#aurelia de vespe
ithinkthiswasabadidea · 8 months
WOOF the way that Aurélia says 'cousin' to De Sardet like it's just a key that will get her through so many doors, compared to Constantin who says 'cousin' like it's his most prized possession
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Whumptober #21
Greedfall - #21 - Coughing Up Blood
Vasco didn’t understand how De Sardet could always be so polite. Vasco himself was ready to flip the table they were at and stab their host.
De Sardet, however, had a neutrally polite smile on his face as he talked with Aurelia De Vespe. Her mocking, confident tone was grating on Vasco’s patience.
“Perhaps we can move past all this, cousin. I had to test you, of course,” she was saying, as if trying to assassinate them all had just been a silly little mistake. “You are rumored to be Constantin's greatest protector. After what happened to my last husband, I need to know this one will be perfectly safe.”
Only the slightest tensing of De Sardet’s jaw gave away his anger at his cousin being talked about like a new, unimportant pet. His smile stayed the same, his posture relaxed.
“Certainly,” he said, his voice even and diplomatic as always. 
“Well, it is getting late. A toast, to my new cousin.” She lifted her glass and held it out.
De Sardet took his own and tapped it to hers lightly. They both drank and set their glasses down before standing.
“We will speak more in the morning,” Aurelia said. “For now, I will rest.”
“Of course, Lady De Vespe,” De Sardet said, giving a slight bow. “Sleep well. We’ll speak again in the morning.”
Vasco and Siora stood and flanked De Sardet as they left the camp, neither trusting these brutes not to try and murder their friend on his way out. But they left and returned to their own campsite without incident.
“Well?” Kurt asked from where he lounged on a bedroll. 
“She continues to play off the assassination attempt and speak of the contract as legitimate,” De Sardet said. He opened his mouth, paused, and cleared his throat before continuing. “She wishes to meet again in the morning.”
“De Sardet?” Vasco frowned.
“Just a headache,” he said, rubbing his temples. “Unsurprising, given the recent company. I will also retire for the night, I think. I’m quite tired.”
“You don’t look well, child,” Petrus said. “Perhaps the stress of this and everything with Constantin is finally taking a toll on you.” 
“Perhaps. I’ll be well after resting,” De Sardet said, heading for his tent.
Vasco was worried about him, but didn’t dare follow him into his tent out here. He didn’t doubt Aurelia was having their camp spied on, and the last thing he needed was to give her more blackmail on poor De Sardet. 
And then he heard a thump behind him, and Kurt cried out De Sardet’s name, and Vasco’s heart plummeted from his chest.
He spun to see De Sardet on his hands and knees, coughs violently shaking his shoulders. Horror iced Vasco’s veins as he realized blood was splattering the ground with each vicious cough.
“De Sardet!” he cried, running to him and grabbing his shoulders.
“She poisoned him!” Kurt snarled, dropping beside De Sardet.
“I will find the Doneigada in the area! They may know how to help!” Siora said. “Aphra, Petrus, with me!”
They were already running off. De Sardet wheezed in breath between coughs before another fit took him and he choked up more blood. 
“The drink,” Vasco said. “The damned drink! She was toasting his poisoning!” 
“We’ll never be able to prove it. Her family is too skilled with poisons.” Kurt and Vasco helped De Sardet into a position where he could breathe a little easier. “Stay with me, green blood. Siora and the others are getting help.”
“Why?” Vasco whispered, brushing De Sardet’s hair from his sweaty forehead gently. “She can’t possibly think Constantin would ever marry her after this.”
“If we can’t prove the contract is forged, he’ll have no choice. And if he strikes back in grief, it’ll give the De Vespe’s a political advantage.” Kurt clenched his fist tightly. “I hate this political politicking. His life is worth more than politics!” 
“Kurt,” De Sardet wheezed, shocking both of them because he’d seemed so out of it aside from his coughing. He grasped weakly at Kurt’s arm. “Kurt, p-protect my cousin. From her. From h-himself.”
“You’ll protect him, De Sardet,” Kurt said. “Stop talking. Try to focus on your breathing until they get back.”
He moaned in pain before coughing up more blood. It was staining his chin, dribbling from his mouth. Vasco reached up and used his sleeve to try and wipe it away.
“Tempest,” he choked out. “Focus. Stay with us. We’re going to get you an antidote.”
If there was one. Vasco’s heart squeezed.
De Sardet used his free hand to grab at Vasco. “D-Don’t do anything…foolish. She’s…too…powerful.” He coughed again, his whole frame rattling with the force of it, blood spewing from lips that had so recently pressed to Vasco’s own. Vasco rubbed his back, desperate to provide comfort and unsure how to do that. 
He suddenly doubled over, hacking up blood. Kurt and Vasco grabbed him, trying to shift his position, trying to clear his airway, trying so desperately to keep him alive long enough for help to come.
Aurelia could not win. She could not take him from them.
And still, the coughs tore him apart from the inside out.
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am-i-dead · 4 months
Hi! Coming out of the woodwork to say I'm so glad to find even if it's just a small amount of people still in this Fandom! I love greedfall especially Kurt and Constantin! And have you played the DLC? What did you think of it?
Hope you have a great day!
HELLO! I’m loving all these greedfall interactions, ppl in the active fandom gotta stick together lmao
I HAVE played the DLC. I enjoyed it! They had some new outfits and weapons that were in the De Vespe family style, which didn't have fantastic stats or anything, but we're still super neat to look at (and play dress-up with lol). The storyline itself was good too! Now obviously it's just a DLC so it’s not as fully fleshed out as the actual game's plot, but it was a nice bit of change from the main quest. I liked interacting with more ppl from the continent and navigating all that political treachery. PLUS the DLC unlocked some EXTREMELY cute dialogue between De Sarde and the love interest (mine was Kurt obviously). They had a cute little conversation abt getting married after everything was over and my heart MELTED. I wish the DLC unlocked another romance cutscene, because like come on! De Sarde and Kurt just talked abt getting married! LET THEM SMOOCH. But unfortunately not, have to go the fanfic route for that.
(I included Kurt's DLC marriage conversation below the cut if you're interested<3)
De Sardet: You seem worried. What’s wrong? Don’t tell me Aurelia’s scheming has you frightened? Kurt: I’m worried about you, of course, but I’m sure you'll defeat her, that’s not what’s worrying me. De Sardet: Please, tell me what’s wrong? You do know you can tell me? Kurt: Yes, of course. It’s this whole wedding contract business. I’m sure the prince already has some dashing fops lined up to marry you. De Sardet: That’s very possible, you know him as well as I do. But we can always pull the rug out from under him… Kurt: What do you mean? De Sardet: We can wed, once this is over. What can he say? He’s halfway around the world! Kurt: Do - do you really mean what you just said? You do realize that I’m just an insignificant mercenary to him? He would see it as a mismatch. You would surely lose your position as legate. De Sardet: He’ll certainly be furious and reprimand me…but I doubt he’d do much else. He already did his utmost to use me in his machinations on this island. He won’t just give that up. So…what do you think? Kurt: I think I'll be the happiest man in the world when I lead my bride to the altar. I love you so much. De Sardet: I love you too, Kurt.
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
*crawls out of the woodwork* hi hi! Just wanted to say your vesper x kurt fics are amazing and thank you for sharing content. Have been back to this Fandom in the year of our lord 2024 lol. And I just wanted to scream about the de vespe DLC with a kurt fan and....
It's everything I hope for and more!! Would love to hear about your initial thoughts especially the dialog with kurt!
HI! Always nice to meet another Kurt fan! :D You're very welcome for sharing content, thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed them bc I do love writing about them.
OH LORD, the de Vespe DLC, I was excited for more content when that came out and it delivered. Especially for Kurt and his romance, holy cow. (In other words I WOULD LOVE TO TALK ABOUT IT THANKS FOR GIVING ME AN EXCUSE) I have multiple posts from various playthroughs in my Greedfall gaming tag about the Kurt stuff, from how protective and supportive he is, to him being all "Don't believe the nonsense in Aurelia's files on us" when his is just that he cares too much about the recruits and is too loyal to be bribed and I'm just like. Dude. I knew these things already. Neither one is nonsense, sorry I know you're actually a gigantic softie, in my defense you DIDN'T HIDE IT VERY WELL but his romance dialogue
I also have several posts joking about Kurt's VA owing me compensation for emotional damage with how well he does a lot of personal quest/romance scenes, but the KURT ROMANCE DIALOGUE IN THE DLC OH MY GODDDDDD. OH MY GOD. I have a save right before that conversation and I redid it about five times on the initial run, at least three on each replay, and will occasionally load that save JUST TO HEAR IT AGAIN bc it's so GOOD. He worries about you but knows you can handle yourself, no what's bugging him(and I love that DS is so gentle about the "you know you can talk to me right?") is the arranged marriage thing bc OFC you deserve "better"(/eyeroll) and he's being all doubting his worth again and YOU CAN ASK HIM TO MARRY YOU (THE WAY I WHOOPED first time through, seeing that option) before your uncle can go arranging anything and HIS VOICE. That quiet little "do you really mean what you just said?" is permanently etched into my brain partly bc I've heard eighteen times but whatever. He can't believe it, he has to be dreaming, and then you confirm and his only hesitation is worrying what will happen to you(bc he doesn't matter, he's an insignificant mercenary and Kurt buddy you MATTER TO HER we gotta work on that). And I gotta say that I love your response boiling down to "what's my uncle gonna do about it, he's halfway around the world and he needs me here😎" BAD.ASS. And once he's sure you're sure he's 100% in favor and you exchange I love yous and I melted into an extremely happy puddle.
(I did write a Ves/Kurt wedding fic and it's one of the most breathlessly joyful pieces I've made in my life, both of them were practically vibrating they were so happy)
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reginleif-valkyrie · 10 months
Just met Princess Aurelia de Vespe. First she offends Siora by calling her people savages then she offends Vasco by mocking Naut ships. Damn girl, don’t piss off my entire team in one go.
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greenedera · 3 years
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Aurélia De Vespe, you are already haunting our dreams, @fuckyeahspidersgames Her outfit is amazing, so I portrayed her with a lace-themed fanart.
I did a progress art video as well, click here: 4 hours in 1 minute. Also, I just came across a teaser on PS Blog, about Aurelia and her Spadassins, i share it: Be prepared against Aurélia’s Spadassins In the DLC’s story arc, you will have to deal with a new character’s personal bodyguards: The Spadassins.These fearsome foes have unique abilities that involve smokescreens, magical displacement, and poison. They will never fight fair and will require sharp wits and even sharper combat skills to be defeated. Think twice before engaging them in battle. If you do manage to defeat them, however, you might come across a range of unique new armor and weapons to craft and discover, some of it themed around the Spadassins and the De Vespe family.
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zymotica · 3 years
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Aurélia de Vespe
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merruschka · 3 years
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"Just two days left..."
I am so excited and thrilled about the DLC *sgsgzhjsxhjsja*
Jeanne and Aurelia really do look alike. Wanted to draw something suspicious and like a shadow at the back since conspiracy sounds so much like that 👀
Also sweet Jeanne is such a dear muse to me sggszsfzg, thank @greenedera for creating her ♥️
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sadbelle · 3 years
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nehraakadan · 3 years
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Do you ever feel like you’re going to murder someone and their whole family, if they lay a finger on your precious cinnamon roll of a cousin? Yeah, me too.
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doli-nemae · 3 years
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I dunno why, but I find it so funny how De Sardet looks so angry and suspicious during first dialogue with Aurelia De Vespe :DD
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Official Greedfall twitter is teasing at the new expansion with a sneak peak on Aurelia de Vespe who seems to be the main player in the De Vespe Conspiracy.
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aoitakumi8148 · 3 years
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The De Vespe family members are undoubtedly sly devils, but I don’t think the information from the books is completely false. Constantin’s mother is a selfish, stone cold fraud, his father is demanding and bombastic, the Prince himself is brought into the world from an unknown male. At least some of the allegations are true.
What holds us? Our families, friends, the people around? Maybe. No. We have no families. Friends come and go. People smile in your face today and they spit in it tomorrow. Prepare a spurious leaflet, see what happens. Own happiness matters. Another Aurelia De Vespe attempts to invade this union, and she will sense the sky breaking.
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merruschka · 3 years
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"Finally we meet."
I couldn't resist drawing this.
My Pheobe De Sardet fighting with Aurélia De Vespe >D
Just a very rough sketch for now, might as well work on this one, since I have never drawn Pheobe in combat 🤔
Anyway! I am so excited zhzjnzbzjjzh!!!
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