#ava/m theory
ellathebirb · 11 months
Have you noticed how important love and friendship are in AvA?
let's go to the first chapters...
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If Dark hadn't trusted and cooperated with the Chosen...
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If TSC hadn't made a deal with Alan for his friends...
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If the King hadn't sacrificed everything to bring back his son...
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If Purple hadn't done anything to win back his father's love...
We'd probably just see Victim.
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Of course, Victim also had a contribution.
(the theory)
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storgicdealer · 4 months
one of my BIGGEST and important rambles on ava that questions a lot of stuff that was accepted as factual a lot of times
dimensions, rocketcorp and virtual reality in ava
initially inspired by these tags from @sticksstonessteel and the thinking about rocketcorp simulations. and a certain hc i saw on ao3 once and remembered
eventually it turned into an existential crisis. im sorry moots
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warning: OKAY. so. this is very clumsily made and its an assumption made both of canon info and theories that might feel as a complete reach.
this text touches upon possibility AND obscure ideas that might not have definitive proof in canon. there might be not a direct link of events here. but it is very, VERY long and touches many different subjects at once. takes of this long ramble are bold (i could also mention strangely opposing points in the text because i re-thought many concepts along the process of this ramble and mightve not noticed it)
i was wondering about the way the technical-machine device stuff intermingles with the whole literal mercenaries (and a box used for torture) thing. but these tags made me think not only of that
what we've seen so far is that rocketcorp controls a variety of tech, both pc-like interfaces that only they have access to and more "regular" tech, like tvs on which videos from youtube can be played on. [kings backstory]. we've also seen a variety of different tech in the wanted-the box episodes, but not much of it can be used outside whatever advanced shit theyre doing inside the corporation. one of these things however can be used which is surveillance tech, it feels like an important thing to note given that the importance of the corporation might suggest that rocket is responsible for city surveillance in one way or another as well
yet how exactly does a tech corporation tie in with mercenaries, weaponry (and literal torture)?
• rocketcorp
given, again, the grand variety of tech they possess and advanced technology they use, them using literal devices that real world users/sticks from a pc would use (control panel of the box) and it being restricted to them only made me think of something. the whole story of ava/m is built inside digital realms, outernet and internet. taking that into account, obviously, any kind of technological advances in these worlds are crucial to the way of how sticks in it interact with their already technological reality. which made a tech company like rocketcorp so influental in the first place
due to a piece of rocketcorps existence in the king episode and ava s2 teaser and prior to the release of the box i had a thought that the company specializes and presents itself as a "domestic" tech company. not the kind of company that meddles with grand technology and digital stuff, but the one that is accustoming citizens of the outernet with regular tech such as the mentioned tvs. the work of the mercenaries was always perceived to me as just an underground shady work of a company. but the box and a reminder of the chosens wanted poster made me rethink and question whether rocketcorp specializes on technology that changes and affects the reality they're living in, outernet and dimensions itself
i tried to observe the possibility of it and came around to three big thoughts, the most major one being the last
first thought that can give something to this thought is that mercs tech weapons influence physical properties of their world — ultimately damaging objects and people (like it was with the corndog stand and chosen), rendering the objects out of their usual state and bringing actual pain or messing with the state of a stick.
(its also worthy to mention that in the corndog short, prior to the merc and chosen chase appearing onscreen people in the short were already running away, and it does make me wonder if it happened out of potential fear of these weapons or, maybe, potential fear of the chosen one? bringing me back to my post on thinking how chosen & dark crimes were perceived in the internet and possibly outernet)
the fact that weapons changing literal existence of an object and glitching them are available to mercenaries of rocketcorp is a pretty big thing
another potential argument for it is about the memory scanner itself — a thing used for intrusion into a literal brain (code?) of a person. the obvious thing aside – the scanner literally looks like a vr helmet and i initially thought that it was its function before i saw what it was used for
the whole fact that this kind of advanced technology exists, honestly, surpassing the already existing level of technology in stickcity is something that could potentially connect victim and rocketcorp respectively to an ability to meddle with a literal living being, their memory and potentially their code. victim, aware and knowing the process of being directly created from someone's hand might've acquired the knowledge of influencing a stick's literal process of living over the course of all the years. which brings me to my major point:
• dimensions
we all know about the fact that initial pc programs are able to be used in the outernet, which by itself is an interesting discussion of internet and outernet intertwining once again. we know that rocketcorp and pc sticks use interfaces that real world users use. and we know about the existence of the adobe tool board that agent uses literally all their screentime and the adobeflash instruments in victims office. it wasnt a surprising thing to see given that we have mostly explored the way of how pc and internet programs work throughout the series, and it was thought about that well! nothing surprising about these tools being in the outernet as well, mustve acquired it from somewhere! (and honestly, given all the new insane character plot i didnt think about that deeply either)
over the course of events happening in the outernet we have never really seen pc apps used there physically prior to season 2, except for one time of alan's cursor being used there... that required an insane amount of coding and manifestation of the cursor in the outernet space that couldnt be achieved without a stick that is familiar with with a pc.
not only talking about yellows feats, the creation of darks portals is something worth mentioning as well. we know that he is extremely skilled in coding, with it most likely being his main activity (aside from terrorism) in his life in the outernet. no sticks that we've seen created something like literal dimensional portals, like dark did — and he is a stick that is accustomed to the pc and internet as well. and oh, orange. bringing their stylus to outernet and have it revoked almost immediately when caught (which is not surprising at all anymore, that the mercs and rocket workers took an immediate interest in it given canon information and all these theories lol)
and, unsurprisingly, purple, king and the unknown merchant in "the king" episode as well. we know that the minecraft icon could be accessed through a travel to a pc, and that purple was first introduced literally inside of a mac — and the whole bit of purple coming to alanspc trying to steal the icon that the cg had.
(another thought to mention is about the interdimensional travel — the whole fact that the internet and the pc realm is able to be accessed through programs brought to the outernet. (e.g. minecraft portals). but again, these programs were initially coming from a pc, and didnt exist in the outernet. where the actual hell did the blue merchant in the king episode come from????)
this whole fact shows that the only way to access pc programs in the outernet is for something or someone to bring it there.
and victim, posessing all the tools of the whole program he was created in, wouldnt be able to get it through regular means. whether that means acquiring it from someone's elses hands or going to a pc by themselves.
• virtual reality and the position of rocketcorp in outernet
now, im going to bring up outernet and internet intertwining again. outernet sticks do not interact with pc programs physically, like all avam main characters do.
the only times we've seen pc programs and apps physically interact with outernet were shenanigans with the cg, hollowheads, purple & king. people that actually had access to a pc in one way or another.
(..and the damn merchant.)
the fact that these programs existence is quite rare in outernet and maybe even unknown to some, having rocketcorp being a full-on restricted company with classified information, having high influence over tech, exchange of pc programs being seen as a shady activity(!!!!) (the king episode),
— could rocketcorp be somewhat of a main corporate that controls the fabric of the outernet and internet itself, being some sort of a power force and government-ish corporation to the outernet? perhaps, them being seen as officials that have limited knowledge of unaccessible pc programs and internet itself and exclusive (even divine?) power of it that only they are able to possess, providing it to the outernet, initially making them "the people in power" that stand higher than regular sticks of the outernet?
(essentialy, making victim a literal fucking dimension mastermind)
• important part about outernet sticks (that ill probably ramble about in an another post independently)
supposing that rocketcorp does possess power... would they have control over what they decide to stream and show with their tech?
the tv that we've seen in the king episode didnt show any other episode except for the minecraft one. heck, it could've been the only thing shown there.
and in general, it begs the question: are outernet sticks that never traveled beyond its space even aware of internet?
and could've they interpreted the episode above as just fiction, along with the confirmation that our main characters are the ones that are inherently tied with the pcs and the internet in different ways?
(PLEASE tell me if there's proof that confirms otherwise because its a very bold statement given how much outernet and internet are interlinked in the main story. its 2 am i havent slept sometimes i have amnesia and i might be forgetting something very crucial. this assumption was not fully comprehended by me before specifically because most outernet sticks are the same type with the cg and it was confusing when i was just getting back to avam a few years ago)
we also know about the box itself. or, to be more accurate, the boxes. the ones that both chosen and second were trapped in, at the same time, in different places. the ones that were, quite literally, simulations. the ones that have also used pc programs tools.
simulation isnt something that was seen as an ordinary occurence, but it was literally seen twice in the rocketcorp in the same episode. creation of a simulation doesnt seem like an activity that could be used by ordinary sticks either. giving potential highest influence of rocketcorp over pc and internet technologies and its providence, are they able to give simulation experience to others, allowing regular sticks to experience different dimensions in a controlled way? say, for example, in a game?
whoa finally i got it out of my brain. im going to drop family guy pose style
afterthought rollercoaster:
• as far as i remember we didnt see outernet citizens interact with internet like users do, but we do know they possess tech such as television again, that can be bought. there IS tech such as computers (tdls room) but we havent seen them being used by sticks that werent exposed to the concept of the pc and the internet. there is a possibility i missed out on outernet sticks using phones or other tech, but even with this, its possible that our internet is simply not accesible there
• given the possibility of rocketcorp delegating all technology and simulations, providing it to others, possibly allowing smaller companies to use their resources in different cities... is there a possibility that rocketcorp might've been responsible for the gold simulation incident?
• going back to weapons of the mercs, i do wonder whether, even with the pc apps ability to be used in the outernet, the apps themselves having any kind of influence over processes in the outernet — given the whole glitching thing that literally messes with physical objects and people. it is just my own theory, but i dont believe that the glitch thing that is embedded in these weapons comes from the outernet, either
• okay this is going to be a wild concept you dont have to read it
talking about the creation of outernet and the whole race of stickmen, right now i am tending to believe that outernet is still an extension of internet that might've appeared with its creation. i was always open to accepting it but slightly confused by the concept of outernet being natural (bc i constantly try to find logic in worldbuilding el oh el) and tried to suggest a theory that sticks of outernet might've also been created directly (which does feel like a reach atp). with the concepts i discussed in this ramble i dont really feel that confusion, but im honestly not abandoning the idea of creation at some point, either: specifically i had a thought that when outernet first appeared first sticks of that dimension were also created, potentially them finding a way into outernet in some way. but eventually outernet was built as an independent place for their kind and prospered by itself like any civilization would
oh my god im going to drop with exhaustion. but im so happy i got it out
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self portrait of my sticksona right now
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copias-girl · 2 years
To Catch a Cardinal: Chapter VI
A/N: This wouldn’t be a ‘life at the ministry’ fic without a black mass chapter so LETS GOOOO 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
All chapters here <3
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You awoke in the morning, stirring as your eyes fluttered open, blinking the sleep away. You hopped out of bed, pulling back the thick velvet curtains, and started getting ready for black mass.
You opted to wear a habit that was quite similar to your casual habit, except the skirt was shorter and it had some cute lace ruffles here and there. It also had a corset lace-up in the back which cinched your waist sinfully. You slid a garter belt on under your dress, clipping the straps onto some black thigh-high fishnet stockings to hold them up.
You slipped on your high heeled bootlets and headed out the door, groups of siblings already chatting as they made their way to the chapel. Your friend group soon called out to you from behind, catching up with you.
“Papa just looks so handsome in his robes.” Emily sighed dreamily, earning excited sounds of agreement from the other sisters.
“I know right!” Lilith groaned, turning to you. “You’re so lucky that he’s always vying for your attention.”
“Seems like you’re favoured by the Dark Lord for sure.” Mable nodded.
You only smiled, giving them a casual little shrug as if you were unaware of the special treatment you got from your Papa.
“Hey, what about me?” Rob pouted, pretending to be hurt.
“Of course you’re handsome, Robbie!” The sisters all cried, fawning over him and making you roll your eyes.
“Isn’t he?” Ava giggled, nudging you.
“Huh? Yeah, whatever..” You tossed the noncommittal response over your shoulder as you searched for Cardinal Copia amidst the crowd of siblings.
It wasn’t long before you heard a pitiful string of apologies and excuse me’s, and you subsequently spotted the Cardinal attempting to make his way through the numerous siblings as they inconsiderately bumped into him.
He was close enough for you to snag his pellegrina, tugging him closer to you and throwing him off balance in the process.
He tried to regain his footing, bumping right into you and accidentally wrapping his arms around your waist to keep from falling.
He stared at you with wide eyes, the pointy tip of his rat-like nose just barely touching yours.
“Buongiorno, Cardinale.” You giggled softly.
“B-Buongiorno, Sorella…” His voice came out as a whisper. “Ah! M-mi dispiace!” Panic flashed on his features as he realized his arms were still around you, and he pulled away hastily, his cheeks already flushing. Satanas, it was too early for this.
“I don’t mind.” You grinned, smoothing your hands over his pellegrina, straightening his biretta, even daring to run a fingertip along his jawline. He visibly shivered at that, lips parting as he let out a shaky sigh, his dark-socketed eyes fluttering closed for a moment. Poor little Cardinal, you could just tell he was so incredibly touch-starved.
Taking his arm, you began strolling together down the crowded corridor.
“Are you coming??” Mable turned to ask you, as you had fallen a bit behind.
Emily turned too, rolling her eyes when she saw who you had in tow. “Of course she’s not cumming, she’s with that loser.” She laughed.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m cumming.” You reassured them with narrowed eyes, the innuendos going completely over Copia’s head.
“I hope you slept well, Cardinal.” You made light conversation, stealing longer and longer glances at him as you walked. You couldn’t help but lick your lips, he just looked so incredibly delicious. His sharp sideburns and- Lucifer, that nose. You were really getting a good look at his profile now and you found yourself almost moaning out loud from the thought of riding his face, that prominently pointy snout of a nose pushing into your clit perfectly.
The Cardinal may not know it, no one else may know it, but this man was made for sex. You just couldn’t wait to put that theory to the test.
“I- I slept okay.” He nodded half-heartedly, giving you a little shrug. You wondered what that meant. Did he lay awake all night thinking of you? Was his cock painfully hard? Did he refuse to touch himself out of respect for you, or did he give in and cry out your name as he spilled his load all over his hand? “And you?” He asked, turning to you; his lower lip reddened, no doubt from biting it out of nervousness.
“Mm, wonderfully, thank you. I had a very good dream last night.” You hummed. “You were in it.” You added, turning to him with a ghost of a smirk playing on your lips.
Copia stiffened, breath hitching as he gaped at you with wide eyes. “M-me? W-what was it?” He enquired nervously.
“I can’t seem to remember.” You placed a finger on your chin in thought, so innocent and coy. “I just know it was a good one.”
By this time you had entered the chapel, sitting in one of the pews close to the front, with your friend group on one side of you and Copia on the other.
You all stood and sang the opening prayer as Terzo waltzed up the main aisle, majestic robes flowing behind him, holding the thick black Satanic Bible aloft. He was surrounded by a few siblings carrying black clerical candles, as well as Secondo who was holding up a grucifix staff. Usually during masses, one of the Papas would be conducting the ritual while another would assist as his auxiliary.
Once Terzo reached the altar, he placed the unholy bible onto it, bowing to kiss it. He then opened his arms and called out a proud, “Ave Satanas!”
“Ave Satanas!” You and the whole congregation echoed.
“Please be seated, my children.” Terzo gestured, beginning his sermon, speaking on upholding the sacraments of Satan, as well as taking part in the cardinal sins.
His mismatched eyes found yours, causing his sentence to trail off as a sly smirk spread across his face, and he shot you a saucy wink. All of the siblings in the chapel followed his gaze, their stares all landing on you. You rolled your eyes with a smile, playfully sticking your tongue out at your Papa.
“As I was saying, the sin of gluttony and the sin of lust are very… connected, no? You can indulge in many things, including lust.” Terzo went on, clasping his hands in front of him as he continued his sermon. “Killing two stones with one bird, si?” He said, causing everyone to giggle. “Ah, mi dispiace, I have it backwards. You kill the birds with the stone!” He laughed.
Your eyes drifted over to Copia as you stole a glance at him, biting your lip. You shifted in your place on the pew, accidentally-on-purpose pressing your thigh against his. Your skirt had ridden up, exposing your thighs and the straps of your garter belt which were holding up your stockings.
Copia glanced downwards at the contact, letting out a quiet gasp at the sight of your lingerie. His head snapped back up, feeling as though he had seen something he shouldn’t have. Although, in your peripheral vision you could see the poor man inwardly struggling with himself, his eyes timorously creeping back down to your thighs as you shifted once more, allowing your skirt to rise up even more scandalously, your leg rubbing against his in the process.
You took Copia by surprise, then, looking to him and catching him staring. You said nothing, instead just putting on a shy smile while quickly looking away. And that was embarrassing enough for the poor man, but when you quietly cleared your throat and pulled your skirt back down as far as it would go, his nerves were instantly alit with hellfire.
The Cardinal’s mind was consumed with panic. He was a pervert. A weirdo. A lech. Sweet Satan, he was a creep. And moreover, you, the strikingly beautiful and sugary sweet sister had caught him taking advantage of you in such a horrible way by staring at your exposed thighs like that. Surely, you would never be kind to him again. Hell, right now you were probably shaking your head, thinking about how your friends were right. About how the Cardinal really was just a disgusting rat all along.
You bit the inside of your lip to hide your smirk as the poor man’s alarmed thoughts of dread and worry floundered around inside that head of his. You could practically hear his heart hammering against his ribcage, like a little prey creature. Copia really was a cute, pitiful rat.
The Cardinal felt so contrite, so completely and utterly ashamed of himself for being a dirty old man. But then you were placing your dainty little hand high on his leg, and- oh, Copia was hopelessly confused, your mixed signals tangling around him and causing him to feel dizzy.
“Cardinal, it’s time to kneel.” You leaned in and whispered, pulling him from his distressed thoughts.
The man only stared at you with those wide doe eyes, giving you a meagre nod, as if he was too flustered to even comprehend what you were trying to tell him. But how could he concentrate, when your delicate little fingers were curling around his thigh, your hand so high on his leg that you could almost almost brush against the bulge in his pants. Thank goodness his cassock was made of thick wool; he hoped your quick eyes didn’t catch the way his cock twitched in his pants as you gave his thigh a slight squeeze.
Licking his lips nervously, Copia reached in front of him and pulled the kneeler down, the both of you kneeling side by side with hands clasped in prayer.
You went through mass kneeling, standing, sitting, and chanting; eventually being instructed to open the prayer books and flip to page 666.
All but one of the prayer books in the pew were being occupied by your friends; you and the Cardinal both reaching for the last one. You gave him a charming grin and a small shrug, the poor little mouse blushing as you scooted even closer to him so the two of you could share.
“Hey!” Rob whispered, leaning over Lilith and catching your attention.
“Hm?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Wanna share with me?” He asked, holding his prayer book up.
“Hardly seems convenient to share when we’re not right next to each other.” You pointed out, cozying up to the Cardinal even more, once again feeling the heat of excruciating nervousness emanating from him.
“Well, just climb over Lil and you can-” Rob insisted, but you cut him off.
“What are you talking about? Just share with someone else.” You whispered, shaking your head in confusion.
Rob sighed frustratedly then, running his fingers through his perfectly styled dirty blonde hair and leaning back in his seat. “Always with the fuckin’ rat nowadays…” He grumbled.
“You can share with me, Robbie.” Emily offered with an eager smile.
“Yeah, sure…” He conceded with a sniff, casting a final glance to you.
You were pressed tightly against Copia, thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder. One of your hands even came to settle over top of his to help him hold the book as you flipped to the correct page.
The Cardinal’s Latin chanting came out as a hushed murmur, shyly keeping his painted eyes trained on the words in the book, even though he already knew them off by heart. He just couldn’t bear to look at you, fearing he may suffer some sudden illness if he acknowledged how close you were to him.
After the lengthy prayer, you moved over just a little to give back the Cardinal his space. He greatly felt the lack of you, ashamed of the fact that he wished you would have stayed pressed against him.
And you, well, you already missed Copia’s warmth, and the feeling of his quick, anxiety-ridden breathing.
“Let us pray!” Terzo flourished, and everyone in the chapel stood, joining hands and getting ready to pray the Our Father.
With wide eyes and absolutely no self-confidence, Copia nervously offered his gloved hand to you. You considered it for only a moment, giving him a little smirk before placing your dainty hand in his, also joining with Lilith on your other side.
Just holding your hand was euphoric, and Copia felt like the luckiest man to ever walk the earth. He kept stealing glances at your joined hands, thankful that you didn’t deny him.
“In the name of our unholiest most high, we dare to say:” Terzo outstretched his arms.
“Our Father, who art in hell, unhallowed be thy name. Cursed are thy sons and daughters of our nemesis who are to blame. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Hell. Give us this day, our daily bread, and bless us for our trespasses as we curse those who trespass against us. Lead us vehemently into temptation, and deliver us into evil. Nema.”
There was a moment of silence after everyone finished the prayer, before Papa finally spoke again.
“Sin be with you!” He gestured to the congregation.
“And also with you.” The chorus of voices responded.
“And now, my children, we bestow upon one another, the sign of sin.” Terzo stated with another dramatic flourish, watching as every sibling and clergy member turned to one another.
It was tradition to kiss one another on both cheeks for this part of mass, many siblings even kissing each other on the lips.
Copia’s cheeks were on fire as you turned to him, the hot flush on his face making his little freckles more prominent. Your lashes were thick, lips parted as you reached up, placing a hand on his jawline as you moved in closer closer closer.
The Cardinal tensed up, frozen in his place, not even daring to breathe as you grew dangerously, intoxicatingly near.
You paused just before making contact, savouring the scent of his cologne and the heady sensation of being so close to him, eyes flicking down to his kissable lips. Blood was pounding loud in Copia’s ears, nearly having a heart attack as you slowly leaned in, placing a carefully gentle kiss to his cheek, the corner of your mouth brushing against his. After a moment, you moved and planted another deliberate peck on the other side, being sure to brush the corner of your mouth against his once more. The way his thin moustache felt against your soft skin had you rubbing your thighs together, hungry for more.
“Sin be with you, Cardinal.” You murmured softly, pulling away only enough to gaze deeply into his eyes.
“S-Sin be with you, Sorella…” He responded shakily, ready to crumble under your intense stare. So many thoughts were running through his head. The corners of your lips had brushed together… Could that count as his first kiss?
You hummed in amusement, rubbing your fingertips against his cheeks to wipe away the glistening lipgloss you had left there, causing Copia to blush furiously at the thought of having your sweet lipgloss on him. He wished he could tell you to quit wiping it off so that he could run back to his room, blot it onto a handkerchief, and save it forever. Although, he immediately scolded himself for being a weirdo and having thoughts like that.
Heart beating wildly in his chest, Copia continued to mentally fuss over the technicalities of what had just transpired. He was completely and truly unloved all his life; and the poor man had never been kissed before, so he didn’t exactly know what a first kiss could entail. Was the slight, accidental brushing of lips enough? It may have been nothing to you, but surely not to the Cardinal. The corners of his mouth were still tingling, head still swimming with overwhelming dizziness, as if you had bewitched him with a spell.
Before he could dwell on it any further, it was time for unholy communion. Everyone exited the pews, organized into neat lines as they waited to receive the blessing from their exalted Papa.
Every sister eagerly knelt, excited to have their turn with Terzo placing the host directly into their mouths; but as usual he was distracted, his eyes locked onto you as you made your way down the main aisle towards him.
When it was your turn, you gracefully fell to your knees before your Papa, looking up at him and letting your lips part, slightly sticking your tongue out.
He smirked down at you, taking his sweet time in plucking the host out of the golden ciborium before holding it above you.
“Body of Lucifer.” Terzo murmured, placing it onto your tongue. He pressed it into your wet mouth, fingers curling under your chin while his gloved thumb pushed further into your mouth, mischievous delight dancing in his eyes.
You cast a playful glare up at him, biting his thumb in warning.
“Ah, ah. Don’t be naughty, Sorellina.” He bent down to quietly chastise you, biting the inside of his cheek to stop the smile from spreading across his face.
Terzo then traded the ciborium for the chalice of wine that Secondo had in his hands, and he held it up to your lips for you to drink. You kept a cheekily defiant eye contact with your Papa, but suddenly he was purposefully tipping the chalice and some wine spilled over the edge, dripping down your chin.
Terzo- ever the gentleman- immediately came to your rescue, despite having deliberately created the problem himself. He swiped away the droplet, subsequently licking it off his finger with a triumphant smirk.
The eyes of everyone in the chapel were locked on the two of you; jealous tension hanging thick in the air. Even poor Copia felt a pang of worry in his heart. He knew how Terzo could be so captivating with his endless flirtations, of which you happened to be the subject of, so he only hoped that the man wouldn’t steal you away. Still, though, the Cardinal felt guilty for having such thoughts. It’s not like he owned you. You were just a kind sister who had been merciful enough to take pity on him, but he wasn’t entitled to your affections at all.
“Fratello, quit using our unholy ritual to flirt with poor Sorella.” Secondo scolded his brother through gritted teeth, elbowing the man in the ribs and casting a disapproving glare at him.
Terzo only brushed him off, but shot his brother a competitive look when they both offered their hands to help you back to your feet. You accepted both of their gloved hands with a smile, your eyes falling graciously onto Secondo for a moment.
“Nema.” You clasped your hands in prayer and curtsied to Terzo. “Pervert.” You added, shooting him a devilish smirk as you strutted back to your seat, hearing his mischievous cackle behind you.
Once mass was concluded, you eyed the Cardinal with a look he couldn’t quite discern. It was lust, but the poor thing had such low self esteem that he didn’t even recognize it.
You walked out of the chapel arm in arm, strolling leisurely until the large crowd of siblings passed. Copia was flattered that you didn’t mind being seen with him. He was used to being avoided like the plague; no one ever wanted to be seen associating with the weird rat man.
Your friends hung back with you, talking amongst themselves, when suddenly you felt a pop!
“Oh!” You exclaimed, halting your steps.
“Sorella, a-are you alright?” Copia asked worriedly.
“Oh, one of my garter straps came undone.” You realized. “Would you help me?”
The Cardinal’s eyes widened, the flush on his face spreading to the tips of his ears. “H-help you w-with… Ehm- w-with- eh.. w-with the g-g-garter?” He nervously stuttered.
“Uh huh.” You nodded innocently. “If you could?”
And how could he ever say no to you? When you were gazing at him with those pretty eyes and twirling a lock of your hair around your finger like that?
He nodded quickly, dropping to his knees in front of you. To his absolute horror, you turned around. It was one of the straps in the back that had come loose. Your short little skirt was such a tease, almost, almost giving him an eyeful but not quite.
He grabbed ahold of the strap, biting his lip and tugging it down to meet your fishnet stocking, his brows furrowing in confusion when it wouldn’t reach.
“Oh, you can just reach up there and pull the whole thing down a bit if it doesn���t reach.” You suggested, looking back at the poor little rat as he struggled.
His alarmed eyes met yours and you only gave him an innocently kittenish smile of encouragement, before he cast his stare downwards, gloved hands trembling as he reached up your dress. The poor man could feel sweat beginning to bead on his brow, his heart hammering against his ribcage, chest tightening to the point that he feared he would pass out.
Cautiously, he reached up up up your skirt, desperately trying to be a gentleman and not skim his fingers against the supple flesh of your ass or cause your skirt to lift too much. He finally reached your garter belt, pulling it down slightly so that the strap would reach.
Copia was biting his lip so hard he tasted blood, quivering hands fumbling to attach the clip to your stocking.
Meanwhile, your friends had stopped to wait up for you, all of them gawking at the sight of pathetically awkward Copia with his hands up your habit.
Finally, he got it, releasing a tensely shaky exhale. Satanas, he had never… He had never done anything like this before, he could barely even fathom the thought of you asking him to do this; especially when everyone else seemed to find him so incredibly detestable.
You adjusted everything back into place while he hurried back to his feet, trying to calm down but feeling utterly stupefied by you.
“Oh, thank you so much Cardinal!” You beamed, pulling him into a hug, your arms wrapping around his neck. “You’re the b-!” your eyes widened, swearing that you felt something shamefully hard heavily pressing right into you. “You’re the best.”
Copia looked like an eager puppy dog, the corners of his lips twitching upwards into a nervous smile at your praise. His lips weren’t the only thing that twitched, however.
“You know, I could have done that for you, babe. A lot faster than Rat, anyways.” You didn’t even notice Rob stalking up to you, towering over you and Copia.
“You know, I think Rat, here, is pretty good with his hands.” You countered with a devilish little smirk, ducking away as Rob tried to throw an arm around your shoulders, going around the other side of the pitifully red-faced Cardinal. He was usually called ‘Rat’ as a demeaning insult, but for some reason, that name only flustered him more when it came from you.
Hooking your arm with Copia’s, you pulled him along and caught up with your girlfriends as they excitedly beckoned you over, wanting to make plans for a sleepover.
𖤐 to be continued 𖤐
Taglist: @sucharide @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @rightintheghoulies @copiaswifey @youhaveahomeinmyheart @mister-girl @faeeeeh @rubyserpentine @ramblingoak @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @my-mummy-dust @angelconservation @yourlocalghouleh @gh0sty6 @nikolaiology @thenick100 @mothsdraw @ivyanddaisies @gothdaddyissues @moonlight-fern @copiaslittleratty @nocturnal-birb @creepyalbatross @lightbluuestars @delta-is-here @1kirby1 @dawnghoul @kyberj @esmiephan @not-ya-girl @notmanagingmymischief @averagecrastinator @anubidian @peripheralviision @morbid-personality @rewin-d @madisyn-grace @oops-hyper-fixated-on-slashers @androidwitchbitch @lilithsgirlfriend @xhorror-nerdx @pxl8ed
440 notes · View notes
zishu-arts · 4 months
i really wanna talk about ava/m but i don't know where to start SO i thought
would you guys mind asking me about my opinion on things from ava/m? (charactere, hc, relationships, theories, etc)
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alexartink · 6 months
Hi! Im Alex! Yeah its strange that I have a OC named after me but thats not the point.
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This user is a transmale
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This user is a Red Fox Therian
My birthday: August 2nd
Zodiac: Leo
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
What am I?: An Artist & A Therian
Communities: Alan Becker, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Amanda The Adventurer, Etc..
Idk how to explain this one: Depression, Social Anxiety-(Irl),
Ask Box: Open
Submissions?: Yes
Request: Yes!
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(Theory pic by: @theoryify )
Tbh I love making theories and making Lore for my characters! I made so much lore already :') anyway time to make a theory on a youtuber.
I have biting urges, forgive me mutuals
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Will I do art of peoples characters randomly and give it to them as a gift?: Yeah :)
Phobias: Spiders(certain ones), Bees, Butterflys, Heights, The Dark, Drowing (A trauma), & Death
Alex = Aa
V = Aa
B = Aa
Ace = Aa
Mod/CA = Aa
MW: Aa
My school hours in Redlands:
8:45AM - 3:17PM
Something that has lore
" Not My Choice.. "
Lore 1
Lore 2
Alex and Ace arent actually sisters and well.. They don't know that.. Something traumatic happened that made them believe they were..
Thats all you need to know! Buh byeeee!!!
For the sillies to know: (@moss-cult-m-r @the-moss-priest @ask-joe-caine @jointhemidnightcarousel @numbuhbenjiseis @monicatstf @aldo-is-missing )
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Silly Art Comic being worked on w/ @hiimtheproblem87times
Blog I own and love :)
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Who I match? I match Dorian
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Im a VA for TDL
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Comic Book Name: Hooky
Available on Webtoon.
Available in Stores.
(Yes I am a actual Witch! We do exist)
The Lurks (ft. Me and My Besties OC)
AVA wanted poster link!
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Im gay for men with mental illnesses!
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chickenkurage · 23 days
(ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ Our Introduction!!! (๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡
We’re Spongey and JMLilac, we came from Ao3 where we originally posted AvA/M AUs and Art.    
Spongey is the author mastermind behind the fanfictions and JMLilac behind the fanarts. 
Spongey (The Author/sometimes artist):  Hewow!! X33 I'm Spongey or you can call me Spongehh or Sponge. Any is fine, my name has so many variations at this point XDD. My pronouns are she/her but tbh I'm okay with anything as well, I mostly wrote this fanfics for fun and i never knew it was THAT fun. Anyways that’s all! 
JMLilac (The Artist): Hi :33 I’m usually the artist (besides Spongey herself), whenever Spongey posts their stuff. I’m She/Them if you want my pronouns.  I’m not really aiming to be the best artist, just enough to get those ideas on paper (or digital screen?) so not every art I make is going to be a finished masterpiece. Anyway, just making fanart for fun :PP. 
ASKS ARE OPEN :D (#AskSpongey&JMLilac)
You can ask us about the AU’s or our thoughts on other things? (Philosophy? Life? Existential crisis? Aristotle? Confucius? /j)
It's half half if we take on fic request or art request, still in decision on that one hehe~
Have a conversation about your theories as well maybe!! (Sponge want's this very much!)
You can ramble about AU ideas too! Both Sponge and JMLilac love getting more AU ideas!
Click here for the AvA/M AUs Fanfiction in Ao3 <3:
And here are the tags for the AU art made by Spongey and JMLilac:
#CSAlanBecker "Creator-Stickman Alan"
#CAlanBecker "Cursor Alan"
#TAlanBecker "Teen Alan"
#FAlanBecker "Farmer Alan"
#AIAlanBecker "Artificial Intelligence Alan"
#DAlanBecker "Duck Alan"
Here is the tag for Spongey's Tumblr posted fics:
{What do we post here?}
Fanart of the Au's
Memes made by our dear JMLilac ^_^
Doodles of mostly JMLilac, and sometimes Spongey...
Answering some Asks stuffs ofc! (Spongey and JMLilac are very bad at responding but here they will overcome the hurdle together)
And maybe some other more :DD
"Tumblr only" fics
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zofi-persson-quotes · 2 months
Hello, and welcome to this blog!
I'm remaking the masterpost because the old one was pretty all over the place, and some things changed
My name's Zofi, and I use she/them!
I made this blog to share my headcanons, quotes, theories and pieces of lore with you all!
My main blog is @zofi-persson , feel free to check it out if you want to! (Even if it’s mostly a reblogging blog lol-)
Feel free to share your headcanons, theories, and quotes whenever you want, and to reblog my posts and use them as inspiration if you wish to! (Giving me credits, obv)
I already received some fanart, and I'd love to see my ideas/quotes being used, so don't be shy, and feel free to tag me if you use my quotes/hc's for something! /nf
My main fandoms are:
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft (a YouTube series by Alan Becker)
Hollow Knight
Pokemon (mostly the anime)
But I may do some more fandoms in the future, so stay tuned!
Please DNI if you're:
Support Israel (Free Palestine 🇵🇸)
You're a prosh*pper
You just interact to be a hater
You publish untagged adult content, or you're an exclusively + 18 blog (I may be an adult myself, but I feel very uncomfortable with that kind of content)
The ships I do on this blog are:
Grapeduo/Green x Purple (AvA/M)
Vicagent (AvA/M)
Kirfluff (Kirby)
Metagala (Kirby)
Marxolor (Kirby)
Fransusie (Kirby)
Tisoquirrel (Hollow Knight)
I'm actually fine with people shipping other ships (unless they're illegal or very toxic), but please don't expect content of some ships and don't bug me into making such content
Also, likes are very welcome, but I really enjoy seeing and reading your comments and reblogs, not only because they help me (in the reblog's case), but also because I'm someone who really enjoys interacting with people online, so every interaction is amazing for me!
Have a gorgeous day/night/whatever, and have a fun stay!
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n00bcat1234 · 1 year
You guys knew this was coming.
Time to talk about possibly the most confusing and unexplained subject in the AvA/M community-
Stick reproduction!!!11!!1
First off, I would like to say that I don't have a definitive answer, just a few theories on the subject.
First theory- The sticks are coded by their parents into existence (gay shippers rejoice). I'm not a coder, but what if when Purple was "born" it was just Orchid and Dark Blue mixing their source codes? This could also be why Purple is an exact mix of both of the colors, as normal humans tend to lean towards more resemblance to one parent. This would also explain why Gold doesn't have a mother at such a young age, and why MT is such a good dad. He coded his child with his own code and some other code of a stick figure he wouldn't have had to know. It would also explain why all stick figures are made out of code as seen in episode 5 where there's a montage of Dark and Cho killing stick figures by deleting them. And of course, it all leads back to the cursed reality that Blue+Yellow=Green :).This is my leading theory so far.
Second theory- They give live birth. This would explain the start of Purple's song in episode 29, where he was supposedly born, and explains why Gold doesn't have a mother, she could have unfortunately died while giving birth. The reason I say that she died giving birth and not later in her life is because we see Gold and MT in the park when Gold is very young. Of course, there are some flaws to this theory. Referencing the real world, we know that only mammals have live birth, and mammals have hair. All of the stick figures we see in the series are BALD. In the close-up of Purple we see in episode 29 at the end of his song, we can't see any hair on him. Even in the official merch, the stick figures are sHiNy, as in they are glinting in the light, and that just wouldn't happen if they had hair (sorry to all the people who have stick ocs with hair ig). Also, the sticks don't wear clothes (for the most part), so we know that there's nowhere on their bodies that could produce another stick.
Third and final theory- All the sticks are made by people. Obviously, Alan made Victim, Dark, Chosen, and Orange, but we know that the other sticks in the color gang came from a website. Some people may argue that they could've been zapped into the website, and that theory could be plausible, but the site is centered around yhe sticks fighting each other. We know that the website is called stick fight, and that their names in the code are (blank) stick figure, implying that they were never given names (imagine them having names tho). Of course, this theory doesn't explain Purple and Gold having parents.
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d8tl55c · 8 days
hi! 🎊\o_🎉 looking for something? 🦞
'/_'|-_ |'['-,= _|_'|L'|-',=•-|[,-,= [,-'/L'-_
L' /_'|-•|-',= "/,|-•_| +。⁠. ゚✧ ✨
update 1.01 - 09/18/2024
gender: she/they/it is fine thx
fan of (bold==frequent post): AvA/M and other Alan Becker works, AUs, Rain World, The Murderbot Diaries, Sky CotL, Kitten Burst, ULTRAKILL, Portal, Pony Town, Minecraft, Interstellar, D:BH, Undertale, Hollow Knight, Lackadaisy, 17776, Murder Drones, Dungeon Meshi, Doctor Who, The Isle, WolfQuest, Warrior Cats, wildlife, bugs, space, robots, software development, adding programming knowledge into my writing and headcanons, modding, whump;blood;violence;fluff;serious and silly, fanfic of all of the above, humans, math, animation, ascii art, old internet.
(^ will update over time)
/// personal tag collection ///
#subpixels == discussion about media
#ancient lore == cool old stuff
#tumblr stories == good stories i found on tumblr
#writing advice == i want to save this for writing
#saving this == this wasn't made by me.
#awoo to this == this is AWESOME ! ! !
#--/ art == visual art made by me!
#--/ story == writing made by me! +art = a comic
#--/ animation == animation made by me!
#kitceil == one of my OCs (scug)
#L1_CAT == one of my OCs (laptopcat)
#L24_CAT == one of my OCs (laptopcat)
#datelyssyc == one of my OCs (protogen) (NEVER posted ;v;;;)
(^ all these are in the tags of this post too)
/// posted works ///
✨some things are extremophiles (done - comic - TCO)
this is not a prophetic vision (done - theory - TCO in AvA 7)
Minecraft bed (done - comic - TDL and some TCO)
programmer021 (done - short story - AU copy of TCO)
in the right (done - theory/story - victim in upcoming AvA 11)
✨Character Limit (done - Ao3 LINK - TCO whump pre-AvA III)
✨Box Lunch (done - Ao3 LINK - TCO in the Box)
✨Call Your Last Witness (done - Ao3 LINK - tmbd prologue)
missed a spot (done - story extension - yellow and TSC)
(^ latest at the top (✨ sparkles == newly added))
/// some --/ art i like ///
thinking about names (orange vs. the second coming)
different strokes (TSC portrait collab)
WING/K (signature animation)
inspiration in 4k (word count) (L1 and being attacked by fic ideas)
they are dancing (TCO and TDL. one of my first asciis)
i have the solution (throw him into lava) (TCO headcanon diagram)
8-petal design (another ascii. this one flopped lol but i like)
2 many crabbies (Animal Restaurant meme)
approx. pi using e (Animation vs Math meme)
(^ latest at the bottom)
ways of seeing them (playing with new TCO and TDL faces)
✨ TCO cosplays (Pony Town)
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ellathebirb · 11 months
Hey Guys!
Do you remember these guys here?
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What if they are people working at Victim's company?
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
4 Am Thoughts TM
The world of AvA/M is much like Toy Story
with things like Pokemon, Mario, Minecraft, and other code based things like desktop icons that are sentient but are just happy to do what they were created to do
And then sometimes theres sentient beings like Stick Figures who wil just wreck your shit
There was this old fandom theory that theorized that the Noogai Stick Figures were accidentally bringing things to life via "sentiance" transfer or whatever
And I've always disliked that theory because it made the world seem so small and lifeless with "life" only existing when a Noogai stick interacts with it.
But now with AvM 30, I'm so glad its confirmed to be a world outside of just the Desktops
It makes the series and the world that Alan and his team create more colorful and exciting
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storgicdealer · 4 months
i probably should create a masterpost of my theories and headcanons on ava/m worldbuilding . . . i feel like by exploring all possible sides of different parts of the universe i might be confusing others with what i actually think lol
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a-lone-aster · 9 months
(pfp made with this picrew!)
um. Hi! Welcome to my blog. Thing. I only know a little more how to make intro posts months later. Uhhhh yeah 👍
Blue hair and pronouns. You can call me Aster :] And uh. She/Her pronouns :)
I am an introject living in the Utensil Drawer System and I've been frontstuck for over 2 months. I'M NO LONGER FRONTSTUCK 🔥 I have the record time for being frontstuck in the system. My singular W (283 days)
I post Inanimate Insanity (my source, more comfortable with it now), AVA/M, Stardew Valley, Pokemon (especially sylveon. I love sylveon) and maybe other stuff. And I post art (in theory. In practice very rarely. You should still look at my art tag anyway /silly)
Uh. My moods? Can be kinda weird? If I come off as annoyed or something I guarantee it's not because of you /gen. Also I'm just really bad at interacting with people and also words just don't like me sometimes but I'd really like to more so feel free to say hi or something
I don't really have any DNI just. Don't be an asshole and you're probably fine. I'll probably block as I see necessary
Okay this is getting really long um uh. Sylveon
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(drawn by one of my fellow headmates (Tripp) for me)
(last updated 9/10/24)
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chorda-tendinea · 2 years
( @lunafandoms )
☀️: what’s something you wish you’d see more of in fandom?
ooh ok this is not really something i’ve thought about cos like i am currently taking the “be the change you want to see in the world” approach to fan content akhdh (sorry it doesn’t seem like it, i just haven’t posted anything cos it’s all unfinished akjdhd,, maybe someday tho)
but like,,, i actually really love seeing other people’s posts about theories or even just odd things they noticed in ava/m!! it’s really good brain fuel for me haha
not that we have a shortage of those or anything really but like. just saying,, if any of you guys are holding off on posting your thoughts or theories, go for it!! i would love to see them <33
🎵: what’s a song you imagine a ava/avm animatic too? what’s the animatic? (or just a song you associate with a ava/avm character/ship)
ok so i have a document of about,,, (counts) apparently 60 of these song associations? in varying states of complete explanation but i’ll try and find one of the more complete ones for you
ok so. cooler girl by inabakumori is a very dark song imo. cos like!! to me they’re very emotionally repressed but in a very specific way. they use this whole dramatic “being evil and insane” act as both an outlet for their destructive tendencies towards chosen (because they genuinely don’t want to kill them), and as a facade to hide how they really feel towards them, cos however much they hate it, they still feel the need to conform to their namesake / programming (and also they’re afraid that chosen won’t like them if they show weakness)
so yeah. cooler girl is about how they can never be vulnerable and say exactly what they mean / feel so they constantly hide it all behind like 7 layers of dramatics and destructive impulses and evil plans
(um. it’s really long so lyrics and association explanation under the cut!!)
“since my most important words are all crooked / i’ve got to hone and grind them / until they become sharp, to showcase them / and then i’ll present them to you”
thinking about how they really consider chosen their friend but they hide all their true emotions behind so much theatrical hate (directed at the world at large, and sometimes still, at chosen themself)
like!! they have no idea how to be vulnerable and soft so they just go to the opposite extreme with everything
“i guess i’m feeling relieved / in this web of deception”
they’re more comfortable in the whole “evil and unhinged” image they’ve made of themself than they are with their actual feelings,,,
also haha spider imagery,, like the virabots
“cooler girl— the only things i can say are the most biting words i know”
“cooler girl— for my heart is completely divorced from my body”
i think they’d be so used to putting up their emotional barriers that they just do it automatically like a knee jerk reaction, even if they’d rather not
like their automatic reaction when they’re not okay and chosen is concerned about them is to push chosen away and try to pretend that everything’s fine
“ah, it’s alright, you can just leave me alone / i don’t exactly need you to like me or not / i’m in no position to ask you to see through me”
their emotions towards chosen as both their only friend and arch nemesis are very complicated
also when you punch someone on a daily basis it’s not really an option to ask for their understanding, is it?
“i wanna cut down, wanna cut down on my emotion usage”
they’d really rather not have emotions at all than have to deal with them,,
“i’ll try to find the feelings i’ve hidden, and show them to you / for it’s quite hard to get anything across with my chapped lips”
they’re so emotionally repressed that even if they want to say something genuine, it often comes out mean on reflex, or they divert to saying something else entirely
their mouth just. doesn’t do what they want hence the “chapped lips”
“i’m a cooler girl who’s forever losing her battle / wouldn’t you like to win against me, every now and again? / i thought so”
haha they're losing the battle to hide their feelings,,
also the “you” in the second part refers to chosen and i think it would slap if we put in some double meaning here
the first way to interpret it is like they’re taunting chosen in an actual fight so it’d be smth like “you can’t possibly beat me but wouldn’t you like to win sometime?”
the second way is that they want to lose the battle to chosen but like. emotionally. so it’s more like “wouldn’t it be nice if i lost to you” and then they break down and spill their feelings towards them
this might be getting very ooc but I WANT THEM TO BE VULNERABLE SO BAD
“cooler girl— for you and me, we’ve completely drifted apart”
oh ok for the tumblr crowd, this is a reference to another song association i have for mabel by balloon. the basic premise of that scenario is that chosen and dark’s friendship is built on friendly animosity (sparring on a regular basis, even fighting all out sometimes, joking threats and occasional follow through, insults that they don’t really mean, etc.)
the thing is that dark gets increasingly aggressive about it (perhaps due to their programming getting more insistent / their repressed feelings towards chosen), and they just get meaner and meaner to chosen
this understandably starts to get to them, and chosen starts wondering if dark really does hate them as much as they say
meanwhile in the background, chosen’s morals towards the destruction that they’ve wrought are changing while dark’s become more extreme, hence the “drifting apart”
“it’s so cold, i can’t do a single thing. also, i’m running a fever, i can’t move”
ok consider what if after the showdown dark is really weak for a while cos well. they literally almost died
also about the “it’s so cold” bit, i wonder what it would feel like to experience normal temperature after being blasted by a laser
“with my body, my throat, my head in this condition / i can’t even tell you the truth”
expanding upon the scenario from the previous line, i think it’d be fun if chosen tries taking care of them since they don’t want to fight anymore
and dark hates it cos they’ve probably never been so weak before and also this is a great time for all of their complicated emotions towards chosen to resurface
they’ll try and hide it of course but with chosen literally right there all the time it’s inevitable that they’ll eventually catch dark slipping
and then dark would STILL try to avoid admitting anything
“before i put on that painful, dry makeup”
the makeup as a metaphor for their facade,,,
yknow their “evil and unhinged” image
“for when my tears wash my makeup away / below it all, i’m completely withered”
ok do we take withered as starved for companionship / affection or do we take it as like. inhuman and monstrous
“cooler girl— should just banish all of my embarrassment to the shadow realm”
“i don’t exactly need you to like me or not / but i really want / to have you see through me, it’s unbearable”
i bet dark wishes chosen could just understand how they feel without dark having to go through the intensely embarrassing ordeal of explaining their annoyingly complex feelings but like no. unfortunately chosen isn’t psychic
“even when i’ve been warmed up, i still don’t get it”
the thing they don’t get is why chosen is taking care of them like. they literally just tried to kill each other and also they don’t understand why they matter to chosen
like maybe they thought chosen’s friendship with them ended when the flashback (ava shorts ep 3) happened, or perhaps even way before that tipping point
“my heart’s gone completely cold, that’s why i don’t get it / that’s how things are”
because they were made to destroy, and their namesake means they have to be evil, they resign themself to thinking that they’ll never understand chosen’s kindness / care for them
yeah so that’s it!!! hope it was comprehensible haha,,, admittedly there’s some lines missing cos i couldn’t find good ways to make them fit but yeah. dark is so repressed <33
thank you so much for the ask and for making the ask meme!!! sorry it took me so long to reply, i’ve been busy akhdh (gonna try and get out responses to the other asks i’ve received over the next few days hopefully? thank you all for waiting kdjfh)
(ask meme)
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staytiny-angel · 2 years
Shall We Play a Game?
Rating: M
Pairings; "Hangman" Adam Page/Female OC (Ava Grace Page), Finn Balor/Female OC (Violet Balor), Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Austin Theory/Damien Priest
Warnings: Swearing, Seth being Seth
Summary: Ava and Adam are about to leave on their long awaited Honeymoon.
Authors Note: This story takes place in the Emoverse a shared universe created by myself, @rowina-blck and @swifteforeverandalways This part was Cowritten with Rowina
I've tried to write this so that no prior knowledge of the Emoverse is needed but in case I missed something AEW and WWE are currently in the middle of a "World's Collide" Event, Violet Balor is Rowina's OC, the wife of Finn Balor, the two have a baby girl named Raven and she is my OCs Best Friend. Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch and Drew McIntyre are a committed throuple, If you have any questions just shoot me an ask.
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"Finally" Ava said as she packed her bags,"I can't believe it took six months for Tony to approve our Honeymoon"
"With the invasion going on we're lucky he's letting us go now,Sugar" Adam repiled from his spot on their bed
"I told him if he didn't I would make his life a living hell" She said locking the last suitcase and jumping on the bed to snuggle in her husband's arms.
"Hawaii here we come" Adam said, nuzzling behind his wife's ear "I've got plans for you, Sugar" he half growled directly into her ear making her shiver.
The next day at Monday Night Raw, the pair was sitting in catering with Violet and Becky waiting for their turn to go on.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Violet said to her pseudo sister and fellow Judgement Day member. "A whole month Ma Cherie Who's going to help me keep Austin and Damien in line?" “Maybe Athena’s up for a company switch” Ava laughed, Raven babbling on. “I cannot believe this little thing is almost two” Adam hugged her close. “I know” Violet kissed her head. “Are you thinking of having kids?” Adam and Ava looked at each other and nodded "We've talked about it but we're not ready right at this moment" Adam said bouncing Raven on his lap and smiling when the toddler giggled and tugged on his scruff
"Honeymoons are mysterious things" Becky said on a laugh "You better be prepared"
"You just got here and your already leaving for a month!" Seth said loudly as he dropped into a chair at the table. “Sorry Dad” Ava giggled. “Just know I have Nicky on speed dial to guilt trip you”
“That’s evil”
Violet laughed as Austin entered being carried by Damian.
“Judgment Day wins!” He cheered. “And you did nothing” Ava teased "Hey! Cheerleading is a very important part of the whole winning routine" Austin says as Damien took a seat, and Austin sat on his boyfriend's lap.
"Hawaii, sis? Cliche much?" Austin said to Ava with a smirk
"Hey! It was good enough for literally everyone at this table" Ava says "We're gonna have fun, see the sights"
Adam covered Raven's ears and murmured "All the sights we can see from the bed and the hot tub"
"HEY!" Seth yelled "No innuendos about my daughter"
“Overprotective much?” Violet teased. “Silence” “Stop being naughty Moi Chaton, or I may have to punish you” Ava laughed while Adam looked horrified “You didn’t know my wife was Seth’s dom back in the day?” Finn tease
Adam blinked "No that was not something I was aware of" he says very primly "I knew they were together but not like that"
"It's disgusting, she's my sister and he's practically my dad. I don't like to think about how they used to bone" Ava said with a grossed out expression on her face
"Can we change the subject there are children present" Becky said laughing
"And on that note we're out of here" Ava said. I need to kick Britt's ass one more time before I bounce.
"Please do after that neck comment towards my little sister" Seth practically growled Violet crossed her arms and nodded. "If you need Judgement Day to make ourselves known we will be at the ready"
"Family? See you later" Ava leaned of and softly kissed her husband before heading to the gorilla position as Dionsyus by BTS blasted out into the arena and the boos started. She didn't give a fuck that the WWE Universe seemed to hate her, it didn't even matter that Britt was a heel too. No one. But no one fucked with her family especially her Aunt Saraya after all the work she'd done to come back to the sport she loved so much.
And after? Well 31 days in bed with her husband sounded like an awfully good reward.
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snickeruwu · 5 months
Master Post!
I made a Master Post to make finding things easier for me and anyone else who comes across my blog :3
AvA/ AvM Related Posts:
AvA/ AvM Fandom Handholding post (originally posted on 1/23/2024, prior to the release of AvA 6 Episode 3) (Edit: It will now be called AvA 11.)
My response to the amount of notes that my Fandom Handholding post received.
An AvA Drawing Idea
A Lighthearted AvA Theory
A post asking what we should do about the name changes (Side note: These changes occurred on 5/15/2024.)
A poll asking if people want more nice victim content (The poll’s current status: Finished)
Redraw of Tulipsempai’s profile picture (art collab)
Convincing Green to call us “Color Gang Fans” (hopefully)
AvA Ask Game (except I answer all the questions myself lol)
(Continuation under the cut.)
Other links:
My very first post (including the reblog)
A post where y’all can boop me in the notes :3
An Egg’s World (It’s a silly seal video edit lol)
An Undertale Remix in Rounds (Kinda)
Link to my YouTube channel (Not a lot of things are on there yet lol.)
Link to my AO3 (I only have one fanfic on there so far lol.)
Common tags I use:
#AvA/M Favorites
#Artist Reminders
#Writer Reminders
#Creation Reminders
#Save For Later
#[Name] answers my ask (Common examples: “Soup answers my ask :3” and “Tulip answers my ask :3”)
Slightly less common tags I use:
#Signal Boost
#Self reblog
#Animator Vs Animation
#AvA/ AvM
#The Stanley Parable
#TSP Favorites
#Soup’s headcanons
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