#attendance machine supplier
timevisionsme · 1 year
time attendance system installation company
Timevision provide excellent office door access control device in your requirements with affordable price.  we provide zkteco, virdi, invaxium access control machine with access control software. are you looking access control installation company timevision is one of the best place. biometric door access control easily ensure your office safety all times.
Technical Specifications:
Device name : Zkteco BioPro SA40 Door Access Control
2.4-inch TFT color screen and Touch keys
 Ultra-thin and elegant design
 Full Access Control Features: Anti-passback, access control interface for 3rd party electric lock, door sensor, exit button, alarm
 Standard Wi-Fi
 Network interface by TCP/IP or RS485
 Built-in auxiliary input with enhanced flexibility to link with wired detector or emergency switch
 Multiple Verification Modes: Multi-verification methods (card is optional) providing user various choices
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smartsafetyindia · 1 year
Smart Safety India is dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions to streamline your attendance management processes.
Contact us now to known more about our advanced biometric attendance system and visit our youtube channel
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snehaleenakashe-blog · 6 months
ZKTeco Horus E1-FP Time Attendance Machine
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ZKTeco Horus E1FP is one of the most advanced Access Control & time and attendance terminals existing in the market, with an incredibly compact size (almost the same size as the iPhone XS max).
Powerful facial recognition technology offering up to 3 meters recognition distance, ±30 degrees pose angle tolerance, high anti-spoof ability, support on plentiful communication protocols (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, Bluetooth) and worldwide network setting, optional fingerprint and RFID card modules, up to 10,000 facial templates capacity.
It is compatible with the all-in-one security & time attendance platform ZKBioSecurity and BioTime.
• New height of facial recognition template capacity up to 1: N-10,000 facial templates • Anti-spoofing algorithm against print attacks (laser, color, and B / W photos), video attacks, and 3D mask attack • Supports multiple communication protocols: 4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB • 5-inch smartphone-grade IPS touch LCD monitor • Extensive Fingerprint, RFID, and TCP / IP, modules available • Extra-large 2MP CMOS with WDR function • Various further development options: embedded GPS / A-GPS, microphone, and PIR sensor
Costtocost offers the best price for the ZKTeco Horus E1-FP Time Attendance Machine. Buy now with the best price!
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authorred · 6 months
Doctor's Orders | Part 2 | Li Shen/Zayne x fem!Reader | Love and Deepspace
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Preface: With you hospitalized and in critical condition, Zayne has taken it upon himself to ensure you are nursed back to health. Under no circumstance are you allowed to do close to anything on your own.
Part 2 of my self indulgence because why not I love this man he's so sweet???????
Part 1 Part 3 (coming soon)
Warning(s): None
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Your eyelids feel like lead when you try to open them. It takes a strenuous amount of effort to move them, and your body overall feels like it’s being weighed down by anchors. You can hear the steady beeping from next to you, just barely; white floods behind your eyes the more you rouse into consciousness. You can barely move your arms and legs, let alone your head, or even your eyes. It’s the beeping of the machine that keeps you awake enough. Soon, you force your eyes open, and you’re immediately blinded by the sterility of the room.
“What. . . ?” It comes off as a soft inquiry, unheard by everyone. You’re a little disoriented, and you don’t remember how you got to where you are. You feel something on your face, covering your nose. After thinking about it for a little, you figured it’s an oxygen supplier of some kind. Did you become that hypoxic that you need oxygen? You won’t know until you talk to a doctor.
A doctor.
Your doctor.
Oh god, your doctor. Zayne.
Zayne is going to kill you.
There’s no way he doesn’t know—and if he didn’t, there’s no way he hasn’t asked to take over as your attending physician during your stay. Even though you know he’s not in the room with you, the mere thought of it is enough to send your eyes flying open. You attempt to sit up—and your body quite literally burns like the fiery depths of hell. It hurts you, and you’re stiff and sore and covered in bandages, and you think there’s a hole in your chest, but you don’t care; you fight through it.
“Don’t sit up. You’ll tear open the stitches.”
You freeze at the low timbre of a familiar voice. It’s soft as it always is when speaking to you, but you can’t help but avoid looking at the owner of it.
“Lay back down. You’ll need more rest than usual.” A hand meets your shoulder and gently pushes you back down onto the mattress—and you follow it without a word.
Your eyes don’t meet his, “I didn’t—. . . okay. I won’t move.” For a moment it’s silent and you can feel him staring down at you. You know he’s frustrated, sad, angry even. Maybe all three. You know he wants to say something, perhaps scold and lecture you about overworking yourself. You’re waiting for the inevitable but it never comes. You nervously look up at him and he’s not looking at you either.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is hoarse from exhaustion, “I didn’t mean for this to happen. The Wanderer just appeared in my complex, and. . . I was the only Hunter there.”
Zayne looks at you, “I understand. I heard of what happened. You did what you had to do to protect the people there. There were minimal injured because of you.”
“That. . . I mean, I’m glad, but. . . I feel like you’re disappointed in me.”
Zayne stares at you for a moment before sighing softly, “I’m not disappointed in you. It wasn’t your fault that you were forced into that situation. I’m only glad you were admitted when you were.”
“Be honest: how close was I to dying?”
Zayne hesitates to answer ever so slightly, “. . . Too close. Your heart stopped. You were severely hypoxic and in respiratory failure, your tissues weren’t getting adequate oxygen, and you experienced severe blood loss due to a puncture wound to your chest that barely missed your aorta.”
You don’t visibly react when you hear his explanation. “I see. I don’t remember any of that. The last thing I remember was the Wanderer coming at me. After that, it’s nothing.”
“Your body and mind were under an exorbitant amount of stress. Especially your heart. You were only at thirty-seven percent function.”
“I’m assuming that means my heart was at a risk of stopping at any time.”
“That’s correct.”
“Great,” you snicker but there’s not a shred of joy behind it. “And now I’m stuck here for weeks and maybe months.”
You stare up at the ceiling and don't give a response. You couldn't even if you wanted to. What were you supposed to do until you were discharged and cleared? You can't stay still—your mind is always moving, constantly running. If you don't get that energy out somehow, you'll go mad. You can't stay cooped up in the hospital. Zayne knows that too, and you hate that.
"Don't think about sneaking out like you have in the past," he says. "You've been put down as a flight risk in your chart."
You roll your eyes, "That was only once, and I only had a wrist fracture."
"You fell from a twenty-storey building and landed on the roof of a car. You're lucky that a broken wrist is all you walked away with." His voice is calm but the way he delivers it gives off agitation. You've heard the tone before—he usually gives you it when he's worried or concerned.
"Maybe." You toy with the sheets pulled up to your waist, "I just. . . I don't know why I'm like this."
Zayne places his hands in his coat pockets and turns his body, so all his attention is on you.
"I can't sit still. I get unnerved. Like I'm meant to be doing something. That's why I keep going on missions. I can sleep, but all I dream about is fighting wanderers. Even on my days off I'm wondering when an attack is going to happen."
Zayne stays quiet, only adjusting his glasses. He understands what you're saying. In a way, he's the same. He can enjoy his off time too, as little as it comes, but sometimes he wonders how the hospital is without him on the clock. "I understand. It's difficult to regulate yourself when you're constantly working. Your mind has no idea what to do when it's quiet."
"It really doesn't. And it's pathetic, because then it ends up like this and I feel like a child who can't do anything for themself."
Without a word, Zayne sits down on the edge of the bed—gently, to not upset your wounds. He's conflicted as to whether he should look at you or not. Instead, he settles on your IV pole. "It's not a crime to be taken care of sometimes. If you're hurt, that's a doctor's job. That's my job."
"Of course it is, you're a doctor," you snort softly. "If you weren't. . ."
"Even if I wasn't, I'd still take care of you."
You look over at him in silent surprise. He's not looking at you but he's never one to be dishonest. For whatever reason, you believe him when he says that. You don't know how you feel about that—a part of you wants to lean into it, but another part of you want to push against it and him. He's already under so much stress ensuring his patients are alive and as healthy as they can be. How selfish would that make you if you wanted that from him too? "Even though I constantly do things to get myself hospitalized?"
He nods softly, "Yes."
"Even though I could randomly keel over and die someday because of my heart?"
His eyes move to look at yours, a somber look in them. "Yes. Even that."
"I see." You look back up to the ceiling. "How is. . . will this affect the amount of evol I'll be able to use?"
"I don't believe this is the most opportune time to discuss this. You should rest and gain more energy."
You sigh softly, "Okay. Thank you."
"You're welcome." Zayne stands from the bed, "Please call a nurse if you need anything. I'll be back to check on you soon."
You nod, "I won't be going anywhere anytime soon."
Zayne's lips curl up ever so slightly—if you weren't so accustomed to how he is, you would've missed it. "I'm glad. It would cause a lot of trouble if you did."
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
When the service rep comes around, that's when the real good stuff starts. In any company that employs a lot of high-end equipment, the bosses usually insist upon having someone from the supplier of that equipment on call, for when it breaks down. If you're smart, the contract you write with the vendor lays out the expectations for how quickly your precious factory, plant, or agricultural operation will be returned to operation, and thus profitability.
As such, any malfunction that is serious enough to trigger a "call-out" has a service rep attend to it, to make sure the relationship doesn't turn litigious. While the maintenance worker slaves away, the rep spends time smoothing over ruffled feathers with the boss.
Maintenance workers are initially hazed upon their arrival, in a sort of "ooo, you're in trouble" elementary-school-level ritual. Getting called to the principal's office! After they've proven their diligence, all but the dimmest bulbs are then accepted into the group of other working-class Joes on site. Come check out the cool thing we did to your machine so that it wouldn't break like this so often. What do you mean it broke? It was not our intention, caste-mate. Please accept some disgusting instant coffee as way of partial apology.
This never happens to the salespeople, if you have any, who are suspicious of the foreign service rep, and remain so the entire time. Although they have much more in common than different, a seasoned office-politics observer can tell instantly from their posture and manner of speech that the interloper in their territory makes them feel threatened.
Although I no longer work in an office of any kind, the sight of a photocopier or telecom repairperson's van parked out front of one still gives me the visceral thrill of knowing someone else's day is going to be spent pulling a bunch of fucked up wires out of a closet, then discovering the creators of those fucked up wires are in fact their new best friends. And then knowing that the guy in the Lexus following him is going to probably get ditched by the sales force outside the sleaziest peeler bar they can find, leaving him holding the bill.
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cmweller · 4 months
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Challenge #04154-K136: Made to Care
I was built by the B'Nari to be extremely versatile. I care for those who are no longer able to care for themselves, or, due to birth or accident, have never been able to do so. It can be difficult, sometimes, I admit. But seeing my human smile as I help them through their day, and make their life so much easier, is very rewarding. -- Anon Guest
Life is not limited to the organic. Just ask the AI Alliance if you have a decade to spare. You will be educated whether you like it or not. Ignore the palaver about the perfection of digital life.
There's no such thing as perfect. If there was, upgrades and new models would not exist.
I am... currently... as perfect as I can get. I am the ultimate caregiving machine. The peak of technological solutions from Focepps Medikal Suppliers. I am made for the repetative and arduous tasks that steal time from attending Mediks. Time they could spend on other tasks.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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ravendruid · 1 year
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Since a couple of people were interested. I'm going to post a few inspiration boards for Be In My Eyes (you can read it here or on AO3), starting with the inspiration for Glorious.
Glorious is located on a nondescript street near the campus. The outside of the building is just like the others in its vicinity, with dark red bricks that blend too well with each other. Above the wooden door hangs a sign with a golden unicorn over a dark background with the world Glorious written above it in gold calligraphy.
On the other side of the wooden door is a curtain of beads of different shades of purple and pink, and a few golden and white. The inside looks bigger than the outside, and the purple aura underneath the door comes from the purple glow of lights spread around the area. The first floor is the main bar area, with wooden tables and booths that have seen better times, the black leather seats at the boots are worn but not ripped, and the chairs have matching cushions. Each table has a bowl with floating purple candles and rose petals, and the walls are adorned with various curtains and fabrics in shades of purple, lilac, soft pinks, and golden accents. On the opposite side of the entrance is a wall displaying dozens of bottles behind a long wooden counter. To the right of the entrance is a set of doors that lead to the bathroom and the employees' area, and to the left is a wooden staircase with deep purple carpet and golden trim that leads to the first floor.
The upper floor of Glorious looks even bigger than the lower floor due to the mirrored wall behind the DJ Booth on a small stage. A few microphones and musical instruments are set aside on the stage, and there is a small Karaoke machine in the corner. The dancefloor takes most of the center of the room, with a disco ball spinning above it on the ceiling, creating light effects. Around the dancefloor are several alcoves, with couches and armchairs, surrounded by white and light purple curtains and gold string lights hanging from the ceiling, creating some sort of privacy. Each alcove has a small table in the center, a very comfortable lilac rug, and several comfy pillows with different colors within the bar's color scheme. Although the music is louder on this floor, the curtains help dampen the sound.
Check below for a sneaky surprise about Gilmore's backstory.
Shaun Gilmore was born in a small village in Marquet named Shandal, and he moved to Emon shortly after finishing high school. All he had on him was a small backpack with clothes and his belongings, a pouch with some gold, and all the dreams in the world.
Because he couldn’t attend university, and to be honest, he wasn’t really that interested in it, Gilmore quickly found work within the city, aiding store owners by running errands for them, cleaning up the shops, and restocking overnight. He climbed his way up the ladder until he earned a job as a counter clerk at a bookstore during the day and a barman at night. 
A couple of years after handling two jobs at the same time, Gilmore realized that being behind a register was not something he wanted to do forever and that he really enjoyed his time at the bar, where he got to meet many interesting people around his age and hear stories of many different backgrounds. His love and dedication to the establishment drove him to pick up more work in the back room: he learned the ropes of ordering goods, establishing contacts with suppliers, and managing stock and personnel. It didn’t take long for him to be promoted to manager and to learn how to handle the books from the owner. 
A year and a half ago, the bar owner decided it was finally time for retirement. The bar had done well in the past twenty years he owned it, and he had a decent amount saved for his retirement. So, without a second thought, the keys were handed to Shaun, and the deed was signed in his name. For the next month, Gilmore worked tirelessly in redecorating the establishment to his vision. Due to his love and respect for the place and the person who had welcomed him with open arms, Gilmore kept some of its characteristics, like the wooden tables and counter, the booths and their worn leather seats, and the small stage on the top floor. 
Somewhere in the back room, in the office Gilmore now calls his own, is a secret binder with ideas, plans, and graphs for his next project.
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weldarcindia · 6 days
Where to Find the Best Manufacturers of MIG Welding Machines
The significance of selecting the appropriate welding equipment cannot be emphasized. Among the numerous welding procedures, MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding has been popular for its adaptability and effectiveness. 
Finding the top Mig welding machine Manufacturers is essential for any company investing in this cutting-edge technology. In this blog, we will guide you on where to find top manufacturers while also touching on related equipment like laser cutting machines and fiber laser cutting machines.
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1. Research Online
Thoroughly researching MIG welding machine manufacturers online is the first step in locating trustworthy companies. Start with industry-specific websites, forums, and social media platforms where professionals discuss their experiences with various brands. Websites like Weldarc India provide insights not just into MIG welding machines but also into laser welding machine manufacturers, helping you make informed decisions.
2. Industry Exhibitions and Trade Shows
Attending industry exhibitions and trade shows is an excellent way to connect with MIG welding machine manufacturers directly. These gatherings frequently include live demonstrations so you can watch the machines in operation. Not only can you compare different models, but you can also ask manufacturers about their cutting and welding machines, including advanced options like fiber laser cutting machines.
3. Customer Reviews and Testimonials
When evaluating potential manufacturers, always look for customer reviews and testimonials. You can feel more confident in your decision if other firms provide you with positive feedback. Websites that aggregate reviews of welding equipment might be important information. Take note of remarks regarding the functionality, robustness, and after-sales support provided by MIG welding equipment suppliers.
4. Manufacturer’s Reputation and History
When making a purchase, take into account the manufacturer's track record and reputation. Established companies with years of experience in the industry are more likely to offer reliable products and support. Check if the firm specializes in MIG welding machines and study their range, including related equipment like laser welding machines and cutting machines.
5. Technical Support and Warranty
Reliable technical support and warranty options are essential when choosing a MIG welding machine manufacturer. Ask about the available options for after-sale support and service. A manufacturer that stands behind its products will give thorough warranties and be ready to assist you in case of any concerns.
6. Quality and Innovation
Quality is paramount in welding equipment. Look for manufacturers known for using high-grade materials and innovative technology in their MIG welding machines. Businesses that frequently lead the industry in innovation, such as Weldarc India, a well-known manufacturer of fiber laser cutting machines, guarantee that you get cutting-edge technology.
7. Custom Solutions
If your project requires specific features or customization, look for manufacturers that offer tailored solutions. Numerous leading producers of MIG welding equipment are aware of the various demands of their customers and are prepared to modify their offerings accordingly. The correct manufacturer will collaborate with you to determine the optimal solution, regardless of whether you require a regular machine or one that is optimized for laser welding.
In summary
Finding the top MIG welding equipment manufacturers entails rigorous research, attending industry events, and assessing customer comments. By focusing on recognized companies with a reputation for quality and innovation, such as Weldarc India, you can ensure that your investment in welding technology is sound. Recall that the productivity and efficiency of your company will be greatly impacted by your choice of manufacturer, regardless of whether you're shopping for MIG welding machines, laser welding machines, or cutting machines.
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plastic4trade · 13 days
International Plastics and Rubber Industry Fair in October at Vietnam
Vietnam Plas 2024 will be held from 16th - 19th October 2024 at Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center - SECC in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  VietnamPlas has consistently stood as the foremost industrial exhibition in Vietnam. Serving as the bridge connecting the global supply chain with the Vietnamese market, the exhibition has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and catalyzing the growth of the plastics industry to meet global demands. The fair covers a wide range of topics and sectors within the plastics and rubber industry. This includes plastic machinery, chemicals and raw materials, machinery auxiliary industry, heating and control devices, hydraulic and pneumatic technologies, recycling techniques, and other relevant products and services.
VietnamPlas has brought together a diverse range of exhibition categories, including machinery equipment for plastics and rubber processing, manufacturing and distribution of injection moulding machines, film blowing machines, etc. VietnamPlas also bring the most promising businesses and exhibitors to participate, creating opportunities for the development of the plastics and rubber industry in Vietnam. VietnamPlas is not only an opportunity to access the latest technologies and products but also a chance to expand cooperation relations.
Visitors Profile:
Aerospace / Railway
Automobile / Auto Parts / Accessories
Building Materials
Chemicals & Raw Materials
Cosmetics / Daily Chemical Products
Environmental Protection / Recycling / Upcycling
Food & Beverages
Machinery & Testing Equipment
Moulds & Dies
Packaging / Printing
Pharmaceuticals / Medical Supplies & Equipment
Plastic Furniture / Lighting
Plastic Products & Parts
Plastics Recycling
Product / Industrial Design
Rubber Products & Parts
Exhibition Highlight
Exhibition Date: 16th To 19th Oct 2024
Time: 16 to 18 October 09.00 to 5.00 and 19 October 2024 09.00 to 3.00 PM.
Exhibition Location Address: 799 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hall No. – A1, A2 and B1, B2
Entry Fees – Free Ticket for Industry Professionals on advance booking.
Estimated Visitors: 60,000 Visitors
Estimated Exhibitors: 1000 Exhibitors
The most promising exhibitors will showcase their latest cutting-edge products based on global trends at the VietnamPlas exhibition. Here, leading suppliers from many countries will meet all your needs in the supply chain of the plastics and rubber industry. A distinguishing feature of the exhibition is its close ties to the local plastics industry, positioning itself as an ideal platform for entry into the Vietnamese market and for the international showcase of products and services.
Organizer Information. 
Organizer Name: Chan Chao International Co., Ltd
Organizer Address: 3F, No.185, Kangchien Road Nei-Hu Dist. Taipei, Taiwan
Organizer Phone No.: 886 2-26596000
Organizer Email Id: [email protected]
Stall Booking Number: +886-2-2659-6000 
Website: https://www.chanchao.com.tw/en/
Registration Link: https://www.chanchao.com.tw/en/preReg/index.asp?id=FPLSHCM2024&c=
The event fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange, enabling participants to address key challenges such as environmental sustainability, product innovation, and supply chain optimization. As the industry moves forward, the insights and partnerships developed at this event will play a crucial role in shaping the future of plastics and rubber manufacturing in Vietnam and beyond.
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timevisionsme · 1 year
time attendance system
timevision one of the leading biometric time attendance system Dubai supplier and installation company. Time Attendance System Dubai – we provide excellent and world leading time attendance machine in your requirements. time attendance device easily capture every employee in and out time with fingerprint and face id authentications. you can easily calculate total employee attendance report with in second. time attendance device used to improve your office working hours and employee potential energy. and increase your office revenues. biometric time attendance machines are prevent duplicate fingerprint and face id. biometric time attendance system widely used all industry. Easily manage time attendance system. timevision provide online time attendance management system & attendance tracking software in Dubai to help manage attendance report remotely. out IT-team developed new time attendance reporting software
time attendance system Dubai
Bio metric time attendance system helped to manage the employee’s attendance, monthly and yearly leaves, employees’ progress reports and  employee’s daily records. To check in and out time for pay role process . Importance of time attendance system is to monitor employee time activity. Do you remember the old fashioned days, employee’s in and out time is manually it become chaotic and manipulated easily .
Timevision security system developed timesuite biometric time attendance system software. These software used to manage the employee’s attendance and go to modern level managing time attendance system. We provide lot of specification and feature in this software. This software especially made for Biometric time attendance reporting system. continue reading
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smartsafetyindia · 3 months
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Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System Delhi,Noida,Gurgaon
Introducing our Aadhaar-Enabled Biometric Attendance System for seamless attendance tracking in Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon. Ensure accuracy, reduce manual errors, and enhance security with the power of Aadhaar verification. we are providing Aadhaar biometrics for all government organizations & Educational Institutes.
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snehaleenakashe-blog · 6 months
ZKTeco F18 Fingerprint Time Attendance Machine
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ZKTeco F18 is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for access control applications, offering unparalleled performance using an advanced algorithm for reliability, precision, and excellent matching speed.
The F18 features the fastest commercial-based fingerprint matching algorithm and ZK high-performance, high-image quality optical fingerprint sensor. The device offers the flexibility to be installed standalone or with any third-party panel that supports 26-bit Wiegand. All the operations can be done on the TFT-LCD. The fingerprint image will be displayed on the screen. That will guide the user to put the finger into the proper position and increase the recognition rate. TCP/IP and RS485 are available and the device can be used in different networks.
ZKTeco ZK F18 Time Attendance Machine Features:
 1 touch a-second user recognition
 Fingerprint reader with durable and highly accurate ZK optical sensor
 Stores 3000 templates, 5,000 CARDS, and 30,000 transactions
Reads Fingerprint and/or CARD
OPTIONAL integrated smart CARD reader
Built-in Serial and Ethernet ports
Tamper-proof switch and alarm outputs
Request-to-exit and alarm contacts
Display: TFT LCD Screen
Audio-visual indications for acceptance and rejection of valid/invalid fingers
Three different kinds of interface styles, including common, matrix, and magic styles
Audio-visual indication for acceptance and rejection of valid/invalid fingers
Power Supply:12V DC
Operating Temperature:0 C- 45C
Operating Humidity:20%-80%
 Operating Temperature:0 C- 45C
Operating Humidity:20%-80%
ZKTeco F18 price in UAE
Cost To Cost provides the best price for the ZKTeco F18 Fingerprint Time Attendance Machine
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infomeuae · 25 days
Manage Your Business Premises with Top Attendance & Access Control Systems in Dubai
Business premises require the utmost security to provide a secure working environment. It is necessary to monitor the people who enter your office/organization. If not, the risk of theft and unauthorized activities will increase, and it will gradually cause business losses. But you can find the perfect solution to keep your business premises safe and secure all the time: an Attendance and Access Control System.
An access control system is a security device that is used to regulate and manage entries and outs in any organization. These devices ensure complete security on your building and its premises by preventing unauthorized access to your office and its sensitive areas. Your areas will be secured because only authorized persons can get entry to the area, reducing the risk of theft or harm. You can bring extreme security to the premises of your buildings, office/organization with Infome, where you will get the best access control system in Dubai at the low price.
Reliable Brands of Access Control Systems
Choosing the right access control system needs more research. There are many mushrooming brands, but the reliability of them needs to be examined. At this point, Infome emerges as the leading access control supplier in Dubai. Suprema, ZKTeco, Idemia, and Invixium are the leading brands from which we offer attendance and access control systems in Dubai, UAE. As an authorized partner of major brands, Infome can offer you the best solutions from the leading brands. These brands are popular among various industries for offering strong access control solutions.
Why Choose Infome for Access Control System in Dubai
As an authorized partner of top brands, Infome Technologies is the #1 supplier of access control system and attendance machine in UAE, Africa, and the Middle East. We supply top-branded Door Access System, IRIS, Finger, Palm and Facial recognition systems, Biometric Access Control System in Dubai, UAE, that are designed to keep your home/office completely safe at all times. Our range of products includes a comprehensive and flexible access control system and attendance system that have been specifically designed to meet the access control needs of any organization, irrespective of its size, layout, locations, and timing.
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globstarexhibition · 1 month
Exhibition Stand Builder Motek 2024 Stuttgart
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Elevating Excellence at Motek 2024, Stuttgart: Globstar Exhibitions Leading the Way in Exhibition Stand Building
Welcome to Motek 2024 Stuttgart, the International Trade Fair for Automation in Production and Assembly. As industry leaders gather to showcase the latest advancements in automation and manufacturing, Globstar Exhibitions takes centre stage as the premier exhibitions stand builder and supplier, empowering exhibitors to make a lasting impact and drive innovation in the field. Join us as we explore the transformative role of exhibitions stand builders at Motek 2024, Stuttgart and the cutting-edge solutions shaping the future of automation.
Motek 2024, Stuttgart: A Hub of Innovation and Excellence
Motek 2024, Stuttgart stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the world of automation, offering a comprehensive platform for industry professionals to discover the latest trends, explore ground breaking technologies, and forge strategic partnerships. From robotics and machine vision to assembly systems and logistics solutions, Motek 2024, Stuttgart covers the entire spectrum of automation in production and assembly, making it a must-attend event for manufacturers, engineers, and decision-makers alike.
At the heart of Motek 2024, Stuttgart lies the exhibitions stand builder – the visionary creators who transform exhibition spaces into immersive experiences that captivate attendees and elevate brands to new heights. As a trusted partner to many exhibitors at Motek 2024, Stuttgart, Globstar Exhibitions plays a pivotal role in bringing these visions to life, ensuring that every exhibition stand reflects the innovation and expertise of its occupants.
Crafting Immersive Exhibition Stands: Where Vision Meets Reality
In a competitive landscape where standing out is paramount, Globstar Exhibitions excels in crafting exhibition stands that leave a lasting impression. From sleek and modern designs to interactive displays and cutting-edge technology integrations, we work closely with our clients to create bespoke experiences that resonate with attendees and showcase their unique offerings.
Our team of skilled designers, engineers, and project managers collaborates closely with exhibitors to understand their goals and objectives, translating them into captivating exhibition stands that command attention and drive engagement. Whether it's a demonstration of new automation solutions or a showcase of innovative manufacturing processes, we ensure that every stand reflects the essence of the brand and leaves a lasting impact on visitors.
Driving Collaboration and Innovation: Shaping the Future of Automation
Motek 2024, Stuttgart isn't just about showcasing products – it's also about driving collaboration, fostering innovation, and sharing knowledge. Throughout the event, attendees have the opportunity to participate in seminars, workshops, and panel discussions covering a wide range of topics, from industry trends to technological advancements. These sessions provide invaluable insights and networking opportunities for industry professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve.
As the exhibitions stand builder, Globstar Exhibitions plays a crucial role in facilitating these interactions. From inviting meeting areas to interactive networking zones, we provide the infrastructure and support needed to foster meaningful connections and drive collaboration. Whether it's a chance encounter with a potential collaborator or a strategic discussion with a key industry player, Motek 2024, Stuttgart is where opportunities come to life.
Embracing Innovation and Efficiency: Pioneering Solutions for Tomorrow's Challenges
In an era defined by innovation and efficiency, the automation industry is constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern manufacturing. At Globstar Exhibitions, we are committed to helping our clients showcase their commitment to innovation and efficiency through innovative exhibition stand designs and practices.
From highlighting cutting-edge automation technologies to showcasing lean manufacturing principles and Industry 4.0 solutions, we work tirelessly to create exhibition stands that reflect the industry's evolving priorities. By embracing innovation and efficiency in our work, we not only enhance the attendee experience but also inspire others in the industry to push the boundaries of what's possible in automation.
Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Automation with Globstar Exhibitions
As Motek 2024, Stuttgart continues to set the stage for innovation and collaboration in automation, Globstar Exhibitions remains dedicated to supporting the success of our clients and driving excellence in the sector. Through our expertise in exhibition stand design and our passion for creating immersive experiences, we help brands from around the world showcase their innovations, forge connections, and shape the future of automation.
As we look ahead to the next edition of Motek 2024, Stuttgart, we are excited to continue our partnership with this esteemed event and to play our part in pioneering solutions that redefine the industry landscape. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of creativity, collaboration, and efficiency, creating a brighter future for automation industries worldwide.
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billeyshah · 1 month
Where to Find the Best Deals on Construction Equipment in Delhi
Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is a hub for construction and infrastructure development. With numerous projects constantly underway, the demand for high-quality construction equipment is at an all-time high. For those in the industry, finding the best deals on construction equipment in Delhi can be both a challenge and an opportunity. This guide will help you navigate the various avenues available to secure the best deals and ensure you are investing in reliable, cost-effective machinery for your construction needs.
1. Local Equipment Dealers and Distributors
One of the most direct ways to find great deals on construction equipment is by visiting local equipment dealers and distributors. Delhi has a thriving market with many established dealers offering a wide range of machinery. Areas like Kirti Nagar and Mayapuri are well-known for their concentration of construction equipment dealers. These dealers often provide competitive prices, discounts on bulk purchases, and the opportunity to inspect the equipment in person.
2. Online Marketplaces
In the digital age, online marketplaces have become a crucial resource for finding the best deals on construction equipment. Websites like IndiaMart, TradeIndia, and Alibaba offer extensive listings of construction machinery from various suppliers. You can compare prices, read reviews, and even find special offers or promotions. Additionally, some online platforms specialize in niche equipment, such as a small stretch wrap machine, which might be harder to locate through traditional dealers but is essential for specific construction and logistics needs.
3. Auction Houses
Construction equipment auctions are another excellent option for securing good deals. Auction houses in Delhi often hold auctions for new, used, and refurbished equipment. Participating in these auctions can lead to substantial savings, particularly if you are flexible with the make and model of the equipment you need. Keep an eye on auction schedules and catalogs to find the right equipment at a price that fits your budget.
4. Manufacturer’s Direct Sales
Purchasing directly from manufacturers can sometimes yield better deals than buying from third-party dealers. Many construction equipment manufacturers have their own sales offices or authorized dealers in Delhi. By contacting these manufacturers, you might gain access to special promotions, direct discounts, or even financing options. This route also provides the advantage of purchasing equipment with warranties and after-sales support.
5. Construction Equipment Rental Services
If purchasing equipment outright is not feasible, consider renting construction equipment. Rental services in Delhi offer a cost-effective way to use high-quality machinery without the significant upfront investment. Companies like Sandeep Enterprises and RentaZoo provide a wide range of equipment for short-term or long-term rental, including specialized machinery like the small stretch wrap machine. Renting can also be a great option for seasonal projects or for testing equipment before making a purchase.
6. Trade Shows and Expos
Attending trade shows and expos related to construction and infrastructure can provide valuable insights into the latest equipment and deals available in the market. Events such as the Construx and Construction Equipment Expo in Delhi bring together manufacturers, dealers, and industry professionals. These events often feature special promotions, discounts, and demonstrations, allowing you to explore various options and make informed purchasing decisions.
7. Networking with Industry Professionals
Networking within the construction industry can also be a powerful way to discover the best deals on equipment. Industry professionals, including project managers, contractors, and engineers, often have firsthand knowledge of reliable suppliers and special offers. By building relationships with these individuals, you can gain access to insider information about where to find the best deals and potentially even negotiate better terms for your purchases.
8. Government and Public Sector Auctions
Public sector projects often involve large-scale purchases of construction equipment. Government departments and public sector organizations occasionally auction off surplus or outdated equipment. These auctions can be a goldmine for finding well-maintained machinery at a fraction of the original cost. Keep an eye on government websites and public notices for information about upcoming auctions.
9. Used Equipment Markets
The used equipment market in Delhi is another viable option for finding cost-effective construction machinery. Numerous dealers specialize in the sale of used equipment, which is often still in good condition and available at significantly lower prices than new equipment. Be sure to thoroughly inspect used machinery and verify its condition before making a purchase. Some well-known used equipment dealers in Delhi include usedmachinery.in and ConEquip.
10. Local Classifieds and Online Forums
Local classifieds and online forums can also be valuable resources for finding deals on construction equipment. Websites like OLX and Quikr feature listings from individuals and small businesses looking to sell equipment at competitive prices. Additionally, industry-specific forums and social media groups often have sections dedicated to buying and selling machinery, providing another avenue to find great deals.
Finding the best deals on construction equipment in Delhi requires a combination of research, networking, and exploration of various resources. Whether you are looking for a specialized piece of equipment like a small stretch wrap machine or more general machinery, the key is to leverage multiple sources and stay informed about market trends. By exploring local dealers, online platforms, auctions, and networking opportunities, you can secure the best deals and invest wisely in the equipment that will drive your construction projects forward.
By following these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate Delhi’s dynamic construction equipment market and make informed, cost-effective purchasing decisions.
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plastic4trade · 20 days
Fakuma 2024 Global Event for Plastics Industry at Frickenhausen The FAKUMA 2024 trade show is considered the prime global event dedicated to the industrial plastic processing sector. This event is scheduled to take place from 15th to 19th October 2024, in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing has become a prominent meeting place for the industry, with international charisma. It holds second place in the overall ranking of international trade fairs for plastics. However, because of the organization cycle, it is the principal event for the Plastic industry.
Fakuma 2024 is one of the most important events in the plastics processing industry, attracting experts, manufacturer, supplier, Managing Director, Board member, Supervisor, Group leader, engineer. This exhibition offers numerous opportunities to learn, innovate, and connect with the global plastics community. The Exhibition also welcomes regulatory representatives, higher education institutions, and R&D institutes. This broad attendance underscores Fakuma 2024's importance as a global meeting point for the plastic Industry.
Exhibition Highlight
Exhibition Date –  15th to 19th October 2024
Time – Thursday to Friday: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and Saturday 9.00 am to 3.00 pm
Expo Location Address – P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG Gustav-Werner- Strasse 6 D Frickenhausen, Germany.
Entry Fees – Free Ticket for Industry Professionals on advance booking. + Admission for one person on one day of the fair: €30
Estimated Visitors – 1636 from 40 Countries
Estimated Exhibitors – 39,343 visitors from 89 Countries
Hall No.: A1 to A7 and B1 to B5
Estimate area: 85,000 square meters
Fakuma stands as a premier global event for industry professionals, offering unmatched opportunities for networking, innovation, and business growth. Renowned for its international reach, Fakuma provides a platform to showcase advancements, engage with thought leaders, and explore cutting-edge technologies. The exhibition will showcase the latest advancements in Injection moulding machine, extrusion, thermoforming, and 3D printing machine. It serves as a catalyst for innovation and a hub for professional connections, making it an essential event in the plastics processing.
Organizer Information: 
Organizer Name: P. E. Schall GmbH & Co.KG
Organizer Address: Gustav-Werner-Strasse 6, D Frickenhausen, Germany
Organizer Phone No.: 49-7025-9206-650
Organizer Email Id: [email protected]
Website: www.schall-messen.de
Registration Link: https://obs.schall-messen.de/Members/Login.aspx
Fakuma 2024 underscored the industry's commitment to innovation in sustainable plastics, showcasing a range of new materials, advanced manufacturing techniques, and comprehensive services aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of plastic Industry.
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