#automobile engineering course details
thegeorgetelegraph · 3 months
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How To Become A Services Technician At Ashok Leyland After Completing Automobile Courses?
The journey begins with choosing the right course at George Telegraph Training Institute. Our best automobile engineering college in India offers various automobile courses designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Courses such as:
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kolkata-edu-guide · 2 years
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Best Paramedical College in West Bengal
The GTTI's paramedical course after 12th programme is entirely focused on the business world. It is highly desired and has a lot of promise.
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Spoiler warning! A significant component to the ending of Adolescence of Utena is discussed here. If I were you I'd only read this after watching the show and the movie.
Okay, I need to talk about the Utena car, because I'm a huge car nerd, and its design is SO STRANGE. (I'll be talking about the car's first iteration, because it's the most developed and interesting version.)
[more pics of the car here]
To start, let's look at the recognizable/evocative shapes that are incorporated into the design. I see a high-heeled shoe as the central shape, and then the obvious horse head shapes over the front wheels. If the core shape is indeed meant to call to mind a high-heeled shoe, I take that as being symbolic of Anthy's feminine elegance, with a touch of "don't fuck with me" aggression in that sharply-pointed "toe." It makes sense that the cockpit area is designed more for Anthy, since she's the driver (and the only one with a key). Also that aggressively pointed tip suits Anthy because she is very much associated with swords, and she's become an empowered badass who's not interested in taking shit from anyone anymore. Also worth noting: in episode three of the show, we see Anthy & Utena's first dance, and Anthy is wearing high heels, so there's definitely precedent for this shoe imagery. And that first dance is significant; it's their first time joyously holding each other!
As for the horse heads, I take them as representing the regal/princely nature that Utena has aspired to for so long, as well as the raw, natural force of will that Utena has in spades (especially for her girl Anthy). Also, horses are transportation with heart. Horses get you around while also being sensitive, feeling creatures. Utena has big, deep feelings and care for Anthy, so this fits well. And one more point before moving on: trust and "oneness" between horse and rider are totally a thing, and these are themes that easily fit here.
Okay now to get into what's really interesting (to me), particularly because it's such a subtle and unexpected detail. The Utena car is front-wheel drive, not rear-wheel drive like the majority of performance-oriented cars are. This was a deliberate design choice. If you look closely you can see there are driveshafts attached to the front wheels, but not the rears. That means the power of the engine (Utena's heart) is directed ahead and pulls the car forward from the front, rather than pushing it from the rear. I have no doubt this is significant. Both Anthy and Utena are motivated by a "pull" towards a better future. Their hope is pulling them forward. Their motivation is not a fear-based push from behind, as awful—and arguably frightening—as the shit behind them may be.
Something else to note is: front-wheel drive cars tend to be more stable and easy/intuitive to handle than rear-wheel drive cars, especially for beginner drivers. If Utena had any deciding influence in what kind of car to become, it makes sense that she would choose a layout that would increase Anthy's chances of staying on course and achieving the desired outcome. And Utena & Anthy are still new to their relationship. An easy-to-handle, beginner-friendly automobile is a great choice in this instance, especially considering all the hardship Anthy has endured. Utena would want Anthy to have the easiest time possible with this dash to a new and unknown future.
Finally I want to highlight how the overall design of the car is strongly forward-oriented. The vast majority of what's going on—both in terms of design and engineering—is at the front end of this car. The tail end almost feels like an afterthought in comparison. As I see it, this emphasizes that Anthy & Utena are focused on what's ahead of them, and only minding what's behind them as far as is necessary, and no more than that.
The design of this car is inherently hopeful.
That's my take. Thanks for reading!
P.S. - I've just realized that if ya squint, the Utena car looks kinda like a naked man laying back, with his pointy dingus hanging out for all to see. So maybe there's some trans masculine imagery here too; I don't know. It would certainly fit with Utena's tomboyishness, and the big-long-dong second iteration of the car. Anyway I'll leave it at that for now lol.
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palmofafreezinghand · 5 months
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By an act of fate Charles Evenson finds himself in Ashland, Wisconsin searching for his missing wife. cw: references to domestic abuse and infant death.
on ao3 here.
Saturday, February 19, 1921. 6:07 PM. 
Washburn, Wisconsin. 
“Edward, no.” 
The car engine roared to life before the front door had a chance to slam shut. 
“Edward, please.” 
Within seconds the coupe was speeding down the dirt road, leaving a cloud in its wake. 
“Edward, don’t.” 
The woman was still pleading long after the woods had swallowed the view of the automobile. Her cries were heard by no one but a confused, but sympathetic, doctor. 
Saturday, February 19, 1921. 9:01 AM. 
Union Depot. Ashland, Wisconsin. 
A steam whistle pierced the air as Charles Evenson’s train lurched out of the station, without him. 
He skidded to a halt at the edge of the depot. He desperately bent over to catch his breath, his knees cracking as they moved. Between the bullet in his hip and his age, the sprint across the station had his irregular pulse pounding against his skull. He grimaced as a toddler waved at him from the train window, pointing at him and then getting his mother’s attention. Charles lazily waved at the young woman gaping at him through the moving window, sneer never leaving his face. She caught his gaze, quickly looking away, pulling her son from the window in what seemed to be a mix of guilt for catching the train and… fear. 
“Excuse me, sir,” a shrill woman’s voice said behind him. He took a deep breath, attempting to wipe the irritation off his face, and turned to face the voice. An older, stout woman was standing in front of him, holding his wallet and cane in her hands. “I believe, you dropped these.” 
“Yes. Thank you,” he said, taking his belongings. In his haste, he had failed to notice. 
“Did you miss your train?” She asked. 
It was such a pity for a woman to have neither brains nor beauty, hopefully she was a half-decent cook. Although perhaps she was not as dim-witted as she appeared and used idiocy as a ruse to cover a much larger sin for a woman to possess: inquisitiveness. 
“Yes. I did not realize the service I took from Saint Paul was to a different station,” he huffed, tucking the wallet back into his coat pocket.  
Charles had naively believed his secretary could book his trip efficiently. Misplaced faith meant he was forced to run a mile and a half in a Wisconsin winter in ten minutes, miss his train, and endure a dull conversation with a prune. 
“You are not the first to make that mistake,” she smiled. Her teeth were yellowed and crooked. 
He refrained from rolling his eyes, the woman was older than his mother, and he could be polite, even if it took every ounce of his willpower. 
“You are from Saint Paul?” 
“No, I live in Columbus. I was in Minnesota for work.” The work was smuggling hundreds of dollars worth of moonshine, a detail best kept secret. 
“The only other train East today is towards Chicago. It doesn’t leave until nine this evening.” 
“Of course, it doesn’t,” Charles sighed. He flipped open his wallet and searched for a bill. His fingers first found a five but he quickly stuffed it back, fishing out a single dollar bill instead. 
He extended the dollar to the woman, she waved it off with her wrinkly bony fingers. What would it take to get her to leave? 
“No, no. Enjoy your time in Ashland. Perhaps now you can say hello to Mrs. Bauer,” she said, slowly walking away from the platform and back to the main doors. 
“Who?” He called after her, leaning down to pick up his baggage. 
“The woman in the photograph,” she said, turning to face him. He frowned and she quickly amended her statement. “Your wallet was open to a woman’s picture. Anne Bauer is it not?” 
His eyebrows furrowed. Was there a picture in his wallet? 
He dug in his pocket for the wallet, and flipped it open, greeted by a woman he had not seen in nearly eight months: his wife. 
Paul — Charles’ third eldest brother — had offered to take their portraits as a wedding present. Charles had still thought of her as lovable when he slipped the print in his wallet, the day before he left for the Front. It had been against protocol — which dictated all identifying artifacts were removed from your body — yet carrying a reminder of a woman he liked the idea of seemed necessary at the time. 
They had their… differences, and in the eight or so months he had lived without her he had missed her a handful of times. The morning he awoke to find her gone —  four sunrises after she truly left — he had been livid, which was quickly taken over by fear. The blood in their marital bed, the dried dirt under his nails, the occupied grave he had dug in her parent’s orchard. Details pointing to a sinister answer, she did not leave him in a fit of hysteria, he had escorted her out of this life. 
Reluctant to admit, even if only to himself, that he was a murderer he had visited her cousin in Milwaukee, who had once harbored her for two weeks. Mary swore on her own children’s lives she had not seen his wife and threatened to report the disappearance and all she knew about Charles’ conduct to the authorities if he did not leave. 
He returned home and concocted a lie about how he came home one night to find the lock broken and his wife missing. The neighbors who had heard screams of terror and fits of rage did not believe this lie, but they never said a word otherwise which is all that mattered. 
It had not crossed his mind she could still be alive, his conscious free. He held the wallet out to the old woman whom he was praying was confused. “This was the photograph?” 
“Yes. That’s her, the widow who teaches in Washburn.” 
That bitch. 
“You are a friend of hers?” She raised her left eyebrow at the word friend. 
An emphasis, there was no mistaking the meaning of. It was odd for a man to keep an image of a woman, who was not his wife, on his person. Especially when the woman was in a wedding gown. 
What relation would make it not odd? 
“My sister. I had not planned on visiting her since the trip was intended to be short but seeing as I will be in town until late I may be able to visit.” 
“Her brother,” the old woman smiled. “She’s such a sweet gal. Despite her circumstances. Has she had the babe yet? Last I heard she was almost due.” 
His stomach lurched. She had still been home nine months prior. Of course, she could have betrayed him causing her to flee. But deep in the pit of his stomach, he knew this was not the case. 
“We have not been able to write frequently as of late,” Charles lied, voice almost shaky. “She is busy, as you could imagine. Last I heard she had not, no.” 
“Well, do give Mrs. Bauer my regards,” the woman said before finally turning away for good. 
“Oh, I will.” 
Saturday, February 19, 1921. 9:25 AM 
Washburn, Wisconsin. 
A crisp ten-dollar bill had been enough to convince the cab driver to take Charles twelve miles to the small shoreline logging town and wait for an hour. 
In the almost half hour since he had realized his wife might be alive, and more significantly he might have a child, he wafted from well-disguised rage to sorrow. If it turned out that the crone in the station had a riddled memory and mistook his wife for an innocent widow would he be disappointed? If his wife was alive and well could he convince her to return home? How would he explain her initial disappearance or the potential child? Perhaps they could move? 
He was getting ahead of himself, he first needed a plan to meet ‘Mrs. Anne Bauer.’ If Anne was his wife, he could not simply waltz into the schoolhouse and demand she accompany him. She was charming enough to convince the town he was a madman, a threat, a danger. He needed to meet without an audience, at her home. Yet, if Mrs. Bauer was a widow whose only sin was bearing a mild resemblance to his wife he could not approach her at home without being escorted out of town by a Sheriff. 
As he approached the town’s tiny one-room post office he paused to observe the first townspeople he had seen. A middle-aged couple were making their way down the stairs, arms linked, the man carrying a stack of envelopes in his free hand. The woman’s face turned to surprise when she spotted a young blond man packing boxes into the back of an automobile. 
“Dr. Cullen!” The woman exclaimed, dropping her husband’s arm. 
The man, apparently a doctor, turned to face the woman and Charles was able to catch the man’s face. Odd, was the only way to describe the man. 
“Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. Birch,” Dr. Cullen said, stalling his packing to give them his full attention. 
“I have been searching for you but you’ve been practically missing this past month. My niece is staying with us for the season, you must come for dinner,” the woman insisted. 
“Oh, I appreciate the invitation, Mrs. Birch. But I must decline, I have been told I am an awful dinner party guest, I am utterly incapable of upholding conversation not concerning diseases and organs.” 
“Then I will serve goose liver,” she countered. 
The doctor laughed but was unmoved. “Thank you but that will be unneccessary, Mrs. Birch.” 
“I will convince you one of these days,” she said pointedly, turning back towards her husband and linking her arm through his again. “Do not let her persuade you, Doctor,” Mr. Birch said over his shoulder. 
“Arthur, hush,” Mrs. Burch said, lightly smacking her husband. 
The doctor smiled to himself as the couple walked down the street. 
“If you told them the truth you were attached she would relent,” Charles said, walking towards the doctor. 
“Oh, I am n- How did you? What gave you that impression?” 
“You have the air of a man shackled by a doe-eyed girl.” 
“I would not use the term shackled,” Dr. Cullen said quietly. 
“Ah, you are hoping to be attached.” “Perhaps,” the doctor smiled at his feet. 
Charles knew soon enough the young man would realize the trap that was a blushing innocent but for now, he was intoxicated by the thrill of a nice girl. 
“Do you live around here?” Charles asked. He figured if anyone were to know the people of a town it would be the doctor. 
“Yes, further North. I work in the city,” Dr. Cullen said, resuming sorting his packages. “You are visiting, I presume.” 
“Yes, Anne Bauer, do you know her?” 
The doctor froze for a split second, something that should have gone unnoticed. “I believe the name sounds familiar,” he said slowly, focusing unnaturally on his task. He had loaded all the boxes and was now unnecessarily sorting them. 
“She’s a widow, currently expecting, a teacher.” 
The doctor nodded, ‘mhm-ing’ to himself. A noncommittal, unsatisfactory answer. 
Charles dug his wallet out of his pocket, pulling the photo out of the wallet. He handed the paper over to the doctor. “Her?” 
The doctor held the photo delicately, staring at it for half a minute. “She is young here, but yes, I knew her,” he said, finally tearing his eyes from the image. “You knew her well?” 
“Yes, yes, we’re quite close. If you could tell me wher—” 
“I apologize for being the one to break this news, Anne passed last month.” 
Charles could feel his jaw drop. His legs felt like river reeds, swaying in the stream. “She… She’s dead?” 
“You have my deepest sympathies,” Dr. Cullen said with solemnity. 
“The child?” 
“Her son passed shortly before her, lung fever.” 
Charles Evenson had a son that he lost every chance to know because of his own selfish, cruel actions. 
“Th-thank you,” Charles told the doctor, starting to walk, more accurately stumble, back down the street. He did not hear the doctor call after him offering him the photo and asking if Charles was alright. His mind was lost in images of a son that never would be. 
Saturday, February 19, 1921. 5:57 PM. 
Washburn, Wisconsin. 
Carlisle could hear his two companions inside as he made his way slowly down the dirt driveway. The familiar banter was quickly becoming one of his favorite sounds. While the transition into their world had not been entirely smooth, Esme had become a priceless addition to his life. 
“Oh, I loathe this one,” Esme sighed as Edward began to play Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23. 
“It’s Beethoven,” Edward responded curtly, continuing on with the composition with masterful precision. 
“It is utterly depressing.” 
“Depressing,” Edward scoffed. 
Carlisle smiled to himself as he parked the automobile. Esme was still reluctant to express any of her opinions freely but when she did allow the two men to know her thoughts on music it often sparked heated debates. 
“I imagine this is what plays in a murderer’s mind before he kills.” 
“You have too vivid an imagination for your own good,” Edward teased. 
Carlisle tried to open the door quietly, so as to not disturb the scene of domesticity but his efforts were interrupted by a pleasant, “Good evening, Dr. Cullen.” 
“Good evening, Ms. Platt,” he said, moving quickly to join the pair in the sitting room. 
“Please, call me Esme.” 
“I will not drop honorifics while you insist on calling me Doctor,” he said for what had to be the twentieth time, earning him a roll of her eyes. He took a seat on the opposite end of the couch, listening to Edward play the “depressing” tune. Esme returned her attention to the book in her lap. 
Carlisle allowed his eyes to slip close briefly while he listened. “I suppose it is rather intense,” he acquiesced, opening his eyes as Edward began to play even more passionately. 
“Not you too,” Edward huffed, attention never leaving the keys. 
“Thank you,” Esme smiled slightly, she still had yet to freely smile in the time he had known her. “How was your day?” 
“Quite fine,” Carlisle said. For hours he had debated how to broach the subject of the man in town. Esme’s constitution was delicate, to put it mildly. To remind her she was mourned could be potentially disastrous. Yet, as soon as he saw her his resolve to keep the man a secret crumpled. “I met someone in town I would like to ask you about.” 
“He was quite charming, very personable. He was not from Ashland. You once mentioned you have a brother, correct?” 
“Harry,” she nodded, “he died in the war.” 
That complicated the matter. Carlisle had presumed by the man’s reaction he was a close dear connection, one personally affected by the loss. Her brother seemed the logical conclusion based on how Esme discussed her childhood. How awful for her to have lost both her beloved brother and husband to the war. 
Edward’s fingers halted mid-note. “Carlisle,” he said between clenched teeth. “Think of that face again.” 
Carlisle did as instructed, unsure what significance the old friend of Esme’s held in the boy’s mind. Although, Edward had been overly paranoid about leaving any trace of Esme in Washburn’s history, going as far as to erase hospital records that so much as mentioned her son. Whomever this past connection was had left Washburn without fuss as soon as he realized who he sought was no more. Edward was, as usual, overreacting. 
“When did you see him?”  
“A quarter past nine?” Carlisle guessed. “Edward, the man poses no threat.” 
“You have no idea the threat,” Edward said, standing from his bench and storming out of the room in one swift furious move. 
Esme’s gaze followed Edward from the piano to the doorframe, and a look of recognition hit her face. “Did he have a cane?” She asked quietly. 
“Yes,” Carlisle said, turning his attention back to her. Esme’s eyes were wide with an emotion he dared say was fear. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Esme was off the couch and bolting after Edward. Carlisle followed out of pure confusion. 
“Edward, please,” she pleaded, running down the hallway.  
“Esme, stay,” Edward spat in a tone harsher than Carlisle had ever heard him use, throwing the front door open. 
“Edward, do not do anything to him.” 
“Go inside, Esme.” 
“No,” she grabbed his arm. He flinched but froze in his step, refusing to use force to remove her. “You are not to find him. I am pleading with you.” Her voice was close to a tearless sob. 
“Esme, the things he did to you,” Edward hissed. A statement that made Carlisle’s stomach turn. The things he did to you. The wedding portrait he had stored away in his medical bag. The man’s shock at the passing of her son. How Esme flinched every time someone raised their voice. No? 
Edward nodded brusquely in Carlisle’s direction. “He must be dealt with.”
“I will not kill him,” Edward said quietly, in a tone not entirely convincing. He placed one hand over Esme’s on his arm. “I promise.” 
“Who is this man?” Carlisle asked, stepping towards the two. Although he presumed he knew a fraction of the answer already. 
Esme glanced back at him eyes wide, mouth agape. Edward used her moment of distraction to pry himself away, marching towards the automobile. 
“Esme will explain. I will be back.”
“Edward, no.” 
The car engine roared to life. 
“Edward, please.” 
Within seconds the coupe was speeding down the dirt road, leaving a cloud in its wake. 
“Edward, don’t.” 
The woman was still pleading long after the woods had swallowed the view of the automobile. Her cries eventually turned into explanations which turned into tearless sobs. 
When Edward finally did return it was with clean hands, finding Charles had unfortunately made his train and was out of Ashland, alive and well. 
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noodleblade · 9 months
holiday idea~ kobd seeing snow for the first time
I wrote the majority of this within an hour of you sending this and then I forgot to edit it for a week dncfkjsfksnfksf ;---; BUT I hope you like some cute, dumbie fluff:3
Ao3 Link X
Knock Out stared out into the white abyss with piecing skepticism. 
“I think it's just water, K.O.,” Breakdown muttered beside him. 
“But we don’t know that,” Knock Out hissed. 
Beneath the metal awning, he was safe. Cold- over the course of this flesh planet’s night cycle dark clouds dropped the temperatures to a frigid chill and unleashed this white… something -but safe. They had just wanted some shelter from the night, but now they were trapped, stuck beneath the thin metal roof for who knows how long. What if it collapsed? The white flecks looked weightless but Knock Out could see how they had piled around them, their exact weight unknowable. What if the roof fell in and they were crushed? What if the white dustings were infectious? Sickly? What if-
“Only one way to find out,” Breakdown hummed with a mild rev of his engine. 
“Wait-” Knock Out protested, but it was too late. Breakdown released his brakes, rolling forward. His protective, pleasant warmth went with him and Knock Out shivered as he could only watch in fearful agony. 
Breakdown’s wheels hit the white piles with a squish , flecks landing on his roof.
Breakdown froze and Knock Out felt his spark drop as his partner sat immobile, windows fogging as the cold crept up his frame.
“Breakdown?” Knock Out whispered before trying again louder, more insistent, “ Breakdown.”
A loud, rumbling laugh rolled out of his partner before Knock Out saw him shift, pulling out of his alt to stand. Breakdown spun on his pedes, arms wide as he flashed Knock Out a grin. 
“It’s safe!”
Knock Out remained still beneath the safety of his tin shelter, eyeing the flecks land and melt? on Breakdown’s chassis.
“Then what is it?”
“I don’t know,” Breakdown admitted. He held his palm out watching as the little specks landed and disappeared into tiny puddles. “I think it's frozen water.”
Knock Out wasn’t too sure about that. It wouldn’t be a complete surprise. After all, they had already witnessed on multiple occasions as water dropped from the sky above, dumping across the land. The inhabitants of this planet seemed unworried about it, crafting little plastic shields to cover their helms. The shelter he was in now served as a protective measure for their automobiles, though it didn’t solve the issue of the water pooling at his tires. Nevertheless, the frozen water did not reassure Knock Out in the slightest.
“Think of all the water stains,” Knock Out winced. His finish was already in desperate need of a detailing. He didn’t need to ruin it further. 
Breakdown hummed an acknowledgement but his attention was focused on a particularly large clump of the white frozen water. He reached for it, servo hissing as the heat of his frame met the icy cluster. Once his frame matched the temperature, Breakdown was able to pick up a palm sized clump. With a minimal amount of patting, he was about to mold it into a spherical ball.
“You can hold it?” Breakdown said in awe.
“Put that down!” Knock Out yelped, panic edging his words. “You don’t know if it is safe! It could seep to the protoform! You don’t know what that is-“
“I’m fine, Doc,” Breakdown’s smile was gentle as he crushed the clump in his palm and dropped what little remained solid. “It’s just water. The organics wouldn’t leave their stuff out if it was bad.”
Knock Out could see several cars blanketed in the supposed icy water. Logically, he could see Breakdown’s point, but he still couldn’t bear the idea of what it would do to his precious paint job.
“Come on, K.O.,” Breakdown tried again, coming closer to Knock Out’s feeble little shelter. “Just touch it. And-” Breakdown continued over the warning rev of Knock Out’s engine “-I’ll personally detail you when we get back to the Nemesis. The whole package: wash, buff, wax . I can even touch up your flames.”
Knock Out couldn’t say he wasn’t tempted. Just the possibility of the warmth of the Nemesis and Breakdown’s hands on him almost was enough to make him disengage his brakes. However…
“You already promised me that when we took this little road trip,” Knock Out reminded him, not without a slight, teasing purr in his voice. If he played his cards right… “You’re going to have to do better than that, Darling.”
“Spoiled brat,” Breakdown grinned back, his laughter bubbling up. “You know I’ll do whatever you want.”
The words had barely left Breakdown’s mouth before Knock Out fired off his request. If he had to suffer in this icy, wet mess for Breakdown then, “I get to detail you. For as long as I want.”
Breakdown blinked, his helm cocking to the side in contemplation. “Really?”
“Mmm,” Knock Out hummed, his engine purring along. “We can do each other. ‘Make a whole night of it. What do you say?”
It was rare Breakdown would let him, far too concerned with looking out for Knock Out. Which was a cover. Breakdown had admitted once that he felt he didn’t deserve it . Knock Out had been waiting for a chance to prove him wrong.
“If that’s what you want,” Breakdown murmured, his voice almost shy about the concept.
“You act like you don’t want my hands all over you.”
“I didn’t say that.” Breakdown turned his gaze back to Knock Out’s windshield. “Not that you’ll get to if you remain cooped up under there.”
“So we have a deal?” Knock Out asked, making sure his brake unlocked with a loud click.
“We always have a deal, Doc.”
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tiny-elf-of-doom · 1 year
A Man & His Car 🖤
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Good Omens fanfiction
Crowley x The Bentley (yes, really)
Best if you listen to I’m In Love With My Car by Queen while reading!
Nsfw 🔞 MDNI: m@sturbation, dirty talk, descriptions of s€x, & a sassy 1926 Bentley.
Crowley lounged back against the upholstery. He loved the way his car purred when it was given the right attention. Using two, thin fingers, the demon lined the CD slot from left to right, slathering it in a cleaner he kept under the seat. The Bentley surged from his touch, flashing the front lights as darkness approached.
“You like it when I play with you, isn’t that right, love?”
Another roar and the steering wheel turned sharply to the left, cutting off a rather displeased driver. Steam gathered under the immortal wheels as the car sped into the distance, pushing through the heart of London to where the M-25 began its course. Crowley loved it when his Bentley pushed her limits on the speedometer, swerving from one lane to another with ninety years of demonic ease. The demon managed to see her reflection in one of the vehicles to his right- holy hell, what a looker. He admired her vintage curves which were made far shapelier by the black paint job.
The radio began to play, I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black.
Bentley’s design had been what drew him to her in the mid-1920s, but it was her attitude that made him stay. He tightened his grip on the wheel, clenching his jaw as she pushed ninety. A growth had begun to rise from behind the seam of Crowley’s trousers and his car took notice. The radio whizzed out of nowhere once more, searching the inserted CD for the perfect song. She finally found what she was searching for, eventually, and it was then that Crowley realized the Bentley still had a wicked sense of humor.
When I’m holding your wheel
All I hear is your gear.
The demon laughed as they passed a rather large bus traveling the highway. “You’re a naughty thing! Do you want me to have a wank while you drive?”
This time, the Bentley growled.
Crowley did have a feel for this automobile, especially when she was all fired up and ready for action. How could he have turned her down? Taking his time unbuckling his trousers, the demon finally pulled out his cock which had just started to turn a bright shade of red. The Bentley’s wheel suddenly steered on its own as Crowley laid along his front seat. He gave himself a few short strokes before tugging at himself more feverishly while the Bentley pushed a hundred. They went in their first circle when Crowley allowed his voice to carry through the car.
“I do fancy you, Bentley…” Crowley hiccupped through a rather loud moan. “You’re my car, I bought you from new, you will always get me where I need to go… such a beautiful thing you’ve turned out to be, love.”
He caressed her upholstery, taking in the detailed lines and that fresh car smell that had never went away. Like a bottle of perfume, it had become her signature scent and one of Crowley’s most familiar comforts.
“Now that we got the mushy shit out of the way, I want you drive like you mean it. I’ll take care of the rest.” Crowley whined when the engine revved. “Good girl.”
Suddenly, the M-25 became barren. Not a car could be seen besides the Bentley, which gave her plenty of room to drive. Crowley knew he had to watch when her wheels screamed against the pavement. He lifted himself up behind the wheel once again, staring as she made the streetlights connect in a flurry. His chest tightened with delight seeing her so excited; so free. Crowley sat back and allowed her to guide him as he pleasured himself. She rumbled from under his grip on the gear shift, playing her music higher and higher until it flooded the enclosed space.
Crowley’s cock wept, leaking from the head as the Bentley turned around the bend of the road. The pounding of her mechanic heart was unbearably sexual. Her tires shrieking as she hit a hundred and ten threw the demon’s head back in pure ecstasy.
“Yes, baby, keep going, drive until I come,” Crowley whined.
The car would not disappoint. It was nearing its second loop when Crowley’s movements became flustered. They neared the exit to Mayfield.
“Almost there, Bentley,” he assured while giving the gear shift a few accompanying strokes. The car was already losing itself to the demands of her driver, but didn’t wish to stop, not when he was this close. She turned rubber into dust as Crowley screamed at the top of his lungs, working his hand to the point of agony. “Yes, yes! Fuck yes, I love you, baby!”
The driver came in a full body wave of pleasure. His hips bucked into the wheel, bringing the vehicle to swerve slightly, left and right. There had been the exit and the Bentley rushed into the softly lit road ahead; one that hadn’t been doused in tire tracks. A snap from Crowley’s thin fingers brought the traffic back to the highway once they were far, far away from the bustle of Central London. Both the demon and his car were exhausted, but it was mainly his prized antique that needed the break.
“Stunning work,” Crowley patted the wheel, then took it into his hands. The car radio wobbled, which was the best way of putting it. “Sorry, baby, I know you’re still sensitive. Let me get us home.”
And they drove off into the night, satisfied with one another as a man and his car.
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unboundtravels · 1 year
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‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Many could call what she was doing risky. Of course, it was. It was breaking and entering in broad daylight. Wide strides were made up the driveway of a small garage. The woman standing before the garage could see from the lack of interior light shining through the window that the garage must currently be without its prime occupant. So she knew she'd have to be quick, humming quietly as she approached the doorway leading inside. She didn't even have to shake the knob. She just knew that it was locked.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎"I must be quick." She mumbled quietly, "Quick. Quick. Quick." She repeated to herself before humming quietly. She removed something from the outer breast pocket on her waistcoat. This woman wasn't abnormally tall or short, her height was rather average. Pale fingers wiggled quietly as she held a small, silver cylindrical device in between her fingers. Something she'd stolen during a different escapade. Her wild, unkempt white hair was her most distinguishing feature, aside from her all-black outfit and icy blue eyes, of course.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎A black, denim waistcoat was tightly buttoned over a tan turtleneck, with a large coat that dropped to the thighs hanging on her shoulders. The boots she wore were cut a few inches below the knee, heeled with laces and locks. The device whirrs softly in her hands before it unlocks the door in front of her. "Primitive devices, these sonic screwdrivers." She huffed, "But not without their uses!" She tacked on a giggle before pushing the door open and closing it behind her. Immediately, she noticed a plethora of details.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎A workshop? Earlier, from her ship, she had detected strange readings. Said ship was in dire need of repairs, and her first move in order to repair it was to scout out nearby energy readings. She sent her other three companions to three different energy levels... while she herself headed here... where energy readings were the highest. However... all she could see was just some workshop with assorted gear scattered around. Some of that gear included a jet engine, piles of circuit boards, enough automobile parts to build at least two cars, a short-wave radio, a Seeburg jukebox, a workbench with welding equipment, the remnants of a robot, a working refrigerator, and dozens of clocks. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ "There's no other explanation..." She mumbled, finger resting against lip, "This must be the home... of a scientist... hm? Yes.. Yes, I believe so indeed... quite so." She paced over to a nearby workbench, "This workshop will be suitable to repair the fluid link to The TARDIS... but I have to be quick... must slip in and out without so much as a hair left behind!"
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einprotagonist · 1 year
Going abroad...
Earlier, we've talked about how there are several dreams that a person carries, it is highly unlikely you don't have more than one dream. Ofcourse, you can rank them in an order where something is more important while others can be just peripheral options in your opinion.
And this blog is about me trying to go abroad, I'd earlier tried to explore options about how I can go study abroad. When I was in 6-7th standard, I'd talk to random people on internet who were from various different countries and I was fascinated with the lifestyle they had while I was proud of how much academically smarter I was when compared to some of older students too. But I wanted to explore, they had places which weren't awfully crowded and they had public facilities which were far better than ours. Yes, every land has it's own shitty side but I am not the one to dig shit when I'm dreaming.
During intermediate, I came to know about SAT exams which must have costed my dad almost 75% of his monthly salary at the time when he had to pay rents of 2 separate stays - me and family, pay for food and what not. We were basically drowning in loans I think but never restricted ourselves from trying to make life big. I gave the exam without much preparation and scores were a little above the average and were just about enough to secure 60-70% scholarship in a few universities in the USA - turns out that even if we were given a 100% scholarship then also my family wouldn't be able to pay for the cost of me living there. I immediately let the thought and dream pack its bag and leave. LOL.
Then in college times I was getting better at Automobile Engineering and was deeply invested into making a career out of it. Europe was a dreamland for cars and once again I started to check where I would be paying the least for education, be allowed for a part time job to pay my own living expenses during the masters degree and things did not fall into place. This time my university grades were not good enough to breeze me through and then pockets were already empty for this sort of arrangement to go ahead with. Plus there was this notion that I can keep trying after getting into job.
Well, 4 years have passed since I graduated and many things have happened, some may be well versed with all of those things but most will never know the complete details until they read about it here in future.
Now after all these years, and all these experiences... I think I want finally want to move out and make new moves. I've evaluated the current situations, the budget and options that are present in front of me. The decision on where to go has been pretty clear after initial analysis - Canada is the only place which checks all my boxes. My plan is to go for an MBA and find myself a job after completion of the course in order to support my family better while live my best life. That is right, I want this for myself more than anyone else. Which is how most of the dreams are I think, other factors like family or future generations will always benefit from the positive outcome.
So.. yeah I have just finished giving the English proficiency tests and it is still a very long way to go. I'd prefer to get admission into one of the renowned colleges and we will find out more in the aftermath.
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aiautos · 2 years
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Top row: Magazine article and poster from the Splash Grand Prix Middle row: Magazine cover and poster from the California Amphibious Racing Circuit Bottom row: Posters for the Japan Amphibious Endurance Tournament
With the rising popularity in amphibious cars, it only made natural sense to try and push them to their limits, to see just how fast they could go over both land and sea. As a result, several amphibious racing circuits arose all around the world. We've got some advertising material here, as well as some details and descriptions about some vehicles from three of those circuits.
The Splash Grand Prix was started in 1947 by a group of New England amphibious automobile enthusiasts who wanted to see just how fast their boat-cars could go. The result was the Splash Grand Prix, a 5-lap race around a course that takes place on equal amounts land and sea. While not as fast as some of the other circuits, it's been described as more high intensity, shorter-range event, with the winding spaghetti-like roads of the New England area being the perfect challenge for drivers to navigate. The event is a very friendly and humble affair, with people bringing their tents, grills, and coolers in a huge picnic/cookoff style event that culminates into watching the big race. Cars are usually modified or custom-built roadsters, though there have been a few modern-style entries (but nothing too flashy, as there are strict component and weight requirements). The red car in the article to the left is the Hammnicar III, built by John M. Hammond the Fourth in 1982, as a tribute to the then-lost Hammnicar I, and the seldom-seen Hammnicar II. It was used in the Splash Grand Prix in the 1982, 1983, and 1984 seasons, winning the first two, but by 1984, it was out of date. The Hammnicar II was based off of a VW Superbeetle, not unlike the Catfish, but was designed as a tandem-control vehicle, powered by a Chevrolet Corvair Turbo 180 hp turbo motor, rather than the original Volkswagen flat 4. It competed in the super-modified 200 hp class, and was able to achieve speeds on the water of up to 40 knots, while able to do 120 mph on land.
On the other side of the country, we'll find the California Amphibious Racing Circuit. Founded in 1954, you'll find that this event is the polar opposite of the Splash Grand Prix. Loud, bombastic cars with sleek designs and souped-up engines are the stars of the show, and sponsorships litter the sides of the cars like a NASCAR vehicle. Everyone and their grandmother is trying to sell you something at the CARC, and the atmosphere is intoxicatingly overwhelming. The race is televised across the country, with millions tuning in to see these amphibious beasts rip across the sand and surf at speeds that can reach over 130 mph! In 2003, Thompson Hydrosports, a well-known homologation manufacturer, finally decided to dip it's toes into building it's own entry into the 2004 California Circuit season, building the Thompson Tornado (the vehicle on the magazine to the left), powered by the homologation 350 Chevrolet, machined to produce 500 horsepower. The vehicle itself was built from fiberglass and aluminum, and had a top speed on the water of 90 knots, while on land it could achieve 160 mph. The Tornado would become infamous once it entered production in the next year, for being super fast, agile, but most importantly, dangerous. of the 52 built, including the 2 prototypes, 31 of them were damaged beyond repair, or lost in accidents, with a total of 8 fatal accidents killing one or both of the crew. The most notable of the accidents being of the 41st production vehicle, driven by Robert Hall, and James Williams as Navigator, was lost in an 87 knot roll, the vehicle disintegrating around the crew, with nothing of the wreck being recovered, other than two of the wheels.
Crossing the pond, you'll find the Japan Amphibious Endurance Tournament, an affair squarely in the middle of the SGP and the CARC in terms of flashiness. While a little late to the party in 1970, it is nonetheless a beloved event enjoyed by racing enthusiasts across the globe, with events being televised across the world. While CARC vehicles are built for speed, JAET vehicles are built for endurance, boasting innovative designs meant to be efficient and comfortable while still being powerful. Being an endurance tournament, the track usually spans the entire length of Japan in both land and sea, meaning the races can sometimes take over 2 days to fully complete. Pit stops are placed at key points in the race (usually in the transitions between ground and water), but some legs of the race can result in the drivers going for over 8 hours straight! The car featured in the leftmost advertisement is the 1999 ALIAH, developed by the Japanese Hydronautics Committee in 1998. A non-government entity, like the FIA, the JHC built the ALIAH as a successor to Project Kikka, an unbuilt prototype for a 200 mph on road racer, and a 100 knot superboat. ALIAH was built to succeed in nearly as many areas, using a folding wheel mechanism, to allow all 6 wheels to be hidden away to allow for higher speeds on the water. The actual ALIAH travelled up to 185 mph on land, and 83 knots on the water. During testing, however, the vehicle had an engine fire, from it's twin Toyota 1GZ-FE V12 engines, that produced 800 hp each, to the rear 4 wheels, or the hydrojets at the back. Posthumously, the gearbox was found to be at fault, though the EFS (Engine Fire Suppressants) were used, and saved the boat. This Magazine cover shows the post-fire repairs, missing aerodynamic panels, and allowing the internals to be seen. The ALIAH was used to demonstrate the CLASS VI racing series, and CLASS VI is still ongoing, though the current dominant force as of the 2023 season are turbine-electric hybrids, allowing for intense acceleration on land, and intense acceleration on ground. The ALIAH is on display in Karuizawa, at the JHC's headquarters/museum for hydro-racing. It is on display in situ post testing, with the fire damage still visible in places, though repairs had been made after the fire, which are also visible.
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shivkunjauto · 1 day
Car Service in Lucknow – Shivkunj Automotive: Your Trusted Partner for Quality Care
Car Service in Lucknow - Finding a trustworthy and professional service is essential for the life and well-being of your vehicle. Shivkunj Automotive name trusted in the auto industry will ensure quality car care services-from simple maintenance to specialized repairs that will keep your car running like clockwork.
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Why should one choose Shivkunj Automotive for car servicing in Lucknow?
Shivkunj Automotive understands quality car service quite well in Lucknow. The experienced technicians can handle all vehicles, including hatchbacks and luxury cars, with expertise. Latest equipment and original spare parts ensure your car runs just right. The routine oil change, engine diagnostics, or brake repairs are indeed carried out with excellent services matching the best standards within this industry.
All-inclusive Car Service in Lucknow
The services we render are all-rounded and cover the general servicing of your car:
Oil and Filter Change: Your engine needs regular oil changes to run quietly. We deliver premium quality oil and filter replacement services to improve the performance of your car.
Brake Inspection and Repair: This is a critical safety check we undertake- checking up your vehicle's brakes and repairing or replacing if necessary.
Engine Diagnostics: Is your car's engine giving up some terrible troubles? Don't worry, as our advanced diagnosis tools diagnose the problem beforehand for an instant and perfect solution.
AC Servicing: Stay cool on Lucknow roads due to expert air conditioning repairing and servicing offered by our skilled technicians.
Battery Replacement: Make sure every time you start up your car that it starts like a first-time start. Our reliable battery inspection and replacement services ensure that you start every time.
Benefits of Regular Car Service in Lucknow
Regular automobile car servicing is important and can prevent most breakdowns as well as expensive breakdowns. Shivkunj Automotive provides car servicing to elongate the life of your car through our preventive maintenance. That is why servicing your car regularly is very important. Here are the reasons why:
Better Performance: A well-attended car runs more effectively, which means more efficient fuel consumption as well as smoother driving.
Improved Safety: Periodic checks ensure brakes, tires, and other safety features are all in top condition.
Value Retention: Preventive service will also make sure that your car retains pristine conditions and hence its market value.
Why Shivkunj Automotive is Unique
We are different from other car services in Lucknow. We believe in giving you transparent communication at fair prices along with the best after-service. Our professionalism, prompt service, and care in detail make our customers believe in us and come again.
1- What does it entail at Shivkunj Automotive?
For a full car service, we include oil and filter changes, brake inspections, an engine check, fluid check, tire rotation, and general safety checks to make sure your vehicle is running as it should.
2- How often should one service the car?
It is advisable to service a car after every 10,000 to 15,000 kilometers, or every six months, whichever first, to keep it running and enduring well.
3- Do you offer an emergency car repair service in Lucknow?
Of course, yes. So, at Shivkunj Automotive, you are sure to get urgent relief through repair service so that your car gets back on the road as quickly as possible.
4- Can I book a car service appointment online?
Of course! You can simply book an appointment with us online or call us for booking a time as convenient as possible for you.
5- Do you use genuine parts for replacement and repairs?
We use only original and authorized parts that are recommended by the manufacturer; this will ensure that your vehicle maintains its standards and performance.
For the best car service in Lucknow, visit Shivkunj Automotive for sure care and expertise. Book your appointment now and keep your car in top condition!
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Top 10 Engineering Colleges In Kolkata Uncovered!!!
Engineers are the building blocks of developing India and many business sectors such as the automobile industry, machinery sector,  IT industry, telecom industry and many more sectors require 80% of engineers. Everyone is familiar with engineering but it is a tedious and confusing task to find the best engineering college. This article will take you through the top Btech colleges in Kolkata. There are many prestigious colleges in West Bengal such as  IIT Kharagpur, Jadavpur University, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Amity University Kolkata and many more.
Know why Amity Reigns as the best engineering colleges in West Bengal
Amity School of Engineering and Technology believes in learning by doing. It focuses on making students ready for the real world by promoting innovation and problem-solving abilities in them. With different engineering specializations, amity caters to the diverse interests of students. Their teaching methods build critical thinking and prepare students for a successful engineering career.
Key advantages of pursuing engineering from Amity 
High pay scale
Engineers who graduate from Amity University often enjoy competitive salaries and benefits, showcasing the critical role they play in driving technological advancements and business success.
With engineering from Amity, students don't just become experts in the latest technology but get holistic development which helps them to start their tech ventures or contribute to innovative startups.
Continuous learning
The field of engineering is dynamic, it requires the students to stay updated on the latest technologies, and Amity provides the students with a stimulating environment for continuous learning and skill development.
Remote job opportunities
The nature of engineering jobs often allows professionals to work remotely, giving them flexibility and the ability to work from different locations.
Engineering courses offered at Amity 
At Amity University Kolkata, students get various options to choose from Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, mechanical & automation engineering and, Computer Science engineering are some of the major engineering branches offered to students. Let’s dive into  the details of the courses offered at Amity University Kolkata:
B Tech in biotech engineering- It is a 4-year degree. Interested students with a minimum of 55% mark in PCB/PCM in class 12th are eligible to apply for this course.
For other streams-  The duration of each course is 4 years. Students with a minimum of 55% marks in PCM in class 12th can apply for this course.
For more information about the B tech fee structure at Amity University Kolkata, you can visit the website and apply online for its b tech program. 
Detailed admission process at Amity University Kolkata 
For the accessibility and comfort of the student, Amity has a fully online admission process. The detailed process for admission is given below- 
1. Go to the website of Amity University Kolkata and fill in the detailed application form.
2. The filled application for admission will be deposited after attaching the below mandatory documents 
A passport-size photograph: The scanned photograph should be in jpg, gif, png, jpeg, or bmp format for online submission.
A scanned Class 10th  mark sheet in jpg, gif, png, jpeg, bmp, or pdf format for online submission.
A  personal e-mail ID and mobile number.
3. Lastly, deposit an application fee of Rs. 1500 using a Debit, or Credit card, Wallet or net banking.
When it comes to the top 10 engineering colleges in Kolkata, the Amity Kolkata campus is an outstanding choice for students interested in making a difference in the world of technology. Apply today! 
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/top-10-engineering-colleges-in/home?authuser=3
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thegeorgetelegraph · 7 months
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Here Are Some of Our Exceptional Placement Partners in Automobile
George Telegraph vocational institute is your gateway to a rewarding career in the automotive industry. With our exceptional placement partners and comprehensive training programs, you'll be well-equipped to thrive in this dynamic and exciting field.
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kolkata-edu-guide · 2 years
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Get a Job for Car Company in Automobile Engineer
Students who have finished their 10th, 12th, or even graduate are able to enroll in an automobile engineering after 10th for the diploma.
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glocaluniver · 22 days
B.Tech Program – Excellent for the New Career Possibility
After completing higher secondary education, many students wish to enroll in the engineering course. It is a highly demanding career-oriented option for candidates to excel in the science and technology stream. For this concern, students search for well-known Btech colleges in Saharanpur and enroll in the course in a favorable stream.
• College offers the course in different streams includes civil, mechanical, computer science, electrical and electronics, telecommunication, and lot more. • Students have a great chance to develop a good career in the dream domain. • Engineering course is reliable to fulfill the career goal and interest. • It is the perfect option to learn engineering and technology. • The main aim of the course is to strengthen skills and knowledge in a specific domain.
It is ideal for skill development and encourages the technological advancement. The course aids students in advancing skills in engineering technology. It is a major part of the rapid career growth and success.
Enjoy the perfect academic inclination:
Students who study in the engineering program have strong academic inclinations. It gives a better chance to go for higher education. Students don’t miss the chance to secure a respectable and high position in the engineering and technology field.
Students must check course details and make the right decision to apply for them. B.Tech program details let candidates to study everything elaborately. The curriculum syllabus makes students talented and skillful in a particular specialization.
As a student, you can fulfill certain requirements to apply for the course. You can visit the official portal and check the guidelines for admission. Based on it, you can array the necessary documents required for admission.
Steady career:
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The main aim of every student is to develop a steady career in the engineering domain. With the advent of technology, you can search for the Top Btech institute in west UP and follow the requirements to get admission.
• Engineering becomes the top career choice for many aspirants. • Leading companies always look for highly qualified, well-trained, and skilled candidates for their respective roles. • There is a high demand for engineers in the different sectors, including IT, automobile, finance, and a lot more.
They rely on different forms of engineers for diverse roles. Engineering students are proficient in the practical and theoretical skills and knowledge. Engineering course creates long-lasting impacts on student’s careers. So you can pick the right institution to take your career to the next level.
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umichenginabroad · 1 month
Hi everyone! If this is your first time coming across my blog, my name is Jules, and I’ve been studying abroad in Prague for 8 weeks now. I can’t believe I’m sitting here documenting my final week in this amazing city. This international experience has truly been one of the best decisions I have ever made and has gifted me with one unforgettable summer. Now let me jump into a quick recap of my week. (Side note: sorry this blog post is delayed; I will get into the treacherous reason why in my next blog.)
After coming home from Amsterdam, I immediately locked in to study for my Linear Algebra final. It ended up going super smoothly, and I am very satisfied with my overall grade and performance in this course. All the math classes in my program collectively took a field trip to Prague’s Technical Museum on Tuesday. It was interesting to see the impact of engineering on this country’s technology and industry through the development of automobiles, aircrafts, bicycles, and ships. I am so grateful to have taken this course in such a dynamic environment with equally amazing professors and classmates!
Before leaving our host country, my friends and I had to squeeze in our last family dinners. On Tuesday night, a huge group of us grabbed dinner at a traditional Czech restaurant that was actually recommended to us by Petra (our professor from Art & Architecture in the Golden City), which I thought was a very fitting last meal. One of the things that I loved most about this study abroad experience was the friendships I have built. Thinking about going back to school and seeing them around campus makes me so excited. The following night on Wednesday, my apartment had our last dinner together at a pizza restaurant right down the street. I’m going to miss living with them so much!! And after dinner, we of course had to end things off the Prague way by going out together one last time. Shoutout to my absolute favorite, Dog Bar, for giving me and my friends some of the most unforgettable nights here. 
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Last dinners. && Final group pics.
On Thursday night after a full day of packing up, my mom and my sister arrived!! I spent the next few days showing them around my beautiful host country and giving them a taste of my life here for the past 8 weeks. Now, we’re headed to Paris, London, and Genoa to end off my unbelievably long summer traveling and living from suitcase to suitcase!!
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Fam's arrival! && Last views of Prague.
To reminisce a little, here are some top things I’m going to miss about Prague (the little details):
The sun rising at 4:30 AM and setting at 9:30 PM.
The dogs running around politely leashless next to their owners.
The $3 high quality cups of coffees. 
The public transportation speakers announcing the stop “I.P. Pavlova”.
The Thai red curry and pad thai at the restaurant below our apartment (shoutout to Madame Lyn Restaurant).
The zig zagged walk from my apartment to the CEA CAPA center. 
The feeling of coming back “home” after a weekend away in a different country. 
I want to leave you guys with a couple recommendations I have for anyone who is looking into studying abroad in Prague or just traveling here. Feel free to reach out for a more extensive list!
Venue (brunch)
Sweet and Pepper Days (brunch)
Pod Vysehradem (Czech)
U Tri Jelinku (Czech)
Bricks (Italian)
Trattoria Cicala (Italian)
Madame Lyn (Thai/Vietnamese)
Hanoi Square Restaurant (Vietnamese)
Masala Vodickova (Indian)
Big Smokers (barbecue)
Manifesto Market (food market)
Angelato Ujezd (gelato)
Cafe Du (great study spot)
Going out:
Karlovy Lazne, Epic, Duplex (three biggest clubs here)
Riegrovy Sady, Zahradni Letensky (beer gardens)
Dog Bar!!!!
Anonymous Shrinks Office (speakeasy vibe)
I’m feeling so bittersweet leaving my summer home, but every good thing must always come to an end. Prague and this entire experience will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you guys for following my study abroad journey and travel adventures!! I have loved being able to document my weeks in Europe. My last and final blog will be up next week covering a reflection of my study abroad experience and a recap of my time in Paris, London, and Genoa!
Jules Hwang
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Engineering in Prague
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educational1234 · 2 months
Christ MBA Direct Admission 2024 | Process, Eligibility
Christ MBA Direct Admission 2024 | Process, Eligibility
If you are planning to take Direct Admission at Christ University for MBA, let me take you through the details about Christ University and the admission process.
 About Christ University
Christ University, established in 1969, is a private institution controlled by the priests of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). It is recognized as one of the leading institutions in India, known for its wide range of globally and locally acknowledged courses. The university offers 44 master's programs, 17 Master of Philosophy programs, and 21 Ph.D. degree programs across various disciplines including Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Law, Education, Business and Administration, and Engineering.
 Christ University MBA Course Description
Christ University offers MBA programs with specializations in Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Lean Operations and Systems, and International Business. The program focuses on developing essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and computer proficiency.
One of the highlights is the double degree program in collaboration with Wurzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany (FHWS), where 40% of the course is taught by international faculty.
 Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for direct admission to the MBA program at Christ University, candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Minimum of 50% in 10+2 from a recognized board.
- Graduation with a minimum score of 50% from a recognized university.
- Candidates awaiting their final exam results can also apply.
- Valid scores in entrance exams: CMAT/CAT (70 percentile and above), MAT (600 and above), or ATMA/XAT (70% and above).
 Christ University MBA Infrastructure, Faculty, and Placement
The university boasts a green campus with Wi-Fi-enabled facilities, multiple auditoriums, sports areas, and nine dining halls offering a variety of foods, including fresh produce from the school's garden.
The MBA faculty at Christ University comprises highly qualified experts in their fields, ensuring that students receive a robust education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
Christ University's placement cell has an excellent track record of over 20 years. Each year, around 130 organizations from various sectors such as BFSI, Healthcare, Automobile, IT, Real Estate, Consulting, FMCG, and Entertainment recruit from the university. The placement cell also facilitates internships on live projects, providing students with practical industry knowledge.
 Application Process for MBA at Christ University
 Steps to Apply
1. Sign Up: Create an account at [Christ University Application Portal](https://appstat.christuniversity.in) using your name (as per Class 10 mark card), email ID, and a password. You will receive notifications about your application status via email and SMS.
2. Documentation: Prepare the following documents:
   - Class 10 and 12 mark cards
   - Degree mark cards
   - Valid entrance test scorecard (e.g., MAT, CAT, CMAT, GMAT, XAT, ATMA, GRE)
   - Recent passport-size photograph (3.5 cms x 4.5 cms, formal dress, white background)
3. Application Form: Fill out the online application form, ensuring all mandatory fields are completed. Upload the necessary documents and photograph.
4. Payment: Pay the application fee. Upon successful payment, a nine-digit application number will be generated, which you can use to print a copy of your application and track its progress.
 Selection Procedure
1. Group Discussion (GD): Candidates participate in a 30-minute group discussion, conducted online. Invitations are sent to the registered email address.
2. Micro Presentation (MP) and Personal Interview (PI): Candidates present a micro presentation and participate in a personal interview with an expert panel, each session lasting 30 minutes.
3. Academic Performance: Evaluation includes Class 10, 12, and degree marks. Acceptable scores include MAT (500+), CAT, XAT, CMAT, GMAT (450+), or GRE (295+).
 Fee Structure
Here is an overview of the estimated fees for different MBA specializations at Christ University:
| Specialization | Karnataka (INR) | Other Indian States (INR) | NRI (INR) | SAARC / AFRICA / PIO / OCI / ASEAN (USD) | Other Foreign Nationals (USD) |
| 1st Year       | 395,000          | 410,000                   | 490,000   | 7,500                                    | 8,000                         |
| 2nd Year       | 410,000          | 410,000                   | 500,000   | 7,500                                    | 8,000                         |
Fees must be paid within seven days of the selection process result declaration and before March 15, 2024.
Christ University offers a comprehensive and globally recognized MBA program with excellent infrastructure, faculty, and placement opportunities. If you are seeking direct admission, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and follow the detailed application process. 
For more information and assistance, contact TopBSchool Admission at +919921499691 or [email protected]
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