#avari and silvans are referred to as ‘dark elves’ bc they refuse the light of valinor and the ainur
Faramir, elf enthusiest: so, Legolas! I have some questions about elven culture if i can ask them!
Legolas, silvan (dark elf), has a vague idea of how the noldor/sindar (light elf) realms in middle earth function but not really that knowledgeable about it, which is presumably what faramir does know. Also, certified little shit: sure, lay it on me.
Idk, i hink it’s be funny if faramir was fanboying about being able to ask an actual elven prince about elven things, only for legolas to have like 5% knowledge of the elven realms under noldor/sindar rule, which is what faramir has learned about. And then deciding to mess with him anyway.
Don’t worry, legolas eventually tells the truth and offers faramir volumes worth of knowledge about the silvan and avari elves that have faramir vibrating with excitement.
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Me: *jerks awake at 3am in bed* what if I seperate the Noldor/vanyar/teleri/sindar elves from the silvan and avari elves by referring to the Ainur touched elves (aka the Noldor/vanyar/teleri/sindar) as “light elves”, and the elves who refused the ruling of the Ainur (aka the silvans and avari) are called “dark elves”?
This could further be compounded by the “light elves” preferring to work and function during the day, while the “dark elves” prefer the night!
And, and, and by separating the two groups into “light” and “dark” elves, in-text it would perfectly encapsulate not only the distinction between the two opposite perspectives of the 2 groups, but also the way the Ainur touched elves view themselves as superior because they had direct contact with the Ainur by referring to themselves as “light” elves (but now in reference to being better than dark elves, not just as a description)!
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