect him to do nerd shit like read a contract? He didn’t think so.
He doesn’t hear one of the hallway doors opening. Doesn’t hear the soft footfalls of the animatronic, doesn’t hear the fake breaths he takes as Seonghwa stands way way too close to him to try to get his attention.
“-ng Wooyoung!” Is what he hears as his headphones are taken off his head.
Wooyoung startles, quickly turning around and finding Seonghwa there.
“Have you been avoiding me?”
“No.” Wooyoung says, like a liar. “Why would you think that?”
“I tried talking to you earlier in the Atrium, and it looked like you ran away after seeing me. And then I tried getting your attention in Mingi’s Golf, as well as San’s Raceway. It didn’t even seem like you noticed me.” Seonghwa looks so sad Wooyoung can feel his heart breaking in two.
“I’m sorry Seonghwa, I wanted to talk to you but I was just so busy today.”
Seonghwa raises an eyebrow at him.
“Too busy mopping up to say ‘hi’? Too busy to just wave at me?”
“Seonghwa…” Wooyoung whines. “I have to actually do my job while I’m at work. I can’t just play around with you guys all day, as much as I’d like to, we both know that’s impossible.”
“Wooyoung-” Seonghwa takes another step closer to him and Wooyoung feels himself flinch, taking a step back from the other.
Seonghwa’s face changes from his normal smile, to a confused look, before settling on something angry.
“Why did you step back?”
Wooyoung just shakes his head. “I- I didn’’t mean too, I’m just tired. It’s nothing, don't worry about it.
Seonghwa takes another step towards him and Wooyoung takes another one backwards.
“Wooyoung.” Seonghwa says but he sounds angry, Wooyoung has never heard him sound angry before. It scares him, a shiver running through him. He knows he doesn’t have much space left before his back hits one of the blue painted walls.
“Yes?” He squeaks out.
“Why are you running from me?”
“Running? Whose running? I’m right here. Look how close we are.” Wooyoung tries to gesture to the arms length away they were, still walking backwards while Seonghwa walked towards him like a predator.
An image of his blood splattered against the cheery blue wall behind him flashed into his mind just as his back hit it. He landed between party rooms, both with their entrances pushed further out into the main area, leaving him trapped on either side.
“Did you see them?” Wooyoung looks up at Seonghwa’s face, confused. “The bodies, did you see them?” He prods further.
“You know about them?” Is his reply, why does Seonghwa know about them? He didn’t.. He couldn’t have right? Not Seonghwa… “Why-?”
“You’re ok right? No one’s tried to hurt you?” Seonghwa tried to grab at Wooyoung's arms, probably to check him over, it was something Seonghwa did often. Often too concerned with other people. More than he probably should have been. But it just brings back images of torn off limbs. Muscles and limbs torn from their sockets cruelly. He swears he can hear the crunches from the limbs even though he wasn’t there. His mind plays the sounds on repeat during his nightmares. He just had to hold out for a few more months, a few more months and he wouldn’t be in life crushing debt from breaking his contract. Just a few more months.
Wooyoung pulls his arm out of Seonghwa’s grasp, holding his wrist and pulling both of his arms close to him.
“Are you afraid of me?” Seonghwa says, crowding Wooyoung further into the nook.
Wooyoung swallows and looks down at the floor.
“No.” He says shakily. But he can’t look the other in the eyes, it’s far too hard. He’s shaking, and honestly, he doesn’t think crying would be that far off the table if Seonghwa doesn’t stop crowding him into the wall soon.
“That body you saw, it scares you doesn’t it?” Seonghwa reaches out a fleshy synthetic material covered metal hand. Lifelike, far too lifelike. Running it over Wooyoung’s sweaty and clammy cheek. “Makes you afraid of me?”
Wooyoung is shaking so hard, he feels like he’s going to fall down and vibrate into the floor.
He doesn’t know what he should say, doesn’t know what he should do. Should he tell the truth? That he’s afraid of all of them now? That he’s terrified he’ll be the next body found and cleaned up by some guy named Michael next shift? That he’ll have his limbs torn from his body and placed neatly in a pile only to be taken away to the dump the next morning without another single soul knowing?
He looks up into Seonghwa’s eyes then. It wasn’t him was it? The killer wasn’t Seonghwa who he stupidly considered his friend, it couldn’t be right?
Purple glowing eyes stare back at him, and Wooyoung isn’t sure why he ever found them so cool before, because here, in the dark, being one of the few sources of light, they seem so inhuman, so alienating. Because after all, Wooyoung is so so fragile, and is staring into the artificial eyes of someone who could easily kill him. Tear his muscles from his bones and use his arms as paint brushes.
“I won’t let it happen to you Wooyoung.” Seonghwa says, sincerity weaves into every single word. His thumb brushing away a tear Wooyoung hadn’t realized had fallen until the wetness was spread across his face. “Never to you.”
Wooyoung feels grateful, feels protected for some reason, feels warmth bloom in his chest, but then the words sink in.
“So you let it happen to other people?” Wooyoung smacks away the hand holding his face then. Anger replacing fear and comfort in an instant.
Seonghwa looks away guiltily then.
“Oh my God did you kill them?”
“No I don’t-”
“Then you just stood by while it happened?”
“Wooyoung, I didn’t-”
“Why should I trust anything you say! You murderer!” Wooyoung shoves the other off of him, The other, though stronger and heavier is shocked by the action, sending him back, giving Wooyoung the ability to run but he doesn’t take it.
“Wooyoung...” Seonghwa growls out at him, he should have been able to take the hint, should have understood it for the warning it was. Potential killer robot status should not have been forgotten.
“I thought you were my friend! I thought I could trust you. This whole time you’ve been hurting people?”
Seonghwa grabs both of the hands he’d been using to talk with. Pinning them against the wall. Wooyoung’s eyes widened. His breath caught in his throat. As the huge and powerful animatronic held him, unable to move. Unable to even think about moving. He tried to wiggle out of Seonghwa’s grip, out of the fingers that ended in sharp talons big enough to pluck at the basses’s strings without the need of a pick.
“Stop. Trying. To. Move.” Seonghwa growls out, so close to Wooyoung's face.
“Fuck, please don’t hurt me.” The shaking has returned, even worse this time, and Wooyoung doesn’t know what to do. Seonghwa has never been this violent before, this strange touchy version of himself that Wooyoung has never seen before.
“I’m not going to hurt you. But you need to stay still.” Seonghwa’s form covers Wooyoung’s, crowding into his space.
“What- what are you doing?”
“Something I should have done a long time ago.” Seonghwa shifts Wooyoung’s hands until he only holding them in one of his own.
“Seonghwa please, please don’t do this. I promise I’ll always say hi to you, I promise, just please, please-” Tears are streaming down his face now. He doesn’t want to die, not here, not now. Not like this.
Wooyoung’s face is shoved unceremoniously to the side and into the wall. He can only stare at the empty side of the room, he tries to get a look into the daycare but can’t see anything. He wonders if Yeosang would try to save him if he could.
He feels artificially wet breath on his neck. He tries looking at Seonghwa, he shouldn’t be, but he was curious after all. Only to feel his pulse start to race even faster as he sees Seonghwa’s fangs.
The other is staring at what Wooyoung can only assume to be his neck, and is slowly widening his jaw to be able to fit around more of him. Mechanical gears shifting around and showing off those terribly sharp shiny white inhumanely shaped monster fangs. Wooyoung had thought they were hot before. That the whole band looked amazing with their sharp punk aesthetic, but now that he’s actually being faced with them they’re terrifying.
His eyes hurt being pushed so hard against their sockets just so he can try to get a look, a look at those sharp plastic coated metal teeth. They were going to kill him. Seonghwa was going to kill him. He was so stupid to think that just showing up to work would give him the pass to keep on living.
“Seonghwa please, please don’t do this. Please, I'm sorry!”
Wooyoung watches in horror as a purple liquid starts pooling on the sharp fangs. Dripping slowly onto the floor. He starts squirming again, and still finds himself unable to get out of the others' firm grip.
“Stop squirming little human, it will only hurt worse if you do.” And the fact that Seonghwa’s mouth doesn’t even pretend to move that causes him to cry out. The thing in front of him is so alien now.
He hears Seonghwa’s jaw make a final snapping sound, some of the skin in the corners of his mouth tearing at the action.
And he bites down. Hard.
Wooyoung feels it jolt his body. His breath stutters in his chest. Every sensation in his body focused on the four massive teeth that have forced themselves into his neck. Moving anything in their way to make their new homes in his flesh.
He can feel something being pushed into his body. With every pulse of the new liquid his body twitches.
He can feel his vision going dark, from whatever blood loss he must be suffering from, from whatever poison is probably filling his veins, or maybe even pure shock alone. His vision slowly starts to fade. He’s barely aware when Seonghwa steps back from him, the last thing he sees is his stage outfit, consciousness long gone before he hits the floor.
Wooyoung jolts awake in his bed. Sweat covers his entire body. He races out of his sheets, checking his neck in the mirror, he had to see it. Had to see just how bad it was.. There’s nothing there. Not blood, no fang marks… Nothing.
He sighs out a breath, clutching sweat-wet hair in his hands and letting out a short frustrated scream. He falls to the floor. It had felt so real, but it couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be.
He needs to stop watching scary movies. Needs to start eating hours before bed instead of an hour before it, if it all.
He curls up in his bathroom, back against his shower.
And cries.
ஐ〰ฺ·:*:·✿ ஐ〰ฺ·:*:·✿ ஐ〰ฺ·:*:·✿ ஐ〰ฺ·:*:·✿
He had called out of work the day before, but he needed to go back, it couldn’t be avoided anymore. In his apartment all he saw was the silhouette of Seonghwa lurking in the corners, terrifying him. In the mirror he swears it’s not his eyes that are looking back at him, sometimes they have this purple iridescent that scares him.
He feels like he’s losing his mind.
So, he does the one thing he knows best. Ignore his problems and go to work.
Once he goes to work it’ll be better, he’ll realize Seonghwa isn’t somehow living inside of his head, watching him, he didn’t force him up against the wall and bite him, filling him with some sort of purple liquid. It was all the terrifying dream his head made up. After all, there weren't any marks in his neck. And he didn’t heal that quickly in a day. So none of it was true, and Wooyoung was fine, and Seonghwa was normal. That’s the way things were and there was nothing that was going to change that.
He doesn’t even think about why he has no memory of getting home two nights ago, because it would break him.
He gets to work and signs in. Scanning his badge and opening the door to the back rooms.
Yunho greets him when he comes in. His cute face lighting up the console.
“Long time no see Wooyoung. How are you doing?”
“It’s only been a day, you miss me so bad already Yunho?”
Yunho’s face lights up with a smile, “Yeah.”
Sometimes Wooyoung really wishes Yunho had a body like the other AI around. He was stuck bouncing around consoles, well. Wooyoung supposes that wasn’t true, Yunho was probably more like an omnipotent hivemind. But when Wooyoung walks around Yunho bounces from his Hong-Watch to the various screens in any given room.
Wooyoung is quick to drop his stuff off in his locker, changing his regular clothes out for his Ateez branded one.
“So you are doing ok?” Yunho asks him again.
“Yeah, why?” Wooyoung says as he pointedly ignores the purple he sees reflected from his own eyes in the mirror. Unused to Yunho asking.
“Seonghwa was asking. He was concerned that you didn’t show up to work yesterday.”
“Tell him to buzz off.” Wooyoung grimaces, it wasn’t fair to be mean to the other just because he had a bad dream. “Sorry, just, if he asks again, tell him I’m fine.”
“Will do bossman!”
It’s been a few hours and Wooyoung still hasn’t seen Seonghwa around. Which was very odd. He should have been up on the stage with the others but instead Mingi had taken his place.
Wooyoung feels something stir in his chest but he’s not sure what it could possibly be. The emotion foreign to him.
He pulls up his watch.
“Hey Yunho, where's Seonghwa?”
“He’s been down in the repair bay since two nights ago. Had some sort of injury. Management sent him down there.”
Wooyoung hums, says thank you to Yunho for the information, and decides to visit Seonghwa when he’d have more time near the end of his shift.
♥・*:.。 。.:*・゚♡・*:.。 。.:*・゚♥
Wooyoung finishes up near the daycare again that night. Going back to the spot where Seonghwa had shoved him up against the wall, and finding no evidence that it had ever happened at all. He was just being silly. He just needed some rest after being so sleep deprived.
He heads into the utility tunnels that run throughout the whole place, finding his way down to the maintenance bay, should he technically be down here? Not at all. But that was again, the fun of running around a mainly non-human run place. Plus the entire security system (Yunho) was on his side and could cover up for him if it became a problem anyways.
He opens one of the double doors leading to the maintenance bay.
And there he is.
With his cheeks torn to show off sharp teeth still dripping the mysterious liquid. Eyes glowing an unnatural purple.
“Wooyoung, something is wrong with me and I don’t know how to fix it.” Seonghwa says to him with teary eyes, choking on a sob.
So it wasn’t a dream after all.
When Wooyoung ends up on his back on the floor with Seonghwa’s teeth in his neck again, filling him up with the purple liquid, he shouldn’t be surprised.
His body twitches as Seonghwa looks at him with furrowed eyebrows, like he’s confused at his own actions. And yet still his jaw is wrapped around Wooyoung’s neck, Wooyoung’s body jolting as Seonghwa bites at him harder.
Each pump of the liquid made his body twitch.
He can feel purple tears running down Seonghwa’s face, and he just pets his hair, trying to calm him down.
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 2 years
has anyone done a Far Cry 3 AU / crossover with ATEEZ yet or do I have to do everything myself 🙄 jk, jk, I have no time for it, but my GOD it's a fun idea.
if you know any good kpop / video game crossovers, send 'em my way pls, i BEG
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