#audio advent
pink-linoleum · 2 months
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was revamping my personal little cloud playlist so i figured i’d draw a new cover pic as well
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zxaxel · 7 months
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i will never get over the fact that the zxa manga ended the instant things started to escalate and actually be cool
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greatbigbellies · 6 months
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ameliapodcast · 2 years
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Door 1
Transcripts available here 👀
*Intern is currently not available, they are desperately hiding in the vents while everyone is looking for a charger. They are afraid of discovery. Don't send help. Send chargers*
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i-am-become-a-name · 6 months
December 14 - Pursuit of the Nightjar spoilers.
It was peaceful, she thought. Beautiful. Tegan wasn’t one for peaceful usually, always needing to do something with her hands, tap her feet, talk to fill up the silence. But here she was alone, drifting through those incomprehensibly huge expanses between stars and the blue tangles that had snared the Nightjar. She had the idle thought of maybe this was what it had been like to be Captain Goben, travelling for all those months in the darkness, but at least he had his books around him, his piano. All Tegan had was her spacesuit and her own head. 
She’d lost sight of the ship long ago, even if she’d had the ability to twist and look back. The range on her radio had crackled out long before that. But she’d kept talking, never one to keep silent. Knowing Nyssa, she’d find such a close personal examination of these space- she didn’t know, space phenomena fascinating. So she tried, describing them with as much detail as she could. But that only went so far, as beautiful as the knots were. So she shut her mouth, and just listened for a while to the music, matching the swells and crests of the colours to the change. Funny, she thought space was meant to be silent, but something here was singing with such depth and such- holiness. It made her want to talk about it, about death and Adric and all the things they never talked about. It made her want to be quiet, but that would have been too… lonely. And it wasn’t as if there was anyone else to hear her, after all.
She hoped they didn’t hear her. Hoped whatever crackled out with distance had done so on their side too. Not because what she was saying was embarrassing or silly, the Doctor would say that never stopped her anyway, but because she didn’t want him to hear. To hear when her air ran out, the thin gasps she remembered from the Urbankan spaceship. It wouldn’t be fair to him. Nyssa would care, she knew, but she would also apply logic to the whole situation. People died, Tegan would merely do so earlier than they had expected. But the Doctor- she’d been on the ship plummeting towards earth, had seen the look of agony in his eyes as he was forced to leave Adric behind. She didn’t spare him much, but she would spare him experiencing another death of a friend if she could. Oh, she could rail and complain about how unfair it was, but really, she’d seen such things in their time together. Maybe that was why she was going to die, she’d used up all her life in this short and glorious burst.   
Bloody hell, it was cold. She’d been cold even before being pulled from the ship, but it was numbing now, fine tremors running through her arms even as she clumsily tucked them around herself as much as possible in the bulky suit. She had abandoned her heels when putting the suit on, but could no longer feel the ache in her bare feet against the rough inner sole, the rasp in her throat from speaking. It would be so easy to close her eyes now, to let these last beauties pass unseen.
The radio in her helmet crackled.
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disease · 1 year
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revdavidbsmith · 5 months
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
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straykatfish · 6 months
Christmas 2023
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ameriko-steelie · 6 months
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Saudade & Melbrewer367 - 4t3 Crosley Turntable (Vinyl Record Player) + CrybxbySims Simlish Swatch
Hey! A bit late today because I was pretty much busy and then I watched Napoleon with friends (loved it)!
Find in Electronics - Audio (functional stereo), 2k polycount. Second swatch has Simlish for those who prefer Simlish to real languages in their game!
Download - SFS
Download - Simblr.CC
See more Advent 2023 gifts here - boop
@wanderingsimsfinds @pis3update @gifappels-stuff @eternalccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds
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Hey, I'm glad you're accepting requests again and that I can read new stuff from you 🤩. I have a Matt Christmas request how about Matt gets a Christmas calendar from his girlfriend just with a little spiciness 😏 hidden in the calendar are dirt audios or plush handcuffs. I would be happy if you accept my request ☺️
hii!! love love love 🫠 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
matt murdock x female reader
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word count. 417
warnings. 18+ only!! brief descriptions and mentions. mdni
Matt is the kind of person who doesn't like receiving gifts - someone who feels uncomfortable taking. So, for Christmas this year, you decided to venture outside your usual realm of gifts, opting for something more personal - tailored even.
After hours of brainstorming ideas, you finally settled on something: an advent calendar, though it won't be chocolate, but instead, filled with something slightly scandalous. With a giddy, racing heart, you began planning the days with said interactive treasures, pondering different things that he and you would enjoy.
For day one, you decided to start simple. You collected a pair of lace, slinky underwear from your laundry pile, folding it neatly into the box you had made. You had the idea of giving him something to work with if you're apart, to give a little part of you for the nights you couldn't be together.
For day two, you wanted to step it up a notch, selecting a new kink you've been wanting to try, a new theme you've been meaning to explore. You wrote it on a heart shaped post-it, hoping to read it to him on the chosen day.
Over the next few days, you added some more that were slightly tame, different flavour lubes, fabrics, notes with new positions - all of it building up to the better days you had in mind. 
For lucky number seven, you recorded an audio of you one night while you were alone, fingers brushing over yourself, whining and crying out his name as you imagined his fingers on you instead of your own. You didn't hold back, never once containing a sound that escaped you. Again, wanting him to use on nights you couldn't be together.
Over the next couple of days, you added some toys to the boxes, packing different items that you'd both enjoy - one day, a bullet vibrator, the next, a silicone dildo, even adding a fluffy pair of handcuffs to be worn on the day by either Matt or yourself.
For day number twelve, you'd be giving Matt a wildcard, giving him the option to pick his own gift, anything he wanted, anything he wanted to try, and you couldn't say no - though it had to be within your set sexual and relationship boundaries. Whether he wanted to eat you out on the rooftop or fuck you with a toy, it would be your duty to oblige. Your job to be his good girl for the night.
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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cosmal · 1 year
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 — 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
day five of my christmas drabble advent calendar
summary — sirius is your secret santa.
warnings/tags — fem!reader, she/her
note — i literally know nothing about walkmans im sorry.
Sirius, in a best-friend-only sort of way, spends an entire week looking for your secret santa gift.
Not because he has zero clue about what to get — after the stars had aligned and he pulled your name from Remus’s beanie, his mind has been plagued with ideas about gifts for you.
There’s one gift he’s set on. He has been since you mentioned you wanted it a month ago. It was a quick, but in depth conversation. But he remembered.
He remembers you sitting upside down on his bed, rambling about some special edition walkman that had just been released. How it’s really pretty, it has gold trimming around the edge, it’s battery life is longer, something about the audio that Sirius couldn’t understand, and that you’d never have enough money to buy it.
You hadn’t really rambled, you’d spoken about it like you desperately needed it and Sirius had sat there and taken in every word you’d said like it was gospel. That’s how it usually is. You speak, Sirius listens like the lovesick best friend that he is.
Now, sat in a circle with his friends, Sirius feels like he could throw up. Lily, the lovely friend that she is, has dealt out everyone’s presents and it’s about to be your turn. He hasn’t even looked at the red box in his lap. He would, if he could take his eyes off of you.
After James stops beaming about the gift that Remus had bought him (you all know that you’re not supposed to say who bought what, but half of you can’t keep your mouths shut) it’s your turn to open yours.
Everyone has their eyes on you. He can tell you’re hating it, you keep touching your hot cheeks and you’re rambling some stupid joke about the wrapping job. He thinks it’s well deserved, Sirius wrapped and re-wrapped that present ten times over.
“Godric, Y/N, just rip it!” James groans, ever the impatient one.
“The paper’s too pretty,” you explain, doing your best at keeping it intact.
It is pretty. Sirius had also spent a stupid amount of time picking it out.
Once you finally get it open, and you can actually see the label, Sirius doesn’t think he’s ever seen your face look so bright. You look down at the present, then up at him, back at the present. You get up from your spot and Sirius thinks you might be upset.
You walk towards him, then in his nervous mind, he thinks you might hit him for whatever reason. Instead, you tackle him into the couch. Arms wrapped around his neck, knees pressed into his thighs. Sirius laughs madly.
“Thank you,” you murmur into his hair. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” You sound like you might cry. He would hate that. Or love it. He’s really proud of himself for not fucking up.
Sirius let’s himself bathe in your affection. He selfishly lets his hands rub up and down the length of your back. “It’s okay,” he says, all quiet and entirely too dazed.
You pull back and Sirius misses the heat of your mouth against his neck. The sound of your little excited gasp. You look so happy but also like you’re trying to hold it back. He feels the exact same way but for a completely different reason.
You let yourself climb off of him, apologising if you hurt him in your elated tackle.
“You didn’t,” he smiles. Then, because he’s dizzy off of your happiness, he lets himself say, “I quite liked it actually.” You smile into the back of your hand.
He’s too pleased when you don’t go back to your spot and decide to settle down next to him. The heat of your thigh against his is maddening, the urge to let his hand fall on top of it is worse.
Everyone falls back into chatter, watching Remus unwrap his present next. You can’t keep your eyes off the present in your lap. Sirius can’t keep his eyes off of you.
Once everyone has opened their presents and it’s just the two of you left in the loungeroom, Sirius sits and watches you fiddle with the walkman. After it had taken you ten minutes to actually want to open it up. You’d sat there and read the box over and over, smiling so hard Sirius had to bite his lip.
“Pass me the tape?” you ask, opening the player up. Clicking and pressing buttons.
He hands you the cassette, a well worn one that you’ve listened to more times than your own voice, and you slide it into place, snapping it shut.
You fiddle with the ear buds and hand him the left one with a small smile, “We should share the first song.”
Sirius takes it and places it in his ear. You let your head fall against his shoulder as the first track starts to play. Your head is a grounding weight he needs to feel. He feels like he’s floating.
After the song finishes, he asks, “How’d you know it was me?”
Before the track can change, you reply, “Because no one listens to me like you do.”
It’s half true. He knows your friends listen to everything you say. He also knows that he can recite every minute detail about you if given the chance. He knows you better than he knows himself. He’s more than okay with that.
“Right,” he smiles. He likes knowing that you think that too.
“Thank you, Sirius. Really,” you say. The song is loud in his ear but he has no troubles drowning it out to listen to you.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.”
You turn you head so your mouth his pressed into his shoulder and you kiss him there gently. Over the cotton of his t-shirt.
He thinks it could be the start of something more. If he’s lucky.
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greatbigbellies · 6 months
An unnamed pregnant protagonist wakes up, pinned to her bed by her immense belly. She's 40 weeks overdue, overfilled with fluid, and overwhelmed. She has an important appointment today, but only time will tell if she can even stand up, let alone walk out to her ride...
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ameliapodcast · 1 year
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The Amelia Project Audio Advent Calendar - Door 17
Episode and Transcript
Today's transcript-delay is brought to you by the fact that Maty has the flu. Why are they talking about themselves in third person? Who knows, they certainly don't. Sorry! I'll be on time again tomorrow.
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queerprayers · 6 months
a more practical, 100% Protestant-approved Advent
A P.S. to the previous ask, in case you or anyone else want a bullet pointed list and not a meditation--here are some things I didn't mention there:
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (website/book/Android app) has a three times a day prayer practice with practical and often social justice oriented meditations.
A classic: The Book of Common Prayer and the Forward Movement podcasts daily audio version.
I can't believe I didn't recommend the book I'm published in? Geez magazine has an Advent book every year--this year was Prayers for the End of the World, but previous issues are also available.
Unbound's Another Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional
UCC 2023 Abolition Advent Calendar
I haven't checked it out in a while, but I know Our Bible App always has a ton of devotionals, some free, some premium.
Here's a Lutheran (ELCA) lectionary for this year--I'm sure other denominations have similar resources.
Under the read more, I'm going to include the recommended daily psalms and some prayers/liturgies from the Lutheran Book of Worship.
<3 Johanna
All from The Lutheran Book of Worship (1978). I will type these up into a document as soon as I can, but here are the scans I have right now. I apologize to those using screen readers.
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Here are the Sunday prayers & readings for Advent/Christmas:
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These are the Lutheran saint/feast days within Advent/Christmas:
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The following prayers are meant to be said in small groups, but they work by yourself, too.
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yuurivoice · 27 days
What was your first experience in writing? Like, even if at an amateur level
On AOL dial up internet, on a Harvest Moon forum affiliated with a guide website where people would RP their OCs, crossovers, and Harvest Moon characters.
I was 9 or 10 years old.
When I tell you I was forged in the fires of Mount Doom when it comes to this internet shit, I ain't lying.
Roleplayed for a while. The next thing I 100% know I wrote was a one-shot speculative fic of what the opening of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children could be. I was 12.
I became very active on a Fable website writing articles, guides, etc. at that same time. Peter Molyneux taught me to trust no bitch.
Then things went quite with my writing for a long time, but my brain was still locked in daydreaming my stories and characters. I didn't write creatively again until I was 20/21. I didn't really TRY to get better until the years following that, and I thankfully found a writing friend who I was able to use as a measuring stick of my own ability and challenge myself to keep pace.
Fell off again after that when it became really difficult to write any more. Only picked it up once more for creative projects of my own, and then finally for my audio work!
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o-uncle-newt · 6 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 23: Wokingham
I absolutely love everything about this episode. Literally everything. It's just basically perfect.
It's also, like Vaduz, an episode that would never, ever, EVER have happened in S1. I mean, S1 had a dude literally die on the plane and "it "what to do" was turned into a comedy routine... this is a much more, Idunno, humanist approach, I guess. It's hilarious, but it takes its humor from things other than the actual medical situation itself.
But even beyond that- would S1 Douglas have played along when Carolyn said that he cried when confronted by the bird strike in St Petersburg? Would he have even put a pause on the game? Would he have even shown up? Almost definitely not. The only constant, of course, is Arthur, who would have been equally willing to show up to keep Martin's mother busy in any season you can name. Lovely, lovely Arthur, and what an absolutely perfect scene by the way.
Now, there's the meta way of looking at it where people are like "I appreciated it when JF was writing a darker and more cynical show," which a) I disagree with factually (I think there were always hints of what the show would become from the beginning- I mean, as far back as Abu Dhabi, Douglas helped Martin out with the match) and b) I disagree with as a matter of taste (the heartwarming episodes are GREAT). But I have to hope that the meta people at least concede that the development FROM S1 to S4 in terms of the very different ways that people behave is extremely consistent with the character development. Douglas and Carolyn have both made some strides in the way that they relate to Martin that allow them to go run interference for him, but at the same time Martin has grown to become the kind of person who they mind less running interference for. He's mellowed, he's started to be less hung up on his rank for the most part, he's less obsessed with his self image. S1 Douglas would have never done it- but S1 Martin would have given him little reason to, and we've seen that change pretty organically.
It also helps, obviously, that Douglas and Carolyn know exactly what they're dealing with. Some of it, maybe, is seeing how Martin (and, to be honest, Caitlin!) ended up that way, with Simon to cut him down to size- and, as we've heard, his dad as well back when he was alive. (Incidentally, I meant to mention this in Uskerty but I found the fact that Martin has worn his dad's signet ring since the funeral to be both really sweet and just... gah. Emotional.) I feel like we've also all, at some point, met people who are, if not Simons themselves, have Simonistic qualities, so to speak. Carolyn and Douglas, as people who love to put on performances like this and have a bit of a proprietary feeling about Martin (in an "only we get to tease him" kind of way), presumably did it at least partly for the fun of it!
That said, this episode would not have been what it could have been without Wendy. Prunella Scales is amazing, and it's worth noting that (as JF mentioned in a podcast interview I heard once) she was in the early stages of dementia and, according to JF, was not always with it offstage but was just absolutely astonishing as soon as they started performing. She plays every note so perfectly, and adds a really interesting note of, well, momness (or I guess I should say mumness) that is really easy to identify with and also a VERY striking contrast to Carolyn, both for better and, occasionally, for worse- Carolyn would have never said anything remotely like "maybe Simon knows best" lol.
All in all, just really really good fun, hilarious, well plotted, all the usual... oh, and with another amazing audio humor joke with the doctor asking about the costume party. Just perfect.
Important question though: how on earth in this whole brag-off with Simon did Martin never slip that he's dating the freaking Princess of Liechtenstein?! How?!?! I'm not going to call it a plot hole because that's not how these things work, but I can imagine that he had to REALLY hold himself back from blurting it out.
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