#autogenerated prompt
deepdreamnights · 11 months
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Tessellating Azathoth
Each one tiles wallpaper/texture style.
The image(s) above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain.
Prompt: the group of bizarre creatures in dark clothing, in the style of digital airbrushing, chaotic expressionism, green and gray, commission for, realistic hyper-detail, swirling vortexes, bombacore :: tropical marine anemones marine habitats, in the style of realistic hyper-detailed rendering, color-field abstractions, focus stacking, green and emerald, flickr, detailed crowd scenes, award-winning
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48787 · 6 months
Fun fact, when someone picks a new deadly sin to represent themself, you can actually eat and become their old one without needing to compromise your previous deadly sins!!
You don't have to be just one! You're actually intended to have quite a few of them, in fact! It's a strange system, I would've designed it differently, but that's just one of the tips and tricks I learned over the years about the Abrihamic meta, if you're trying to minmax.
This system does lead to some people being pressured into picking new sins so the pressurer can maximize sin intake, however it is also important to remember that once you reach all 7 you either (1.) run out and reset your method of sin intake by picking a new starting sin and counting from 1 again or (2.) move on to a new model of sin measurement (Such as Dante's Inferno layers of hell, for instance) and need to retrofit old sins into new ones, which is almost like a soft reset of sorts (For example, needing to figure out how to translate Sloth into the layers structure while accounting for thematic overlaps).
Point (2.) can get complicated when going from a model with more sins to a model with less sins. You have to figure out which sins are being conglomerated and consolidated as well as distributing importance semi-consistently, because you need to make sure there is at least one in the new model that you haven't taken yet.
There, of course, is the universal truth that "You are all Sin all at once and You only wish to quantify sins in the first place to pretend like You are excluded from sins that You are actively embodying (By being Sin, in Sin's entirety)" but that really is just a 1-sin binary model... which necessitates a 0 to explain its existence as 1 in the first place... You get it. The reason why we pick these models is because it's fun.
Sure We are God, but we knew that already and want to pretend like there's more to it than that because it's fun. Sin is fun!! That's why people keep dying (Or living but being tortured through living) for Our sins (It very much did not start with the one big example you're probably thinking of). It's fun!!
Just. Maybe stop dying. I get it can be fun for you, more power to you or whatever, but dying also kinda blows. I know I will sometimes say Till All Are One or whatever but I wanna be One with You... even though you'd be there regardless, under All after all... Whatever.
Anyway if you're wondering, I just ate Wrath, which puts me at:
And I've been teasing at Greed for a while. Though, those are just the ones that are compliant with both the Deadly model and the Inferno model, it gets a bit more complicated considering my Deadly root was Pride and I haven't given that up yet, so to separate the models a bit it'd actually be
With Greed, Sloth, and Envy missing (Sloth is actually maybe next for my deadly chart, and Envy flickers in and out on its own)
With Heresy, Violence, and Fraud regrettably missing (The three flicker like Envy in the Deadly model but it's because sometimes I'm leaning more towards the Deadly model so it is Envy and sometimes I'm in the Inferno model so Envy gets interpreted as one or two of the three without completing it outright, with the stressing on one over the other two or two over the other one allowing for enough of a buffer to be fickle. This is also the reason why Greed is locked in for Inferno but not for Deadly. I tend to prefer Inferno, after all.)
Anyway, yeah, I was just using myself as an example. But if you're thinking about dropping sloth for something else hmu I'll eat it after you.
You also don't have to drop them, if this proves anything it should be proving that you can be multiple at once (That's kinda the whole point actually) so striving to be multiple instead of just relying on revelations to begin swapping might be a game changer for you if you're trying to grapple with your original sins and don't know how to respec without resetting
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my-ff-drafts · 2 years
A: Who's on first base?
B: That's what I'm telling you.
A: Wait, no I meant which one of our friends is making out in the stairwell with some rando.
B: You weren't paying attention to the BASEBALL MATCH?!
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kenyatta · 2 years
According to Variety, Amazon has approved a limited series adaptation with eight episodes and is looking to start production by spring next year. David Weil, who previously worked with the Russo brothers in their Prime Video series Citadel, will write and executive produce the pilot episode. Meanwhile, Anthony and Joe Russo, known for directing four Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, are reportedly in talks of directing on top of serving as the show's executive producers.
It's still unclear what source material the Russos are planning to use, but Variety says the show could be based on "insider reporting" by journalists who've been investigating the FTX scandal. They're also reportedly in talks with multiple Marvel actors to play key roles in the series. Before Amazon confirmed that it was working on a show based on FTX, Deadline reported that Apple was close to signing a seven-figure deal for the rights on a book about Bankman-Fried and the crypto exchange that's being written by Michael Lewis. That's the same author behind Moneyball, The Big Short and The Blind Side. Unlike Amazon, Apple is reportedly planning to turn Lewis' book into a feature film.
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dj-wifi-december · 2 years
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Fic Prompt: Write a friends to lovers fic about Rena Rouge and Carapace
Art Prompt: Draw Rena Furtive and Shellshock using the first color palette you get from this website
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jae-bummer · 1 year
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Request: can i get wonwoo and #20 please? (fluffy haired online gamer boy)
20) You and your bias have become online friends who have never seen each other...until the day you decide to meet.
Pairing: Seventeen Wonwoo x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"WannaWoo," you sang into your mic. "What inspired your gamer tag?"
"It's because my name is Wonwoo," his deep voice said matter-of-factly. "You know that."
"No shit," you laughed. "But why not something else?"
"Why is yours KillerQuiche?" he mused.
"Because it was an autogenerated recommendation and I was thirteen," you grinned. "And at the time, I may or may not have misunderstood what a quiche was."
"And you've just stuck with it? All of this time?"
"Brand continuity. And it gives me ample opportunity to say, "Unleash the KillerQuiche,"" you laughed. "You have to admit, it gets our opponents pretty nervous."
"Or excited because they think they're about to win against a pair of thirteen-year-olds," he hummed.
"And then we devastate them," you chimed. "Because we make a great team!"
"More like give them a false sense of security," he chuckled. "But I suppose we make a pretty alright team."
"Be careful," you grinned. "That sounded dangerously close to a compliment."
"I compliment you all the time!" he gasped.
"Saying "good game" when we win hardly counts as a compliment," you argued.
""Good" is a positive descriptor," he muttered. "It totally counts."
"Fine," you sighed. "I'll allow it."
This wasn't the first time you had gone fishing for actual praise. Something like "Gosh, Y/N! You're so smart" or "Y/N, I know I'm Facetiming you at 2AM, but you look ravishing." Hell, you'd even settle for some variation of "Congratulations, you don't look like a rat today." To say you were thirsty for your friend's attention was an understatement. There had been a drought since the moment you had "met".
You had been long distance friends with Wonwoo for years and he hadn't realized that you were completely in love with him, despite your best efforts. Any attempts at flirting were just that, attempts. The one time you thought he was coming on to you, he was actually sweet talking a locked chest he was trying to open in a game.
At one point, you had considered that maybe he realized how you felt and was keeping you at arm's length to avoid an awkward let down. After you got to really know him though, you quickly understood that he was just reserved and in his head about things that did not concern you. Understanding emotions was not his strong suit, so picking up on them was nearly impossible. That's why he thrived in his digital persona. The worlds the two of you created and navigated were logical and safe. Things were risky when he became friends with you outside of the internet.
"Hey, Y/N?" Wonwoo's voice rumbled over the line. You had just entered the lobby of a game you often enjoyed playing together, so you assumed he was ready to strategize.
"Do you want to meet up?"
Furrowing your brow, you adjusted your headset to make sure you were hearing him clearly. "Like...have a designated time we do a video call or something?"
"No," he continued earnestly. "Like meet up."
"I'm sorry, I must be lagging," you said quietly. "We do not live in the same area, Wonwoo."
"Astute observation," he hummed, the tone giving away that he was clearly amused. "I've heard of this incredible invention. You see, it's this giant metal contraption that people actually get inside! And the technology it uses-"
"While I have no earthly idea how an airplane actually works, I don't need you to explain it to me," you rushed out. "Are you saying you want to meet in person?"
"No, I'm saying we should designate a time we do a video call or something."
"Wonwoo!" you whined. You felt like you were having an out of body experience. This was a request you never saw coming.
The man across the line erupted in laughter. You stared blankly at the screen, completely disregarding the cue to jump from the virtual plane and onto the map.
"Is this a joke? If this is a joke, I'm going to be really upset with you."
"It's not a joke!" he sighed. "I've wanted to meet you in person for a while. I hope you feel the same way about me."
"Of course I do!" you gasped. You hoped the "I've probably wanted this longer and more fervently than you" was implied by your tone.
"I was thinking I could come to you," he proposed. "I don't feel comfortable with making you travel so far by yourself."
"I'm more than capable-"
"I did not say you weren't," he cut in. "It's other people I'm worried about."
You felt your heart do a little spin. You weren't used to hearing him be protective. "Okay," you conceded. "But I won't have you pay for a hotel. You can stay in my guest room."
There was a short pause before Wonwoo cleared his throat. "I appreciate that."
Well, that was odd.
"Unless I"m totally overstepping," you added. "If you don't feel comfortable-"
"It sounds great, Y/N," he said much more confidently this time. "Now let's talk logistics."
After refusing to coordinate a plan while he continued to play video games (even when he argued how excellent he was at multitasking), the two of you finally worked out a schedule. In a month's time, he would get on a plane and end up in the same city as you. You'd pick him up, he'd sleep at your apartment, and hijinks would ensue.
As you told him goodnight and logged off for the evening, it felt like you were floating on air. In your wildest dreams, you would have never imagined that Wonwoo would be the one to propose meeting in person. You had thought about it dozens of times, but never wanted him to feel pressured. Plopping onto your bed, you stared up at the ceiling and tried to imagine what it would be like. Attempting to picture his tall, broad frame navigating life beside you, sent your heart tumbling to your toes. The simple intricacies of life seemed to be so much more important when you factored him into the equation. This would either be the best week of your life or the most awkward.
Knowing Wonwoo, it would probably be a happy mixture of both.
You shifted nervously from foot to foot, your stomach tying and untying itself into knots. You weren't sure if you were going to pass out, or spontaneously combust. When Wonwoo had insisted that he fly hours to see you, you had welcomed the idea. Now you were lightheaded and questioning every decision you had ever made to get to this point.
"It'll be fine," you muttered to yourself as you readjusted the balloons you held from one hand to the other. "It's just Wonwoo."
It being "just" Wonwoo was exactly your problem. Wonwoo wasn't "just" anything. He was multitudes. In all of the years that you had known him, he had made you feel the gamut of emotions. He was the truest friend you could ever hope for and the most clueless crush to stumble into your heart.
Keeping a watchful eye on the door marked "Arrivals," you nearly stopped breathing as you saw a face you recognized. Easily a head taller than the people walking around him, he was wearing a bright yellow beanie (so you'd know it was him - as if you wouldn't be able to identify him in any universe). It took mere seconds of him looking around for his eyes to lock on yours, a close-lipped grin on his lips.
From there, it felt like your mind had entered an intensely realistic daydream. Hurrying his steps, Wonwoo strode over until he was standing only inches away. The open expression on his face definitely signaled that he was waiting for you to make the first move. Lifting his arms slightly he breathed. "I'm here."
"You're here!" you all but screeched as you launched toward him. Wrapping yourself around his torso, you were amazed with how he could smell so good after being in the air for multiple hours. You nuzzled your face into his oversized t-shirt and let out a contented sigh.
Smacking at the balloons you still held, he navigated around them to snake his long arms around you. Shimmying in closer, he rested his chin on the top of your head. "A moment that's been years in the making."
You were surprised as you felt a soft kiss on your scalp. Leaning away from him, you looked up with wide eyes. "Wonwoo?"
"I didn't realize I could actually miss someone I had never met," he chuckled, shaking his head. Pushing up his glasses, he stared down fondly at you. "Is it...is it okay if I kiss you?"
You couldn't stop your mouth from popping open in surprise. Would it look bad if you pinched yourself to make sure this wasn't in fact a stress-induced mental break?
Wonwoo furrowed his brow as he searched your face. "I just...I just thought...Did I read the moment wrong? Oh god, I did, didn't I?"
The reality of the situation crashed into you with surprising force. Stepping forward to wrap him in your arms again, you cautiously glanced up. The last thing you wanted him to think was that he had crossed a boundary and made you uncomfortable. "Sorry, no, you didn't read the moment wrong. I was just...surprised?"
"Surprised?" he asked, still clearly confused.
"Well, uh," you said quietly. "You've never really given me any indication that you were romantically interested?"
"What?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "What do you mean? Y/N, we've known each other since we were teenagers at this point. You're impossible not to fall in love with."
"...in, in love?" you croaked. This was all terribly new information.
"I had just assumed..." he said, growing smaller the more he talked. "I assumed we were...kind of...a couple?"
You continued to stare at him.
"You flirt with me all the time!" he offered. "And I flirt back!"
"In what world do you flirt back?" you laughed. Maybe you really were going through a mental break. Had he really known you had been flirting with him this entire time?
"I tease you," he muttered. "And I try to say sweet things, but every time I think I've come up with something good, it comes out wrong."
"I had no idea," you whispered. "But Wonwoo, I feel exactly the same."
"Oh," he huffed, now trying to process the whirlwind of information that had been exchanged. "Well, excellent!"
"Just...can you try to be a little more obvious with your attempts to romance me?" you laughed. Apparently, you had been the clueless one all along.
"I'm more than happy to try," he said, a cautious smile finding its way back to his lips. "I have your favorite compliment geared up and ready."
"Oh? And what's that?"
He prodded your cheek with his nose, closing his eyes as his forehead came to rest on your temple. "Good game, KillerQuiche."
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zangtang · 1 year
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Sooooo DallE3, accessible via Bing... allows for posing in a way that I could absolutely not make Midjourney do. It understands eating. It understands sucking on a tube. It understands belly poking. It is wild.
It seems to understand clothes SO well that it leaves itself wide open for some very funny abuse - while Midjourney largely autogenerated things that were approximately clothes onto bodies, DallE seems to have a much stronger idea of what shape clothes should be… and that means if the bodies are too big, the clothes simply do not cover them. So Midjourney could only rarely replicate a tactical vest by accident, but DallE consistently understands that the sluttiest way to wear one is to have all your fat rolls and belly hanging out of one. It understands that if a fat man puts his hands above his head, his gut is coming free. It is RIFE with belly peeks, to the extent that I'm not actually sure how to cover them back up. Also while Midjourney was banning terms like heavy rain, you can just add "Soaked" to the end of your prompt and your guys will be dripping, sometimes with not-quite-clear water all sprayed across his inevitably exposed stomach. Oh and try adding "ripped" or "torn" to clothes. Or even just "open." Also it's free. It's weirdly moderated, and confusing, but that's probably par for the course. Be aware that it's recently come down hard on blocking famous people, I have no idea how to bully it past that but if your *prompt* is instantly blocked you may be timed out if you do it again (I think i managed about 10 before I got booted for an hour,) though it doesn't seem to penalise you if your resulting image is blocked.
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syn4k · 7 months
sure, procedural generation tools can take a prompt of yours and make it into beautiful, colorful art, but i'm not here for perfect art. i'm here for bad art, wobbly lines, and colors and shading that look like they were mixed together in a blender. I am specifically looking for objectively, technically, and conceptually horrible art that was obviously made by a depressed amateur. I am endlessly searching for visually flawed 5 note "meh"sterpieces that will never be remembered by anyone but me because I'm not very good at what I do either and it brings me comfort to know that there are still people out there who share what they make no matter their skill level. I am here for bad art and autogenerated art isn't even art anyways
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therobotmonster · 9 months
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Salamander, of the elemental variety
In terms of elemental forms it is a mistake to approach from a position of evolutionary taxonomy. As in all transitions from perpendicular realities, such creatures are born from and induce the mythological symbols that define their anatomy.
The concept manifests the symbol, the symbol communicates the concept, an oroboros of cause and effect that is no less existentially annoying for creating animals made of the idea of fire, which is so certain of itself it doesn't know that it shouldn't be able to burn your house down.
In practical terms, a salamander should be addressed in the same manner as a grease fire, by entrapping it in a fireproof metal vessel and blocking the oxygen flow. Without a source of oxygen, the creature will poof back to its native reality. Any major brand of charcoal briquette is adequate bait. Oily rags, old newspapers, and pre-1975 furniture will do in a pinch.
-Melinoë's Guide to Incursive Pests & Misidentified Phenomenon, 2005 edition.
Prompt and process under the fold.
Prompt: colorful smoke swirling off of a black background, in the style of fluid glass sculptures, light teal and orange, tangled forms, light red and blue, rendered in cinema4d, sculpture-based photography, distorted and elongated forms:: fullbody, a colorful smoke swirl with colorful lights on a dark background, in the style of fluid, glass-like sculptures, light cyan and orange, serge marshennikov, colorful layered forms, conrad shawcross, focus stacking, bold lines, bright colors:: a real Charmander, dinosaur with burning tail, salamander, dino-iguana, glowing flames, rocky terrain, sumatraism, lava tail, burning tail, background sharp earth, raptor, elegant pose, hawaii, outback, iguana, morning glow, stock photo, regal pose --ar 4:3 --s 50 --v 6.0
This prompt was made two autogenerated prompts I made from this image I made by blending smoke and glass textures with Midjourney's weird image prompting system:
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The image also had image prompts, in this case, three different charmanders, two being experiments for a Harryhausen Pokemon "what if" pictorial set and one being a "real animal version" attempt:
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And those are from multiple versions of MJ.
Eventually, resulting in this gen:
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Which I composited with multiple other variants, rebuilt the claw and some other details, and then did color correction and processing.
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haru-dipthong · 5 months
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A plant whose sprout refuses to mature, while its roots grow larger and larger
this was a quick drawing based on an autogenerated pixel prompt! (middle right) I might do the other prompts from this grid at some point too
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sunfoxfic · 1 year
2-years-too-late tag list pinned post
Main fandom tags:
ml - Miraculous Ladybug
sxf - Spy x Family
mha - My Hero Academia
ksliw - Kaguya-sama: Love is War
tdp - The Dragon Prince
mcyt - Minecraft YouTube; primarily Hermitcraft/Life Series/creators within that pool of friends
hades game - Hades. The Game. This includes I and II; I'm not currently spoiler tagging Hades II other than using this tag, but assume any time I'm talking about Hades for the foreseeable future, I'm talking about Hades II.
Less common fandom tags:
mlp - My Little Pony (specifically Friendship is Magic)
kcc - Komi Can't Communicate
dunmeshi - Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
atla - Avatar: The Last Airbender
centaurworld - Centaurworld (this one's only on my list of less common fandoms because there is almost no fandom and if you want to change that hmu)
hannibal - Hannibal NBC
hadestown - Hadestown
skyrim - Skyrim. The game.
minceraft - Minecraft (yes, the typo is intentional)
I'll update these as much as they pop up but I don't add a lot of fandom tags because I don't reblog many things outside of my main stuff listed above
I tag spoilers for these fandoms for at least a few days, and up to two weeks, after episodes come out. My default tag is [fandom tag] spoilers; for example, "ml spoilers" or "tdp spoilers." I generally don't tag MCYT spoilers.
Content-based tags:
art - art
fic - fanfic
au - AU's
comic - comics (usually minicomics)
gif - GIFs and GIFsets (pronounced with a hard G)
meme - funny stuff that doesn't fit into the above
My stuff tags:
my writing - my writing, usually fanfic
my art - my visual art
sunny builds a website - rambles based on my attempt to build a website and other coding nonsense
Ship tags:
I only maintain tags for absolute favorite ships of mine, and there aren't many. Currently the only 3 I maintain are:
djwifi - Alya Cesaire/Nino Lahiffe
feligami - Felix Fathom/Kagami Tsurugi
dabihawks - Dabi/Hawks
Other tags worth checking out:
<- tags that make sense. to me - when I add a fandom tag to a reblog of a non-fandom post, I use this tag; that way, I can sift through all the random posts I've tagged with funny stuff
laugh rule - laugh rule
all time fav - all time favorites. maintained specifically to brighten my own day when I'm feeling bad, but you can look at it too
I'm sunfoxfic on AO3 too, but you can find links to fics from specific fandoms here:
Miraculous Ladybug
My Hero Academia
Spy x Family (manga)/(anime)
I have more other blogs than I'm willing to admit! Here's a few.
@ml-bot-fics - autogenerated ML fic prompts
@ml-bot-art - autogenerated ML art prompts
@ao3feed-twiyor - Twiyor AO3 feed
@sunnys-spoilers - mostly defunct spoiler blog (not really in use now, but it might be revived for extenuating circumstances later)
@artist-writer-nah - my main blog. Don't follow it. I do not post anything on it.
Askbox always open! Unless it's not. (Which it hasn't been in the past, but maybe it will be in the future.) I make no promises to answer anything. Just because you come into my house doesn't mean you get to leave.
I do have the occasional hornypost and I don't tag them <3 my sexual and gender orientation is for me to know. I'll invite you to find out if all goes well ;) (I am an adult)
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deepdreamnights · 7 months
Wonka was Just Joking About What he was Going to do With the Black Cloud
And other Jank: A Midjourney Secret Horse preserve.
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I've mentioned Midjourney's /describe feature on more than one occasion. It's basically a Midjourney specific clip-interrogator, where you feed it a picture and it spits out four prompts that, in theory, produced something along the lines of what you presented.
Thing is, /describe never really worked.
And that's why I love it. I enjoyed taking random images, /describing them, and then combining the results, which were like this (base image is the wonka meme template above):
1️⃣ wonka was just joking about what he was going to do with the black cloud, in the style of light purple and light orange, stylish costume design, bronzepunk 2️⃣ a man in a purple shirt and hat smiling at a computer screen, in the style of fanciful costume design, whirly, blink-and-you-miss-it detail, gritty elegance, celebrity and pop culture references, glorious, polka dot madness 3️⃣ a beautiful young man who pretends to be waldorf, in the style of purple and bronze, polka dot madness, contemporary candy-coated, clowncore 4️⃣ can you name the top 10 funniest quotes ever?, in the style of light purple and gold, movie still, polka dot madness, groovy, handsome, neo-victorian, character
Beautiful madness across the board, and the results when run (clockwise from top left, 1, 2, 3, 4)-
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-are like when Google Translate first hit the scene and it was dumb as rocks, so you could get fun stuff by looping text through multiple translations to get wacky stuff. Eventually all the translators got good enough that stopped working, and no one archived the stupid version.
Which brings us to now, as MJ has launched a better version of /describe. I'll do some posts on its capabilities and improvements soonish (it's brand new), but they told us a month ago it was coming, and I took action.
More than 54,000 prompts worth of action
I can't archive the /describe feature as it was, but I could build a stockpile of prompts before the system changed, and I did. About half of these are ones I /described myself, the other half were gleaned from Midjourney's public creation discords.
These are all fully machine-generated prompts, so they're public domain by definition. All shared on a google sheets file.
They are no longer associated with their base images.
They are organized alphabetically.
As above, what comes out does not always reflect what went in.
Not every prompt generated by Midjourney's bot will run on midjourney without editing as sometimes /describe makes prompts that trigger their prompt censor. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If anyone wants to make a text-diffusion AI that generates prompts using the above as a dataset, go for it. Feel free to show off your results in the reblogs as well.
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tfnonsense · 1 year
Something I'm tempted to do this weekend is effectively make a transformation writing prompt randomizer in Excel.
I've set up randomized things before in Excel in order to autogenerate practice sheets for Hiragana and Katakana. Shouldn't be difficult to use the same method to make writing prompts.
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virovac · 1 year
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This autogenerated image had minimal human modification and is thus in public domain
She strikes me as flirting with people/mortals just to watch her husband get mad and beat them to a pulp
AI art try, with Dreamshaper XL , text to image. cropped since lower bodies were a mess
prompt: (female monster), (male merman), lovers
sampler:DPM++ 2M Karras
seed: 1929802690
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Kinktober Day 20: Pregnany Hormones
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Another catch up. With the prompt (I autogenerated the list) I just knew it had to be Greta and Trevor.
Prompt: Pregnant Sex
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix)
Shipping: Greta/Trevor
Ever since she got pregnant again, Greta is even hornier than she was before. Trevor is not going to complain.
If you wanna do me a kind favour, please vote in my NaNoWriMo Poll!
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dj-wifi-december · 2 years
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Fic Prompt: Write a fic about Alya Césaire and Nino Lahiffe that combines a royalty AU and a roommates AU
Art Prompt: Draw Alya Césaire and Nino Lahiffe in a kawaii aesthetic
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