metalchairz · 4 months
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@weekly-kanadia My browser reloaded so I don't know if you got this. Anyways, I saw your blog and I thought, "hey, those two (Aradia and Kanaya) are autistic, let's make them creatures." So here's a mouse trackpad doodle of Aradia and Kanaya.
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bolasmasivas · 1 year
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winternimbus · 6 years
autistic homestucks discord
hey nerds, if you’re a neurodivergent homestuck/a homestuck that’s on the ASD (like me), and is searching for a safe space for autistic homestucks, well look no further!
i’m still setting things up atm, but feel free to check out New Alternia (the other wayyyy bigger homestuck discord that i run at 700+ users) at https://new-alternia-discord.tumblr.com/!
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nuttyrabbit · 5 years
I’m sorry but when you said autism stuck my mind immediately went down the homestuck route and hfhffxfd
Goddamn I really can’t escape Homestuck no matter where I go, huh? Discord? Homestuck. Twitter? Homestuck. Here? Oh you bet your ass there’s Homestucks.  
I’m willing to bet that there absolutely is an Autismstuck THING and that it’s somehow canon because everything I know of Homestuck has made me realize that everything ever has probably happened in that thing
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autismtypes · 7 years
Autism Type #745
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homestuckisautistic · 6 years
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The true Jason Autismstuck Experience is big name bloggers showing up in your inbox with memes
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homestuckisautistic · 7 years
Its ya boi Jason Autismstuck
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homestuckisautistic · 7 years
if we combine your names, we can get the most autistic name ever: Jay + Jace + Jason =Jaycson. No idea how to pronounce it though...
There needs to be another y in there. Jaycyon. Pronounced like halcyon
Not even gonna lie tho part of me wants my legal name to be Jason Autismstuck
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