#atleast for upperclassmens
fried-manto · 2 years
So today I had a school sales where we sell handmade stuffs. One of the stuffs are sketchbook, so I helped with the cover designs of the sketchbook.
Then during today, apparently I'm not the only person in the school who knows omori because there were seniors who stood there with their friends having conversations between themselves as they looked at my sketchbook designs,
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They were like, "is that omori?" "Omg that omori?" "Ayo omori?!"
Then one of them came up to me so I did the customer service thing and smile, "Would you like to buy something?"
He looked at me, "...No.. I just wanna confirm something.."
I blink, "..Confirm what?"
Then he gestures me to come closer, and as I did, he whispered into my ears,
".. is.. is that Sunny and Basil..?"
Literally I would've face palmed if I wasn't too much of a shy people pleaser.
But then I was tired of having to explain to people that no, that's not Sunny, they are both Basils. So instead I nod and said, "Yeah, its them, do you want to buy it?"
And he shakes his head and walks away.
and I was left there, hanging.
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kalims · 2 years
the day we met.
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and to think i promised i wouldn't fall in love. (modern au)
includes. kamisato ayato, heizou, scaramouche, xiao, thoma, pantalone, arlecchino.
cw. cursing, language.
note. I've been dead for like two months in genshin but suprise! we have new people
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kamisato ayato as the person that nearly all people adore, and envy alike. you can't say that you aren't immune to his uncanny charm to entrance a room with his gaze alone, and you definitely can't say that you indulged yourself a little further when he just so happened to set his eyes on you to cast a friendly smile. you're yet but another onlooker to the man that you could only dream to be yours. you're a little weirded out when it turns out he's a close friend of one of your friends, avoiding him like a plague since you're too embarrassed to face ayato and remember all those daydreams about him.
heizou as the boy who sits right behind your desk. you don't really know what to think of him other than the fact that he's unbearably annoying. during a test he's made you his frequent target to his little shenanigans of which you'd like to call 'bullying'. heizou is the boy that kept randomly throwing pieces of paper behind your head, acting innocent when you look back—smiling at you like he doesn't know that you know. he saved your ass one time where you completely missed a session to study, falling asleep amidst your drowsiness, and waking up horrified. you first thought the paper he threw at you was another one of his shenanigans but when you open it the exam answers are there.
scaramouche as your incredibly rude neighbor. you first officially meet him 1AM in the nearest convenience store when you were literally starving, and commuted to grab a quick snack. there was one packet of your favorite food left, just as you're about to catch it with your hands another pair viciously snatches it away. you look to the side only to meet eyes with a mocking, triumphant face. he apparently recognized you and made it his full time job to make your life worse than it already was. 'accidentally' set his pet to trash your garden, slamming the door on you when you end up at his doorstep asking if he has any spare sugar, and giving you the finger with an arrogant grin when he somehow ups you.
xiao as that one student in school who 50% people don't know exist, the remaining 50% being scared of him since he has the most terrifying dead stare. you only approach him, albeit curious about the rumors but all you really discover is a seemingly pleased looking xiao eating what you'd think to be 'almond tofu'. sure he looks a little intimidating but his body languange screams relaxed to you, what you discovered was a great contrast to all those rumors. atleast until he turned, and met you with an icy stare. all you could muster up was a nervous wave. though ultimately leaving him alone you still spare glances at lunch time when he's back to the more happy self, looking closer to realize that his 'dead stare' was his normal look.
thoma as the friend you formally met kamisato ayato from. he's a dear. in spite of the bundle of people you've met you can surely say that thoma's the longest one you knew. you're suprised, baffled even—at the fact that he's still single. thoma is the biggest catch you've ever seen with your own two eyes and you're even including ayato in the rope of fish in the sea! he's the kind of guy your parents would immediately approve of with just one dinner over and you have to actually have a whole debate on them to not start because he's just your friend. your mom tells you that you should take him before anyone else does.
pantalone as that one upperclassmen who already has a stable business that would no doubt have him set for life. scratch ayato as the one being most popular, it's obviously the people in that harbinger group. you're insanely jealous of him and wondering why the fuck hes still in college when dropping out won't even have a dent on his status, or business! if you had a life like his you'd live it out with the luxury his cash provided. somehow he knows you and makes it so that it's like subtly implying that he's richer than you in every other way. (he doesn't tell you that scaramouche babbles about you nearly half the time.)
arlecchino as another one of the members of the harbingers group. unlike pantalone who keeps it a secret, arlecchino straight up tells you that she recognizes you from scaramouche's endless complaints. she's quiet. if not a little harsh if agitated but it's on a more controlled degree compared to scaramouche. you'd prefer her silence over his insults any day. she's a great listener, not really speaking much other than a few comments but her eyes on you is what makes you aware that she's still listening.
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chosoluv · 11 months
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the cute boy in your art history class has a staring problem
jean kirstein x gn!reader
Content warnings - a college au written by someone who has NOT attended a college, mild swearing
Why were you even here? You had asked yourself that question as soon as you stepped into this this stuffy lecture room, where your intro to art history class was being held.
Its a twelve week long course over the duration of your summer break. Whilst your friends were spending their days on vacation in places like Rome, you were spending your time here.
‘But my friends won’t finish their degree as fast as I am.’
That’s what you told yourself at least. Rational for someone regretting their past choices.
But hey, it’s one more class off the checklist of requirements for your major. Plus, from what you have been told by your upperclassmen, the class was quite easy, and the professor was a nice guy. So really, maybe it’s not all bad.
What those upperclassmen failed to mention was that the professor was boring as hell. Sure, he’s nice and all that. But being pleasant doesn’t keep you interested.
When your fate had really started to settle in. You’d hoped that in the coming days you are able to atleast claim a seat by the window.
Maybe you can pick up a hobby like bird watching.
The class was no doubt held in a room predating your grandparents. A fact that would most definitely annoy you in any other setting, actually brought you immense joy. The age of this particular room and the size of this particular class allowed for there to be a warm window seat open to your satisfaction. One of the few pleasures you enjoy in this oh so cruel world.
You were basking in the afternoon sun, when suddenly there was something that actually caught your interest in this godforsaken class. Actually, “someone” might be the better phrase to use. This someone wasn’t present in the previous lecture you had attended, and you would know, it would be hard to miss him.
He was tall, had a brunette mullet, and hints of a beard growing on his face. He was utterly gorgeous, anyone attracted to men would undoubtedly consider him their type. Though sadly, he sat in the row behind you, making it almost impossible to shamelessly ogle at him.
A window seat was open once again when you had arrived to class this afternoon. The sun was high in the sky, beaming through the windows. A very pleasant occurrence indeed. With the sun on you, maybe today you could daydream about enjoying your days in Bali.
Your professor always posted the lesson for the day after each lecture, a kind gesture for anyone who wasn’t able to attend the class that day. But really this only encouraged people to skip out on the class altogether. You would’ve also been apart of this group if not for the development during your last class.
Sadly, once again, he had sat in the row behind you. Making it physically impossible for you to shamelessly stare.
But today you could say you were more brave, around ten minutes into the lecture you decided you would take a quick glance behind your shoulder, hoping you could save the memory of his face for the rest of the duration of this class.
However, when you did that, not only did you notice his beautiful face, but you also noticed him staring at you. Not only that, when you caught his gaze he didn’t even look away, it seemed like he stared even harder after.
Maybe he was challenging you to a staring contest.
Well poor him, he’s not getting one. You sure as hell weren’t going to crane your neck to stare at him.
That’s what you would’ve said it you were a quitter, and momma didn’t raise no quitter.
So you, quite childishly might I add, turned around and and stared straight into his eyes. You even squinted to appear as intimidating as possible.
And you want to know what this asshole did right after?? He had the audacity to smile at you before turning his attention back to your professor. The gull this guy had. He challenged YOU to a staring contest, before immediately quitting when you accepted his challenge.
Oh how much you hate his pretty little face now.
The next time you came to class there was something odd on the window seat you had claimed as yours. A drawing of you with a number scribbled on the back and a signature from someone named “Jean kirstein”. A name which you hope belongs to the cute boy in your art history class.
A/n - sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes, it’s proofread but something could’ve slipped through the cracks idk. Also I’m not too sure if I’m completely happy with this stories ending, so I might add a part two in the future, especially if y’all end up liking it!
Thank you for reading <3
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
I see you and other followers of yours talk about the stressors you face academically while going to college (or University, wherever they happen to be from). I went INTO my degree field immediately after high school graduation (take Dual Enrollment!! - I was able to get statistics, comp 1 and 2, biology, pre-calc, calc, trig, chem 1 and 2, anatomy and physiology, etc) with my AA in 2005 🫣 (I’m old #rip). I was used to group work, but the screeches I let out once I was with other college students… it made me want to rip my hair out. It drove me insane. I was lucky that most of my professors let us grade each other in the group - I did most of the work and was happy to throw some D’s on that b****. I see you all power through and I promise that as long as you all keep working hard, those group projects become easier as upperclassmen because others are serious about graduating with their degree. If you’re comfortable with others, take advantage of SI (supplementary instructions that TA’s usually lead!!) if your university has that service. I have a degree in Criminal Forensics and it only got easier the farther I got into my degree seeking program. You’ve all got this!! I believe in you all! I know it’s taxing mentally and physically, but just like you said, make sure to take care of yourselves. I always kept in mind that if I didn’t know it by 9 pm the night before an exam, I wasn’t going to know it at my 8 am Forensic Anthropology or Advanced Forensic Psychology exams. It helped me de-stress. I am very introverted and an independent learner… sometimes you have to accept that you’re not going to do “well”, but trying is really brave. Please don’t forget that! You’re intelligent!! And strong!!! 💖💖💖 XOXO
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i love u so much whoever u are. this comforted my little broken struggling college student heart. thank you so much for sharing your experience!!
i vent about the llege (derogatory) a lot n im sorry if it gets annoying to anyone but maybe not bc then other people come into the inbox and share their experience and its kinda just nice to hear that other people are in the same boat as u. the boat has a huge hole in it and it was made w old decrepit wood that was literally used to build the fucking trojan horse shit looks like plank from ed edd n eddy but atleast we're going down together right ?! :') <3
and thank you so much for sharing the tips! pulling all nighters n still not grasping any of it is sooooooo real !!! and group projects are legit the worst but you're right, each year the groups get a lil better n easier to work with!! this ask legit just cured my eternal need for comfort like the words of encouragement are so sweet and thank you for taking the time to write this!! i love you lots and i hope you degree led you down the most fulfilling path ever bc you deserve it <3
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gh0stchoir · 3 years
Nothing just daishou with a snake tail
“I don’t bite..hard.”
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Character(s): Suguru Daishou
Pronouns used: He/him
Time set point: highschool ages ig,,
Warnings?: technically kidnapping, maybe stockholm syndrome(?), not proofread
Also no one ask abt where the fuck his pp would be- BECAUSE I DONT KNOW LMAO—AND IS NEKO THE CORRECT WORD FOR A CAT HUMANOID??IDK-
“Go get more wood they said..just a bunch of stupid kitties.” Y/n groaned as he was sent out, yet again, to gather wood for his clan. They could’ve gotten someone else to do it, but no.
His ears were flattened against his head as he traveled out further. He occasionally picked a few mushrooms and put them in his bag. Could be useful for the clans medic, Yaku.
He knew he couldnt go far, knowing he could travel into other clans territory without him knowing. His clan was closest two Fukurodani, an ally, and Nohebi, an enemy. Probably the biggest enemy for Nekoma. Solely because of a stupid feud the two leaders of the clans had. Even to this day, they both hated each other’s guts.
Y/n mumbled curses as he looked at all the wood he collected. It surely was enough that nobody would get on his ass complaining about the wood. He hoisted up the thingy (what the fuck is it called LMAO) that held all the wood, onto his back and continued his journey back.
Stupid of him though, as he was headed in the completely wrong direction. He hadn’t brought a map, telling Kai that “I’m smart enough to know the way back home!”
It was atleast half an hour before y/n realized he wasn’t in his clans territory anymore. He was in the territory he always was told stories of by his upperclassmen. He was in Nohebi’s territory.
The neko quickly picked up a faint scent, it was that of a fire. He could also smell the whiff of a deer. He was definitely close to the snakes main camp.
He cautiously crouched down next to bushes and trees, pupils dilating to slits, as he tried to pick up any other scents. While too far into his own mind he hadn’t realized the creature moving closer and closer from behind him.
Suddenly something quickly grabbed hold of him, and he felt something sharp against his neck. Y/n felt his breath hitch in his throat. He’d been caught.
He felt something long wrap around his body, knowing he couldn’t run and that it was the tail of some Nohebi member. All he could think about was is this his final moment alive? Would the leader kill him, wanting some sort of revenge to show Tetsurou?
“Whats a kitty like you doing here, mhm?”
Y/n was turned around, only to be faced with the man he never wanted to meet. Suguru Daishou, leader of the Nohebi clan.
He glanced down to see the mans sharp claws on his hands ready to puncture his neck. Was he going to do it if he spoke? What should he make of the situation? He didn’t know.
“Answer me cat.” Daishou narrowed his eyes, now grabbing the nekos throat with his hand.
Y/n gulped, staring into thin green eyes. What should he say? What if he said the wrong thing and he killed him?
“I was c-collecting wood. I guess I wandered into this territory, I’m deeply—deeply sorry..” He spoke quietly. He stared at the male before him.
He was much more attractive than Kuroo described him. His hair looked well kept. He had narrowed bright green eyes, along with a nice jawline. He had many piercings on his ears, most of them probably worth much value. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, showing off his slightly muscled body. To top it all off, he had a long dark green snake tail instead of legs, with some darker green, some black, markings.
“Mhm..you aren’t a stray are you? You come from nekoma…don’t you?” A grin began to grow on Daishou’s face as he examined the Nekoma member before him.
Y/n trembled under his touch, terrified that he could so easily be killed. He nodded in response once feeling the slight squeeze on his neck.
Suguru let out a chuckle, releasing his hand from y/n’s neck and slightly loosening his tail.
“I wonder what Kuroo would think…seeing one of his little kitties taken by me. Oh what fun we’ll have..”
Y/n began trying to get out of the snakes grasp, fear fueling within him. He couldn’t die, he had to get back to his clan, he had to help them, continue to help them.
“Please let me go, Daishou..I won’t tell them anything.”
Daishou laughed, shaking his head. “It’s not that easy..they’ll sense your fear and force something outta ya’. You’re gonna stay with me for awhile. I’m sure no one would mind someone as cute as you hanging out at our place for a bit.”
Y/n felt his head get dizzy, watching as Suguru easily made his way back to his camp, y/n close to him in his arms.
A week. An entire week Y/n had so far been at the Nohebi clan. His days consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, spending the day with Daishou, getting the midday meal, more time with Daishou, dinner, then sleep and repeat.
All y/n was happy about what they gave him three meals a day. And they would get upset if he skipped out on a meal. So atleast they were taking the time to make sure he was somewhat healthy. Well, he would admit to himself that it wouldn’t be an entire lie if he said that Suguru was attractive to him. And made him feel special since he treated y/n with such kindness and respect. Besides his teasing of course.
“Daishou! They’re here-multiple of them!” Hiroo yelled, catching the attention of all the Nohebi members. Daishou groaned as he set down his cards on the table. Everyone else got up and made their way to the front.
Suguru opened the door, coming face to face with Kuroo. The shorter of the two grinned lazily.
“Well look what the cat dragged in. What do you want, cat.”
Kuroo narrowed his eyes as his long tail furiously waved low to the ground behind him. “You know exactly why I’m here.”
Daishou raised a brow and huffed out a breath. “No fun, can’t ever play a game with me. You’re always so impatient..but fine. So, what do you want me to do?”
Tetsurou stared at him in disbelief. He was so close to stepping right on the end of Daishou’s tail, knowing how bad it would hurt. He’d done it in the past, knowing it would work now.
“You fucking- you know exactly what I want you to do. Give him back, he’s not apart of your clan.” Kuroo growled. His sharp teeth beginning to show.
Suguru sighed and clicked his tongue. He reached behind him and pulled y/n right next to him. Y/n stared at his clan, that stood right before him all with wide eyes as they stared back at him.
Kuroo impulsively reached out for y/n, only for Daishou to pull him back and glare at the Nekoma leader.
“Ah ah ah, no need to be hasty. Besides, the game is over. I won fair and square. Remember that time ago when all of us clans established rules? If someone from a different clan travels upon someone else’s territory, they’re free to do as they please. That’s what this kitty here did. He disobeyed the rules everyone put into place.”
Nekoma stared in shock, no one knew what to say. Yaku balled his fists up and growled, making his way to beside Kuroo. “Thats-thats not fair at all!”
“It is, shortie. We all agreed on the rules. Hell you all are trespassing on my territory right now! I could have you all killed. So, how about you scurry back home and let me have my time with the person who is my captive now. The one that I’ve seen has taken attraction to me. Isn’t that right, y/n-Chan?”
Y/n felt himself blush, as he stared into Suguru’s eyes. The same green ones he was once told to watch out for. Did he really feel attracted for him captor? Was he really going to be taken away from his clan, only to be put into the rivaling clan?
Daishou rested a hand on either side of y/n’s face, his grip soft. He smiled, a sickly sweet smile that looked nice. But behind it was only pure mischievousness. “Answer now, little kitty.”
Y/n couldnt tear his eyes away from Suguru’s, nodding his head softly. Who was he to lie? He was still going to be in the Nohebi’s grasp. Better to get out the truth before he could get hurt.
“See how honest…ah Kuroo you let a good one escape.” Daishou chuckled, having a wide grin. He looked back at his rival, practically seeing fire in his eyes.
“Now..I suggest you leave before I have to resort to killing you all. I have about thirty cages full of deadly snakes I can pour out and they can kill you all in an instant. So say goodbye to y/n and be on your way.”
All of Nekoma just stared at their clan member. He was so close to them. But they knew Daishou could kill y/n in a split second. They had to let him go, for now.
Kuroo frustratedly ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply.
“This isn’t over. Whatever this stupid game of yours you are playing, you’re not going to win. You’ve done cheated, just like you always do. We’ll get him back whether you like it or not…stay safe y/n, I promise we’ll get you soon.” Tetsurou had a sad look in his eye, looking at y/n. The male only looked away guiltily. He couldn’t look his leader in the eye, not now, maybe not ever. He felt like he betrayed them.
Suguru held a proud smirk as he watched Nekoma force themselves back to their clan, holding y/n close to his side. He glanced at him and smiled.
“Thank you, yknow. I know it was probably hard to admit your attraction for me right infront of the people that could’ve saved you. But..you did wander here. I cant just let my prey go so..will you happily stay mine?”
Y/n just stared, his head feeling light. So many emotions ran through him. His head hurt like hell, his ears feeling numb from having them folded against his head for so long. But he didn’t say a word, not giving Daishou the satisfaction he craved.
The snake sighed and closed the door, moving with y/n back up to his room. He saw how tired the neko was, knowing he wanted rest.
“It’s alright, you can answer in the morning.”
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Neil Josten is the type of person to eat the same meals every day out of ease, it takes atleast half a year for the upperclassmen to catch on because lunch in the athletes caffiteria is an outlier and should not have been counted
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cjmonsterwolf · 4 years
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Look it’s me in art form (art by me)
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And it’s me in non art form (non art by me as well) I have spent most of night trolling homophobic incels on a instagram post causing gender discourse featuring this gem of a sassy reply by yours truly
thank you for this great comment your reply totally adds to this thread you could have atleast been more creative with your addition to this yet here we are your comment just shows how much of a asshole you are if your going to be a little homophobic asshole please please do it as far away from me as possible because incase your incapable of reading I am in fact a queer man who has delt with a hella of a lot worse people than you most likely child on the internet ( the last part refers to another comment higher on the thread where I regailed the time I almost got hate crimed by a bunch of redneck upperclassmen) also no I am not threatening a child
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