#au; post seine
songandflame · 7 months
@reverdies continued from here.
"You'd be surprised. She's a very opinionated young lady." Not a criticism. No, Fantine was thrilled her daughter should be so strong spirited.
The question was unexpected. She hadn't even thought of the possibility. Valjean and jealousy were opposites of one another; she wasn't even entirely convinced he could be jealous. But she knew how his heart ached with Marius' arrival, the fear of being replaced and forgotten now Cosette no longer needed her father. Of course it was a lie he told himself— Cosette would always need and want him, even with Marius by her side.
Would he feel the same way should he realise what was happening here? The thought made her feel slightly sick. He had been so very good to her, she did not want him to think she was discarding him too.
"No... No, he..." She rubbed her temples, exhaling with a sigh. Why did everything have to be so complicated? So... messy? "Jealous is the wrong word," she resolved. "Frightened... anxious, I think those are a better fit."
It wasn't as if she was consciously surpressing what was happening between her and Javert, she merely did not know how or when to delve into such a topic.
"He may hide it well behind his facade of stoicism, but he fears abandonment. I wouldn't want him to interpret this as... well, pushing him out."
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
French TV journalist having a hard time trying to get woman in the street to comment on Macron's latest speech yesterday
Protesters organised casserolades (aka banging on pots and pans) in front of city halls across the country at 8pm, when Macron was speaking, to symbolically drown out his voice. Later that evening, Macron was filmed singing a song with some 'random people' in a street in Paris, trying to show he can go out and meet people and have fun because protesters don't exist. The people he was singing with (members of a choir, some of whom are 'alt-right-leaning') were using a folk song app created by far-right activists that was criticised a few months ago for hosting a Spanish fascist anthem & Third Reich military marches.
The government's response was that the President "couldn't know the background of the people he met that night." Maybe if he wants to avoid being associated with the far-right (that's a big if, I know), Macron should keep in mind that with the kinds of strategies and positioning his government has adopted lately, people in the street who welcome him with open arms and are proud to be filmed with him have a higher than average likelihood of supporting fascism.
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alphazed · 2 months
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This is what i imagine happens in every post-Seine au
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Ich will den Post hier jetzt nicht durch meine Ergänzung komplett derailen, aber
Ich weiß noch dass ich den vor ein paar Jahren schon mal hier gereblogged hatte, und dann zuerst in den Tags "same" geschrieben hatte, weil ich das Wortspiel komplett übersehen hatte. Dann hatte mir jemand anonym ne Nachricht geschickt von wegen "Warum hast du da "same" in die Tags gepackt, wenn du nicht lesbisch bist" (kann den Post leider nicht mehr wiederfinden), und ich hatte das Wortspiel immer noch übersehen. Gemerkt hatte ich es dann erst ne Weile später, woraufhin ich den Tag gelöscht hab.
Und jetzt zu der Punchline die sich vielleicht ein paar schon denken können, denn in den letzten paar Monaten hab ich schon eine kleine Krise im Bezug auf meine Selbstwahrnehmung / Identität, und im Moment fühlt es sich bei mir schon ein wenig so an :)
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kmiija · 4 months
Being Left Behind
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galli-halli · 2 months
Klaas „Sexualität verändert sich ein Leben lang“ Heufer-Umlauf, 40, empfindet Jokos Schultern als erotisierend. Keine Pointe.
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silverysnake · 5 months
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Noch 29 Stunden
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cactusismydisguise · 2 months
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koskela-knights · 4 months
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Aleksi Kesä being consumed by hungry vampires 😳🩸
Bite marks only + without blood below
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
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songandflame · 8 months
@reverdies || continued from here.
Fantine dreaded winter too, though not for the reason Javert did. Once the streets were behind her, the anxiety winter ushered in with it remained. It was hard to put these feelings into words; it was almost melancholy, but it's root was memories she dared not share with anyone. Perhaps Javert would be privy of such confessions yet— with whatever this was between them.
The same question lingered too. Fantine left it, even as Cosette's eyes met Javert's. If Cosette expected anything then Fantine was sure she would ask her mother privately. After all, it was complicated for everyone under this roof. For Cosette's entire life the law had been dangerous; for Valjean, Javert had been his captor.
The sewing came as a welcome distraction to otherwise complicated realities. They would eventually have to address it, but for now they could enjoy each other's company under the guise of helping each other out. Not that their aid was for nothing, but Fantine couldn't ignore how she had come to anticipate time spent with the other over the actual task that brought them together to begin with.
"You're doing absolutely fine, Javert!" she reassured, nodding in affirmation as she spoke. "This is tricky work. I didn't learn how to do this overnight, and believe me I've stuck finger with many a needle."
At his question, she shifted her position from opposite him to next to him. The crackling of a fire filled whatever silence fell between them. She displaced her fabric and needle and thread as her slender fingers came to rest across Javert's own.
"You've nearly got it, here..." she moved his needle to the correct place, her face shadowed with concentration. "You just had it in the wrong place. See, this stitch you want to start here," she commented, "then you want to bring it up and diagonally, but you don't want to bring the thread down to cross the stitch back over."
She encouraged his hands to follow her own, pulling the thread through. "Instead you want to move back on yourself from the top of your last thread exit, understand?" She continued to make him follow as she performed said instructions. "Then allow the needle back through the fabric and bring it down diagonally over the original stitch and you've finished your first cross stitch!"
Her smile was full of pride and encouragement. He didn't have to be a tailor, but he could learn something useful in the way of having to visit them less. "Does that make sense?" Finally, her head lifted so she could meet Javert's gaze. In her concentration, she hadn't realised how close they had become. "We can finish for now if you'd rather, come back to it when the day grants us more light?"
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mercedes-lenz · 7 months
ich wünsche euch einen besinnlichen lenzens-eseley-jahrestag
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[Eigenhändiger Tagebucheintrag Goethes vom 26. November 1776: "26. Lenzens Eseley." // Link zum Digitalisat / Link zur Erläuterung]
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Here is a link to my new fic (hope this works)
Title: control over your world
javert is trough in to hell after failing to kill jean valjean in the last purge of hell. they end up sucked in to a plot to change the admiration of heaven lead by the Amis de ABC. the story take 20 years postmortem. grantiere has ended up in hell septate for Enjolras and schemes to git to his friends with the help of jevert and jaen valjean. Meanwhile in heaven marius and the other plot to over trough the existing order in heaven. back in hell cosette is running the hazbin hotel with eponine and fantine as her guests.
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berg-gry · 1 year
[literally irgendwas mit Entführung oder Casinos]
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🦁 hörk-pesther Follow
aaaah jackpot wird so gei-el!!!
#adam mach die kohle bereit #spatort #jackpot #jpt #spoilers
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schnaf · 3 months
#ich dachte mir in letzter zeit n paar mal.... irgendwie war hier früher mehr interaktion#und kam auf alle möglichen gründe#aber jetzt scrollte ich gerade durch die following liste#und....................#n großteil der leute mit denen ich öfters mal gesprochen hab hat seit x jahren nix gepostet#und das ist so weird#ich klickte ein paar blogs an und fand nie eine abschiedsbotschaft#es gab einen ganz normalen reblog und dann...... nichts mehr#also erst mal can't relate selbst wenn ich wollte könnte ich tumblr nicht verlassen#aber dann eben so plötzlich.... hm#aber die nostalgie war recht zügig auch wieder vorbei als ich die alten posts gesehen hab#also ich geh schon davon aus dass die leute heute anders drauf wären#aber tumblr vor ein paar jahren........ muss man nicht zurück haben#(oh gott außerdem stieß ich auf die erste person die mir hier folgte)#((die erste person der ich folgte war die die mich hierher brachte))#(und ich sah wieder dass sie nicht weit weg von mir wohnt und dass wir uns eigentlich mal treffen hätten können)#(aber ganz am anfang war das irgendwie noch so abwegig für mich dass man tumblr leute auch in echt sehen könnte)#(und von ihrer seite aus... wars wohl auch besser dass wir uns nich in echt gesehen haben)#(sie hat sich für mich neu erfunden oder so. sie hat mir erzählt dass sie halbspanierin is und fließend spanisch spricht)#(was so schwierig für sie gewesen sein muss weil ich damals über spanier schrieb)#(und der meinung war dass spanische dialoge auch auf spanisch geschrieben sein müssen und ich ließ sie korrekturlesen)#(außerdem erzählte sie mir dass sie nen boyfie hat. einmal schickte sie mir n pärchenfoto ohne gesichter)#(und jahre später sah ich das foto wieder und stellte fest dass es ein stockfoto ist)#(außerdem waren wir auf fb befreundet und dann trug sie mal ihren beziehungsstatus ein - single. und ich so ??)#(und sie so 'haha is nich so gemeint isn soziales experiment' oder so)#(hach ja in 12 jahren tumblr sieht man einiges............)#((und ich sollte wohl mal mehr leuten folgen damit nicht nur 5% meiner mutuals auf meinem dash auftauchen......))
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cactusismydisguise · 3 months
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