#atticus shaffer
fidjiefidjie · 1 year
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“Il faut que la presse paraisse, surtout pas qu'elle paresse !” 📰
Claude Frisoni
Gif série tv/ Brick Heck/ Atticus Shaffer
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selenadrawsstuff · 1 year
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I can only image what would have happened if Victor or his parents caught the other kids trying to sneak into their house😂 I imagine the other children would try to come up with an excuse to tell them but everyone would have different answers and it would just be a chaotic unbelievable mess lol
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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June 19: Happy 25th Birthday to Actor Atticus Shaffer, who provided the voices of one of the residents living in Beach City, employee over at Beach Citywalk Fries alongside his brother Ronaldo and his father Mr. Fryman, and friend to Steven as the character of Peedee Fryman on Steven Universe; and the younger brother of Ludo in the episodes “Face the Music” (2017), “Ludo, Where Art Thou?” (2018), and “Princess Quasar Caterpillar and the Magic Bell” (2019) as the character of Dennis Avarius on Star vs The Forces of Evil.
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harryhxck · 4 months
Undercover Heart || Masterlist
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Axl Heck x Female!OC
❝Who is this?❞
❝Axl Heck.❞
❝He's kind of cute.❞
❝Well, he's your next assignment.❞
Rose Everett has always been known as a purposeful high school student, excelling in academics. Axl Heck, on the other hand, is the easygoing popular guy, seemingly without a care in the world. The two teenagers clash in every aspect of school life. But what nobody knows is that Rose is an undercover spy, assigned to protect Axl from a threat. Despite her solid exterior, she finds herself drawn to Axl in unexpected ways as she spends more time with him. As they navigate the complications of high school life, Rose and Axl must confront their growing feelings for each other, all while keeping Rose's true identity hidden from everyone, including Axl himself. Will their bitterness turn into something more, or will the secrets she keeps tear them apart?
Do you want to be on the Undercover Heart taglist?
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abs0luteb4stard · 7 months
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theshadowrealmitself · 5 months
I had a dream that was trailer style for a movie that doesn’t, and will never, exist???
It was this young adult disillusioned with life (played by Atticus Shaffer????) being called upon to help save the earth by teaming up with his favorite childhood superhero who failed him and made him so disillusioned: Dr. Dolittle (played by Eddie Murphy) ??????
It was a fucking,,,,, Dr. Dolittle trailer, except if Dr. Dolittle was a gritty superhero film?????
(I have one distinct memory of Atticus being like “You want me to help the doctor when he couldn’t even help me? >:/“ and that he lived in a shitty apartment)
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disneytva · 2 years
Craig Gerber,Patton Oswalt,Yvette Nicole Brown,Lou Diamond Phillips,Lisa Loeb,Atticus W. Shaffer,Lauren “Lolo” Spencer,Allison Case and the entire Firebuds cast gives thanks to ALL the world responders.
The show is available on Disney Junior and the entire Firebuds cast gives thanks to ALL the world responders.
The show is now available on Disney Junior and the first 12 episodes NOW only on Disney+ USA.
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mcmadcanvas · 2 years
I have imagined a voice for the angsty guys from owlhoise before ive even heard him and..... guys im gonna be dissapointed when he doesnt sound like it huh?
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to-the-sunnyside · 9 days
Peedee moment
None of the audio is mine! It belongs to Atticus Shaffer (PeeDee’s voice actor if some didn’t know) I though it would be fun to make his voice into a small little PeeDee animation (if you count it as one) Hope yall enjoy!
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andrewmoocow · 9 months
Steven Universe Snake Eyes chapter 5: Be Prepared (originally posted on September 25, 2023)
AN: We only have one chapter to go before the big halfway point, and I got quite a few things planned for it. We'll be getting the long-awaited rematch between Steven and Black Rutile, the beginning of the end of the Rutile Rebels, the true nature of Prince Nosiop's plans for the universe, and many more. Tensions will run high as the story reaches the second half, and the endgame will be the most epic that Alternate Future has seen yet. Now without further ado, let's get things started.
Synopsis: Black Rutile and her subordinates find themselves caught in a scheme by the insidious heir to Serpentes's throne to conquer the universe, and Black Rutile is all too eager to get in on the plan for the sake of revenge.
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Jason Marsden as Prince Nosiop Jormagundr
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball, Doc, Navy, Army, Leggy
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Gina Torres as Andesine
Avi Roque as Cinnabar
Awkwafina as Kyanite
Allison Janney as Pyrite
Kimberly Brooks as Dalmatian Jasper
Zehra Fazal as Zoisite
Lena Hall as Bloodstone
Jodie Whittaker as Xenotime
Barbara Dunkelman as Amber
Kristen Schaal as Howlite
Idina Menzel as Amazonite
Halsey as Tanzanite
Mia Barron as Apatite
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Keith David as Pyth
Cissy Jones as Princess Naja Jormagundr
Aurelio Voltaire as King Cobralan Jormagundrr
Shirley Millner as Queen Constricta Jormagundr
Zach Callison as Steven
Zach Steel as Ronaldo
Atticus Shaffer as Peedee
Matthew Moy as Lars
Julissa Aguirre as Lady Imagineer
John Mulaney as Flipso
Prince Nosiop Jormagundr wasn't always the way he was today. When he was a young snake, Nosiop was a prince with big dreams for the future of his race. However, not everyone was willing to listen to him because he was so young, but he didn't let that deter him. One year, during the 419,982nd annual Contest of Champions, Nosiop tried once again to plead his case to his father.
"Conquering the Ood? Surely you jest, my boy!" King Cobralan objected to what his son had just said as the two slithered through the castle halls. "You know we'd be no match for their psychic abilities! It would be utterly stupid!"
"But please, Father, our lives could be so much easier with a hivemind serving us!" Nosiop stated, but his father still wouldn't listen. "In fact, tons of races and planets would be of great use to our people, like the Shamoians, the Mooninites, and the Watchdogs. Maybe we could even abduct ourselves a few Gems!"
"Enough, my son." Cobralan urged his future successor. "I can see you have big ideas, but unfortunately, they don't align with our culture. Now, I'm going to speak with the Universal Lords for a bit. You go off and have fun at the Contest with your mother and your baby sister." He then began to slither away. "I'll see you again soon."
Although Cobralan left the conversation with a smile, Nosiop wasn't as happy as his father. "He just doesn't get it!" Nosiop grumbled angrily. "We could be perfect conquerors, just the two of us ruling the universe as father and son!"
"It truly is a shame that your father wouldn't give you the time of day," Pyth said as he appeared behind Nosiop. "My father was like that too when I was your age. Unlike yours, however, he didn't live long enough to see things my way."
"Are you suggesting I kill my father?" Nosiop asked curiously, causing Pyth to laugh at the idea.
"No, my boy, I'm way past killing parents!" Pyth chuckled loudly. "What do you think I am, Uncle Claudius?!" After another round of laughter, Pyth decided to get serious as he put a hand on the young prince's shoulder. "Come with me, child. There are many things I wish to teach you."
Nosiop obediently followed the royal family's grand vizier down the hallways and into a hidden room within the castle walls. As loyal as he was to his father, the prince of the Slytherophidians often believed that Pyth was more of a dad to him because of how much they agreed with each other on certain topics, chief among them being what should the future holds for their race.
"Let's hear it for the Andesine Armada, the new and improved rebellion against the Crystal Gems!" Andesine cried as her new subordinates chanted her name to celebrate her and Cinnabar's victory against Rigby Starglow and Captain Gearfeet. "Today is a most momentous occasion in our time together. With Black Rutile no longer fit to lead our cabal of insurgents against the tyranny of the Crystal Gems, I have proven myself more than worthy of replacing her and instating myself as a gentle guiding hand in our grand mission." The Armada all cheered in excitement. "Under my leadership, not only shall we finally put the Crystal Gems out of their misery, but Black Rutile will soon be next!" Her new subordinates cheered again. "And furthermore, with the Diamonds temporarily out of commission, this shall be an ample opportunity for us to race back to Homeworld when no one's looking and seize power for ourselves!"
"But what if Black Rutile hears us?" Holly Blue asked nervously while looking left and right.
"Stuff and nonsense, we're behind closed doors here." Aquamarine snidely declared. "There's no way she can find us." Just then, the doors to the Andesine Armada's quarters opened behind Aquamarine, and in came Black Rutile with Nosiop and Pyth, much to the other Gems' shock as they tried silently begging her to shut up. "Of course, that is if she hasn't been brainwashed by Steven right about now."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting anything?" Black Rutile abruptly interrupted Aquamarine's bravado, sending chills down her spine as she turned to face her former master. "So, this is what you've all been doing, huh?"
"Uh, my Rutile, this isn't what it looks like!" Cinnabar awkwardly apologized to her old mentor. "Andesine and I were just playing a little game of follow the leader!"
"A likely story." Black Rutile replied while pulling out her bowie knife. "Tell me more about this Andesine Armada you've all been bragging about."
"Should you tell her, or should I?" Tanzanite asked Amazonite.
"No, I value my life too much to even talk to her right now," Amazonite replied fearfully, casting an illusion to hide herself from Black Rutile.
"Now, everyone, let's just calm down here and talk things out." Amber tried to ease the tension, but Black Rutile quickly shoved her out of the way to confront Cinnabar and Andesine.
"I'm going to assume this was all your idea, Andesine." Black Rutile said to her old friend. "After all, your name is literally in the team name!"
"No, it wasn't, it was Kyanite's idea!" Andesine tried to shift the blame onto someone else.
"Hey, I've only been here a few minutes!" Kyanite cried. "What's going on?!"
"Please forgive us, Black Rutile, but we simply believe you can no longer lead us into battle." Cinnabar firmly stated. "Your exile to Earth has turned you soft and pathetic, and you are perfectly aware of it yet never once bothered to fix it!"
"I did!" Black Rutile exclaimed. "I tried allying with a Steven from another universe where I'm the good guy, I struck a bargain with an extra-dimensional jester, and I even used the Internet to turn humanity against the Crystal Gems!"
"But that's the thing, dearie," Pyrite stated while filing her nails. "You failed at every single one of those." She added while poking Black Rutile in the chest with her nail filer. "For all your planning and thinking you're one step ahead of everybody, you fail to realize that you're just as flawed as the rest of us."
"Is that so?" Black Rutile said before turning the knife into her massive sword. "How's this for flawed?!" With a mighty swing, Cinnabar and Andesine were sliced in two and poofed, to the horror of the other Gems around them.
"Boss, no!" Bloodstone yelled in horror as she raced to scoop up Cinnabar's inactive gem while Howlite did the same to her superior's.
"Now then, anyone else care to join them?" Black Rutile smirked while menacingly pointing her sword at the surviving resistance members. Although they were more willing to speak up to their fallen superior, this ragtag band of Gems had every right to keep their mouths shut until one of them spoke up.
"All hail Black Rutile!" Eyeball chanted vigorously. "All hail Black Rutile! Come on, guys!"
"All hail Black Rutile! All hail Black Rutile!" the other members of the newly rechristened Rutile Rebels joined Eyeball in cheering for their new leader.
"Now that's more like it!" Black Rutile laughed evilly while sneering at Cinnabar and Andesine's followers mourning the loss of their leaders. "Now that I've reinstated myself as your fearless leader, allow me to introduce a new acquaintance I've made in my time here." She motioned for Nosiop to step forward. "This is Prince Nosiop of the Jormagundr royal family, and much like me, he also desires a new era for his people."
"Yes indeed, I now present to you a grand idea for the Slytherophidian race," Nosiop stated. "With all of you at my side, we can overthrow my good-for-nothing father and instill myself as not just the new ruler of his empire but as the most powerful Universal Lord there is."
"Are you crazy?!" Holly Blue yelled. "You'd be a fool to challenge a Universal Lord, especially if it's your father, Nosiop!"
"My father is yesterday's message, a clapped-out and distracted regime." Nosiop began singing to the Gem rebels. "Whose failings undoubtedly presage the need for a different dream. Yes, serpentine times are a-changing, meaning you must do so too. My vision is clear and wide-ranging and even encompasses you."
"So, prepare for the coup of the century. Prepare for the murkiest scam." Black Rutile also began singing, and far more intensely than Nosiop, as if she was using the song to air out her insecurities. "Meticulous planning and tenacity spanning centuries of denial is simply why I'll be empress! Undisputed, respected, saluted, and seen for the visionary I am! Yes, my gem and ambitions are bared. Be prepared!"
"Yeah, be prepared, we'll be prepared!" Zoisite exclaimed. "Uh, for what?"
"For the death of my father and the beginning of a new era for Serpentes!" Nosiop loudly announced.
"What do we do, make him sick?" Dalmatian Jasper asked before Pyth coiled his tail around her neck.
"No, you fool, we're going to kill him." Pyth proclaimed.
"And Steven, too." Black Rutile added sinisterly before DJ was dropped to the ground.
"Splendid idea!" Xenotime cheered. "Who needs either of them?!"
"Idiots, there will still be someone to rule!" Nosiop yelled. "Together, Black Rutile and I shall conquer the universe together using the power of the Lapidarist, who has the power to reset all Gems to their basic functions!"
"Wait, really?" Emerald asked nervously, not having a clue as to what Nosiop was talking about.
"Yes, you would all be rejuvenated on a massive scale, so to speak." Nosiop grinned with a hiss. "With her powers, I shall have myself an unstoppable army to overthrow my family and conquer all that I see! Now, who's with me?!"
Despite the dire circumstances this would place not just them but all Gemkind in by wiping everything that made them the Gems they are today, the Rutile Rebels had no choice but to agree out of fear for their lives. However, some were still nervous about how Black Rutile would play a part in this, especially after how she heartlessly poofed two of her most loyal subordinates. "All hail Black Rutile and King Nosiop! All hail Black Rutile and King Nosiop!"
"So, prepare for a glorious future!" Black Rutile announced as the Rutile Rebels chanted, 'Be prepared!'. "Be prepared for a universal golden age!"
"And like any other who'd murder their father!" Eyeball laughed before Aquamarine pulled her fusion partner aside.
"If we don't spread rumors, she'll feed us and groom us!" Aquamarine stated.
"When we've got friends in high places, we hold all the aces!" the Rutile Rebels and a few snake guards chanted harmoniously.
"So don't try and rattle my scales." Nosiop snidely added.
"Oh, imagine if anyone dared!" the chorus cried out. "BE PREPARED!"
"So prepare for the coup of the century!" Nosiop and Black Rutile sang together. "Be prepared for the murkiest scam!"
"Meticulous planning, tenacity planning!" Nosiop proclaimed.
"Centuries of denial is simply why we'll!" Black Rutile added.
"Rule supreme undisputed, respected, saluted, and seen for the visionaries we are!" the villainous duo declared. "Yes, our gems, fangs, and ambitions are bared; be prepared!"
"Yes, our gems, fangs, and ambitions are bared!" Aquamarine, Eyeball, Holly Blue, and Cat's Eye, who have all loyally followed their leader despite everything that's happened, sang together.
"Be prepared!" the newly-formed union of the Rutile Rebels and Nosiop's followers announced, sealing their alliance with a shared evil laugh.
"Pleasure to be working alongside you, partner." Black Rutile said as she and Nosiop shook hands.
"The pleasure's all mine, partner." Nosiop hissed while covertly crossing two scaly fingers behind his back, which implied he desires to stab Black Rutile in the back when she least expected it.
"And that's the whole story of how we got here," Ronaldo said to Peedee elsewhere in the Ouraborium. "Though I'm pretty sure I didn't need to tell you all that since you did hitch a ride with us."
"You are definitely right on that one," Peedee answered.
"So why did you do it?" Steven asked. "What would Mr. Fryman say?"
"He said I should keep an eye on him no matter what," Peedee replied firmly. "And if that means hitching a ride with you guys on a spaceship heading for an alien planet in another galaxy, then I'll do it, no problemo. Plus, it would be nice to participate in one of your big adventures, Steven."
"It's nice to have you join in, too, Peedee," Steven said to his old friend with a hand on his shoulder. "But be warned, this planet is insanely deadly. You might be forced to fight for your life in a gladiatorial death match where you might die if you aren't careful!"
"Luckily, you got your big brother to protect you!" Ronaldo exclaimed excitedly while raising his sword.
"Yeah, good luck with that." Peedee dryly remarked, recalling Ronaldo's cowardice in his fight against the Decimator.
"Yeah, ditto." The three boys heard the voice of none other than Lars say as he walked up behind them. "Hey Steven, long time no see. Sorry we had to meet again like this."
"Lars, did they capture you too?!" Steven exclaimed at the undead human before him. "Oh no, where are the Off-Colors? Are they in trouble?!"
"Don't worry, they're fine," Lars assured Steven. "They're just stuck in a cell somewhere since none of them can fight per se. They only want me since I can't really die." Before Lars can continue, he suddenly noticed Ronaldo and Peedee standing behind Steven. "Wait, Ronaldo?! How and when did you and Peedee get here?!"
"We followed Steven here!" Ronaldo answered, smiling. "I was vindicated upon learning that the snake people, I mean, Slytherophidians, were real all along, like many of my theories, and I came along to gather as much info as I could about their people so I could spread them to the humans!"
"And I came along to keep Ronaldo from accidentally killing himself," Peedee added. "So, how's your space adventures been going?"
"That's actually a funny story. The Off-Colors and I were journeying to Wasprus when we got abducted." Lars revealed to the two humans. "Once their guards noticed that I'm basically invincible after experimenting on me, they said they wanted to keep me here forever so I'll keep fighting for as long as the universe lives."
An intercom crackled to life as if the Slytherophidians heard Lars' explanation. "For our next fight, we shall be pitting the one and only Lars of the Stars against the flying dreamer Lady Imagineer!" the voice of Queen Constricta announced. "Now, Lars, be sure you're as ready as you'll ever be because Ms. Imagineer is a very tough opponent."
"Well, speak of the devil." Lars muttered in surprise as the guards moved him to the arena. "Wish me luck, guys! I'm going to need it!"
"Good luck, Lars!" Steven hollered as Lars got further away from him and the Fryman brothers.
"Nosiop, are you there?" Naja called for her older brother while slinking through the castle halls. "Where are you? Father is getting worried and wants to see you." Unfortunately, her big brother did not answer. "Come on, Nosey, where are you?"
"Looking for someone, my dear?" Aquamarine asked as she fluttered down and landed on the floor next to Naja. "I once felt lost, too, but then I realized I had someone right by my side this whole time."
"You're one of those Rutile Rebels, aren't you?" Naja asked Aquamarine. "What do you want with me?"
"Oh, how very astute, your grace," Aquamarine replied with a mocking curtsy. "Now then, you were looking for someone, right?"
"Yes, I'm looking for Nosiop," Naja stated. "Have you seen him?"
"I am right here, dearest Naja." Nosiop hissed as he, Pyth, and Black Rutile emerged from the shadows. "Oh, I am so sorry that my sweet baby sister was so scared her big brother wasn't there to keep her safe. Then again, you were always pretty scared but always tried hiding it by acting like the showman you want to be."
"He does raise a good point there, princess." Black Rutile snidely added before cupping Naja's face in her hand. "You ever feel like your old man and the queen have been holding you back from reaching your full potential, Naja?"
"Nosiop, what are you doing fraternizing with Black Rutile?!" Naja asked hurriedly. "You know she's an intergalactic criminal imprisoned for multiple counts of attempted genocide! Stay away from her!"
"Oh please, you threaten to destroy one planet multiple times, and everyone treats you like the bad guy." Black Rutile rolled her eyes in disgust. "Anyways, your brother isn't fraternizing with me. I'M fraternizing with HIM. As it turns out, the two of us have something in common, and we became close quite instantly."
"Perhaps you'd like to join us on our little crusade." Nosiop offered while taking his sister's hand. "Together, the two of us can rule the universe side by side as brother and sister with an unstoppable Gem army at our command, and no one will have to judge you for what you really are!"
"What are you saying?" Naja asked, growing more concerned for her big brother's mental status by the second.
"I'm saying that Mother and Father are holding us back!" Nosiop yelled in his sister's face, momentarily flicking his forked tongue at her. "I have legitimately good ideas for our people, but no one ever takes me seriously! But Black Rutile, on the other hand, truly understands my suffering, for she has encountered the same problems as I!"
"Indeed, I was made an outcast because I disagreed with the current status quo of my race." Black Rutile added, trying to look as innocent as possible with a pout and big, pleading eyes toward Naja. "I was even betrayed by my friends who started thinking little of me, but I changed that quickly."
"I know where this is going, and I refuse to take part in it!" Naja exclaimed as she tried to escape the oncoming swarm of Rutile Rebels. "Father will hear about this!"
"Well, excuse me, Princess, but I think not." Black Rutile hissed angrily. "Rubies, seize her!"
"Yes, my Rutile!" the Rubies obediently chorused as they jumped up and tackled Naja to the ground. "Princess has been secured!"
"Excellent, little Rubies." Pyth purred eagerly. "Now, please show the dear princess to her room until further notice." He gave orders with a sadistic smile. "Wouldn't want her getting in the way by telling everybody."
"You won't get away with this!" Naja yelled angrily as the Rubies dragged her away. "Steven will find out!" As Nosiop watched the Rubies carry off his sister, he turned away in shame at having to betray his sister like this. But alas, their worldviews had no choice but to clash as he still had far grander designs in mind, and she didn't play a role in them. With a heavy sigh, the visionary prince looked to his new Gem ally and his royal vizier, who looked back at him with sinister smiles.
Meanwhile, in the Ouraborium, Lars had been pitted against the flying dreamer Lady Imagineer in combat, but despite his moderate skill in combat, the donut boy turned undead space hero was outmatched in every way possible.
"Stay still, for Pete's sake!" Lars groaned as he tried catching up with Lady Imagineer's airborne acrobatics. "Just because I'm human doesn't mean I can't beat you!"
"But that's what makes your race so fun, Lars!" Imagineer laughed sweetly. "You have so much potential; you just need to learn not to waste it!"
"Yeah, that's my sister up there!" the reality-warping trickster Flipso cheered for Lady Imagineer while conjuring up a smartphone to record the fight with. "You're doing amazing, sweetie!" Suddenly, Solaris Noctua turned his gaze to find Flipso in the audience below where he and the other Universal Lords were seated. Flipso immediately hid himself by disguising himself as a Slytherophidian. "Gotta keep up appearances."
"Quit flying around so much!" Lars yelled as he tried using his portal powers to scream his way to Lady Imagineer, but she was far too quick on her feet for him to keep up.
"Gonna have to catch me first!" Imagineer giggled before conjuring up an illusion of Sadie that made Lars blush, distracting him long enough for the space pirate to realize he was now falling to the ground. "I can also conjure up illusions based on what I find in your mind."
"YOU SUUUUUUUUCK!" Lars screamed before he landed on the ground with a loud thud, prompting the audience to chant.
"FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM! FINISH HIM!" the Slytherophidians cheered as Lady Imagineer floated down to where Lars landed and helped him up.
"Ugh, my back." Lars groaned in pain as he shuffled away. "This is probably the second most humiliating moment in my life, right after Steven possessing my body."
"Oh, come on, Lars, at least you had fun, right?" Lady Imagineer asked with a cute smile.
"Yeah, maybe it was a little fun." Lars laughed dryly before continuing his walk of shame.
"Oh, my back." Lars groaned in pain as he struggled back to the quarters the Jormagundr royal family gifted him upon his arrival on Serpentes and slumped on the closest velveteen couch to sleep his troubles away. "Oh, sweet Velveteen Rabbit. Take me away on your Edwardian adventures."
"Anything the matter, Lars?" Emerald asked while walking in and stroking Lars's aching back.
"Just lost to Lady Imagineer," Lars said while turning his head to face Emerald. "What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to comfort an 'old friend' of mine in these trying times," Emerald replied. "Seeing you so humiliated like that, while it was cathartic to see you feel how you always made me feel back in the day, it just pained me to see a worthy opponent go down like that."
"What are you saying?" Lars asked, not expecting a good answer at all.
"I'm saying is that Steven has ruined your life for long enough!" Emerald exclaimed. "First, he repeatedly robs you of your dignity, then he takes you away from your home planet where you were forced to die for him, and now you're fighting for your life on another alien planet! And you're expected to become his friend after all that?!"
"You're wrong!" Lars yelled as he bolted up, briefly yelping in pain. "Yeah, Steven and I got off on the wrong foot, but he still willingly gave up everything for the wellbeing of others, even me, and I returned the favor! Now, I'm living the dream as a badass space hero like in the old TV shows with a bizarro found family of Off-Colors!"
"That's what I hated about you, Lars, outside of the fact you stole my favorite ship and got away with it," Emerald stated while pulling out her spiked club from her gem, now pulsating with electricity as she pointed it at Lars. "You're way too human!" She swung her club at Lars, who deflected it with a kick.
"No, I'm just human enough!" Lars smirked before punching Emerald's face and knocking her down. "What's with the change in attitude? Last time I saw you, you were willing to face punishment for your crimes."
"Things have changed. Though I wanted to atone, eventually, I grew tired of Black Rutile's wailing and believed my failures were because of her." Emerald revealed. "Ditto for Demantoid, Pyrope, and Morganite as well."
"Guess old habits die hard, I suppose," Lars muttered before Emerald tried taking him by surprise with another swing of her club, but Lars dodged in the nick of time and sent her flying towards the wall with a combo of fists and feet. As Emerald lay injured against the wall, Demantoid, Pyrope, and Morganite raced to see what was happening.
"Emerald, what happened here?!" Morganite asked while helping the renowned pilot to her feet.
"Seems like I got a little shortsighted again." Emerald laughed weakly. "At least I tried to get one over on him."
"This won't be the last you'll see of us, Lars of the Stars," Demantoid said to Lars. "When next we meet, you will face the full might of the Rutile Rebels."
"And I'll be onto you like a Langdon Cobb movie." Lars replied firmly.
"Do any of you have a clue as to what he said?" Pyrope asked while the three Gems carried Emerald away, to which Demantoid and Morganite responded with hushed confusion.
In the Crystal Gems' room in the arena, Steven was sitting worriedly on the couch with Peedee as Ronaldo paced around the sofa, thinking about Lars's loss and how it would affect them. "Well, there goes Lars." Ronaldo declared bluntly. "Either of you got any bright ideas?"
"I'm not sure what to do now," Peedee replied. "I mean, what chance do we have now that the Diamonds have been poofed and Lars is out of commission? In fact, where are the Crystal Gems?"
"Off being forced to fight more innocent aliens," Steven added. "Speaking of which, I wonder how Black Rutile is doing."
"Attention all combatants, our next fight is a very special one!" Constricta's voice announced through the arena's PA system. "For quite possibly the biggest show yet in the Contest of Champions, we give you Steven Universe versus Black Rutile!"
"What?!" the three boys yelled while Black Rutile stormed into the room with an evil laugh.
"I see you just heard my big surprise for you, Steven!" Black Rutile announced joyfully. "As arranged by my dear friend Prince Nosiop, we shall have our long-awaited rematch, and I'll finally get the chance to destroy you once and for all!"
"No one destroys a boy like you, my Rutile," Aquamarine said while perched on Black Rutile's shoulder. "See you soon, Steven." The two Gems laughed as Black Rutile turned around and left, leaving Steven horrified at what he had just heard.
"This is not good; this is not good at all," Steven muttered nervously. "Everyone here already hates me because I don't want to kill people, so they'll no doubt be rooting for Black Rutile to destroy me! What do I do?!"
"Hey, don't fret, Steven, just believe in yourself," Ronaldo suggested. "Believe in the Ronaldo who believes in you."
"He's right," Peedee added. "Some people can't believe in themselves until someone believes in them first. Remember that no matter what, everyone back at Beach City has your back."
"Thanks, guys," Steven said with his eyes closed. "But I guess I have no other choice." He opened his eyes, revealing that one of them now had a diamond-shaped pupil.
And so, we finally reach the halfway point of Snake Eyes with the long-awaited rematch between Steven and Black Rutile, allowing them to finally settle the score after their numerous fights in Alternate Future. And this time, Black Rutile won't just decide to give up on Steven and let him wallow in shame, she's going in for the kill and has a lot of issues left over she'll use their upcoming fight for. How will things turn out? Find out next week.
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snowball-maltese · 2 years
Atticus Shaffer in The Middle
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Jonathan banks in Wiseguy
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They are the same person-
You cannot convince me otherwise
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jemimakirkenetworth · 11 months
Jemima Kirke - Net Worth,Age,Biography & Height Or Career
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Jemima Kirke Growing up in a creative environment, Jemima developed a passion for the arts from a young age. She attended Saint Ann's School in Brooklyn, known for fostering creativity and individuality among its students. Despite having a background in visual arts, Jemima was drawn to acting and decided to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.
More info >> https://chipanchi.com/jemima-kirke-net-worth/
All info This Site >>>> https://chipanchi.com/
In 2005, Jemima made her acting debut with a small role in the independent film
"The New Twenty." However, her breakthrough came when she was cast in the
critically acclaimed series "Girls," created by Lena Dunham. The show premiered in
2012 and became a cultural phenomenon, earning Jemima widespread recognition for
her performance as the free-spirited and complex character, Jessa.
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selenadrawsstuff · 1 year
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I have a Frankenweenie autograph from the voice actor Atticus Shaffer, he voices one of the films main characters, Edgar E Gore!! I love it so much, it makes me so happy!😭🥹
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yahoo201027 · 4 days
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June 19: Happy 26th Birthday to Actor Atticus Shaffer, who provided the voices of one of the residents living in Beach City, an employee over at Beach Citywalk Fries alongside his brother Ronaldo and his father Mr. Fryman, and friend to Steven as the character of Peedee Fryman on Steven Universe; and the younger brother of Ludo in the episodes “Face the Music” (2017), “Ludo, Where Art Thou?” (2018), and “Princess Quasar Caterpillar and the Magic Bell” (2019) as the character of Dennis Avarius on Star vs The Forces of Evil.
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harryhxck · 4 months
Undercover Heart || Prologue
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Undercover Heart Masterlist
"Do you want cheese on your sandwich?"
Rose glanced over at Evan, awaiting a response. Instead, she heard the familiar rustle of pages as Evan buried himself deeper into his book. She sighed, turning to face him. Sure enough, he was lost in his own world, oblivious to her question.
"Blackwood," she called out, her patience waning. "Oh, for the love of—Blackwood! Could you put that book down for a minute?!"
Evan emitted an exasperated sigh, reluctantly lowering his book. He glanced over his shoulder at Rose, who leaned against the kitchen counter, clearly perturbed.
"Just so you know, I was reading something important."
"Yeah, like what?"
"If you're so interested, come take a look."
Rose rolled her eyes and approached Evan, who sat comfortably in his favorite chair. She peered over his shoulder, noticing that he wasn't reading a book but instead perusing a classified document. A picture of a young man with a bright smile and piercing blue eyes adorned the page.
"Who's this?" Rose inquired.
"Axl Heck."
"He's kind of cute."
"Well, he's your next assignment."
Rose scoffed and shook her head as she retreated to the kitchen. "I'm not getting involved in another mess like that."
"You act as if you have a choice," Evan retorted, setting the folder aside. Rising from his seat, he faced Rose. "It wasn't your fault, Rose. You need to—"
"Do you want cheese on your sandwich?" Rose interjected, focusing on the task at hand.
Evan sighed. "Yes, please."
As Rose reached for the cheese, she sensed Evan's presence behind her. She turned to face him, meeting his gaze. She could see the determination in his eyes, understanding that this assignment held significance for him.
"You have to do this case with me," Rose insisted, a faint smirk tugging at Evan's lips. "I'm not going through this alone. You're my partner, after all. If I go down, you go down with me."
"Fine by me," Evan agreed, taking a step back. "I've already done my homework on this one. We'll figure it out together."
"Deal. Just don't let me down, Blackwood."
Evan grinned. "Only if you promise not to do the same."
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disneytva · 1 year
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February 2023 Programming Highlights 
Friday, Feb. 3 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Blueberry Bonanza/Snow Day” (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EST p.m. on Disney Junior) “Blueberry Bonanza” – Zsa-Zsa steals all the blueberries from the blueberry festival.
“Snow Day” – It’s Bitsy’s first snow day, and the team must stop Lab Rat from zapping away all the snow. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “Puppy Pursuit/The Ice Cream Truck Bandits” (11:00-11:30 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/1:25-1:45 p.m. EST p.m. on Disney Junior) “Puppy Pursuit” – Bo forgets to feed his puppy, which causes the hungry pup to travel to the local dog bone factory, where he gets caught.
“The Ice Cream Truck Bandits” – Wayne and Wiley go on an ice cream truck robbing spree. *Aimee Carrero (“Elena of Avalor” She-Ra And The Princesses Of Power”) guest stars as newscaster Marina Ramirez. Atticus Shaffer (“The Middle”) recurs as art thief Wayne Riley. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 4 
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Hamnesia/Romancing the Scone” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EST) “Hamnesia” – Hamster gets amnesia after a supervillain fight.
“Romancing the Scone” – Gretel and Nordle encounter a strange and powerful scone. TV-Y7
Friday, Feb. 10 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Tooth or Consequences!/The Heroic Games” (7:00-7:30 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Tooth or Consequences!” – The Tooth Fairy needs help collecting the large and heavy tooth of Woodsman Willie. *Lois Chimimba (“Doctor Who”) guest stars as the Tooth Fairy.
“The Heroic Game” – Pete the Mighty competes in the Heroic Games and underestimates Saiya, a short Mayan hero. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Clean Power/Doc Ock & The Rocktobots” (8:30-9:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/12:30-1:00 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Clean Power” – Electro and her electric gauntlet have drained the power from the city’s new wind turbine.
“Doc Ock & The Rocktobots” – Team Spidey runs up against villains who are trying to stop them from performing at a concert. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Have a Ball/Zsa-Zsa Zoom” (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EST p.m. on Disney Junior) “Have a Ball” – When Ginny gets a boo-boo, Sparks, Buddy and Bitsy have to learn to work as a team without her.
“Zsa-Zsa Zoom” – The SuperKitties help Peanut get Nadia’s stolen toy car back from Zsa-Zsa. TV-Y
Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Moon Girl Landing” (8:00-8:30 p.m. EST) When brilliant, altruistic Lunella Lafayette accidentally brings a dinosaur to the Lower East Side, she finally has the brawn to match her brains and protect her community. *Alison Brie (“GLOW”) guest stars as Aftershock, Utkarsh Ambudkar (“Ghosts”) guest stars as Anand, and Michael Cimino (“Love, Victor”) guest stars as Eduardo. TV-Y7 FV
Saturday, Feb. 11 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “For Whom the Bell Trolls/An Arthouse Divided” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EST) “For Whom the Bell Trolls” – A social media influencer threatens to destroy Hamster and Gretel’s reputation.
“An Arthouse Divided” – Things go terribly wrong at a movie premiere. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Borough Bully” (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Lunella finds a nasty comment on her Moon Girl social media page, her fixation on the troll threatens to take over her life. *Josh Keaton (“Voltron: Legendary Defender”) guest stars as Angelo. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, Feb. 17 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Missing Mr. Greenie/Piano Problem” (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EST p.m. on Disney Junior) “Missing Mr. Greenie” – Mr. Puppypaws steals Bitsy’s favorite toy, Mr. Greenie.
“Piano Problem” – The SuperKitties must return a grand piano to Petcini after Cat Burglar steals it. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Alice’s Wonderland Bakery “Queen Alice/A Kuku Surprise” (2:15-2:45 p.m. EST) “Queen Alice” – The Queen’s out for the day, so Alice takes her place.
“A Kuku Surprise” – When Saeed moves into the mushroom forest, Alice and friends help welcome him to his new home. *Kausar Mohammed (“The Flash”) guest stars as Mrs. Parvaneh. TV-Y
Saturday, Feb. 18 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “The Litigator vs. The Luchador/Strawberry Fest Forever” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EST) “The Litigator vs. The Luchador” – Carolina’s sister comes to visit, and Kevin and Gretel infiltrate a wrestling match.
“Strawberry Fest Forever” – Carolina and Gretel attend a festival that takes Carolina by surprise. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Run the Rink” (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Lunella runs the rink for a night, she agrees to Casey’s get-rich-quick scheme, which threatens Moon Girl’s reputation and her family’s beloved business. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Check Yourself” (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) When Lunella loses a game of chess against a supercomputer, her obsession with winning drives the frustrated computer to program every device in the school to attack her. *Asia Kate Dillon (“Billions”) guest stars as LOS-307, and Craig Robinson (“Hot Tub Time Machine”) guest stars as Principal Nelson. TV-Y7 FV
Friday, Feb. 24 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Birds of a Feather/Salty vs. Pepper” (7:00-7:30 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Birds of a Feather” – Mickey, Minnie and friends help Buccaneer Belle, and first mate Cuckoo Loca brings pirate sidekick parrots to their pirates on Pirate Beach.
“Salty vs. Pepper” – Captain Salty Bones needs the gang’s help to find a treasure before his pirate rival, Pepper Lemon. *John Stamos (“Big Shot”) recurs as Captain Salty Bones, and Yvette Nicole Brown (also from “Big Shot”) guest stars as pirate Pepper Lemon. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Pirate Plunder Blunder/Bad Bot” (8:30-9:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/12:30-1:00 p.m. EST on Disney Junior) “Pirate Plunder Blunder” – Team Spidey must save Aunt May when Green Goblin’s device makes people think they’re pirates.
“Bad Bot” – Doc Ock creates a bad bot version of TRACE-E to trick Team Spidey. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Treat Truck Trouble/Leapin’ Laser” (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EST p.m. on Disney Junior) “Treat Truck Trouble” – The SuperKitties have to stop Mr. Puppypaws from turning all the animal treats into only doggy treats.
“Leapin’ Laser” – Buddy accidentally breaks Sparks’ SuperKitty Kit and doesn’t tell him.
Saturday, Feb. 25 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Micromanager/The Bottle Episode” (9:30-10:00 a.m. EST) “Micromanager” – Kevin gets his first job at a burger joint.
“The Bottle Episode” – Fred is put to the test when she encounters a sinister shopkeeper. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow” (10:00-10:30 a.m. EST) When Lunella creates a chemical to change her hair, she accidentally turns her mane into a vengeful villain that vows to ruin her. *Jennifer Hudson (“Respect”) guest stars as Mane. TV-Y7 FV
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur “The Beyonder” (10:30-11:00 a.m. EST) The Beyonder gloms onto Lunella to learn about humanity, just as she’s struggling to win a big science competition. *Laurence Fishburne (“The Matrix” trilogy) guest stars as The Beyonder. TV-Y7 FV
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