#auora cycle
pigeon-fancy · 1 year
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It’s my personal head cannon that both the auora cycle and the Illuminae Files happen in the same universe purely because of this 
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cryptikexp · 7 months
Tips for making a world?
Im building an alien moon orbiting an earth like planet, a few light years away from earth, This is my first world, and I have ambitions. If you have any tips that would be much appreciated. Heres the lore so far;
The moon, Auora, is home to several creatures, in diverse biomes. There is 2 human factions, D.I.S.G, (Direct Interstellar Scientific Group) A group focused on studying alien life in different systems, and The Brotherhood Of Orion, a group hellbent on destroying alien life and D.I.S.G. and one alien faction, The Anog. The three factions are at war, although D.I.S.G and the Anog are seeking peace to ally against the Brotherhood, even though there is a language barrier they are making it work,as Anog militia groups continue to play guerrilla warfare with D.I.S.G much to both sides displeasure.
Some of the creatures that inhabit Auora are,
Aurombas; A large sauropod like creature With a large spiked club on the end of it's tail that excreted paralysing toxins. Males have a large sail and dewlap, with shrunken neck spines protruding from the sides of their necks and hind legs, and females have no sail, and a small dewlap. The female has a large number of spikes all along where the sail would be.
Darakund; a medium sized subterranean bipedal and blind carnivore, it burrows into the ground and sticks it's whiskers out of the ground to detect when prey is overhead, then it launches itself out of the ground to attack.
Auoromimus; a small nocturnal flock herbivore that has legs that resemble running prosthetics, and are armed with arms that have 1 scythe like claw on them. Males have large extravagant tails and head crests, similar to peafowl. They are about 5 foot tall, and very hard to find as they camouflage during the day.
Ulshear; Large slug like amalgamations of dna from anything they can eat. Their life cycle is a gruesome one.
They must continue eating, as they need to have food in their stomach to avoid being digested by their own stomach. They have extremely weak digestive systems, so plenty of food gets stuck all around. Eventually, in a certain place a large enough amount of dna will accumulate to form a parasite, similar to the Cymothoa(?) and will direct food away from the stomach to itself. Eventually the Ulshear cannot eat enough and will succumb to it's stomach acid. This allows the parasite to escape, becoming a new ulshear, although with the next set of horrid adaptations. They are horridous, and are gigantic in some cases.
Darakund live in Auoras harsh deserts, and Aurombas are some of the only other animals to travel through, making their young prime targets for the darakund as they travel to the rainforests from their nests in the desert. Auoromimus inhabit the rainforests and plains of Auora.
Thank you for reading, and any tips would be appreciated :)
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so saedii tell me abt ur self :3
Well I am an alien, a Syldrathi. I have 1 younger sibling (fuck u Kal). My parents are both in the system (Caercan and Laeleth) as well as my grandmother (Asprina). My source is a book trilogy called the Auora Cycle however I show up in the 2nd and 3rd book.
I have two partners (Fica who is in our system and Keathie who is in our partner system). I am semi fluent in my native tong as well as knowing a lot about it’s culture and such.
In my source im a bit of a dick but now I’m alright and quite nice I suppose - Saedii
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theastrologiical · 3 years
incorrect aurora cycle quotes pt 2
Zila: You often use humor to deflect trauma.  Fin: Thank you! Zila: I did not say that was a good thing.  Fin: Well, what I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny. 
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hettiesworld · 3 years
Name of fic: I Recommend a Daddy
Pairing: Sugar daddy!Chris x OFC (Addison)
Plot summary: When Addison runs out of money and is about to lose her house, her friends Auora and Sydney recommend to her a sugar daddy. Of course, there is one thing that is different to the other sugar daddy companies; there is a romantic relationship available.
Warnings: Foul language, sexual themes.
Author’s note: This is part of @donutloverxo Sugary 4k Challenge. Of course, it is not part of my Chris x Addison series fic, “Best Thing I Ever Had”, just to be clear. My OCs are not famous, neither are the celebrities in this.
Word count: 1641 words.
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“Rory! Sydney! Need your help quick!” Addison called out to her friends whilst running from her spare bedroom to her own, her handbag in one hand and her purse in the other.
“What is it Addy?” Sydney asked her, trying to braid Aurora’s hair.
“I have no money! I am gonna lose my house --” She started to freak out, breathing heavily. Just like the talkative person that she was. Until Auora stood up from her sitting position.
She placed her hands on Addison’s shoulders.
“Addy. Calm down, it’s okay, just do what we did. Get a sugar daddy.” “A sugar daddy?” “Yeah.” Sydney added on, also standing up, phone in hand. “Have a look. This is my sugar daddy.”
The picture on Sydney’s phone was of a 50 year old man. She could tell by the wrinkles on his face. Addison cringed at how old he was.
“And this is mine.” Aurora beamed as she picked up her phone, showing Addison her one. He looked, at least, 30-something years old.
“How old is he?” She asked Auora. “51. And he is Syd’s brother!” Aurora exclaimed. “What? How is he one? I have met him loads of time and it looked like… no offence, but he looked like he didn’t have a lot of money.” Addison explained.
“Meh. Something about a relative having a lot of money and I didn’t get anything. So I got Jeremy to help me.” Sydney replied. “But I don’t mind if my brother didn’t help me, I got to meet --” “--Yes, you got to meet Jeremy, we know. But that doesn’t mean you get to kiss him or something…” Addison interrupted Sydney.
She out her handbag on the bedside table and sighed, collapsing onto the comfortable water bed.
Addison sat up and was shocked at what Auora was going to say.
“Wait… you’re in a relationship with them?” Addison exclaimed, putting on a confused face.
Both Sydney and Auora shrugged their shoulders, basically saying that they were.
“It’s kinda complicated. It’s a polyamorous relationship. He can date other girls. That’s the business of the sugar daddy company they are part of.” Sydney explained.
Addison thought to herself, ‘Does she need a sugar daddy? She was losing her house and she didn’t have a lot of money…’ Sydney already had Addison’s laptop up, with the sugar daddy website on it, flashing in her blue eyes.
“Go on. Pick one!” Sydney encouraged, placing the laptop in her lap.
Addison sighed and looked over the website. She repeatedly denied every single one she looked at until she found a 39-year old man picture on there. Let’s just say, Addison was definitely interested in him. His name was Chris and he was from Boston, Massachusetts. 
“Ooh… He looks interesting and hot! Go on, message him!” Aurora said to her, instantly clicking on the messaging app within the website. “Rory! Why did you do that?” Addison condemned Aurora. “Look! He messaged you!” Sydney added.
Mr. Evans: Hello Addison. Are you interested in my offer of being your sugar daddy?
“Reply Addy, reply!” Sydney and Auora both exclaimed at her.
“Okay, okay. Just leave me alone. Let me message him.”
Addison: Hello, Mr Evans. I guess I am interested in your offer. Mr. Evans: Please call me Chris. Now, tell me. Why are you coming to this website? Addison: I am going to lose my job and my friends suggested this website. It could help me with my financial problems. Mr. Evans: I will gladly help with your money issues. We should meet up, but if you’re living far away, we should meet via webcam. Addison: I would like that.  Mr. Evans: Just give me your Skype details and I will contact you soon.
Sydney and Auora screamed with glee as Chris accepted the offer. Addison sighed at them before giving Chris her details.
“Now we wait.”
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It was a few days afterwards and Addison was alone, in her bedroom. She was waiting for Chris to call her via Skype. Then, it happened.
Addison looked up from her phone, as she was playing Candy Crush Saga.
 “Oh my… I am so sorry! I didn’t know you called me!” She yelped, making Chris laugh from the call.
“It’s alright. I’m guessing you’re Addison then?” He asked her.
“Yep. Sorry I was playing Candy Crush. And please, call me Addy. My friends call me that.” “Got it. What level are you on?” Questioned Chris, titling his head and then sipping a beer. “I’m on… level 182.” “That is cool. I’m on level 543.” “What? How?!” “Practice.”
They both laughed.
“Anyways… You have financial problems?” He then asked her, having a notebook and pen in his hands. “Yeah I do. A few days ago, I had no money in my bank account. I’m getting evicted soon cause I can’t pay my rent…” Addison rambled on as Chris nodded understandably, writing down what she was saying. “I am so sorry. Well, if you accept my offer, then you will be able to live at my place, accompanied with me and my dog, I will be able to pay everything off. All you need to do is give me company. Do some chores around the house, that sort of stuff.” He explained.
Addison thought for a while.
“I do need money. Okay, I accept.” “Great! You can start in 2 days. Just come to my address in Massachusetts and we will do the contract and important stuff. Get packed and I’ll see you then, okay?” “Okay! Thank you so much Chris!” She hung up.
2 days later, she flew from London to Boston, Massachusetts in the USA.
It was a city of wide avenues and small places to sit and eat, to relax as folk went about their day. There were the sky towers in the centre, what was once thousands of homes now took up less ground space than an old shopping mall. The rest was parks and wild spaces, a chance to walk among nature or enjoy the trails on bicycles or horseback. Yet perhaps Addison’s favourite thing was the river that flowed through the centre, crossing the bridges, pausing just to look at the view I saw every day and loved all the more.
She arrived outside a white-ish house, just outside the city.
There stood a tall man, about 6’ 0”, with short brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, 2 buttons undone. He also wore brown shorts and white sneakers. “Addy! You came!” Chris smiled and welcomed her with open arms. She stood out of the fancy car. She was wearing a pretty flowery dress with matching blue shoes with wedged heels. Bright red sunglasses, her blonde hair flowing in the cool wind. In her hand, a beautiful leather handbag.
Addison pranced over to Chris, trying not to fall over in her shoes.
“Chris! It is a pleasure to meet you.” Her London accent was clear as day as she gave him the usual posh greeting; an air kiss on each cheek. “You too. How was your flight?” He asked her, being a true gentleman and bowing, kissing the back of her hand. “It was luxurious!” Addison smiled at him, blushing at the gesture he gave her. “Please! Let me give you a tour!”
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The house Chris lived in looked quite expensive. She was surprised that he had a drawing-room (or a living room to you guys). The drawing room had a snug and huggy feel to it. The dining room, which was next to it,  was Chris’s in-home cafe, one where all the chefs and wait staff cooked for a living.
Upstairs, the bedroom she was staying in was just tidy enough to show that she cared about the space and just messy enough to show that she was able to let her creativity roam free. It was her goldilocks zone, perfect for how she was, especially for an inspiring storyteller like her. The en-suite next to it was a place of washing, of nurturing our sanity with the sensation of warm water and aromatic soaps. For the body must feel loved and cared for, for then it feeds back these messages to the brain and begins to set up a positive cycle of wellness.
After the tour, Chris let his personal servant takes Addison’s luggage to her bedroom as they stood in the massive hallway.
“Please make yourself at home. You are staying here. Any questions?” He asked her. “No. Not that I can think of.” “Good. Let’s meet in the drawing-room to discuss the contract.”
They both walked into the drawing-room and sat next to each other, with a big pile of papers, which is basically the whole contract. It was halfway through the signing.“Okay… time for section 5, which is relationships and sex.” Addison choked as he said that. “S-sex?” She faltered, coughing as her drink went the wrong way down her throat.
“Yes… you okay?” Chris helped her by patting her back. Apparently, that doesn’t help at all but Chris didn’t know that then.
She hummed in response as she put down her drink, leaning back as if it never happened.
“You alright now?” “Yep. Carry on.” “Okay… Now, are you fine with us being in a polyamorous relationship or do you want a ‘just friends’ relationship?” Chris asked, reading off the paper. Addison pondered to herself.
“Can I think upon it? I don’t want to be in a relationship without any romantic interest in each other…” She mumbled. “Yeah, of course. It would be cool to go on a date to see if we do have a spark.” He suggested, placing the contract down back onto the table. “I like that idea.” Addison smiled at him, blushing.
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Art Bound by Myth
Art Bound by Myth
Over spring break I had the pleasure of visiting old town Pasadena. I went to the Norton Simon museum. It was nothing short of an excellent experience. From the visit my favorite piece was Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar by Peter Paul Rubens. My initial attraction to this painting was because formally it was very different. Its quality was unique from every other piece in the 14th-16th century wing. It was not highly rendered like its fellows in the wing. My curiosity held me at this painting to understand what was being narrated. I believe that society’s love for myth during the Baroque motivated patronage art because of the joys of an enthralling story that entertains, but also speaks to society because myths have created archetypes and ideals for us as a people to connect to. I find this to be true in comparison to the piece Aurora by Guido Reni(Figure 19-21 in Gardners Art through the Ages). 
Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar is relatively small. Its size made this piece unique to the wing of the museum because most of the other pieces were much larger in scale. The piece is measured at 18-3/4 x 29-1/8 inches. The surface is wood panel. The medium is oil paint. It was produced in the baroque period. The year specially was 1618.
Rubens was born in 1577 in Siegen. Siegen was a German providence. In early childhood his father died. After his father’s death he and his family moved to Antwerp in Belgium. He spent his young life in the Netherlands and began his apprenticeship under Tobias Verhaecht. He would then go on to apprentice under Adam van Noort, then Otto van Evan. When he reached 21 years old he was recognized as a Master by the Guild of St. Luke. It wouldn’t be until two years after his recognition as a Master that he would migrate to Italy. 
Knowledge of Rubens life is abundant, although there is not much information specifically about the patronage of Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian Boar. All that can be inferred from what we do know is that scenes of warriors hunting wild beasts are a common theme of his paintings from his career in the early 1600’s to about 1620.
Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian Boar is a depiction of a climactic moment from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In short the myth is about an angry goddess who was not given her share of a harvest sacrifice, so she releases a wild boar to destroy land as revenge. As the viewers of this painting we are about to witness the character Meleager, accompanied by a mob, stab the wild boar in it’s side. This painting is very exciting.
Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar stood out to me the most because the quality of the brushstrokes were very different to the other pieces in the wing. The painting was a sketch. As opposed to the majority of the pieces that were softly rendered, this pieces’ brushstrokes were very loose and rough. In the 14th century these small scale sketches were made prior to the final full scale painting to receive approval from the patron. They were also referred to as modellos.
The composition of the characters are arranged in an implied diagonal line across the canvas. The movement of our eye begins at the bottom left side of the canvas and is brought across to the opposing corner in the top right. The focal point of the painting is of the boar. The boar on the canvas is placed 3/4 of the way up the implied diagonal line. Meleager’s spear is about to puncture the boar. 
The color palette of Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian boar is very pale and muted. The painting is almost completely flesh and tertiary colors throughout. There are tiny pale pops of red, blue, and turquoise in the characters’ attire. There isn’t much contrast in this painting because the values only varied slightly. The range of values were limited to midtones. 
Aurora by Guido Reni is a fresco. It measures at 22.9 x 9.1ft. It’s painted on the ceiling of the Casino dell’Aurora Palavicini Rospigliosi in Rome. It is huge in comparison to the Ruben’s modello that I saw at Norton Simon Museum. The viewing experience is more awe striking because it is installed on a ceiling. Aurora was also made during the baroque. It was completed in 1614.
Aurora is an elaborate fresco depicting the cycle of a day with the sun represented as the mythical God Apollo. Surrounding Apollo are women representing the hours of the day. Apollo and his chariot follow after the Goddess Auora. Flying in the sky between Aurora and Apollo is Phosphorus.
Aurora is a rich and highly pigmented Fresco. The painting’s movement mimics the movement of the sun in the sky. Our eye moves from left to right, just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. While the movement of the sun, left to right, is seemingly very simple the painting is very busy because of the number of characters featured. All together there are 10 figures. Aurora is highly rendered with many variances in values and hues.
Aurora and Meleager and Atalanta hunt of Caledonian Boar differ formally because Aurora is rich in pigment and on the contrary Ruben’s sketch is very dull. Visually they also differ because Guido’s Fresco is detailed and softly rendered. Ruben’s sketch is simple and doesn’t have the same attention to detail. 
While both are from the Baroque period, formally, Guido’s Aurora is representative of the movement’s style. Their only visual similarity appears to be the high number of characters represented. Even though Ruben’s sketch formally doesn’t encompass the entirety of the Baroque movement an aspect of his sketch that does touch on the Baroque style is the theatrical excitement it posses.
As mentioned previously the common tie of these pieces of art is references to myth. Although, how they use and reference myth is different. Ruben’s sketch refers to Ovid’s Metamorphosis. His sketch is a dramatic representation of a climactic moment in Ovid’s myth. Guido uses references to myth by personifying figures, such as Apollo, to represent the Sun. Guido uses the characters of myth as symbols. 
These pieces of art function differently also. Guido’s is more quintessential to the Baroque style. Aurora is stereotypical of the Baroque because it serves as decorum. It is painted on a ceiling with ornate relief sculpture surrounding it. Aurora is also is on large scale which also is definitive of the Baroque period. The function of Ruben’s sketch served as a dramatic depiction of myth. Rubens art aids in the telling of myth. 
Conclusively how an individual artist depicted myth, regardless of what it looked like or how it functioned, spoke for society’s love for an exciting story and elevated ideals embedded in myth. The art produced during the Baroque is evident of this.
Works cited
Wedgwood, C.V. World of Rubens 1577-1640. Canada, Time-life books, 1967.
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