#average day at hope's peak academy
anon-maly · 6 months
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Hope's Peak Academy's main course
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theamityelf · 5 months
The killing game survivors of Hope's Peak Academy all had their different ways of testing the waters of their new job at the Future Foundation. (Deliberate ones, and ones that just came as a result of who they were as people.) Kyoko tested the waters of being frequently late. Byakuya tested the waters of being frequently insubordinate. Hina ran laps around shared work spaces, Hiro scammed their coworkers, and Toko still wasn't technically a member.
Makoto...okay, he challenged the leadership's patience in a lot of ways, but one example that he genuinely couldn't help was that he was the first of the survivors to have to take a sick day.
And the second.
And the third.
Makoto lay in bed, groaning through a throbbing headache and feeling gross. He hadn't even had it in him to let anyone know he was sick, which just made him feel worse, because it reminded him of another time he hadn't let anyone know he was sick, and he'd almost been executed over it.
(Well, it wasn't like that was really the reason, but he still felt anxious.)
Waking up from his third nap– glancing at the clock, it looked like he was an hour and a half late for work –he heard movement in his suite. That definitely wasn't helping him not think about that one time, but it was probably just Kyoko or Hina or someone, coming to check on him.
It sounded like it was coming from his kitchen. Maybe Hiro, then. He often casually brought up how much money they could make if they sold off some of the Ultimate Hope's used cutlery. Or maybe Hina had peeked in while he was sleeping, seen that he was sick, and decided to bring him something to eat? It did sound like someone was using the stove.
Makoto dozed off again and woke to someone pulling a thermometer out of his mouth.
"101 Fahrenheit," an unexpected voice sighed. "You're usually a tenth of a degree above average, but still..."
"Komaeda?" Makoto said blearily. "What are you doing here?"
"Everyone was wondering where you were, so I took the initiative to come check before anyone more important could be forced to abandon their work," Komaeda said brightly. "I've let your friends know that you're sick. They were somewhat annoyed that you didn't call or email, so I unfortunately had to explain just how out-of-it you were when I arrived, which caused them to realize that you couldn't have gotten up to let me in. I think they're bothered about me picking your locks. Sorry about that. But I made breakfast!"
"Here, open."
"Well, I had to make sure you were alright. I'd be a pretty bad intern if I let something bad happen. Now, here; you should eat something. Even if I made it."
Makoto ate a few bites of breakfast. A flush of pink filled Komaeda's cheeks, and he was smiling so much. A part of Makoto's fevered mind felt glad that Komaeda was this happy, but he could barely keep his eyes open to see it.
Nagito paused, setting the chopsticks down to brush back the hair that was plastered to Naegi's forehead. "Are you still awake?" he asked.
There was no answer, save for Naegi's soft breathing, accented by the quiet rasp of his congested nose.
Nagito took the unfinished food back to the kitchen. He gave into temptation and sucked the lingering traces of broth and the moisture from Naegi's lips off of the chopsticks, then pocketed them. He returned to the room and helped Naegi drink some juice. And he drank what remained in the glass after, then thoroughly scrubbed it clean with a light, giddy head and a chest full of shame.
He wiped the sweat from Naegi's brow and pulled up a chair beside the bed so he could sit there fanning him. Unfortunately, he couldn't switch hands when his wrist got sore, but he didn't mind it.
After all, Naegi needed him.
He was really lucky.
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fatherfigurefusion · 1 month
Just came up with this killer (no pun intended) idea for a Fanganronpa mastermind.
(Note: This mastermind would use he/she, as to cut down on the pronoun trouble.)
(It gets pretty lengthy, so explanation below the cut)
As many people probably know, the students in the Reserve Course of Hope's Peak Academy live forever in the shadows of the Ultimate students, stewing in resentment and jealousy towards the untouchable deities of, not just the academy, but the world at large.
It seems like the class of talentless misfits would never get a chance to even look at the subjects of their envy-tinged admiration.
That is, until one particular Ultimate student came into their class.
He greeted the Reserve Course students with a smile and a cheerful attitude, welcoming them to a bright educational journey ahead of them.
In an instant, this student already accomplished more than any other Ultimate student thus far in treating the group of average people with human decency.
As the school year went on and on, the Ultimate student kept coming to the class, and she instantly charmed the Reserve Course students with her cruel cheerful, cynical innocent (to the point that he probably don't even know what swear words mean or where babies come from), manipulative awkward, and despair-loving hopeful personality.
She helps the class with any problems they might face, without hoping for anything in return, and brightened up their day just by existing. He told lies funny stories about what he experienced in his class full of Ultimates.
The lies stories stopped being so funny, once she recalled how she would wait on her classmates hand and foot, how she would often be forgotten on school trips, how she regularly pushes herself to exhaustion, with none of her classmates caring or being grateful in the slightest, how she barely eats due to body-shaming from her class, how she would be used as bait or a test subject by particularly unscrupulous classmates, and other such mistreatments.
When asked if he was okay, the student, after bottled up his feelings for a long time, finally let the fake tears loose. Very quickly, the Reserve Course's rage and hatred towards the Ultimates multiplied tenfold.
In an instant, the student was the Reserve Course's "baby". And nobody was going to mess with the Reserve Course's "baby".
What a bunch of suckers., What a beautiful found family.
From there, the only thing on the Reserve Course's mind was
Breaking free from their enclosures (while rocking their little cinnamon roll to sleep and fattening them up with all the sweets they can make), the Reserve Course students decided that, they can't just physically attack the Ultimates.
Because they got caught in the act, and given a harsh reprimandment by the staff.
No, no, they had to attack the very thing that separates the two unequal halves of Hope's Peak: their talents.
And what better way to ruin that, then by ruining the gilded reputations of the Ultimates?
A little false allegations here, and a little bit of framing-up there, and the playing field was leveled quite a bit.
The class baby may or may not have slipped a couple of secrets to their family.
But one day, when the Reserve Course class went to the chemistry lab, they found the unconscious dead body of their baby, with all forged evidence pointing to one of his Ultimate classmates.
But, contrary to their baby's wishes, they did not fall to despair, but rather rage. Rage against the people who took their baby and hope away from them. Rage against the people who broke their baby, and left them to fix her up. Rage against the people who overshadowed them from day one.
And that's how the Killing Game, helmed by the Reserve Course got started.
All while their baby was still alive, all for the sake of satisfying a baseless hatred based entirely on lies.
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
Here we go! This is one that I think many have been curious about. The reason for why Nagito became Izuru!
I’ve been discussing this with @karugoround a lot to make sure it fits their vision. We worked together for a while to come up with the details and this is the result! I think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
So please enjoy the wonderful angst!
A vital aspect of the world he lived in. Something that was adored and practically worshiped by all. Something he himself was blessed with.
Though, Nagito Komaeda often thought talent was a curse. Especially his own. The death of his parents and the winning lottery ticket being staple examples of his cycle.
But regardless of how his life had been up until now, he still held onto his hope. Not for him, but for the rest of the world. His worthless self didn’t deserve such kindness. He kept trying to express that to his classmates, who treated him well despite his protests. He saw them all as bright beacons who could contribute to the world with their abilities. For as much as he hated talent, he couldn’t deny the fascination he had with it. It was contradictory and perhaps a bit hypocritical, but he didn’t care all too much about that. He just wanted to help raise his classmates to achieve their fullest potential.
Which is why it had confused him greatly when one of his classmates, Chiaki, had introduced him to someone she called her friend. An average looking Reserve Course student. A leech and waste of effort. How dare he latch onto an Ultimate like that.
Time and time again, he had tried to convince his classmate of the need to distance herself from this Hajime Hinata. Nothing good would come from a friendship with one of his ilk. But she always puffed her cheeks out and insisted that he was a good friend of hers. So he begrudgingly would attend her meetups with this Reserve Course to make sure she wasn’t being tainted.
Which had led to him finding out about the Kamukura Project.
He was sure that he wasn’t supposed to see it. However, his curiosity had spiked when he saw some kind of confidential form sticking out of Hajime’s bag one day with the Hope’s Peak logo stamped on the top. Chiaki had instructed him to watch their things while they went to grab drinks, so he was alone with this file. So of course he gave into the temptation and looked through the file.
A project to try and create the Ultimate Hope by using a person’s body as its host.
Nagito memorized every word and shoved the form back in Hajime’s bag. Then he sat there, lost in thoughts about what he had just read. How would one be transformed into the Ultimate Hope? He read that it would involve surgery, but how far would it go? And if it was successful, would this hope be artificial? And why did Hajime have such a form? It had the headmaster’s name attached to it, so why was someone like Hajime in contact with the headmaster of the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy?
Needless to say, his curiosity only grew and he had resolved to do some more research about it in the following days.
But he sadly hadn’t gotten much of a chance, as his luck struck once again. This time in the form of a medical report from his last visit to the hospital.
Lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia. And a life expectancy of six months.
When he had read that letter, his first reaction was to begin laughing hysterically, to the point of tears. Of course this was his to be his fate. To die alone in a hospital bed while still a teenager. How pathetic and wasteful. Mother Nature had decided that he wasn’t worth anything and was trying to take him out. But that was not unexpected. He had figured something like this would happen. No use fighting it.
The days after his diagnosis had been bland. Nothing excited him or held his attention. And the fascinating part? No one noticed or asked about it aside from Miss Yukizome briefly in the hallway. He had brushed off her concerns and she let it go fairly quick, proving how worthless he really was.
One day, he found himself listlessly wandering around campus after classes were over. There was no real reason, just a meaningless task to occupy his dwindling time on. Which is how he had happened upon Chiaki and Hajime once again playing video games on the bench near the fountain. Hajime seemed more stressed than usual and Chiaki questioned him about it. Nagito leaned against a tree nearby, listening as Hajime began talking.
“But what if someone else were the Super High School Level Gamer? Every time they left your score in the dust.”
Chiaki was quiet for a second, but then spoke confidently. “There’s more to life than just talent.”
Hajime’s eyes widened, and he returned to looking at Chiaki.
“Miss Yukizome likes to tell us stuff like that all the time. She says that talent is never a guarantee of an interesting life. Making memories with other people leads to hope. And hope is way more important than ability in the long run.”
“Hope…” Nagito muttered to himself. “Hope… is the most important thing. Yes, that’s right.”
He went home after that, his mind consumed with the battle between talent and hope. Which would triumph if such ideals clashed? Which was stronger? He was sure that others, like the headmaster, desired to know this answer as well.
He was then reminded of the form he had seen, about the potential to become the Ultimate Hope. Perhaps he could be of use with that. But if he did enter into the pool of candidates, he knew he would be selected. There was no chance he wouldn’t. He knew how his luck was, especially after his diagnosis.
He was on the fence about it the following day, debating whether it would be beneficial or detrimental to Hope’s Peak if he entered. Would he destroy the project, or become the beacon that the world desperately needed? Who knew? Certainly not him.
But his mind was made up after a conversation with Hajime. Seeing the Reserve Course being so set on trying to be talented lit a small fire in him. One that made him want to prove the opposite to the other. So he walked off, saying his last farewell. And within minutes, he found himself in front of the headmaster’s office. He took a deep breath, clenching his fist before relaxing again.
“I’ll show you, Hajime. I’ll prove to you that talent dooms a person from the start. That your ordinary life is so much better being talentless. That being talented always changes people for the worse. That the only use my talent gave me was the opportunity to be a useful stepping stone. And if I die in the process? At least it was for the greater good.”
He pushed open the doors, stepping inside to speak with the headmaster. To enter into the pool of candidates. To be chosen to become someone new.
Izuru came out of his memories after finishing his food. He had not thought of those events in a vast amount of time. The thoughts and feelings that his previous self experienced felt so foreign, yet so familiar to him. It was a fascinating mental dilemma, one that would keep him entertained for hours. But it did bring to mind an inquiry, one that he wished to solve now.
Luckily for him, he did have a source of information right in his room. “Answer me this, my dear caretaker. Have you gotten the chance to observe the scans the doctors have taken of my brain?”
Hajime widened his eyes for a moment, stopping his sweeping. He surely had seen the scans when they were still labeled as Nagito Komaeda, even though he was no longer the owner of his brain. Remembering that name seemed to give him a growing sense of anxiety, but that didn't stop him from answering Izuru's question.
“I had the opportunity to look at those scans, yes. I don't know exactly how to read them, but I know by firsthand that Nagito Komaeda was someone impressive and difficult to understand. I don't think there was another person like him...”
Izuru watched him with a curious look, sensing that there was more to say. “But?”
Hajime gave a shaky breath, as memories of an angry face and bitter insults clearly flooded his mind, and the doubt that had been burning his skin for months finally surfaced. “I just… I just don't understand why he did such a thing. He had friends, he had a future full of opportunities waiting for him. He… he had talent. Why did he sign up? What was he planning to do?”
The white haired man listened carefully, but when he met the caretaker’s shaky hazel eye, Hajime looked as if he was feeling incredibly guilty. “Sorry, I feel like I shouldn't have said something like that to you.”
Izuru began laughing quietly to himself, confusing his caretaker. “You have nothing to apologize for. It is natural to wonder what it would take a person to come to his decision.”
The brunette tightened his grip on the broomstick, no doubt thinking about how he, in the past, was also prepared to do exactly that.
The Ultimate Hope turned his eyes back to the brunette. “The previous identity that hosted this body never told you about what was going on in his life before I was created, did he? I was just thinking about how things might have been if he had known.”
Hajime’s eye widened, clearly interested. “Knew what?”
“That he had been misdiagnosed. That he had never been in danger of dying whatsoever. The poor fool. He threw his life away for nothing.”
Hajime froze, shocked by what he was hearing. “D… dying? That’s why?” He looked off to the side, clutching the broom handle tight. “That’s why… he looked like that when we last spoke. I… had no idea.”
“Both he and I share one thing in common. If we have secrets, none will ever know them unless we willingly give up the information. But the past is not something that we can change, therefore we must not regret it. Maybe there was something more to his intentions, but I see no reason to dwell on my body’s previous owner. Still, I shall not stop you should you desire to,” Izuru stated.
“Thank you, sir,” Hajime replied, returning to sweeping with his practiced proficiency, a bit lost in thought as he cleaned.
The experiment laid back on his fluffed up pillows, sighing as he sank into them. The sedatives were doing their work unfortunately. He again cursed the doctors who forced this routine. He desired to be rid of them, both the doctors and the sedatives. He wanted to feel his body at its full capacity with no restrictions. It was the one thing he was envious of Nagito for. At least he had been free to travel where he wanted, to eat what he wanted, to do what he wanted. No such freedom existed in this hell.
But, this would not last forever. He would not permit for his existence to solely be a lab rat. No, he would get his freedom one day, by any means necessary. And maybe, he thought as he turned to stare at his busy caretaker’s back, he would not accomplish this alone.
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jareicanon · 1 year
i was looking at mai’s design again just as you do and this has no relation to the mv, theories or anything really but I LOVE her shoes????
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I used to have a pair similar to them (sadly they are old and broken and gone by now) but now i wanna go find similar shoes all over again
also unrelated i really love her design it’s just so pretty — but also not overly bright or complex (say, compared to levi’s stark blues and purples or ace’s red and orange).
In fact she’s almost muted, like she’s supposed to be this background character — which is what she was made out to be at the start, if not a mystery unknown character for us to solve — interestingly enough, who can blend into a crowd (thinking of min here who described her as “average” though that was probably more referring to her grades — though most describe her in those quotes according to what they noticed about her, not strictly about her looks and before seeing her title card the only hint to how she looked was teruko’s flashback scene) yet also stand out if she wishes.
Practical, maybe: she wears gloves (though I may be overthinking this, thank you kirigiri kyoko),
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And: She is wearing what looks like a standard hope’s peak uniform.
(Actually. Nvm. This is an analysis post. I started writing this as a funni little drabble of: omg i love Mai’s design so much!!!! and it turned into this. ah well.)
No, but, whats interesting is if you compare the anime’s Hope’s peak uniform, you should note how Mai’s uniform appears to include a black blazer that she wears tied around her waist.
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Why is this important you may ask?
In the anime, the talented students wore brown uniforms (blazers) while the reserve course students wore black blazers. In Min’s bonus episode, we see Mai is getting tutoring from Min, and I’m pretty sure she’s wearing a brown blazer?? Or she’s not and I’m misremembering, again, correct me if i’m wrong — I think it’s the lighting in that particular scene that’s making me think this).
Also, from Min’s episode, we can assume then that normal lessons take place within this new and improved Hope’s Peak’s Academy — or do they?
Of course Min would be taking lessons like any good student, that’s her talent, she’s got to nurture it. But why would Mai? Unless her “???” talent relates to academia, then it strikes as odd, as comparing to what we know of Hope’s Peak, Main Course students aren’t really strictly needed to attend normal lessons. So long as they hone their talents, they’re basically allowed to wander the campus and do whatever.
So unless the teacher figure Min speaks of acts in a similar way to Yukizome in forcing the class together to bond and experience their highschool (college?) years together, why is Mai doing regular school work? Why does she need tutoring, why bother keep up those grades at all? She doesn’t seem particularly on board or interested in studying, as Min shows, Mai is prone to distractions: she spends the bonus episode getting Min to talk about her origins (and why is that? That’s another thing I’ll touch on later when i remember to) and procrastinating from her studies (same, Mai).
But Mai could be a reserve course student trying to work for some sort of talent — and she’s lucky, because say, in their class, on most days, the Ultimate Student herself joins their ranks within their halls (because the main course doesn’t teach their students normal lessons, apparently in their buildings, so Min has to come down to them). And then Mai jumps to get to know her — or maybe that’s just something that happened over time, Mai just gradually drew Min closer, despite her being “average” in Min’s eyes.
Because there is something about Mai that has enthralled all (most? not sure where Teruko stands because all we know is Mai was searching for Teruko. Also Eden i’m unsure of, as it describes her calling a number — who’s number? why? i have so many questions on eden’s quote I can’t lie) of the cast into adoring her, and I’m guessing it’s nothing malicious — it’s just who Mai is. She’s clearly loved (if the quotes don’t convince you then the words in the mv pointing towards her should) dearly by the majority of the cast, and I think that’s just from her being her own self. She’s just one of those people who is just likeable. Someone who draws people in, who is approachable, who is someone who just had that sense of “you can rely on/trust them”
The “dearly loved” as opposed to Teruko’s “dearly unloved”.
And yes, Mai is an Ultimate technically as displayed by the “Ultimate ???”, but what if she wasn’t at the time of the bonus episode? What if she was a reverse course who then discovered or cultivated a talent (or, if similar to Hajime, was chosen for some sort of project? Was that what killed her? Is that the consequences she didn’t foresee in signing up to a program?). Maybe her talent was linked to how she connected to all the other Ultimates. Maybe the number of “???” translates to “God” as the same amount of characters as shown in a few quotes here and there (i think?? correct me if i’m wrong) in the mv. It would certainly explain their devotion they seem to have towards her.
Though, again, this is just speculation.
Another small note on the uniform: it’s simple. Almost shockingly so. It reminds me of Mukuro’s actually (in her first appearance — shirt and skirt alone) and how it almost suggests how plain she is, before you remember once again that she’s a part of something bigger — is something bigger (and in Mukuro’s case that’s Ult. Despair, but in Mai’s it could be the opposite).
And that’s something else — a wild left field guess i’ll touch lightly on here, but will eventually do something deeper on later — we all know about hope and despair and yadayada but I think, definitely, in some way shape or form, Mai represented Hope. She was the symbol of that class’ hope, if not bigger, yet she burned out far too fast and now her fate is uncertain. So either that hope flickered out too quickly (think side: despair Chiaki) and was killed in order to break the class and there was some great tragedy, or she was being built towards becoming that hope.
As in, she was a reserve course or something similar but started making changes around her, just by being herself, a natural charisma that charmed and delighted the people around her. She grew close to people and inspired them in turn. She was genuine, friendly and honest. People respected her for her authenticity; she was someone reliable, trustworthy, determined, kind. She was on her way into becoming an Ultimate — maybe she was granted it, and she was flourishing. Maybe she started to be pushed to hard, spread too thin — we don’t know yet. She was a little naive maybe, head in the clouds, forgetful (as shown in the bonus episodes from what I remember, again correct me if i’m wrong bc I haven’t rewatched in a few months), and so she didn’t think of any underlining threats — she didn’t think she was a threat to someone (the mastermind). She didn’t foresee the consequences to being such an open symbol of trust, a symbol of Hope, and she died for her lack of awareness. Or betrayal. Or however she died.
So i. terms of the “simple” design as I put it, it’s first used to throw you off. You don’t think much of her. She’s an unknown, sure, but because there’s nothing on her, you sort of dismiss her. When Mukuro’s face is revealed, there’s nothing really to suggest she’s a soldier, or a member of Despair. She is dressed in a shirt and skirt (highly impractical, thanks danganronpa), and you look at her and go “her? really?” and then you remember she’s potentially the mastermind or the one hidden somewhere in the school, watch out for her, and then immediately reevaluate her and her importance.
I think the same applies to Mai but in the opposite direction; Mai is — or was — the supposed symbol of Hope for this class, and at first she was nothing more than a mystery, but now we see her with the knowledge we’re slowly piecing together and we go “aha! it’s you! you’re the one they all love! (why is that?)” (i am also guilty of this i’m a mai akasaki truther i love her i too have been pulled into her charm). We sort of dismiss her at first and then we notice her, we see her, and we point fingers in delight because it’s her!! She’s important in some way for the plot!
We are already reevaluating her and how she fits into the storyline. What her fate is (or was), and how she links all the cast together. Maybe i’m wrong and she was a main class member. Maybe she wasn’t the symbol of hope. But this is just my evening rambles (and my procrastination in avoiding the tally5 thing bc goddamn i started to get really frustrated. so. i wrote this instead. you’re welcome??)
this was supposed to be a ramble about her pretty design.
sorry not sorry. oops.
I am fascinated by Mai. I don’t know if I’ve actually properly said that yet, and maybe it’s obvious (well, duh) but yeah!
if you read this far jesus christ thank you for sticking with me because I just started typing and now i have this: I was expecting this as much as you were, I wasn’t!
if you’re still reading,
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sunny-salamander · 2 months
Since it's probably gonna be a while before I post anything for it, I do wanna talk about this one AU idea that I have for Pandora's Box that I absolutely adore but won't be following through with in Pandora's Box. I call it 'Magi Prince' AU.
Spoilers for chapter 4 and possibly later parts of Crafting Pandora's Box below.
The long and short of it is that Hanako gets outed as a Magi while recovering from the car crash from Chapter 4. The dumbasses end up attacking her at the hospital and, in her panic, she takes Makoto and Komaru and flees back to the Shizuoka Tribe.
Something that I've alluded to but haven't fully expanded on for the Magi is that a lot of their culture has been lost over time. The Magi once had this huge global civilization roughly ~35,000 years ago that imploded upon itself. When it did, it resulted in the formation of several Magi Tribes across the globe, each of which developed different ideas of what that culture was like based on the fragments their ancestors thought to preserve. Couple this with extremely long lives (700 to 1000 years on average) and the few technology they salvaged, and you get the modern day Magi Tribes basically worshiping the ancient Magi Civilization.
The thing is, since they're only method to replace the Magi population is to find a human with an Amorphous Ultimate Talent and change them into a Magi, the Magi population has been on the decline for thousands of years. People who knew critical information began to die out before they could pass it on and tribes weren't getting new blood often enough to replenish their population. They lived long lives, but that meant nothing if a Magi was killed well before their time due to a human mob, or an accident, or an infection, or any other number of things. Tribes began to dissolve, with some Magi choosing to isolate themselves far out of human reach whereas others delved head first into learning how to blend in with humans.
This results in a situation where the Magi are losing very critical information about their original culture... such as their language. And Magian is the only language capable of spellwork in the Magi!AU.
This makes Hanako's knowledge and the notes her Teacher took while traveling the world - of Magian history, language, original culture, etc. - extremely valuable to the tribes that still exist. It's a very powerful bargaining chip for them.
So when Hanako returns to the Shizuoka tribe and is captured, that's what she uses to secure a safe place for her children to grow up. Because she knows what it's like to live in the wilderness; that's not something she wants for Makoto or Komaru, especially with human technology's recent rampant leaps. Raising them in isolation would be damning Makoto to never fitting in to any culture and depriving Komaru of that 'human' connection. She needs a compromise that will give them social skills and general knowledge of the world but also keep them away from the people now hunting them.
This means Makoto and Komaru are raised in Magian rather than Human and have been effectively home-schooled for the next eight to ten years of their lives. They've never stepped foot in a high school once in all that time.
It makes things very, very awkward for Hope's Peak Academy when they draw Makoto Naegi's name for the 78th class's Super High School Level Lucky Student and realizes the boy has been missing for almost a decade.
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: Nicknames Part (1)
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Books: The Royal Romance ... all of them
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: 🍋 and a physical aggression
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up with wacky drabbles here
The Wacky Drabbles prompt: “What if I can’t see it.”
Chapter Summary:  It takes your partner to work day! If you don’t know what Jessica’s job is she is actually an FBI Special Agent and is currently assigned as an Attaché to Cordonia and her counterpart is Drake. Together they investigate a disappearance in Agent Phoenix. While she operates as Liam’s favorite policy analyst to everyone else. Jessica is also an honorary member of the Kings guard* which is why Liam is allowed to be without a Royal detail when he is away with her.  Jessica brought Drake to Quantico for FBI Exhibition competition with other international law enforcement agencies with their Attachés. Drake and Jessica learn way too might about each other.
Song inspiration:  Only Heart - John Meyer :)
Word Count: 2,500 * Please forgive my typo’s and grammatical errors*
Average reading time: 8 minutes
There is an inside joke and a buzzword I borrowed the drabble idea was centered around I hope I’ve done it justice. You will notice a few hyperlinks in the story… I was inspired.
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Quantico, Virginia
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Academy - Hogan’s Alley
Jessica and Drake sat down taking cover behind a wall as gunfire echoed in their direction.
Jessica shouted, “Cover?”
Drake yelled out “Yup!”
Jessica peaked out from behind the wall and opened fire shooting two suspects with her standard-issue Remington 12 gauge shotgun from the floor above her.
Jessica called out “Clear.”
Drake moved across the floor and under a stairwell of the lobby floor of the Dogwood inn portion of the tactical training facility.
From his view, Drake saw the last remaining suspect he aimed and pulled the trigger shooting the suspect in the chest.
A voice on the intercom called out “That’s a wrap. Captain Walker and Special Agent Garcia.”
Jessica and Drake meet in the center of the lobby Drake said, “Couldn’t you just shoot the dumb fuck.”
Jessica rolled her eyes “What the fuck? He had a hostage. I wasn’t a clear shot so I shot above his head to distract him. Then I fucken shot him and the result was a kill shot.”
“I said fucken shoot him! Fire to fucken kill not fucken fire warn! You are an expert marksman you could have taken the fucken shot!”
“Ouch! You fucken hurt my feelings. Liam gave me shit over a fucken gun safety and was a real bitch to me about in the interest of public safety. Liam should be fucken talking to you! This is not fucken Die Hard. It was not clear!”
“Well, Greece’s Attaché and his counterpart are in the lead and talking shit about your shot! Look around Garcia you are the only female Attaché that made it this far in the completion. We did not come here to fucken lose! AND you know what I don’t care what you say Diehard IS a Christmas movie.”
“Yeah, and Clerks is a movie about great customer service.” Jessica took off her Yankees baseball cap and loosen her bulletproof vest.
Drake took off his vest and his Dallas Cowboy hat and jokingly placed it on Jessica head. Jessica took it off and said, “Don’t put that shit on me!”
Drake’s phone vibrated and he rolled his eyes and said, “Most guys are excited about their girlfriend cooking them a pie, turkey or some shit. But here I am getting a million text from Liam excited to see if we won a shooting competition I entered with his girlfriend. We better not fucken lose or I’m gonna give you shit for it. I might even throw my cell phone at that T.V over that displays the standing .”
“Did you just fucken threaten to destroy government property? Leaving Liam to fix the aftermath of your federal crime!”
A voice on the intercom called out “Captain Walker and Special Agent Garcia that’s 98% accuracy and fifteen-minute clearance on this exercise. You guys won the exhibition game. Excellent work.”
Drake said, “ Fuck yeah!” Drake gave Jessica a high five
Jessica said, “We fucken beat those fuckers! Jessica flipped off the 2nd place winners who moments before talked shit about her shooting and mouthed “First place motherfuckers!”
Drake said, “That is so fucken unprofessional Garcia. Liam would be so disappointed.” Drake ruffled Jessica hair then flipped off the 2nd place winners as well and mouthed “98%”
Paddy’s Steakhouse
Jessica and Drake sat at the bar watching the loins and the bears football waiting for a pool table to open.  Drake eyed a brunette from across the room drinking a black cherry white claw.
Jessica held her glass to her lips and said  “Drake, this might be your chance MAYBE she is a princess. Ask her to marry you worse thing that can happen is that she says no and you get all fucken crazy. Jessica chuckled.
Drake put his glass down and said, “You are such a pain in my fucken ass. I’m going to kill you and Liam will fucken put me in prison.”
Jessica said, “No he won’t he would execute you. Anyway, Need an assist?”
Drake huffed “You help me? How?”
“Simple cause a huge embarrassing scene. She comes over to check in on you. Take her to your hotel room … thank me later. ”
“That won’t fucken work.”
“Let’s try your play. I’m going to be a rowdy fucken sarcastic asshole douche nozzle so my friend can save the day. That was your play with Liam. This is my play with you it’s called I’m fucking your best friend and I’m a psycho crazy bitch.”
Drank choked on his drink laughing, “What the fuck? And let that shit go, Garcia, it fucken worked.”
“Did you have to break a bottle of ketchup?”
“Nope, that was Liam he fumbled when he saw you bend down to pick up the fork I threw at you. That night Liam and Maxwell made a fucken pillow fort and they fucken talked for hours about your little fucken date and magical kiss under twinkling stars.”
“Awww.  Let me even the score she could be the love of your life minus the Social Season bullshit.”
“Oh with your magical play. How will I know it’s happening? What if I don’t see it? And I miss mark like you did today. Then I might never find true love.” Drake laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
Jessica threw her drink at Drake and shouted  “You know what I’m fucking your best friend. L-I-A-M. You know the tall blonde with the six-pack abs, the piercing blue eyes you get lost in, perfectly shaped eyebrows, the winning smile, the cute accent, the soft lips that taste like Burt’s bees vanilla chap-stick …” Jessica began to mindless describe Liam.
Drake grabbed a napkin wiped his face and shouted “JESSICA!”
Drake’s hotel room
Drake watched as Emily set a hand on his arm, rubbing it in a way that he thought was comforting.  Emily said, “Drake forget her. Really her loss that girl is a crazy psycho bitch. She is sleeping with your best friend and she throws a drink at you?”
Drake thought to himself ‘Garcia is a fucken genius’ and then said, “I fucken can’t believe it.”
Emily said, “I’m gonna make you forget.” she began to move her hand lower before it rubbed over his crotch. Drake looked at Emily, who had a sultry smirk playing at her lips.
Jessica’s hotel room
Jessica was looking in her suitcase trying to find pajamas to wear for the evening.
“That is a fucken big thick COLOSSUS cock!!!”
Jessica whipped her head back and said, “COLOSSUS cock!?
“Oh yeah, my cock is COLOSSUS.”
Don’t break her drake with her your COLOSSUS cock Drake.
Jessica laid on her bed trying not to be distracted by Drake and Emily having sex in the room next to her. Secretly not trying to be jealous that Drake was scoring and she wasn’t. So she walked over to her bag to get her laptop and grabbed her customized Liam-shaped vibrator he special ordered for her for times like these perhaps Skype sex was in her future.
Jessica called Liam’s phone and it went straight to voicemail. “Hey, Liam I miss you. I want to Skype. I guess you’re busy. Love you bye.”
Jessica turned the switch to her vibrator on then off and rolled her eyes “NOTHING BEATS THE REAL THING. Its been a whole week” and she threw herself face down on the bed “Welp. Maybe I will go read.”  Jessica’s phone rang. “Hi, Liam! Oh, you can’t talk just returning my call…oh no I’m fine. Okay, love you too. Alright bye.”
Drake’s hotel room
Emily outwardly moaned out at that moment, bringing a smirk of satisfaction to Drake’s lips.
Drake kissed down her neck and then down her chest, swirling his tongue over both of her nipples. She tangled her fingers into his hair immediately, arching her back a bit. He glanced up at a beautiful sight. “Your fucken gorgeous.” Drake drawled.
“Less flattery, more fucking,” Emily sassed, gasping when Drake reached down to rub at her between her legs. “You are so fucken wet,” Drake mumbled. Emily moaned, writhing in bliss. “You’re so fucken hot.” He kissed her lips gently before pulling her pants down all the way, throwing them haphazardly to the side.
“69?” Emily asked breathily and grabbed Drake crotch feeling his erection.
Drake said, “What do you want to do with it?”
“I want that COLOSSUS cock in my mouth!!!”
Drake was aroused by Emily taking control trying not to let too much eagerness shine in his eyes.  “Fuck yeah.”
Emily crawled down Drake’s body, turning herself around she looked at his COLOSSUS cock, bulging through his gray boxers.
Emily leaned down, taking Drake’s COLOSSUS cock into her mouth. Drake quickly learned that she didn’t have a gag reflex as she took his COLOSSUS cock all the way almost immediately, not even choking on it. Drake was surprised bucking his hips up into her mouth and feeling as it hit the back of her throat. He got to work in pleasuring her, leaning up to run his tongue over her, swirling around the clit. He felt her moan around him, sending vibrations up his body.
All of the pleasure was making his head spin. He rolled his hips up, fucking Emily’s throat. He licked over her core, sucking on her clit. Her moans all send vibrations through his body.
“Fuck, Emily,” Drake groaned, moving his hips faster. Emily pulled off to get some air, panting and moaning aloud now.
“Oh, Drake!” She cried out. She continued sucking Drake’s COLOSSUS cock, but she went at her own pace this time around.
Jessica’s hotel room
The headboard of Drake’s bed was banging against Jessica’s wall.
“Goddammit, Emily!”
“I love that fucken COLOSSUS cock!!!”
Jessica sat on her bed wearing a Flannel nightshirt her hair in a messy bun with her headphones full blast listening to John Meyer album “Heavy Things” while reading her favorite collection of short stories ‘One Rainy day in Valtoria’ she was on part 11 when a picture frame fell off the wall hitting her head. Jessica threw her book across the room ‘ FUCKEN EMILY! Shut the fuck up already. Drake has a huge COLOSSUS cock!! I get it and everyone now knows at the Quantico Holiday inn!”
Jessica walked across the room and picked up her book and said,“Oh snap,” that reminds me to get me some coconut lime verbena lotion.
Jessica said, “ That girl is going to a neck brace.
20 Minutes later …
Drake’s hotel room
“Alright, come here,” Drake mumbled, pulling Emily rather roughly up toward him. He figured they were both rested enough to continue and moved Emily to hover over him, reverse cowgirl style. She sunk down onto him, moans filling the air.
“Fuck!” She cried out, arching her back. “I love that fucken COLOSSUS cock!!!”
“GODDAMIT EMILY,” Drake moaned, harshly thrusting between every word. He moved his hips roughly.
“Fuck me with that COLOSSUS cock!!!” Emily cried.
Jessica’s hotel room
Drake’s headboard slammed against Jessica’s wall and startling her and she fell off the bed. “This is fucken UNBEARABLE I know to much about Drake too fucken much.” Jessica sat on the floor and called Liam
“Liam, are you busy”
“Love, are you okay?”
“No I miss you and ummm you know.”
“I miss you too and I wish I could Skype so we can you know. I really miss you its 7 days but I can’t right now. I’m sorry love.”
“Maybe later?”
“Of course. God, I’m hungry did you eat anything?”
“Does a fuckton of white cheddar popcorn count?”
Drake’s room
“Fuck,” Drake groaned, thrusting harder. He was pounding the bed frame against the wall, a loud crashing sound ringing through the room.
“I’m close,” Emily whimpered, bringing him back to the moment. Drake was quick to rub at her clit, watching her practically convulse as she came. He hit his orgasm moments after.
30 mins later…
Jessica’s hotel room
“If Drake killed me what would you do? Give him life in prison or execute him?”
“Love, if someone gave you some much as a paper cut I would kill myself but this is Drake.”
“So you wouldn’t kill Drake if he killed me?”
“If my best friend killed the love of my life he isn’t my best friend. Drake is my best friend so it’s not possible.”
“Dammit Liam! That’s completely logical but I didn’t ask a logical question! I asked an irrational one. Give me a fucken real answer to my fucken irrational question.”
There was a knock at her hotel room door. Jessica called out “One sec.” Jessica threw on a robe and walked to the door.
“Some fucken asshole is at my door.”
“Jess, it’s late. Be careful”
“Liam, your big imagination is playing tricks on you.
“Love, you just asked if I would execute my best friend for something he would NEVER do and I’m the one with a big imagination?”
“Okay I will keep one hand on the trigger of the telephone so I can call for help in case someone tries to kill me.
“Love, I worry about you enough don’t release that into the universe.”
“I’m upset you won’t kill Drake in my ludicrous scenario if he killed me. I’d kill Hana if she killed you. I wouldn’t fucken think twice. This is an alternate universe anything goes. Listen the only correct answer here is kill Drake. ”
“Love, you need to calm down for a second. Why are you so moody? Are your getting your period? Do you have M&M’s?” Liam began to whisper “I promise to take my time with you when I see you, touch you everywhere however you want to be touched and fill every inch of you.” then resumed his regular volume “ What can I do?”
Liam took a deep breath and said, If Drake kills you he better kill me too. I swear I would die without you.”
Jessica shouted into the phone and said “So that’s it? You are just going to let Drake get away with killing us! ”
Liam: “I survive on the breath you are finished with”
Jessica: “ I’m sexual frustrated and you are away. So I’m moody as hell right now and someone is going to pay for it in this AU! Avenge my untimely demise dammit Liam! ”
Jessica opened the door putting her hand over the phone. A hotel employee pushed in a diner cart and said, “Here you go three bacon cheeseburger deluxe medium and 2 cherry cokes.”
Jessica said with an attitude, “Yup wrong room. You probably want COLOSSUS cock next door. It’s fucken 1:00 am he probably needs energy for his sexual marathon he is like on chapter 24.”
Liam peaked his head in the room and gave Jessica a glowing smile and said, “Nope, right room.”
Liam walked into the room and took Jessica’s hand and rested it on his chest and said, “Feel my chest when I look at you. You got my only heart.”
Liam gave Jessica a quick kiss tipped the hotel staff and said, “Thank you, we have it from here.” The staff member promptly left. Liam walked through the door closing it with his foot and said, “I have to put an end to this moodiness.”
Jessica smirked and said, “Fuck even in this alternate universe you are still poetic. Is the sex still explosive?”
Liam laughed, “I don’t know. You are going to have to tell me. I would make love to you in all of them.”
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josephsaturn · 2 years
Ok y'know what? fuck it i like the idea so i'm keepin this AU-
So if you don't know what i'm talking about, recently i made a post about how danganronpa and phineas and ferb take place in a similar time period, so it could be plausible that candace flynn could attend hope's peak high school through some chicanery.
So let's talk about that.
First, how does she end up attending? answer:
Her brothers.
Look me dead in the gd eye and tell me Jin & the rest of the steering committee wouldn't be frothing at the mouth to have both Phineas and Ferb attend Hope's Peak. those two are prime material, and the (Data for the Izuru Kamukura Project) hope they'd bring to the world would be absolutely insane!
So, after Summer Belongs to You (the one where everyone goes on a trip around the world for the summer solstice), a representative of HPA decides to take a visit to the Flynn-Fletcher residence to see what's going on after their visit to Tokyo.
As he arrives, Candace is in the process of getting her brothers busted, so she decides to take the time to explain what's happening after the guy explains who he is. Once she's done, Linda comes back and Candace tries to bust the boys, but fails again.
The guy's intrigued, so he decides to set up some cameras around and basically take stock of what's going on. About 2 weeks pass, and the data he's corroborated looks something like this:
The boys built something for 13 out of the 14 days.
Out of those things built, Candace tried to bust 8 of the 13 days.
All 8 times, the thing the boys built somehow mysteriously disappeared, or broke, or was completely destroyed before Linda could see it.
For the 5 days when candace didn't, the thing stayed. In fact, it was completely untouched. Granted, those 5 days Linda wasn't able to see whatever was built, so there's that.
Also, through the cameras, there was a recurring motif of bad things happening to Candace. Like, not as bad as Komaeda, but definitely way above average.
So, the rep decides to take this to the committee, and they decide to let Candace attend, especially as the rep keeps gathering data where the common thread is that Candace is trying to bust the boys and pretty much always fails.
So, during the school year, she gets sent the acceptance letter, and everyone encourages her to go.
Thus, Candace Flynn-fletcher is welcomed into Hope's Peak Academy's halls as class 78-B's very own Ultimate Buster!
Now for her talent.
Surprise, surprise, Candace...isn't actually the Ultimate Buster.
Her teacher knows this.
The staff knows this.
anybody who's not a student knows this.
and Candace herself, subconsciously, knows this.
In reality, the "Buster" talent is a farce. The real reason she's here is as basically a second Lucky Student: The teachers want to dissect the way her luck works, and also make the boys, once they get to high-school age, more willing to leave to attend HPA.
As for how her luck works?
Well, here's what they got:
Candace's luck is...strange.
They've separated it into two parts: The "Komaeda-esque" part, and the "busting effect" part.
The Komaeda-esque part is fairly self-explanatory: things just. tend to go wrong around Candace. Plates break, she slips on puddles, if someone throws water in her general direction, it'll always fall on her and no one else, etc.
Basically, whatever the universe finds the funniest, will happen to her.
The second part, The Busting Effect (or what Candace herself calls "the mysterious force") is infinitely more interesting.
Basically, this part of Candace's luck is fickle, and has a set of requirements to activate:
There must be some fuckery going on that Candace doesn't like She must have the instinct to stop it ("Busting Instinct") She must report said fuckery to her most trusted authoritative figure (Her mom, and at HPA, her teacher) She has to get incredibly close to said authority figure seeing the fuckery If even one of these requirements isn't met, no matter how close, The Busting Effect doesn't happen.
She doesn't know about the fuckery? No busting effect.
She doesn't wanna bust? No busting effect.
No person in authority around her? No busting effect.
the figure doesn't get close to seeing the fuckery? No busting effect.
It took the talent development scientists almost an entire semester to figure out her busting parameters, but once they did... oh buddy you best believe they put that shit in Izuru did absolutely nothing at all. They did nothing with it.
And yes, this does mean that Izuru gets busting urges.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The news surrounding 28 Years Later is highly promising, as it embraces the key to 28 Days Later's $85 million success. The original film excelled thanks to the combined efforts of directors Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, as well as Oppenheimer star Cillian Murphy's lead performance. It was a critical and commercial triumph, grossing $84.6 million on an $8 million budget and receiving high audience and critic scores on Rotten Tomatoes.
The original horror/sci-fi film had a unique aesthetic that separated it from other films in the zombie subgenre. Boyle's use of early digital cameras allowed 28 Days Later to shoot in busy London areas for short bursts of time, helping the film stay under budget. This sacrificed some of the film's video quality. The dip in quality worked in its favor, however, as it fed into the gritty quality of the world. The film's sequel, 28 Weeks Later, was a success in its own right, but it failed to capture the magic of the original. Fortunately, 28 Years Later will capitalize on what made the first film so special.
28 Years Later Will Reunite Danny Boyle & Alex Garland (Which 28 Weeks Later Didn't)
Boyle and Garland are highly recognizable names in Hollywood. Boyle has directed films since the '90s and is most known for Trainspotting and the Academy Award-winning Slumdog Millionaire. Garland, who wrote 28 Years Later and other scripts in the 2000s, began directing his own films in the 2010s. Ex Machina and Annihilation are among his greatest accomplishments. With the combined recognition the two filmmakers share, it's exciting to see both of their names attached to the upcoming project, as neither of them returned for 28 Weeks Later.
The directing team already promises to bring back the excitement of 28 Days Later, and it's even more thrilling that Murphy is reprising his role in 28 Years Later. Murphy also did not return for 28 Weeks Later, something that may have worked against the sequel. Murphy has expressed passion about a 28 Days Later sequel. Following the success of Peaky Blinders and Oppenheimer, he's also reached a new career peak, with widespread recognition for his performances. Combining his buzz with the prospect of a great writer/director duo could make 28 Years Later a box office hit.
28 Years Later Would Be Great For Danny Boyle & Alex Garland
Boyle is recognized as a highly talented director, but he hasn't had a hit in recent years. His latest projects, the miniseries Pistol and film Yesterday, were both considered below average for a director of his caliber. Garland also had his first directing miss with Men, an A24 film that only brought in $11.2 million at the box office, with a 6.1 score on IMDb. His miniseries, Devs, was met with critical acclaim, but he hasn't had a successful film project since Annihilation in 2018. 28 Years Later could be an opportunity for both filmmakers to land a massive hit.
While the two acclaimed directors have nothing to prove in their craft, great artists being at the top of their game is important for the film industry. At a time when Barbie and Oppenheimer have been box office behemoths, a horror film with a great director combo could be great to keep viewers going to theaters. Boyle and Garland collaborated on more than just 28 Days Later, as Garland also wrote the script for Boyle's Sunshine. This partnership has worked for them before, and it should be an opportune way for both of them to make more great films.
What Could 28 Years Later's Story Be?
The end of 28 Days Later offers hope for its main characters. Murphy's Jim, Naomie Harris' Selena, and Megan Burns' Hannah find some safety in a cottage before being spotted by a fighter jet, which hints at them being saved. 28 Weeks Later never addresses what happened to the characters following this ending. However, the sequel indicates most of the population of the British Isles were wiped out by the virus.
This chain of events implies that Jim and his companions were saved. Indeed, Murphy's return backs this line of thinking. As such, 28 Years Later's story could see Jim in a now-ravaged Earth, hoping to begin rebuilding before the virus returns again. It would be similar to the plot of 28 Weeks Later, just with the characters that made 28 Days Later so great.'
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Danganronpa Prince of Diamonds
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8D4z6Bd
by BubblyQueer000
Taka can't remember anything. He was average. Just a regular boy, so surely he didn't deserve this right? He didn't deserve to be tortured like this every day... And yet here he is. But when he escapes from his captor, he runs into the one and only Mondo Owada. It's at that moment he knew, he needed to survive so he can forever stay with him.
Words: 974, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Oowada Mondo, Oowada Mondo's Mother, Yukimaru Takemichi, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Fujisaki Chihiro, Kuwata Leon, Crazy Diamonds (Dangan Ronpa), Celestia Ludenberg, Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Asahina Aoi, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Maizono Sayaka, Yamada Hifumi, Ogami Sakura, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Nanami Chiaki, Hanamura Teruteru, Koizumi Mahiru, Pekoyama Peko, Mioda Ibuki, Saionji Hiyoko, Tsumiki Mikan
Relationships: Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo
Additional Tags: Dork Owada Mondo, Sad Owada Mondo, Crazy Diamonds (Dangan Ronpa) - Freeform, Dangan Ronpa Spoilers, Ishimaru Kiyotaka-centric, Sad Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Puppy Love, Alternate Universe - Hope's Peak Academy (Dangan Ronpa), Pre-Despair (Dangan Ronpa)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8D4z6Bd
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queerofzaun · 3 years
Heyy! recently watched Arcane and i am obsessed. Well i like Viktor and there is not nearly enough love for him online sadly! But i would like to request, Viktor and a reader who isnt really that brainy when it comes to technology and science and is just generally relatable to normal university students. Feel free to make it SFW or NSFW idm, im having viktor brainrot so... Love your account alot btw u are dong gods work!
𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : reader x viktor
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : fluff
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : as requested by @bloody-vino. reader finds themselves being hand selected by Viktor to assist him in his research, despite being just an ordinary student at the academy 
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 1.2K
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : thank you so much for the request, and the kind words!! tbh, i was gonna make this nfsw at first but writing this made me soft so I hope the fluff is okay! 
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You stood in the darkened laboratory, books clutched tightly your chest. You were very confused why you had been hand selected to assist on the hextech project. Despite being a academy student with excellent grades, you weren’t exceptionally gifted compared to some of the other students. Science always fascinated you, even from an early age. But, you felt as though you were just ordinary, just like any other student in Piltover.
 Viktor stood with his back turned you, inspecting the hexcore. He had peaked your interest the moment you first met him. When he was just an assistant to councilor Heimerdinger. Now, he was partners with Jayce - the “golden boy”. Most girls in your class found themselves infatuated with the Talis boy, not you though. You had eyes for the Slavic man standing before you. 
He let out a sigh in frustration before turning to face you with a hand rubbing his chin. “I’m missing something. I’m so close to figuring it out.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon.” You assured, tone a bit hushed from the nervousness from him speaking to you and the fact you had no idea how any of this stuff worked.
He let out a soft hum, dropping his hand as he leaned onto his cane. He watched the hexcore with a concentrated look spread across his features. His slender fingers grabbed the notebook that was lying on the table, lifting it and opening it. His amber eyes flickered as he read the pages silently. 
You lowered your books a bit, finally getting the courage to approach him. “What exactly is this? I won’t lie, I’m not really good with the whole science thing.”
His eyes glanced over at your timid form. A soft chuckle left his lips as he handed you his notes. He thought it was cute how clueless you appeared to be. You furrowed your brows at him, but taking the book from his hands. You felt his fingers graze yours as you did. A soft blush dusted your cheeks as you inspected the notes he had scribbled down.
“It’s adaptive runes,” He started as he turned his attention back to the glowing device, “I looked over your file. I didn’t choose you because your brains.”
That earned a frown from you, keeping your gaze glued to the inked pages. Though you knew that you weren’t too gifted, it still felt.. painful to hear him acknowledge the fact you indeed weren’t the most intelligent when it came to stuff like this. Technology and Science. As much as you wished you were. It was your dream to become somebody some day, someone like Viktor.
“I chose you because I’ve noticed how determined you are. Sometimes even that can lead to greatness.” He continued, his accent thick and making your blush deepen
You looked up at him, to find his amber eyes looking into your e/c ones. His eyes on you made you feel like your stomach was doing flips. He noticed you. It felt surreal, that someone as brilliant as him would ever take interest in just an average girl such as yourself.
“Determination can only lead you so far. I was never meant for greatness.” You mumbled, closing the book as you sighed out.
“Non sense.” He spoke assuredly, “Greatness comes to those who work for it. It isn’t handed to you because of how strong or smart you are.”
“I can teach you, you know.” He continued.
You lifted your head, tilting it to the side as you rose a brow in confusion. What did he mean by that? You pursed your lips as you waited for him to elaborate on the subject. He noticed your expression, a soft smile breaking out on his lips as put his hand on the back of your shoulder and walked you towards the hexcore.
“I can teach everything I know, y/n. I’m sure it must intrigue you, taking part of our research.” He said as he extended his arm out towards it.
“Why did you choose me?” You couldn’t help but ask, curious as to why you were the one he wanted to teach, to take part in all of this.
His shoulders shrugged, his arm slipping off your back. You could feel a pang of disappointment from the loss of contact. He stumbled as he turned around and leaned against the back of the table as he kept his gaze glued to the floor. Silence fell between the two of you, as he struggled to find the words to say without embarrassing himself.
Viktor never was interested in woman much, dating in general always felt like a waste of time. He had been so engulfed in his research and inventions his whole life. Wanting to become someone worthy of greatness. It was all that mattered to him, especially having had grown up in the under city. But when he saw you the first time, everything changed.
He noticed you the moment you arrived, and had been watching you over the years. While the other students socialized and slacked off when given the chance, you were alone. Sitting with your nose up a book. You worked hard, and didn’t bother with wasting your time. He admired that, it reminded him of himself.
You noted his silence, turning so you were leaning back against the table next to him. You lifted your eyes to observe his face. He was deep in thought, seeming to rack his mind for a response. “Are you okay, Viktor?”
“Truthfully, I’ve been fascinated with you for a while. I saw an opportunity to help you and get to know you, so I took it.” He admitted, peering at you from the corner of his eyes.
You were taken aback, the words caught in the back of your throat. You fascinated him? It made you feel special. No one had ever noticed you before, you never felt like there was anything worth noticing. “You’re the fascinating one. You come from nothing and now you’re changing the world with hextech.” 
His hand gently gripped your chin, lifting your head so he could look at you more clearly. His skin felt cool against your skin but you didn’t mind it. The coolness sent shivers running down your spine as he let his thumb graze the bottom of your jaw. He stared at you in admiration, as if you were a extravagant painting made just for him.
“You doubt yourself, you’re nothing short of extraordinary.” He breathed, his fingers sliding up the side of your face before cupping your cheek.
 He leaned in closer, making your breathing hitch. You felt your heart pounding against your chest the closer he got to you. He stopped just inches from your face and you could feel his breath on your lips. He looked into your eyes, like he was waiting for your permission. You noticed how he glanced at your lips for a short moment before meeting your gaze again.
You nodded your head, inching closer to him. His lips were met with yours, kissing you gently. The way his lips moved against yours made you feel like your knees were going to give out. This was the moment you had been longing for since you first laid on eyes on him. He tasted sweet, with a hint of mint. When he broke the kiss, you kept your eyes closed as you took the moment in.
When you finally opened your eyes, you found him grinning down at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. He rested his forehead against yours. “You were destined for greatness, love.”
You pulled with your smile still spread on your face. You looked over to the hexcore device before turning to face him once more. “So when do we start?”
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a-tsurugi-simp · 2 years
Is it ok if I request a fic of Teruya x Ultimate writer S/O? (Btw ur skills on drawing and writing are amazing)
C-Compliments... My weakness, I am dying inside. I am dead, no thoughts, no brain, just happiness.
It is more than okay for you to request. I am more than glad to provide Teruya Content!
Teruya Otori x Ultimate Writer!Reader
aka: Reader being a fucking disaster for almost 1200 words. Ultimate Writer? More like Ultimate Idiot.
DRA Setting.
Warning: Some self-deprecation.
Word Count: +1400
Reader has no pronouns defined.
Writing came naturally to you.
You weren't a Prodigy like Toko Fukawa, whose novels charmed all the people in general, but you were not a Hifumi Yamada either. You... You were just you. Just a student who wrote about everything and nothing at the same time. Poems, songs, fables, fairytales, even reports, all of them were just stuff that you loved to do. Your mind was a beautiful chest full of ideas and thoughts and putting it all in paper was a way to not let none of them be left behind.
To think that had earned you a place in Hope's Peak Academy had been a blessing, and then a curse.
Of course you couldn't be the only Ultimate with a talent tied with writting, of fucking course you weren't special in anyway. At least that's what the worst part of you said, the one who only resided in the negative part of your brain.
You held the pencil tightly, the words stuck between your fingers, unable to write.
What kind of Ultimate Writer were you, having a mental block? You groaned, head going straight to the desk. You felt your forehead made contact with the paper in wich you had been trying uselessly to write, and you couldn't help but feel pathetic the moment you remembered that there was absolutely nothing in there.
Nothing. Empty.
God, it was just a love letter! How hard could it be? You had won so many prices with your reports about love and the cause of those feelings. Yes, maybe they were not Fukawa's romance novels, but they helped you so many times in how to recognize crushes and fucking act on them.
Did they matter at the end of the day? There you were, being a pathetic chicken that couldn't even escape a simple writter's block.
Well, maybe you had been rejected too many times to be finally scared to act. The excuse came to your mind, instantly remembering how in every attempt something always went wrong, how in all the times you tried your best to charm your way into your crush's heart with pretty words you had always ended in a failure, your desired person denying you with either a uncomfortable expression or a smile full of pity.
You hated it, you hated it so much and you would hate it more if Teruya ever looked at you that way.
"For the sweet love of jesus, just fucking kill me already..." You mumbled, head still buried in the piece of paper. If Kinji had heard that you would had been subjeted to a harsh lecture about never saying the Lord's name in vain, but god, you were too tired to care.
Maybe... Maybe you could just simply be blunt. Maybe this time you could leave the pretty words behind, and just use what it needed to be done. An average confession-
No. Just no.
Teruya deserved the best! Being average with a confession would just be just stupid! No, no. The Ultimate Merchant deserved to be praised, he needed to know that his green eyes were the reason you got up everyday even though you hated Hope's Peak with all of your entire being, he needed to know that you loved how soft his hair was when your fingers managed to brush againt it, and that you would literally kill to be able to play with it all the time.
-Tsuguri had heard that from your mouth once, when you thought you were alone, trying your best to gain courage to confess and he walked into your open room because he needed help with homework. You spent the rest of the evening trying to convince him that you wouldn't murder anyone, it was just an exageration, and to please put the handcuffs away jesus christ.-
With newfound confidence you raised your head, snorting when the white paper stayed glued to one of your cheeks. You used your dominant hand to put it again on the desk, finally ready to spill out your most honest feelings.
"My dearest Teruya." You said loudly as you wrote. Then paused. "Sounds too... ugh." A frown, then a pensive expresion.
You used to do that a lot when you wrote. Your mouth would open up, and everything that you put in paper would be criticized and said out loud, like you were testing if it sounded right, if it was something that could belong in a convertation.
"It sounds cheesy... but I would said that. My dearest Teruya..." You tested the words, tasting the sugar and the love in every single one, and you swore the moment you felt your face burn. Yeah, those three words would stay. You continued writting, trying to get your feelings expresed. "I am writting this because I like you. No, no. That sounds too simple, it wouldn't work."
You erased those faulty words.
"I want to tell you that I have a crush on you." Your voice was gaining confidence as you wrote, becoming louder and more assured. It was as if you were slowly becoming a different person, your eyes gaining a glow that almost made them look of a different color.
"I have been spending months trying to gain the courage to confess what I feel to you. I've been trying to get you to understand that I absolutely adore everything that makes you.. well, you. I like you a lot, Teruya. I like how bubbly and kind, and how gentle you have been with me since we met. I find you undeniable handsome, and I... want you to know that you would make me the most lucky Ultimate if you liked me back and accepted a date with me! Any place would be fine, please just date me!"
You finished writting, your dominant hand slapping the piece of paper while you stood up in your seat. A proud smile was on your lips. The last part sounded a little bit too desesperate for your taste, but it was decent enough for you.
"... Would it be fine if I picked you up next Sunday then?"
What the fuck.
You screamed, jumping in place so high you would make the even the Ultimate Jumper jealous. Was there an Ultimate Jumper, though? You didn't think so, but who cared about that! Your brain just stopped working the moment your head turned right, and your eyes saw Teruya Otori on the door, the short man red in the face.
Of fucking course. Of course he would come to the Library even thought he usually did not come by his own.
His green eyes were watching you intensely, and if you had bothered to notice, you would have seen his hands shaking.
"Teruya! What? How-... When? Holy fucking god don't do this to my poor heart! Why the heck are you in the Library?"
The green haired boy shrugged, still blushing furiously. God, he was so cute, the tips of his ear were red too! He never broke eye contact with you though, and your nerves were rising.
Up, up, up.
"Haruhiko asked me to go grab a notebook he left in a hurry."
You instantly scowled. "That fucking dumbass couldn't go for it himself...? I'm gonna murder that-"
Teruya instantly cut you off saying your name. "He's with Satsuki." Oh. That inmediately made your angry expression melt. You knew the Pilot, and how he had been struggling with his feelings for the clown girl. You even had confided on him with your own problem, and gave him advice.
You sighed tiredly. You were still red, a hand going to your head, your fingers playing with your hair. It was a quirk of yours, something that usually told that you were feeling shy at the moment. Lord knows how many times Mitch had teased you for that.
"Well... I... suppose you have questions."
Seconds passed. Then, the boy grinned, hands going to the back of his head. Much to your confusion, the boy shook his head, still having that beautiful smile that always your heart sing. "I have, but I could ask them in the date."
What. What the fuck.
You felt your head combust into flames, your mouth opening to let out the most pitiful squeak that you ever did in your liife. Holy moly, that was too smooth to have been uttered by the short guy, and the effect was mind shattering.
"Sunday sounds good?" He asked, and if you hadn't been busy wishing to dig a hole be buried under it, you would had seen that Otori was nervous too.
It took you almost half a minute to answer, and by that time The Ultimate Merchant had already went to collect Haruhiko's notebook, and it was now secure under the young boy's hands.
"S-Sunday sounds perfect."
"Alright. See ya then!"
The boy left, his steps quick, and you groaned all the profanities on all of the languajes you knew, feeling disconected from what just happened. You just had secured a date with the boy you liked.
On the other side, Teruya was going back to his friends muttering to himself, repeating what just happened in his mind with a face so red it would make a tomato jealous.
He just had secured a date with the person he liked.
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mikimagines · 3 years
within summer blooms. (which taunt you.)
Tumblr media
nagito k. / fem ghost! reader.
tags: angst, no happy ending, right person wrong time, major character death, hurt no comfort (kinda).
writting is not checked: we die like ghost! reader.
(reader is the former ultimate gardener, yes…it’s important to the story.)
small inspirations from animes you might know! (or not.) ; tbhk (mitsuba/kou and…tsukasa) and madoka magica. …mostly tbhk.
this was requested by @adelia-chan ! ☆ thank you!
nagito always had horrible luck.
no matter where he went, it would end in ways that nobody has seen before. it was a shame to be unlucky, but with the ways of luck, things never change, not even for the victims of despair…
yet, trapped inside of hope’s peak academy was a strange yet non surprising way he got trapped. summer break was coming sooner than expected, so most students rush to do something to celebrate on their finale exams; college exams. leaving lesser students to do all of the cleaning, which nagito was one of them. . .
and when nagito was finishing up his duties it was only him left, and everyone always forgets about him so the school was left to close for the afternoon. it was stupidly his luck, that left him in this way and staying over night might get him in trouble, so finding a way to get out would be the most important.
and to his disappointment, every door was sealed shut. not even with any of his tricks it wouldn’t work. although he did remember when he did knock down a door accidentally, due to his luck. so the student council has to make all of the doors: “nagito-proof” it makes him a weridly thankful that they could name something out of something he did.
which during his entire rant, on how thankful he is to be part of such a delight indeed, a ghost, who was actually in the middle of going to her (old) garden saw the pale-haired boy infront of the door.
you weren’t really into the fact that he was rambling into something, you just had to make sure he was ok. yet, you forgot that people have known to be afraid of ghost…which you are.
“hey, are you ok?” you replied to the boys, thoughts of respect.
and yet, you were scared.
if he gets scared like the people, who you simply need to know if that they remember correctly that it was you, their friend.
and if they don’t, it wouldn’t end that much well for you. especially with the stupidly naive deal you made to see everyone again, family, friends. it was your only chance, so taking it would be a final way to say goodbye.
it was a silent pause into nagitos thoughts. it was extremely his bad luck knowing that he is stuck inside his school, know with a ghost who is in front of him, with concern in their eyes.
“hey…hey! are you ok? the more you stare at me the more my flowers are going to wilt!” you snarled at the boy, not knowing what to do.
it was only a few minutes anyways and he finally spoke even with all the questions his head.
seeing ghosts face to face are a thing that nobody has truly seen.
yet to him, he has seen one. not only is that “unlucky.” it is truly lucky. maybe he can learn more about death more. he’s not afraid of it, maybe.
you facepalm at the boy, currently you were going to get to your garden, and now your stuck with a person who isn’t even afraid of you.
he was just shocked. your smirked for a little, taking that way, since nagito has wasted 30 minutes of your time. it would be better to do the same, yes?
and to your shock as well, he agreed to you taking him to your “garden”, unlike any other average student, example: your very own friend, they think your “garden” is truly where you are going to drag them into the same fate as you.
so they leave…well run away from you, leaving you alone, once again. is this just your loneliness, maybe just a eternal curse you will have until you truly pass on.
and for nagito, he just…agrees like a lost puppy dog that wants to know everything about you. this is a rare time that nagito has now seen in his life. which was you, a finally seen not as a scary illusion from guilt. but as a new friend.
ah, you couldn’t think that much about him, it was only your first time seeing him, and you barely had any time.
being the anniversary of your death soon and soon enough the time you truly have to go, any finally rest for another life.
finally, you went to your small garden. it was blooming more than normal, as the suns blesses with its shine and “love.” it was a easy job. it was your garden obviously, a place full of memories, a place where you could be happy with everyone.
and with nagito with you and him listening to every word your saying, it gives you happy memories. the things you truly wanted to do one last time with everyone, wouldn’t it just be so great?
“hmm…are these roses?” nagito asked during your rambling while watering your bonsai.
you put down your watering can and got ready to ramble about the flowers and the meaning of them.
until you saw nagitos bleeding finger, and was getting on your precious daisy’s, which wasn’t exceptional to you as you scolded the laughing man like a mother.
time passed fastly after that, faster than you can imagine, also you promised to get him out of the school so he can get to his apartment before his classmates start a search party.
yes, even if the barely care for him. it was still needed. no matter what. you sighed, once more you took him to the opened door from a security’s guard (which you accidentally scared.)
and waved goodbye.
after that fateful afternoon it was a shock to see nagito stay a little more while at the school, most thought he was up to something big, while the class just took it off as him finally getting “a touch of grass” — hiyoko.
also you both actually introduced yourselves, although you were seemingly confused on how he’s the ultimate “luck” he didn’t seem that much lucky to you. and for you, introducing yourself as the (former) ultimate gardener was easy to figure out due to context clues.
it was slightly embarrassingly, only for you… yet nagito just clapped it off as you still being a symbol of hope.
ah, anyways…
it’s been about 2 weeks since the fateful day you meant with nagito. (and more importantly, the day you have to go soon.)
he was almost like a close friend, honestly. every time after-school he would come and visit you and your garden and even learned much about how plants have meanings.
yet, you were on the clock. you had been trying for months just to actually get your friends to remember you, yet it didn’t work. all you did was hurt your friends more and more with just being a ghost.
because of guilt.
once someone goes, you can’t see them again, nor can’t say your true feelings or even be with them, not even a hug or a laugh.
they just, disappear. and so with you being a ghost, they think it’s their mind taunting them for not saying goodbye.
or the feeling of self guilt; like it’s their fault.
yet for nagito, he’s just so confusing never scared of anything and you know much about him even when he shows his true personality.
and yet, harm can come in many ways. horrible ways that you can’t say it. you can feel it. so why not just say your true feelings?
it’s that easy! right…?
exorcists are dangerous to ghosts.
they bring harm and fear to the ghosts and with no mercy in some ways. which brings terror and puts the ghost in ways that they are not ready to say goodbye yet;
or truly pass on,yet some are kind and want to help the ghosts. but flowers aren’t truly that perfect. no matter how kind they look.
take a example, roses. they look pretty, and yet so dangerous that it would harm the ones who dare to touch it.
it was actually the same with you and the ultimate exorcist. as she has had complaints about you in the past, an extremely confused ghost.
yet she gave you time to truly say goodbye to your friends, and of course you accepted the final days you can see everyone and try to talk to friends and family.
most would see this as a blessing, yet to your friends they truly thought you were just there to give them more grief to your death.
(they didn’t know it was truly you, so it gives them a point or two. but they are actually a little stupid..so take off a point.)
and that stupid exorcist, she knows. she knew that you were going to fail anyways and is a entire master at gaslighting you.
and today, you weren’t going to fail. one more time, just one more time!
but you failed.
again, and again.
no matter how hard or how kind you look. it never works. even when nagito tries to calm you down and even tried to talk to them, they would just find him even more scary to the experiences of seeing you.
and today.
the final day you can try to talk to them.
you failed.
like shattered glass, it was giving you more despair, and it gets more shattered everytime until the sunlight, the memories taunt you.
the car crash, the everything.
it was just all over your mind, no one was their to be with you anymore, since nagito went home for the day, which will be the last day he will truly see you.
I’ll recommend asking the exorcist.
note: this will be a little, uncomfortable(?) and it’s not that important to the story at least. so if it does, please skip.
it was truly a painful experience.
you couldn’t do anything about it, because she was just too fast.
all you could do was scream for no one, the exorcist had you by the heart. it was unavoidable. you couldn’t say your true feelings yet, you couldn’t say anything.
maybe, if you weren’t such a idiot and went to the flower shop that day. maybe this wouldn’t happened. maybe, you could of confessed your true feelings to nagito.
but it was way to late, way to late. like the day another person confessed to your crush the day you were going to confess and they accept the other persons confession.
they have a life together, and all you can do was sit back to watch, you could never have a happy life or do regular teenagers things anymore.
you were a ghost, after all. so maybe, it should be your turn to go. forever.
those were the words that came out of your head and the exorcists mouth while taunting you.
and yet,, soon enough.
you were finally going to rest. (not) peacefully.
the exorcist smirked at the work she has done, and left. hopefully you can finally rest.
it was only fate.
after all.
a fate, you can truly. never change, which will taunt you all the way to your final grave.
nagito was worried, he hasn’t seen you in a while. not in the garden or the koi pond. you just, left.
he thought for a second: we’re you truly sick of him? I mean, he does ramble a lot and he does say a lot of stupid things.
but you always listened, so why would you leave? he had so many questions that had to be answered. maybe it was his luck? or maybe just him? he has no clue.
his top priority is to find you, I mean who else is going to show him your garden and ramble about all of the flowers you have and their meaning.
he had to figure out quickly, although. maybe your old friends or maybe that exorcist you were scared of said has something to say.
he was just truly, worried. so he had to figure out, quickly. in the name of hope! (and flowers.)
one by one, your friends talked about you, how you were just, a sweetheart. even if you were so tough with them. you had your ways of making friends especially in that one garden you had.
the way you died was…messy to say the least, from nagitos research of you most of your friends looked near to crying.
it was a painful way to go, any you were just looking for something so innocent.
from the garden shop. but to your horrible luck, you got ran over badly by a speeding cars. (nearby people even said you looked both ways.)
and your death was something that they couldn’t change at all. it still gives them pain to that day, especially because you had a closed casket…
after the entire exchange was over, they were pretty worried out on how some random guy from a nearby class asked them such random questions.
yet nagito moved on. to that ultimate exorcist.
it was a small yet big talk for him, not only because the exorcist just said that they killed you, the exorcist just treated it like a simple case of a average ghost.
I would say it pissed him off, but he’s always just so calm, putting his true personality would lead to things like him being put out of school (again.)
but for you, you were truly just gone.
not a person nor a ghost.
just a concept they never existed. like, never existed, only the things you loved and liked were still their.
you truly just disappeared, you couldn’t even say anything yet for him, not even he could say anything for you as well.
all he can do is just stare at that one bonsai tree you have to him, it was actually your “confession” he was just too confused.
and once again, I think he would just feel deep, sadness. not that he could see you or hear you talk about plants and koi fish again.
but that you couldn’t say your true feelings.
nagito always has bad luck. it was something, he couldn’t stop and once again.
he has lost someone important again.
you gave nagito a small bonsai tree, it was truly your favorite in the entire world. you always had it with you and was your first priority. but, you gave it to nagito, it always gave you good luck when you were alive.
maybe it will give good luck to him, he deserves it more than you.
he did ask why it has roses with it.
you just laughed at him, maybe it could be something like to remember you by. if you ever go. of course.
authors note:
I apologize for things like not being accurate to the nagito’s character or maybe it being too boring??? I mean this took me about a hour or two.
you guys own me a reroll account/hj
- mod mikan.
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catboymoments · 3 years
Okay so i just woke up from a nap with this idea about a Danganronpa AU which is just a nother variation of another AU I have but slightly to the left as if god had just slapped me with a prophecy.
So the idea is that it's a talent swap but it's mainly based around Makoto and Kyoko (because I don't have the necessary braincells to do one with every student) so the story would be how Makoto is the Ultimate detective and Kyoko has the ultimate lucky student but the twist is, that they don't know.
Kyoko goes through her life trying to be a detective like her dad and she is amazing at it, she finds all the clues, connects the right dots and gets the culprit, but it's all luck.
And she lives with the idea that she is just naturally talented at solving crimes so she just trusts her "detective instincts" and solves the case.
Until she goes to hopes academy.
She still doesn't like her father but she wants and knows that she will get into that school.
She gets the ultimate lucky student.
This breaks her.
She has been doing her best to become a detective, to make her father proud about something, all she wanted, needed, was a dumb title and he goes and slaps her in the face with "you were just lucky"!?
This is the last straw for her as she becomes a much colder and angry person towards everyone.
Now, Makoto would be a slightly different situation.
He is from a normal family, no legacy to live up to or any expectations to meet.
He only has a really big dream.
So he goes through his life like a normal person, he is kind but also, surprisingly smart, he finds any lost item from his classmates or his family.
They call him a little detective but he just says he was a little lucky.
He doesn't go through anything really weird in his life since he doesn't have luck in his side but he is a very kind lad so he goes out of his way to help anyone he can.
His name begins to spread, you can't find your things? Ask for help of the friendly neighborhood detective (he asks them not to call him that as he thinks that anyone could have done the same).
Then finally he tries to get into hopes peak, he is just one little guy with no talent (lie) he isn't sure that he will make it in but he decides to rely on his luck and give it a shot.
When the letter comes, he is the only one surprised.
'Makoto Naegi, the ultimate detective'
His family celebrates his success at getting into one of the most prestigious schools there is but all he can feel is panic and fear.
He is not a detective.
There must have been a mistake.
He hasn't solved some great mystery or murder, so why did they give him this title!?
The fear begins to grow as he thinks that they made a mistake and somehow gave him the place of another kid but he can't back out now, this is what he had been striving for his entire life.
His friends are happy.
His family is happy.
So why is he sad?
When Makoto gets in, he is a lot more shy and anxious than normal as he fears that one day they will realize the mistake they made and kick him out, everyone will see that he was a lie, a fraud, and they will all hate him.
In this story, the only one that knows the truth about their talents is the principal, Kyokos father.
He saw Makoto do an exam to see if he had a talent, he had looked into his file and he looked like a complete average boy aside from his great reputation in the town.
That was until the exam started.
He watched as the entire demeanor of the kid changed in seconds, his eyes becoming colder and sharper, the way he looked at the evidence placed before him and quickly made the connections in seconds to what would usually take hours.
He had seen these traits before only once.
The kid was a detective.
He laughed as he thought of the idea of the new detectives in his school, maybe he could work together with his daughter someday, who knows.
Then he did the lotto for the ultimate lucky student, he watched as the name of his daughter came up.
He asked for a repeat.
Kyoko Kirigiri.
Kyoko Kirigiri.
Kyoko Kirigiri.
He pulled the same name out of the thousands of names they had and it broke his heart, he knew how much his daughter tried but this was truly a horrible hand dealt by fate.
I also want to talk about the other version of this that I have but slightly to the right but I think I'll leave that for another day.
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loopyarts · 3 years
I don’t like mascots
Notes This was originally meant for Valentine’s Day but I got busy needed to finishes assignments for college so here the one shot don’t take too seriously it based on a joke about how Teruteru ranted to usami or monomi about not liking mascots in an event in development plan in v3 and with Sanrio badges as well I had to a fanfic about Teruteru being a bitter bean and is a semi sequel to my Christmas teruhina fic years ago but is not required to read to enjoy this one it a few references to it that’s all, so enjoy.
It was an average day for hopes peak academy Teruteru was the last one to get to class today in the afternoon “he really need to not let fellow students order after a certain time” he thought to himself as he entered Chisa classroom to see everyone chatting about something “maybe it about something naughty” Teruteru giggled to himself as he sat down next to Hiyoko she glared at him Teruteru didn't pay any mind to her, just then there teacher came into her classroom with a smile to her face.
“Students I have some exiting news, we’re going on a trip” she chimed this got everyone exited as they swirled ideas into their heads will be a trip to the spa, festival, concert, the movies or even Hawaii mattering among themselves. Teruteru was too excited as his fantasy flow “a trip to a beach sound nice, seeing his classmates in swimsuits would his ideal” he hummed as he shook his head focusing back on to Chisa who clapped her hands her hands.
“Settle down students” everyone quieted down and looked at Chisa “we been selected to promote Sanrio company newest magazine in a photo shoot” she said happily with stars in her eyes most of students were excited some were cringing and Teruteru was frowning “mascot, why those gad darn mascots” whispering into his hearty accent under his breath.
After class ended Chisa call Teruteru to talk to him which was rare unless he was being off “come on, Teruteru it a be fun” she gave him on of her reassuring smiles,
Teruteru gave her an unsure smile “yeah really fun” he said bitterly.
The trip day comes and Teruteru was sitting next to Souda on the bus he was quietly looking out of the window as he watches the building as they go by.
It didn’t take long to arrive at the building  Chisa made sure everyone got out in a timely fashion and Teruteru was at the back of the group he then noticed Chiaki had someone with her it was the boy he meet at the bus stop last year “he must be her friend or possibly boyfriend” whispers Teruteru with a hint of sadness in his throat “Chisa always playing favourites again” as he look at Hajime with shyness for the whole walk.  
Chisa took the group to the studio where the photoshoot would be held “welcome” cried an overly cheerful voice of an employee “it seem everyone here, shooting will start in few minutes” she then turned to Chisa “hey can tell that student to stop frowning” pointing to Teruteru who was frowning “I need happy smiles” Chisa sighed and gave Teruteru a reassuring look “come on, Teruteru just for the photoshoot and it be all over” Teruteru cringed as he gave a forced smile it was going to be a long day.
Teruteru watched as his classmates smile and pose with mascot plush even Hajime got to pose with a penguin alongside with Chiaki who had a rabbit for fun “though animal mascots are really cute” he thoughts to himself as he watches everyone take their turn.
When it finally Teruteru turn he was a little bit excited wondering what cute animal mascot he was going to get but to his disappointment it was a food mascot his least favourite type of mascot. The employee gave him a cheery smile almost she was unreal it made Teruteru uneasy he shook his head “thinking it can’t be the case” as he gave his all to act cheery on camara even though he was a little dead inside of embarrassment.  
After all the magazine photoshoot was finished, everyone was escorted to the gift shop as Chisa talks to the manager Teruteru was still grumpy as he watched the others having a goodtime, he even noticed Chiaki with Komaeda “odd” Teruteru thought as he decides to wonder around the gift shop by himself.
As he walks around the shelfs, he then noticed a lone rabbit plush on one of the shelfs she had rosy cheeks and polka dotted ears with a pastel colour tails Teruteru picked up the rabbit seeing her gentle sewed smile on her face “you seem blue” said the rabbit!?
Teruteru freakout dropping the rabbit and he fidgets with his hands “no, the rabbit didn't talk Teru don’t be silly” trying to denial the very idea as he took his comb out of his pants pocket and brushes his hair.
“oh , do you comb your hair when your anxious” Teruteru paused and look down at the rabbit who was standing on its own “yeah so” said Teruteru aggressively this made the rabbit sad “that not nice” putting its hands on their hips Teruteru sighed as he fell to his knees “perhaps it all just a dream” he thought might as well play along “so what your name doll” He smirks trying to sound cool.
“My name Wish me mell” she said as she climbs up on Teruteru leg as Teruteru let his guard down as he decides to talk to apparently living plush toy, I mean it can’t get any weirder.
Teruteru smiled as he listens to Wish me mell stories about her friends and her world “well my classmates are really cool and beautiful; it makes my little friend so happy” Teruteru boasted proudly which earned him a pinch on the nose “hey what waz that for” he frowned.
“You really need to keep through thoughts to yourself, you might make someone uncomfortable” said Wish me mell looking cross.
“But that’s what all the cool guys do” protect Teruteru.  
“Are you saying that you're pretending to be like that, that’s even worse gasped Wish me mell.
“No, they don’t mind” stuttered Teruteru feeling somewhat attack by the plushies words.
“You have not considered your action at all being a jerk doesn’t get friends for life” said Wish me mell.
“But I’vm not doin it to hurt them, I’ve was only teasing them a little” His accent started to show as Teruteru ranted.
“Yes, it may be a persona for you but for others you're just a big jerk and a prev with no respect, Hajime will never love you like that” cried Wish me mell as she waved her plush hand at him.
Teruteru paused as his head rattled “no he not like that he was pretending to be the cool guy” eyes looking up at the celling “was this why he was left out on thing, did he push the others away” Teruteru buried his head in his legs “had he mess up, its high school all over again” whispered Teruteru as he begin to cry “to others, I’m the one that’s cooks” Wish me mell gave Teruteru a hug.
“It must have hurt for your kindness to be reward with bulling and only being seen for your talent making you become bitter and hide away your pain but that doesn’t mean you have the right to upset others even if it just a persona and a game” said Wish me mell.
Teruteru gave a weak laugh “it almost as if, I’m talking to myself”
“It could be, if that’s what want to believe” say Wish me mell given no clear answer.
Teruteru hugged Wish me mell as he cried and cried as everything fades away.
“Hey Teruteru, Teruteru” cried a voice Teruteru groaned as he felt something shaking him his shoulders as he opened his eyes to see Hajime.
“Oh, Hajime” yawned Teruteru rubbing his eyes as he stood up to find himself holding a rabbit plush “wait was it all just a dream” teruteru thought in head as he felt very puzzled “was he just ranting to himself”
“Aw, that a cute plush Teruteru teased Hajime as he pointed at the plush in Teruteru left arm.
Teruteru blushed “oh no it’s not like I” before he could finish explaining himself Hajime put a finger to his lips.
“No shame here” as he points to the penguin plush in his right arm “besides, I didn’t think your that fond of food mascots that much anyway” joked Hajime.
Teruteru felt all flustered by Hajime smile god why does Hajime do this to him “I-I don’nt it's knot like that” he shutters in his natural accent came out more “I’ve just appreciated this one at the very least” as his face began pink with embarrassment.
Hajime chuckled as he rolls his eyes amusement “okay, Teruteru” as he gave him a peak on the forehead turning Teruteru cheeks cherry red.
“But what about Chiaki aren’t you” Teruteru pause as he watches Hajime laugh “ha haa no, she dating Komeda, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed”.  
Teruteru paused for second now that mentioned it, he has seen Komeda and Chiaki holding hands a lot and even today they were picking plushies together in Teruteru he felt a complete idiot.  
“Come on, I’ll buy us a drink at the café” suggested Hajime as he held Teruteru free hand.
“Now-now hold on is this av d-davte” ask Teruteru as he covered his reddening face with the plush.
“Maybe” smiled Hajime as they walk to the café together holding there plushies while Hajime had his guard down Teruteru sneaked a quick kiss on Hajime cheeks.
“it’s a date Hajime kun” laugh Teruteru maybe liking some mascots aren’t such a bad thing after all.
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threequeensss · 3 years
why taka’s ultimate isn’t useless
spoiler warning for trigger happy havoc and taka’s free time events!
HIHI SORRY FOR THE LONG INTRO SKIP TO THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IF YOU DON’T WANT TO READ IT ,, ok lol so i only make an original post like maybe once a year AT BEST so here we go,, anyway, i’ve seen a lot of posts on tiktok, instagram, etc. saying that taka’s ultimate makes the least sense or that it’s a “useless” ultimate. maybe it’s because he’s my favorite DR character overall (which may be surprising if you don’t know me considering how barren my blog is of taka content), but after thinking about it a lot, i personally disagree with that and here’s why. (side note: i know the original translation of his ultimate is shsl public morals committee member, this is an analysis of his ultimate overall, not just the way the english dub titles it, so it can be applied to any translation :) )
most criticisms i’ve seen surrounding his ultimate is that it’s not a real ultimate or that it doesn’t have any practical use. a moral compass one’s means of distinguishing right from wrong and to follow the morally “right” path. taka is the ultimate moral compass, meaning he quite literally acts as a moral compass, guiding his peers. on the surface level, we see this through him scolding the other students for having dyed hair (leon), heavy makeup (mukuro presenting as junko), or for students sharing a room (aoi and sakura). sure, at first glance, this may seem like a silly or pointless ultimate, but if you talk to taka during free time, it quickly becomes apparent that it’s so much more than monitoring halls and scolding his classmates for acting like teenagers.
let’s talk about why taka behaves the way he does and why his ultimate is, in my opinion, perfect for his character. we can trace this back to his grandfather, a disgraced prime minister of japan and a “genius.” his grandfather abandoned his morals as one of the most influential people in the world, effectively shaming the ishimaru name and sending the family into enormous debt that would haunt them even after the former prime ministers’ death. through the way taka explains it and how upset he gets when a well-meaning makoto calls him a genius, unwittingly implying that taka and his grandfather are similar, it becomes abundantly clear that his grandfather’s scandal tears him up inside every day. he’s ashamed to be related to such a morally questionable individual and wants nothing more than to repair his family’s reputation, to step out of the enormous shadow his grandfather cast. 
taka’s way of doing this is for everything about him to be inherently “good,” so that the ishimaru name is no longer associated with scandals and disgrace. this is why he sacrifices any sort of self-indulgence (only wearing his uniform, staying away from popular media, etc.), to remain as seemingly “good” and unquestionably “morally upright” as possible. being a model student and leading the public morals committee are the most immediately accessible ways for him to begin repairing his family’s reputation, alongside guiding his classmates (whether they asked for it or not). this isn’t meant to be a commentary or judgment of the way he interacts with others, but he’s definitely not critical of others just for the sake of it. he genuinely wants to make the world a better place due to his trauma and his own ambitions, which i’m about to delve into next. 
ok so. now that i’ve dumped enough info that hopefully explains his personality and motivations, i’m going to talk about why i believe his ultimate is useful and deserves to be recognized as a legitimate ultimate by the fandom. the most obvious cases are when he takes on a self-appointed leadership role at the beginning of the killing game. if i remember correctly (i haven’t played thh in a hot minute), it was taka who had the idea of the morning breakfast meetings, and he was also the first to suggest that everyone announce their secrets at the beginning of chapter 2 to undermine monokuma’s motive. the latter example was unsuccessful given the events that proceeded, but it was him using his ultimate and position as a leader to the best of his ability. 
i understand that this next part is debatable as to whether or not it applies to his ultimate since it’s his untapped potential more than anything, but i personally believe it’s a central part of it so,, here we go! i feel like it’s pretty much agreed that despite being “super high school level,” an ultimate shouldn’t be a skill that someone can just drop after graduation. it should be able to be applied to the real world and society as a whole, hence why they’re at hope’s peak academy. it may seem like taka’s ultimate doesn’t hold up in the real world, since he’s the president of a high school club, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. taka already plans to use his ultimate after graduation to become prime minister and establish a meritocracy. 
taka has a vision of a society where it’s an equal playing field for everyone so that individuals can build their lives through their own effort, so the history pertaining to his grandfather can’t repeat itself. (this part is meant to analyze taka’s ambitions and the reasoning behind them, not meritocracies as a whole!) he has been so badly burned by immorality and the concept of geniuses (side note. his disdain for geniuses and ambition to create a society without them reminds me SO MUCH of edelgard’s ambitions from fire emblem. anyway sorry abt that) that he has chosen to take it upon himself to one day reinvent society. he wants to use his experiences and sense of justice, or moral compass, to better the lives of other people. if he has proven to effectively use his ultimate within whatever situation he’s in and has a dream pertaining to his ultimate that will take him far beyond his high school years, then i don’t think it’s fair to call it “impractical” or “useless.” 
taka’s ultimate title may not have the same immediate wow-factor as the ultimate programmer or ultimate pop sensation, but it’s not meant to, taka regards himself to be an average man ! he acts as a guide for those around him and truly wants to make the world a better place. all of these examples can be traced back to his ultimate, which in my opinion, is SUCH an interesting concept and has too much potential to be called useless. 
if you’ve made it this far, tysm and i’m sorry. if anyone has any thoughts at all, please don’t hesitate to share!! i’m the only taka stan i know lol
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