#atticus beer
paracosmsandsuch Β· 1 month
what up everybody immm mischa and i wanna talk about my paracosms πŸ‘ transmasc nonbinary aromantic faggot with an addiction to sad old men. minor. proshippers/radqueers DNI, i dont wanna see ur stinky ass around here. umm uhhhhh ill make a proper masterpost eventually i dont think i have MADD? little daydreams have been a part of my life for a couple years now, but its always been easy for me to pull myself out of them when i have to and it doesnt negatively affect me. still, i have paracosms with super detailed lore that i wanna talk about!!
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brandonsdrunkagain Β· 2 years
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Singles, Doubles and Triples!
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rcdiostcrs Β· 11 months
πŸ“±(peyton in yako’s phone or atticus in ethan’s phone)
πŸ“± to see how my muse has yours in their phone | accepting
yako & peyton
name: pseduo-cousin ig
contact picture:
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sample texts:
[ sms ] ➀ the studio just asked if i wanted to do an episode at the crescent or the basin!!
[ sms ] ➀ am i reaching out to the rest of the gang 2.0 for a collab?
yako has every bit of the contact info sheet filled in on his phone. email address? it's there. regular address? it's there. work phone? there if applicable. he fills each contact up with all the info he can, a side effect of meeting so many people through his profession & needing to keep them straight.
ethan & atticus
name: root beer
contact picture:
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sample texts:
[ sms ] ➀ It's been forever, man! How about coffee at the bookstore down from my work? They've got stuff to help with any cases you might have.
in spn canon, it's shown that hunters have a million phones for different situations. i figured that these two would be the same. this info is for ethan's non-hunting phone. all of his other phones are much more professional, containing non-descript photographs & whatever alias the number is attached to.
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still-sleepless-in-texas Β· 11 months
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*What if she says no?"
And the boy l,
And the old man smiled,
"best not live scared of the thorn
Or you'll never find a rose."
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missdcalls Β· 5 months
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Even when they didn't have to be together, they were together. Well, most of them were, anyway. There were a select few that rarely ever joined their festivities, opting out to spend time with their families. Joseph would get there someday...maybe. But right now, all he was focused on was becoming the best of the best, and having a hell of the time while doing so.
They're at his place this time, heeding their coach's warnings about going out to the bars and making fools of themselves (they had Atticus to thank for that one.) It's big enough to host the guys who had decided to come, most hanging out downstairs in the basement, where he had built the perfect 'man cave' when he had moved in.
Everyone except Joey and Theo. They're in the kitchen and his teammate is complaining about something. Joseph couldn't even tell you what, because he wasn't always the best listener.
"You know what I say, buddy? Have another beer." Takes a swig of his own, before handing the can over to the other. There's music playing loud enough from the other room that he can hear it, so he begins to dance (if that's what you could call it.) "I'm in a good mood for once. You should be, too." // @mysteryoflovc
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toastedkiwi Β· 2 years
Summary: you think Aika needs a dog friend.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Roommate!Reader
A/N: I named him Atticus Syverson. He needed a strong name and something unique.
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β€œHere, Attie,” you said.
You placed a cold beer in the captain’s hand. He looked up at you and smiled softly.
β€œLooked like you could use one,” you said.
β€œHmmm, yeah,” he hummed.
He looked out to where Aika lays in the freshly mowed grass happier than ever. He took a sip of the foul liquid. You sat down next to him on the steps of the deck.
β€œWhat do ya want?” he asked.
β€œI was thinking-,” you said.
β€œOh Lord have mercy on my soul, she’s been thinking,” Atticus said looking up to the sky and putting his hands together.
β€œYou fuckin’ ass,” you hissed backhanding his bicep.
He chuckled and questioned, β€œwhat were you thinking about, Sugar?”
β€œThat you’re a fucking ass,” you sassed.
The bottle switched hands and he put his arm around your shoulders. He pulled you close. He kissed the side of your head.
β€œWhat’re ya thinkin’ about? Just tell me,” Syverson asked.
You huffed leaning into him. He took another sip of the beer and looked at you. You looked at him.
β€œI think we should get another dog,” you said.
β€œAika doesn’t need a friend. She likes the solitude,” your roommate said.
β€œSo do you. But you two bitches are stuck with me,” you said. β€œAnd what I say goes.”
β€œLast time I checked, this is my house and I let ya live here,” he sassed.
β€œLast time I checked, I feed your ass because we both know you would only eat MREs and steaks all the goddamn time,” you fired back.
β€œWhat’s wrong with that?” Atticus asked narrowing his eyes.
β€œIt’s not a balanced diet!” you argued.
β€œI can eat whatever the fuck I want, Sugar,” he said.
You mocked him and said, β€œyou’re such a caveman.”
β€œYou live with a so called caveman,” he sassed.
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noralevin Β· 1 month
🍻 + β€œwhen did you choose to give up?” (atticus)
"That's a mean fucking question, and I think you know that," Nora said, her smile turning cold over the top of her beer, eyes deadening a little. She wondered if she looked like her mom when she did that. Normally, she'd just get loud when she was drunk β€” loud and affectionate. But ever since her birthday, it was making her...sad. Angry. "It's also, like β€” which time? Give up on what? On this town? On us? On New York?" She sat up a little, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked over at him. They were back on her roof while her parents were out of town and not there to open the door and ask her what she needed this time, or if she'd finally given up her whole 'acting poor' shtick and finally decided to see sense. "Let's see... I gave up on this town because I feel like nothing ever changes and I thought I was better than that. I gave up on New York because turns out I'm kind of shit at the one thing I've ever really wanted to do. If you want specific timestamps, you're shit outta luck, because I feel like I'm giving up every fucking day. I gave up a little when I tried to kiss you, I definitely gave up when I fucked Uly. What am I giving up? Fuck if I know. Ambition, maybe. Whatever it was that made me think I was ever going to make it out of here and be anything other than a poor little rich girl townie." She chanced a glance over at him. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"
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β€” drunken confessions | open.
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folansstuff Β· 7 months
Atticus, speaking to Alison on facetime while Illyana talks to Roberto in the background: So, how's the mission going?
Alison, sitting in a hotel room with Jubilee, Laura and Tabitha behind her: Good! We think we've almost cracked it, and-!
A crash.
Tabitha: Why'd you drink the last beer!
Jubilee: Because you drank the others!
Tabitha: I was saving it!
Alison: Tabby! We can't blow up another hotel room! Urgh, I love them, but I swear I can't take them anywhere. You ever have to deal with that?
Behind Atticus, Illyana and Roberto have also started arguing. She has pulled the Soulsword out and is not pointing it at Roberto over the jug of coffee. Without even looking, Atticus has figured out what's happening.
Atticus: Yep. (To Illyana) Babe! Kill Roberto outside please!
Roberto: Dude?!
Illyana: My pleasure! Teach you for stealing my-!
She opens a stepping disk and fighting is heard outside.
Atticus: Anyway, see you next week for D&D?
There's another explosion behind Alison, Laura has apparently joined the fray.
Alison: Yeah! See you then!
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benedictusantonius Β· 29 days
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get know better and/or catch up with!
favorite color: it varies btwn purple πŸ’œ and green πŸ’š
last song:
currently reading:
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currently watching: 30 Rock
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currently craving: a root beer float
coffee or tea: πŸ«– tea
tagged by: @avnj0gia
tagging: @unabletocomply @nerdinessisbeauty @slowgravity @dan-cyril-kingston @dannypinot @travalicious @asheraviangel @spounder @gladdolinrosewind and anyone else who wants to do this
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atticuscortes Β· 1 month
🍻 + β€œ do you ever get scared ?” Noah
"That one day you're gonna beat me?" Atticus teased, eyes flickering towards Noah from where they'd been locked on the line up of his next shot. It's made with ease, even with his focus elsewhere; the satisfying clack of the cue ball colliding with and pocketing the purple striped in the corner he'd been after bringing a smug smirk to his lips. "I think I'm good, sweetheart."
It's not what Noah meant and he knew it, turning the question over in his head as he took a swig of his beer and assessed his next shot.
"Now don't go telling anyone, but I'm scared every day I'm on this job, man." He shrugged his shoulders, rounding the table towards him. "Especially since it's not just your life on the line."
Atticus knew he didn't have to explain that to Noah, knew that he understood more than the average civilian would. It's what made this between them, as fresh and new and different as it was from their normal, work. Atticus had never been with someone before who understood this part of his life, too. Hadn't realized before that maybe that's exactly what he needed.
"It's like growing up, you see these people, in person or on TV and you're just like wow, those guys must be totally fearless, and then you become one of them and it's like--nah, they're not, and you wouldn't want them to be. Fear keeps you alive, keeps you from making stupid mistakes that get you and other people around you hurt. Like I'd sure as hell rather be afraid and breathing than confident and dead, you know?"
Which wasn't easy for him to admit, and went against the impulsive part of him that the Fire Academy had swiftly taught him was a part of him he could not bring to the job if he wanted to succeed. He hadn't fully understood then, but a few years in and some close calls under his belt, he knows it was a lesson he needed to be taught.
"That's what they say the difference is between being fearless and being courageous, I think. Fearless is the absence of fear. Courage is being scared shitless and doing it anyways. Those are the guys you want responding to your call."
And hopefully the kind of guy Noah was into. Off the clock, that was Atticus's biggest concern, and while he thought he had a pretty good chance of it being true, he decided to sweeten the deal by purposely missing his next shot, "accidentally" knocking one of Noah's solids into a more easily accessible position for his next turn.
"Damn." He sighed as he straightened, shaking his head in disappointment. "Looks like you're up. I'm gonna go get us some refills." A chaste kiss was pressed to his cheek, Atticus reaching around to collect their empties from the table behind them. "Wanna split some fries?"
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drunken confession.
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paracosmsandsuch Β· 1 month
the sheer range of atticus' ships. atticus x hensley more like toxic codependence (i can fix him <- worse then him) (i can fix her <- worse then her). atticus x solus is i hope we both eat well πŸŠβ˜οΈπŸ•Š. sickening. atticus x albatross? they have one fling and both mutually agree, wow, that was a horrible idea. lets never do that again. and then they do it again.
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neonbitemarks Β· 9 months
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✢ β”Š π‘ͺ𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨π‘ͺ𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 ππ€πŒπ„. Brennan Patrick Holloway ππˆπ‚πŠππ€πŒπ„. Bren π€π‹πˆπ€π’π„π’. Brennan McKenzie - Birth name ππ‘πŽππŽπ”ππ’. He/Him π’πˆπ™π„. 6'4" 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 24 π™πŽπƒπˆπ€π‚. Cancer π’ππŽπŠπ„π 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒. English, a little bit of German, Spanish and French
✢ β”Š 𝑷𝑯𝒀𝑺𝑰π‘ͺ𝑨𝑳 π‘ͺ𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨π‘ͺ𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑰π‘ͺ𝑺
π‡π€πˆπ‘. Brown, usually kept short for practical purposes π„π˜π„π’. Brown, leaning slightly hazel π’πŠπˆπ π“πŽππ„. Slightly tanned most of the year from being outdoors a lot ππŽπƒπ˜ π“π˜ππ„. Fit, muscular, built for strength π•πŽπˆπ‚π„. Low, a touch gravelly, but surprisingly soft at times πƒπŽπŒπˆππ€ππ“ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃. Left ππŽπ’π“π”π‘π„. Slouched at times, tries to minimize his presence when uncomfortable 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒. A few small ones here and there picked up in fights over the years, and some larger, more prominent ones on his back from having been lashed with a belt that had a silver buckle ππˆπ‘π“π‡πŒπ€π‘πŠπ’. None πŒπŽπ’π“ ππŽπ“π€ππ‹π„ 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. His size. Brennan's physically imposing, whether he likes it or not
✢ β”Š π‘ͺ𝑯𝑰𝑳𝑫𝑯𝑢𝑢𝑫
𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 πŽπ… ππˆπ‘π“π‡. Madison, Wisconsin, though he spent the first 4 years of his life in Belfast, Ireland π‡πŽπŒπ„π“πŽπ–π. London, England π’πˆππ‹πˆππ†π’. brothers: Atticus - Deceased, Coltrane, Pryce (Andy Williams) - Presumed Deceased, Cyrus, Titus, Holden, Ronan, Vaughn, Ezekiel, Everett, Chase sisters: Veronica - Adopted, Fallon, Merritt, Anastazia - Deceased, Elodie - Deceased, Jaelyn 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. father: Aleister Mahlendorf biological mother: Tana McKenzie - Deceased adopted mother: Raquelle Holloway
πŽπ‚π‚π”ππ€π“πˆπŽπ. Verse dependent - Hunter by default 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 π‘π„π’πˆπƒπ„ππ‚π„. Verse dependent - No Fixed Abode by default π‚π‹πŽπ’π„ π…π‘πˆπ„ππƒπ’. Verse dependent πƒπ‘πˆπ•π„π‘'𝐒 π‹πˆπ‚π„ππ’π„. Yes π‚π‘πˆπŒπˆππ€π‹ π‘π„π‚πŽπ‘πƒ. Arrested for assault several times, but the charges were dropped π•πˆπ‚π„π’. Alcohol, cigarettes
✢ β”Š 𝑺𝑬𝑿 & 𝑹𝑢𝑴𝑨𝑡π‘ͺ𝑬
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 πŽπ‘πˆπ„ππ“π€π“πˆπŽπ. Gay - somewhat closeted 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 π„πŒπŽπ“πˆπŽππ€π‹ π‘πŽπ‹π„. Bren's had a hard life. As a result, it takes time for him to get comfortable opening up emotionally, but he benefits greatly from having someone take care of him for once 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 π‘πŽπ‹π„. Top, position-wise, but he's still figuring the rest out 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 πŽπ…π…π’. Abuse, manipulation, lies, arrogance 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 πŽππ’. Someone who can get him out of his own head and relax a bit π‹πŽπ•π„ 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄. Touch, words of affirmation π‘π„π‹π€π“πˆπŽππ’π‡πˆπ π“π„ππƒπ„ππ‚πˆπ„π’. Initially, he shies away from emotional attachments, but if he's given patience and room to explore at his own pace, he softens right up.
✢ β”Š 𝑴𝑰𝑺π‘ͺ𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑡𝑬𝑢𝑼𝑺
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 π“π‡π„πŒπ„ 𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐄. Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park π‡πŽπππˆπ„π’ π“πŽ 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π“πˆπŒπ„. Drinking beer and just getting a moment to himself to relax 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 πŽπ‘ π‘πˆπ†π‡π“ ππ‘π€πˆππ„πƒ. Right-brained 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-π‚πŽππ…πˆπƒπ„ππ‚π„ 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋. Low due to how he's been treated for most of his life
π™π˜Όπ™‚π™‚π™€π˜Ώ π˜½π™”: @heirofhermes π™π˜Όπ™‚π™‚π™„π™‰π™‚: Whoever hasn't been tagged already or who wants to steal it
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brightstvrlights Β· 7 months
Dylan was still reeling from the sobering events from the days prior at the Frightfest event. He'd barely slept; every time he closed his eyes he couldn't stop himself from visualising Daniela face down in that damn tub, lifeless in his arms as he pulled her out. Who the fuck would do this, to her of all people? The question constantly bounced around in his head, making him angry, sad, confused all at once.
A knock on his screen door snapped Dylan out of his thoughts, taking him a moment to register as he came back to the present. "Hello?" He called from his position on his worn-out couch just a mere few feet away. "Marina Police, we just want to ask you a few questions." He pursed his lips as he reluctantly rose and made his way over to open the door, coming face to face with two officers; one he recognised from the scene. "Do I have a choice?" He asked vacantly even though he already knew the answer. It wasn't his first trip to a police station. "You're not under arrest, it's just a few questions and then you can go." Nodding silently, he moved to grab a jacket, sliding it on before following the officers down to their squad car, hopping compliantly into the back, staring aimlessly at the moving scenery until they came to a stop outside the station. As he was led inside, Dylan couldn't help but feel the eyes of everyone there boring into the back of his skull. Did they really think he did it? Fuck everyone, he thought as he was instructed to sit down in Marina police station's stuffy little interrogation room. I didn't fucking do it.
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Where were you during the Halloween "Frightfest" festival when the murder of Daniela Carvalho occurred?
I was at one of those pop up bars beside all the food trucks. Couldn't even tell you how many drinks I'd had by that point but it was a lot. I ran into an ex and I was pretty rattled by it. That's why I went to go find Dani, I wanted to fuckin' drunkenly rant to her about it I guess.
Did you have any contact with Daniela Carvalho during the event, and if so, can you provide details about your interaction?
Yeah of course I did. She was my friend, we hung out. I saw her early in the night, we had a few beers and then I had to go do my set and she said she was gonna meet up with some dude named Atticus. I think they're friends or somethin'. I don't really keep up. Anyway, I texted her later to meet up, she said she was helping out at the apple bobbing stand for some fuckin' reason so I went there, the other person running the stall said she'd gone out into the storeroom to restock or somethin' so I went out there and yeah, that's where I found her.
Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts and actions during the time of the murder?
One of the bartenders probably. I couldn't tell you what their name is, I hardly know anyone in this place. It was a brunette chick, I remember that much. The dude at the apple bobbing stand. My ex, her name's Sawyer. She'd be able to tell you that I was in no state to be fuckin' murdering anyone.
Do you have any knowledge of individuals who may have had a motive to harm Daniela Carvalho?
I know Marcy Roman had some kinda issue with her. They got into a punch up not that long ago, so maybe you should ask her where she was instead of me.
Were there any disagreements, conflicts, or altercations that you witnessed or were involved in during the festival that might be relevant to this case?
Not really, but I wasn't really lookin'. I was paid to be there for a gig, I spent most of my night doing that and when I wasn't, I was at the bar or gettin' food. I wasn't lurkin' in shadows people watching. Got better things to do with my time.
Have you seen anyone acting strangely or fleeing the scene before or after the discovery of the body?
Like I told you. I was pretty drunk by that point in the night and I'm already not a guy that really cares about what's going on around him. I wasn't exactly lookin' for any sus people skulking around the fuckin' apple bobbing stand. Honestly I wish I was, I wish I could tell you somethin' helpful because I wanna know who did this to Dani as much as you do. I'm fuckin' pissed.
Do you have any information about any potential witnesses or individuals who might have valuable information regarding the murder?
Again, not really. Only person I could think of would be whoever else was at that stall, maybe they saw somethin' I didn't.
Is there anything else you believe could be relevant to helping us solve this heinous crime?
Look into Marcy. She's the only person I can think of that had a problem with Dani. Maybe the people she was hookin' up with. I couldn't give you names though, she never really told me. Wish I had more for ya but I don't. I'm just the poor fucker that found her and that's already hard enough to deal with, now I gotta put up with people accusing me of killin' her. I didn't. She was important to me.
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mystic-ocs Β· 5 months
Spin the Bottle
Word Count: 1,039
TW: Underage drinking and kissing, slight misgendering as Zane hadn't come out yet and Yashira refers to them and Atticus as "her boys".
I was working on OC Kiss 2024 when I realized this didn't quite fit the prompt, so I decided to finish it and post it here. Takes place when Yashira was in high school (so ~8 years ago).
Yashira leans against the wall as she sips at the cup of vodka someone had offered her. This party was turning out to be kind of lame, and she almost envies Atticus for skipping it to hang out with Zane instead. She wishes she’d done the same. She considers leaving and doing just that, maybe after sobering up a little since alcohol was a trigger for Zane, but then Rose bounds up to her.
β€œShira! Come join us!”
Yashira pulls her arm back. β€œJoin us in what?”
β€œSpin the bottle.”
She considers going with her initial though of just leaving, but the idea of kissing leading to getting laid makes her second guess that decision. β€œI guess I could do one round.”
Rose cheers as she leads her over to a circle of people sitting around an empty bottle of alcohol (she isn’t knowledgeable enough yet to tell what kind given the lack of label). β€œGot one more.”
She can’t help but feel a little resentful when the boys around her cheer, likely expecting an easy lay if they get her. Then again, she’d been thinking about the exact same thing just moments before so can she really judge them all that harshly?
She takes a seat between Rose and a guy she vaguely recognizes as being in the grade below her but can’t remember his name.
At first the game proceeds normally, but after a couple spins and even more alcohol, the kisses start getting more intense. Then it happens.
Yashira reaches out to spin the bottle, looking bored as it spins past the boys to land on… Rose.
Somehow that was the first same sex kiss that had come up, and Yashira’s only mildly surprised that it would happen to her. β€œWell. Uh…”
Rose shrugs despite the cheering around them. β€œYou can spin again if you like.”
β€œNooo,” someone slurs. β€œNo one else got a respin.” This naturally leads into people cheering β€œKiss her. Kiss her.”
Yashira shrugs. β€œI guess I can try anything once.” She crawls closer to Rose. β€œIf you’re okay with it, I mean.” She knew Rose was an out lesbian, but she wasn’t sure how the other girl would feel about being used as an experiment.
β€œShira, baby, you’re too hot to say no to.”
Yasihra laughs. β€œFair enough.”
She cups Rose’s neck and pulls her closer, ignoring the drunken cheers that erupt around her as she kisses her.
To her surprise, the kiss isn’t as unpleasant as she would’ve imagined. It was warm and dry (unlike some of the guys she’d kissed) and Rose’s lips were softer than anyone she’d ever kissed before. It was… interesting.
She feels Rose’s tongue trail along her lower lip and opens her mouth, eager for more. She can’t remember the last time kissing a guy had felt this good. If it ever had. Did this make her a lesbian?
She eventually pulls away when the need to breathe gets too great. Rose beams at her. β€œNow, I get to say I’ve kissed the hottest girl at school,” she jokes.
Yashira laughs. β€œThat’s not as big of an honor as you seem to think it is.” She’d kissed a lot of boys before, after all.
β€œAh, but how many girls can say they’ve had the honor?”
Yashira tilts her head. β€œFair enough.”
A few minutes later, Rose gets up to get more to drink and Yashira follows her. β€œSooo… about that kiss before.”
Rose grabs a beer from the fridge. β€œSorry if I made you uncomfortable. I might’ve gotten a little carried away. I just… you’re so-”
Yashira interrupts her, β€œI wasn’t uncomfortable. I actually, uh,” she looks around anxiously. β€œIt was… nice. I was… I was kinda wondering if you’d like to do it again.”
Rose blinks. β€œExcuse a what now?”
β€œWould you like to do it again?” Yashira asks, now feeling self-conscious.
Rose continues to stare. β€œI’m dreaming, right?”
Yashira reaches out to pinch her, chuckling when Rose yelps. β€œNope.”
β€œThen hell yes.” Yashira would later find out that Rose had had a crush on her since the moment Atticus introduced them.Β 
β€œAre you sure it’s okay though? This… I’m not sure I’m gay. I just-”
β€œWant to experiment?” Rose finishes for her. Yashira nods. β€œYeah. I… I normally wouldn’t be, but it’s you. And we’re friends. I think?”
β€œOf course.” She wasn’t as close to Rose as she was to Atticus and Zane, but there were very few people she liked as much as she liked as much as her boys.
β€œThen yeah. It’s cool.”
Yashira grabs Rose’s wrist and leads her up to one of the empty rooms around the house where the party was being held. β€œSo I don’t know how lesbian sex works, so I’d rather just stick to making out.”
Rose chuckles. If she can tell Yashira is nervous, she doesn’t comment. β€œFine by me.”
Yashira nods. β€œRight.”
Rose settles on the bed and pats the space beside her. β€œCome sit.” Yashira obeys. β€œYou were so confident about kissing me earlier,” she teases.
Yashira snorts. β€œEarlier I wasn’t questioning my sexuality.”
β€œI imagine it’s not much different from kissing a boy,” Rose comments. β€œJust with more boobs.”
Rose nestles up against Yashira, putting an arm around her waist as they lay down. β€œJust relax. I’d say pretend you’re kissing a boy, but that might defeat the purpose.”
Before Yashira has a chance to answer, Rose leans in and kisses her again, immediately working to deepen the kiss, which Yashira allows.Β 
At first, it continues to have that weird feeling that she’d gotten earlier, but as time goes by, it becomes easier. After a couple kisses, it becomes clear what part of the problem is. She’s never been the submissive in a role before, and she’s not about to start now.
She hooks a leg over Rose’s and flips them so she’s on top. Rose gasps, bucking against her in her surprise. β€œS-sorry,” Rose stammers. β€œI-you-that… fuck, that was hot.”
Yashira chuckles. β€œIt’s fine. No sex, but everything else is fine.”
Rose nods. β€œRight. Yes. Good. More kissing?”
β€œYes, please.”
Rose entwines her fingers in Yashira’s hair, tugging her down back to her level and kissing her once more.
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stardewrp Β· 9 months
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Thank you so , so much for your application! You’ve been accepted as ATTICUS EDGAR (OC) . TheΒ MASTERLISTΒ has now been updated. We have now reached 8 successful applications ( !!! ) and an OPENING DATE and EVENT has been decided -- please await further updates <3
(Β application under the cutΒ )
( luke hemmings , he/him ) β€” [ ATTICUS EDGAR ] is a [ TWENTY SEVEN ] year old [ FARMER ] at [ WEST FOREST FARM ] . They currently reside at [ 207 WEST FOREST ] in [ CINDERSAP FOREST ] . They’re known for being [ HARD WORKING, SOCIABLE, CHARISMATIC ] yet [ SARCASTIC, FORGETFUL, VAIN ] . They remind you of [ TIRED HANDS AFTER CHOPPING WOOD ALL DAY, THE SMELL OF MAHOGANY AND RAIN, WORN OUT BOOTS FROM HARD WORK. ] . On [ WINTER 22 ] , don’t forget to bring them a [ BEER ] . ( winona , 25 , she/her , central time zone , removed ) .
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heroes-fading Β· 1 year
thank you for answering my question about Inordinary! I'm now imagining how confused some of the in-universe fans of The Last Of Us band would be if they suddenly heard a song ft Ellie Williams and had no idea who she was (I picture it to be like my surprise hearing Bon Iver's deep af voice when first listening to Exile, haha)
i've actually been thinking a lot about The Discourse of the national fans about taylor featuring on their album (their subreddit has been lowkey embarassing) and how tlou-band fans would respond to ellie. i've landed on their reaction as more of their response to phoebe bridgers of "oh that's still alternative enough" in terms of music.
plus i think in-universe there would have been A Lot of media around ellie's trial which would have been the most publicity joel has had in years for being such a present figure during. i imagine some degree of discourse around austin-jackson dropping ellie right after, which would be the point of david pushing it. and the dots would get put together after the article about david and all of the details come out.
overall i think a) ellie would probably bring in more teenagers to listen to the last of us, much to the fanbase's exasperation and eventual acceptance and b) i think the relationship between joel and ellie after that media circus would be so evident that fans would be like damn...less depressed dad!joel is back....this is actually really special.
also makes me think of the nine inch nails/trent reznor and atticus ross collab on halsey's if i can't have love, i want power. another older band in terms of demo + content but holy shit when it works, it really works. i'm a believer in the power of the middle-aged rock band/indie alt girl crossover. insert phoebe bridgers quote about the overlap between middle aged men and teenage girls' music and emotional vulnerability lmao.
also if they didn't get over it i'm pretty sure joel would just pelt them with a pbr, the beer of choice of lesbians and allies. i'm kidding. joel doesn't know what reddit is nor does he care.
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