#aurora vinaigrette
lichpit · 2 years
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My townsona for my classmate Ponyprospector’s adorable project (check it out here!)
Her name is Aurora Vinaigrette and she’s an aging diva who moved out to the little Alaskan town to “escape the paparazzi,” but rumor around town was she left Hollywood in disgrace. She’s still trying to break back into onto the big screen through the town studio.
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hamethyst · 5 months
OC Meme: 5 Character Associations - Aurivyan
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Tagged forever and a day ago by @razrogue! Sorry for the delay and thank you thank you thank you!! This was so much fun!
Turquoise blue
Amethyst purple
Petal pink
Jade green
Warm brass
Freshly-steeped floral tea
Sun-warmed paper
Salt-scented wind tinged with perfume and ozone
Summer rain
A savory, citrus vinaigrette, fragrant with herbs
A rather pricey tome, shamelessly dog-eared and filled with thoughtful critiques, playful comments, and the occasional snide remark
An airy gown, feather-light and nearly transparent
An old captain’s compass
A handmade collection of scented bath salts and soaps
A lovingly-crafted griffin figurine, its white feathers made from crushed pearls
body language
Fingers gently untangling water-logged strands of hair
A clenched fist, claws digging bloody furrows into soft-skinned palms
A wide smile, bright and seemingly heedless of the fangs on full display
A playful zap of static between nearly-touching hands
The broad, sweeping motion of a pair of arms, a welcoming gesture to the coming storm
A multicolored aurora glimmering across a starry sky
The tide breaking upon a sandy shore, frothing with sea foam
Storm clouds gathering on a sunlit horizon
Gauzy curtains tossed by a stiff breeze
A nude humanoid figure, swimming amidst the life of a rich coral reef
As I said above I’m very late to this lol so I’ll stick to forwarding an open invitation: if you see this, consider yourself tagged! Tag me if you do it!
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kalikatze · 2 years
1, 15, 29, 50, and 89
1. What have you eaten today?
It's half past five in the afternoon, I've had breakfast and lunch so far. Breakfast was a bagel, one half with butter and cherry jam, one with chocolate spread. (And medication, but that isn't exactly food)
Lunch was a Brezel with butter and pieces of cheese (six different kinds, but don't ask which, I can only tell you one of them was a brie XD) and some iceberg lettuce with vinaigrette (rice wine vinegar, sunflower oil, mustard, honey and too much herb-salt).
I think I actually didn't snack anything between meals, which is rare, but I made East Friesian tea which is drunk with rock sugar and milk (well, cream traditionally, but I take milk), so I guess my desire/need for calories was satisfied that way.
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
Not the night club for sure.
Otherwise it depends on my mood and physical state (and what kind of museum).
On a bad pain day, definitely the library.
The museum is tempting if it's for something I'm interested in (shiny stones, science, art I like, historical fashion..) and if it has seats at regular intervals bc ugh are many museums unaccessible in that respect!
Forest is often lovely, but there's usually bugs and such, and no seats.. can you tell I struggle with fatigue and pain but can still walk XD
15. What is your style?
Mostly black jeans and t-shirts with prints. Very long hair up in a bun. Is that what this is asking? I'm not really going for a special aesthetic, I wanna be comfy and approachable to nice people but off-putting to bigots XD
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
So since I put the pillow in the last one, another highlight was ordering a German Russian course book, bc I'm losing my mind over Duolingo not teaching grammar. I know it makes some amount of sense and a lot of ppl starting from English don't know the concepts, but it's driving me nuts. From what I can tell, Russian shares a lot of grammatical concepts with German and I'm hoping the book will give me some aha moments
50. Favorite fruits?
Yaaaaas fruits! Raspberries are called 'cat berries' in our household bc I love them. I also love apples (braeburn or story), mandarines (though I have.. conditions they need to meet), cherries, peaches, strawberries (but only fresh and ripe), mangoes, granadillas, figs, apricots, litchis, .. I'm sure I'm forgetting some XD
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
Oh dear, money isn't the biggest hurdle, accessibility/my energy levels is, and a few other things play into it as well, but let's see
1. Visit @prettypangolins again. I love them and want to spend time with them
2. Glasgow. Loved it there, want to see what changed, want to visit the Yarn Cake and Purrple Cat Café again
3. Visit @catblog-weatherwax and finally meet them for real, and their family, including cats
And then it gets interesting bc we get to the territory of visiting ppl I'd like to meet who I don't know if they'd want me to visit, and places I'd kinda like to see but don't know if they'd be accessible/safe enough for me, but let's assume both, then I'd go to
4. LA
5. Texas (probably two cities, I'd have to ask XD)
6. Moscow
7. New Zealand
8. Japan (make that at least Tokyo and Kyoto, maybe Osaka)
With the brackets we're at 10-11 then, right? Else I'd add Brussels, I think, and somewhere to see aurora borealis
Thank you for the ask, that was fun!!
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lorenskitchen · 2 years
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Simple and delicious - honey smoked salmon, red onion, capers, cream cheese and toasted bagel (still in the toaster!). Served with fresh picked greens and sesame vinaigrette. #smokedsalmon #bagels #lorenskitchen (at Aurora, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf7w969tCqj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hcpelessrcmantics · 6 years
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[ gabriella wilde ]  ———  have you heard of PRINCESS AURORA from sleeping beauty/disney? well, in this world they were born ROSE BRIAR, a twenty-two year old cis female [ she/her ] working as A MANAGER AT AN ANIMAL RESCUE. having boston as their playground has made them NAIVE & KIND. although, it also made them susceptible to [ nightmares ] about A FINGER PRICKING THE SPINDLE OF A SPINNING WHEEL, THE PANG MOVING THROUGH HER BEFORE THE WORLD WENT DARK. A SLEEP FROM WHICH SHE COULD NOT AWAKEN, FIRE BREATHING DRAGONS, A LIFE OF SECRECY AND THE WEIGHT OF A CURSE. but i heard praying by kesha helps them sleep at night. 
a green glow catches her eye, crystalline hues shifting to take in the sight of a rather rickety appearing spinning wheel. without permission, feet clad in heels for the first time carry her towards it. her gait is surprisingly graceful, thoughts becoming blurred like damp watercolor on a canvas with each step. the back of her mind SCREAMS as a dainty hand reaches out --- DON’T DO THIS, STOP ! but it’s for naught, the pad of an index finger pricks the spindle and the newly discovered princess watches helplessly as a bubble of crimson fluid appears, stark against pale flesh. the world darkens, shadows growing in the periphery of her already faltering vision. fear grips her heart, an unforgiving fist crushing the organ as she falls into what can only be described as a coma. her mind is awake, but her body has shut down. the curse has come to fruition and there’s NOTHING she can do but remain a prisoner of her own body. 
though no powers are possessed, aurora has a magic of her own in the sheer power of her HEART. though it’s difficult to detect at times, there’s a bravery inside of her in the way that she’s fearlessly herself. there’s a courage in unfailing kindness and seeing the best in all of those around her when others would turn up their nose. a helpful soul, there’s nothing that aurora wouldn’t do for a person in need. a deep love of animals has always marked her character and she’s dedicated her life to helping those who cannot help themselves. on the other hand, overprotection from her aunts has led her to be sheltered and to possess a bit of naivety. 
from the moment of conception, sweet baby rose was adored. greatly wanted by her parents, the owners of a lucrative real estate business, she was born into an environment of love and comfort. the small family seemed to have everything they wanted and the day aurora was born was marked with such joy, such happiness that it could hardly be contained. rose briar was a baby that smiled constantly, with large blue eyes adorned with the longest of lashes and wild blonde curls. sadly, the sheer joy would be short lived. during a rare evening out for a charity event in the city, rose’s parents were unfortunately killed in a car accident returning to pick aurora up from the home of her aunts. following their death, the baby girl was adopted by the three women. in their care, the girl flourished into a successful young woman. all the same, her aunts were crushingly overprotective, never wanting the young woman to ever have to hurt again. it was with great difficulty that they allowed her to branch out and into adulthood, purchasing an apartment of her own after getting promoted to manager at the rescue. though she’s found independence, she makes a point to go over to have dinner with the three a few times a week. rose is still finding herself and finding her place in this world, but she is certainly enjoying the ride. 
——— BASICS !   
AGE : 22. HEIGHT : 5′2″. FAVORITE COLOR: pink. FAVORITE MUSIC: pop, indie.  FAVORITE FOOD: strawberry salad with baby greens and vinaigrette dressing. OCCUPATION: manager at a local animal rescue --- for all types of animals. they currently have a population of dogs, cats, horses, & pigs.  FAMILY: three aunts who are her entire world, her parents were killed in a car accident when she was a mere two months old.  RELATIONSHIPS: tba & built within the rp. SEXUALITY: pansexual.
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dragon-knight1990 · 7 years
From the Shadows Chapter 9
A/N: I am sorry for the delay on getting this chapter out, especially for how short it is. This chapter is largely fluffy filler. The story referenced at the end doesn't belong to me, but it is one that I read years ago.
Chapter 9
Aurora woke the following morning, still nestled in Maleficent's gentle embrace. She took a moment to appreciate the softer beauty of the woman beside her. It was in her sleep that Maleficent's more guarded exterior was let down, and it was the only time Aurora witnessed her at peace.
"Morning, Aurora." Maleficent opened her eyes, and one of her rare smiles softened her face.
"Morning." She sat up, and as she did, she realized how sore her muscles were from their activities the previous day.
"Did I hurt you?" Maleficent asked, her voice laden with concern.
"No. Just stiff. Muscles I didn't know existed." She grinned in an attempt to placate Maleficent's worry.
"I will run you another bath." With a chaste kiss on the cheek, Maleficent hurried into the bathroom, and a few moments later, Aurora heard the bath running.
That gave her a few moments to reflect on the previous day. She hadn't planned on having sex with Maleficent, not that she was regretting where her kiss led them. But she had no idea what came next. Would Maleficent want a relationship, or was it to be just a one-time fling? She wasn't even sure exactly what she wanted.
"Hey, Maleficent," she called.
"Yes?" Maleficent poked her head out the bathroom door, and her lips were pursed in a thoughtful frown.
"Where did you get those toys you used yesterday?"
"If you are trying to insinuate that I had planned what took place between us yesterday, know that it was not my plan to have sex with you. The bath is ready for you."
Aurora wanted to believe Maleficent. It was possible the older woman simply had those toys to blow off steam while she waited for her to return to the university. She settled in the bath, allowing the hot water to relax her muscles. She was mildly disappointed that Maleficent didn't join her. Shrugging it off, she enjoyed being able to just soak her body. She noticed the bruises, and to her surprise, they didn't upset her. No, they reflected the way she felt on the inside, and she mentally thanked Maleficent for giving them to her.
That morning was spent largely basking in Maleficent's care. After she finished with her bath, Aurora was treated to a massage, further relaxing her muscles. None of the guys she had dated ever treated her in such a manner.
After her massage, they had no choice but to check out. Aurora wished they had more time to spend as they were, but even she knew that they had to return to reality. The drive was filled with companionable silence.
Aurora collapsed on top of Maleficent's bed as soon as they got back to the cabin. The last forty-eight hours had really taken it out of her, and she could feel the stiffness in her muscles as she tried to stretch.
She had emailed her professors, asking to take her finals in their offices and explaining her situation. She was still waiting for her answers, and she hoped they would acquiesce her requests.
Diaval jumped on the bed and meowed at her before curling up next to her. She stroked his soft fur and smiled as he began to purr. All her worries seemed lighter as she petted the cat.
"I brought you some crackers," Maleficent announced, making Aurora jump. "I am sorry. I did not mean to startle you."
"It's ok," Aurora said softly. She leaned up for a kiss as she took the tray. She still wasn't sure what to call Maleficent: her girlfriend?
"Rest. I will join you once I finish my paperwork."
"Don't take too long," Aurora mumbled before succumbing to unconsciousness.
When she woke, she was being held in Maleficent's arms. She couldn't help the blush rising in her cheeks. Despite this, she felt safe, as she always did when Maleficent was near. She wondered again where they would go from here. Would things develop further between them? Or would she be discarded as a mistake? The second option sank her stomach. She had nothing against one-night stands, and she wasn't sure if she was really ready for another relationship so soon after getting out of such an abusive one. She wasn't looking for a relationship anyway. She wanted some healthy intimacy in her life though. After everything she had gone through, she felt the universe owed her that much!
"What on earth has your mind buzzing so?" Maleficent's question startled her.
"Um—well—I—I was just wondering where we'll go from here. I mean—what am I to you?" As soon as the words escaped her, she started beating herself up over her lack of tact.
"Where do you want to go? In case you have not noticed, I am taking my cues from you. I would never dare presume anything. If you want things to go back to a working relationship, then I will keep my hands to myself and not ask questions. If you want something more, we may discuss it."
"Well—I don't think I'm ready for a real relationship, at least not yet. I guess keep things the way they are, right now, and see where this goes."
"Then that is what I will do."
Aurora grinned shyly before pecking Maleficent on the lips. "Thank you, for everything."
"The pleasure is all mine," Maleficent purred, returning the kiss. "You deserve better than what life has given you."
She found the sentiment sweet. She stretched, and feeling a couple pops in her back, snuggled back into Maleficent. Everything felt so right. She felt more relaxed than she remembered ever feeling. She basked in that, for she had no idea how long it would last.
"What were you hoping to do with your college education?" Maleficent inquired after a long moment of companionable silence.
"I really hadn't thought that far ahead," Aurora admitted, blushing. "I guess teach at a university, if I can't find a job in writing."
"You could always do both."
"True. I just don't want to jump right into teaching, if I can avoid it. I want real life experience first."
"That is more than reasonable."
                                                       * * *
Aurora didn't hear back from her professors until the following afternoon. She opened the emails as she nibbled on the cheese and crackers Maleficent had convinced her to eat while she studied. All her professors had agreed to alternate times for her finals, much to her relief.
"They agreed to let you take your finals separately?" Maleficent inquired from her desk. She glanced up from her work.
"Yeah. My Political Science final will be Monday at three; Poetry, Tuesday at four; and Women's Lit Wednesday at two."
Maleficent smiled approvingly before returning to whatever she was working on. Aurora suspected it was more of her research into the fae. She still couldn't believe that they were taking a trip together to Ireland. The excitement over the prospective trip gave her something to look forward to. Even if she didn't believe that the fae or anything mythological could possibly exist, she enjoyed exploring the mythos behind the unexplained.
Aurora continued to study her notes until she reread the same word ten different times. As she was putting her notes and textbooks away, Maleficent invited her to the kitchen for dinner.
Dinner was a fairly quiet affair. Maleficent made a cranberry salad with a light vinaigrette. Aurora enjoyed the meal. She helped with the dishes when they were done. She didn't even mind the domestic aspect of the act; it felt somehow natural.
Once they had cleaned the kitchen and ensured that Diaval was fed, Maleficent bade Aurora a goodnight before they went to their separate rooms. This disappointed Aurora somewhat, but she wasn't going to impose. She went to her designated room and pulled out her Kindle and read The First Taste is Free. It was a free book she had ordered months ago, but hadn't had the time to read it. She fell asleep just as she was about to finish reading it, and her hand had unconsciously snaked its way down into her pants.
In her dreams, she returned to the previous night, and hoped there would be many more like it to come.
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gastropost · 8 years
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From Gastroposter Lynn Gionette, via Instagram:
The beet, orange, and goat cheese salad is everything! When you visit fiahbone in aurora you need to eat this! Seriously. Holland marsh beets and orange orange segments, goat cheese, pine nuts, white balsamic honey vinaigrette.
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crusie111111111111 · 5 years
Carpet Cleaning Stain Removal Aurora, IL
First-Class Carpet Cleaning Stain Removal for Aurora, IL
Home >> Carpet Cleaning >> Aurora >> Carpet Cleaning Stain Removal
In need of urgent carpet stain removal? We can do it for you at a budget-friendly price. We can get rid of any type of stains. Specific types of stain removal are required for particular types of stains. If you use the wrong method it may lead to more damage to your carpets.
Our proven stain removal system has been developed through our vast on the job experience over the past 20 years. Pretty much every second job that we deal with is for a stain to be removed from a carpet.
Whether it’s a small blotch that just occurred, or if it’s a deep stain that has been stubborn for years. It won’t matter as we can effectively remove any type of stain your carpets may have.
If you have any of the following stains we can help:
Pet urine, human vomit or poop (yes, we can do it!), sweat, blood, food stains, fresh fruits, tomatoes, juices, cooking oil, butter or margarine, chocolate, ice cream, coffee, tea, beer, soft drinks or fizzy drinks, syrup, soda, red wine, barbecue sauce, soy sauce, mustard, salad dressing, vinaigrette, mud, flood, grass, flower stains, ink, permanent or whiteboard markers, paint, lacquer thinner, varnish, petroleum jelly, Vaseline, alcohol, nail polish, lipstick, candle wax, and gum.
We can eliminate any stain no matter what it is. Even those that may not be listed above.
The best thing that you can do in case you spilled something on the carpet is to grab a paper towel and try to draw up as much of the liquid as you can. Never rub! Just mildly blot the area until there’s nothing else to dry.
WARNING: If you’ll be booking a professional stain removal service. Please refrain from trying to DIY remove the stain. You wouldn’t want to risk deepening the stain into the fabric of the carpet. As it might actually be harder for a professional like us to get it out. And while you had good intentions. It can actually end up costing you more money.
You might have ‘heard’ that varnish is effective for stains. Never use it! You’ll only be worsening the stain.
(331) 701-2991 is our number. Get booked in now! Call today.
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We cover all of Aurora including the following zip codes: 60502, 60503, 60504, 60505, 60506, 60507, 60542, 60543, 60563, 60564, 60568, 60572, 60585, 60597, 60598, 60599 If you don't see your zip code don't worry. Call us today on (331) 701-2991 and we can still schedule you in.
Naperville Carpet Cleaning has been helping the local residents and businesses of Aurora keep their carpets fresh, clean and looking perfect since 1999!
Available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
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400 E Diehl Rd, Unit 307 Naperville, IL 60563 Tel: (331) 701-2991
We offer our services in and around Aurora.
Call Today on (331) 701-2991
Original post: https://www.carpetcleaningnaperville.net/carpet-cleaning/aurora/carpet-cleaning-stain-removal.php
source https://www.carpetcleaningnaperville.net/carpet-cleaning/aurora/carpet-cleaning-stain-removal.php
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chocolateheal · 6 years
17 Awesome Things You Can Learn From Chocolate Industry Wikipedia | chocolate industry wikipedia
From Maritime Aquarium: One of Connecticut’s top attractions gets alike sweeter on Sun., Jan. 29 back The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk offers sea turtles and amber turtles – additional a abundant acceptance accord – with the acknowledgment of The Amber Expo.
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About 40 bounded and bounded vendors – including top breadth chocolatiers – will ample the Aquarium galleries, alms samples and sales of their gourmet chocolates, broiled appurtenances and specialty foods. In addition, guests can accommodated “Willy Wonka’s” aboriginal Mike TeeVee and sit in on chargeless presentations by celebrity chefs Barret Beyer, Tony Albanese and Larry Rosenberg, as able-bodied as acclaimed clairvoyant The Amazing Kreskin.
To backpack it all in, the Aquarium will break accessible two hours best than accustomed – until 7 p.m.
The sweetest allotment of the day, however, is that acceptance on Jan. 29 costs beneath than a approved Aquarium ticket. For one day only, guests can adore afraid and gelato, timberline frogs and truffles, crabs and caramels – all at discounted prices, abnormally with beforehand online purchase.
Buy your tickets online – alike on the day of The Amber Expo – for the deliciously discounted prices of $15 for adults and $10 for accouchement 3-12. (Under 3, free.) Tickets purchased at the aperture will be $20 for adults and $15 for children. Paid acceptance on Jan. 29 is appropriate of Maritime Aquarium members: $13 for adults and $8 for children.
(Regular acceptance to The Maritime Aquarium is $22.95 for adults and $15.95 for children.)
“It’s a compound you can’t beat: booty all of the animals and exhibits of The Maritime Aquarium – at a abundant abatement – attenuated with corrupt chocolates and specialty foods, and topped with celebrity chefs and added chargeless benefit guests and activities,” said Dave Sigworth, the Aquarium’s publicist. “You ability acquisition some added amber appearance somewhere, but it won’t additionally action sharks, seals, sea turtles and added abyssal life. As we say every year, you’d accept to be biconcave in basics not to adore this appropriate day and this abundant deal.”
This year, for the aboriginal time, an off-peak acceptance for acceptance amid 5 & 7 p.m. is accessible for $10 per person; an alike greater discount.
News 12 Connecticut is media sponsor of the 2017 Amber Expo at The Maritime Aquarium.
Expo ambassador Marvin Baum said The Amber Expo is for bodies who are austere about amber and who adulation different specialty foods.
“Vendors at the Expo about action baby tasting-sized portions of their products,” Baum said. “Think of the amber tastings in the way you ability anticipate of a wine tasting at a winery: you get a baby sample to try and you generally get to allocution with the actuality who fabricated the product. If you like what you’ve tasted, you can acquirement that artefact for yourself or to accord as gifts.”
Expo/Aquarium visitors will acquisition not alone acceptable and gourmet chocolates, but additionally specialty offerings like chocolate-covered bacon, amber tarts, bonbon apples, fudge, chocolate-covered pretzels, amber vinaigrettes, and alike chocolate-infused Brussels sprouts and chocolate-scented candles.
For ready-to-eat treats, Aurora Gourmet will accept their amber fountains flowing, while Crazy Crepe Café will be authoritative adorable crepes and Pika’s Farm Table will serve accurate Belgian-style waffles biconcave in a best of white, aphotic or milk chocolate. Screme Gelato will beat a array of different flavors.
Non-chocolate aliment to be sampled and awash accommodate gourmet amazon sauces, hot sauces, empanadas, nut butters, jams, syrups, sodas, pickles, coffees, horseradish, honey, popcorn, cannolis, cakes, pies, tarts and more. You can alike accompany home specialty treats for your dog!
There will be no IMAX® cine presentations on Jan. 29, so the amphitheater can be acclimated for appropriate presentations, including chargeless 30-minute demonstrations by three celebrity chefs:
Plus, at noon, be afraid by The Amazing Kreskin. With a showman’s flair, a comedian’s wit and the capacities of a bona fide clairvoyant or thought-reader, The Amazing Kreskin dramatizes the different facets of the animal mind. For six decades, he has been wow-ing audiences and talk-show hosts – including Carson, Letterman, Stern and Fallon – with his cabalistic insights and answers.
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Seating of 310 for the chef demonstrations and The Amazing Kreskin will be on a first-come, first-seated basis. The chefs will be accessible throughout the day for pictures and autographs.
This year’s Amber Expo additionally celebrates accurate amber history by affable Paris Themmen, who played Mike TeeVee – the boy in the cowboy accouterments – adverse Gene Wilder in “Willy Wonka & the Amber Factory.” Themmen will assurance autographs and affectation for photographs throughout the day.
Here is added about anniversary appropriate guest:
• Tony Albanese – 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
NORWALK, CT – Tony Albanese, a pastry artist and above abettor to Buddy Valastro of “Cake Boss,” will beforehand chargeless demonstrations application amber during The Amber Expo on Sun., Jan. 29 at The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. Get all the capacity about Amber Expo at https://ift.tt/1auVkFm.
Tony Albanese owns the custom ambrosia business, The Pastryarch, in Hackensack, NJ.
He rose to acclaim as abettor to Buddy Valastro in the aboriginal division of “Cake Boss” on TLC, and back has appeared on such Food Network shows as “Cake Wars” and “Cupcake Wars.”
Before belief pastry arts at the Institute of Comestible Education in New York City, he formed as an illustrator, which he says helps in his accepted assignment of artfully decorating hand-constructed cakes.
• The Amazing Kreskin – noon
NORWALK, CT – The Amazing Kreskin will … well, affect admirers associates during a appropriate appearance on Sun., Jan. 29 at apex during The Amber Expo at The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. Alone 310 seats will be accessible on a first-come, first-served basis. Get beforehand tickets and all the capacity about the accident at https://ift.tt/1auVkFm.
For six decades, The Amazing Kreskin has dramatized the different facets of the animal apperception with a showman’s flair, a comedian’s wit and the capacities of a bona fide thought-reading mentalist. In the process, Kreskin’s actual name has become an basic allotment of pop ability with abundant television and radio appearances on iconic shows hosted by Johnny Carson, Regis Philbin, David Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, Neil Cavuto, Howard Stern and others.
In the 1970s, Kreskin accent his own television alternation for bristles and a bisected seasons alleged “The Amazing Apple of Kreskin,” which can now be beheld on www.hulu.com.
Movie admirers may apperceive that, added recently, Kreskin served as the afflatus for Tom Hanks’ 2008 movie, “The Abundant Buck Howard,” in which the Kreskin appearance is played by the movie’s star, John Malkovich.
Kreskin has accustomed common acceptance for amazing predictions, generally ambidextrous with all-embracing diplomacy and sports. On “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” Kreskin predicted the 2012 U.S. presidential acclamation 18 months afore acclamation day. As appear on Fox television for the 2016 Super Bowl, Kreskin fabricated three predictions: the chief division of the game, the acceptable aggregation and their final score.
Kreskin’s new allocution and annotation appearance on iHeartRadio premiered aftermost February, and, in March of 2016, he appear his 20th book, “In Absolute Time,” featuring his above predictions for the abutting several hundred years.
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At 81 years of age, Kreskin shows no signs of slowing down. He continues to accomplish his allegorical alive shows in advanced of arranged audiences about the world, arena over 200 dates yearly.
• Larry Rosenberg – 1 & 5 p.m.
NORWALK, CT – Executive chef Larry Rosenberg will beforehand a chargeless affirmation application amber during The Amber Expo on Sun., Jan. 29 at The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. Get all the capacity about Amber Expo at https://ift.tt/1auVkFm.
Executive Chef Larry Rosenberg began affable at a actual aboriginal age. Despite actuality self-taught, he has garnered civic accolades and appeared in above magazines, newspapers and television shows about the country, including “The Dr. Oz Show,” Discovery Channel’s “United States of Bacon” and “FYI Philly,” amid others.
Most exciting, he’ll accomplish his acceptance on Food Network afterwards this year.
Rosenberg has accomplished at the New York Restaurant Academy and is a appear columnist with titles including “The Aboriginal Bacon Cookbook,” “Cake Decorating Simplified” (Book of the Month Club), “Muffins & Cupcakes” and “The Berry Book.” He additionally was featured in Martha Stewart’s “The Wedding Book.”
Most recently, Rosenberg has fabricated a name for himself while benumbed a beachcomber of bacon’s new-found popularity. His 2010 conception of Bacon Bites, an all-encompassing band of aperitive chocolate-covered bacon products, combines candied and acrid tastes that consumers absolutely crave. He campaign with his partner, Kane Jeong, who entertains adolescent and old as “Smokey the Pig,” at assorted chocolate, bacon, and beer contest throughout the county.
• Barret Beyer – 2 & 4 p.m.
Photo Credit: © Chuck Fishman
NORWALK, CT – Celebrity chef Barret Beyer (Fox TV’s “Hell’s Kitchen”) will present chargeless demonstrations application amber during The Amber Expo on Sun., Jan. 29 at The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. Get all the capacity about Amber Expo at https://ift.tt/1auVkFm.
Chef Barret Beyer epitomizes new ancestry and change, alarming millions with his affable and actions.
While alive in New York City’s banking industry and bang era during the aughts, Beyer was arrested 10 times for accuse that ranged from affairs drugs to cabal to forgery, alike overdosing and alive up on activity abutment afterwards two canicule in 2006. For 10 years, from 1998 until 2008, he was in and out of jails. However, ancillary with the bearing of his babe in 2008, the absoluteness TV brilliant assuredly got sober. Beyer said, “I couldn’t do it anymore. I capital to be a ancestor she could attending up to.”
Leaving the worlds of accounts and abomination behind, the adulation of affable become the afflatus for his life’s abutting course. Consistently a home cook, Beyer abounding comestible academy in his built-in Long Island. Afore alike graduating, the aggressive New Yorker already had a job as a sous chef.
Beyer again fabricated it assimilate “Hell’s Kitchen” with the allegorical kitchen announcement Gordon Ramsey; his admired television experience. Although he didn’t win on the show, Beyer accomplished that alive in the kitchen is the assignment he loves. It’s that drive to accomplish and advantageous appetite that collection him to participate in “Cutthroat Kitchen,” addition on-camera affable competition. “I was the aboriginal one cut. It was for not putting the craven on a craven absolutist salad,” the chef says while action at his folly.
From his acquaintance on absoluteness TV, Beyer has become a consultant, aperture a aggregation of East Coast restaurants, accepting abounding accolades forth the way. Food & Beverage Magazine and Chef Works accept both alleged him “Chef of The Month.”
File:Temperature rates in the chocolate industry.jpg – Efficiency Finder – chocolate industry wikipedia | chocolate industry wikipedia
With his new begin celebrity status, Beyer volunteers or works non-profits contest about the country.
• Paris Themmen (the aboriginal “Mike TeeVee”) – all day
Paris Themmen appeared as a adolescent amateur in three Broadway shows, two dozen commercials and assorted television shows, including “Star Trek Voyager,” but he will consistently be best accepted as “Mike TeeVee,” one of the bristles advantageous Golden Acceptance winners in the (1971) cult-classic blur “Willy Wonka & the Amber Factory” starring the backward Gene Wilder.
As an adult, Paris has had a array of careers in the travel, absolute estate, finance, imagineering and film-production industries.
An ardent traveler, Paris has backpacked through 59 countries on six continents. He lives with his wife, Nikki Grillos, in Los Angeles.
• The Eternal Frontier (Steampunk music) – all day
NORWALK, CT – The Eternal Frontier will accomplish Steampunk-themed songs, both aboriginal and cover, throughout the day on Sun., Jan. 29 during The Amber Expo at The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. Get beforehand tickets and all the capacity about the accident at https://ift.tt/1auVkFm.
The Eternal Frontier – featuring Professor Adam Smasher and Baron Von Zipple – is a able Steampunk agreeable duo. Their complete is fun, adapted and steeped in Steampunk sensibilities. They will be assuming Steampunk-themed songs, both aboriginal and cover, for the action of one and all.
(But what is Steampunk? Wikipedia describes Steampunk as “a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and artful designs aggressive by 19th-century automated steam-powered machinery. … Steampunk conceivably best acutely appearance anachronistic technologies or retro-futuristic inventions as bodies in the 19th aeon ability accept envisioned them.”
Kids can booty allotment in art activities at 11 a.m., apex and 1 & 2 p.m., and additionally be adapted by a face-painter amid 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. These are chargeless with admission.
Enjoy all the corrupt treats and appropriate guests while exploring The Maritime Aquarium, a not-for-profit alignment whose mission is to brainwash visitors about – and to actualize admiral for – Long Island Sound. The Aquarium accomplishes this by acceptance visitors to get abutting to added than 300 breed built-in to the Complete and its watershed, including sharks, seals, sea turtles, river otters, afraid and added animals. Except for “Jiggle A Jelly,” all exhibits will be accessible during The Amber Expo.
“Valentine’s Day will be actuality soon, so The Amber Expo is the absolute befalling to buy some sweets for your sweetie,” Sigworth said. “Plus, there are no NFL playoff amateur on the 29th, so there’s no acumen for anyone to break home. In fact, with no football to watch, The Amber Expo gives football admirers article to do!”
Parking is accessible in the Maritime Garage (across from the Aquarium’s capital entrance) and a abbreviate airing abroad in the city’s Webster Lot. Acquisition an accessible parking amplitude by application a smart-phone app alleged Parker that displays “real-time” parking availabilities in South Norwalk.
For added advice about The Amber Expo, go to https://ift.tt/1y5Jxre or https://ift.tt/1auVkFm.
Photos address of Maritime Aquarium
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Road Tripper Monday: Rojielyn Verdadero
#‎RoadTripperMonday‬ - a weekly feature of our very own Road Tripper. Welcome to the second road tripper for the month of July! Today, we will feature Rojielyn Verdadero, an avid anime fan and animal lover! She joined us on one of our Singles Road Trip.  She's always on the go. She hates spicy food. 1 sip of spicy ramen = 2 glasses of water. And basta may camera, pak.. pose! She is a woman with a big heart that she tries to go on volunteer work as often as she can. To know more about Rojielyn , read more about her here -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What do you do for a living? I'm a people person that's why I chose Recruitment, rather it chose me. I'm an Executive Recruitment Consultant. 2. What is one of your guilty pleasures? Ohh wow! I hate to admit it but it's sweets! ANYTHING SWEET! Hahahahaha Actually, it's food. YUMMY FOODS! 3. What is the title of the movie of your life? Hmmm... I would say that for me, it's Eat, Pray, Love. I started my travel journey with a broken heart and with Experience Philippines as my starting point. Now, eqquiped with a renewed heart, I want to explore life and the Philippines in a new light. 4. If you could go back in time what would you tell your 16 year old self? I would tell myself that I should enjoy every moment of my life. Do not rush into anything. Take it slow and cherish every emotion and moment in life. May it be happiness, sadness, joy or pain. All of it will mold you to a better person that you want to be. Lastly, it takes only myself to be happy. 5. If you can be teleported anywhere around the world, where would it be and why? I choose Finland. I really love the scenery and culture there. I want to know more about their ways and tradition. Most of it would be my desire to see the Aurora Borealis and Santa Claus Village! 6. Which celebrity would you go on a "one-night-only-date" with?
I would go out on a date with Rico Yan. He's my first ever celebrity crush.
7. You, unfortunately have been condemned to die, but fortunately, you get to have any meal in the world before you go. What is your menu? Appetizer - baked oysters Soup - Broccoli Soup from Monaliza Entree - Lamb Rack with Mint Sauce Salad - Prawn Salad with Mango Vinaigrette from Mary Grace Desert - New York Cheese Cake from Coffee Bean and Mango Panna Cotta from Itallianis Drink - Warm Water Add ons - Salmon Sashimi, Ramen from Ippudo and Udon from Oudon 8. If you could trade places with anyone right now, for a week, who would it be and why? I'd trade places with the future me so I can have a glimpse of what I become even for a week 9. What is the best present you ever received? The best present that I received was the freedom that I never knew I needed. 10. If you could meet a famous or not so famous person, who would that be and why? Heston Blumenthal!!! I love the way he cooks! Artistry and Science in one with a bit of Drama! Well... I want to eat the dishes that he makes! Just once I'd love to try it! 11. How old should a person start traveling? Curiosity would always fuel the desire to travel, that's why there shouldn't be any limitations when it comes to it. Everyone can start at any age. We have our own pace to follow. 12. What is your best experience in traveling/living in the Philippines? My best experience is when I realized that the Philippines has so much to offer. From the people, food, scenery and experience. It would always boil down on how eager you are to discover its hidden beauty. 13. In one sentence, how would you like people to remember you? A person who is willing to discover life in a different perspective.
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hawkamalawka · 8 years
Do The Boys Know?
The demigods followed Grandfather and  through a door that made a "swoosh" sound and into Grandfather's enormous spaceship.  The main area looked like a mini-mall that surrounded an olympic-sized, pristine pool.  While the demigods were staring at the diving platform, Grandfather and Dinky snuck off to go to their rooms.  Grandfather's and Dinky's rooms were in a different part of the ship, and they wanted to lie down for a minute.      The unaware demigods barely had time to notice that Grandfather and  Dinky had left when a girl appeared in front of them.  She was about their age with beautiful dark pink skin and blue hair that went down to her knees.  "Hi, I'm Pinky.  Follow me."       She led them down a long corridor to their rooms.  Their rooms were very similar to what they had on Utopia:  spacious, comfortable, nice furniture, and huge beds.      Pinky led them into a room where they plopped down on the furniture and the bed.  They immediately started firing questions at Pinky:  Are our fathers okay?  When do we eat?  When do we get back to Utopia?  Where are Grandfather and Dinky?  Who are the people on the ship?      "Easy, one at a time," Pinky said as she held out her hands and smiled.      "First, your fathers are fine, but need to left alone.  Our journey back to Utopia will take a few days.  Grandfather and Dinky went to a different section of the ship.  The people are Utopians that live at Grandfather's castle;  they take care of Grandfather and the castle.  I can bring you anything that you want, just say my name,"  Pinky said and exhaled.      "Oh, just like Rupert,"  Cheery smiled.      "Yeah, he is my uncle," Pinky responded.      The demigods liked Pinky; she was about their age, at least they thought she was.  Pinky led the them into the spacious dining room. In the middle of the room was a silver, round table that could seat about fifty people.  On the table, were all the foods Grandfather had instructed Pinky to get, all the foods he knew his grandchildren would want - cheeseburgers and fries, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, supreme pizza, various pops, etc.       "Pinky, I would like a salad with some vinaigrette dressing," Purity requested.      "Me, too," chimed Canrun.      "Me, three," added Cheery.      The demigods stuffed themselves and went to their bedrooms.  They slept and regained some strength.  Canrun awoke first and went to her closet. The closet, full of clothes and a gorgeous evening gown, brought a smile to her face. Right now, she wanted a swimsuit.  Canrun went to Serena's room and knocked on the door.  Serena answered.  Canrun said, "Let's go swimming."       "Let's get the others and eat breakfast first," Serena said through a semi-yawn.      After breakfast, emotions were still at an all-time high.  The demigods wondered about the condition of their fathers.  Unfortunately, they still didn't trust one another because of the pranks.  They trusted each other with their lives; nevertheless, the pranks were pretty cruel.        Wes, hoping to call a truce, said, "Are we cool?"      "Cool about what?" Purity quickly answered.       "I am talking to everyone.  About all the bull," Wes said.  "We need to stop."      "Oh, so you get the last laugh?" questioned Purity.       "Ok, ok.  I'm sorry.  Will that do?" Wes said  as he frowned trying to draw sympathy.      "Didn't you say you were gonna get me and Canrun? I will give you credit, your prank was spectacular; but, oh so cruel.  You really hurt me," Purity said this trying to make Wes understand her feelings, and also make Wes feel guilty.      "I was also hurt and embarrassed from your prank, Purity.  Did you forget about me?" Cheery snapped.      Gracie's head spun. "Boy, thankfully I missed a lot.  There seems to be a pecking order:  Wes, Purity, Cheery, Canrun, and Nero.  Manny, Ace, and Serena, we better watch out; we might be next," Gracie warned.      The demigods didn't mention their fathers.  They were absorbed in this foolishness.  They wanted to explore the ship and go swimming.  Nero made everyone agree to stop the pranks, and they agreed.  Everyone secretly knew the pranks weren't over, not yet.      The demigods went to their rooms and changed into their swimsuits; they met at the pool.  To their surprise about fifteen kids their age were swimming.  Ace, Manny, and Nero slowly climbed to the top of the high-diving platform.  Serena, Gracie, Canrun, Purity, and Cheery jumped in and briefly swam.  Then Canrun, Purity, and Cheery got out and sat at a table by the pool.  Gracie, who also loved the water, continued to swim with Serena.       Wes hung out in the shallow end, his hair wasn't even wet. He questioned his judgement of getting into the water at all. Then, he saw someone swimming towards him under the water, and waited with eager anticipation.  The person's head slowly broke the surface of the water revealing the most beautiful girl Wes had ever seen.  She had perfectly tanned skin and dark hair with dark seductive eyes to match.  She stuck out her hand and said with intriguing, somewhat raspy voice, "Hi, I'm Aurora."      Wes had a goofy, stunned look on his face.  He didn't know if he could speak.  He gently shook her hand, and said, as confidently as he could, "I'm Wes."      "I already know. We all know all about the demigods.  We take care of Grandfather's castle on Utopia.  I just wanted to meet the cutest one.  Got to go.  Bye," and Aurora swam off.       Wes had a sheepish grin on his face.  Aurora, in a few seconds, had made him feel pretty special.  It didn't last long as Wes' whole body immediately went underwater.  He surfaced to see Serena laughing at him.  He got out of the pool, all the while looking to see if anyone had noticed.  Wes sat down at Canrun's, Purity's, and Cheery's table.  "I am tired of Serena.  I want to get her," Wes pouted.      "What about our agreement?  I believe it was about twenty minutes ago," Canrun informed Wes.       "I know.  I just want to give her a good scare.  Cheery can you make me look like a clown?" Wes asked.      Cheery chuckled and touched Wes' nose, "Ok, finished."      "No, I'm serious.  I want you to make me look like a clown; then, I am going to jump out of her closet and scare her.  We haven't pranked her yet," Wes said as he laid out his plan.      Purity was in but Canrun wasn't.  "I am tired of this.  We just made an agreement.  I don't want any part of this charade; I'm just plain worn out.  Why can't you grow up?" she said this looking directly at Wes.      "Just don't tell Serena; Ok?" begged Wes.       "I won't," Canrun said and left.      Wes, Cheery, and Purity discussed what they were going to do; Wes smiled the whole time.  Cheery loved to do anything that involved makeup.  They made plans to meet after dinner.  Wes thanked them and left.       Cheery had a troubling look on her face.  She asked Purity, "Are you feeling ok?  My stomach hurts."      "Yeah, I feel fine.  What did you eat?"  Purity questioned.      "Same thing as you, but I have been drinking a lot of water.  Water shouldn't cause my stomach to hurt, should it?"       "Anything is possible."      Then....frrt, a little fart escaped from Cheery.  "Oh no, excuse me."      "Ew, Cheery."      Then Cheery farted again.  "This is serious!  Get the other girls!  My room two minutes!"  Cheery got up, and with as much dignity as possible, hastily went back to her room. Purity rounded up the girls and went to Cheery's room. The girls stormed into the room and sat down. They worried that something bad had happened to Cheery. Serena broke the silence, "So, what's up?" "Something is wrong with my stomach." Frt...frrt....frrrt..... FRRRRT.  "I can't stop farting," said a frustrated Cheery. "Pee-yew!" "Gross!" "What did you eat?" Gracie said. "Purity and I were talking, we figured it may have something to do with all the water I have been drinking, it has to be," Cheery explained. The girls weren't too concerned, just a case of bad gas. Cheery had such a desperate look on her face, they really wanted to try to comfort her, but at a distance, of course. Canrun took it upon herself to get Grandfather, this was serious. A few minutes later, Canrun returned with Grandfather and Pinky. Canrun filled Grandfather in on what was happening with Cheery. "Oh, ho-ho, come here my child," Grandfather laughed. Cheery went to Grandfather; he hugged her. "Not funny, you big jerk," Cheery said as she lightly hit Grandfather in the chest. "I'm sorry. You don't understand. Your body is going through the "purification process." It will happen to all of you," Grandfather said this looking at all of the girls, "This happened sooner than I thought." "What is the 'purification process?' " asked Gracie. Grandfather, talking to all the girls, but specifically looking at Cheery said: "The water you have been drinking is my water from 'The Spring' on Utopia. This water accelerates the process. Your body is releasing all its gases and bad toxins. Your body, on Utopia, will become a perfect machine and will totally metabolize everything: you won't have to excrete waste anymore." "Excrete waste, what is that?" "I believe you say, 'Go to the bathroom.' " Cheery still didn't understand, "What about checking my face?"       Grandfather, with his eyebrows raised as he rolled his eyes, looked at the other girls, and asked, "Could someone please explain it to her?" Purity jumped up, cupped her hand over Cheery's ear, and started whispering.  Cheery's face grew redder by the second and she said, "Oh, ok.  Silly me, now I understand. "You will see, Utopia is a wonderful planet," Grandfather said anxiously, thinking of going home. "When are the rest of us going through the 'purification process?' " asked Serena. "It should happen pretty soon and last 2-4 hours. I suggest you stay in here," Grandfather responded crinkling up his nose. He laughed as he hugged Cheery again. She had a pouty look on her face but managed a faint smile. "Is this going to happen to the boys? Do they know?" Purity asked with a huge, devious smile on her face. "No, they do not know. I didn't plan on this. I was going to tell you as a group. It will happen to them tomorrow," Grandfather informed the girls. "You don't have to tell them; we'll do it," Purity promised. Grandfather didn't see a problem and said, "Ok." He blew some white powder in the room, which acted as an air freshener, and told Pinky to do the same in all the boys' rooms, and left. The girls stayed in Cheery's room while they were purifying themselves. They couldn't help but tell Serena what Wes had planned for her. "That dumb jock. He has no idea what's coming," Serena said with revenge in her eyes.
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