#auri maya
suckaysuamigos200 · 2 years
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este dibujo lo hice por el cumpleaños del actriz de doblaje Auri Maya Quién es conocido por ser la voz de Sunny Side Up en Lalaloopsy, Madoa en La guardia del león y Trixie Espinoza en Lucifer
en mixels fue la voz de el tercer miembro de los Orbitons la contraparte de Naut que a diferencia de el esta parte actúa de forma infantil e hiperactiva nurp
le deseamos un gran cumpleaños 🎂🎉.
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ╔˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ╔˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ╔
I did this drawing for the birthday of the dubbing actress Auri Maya who is known for being the voice of Sunny Side Up in Lalaloopsy, Madoa in The Lion Guard and Trixie Espinoza in Lucifer
in mixels she was the voice of the third member of the Orbitons the counterpart of Naut who unlike him this part acts childish and hyperactive nurp
We wish you a great birthday 🎂🎉.
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commanderauri-art · 7 months
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It makes me so sad to not see much Pysren content online or even to purchase! A couple weeks back I decided to scour Etsy to see if there was a MayaxKrieg charm or something I could buy but couldn't find anything with them together! So, I figured let me make my own! Once I'm able to get my shop situated and order a few items, I may turn this one into both a sticker and keychain if people are interested!
It was super fun to draw these two and I may, later down the line, draw a more serious piece (not chibi). Anyway, happy valentine's day! 💙 🧡
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bigender2 · 2 years
💫 🌸!
MAYYAAAAAA TYYYY T_T!!!!!!! this is crazy because literally YOURE the most sweetest person out there. SERIOUSLY!!!
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definedbydaylight · 1 year
“Change In Pressure”
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ (The Large Age Gap Fic)
A Matty Healy x OC Fanfiction
Part 1 Masterlist: .°˖✧ Word Count: 1624 Warnings: nothing quite yet but i promise you there will be quite a few warnings in the future...
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Series Summary: Aurelia Hawke is the newest artist signed to Dirty Hit but she is in no way new to the industry, the second child of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke seems set up for success, but a string of unfortunate events sets her on a path she thought she'd never walk down, and somehow it has everything to do with the lead singer of The 1975.
The steps up to her new apartment felt miles long, her sister and father already inside setting up a bookshelf they had bought earlier that day, a decently heavy box positioned uncomfortably in her arms, she pauses to resituate the box and carries on up to the front door. Already slightly ajar she uses her foot to push it open farther, she stops her sister Maya laying facedown on the floor as their father reads the instructions to the bookshelf, the way Maya groans she assumes it’s not the first time they’ve gone over it.
Setting down the box alerts her sister of her presence. “Aurelia! God please save me from him, he’s convinced he can do it, but I’m pretty sure we’re missing several pieces.”
Aurelia laughs and sets a hand on their father’s shoulder. “Dad, let's just go buy nice vintage furniture that doesn’t need assembling tomorrow okay?”
He smiles up at you. “Whatever you’d like, Aurie, I just want to make sure everythings perfect for you.” He sighs. “Having you an ocean away is already hard enough.” 
“I know Dad, why don’t you and Maya go grab the last 2 boxes from my car, I have to get changed for my meeting today.” She takes a deep breath. “Then I’ll meet you both back at the hotel for dinner okay?”
He nods and kisses the top of her head, making his way towards the door as Maya speaks up. “I expect to be compensated for my labor today!”
Aurelia scoffs and smiles at her as she follows their father out the door.
She grabs her bag with her change of clothes and heads to the bathroom to change, the place feels empty but she knows in a few weeks Timothee will be coming back from LA and it’ll finally start to feel like a home, most of all she’s grateful to be out of the hotel she’s been living in for the past month. Fixing up her makeup in the small mirror above the sink she begins to worry, she’s already got the offer and all she needs to do is sign the contract and start recording for the EP, but she can’t help but feel like something horrible is going to happen. Aurelia pushes the thought deep into the back of her brain, she exits the bathroom to grab her bag and keys before heading out the door to her car. 
The drive to the Dirty Hit office is filled with screaming along to The 1975 to ease her nerves, not only was she getting signed to an incredible record label, but also the one that just so happened to house her favorite band in the world. It felt like a fever dream, although she can’t dismiss the fact that her family has definitely helped her in her career and she is forever grateful for the opportunities it’s brought her, she’s just glad people took her talent into account. She finally arrives and finds a spot to park about a block away, she takes the time of the walk to practice her breathing and calm herself before entering the building, the weight of the front door feels 1000 times heavier than normal.
Aurelia is greeted by a woman at least a head taller than her dressed in a pencil skirt and grey blouse, she starts to feel extremely underdressed.
“Hello I’m Terri, and you must be Aurelia Hawke, am I correct?” The woman’s voice is like butter with what Aurelia would only assume people would call a posh accent.
She smiles in return. “Yes that’s me, it’s nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, I’ll take you up to Jamie’s office, he should be ready for you.” Terri smiles back and waves her along to follow.
They take the elevator up 3 floors to a very modern yet laid back waiting area, Terri bypasses the seating area and heads straight to a large set of double doors and opens them up wide, she looks back at Aurelia and her eyes tell her to follow. 
“I’ll be right outside if you need anything dear.” She says as she lays a comforting hand on the singer's shoulder and walks away.
Aurelia turns into the office and is not only greeted by Jamie, but George Daniel is also sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Aurelia! Pleasure to finally meet you in person, please take a seat.” Jamie gestures to the seat beside George.
The meeting goes well, she’s signed for a 3 album contract after the EP is released, she’s unbelievably nervous after being surprised by George joining in on the meeting. Jamie said he wanted him there because he’d be helping her with the mixing for the EP, they discussed the songs she had for it and played them the demos she had made for them to review, Jamie seemed pleased and George was over the moon about getting to mess with the mixing on “Supercut” which calmed Aurelia’s nerves because that was the song she was least sure about. She thanks them both and they all say their goodbyes, before she leaves George stops her to exchange numbers and emails so they can discuss and send tracks back and forth.
“It’s been great talking, can’t wait to get to work with you.” George smiles.
“Me too, thanks girl!” She freezes in place, feeling stupid with the comment she’s made.
“Ha! Girl, I like that! Well see you later girl.” She thanks god he didn’t find it too weird and waves him goodbye and exits the office’s front door.
The walk back to her car has her giddy, she pulls her phone out to call her boyfriend to tell him about the contract details and how excited she is, the phone rings a few times before he answers.
“Hello?” Timothee says.
“Oh my god I have never been more nervous for anything in my whole life, and now it’s over.” She sighs into the phone, digging around in her bag for her car keys.
“It’s already over? How’d it go baby?” He asks, sounding excited but a little distracted, but Aurelia can’t blame him, she knows he’s been insanely busy these last few weeks.
“It actually went amazing! I got a 3 album deal after the EP releases, and you wouldn’t believe it, George Daniel was there!” She’s beams sliding into the driver's seat.
“Who?” He asks, confused.
“George Daniel? Drummer for The 1975? They’re my favorite band babe I talk about them all the time!” She says, a little hurt he didn’t remember after all the times she’s talked about them before.
“Right, right. I’m sorry baby I knew that, I’m just a little all over the place right now with work at the moment, I’m on set right now.” He sighs after he speaks. “I’m just excited for the next few weeks to fly by so I can be with you in our new home.”
She smiles at his words. “Me too, sorry for the stress, I’m glad we got to talk but I’ve got to let you go so I can meet my dad and Maya back at their hotel for dinner. I’ll see you soon enough, I love you.”
“Love you too, bye baby.” He ends the call and she collapses back into her seat.
Being away from Timothee makes their relationship feel unnecessarily stressful at times, she wishes she could just see his face when she spoke to him, she could always tell how he was feeling by the look on his face. The drive to the hotel was smooth and dinner was nice and easy, she updated her family on the contract and her day, then said her goodbyes once again to head back to her apartment. Greeted by boxes stacked taller than her and furniture shoved in random places, she sighs and heads to her kitchen where she knows she’s at least got the necessities to make a cup of tea before she gets cleaned up for bed. 
Aurelia can’t seem to sleep in the unfinished apartment so she stays up scribbling lyric ideas in her journal late into the night and early morning, it’s around 1:30 when she receives an email from George with a new mix for “Supercut” and a message that reads;
Couldn’t stop thinking about this track so I just had to work on this tonight, let me know what you think, the songs is going to smash the charts I promise you that
She calls George immediately after listening to the audio track.
“Yes?” He answers, sounding nervous.
“It’s fucking brilliant George! Truly! I hadn’t even told you any of my ideas and yet somehow it’s like you pulled the sound I wanted straight out of my brain, it's unbelievable!” Aurelia shrieks with joy.
“Oh thank god, I’m just glad you like it.” George sighs with relief.
“Like it? Did you not just hear what I said? Girl, I love it!” She beams.
“Okay, okay, thank you very much Girl.” He laughs at her.
“Oh lord this is going to become a thing now isn’t it?” Aurelia mentally face-palms.
“Oh it most definitely is.” He laughs again. “Goodnight Girl, we’ll talk more tomorrow.”
She smiles at that and says her goodnights before they hang up.
Feeling an air of calm and security after the phone call puts Aurelia in the mood to sleep finally, she sets her journal on her side table and cracks the bedroom window before slipping into her sheets, the breeze and light sounds of late night city noises lull her to sleep faster than anything has in a long time, she feels like tomorrow it’ll only get better.
Part 2 (coming at some point)
a/n: so i'm not totally dead, but life has been kicking my ass so bear with me loves, anyway i love this character sm so i'm really going to be trying to keep up with this one <3
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endorphinmachine · 1 year
are we cooking today orsomething. Hi chef auri
maya orders out every night and won't learn how to cook because she is afraid, presumably of fucking it up or making something she won't like, making her tonight's biggest rosebud
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piyasahaberleri · 2 years
İstilacı Mantar Enfeksiyonları Ulusal Referans Merkezi müdürü Oliver Kurzai, Almanya, Würzburg'daki Würzburg Üniversitesi laboratuvarında maya mantarı Candida auris içeren bir Petri kabını elinde tutuyor, 23 Ocak 2018. | Getty Images vasıtasıyla Nicolas Armer/Picture Alliance Hala geliştirilmekte olan potansiyel aşılarla, önleme oldukça önemlidir. Hastalık Denetim ve Önleme Merkezleri (CDC), bu hafta başlarında, sıhhat tesislerinde bağışıklığı baskılanmış kişilerde ölümcül enfeksiyonlara niçin olabilen ilaca dirençli bir mantarın hızla yayılması üstüne alarm verdi. İlk olarak 2009'da keşfedilen Candida auris yada C. auris, şu anda ABD eyaletlerinin yarısından fazlasında bulunmuş oldu. Pazartesi günü gösterilen bir gazeteye bakılırsa, enfeksiyon sayısı 2019 ile 2020 içinde yüzde 59 - ve 2021'de gene yüzde 95 - toplam 1.471 kayıtlı vakaya terfi etti. Mantar çoğu zaman sıhhatli insanoğlu için bir risk oluşturmazken, bilhassa bakım evlerinde, vücutlarına solunum tüpleri, beslenme tüpleri, kateterler yada öteki tıbbi cihazlar yerleştirilmiş olan eleştiri derecede hasta olan hastalar için risk oluşturur. Mantar bulaşmış insanların yüzde 30 ila 60'ı öldü, sadece bu sınırı olan sayıda hastaya dayanıyor ve ölümlerine mantarın mı yoksa başka bir koşulun mu niçin olduğu açık değil. Candida auris, ekinokandinler isminde olan tipik antifungal tedavilere karşı giderek daha dirençli görünmektedir. Araştırmacılar, Candida auris ve öteki yaygın mantar enfeksiyonlarını hedef alan bir aşı geliştirmeye çalışırken, bunun potansiyel olarak gerçeğe dönüşmesinden seneler uzağız. Şu anda sıhhat yetkilileri, mantarın ne kadar inatçı olabileceği düşünüldüğünde zorluk derecesi yüksek yayılmayı durdurmaya odaklanmış durumda: ciltte ve vücutta yaşayarak insandan insana bulaşabileceği şeklinde hasta odasındaki Mobilyalar şeklinde kolonize yüzeyler yöntemiyle da yayılabilir. birçok yaygın dezenfektana karşı dirençlidir. "Oldukca yapışkan. Yale Tıp Fakültesi'nde enfeksiyon önleme için tıbbi direktör yardımcısı Scott Roberts, "Çevrede dayanıklıdır" dedi. Candida auris'in yayılmasını iyi mi önleyebilirim? Roberts, halk sağlığı politikasının laboratuvar altyapısını ve tarama protokollerini iyileştirmeye odaklanması icap ettiğini, böylece vakaların süratli bir halde tanımlanıp rapor edilebileceğini söylemiş oldu. "Anahtar, vakaları hakikaten uygun şekilde tanımlayabilmektir. Ve sonrasında, onları yalıtmak yada bu hastaları bir araya getirmek için onları tanımladığınızda, böylece başkalarına bulaştırmazlar" dedi. Bir engel, birçok laboratuvarın Candida auris'i tanımlayacak donanıma haiz olmamasıdır zira bu hususi yeni türü tanıyamayan daha eski mantar kitaplıklarına sahiptirler. Laboratuvarların mantarı yanlış bir halde değişik bir tür olarak tanımladığı birçok olay da olmuştur. Tıp uzmanları bir hastada candida auris olabileceğinden şüphelendiklerinde, çoğu zaman bir sonucu almak için günler ila yedi gün sürebilen devlet halk sağlığı laboratuvarına bir örnek göndermek zorunda bırakılırlar. Hastayı izole etmeli ve bu süre zarfında CDC tarafınca önermiş olduğu şeklinde uygun koruyucu ekipman ve dezenfektanları kullanmalıdırlar. Sadece bunu yapmazlarsa, daha çok bulaşmayı durdurma olasılığı zorlaşır. Vakaları belirlemek için laboratuvar kapasitesi yapmaya ek olarak, sıhhat hizmeti sağlayıcıları, yüksek enfeksiyon riski taşıyanlara maruz kalmayı kontrol etmek ve sınırlamak için daha katı protokoller benimsemelidir. Roberts, daha ilkin solunum aletine bağlı, bakımevlerinden gelen yada kısa sürede internasyonal seyahate çıkmış hastaları proaktif olarak tarayan ve aksi takdirde asla tespit edilemeyecek vakaları gören bir tesiste çalıştığını söylemiş oldu. Şu anda ülkenin bir çok yerinde bu hakikaten yapılmıyor, dedi. “Yüksek prevalanslı bir bölgeyse, hastaneye yada bulundukları öteki tesise geldiklerinde yüksek risk altında olanları tanımlayabileceğiniz bir tür etken nezaret mekanizmasına haiz olmanız gerekir. Bence bu, şu anda yayılmayı durdurmak için haiz olduğumuz en iyi strateji" dedi. Candida auris enfeksiyonunu tedavi etmek olanaksız değilse bile oldukça zor olabileceğinden yayılmayı durdurmak oldukça önemlidir. Antifungal ilaçlar etkili olsa bile, bu ilaçlar karaciğere oldukça fazla yük bindirebilir. Ve eğer ilaçlar işe yaramazsa, mantar vücutta senelerce, hatta müddetsiz olarak yaşayabilir. Candida auris aşısı bulunacak mı? Şu anda mantar enfeksiyonları için aşılarımız yok ve meslektaşım Keren Landman'ın yazdığı şeklinde, "bu, tecrübe etme eksikliğinden kaynaklanmıyor." Sadece önleyici tedbirler üstünde çalışan araştırmacılar, Candida auris'in hızla yayılmasının ilaca dirençli bir mantar aşısı olan Moonshot misyonunu daha da acil hale getirdiğini söylüyor. "Bir aşı olması gerekiyor. Potansiyel bir mantar aşısı geliştiren bir ekibe liderlik eden Georgia Üniversitesi Baytar Okulu'nda immünolog olan Karen Norris, "Ve şimdi desteklenmesi gerekiyor" dedi. Ulusal Sıhhat Enstitülerinin desteğiyle ekibi, muhtemelen Candida auris de dahil olmak suretiyle birkaç değişik mantar patojenine karşı çapraz koruma sağlayacak bir mantar aşısı geliştiriyor. Geçen yıl gösterilen bir makalede, aşının hayvanlarda, bilhassa bağışıklığı baskılanmış yada bağışıklığı baskılanmış hayvanlarda bir bağışıklık tepkisini tetiklediğini gösterdiler. Hemen hemen insanoğlu üstünde kontrol etmediler. 1. aşama klinik deneye bir yıldan fazla süre var ve bunu meydana getirecek fonları olduğu varsayılıyor. Norris, "Geliştirme ve hemen sonra insan güvenliği emekleri için bu aşının üretimini büyütme sürecini gözden geçiriyoruz." Dedi. “Ortaklık umarız [with the private sector] bunu şu anda yaptığımızdan daha süratli ilerletmek için.”
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auris-lothol · 7 years
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24th of December
I spent Christmas eve with my cat and a big bottle of wine. 💕👌
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suckaysuamigos200 · 6 months
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puse tarde en el título ya que su cumpleaños fue ayer pero nunca es tarde para hacer uno de estos dibujos simples relacionado algún actor de doblaje favorito
De todas formas este dibujo lo hice por el cumpleaños (fue ayer) de la actriz de doblaje Auri Maya Quién es conocido por ser la voz de Sunny Side Up en Lalaloopsy y Lala-Oopsies: Un cuento mágico, Madoa en La guardia del león, Pectina en Astérix: El secreto de la poción mágica y Judy Cooper en Agente K.C.
en mixels fue la voz de el tercer miembro de los Orbitons la contraparte de Naut que a diferencia de el esta parte actúa de forma infantil e hiperactiva nurp,
le deseamos un gran cumpleaños 🎂🎉.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
I put late in the title since his birthday was yesterday but it's never too late to make one of these simple drawings related to a favorite voice actor
Anyway, I made this drawing for the birthday (it was yesterday) of the voice actress Auri Maya, who is known for being the voice of Sunny Side Up in Lalaloopsy and Lala-Oopsies: A Magical Tale, Madoa in The Lion Guard, Pectin in Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion and Judy Cooper in Agent K.C.
In mixels she was the voice of the third member of the Orbitons, Naut's counterpart who, unlike him, this part acts childish and hyperactive nurp,
We wish you a great birthday 🎂🎉..
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commanderauri-art · 11 months
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Been itching to draw Maya so I finally did it tonight! 2K did homegirl dirty. Like big time. She deserved so much better.
Pose credit -> @jookpubstock
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eleilinnrallin · 2 years
El's Characters By World
This is by world of Standard Residence during the time of their story, not world of origin. Also this is in no particular order because there are Many.
Zara-Sonili Riza/Alzi Kemora Kourja/Kor Eritira Kalani Ikantara Kalani Orinona Kalani 'Maro' Arine Aia Ryo-Talan Ryo-Pari Maya-Soni Mark-Kaili Abeni-Saira Kan-Ame Kier-Dahn Alzele-Ame Aryo-Kier Zara-Kaile Lora-Rohi Lora-Daha Lora-Behn Lora-Kaen Lora-Maha Lora-Toline Lora-Mea Lora-Soni Lora-Kacha Lora-Dahn Lora-Sochi Lora-Akria (Believe it or not there are more I just haven't developed them as much yet)
EpisiAleuin/Epsilon Boshanataino/Bo Silviga/Braids Leafer Leem Tat Daquin/Daq Zaqarin/Zaq Jaqis/Jaq Jinfyr/Quack Weshle Lang Saber (This one should have more but Of the Mountains is going through a recast rn)
November Fire/Ember Liana Bird/Nightowl Chilie Bird/Phoenix Emile Despa/Raider Arlir Brikkmann/Lore Tores Azjhe/Xenon Saver Willon/Xayr Cristin Spark/Chispa Danel Spark/Leo Aurie Smokes/Ghost Esper Platinum/Bot Bekah Sidan/Jet July Flame/Inferno Kassidy Wary/Kassie Aster Smokes/Nose Soul Smokes Este Smokes Timas Smokes Rora Smokes Rina Azjhe (Any further than this and we're getting into very minor side cast)
DJune Dimmer Marwon Pollan Tenber Arzuri Jenso Korami Jenso Komi Tansori Jamil Tansori Fang Jeyan (This is a small project that's still growing)
Teddy Pearl Jemira/Jimmy Kelly Taniwha Kiaroa Catta Wamian Nansul Kieran Salden Kieran Golden Kieran Bakara Argo Jason Talin Dabbs Admiral General Bannote (This is a small cast and not really growing any time soon)
[Unnamed World 1]
Kenet Bintani Nesia Etani Aroctan Tarani Mairin Eavan Isha (this is a severely undercasted project)
[Unnamed World 2]
Anvil Midi Burst (Begining developing this!)
Æric Akail XX (Doublecross) Barrier Xiiane Coilen Tavekan Haeberle Kasha Viza Len Nayreh (This is developing and more are being added to the cast)
Heaven On High/Fallen From On High Innocence Of A Child/Stolen Too Soon Devotion Of A Child/Child Beloved Demon To The Unjust Angel On High Sent From Heaven Justice Of Angels Mercy On High Midnight
Martin Izzie Taylor Li'l'un Finn Matthew/Math Rashelle Casi Todos/Almost Anything/Alex Elizbet/Pyra Mara Obedience
Elrae Earthchild Soul Smokes Ghost Starling Mobius Starling *Vyola Starling *Infinity Starling Eks Starling Heui Sushi Armada Rianna Armada Saltine Armada Kiato Armada Holdon Armada Cria Armada Snuffles Armada Titanium Armada Aluminium Armada Riku Armada Vion Armada Eika Armada Sprout Armada Tiburon Armada/Boo Peek Armada Pari-Zarali Ankai-Sochi Lexicyn Aderyn
Arena Crown Father Nebrione
Hayzee Woodsend Risen
Willowbee Fate
I probably forgot someone/someones/an entire project so we'll see if this grows any. But for now this is pretty up-to-date!
If anyone wants they can ask about any of the worlds! ^-^ Or any of the characters. (I may get permission from Squish when she gets back online to put AUs on here! ^-^)
*not mine, but close to it
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miikoos · 3 years
my lovely moots and anons <3
i love all of you guys frfr ❤️‍🔥 all of you have a free kiss coupon redeem it in my asks 😈 ps: if you haven't chosen an emoji i chose one for you, lmk if you wanna change it!!
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@okkatsudon ; amy 👾
@aftersamu ; leah 🐬
@p-ol ; joce 🥡
@dawnindakota ; dakota♟️
@roriova ; mari <( ̄︶ ̄)>
@mercieder ; mer (best planet) 🎱
@tobibam ; bam 🦢
@deeplyinlovewithriri ; armin 🍂
@quirrrky ; rei ⛩
@izukus-gf ; paige 🌴
@animated-moon ; moon 🌙
@dearmegumii ; maya 🧸
@bokubooo ; reese ❄️
@terushimatwinn ; lyssa 💫
@luvvmamaia ; maia 🧩
@moonxma ; natsume 🍧
@sweetxochaco ; rikka 🪐
@yaoomie ; maya 📔
@love-nabi ; nabi 🌷
@renuqi ; ren 🎧
@shoyotime ; inez ✈️
@imasaikik ; liz 🍬
@solaaresque ; sunny ☀️
@kiiraes ; rae ☂️
@aominology ; audrey 🦋
@musingsofanextrovert ; shyna 🥤
@soukiyo ; rine 🪶
@cosmonettica ; ris 🗼
@honeydrops-co ; serenity 🐝
@belphegxre ; kavya 🦕
@sanmiya ; emily 🎶
@ilykio ; kio 🦚
@hajiluvr ; keishy 🎁
@idiotobservator ; azrael 🐶
@pl4yb0ybunnybitch ; rez 🥀
@kiyunas ; luna 🪄
@saintmonty ; donatello 🖌
@1-900-i-l0v3-you ; estelle 🧯
@polluxminor ; nine 🚒
@kujoulogy ; auri 🌱
@sachirouss / @yimiya ; aru 🪡
@just-a-main-character ; aruna 🐸
@ikyrus ; icarus 🏛
@meirathinks ; meira 🚀
@escapenightmare ; ashlyn 🌻
@anjalis-ennui ; anjali ✨
@gumiresque ; res 🍿
@fandoms-spamdom ; dani ⚰️
@tetsunova ; nova 📓
@skelloski ; jaz 🐉
@f0malhaut ; jay ☎️
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megumi <3 ; komi (✨ and 📝) ; shenhe 🦋 ; yuuji 🌱 ; kaeya 🧊 ; beidou ⚓️ ; baal 🎐 ; yoimiya 🎆 ; yanfei 📜 ; sucrose 🍃 ; venti 🎶 ; deku 🥦 ; bakugou 💥 ; lisa 🪁 ; diluc 🍷 ; suna 🔋 ; rosaria ✟ ; fischl 🦅 ; eren 🕊 ; yae 🦊 ; ayaka ☃️ ; lumine 🌺 ; kokomi 💧 ; sasha 🥔 ; connie 🤺 ; armin 🐚 ; mikasa ⚔️ ; kenma 🎮
(come back guys :sob:)
crush anon <33
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adalines · 4 years
the opal society as lorde songs. society vibes : everybody wants to rule the world (cover)
based on my personal notes when reading intros + the aesthetics on the character page.
·        the prodigies :  the love club
·     eden park :  the louvre
·     chloe davies :  white teeth teens
·     delia lake :  writer in the dark
·     eleanor bennett :  team
·     foggy noonan :  supercut
·     george palmer :  royals
·     jaden jameson :  a world alone
·     june thomas :  buzzcut season
·     laleh gilani :  400 lux
·     maya ahn :  hard feelings / loveless
·     rafael yassine :  ladder song
·     theodore han : green light
·        the opals : sober ii (melodrama)
·     adaline ülker : liability (reprise)
·     alden drake :  bravado
·     auri burgos : glory and gore
·     basile villiers :  million dollar bills
·     dante desai :  liability
·     eliot rivera :  ribs
·     gin de parma :  yellow flicker beat
·     hollis carter – harrington :  sober
·     mia carter – harrington :  homemade dynamite
·     poppy nighmore :  perfect places
·     rhys taylor :   the louvre
·     rose morrison :   tennis court
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creetchure · 4 years
i saw that like, two minutes ago so wtv
this is a list of my ocs, feel free to ignore
Hyacinthus : The lover
Apollo : the sun
thamyris : the poet
zephyrus : the wind
amansi : the spider
dawn : the brother
caesonia : the sister
lin : the friend
axton : the fish
hera : the queen
crevan : the fox
wes : the gunman
gus : the nightjar
clem : the flower
auri : gold
maya : the bee
dunstan : the stone
morgann : the demon
gabby : the angel
selene : the cyclop
emmet : the monster
nyx : the night
nut : the twin
chad : the janitor
joe : the purple cowboy
salem : the white cowboy
ren : the captain
suke : the vampire
eden : the eye
the master
abzu : the sea
benji : the misplaced
tahcawin : the deer
michael and luna : the wolves
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recentanimenews · 5 years
OshiBudo Manga Author Says Heroine Maina's Name is NOT a Pun of "Minor"
    Since the TV anime adaptation of Auri Hirao's underground idol-themed comedy manga If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I would Die, OshiBudo for short, started airing in Japan on January 10, there has been one speculation among viewers. They have thought the main heroine Maina Ichii's first name may be a pun of "minor" because she is the least popular member in the idol unit ChamJam.
  Then, the manga author clearly denied it on Twitter after the broadcast of the TV anime's fourth episode on TBS last night. She writes, "I haven't been asked about it, so it's too late to mention this, but I just took Maina's name from my favorite girl. It's not a pun of 'minor' at all...."
— ????平尾アウリ???? (@h_auri) January 30, 2020
    Meanwhile, Pony Canyon's official anime YouTube channel has started streaming a six-minute preview for the seven-member underground idol unit ChamJam's three-song mini album "Zutto ChamJam" to be released on February 12, 2020.
  ChamJam members :
Leo Igarashi: Kaede Hondo 
Sorane Matsuyama: Ikumi Hasegawa 
Yuuka Teramoto: Misaki Watada 
Maki Hakata: Maya Enoyoshi 
Yumeri Mizumori: Kaori Ishihara 
Aya Yokota: Manami Ito 
Maina Ichii: Hina Tachibana
    The mini-album "Zutto ChamJam" preview:
    The song "Zutto ChamJam" special MV:
    CD jacket illustration:
          Source: Auri Hirao Twitter, Pony Canyon official anime YouTube channel
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knightingale-xiv · 6 years
Recollections: The Journal of Chip Wayman - Entry 1
The young doctor sat at his desk and sighed, setting his glasses down on the rough wood. He had spent so long these last few weeks worrying and running, struggling with conflicts he didn't know how to deal with. He decided to take a note from his own book and opened a small leatherbound journal. He had never tried to keep a journal before, not really thinking his life worth writing down. But, with all the thoughts weighing on him lately...he wanted there to be some record of his life. He grabbed his quill and set to work...
"I've never been big on journals... I'm not super proud of my life, and while these are typically meant to write down people's thoughts and dreams...I need to start by recording things. Just in case I get murdered or something, and Eleon or Sani find my stuff...
Most people don't look at me and see a fighter these days, but I used to be. I tried to be, at least...I fancied myself a hero of Ul'dah. But, in my time protecting Ul'dah, I hurt a lot of people. I fought and I scraped trying to fix everyone's problems, butting in where I wasn't wanted or didn't belong. I was...fearless...stubborn...I pushed and I shoved to grow and become powerful. I nearly killed myself day after day to unlock Chakras as fast as possible. I sparred with friends and strangers, trying to learn whatever I could, but it was never really enough. People still got hurt, and I didn't seem to be making a difference.
Fighting was really all I knew, but I knew it wasn't enough to fight vagrants in Ul'dah or scare off beast men in the wilds. No matter how strong I got, I couldn't be everywhere at once and I wasn't making any progress convincing people to join my cause. Most people looked at me and saw a kid that was in over their head. I guess they were right, more or less. So, when I turned eighteen, I decided to try and do it the legitimate way. I joined the Immortal Flames. Soldiers were seen as heroes and that's what I wanted to be. I'll admit I wasn't in the best head space when I joined but I thought my heart was in the right place. They handed me a uniform, chopped off my hair, and pushed me into a group of soldiers to be trained. My squad and I became fast friends, as we were all enthusiastic about protecting our home. I couldn't have asked for a better group...
I managed to keep my hands clean of blood for a few months. Things were going well, and my squad and I were doing good, performing rescue operations. My skill set seemed to be good for that. But nothing lasts forever, I guess. All my life, despite my upbringing and rough start, I had sworn I would never kill. A lot of people made fun of me for my ideals, saying they were unrealistic and foolish. 'Heroes don't exist, and sometimes people have to die'. That's what I was told every day. Sonya, Emelc, even Vektis...Arcian too...they told me that someday I would have to do it if I wanted to follow this path.
One day out on an assignment, my squad got caught. I did everything I could to hold off the enemy, but they were getting closer and closer and weren't giving up. Every time I knocked someone down, they got back up and hit back harder....so I did what I had to do.
I hated it. I swear, I cried for a week and wouldn't eat or talk to anyone. I realised that this wasn't the path for me. If killing people was a bump on the road, I would rather turn around. So I resigned from the Immortal Flames. Technically dishonorable discharge, since I jumped ship before my term was up and didn't provide a good reason for it...
Ul'dah didn't feel like home at that moment so...I left. I grabbed a bag and some clothes and fled the city. I had met a traveling doctor a while back and decided to search for him to learn medicine. Healing would definitely be a good alternative, because my friends and family were right...I was in over my head. So I learned for a few years, studying medicine. And it turns out I'm pretty good at it!
When I came back to spread my practice, I made new friends and did my best to help them. I met Eleon, who is on a road similar to my old one...he is a pain, and riles me up but I wouldn't trade him for the world. Throug him I met Maya, who is in a similar field to mine. She seems...like a lot, but she's fun. I also met Sani, an Auri girl that works at a somewhat...shady dive bar. She is nice, and I do my best to help her medically...but she and her staff have been going through a lot. At the same place I met Kitt, who...tried to melt my insides with a crazy hot sauce. She is certainly a trip, but...I haven't seen or heard from her in a while. With everything going on with their staff I get worried, for her and Sani both...
Then there's Pink and Dastev. Pink may be one of the only people that know my whole story at the moment...and while her advice is questionable, she has helped me out a few times. Dastev is crazy...but I like him. He turned me into a frog but I got paid for it so it's ok...
Geez, I really wrote a lot for my first entry...Truth be told, I'm probably the only person who will ever read this, but having it all written down helps. I like to imagine someday someone will find it and I'll be remembered somewhat.
I'll close it with part of my problem...My friends get hurt a lot. Eleon almost got himself killed, Sani and her whole crew almost got killed, and all I can do is stand here and pick up the pieces. Or at least try too...Is this really the right path? Or is there more I can do...I wish I knew the answer...I want to be there for the people I care about, and I know that I shouldn't try to butt into other people's problems but...I don't like just sitting around and watchimg. Hopefully I'll figure out the answer before I lose anyone. For now... I'll be there to heal and take care of them when the dust settles..."
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newsintheshell · 5 years
OshiBudo, nuovo trailer e altri membri del cast della serie animata
Il primo episodio dell’anime tratto dal manga di Auri Hirao andrà in onda in Giappone il prossimo 10 gennaio. 
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Pubblicati una terza locandina e un nuovo video promozionale di “Oshi ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu” (If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die ), la serie animata basata sull’omonimo manga di Auri Hirao, che andrà in onda in Giappone a partire dal 10 gennaio 2020.
Il trailer anticipa la sigla di coda “Momoiro Kataomoi” cantata da Ai Fairouz, che nell’anime recita il ruolo della protagonista Eripiyo. La sigla di testa, invece, si intitolerà “Clover wish” e sarà cantata dalle ChamJam.
Svelate anche le doppiatrici delle altre componenti delle ChamJam, il gruppo idol di cui fa parte anche Maina, che avrà la voce di Hina Tachibana.
Rei: Kaede Hondo
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Sora: Ikumi Hasegawa
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Yuuki: Maya Enoyoshi
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Yume: Kaori Ishihara
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Yuka: Misaki Watada
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Fumi: Manami Itou
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Inoltre il personaggio di Rena sarà interpretato da Kana Ichinose.
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La storia segue Eripiyo la fan numero uno di Maina, il membro meno popolare delle ChamJam, un gruppo di idol poco conosciuto che si esibisce nella prefettura di Okayama. Maina avrà sempre il supporto incondizionato di Eripiyo, che sogna un giorno di vederla in concerto al Budokan di Tokyo!
La serie sarà composta da 12 episodi ed è diretta da Yusuke Yamamoto (B-gata H-kei, Yama no Susume) presso lo studio 8-bit (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Yama no Susume). La sceneggiatura è curata da Deko Akao (After the Rain, Amanchu!), mentre il character design è ad opera di Tomoyuki Shitaya (Jinsei, Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma).
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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