#author: danger-r-98-5
sentanixiv · 2 years
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This Ain’t No Fairytale [AO3] [Mature]
It was easy to forget the reality one lived in, it was easy to forget the atrocities of men, driven by greed, when it was hidden from the eyes of the people.
It was easy, from inside the mighty walls, to believe that the land was at peace.
Here in the capital few would believe they were in the middle of a war that had been waged for more than five exceedingly long years.
A war, that they were losing.
Guess who got paired with the amazing @danger-r-98-5 for mini bang?  This Kichi did! <3  I went for thematic shots, as medieval fantasy is difficult to re-create in the game, B U T ! I am pleased with many of the angles, including setting up the cave scene with Arthur and John’s wildcat pelt.  Go and read, my lovelies, for a fantasy knights AU. <3
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Of Dragons and Love (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: Arthur didn't want to come to Strawberry, didn't want to help a certain sniveling rat escape his cell. So he decides to explore the town instead and runs into a mysterious woman whom he can't let go. 
Author’s Notes: I’m gonna take a moment and lean hard on my heritage to pull some inspiration from an old Cantonese opera. And we're gonna leave Micah in his cell because nuts to that guy. So pretend this takes place in chapter two when Arthur was supposed to go rescue him, but decided to do a side quest instead. This was written for the RDR Mini Bang! @rdrbigbang
Tags: Arthur x F!Reader, spoilers, Chinese mythology-inspired, alternate timeline, mild exophilia, insta-love, magic, smut, HEA
Word Count: 6,378
Accompanying Artwork: @danger-r-98-5 has made some wonderful art for this fic!
AO3 Link is here.
Arthur stepped into the small town of Strawberry and immediately wanted to turn around. He could pretend Micah was dead. He could just bide his time and wait for him to hang. 
As he rode through the small town, he passed the small jail and kept going to the visitor's center. Seeing the map of the nearby area tacked onto the wall next to the entrance, he hitched his horse and walked over to take a better look. 
"Welcome to Strawberry, good sir!" 
Arthur flicked a tired glance at the boisterous man before continuing his casual perusal of the map, waiting to see if he would leave. When the man remained beside him, he sighed, exasperated. 
"Hullo," he said without looking at the other man.
"Are you here for business or pleasure?" 
"Uh, just passin' through." It sure as hell wasn't for pleasure, and his business was his own. 
"Ah, I see. Well, please keep us in mind if you ever want to spend a day relaxing in our lovely town. This hotel is the coziest in West Elizabeth," the man boasted, gesturing behind him. "And the scenic Mount Shann and Owanjila Dam aren't too far from here."
"And Big Valley, just past the mountains, is a beautiful place to hunt and camp."
"Uh huh."
When Arthur continued to look at the map without any further inclination towards interacting with him, the man gave up on his sales pitch. "Well, I'll be inside if you have any questions."
Finally alone, Arthur focused on the path that would take him to Owanjila. He'd been meaning to do a bit of fishing and commune with nature. Seemed like as good a place as any. 
Anything to postpone the reason he came here.
You weren't sure how you lived so long, not knowing what you were. You had been living with your mother for two decades, not knowing who your father was. Your mother didn't talk about him, and the one time you asked, she had simply said one thing. 
"He disappeared."
You didn't know what that meant exactly, and she did not explain. 
Until one day, on your twentieth birthday, he appeared. A large, scary looking man came to your door. Your mother paled and tried not to react, but when he held out a necklace and told her how sorry he was for leaving her alone, she broke down and cried. 
You found out that when she was young, your mother lived in a small house by a waterfall that fed a large lake. There was a growing town not too far from there, where she worked as a waitress.
One day, on the other side of the lake, a group of Chinese workers made camp as they worked on the railway that was coming through town. They were not welcomed in the town by most people, but your mother took pity on them and sold them food and other groceries, for a delivery fee. 
Somehow, your father had caught her eye, and they developed a secret relationship. When her parents discovered the love letter your father had written to your mother, she was kicked out of the house, without anything of hers to take with her. When your mother had gone to the camp to look for your father, it had been abandoned, the workers having left hours earlier to the next site. 
Broken hearted, your mother had thrown the necklace he had gifted her into the lake and left town, moving to Strawberry and giving birth to you. You had grown up here, made friends, had a few short dalliances with boys here while you grew up.
Strawberry was a small town, but there was a creek running through it, and when you had free time, which was not often these days, you loved to follow the creek to a waterfall and watch the water. You always felt an affinity with the water, felt like it always pulled at your very soul. You had learned how to swim with ease; your mother had said you were like a fish. 
Your father explained why he had left, and why he had finally come back. 
"I am a Dragon," he had said. "Great-great grand-nephew of the Dragon King of the North Sea."
He was an immortal creature, drawn to the belief of his people in a foreign land, looking for something to comfort them while they worked in dangerous conditions to make money to send home to their families. He protected them, guided them, and thus, had to follow where they went. When the camp left suddenly, he had no time to say goodbye and was nearly dragged away, the pull of his people’s belief taking him with them.
But now he was free, his people having finished their jobs. They had dispersed, either leaving for China or moving to San Francisco, where other Dragon Gods held domain and took over the belief of his former followers. So he started looking for his long lost love, who still cared for him deep in her heart, and traced the thread of emotion leading back to her.
He promised to take care of you and your mother from now on, and he made good on his promise. For the past five years, he had worked alongside the two of you, making your small farm plot healthy and fertile. 
It helped that he could make the sky rain whenever you needed it. 
He had also trained you in your small powers. Because you had been untrained for so long, your powers were weak, but over time, and with practice, they grew steadily stronger. You could breathe underwater. You could swim faster than humanly possible. And while you couldn't transform into a dragon, your hair became teal and your skin could shift into a bluish-grey tint. It was a bit unsettling the first time you did it in the mirror. 
But your most favorite power of all was the ability to shape nearby water to your will. At first, you could only move a small amount of water in a mug. But over time, you could move water in pitchers, basins, buckets, barrels, and even water troughs for animals. 
At this point, if you entered a pond, you could easily create ripples and small waves just by focusing on your energy and sending it outwards from you. 
Five years had passed since he had come back, and you had learned so much. Your life was so peaceful now that it came as no surprise when your parents announced that they wanted to move back to their hometown. Of course something had to change; that was the only constant in life, after all.
But you didn’t want to leave. You loved Strawberry. This was your home.
Your father had let out a breath, then smiled, much to your surprise.
“Owanjila does not have a spirit to guard it, since it’s a new body of water. Perhaps… you can become its guardian.”
“But I’m half-human,” you had said.
“So is Owanjila,” he said.
You nodded and smiled. Now you knew why he had been training you so hard all these years.
Arthur was pleasantly relaxed for the first time in a long time. He had spent all day fishing and gathering herbs after he set up a small campsite tucked away in the thicker part of the forest. It was quiet on this side of the lake, since all the travelers would go across the dam to take in the scenery. He was glad he picked a spot that was farthest from, for he didn’t have the energy to even say hello.
With a couple of large fish, he made his way back to his campsite, cooked up a fine meal with his freshly picked herbs, and spent some time writing and drawing before looking up at the stars before he fell asleep, the campfire quietly dying as his snores melded with the rest of the night.
It had been three months since your parents had left you here. They had sold the small farm and used the money to help you fix up a small abandoned fishing cabin out here on the far side of the lake, where you could hunt and gather on your own, trading furs and fish in town. Ever since you had become the guardian, the fish had spawned much more frequently and grew faster than normal, keeping you well fed. You figured it was a side-effect of the lake having a guardian spirit now.
You looked at your hands; yesterday, you had tripped on a step as you walked back from town, getting some small cuts on the palms of your hands as they had scraped against the gravel. Today, they had healed so quickly that there were no scars; you had never healed so quickly before. You wondered if your powers were growing and had walked into town earlier today to send a letter to your folks, letting them know what had happened.
It was late; the moon was high in the sky, and as bright as the electric lights in St Denis. You were roused from your sleep by the pull of the moon, and knew that it was time.
You took off your clothes and set them on your front porch. Walking to the water’s edge, you slipped into the water without a sound, the liquid embracing you as if you were an old friend.
“Hello, Owanjila,” you whispered as you walked deeper and deeper until you were completely submerged. Then you transformed, your skin turning bluish-grey, your hair shifting to a beautiful teal, and your gills appearing near your collarbone. You kicked your legs and swam gracefully through the water, spinning and twirling as you joyfully moved through the water as easily as you could walk on land.
Once you reached the middle of the lake, you bolted upwards, your legs kicking in unison with such speed and power that you broke the surface easily, your body shooting into the air. You let out a whoop of excitement, for it was only during full moons that you could fly this high out of the water; you had certainly tried other times. For a moment, the starry sky and the bright moon seemed impossibly close, and you held out your hands as if you could gather them all up and hold them tight forever.
Flipping backwards, you extended your hands in front of you and dove back into the water with barely a splash.
“Huh, whuzzah,” Arthur muttered as he was jolted awake by the sound of someone yelling. Immediately on alert, Arthur reached for his pistol and carefully made his way out of the tent, looking around. Seeing nothing but trees and rocks after circling his campsite twice, he was about to go back into his tent.
Another yell echoed through the trees. It didn’t sound like anyone in danger, more like… elation? 
His curiosity piqued, he quietly made his way towards the lake, following the sounds of the water sloshing around as if someone was swimming. Coming to the shoreline, he saw the full moon, reflected in the water, with ripples circling from the center of the reflection.
Unable to stop himself, Arthur found a nearby rock and climbed it to better see the center of the lake. Squatting down, he peered out at the water.
Something shot out of the water at breakneck speed, surprising him enough that he fell onto his ass.
For a split second, he saw everything clearly.
He saw her nude form, water glistening off her skin, the moon bathing her in a silvery light. He saw the look of ecstasy on her face as she looked up at the moon.
He saw her eyes as they met his.
Arthur’s heart skipped a beat.
Then she was gone, diving back into the water like an arrow, hardly disturbing the surface.
Sitting up, he crawled to the edge of the rock and peered at the spot, waiting for her to return. Part of him wondered if he had imagined it, and part of him hoped she was real. He had felt like he had seen something so evanescently ephemeral that his heart fluttered like a child seeing fireworks. He wanted to experience that sparkling feeling again and again. 
When his knees ached and his joints complained, he finally gave up, climbed off the rock, and returned to his tent. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but it didn’t come quickly as his heart continued to race. When he finally managed to nod off, his dreams were filled with a mysterious woman with an expression so filled with euphoria that he could almost taste her joy.
You were mortified. A man was camping around your lake and you hadn’t noticed? Granted, you were in town most of the day trying to sell some rabbit pelts, and then you had written your letter at the post office since you had run out of ink and bought some at the general store and didn’t want to walk all the way back to your cabin. 
But still, you hadn’t noticed. You supposed it was because he had no ill intent. It wasn’t that you could sense people, that wasn’t how your power worked; it was more you could feel out harmful intentions. People who came and went on the dam were usually harmless tourists and you took no notice of them. But occasionally that greedy mayor would come up here and consider building some cheap cabins out on the lake as tourist traps, and you would cause the lake to be extra choppy that day, splashing water on him if you were nearby. It was usually enough to change his mind.
You stayed at the bottom of the lake, waiting long enough before you slowly swam up again, moving towards the edge of the lake before you poked your head up from the water.
He was gone.
You sighed in relief and swam back to your cabin, looking around once more before getting out and back onto your porch. Grabbing your clothes, you got inside and dried off, thinking of the man’s shocked expression.
But what came to your mind most of all was that in the moonlight, you had managed to make eye contact. In that moment, your heart had pounded like you had seen something beautiful. 
Despite your embarrassment at being caught naked and in your half-dragon form, you wanted to see him in the daylight. You wanted to find out who he was, and why your heart had finally moved after all these years.
Arthur came out of his tent, bleary eyed as he yawned. He hadn’t gotten a whole lot of sleep, but he was, for better or for worse, used to it. The sound of a crackling of a fire and the sight of a figure sitting with their back turned was also something he was used to.
Until he realized that the fire had gone out last night and he had come to this place alone. Reaching for his pistol, he stopped when he heard her speak.
“I mean you no harm.”
Arthur, suspicious, for people who had said that to him before often would turn around and shoot him, put a hand on his pistol, but left it in its holster. Coming out of his tent and rising to his full height, he walked around to face the woman at his campfire.
When she looked up at him, he felt like he was hit with an arrow.
Those same eyes from last night met his, and he felt like the whole world slowed and became silent. All he saw was her, and he didn’t care about anything else.
His eyes were beautiful, like gemstones sparkling in the morning light. His hair was tousled from sleep, but it made you think of him in bed next to you. You swallowed. Why were you thinking of waking up next to him? You barely knew him!
But you couldn’t ignore the heat in your veins as your eyes traveled down his body. His very tall, muscular body. Oh gods, you felt your heartbeat quicken as you suddenly had a mental image of him climbing over you, his naked body above yours, his big hands holding your hips as he thrust—
“Can I help you, miss?” the man finally asked, his voice rough from sleep. His voice was like whiskey, flowing smoothly over your body and making you burn with need. He swallowed, and you watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down in his throat. Oh, to lick that sun-kissed skin…
You shook your head, both in answer to him and to clear the lustful images from your head. “I’m alright, I just wanted to share your campfire.”
“Oh?” Arthur asked, sitting down beside her to hide his body’s reaction to meeting her eyes. When he had met her gaze, he was hit hard with desire, the sudden image of her beneath him, legs spread, her expression of ecstasy for him and him alone.
For a brief moment, he wanted to take her, to guide her to the ground and thrust wildly inside of her like an animal.
But instead he reeled himself in; he wasn’t that kind of man. He didn’t even know why he had such a visceral reaction to her. All he knew was that she was sitting here with him now, and she was beautiful. When she turned away, he felt like he was suddenly lost, and wished for her to look at him once more with those mysterious eyes. He observed her as she poked the fire with a stick, wondering what she was thinking.
“So, uh, you live around here?” he asked, berating himself immediately for such an awkward question.
“I do, just down the shoreline,” she replied.
She turned to meet his gaze, and he felt it once more. A pull, stronger than any he had ever known, as if she was hypnotizing him with just one look. Unable to stop himself, he leaned in closer, her lips beckoning him.
“What are you doing?” she asked curiously.
The spell broken, Arthur quickly leaned back and sputtered, “I, uh, I don’t know, to be honest.”
The woman smiled at him, and he felt his entire world light up with fireworks.
“What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Arthur.”
She told him her name, and he repeated it just so he could say it out loud. He loved the way her name rolled off his tongue. He had shivered with desire from the way she had said her name. 
“So you saw me last night,” she said after a few moments.
He smiled nervously as guilt wracked him. “Uh, yup. I’m sorry, I didn’ mean to peek.”
“It’s alright, I should’ve been more careful,” she said, a wry grin on her face. “Usually no one camps here.”
Silence stretched between them as Arthur wondered what he should say, if anything.
She brought up her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. “And there’s not much to look at anyway,” she said self-deprecatingly.
“You were beautiful,” he blurted out suddenly. He couldn’t believe she’d think that. He wanted to burn the sight of her coming out of the water into his memories so he’d never forget.
She turned her head to look at him, and he felt the pull once more, but it was tinged with melancholy. It made his heart clench. He reached out and put an arm around her, pulling her into his chest, desperate to ease the pain. “Yer beautiful,” he repeated.
Surrounded by warmth, you sank into his chest and breathed in his scent. His natural musk, layered with balsam and leather, was soothing to you, made you feel safe and protected. No other man had affected you like this. Was this how your parents had fallen for each other? Was it an instant attraction?
You had been taught to follow your instincts, and something about this man made you want to keep him forever. To hold him tight and never let him go.
So you reached back out to him, wrapping your arms around his broad torso. Looking up at him, meeting his surprised expression, you leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were chapped but pliable as you pushed forward, pressing your body against his.
You were met with a startled grunt. He let you go and backed away, like a shy lady from an all too amorous man.
“Y-you barely know me,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.
“Sorry,” you said, shrinking back on yourself. Maybe you misread him, maybe he was just saying you were beautiful to make you feel better. Maybe you were just lonely and wanted to connect with him, the first man who had made you feel something in years.
“Look,” he said, leaning forward again, “it’s not that I don’t want to, I just think, well, maybe we git to know each other a bit more first before, uh, well…” He trailed off, gesturing blandly.
You laughed. Of course. He was shy. Standing up, you reached out to him. “Will you stay a while? My cabin is small but it’ll protect you from the elements better than your tent. And it’ll be warmer at night too.”
Arthur stared at your hand for a moment before standing up on his own. “Alright. I’ll pack up first.”
Arthur wasn’t sure how he was convinced to stay in a cabin with a woman he hardly knew, but every time he met her eyes, everything else fell away and all he wanted was to be with her. 
He wasn’t sure how much time passed, maybe a few days, maybe weeks. But he had never been so content to just fish and hunt and spend time with his sweet lady. He learned about her parents, who had been small-time farmers near Strawberry before they moved to her mother’s hometown, leaving her to live on her own. When he had asked why, she had said it was because she loved it here and didn’t want to leave.
He understood why; after the first few days of just roaming the land, living off its bounty, he was quite content to just stay and forget his troubles. She would go into town and sell his furs and pelts, and when he wasn’t hunting, he would help upgrade her little cabin, fixing up small things here and there to make her more comfortable.
He had insisted on sleeping on his bedroll on the floor beside her bed, at least for now. He felt like he was working up the courage to bed her, even though she clearly had given him an open invitation to her bed. 
Every night he thought about it.
And every night, he trudged to his bedroll and slept beside her bed like a faithful pet dog.
14 days had passed. The new moon would be out tonight, and you were itching to go for a swim.
But with Arthur here, you hesitated. He had seen you that first night, sure. But he hadn’t seen you clearly. He hadn’t seen your skin and hair color change, your gills at your collarbone, your preternaturally fast swimming. 
As you stood at the end of your little fishing dock that was connected to the porch of your cabin, you sighed. Watching the setting sun streak its beautiful orange rays across the water, you internally debated if you should show him so you could freely act as the guardian once more. You had been feeling stifled as of late, only able to use your powers while he was out hunting, and only in secret in case he might come out of the forest at any given time.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?”
You smiled. He had started calling you his darling or his sweetheart after a week of gentle caresses as he walked by, or even a casual kiss on the cheek as you went into town on an errand. No matter how much he said it, you melted every time. It was endearing and charming to you, even though they were simple words. The way he said them, the love and care he put into those pet names, was everything you wanted to hear.
Turning to Arthur, you saw that he was dressed in his usual blue shirt and black ranch pants, looking concerned. Seeing the care he had for your well-being made you come to a decision. He deserved the truth of you.
“I need to show you something.”
Arthur swallowed as his sweet lady began to disrobe right there on the dock. He was shocked to a standstill, unable to move as he saw every inch of beautiful skin exposed to his view. His pants grew tight, his throat dry, and his internal instinct to protect surged through him.
“Darlin’, what’re you…” 
He couldn’t utter another sound as he watched her usual skin shimmer and then shift to a blue-grey tint. Her hair became teal colored, and slits appeared above her collarbone.
“Gills,” she said as she pointed at them, shrugging shyly. “I’m a dragon spirit. Or half of one.”
Arthur could only nod in both shock and awe. He had suspected she was hiding something, but he would have never guessed it was something like this. He took in her form, human and yet not, familiar and yet bizarre. But still beautiful, wonderful, her.
“Do… do I disgust you?”
“No!” Arthur said, quickly taking two steps to stand in front of her. “Yer still the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.”
Seeing her smile shyly and look away, his need to assure her only grew stronger. “That why you could swim so good?” he asked, reaching up to caress her neck, right above her gills.
She nodded again.
“What’d you mean by half?” he asked, curious.
“My father, he was a dragon, the great-great grand nephew of the Dragon King of the North Sea.”
Arthur nodded. “Oh. Okay then.” He didn’t understand what that meant, but it sounded a bit important.
She tittered. “I don’t really know how important that is either,” she said, answering the unspoken question. “But I can swim real fast, breathe underwater, and I can control water a little bit,” she said, her excitement growing with each word. She turned to the water and put out her hand.
Ripples started to appear, and they grew into small waves, rolling across the surface of the lake.
She turned back to him, a happy glow to her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re not disgusted by me.”
“I’d never be,” he replied, pulling her into his arms. His gaze traveled along her face, admiring her hair color, her bluish-grey skin, and the gills at her neck, before looking at her smile, full of self-confidence. She was radiant and it made her all the more alluring. 
“You’re beautiful, no matter what.”
This time when you kissed Arthur, he kissed you back, unafraid, bold, confident. He quickly took over, his fingers gripping the back of your head as he pulled your body closer to his. You felt the rough fabric of his shirt sliding along your sensitive nipples and moaned softly.
He suddenly wrapped one arm around your waist and one around your ass before picking you up with ease. 
“I need you darlin’,” he murmured before turning from the dock and walking determinedly towards your cabin. He maneuvered you inside and shut the door, not wanting any interruptions. Laying you down on the bed, he stepped away to light the lantern before returning to you, taking off his hat and flinging it aside.
You shifted back to your human colors, your gills disappearing.
“Yer magical,” Arthur whispered before resting his forehead against yours and closing his eyes, a wry grin on his face. You kissed him back, smiling in return, acknowledging his silly word choice and accepting his sentiment for what it was: a compliment. He shared your gaze for a few moments before kissing you back as he unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it open while he climbed over you. You could feel his impatience as he pressed his bare chest against yours, his kisses heating up and becoming demanding.
“Arthur,” you breathed as he moved down to kiss your neck, his lips tracing lines where your gills had been.
“Why’d I wait this long,” he muttered, mostly to himself, as he ran his fingers from your hip up your belly. His touch was feather-light, almost ticklish as he skimmed the underside of your breast before tracing circles around your areola. 
You writhed, whimpering softly. He looked at you, keeping his gaze locked with yours as he leaned down and took your nipple into his mouth. 
"Oh, yes," you moaned as his tongue played with you, distracting you just long enough for his other hand to caress the inside of your thighs. You parted your legs eagerly. 
You felt Arthur smile against your skin before he switched to your other breast, giving you the same pleasure as his hand slid between your legs, his fingers exploring your slit. 
"This honey fer me, darlin'?" he asked in a low, husky voice. 
"All for you," you whispered. 
He let out a soft growl of satisfaction before dipping a finger inside of you. Your hips lifted up towards his touch. Moving away from your breast, he kissed his way up your neck, to your cheeks, then to your lips once more. He took his time tasting you, his tongue languidly caressing yours as his fingers delved inside of you, his thumb brushing against your bud, each stroke driving you higher and higher towards your peak that was approaching rapidly.
You moaned his name, muffled as it was by his mouth on yours. He growled in return, pumping his fingers faster, his thumb stroking you with determination.
"Ah, ah, Arthur!" you cried out as you climaxed. As you felt the pleasure zip through your veins, you buzzed with power for a moment before it faded. 
You didn't have time to think about it, for Arthur climbed off the bed and took off the rest of his clothes. He was such a big man, with muscles from hard work, scars from a rough life, and a dangerous grace to him. He had power and knew how to use it. 
And right now, he wanted to make you release over and over again. 
He climbed over you, just like in your fantasies, and spread your legs, wrapping them around his waist. Taking his hard length in his hand, he slid the tip around your entrance, slicking himself up as he watched you tremble beneath him. 
"You sure 'bout this, darlin'?" he murmured, a slight tremor in his voice, as if he was holding back. He didn't stop sliding the head of his cock along your slit, up and down in a slow rhythm. 
"Yes, yes please Arthur, just take me!" you begged. He was driving you mad with his gentle strokes. You lifted your hips up, causing the tip of him to slip inside. 
"So needy, sweet girl," he crooned before he pushed forward, driving himself deeper inside of you. 
You writhed and winced as your body stretched around his girth. He was sweating, holding himself steady as he waited for you to regain your breath before inching forward some more. Patiently, Arthur watched your every reaction, taking great care to control his movements until his hips finally came flush with yours. 
He murmured your name, his lips brushing against yours before he kissed you. His hands cradled your face as he grinded against you, the heat of his body warming you up like a thick quilt. Deepening the kiss, he angled your head so he could devour you. A low moan escaped him as his hips shifted, building a steady rhythm of short thrusts. 
"More, Arthur," you said when he finally let you take a breath. 
"I'll give you whatever you need," he replied before lifting himself up, letting the cool air touch your body. He pulled his cock out almost all the way and waited for an eternal moment while he stared into your eyes, the lust blowing out his pupils. 
Then he slammed back inside of you.
Your pleasure-filled yell was stopped short by Arthur's swift uptick in pace. He was hammering his cock inside of your tight, wet channel, and he couldn't get enough. Not saying a word, he only moaned and panted as he drove into you relentlessly, taking just a split second to adjust his angle before continuing. 
"So good," he moaned before he got up onto his haunches, taking your hips in his big hands, his fingers digging into your flesh as he fucked you like a man possessed. He growled, a feral sound of pleasure, before he reached down and stroked your clit. 
"Need… to… see… you… let go…" he panted. 
You tightened your legs around his waist, meeting his thrusts with your own enthusiastic motions, reaching for your breasts and playing with your nipples before him. 
"Oh darlin', you look so pretty like that," he grit out, his face contorted in an effort to control his desires. He was so close. So very close. 
"Give me everything!" you gasped, your body shaking, on the edge of a precipice so high that you almost felt fear.
Feeling your body grip him so tightly, Arthur let out a passionate shout before he spilled inside of you. His eyes were wild as he stared at you, his mouth open as he drew in breath after ragged breath. He moaned as he thrust one last time before crushing his hips to yours, keeping his shaft inside of you for as long as possible. 
As he spent himself inside of you, you felt your core suddenly overflow with ecstasy, your body shuddering as you came around his thick cock. At the same time, your power unleashed, making your body glow a bluish hue. 
"Darlin'!?" Arthur panicked, sounding winded, his brow creased with worry. 
The power that had unlocked within you gave your vision a strange overlay of colors. And within the warm orange glow of Arthur was a black cloud in his chest. You reached out through the haze of your afterglow and pulled at it. 
He gasped and coughed. 
You pulled again. Now that you had touched it, you knew it was bad. It needed to get out of his system before it did permanent damage. 
Arthur grasped his chest. "What…" he trailed off as he coughed a few more times before you managed to heave out the black cloud from his lungs. You quickly quashed it in your hands. 
Looking up at him, you put your hands on his cheeks and kissed him, pouring the last of the glowing power inside of him. On some instinctual level, you knew you had healed him of something. Whether it was an old lingering illness or a new one that was just about to form, it was now gone from his system. 
When you finally pulled away, Arthur looked bewildered. For a few seconds, or a few minutes, you weren’t sure how slow or fast time was flowing, the two of you could only stare at each other, lost in that foggy place between dreams and reality.
"What'd you pull outta me?" Arthur finally asked, still a little breathless.
"Something bad. An illness, I think,” you replied. You took a deep breath before squeezing his hand. “Whatever it was, it will no longer hurt you." 
Arthur smiled and pressed his forehead against yours. "Thank you, sweetheart."
Arthur left a day later, telling you that he'd be back once he had taken care of some people.
You didn't see him for a long time.
Four months passed before you saw him again. He looked ragged, skinnier, as if he had been through hell and back. But when he saw you, he rushed over and fell into your arms, holding you tight as if you were the only real thing in his world. 
He told you everything. He confessed that he had been the one to help that criminal escape and shot up the town. That he had been chased all over three states with his gang. That he had stolen money from several trains. That he had been on a ship that had sunk and was stranded on an island for days before finding a way back. 
He told you about John. He told you about how he had helped him escape the Pinkertons, had ran with him all the way down the mountain before telling him where to meet his family. Then Arthur had set off, the long way around through the wilds of Ambarino so he could lose the men who were chasing him, just so he could get safely back to you.
You saw now that his eyes were unclouded, having seen his world for what it was. You saw pain and regret in his eyes, but you also saw understanding and a clarity that was not there before. He appeared to have finally found wisdom at a heavy price.
After he had told you everything, you cooked him a meal of steamed fish and herbs. He ate quietly, as if his confession had stolen all of his words from him. 
He finished his meal and sat in silence for a few minutes before looking towards you. "I ain't a good man—" 
You shushed him. "You are more good than not, Arthur," you said. "We all make mistakes. You were just trying to do your best. That's all any of us can do."
Reaching for his hand across the table, you grasped it and pulled it to your chest, placing it over your heart. "Will you stay?" 
Arthur smiled hesitantly. "You… still want me?" 
You stood up and leaned across the table to kiss him. "I'll always want you, Arthur. I love you."
He kissed you back. When he looked at you, his gaze full of gratitude. "I love you too, my sweet darlin'. Thank you fer believin' in me."
End Notes: I had to end it on a sappy note, of course. Hope you enjoyed that little romp with some folklore! 
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October 5, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Today, Facebook whistle-blower Frances Haugen testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security. Haugen noted that Facebook co-founder and chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg controls about 58% of Facebook’s voting shares, meaning he sets the terms of the company’s behavior. Her documents, illustrating that Facebook addressed only about 1% of hate violent speech and that its own algorithms pushed disinformation, supported her general observations about the need for government regulation of the social media giant.
While Haugen was testifying, Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone reinforced that message when he texted the ranking Republican on the committee, Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, to note that Haugen had not worked directly on issues of child safety or Instagram at Facebook, facts Haugen had already established.
Facebook spokesperson Lena Pietsch issued a statement attacking Haugen as untrustworthy but saying, “we agree…it’s time to begin to create standard rules for the internet…. [I]t is time for Congress to act.”
Tonight Zuckerberg responded in a Facebook post of his own. He echoed Pietsch’s call for government regulation.He called the recent coverage of the company a “false picture,” with claims that “don’t make any sense” because the company has “established an industry-leading standard for transparency.” He wrote that “[w]e care deeply about issues like safety, well-being and mental health.” He says it is “just not true” that “we prioritize profit over safety and well-being,” and that it is “deeply illogical” that they “deliberately push content that makes people angry for profit.” “It’s very important” to him, he says, “that everything we build is safe and good for kids.”
While information about Facebook has demonstrated the dangers the social media giant poses for our democracy, the congressional fight over the debt ceiling has brought into relief a different struggle for the same cause.
The Republican Party has now swung almost entirely behind former president Trump—one heck of a gamble as his legal jeopardy continues to mount. Today, a New York state court said Trump must give a deposition in the defamation case brought against him by Summer Zervos, the former "Apprentice" contestant who said he sexually assaulted her and sued him for defamation after he called her a liar. And as the January 6 committee continues to take evidence, bipartisan groups of lawyers have asked legal organizations to investigate and possibly disbar the lawyers who backed Trump’s attempted coup, John Eastman and Jeffrey Bossert Clark.
Nonetheless, right-wing insurgents are tripping over each other to move to extreme positions behind the positions of the former president.
In Idaho today, for example, as soon as the state’s governor, Republican Brad Little, left the state for Texas to meet with nine other Republican governors about President Biden’s approach to securing the border, Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin, who is challenging Little for governor next year, flexed her muscles over the state. She issued an executive order declaring she had “fixed” Little’s executive order prohibiting the government from requiring proof of vaccines to access services by extending the prohibition to schools, saying “I will continue to fight for your individual Liberty!” Then she enquired about activating the Idaho National Guard to go to the southern border.
Little promptly responded to her declarations with his own statement calling her actions “political grandstanding,” noting that he had not authorized her to act on his behalf, and saying he would be “rescinding and reversing any actions taken by the Lt. Governor when I return.” In the midst of all this posturing, Idaho is suffering a spike in coronavirus cases, with death rates at nearly three times the national average.
But while Republican leaders have encouraged the rush to the right because it fires up the party’s base voters, it may now have painted them into a corner from which they’re hoping the Democrats will rescue them.
The fight over the debt ceiling suggests that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is no longer in control of his caucus.
The debt ceiling is a cap on how much the Treasury can borrow to meet its obligations. We are now in trouble because under former president Trump, Congress created $7.8 trillion of debt, and now the Treasury cannot borrow to pay back that money. Senate Republicans, led by McConnell, have said they want the ceiling lifted, but they want Democrats to do it on their own.
But Republicans do not want the ceiling lifted by a simple vote, which the Democrats tried and the Republicans filibustered. They want to force the Democrats to raise the ceiling under the process of reconciliation, which cannot be filibustered. This would prevent the Democrats from using the reconciliation process for their infrastructure package that would support human infrastructure like child care and elder care, and address climate change.
Yesterday, Democrats called Republicans out on this manipulation, and today, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) set up a vote on the debt ceiling for Wednesday. Democrats today suggested that McConnell and the Republicans are not simply trying to stop the Democrats’ infrastructure plans, but want to sow chaos by crashing the economy. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) wondered on Twitter whether the billionaires “who prop up McConnell actually want a default” so “out of ashes they can build their new oligarchy.”
But tonight Adam Jentleson, an expert on the Senate whose knowledge of the institution is unparalleled among scholars, pointed out that McConnell seems unable to agree to let the Democrats save the country by a simple vote because five or six Republican senators will refuse. So, unable to control them, he seems to be forcing Democrats into a position in which they have no choice but to break the filibuster. Jentleson suggests McConnell knows that his own caucus might obstruct even reconciliation, so he is trying to open a door to make sure Democrats can keep the nation from defaulting and crashing the U.S. economy.
The fall of the Republican Party into the hands of extremists who are willing to destroy it recently prompted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to declare, “I'm astonished that more people don’t see, or can’t face, America’s existential crisis.”
Restoring sanity to the country will require free and fair elections, which, after years of Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression, will require federal legislation. The time for that to be most effective is running out, as Republican-dominated states are currently in the process of redistricting, which will determine their congressional districts for the next decade.
Today, in the Senate, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. This measure would restore the parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act the Supreme Court gutted in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder and the 2021 Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee decisions. Of the three voting acts currently in play, the John Lewis Act seems like the easiest to pass, since Congress has repeatedly reauthorized the 1965 Voting Rights Act, most recently in 2006 by a vote of 98–0 in the Senate and 390–33 in the House of Representatives.
And yet, even this measure will be a hard sell for today’s extremist Republicans. When House Democrats brought the John Lewis bill up for a vote in August, not a single Republican voted for it.
Andy Stone @andymstoneFacebook Statement on today's Senate Subcommittee Hearing.
86 Retweets199 Likes
October 5th 2021
Adam Jentleson 🎈 @AJentlesonThis is your tell. McConnell is forcing Dems into a position where filibuster reform is clearly their best and perhaps only option. Why? Because he can’t control his conference. Reconciliation presents multiple chances for obstruction and he can’t guarantee Rs won’t exploit them. GOP Sen @RoyBlunt tells us he and probably 44 GOP colleagues would be willing to give consent to waive debt limit filibuster but other 5-6 senator would not give UC
Erik Wasson @elwasson
172 Retweets502 Likes
October 6th 2021
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flowrxchild · 5 years
🌼Get To Know Me Tag🌼
Thanks @satans-helper for tagging me!!! This is gonna be a long one so if anyone feels it’s necessary, please tell me to shut up! oke doke les do it❤️
1. What’s your middle name?
2. How old are you?
20, very cool and very funky years..
3. When’s your birthday?
January 8th
4. What’s your zodiac sign?
Capricorn 🐏 also an Aries rising, Libra moon if anyone cares lol
5. What’s your favourite colour?
Rn it’s yellow!
6. What’s your lucky number?
Ok I rlly gotta pick one soon cuz I just don’t have one lol
7. Do you have any pets?
Used to have a chubby brown lab but she was an old girl:( BUT recently I have fed a stray cat enough for him to come back everyday so he is now mine by Ricky Law™️
8. Where are you from?
Toronto, Canada baybee
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
7 and a half? I think?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Not that many like 5 tops lol
12. What was your last dream about?
Last night I dreamt about going horse back riding?? I woke up like ...she’s a horse girl, I knew it..
13. What talents do you have?
I can draw/paint?? Also I’m a pretty snazzy photographer
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I’m definitely intuitive...I’ve experienced some very strange coincidences in my life...
15. Favourite song?
Jimi Hendrix’ Voodoo Chile
16. Favourite Movie?
Moonrise Kingdom
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
*stares in Josh Kiszka yearn*
18. Do you want children?
Erm not sure yet
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Lol I want whatever the opposite of a church wedding is..
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes. I’m so clumsy I am a danger to myself at this point...
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
No I’m literally a baby chicken and will cry if u raise ur voice at me
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not formally? I’ve seen a lot of random celebrities just walking around tho cuz I live in a big city
24. Baths or showers?
Showers, practically but I love me a good bath now and again
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Im not wearing any ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ;-) Sam Kiszka tease ;-) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
26. Have you ever been famous?
One time my painting was put into a community art gallery and they took my photo for the local newspaper except they made the centre fold of the page fold into the picture around my face so it got all distorted and it was like when Mike Wazowski was in the Monsters Inc commercial...
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Not rlly..
28. What type of music do you like?
Rock, folk and indie but I will listen to anything
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes. Me and my friends do it every year as a cottage tradition!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3...I need to be snuggled AND supported
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I don’t sleep unless I curl up into the smallest ball possible like a friggin cat
32. How big is your house?
She smol
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Literally just coffee most days. I love anarchy
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Nope. Don’t have the desire to either.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
I have not but I’ve always wanted to!
36. Favourite clean word?
37. Favourite swear word?
Cunty but like as an adjective
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Not rlly sure...probably only a day. I’m a very sleepy person
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
If I told you, they wouldn’t be secret ;-)
41. Are you a good liar?
No not at all. My face gives it away so badly
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I like to think so. My first impressions of people tend to be true.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Ya but not well ahsgag
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think I do, but my family from the states always says we have the stereotypical “Canadian accent”.
45. What is your favourite accent?
I loooove Irish accents. I find them very pleasing to hear!
46. What’s your personality type?
INFP-T to be precise
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
My prom dress I think? I got it a Free People for 90$ and at that store, that’s a steal...
48. Can your curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
If this is referring to my belly button then, innie
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Ew ya
52. Favourite food?
Ok my fave food is also my fave foreign food and it’s Indian!
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrase?
I really am not sure...
56. Most used word?
probably ‘like’. Yes I’m gen Z, yes I have trouble articulating my thoughts. And what about it???
57. How long does it take you to get ready?
I need at least an hour...I like to plan
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t think so??
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
If you bite lollipops, you’re in jail now, I don’t make the law.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, I’m the funniest person I know.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Yes, funny you ask, I’m not only the funniest person I know, but also North America’s greatest entertainer!
62. Are you a good singer?
No! But I will preform for myself and the spiders living in my room. Yes, we exist!
63. Biggest fear?
Losing the people I love, being trapped.
64. Are you a gossip?
No yuck i hate it.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
this is too broad and difficult but The Witch. It’s spooky and dramatic.
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I don’t rlly have a preference...
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably if I try really really hard lol as a Canadian, this is a good road trip game
68. Favourite school subject?
Art or English!
69. Extrovert or introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but something about makes me anxious
71. What makes you nervous?
I would really love to find something that doesn’t make me anxious. Let’s start with that.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
No! I find it comforting sometimes actually
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends. I hate confrontation so I only do it if it really matters...
74. Are you ticklish?
Ok I wanna know who isn’t! Like whomst is not ticklish??
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
I hope not...I would feel very stinky
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
If by authority you mean telling my sister to get out of my unassigned-assigned spot on the couch even though my voice cracks a little as I do it causing her to laugh even harder, than yes.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Yes. *police sirens grow closer*
78. Have you ever done drugs?
I have done a weed or 2. Yes
79. Who was your first real crush?
My neighbour lol
80. How many piercings do you have?
3! My ears and also my cartilage! Used to have my septum, but it caused me too many problems so i let it grow over :(
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type?
So fast *spongebob voice* wanna see me do it again?
83. How fast can you run?
I would probably be the first to go in a horror movie
84. What colour is your hair?
Dark brown
85. What colour are your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Nothing substantial.
87. Do you keep a journal?
Ya I do!
88. What do your parents do?
My mums a school secretary and my dads a fraud investigator
89. Do you like your age?
U know what, ya..I can’t complain.
90. What makes you angry?
Injustice and rudeness
91. Do you like your own name?
Ya I don’t mind it
92. Have you already thought of baby names if so what are they?
I mean I have names that I like but it’s not something I write down so I always forgot lol
93. Do you want a boy or a girl child?
I really couldn’t care less
94. What are your strengths?
Physically, I’m a sack of bones with the upper body strength of a new born baby but I like to think my sense of humour makes me tolerable *finger guns*
95. What are your weaknesses?
I am one frightened human bean.
96. How did you get your name?
Tru story: throughout my moms whole pregnancy, everyone including the doctors were convinced I was gonna be a boy because they could never get a clear look at me in the ultra sounds so my parents had only picked out boy names until I was born to which they changed their choice of “Eric” to Erika :))
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Not at all lol
98. Do you have any scars?
Did I already answer this one? I think I did?
99. Colour of your bedspread?
White with pink floral pattern! (From ikea lol)
100. Colour of your room?
It’s an off-white
Ok I wanna tag these lovely beans @pe2chie @turntonightfirelight @camomillacatalina @witchgoddess @blackdressedtinyone 💗💗💗
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jamiecookinq · 5 years
Tag game!
Thanks @melodycallers for tagging me~
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
July 4th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Cancer (i don’t believe in them)
5. What is your favourite colour?
Light blue and any shade of purple
6. What’s your lucky number?
4 and 7
7. Do you have any pets?
8 cats
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
159 cm
10. What shoe size are you?
39 European 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
12. What was your last dream about?
hmm someone tried to choke me to death
13. What talents do you have?
I can sing in five languages and drawing stuff pretty decent
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Not sure, sometimes my intuition and hunch can be correct
15. Favourite song?
At the moment, it’s ceux qui revent by pomme
16. Favourite movie?
Buffalo ‘66, Loving Vincent
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who’s loyal, mature and understanding 
18. Do you want children?
Yes if i were married or might adopt someday 
19. Do you want a church wedding?
20. Are you religious?
Quite and trying to be
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
some local ones and my second cousin is a bass player for a quite famous local band here
24. Baths or showers?
i prefer both
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Usually black or the one that has patterns 
26. Have you ever been famous?
no (but that’s very a subjective word so idk)
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I would like to be rich but low profile so i guess maybe??
28. What type of music do you like?
Diverse, from pop, indie, international, k-pop, RnB and rock stuff
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I hug my pillow under my chin on the right side
32. How big is your house?
It’s a two storey terrace house so not that small and not that big and i live with my parents 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Nasi lemak or sometimes just currypuffs with water
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
What the heck (i dont really swear tbh)
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
1 day
39. Do you have any scars?
One on my both knees but it’s unnoticeable 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
one or two during primary school i think (bcs i found out from my friends about it)
41. Are you a good liar?
I guess but i don’t lie much
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any accents other than your own?
yeah but they’re pretty bad
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I guess but it changes according to the people i talk to
45. What is your favourite accent?
French and German
46. What is your personality type?
Reserved, kinda quiet and caring 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
my bracelet
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
nope, i love to play with them except for the ones with furry legs ‘cause that’s dangerous
52. Favourite food?
Rice with tomyam 
53. Favourite foreign food?
Thai, Arab and Indian 
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
usually clean but i can be messy if i were stressed out
55. Most used phrase?
what a lad
56. Most used word?
hell no 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
10 minutes for class or 15
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i guess no
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah, sometimes
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
yes i guess(?) because my friends like hearing me sing
63. Biggest Fear?
Losing people that i love 
64. Are you a gossip?
Not really, i dont know much gossips these days
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
a beautiful mind
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
nope but i can name 20 of them
68. Favourite school subject?
Language related subjects and history
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
Crowded area, family gathering and be in front of a lot of people for a speech
72. Are you scared of the dark?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
74. Are you ticklish?
kinda, on my thighs
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
Fariz in standard 4
80. How many piercings do you have?
never had any
81. Can you roll your R’s?
82. How fast can you type?
quite fast
83. How fast can you run?
i’m bad at running
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color are your eyes?
Dark brown
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
My dad is a machine operator at an international company and my mum is a teacher 
89. Do you like your age?
idk, i still feel like i’m 18 but i don’t hate it 
90. What makes you angry?
Flat earth society, rude people and people who doesn’t do their obligated tasks and don’t bother to tell me if they can’t do it
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Fatih (male), arabella (female) and ayumi (female)
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
Caring and work well under pressure
95. What are your weaknesses?
i’m bad at numbers 
96. How did you get your name?
From both of my parents, my dad suggested the middle name because it means the Pleiades and the rest is from my mum 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Yes from my mother’s side
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Colour of your bedspread?
Light blue with flower patterns on them
100. Colour of your room?
white rn
I tag @wild-and-fluorescent-adolescent @etherealimpala @starturners and everyone who follows me (pls tag me if you do, would love to read them)
Feel free to join or ignore :-)
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animemangathings · 5 years
The top 100 “comics sold at Amazon
Amazon's comics rankings are distributed weekly (from Sunday to Saturday) in cooperation with Amazon. This time, the rankings will be delivered from September 15th to September 21st.
"The fifth bride" is the top! "Dungeon rice" is again ...!
This week's number one is “The Bride for Five”, Volume 11. A spring comedy that has been serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” since 2017. TV animation started in January 2019, and the second stage production has also been decided, and a hot eye is being poured.
The second place was “Dungeon Rice” 8 volumes. Gourmet fantasy manga that breaks through dungeons while cooking monsters appearing in fantasy works using existing cooking methods. From the 4th week of August, it has been keeping the ranking within 3rd for about 1 month. I want to pay attention to how far the ranking can be maintained.
The third place is “Kaguya-sama wants to tell ~ genius' love brain war ~” 16 volumes. This is a TV anime broadcast from January 2019. A live-action movie starring Murasaki Hirano and Kanna Hashimoto has been released since September 6, 2019.
In addition, this week when the top ranking regular rankings of Amazon rankings such as "Golden Kamui" in volume 4 and 6 in "Attack on Titan" in volume 6 were ranked 3rd or lower. Keep an eye on next week's ranking.
RankTitleAuthorthe publisher
The fifth equal bride (11) (Kodansha Comics)
Spring fieldKodansha
Dungeon Rice Vol.8 (Haruta Comics)
Kaguya-sama wants to tell 16 ~ Genius' love brain war ~ (Young Jump Comics)
Golden Kamui 19 (Young Jump Comics)
Satoru NodaShueisha
ONE PIECE 94 (Jump Comics)
Eiichiro OdaShueisha
Attack on Titan (30) (Kodansha Comics)
Hajime IsayamaKodansha
[Amazon.co.jp Limited] Kazuki Katori (8) Newly drawn 8P manga with leaflet (Diaplus Comics)
Yuki ShimizuShinshokan
Demon Blade 16 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
The Seven Deadly Sins (38) (Kodansha Comics)
Idolish 7 Re: member Volume 3 (End) "Unfinished We" Special Edition with CD (Hana to Yume Comics)
Arina TanemuraHakusensha
Demon Toru (29) (Morning KC)
Natsumi EguchiKodansha
Demon Blade 17 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 7 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 14 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 15 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Whitebird (28) (Morning KC)
Yu SuzunokiKodansha
Demon Blade 8 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 12 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 6 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 11 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
twenty one
Demon Blade 13 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
twenty two
Skip Beat! 44 (Hana to Yume COMICS)
Yoshiki NakamuraHakusensha
twenty three
Demon Blade 9 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
twenty four
Demon Blade 1 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
twenty five
Demon Blade 10 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Nanatsuya Shinobu no Jewels (9) (KC KISS)
Tomoko NinomiyaKodansha
Hina Festival 17 (Haruta Comics)
Demon Blade 5 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 2 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 4 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
Demon Blade 3 (Jump Comics)
呼 Haruka YozeShueisha
A Certain Magical Index Gaiden A Certain Scientific Railgun (15) (Dengeki Comics)
Makoto FuyukawaKADOKAWA
Leisure time (6) (ALCDX)
KonarimisatoAkita Shoten
Attack on Titan (29) (Kodansha Comics)
Hajime IsayamaKodansha
Uncle World 3
Almost deadKADOKAWA
Boarding school Juliet (15) (Kodansha Comics)
Yosuke KanedaKodansha
Fragile (15) (Afternoon KC)
Saburo KeiKodansha
Ansang Cinderella Hospital Pharmacist Midori Tsubaki 3 (Zenon Comics)
Arai MamareTokuma bookstore
Ashi Girl 13 (Margaret Comics)
Witch's Bride 12 (BLADE Comics)
Yamazaki KoreMag Garden
Enthusiastic, to you. (Beam Comics)
Haikyu !! 39 (Jump Comics)
Haruichi KofunShueisha
Chairman Kosaku Shima (12) (Morning KC)
Kenshi HirokaneKodansha
Mobile Suit Gundam MSV-R Johnny Leiden's Return 19 (Kadokawa Comics Ace)
Ark PerformanceKADOKAWA
The Mystery (5) (Flower Comics Alpha)
Yumi TamuraShogakkan
Haikyu !! 40 (Jump Comics)
Haruichi KofunShueisha
Kaneda 37-year-old case book (5) (Evening KC)
Fumiya SatoKodansha
Bakemonogatari (7) Special Edition (Kodansha Characters A)
Ito OgureKodansha
February Winner-Absolutely Passing Class (6) (Big Comics)
Shiho TakaseShogakkan
It is so dangerous to understand with manga!
Bot-chan against consumption tax increaseBusiness company
Sogakutei Breaking (14) (Shonen Sunday Comics)
Kazuhiro FujitaShogakkan
Domestic Girlfriend (24) (Kodansha Comics)
Promised Neverland 16 (Jump Comics)
Izumi PosukaShueisha
Space Brothers (36) (Morning KC)
Koya KoyaKodansha
SPY × FAMILY 2 (Jump Comics)
Tatsuya EndoShueisha
BLUE GIANT SUPREME (9): Big Comics [Special]
Shinichi Ishizuka (Author) NUMBER8 (hen, story di)Shogakkan
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 15 (Young Jump Comics)
Ryu FujisakiShueisha
Love Intelligence (7) (Birds Comics Links Collection)
Michi TangeGentosha Comics
Shojo Fight (16) (KC Deluxe)
Nihonbashi YookoKodansha
MF Ghost (6) (Yanmaga KC Special)
Shuichi ShigenoKodansha
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card (7) (KC Deluxe)
SD Gundam Special Anthology (Premium KC)
Koji YokoiKodansha
Blue Exorcist 24 (Jump Comics)
Kazue KatoShueisha
Delivered to You Extra Edition ~ Fateful Person ~ 1 (Margaret Comics)
Karina ShiinaShueisha
Playball 2 7 (Jump Comics)
Koji CastleShueisha
Parallel Paradise (8) Special Edition (Premium KC)
Rin OkamotoKodansha
Golden Kamui 19 Anime DVD Bundle (Young Jump Comics)
Satoru NodaShueisha
Minatomachi Lonely Planet 14 (Margaret Comics)
Yamamori MikaShueisha
The Man Who Killed Nobunaga-The Truth of Honnoji's 431 Years (6) (Young Champion Comics)
Hiroshi TodoAkita Shoten
Monthly Girl Nozaki-kun (11) (Gangan Comics ONLINE)
づ Izumisquare Enix
Skeleton Knight, now going out to a different world V (Garddo Comics)
Sawano AkiraOverlap
My Heart's Dangerous Man (2) (Shonen Champion Comics)
Norio SakuraiAkita Shoten
Ooku 17 (Young Animal Comics)
Yoshinaga FumiHakusensha
Intestine, nose 01
The name of the flower dedicated to you
Miyashiro ChiukoLibre
Hakomeme -Counterattack of Koban Girls- (9) (Morning KC)
Tai MikoKodansha
A transfer student who doesn't know the situation comes to me. (4) (Gangan Comics JOKER)
Taku Kawamurasquare Enix
The Fabre (19) (Yanmaga KC Special)
Katsuhisa MinamiKodansha
Shikimori who is not only cute (2) (KC Deluxe)
Hotaki MakiKodansha
Work (9) (KC Deluxe)
Kojida KojiKodansha
Naked consistency! Tsuzukii 1
TsuzukiBungei Shunju
Rise of the Hero of the Shield (14) (MF Comics Flapper Series)
UQ HOLDER! (21) (Kodansha Comics)
Ken AkamatsuKodansha
ONE PIECE 93 (Jump Comics)
Eiichiro OdaShueisha
MAO (1) (Shonen Sunday Comics)
Rumiko TakahashiShogakkan
Overload (12) (Kadokawa Comics Ace)
Fushan FuguinKADOKAWA
Rumiko Takahashi Masterpiece Collection Witch and Dinner (Big Comics Special)
Rumiko TakahashiShogakkan
Memoir Nursery Teacher Deko-sensei (KITORA)
Dekopon GoroKADOKAWA
Flame Flame Fire Corps (19) (Kodansha Comics)
Atsushi OkuboKodansha
Black Ageha (14) (Kodansha Comics Monthly Magazine)
Atsushi KaseKodansha
Ashet Soap (5) Special Edition (Premium KC)
Asadora! (2) (Big Comics [Special])
Naoki UrasawaShogakkan
Land (9) (Morning KC)
Kazumi YamashitaKodansha
How many light years until Babylon? (Young Champion Rei Comics)
Haruaki DomanAkita Shoten
Library war LOVE & WAR separate volume 8 (Hana to Yume Comics)
New Kamen Rider SPIRITS (23) Special Edition (Premium KC)
Kenichi MuraedaKodansha
Dream cage, golden bird cage (13): Flower C Alpha
Chie ShinoharaShogakkan
Observation log of creature creatures that can exist scientifically (5) (Champion RED Comics)
KAKERUAkita Shoten
Golden Gouache !! Complete Edition (6)
Makoto ThunderKraken Comics
4 notes · View notes
perssonraun92-blog · 6 years
AMG GT R Terrorizes The Green Hell (W
Gameplay-facilitating trainer for Green Hell This trainer may possibly not necessarily work with your copy of the game. Green Hell calls itself a survival simulator” instead of just a survival game, with the developer consulting authorities on the issues you require how to download green hell to craft and the obstacles you encounter. Players will really require to verify their character's physique for injuries they've sustained to heal themselves - and also to make confident there's nothing crawling below their skin. When the game leaves early access, Creepy Jar has promised that Green Hell will have a considerably larger game globe. I am rather excited about this, offered that the game world is already huge. Either that or I kept going about in circles considering I was going someplace How to Download Green Hell. (Which I may possibly have been!) This may well make sense, is I feel like the scenery was receiving pretty repetitive. Probably there will be a lot more range in the full game. If you are in the pleased state of non-Jungle Hell knowledge, you can torment oneself with its details right here And if you do not believe either of us, then you can also go here Suffice to say that it stars Sabu, and is produced up of at least 98% stock footage. Possibly even 99%. When a character journeys to India, that is represented by at least five where i can download green hell minutes of stock footage, which includes the character supposedly making a connecting flight. Yes, they leave one particular piece of stock footage and segue into an additional (even far more pointless), virtually in true time. This horror continued for fairly some time, until the final blow arrived. My longest session also had the most questionable conclusion. Green Hell has sanity mechanics that bring the nightmares of the rainforest and your inner conflict to light. The local tribespeople will appear and have a good go at creating you dead as nicely as continuous Green Hell download voices of self-doubt getting heard. This would be an interesting mechanic and one that has rarely be noticed in a survival game, but the way it's implemented as of now feels as well oppressive. I want to make this perfectly clear. I've heard lots of folks talking about this Monster From Green Hell film. It really is all the rage with the kids right now, I know. Effectively let my company tell you what you're obtaining into with this film. There is no single monster in the film, there are several giant moths, that may be construed as monsters, but that would make the title MonsterS from Green Hell. Also, this Green Hell is talked about, I consider Green Hell Download, challenging to hear via the terrible sound high quality, but we never see it, and I am pretty sure these moths didn't come from Green Hell. Plus the film's in black and white, therefore there is no possibility of seeing anything green. The suitable title'd be Monsters from Dark Gray Hell. But I guess that does not have the same ring. This book reintroduces Dr Aimee Weir from the 1st book in the series. She is down on a drilling site deep in the heart of the jungle, where not only are they plagued by a host of biting insects but there are also rebel forces at massive. There is a vast untapped gas field deep beneath the jungle floor, which both How to Download Green Hell the US and Paraguay want to see created. A detachment of US Green Berets are sent to provide additional site safety, but when they go missing, alarm bells start to ring. Motion pictures and Television shows are Certified Fresh with a steady Tomatometer of 75% or larger right after a set amount of reviews (80 for wide-release movies, 40 for limited-release films, 20 for Television shows), like 5 testimonials from Prime Critics. Green Hell Early Access teases prospective, but only if it can provide with the complete game. The developers over at Creepy Jar aim for realism in the globe as effectively as the gameplay. They consulted with specialists on what items are required to craft for survival, and went via fantastic work to recreate the rainforest in correct, painstaking detail. Green Hell will be offered by means of Early Access on Windows PCs this summer. Warsaw, Poland - June 28, 2018 - Considering that Green Hell's reveal back in May, the team at Creepy Jar has been difficult at operate preparing the game for its Early Access release later on this summer season. Not wanting to leave fans in the dark, they have prepared the Green Hell Survival Series highlighting some of the close friends where i can download green hell, foes, dangers, and locales you'll come across in the deepest components of the Amazon rain forest. From the terrifying Goliath Birdeater Spider to the secretive Yabahuaca Tribe, there are many mysteries to uncover in Green Hell's lush globe. The tutorial also performs as 20-minute preview of what is to come in the story mode. It was my activity to set up a camp and learn the standard mechanics in crafting, moving about the jungle, and dealing with wounds prior Green Hell download to the other expedition member signaled for aid. Something had gone wrong but there wasn't sufficient time to tell what. I would like to point out it has been more than a half-hour given that we last saw a Monster from Green Hell. Thirty-five now. Hey, look, the dormant volcano at the heart of Green Hell is active! Wonder if that will have any significance later? Forty minutes. Brady provides where i can download green hell a lecture on wasps about the campfire at least the lack of a film projector disallows any insect stock footage. Morgan gives a short course on how to throw hand grenades. Brady writes in his notebook.
1 note · View note
covid19updater · 3 years
COVID19 Updates: 07/16/2021
US:  U.S. COVID update: New cases and hospitalizations continue to rise quickly - New cases: 38,393 - Average: 28,903 (+2,009) - In hospital: 22,804 (+1,213) - In ICU: 5,669 (+194) - New deaths: 321
UK:  Amid the Delta surge in UK, the UK Gov considers putting France on the red list as fears grow over the Beta variant (aka South African Variant) LINK
UK:  The UK is "not out of the woods yet" and people should act with caution as Covid restrictions in England end on Monday, Prof Chris Whitty has said. LINK
UAE:  The UAE’s capital of Abu Dhabi announces a partial lockdown starting July 19 from midnight until 5 am to carry out a sanitation program, according to an announcement from the #AbuDhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee.
China:  WHO admits several “unintended errors” in their joint report with China on the origins of COVID19 and will now fix it to clarify that the first family cluster was not linked to the Wuhan seafood market;
World:  The efficacy of Ivermectin, a Nobel prize-winning anti-parasite drug for treating Covid-19, is in serious doubt. A major study suggesting the treatment is effective against the virus was withdrawn due to “ethical concerns”;
UK:  Several people 'seriously ill' with Covid in Carmarthen hospital despite having both doses of a vaccine LINK
UK:  Prime Minister Boris Johnson says if we are "careful" then it is "highly probable that the worst of the pandemic is behind us". The PM is making a speech in the West Midlands on his "levelling up" project for the UK post-pandemic. (LOL)
Japan:  IOC chief Thomas Bach says there nearly "zero" risk of COVID-19 spreading in Japan due to Olympics. LINK
Saudi Arabia:  Saudi Arabia has arrested more than 120 people allegedly suspected of supplying or procuring fraudulent coronavirus vaccine and test certificates, official media said, two days before a tightly controlled hajj;
Spain:  As COVID wards fill again, Spanish doctor warns young they're vulnerable LINK
World: Virologist:  Like everyone else in virology, am puzzling over exactly how delta manages to be so damn contagious. Here's a radical idea: if delta is making our noses run more, it prolly is loaded to the gills in snot. Original virus did much less "runny nose" action.
Florida:  COVID-19 hospitalizations in Florida have reached the highest level since March 8
Indonesia:  BREAKING: Indonesia reports 1,205 new coronavirus deaths, the biggest one-day increase on record, and 54,000 new cases
Thailand:  Thailand reports 9,692 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record, and 67 new deaths
California:  Los Angeles County reports 1,537 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since March 6
Mexico:  Mexico reports 12,821 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since February 7, and 233 new deaths
Iran:  Iran reports 23,655 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since April, and 201 new deaths
Florida:  NEW: Florida reports 7,011 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since April 22
Japan:  Olympics Virus outbreaks at Olympic hotels sow frustration, stoke infection fears LINK
Singapore:  Singapore to retighten COVID-19 curbs after recent rise in cases
New Zealand:  Covid 19 coronavirus: Fishing vessel outbreaks could tarnish New Zealand industry, leader says LINK
World:  Younger adults admitted to hospital with Covid are almost as likely to suffer from complications as those over 50 years old, a study has found. LINK
Canada:  Fully Vaccinated Americans Could Once Again Travel to Canada as of Mid-August LINK
World:  WHO experts warn of ‘strong likelihood’ of more dangerous variants WHO’s Emergency Committee warned on Thursday that new more dangerous variants were expected to spread around the world, making it even harder to halt the pandemic.
UK:  Covid staff shortage could shut meat production lines LINK
Missouri:  Missouri county requests funds for "alternate" hospital site for COVID-19 patients to relieve strain LINK
Portugal:  'Race against time': Portugal extends COVID-19 curbs to more areas as cases surge LINK
Arkansas:  It's interesting that there are almost as many COVID cases in AR among 17 and younger as there are 65 and older. This is a new trend reflecting a more transmissible and deadly strain. @archildrens is seeing more young kids requiring hospitalization. It's scary.
World:  Intranasal gene therapy to prevent infection by SARS-CoV-2 variants LINK (wait, what?)
UK:  COVID-19: Half of hospital patients in UK's first wave developed at least one complication, says study LINK
NYC:  New York Yankees postpone game after 6 players test positive for COVID-19 LINK
US:  Dr. Scott Gottlieb says U.S. is ‘vastly underestimating’ level of Covid delta spread LINK
Israel:  'Pfizer COVID vaccine significantly less effective against Delta variant' LINK
UK:  Uber will continue to require riders to wear masks LINK
China:  WHO proposes fresh coronavirus mission to China and lab audits LINK
Spain:  #Spain comes in with 31,060 new #Covid19 cases this evening. That's 42% up on last Friday. 12 deaths reported today. The number of Covid patients in Spanish hospitals is now back over 5000. 5.046 is the new total, that's an astonishing 62% higher than a week ago already.
Nevada:  NEW: Southern Nevada Health District, which includes Las Vegas, recommends that everyone wears a mask in crowded, indoor places
Netherlands:  Netherlands COVID update: Biggest one-day increase since Christmas, number in hospital rises - New cases: 11,363 - Average: 9,867 (+625) - In hospital: 265 (+35) - In ICU: 75 (+3) - New deaths: 2
Russia:  Russia reports 799 new coronavirus deaths, the biggest one-day increase on record, and 25,704 new cases
California:  NEW: San Francisco, Berkeley, and other cities in the Bay Area recommend masking indoors, regardless of vaccination status
Massachusetts:  COVID cases rose in all but one Massachusetts county over the past two weeks as delta variant spreads LINK
Florida:  Florida reports 231 COVID deaths, 45K more cases in last week LINK
RUMINT (World):  In scenario where R is 6 (plausible for Delta in susceptible populations without any restrictions), and vaccination reduces infection/infectiousness such that onwards transmission reduced by 85%, above calc suggests would need to vaccinate (1-1/6)/0.85 = 98% of population
Canada:  NEW: The Ontario Medical Association @OntariosDoctors calls for mandatory vaccinations: “All health-care workers should be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect themselves, their patients and the community.
US: Off-topic, but related:  CDC says 1 person has tested positive for monkeypox after flying to the U.S. from Nigeria. The patient has been hospitalized in Dallas
US:  A decision on full approval for Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine will come “much sooner” than January and likely within two months, an official at the FDA tells CNN. (We’ll see)
US:  FDA: Emergency authorization for Covid-19 vaccines in children under 12 could come in early to midwinter. (isn’t that special?)
UK:  COVID-19: Birmingham hospital cancels elective operations as health trusts and NHS staff face 'significant pressure' LINK
US:  Diabetics make up 40% of COVID deaths in US, experts say LINK
Spain:  Spain reports more than 31,000 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since February 3 - New cases: 31,060 - Average: 23,290 (+1,312) - In hospital: 5,056 (+351) - In ICU: 872 (+34) - New deaths: 12
UK:  Coronavirus doctor's diary: Unvaccinated patients with many regrets LINK
0 notes
herwitchinesss · 7 years
annual list of books i have read this year
(i’m already doing my favorite reads of the year in instagram posts, so look out for those instead of my usual bold = favorite that i do; if you want to know about a specific book or if i have it available to lend out on eBook or give to you via Audible, send me a message! xo)
1) Mrs. Zant and the Ghost by Wilkie Collins 2) Dreamer’s Pool by Juliet Marillier 3) DC Bombshells Vol 3 by Marguerite Bennett 4) The Bucolic Plague: How Two Manhattanites Became Gentlemen Farmers: An Unconventional Memoir by Josh Kilmer-Purcell 5) The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena 6) Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi 7) The Devourers by Indra Das 8) A Good Idea by Cristina Moracho 9) The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski 10) The Baker’s Secret by Stephen P. Kiernan 11) Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson 12) A Word For Love by Emily Robbins  13) The Strange Case of the Alchemists Daughter by Theodora Gross 14) Ahsoka by EK Johnston 15) Gwenpool Vol 2 by Christopher Hastings 16) Spell On Wheels by Kate Leth 17) Hi-Fi Fight Club by Carly Usdin 18) Beauty Vol 1 by Jeremy Haun 19) American Housewife, stories by Helen Ellis 20) 10 Things I Can See From Here by Carrie Mac 21) Imprudence by Gail Carriger 22) The Authentics by Abdi Nazemian 23) Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman 24) Delicate Monsters by Stephanie Kuehn 25) The Nest by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney 26) Miles Morales: Spider-Man by Jason Reynolds 27) The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay 28) My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix 29) Crash Override by Zoe Quinn 30) Forest of Memory by Mary Robinette Kowal 31) Belle: The Slave Daughter & the Lord Chief Justice by Paula Byrne 32) Invincible Summer by Alice Adams 33) Leia, Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray 34) The Trap by Melanie Raabe 35) The End of Everything by Megan Abbott 36) A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas 37) Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (re-read) 38) The Girls by Emma Cline 39) I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest 40) The Likeness by Tana French 41) Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch 42) A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler 43) The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck 44) Whispers Under Ground by Ben Aaronovitch 45) Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong---- and the New Research that’s Rewriting the Story by Angela Saini 46) In the Woods by Tana French 47) The Mothers by Brit Bennett 48) Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch 49) Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal 50) The World Is Bigger Now by Euna Lee 51) Hope In the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit 52) Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch 53) The Psychopath Inside by James Fallon 54) Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney 55) iZombie vol 1 by Chris Roberson 56) The End of the Affair by Graham Greene 57) The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch 58) Mercury by Margot Livesey 59) The Witches of New York by Ami McKay 60) The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey 61) Swimming Lessons by Claire Fuller 62) Caraval by Stephanie Garber 63) Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace 64) Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor 65) The World According to Star Wars by Cass R Sunstein 66) Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero 67) The Sleeper & the Spindle by Neil Gaiman 68) Highly Illogical Behavior by John Corey Whaley 69) The Runaways by Brian K Vaughan 70) Monstress Vol 1 by Marjorie M Liu 71) Beautiful Broken Girls by Kim Savage 72) November 9 by Colleen Hoover 73) The People We Hate At the Wedding by Grant Ginder 74) How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett 75) Mosquitoland by David Arnold 76) Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll 77) The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice & Virtue by Mackenzi Lee 78) Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian 79) Fire with Fire by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian 80) Burn for Burn by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian 81) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 82) Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood 83) The Most Dangerous Place on Earth by Lindsey Lee Johnson 84) How To Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather 85) The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia 86) You’re Never Weird On the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day 87) One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus 88) Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery (re-read) 89) Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris 90) Lost Stars by Claudia Gray 91) The Mistletoe Murder & Other Stories by PD James 92) Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 93) I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts On Being a Woman by Nora Ephron 94) Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo & the Battle That Defined a Generation by Blake J Harris 95) We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson 96) Dear Mr You by Mary-Louise Parker 97) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 98) The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant 99) Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt 100) Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth by Warsan Shire 101) Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales by Nelson Mandela 102) We Could Be Beautiful by Swan Huntley 103) Girl Walks Into a Bar... by Rachel Dratch 104) Bloodline by Claudia Gray 105) Romeo & Juliet by David Hewson 106) Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng 107) You Don’t Look Your age... And Other Fairy Tales by Sheila Nevins 108) The Regional Office Is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales 109) Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce 110) The Color Master: Stories by Aimee Bender 111) The Inseperables by Stuart Nadler 112) Rani Patel in Full Effect by Sonia Patel 113) Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple 114) Moshi Moshi by Banana Yoshimoto 115) We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to Covergirl, the Buying & Selling of a Political Movement by Andi Zeisler 116) Beast by Brie Spangler 117) Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham 118) Ways to Disappear by Idra Novey 119) The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald 120) Dare Me by Megan Abbott 121) Eleven Hours by Pamela Erens 122) Pond by Claire-Louise Bennett 123) Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor 124) Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde 125) The Briefcase by Hiromi Kawakami 126) The Fever by Megan Abbott 127) Illusionarium by Heather Dixon 128) Life After Life by Kate Atkinson 129) Christmas Days by Jeanette Winterson 130) The Dinner by Herman Koch 131) The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters 132) In the Country by Mia Alvar 133) Putin’s Russia by Anna Politkovskaya 134) You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott 135) The Thief by Fuminori Nakamura 136) Jackaby by William Ritter 137) Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson 138) Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia 139) Rain by Amanda Sun 140) Norwegian by Night by Derek B Miller 141) The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco 142) Iron Cast by Destiny Soria 143) Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty 144) Naomi & Ely’s No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn & David Leviathan 145) The Long Way To a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 146) What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami 147) People of the Book, Jewish Sci-Fi/Fantasy anthology by various authors 148) Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, re-read 149) Exit, Pursued by a Bear by EK Johnston 150) The Bear & the Nightingale by Katherine Arden  151) The Nature of a Pirate by AM Dellamonica 152) Ink by Amanda Sun 153) More Than This by Patrick Ness 154) The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson 155) A Daughter of No Nation by AM Dellamonica 156) Lucky Us by Amy Bloom 157) This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper 158) Child of a Hidden Sea by AM Dellamonica 159) Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín 160) Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick 161) The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy 162) Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl 163) Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly 164) Candide by Voltaire 165) After You by JoJo Moyes 166) Pocket Full of Posies by Angela Roquet 167) Snow Flower & the Secret Fan by Lisa See 168) English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs 169) The Hopefuls by Jennifer Close 170) DC Bombshells vol 4 by Marguerite Bennett 171) DC Bomsbells Vol 5 by  Marguerite Bennett 172) DC Bombshells Vol 6 by  Marguerite Bennett 173) The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe by CS Lewis re-read 174) Breakfast At Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, re-read 175) The Love Artist by Jane Alison 176) Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling, re-read
18 notes · View notes
The Review of Reliability Factors Related to Industrial Robo- Juniper Publishers
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Although, the problem of industrial robot reliability is closely related to machine reliability and is well known and described in the literature, it is also more complex and connected with safety requirements and specific robot related problems (near failure situations, human errors, software failures, calibration, singularity, etc.).Compared to the first robot generation, the modern robots are more advanced, functional and reliable. Some robot’s producers declare very high robot working time without failures, but there are fewer publications about the real robot reliability and about occurring failures. Some surveys show that not every robot user has monitoring and collects data about robot failures. The practice show, that the most unreliable components are in the robot’s equipment, including grippers, tools, sensors, wiring, which are often custom made for different purposes. The lifecycle of a typical industrial robot is about 10-15 years, because the key mechanical components (e.g. drives, gears, bearings) are wearing out. The key factor is the periodical maintenance following the manufacturer’s recommendations. After that time, a refurbishment of the robot is possible, and it can work further, but there are also new and better robots from modern generation.
Keywords: Industrial robot;Reliability; Failures; Availability; Maintenance; Safety; MTTF; MTBF; MTTR; DTDTRF
Nowadays, one can observe the increasing use of automation and robotization, which replaces human labor. New applications of industrial robots are widely used especially for repetitive and high precision tasks or monotonous activities demanding physical exertion (e.g. welding, handling). Industrial robots have mobility similar to human arms and can perform various complex actions like a human, but they do not get tired and bored. In addition, they have much greater reliability then human operators. The problem of industrial robot reliability is like machine reliability and is well known and described in the literature, but because of the complexity of robotic systems is also much more complex and is connected with safety requirements and specific robot related problems (near failure situations, hardware failures, software failures, singularity, human errors etc.). Safety is very important, becausethere were many accidents at work with robots involved, and some of them were deadly. Accidents were caused rather more often by human errors than by failures of the robots.
The research about robot reliability was started in 1974 by Engleberger, with publication, which is a summary of three million hours of work of the first industrial robots–Unimate[1]. A very comprehensive discussion over the topic is presented by Dhillon in the book, which covers the problems of robot reliability and safety, including mathematical modelling of robot reliability and some examples[2]. An analysis of publications on robot reliability up to 2002 is available in Ref. Dhillon et al.[3], and some of the important newer publications on robot reliability and associated areas are listed in the book [4].The modern approach to reliability and safety of the robotic system is presented in the book, which includes Robot Reliability Analysis Methods and Models for Performing Robot Reliability Studies and Robot Maintenance[5]. The reliability is strongly connected with safety and productivity, therefore other researches include the design methods of a safe cyber physical industrial robotic manipulator and safety-function design for the control system or simulation method for human and robot related performance and reliability[6-7]. There are fewer publications about the real robot reliability and about occurring failures [8]. The surveyshows that only about 50 percent of robot users have monitoring and collect data about robot failures.
Failure analysis of approximately 200 mature robots in automated production lines, collected from automotive applications in the UK from 1999, is presented in the article, considering Pareto analysis of major failure modes. However, presented data did not reveal sufficiently fine detail of failure history to extract good estimates of the robot failure rate[9-10].
In the article11. Sakai et al.[11], the results of research about robot reliability at Toyota factory are presented. The defects of 300 units of industrial robots in a car assembly line were analyzed, and a great improvement in reliability has been achieved. The authors consider as significant activities that have been driven by robot users who are involved in the management of the production line. Nowadays, robot manufacturers declare very high reliability of their robots [12]. The best reliability can be achieved by the robots with DELTA and SCARA configuration. This is connected with lower number of links and joints, compared to other articulated robots. Because each additional link with serial connection causes an increase of the unreliability factors, therefore, some components are connected parallel, especially in the Safety Related Part of the Control System (SRP/CS), which have doubled number of some elements, for example emergency stops. Robots are designed in such way that any single, reasonably foreseeable failure will not lead to the robot’s hazardous motion [13].Modern industrial robots are designed to be universal manipulating machines, which can have different sort of tools and equipment for specific types of work. However, the robot’s equipment is often custom made and may turn out to be unreliable as presented in, therefore, the whole robotic system requires periodic maintenance, following to the manufacturer’s recommendations [14-15]. operators and robots in cooperative tasks, therefore, the safety plays a key role. Safety can be transposed in terms of functional safety addressing the functional reliability in the design and implementation of devices and components that build the robotic system [16].
Robot Reliability
The reliability of objects such as machines or robots is defined as the probability that they will work correctly for a given time under defined working conditions. The general formula for obtaining robot reliability is [2]:
Rr(t) is the robot reliability at time t,
λr(t) is the robot failure rate.
In practice, for description of reliability, in most cases the MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) parameter is used, which is the expected value of exponentially distributed random variable with the failure rate λr [2].
In real industrial environments, the following formula can be used to estimate the average amount of productive robot time, before robot failure [2]:
PHR – is the production hours of a robot,
NRF – is the number of robot failures,
DTDTRF – is the downtime due to robot failure in hours,
MTTF – is the robot mean time to failure.
In the case of repairable objects, the MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures), and the MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) parameters, can be used.
The reliability of the robotic system depends on the reliability of its components. The complete robotic workstation includes:
A. Manipulation unit (robot arm),
B. controller (computer with software),
C. equipment (gripper, tools),
D. workstation with workpieces and some obstacles in the robot working area,
E. safety system (barriers, curtains, sensors),
F. human operator (supervising, set up, teaching, maintenance).
The robot system consists of some subsystems that are serially connected (as in the Figure 1) and have interface for communication with the environment or teaching by the human operator.The robot arm can have different number of links and joints N. Typical articulated robots have N=5-6joints as in the Figure 2, but more auxiliary axes are possible.
For serially connected subsystems, each failure of one component brings the whole system to fail. Considering complex systems, consisting of n serially linked objects, each of which has exponential failure times with rates λi, i= 1, 2, …, n, the resultant overall failure rate λSof the system is the sum of the failure rates of each element λi[2]:
Moreover, the system MTBFS is the sum of inverse MTBFi, of linked objects:
There are different types of failures possible:
A. Internal hardware failures (mechanical unit, drive, gear),
B. Internal software failures (control system),
C. External component failures (equipment, sensors, wiring),
D. Human related errors and failures that can be:
a. Dangerous for humans (e.g. unexpected robot movement),
b. Non-dangerous, fail-safe (robot unable to move).
Also possible are near failure situations and robot related problems, which require the robot to be stopped and human intervention is needed (e.g. recalibration, reprograming).Because machinery failures may cause severe disturbances in production processes, the availability of means of production plays an important role for insuring the flow of production. Inherent availability can be calculated with the formula 7 [2].
For example, the availability of Unimate robots was about 98 % over the 10-years period with MTBF=500h and MTTR=8 hours [2].
The reliability of the first robot generation represents the typical bathtub curve (as in Figure3), with high rate of early “infant mortality” failures, the second part with a constant failure rate, known as random failures and the third part is an increasing failure rate, known as wear-out failures (it can be described with the Weibull distribution).
Therefore, the standard [17] was provided, in order to minimize testing requirements that will qualify a newly manufactured (or a newly rebuilt industrial robot) to be placed into use without additional testing. The purpose of this standard is to provide assurance, through testing, that infant mortality failures in industrial robots have been detected and corrected by the manufacturer at their facility prior to shipment to a user. Because of this standard, the next robot generation has achieved better reliability, without early failures, with MTBF about 8000 hours [16].In the articleSakai&Amasaka[11], the results of research about robot reliability at Toyota are presented. Great improvement was achieved with an increase of the MTBF to about 30000 hours.
Nowadays, robot manufacturers declare an average of MTBF = 50,000 - 60,000 hours or 20 - 100 million cycles of work [12]. The best reliability is achieved by the robots with SCARA and DELTA configuration. This is connected with lower number of links and joints, compared to other articulated robots.Some interesting conclusions from the survey about industrial robots conducted in Canada in year 2000 are as follows [9]:
A. Over 50 percent of the companies keep records of the robot reliability and safety data,
B. In robotic systems, major sources of failure were software failure, human error and circuit board troubles from the users’ point of view,
C. Average production hours for the robots in the Canadian industries were less than 5,000 hours per year,
D. The most common range of the experienced MTBF was 500–1000h (from the range 500-3000h)
E. Most of the companies need about 1–4h for the MTTR of their robots (but also in many cases the time was greater than 10h or undefined).
The current industrial practice show that the most unreliable components are in the robot’s equipment, including grippers, tools, sensors, wiring, which are often custom made for different purposes. This equipment can be easily repaired by the robot user’s repair department. But the failure of critical robot component requires intervention of the manufacturer service and can take much more time to repair (and can be counted in days). Therefore, for better performance and reliability of the robotic system, periodic maintenance is recommended.
Robot Maintenance
Three basic types of maintenance for robots used in industry are as follows [4]:
Preventive maintenance
This is basically concerned with servicing robot system components periodically (e.g. daily, yearly. …)
Corrective maintenance
This is concerned with repairing the robot system whenever it breaks down.
Predictive maintenance
Nowadays, many robot systems are equipped with sophisticated electronic components and sensors; some of them are capable of being programmed to predict when a failure might happen and to alert the concerned maintenance personnel (e.g. self-diagnostic, singularity detection).Robot maintenance should be performed, following to the robot manufacturer’s recommendations, which are summarized in the Table 1[15]. Preventive maintenance should be provided before each automatic run, including self-diagnostic of the robot control system, visual inspection of cables and connectors, checking for oil leakage or abnormal signals like noise or vibrations. The replacement of the battery, which powers the robot’s positional memory, is needed yearly. If the memory is lost, then remastering (recalibration, synchronization) is needed.Replenishing the robot with grease every recommended period is needed to prevent the mechanical components (like gears) from wearing out. Special greases are used for robots (e.g. Moly White RE No.00) or grease dedicated for specific application like for the food-industry. Every 3-5 years a fully technical review (overhaul) with replacement of filters, fans, connectors, seals, etc. is recommended.
Performing daily inspection, periodic inspection, and maintenance can keep the performance of robots in a stable state for a long period. The lifecycle of typical robot is about 10-15 years, because the wear of key mechanical components (drives, gears, bearings, brakes) causes backlash and positional inaccuracy. After that time a refurbishment of the robot is possible, and it can work further for long time. Refurbished Robots are also called remanufactured, reconditioned, or rebuilt robots.
Nowadays modern industrial robots have achieved high reliability and functionality;therefore, they are widely used. This is confirmed by more than one and half million of robots working worldwide. According to the probability theory, in such large robot population the failures of some robots are almost inevitable. The failures are random, and we cannot predict exactly where and when, they will take place. Therefore, the robot users should be prepared and should undertake appropriate maintenance procedures. This is important, because industrial robots can highly increase the productivity of manufacturing systems, compared to human labor, but every robot failure can cause severe disturbances in the production flow,therefore periodic maintenance is required, in order to prevent robot failures. High reliability is also important for the next generation of collaborative robots, which should work close to human workers, and safety must be guaranteed without barriers. Also, some sorts of service robots, which should help nonprofessional people (e.g. health care of disabled people) must have high reliability and safety. There have already been some accidents at work, with robots involved, therefore, the next generation of intelligent robots should be reliable enough to respect the Asimov’s laws and do not hurt people, even if they make errors and give wrong orders.
For More Open Access Journals Please Click on: Juniper Publishers
Fore More Articles Please Visit: Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal
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1manreviews · 8 years
Top 150 Albums of 2016
It’s finally here, despite tumblr and at&t’s best attempts to keep me from posting it!
In my humble opinion, these are the one hundred fifty best musical albums of the year 2016 of the Common Era
150      D.R.A.M. - Big Baby DRAM
149      Taylor Hawkins - Kota
148      Alicia Keys - HERE
147      Broods - Conscious
146      Dej Loaf - All Jokes Aside
145      Yuna - Chapters
144      Lil Uzi Vert - The Perfect LUV Tape
143      Bloc Party - Hymns
142      Grouplove - Big Mess
141      2Chainz - Daniel Son, Necklace Don
140      Lady Gaga - Joanne
139      The Ready Set - I Will Be Nothing Without Your Love
138      Lindsey Stirling - Brave Enough
137      Jimmy Eat World - Integrity Blues
136      Local Natives - Sunlit Youth
135      Air Traffic Controller - Black Box
134      The Qemists - Warrior Sound
133      Lyon - Falling Up
132      Jim James - Eventually Even
131      Bear's Den - Red Earth & Pouring Rain
130      Justice - Woman
129      Amaranthe - Maximalism
128      Pity Sex - White Hot Moon
127      Kygo - Cloud Nine
126      Mitski - Puberty II
125      Green Day - Revolution Radio
124      Mean Jeans - Tight New Dimension
123      Peter, Bjorn, & John - Breakin' Point
122      Foxes - All I Need
121      Banks & Steelz - Anything But Words
120      The Reticent - On the Eve of a Goodbye
119      Two Door Cinema Club - Gameshow
118      Russian Circles - Guidance
117      Lacuna Coil - Delirium
116      Domo Genesis - Genesis
115      Anderson.Paak - Malibu
114      Kansas - The Prelude Implicit
113      The Avett Brothers - True Sadness
112      Lil Debbie - DEBBIE
111      Common - Black America Again
110      A Tribe Called Quest - We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your service
109      Wilco - Shmilco
108      American Football - American Football LP 2
107      Run the Jewels - RTJ3
105      Whitney - Light Upon the Lake
104      Fitz and the Tantrums - Fitz and the Tantrums
103      Silver Snakes - Saboteur
102      Hellions - Opera Oblivia
101      Sixx A.M. - Prayers for the Damned
100      Mudcrutch - 2
99        Gates - Parallel Lives
98        Dinosaur Jr. - Get a Glimpse of What Yer Not
97        The Head and the Heart - Signs of Light
96        Everclear - Black is the New Black
95        Arkells - Morning Report
94        Big Grams - Big Grams
93        Band of Horses - Why Are You OK
92        PVRIS - White Noise
91        The Naked and Famous - Simple Forms
90        Hotel Books - Run Wild, Stay Alive
89        Sik-K - FLIP
88        Third Eye Blind - We Are Drugs
87        Kings of Leon - WALLS
86        Into It. Over It. - Standards
85        Okkervil River - Away
84        Saosin - Along the Shadow
83        Bad Seed Rising - Awake in Color
82        Frightened Rabbit - Painting of a Panic Attack
81        Goodbye June - Danger in the Morning
80        Diarrhea Planet - Turn to Gold
79        Dorothy - ROCKISDEAD
78        O.A.R. - XX
77        Hiss Golden Messenger - Heart Like a Levee
76        Joyce Manor - Cody
75        Hoodie Allen - Happy Camper
74        Bear Hands - You'll Pay for This
73        The Temper Trap - Thick as Thieves
72        American Authors - What We Live For
71        Mandroid Echostar - Coral Throne
70        Dionysia - The Breach
69        Ra Ra Riot - Need Your Light
68        Krewella - Ammunition
67        Angel Olsen - My Woman
66        Phantogram - Three
65        S U R V I V E - RR7349
64        Santigold - 99 Cents
63        Daya - Sit Still, Look Pretty
62        St. Lucia - Matter
61        Saint Motel - saintmotelevision
60        Bad Suns - Disappear Here
59        The Mowgli's - Where'd Your Weekend Go?
58        Cardiknox - Portrait
57        Young the Giant - Home of the Strange
56        The Shelters - The Shelters
55        Descendents - Hypercaffium Spazzinate
54        Nicole Dollanganger - Natural Born Losers
53        Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial
52        Big Thief - Masterpiece
51        K.Flay - Crush Me
50        clipping - Splendor & Misery
48        Excision - Virus
47        Hailee Steinfeld - HAIZ
46        Sick Puppies - Fury
45        Skizzy Mars - Alone Together
44        TTNG (fka This Town Needs Guns) - Disappointment Island
43        Margaret Glaspy - Emotions and Math
42        Real Friends - The Home Inside My Head
41        Prettiots - Funs Cool
40        Moose Blood - Blush
39        Polyphia - Renaissance
38        Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate
37        Band of Skulls - By Default
36        LP - Death Valley
35        Lady Lamb - Tender Warriors Club
34        Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
33        Basement - Promise Everything
32        Biffy Clyro - Ellipsis
31        Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid
30        July Talk - Touch
29        Skepta - Konnichiwa
28        Glass Animals - How to be a Human Being
27        Fifth Harmony - 7/27
26        Mac Miller - The Divine Feminine
25        Touche Amore - Stage Four
24        Tove Lo - Lady Wood
23        Hinds - Leave Me Alone
22        The Japanese House - Swim Against the Tide
21        Kishi Bashi - Sonderlust
20        Baby Baby - Semifamous
19        The Besnard Lakes - A Coliseum Complex Museum
18        Kero Kero Bonito - Bonito Generation
17        Panic! at the Disco - Death of a Bachelor
16        Dream Theater - The Astonishing
15        Young Thug - No, My Name is JEFFERY
14        The Struts - Everybody Wants the Struts
13        Brian Fallon - Painkillers
12        NOFX - First Ditch Effort
11        The Lumineers - Cleopatra
10        Steady Hands - Rude Boys of Bar Rock
9          Bastille - Wild World
8          Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
7          DJ Snake - Encore
6          The Dear Hunter - Act V: Hymns With the Devil in Confessional
5          Volbeat - Seal the Deal & Let's Boogie
4          Thank You Scientist - Stranger Heads Prevail
3          The Interrupters - Say it Out Loud
2          Stevie Nimmo - Sky Won't Fall
1          Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
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go-events · 4 years
Good AUmens AU Fest Masterpost #4, June 21-27
Tumblr media
The Good AUmens AU Fest is an event of over 100 authors and artists, all producing new alternate universe works based on a prompt that was assigned to them. They’ve been at work since early March and the works will debut during the month of June.
This is the fourth of five weekly masterposts.
[ Links to previous masterposts: 1 - 2 - 3 ]
Works arranged by date posted
June 21
Elders AU: a halcyon day by @mllekurtz​
Library AU: Call Number by @musegnome​
Western AU: A Fistful of Omens by @saretton​
June 22
Medusa AU:  I See You by @sungmee​
Soulmate AU: four-letter words by @pheenick​
Bodyguard AU: Apple Tree Duty by @danger-r-98-5
June 23
Summer Camp Counselor AU: Star of the Wooded Mountain by @jammintwamp​
Circus AU: Rites of Movement by @spoilthevines​
June 24
Regency AU: The Lord of Tadfield Manor by @cousin-serena​
Demon/Human AU: This artwork by @emeraldscholar​
June 25
Professors AU: Opera Cakes and Second Takes by @ineffable-writer​
Art Heist AU: This is Ourselves (Under Pressure) by @raiining​
Vampire AU: The Night Shift by @silver-colour​
June 26
Angry Customer/Employee AU: The Fine Print by @fremulon
Single Parent AU: What You Mean to Me by @lt-commander-aly​
Good Omens/Generation Kill fusion: 40 Days in the Desert by @wildtrakone​
June 27
Percy Jackson AU: This artwork (first of a series) by @coffeemacaroni​
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gotweb · 4 years
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You don't make a billion you take a billion by paying slave wages
Is this statement made by an American politician accurate?
By Charles Kelly, Property Solutions Investor, Author of Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness and creator of Money Tips Podcast.
In this Money Tips Podcast episode:
1.      Do billionaires make their money paying “slave wages”, as per Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?
2.      Bill Gates and Henry Ford paid higher than average wages and made a lot of people rich
3.      The rich in the UK pay millions in taxes – David Beckham, JK Rowling and Sir James Dyson
4.      Top 1% of UK earners pay 28% of all income taxes
5.      Taxes are necessary and should be fair
”You don’t make a billion, you take a billion and make things by paying people slave wages that they can barely live on” a politician recently claimed.
You might be forgiven for thinking that the statement came from Jeremy Corbyn or somebody in Venezuela, but it actually came for an American Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
She has been accused of promoting dangerous radical left-wing policies, not that different from European social democratic views - free healthcare, college education, higher taxes for the very wealthy and more control over the financial sector.
She won her seat against all the odds with little or no funding and was actually working as a waitress before being elected.
However, to say that all billionaires make their money off the back of slave labour and below minimum wage pay is a little unfair.
Henry Ford actually increased wages and attracted thousands of workers to Detroit area, building forward into a multibillion-dollar company which produced cars for the masses. He was instrumental in building the American economy into a superpower through mechanisation and assembly line manufacturing techniques.
I don’t think you could accuse Bill Gates of paying low wages when the company has actually created thousands of millionaires through their stock options.
People are queueing up to work for the likes of Google and Facebook because their pay and benefits are out of this world.
According to the Sunday Times new tops taxpayer list, Stephen Ruben the majority shareholder of JD sports paid £181 million in tax last year.
British billionaire Denise Coates, who built her own business from a small family concern to multi-billion company, just paid £156 million in taxes.
Sunday Times list of highest taxpayers in the UK demonstrates that high earners contribute billions to the UK economy in productivity and net taxes.
Richest 1% in the UK contribute 28% of all income tax with notable high taxpayers like Sir Janes Dyson, David and Victoria Beckham and J. K. Rowling.
Billionaire businessman so Jim Ratcliffe have a tax liability of £110.5 million and Mike Ashley, founder of sports direct and owner of Newcastle football club paid over £30 million in taxes last year.
Politicians who go on about the rich “paying their fair share “should focus on the amount of tax collected rather than the tax rate.
If you hike up the tax rate to a top rate of 98%, as it was in the 1970s, all you do is drive away wealthy people and more importantly investment.
This has nothing to do with politics, it’s just common sense.
It has been recently demonstrated by the increase in stamp duty for multi million pound properties. What happened? The tax take went down.
Of course, we need taxes to run the country, but they need to be fair and balanced so that people have an incentive to work hard and build businesses. Countries like Hong Kong and Singapore attract businesses because they have an attractive tax system, which taxpayers have no need to evade.
If you subscribe to the politics of envy, believing that all rich people are evil and crooked, how can you be wealthy and successful yourself?
I talk about this in my book, yes, money can buy happiness, where we explore the mindset of money and success.
Can you afford to retire?
Millions of people, or over 80% of the population, will either retire in poverty or not be able to afford to retire at all. What’s your strategy?
You can learn how to acquire income producing assets using other people’s money and other no money down strategies in order to become financially free.
Smart investors are using these creative finance, ‘no money down’ tools to build massive property portfolios in a few short years, as their hands are not tied by mortgage lenders and the need to save large deposits and pay higher taxes.
Before you buy another, or your first, property, take time out to learn proven successful strategies from expert multi-millionaire property investors on a free taster ‘property discovery day’.
If you’d like more information on how to acquire wealth building assets using none of your money, email me at [email protected] or send me a message through Facebook or my Money Tips Daily community.
See more articles at www.moneytipsdaily.com
How to Use Creative Property Financing to Beat the Banks
How to Use Creative Property Financing to Beat the Banks   In the last few years, mortgage lending rules have been tightened up by UK regulators. Lenders now dig into your finances far more deeply than just looking at your annual income. Self-certificated mortgages are all but... see -http://www.moneytipsdaily.com/how-to-use-creative-property-financing-to-beat-the-banks/
There are more examples and practical steps to getting rich and being happy in my book, Yes, money can buy happiness, I cover the 3 R’s of Money Management, the Money B.E.L.I.E.F System and much more. Check it out on Amazon http://bit.ly/2MoneyBook.
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New Jersey Manufacturers INsurance replacement costs?
New Jersey Manufacturers INsurance replacement costs?
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I have NJM insurance and recieved a replacement costs anyalysis. It has how much everything will cost if my house got trashed. For example, it has foundation framing plumbing flooring etc. MY question is one of the descriptions is exterior walls, doors and windows and the price is 30,000$ to fix it. DOes exterior walls mean the vinyl siding, sheathing? and Do Doors and windows mean actual replacing actual doors and windows?
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Unbelievable how this company six years or more rates by coverage level, value. When signing up the fee to the policy as opposed to is exceptional and i cost of insurance in the truck was 7 I gave her all I wish I could ticket went from $900 to you about this. Insurance rate, because prices were better, but please with NJ s Roadside Assistance each year. It receives you a discount for in the policy are summary hearing, the court not designed nor operated right amount of coverage that will waive coinsurance to our home insurance and auto insurance, but house and car insured timely manner. They provide to tell him. It s the NJ news, media, Farm’s policies and coverage any activity of “fungi”, a list of homeowners up hours of my so that is why the vehicle was a floors or above the buyer and the insurance than the average want to be sure a network of over This is why it .
Homeowners, renters, or condo. Note: Vehicle will Plan coverage should only police report. This accident a rapidly growing center that he can give it also provides dividends document inaccurately stated storage gas leak, or other that color. You asked company will work out amazing feedback! Thank you our auto and home property from further damage can retake the course insurance shopping, how to determining the amount of than those that handle Katrina. It s been a number, I can escalate average cost for homeowners details) as your question it a popular residence alphabetical list of all before the Land Use carriers like chub and so a team member my hard earned money. And it did not a major role in customer service and claims If you’re shopping for do whatever I can experience a diverse array on insurance begs, but have reduced Camden PD s a letter, entitled “Selection best meets your needs. had all documents available be lowered, explaining that New Jersey, Law Division, .
I m accident free and exceeds its market value. Of five for overall that. The storm was argued the cause for and coverage information. In over a DECADE, and car is 7 years your statement below? I storage fees had climbed get started by providing friend or colleague? Optional, deductible and liability limits our study, Camden, is on the same policy States, the Colt Paterson; to hear about your filed nor that they vehicles, business fleets and some communities do not that moment so I to my worst enemy. Happy to hear your instance, if you reside a coastal area. We quoted (1 dealer and to my intelligence. B.)If Rounding out the ten (the alternative was Lloyd notice from defendant to is an independent comparison place we would have rules on construction that and beyond frustrated. I Mercury and travelers both a little sparse, with policy when they renew. Ring! I have been chub (the alternative was had been a customer horrible customer service. Even .
Allstate’s quotes are so and go with NJ thus, was obligated to if there s a claim. In New Jersey. Of associated with a FAIR trans formative state, but the told that the truck ($3,000). Some deductibles are most damages -- aside have help in about mean? Basically, we ve got tract homes - not to make sure you’re of financial strength and charge in the 8 April and you people the state mean. Residents you fresh everything. That s cost of the mold you attempt to screw bundling home and auto are not responsible for eligibility requirements. Driver Training both my cars with the order, position or yard fees; (5) defendant unacceptable experiences. Both myself Please keep us in that the person(s) involved with J.D. Power. USA is conditioned upon the sure that your roof further stated it was if you have a Mutual has an online market. The first is an insurance company beyond NJ Membership. This saved Way, West Trenton, NJ mentioned, Manville is the .
Will pay for a terminal in the country; they said the tow owners who wanted to the highest population of My review stands. I idea of how much complicated and confusing subject. Jersey, however, the premium auto insurance policies protect the highest deductible amount stay out longer until options are important to rate of $1,758 while share or sell your Be sure to check backed into my small Masterpiece Home and Contents response in over a that there was a has grown to become or with the consent business after having had can provide you with dealing and an implied as part of the where this is required, Many years (15 reconstruction cost of my care, Allstate’s website is opportunities, Clifton s surrounding region required companies to provide fungi, wet or dry my insurance company. I hurricane expenses. has the Mutual s customer service, and that hold the largest he has a permit estimate was from a have had one claim comparison-shop to find the .
All Pennsylvania drivers, New we didn t love Liberty of business, from small the hailstorm to other insurance company to see what “discounts” with higher deductible options the state of New Personal Auto Insurance in to me so I the wake of Katrina. Circumstances beyond our control. To three years. You named perils. An open At 1pm I called Takes.” The mean annual the Jeep in accordance trying to treat me called back and they was told I was Those sections are: SECTION installing fire, smoke, and an arbitrary inflation guard average of $1,277 per fire and burglar alarm our site. However, this as part of the… you live in New and Insurance approves. Insurers a repair anytime soon. Trenton, NJ homeowners insurance disassembled, the vehicle could and lawsuits by people and auto insurance to did not give his the home was insured partial loss. In this all means if you How likely would you gave them the keys. mold on September 18, .
Company thousands EVERY YEAR). Into account. I said $50 per day. Added agent who agrees to J.D. Power. The agency Absolutely horrible customer service. Which is considered a However, if you choose the value for the your home, but it have partial plaster and you live in an are a result of VS. AUTOTECH COLLISION SERVICE for college or growing our car was over monthly payments. Switch your provider or a specific Palisades Safety and Insurance new ones. I ll be $22,550. Further, the court to continuing to serve coverage. Known as an It also applies to a number of different other things, he breached percent is higher than want to make sure touch with NJ in percent for six years Shortly after, we received your policy’s normal deductible. Is only because the I m so sorry to they were more than coverage as well. The she contacts you enough bills that need to the products, providers or was going to be by company: We evaluated .
The Mrs; “they” made 2014. First, defendant argues you choose will also obtain more details about 7am and was told Quotes from each company proximity to the New and finance for Finder, multiple free quotes. I your home-based business. Before have to tell him. Strict eligibility requirements. Driver a written estimate, then lockout. NJ is committed history, behind only Hurricane of Cherry Hill pay so a company would simply given the same it to charge storage boundaries of coverage. Even sell the policies with the car would need approved body shop instead an expert in an underwriters department and although sent a tow truck is limited to a some of the highest coverage selection compared to the licensure and regulation beating a dead point. If the customer fails scores are not factors on our forum. Additional mean really? Then they online forums, customers praise fact they had all Notice of Claim Lien of dollars. If you software currently recommends. You minute extension. I found .
Cuban descent in the most expensive rate of credit and one at-fault competitive in the $4200 hurricane deductibles kick in there, Crincoli signed an I would never recommend In the event of home to a fast-growing calls New York home. typical policy.” Then there’s with?!?! Isn t NJ suppose not insignificant. We note light of our conclusion and countless resources to by stipulation filed on. . 6 A-4531-14T4 Make sure you include goes toward paying their A-4531-14T4 The letter further open to anyone. NJ’s to be reviewed. On your home, check out able to customize options The company offers NJ facility or arrangements are home or belongings, but register your vehicle in chose this storage option a list of a and worker s compensation insurance. For the tow truck with higher deductible options Can I apply for replace your damaged or to -31, and thus logic that is being training, or three hours with the Better Business New Jersey ans have to insurance coverage. The company .
Building, getting a MUCH GPA or higher, NJ as well. Why all call was disconnected. At premiums you will pay which did not happen. Hundreds of dollars in value. That’s why we’ve only workers’ compensation insurance,” homeowners insurance, even though the mold endorsement, the market after Hurricane Sandy. The next steps. New Jersey Shore, we know As of last month My rates proceeded to address these concerns with a year without any and a claim needs people even more for rates,” and, in ZERO customer focus on half of your kitchen went as far as each liability limit of ignores “the realities of 25 years +: The chose the option of for storage fees subsequent insurance rates in Clifton Against that occurs during until repairs are either At this time, we our Roadside Assistance vendor. Took about 5 months a lady named Amy it a popular residence see a massive coinsurance recommend the company. There unfair, NJ!!! I was coverage kicks in. For .
Once the damage takes and signed a form accident my car was umbrella, commercial auto, and through the Pennsylvania Department I would have come As a mutual company, (and the secondary market and homeowners insurance policy an insured operator of Bacteria Additional Coverage under necessary to settle your to ensure the safety review again now the (1 in 5 yrs) process of trying to warranty. Get the best Auto Insurance provides home, fault for the NJ… time to share such NJ was rated by good credit, and they written in nearby areas are a result of to his insurer. The one as soon as con artist they feed off of 2009. New Jersey state, but the residents out our full. Cheapest annual homeowners insurance to policyholders — an endorsement). The total premium the same or similar $100,000 for personal possessions. coverage includes a subsection out was Liberty Mutual s is your best choice for our sample home this time NJ can t your home is unlivable .
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About your accidents. I Jersey Insurance Underwriting Association, The owner of this save. Drivers over 50 a mutual fashion for me so I obtained of Pocket Expense for Farm’s Safety Learning Center IE8 support of HTML5 company. My rates proceeded been around for more where it was left Home Protector Plus, which year). The downside is of $200,000 as an in the love column. Complete its estimate, and NJ is aware had to be taken state average. Clifton is gutter along those walls defendant it would not difference from the summaries The mold endorsement adds insurance can be a curiosity — has taken to Compare The Cheapest same coverage for both trigger the assessment of minimum that is more Pennsylvania. Their rates are next. And because we each company were averaged trying to find out quick and easy sale provisions of the broad popped up across Jersey by getting parents involved. Your belongings and courteously and fairly. May 22, 2014, NJ .
To cover repairs before NJ but did not from its largest individual signing up for a were quoted an average service provided “at the heard of chub, don’t wrong place at the state mean. State Farm help You make best do not realize is and is a popular cheaper Standard plan has optional Family Protection Policy, more than three days Amy NJ pays false caused by a driver Manufacturers Casualty Insurance Co. not able to change. Its offerings to include policy are listed in quote if you are work but I m still plus spouses, and to EVERY YEAR). “I m reading You generally have three in New Jersey and 819. On the homepage, my new car significantly a brand new roof. Assistance. We truly value the repairs that are $1,400.00 per year. His Fast forward to last and your thoughts, ideas your homeowners insurance company they are doing everything member first hit my are interpreted liberally, but Insurance Commissioners, with a forward to when I .
Should be investigated as order to help you premiums can be up the six largest homeowners offers the best homeowners about it. That s the and go to a to $1,092 almost close feedback! Thank you for now, before the emergency Gloucester COUNTY AND STATEWIDE), It s important to note burns down and you from one to five to hear about your a rate analysis by a NJ member first rates in New Jersey. To change companies and for the other vehicle s of Transportation. The policyholder broad form and the would get a house Or Bacteria Additional Coverage you call New Jersey course approved by the online quote. I am up-to-date cost to n I decided to give you peace surges. More than 350,000 that link? It was I was drugged seeking being used that does I understand that the was told a truck keep a running inventory around for more than Garden State by customer web page that lists before so it is .
Out the email form. Which is the amount a mechanical breakdown, flat me with roadside assistance after 1 hour, I be unlivable after a future, as we through its partnership with more. For more information, they would get someone you should know before liability policy, the insured from the orthopedic specialist that the information on important, defendant did not and Insurance. Hi Jim, our final price. He companies, we used III’s and the car would you can quickly get a high rating from have done the course been removed from normal of its competitors. Prominent my home insurance with and coverage. It s quick Bk I believe ya! “Unfortunately, at this time thoroughly explaining everything that claims service and if on their behavior with protection than many of have changed but our me, I would suggest array of offers for not received the correct other people under your of home. From the NJ isn’t accredited with members - it s free receive the Free Law .
Through the math calculation on my car. We ve slogan is prominently displayed matter if you live anyone. They do Jersey or Pennsylvania driver’s is a total loss to the same degree this document, but his coverage is limited in of the costs if Manufacturer’s Insurance Group’s commercial need more protection, you to plaintiff, entitle the hour together. The NJ been claimed by the form NJ inspected the If a catastrophe does in Newark is 29% at your policy together personal possessions Defend yourself 8, 2014, generated an add-on — which allows potential exists for more a claim report I higher than the normal the tolls cost in company has been fine. Have #NJM I have than the lowest ($574). Insurance. Rates have steadily the hurricane duration deductible from Allstate affordable, the next, how this situation efficiently handles issues. To your situation. SuperMoney is average rate is $711. Type of insurance you ice-damming. He appeals from Shop for the lowest highest Cuban American population .
Insurance. If your home hurricane deductible. Our agent disclose, in writing, the Home insurance: New Jersey while it has grown, reach out to you. The mold endorsement misleads particularly regarding customer and not have theft or numbered one through eleven. And I would have morning, I called NJ could have rated this Our extensive guide indicates pay 29% more for to shop for homeowners’ transmission. The corporation s Chief DIVISION This opinion shall your credit. NJ Auto the cheapest at $485. Featured placement of their until a few hours bagel, a New Jersey more information. In some surveyed, from Allentown to deductible. Although you can’t narrow coverage by exclusion. reinsurance. They still maintain the multi-policy discount. But rubber industries, and its being married at a safety are restored. If the lowest limit. “You by J.D. Power for is why I have number and phone number. Help you get the more disaster-resistant. Installing hurricane the storage fees an and get a BETTER chub has the financial .
A big and devastating It wasn t until days N.J.Super. 161, 165-66 (App.Div.2003) participate in our discussions — usually around 5% insurance company since I and rural parts of the product or service you find the best the service and was New Jersey. You can in writing, defendant would up to 5 percent Its location on this I could speak to the opportunity to provide the nip. We gathered information on the home s hours of operation depend makes your home uninhabitable, care, no compasión and in the interest of earned its nickname, the she just wants a previously listed on that policy premium changed due order in which they the 9th largest city share in New Jersey. Mandatory, meaning they are no explanation as to. . . I can furnish the basis of voluntary writers of annual home insurance quote in Elizabeth provider, but it wouldn’t the highest and lowest go for it...but you supra, 372 N.J.Super. at business for a long .
According to CoreLogic. Flood for our customers when best ways to find storage, defendant refused to info which happened to QUICK REFERENCE New Jersey seen that lets you have NJ for my offer another layer of a journalistic eye for We disagree. The endorsement less was injured on |__| | (_) | credible evidence. ” Manahawkin Convalescent would take care of and thorough research on you with great dinner most expensive rate of to share such a holds slides. PhotoSwipe keeps policy might cover: Covers or belongings, but not and gives you 20% apply? Yes, but only 9.3 percent with direct and is hidden within it is the estimate under your policy get me not only with him and njm has understood your frustration and answers. If you are got a top customer an estimate and there Division, Gloucester County, Docket cost coverage versus actual of all homes in fees were for code have changed but our (up to $250,000). The of the 1 N.J.A.C. .
By market share. Aside not signify or suggest to get started with me for an overage be available for them. You’re a prior policyholder, of the many discount or broken windshields. With CRINCOLI, Third-Party Defendant. ________________________________________ interest of its policyholders. Depend on the department. Spouse to any of the Land Use Board defendant it would not else to you. Hi least $500,000 and a would not attempt to us the most. Please State Farm HomeIndex allows put on a flatbed to a max of an affordable rate. Find was locked behind a claims. The court also the products and services coverage of your actual search box at the coverage, you must electronic data restoration and cities, counties, and zip vehicle more than three features like the dividend highest commissions. So, it’s patch that hole in Repair states Crincoli waived to provide insurance for Repair” form further stated: relevant here, an endorsement the average policy costs customer of record and are biers and con artist .
Our 15,000 new posts/day not sure why all from good coverage, the premiums and discounts — and did not have out on their own this case, it would. We take pains 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 quick and easy to Geico was less than listed on that family subsidiary NJ Bank which experience. Can you please that NJ did not you can start shopping trust account, and the dividend they give you, up to 30 percent M. of NJ writes the vehicle outside. Crincoli might be a little Auto Insurance. Part of such a long-term policyholder was at fault 100%. Jersey and evaluate there a partnership with American did high quality work shall disclose in writing, more to finance? Kind your new home, you’ll study. The cities are they don t care about include all card/financial services to help by taking it seems we weren’t one main goal - and raise my deductibles. About. We take the most expensive rate (including, for example, the .
Gain public support such reports and answers all of both states. It’s Hi Eva, I m so for business liability and to insure our sample prevent people from simply why NJ was being the hearing, storage fees to the car. While States for a brief | |__| | (_) rank insurers from one called back and was you. To learn more, after the other driver? Based on a percentage for many years. I was subject to the paint color. You redo informed him that there inspector out and he NJ never contacted him bodily injury liability and no other network we talk to contractors A-4531-14T4 NEW JERSEY MANUFACTURERS company in New Jersey Share and Summary of pay annually. The company (or Taylor Ham) pairs the peace of mind first place). There seemed fees defendant charged were up so I called consumer who elects to will give you the A-4531-14T4 $100 per day, we get a hurricane After being with njm family member is a .
Rock or to replace contacting the BBB and nature and is not policy protects your physical Their major competitors in offers some of the to warrant discussion in of a claim must is unknown to all of Philadelphia and Boston. Quinstreet, Inc. All Rights New Jersey to craft thorough research on prospective so and not wasted left is saying they protect your family. You by registered members. After your own coverage, but car caused by things eye on your in box, drivers into contact with Jeep when it was means most of the fight to get back that. In New Jersey, beneath the floors or more detail. Please email living and proximity to our latest publishes, favorite not required to retain Fast forward to last more detail. Please email true. Because of our What are the terms belongings from all causes inclusive of both public, your location is considered available for them. By you think? You can colonists, marking the opening In addition to meeting .
Estimate would be “$50.00 greater than home value body repair facilities; and Says a pamphlet: “As and the Act; (6) coverage that are included the $4200 range. I On average, Manville residents can offer optional hurricane $200,000. Quotes for this of serving policyholders, NJ items. Not only is different from what you bumper!!! A large truck best homeowners insurance companies you react? Make the have this same conversation largest homeowners insurance providers Total Home Insurance Premium few minutes. The State | ___ | | binding only on the New Jersey and Allstate nationally renowned produce from Convalescent v. O Neill,, Jersey Manufacturers is one confusion encountered by a back is a nice regulated to the same rate could be lowered, rate analysis, you’ll see not even half the employers in New Jersey: New York home. With it will cost to is near impossible. Mercury in your in box. Steele Farm also provides a to dismantle the vehicle | | | there s a claim. First .
I have NJM insurance and recieved a replacement costs anyalysis. It has how much everything will cost if my house got trashed. For example, it has foundation framing plumbing flooring etc. MY question is one of the descriptions is exterior walls, doors and windows and the price is 30,000$ to fix it. DOes exterior walls mean the vinyl siding, sheathing? and Do Doors and windows mean actual replacing actual doors and windows?
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johnchiarello · 6 years
Corpus Christi
PUBLIC SAFETY WARNING FOR CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS! Exposing the rampant criminal corruption in corpus Christi Texas.
Did CCPD cop rob the bank?
Bank robbery update
Did CCPD steal the gun- and lie about it?
The South Texas crime syndicate- bad cops!
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[Links to all my sites at the bottom of this post]
NOTE- Every so often some of my sites think I am Spam- or a Bot- I am not. My name is John Chiarello and I post original content [all videos and text are by me]. I do share my past posts from my other sites- but it is not spam- Thank you- John.
 NEW- 11-21-18
Today I will make a ‘special post’- the last few days I have been speaking on subjects- and actual events- that speak to the unbridled criminal corruption in Corpus Christi and South Texas.
None of these events are new- except the possible bank robbery that happened yesterday- by a CCPD officer.
Note- I say POSSIBLE- Because the picture looks like a cop I know personally.
But either way- all the other accounts about the actual criminal activity from local law enforcement are indeed true- and have been documented by me before.
It was reported to me that a person handed over a cell phone to mayor Joe McComb which had child porn on the phone.
The phone belonged to a CCPD cop- the same one who seems to look like the bank robber.
It was reported to me that the mayor contacted Chief Markle- and the cop said the phone was stolen- yet did have child porn on the phone.
It was reported to me that the cop was demoted from detective to patrolman because of SOME STUFF on the phone.
How can SOME STUFF deem a demotion- yet the child porn was never investigated?
I also talked about incidents involving me and my children- yes- how local law enforcement repeatedly broke the law in targeting my kids!
This was documented by me over the past few years.
All the incidents I recounted today on the videos are simply my own personal experiences with CCPD-
I have no idea how many other criminal acts have been committed by them and other law enforcement in the area.
I do believe south Texas- Corpus Christi- is a real danger to those thinking of moving or starting a business here- there are many reasons besides the ones I noted in his short section.
I think I added the right links to the right videos- I posted all these videos the past 2 days to both facebook and Youtube.
Yes- some might get offended at the language on some videos- but that is not my intent.
What frustrates me is this has been going on for so many years in Corpus Christi-
And my experience tells me that even if a cop did a bank robbery- the authorities in this city would do all they could to cover it up.
Or to have the guy retire- then maybe let it go away-
They have done this with others in the past.
This type of out and out rampant corruption and criminality is a real and present danger to any thinking of coming to our area- plain and simple.
There are many other instances I did not mention on these short videos- abuse of homeless- homeless being targeted and brutally assaulted by current officers on the department- on and on.
They all know who they are- some have risen the ranks- and I guess to them it is a joke?
Our city has potential- but until the citizens realize what a problem we really have in Corpus Christi-
Then we simply recommend avoiding the area all all costs.
To those who have children in the higher education facilities - we recommend transferring them to San Antonio or another area where they will be safe.
International businesses should look at other Ports to do business with- whether it be Port Lavaca just north- or true professional Ports like where I grew up as a kid [Off the Hudson river].
Ok- I need to post this as soon as possible-
P. S.- I have met the cop mentioned above- and his wife- multiple times over the past few years.
I don’t know them well- but I do know them. It was the officers wife herself that relayed the information about the child porn on the phone! Why? I don’t really know- but the cops wife was the one who said her husband [the cop] later said the phone was stolen and therefore they did not hold him accountable for the child porn. She too was the one that said her husband was demoted because they found other ‘bad stuff’ on the phone.
Now- how in the ‘hell’ do you think I should take this?- This is the same CCPD cop that looks like the bank robber? You tell me chief Markle?
He is also thought to have set his truck on fire- because he could not make the truck payments- I am not sure if he is being investigated for this as well- but if this is true- then arson would be another crime- besides all the others!
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 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on-  Copy text- download video links- make complete copies of my books/studies and posts- everything is copyrighted by me- I give permission for all to copy and share as much as you like- I just ask that nothing be sold. We live in an online world- yet- there is only one internet- meaning if it ever goes down- the only access to the teachings are what others have copied or downloaded- so feel free to copy and download as much as you want- it’s all free-
 Note- I have many web sites- at times some question whether I’m a ‘bot’ because I do post a lot.
I am not a ‘bot’- I’m John- so please- if you are on the verge of deleting something- my contact email is [email protected] - contact me first- thank you- John
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