#audiobooks market size
sush159 · 2 years
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imrmarketresearch · 2 years
Audiobooks Market
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Audio Books Market size is projected to reach 25.51 billion USD by 2028 from an estimated 5.26 billion USD in 2021, growing at a CAGR of 25.3% globally.
Books read aloud by the authors or other vocal narrators are called audiobooks. People who struggle with reading or vision, like to multitask, or even those who don't understand English well can all benefit from audiobooks.
The demand for audiobooks has increased significantly in recent years, and audiobook subscription start-ups are becoming more prevalent. The copyright is always protected and audiobooks are always supplied and listened to digitally on a tablet, smartphone, or computer, cutting down on distribution costs. Audiobooks are now more enticing than their hardcover counterparts because of the play, pause, advance, and rewind features that are integrated into them.
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anhed-nia · 3 months
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These THINGS are in my ROOM. I keep covering my eyes and saying ARE THEY STILL THERE?, and then I look and they ARE. They EXIST. Be warned, this can happen to you too if you pre-order my SPLICE novelization from Encyclopocalypse Publications! Eternal thanks to the extremely supportive Vincenzo Natali for making my life much, much weirder.
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scarlettgauthor · 3 months
His Sacred Incantations NOW IN AUDIOBOOK FORM!
(Y'all I basically had to fistfight Adobe Premiere in an alley to get that preview made, please clap.)
Yes, Tumblr! It's happening! It has happened! The His Sacred Incantations audiobook is finally available, and you're hearing about it now! Fifteen hours of femdom fantasy adventure coming straight to your earholes! Bondage! Pegging! A really cool fight with a necromancer! At least one dragon! This story has everything, and now you can listen to it!
I am so, so delighted that Martin Martinez was willing to come back for the second book to complete Lucían and Glory's story. When I'm reviewing the audiobooks I no longer hear a narrator doing a voice, I just hear Lucían and Glory's voices, which is an incredible testament to Martin's performance. He had a fantastic time reading this (which I know for a fact because he reached out to me to say these were his favorite books he's never narrated) and that comes across in the audio. 
Some narrators might be intimidated by a book that's 25% sex scene by volume (I did the math once) but not Martin! He put his whole ass and libido into reading the kink scenes, and then Antoine Bandele of AB Book Services took his raw reading and added musical stings and special effects that really elevate the entire auditory experience. It's truly everything I could possibly have wanted from an audiobook.
Also! In celebration of the book being available, I'm putting the His Secret Illuminations audiobook on sale on my website for 50% off! Grab both at a savings, and settle in for thirty whole hours of Martin's wonderful voice and my wild story.
Where can I buy it?
Right now? Just on my website! It's been submitted to Audible and also for wider distribution through Author's Republic, but those take time to percolate through the system and my website is almost immediate! 
As with the His Secret Illuminations audiobook, I had to break it into five parts in order to get around the file size limit. Everything I sell through my website is DRM free, and I get the entire cover price instead of only 25-50%. It's the best way to directly support me, and once you have it, you own the files and no one can take them away from you.
More retailers will be coming soon, but as Patrons you get the direct link and the first announcement!
How can I help out?
Spread the word about the audio book! Y'all have the sneak peek, but I'll be sharing this on social media in the next couple of days. Like, reskeet, reblog, reshare, leave good reviews of the audio book where appropriate--all of that is a huge help to me, someone who is her own marketing department. Also, as mentioned in a previous update, I just left my day job, so writing is now my only income. Word of mouth has been my most valuable tool, so I want to thank every one of you who has ever recommended my books to a friend! You're helping keep weird art alive!
Grab the recording, and settle in for a horny weekend, Patrons!
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bomberqueen17 · 3 days
sewing other things
OK so. I have talked about the Loftus Bralette so much on here that one could be forgiven for chuckling gently when i said I should sew other things. But I do actually have several other projects I've been wanting to work on. And i have actually cut some of them out.
Also when I was last at the farm my niece brought me some of her t-shirts and said "I really like this one can we cut it apart and re-sew it bigger so I can still wear it", and I remembered that her BFF's mom, who works at the farm twice a week doing the books and managing store inventory, owns a serger she didn't know how to thread, so I texted her to ask if I could borrow it and indeed she had accidentally unthreaded it and there was a stuck lever and needed me to fix it anyway, and maybe I mentioned that on here but I did actually make my niece a couple of tunics while I was last at the farm. Including hand-sewing a whole bunch of details on the last one while the family was driving on a road trip one weekend.
So I brought all that stuff home with me and was hoping to get to work on it this week. All I've sewn has been the bralettes but I still have today. We'll see what I can get done.
I measured Farmkid and she's ten years old so her shape isn't the same as that of an adult woman, but she's five feet two and like 130 lbs, and some of her measurements put her in a women's size 12. So. She expressed interest in a garment I wear frequently, a Studio Tunic from Sew Liberated. I printed off the pattern in a size 12 and have assembled it, but I'm stuck deciding what fabric to use for her. I should decide that today. She's ten, her favorite color is ostensibly yellow but she mostly wears pinks and purples, she's a grubby kid who wipes her hands on her shirt and always winds up with stains on the belly of her shirt still, and she wants this tunic I think largely so she can cram her tablet into the pocket and go climb trees while listening to audiobooks on speaker. So I want a bright color but not too pale, and I want a tough fabric but not unbreathable, and I'm just. Deciding, still.
Probably what I should do is use some undyed fabric I own, and then bring my supplies and let her tie-dye it. I have a couple other things I could tie-dye, or will by then. That would be a fun bonding activity. I don't know if I'll have time to do it this trip though. So maybe I'll postpone the project and ask her for help once she's on summer break. (Good luck catching her, kids these days have so many summer camps.) As a bonus I bet I could loop her BFF and BFF's Mom in on the tie-dyeing, they're both into that shit.
Hell we could do ice-dyeing, the farm has a 1000-lb ice machine that is very frequently turned on (weekly for the market, biweekly for chicken processing-- there could be ice available at pretty much any time lol).
So anyway. I know she wants me to make a tunic out of a trio of large-print cat shirts she's outgrown, and she wants to wear it for her 5th grade moving up day ceremony, and I looked at it while I was home but I haven't done it yet. I need to get my shit together.
What I might do is print off a size 12 version of the t-shirt pattern I own, it's just that it's designed for busty women because I'm a busty woman, and she's Not, yet (oh, she will be. soon. but not yet.) so I have to kind of. Well, I own a pattern for a swing tunic that's close to what she wants actually. Oh, I should just print that one off. (The joy of the Cashmerette Club subscription patterns is that you get all the sizes, 0-30, and I've now made a couple of them for smaller friends, because like. I mean I own the pattern! PDF patterns are so great because you can reprint them in the smaller size instead of trying to trace it off. I never ever got the hang of tissue paper patterns.)
Yeah here this one, the Wexford Top/Dress, would be easy enough to kind of carve out the bust curve a little and make it fit a kid, because it's not meant to be that fitted. I'll just sort of use that as a general guideline and then make the cut-out-and-patchworked t-shirts fit into that approximate silhouette. The way I made the other tunics for her, I just used a shirt whose neck and shoulders still mostly fit her. But these cat shirts she's thoroughly outgrown, so making a new neck/shoulder area would be best.
Orrrrrr.... I could use one of the zillion old t-shirts of mine that I've saved to cut up. The neck/shoulders of a fully adult-sized garment are no longer too big for her. That's easier.
I also have a bunch of garments I want to make for myself, as I don't seem to buy clothes much anymore (I can't bring myself to pay $40 for a dress off the clearance rack that won't fit me and will mostly be polyester and won't be that interesting and will pill the first time I wash it). The Club's latest pattern is a skort/shorts/skirt dealie, and I need more shorts all the time-- I've largely given up on underpants and just wear boxer-briefs or anti-chafe shorts and I just don't see the point now of wearing a pair of panties and then shorts over the top under my skirt. Like. Just wear the shorts! So being able to choose the materials and print and look of that would be pretty great. And the Cashmerette one is inseam-less, like my favorite anti-chafe shorts are.
So I have cut out a pair of just the shorts in a clearance cotton mesh from Dharmatrading, and I even have the correct elastic for the waistband, so that kind of rules. I will sew those up as soon as I get a chance. I would like to make several skorts as well, probably from synthetic ponte or something, but my ideal would be to get some decent merino/nylon jersey and do a few from that. You never see merino skorts but I would wear the shit out of those.
I also have a lovely underpants pattern from the Club from ages ago, and while I rarely wear underpants of that style anymore, I would like having some cute matchy ones to go with the bralettes. Also, I have a shitton of foldover elastic, and I suspect I could use foldover elastic in some of the bralettes I want to make, so I want to get proficient in its use, and there are directions for applying it in the underpants directions, and it seems like a good way to practice. So I cut a muslin of those from the same cotton mesh as the shorts, and just have to sew the pieces together.
I also want to make myself more pretty dresses, and I have parts of a new Studio Tunic for myself already cut out, but not the rest.
And I recently made myself the button-up shirt from the Club, I know I posted about it on here. And I wanted to immediately make myself several more, and I got out some fabric and prepared it and cut out one pattern piece and then ran out of time. So yesterday I finally cut out the rest of the shirt from this fabric, a print from Mood covered in tiny dinosaurs. So I have that all ready to go in a plastic baggie too, just waiting for me to have time to sit and sew it. (Once I do that, I would really like to make myself a dress version of it from the cool green not-quite-seersucker I got from that remnant bolt at Promenade Fabrics in New Orleans.)
AND. i also have resolved to make my BFF, the one in Rochester who I lived with for a bit in the pandemic, with the little kids-- MM-- I am going to make her a sloper, before I see her next weekend, or maybe while I see her next weekend if i don't get to it in time argh, and I am going to at least try that on her and figure out approximately what shape she is so that I can put together a master pattern for her to make herself dresses from. I took her measurements ages ago, and she's a 14CD bust, a 16 waist, and an 8 hip in Cashmerette's sizing, and so I think just making a sloper with those sizes all graded together will be a huge start. And then we can mildly tweak the fit for her frame, and-- the thing is, she's always buying custom dresses on Etsy because what she wants is very specific and not usually available in stores, and then the dresses come and don't fit her so she has to get them tailored, and then they were just made of cheap quilting cotton from Joann's so they wear out after she washes them a few times, and she's had to add on pockets anyway because they didn't have them.
So I just feel like if I could get her a paper master pattern that fit her... heck i could even just make her dresses if *I* had the pattern. It would be easier and more efficient. I could do the basic construction and then turn over the pockets and embellishments to her, which is what she does anyway. So that's my goal there, and we'll see if I can reach it.
Anyway. If only I didn't have to work at all and could just sew all the time. I am not the first person to say this, LOL.
I have a lot of irons in the fire but at the moment am trapped under a cat so those irons are not going anywhere.
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AI Pilot Review - Full OTO Details + Demo & Huge Bonus (by Seyi Adeleke)
Welcome to my AI Pilot Review Post, This is a genuine user-based AI Pilot review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how AI Pilot can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. The AI app Turns your thoughts into a real and functional business use a Siri-like feature or just a keyword to create websites, funnels, videos, voiceovers, audiobooks, flipbooks, business cards, content, social proof, emails, social media posts, graphics, and more.
Are you tired of spending endless hours designing, coding, and crafting funnels, websites, and landing pages? Imagine if you could do all of this with just one keyword. AI Pilot AI App is the groundbreaking solution that is set to reshape the way you create, innovate, and dominate the online marketing world. With the AI Pilot AI App, whether you are an affiliate marketer, an e-commerce store owner, an internet marketer, or any business you do online, you’re not just staying ahead of the curve; you’re redefining it! You can generate social proof, generate business IDs, create a funnel, create a website, create a landing page, generate content, generate codes, generate chatbots, generate 3D models, generate videos, and make a profit. There are no complex setups or endless configurations required, nor is there any need for manual labor such as writing, designing, or coding. This works 100 times better and smarter than popular ChatGpt and Google Bard tech AI, with a 99.99% uptime guarantee and zero downtime for life. That’s not the end. Just like Siri, the AI Pilot AI App responds to your voice commands, translating your ideas into reality with unmatched ease. You can also easily attract more potential customers to your doorstep. Ultimately, you can watch your audience grow as the AI optimizes your outreach and engagement strategies.
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AI Pilot Review: What Is AI Pilot?
AI Pilot positions itself as an all-in-one AI assistant designed to empower businesses of all sizes. Imagine having a virtual sidekick that tackles repetitive tasks, generates creative content, builds your website, and automates marketing campaigns. That’s the potential of AI Pilot.
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It leverages artificial intelligence to streamline various aspects of your online presence. Whether you need help crafting engaging content, building a professional website, or managing social media campaigns, AI Pilot aims to be your one-stop solution. This AI assistant boasts features like AI writing tools, website and landing page builders, email and social media marketing automation, and even chatbot creation. By automating repetitive tasks, AI Pilot promises to free up your time to focus on strategic growth initiatives for your business.
AI Pilot Review: Overview
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Creator: Seyi Adeleke
Product: AI Pilot
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jun-03
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Rating: 9.8/10
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Code: “AIPILOT30” Get 30% OFF Any Funnel!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
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AI Pilot Review: About Authors
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Seyi Adeleke was created by AI Pilot. He is a famous Software developer with a passion for digital marketing. People want to purchase his items since he is a well-known creator and one of the finest fighters they want to buy what he creates.
Seyi has extensive market experience and excels at staying ahead of trends. Experts have applauded his ideas. Coursiify, Coinz, ECCO, Edge, vAI, AI Genius, VoxAI, AI Spark, Ink AI, BrainBox, Zendly, ProfitResolution, and many more of his products have done very well.
AI Pilot Review: Key Features
Deploy Ai Expert-Bots In Any Niche With Just A Click
With One Keyword, Generate Complete Funnels, Websites, Landing Pages And More
More Than 85 Ai Features Are Included Inside AI Pilot
You Can Use A.I Pilot To Create Your Own Version Of A.I Pilot And Charge People For It
No setup or configuration is required. Use your voice (like Siri) to accomplish anything you want
No complicated setup — get up and running in just 2 minutes
No Manual Work with A.I. Pilot: No Writing, Designing, or Coding Needed. Unlimited Features and Usage
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World Class customer support
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30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
AI Pilot Review: How Does It Work?
You Are About To Unlock The True Power Of Well-Tamed AI Deploy Ai Expert-Bots In Any Niche That Will (Write, Design, Code, Or Do Anything For You) With ZERO Restrictions, And ZERO Setup
Step #1: Login
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Step #2: Deploy
Deploy Any AI Expert-Bots in Any Niche You Want with Just One Click
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AI Pilot Review: Can Do For You
AI Assistant Bots In 50+ Niches
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AI-Powered Business Card Creator
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AI Speech To Text/Transcriber
AI Image-to-Video Converter
Custom AI Chatbots Builder
AI Text To Code
AI Image Tools
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
AI Pilot Review: Verify User Feedback
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AI Pilot Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
CPA Marketers
Agency Owners
Local Business Owners
Product Creators
eCom Store Owners
Blog Owners
Video Marketers
And Many Others
AI Pilot Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: AI Pilot ($17)
OTO1: Unlimited ($67)
OTO2: DoneForYou ($297)
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OTO4 : Swift Profits ($47)
OTO5: Limitless Traffic ($97)
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AI Pilot Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest AI Pilot Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
AI Pilot Review: Free Bonuses
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AI Pilot Review: Demo Video
Just Watch The AI Pilot Demo Video Down Below To Get All The Details:
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We Will Pay You To Fail With AI Pilot Our 30 Days Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee
Look, AI Pilot is not a “trash” or untested app. They understand its capabilities. In the odd event that you are unable to use AI Pilot for whatever reason. They need that you send them an email. It’s simple: if you don’t earn money, people won’t want yours. They earn more than enough with AI Pilot. And there is no need to hold your money if you are not going to spend it. Not only that, but they’ll give you a lot of goodies as a reward for wasting your time. In the worst-case situation, you acquire AI Pilot and do not generate any money, but you will still receive additional benefits for trying it out.
AI Pilot Review: Pros and Cons
Increased efficiency through task automation.
AI-powered content creation for consistent quality.
User-friendly website and landing page builders.
Streamlined marketing automation across various channels.
Improved customer service with chatbot capabilities.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with AI Pilot.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need any experience to get started?
None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go
Q. Is there any monthly cost?
It depends. If you act now, you pay nothing. But if you wait, it could cost you $997 per month. It’s up to you.
Q. Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
Nop, A.I Pilot is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
Q. How long does it take to make money?
On average, our members made their first sale the same day they gained access to A.I Pilot.
Q. How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of A.I Pilot at a one-time fee.
Q. What if I failed?
Though it’s unlikely, we’ve removed all the risk for you. If you try A.I Pilot and it doesn’t work out, we’ll refund every cent you paid and send you a bunch of bonuses to apologize for wasting your time.
AI Pilot Review: My Recommendation
AI Pilot offers a compelling suite of AI-powered tools designed to streamline business operations and boost online presence. While the learning curve and potential limitations in customization exist, its ability to automate tasks, generate content, build websites, and manage marketing efforts can be a game-changer for busy entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. However, the pricing structure and suitability for highly customized needs should be considered before making a decision. Ultimately, AI Pilot can be a valuable asset for those seeking an all-in-one AI assistant to empower their online growth journey.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now AI Pilot Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: LernX Review, AI Partner & Profit Review, WP Emails Review, GamPAL Review, Opus Review, AI Ebook Suite Review, Dropify AI Review, & BulkShortsAI Review.
Thank for reading my AI Pilot Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This AI Pilot review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $27 for lifetime.
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sanket5678 · 14 days
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ippnoida · 2 months
Jaipur BookMark puts spotlight on future of publishing
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New technological advancements impacting publishing such as artificial intelligence (AI), podcasts, data analysis, and OTT were the focal points of discussion at the 11th edition of the Jaipur BookMark, held alongside the Jaipur Literature Festival from 1 – 5 February 2024 in Jaipur.
According to director, JBM Manisha Chaudhry, this year's Jaipur BookMark (JBM) looked at the future of the publishing industry and all important developments likely to impact publishing in the future. Sessions were also held alongside to mark the anniversaries of major publishing houses along with a Roundtable with 18 publishers from across the globe.
Chaudhry referred to a session on AI and the future of publishing that had Meru Gokhale, founder of Editrix.ai and former publisher at the Penguin Press Group; Charles Collier, a film, television and literary agent, producer, lawyer, and talent manager; and Safir Anand, intellectual property lawyer and brand strategist in conversation with Marcus du Sautoy, , Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. The session talked about the future of the publishing industry with AI entering the domains of editing, translation and audiobooks, how it will impact legal contracts in publishing, and who would be the owner of the intellectual property rights of books published with AI's help. All these concerns notwithstanding, there was some optimism about the potential of this technology.
Another session on podcasts and books included speakers Amrita Tripathi, founder-editor of The Health Collective, a resource on mental health and storytelling, Richard Osman, London-based author of The Thursday Murder Club, The Man Who Died Twice, and The Bullet That Missed; and William Dalrymple, historian, author and co-director of the Jaipur Literature Festival and moderated by Hemali Sodhi, founder of A Suitable Agency. The session explored the deep connections between podcasts and books, which is based on the coming together of voice and text. It explored the synergy between book podcasts and books and the publishing industry – how a high-quality podcast can connect listeners with an intimacy about the book, Chaudhry said. The session examined how publishing podcasts encourages listeners to read more books and help increase book sales.
A session on data analysis had panelists Vikrant Mathur of The Nielsen Report and Rick Simonson from Seattle’s Elliott Bay Book Company in conversation with Hemali Sodhi. The session delved into the significance of data in the publishing industry in India, which is needed for a developing industry. The session focused on the Nielsen Report, which provides insights into the size of the Indian publishing market, along with recent trends and factors that are set to drive book publishing market growth in the upcoming years. The panelists advocated the collection of more data across the book publishing industry in India to project better results through data analysis.
Chaudhry talked about another 'crackling' session on the symbiotic relationship between OTT and publishing. Sahira Nair, content creator for Amazon Prime; Anish Chandy, founder – Labyrinth Literary Agency; Radhika Gopal, head – writers and directors, Tulsea; and Anand Neelakantan, author of the Bahubali trilogy, Asura: Tale of the Vanquished, Valmiki's Women, Vanara, Nala Damayanti, The Tale of the Flying Mountains, The Very, Extremely, and Most Naughty Asura Tales For Kids took part. The session was moderated by Ananth Padmanabhan, CEO – HarperCollins India. The panel took an outside-in view of book publishing from the eyes of leaders in the OTT space from speakers Neelkanthan, Gopal, Chandy and Nair, who are into writing and direction, OTT rights for book adaptations and content creation for OTT, respectively. The session talked about OTT's hunger for content, the sales of rights of books and contracts for content adaptations along with the steps that publishers can take to leverage old and new content for the OTT industry, she said.
Literary milestones for book publishers
Another publishing house to celebrate a literary milestone was Seagull Books, Chaudhry said, with the Kolkata-based publishing house completing its 40 years in 2023. Seagull Books' Naveen Kishore shared insights about the publishing house creating books across borders and boundaries in a conversation with Sanjoy Roy, managing director of Teamwork Arts.
The Jaipur BookMark 2024 celebrated 40 years of feminist publishing in India, Chaudhry said, with feminist publishers Ritu Menon and Urvashi Butalia sharing insights on how Indian feminist publishing was associated with the women's movement in the country, making it a huge hit with the target population. When Butalia and Menon initially started with Kali for Women, there was debate over who was going to read these books in a country like India, Chaudhry recounted. But gradually, women's studies emerged as a sought-after discipline in activism as well as publishing. This marked the way for the establishment of a new kind of list, including feminist accounts, women writers and experiences of women at the grassroots level, which mainstream publishing houses would not think as viable products, she said. The session was interesting for women who have just entered the publishing industry in various roles.
Translations and multilingual publishing
Another session on translations, Indian Literature: Across Languages, Across Scripts had Suchitra Ramachandran, writer and Tamil translator; Daisy Rockwell, Booker prize-winning translator of Geetanjali Shree's Tomb of Sand; Sukrita Paul Kumar, poet and translator; and Mini Krishnan discussed and debated on the intricacies of translation. India has numerous languages and scripts and it takes great effort to translate the literary works from Indian languages into English. The session talked about the different aspects of translation, Chaudhry said, adding that each person's experience with translations is unique and they view it from their lens.
In another session, Parminder Singh Shonkey, from Punjabi publishing house Rethink Foundation; Gita Ramaswamy, co-founder of the Telugu publishing house Hyderabad Book Trust; Ravi DeeCee; Kannan Sundaram from Kalachuvadu Publications; Shailesh Bharatwasi from Hindi publishing house Hind Yugm Publishers; and Esha Chatterjee, CEO of Bee Books and managing director of Patra Bharti, the third-largest Bengali publishing house discussed the landscape of Indian language publishing with Mita Kapur, founder and CEO of Jaipur-based literary agency Siyahi. The Telugu, Malayalam, Bangla, Tamil, Hindi and Punjabi publishers talked about the literary works that were gaining greater traction in their languages and discussed their lists, Chaudhry shared.
Educational Publishing on the path to growth
Chaudhry talked about the growth of educational publishing in India. The session on educational publishing had Atiya Zaidi, publisher at Ratna Sagar, discuss the importance of supplementary reading and the effect of the National Education Policy on academic publishing with Ananth Padmanabhan. The educational publishing sector, the session discussed, is the most profitable segment of publishing in India with a large population of school-going kids. The session talked about Collins – the educational publishing imprint of HarperCollins, and explored the common areas of interest between educational and trade publishing in India.
Another session had Neeraj Jain, managing director at Scholastic India; Nancy Silberkleit, one of the founders of Archie Comics Publications; and Prashant Pathak, director – publishing operations at Prakash Books and publisher at Wonder House Books discuss the relevance of picture books, which is one of the most important categories in Children's publishing as it is the starting point which develops an interest in books in young readers. The session was moderated by Kanishka Gupta, founder of literary agency Writer's Side. Silberkleit talked about the impact of graphic and illustrated comic books on children and how Archie Comics has created a place for itself in India over the years. Jain stressed on how picture books had been a gap area in Indian publishing and how Scholastic has helped bridge that gap, Chaudhry shared.
Another 'impactful' session Chaudhry talked about was the one between bestselling Tamil author Perumal Murugan, who has won several awards, including the JCB Prize for Literature 2023, and Swami Anandatheerthan Award, and his publisher Kannan Sundaram from Kalachuvadu Publications. The two have had a long-lasting relationship in publishing of over 20 years. The session was moderated by Kannada author Vivek Shanbhag, who brought out the little details and personal touches of this literary relationship and how it benefited both the publisher and the author, Chaudhry shared, adding Sundaram has made a mark in successfully presenting and marketing Murugan's work in the best possible manner.
In another session, Beauty and the Book, Sunandini Banerjee, senior editor and graphic designer at Seagull Books; Ahlawat Gunjan, creative head at Penguin Random House India; Philip Watson, from James & Hudson; Svein Størksen, Norwegian designer, illustrator, owner and editor of Magikon publishing; and Priya Kapoor, publisher at Roli Books talked about the allure of illustrated and design books. The session talked about how the book as an object of enduring beauty takes shape under the eye of designers and the creative process that makes the cover designs of books a sight to behold.
The Jaipur BookMark concluded with the Festival Directors' Roundtable on the last day in which lists and rights of 18 national and international publishers were discussed. “The Jaipur BookMark still focuses a lot on its core strength which is rights. This time we had a catalogue for rights, which had 50 books from 12 publishers representing five languages. Whether it was the generalist, or the specialist, JBM 2024 had something of interest for everyone,” Chaudhry concluded.
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robjackson616-blog · 2 months
Audiobook Service  Identify Hidden Opportunity
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Audiobook Service market to witness a CAGR of 26.5% during forecast period of 2024-2030. by Application (Educational, Business, Libraries, Others) by Type (Fiction, Non-Fiction) by Device (Smartphones, Laptops & Tablets, Personal Digital Assistants, Others) by Distribution Channel (One-time download, Subscription-Based) and by End User (Kids, Adults). The Audiobook Service market size is estimated to increase by USD  Million at a CAGR of 26.5% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD 5095.69 Million.
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An audiobook service provides access to a library of audio recordings of books, allowing users to listen to books rather than read them. These services often offer a subscription model or pay-per-use options and can be accessed through mobile apps or dedicated websites.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are Audible (an Amazon company) (United States), Apple Books (United States), Google Play Books (United States), Kobo Audiobooks (Canada), Libro.fm (United States), Scribd (United States), Rakuten OverDrive (United States), Storytel (Sweden), Audiobooks.com (Canada), BookBeat (Sweden), Chirp (United States), Nook Audiobooks (Barnes & Noble) (United States), Downpour (United States), Hoopla (United States), Playster (Canada).
Book Latest Edition of Global Audiobook Service Market Study @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=1&report=2202
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HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Phone: +15075562445 [email protected]
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david843346 · 3 months
Digital Publishing Platforms Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036
Research Nester’s recent market research analysis on “Digital Publishing Platforms Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036” delivers a detailed competitor analysis and a detailed overview of the global digital publishing platforms market in terms of market segmentation by solution, enterprise sizes, distribution channel and by region.
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Increasing Digitalization in Educational Content to Promote Global Market Share of Digital Marketing Platform.
The global digital publishing platform market is estimated to grow majorly on account of digital publishing platforms being effective and simple to use tools which help content creators, designers and publishers to create, edit, and publish online, producing activity and conceivable monetization from the online substances. With the development of smart electronics like smartphones, tablets, laptops over the years, sources of information such as media and content are being released on digital platforms like PDF-based formats which caters well to mobile friendly conditions. PDF-based electronic documents have become very popular among the global population over the recent years. Currently, electronic documents are becoming the preferred method of documentation for more than 90% of enterprises. In addition to that some studies show that currently there are around 2.5 trillion PDF documents in the world. 
Some of the major growth factors and challenges that are associated with the growth of the global digital publishing platform market are:
Growth Drivers:
The redevelopment of information such as printed textbooks to electronic reading devices like book readers, smartphones and tablets due to increase in digitization of books and information.
The rising acceptance of e-books is estimated to grow the digital publishing platform market.
As publishers are increasingly collecting a using their user data, they need to be cautious while doing so. As there is always a risk of data leakage, sensitive and valuable data can unintentionally be shared with third parties without the publisher’s concern putting the publisher at risk. This especially happens while using platforms like Ad tech who often collect data from multiple sources which include advertisers and publishers. Thus, the growing concern over data privacy can restrain the market growth
By distribution channel, the global digital publishing platform market is segmented into online and offline. The online segment is to garner a highest revenue by the end of 2036 by growing at a significant CAGR over the forecast period. As digital publishing consists of use of various digital channels, publishers usually use online digital channels like social networks, apps, websites and email to publish digital content. This publishing method allows publisher to extend their reach to much larger audience more quickly and efficiently than the traditional methods of delivery while also enhancing the interactivity with the audience. Additionally, online distribution channels enhance the engagement and analysis of the readers and the target advertising and content.
By region, the European market is to generate the adequate revenue by the end of 2036. This growth is anticipated by a widespread availability and rising popularity of digital content in this region. Easy access to a board spectrum of eBook libraries through different application and online subscription services is growing the consumption of various digital contents and audiobooks. This results in an easier, less time consuming and low costing alternative to traditional delivery methods. Furthermore, the growing number of devices which are able to provide digital media in the region has allowed consumers to access media content of their choice is attributed to the growth of the market in the European region.
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Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision in order to avoid future uncertainties.
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narwatharsh01 · 3 months
In-Depth Analysis of the Online Music Streaming Market
The online music industry has undergone a remarkable transformation, with streaming services taking center stage. This market research article delves into the current landscape, analyzing its size, growth, key trends, and future prospects.
Market Boom: A Symphony of Growth
The online music streaming market size reached a staggering USD 39.52 billion in 2023, and is projected to soar to USD 101.03 billion by 2030, boasting a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.4%. This surge is primarily driven by the dominance of online music streaming, which captured a 70.8% share of the market in 2022 and is expected to maintain its lead.
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Key Players: The Masters of the Orchestra
The industry is a competitive battleground for listener attention, with leading platforms vying for supremacy. Spotify currently reigns supreme with 433 million monthly active users, followed by Apple Music at 80 million and Amazon Music at 55 million. These giants rely heavily on subscription models, with monthly fees unlocking vast music libraries for users. In fact, streaming subscriptions accounted for a formidable 75.4% share of total online music market revenue in 2022.
Melodies of Innovation: Trends Shaping the Industry
Several trends are shaping the future of the online music market:
Personalization: Platforms are leveraging algorithms and user data to curate personalized playlists and recommendations, enhancing user experience and engagement.
Podcasts and Audiobooks: The integration of podcasts and audiobooks is expanding offerings and attracting a wider audience.
Live Streaming: Live streaming concerts and events are gaining traction, fostering deeper artist-fan connections and revenue opportunities.
Lossless Audio and High-Fidelity: The increasing demand for superior audio quality is driving the adoption of lossless and high-fidelity streaming options.
Emerging Markets: The growth is expected to be particularly pronounced in emerging markets like Asia and Africa, fueled by rising internet penetration and smartphone adoption.
Future Symphony: A Promising Outlook
The future of online music streaming market appears bright. Here are some key projections:
Market Expansion: The market is anticipated to witness continued growth, reaching an estimated USD 103.07 billion by 2030.
Evolving Business Models: Alternative monetization models, such as tiered subscriptions, bundled services, and microtransactions, are likely to emerge alongside traditional subscriptions.
Technological Advancements: Continued advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are expected to further personalize and enhance the music streaming experience.
Focus on Artist Compensation: Addressing artist compensation concerns and ensuring fair revenue distribution will remain crucial for the industry's long-term sustainability.
The online music streaming market is experiencing a golden age, driven by a growing user base, innovative offerings, and evolving technologies. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to witness how it navigates the ever-changing landscape and delivers a truly harmonious experience for both music lovers and industry stakeholders.
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digital-b3 · 4 months
The Future is Now: Exploring Emerging Digital Marketing Trends for 2024 and Beyond #DigitalMarketing
Get ready to buckle up, digital marketers, because the future is hurtling towards us at breakneck speed! As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of Digital Marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. In this blog, we'll dive into the most exciting emerging trends that are poised to reshape the way we connect with audiences in the years to come.
1. The Rise of the Machines: AI & Automation in Digital Marketing
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. From personalized content creation to automated ad campaign optimization, AI is rapidly transforming #DigitalMarketing. Expect to see:
AI-powered chatbots: Providing 24/7 customer service and personalized product recommendations.
Dynamic creative optimization: Tailoring ad creatives based on user data for maximum impact.
Predictive analytics: Forecasting customer behavior and optimizing campaigns for better ROI.
2. Immersive Experiences: AR, VR, and the Metaverse
The lines between the physical and digital are blurring. Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and the Metaverse are offering groundbreaking ways to engage audiences:
AR product visualization: Trying on clothes virtually or seeing furniture in your home before you buy.
VR training simulations: Providing immersive learning experiences for employees and customers.
Metaverse marketing: Creating branded experiences and communities within virtual worlds.
3. The Voice Revolution: Optimizing for Voice Search
With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, voice search is booming. To be heard, #DigitalMarketing needs to adapt:
Optimizing content for voice queries: Using natural language and long-tail keywords.
Creating engaging audio content: Podcasts, audiobooks, and voice-activated experiences.
Building voice-friendly websites: Ensuring smooth navigation and voice search compatibility.
4. The Power of Communities: Building Brand Loyalty Through Engagement
Consumers are craving genuine connection. Building strong communities around your brand is key:
Interactive content: Polls, quizzes, and contests to encourage user participation.
Livestreaming and social events: Creating a sense of community and belonging.
User-generated content: Encouraging customers to share their experiences and stories.
5. Personalization on Steroids: Hyper-Relevant Experiences for Every Individual
One-size-fits-all marketing is dead. Personalization is not just an option, it's an expectation:
Dynamic website personalization: Tailoring content and offers based on individual user data.
Micro-targeting in advertising: Reaching the right audience with laser-sharp precision.
Customer journey optimization: Creating seamless and personalized experiences across touchpoints.
These are just a few of the exciting trends shaping the future of #DigitalMarketing. By embracing innovation and adapting your strategies, you can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the digital age. Remember, the future is yours to create!
Do you have any thoughts on these emerging trends? Share your predictions and insights in the comments below!
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digitalmarketingag · 4 months
The Future of Content Marketing: Trends and Predictions Shaping the Landscape
Content marketing reigns supreme in the digital landscape, shaping brand engagement, lead generation, and customer loyalty. But like any dynamic sphere, it's constantly evolving. Buckle up, because we're about to delve into the exciting realm of upcoming trends and predictions that will define the future of content marketing.
1. Personalization Takes Center Stage:
One-size-fits-all content is slowly fading into oblivion. Audiences crave tailor-made experiences, and content marketing is no exception. Expect a surge in:
Dynamic content: Leveraging AI and machine learning, content will adapt to individual users based on their preferences, demographics, and past interactions.
Interactive formats: Quizzes, polls, and personalized recommendations will engage users and gather valuable data, further fueling content personalization.
Micro-moments: Content will cater to specific user needs at specific times, offering solutions and information relevant to their immediate context.
2. Voice Search Revolution:
With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, spoken word searches are exploding. Content marketing agencies in Bangalore, and everywhere else, will need to:
Optimize for voice search: Employ conversational language, long-tail keywords, and structured data markup to rank higher in voice-based queries.
Focus on audio content: Podcasts, audiobooks, and voice-activated experiences will see a spike, offering immersive and convenient consumption options.
Integrate with smart devices: Develop content that seamlessly integrates with smart home devices, providing voice-controlled information and interactions.
3. Visual Storytelling Dominates:
Attention spans are dwindling, and visuals are stepping up to captivate audiences. Expect to see:
Video content explosion: Short-form videos like TikToks and Reels will gain further traction, alongside high-quality explainer videos and live streams.
Interactive visuals: Infographics, animated stories, and AR/VR experiences will immerse users and enhance understanding.
Emphasize authenticity: User-generated content (UGC) and behind-the-scenes glimpses will build trust and foster emotional connections.
4. Community Building Becomes Paramount:
Content marketing won't just be about pushing information; it will be about fostering communities. Look for:
Brand communities: Platforms where users can connect, share experiences, and co-create content, fostering brand loyalty.
Influencer marketing: Collaborations with relevant influencers will amplify reach and build trust with specific audience segments.
Social impact focus: Content that addresses social and environmental issues will resonate with purpose-driven consumers, building brand affinity.
5. Data-Driven Decisions Rule the Roost:
Intuition is no longer enough. Data-driven insights will be crucial for crafting effective content marketing strategies. Expect:
Advanced analytics: Measuring engagement, sentiment, and conversions across multiple channels will provide valuable insights for content optimization.
AI-powered content insights: AI will analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, predict audience preferences, and recommend content types.
Attribution modeling: Understanding the complex customer journey will help content marketers accurately measure the impact of their efforts.
Navigating the Future with a Content Marketing Agency in Bangalore:
These trends paint a dynamic picture of the content marketing landscape, and staying ahead of the curve requires expertise and agility. This is where a skilled content marketing agency in Bangalore can be your guiding star. A good agency will possess:
Deep understanding of emerging trends: They'll stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your content strategy aligns with the latest advancements.
Content creation expertise: From written content and videos to interactive experiences, they'll craft captivating and effective content across diverse formats.
Data-driven approach: They'll leverage data analytics to measure success, optimize campaigns, and deliver tangible results.
Don't wait for the future to unfold – embrace it head-on with a strategic content marketing approach. Partner with a leading content marketing agency in India, and unlock the power of engaging content to achieve your business goals.
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latestindustryreports · 6 months
Children Audiobooks Market Growth with Worldwide Industry Analysis
For existing and emerging players in the Children Audiobooks market, The Insights Partner's recently released "Study on Children Audiobooks Market - Industry Developments and Future Scope" provides a thorough road map. This research solution addresses the market's size, share, and projected revenue, among other factors. Children Audiobooks Market research provides reliable insights on factors of impact, trends, difficulties, and strategic suggestions in a company environment that is evolving dramatically. This syndicated research examines the dynamics of the Children Audiobooks market using primary and secondary research approaches.
The Insight Partner believes Children Audiobooks market enthusiasts will benefit from learning current trends and strategies used by key market players. Furthermore, insights on supply chain, competitive landscape, and business growth are covered in this report to help new businesses streamline their revenue channels.
This market research report by The Insight Partners presents market trends, supply chain analysis, leading participants, and business growth strategies. This study looks at important advancements in technology that affect many facets of the inclusive market. Both new entrants and established major businesses in the Children Audiobooks Market can benefit from this useful market research. This research aims to inform prospective investors on market specifics and possible returns on investment through expert advice. This study doesn't stop at operational information; it delves further into the specifics of all business operations. These insights, which deal with venture economics, include investor funding strategies, capital investment strategies, and ROI estimates. Financial statistics on net income and profit and loss are important components of this Children Audiobooks market research study. In the upcoming ten years, businesses may lower their risks and boost success rates by utilizing these thorough insights.
Covid-19 Implication Analysis
A dedicated section under this report will analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Children Audiobooks market. The pandemic led to supply chain disruption and impacted on trajectory of the Children Audiobooks market. Although disruptions were temporary, the impact was large. Maybe companies started to rebuild local supply chains and focused on local growth. Suspension of production was coupled with a drop-down of revenues. This market research brings forward details on pandemic influences and offers a strategic outlook to companies to operate in post post-pandemic period. Some companies quickly responded to emerging needs and survived stressful conditions well.
Key companies in this Children Audiobooks market are- Amazon.co, Inc., Audible, Inc., BookBeat AB, Deyan Audio Services, Downpour, Google, Playster, Rakuten Kobo Inc., RBMedia, Storytel.
Business Environment Analysis
This section aims to offer the study of a range of external factors impacting Children Audiobooks market players. These factors include economic, technological, and environmental considerations. Businesses can optimize their strategies as per these influences. Children Audiobooks market is driven by certain factors and there might be some hindrances ahead, this section takes you through all these factors. This chapter focuses on the following aspects-
Children Audiobooks market trends
Economic conditions
Consumer behavior analysis
Technological landscape
Significance of Children Audiobooks Market Research:
Accurate records of the size, revenue, and market share as of the current Children Audiobooks market.
Future market predictions for the forecast period.
Segment-wise insights, and growth potential assessment.
Regional Growth Mapping- Market size, revenue estimates, key players, and future growth.
Competitive landscape (Key market players and their organic strategies).
Customization of reports as per business requirements.
Access to PDF and PPT formats for this report.
Children Audiobooks Market Segmentation
Based on Device Type of Children Audiobooks Market Research report:
Laptops and Tablets
Based on Type of Children Audiobooks Market Research report:
One-Time Download
Subscription-Based Model
Based on Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World…
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ahz-associates · 7 months
Digital Media Master's Program - Unlocking Creative Excellence!
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Digital media: what is it?
By the close of the 20th century, computer technology was starting to make an appearance in the media landscape, even if analogue media like radio, television, and newspapers were still widely used.
Binary signals could potentially be used to convey data over satellite. Text was used at first, but it quickly expanded to include images, sounds, video, and other types of data. Digital media is the information that individuals access and share digitally.
You are exposed to digital media these days every time you use your phone to access an application, use social media, binge-watch Netflix shows, read the news, view commercials, listen to podcasts and audiobooks, etc.
It affects individuals and sectors of the economy of all sizes, ranging from news anchors and journalists to surgeons, physicists, civil engineers, and even fashion designers. Digital media has not only changed sectors and employment, but it has also created new job opportunities. Although they are relatively new professions, social media influencers, editors, audio engineers, Twitch streamers, etc., have substantial income potential.
MSc in Digital Media and Fee Schedule
Similar to other specialized programs and degrees, there are significant differences in cost between UK universities for an MSc in Digital Media. You might have to pay more or less than average, depending on where you apply and the university's reputation and ranking.
International students should budget at least £15,500 to £17,500 for a full-time, 12-month MSc in Digital Media program. A part-time MSc Masters in Digital Media programme, lasting between 24 and 27 months, is also offered by several UK universities. International students may have to pay up to £5,400 for a part-time MSc in Digital Media on average per academic year.
Remember that after you've registered in the institution and started the course, there may be other fees that you need to pay.
What Is Included in Digital Media?
The world of digital media is always changing, with new tactics, media outlets, and technologies appearing and being outdated on a regular basis. Our lives are impacted by digital media and the things that come from it, from smartphone applications to the robots and ultrasound technology that enable laparoscopic procedures.
Using your innate creativity, an MSc Masters in Digital Media program will give you more technical skills in areas like digital photography, video editing, website design and development, digital and web content creation, graphic design, film studies, animation, virtual reality, eCommerce development, augmented reality, mobile app development, interactive technology, data visualisation, social media, and more.
These components are applicable to a wide range of industries, including publishing, gaming, retail, manufacturing, non-profits, education, healthcare, government, entertainment, technology, and eCommerce.
After graduating, you can work as an animator, multimedia artist, online application developer, mobile application developer, video producer, graphics designer, videographer, etc.
When Is It Time to Think About Using Digital Media?
If you possess a bachelor's degree in digital media or a comparable field, obtaining an MSc in Digital Media will enable you to expand your area of expertise and enhance your fundamental skills in development and design.
You can work with software, VR, AI, websites, mobile and online applications, video games, and other technologies in this spectrum. There are many job options in this industry.
An MSc in Digital Marketing might be right for you if you're eager to take on a very practical degree that has you steeped in technical issues.
Digital Media Universities in the United Kingdom
A few UK universities are listed below that provide both domestic and foreign students with an MSc Masters in Digital Media:
The Creative Arts University
UCA is one of the top universities in UK for design and creative studies, rating number 48 in the Complete University Guide, number 13 in the Guardian, and number 33 in the Times/Sunday Times rankings. At the UCA Farnham campus, students with an honors degree and suitable work experience can apply for an MA in Digital Design.
Creative disciplines such as digital storytelling, animation, sound, photography, typography, sound design, and critical contexts are taught to students.
Portsmouth University
Students can explore courses like web app and mobile app development, interactive design, animation, and video/audio production along with 3D animation, filming, programming, editing, etc. with Portsmouth's MSc in Digital Media program.
The fundamental ideas underlying these disciplines are taught, along with strategies for developing specialized knowledge in many facets of digital media and working on client-side problems to strengthen your portfolio with more useful abilities.
University of Teesside
In order to prepare students for careers in public relations and digital journalism, Teesside University provides a full-time and part-time MA in Digital Media and Communications program. You'll get the opportunity to fully engage in classes covering topics including global communications, digital platforms and production, etc.
In addition to an internship in their advanced practice program, Teesside's two-year full-time MA in digital media offers factual and practical insights into PR, radio, digital media, and how technology is transforming these fields.
If you think that exploring the ever-evolving world of digital media with an MA or MSc Masters in the subject will be beneficial to you, we can assist you in selecting the best program to enhance your current knowledge and facilitate specialization in this area.
The Advantages of Digital Media Masters
With the ongoing advancements in technology, digital media is becoming increasingly ingrained in our daily lives. Obtaining an MSc in Masters of Digital Media will provide you with the necessary knowledge and abilities to propel innovation in the field of technology.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the digital sector is expected to increase by 13% by 2026, with particular growth expected in the areas of video editing, internet-based platforms, streaming services, and cloud applications. Gaining access to this market potential and enhancing your prospects of long-term job stability are two benefits of earning an MSc in Digital Media.
It may be combined with different fields, making an MSc Masters in Digital Media more flexible than it first appears. If you have a passion for journalism, for instance, you could work in digital journalism or broadcasting.
The UK and the rest of the globe should expect to see additional growth in the rapidly expanding field of digital media. Gaining an MSc or MA in digital media will enable you to stay up to date, adjust to the rapidly evolving field, and have a significant effect.
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ohmyjoii · 8 months
How Digital Publishing and eBooks revolutionized the way we read and access books
Digital publishing and eBooks have clearly transformed the way we read and access books, profoundly altering the literary landscape. Digital publication and eBooks, at their heart, represent a paradigm transition from traditional print media to the digital sphere, allowing literature to reach a global audience with unparalleled speed and convenience.
Reading is now more accessible and handy than ever before thanks to eBooks. Readers may access a wide collection of books on their electronic devices, from eReaders to smartphones and tablets, with only a few clicks. This convenience is especially useful for enthusiastic readers, who may carry a complete library in their pocket and read whenever and wherever they choose. Furthermore, eBooks have features such as customizable font sizes, background colors, and audio narration, making reading accessible to people with a wide range of requirements and preferences, including those with visual impairments. The way books are distributed and marketed has also changed as a result of digital publication. Online merchants and platforms have made books instantaneously available to readers all over the world, removing the limits of physical distribution. Authors and publishers may now reach a worldwide audience without incurring the price and complexities of delivering physical books. This has made it easier for niche genres and specialist content to find an audience, promoting a feeling of community among readers who may have struggled to meet like-minded individuals previously.
However, it's important to note that the digital revolution in publishing also brings challenges. Issues such as digital piracy, copyright concerns, and the dominance of major online retailers pose ongoing challenges to authors and the industry as a whole. Additionally, the sheer volume of content available online can make it difficult for individual works to stand out amidst the digital noise.
Classic stories like "The Snow Queen" have found new life in digital media, providing readers with immersive and interactive experiences that go beyond the written page. These adaptations frequently make use of eBooks, audiobooks, and interactive applications to engage readers of all ages and introduce them to classic stories in novel ways. They cater to a variety of learning methods, provide engaging experiences for readers of all ages, and keep the richness of timeless storytelling alive in the digital era. These adaptations not only bring great literature to new generations, but also give new views for those who are already familiar with the stories, ensuring that the charm of these stories lives on via changing mediums.
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