#av design system
avtechnologysworld · 10 months
What is an AV system in a house?
An audio-video (AV) system refers to an integrated collection of audio-video components and cables that are installed within a home to provide entertainment options such as watching television, listening to music, or watching movies. In this blog, we will discuss in detail what comprises a typical AV system in a house, different components of such a system, key considerations for audio visual(av) system design and installation.
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Components of an AV system
Audio and video sources
The core components that serve as the source of audio and video content in an AV system include:
Cable/Satellite box: Provides access to live TV channels from a cable or satellite subscription.
Blu-ray/DVD player: Plays physical disks containing movies, TV shows or music videos in high definition formats.
Streaming devices: Devices like Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick or Google Chromecast that enable streaming content from online services like Netflix, Hotstar, YouTube etc.
Gaming consoles: Popular gaming consoles like PlayStation, Xbox that also function as multimedia hubs to stream online content in addition to playing games.
Set top box: Converts cable/satellite signal into a format that can be displayed on the TV.
Receivers and amplifiers
Receivers, also known as AV receivers, are central electronic hubs that collect audio and video inputs from various sources and distribute them to different areas in a home. Important considerations in av system design include choosing a receiver with latest audio formats and sufficient number of inputs/outputs. Power amplifiers amplify audio signals to drive multiple speakers around the home.
Display devices
Television sets are primary display devices to view video content. Large screen smart TVs with integrated streaming apps are commonly used. Projectors are also gaining popularity for setting up home theaters with larger display sizes.
Speakers are used to listen to the audio portion played through receivers or other amplification devices. Speaker set ups can range from simple soundbars or 2.1 setups to complex 7.1 or 9.1 surround sound systems for an immersive home theater experience. Important factors in speaker selection are power handling, frequency response and impedance.
Cabling infrastructure
High-speed HDMI, optical audio and speaker cables form the critical cabling backbone required to transmit pristine audio and video signals from various components to displays and speakers. Their quality, sufficient length and correct terminations play a key role for seamless operation of the entire AV system.
Remotes and controllers
Dedicated remotes, apps and control systems enable users to switch inputs, adjust volume and configure different parameters of the AV system conveniently from anywhere in the home. Universal remotes that control different components together provide a unified experience.
Installation and configurations
Key considerations for av system design
Careful planning and execution is required to design and install a high-performance yet user-friendly home AV system. Some important factors to consider in this regard include:
Budget: Cost is a major planning parameter. Determining the budget upfront helps select suitable components and scale features accordingly.
Layout: Deciding where to place TV, speakers and other accessories based on room dimensions and furniture arrangement.
Wiring: Planning clean, hidden cabling routes to avoid clutter and ensure ease of future upgrades.
Future-proofing: Choosing latest connectivity options like 4K/8K support, HDMI 2.1, enhanced audio codecs to future-proof the system.
Ease of use: Simplified, centralized control of the entire system for any user in the household.
Sound quality: Selecting appropriate speaker configurations based on room acoustics for optimal listening experience.
Aesthetics: Choosing hardware like speakers and cables that blend with interior decor seamlessly.
Custom calibration: Professional calibration tailors the av system design to the unique acoustics of individual rooms for best performance.
With careful considerations and wiring based on standardized installation guidelines, a well-designed AV system can provide an immersive entertainment experience in a user-friendly way for years to come.
Running and maintaining the system
Even with correct installation, some routine maintenance is required to keep the AV system running smoothly. This includes:
Periodic cleaning of all hardware including TV screens, projectors, speakers from dust.
Checking for any loose connections or wiring and immediately tightening them.
Updating device firmware and apps for enhanced functionality and bug fixes.
Ensuring proper ventilation around components to prevent overheating.
Replacing aging equipment batteries in remotes and setups with player network syncing.
Calibrating the system periodically or in case of hardware/room changes using pros.
Backing up digital media libraries and settings to avoid data loss.
Upgrading key components every 5-7 years to keep pace with changing technologies and user needs.
With the right maintenance, even a moderately designed av system can deliver fulfilling service for many years. Timely repairs and knowledgeable troubleshooting are also important to maximize the performance.
In summary, a well-rounded AV system installed in the home offers an immersive cinematic experience for various entertainment needs. Proper planning considering the budget, hardware capabilities and individual usage scenarios leads to an optimally configured setup. Regular maintenance and periodic upgrades further ensure long term usefulness. With digitization and advancement in connectivity standards, home AV systems have come a long way from basic setups to delivering theater-like multimedia experiences right in the comfort of one's living room. Careful choices in components and av system design play a pivotal role in this digital home entertainment revolution.
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av-industry-blog · 1 year
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soundinnovators · 25 days
Audio Visual Installation And Home Audio Systems Installation | Sound Innovators
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Welcome to Sound Innovators! Elevate your home entertainment with luxury audio-visual systems. We are specializing in home theater, hi-fi audio, and automation solutions in Mumbai and Pune. Experience the cinema-quality sound and advanced home automation today!
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Home Theater Design in Gaithersburg, MD | (888) 503-1768
Home Theater Design in Gaithersburg, MD
One Source Systems is a full-service residential and commercial custom electronics design and integration company serving Washington, DC, and the surrounding areas. Our smart home automation solutions make your home safe, elegant, fun, and easy to use. Our team is comprised of world-class experts in every field whose number one priority is to provide the best products and services to our clients.
One Source Systems 7914 Queenair Drive Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879 (888) 503-1768 https://onesourcesystems.com/
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selenezq · 20 days
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CW: dub con, loss of control, sex pollen trope
Pairing Alastor x Reader
Reader is AFAB
Edited by the lovely @the-demon-of-a-thousand-eyes
But That's A Freaky Sex Flower
It is a beautiful day in Hell, about as pretty as it gets, really. You take in all the sights and smells as you walk along the sidewalk. You are heading to the store, on an errand for the hotel, when the most lovely flower catches your eye. Coming to a standstill, you bend down to get a closer look. 
Pink petals with a beautiful, intricate, black design surrounded a lovely red center. You bring your nose down to get a whiff, inhaling its saccharine scent. Gently plucking it, you tuck it into your hair to wear as a beautiful accessory. 
You’ve never seen anything like it before. Excited by your new discovery, you find some extra pep in your step as you walk the short distance to and inside the store. You pass the aisles filled with various foods, houseware goods, and personal items, reading the signs above each one until you see the one you need. You turn left to walk down the aisle, looking around until you see what you had come for: some pens and paper. 
Reaching your hands out you gingerly grab them. As you leave the area and make your way through the store to checkout, you suddenly begin to feel warm. Placing your items on the counter, you give a kind smile to the store clerk. "It's a scorcher out there today, isn't it?" You ask congenially. 
"Nah, it's not that hot," the cashier responds curtly followed by rather rude eye roll as they ring your items up, then tell you with a monotone voice, "Your total will be $7.93.”
Quickly pulling the money out, you pay for the items. With a smile and a wave despite their rudeness, you head out of the store and are on your way back to the hotel. Walking back, you feel like it's getting hotter out by the second. In an attempt to cool off, you undo the top button of your blouse. As you continue walking home, a drop of sweat trickles its way down your neck. 
After what seems to take an eternity, your journey back to the hotel comes to a close. You feel a sense of profound relief at finally being able to get inside out of the heat of the Hellish sun. Opening the door, you step into the hotel, dropping the shopping bag on the nearest surface before throwing yourself onto the couch in the lobby. 
"Heya Toots, how’ya doin’?" Angel Dust asks you as you attempt to regulate your breathing. Has it always been this scorching in the hotel? You wonder to yourself. 
"I'd be better if the weather cooled off a little." You mutter, a little irritated, the poor attitude unusual for you. You bring your hand up to wipe at the sweat now threatening to drip down your chest. "I did find this pretty flower though." You say, a smile returning to your face as you turn your head to show Angel the beautiful bloom that is adorning your hair. 
"Oh toots, that's not a regular flower, it's a freaky sex flower. It's used as an ingredient in the love potion Val makes," Angel says somberly, leaning forward to get a better look. "How long ‘ave ya had it on ya?" He asks with genuine concern. "It can be pretty potent when undiluted." He finishes with a worried frown. 
"Probably a little over an hour," you say, beginning to freak out. "How long does it take before it starts to affect someone?" You ask, your tone rising with your temperature. 
"Well, love potions usually act pretty quick; I'd guess such a concentrated dose of the aphrodisiac, directly from the pollen’s faster ya know?" Angel theorizes aloud. 
"Fuck,” you mumble as you pulled the flower from your hair quickly before tossing it into the trash, as if to pretend it never happened. "Is there an antidote I could possibly take?" You enquire, your tone laced with apprehension. 
"Nope, ya gotta fuck someone to get it out of ya system," Angel replied, trying his best not to laugh. "Ya know, I've actually got someone I could ca-"
"NO." You blurt out instantly to shut his idea down. "I mean," you clear your throat uncomfortably, then finish hurriedly, "that's not necessary, but thank you for offering." 
"Okay but, you're in for more than mild discomfort if ya don't find someone to help ya." Angel warns you, still trying to get you to see the situation clearly. 
"I can handle myself; just please don't tell anyone." You ask the spider demon, deciding to keep this development a secret. You fail to notice the shadow in the corner that had been listening the entire time. You stand up, a wave of arousal shooting straight to your core making you feel almost dizzy. 
Composing yourself as much as you can, you bid farewell to Angel Dust and head towards the staircase. As your footsteps lead you closer to the next floor, you grip the railing for support as a particularly painful bolt of arousal sweeps through you, causing an intense ache in between your thighs. When the pain level rises from mild discomfort to something more, you begin to move as quickly as you can down the hallway to your room. 
Reaching your room at long last, you hastily grab the doorknob only for your sweaty, clammy hands to slide right off if it. Struggling with the knob for what feels like an eternity, you finally manage to get it open and gain access to your room. Slamming it shut behind you with a bang, you throw yourself onto your bed as another sharp ache wracks your body. 
Deciding to take matters into your own hands, you open the drawer to your nightstand, reaching around until you feel the cool silicon material of your most trusted toy. With a sound of triumph, you pull the vibrator out and set it onto the bed. Turning it on with a click, you pull your panties  to the side and bring the pulsating object to rest on your throbbing clit as a loud moan of relief rips itself from your mouth. 
Your pussy already soaked from the effects of the pollen, the toy slides right into you with ease and you cry out in relief. You can't remember a time this ever felt so good. The toy vibrates right where you need it and the feeling of an orgasm creeps up quickly. Your back arches off the bed as you finish loudly. The toy continues buzzing as you lay there in the aftershock of it. 
Pressing the button to turn the device off, a contented sigh leaves your lips as you remove the vibrator from your cunt with a wet noise. The relief your orgasm brought is short-lived, however. because the painful aching feeling quickly returns. Your walls clench and spasm needily around nothing but air. A feeling of desperation quickly rises inside you. 
Just as the tears of frustration are about to fall from your wide, blown-out eyes, you hear a knock at the door. Hastily, you shove the sex toy away in its drawer and you pull your panties and skirt back into their proper place. Lurching towards the door as hastily as you can, you try your best to avoid falling amid the dizzy feeling that overtakes you. 
Another knock sounds, followed by Alastor's voice calling out, "Everything alright, my dear?" Just the very sound of his voice has your cunt gushing, the aching sensation heightening to a new degree. 
Trying to appear as composed as you can, you open the door and greet him, "Hey Alastor, I'm feeling just fine." 
"Are you quite sure about that? You look rather flushed," He says, his gaze on your red, damp, complexion. Alastor places his hand on your face and your pulse quickens, you feel as if your blood is boiling you alive. You’d do anything to have his hands lower, where you ache the most. 
Letting out an audible gasp, you cut it off before it fades into a moan, the sensation of his skin on yours sending a pleasurable tingling down to your very core. 
"I just don't think that's true." Alastor states, pushing his way past you into your room. You stumble, and he reaches a hand out to steady you, gripping your arm firmly. 
When Alastor touches you this time, an embarrassing, obscene, moan leaves your lips. The warmness of his skin makes the point of contact feel as if it is on fire. You wonder briefly, Would he touch me there, if I asked him to?
"Whatever is the matter, darling? Could it be that you need something? You'll have to use your words if there’s something you desire." He finishes, smirking down at you. 
"I want you to touch me, please." You whine needily as you look up at him. Your eyes shine with desperation. 
"Ah, I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific, dear, as I am already touching you." He says, voice full of his usual snark. His signature smile widens, gaze falling to where his hand is still on your forearm, steadying you. You look away bashfully before his other clawed hand comes up to cradle your chin, tilting it up so your gaze meets his crimson one. 
"Alastor, please, be kind to me just this once." You plead, voice soft. 
"I'm being plenty kind, checking up on you, asking how you're faring, and what you might need." Alastor says, his tone warning. "Now tell me what you need, in better detail." His commanding tone leaves no room for disobedience. 
Giving him one last pleading look, you let out a breathy sigh before letting the words fall from your lips, "I need you to touch my cunt, please, Alastor." 
"There; that wasn't so hard now was it, my dear?" He says with a winning smile. Alastor pushes you back up against the door, caging you in with his much larger body. He lets his hand trail agonizingly slowly down the curve of your breasts, before playing with the hemline of your skirt. "I could do anything to you right now and you would thank me for it wouldn't you, darling?" Alastor remarks, his grin widening almost sinisterly.
"Yes, please, please help me relieve this burning and aching. I can't take much more." You almost sob out. 
"Well, now, we shan’t keep a lady waiting then. I do have manners after all." He declares before hooking his hand in the waistband of your skirt. With a firm yank, he has the garment falling down to your feet. Alastor quickly rips your panties to shreds with a flick of his sharp claws. His fingers find your throbbing clit and begin tracing circles. 
"Ah, ah, yes please." You moan in relief, his fingers already providing so much more comfort than your own did. It feels so divine. Bringing his other hand down, he slips one finger into your soaking cavern. Alastor starts pumping it in and out of you as you lean against the door for support. Adding a second digit, and then a third, your lips form an ‘o’ of pleasure. The nosies his fingers make as they push in and out of you are almost pornographic. 
It feels pleasurable, but you find yourself craving more, the throbbing you feel in your cunt needing something much bigger. "Please sir, I need more. I want your cock." You beg prettily. 
"I'm inclined to reward you for asking so politely." Alastor remarks. Pulling his hand out of you, he brings your juices to his mouth, licking his fingers clean. The movement almost distracts you from the empty feeling between your legs. Before the aching sensation has a chance to return he's spinning you around, face pressed against the wall, bent at the waist. The motion forces your cunt up so he has a better view of it. 
Licking his lips hungrily, Alastor takes one hand off your lovely form to undo his trousers. You hear the sound of the zipper moving down before his massive cock springs free. Without warning, he is shoving all of those so many inches inside of you, burying himself to the hilt. He lets out a shuddering groan feeling your tight warmth around him. 
You wail as you feel the tip of him press into your cervix. This is the feeling of fullness you’ve been dying for. 
"That's it, isn't it, my doe. You just needed to be filled by my cock, didn't you?" He coos softly into your ear, each word punctuated by a hard thrust. His hips snap into yours, each upward movement sending the most delicious sparks through your body. 
"Yes Alastor; I needed you," You moan out as his movements become faster and harder. The sound of slapping skin fills the room as his slams his hard member into your dripping cunt. His hand finds its way to your clit again, moving in time with his quickened thrusts. The feeling of your orgasm barreling towards you reaches its peak and you cum on his cock with a shout. Alastor feels your soft pussy walls clenching tighyly around him and he continues to fuck you through your climax, chasing his own release. 
With a growl, he finishes inside of you, his cock throbbing as he paints your walls with his cum in powerful spurts. He tightens his claws around your waist, leaving marks on your skin where his sharp tips press into you. Bringing the hand from your oversensitive clit up and away, Alastor strokes your hair gently while you are lost in the haze of fucked-out bliss. 
"Tell me; did you really think you could satisfy yourself, my dear? You should have come right to me. Hopefully you are feeling more like yourself now." He hums, pulling out of you gently. Taking you into his arms with ease, he carries you to your bed before tucking you in tenderly. "Rest now darling; your body needs it." He tells you, planting a gentle kiss on your temple. You slip easily into slumber, lulled by the effects of your post-orgasm elation.
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mtaartsdesign · 2 months
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April showers bring May flowers! Embrace the Spring season with our new exhibition on Bloomberg Connects, “Floral Muses.” Flowers, the timeless muse for artists of all media, are the subject of many artworks throughout the transit system. “Floral Muses” features a selection of artworks from our permanent collection which enliven the daily commute with flora year-round.
1: Takayo Noda, “The Habitat for the Yellow Bird” (2007) at Sutter Av (L) station. 📸: Edward Lee
2: Antenna Design (Masamichi Udagawa + Sigi Moeslinger), “Bloemendaal” (2010) at 96 St (1,2,3) station. 📸: Jan Staller
3: Nancy Blum, “Floating Auriculas” (2007) at MNR Dobbs Ferry Station. 📸: MTA A&D
4: Portia Munson, “Gardens of Fort Hamilton Parkway Station” (2012) at Fort Hamilton Pkwy (D) station. 📸: Susan Alzner
5: @roberto_juarez_studio, “A Field of Wild Flowers” (1997) at Grand Central Terminal. 📸: MTA A&D/Rob Wilson
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lonestarflight · 1 year
Space Shuttle, Phase B: Grumman Design 518
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Information from Grumman's submitted application on their design:
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"Design 518 is a fully responsive and balanced reusable, two-stage design based on the prescribed 3.5 million lb gross lift-off weight (GLOW). The aerodynamic configuration of the orbiter was. derived from an investigation of straight, swept delta, and lifting body configurations. The selec ted lifting body appears competitive in all respects (weight, flying qualities, elastic characteristics) and provides the potential for straightforward evolution to high crossrange reentry as thermal protection systems become qualified. Evaluation of a single aerodynamic configuration will provide a clear cut understanding of the weight, performance, and cost penalties associated with increased cross range. In the low cross-range mode, results to date show that the 3.5 million lb GLOW limits the fully internal payload to 32,200 lb. The Design 518 orbiter represents a near optimum balance between size of vehicle, size of payload, and propulsion capa bility (AV) apportionment.
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The Design 518 booster is a weight conscious, conservatively designed delta-wing configuration which includes the prescribed 400,000 lb thrust high-pressure rocket engines. A refinement which demands investigation is the application of larger, 1,000,000 Ib thrust high-pressure engines. Preliminary design. will be performed on Design 518, as described in Section 1 of this proposal. An acquisition plan will be created which will include the 400,000 lb thrust high-pressure engines and other characteristics decribed in the Statement of Work and its appendices. The program cost will be assessed for the IOC of late 1977. Grumman and its associates will pursue all of the objectives and requirements of the RFP for Design 518. In summary, Design 518 demonstrates that an attractive and promising responsive design can be achieved within the 3.5 million lb GLOW. With refinement, which can be expected during the Phase B study, we believe that improved payload capability can be obtained while continuing to observe the weight margin rules called for by the RFP."
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Artwork by Thomas Becker, 1972: link
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vignellicenter · 3 months
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Please join us for our next Open Houses! March 20-21, 2024 10am-4pm.
The NYC subway map that never was. Or at least it was never implemented.
The NYC Subway graphics are some of the most requested artifacts from the Vignelli archives. We acquired this unique “verbal map” aka “The Directory” aka the “How to get there” map in 2022. Our archivist put it on display for the first time in 50 years at our Open Houses in September 2022!
 “The Verbal Map described how to reach a destination, which train to get, where to change, and when to get out.” – Massimo Vignelli [comment on Michael Bierut’s essay “Mr. Vignelli Map” for Design Observer]
Printed on very glossy paper in full color, this map is large like the station size maps. Printed in two parts [top and bottom] each half measuring 29.5” x 47.5”.
In the Graphic Standards Manual on Page 3 “Diagram of Basic Sign Distribution” it describes the various maps to be installed:
Maps: System maps (implemented, the famous one),
neighborhood map (not implemented),
‘How to get there’ map (not implemented but we have the prototype!)
From the Graphics Standards Manual on page 75, “The Directory”:
“The directory is designed to help a passenger find his “Destination” and “How to get there” quickly and easily. Each station will have its own directory listing all other station alphabetically and numerically. Each station will be followed by the color disc designating he trains that stop there. If there is no direct train, transfer information will follow the station name. This directory will be placed at all important points in the subways station both inside and outside the turnstiles.”
We also have the Dekalb Av Signage Study “analyzed and completed by Joan Charysyn and Virginia Macintosh” for Unimark International in 1971 which shows a mockup of the various maps and states “A directory and three maps will eventually be in use in all subway stations.”
Be sure to join us for our next Open Houses and see what other surprises you can discover! Learn more opn our events page: https://www.rit.edu/events/vignelli-center-spring-open-house
Image descriptions:
Detail of “verbal map” aka “The Directory” aka the “How to get there” map
image of entire map
Video clip of map
Photo of Open Houses with logo
vintage 35mm slide of detail of “verbal map”
NYCTA Graphics Standards Manual pg. 75 “The Directory”
NYCTA Graphics Standards Manual pg. 75 “The Directory”
Slideshow of Dekalb St study: coversheet, Directory from Grand Central, System Map, Neighborhood map, and 5 Boroughs map
Vintage 35mm slide of 57th Street station signage
Vintage 35mm slides of 57th Street station signage
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horrorhorizon · 26 days
Occupy Umeå University Okupera Umeå Universitet
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Image ids and translations:
Four pictures showing the front and backs of flyers
1) a Palestinian flag is the background. White text with a black shadow reads "FREE PALESTINE!
Bakgrunden är en Palistinisk flagga. Vitt text med svart skugga läser
2) black text on what background reading
We occupy the campus in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Across the world, campus occupations are spreading like wildfire from the US to Switzerland, Denmark and now Sweden
Unlike during the war in Ukraine, Umeå University has neither raised the Palestinian flag nor made any statement of support for the Palestinian people. Meanwhile, students raising awareness on campus about the genocide have been driven away by security guards.
Because of the student occupations in the US, Biden has had to stop arms shipments to Israel - as the protests have gotten too large to ignore. In Sweden, the Swedish Armed Forces signed a billion-dollar deal with Elbit Systems, which supplies Israel with drones used to kill children in Gaza. We can and we must stop the war machine, both in Sweden and in the world.
The imperialists, politicians, media and universities are on the side of the oppressors. We students and workers are on the side of the Palestinians
One thing is clear: we must take matters into our own hands. Through common struggle we can crush imperialism!
JOIN US at the Campus pond, Umeå University"
White text on a read background on the bottom reads
That Umeå University speaks out in solidarity with Palestine
That all universities stop their cooperation with Israel
A national student occupation for Palestine part of a general workers' mobilization to stop arms trade with Israel"
Svart text på ett vitt bakgrund läser
Vi ockuperar campus i solidaritet med palestinier människor. Över hela världen sprider sig campusockupationer som en löpeld från USA till Schweiz, Danmark och nu Sverige
Till skillnad från under kriget i Ukraina har Umeå universitet har inte hissade den palestinska flaggan eller gjort någon deklaration av stöd för det palestinska folket. Samtidigt studenter höja medvetenhet på campus om folkmordet har drivits bort av ordningsvakter.
På grund av studentyrkena i USA har Biden varit tvungen stoppa vapentransporter till Israel – protesterna har blivit för stor att ignorera. I Sverige skrev militären på en miljardaffär med Elbit Systems, som försörjer Israel med drönare som används för att döda barn i Gaza. Vi kan och vi måste stoppa krigsmaskinen, både i Sverige och i världen.
Imperialisterna, politikerna, media och universiteten är på sidan av förtryckarnas sida. Vi studenter och arbetare står vid sidan av av palestinierna
En sak är klar: vi måste ta saken i egna händer. Genom gemensam kamp kan vi krossa imperialismen!
VA MED OSS på Campusdammen, Umeå universitet"
Vitt text på röd background på botten av bladet läser
Det Umeå universitet uttalar sig solidariskt med Palestina
Att alla universitet slutar sitt samarbete med Israel
En nationell studentockupation för Palestina del av en allmän arbetarmobilisering för att stoppa vapenhandeln med Israel"
3) En svart vitt bild av en man som viftar Palistinisk flaggan. Flaggan är färgat, men resten av bilden är svart vitt. Mannens rygg är vänt imot oss och stor över en stad. Han har en tröja med keffiyeh designen. Vitt text med svart ram läser
På botten, höger sidan av bilden stor det " ETT OCKUPERAT FOLK HAR
Under bilden så står det "rku" och " kommunistiska partiet kommunisterna.org"
A black and white image of a man waving the Palestinian flag. The flag is colored, but the rest of the image is black and white. The man's back is turned towards us and large over a city. He has a shirt with the keffiyeh design. White text with black border reads
"Long Live
On the bottom right of the picture black text reads
Underneath the image is text "rku" and "the communist party kommunisterna.org"
4) Röd text på top av bladet står det
I vänlig text står det
"75 år har gått sedan Israel bildades. 75 år har gått sedan denna stat fördrev 800 000 palestinier och stal deras land. Idag uppgår dessa flyktingar till närmare sex miljoner människor.
Både FN:s resolution 3070 och fjärde Genevekonventionen är tydlig. Alla ockuperade och koloniserade människor har rätt att göra motstånd - även väpnat motstånd.
Denna rätt till motstånd är särskilt viktig i Palestinakonflikten eftersom Israel är en apartheidstat som behandlar den egna palestinska befolkningen som andra klassens medborgare, som ständigt förtrycker, förnedrar, misshandlar, fängslar och dödar palestinier och som håller över två miljoner människor isolerade i världens största utomhusfängelse- Gaza.
Israel struntar i internationell rätt
FN:s resolutioner 194 och 242 slår fast det palestinska folkets rätt till sitt land och att alla palestinska flyktingar har rätt att återvända hem. Israel har konskevent struntat i att följa dessa FN-resolutioner
I stället har de ökat sitt förtryck och sin fördrivning av palestinierna genom dagliga övergrepp och byggande av fler olagliga bosättningar.
Köp inte israeliska varor
Ett sätt att sätta press på staten Israel är att bojkotta israeliska varor. Köp inte israelisk frukt, grönsaker eller andra produkter som börjar med streckkoden, det så kallade EAN-nummeret, 729
Semestra inte i lsrael. Kräv ett stopp för allt ekonomiskt, politiskt, kulturellt och idrottsligt utbyte med Israel till dess att det palestinska folkets rättigheter är uppfylla.
Bojkott är en ickevåldsmetod som kan göra skillnad, något omvärlden visade när apartheid i Sydafrika pressades bort."
Röd text står
Svärt text i en grå låda står " Ta kontakt med Kommunistiska Partiet: [email protected]"
I en seperat grå låda står det i rött " Läs mer om Paleistina frågan i Proletären!" Och i svart text "Proletären är Sveriges enda revolutionära arbetartidning, som kommer ut varje vecka fullmatad med inrikes- och utrikesnyheter krönikor, kultur och politiska analyser.
Läs mer på proletaren.se och ta en prenumeration!" Till höger av texten är en bild på ett magasin och en QR kod.
Red text at the top of the paper reads "THE OBVIOUS RIGHT TO RESIST" underneath in regular text it says
"75 years have passed since Israel was founded. 75 years have passed since this state displaced 800,000 Palestinians and stole their land. Today, these refugees amount to nearly six million people.
Both UN Resolution 3070 and the Fourth Geneva Convention are clear. All occupied and colonized people have the right to resist - including armed resistance.
This right of resistance is particularly important in the Palestine conflict because Israel is an apartheid state that treats its own Palestinian population as second-class citizens, that constantly oppresses, humiliates, abuses, imprisons and kills Palestinians, and that holds over two million people in isolation in the world's largest outdoor prison- Gaza.
Isreal disregards International rights
UN resolutions 194 and 242 establish the Palestinian people's rights to their land, and that all Palestinian refugees have the right to return home. Israel has consistently ignored these UN resulations.
Instead, they have increased their oppression and displacement of the Palestinians through daily abuse and the creation of more illegal settlements.
Do not buy Isreali items
One way to put pressure on the state of Israel is to boycott Israeli goods. Do not buy Israeli fruit, vegetables or other products that begin with the barcode, the so-called EAN number, 729
Do not vaction in Isreal. Demand an end to all economic, political, cultural, and sport exchange with Isreal until the Palestinian population rights are awarded.
Boycotting is a peaceful act that can make a difference, something the world showed when apartheid in South Africa was pushed away."
Red text reads
Black text in a gray box reads "Contact the Communist Party: [email protected]"
In a separate grey box, it says in red "Read more about the Palestinian debate in Proletären!" And in black text "Proletären is Sweden's only revolutionary workers' newspaper, which comes out every week packed with domestic and foreign news, chronicles, culture, and political analyses.
Read more and subscribe at proletaren.se
To the right, in the box, is a magazine cover photo and a QR code
End ids
Note I am not apart of the communist party or have any associations with any of the above (communest parties) mentioned. I am an anarchist associated with bokkafe angbett and återta pride
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germanpostwarmodern · 7 months
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The so-called the Ulm Stool undoubtedly is one of the best-known designs originating from the HfG in Ulm, Germany’s most significant postwar design school. In 2021 the HfG-Archiv devoted an exhibition to the stool entitled „Der Ulmer Hocker: Idee - Ikone - Idol“, a comprehensive overview of its history, the development of its iconic status and its afterlife as a reference work up for interpretation.
As a follow-up to the exhibition its organizers Viktoria Lea Heinrich, Thomas Hensel & Martin Mäntele recently published the eponymous volume with AV Edition that further elaborates the content of the exhibition. The first and major surprise is the insight into the genesis of the stool which actually has more „fathers“ than just Max Bill who is often credited alone for its design. The idea indeed originated with Bill as a result of the chronically tight financial situation of the HfG: in order to be able to furnish the school building Bill developed a simple, durable and multifunctional stool that was easy to produce with the means and machines at hand. But before it went into production at the HfG’s carpentry, design and construction were revised based on input provided by Hans Gugelot, Paul Hildinger and Josef Schlecker, the carpentry’s and metal workshop’s heads, in order to improve ease of production.
Subsequently Thomas Hensel goes into detail about the iconisation of the stool based on the theory of art as on operating system. Hensel applies it to the design world and carves out how e.g. the feuilleton and the retailer Manufactum turned an everyday object into an icon. Concurrently the stool gained a nimbus as a HfG artifact that, as a halo effect, transfers qualities assigned to the stool on to its owner and in the sense of Bourdieu contributes to the latter’s cultural capital.
Beyond this historical & theoretical discussion of its significance the authors also include many variations and copies of the Ulm Stool, physical evidence of its continuing relevance. As a result of these multifocal perspectives on a legendary piece of furniture the book offers a historical and sociocultural analysis of the Ulmer Hocker that is both insightful & thought-provoking.
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av-industry-blog · 3 months
✨🔊 Dive into the Audio Visual Wonderland with X-DRAW! 🔊✨
Are you ready to shake up your AV design game? Say hello to X-DRAW, the ultimate wizard behind mesmerizing audio visual experiences! 🎨🔗
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bro3256 · 1 year
DKOldies is a scam (and here's why)
If you have been watching TikToks and YouTube Shorts recently then you certainly have stumbled upon DKOldies, they host an online store that exclusively sells used video games. The short videos they post are more or less advertisements for their business and on the surface there's nothing wrong about them, if anything the videos themselves can be entertaining. However as the popularity of DKOldies as grown, it's become more apparent that they are ripping buyers off and also contributing to the video game bubble we are in.
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What do I mean by video game bubble? Well since 2019, prices for used video games have skyrocketed in value mainly due to demand from existing collectors but also investors swooping in and buying up games for the purpose of making a profit. As of me writing this post, the bubble has yet to pop but it'll certainly happen soon.
What does this have to do with DKOldies?
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Simply put, they overprice the HELL out of their items. It's to the point where its even over the value you get on PriceCharting, but you might think that they're cutting you a deal since its half off right?
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So those deals were never really deals to begin with, these items are released with these discounts in place and the Wayback Machine clearly shows that they've been doing this for years. This most certainly is false advertising which is illegal in many countries including where DKOldies operates.
But lets say you disregard the fake discounts and buy an NES bundle for... $250?!?
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Well its advertised as being refurbished and you'd expect a pretty clean system especially since DKOldies regularly posts videos of them cleaning games and consoles. Unfortunately, you're not going to get a properly refurbished console as ReviewTechUSA recently put out a video of them unboxing this exact bundle.
Not only was the console still dirty but its partially cracked on the right side. The pins on both the cartridges and console were also not cleaned, which really begs the question if they're really taking the time to actually clean these games and consoles up, again this is clear false advertising.
They also tend to recommend pretty awful things for games, such as using those cheap AV to HDMI converter boxes to play your older consoles on a modern display. These boxes are not designed for video games at all and you'll certainly get a bad muddy picture on top of input lag. I would instead buy a proper upscaler that is designed for video games such as the various RetroTink upscalers. These add no lag and look amazing in comparison.
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Now why do they recommend something this awful? Because they not only sell these individually on their site but is an option to be included in most bundles for an absurd markup.
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It's even more baffling here since even if you were interested in picking this up, you can just go on Amazon and get one for cheaper.
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To wrap things up, I want to mention that DKOldies does do online trade ins. Typically when you trade an item into a store, you'll typically get less than the current average value of the item which is how most local game stores deal with trade ins. DKOldies has a page listing their offers for trade ins and they are laughably low.
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Several folks have even made videos talking about how ridiculous these offers are. DKOldies responded by hiding these prices and requiring that you email them to inquire about the price.
(Source: Retail King)
At the end of the day, DKOldies is a business and their focus is making as much money as possible. They've even made a video directly responding to the backlash they've been getting.
This video doesn't address any of the points many have made, if anything its propaganda. It's just a small business, a business that overprices the items they sell and is not transparent about their refurbishments. Unless DKOldies gets slapped with a lawsuit (which at this point is inevitable) then my only plea to those getting into used video games is to avoid DKOldies. If you can, buy from local game stores, go thrifting, and if all else fails eBay will absolutely cut you a better deal because everyone else beats DKOldies prices.
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Home Automation System Installation in Gaithersburg, MD
One Source Systems is a full-service residential and commercial custom electronics design and integration company serving Washington, DC, and the surrounding areas. Our smart home automation solutions make your home safe, elegant, fun, and easy to use. Our team is comprised of world-class experts in every field whose number one priority is to provide the best products and services to our clients.
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mtaartsdesign · 5 months
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“Sunday’s Empire” by Peter Gizzi is the second new addition to the Poetry in Motion collection this winter season. Reflecting on the new pair of poems now on display throughout the system, Matt Brogan, Executive Director @poetrysociety shared, "The poems of Ilya Kaminsky and Peter Gizzi remind us that our lives are lit, not only by the sun rising over the horizon or reflecting off the fallen snow, but by family, neighbors, and community. ‘People live here,’ Gizzi writes, and Kaminsky responds, ‘all neighbors’ hands.’”
Gizzi’s poem is presented with a detail from Frank Leslie Hampton’s mosaic “Uptown New York” (2000) at Tremont Av (B,D) station. The mosaic depicts a classic New York scene familiar to all, an apartment building with laundry hanging on clotheslines and views of the city skyline. Projecting warmth and the serenity of feeling at home, the poems and artwork lend a sense of comfort and calm to the daily commute.
“Sunday’s Empire” from Now It’s Dark © 2020 by Peter Gizzi. Published by Wesleyan University Press. Used by permission. “Uptown New York” (2000) © Frank Leslie Hampton, NYCT Tremont Av station. Commissioned by MTA Arts & Design. Photo: Rob Wilson.
📸: MTA A&D/Rob Wilson
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italesnations · 2 years
Skitarii Prayer for Courage
Clothed in the red of Mars
Blessed with True Flesh
Protected by armor upon our bodies
Sanctified by the priests of the Machine God
Let this be our prayer for guidance; let this be for our strength; let this be for our courage, for we are warriors true to the cause of the Cog
Glory be given to the Omnissiah, be it through the marching that we do, or through the foes that we slay, or through the objectives that we achieve. Glory be given to the Omnissiah, through all the Machine Spirits we fight to protect, through the flesh that we desire to preserve.
Courage, let it be given us, so we may serve and serve truly.
Courage, let it be installed into our systems, so we may not falter.
Courage, let it be built into our core, so we may fight and fight hard.
Courage, let it be constantly refreshed, so we may honor mankind.
Bless us, Machine God, with your steel and with your fury.
Bless us, oh holy Cog, with your determination and your steadfastness.
Bless us, Omnissiah, with your desire for the success of the Grand Design.
Ave Deus Mechanicus
Let none stay our march
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An evolution from the M26 Pershing heavy tank first introduced in late 1944, the M-48 Patton was designed from the combat lessons learned during both the Second World War and Korean war, built to take on the latest Soviet tanks. While it incorporated several unique design features, such as automotive steering and a exhaust system designed to reduce the tank's infrared heat signiture, the tank was considered only a moderate success in combat. M-48s first saw action in Vietnam, primarily in the M67 flamthrower variation. M-48 Patton Vehicle Stats: Type: Medium tank Manufacturer: Chrysler, Ford, Fisher Tank Arsenal. First deployed: 1953 Crew: 4 Length: 6.4 m Width: 3.6 m Height: 3.1 m Weight: 51 tons Armor: 180mm Armament, primary: 1 x 90mm rifled tank gun; later retrofitted with 105mm M68 rifled tank gun Armament, secondary: 1 x .50-cal Browning MG, 1 x 7.62mm MG Ammo stowage, primary: 60-64 rounds Ammo stowage, secondary: 500-600 rounds .50-cal, 5,900 rounds 7.62mm Powerplant:Continental AV-1790 series 690hp 12 cylinder gasoline or supercharged diesel engine Max speed: 48 km/h Max range: 415 km Operators: (Current) Greece, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey.
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