allthoseotherworlds · 11 months
Hello world!
I used to be @autisticchangeling but I've created a new account because I took a break from Tumblr over the summer for my mental health and wanted to start fresh.
I am glad I took the time away, but it also made me realize the things that I did like about Tumblr and that I missed. I think that a lot of the things I find frustrating are really problems with people and how they interact with each other and form communities, rather than problems with any individual website.
Therefore, I am back, armed with an extensive list of filters and my special interests in Star Trek and Doctor Who!
I'm an adult currently in my early 30s, autistic and adhd, aroace, and nonbinary (they/them pronouns)
I love almost all Star Trek and Doctor Who, and also enjoy knitting and photography. I have one cat, Artron, who you may see from time to time.
Here is my list of tags.
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sineala · 4 years
How do you deal with liking Tony but knowing capitalism is bad? Not meant to sound accusatory, just something I feel guilty about and was thinking about again after your political meta
Oof. That’s a big one.
I think, really, the first step is to accept that it’s okay to like things that are problematic. I’m not saying you have to like everything that is problematic; there are definitely things that I used to like that are too problematic for me to like because the problems I see in them now are so vast that it makes the thing not fun anymore. This is why I no longer own any Harry Potter books and I can’t listen to the music of Moxy Früvous, who used to be my favorite band. I just... can’t.
But not everything that is problematic is 100% irredeemably problematic and in need of cancellation. It’s possible to like problematic things, understand why they are problematic, and appreciate the parts of them that are still good. So, like, I can say to myself, “I like the character of Tony Stark. I know he’s a billionaire and that in the real world billionaires are responsible for a lot of human misery. If he were real I would, most likely, hate him. But he is fictional and in the world he lives in, I know he tries as hard as he possibly can to do good and be a good person. It’s comforting to pretend that The One Good Ethical Billionaire exists and that he can do things that are not evil. It’s okay to find that comforting. Yes, it’s a fantasy, but it’s okay to have fantasies. I admire him for his kindness and generosity. I admire his devotion to his friends. It means a lot to me that he deals with mental illness and addiction, and that even though he has these very real problems, he’s still a superhero. As a person with a physical disability, it means a lot to me that for large portions of his history Tony has also had physical disabilities, and, y’know, is still a superhero.”
That’s my list. Your list probably isn’t going to be the same as my list, and that’s fine. And if you make your list and decide that that just isn’t enough to make liking him worth it to you, that’s okay too. You’re not required to like him. But if you want to like him, I think you can still find things worth liking about him.
I mean, what you’re basically asking is “how do you deal with existing in a capitalist society but knowing capitalism is bad?”
And that, I mean... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t have all the answers. But, I mean, even though we’re in the society we’re in, I believe we can still work to make the world better. If you just sit there and feel continually guilty, you’re never going to want to get out of bed in the morning. But you can do something other than just sit with your feelings of guilt. Be nice to people. Join a union if there’s one you can join. Be conscious of your privilege. Be an ally. Vote for candidates who represent your interests and beliefs. Try to get where you live to adopt something like Ranked Choice Voting and THEN vote for candidates who represent your beliefs (assuming you are in the US; other countries have more viable third-party options). Write to your elected officials. Give your money and/or your time to organizations that are working to make the world better in ways you approve of. Join fandom auctions and make other people give money to those organizations on your behalf! Keep being nice to people. That’s all I’ve got so far.
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jvlianbashir · 5 years
autisticchangeling replied to your post “sorry about to make a slightly niche personal post but as someone who...”
I love videos like that, but I thought AMV is only for anime? I mean it seems like the same concept just in a different fandom, but I always thought the a stood for anime. Either way it sucks if people are hating on them. I love those videos
yeah! “AMV” at least originally meant just “anime music video” (or “animated music video” if it was american cartoons) and some people are still strict about its usage, but honestly in the past few years, i’ve seen it applied much more widely to mean any video edit, regardless of whether the footage used is anime or not
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wreckitremy · 2 years
Somehow I have convinced someone to rejoin our chaotic fey site, so here are some of my suggested favorite popular ND blogs that are still active.
What are some of your favorite active ND blogs?
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autisticchangeling · 2 years
Just an update
I thought maybe I should give a heads up - I’m taking a break from Tumblr for my mental health. I’m fine, and there was no drama or anything that precipitated this, it’s just that Tumblr’s been kinda hit or miss for my mental health for a while now.
If you want to find my elsewhere, I’m sometimes (no promises) on Pillowfort as AutisticChangeling and on Reddit as Aut_Changeling
I just thought maybe I should post or something in case a sudden absence was going to worry anyone. I’m fine! Just trying to trigger my anxiety less often, and Pillowfort and Reddit have better controls for that than Tumblr does.
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ihamtmus · 5 years
tagged by @f-ireflowers, thanks!! :D
fave colours: that shade of blue that seems almost gray. also yellow
top 3 ships: i’m not really a shipper (give me that platonic content) but i really love eowyn x faramir!! i’ve also been thinking about lily evans x james potter recently. and maybe ummm gamora x peter quill
lipstick or chapstick: neither really
last song: it’s ok by tom rosenthal, i love him and his songs so much and i’m going to his concert next month i’m!!!!
currently reading: so i’ve never really finished the raven cycle (i know, it’s crazy, those books are amazing and i love them so so much) so i’m still reading it technically and i am DEFINITELY going to finish it soon it’s just that i had so little time to read and then all this Need To Read went away which is sad but it’s going to come back i know it. in the meantime i’ve been reading a marauders fanfic because my love for the marauders is back and killing me
i tag: @hufflepuff-jedi, @autisticchangeling ​ and @ultrawhalnar ​
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thebluemeany · 6 years
Tumblr media
In Times of War - New Chapter 
*waves* so What Religion Or Reason aka chapter eight of In Times of War is up on AO3. Took me a bit longer than I thought it would because I couldn’t figure out a plausible reason why Bashir and Garak’s relationship wouldn’t move on in twenty years.... 
In the end I just figured, to hell with it, and made it as close to the real thing as it could be whilst still being in universe and a fiction. 
It’s not the subtlest thing I’ve ever written :-) 
Thanks to @cyrelia-j and @wdarling for talking through some thoughts with me on Bashir’s mindset. And to everyone who replied to my post asking for what limits people thought the Federation would put on augments, particularly @silverelfmage and @autisticchangeling. All super helpful.
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elizakursky · 5 years
@romulan-commander @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @autisticchangeling @michaelburnhamfanclub @startrekislgbt
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outoforderaro · 6 years
autisticchangeling replied to your post: has tumblr made links completely invisible to...
On my dash I see the underline. Is it your theme maybe?
it’s not my theme, im on my dash. tumblr has in the past done updates that roll out to portions of the users at a time so its still a possibility.
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autisticchangeling · 6 years
I have a Pillowfort now! Autisticchangeling, same as here. If I’m following you and you have one, feel free to let me know!
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autisticchangeling · 6 years
frontier001 mentioned you in a photoset
@autisticchangeling they’re, right now, only on the Enterprise. We haven’t seen them on Discovery crew.
I think if they make the two ships have drastically different uniform styles like that they’d better explain it though?
Like, at least they’re not retconning all the uniforms to be the Disco style
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