#auld lane syne
can’t wait to listen to auld lang syne and cry today
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devilsainz · 5 months
this song is so carlos leaving ferrari (and charles) coded (in my mind this is charles' pov of seeing carlos leaving)
Twenty miles left to the show Hello, my old country, hello Stars are just beginning to appear And I have never, in my life, before been here
(...) And the tilt of this strange nation And the will to remain for the duration Waving the flag, feeling it drag
(...) All the way to the thing we've been playing at, darling I can see that you're wearing your staying-hat, darling For the time being, all is well
(...) And I saw straightaway that the lay was steep But I fell for you, honey, easy as falling asleep And that, right there, is the course I keep
(...) And no amount of talking is going to soften the fall But, like after the rain, step out of the overhang, that's all It had a nice ring to it when the old opry house rang So, with a solemn auld lang syne, sealed, delivered, I sang And there is hesitation and it always remains Concerning you, me, and the rest of the gang And in our quiet hour, I feel I see everything And am in love with the hook upon which everyone hangs
And I do hate to fold Right here, at the top of my game When I've been trying with my whole heart and soul To stay right here, in the right lane But it can make you feel over, and old (Lord, you know it's a shame) When I only want for you to pull over and hold me 'Til I can't remember my own name
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
So I was flipping through the DC Holiday Specials as I’m working on a post and I just discovered a Dick/Babs story I’d never read before?
Anyway here you go, I’m all mushy. (The Old Lane, from DC Holiday Bash II 1997)
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Yes, Bruce is literally like “don’t you have a New Year’s date, Dick?”, and Dick wanders off to the Clock Tower after picking up Chinese.
With the implication that Dick and Babs always spend New Year’s together.
Also, yes, Babs gives Dick mistletoe as a present and Dick gives Babs a street sign which implies they’ve both told the other the respective mistletoe/Auld Lang Syne stories before, possibly every year.
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notasapleasure · 9 months
The world turning at his pace
aka that time in the back of the van
Cassian Andor/Brasso (Andor TV series), Explicit, modern AU, friends with benefits, idiots in love, plot what plot/porn without plot. i.e. the same fic I write every time, Pinky. Title inspired by lyrics from Elbow - An Audience with the Pope. 6,988 words. *julia dreyfus haha what the fuck.gif* CW a smidge of setting typical homophobia, but don't worry there's also gratuitous insulting of Rupert Murdoch.
I was tired from van driving and demanding Brassian smut, or prompts for it, and @distressednoise obliged in the most ingenious way. THANK YOU FOR ENABLING ME, FRIEND.
Not on ao3 yet, this is a special treat(??) for my tumblr sickos until I can be bothered uploading it properly.
It should have been a simple job. Brasso picked up the van - full - and drove it to all the addresses on the list he was given until it was no longer full. Then, in the darkness, he turned back towards the depot, which lay a straightforward few hundred miles down the motorway, and anticipated being back in his own bed by dawn.
He was somewhere around Penrith when a ringtone interrupted the Shipping Forecast on the van radio. He'd forgotten his damned mobile phone was still charged; no matter how long he left it in the depths of his jacket pocket it never seemed to die. And when it rang, it was only ever one person calling - the same person who had set the ringtone to a tinny electronic version of Auld Lang Syne in honour of Brasso's rum-fuelled rendition last December.
With the phone beeping incessantly, Brasso cursing, and the ubiquitous Border rain lashing down on the windscreen, the van pulled into the hard shoulder of the M6 with its hazards flashing. For a moment, Brasso sighed at the percussive beat of the wipers and the indicators, then the ringtone started up again, grinding out its stately rendition of the Scottish ballad with the kind of patience - the kind of necessity - that didn't hang up early.
After a swift rummage in the hi-vis jacket lying on the passenger seat, Brasso raised the little device to his ear. "Yes? What's up?"
A lorry steamed past in the outside lane and Brasso felt his teeth rattle as the road shook beneath it.
On the other end of the line a familiar voice smirked directly into his ear: sweet, sharp and vicious as tequila with all the chasers. "Heard you were on a job up north?"
"How did you hear that?" Brasso shook his head, figuring Cassian would pick up the gesture well enough by his tone.
"Word travels," came the cryptic answer.
"What word? I only left this - yesterday morning."
"And you've been busy, lots to deliver, I know..."
"What is it you want, Cass...?"
"I thought if you were in the area..."
"What area?"
"If you were in the area I could really use a lift. I'm out of cash and I've got to get back to London..."
"What area, Cassian?"
The answer, sheepish, was mumbled so Brasso had to think hard to work it out.
"Stockton? On Tees? What the fuck, Cassian..."
"I mean, I'm near there. Trying to get a lift to - " as another lorry rumbled past Brasso's van he heard a horn honk down the line and Cassian unleashed a barrage of colourful curses in English and Spanish. "Yeah well fuck you too! I'm already in the ditch! Hello? Yeah, Brasso, I'm heading to Darlington. On the main road. How long will you be?"
Brasso mentally totted up the extra miles, the slow roads over the Pennines to the other side of the country. At least there'd be fewer rude freight vehicles that way, he supposed, as another one buzzed him with an indignant honk of its own.
"An hour and a half?"
"An hour?! I thought you were in the area!"
"Cass, 'the North' is a pretty big area. I'll come as quick as I can."
"Well do," Cassian pouted down the line. "It's wet, my socks are soaked already. You should break the speed limit or I might die of hypothermia."
Brasso let out a sigh. "If you get there first, wait at the petrol station on the bypass, ok?"
"If I'm not killed in a hit and run before then..."
"All right, Cass. See you soon."
"Yeah. Yeah, fine. Thanks..." there was warmth and genuine gratitude in that last word, at least.
Brasso flung the phone aside and rubbed his face. It never did to ask why with Cassian - it was best just to pick up the pieces and see what could be salvaged afterwards. He flicked the dial of the radio along until some sort of cheesy commercial station replaced the sober tones of the BBC. Penrith to Darlington, in a storm, as fast as he could go - this required power ballads.
Humming along to the closing bars of Total Eclipse of the Heart, he switched off the hazards and pulled out into the dark, momentarily quiet lane of the motorway. He cycled through the van's gears with ruthless efficiency until the engine sounded like a Formula One racer and the chassis began to rattle. Empty, the van sure could move, but the faster he went the more he expected to take off at the slightest bump.
Ten songs and one cursory news bulletin later, with the same handful of adverts repeated time and again between them, and Brasso was bringing the van in a loop around Darlington's centre, slipping beneath the sulphur-orange street lights as the fuel light glowed sadly up at him. He was running on fumes, but he'd said to meet at a garage, and his employers had given him a cash bonus to cover the cost of fuel.
There was no sign of Cassian there, however, and Brasso worried Cass had found a completely different place to wait. He checked the time again and filled the tank. He bought an assortment of foodstuffs and drinks from the kiosk when paying for the fuel and looked around as though all it would take to summon Cassian was a tube of Pringles, an energy drink, and a packet of gummy sweets.
Under normal circumstances, Brasso wasn't convinced it wouldn't have worked, but Cassian evidently hadn't reached the garage yet and remained stubbornly absent. Brasso got back in the van, peered into the drizzly night, and slowly continued onwards towards Stockton.
Trust Cassian to be walking along a duel carriageway on a night heavy with fog and rain. Would he be wearing hi-vis? Would he hell. Brasso switched the radio off and leaned over the steering wheel to stare at the edge of the road. He slowed to a speed that would really annoy his fellow road-users, only there were so few about at this hour of the morning.
He was starting to wonder if he'd missed Cass in all the spray and the spume when something caught his eye on the other side of the road - a bedraggled scarecrow loitering at a bin in a layby. Frowning, Brasso pulled into the inside lane to try to get a better look - and got undertaken by a furious white Audi for his troubles.
He took the next exit and followed the convoluted directions that would lead him back onto the road going in the other direction, and was soon approaching the layby.
Cassian fell upon the door to the passenger seat and was inside, dripping on all Brasso's stuff, before the van had even stopped.
"Jesus what took you so long?"
"What were you doing over here?!"
"I was coming from the west, why were you on this side of the road?"
"I told you, I was trying to get a lift!"
"But you knew I was coming, and I'd be on the other side!"
Cassian was rummaging in the glove compartment and finally found what he'd been looking for: Brasso's tobacco, papers and filters. "Oh my god, I need this..."
The instant turbulence inside the cabin when Cass arrived meant Brasso hadn't noticed the van's grumpy beeping until they were up to 80, heading back towards the dull orange glow of Darlington and its corona of light pollution. "Cass - seat belt."
Cassian made a sound - acknowledgement, oral eye roll, impatient sigh all rolled up together - and fidgeted, speedily rolled fag hanging from his lips as he sought the end of the seat belt.
Brasso swore he could hear Cass's clothes squelch. That long trenchcoat hadn't been waterproof since before Cass inherited it from his foster-father. It was like Cass thought that even repairing or properly maintaining it would cause it to lose its connection with Clem.
He settled, though, and the windows started to mist with condensation as the van's heating warmed him up.
By the time they were back at the junction for the A1 some unfortunate HGV driver had aquaplaned themselves into a horizontal position across both lanes, which were closed until the lorry could be moved. Thwarted, Brasso tried to give a good-natured nod to the police officer redirecting them - as Cassian kept his head down and his collar up - and speculated on a new route through the countryside, meandering a way over to the A19.
It was gone 3am by the time they passed Thirsk; Cassian's teeth were chattering though the heating was all the way up and the van cabin smelled of burning dust and hot plastic. The air was tropical with the moisture still steaming off him, but the heat was making Brasso sleepy as hell, and between them he and Cassian had already finished the bag of gummies and the energy drinks. Cassian hadn't told Brasso what he'd been doing in the North East and Brasso hadn't asked.
"Back in London tonight?" Brasso stifled a yawn against the back of his hand as they drove past a picnic spot, thinking wistfully that he could pull over there and sleep in the cabin if he didn't have a soggy passenger in the other seat.
Cassian made an ambivalent noise. His arms were wrapped tight around his torso, his elbows gripped in his hands. "No...just before tomorrow." Noticing Brasso's incredulous look, he added "I mean, this afternoon? He won't be looking for me until then."
Best not to ask - always best not to ask. But Brasso gave Cassian another sideways look that said he was very much tempted to ask.
"Shall we stop?" Cass released an elbow so he could chew on the fingernails of the hand that had been holding it.
"That's why you're asking, right? You've been driving for hours. We should probably stop."
Brasso had been trying very hard not to think about stopping or sleeping, lest the very idea of either be so tempting he'd just succumb then and there. "No B&B's gonna be open at this time of night, Cass."
"We can sleep in the back of the van!"
The suggestion was so immediate Brasso guessed Cassian had been considering it for some time already.
"Have you seen back there? It's filthy. Last job was a bunch of reclaimed garden gnomes, they came with half the bloody garden!"
"I guess the other option is you drive till you pass out and then we get beds in A&E," Cassian hissed as Brasso had to blink and swerve when someone in the other lane sped past without dimming their headlights.
With a curse, Brasso assented. He told Cassian to keep an eye out for laybys, though now they were back on the motorway he figured they'd just have to wait for a truck stop that wasn't already full. They were past Wetherby and had finished the Pringles too by the time they found one, and made a dash from the cabin to the rear of the van through rain that was thinner but no less persistent than it had been further north.
Cassian hopped into the back as Brasso was still hoisting himself up and trying not to hit his head on the roof. He wrinkled his nose and crouched to rummage through the crumpled pile of packing sheets, looking for something dry, clean and comfortable to lie on.
Nothing met all three criteria, but a combination of loosely folded sheets made a sort of pillow and a cover for the cold metal base of the van. Everything smelled of mud and oil and antifreeze, but that was soon disguised by the smoke of the cigarettes Brasso rolled for them while Cassian wriggled out of his wet trousers. In the dark of the van he didn't bother hiding the fact he was watching Cassian, and Cassian didn't pretend not to notice. An ember-lit outline of sharp limbs, his eyes glittering and fathomless, Cassian sat there in his boxers and t-shirt, smirking around his fag at Brasso as he waited on the simply arranged square of bedding, his knees drawn up and his arms draped loosely around them.
Taking his time, Brasso dragged his eyes away from Cass and unlaced his boots. He left his socks on, but in an unspoken concession to Cass's continued shivering, to the goose-bumps on his legs and the way his body hair stuck out from each one, he pulled off his trousers and unbuttoned his shirt.
The cold air made his own hair stand on end and his nipples harden, but the light of their cigarettes was almost as warm as the looks they each cast across the cramped space.
"Budge up then," Brasso muttered, stubbing out his fag end against the metal roof and chucking the butt aside.
Cassian stubbed his own cigarette out and plunged them into darkness as Brasso shuffled in close beside him. He pulled his hi-vis over the both of them, though it left his legs cold, and tucked himself around Cass's back - bare chest against the still-damp fabric of his t-shirt, knees to the back of Cass's knees, and Cass's round little arse perched neatly against Brasso's crotch. Brasso dutifully buried his cheek against Cass's neck and closed his eyes - though it was so dark inside that he couldn't tell the difference if he opened them again.
The rain outside continued its dance on the flat metal roof, not thunderingly heavy, but in loud, fat drops that always seemed to come and jolt Brasso's eyes open just as he thought he was finally relaxing into sleep.
Then again, he didn't feel tired anymore. The nictotine buzz was coursing through him, and Cassian had warmed up in his arms - mostly, though ice-cold toes sometimes curled round to prod at Brasso's shins. It was obvious by his breathing that he wasn't asleep either, and with a contrived cough to clear his throat he pushed back against Brasso in a way that compelled Brasso to bite his lip.
It was always going to come to this from the minute his phone rang, Brasso knew. It happened off and on, the way Cassian came and went in and out of the lives of those around him. It had been happening off and on for some years now, actually. If Cass needed a favour, Brasso obliged when no one else would be soft or daft enough to do so; Cassian, perpetually broke and perennially aware of the effect his big brown eyes had on people, paid Brasso back in love bites and nail marks. It would have made Brasso feel like just another of Cass's lovelorn, disposable conquests -only with him, Cass did one thing he never did with the others - he kept coming back when he needed Brasso. By now they had both become quite good at knowing the steps that would ensure things continued this way and Cass would keep on coming back as long as Brasso kept on releasing him so he'd return again. It was a simple sort of dance with very little discussion involved and a lot of implicit assumptions - it needed to be, given the darkness of the back of the van.
Once more, Cassian wriggled against Brasso until he forced a grunt of acknowledgement from Brasso's lips. Brasso fidgeted in turn, trying to make sure nothing essential was trapped under Cass's bodyweight.
Cass twisted his head around, his messy hair catching in Brasso's nose and mouth. "You still awake?"
"Yes I'm still awake, you won't stay still for five seconds!"
Inevitably, with the pressure of Cass's arse against him, Brasso had already felt the first stirrings of heat in his groin. When Cass detected it too, he shuffled back against Brasso's twitching cock, ensuring it would harden between his arse cheeks. Again, Brasso bit his bottom lip and turned his face towards Cassian's neck. His arm tightened around Cass's body and he breathed in the smell at the nape of his neck - sweat and rain and cheap laundromat detergent, cigarette smoke and ground spice and something astringent: counterfeit ink? Cleaning fluid? Machine oil? Probably a palimpsest of all three.
Cass gripped onto the arm round him with one hand and reached behind him with the other, fingers questing for Brasso's arse to give it a squeeze and pull him closer.
Finally, Brasso let himself open his mouth against the back of Cass's neck and scrape his teeth over clammy skin, placing a kiss on each protruding vertebra he could reach, nuzzling his way down the back of Cass's t-shirt until he felt the vibration of a whine in Cass's chest beneath his arm.
When Cass moved with the kind of urgency that followed no force on earth could hold him - he shuffled his hips round and his arms snaked across Brasso's side and under his neck as Cass pressed close to him in the dark, his nose bumping against Brasso's cheek and his lips seeking out Brasso's lips. Salty flavouring from the crisps they'd shared and a hint of sugar from the energy drink coated his tongue as he thrust it into Brasso's mouth, kissing him hard and hungrily.
Brasso let himself be turned half onto his back by the attention, Cass pushing aggressively down on him, his hands clamping Brasso's jaw to hold him just how he wanted, before one restless set of fingers trailed down the open front of his shirt, raking through chest hair, carelessly catching at the ticklish curls on his belly and then plunging into the waistband of Brasso's boxers.
Brasso's hips bucked into the touch, but he could feel a rivet on the floor of the van's uneven surface digging into his shoulder blade, and it wasn't quite the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain that did it for him.
Cass didn't understand that from the sound Brasso made in his mouth though and redoubled his efforts down Brasso's underwear, fingers crooking deep under his balls and palm rubbing down on his cock. For a moment it did actually balance the pain in his shoulder quite well, and then Brasso managed to break free of the kisses, a hand gripping the back of Cassian's hair like he was dragging an overenthusiastic dog away from last night's takeaway on the street floor.
Cass bared his teeth in a similar way to a dog, too - Brasso knew because they dragged on his lip as he pried Cass away and shoved him over onto his back with a grunt.
Cass released his cock and dug fingernails into Brasso's chest instead, tangling in the thick dark hairs there and tugging so Brasso's skin prickled with sore heat.
Swearing as he kissed the squirming, sharp-toothed thing beneath him, Brasso fumbled for Cass's face in the dark, raking his own fingers through Cass's beard and hair. He dropped his hips heavily against Cass's and was in no doubt that the noise Cass made was a sign of appreciation at the rough handling. Brasso moved his grip from Cass's face to his hips and ground his body down against Cass's, groaning at the friction between his boner and the two layers of thin cloth separating it from Cass's equally hard cock.
It made Cass release another sound, and he didn't bother disentangling his fingers from Brasso's chest hair before ripping one hand away to yank the back of Brasso's boxers down and land an open-palmed slap on the arse cheek he exposed.
"Fuck!" Brasso muttered in surprise as the stinging sensation lingered while Cass's restless hand worked at pulling his boxers further down.
It just gave Cass another opportunity to clamp down on his lower lip and suck until it felt bruised, so Brasso relented and freed a hand to assist in the removal of his underwear.
The boxers were barely off his arse cheeks when Cass started wriggling away anew, slipping down beneath him towards the doors at the back of the van.
"What're you - ? Cass, where are you going?" Brasso had to hold still and listen to the hollow banging of Cassian's shoulders and arse squirming against the floor of the van as he shuffled beneath him.
The first indication he had of where Cass had ended up was the hair tickling his navel, then a breathy giggle against his stomach, followed by lips, teeth, lips, and a hand between his legs as Cass tried to manoeuvre the two of them so he could get Brasso's cock in his mouth.
It wasn't easy to prop himself up how Cass wanted without hitting his head on the roof of the van in the dark, and Brasso was only partially successful in the endeavour, but he wasn't going to spend long contemplating the bruise on the back of his head when Cass was insistently whining "Come on Brasso, fuck my mouth, I'm right here!" between swallowing as much as he could of Brasso's cock and tugging on his arse, trying to get a rhythm going.
Scrabbling in the pitch black for a hand hold, Brasso eventually found one of the straps for securing cargo and got his weight on his knees so he could thrust down into the darkness and the invisible, wet warmth of Cass's mouth. Without being able to see what was happening he could only concentrate on the sensation of tongue and pressure, sucking and - more often than he meant to cause it - gagging. Cass's fingers would tighten on his arse and he'd try to hold Brasso close even as he spluttered and choked. Brasso could feel the back of Cass's throat pulse defensively against the pressure of his cock and always slowed down afterwards, tried more measured movements, but Cass would crane his neck and bear down on him until he could dictate the angle of Brasso's hips - with just the softest threat of teeth as he did. The third time Brasso had to listen to him retching in the dark he pulled back and sat down heavily on what turned out to be his hi-vis jacket.
"Where'd you go?" Cassian said sulkily, but Brasso was already rummaging by touch for the pockets of the jacket. He found the lube and condoms first, then his lighter.
"Here," he flicked his thumb over the spark wheel and held the plate down, squinting past the little blue flame to meet Cassian's eyes.
His cheeks were flushed deep red and his lips were shining with spit. His hair was a wreck and his beard was tousled against its natural growth, his t-shirt was half shucked up and his boxers were peaked like a circus tent.
Brasso stifled a sigh at the sight of him, but Cassian didn't hide the flash of lust in his own eyes at whatever the light had revealed of Brasso himself. He ran his tongue over his lower lip and moved like he was about to pounce.
"Wait! Wait wait wait!" Brasso held a hand up with a condom held between his fingers and offered Cass the lighter.
He pulled a face and took the condom instead, raising the corner of the foil to his mouth.
"Don't you fucking rip it," Brasso held the lighter steady and glared at him, eyebrows raised in warning.
Cassian's own eyes widened - as if! - and he daintily tore the corner before opening the packet with his fingers. "Can't believe you don't trust I'm clean," he muttered around a smirk as he leaned forwards to fit the condom on top of Brasso's prominent boner.
"Like I even want to know where you've been," he answered, feeling his throat tighten with longing as he watched Cassian's fingers move nimbly down his cock, rolling the sheath over it. "Besides, you never even ask where I might have been."
Cassian looked up at him quickly, sharply, his lips hidden by his moustache and his eyes cast into uncanny darkness by the side-lighting of the little flame. He seemed so alien to Brasso when he looked like that, like a creature from another world entirely. "I can only imagine," Cassian purred, lavishing Brasso's cock with a series of firm strokes.
He leaned over then and blew out the flame of the lighter, which Brasso didn't bother holding onto and chucked aside into some hollow corner of the van.
His eyes were confused by the afterglow of the flame, but he knew where Cassian's pants were anyway and dived for them with both hands, pulling them away as Cass flailed his legs to speed up the process. It didn't really achieve the desired effect, just earned Brasso a fat lip from the knee he took to the chin, but with a crack of stitches stretching the offending item of clothing was removed and Brasso fell upon Cass guided by smell alone, following salt and sweat and musky warmth. He pushed his tongue into the base of Cass's cock and worked it against his balls, sucking the loose skin on them and then running his mouth up the taut underside of his cock.
Cass whined and squirmed and grasped at Brasso's hair, his shoulder, his arm, seeking the hand with the lube in it so he could take the bottle and open it. He poured it - mostly - on Brasso's fingers, though some dropped onto the skin of his hip and he wriggled and flinched as it trickled a cold track over his body.
Brasso felt his way between Cass's arse cheeks as he mouthed Cass's cock, probing the darkness for the place that gave way to him, eager and accommodating to the first finger, tighter around the second.
Cassian made a desperate sound and bucked his hips up into Brasso's touches. "Come on, come on..." he complained, then sucked in a sharp breath as Brasso pushed the pair of fingers deep inside him. Cass moaned, and the sound made Brasso feel like he'd been kicked in the solar plexus by a velvet boot. He made his own grunt of pleasure against Cass's nutsack and lowered his hips to the van floor, his knees bent and feet kicking absurdly in the air because he was too close to the door to lie down flat. The van floor was cold and hard under his cock and he squirmed his hips again and pushed his fingers inside Cass to help prop himself up.
Cass's body clenched round him and Cass let out a hoarse cry - "Oh, fuck, do that again!"
Brasso tried, but the pressure wasn't as great now he was stable, so he pulled his fingers out and slapped his hand on Cass's hip. "Lube - where is it?"
"Oh, do you have to? Just fuck me..." Cass's knees knocked against his sides and he tried to draw him closer with legs tangling around his torso.
"I think some would be a good idea, Cass."
"There was some on your fingers already. I threw it over by the lighter. It's not worth going looking, just come here," he got his ankles crossed behind Brasso and tugged him forwards until their stiff cocks were trapped together between them and Brasso's tongue was somewhere halfway down Cass's throat again.
He made the most of it while he was there, rolling his hips and rubbing against Cass until the sounds Cass was making in his mouth grew desperate and high-pitched.
Abruptly, ruthlessly, Brasso pulled away from him and grasped for the inside of his thighs, squeezing soft, sparsely haired flesh aside and pushing forwards with his cock. He released one of Cass's legs so he could guide his head up to Cass's hole and test the resistance of his body.
He was tight, but still keen, insisting he wanted Brasso to fuck him hard even as Brasso began to ease inside him.
He shuffled forwards on his knees as best he could, realising there was no packing sheet beneath him, wherever they'd ended up. His head and shoulders were bowed so he didn't knock the roof with his head again, and he braced himself with one hand against the roof and the other on Cass's hip, holding him steady as he pushed deeper in a careful, slow way that brought guttural sounds of impatience from the darkness where Cassian lay.
Once he was all the way in he heard Cass release a shaky breath and felt him bring his hips up towards Brasso's carefully.
"You good?" Brasso moved his body in a small pulse against Cassian's just to make sure he got a genuine response, feeling him clench and force himself to relax.
Cass whimpered, but it was lust more than discomfort that made his voice shake when he replied "Yes, fucking come on!"
Brasso grunted acknowledgement, like it made no odds to him, but he thrust carefully, in measured movements that would feel hard to Cass but kept much of Brasso's power in reserve for now. He got in as close as he could, his knees splayed to either side of Cass's body and Cass's cock held gently but firmly in his hand as he bucked his hips against him.
Bit by bit, Brasso let his hips and hand speed up and put more power into the cycle of his thrusts, and he felt Cass's body rock and slide beneath him, his attempts at getting purchase somewhere on his surroundings failing as Brasso's body pounded solidly against his. Cass's legs floundered at Brasso's sides, his knees knocking against his ribcage, and he struggled to assert any control over the pace or rhythm from where he was, caught and held by the movement of Brasso's body.
He was getting louder with each moment too, helpless sounds and the back of his throat turning to hoarse, choked repetitions of "Ah!" that got louder the harder Brasso managed to thrust inside him, the more in time he could make the pumping of his hips and of his hand on Cass's cock.
Brasso's eyes fell shut in the darkness as he focussed on the rhythm and the feeling of Cassian's insides, hot and tight, yielding yet strong around him. Behind closed eyes, Brasso imagined what he couldn't see in the dark: Cass's open mouth and his eyelids falling heavily over a heated gaze; his chest rising and falling intermittently as he gasped for breath, but jerking with each coming together of their bodies; his nipples showing hard through the threadbare fabric of his t-shirt and the hair on his belly starting to gleam with sweat where it appeared at the hemline.
Brasso's eyes were still closed when Cass came hot and gushing, spilling over Brasso's hand and spattering his belly and navel. The feeling of it - a surprise in the dark, no matter how inevitable it had been - made Brasso himself come, heat digging deep in the pit of his body and rolling up like a riptide, dragging him away from himself, rushing him into some abyss where he forgot, for a moment, that the back of the van was dark, and thought he'd gone blind with ecstasy.
He let himself lie against Cass for a while afterwards, and Cass held him tight too, his legs tangled around Brasso's and his fingers holding the back of Brasso's head like, Brasso imagined, he'd hold a man beneath water until he drowned.
Sleepily, Brasso mouthed kisses along Cassian's neck, and Cass ran fingers over Brasso's skull. Brasso fidgeted and wrung out the last remnants of pleasure from his hips with little movements that didn't do much more than allow his soft cock to slip out of Cass's arse. Cass moved his head to nose and chin Brasso's face aside until he could be kissed, now with less use of teeth, with more sweat in Cass's moustache, with even more left unsaid than went unsaid during foreplay. Brasso imagined it was the kind of kiss the heroes of cheap romance novels got at the end of the story, and, like them, he prepared for the closing of this little fantasy they shared - until the next time Cass needed him. For now they'd sleep well, wrapped round each other like weeds, and when they woke they'd finish the drive, maybe get breakfast somewhere and bitch about the morning headlines like nothing had happened, and Brasso would drop Cassian off, and they wouldn't meet again for weeks or months, and then they'd do it all over as and when they needed to.
This had been a particularly good encounter though, Brasso admitted to himself as he pulled the condom off and knotted it before slinging it away into the darkness. Probably meant it would be a while before they did this again, each one nervous of what it meant that the most satisfying fuck they knew was someone they'd never publicly acknowledge as more than a well-worn old friend. Really, Brasso thought with a degree of relief as he nuzzled his face into Cass's shoulder, it was a good job they didn't talk about this. He'd only go and say something stupid, after all, like telling Cass he'd leave the rest of the world to rot and serve no one but him if the self-sabotaging little bastard ever cared to ask.
He didn't need to though - that was the point. He already knew - didn't he?
Too sleepy to worry overly about this, Brasso fumbled around for the hi-vis again and swept it over their shoulders, shuffling until they lay brow to brow, shoulder to shoulder, their lower legs twisted one on top of the other. Cass's breath tickled his face, and Cass's wrists sandwiched the arm Brasso lay on protectively between them.
He didn't remember lying awake or agonising about a thing - next he knew there was a cool, silvery dawn light in his eyes and a cold breeze on his feet. The van's doors were open and voices sparred tetchily outside.
Brasso sat up and cast about for his boxers, pulling them on as he tried to pick up the words being spoken outside. His back and shoulders ached from sleeping on the hard, uneven bed of the van, and he longed for coffee and a cigarette to clear the fog in his mind and his mouth.
"I said come over here, you little poof! I've got a sausage bap right here for you!"
Brasso sighed at the sound of a trucker yelling across the layby and quickened his work as he pulled his boot laces tight. Peace had been nice while it lasted.
He didn't catch Cassian's reply to the provocation, but he did step out of the van in time to see him turn, quick as a snake, and, with a little hop for extra height, smash his forehead into the taller man's nose.
The first thing Brasso noticed was how filthy the back of Cassian's t-shirt was where he'd been pressed against the van floor last night. Then he admired the shape of Cass's arse in his thigh-hugging boxers and the expanse of wiry, muscled leg leading down to his bare ankles and loosely pulled on Docs, muddied yellow laces trailing. Then, belatedly, he caught himself and sauntered over to pull Cass back from the trucker by a fistful of that grotty t-shirt.
The other man wasn't about to come for more though - if Cass's Glasgow kiss hadn't dissuaded him the sight of Brasso would have done. He cupped his bleeding nose and looked at the pair of them incredulously. "Pervs," he snarled, stepping back.
"What did you do?" Brasso couldn't help but ask as Cassian turned back towards the van, chewing on the cuticle of a finger with no nail left to gnaw on.
"I was just having a pee behind the bin! I asked where to get breakfast round here," he huffed, grabbing after Brasso's hi-vis and looting the pockets for baccy and papers.
"There'll be somewhere at the next services," Brasso told him, sweeping up the discarded fag ends, used condom and some of the other detritus from the van and taking it to the overflowing bin in his cupped hands.
On reviewing the state of the van and of Cassian, he saw they'd missed the messy pile of packing sheets entirely, and Cass's t-shirt had rubbed a section of the floor nearly clean. The streaky patch of grot made it look like they'd dragged a corpse out of the back, and Brasso wondered whether his employers would prefer to hear that excuse rather than learn their van had been repurposed as a '70s style shagmobile.
He retrieved his lighter and his lube and chucked the hi-vis at Cassian. "For your dignity."
Cassian pulled a face but nestled himself inside the large jacket. Inside the cabin he arranged his socks and trousers across the over-worked air vents so they'd have a better hope of drying and sat in the passenger seat - all fluorescent orange and bare legs - smoking his way through Brasso's tobacco.
They agreed to skip the first few service stations they passed - there was a chain of diners further south that Brasso knew would feed them well enough to compensate for the lack of sleep. They probably wouldn't even ask Cass to put his trousers on either.
As it turned out, his trousers were dry enough to pull on by the time they stopped to eat, and Brasso watched Cass fall upon an obscenely stacked breakfast burger from over his vat of coffee, wondering where Cassian was putting the mountains of hash browns and black pudding that he guzzled down. It was for the best that they were both reasonably decent as the morning crowd included holidaying families, but Cass didn't modify his language when he flipped through a copy of the Sun someone had left on the table.
"Mum, what's 'scrote-faced misery pornographer'?" a young girl asked in the next booth after a particularly forceful outburst, so Brasso kicked Cassian's shins under the table.
"Can it! No one here cares what you think of the editorial."
Cass rolled his eyes and pointed again to the story that was vexing him - increased police powers, a change the paper wholeheartedly supported - and launched into a defence of his outburst, as if Brasso needed convincing of the argument against giving the pigs a free rein to stop and search at taser-point. He was thinking instead of how accurate his prediction for the morning had been, and how this was simultaneously reassuring and a little unnerving. It was like he'd already cut himself off from this time with Cass, and was just counting down until their next run in, however many weeks or days in the future it would be.
"Want me to drive?" Cassian asked him as they walked back to the van, the wind whipping his unkempt hair across his face and his smirk half-hidden by his moustache.
"You're not insured," Brasso rolled his eyes. He hadn't recovered from the last time he'd been in a vehicle with Cass at the wheel - the van was not made for the kind of ruthless speed Cass specialised in.
In any case, ten minutes down the road Cass was asleep in the passenger seat, head back against the seat and snoring lightly in a way that raised a fond smile to Brasso's lips. When he noticed himself smiling he rubbed his face and gave his cheek a tap or two, telling himself to snap out of it.
He drove straight to Sal's - it had probably been someone at the yard who had told Cassian he was up north on deliveries anyway.
Brasso drank too-hot instant coffee from a polystyrene cup in Sal's office and listened to the next itinerary. Sal wasn't mad, or surprised, that Brasso had turned up late with an extra passenger - Cassian was now rummaging through Sal's wares while Bix kept a close eye on him, making sure nothing pocketable got pocketed.
When he had his new list of addresses and orders, Brasso went out to hand it over to Bix for loading. "You want a lift somewhere?" he asked Cassian.
"First delivery of the day," Bix raised an eyebrow.
"I like to get the awkward ones out of the way first."
Cassian gazed coolly at the two of them, waiting for them to finish. "Apparently the Swede isn't pleased with the last job I did for him."
"He did not sound happy this morning," Bix confirmed, folding her arms and glancing at the perspex windows of Sal's office. "We could hear him bawling at Sal all the way at the far end of the yard."
"Guess I could stay at Maarva's storage unit for a bit," Cassian tore another strip of cuticle off between his teeth.
"Why don't you take him with you?" Bix looked over at Brasso, mischief in her dark eyes. Like Cassian, she could smirk without moving her lips at all.
"So when this pissed off Swedish guy goes looking for him, I get found too?"
Bix shrugged. "How will he know Cass is with you? Besides, you'll have a navigator and a hand with unloading."
Brasso eyed Cass and Cass eyed Brasso. Brasso wondered if Cassian was thinking the same thing as him - what if the time apart was necessary to the functioning of their benefit-heavy friendship?
But Bix punctured the seriousness of Brasso's considerations with a casual addition: "Maybe the whole of Sal's van will be clean by the time it's safe to come back."
Brasso looked at her in surprise, Cass looked casually at the inside of the van, and Bix shrugged.
With that secret not, apparently, a secret, maybe it was best to skip town for a while, Brasso conceded.
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gauchogf · 2 years
wait ok i feel like everyone ik hates the song same auld lane syne am i the only person who likes it?? sound off guys i need to know if i'm alone or not
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 14, 2022)
23:55 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Lilac Lane 23:52 JAY ROWE - Auld Lang Syne 23:48 VANN BURCHFIELD - Freedom 23:45 PHIL DENNY - Feel Alright (Feat. David P. Stevens) 23:41 PAUL BROWN - One Way Back 23:38 JAEE LOGAN - The Great Sands 23:33 ERIC DARIUS - All I Want For Christmas Is You 23:29 STEVE OLIVER - Wings Of Spring 23:24 MARCUS JOHNSON - Me Myself & I 23:20 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Give Me Your Eyes 23:15 NILS - Catnap 23:09 KIM WATERS - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 23:04 RICHARD ELLIOT - Corner Pocket 23:00 PETER WHITE - Who's That Lady 22:59 SUNLOUNGER, CAP, STEPHANIE ASSCHER - Heart Of The Sun (Chill Version) 22:55 SMOMA - Secret 22:51 NAOKI KENJI - Maripri 22:48 AMAZONICS - Lovin' You (Astrovoid Remix) 22:44 COASTLINE, MADELIN ZERO - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) 22:41 ERINYA MOON - On The Edge (Russian Vocal Mix) 22:36 ANDY MOOR, ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, GABRIELA - World To Turn 22:31 ROGER SHAH, SUNLOUNGER - Trademark White (Omega 3 Bossachill Remix) 22:25 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA TAYLOR - Found (Downtempo Version) 22:22 JES - Stronger 22:16 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Angels 22:10 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 22:04 SIMON LE GREC - Decisions (Delor Mix) 22:00 ABOVE & BEYOND - No One On Earth 21:54 MICHAEL E - That Night Last Summer 21:48 CHICANE - No Ordinary Morning (Original Mix) 21:44 EMMA HEWITT - Foolish Boy (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 21:40 PAROV STELAR - Milla's Dream 21:35 GLOBAL TRAFFIC, CQ PLAM - World Hold On (Acoustic Cover) 21:30 EMILY UNDERHILL - Fly 21:25 MY 7SKY - Time Moment Has Stopped (Original Mix) 21:21 TRACEY THORN - Night Time (Original Mix) 21:18 AMEJ, JOSIE - Strangers We've Become (Acoustic Mix) 21:13 FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE - Seven Devils 21:09 ROBERT NICKSON, RELOCATE, NEEV KENNEDY - Not Made To Break (Chill Out Mix) 21:04 BLANK & JONES - Counting Clouds 20:57 0& BEYOND, RICHARD BEDFORD - Sun & Moon (Paul Hills Sunset 2 Moonrise Mix) 20:52 SEBA - Painted Sky (Imagine Chill Out Remix) 20:48 CUE - Hello 20:45 NASH & PEPPER, ROGUE RAVEN - Am I Wrong (Acoustic Mix) 20:43 FENNA DAY - Skin & Bone (Original Mix) 20:37 JEAN MARE - Just Equality (Electro Downbeat Mix) 20:34 ANDY MOOR, CARRIE SKIPPER - So Much More (Ambient Mix) 20:29 KIM WAYMAN - We Are The People (Acoustic Mix) 20:25 CRISTINA CAMACHO - Thank You 20:20 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 20:15 ORKIDEA - Beautiful (Ambient Mix) 20:06 RED BUDDHA, LINDA WONG ENSEMBLE - Stone Buddha 20:03 BELLATRAX FEAT. TINA COUSINS - Cant Hold Back (Acoustic Mix) 20:00 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 19:56 BERK & THE VIRTUAL BAND - You're My Heart, You're My Soul 19:52 RADIO KILLER - Lonely Heart (Kenny Hayes Nitelite Mix) 19:48 ROBERT NICKSON - Russell's Teapot (Original Mix) 19:44 JES - Imagination (Richard Robson Remix) 19:41 PUBLIC SYMPHONY - Wings 19:34 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 19:29 DJ KODI - Love Will Tear Us Apart 19:21 KITARO - A passage of life 19:17 DAVID TORT, NORMAN DORAY - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 19:13 MICHAEL E - Deja Vu (Short Mix) 19:09 FRAINBREEZE, ANGEL FALLS - I'll Be There (Original Mix) 19:06 COSTA, EMMA HORAN - New Dawn Breaking (Original Mix) 19:02 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 18:54 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 18:49 DJ MILEWS - Children 18:45 PAROV STELAR - You Got Me There 18:41 HONEY - A Girl Called You (Feat Jean Honeymoon) 18:37 MOORYC - Communication Breakdown 18:33 SAMI COVER - Love You Like A Love Song (DjR Remix) 18:29 NADIA ALI - Is It Love 18:24 MO'JARDO - Dust 18:20 DJ MATISSE, LOUNGE PARADISE - This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) 18:16 METAHARMONIKS - Confession 18:13 EMMA HEWITT - Carry Me Away (Live Acoustic Version) 18:09 POCHILL - Constanta 78 18:05 ADELE - Chasing Pavements 18:02 CONJURE ONE, LEIGH NASH - Under The Gun (Original Mix) 17:53 VINTAGE, MORELLI - Tree Of Life (Magnetik Remix) 17:49 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:45 SHARAM, DANIEL BEDINGFIELD - The One (Downtempo Mix) 17:40 BEN GOLD, SENADEE - Today (Chilled Datt Remix) 17:34 LUDOVICO EINAUDI - Nuvole Bianche 17:31 KENNY G, LOUIS ARMSTRONG - What A Wonderful World 17:26 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, LO-FI SUGAR - Never Fade Away 17:21 FRIENDLY BREAKS - Jazzy City Walk (Deep Lounge Mix) 17:15 SUNLOUNGER, KYLER ENGLAND - Change Your Mind (Chill Version) 17:10 JAMES BRIGHT, HELEN WALFORD - Time 17:06 GAELLE - Give It Back 17:00 AQUASCAPE - Sunrise 16:54 JAMES SAXSMO GATES - Sweetest Taboo 16:49 NICK COLIONNE - The Connection 16:43 ROBERT CHRISTA - Rise & Shine 16:41 HERB ALPERT - All I Want For Christmas 16:37 WARREN HILL - Mojo 16:32 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fifth Ward 16:28 DAVE KOZ - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (Feat. Michael Lington) 16:24 DEAN JAMES - Can You Feel It 16:20 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Gonna Be All Right 16:16 OLI SILK - At Your Service (feat. Julian Vaughn) 16:12 DAVID GARFIELD - Ticket to Pittsburgh 16:08 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - The First Noel 16:04 RICHARD ELLIOT - Who 16:00 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 15:56 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Harveston Way (feat. Euge Groove) 15:52 PIECES OF A DREAM - Sway On 15:48 EDGARDO CINTRON - Nice Little Bar 15:44 TOM BRAXTON - Hope For Tomorrow (feat. Bob James) 15:39 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Joy To The World 15:35 PAUL BROWN - Angel 15:32 ZOLBERT - The Time Has Come 15:29 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Adeste Fidels 15:25 PHILIPPE SAISSE - If I Ever Lose This Heaven 15:20 PHIL DENNY - Crossover 15:16 DIRK K - Sticks and Sand 15:12 JAREZ - Got This Feelin' 15:08 DANA FIELDS - This Christmas 15:04 BRIAN SIMPSON - Just One Wish 15:00 UNDER THE LAKE - Whatever You Wish For 14:57 TONY SAUNDERS - Unlimited Access 14:53 NICK COLIONNE - The Closer I Get To You 14:48 SAM RUCKER - I Am with You 14:44 PETER WHITE - Glow 14:40 JOYCE COOLING - Expression 14:37 MICHAEL BUBLE - Winter Wonderland 14:33 NELSON RANGELL - Steppin' 14:29 DEE BROWN - Smooth Talk 14:26 NEAL DAVIS - Golden Bells 14:22 KAYLA WATERS - Full Bloom 14:17 WALTER BEASLEY - No No 14:14 NICK COLIONNE - Right Around The Corner 14:10 RON OTIS - Out of Pocket 14:08 GILBERTO GIACONI - Jingle Bell Rock 14:03 NAJEE - Stratosphere 14:00 BONEY JAMES - Sara Smile 13:56 DARREN RAHN - One Step Ahead 13:51 WILL DONATO - Everlasting 13:47 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Won't Let Go 13:43 DAVE KOZ - All I Want For Christmas 13:38 WARREN HILL - La Dolce Vita 13:34 KIM WATERS - On a Mission 13:30 DAVID GARFIELD - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 13:25 RICHARD ELLIOT - Moon Gazer 13:21 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Nightcap (feat. Chris Camozzi) 13:16 RAGAN WHITESIDE - 3am 13:12 JODY MAYFIELD - Where Would I Be (feat. Heidi McLaughlin) 13:08 MARION MEADOWS - The First Noel 13:04 DREW DAVIDSEN - Laid Back 13:00 JIM ADKINS - Come a Little Closer 12:56 ROB MALETICK - Backwards Talkin' 12:52 ZOLBERT - Above the Clouds 12:48 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Times Square 12:44 RONNY SMITH - Deck the Halls 12:40 ALTHEA RENE - Rock with You 12:36 DEAN JAMES - Planet Smooth 12:31 BRIAN LENAIR - O Come All Ye Faithful 12:27 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 12:23 PAUL DOZIER, JESSICA LANE - I Dream in Color 12:19 DANIEL DOMENGE - Nonchalance 12:14 PAUL TAYLOR - Straight to the Point 12:10 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 12:05 PETER WHITE - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow 12:00 TIM BOWMAN - Soul Dream 11:56 BLAKE AARON - Short, Sweet and Sexy 11:52 NATE HARASIM - Lost In You 11:49 GARY MEGGS - Autumn Leaves 11:45 KAYLA WATERS - Spirit Awakening 11:41 JOHN FLUKER - Oh Come All Ye Faithful (Instrumental) 11:37 KEN POWE - College Hills 11:34 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - The Wind Whispers 11:30 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Christmas Time 11:26 VINCENT IOIA - No Time Like Now (feat. Bill Heller) 11:23 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Take Me There 11:18 BLAKE AARON - Fall For You 11:13 JULIAN VAUGHN - Hotel Lover 11:10 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Breath of Heaven 11:05 EUGE GROOVE - Welcome To The Journey 11:00 DAVE KOZ - Just To Be Next To You 10:56 DARREN RAHN - I Can't Go For That 10:52 ANDRE DELANO - Full Circle 10:47 RICHARD ELLIOT - Coco 10:43 DANIEL D. - Let It Snow 10:38 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Night Crawler 10:34 FOURPLAY - Aniversario 10:31 JESSY J - What Child is This 10:26 DREW DAVIDSEN - Alexander's Dream 10:22 PAUL BROWN - Old Friends 10:18 PETER HEROLD - Soul Spa 10:13 OLI SILK - All Roads Lead to Home 10:09 BROOKE ALFORD, MARCUS ANDERSON - The First Noel (In the Sun) 10:05 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Your Move 10:00 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Call Me (vocal) 09:56 KIM SCOTT - Treetops 09:51 GARY HONOR - Island Pearl 09:47 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Used to Love You 09:42 JOHNNY JOHNSON - Silver Bells 09:37 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Babadoodaht! 09:33 RHYTHM LOGIC - Tuesdays Love 09:29 PETER WHITE - The Little Drummer Boy 09:25 K'JON - Live, Love & Laughter 09:21 BLAIR BRYANT - Girls in the Back 09:16 NATE HARASIM - Different Kind Of Love (feat. Maxine Hardcastle) 09:12 STEVE OLIVER - Slingshot 09:08 BERNIE MARTINI - Falling for You Like Snow 09:03 PAUL JACKSON JR. - Let's Wait Awhile 09:00 DIDIER LABOSSIERE - Soarin' 08:55 GERRY SMOOTH - So It Begins 08:52 ERIC DARIUS - Move To It 08:48 VINCENT IOIA - Get on It! 08:44 RICK HABANA - Set Sail 08:40 JONATHAN BUTLER - Love Is 08:36 TAKE B - Umbrella 08:32 DARRON COOKIE - Your Smile 08:28 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Christmas Is Here 08:24 DAVE KOZ - Together Again 08:20 MICHAEL BROENING - Let It Breathe 08:16 NICK COLIONNE - On the Move 08:12 RICHARD ELLIOT - Still Sweet On You 08:08 ARIEL B - Last Christmas 08:04 ALTHEA RENE - Tabula Rasa 08:00 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Nature Boy 07:56 AL GOMEZ - For Sure 07:52 MARC ANTOINE - Marco Polo 07:48 SPECIAL EFX - Never Ending Love 07:43 BILL MCGEE - Full Circle 07:39 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 07:36 WAYNE GUTSHALL - Spanish Love (feat. Steve Oliver) 07:32 JEFF KASHIWA - It's Up To You 07:28 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Come All Ye Faithful 07:23 wo Years On (feat. Jimmy Engher, Monte Mann, Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 07:19 THE SAX PACK - When Morning Comes 07:16 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - On My Way 07:12 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Blue Light Special 07:08 ART FOUR SALE - Feliz Navidad 07:04 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Versace On The Floor 07:00 MARCUS JOHNSON - Just To Get By 06:56 BRIAN CULBERTSON - It's Time 06:52 PATRICK YANDALL - Sailing 06:49 HIROSHIMA - Groove Latino 06:45 MEKIEL REUBEN - Another Sunday 06:41 PABLO EMBON - Airborne 06:38 MIKE MACARTHUR - This Christmas 06:34 PAUL BROWN - Hello Again 06:30 KENNY PORE - Treasure Coast 06:27 SYLVIA BENNETT - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 06:23 ADAM HAWLEY - Old School Jam 06:19 BLUEY - Back Here Again 06:15 JACKIEM JOYNER - When The Time Is Right 06:11 NATE HARASIM - Both Sides Of The Coin (feat. Steve Oliver) 06:08 THE TIMELESS QUINTET - Mary Did You Know 06:04 MICHAEL MANSON, BEN TANKARD - Right Turn Ahead 06:00 BALANCE9 - Sway 05:56 DEE LUCAS - To Be Continued 05:50 THE SAX PACK - All At Once 05:45 WAKANA - Let's Get Together (feat. Peter Peet Ferencz) 05:41 HANK BILAL - O Come All Ye Faithful 05:37 CHRIS GODBER - Vibin' 05:33 RICHARD ELLIOT - Q.T. 05:29 JULIAN VAUGHN - Silent Night 05:25 R.L. WALKER - Coming Big 05:20 AL GOMEZ - Closer to You 05:16 THREESTYLE - Reasons 2 Love 05:12 TONY SAUNDERS - Sea Cliff Drive 05:09 VINCENT INGALA - Merry Christmas All 05:05 ERIC DARIUS - Uptown Swagger 05:00 GARY MEGGS - Internal 05:00 NATE HARASIM - Rush (feat. Darren Rahn) 04:55 MEZZOFORTE - Nightfall 04:50 BRIAN BROMBERG - Choices 04:46 PEET PROJECT - I Don't Mind 04:41 RHYTHM JETS - Angels We Have Heard on High 04:37 WILL SUMNER - First Light 04:33 CHRIS GODBER - Momentum 04:29 LYNNE FIDDMONT - Spirit of Christmas 04:26 PETER WHITE - How Deep Is Your Love 04:22 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Enchantment 04:18 MARCUS ANDERSON - 2 Cream, 3 Sugars 04:15 PAUL BROWN - Say It Like It Is 04:10 DAVE KOZ - The Christmas 04:06 NICHOLAS COLE - Secrets (Remix) 04:01 NELSON RANGELL - The Gathering 03:57 KIM WATERS - I'm Not the Only One 03:53 PAUL DOZIER - Myrtle Beach 03:49 HANK BILAL - Hark the Harold Angels Sing (feat. Jonathan Knott) 03:44 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Flower Child 03:40 CHRIS STANDRING - Piece of Cake 03:36 CAROL NETHEN - O Holy Night 03:31 KEN NAVARRO - Stoned Soul Picnic 03:27 J. WHITE - 90's Kinda Love 03:21 GREGG KARUKAS - Healing Song 03:17 LEBRON - Feels Like '84 03:13 YUTAKA - This Christmas 03:08 EUGE GROOVE - Too Cool 03:03 TERENCE YOUNG - Yearning For Your Love 02:59 STEVE OLIVER - Long Road 02:54 MICHAEL LEMMO - Nobody Knows 02:50 JESSY J - Sugar Fish (feat. Paul Brown) 02:46 JACKIEM JOYNER - The Space Between Us 02:41 SHAKATAK - Auld Lang Syne 02:36 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Smoothing 02:32 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 02:30 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - E' Nate Il Redentore (Piva Piva) 02:25 JEFF KASHIWA - Mediterranean Nights 02:21 BROOK ALFORD - Empire State of Mind 02:17 NILS - Play It 02:14 VANN BURCHFIELD - Being With You 02:12 NICK DUKAS - Jingle Bell Rock 02:07 PATRICK BRADLEY - All In 02:01 U-NAM - Back in Style 01:57 CHRIS GODBER - West Coast Soul 01:55 JOYCE COOLING - Snow Is Falling 01:51 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 01:47 PETER WHITE - Life Story 01:42 ADAM HAWLEY - Joy Ride 01:37 JAY KING - Your Way 01:32 AVERY SUNSHINE - Sunshine for Christmas 01:28 NICHOLAS COLE - Snap (feat. Vincent Ingala) 01:23 R.L. WALKER - Just a Feeling 01:18 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 01:13 PAUL BROWN - Ol' Skoolin' 01:10 DREW DAVIDSEN - God Rest Ye 01:06 MARCUS JOHNSON - New Beginnings 01:01 CHRIS STANDRING - Through the Looking Glass 00:56 SPECIAL EFX - Endless Us 00:52 NICK COLIONNE - It's Gonna Be Alright 00:48 RONNY SMITH - The Holidays Are Here 00:44 JOEL THIBAULT - Daydream 00:40 LEBRON - Red Hook 00:36 ART RUPRECHT - A Love Sublime 00:32 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Stealing Hearts 00:29 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - O Come All Ye Faithful 00:25 TERENCE YOUNG - Dance with Her 00:21 STEVE OLIVER - Let it Go 00:18 JAEE LOGAN - Portrait of Patrice 00:13 AL GOMEZ - Catchin' a Vibe 00:10 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Christmas Dream 00:06 PATRICK YANDALL - The Beat Generation 00:02 BRANDON WILLIS - Next Friday
0 notes
Tesla Holiday Update 2022.44.25.2 | Apple Music Tesla | Dog Mode Camera | Rainbow Road
Merry Tesla update everyone, Tesla recently updated their cars to 2022.44.25.2 which is the holiday update. There are a lot of cool features including Steam, yes Steam. I have created a video covering this update.
Video: https://youtu.be/X9iXwXCXfkg
Full Feature List
Apple Music
Stream over 100 million songs and 30,000 playlists ad-free. Listen to your entire library, discover more music, and tune into live radio stations. To access Apple Music, tap the Apple Music icon in the Application Launcher. scan the QR code with your mobile device, and login with your Apple ID.
Note: A Premium Connectivity subscription is required to stream Apple Music over a cellular connection.
Steam (Beta)
Access the Steam store directly from your Tesla. Buy and play immersive games that have been verified on Steam Deck. With Steam’s cloud synchronization, resume your game from your Tesla or any Steam device. To access Steam, tap the Application Launcher > Arcade.
Note: This feature is available on Model S & X (year 2022+) with 16GB DDR memory, and requires Premium Connectivity.
Dog Mode
View the interior camera from the mobile app while using Dog Mode or Sentry Mode. To enable Live Camera, tap Controls > Safety > View Live Camera via Mobile App.
Note: This feature requires Mobile App version 4.15.0+ and Premium Connectivity.
Media Controls
Media controls are closer to the driver for easy access. Swipe up to access 'Recents & Favorites' and 'Sources'. Swipe left or right to also access trips and tire pressure information.
myQ Connected Garage
myQ Connected Garage door openers are now supported. Monitor and control your garage door remotely using your vehicle’s touchscreen. To set up, tap Controls > Locks > myQ Connected Garage > Link Account, and follow the instructions.
Note: Your vehicle will automatically recognize all existing garage doors if you already have a myQ account.
Climate Control Fan Speed
Adjust fan speed intensity while remaining in AUTO climate by selecting between 'LO', 'MED', and 'HI' from the fan intensity selector on the climate control popup.
Emissions Testing Mode via Mobile App
Emissions Testing Mode can now be used from the Mobile App. Long press any quick controls icon from the home screen and drag the 'Fart' icon to the top row.
Note: This feature requires Mobile App version 4.15.0+.
Zoom Meetings
Make video calls with Zoom using the interior cabin camera. If you have a Zoom meeting in your Calendar, tap the link to automatically start or join your meeting. Participant video and screen sharing are only visible while parked and will switch to audio-only if you drive. To access Zoom, tap Application Launcher > Zoom.
Note: This feature requires Premium Connectivity.
The relaxing tile match game has been elevated with a clean, modern design, smooth animations, and calming sounds. Match identical tiles. A tile is playable if it is open on the left or right and isn’t covered by another tile. Continue pairing tiles to clear the board and your mind! To access Mahjong, tap the Application Launcher > Arcade.
Always Rainbows
Allow your driving visualization to show Rainbow Road when Autopilot is active. To enable, tap the Application Launcher > Toybox > Rainbow Road > Always Rainbows.
Scheduled Light Show
Schedule the Light Show for up to 10 minutes in advance or watch a multi-car orchestra by setting them to start simultaneously. Celebrate New Year's with the Auld Lang Syne show or create longer custom shows.
To access Light Show, tap the Application Launcher > Toybox.
Auto Turn Signals
Turn signals can automatically deactivate upon completing a lane change, fork, or merge. Tap Controls > Lights > Auto Turn Signals.
Contact Lookup
Search for contacts from a connected Bluetooth device. To access, tap the Application Launcher > Phone > Contacts > Search icon.
Bluetooth Gaming Controllers
Use Bluetooth controllers to play games in Arcade Mode. To pair a controller, open the Bluetooth panel and follow the on-screen instructions. This feature works best with PS5 controllers. Please refer to the Owner’s Manual for more information.
Track Mode
Track Mode enables Tesla's performance-oriented stability control and powertrain settings configured for track driving, and is designed to be used exclusively on closed courses and optimized for performance tires. Track Mode allows you to:
Create custom track mode settings profiles and record your track day data. - Monitor the status of your car motors, battery, brakes and tires in real time.
View the G-meter (a real-time accelerometer) displayed in the cards area of the touchscreen. To enable Track Mode for your current drive, shift into Park, then tap Controls > Pedals and Steering > Track Mode.
For more information about Track Mode, please visit the Owner's Manual.
Auto-Present Door Handles
Disable Auto-Present Door Handles while parked at home. To disable, tap Controls > Locks > Auto-Present Door Handles > Exclude Home.
Exclude Automatic Door Opening at Home
Disable Automatic Doors on your vehicle while parked at home. To disable, tap Controls > Locks > Automatic Doors > Exclude Automatic Door Opening at Home.
Rear Screen Control
Control the rear screen directly from the front seats. Select between front and rear displays as the preferred audio source, or completely lock the rear screen. To access, tap the Application Launcher > Rear.
Note: Theater Mode controls are only available while parked.
Confirm Phone Call Transfer
Active phone calls from a mobile device connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth will now request confirmation before transferring audio to the vehicle.
Verified Fart
Tesla has added a new fart to Emissions Testing Mode. The new fart name is called 'Verified,' and features a Twitter checkmark.
Tesla has HomeLink UI improvements in this update. When HomeLink appears in the status bar, it'll now contain buttons to either 'Activate' or 'Cancel' the opening of your garage door or gate.
If the garage door is set to auto-open or auto-close, the status bar will also display the number of feet or meters before the signal is transmitted.
Manual Fan Speed
While climate control fan speeds have been simplified when the HVAC system is set to Auto, you can still gain granular controls when switching to Manual.
While in Manual mode, you'll have access to the old 1-10 scale fan speeds, as well as the ability to tap or use the slider to adjust the fan speed.
Swipeable Cards
Tesla has reintroduced cards for the Model 3 and Model Y. Tesla used to have cards for these models in the lower left corner of the screen prior to last year's Holiday Update.
These cards allow you to swipe between the newly designed media player, your odometer and trip meters and your tire
Navigation UI
Tesla redesigned parts of the navigation UI to improve the layout of your next turn and available options.
Previously there was a module at the top of the screen and displayed your next turn, your ETA, destination name or address, and battery level on arrival. It also included controls to cancel navigation, toggle Navigate on Autopilot and a 'more' button.
With this update Tesla is splitting this UI into two pieces. The first remains at the top of the screen and will include critical information about your route, such as your next turn.
The rest of the information is moved to the bottom of the screen. This will include your travel time, destination details, as well as options to alter or cancel your navigation.
Best regards
Frahaan Hussain - Sonar Systems CEO
submitted by /u/RANDOMDBZ [link] [comments] from news about electric cars https://ift.tt/KL3dYbS
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strayed-path · 6 years
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Mr Yostar, I don't feel so good.
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blake-and-sco · 4 years
@bobbole’s amazing “You Don’t Remember the Somme?” art reminded me of Jeremy Deller’s art “We’re Here Because We’re Here” which I actually had the privilege of stumbling across in person when I was in Manchester in July 2016.
It’s Remembrance Weekend here so I thought I’d go down memory lane a little... (none of the photos are mine btw)
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The ‘art’ included about 1,600 male volunteers, all dressed in the uniforms worn by the British army in the First World War. Each man represented a named individual who had been killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme (1st July 1916). When approached by the public, the men would hand out a card bearing the name, battalion and, often, the age of the man they represented. In Deller’s words, these cards were “like small tombstones”.
Every so often, the men would sing “We’re Here Because We’re Here” which was put to the tune of Auld Lang Syne.
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I still get chills just remembering.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 31 December 1835
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No kiss ready in an hour F29 ½° and fine frosty morning at 8 10 - out from 8 10 till breakfast at 9 in ½ hour then sat reading till 10 50 from p. 242 to 324 end of vol. 2 Quins’ voyage down the Danube then in and out - spoke to Marian and arrange with her about servants’ luncheon and eating to be in future in the upper kitchen - my men never to go into the Low court at all - Mr. Jubb came between 1 and 2 - saw A- and my aunt - the latter poorly - A- not right as to her digestive organs - should have a blister between her shoulders - the climate here too cold for her - Had Mallinson the joiner at 2 - paid  him his bill - then out again in the farmyard - Robert Mann + 3 at the farmyard dunghill stead and drains - 2 masons came this morning - underfooting back stable and doing up necessary embouchure and front path along the pigsties - came in at 5 25 - Mr Parker drinking tea with my father and Marian   came to wish them a happy new year - A- did not see him - I went in to my father and Marian while they were at tea for ¼ hour or 20 minutes - dinner at 6 ¼ - a minute or 2 with  my aunt while Charles H- put up a bell to ring just over Oddy’s bed - this and Mr. Jubb’s visit in the morning harassed my aunt - coffee - A- went to lie down on the sofa upstairs and I sat down till 8 ¼ making notes from vol.2 Quins’ voyage down the Danube - then came the Lee-Lane (Shibden dale) singers to the door - Marian gave them ½ a crown - I went for A- to listen to the singing having just taken in to my father for a minute or 2 then took her to the hall to listen - she was upset - hurried upstairs and lay in tears on the sofa - I came to her for a minute or 2 then seeing I had better leave her alone went to my aunt 1st sent ½ a crown to the singers - Marian then asked them into the hall (at 8 40) - my aunt was interested in the singing and the people staid (about a dozen of them) till very near 10 I for my aunt and for myself having given them 5/. more so they had in all 10/. besides beer - my aunt toddled to her room door and stood 10 minutes listening to the beautiful and glee air For auld lang syne - as she leaned on my arm I could not help thinking alas! this is the last new year’s eve that she will listen with me - my uncle is gone - she will soon follow - the dream of youth is gone - the day of love is gone but I am left! and she too who has deceived my hope but changed and lost to me Διὸς δ᾽ ἐτελείετο βουλή sat with my aunt till 9 55 then a few minutes with A- her tears dried but looking wan and woeful - would that she were in stronger health! very fine day - F33° now at 10 20 pm - May the coming year be happy! But Quid sit futurum cras, fuge quaerere, et quem fors dierum cumque dabit, lucro adpone.
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ifindus · 4 years
Know that you are wanted and adored
- my final written piece for the sixth day of @nordicrareshipsweek about two weeks too late, but at last I am finished.
Pairing: Norway/Scotland Wordcount: 765 words Summary: They have finally reached the city of Aberdeen and it’s time to say goodbye. Historical context: In october of 1940 the British established what would later be a force fully under Norwgian control stationed on the isles of Shetland in Scotland that lead several missions over to coastal Norway during the war, smuggling in weapons and rations to the resistance and bringing wanted people back over to Britain. Several of the ships would be sunk by the German forces, yet they would not stop their efforts until the war ended. Many Norwegian sailors and voluenteers participated in this.
The smell of the ocean wafted towards them as the door of the train swung open and they stepped down onto the platform. In the end, they had caught a ride to Dundee and jumped on the train up from there. The city of Aberdeen appeared far from welcoming with its endless streets, grey sky and grey buildings. Pulling his coat tighter around him, Norway hoisted the strap of his bag further up his shoulder. The docks only lay a couple of hundred meters away from the train station, so they didn’t have to walk far this time. Still there was about an hour before the ferry was scheduled to depart and so both countries had slowed their pace considerably as they strolled down the lane.  
Out on the docks, seagulls flocked to the fishing boats that had just returned from the sea, filling the air with their hoarse screams. The familiar smell of fish and salt produced an even stronger sense of longing in Norway. If he just got to place his feet on the deck of a boat, he was sure he would feel calmer and more reassured. Reassured that everything would be all right in the end, even if the sky was covered with grey clouds right now. He felt his hand twitch where it gripped the bag strap.
“And what’s your plan now?”
Norway blinked himself back to the moment and turned his head towards the nation beside him. Scotland had a worried crease between his large eyebrows, eyes pinned on a point far ahead of them.
“I suspect you already know.”
“Have you talked to England about it?”
Norway sighed.
“Yes. I have.” He tucked away a lock of hair that had fell into his eyes. “Shetland is a good location for a base of operations. England will send up any Norwegian refugee willing to join… along with weapons and boats.”
“And you’ll be what? Leading?”
“Of course not.” Norway furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the ground. “I will be… assisting. I will go with the first boat and then… we’ll just have to see how it goes I suppose.”
“Smuggling weapons and information over and bringing people back?”
“That’s the general idea of it, yes.”
They came to a stop as they reached the gangway up to the ferry. It would take almost a whole day to arrive in Lerwick, yet Norway was eager to begin the journey. Still, in a way it felt wrong to leave like this. He knew he was disappointing his generous host. However, these were feelings none of them could afford to have at the moment. There was a war going on.
“Scotland.” Norway turned to his friend with a serious look in his eyes. “I cannot express how much I appreciate what you have done for me. Thank you for letting me stay. And thank you for letting me go.”
Scotland chuckled. It was sad, yet… he still looked happy. A hand reached up and tousled the dark curls as he once again focused on Norway. They were at last facing each other fully.
            “We twa hae paidl’d in the burn             Frae morning sun till dine;             But seas between us braid hae roar’s,             Sin auld lang syne.”
Scotland smiled at him, green eyes stirring something deep inside him and Norway remembered why he really had to leave. It burned. It burned as Scotland continued.
            “And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere             And gie’s a hand o’thine,” he reached out and took Norway’s free hand in his own. It was calloused and rough, spreading warmth between them.             “And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught             For auld lang syne.”
It felt as if something was stuck in his throat and it was only after blinking away what might have been tears that he did manage to speak.
“You’re quoting Burns now?” If Scotland noticed the quiver in his voice, he didn’t mention it.
“Well, love burns sometimes.” There it was. The word neither of them had mentioned until now. Avoided. Love. Love burns. And Norway truly felt it burn.
“Yes. It does.” Strangely, their handholding right now seemed like the most intimate thing they had ever done. And he really did not want to let it go. But now was not the time and they both knew that. He gave the warm hand a squeeze before he released his grip.
            “We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,             for auld lang syne.” He smiled warmly as he took the first step up onto the gangway. “I’ll see you soon, Scotland.”
“See you soon, Norway.”
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
DCU Holiday Bash II #1
The Present. Connor Hawke and Kyle Rayner. Kyle takes Connor last minute Christmas shopping for the JLA, and they run into someone holding up the mall as his girlfriend is annoyed at him (and who decides to hold a knife to a nun). Connor lectures on how Buddhism says existence is impermanent and suffering, and Kyle continues to want to buy presents even after Connor tells him words of appreciation would be better. (They're such an odd buddy couple here)
The House of Peace. Batman. This is the Hanukkah story about a synagogue in Gotham kept alive by the donations of one night of service. A thief steals the donations (and breaks the oil). Batman beats up the thief and returns the donations box; a small boy Danny in the congregation runs home to get oil to light the lamp.
Present Tense. Darkseid. It's the time Santa delivers coal to Darkseid for Christmas! What is there to say about this story? Darkseid remains naughty. This story remains perfect.
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"You're making it tougher to get here each Christmas, I'll give you that!"
Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa. Black Lightning. I think this is the first compilation Kwanzaa story. I actually love the art for this one, but the plot feels simultaneously too explainy AND stereotypical (black gangs, hey?)
The Gift. Superman. Clark drops off a beaten-up robot at the door of LexCorp, and Red Haired Lex (as it's the mid 90s) gestures 'who, me?' Santa, or 'Santa' (aka the Kents) gives Clark a new cape as his is all ragged after the fight.
I Left My Heart at the Justice Society Canteen. JSA in 1944. MAJOR flashback here! Basically it's about the JSA running entertainment for the troops in Gotham. A laundry officer ensign identifies two spies who try to plant a bomb in the canteen, and gets to meet the whole JSA crew. That laundry officer ensign? JIM GORDON. Which, ALMOST still makes sense, timewise, in the 1990s, but not really (since it makes Jim 70 or so). Oh comics.
Anyway personally the most interesting aspect of this was Jim hanging out with Dinah Drake for a bit, in anticipation of the Jim Gordon and Larry Lance friendship in the future.
A Christmas Carol. Sgt. Rock. Basically this is just visions during the war of concentration camps, so keep shooting those Nazis! Eh.
The Old Lane. Dick/Babs. I LOVE THIS STORY. Dick and Barbara have a standing date to hang out together on New Year's Eve. Babs is somewhat annoyed at Dick but he turns up with Chinese anyway, which they eat on the roof of the Clocktower looking out over the city, swapping stories of words they've misheard (Dick: Mistletoe - missiles flying from toes; Barbara: Auld Lang Syne - Old Lane Sign) and they've told each other these stories before. Which is backed up by...Barbara gives Dick a box with mistletoe in it for Christmas/New Year's, and Dick gives her a streetsign for Old Lane.
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somebodytoolove · 4 years
🎸!! (:
thank you, hj!! 🥺🎁
auld lang syne — bing crosby
candy cane lane — sia
christmas (baby please come home) — mariah carey
o come, o come, emmanuel — choir of king’s college, cambridge
the holly and the ivy — choir of king’s college, cambridge
send me a 🎸 and i’ll shuffle my christmas playlist!
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born2battle · 4 years
NDA Saga~ Spectacular Sixth Term
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  The commencement of the Spring Term in Jan 1970 heralded our final Term. The feeling of being a Sixth Termer cannot be described adequately since it has to be experienced. Afterall, NDA was in our DNA. I was privileged to be appointed as Squadron Cadet Captain while five of my coursemates were appointed as: Divisional Cadet Captains, Cadet Sergeant Major & Cadet Quartermaster Sergeant. All six of us constituted the core Team of leadership of Echo Squadron & reported to the academy one week prior before the beginning of the Term.
   As Sixth Termers, we looked forward  to some more privileges such as a reserved corner at the Dining Table in the Cadets Mess, exemption from the morning Muster Parade, permission to visit Pune on all Sundays & holidays etc. However, the most important privilege was to replace the sticker of DLTGH (Days Left To Go Home) by DLTPO (Days Left To Pass Out). Alongside privileges came the responsibilities. In my personal role as the Team Leader, I had to motivate the entire Echo Squadron towards pursuit of excellence. It gave us great pleasure to take the initiative, evolve plans & implement them to attain the overall goals.
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  In the Sixth Term, practical training in service subjects was stressed upon. Army cadets refined their skills for handling & firing of weapons, basic battle drills & tactics at platoon level. Naval Cadets  practised finer details of seamanship. Air Force cadets practised gliding at the gliderdrome. In addition, central lectures we conducted on jointmanship giving examples from previous battles. We had to give group presentations about winners of gallantry awards( Param Vir Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra & Ashoka Chakra), which proved to be source of inspiration. Bayonet fighting competition was conducted at the end of the capsule of service subjects. I was among the top 24 cadets who were awarded the ‘Bayonet’,which had to be displayed on the uniform.
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  Meanwhile, the tempo of academic sessions also picked up with a view to complete the Syllabus & the final exam before Camp TORNA. We had to submit several projects & assignments & give presentations on area studies. Personally, I had to double my efforts towards studies to improve my record of academic achievements.
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  After the mid- Term break, Camp TORNA was conducted in the vicinity of Torna Fort. This fort is located 65kms from NDA & has a special historical significance as it was the first fort captured by Shivaji Maharaj at the age of 16. The camp was conducted as an interesting two sided mock battle over 5 days. Six Squadrons(A to F) represented the Defender while the remaining six Squadrons(G to L) represented the Attacker. The traditional campfire, a sumptuous dinner & the favourite Tipsy Pudding which was a specialty of the Cadets Mess, signalled a farewell from camp life. Next followed, the Josh Run back to the Academy which was another gruelling test of endurance. On termination of this Cross country race of 65 kms wearing FSMO, we were immediately tested in marksmanship competition. My Squadron secured Third position in this camp which proved to be tougher in comparison to  Camp Greenhorn ( Second Term ) & Camp Rover ( Fourth Term ).
    On return,we realised that DLTPO had reduced to 30.It evoked mixed feelings of elation as well as sorrow since we were in the last month, of the last Term of our NDA saga.The Academy had taught us so much in the process of out transformation.I wish to summarise the key learnings --- in fact, the life lessons in retrospect.PT constantly improved physical fitness while Drill instilled discipline.Swimming & Riding honed our skills & built up our courage.We developed our table manners & etiquettes in the Cadets Mess.System of ragging & punishments strengthened our resilience.Periodic rewards & recognition were morale boosting factors.Outdoor training and Camps enhanced our confidence as well as endurance.All the activities in a tight daily routine followed in each Term taught us the techniques of Time mgmt & Stress mgmt.
     Most important factor was the conducive environment & the cadets of the Eagle family which made us feel at home --- always and every time!! It helped in nurturing the Squadron spirit & building ever lasting bonds.We experienced the value addition of this camaraderie as an ex-NDA throughout our career in the Armed Forces and even after retirement !!! It is amazing as to how all ex- NDAs create a symbiotic relationship in just one dialogue ----- Ex NDA? Which Course? Which Squadron?
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   Yet another monument in NDA which is a symbol of reverence is the Hut of Remembrance.It is situated behind the Sudan Block & is respected as the ‘Holiest of the Holy’. It enshrines the spirit of those NDA Alumni who made the supreme sacrifice in the highest traditions of the Armed Forces. Interestingly, the Hut was constructed through Shramdaan by cadets of 10th to 17th Courses.It was formally inaugurated  on 01 Jun 1957.
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   Rehearsals for POP & related activities began with the usual gusto. We felt sentimental with each passing day as we reflected on the days gone by. We were surely going to remember all the ups and downs during our nostalgic innings at the Cradle of Military Leadership. The Academy Dinner Night set the ball rolling when I was awarded several book prizes & yet another academic Torch.
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 Next evening we had a poignant farewell from Echo Squadron Each one of us spoke briefly & conveyed our gratitude to all our professors, instructors, Ustaads & the administrative staff. In the end, I exhorted the cadets from 39th to 43rd Course to carry forward the legacy. I concluded with a message “Deep within my heart I hear an Echo~ Echo yesterday, Echo Today, Echo Tomorrow & in fact, Echo forever....” Next morning, we assembled at the Hut of Remembrance & paid homage to the martyrs in a sombre wreath laying ceremony. None of us could even visualise that some of us would have their names inscribed on the Roll of Honour displayed inside the Hut !!
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  We welcomed our parents who had started arriving since morning. They had been invited to attend all ceremonies commencing two days prior to the POP. Their stay had been organised in the Cadets cabins by vacating one Squadron per Battalion. This gave the parents a feel of staying as a Cadet, in a facility which we still relate as our Home.The first event was the Parents Dinner in the Cadets Mess. It was an opportunity for social interaction between the Parents & the Instructors of the Academy who shaped our future. Commandant of the Academy gave his congratulatory message and compliments to all cadets of the 38th Course. It proved to be yet another nostalgic evening. 
   Next morning, we escorted our Parents to the Bombay Stadium to witness the PT & Equestrian events, Motorcycle display & a magnificent Para drop demo. This was followed by a guided tour of the entire Campus which reminded us of our cycle tour in the First Term to familiarise us with each & every nook and corner of the Academy. In the evening, we enjoyed the Variety Entertainment Program in Habibullah Hall. A musical mime on the theme “Yaadein” was the grand finale of the Show.It reflected on our journey down the memory lane !!
   06 Jun 1970... the D Day finally arrived. It was the much awaited day of the POP, a day which would always be cherished by the 38th Course & a day when we would get the prestigious designation of an ex NDA !!! We assembled at the QM Fort well in time before the commencement of the Parade.Meanwhile, the Parents & other guests were seated in designated enclosures to witness the POP. The Parade marched onto the hallowed Drill Square to the tune of “Sare Jahan se Accha” & formed up to await the arrival of the Chief Guest. Air Chief Marshal P C Lal who was the Chief Guest arrived upto the Drill Square in a horse drawn carriage, as per the tradition. He took the ceremonial salute from the Quarter Deck & reviewed the Parade in an open jeep. This was followed by the main march past around the periphery of the Drill Square. Thereafter, was the much awaited moment for me as well as my parents... the Awards Ceremony. I was privileged to be awarded the President’s Silver Medal for being first in the order of merit. I am certain my parents gave me a standing ovation with moist eyes at that moment while the spectators applauded all the medal winners.
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    Thereafter, the Chief Guest gave his farewell address. Then began the solemn final march past to the traditional tune of Auld Lang Syne. With a heavy heart, my course marched onto the Quarter Deck, saluted the National Flag on top of the mast & bid farewell to the prestigious NDA.Magnificent fly past overhead & the cadets of 43rd Course on the mast, wished us the final Au Revoir !!! Finally, with Diligence, Determination & Devotion, we felt blessed on achieving our Dream. We looked forward to achieving our final Goal, in respective training institutions, next year. However, we can never forget that NDA is in our DNA. I am and will always be proud of being an ex NDA/ 38th Course/ Echo Squadron !!!
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paralleljulieverse · 5 years
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This Day in Julie-History: Julie Andrews gives her final performance in My Fair Lady at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane on 8 August, 1959 
Sixty years ago, Julie Andrews took her final bow in the original stage production of My Fair Lady after an astonishing three-and-a-half year run –– two years on Broadway and sixteen months in London. Of the show’s original principals, only Stanley Holloway and Robert Coote outlasted Julie, though only by a few short months and, it must be said, in far less demanding parts. 
Indeed, the role of Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady is widely regarded as one the most difficult in the musical theatre canon. With its performative shifts between drama and light comedy and weighted use of “warring vocal registers...from belt to soprano and back,” the role has a reputation as “one of the great voice killers” of musical theatre that has “created problems for more than one Eliza” (Mordden: 196). Small wonder, Julie likened her three-and-a-half year tenure in My Fair Lady to a gruelling marathon:
“Playing Eliza was perhaps the greatest challenge I’ll ever have to face. It was an extremely difficult role and I found it an enormous weight every night. I can’t remember a single performance when I didn’t wonder to myself am I going to get through it tonight?” (Andrews 1964: 20)
Such was the significance of My Fair Lady as an era-defining cultural phenomenon that Julie’s farewell performance on August 8, 1959 made headline news around the world. A capacity audience of friends and well-wishers packed the house to bid farewell to the star and director Moss Hart flew in from New York to emcee the affair. As Julie took her final bows, the company linked arms to serenade her with a moving rendition of ���Auld Lang Syne” (Frost:13). Needless to say, there were tears –– press reports claimed Julie “made off for her dressing room and stayed there more than an hour weeping” (ibid) –– but they were tempered with a measure of joyous relief. In her memoirs, Julie writes:
“When I finally ended my run in My Fair Lady, it was as if I emerged from a long, narrow tunnel into the bright sunlight. The world was suddenly in Cinemascope, and I had a life once again. I had tremendous affection and fondness for the show, and I received a wonderful send-off from the company...but the relief was overwhelming...[M]y diary entry for that week simply says, ‘Lovely, loverly end to show––very sad but very glad, too’” (Andrews 2008: 266).
Many other Elizas have followed in Julie’s wake, whether in the original productions –– which continued for years after her departure and featured a veritable revolving door of replacement leads –– or in the show’s numerous international productions and revivals. But Julie’s status as the original musical Eliza and, perhaps most influentially, her star presence on the show’s  two record-breaking original cast recordings, has made her performance, if not the definitive Eliza, certainly the gold standard by which all others are measured. Critical commentary on the recent New York revival of My Fair Lady at Lincoln Center, for example, featured frequent nods to Julie from comparisons of singing style –– “unlike the original...Eliza, Julie Andrews, [Lauren Ambrose] is an imperfect fit for the vocal demands of this role” (Rooney: para. 7) –– to fan gush about star idols –– “Laura Benanti has wanted to play Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady since she was 4 years old [when she] fell in love with both original star Julie Andrews and the role of the Cockney flower seller” (Evans: para. 2).
In her research monograph on female musical stardom, Julie Noonan (2006) mounts a compelling argument for My Fair Lady as the quintessential example of the “virtuoso star musical,” a show that is built around the “exceptional abilities” of “star performers who were or became stars through their roles in [these shows]” (128) and whose benchmark original performances “haunt” collective memory and all subsequent productions (136). In the case of Julie’s turn as the original Eliza Doolittle, Noonan writes:
“Andrews contributes a virtuosic quality to the character of Eliza which makes the role difficult to cast…Not that the role cannot be done by another, but the composite qualities of Andrews leave a mark on the character which are evident in the recasting” (141). 
All of which only intensifies the bitter irony of Julie’s loss of the role of Eliza in the film version of My Fair Lady and helps explain why the decision was so deeply controversial at the time and, even now half a century later, continues to rankle and provoke debate (McHugh: 180-83). As Mel Brooks’s comic character ‘The 2000 Year Old Man’ cracks with hilarious acerbity: 
"Everybody asks me, ‘What did you think of the Crime of the Century?’ The hackles are still going up at the back of my neck. That those idiots gave Audrey Hepburn Julie Andrews’s role in the movie My Fair Lady after she sang it on Broadway for two years—to me, that’s the crime of the century...I'm upset to this day!” (Brooks and Reiner: 104).
Andrews, Julie. “Julie Andrews on Challenges.” Daily World. 27 August 1964: 20. 
__________. Home: A Memoir of My Early Years. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008.
Brooks, Mel and Reiner, Carl. The 2000 Year Old Man in the Year 2000: The Book. New York: HarperCollins, 1998.
“Eliza Farewells ‘My Fair Lady’.” The Age. 10 August 1959: 1.
Evans, Suzy. “Laura Benanti on Playing Her Dream Role in 'My Fair Lady'.”  Hollywood Reporter. 1 March 2019, <www.hollywoodreporter.com>.
Frost, Colin. “Tears Stream Down Face, Julie Bows Out of ‘Lady’.” The Morning Call. 10 August 1959: 13.
“Julie Portrays Her Last Eliza.” Chicago Tribune. 10 August 1959: 1.
McHugh, Dominic. Loverly: The Life and Times of ‘My Fair Lady’. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Mordden, Ethan. Anything Goes: A History of American Musical Theatre. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.
“New ‘Fair Lady’ at Drury Lane.” The Sphere. 22 August 1959: 95.
Noonan, Julie A. The Sound of Musicals’ Women: Tessitura and the Construction of Gender in the American Musical. Unpublished PhD dissertation. University of Kansas, 2006.
Rooney, David. 'My Fair Lady': Theater Review. Hollywood Reporter. 19 April 2018, <www.hollywoodreporter.com>.
© 2019 Brett Farmer All Rights Reserved
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azulblue9 · 5 years
Prince & Miles Davies *Auld lane syne* - Purple rain. Rare version. *Auld lane syne*, a traditional Scottish song, also used in funerals, is played until some technical problems are solved. At 10 minutes Purple Rain starts.
Rara Versión. *Auld lane syne*, canción tradicional escocesa, usada también en funerales, comenzará a escucharse a partir de que logran solucionar algunos problemas técnicos. A los 10 minutos arranca Purple Rain.
Prince 4ever! O(+> 💜🎵💜
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