#average fontaine experience
ajaxbread · 7 months
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ty-isnt-there · 10 months
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this happened so many times.
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azullumi · 5 months
What would be the relationship with the children of Genshin men? (*´ω`*)
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“the steambird’s latest: how to be a good father” ; genshin men
summary — fatherhood on him.
includes — alhaitham, ayato, baizhu, diluc, kaeya, kaveh, neuvillette, tartaglia, wriothesley, and zhongli
tags — fluff, domestic, diluc girl dad propaganda, not proofread, 1.9k ; headcanons
note — i seriously hope this is what you asked nonnieee, sorry if it’s wrong TT
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WRIOTHESLEY, is a pillar of stability and calm in the turmoils and chaos of life—not just to his spouse but to his children also. Despite his duty often calling him to the deep and lonely sea and being (in some manner) bound to it, he always made a concerted effort to be present in the important moments of their lives. His work, much being tremendous, had taught him to be patient and understanding at all times—children can be quite a lot to deal with, despite how adorable they can be. Even though the concept of punishment whenever a wrongdoing has been done is there embedded in his mind, he never applies it to his own kids, opting to guide and teach them instead on what they shouldn’t and should do and why.
Wriothesley navigates the rough and intricate currents of fatherhood with precision and dedication, only wishing to be one that he wanted to have. It’s safe to say that despite his strictness from time to time (done only for their safety), he will be loved a lot by his own children.
ALHAITHAM, a stalwart, leading light. He would share his love of reading for them, most often in the form of reading bedtime stories in which he sometimes discovers that he had fallen asleep shortly after his kid(s) did when he wakes up in the morning by their side. He is not particularly strict nor is he lenient towards them, he’s a perfect balance of the two. He’s not the type to preach what is right and wrong but he will become their pillar for guidance on what they should and shouldn’t do. There was never an occasion wherein he had to scold or reprimand them even if they had done something small but would still make an average person angry. In lieu, he would ask them the reason behind their actions, never forcing the answer out of them, tell them a few words to show his understanding, and ask them to never do it again.
Alhaitham likes the mundane and peaceful life that he has, despite the chaos here and there brought by his children, but he likes it, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
KAMISATO AYATO, while being duty bound as the head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner, he never ceases to be there for his family, especially his children. Whenever he’s off the burden of his responsibilities and has some time, he spends it on his family, doting on both of his spouse and children and making up for the lost moments. He cares for his children, tends to them, and looks after them at all times—whether it be him himself doing so or others, particularly in the shadows. If he cannot be there (in a literal way), then someone has to be, that’s just one way to ensure their safety and to prevent something happening to them (knowing the dangers around them). He has quite a lot of enemies, after all, who wouldn’t say that one wouldn’t target his own flesh and blood?
Due to that, the Yashiro Commissioner would come off as a worrywart towards his children, becoming protective and everything; Ayato only wants the best for them and the best is for them to be able to live their life freely and safely.
NEUVILLETTE, the Iudex of Fontaine is not one to be bad with children, in fact, he’s quite great with them. Perhaps it is because of his experience with the Melusines that he is able to have a good and understanding relationship with his children. He’s gentle towards them, patient, protective, and supportive in every way. He is a father that is devoted towards his children, a guiding presence and someone that they can depend on always. And although he is not particularly expressive, he’s not emotionless either. He is able to express his affection and care towards them without problems, whether it be through words or actions, buying them gifts and items that he thinks they will love and offering words of encouragement and support are just a few of the many ways.
Neuvillette often finds himself, while watching them, wishing that they would stay that way forever, as a child with no burdens of the world on their shoulders, and when he realizes that they are growing up (as anyone is bound to be), the rain will suddenly come and fall in Fontaine, lasting for hours.
ZHONGLI, is someone that his children would look up to and admire; there was once an occasion wherein his child tried to act like him, copying his words and dressing up similar to his style, which he found adorable that he entertains the idea of a mini-clone of him. He's wise and knowledgeable, always having something to say in terms of bedtime stories or simply just in conversations; his children become excited a lot when he sits on the side of their bed and begins to tell them stories of his own. He takes them out occasionally, even if it is just a walk around the harbor to look at shops or past time—oftentimes ending the day with watching the sunset before they go home. In addition, on festivals, he’s there participating in the event with his children and never taking his eyes off them.
In line with all that is said, Zhongli is the type to treat a pinky promise as some sort of unbreakable contract (the moment his child would hook their finger on his while saying the promise, it’s become a commitment for him in which he must accomplish).
TARTAGLIA, having been taking care of his siblings and looking after them, it’s evident that he won’t have a hard time dealing with children, especially when it’s one of his own. he just knows what to do in every moment with them—when they’re misbehaving, running around, crying, and everything. He’s very much loving towards his family, shown in the way that he always try to stay in touch with them by sending them letters whenever he’s away (sometimes with a gift) and occasionally surprising them. Tartaglia is very protective over his own children. I mean, no parent would want to see their own child being put in harm’s way or in dangerous situations so he does everything that he can to keep them safe, even if it means lying to them constantly—like how he avoids answering whenever he is asked about his work or make something up—and having the danger be put on his way instead.
Afraid that his obligations as a harbinger and loyal follower of the Tsaritsa would hinder his responsibilities as a father, Tartaglia tries to balance his time and doesn’t prioritize one over another.
KAVEH, quite a doting father, one could say that he’s overprotective towards his children with the fact that he’s all so vigilant and a little bit strict. Albeit he nags them often, but not in a harsh, shouting, throwing glasses and plates, violently screaming way of scolding or nagging but in a crouching on the floor so that they’re on the same level and speaking softly and slowly, never saying anything mean type (it’s not in his note to be rough and cruel towards anyone, especially to his own children). When they begin to cry, however, he would panic—and not just panic but panic panic. Suddenly, he’s blabbering apologies, wiping their tears, hugging them, and assuring them that everything’s okay and he’s not mad at them.
Kaveh provides them with everything that they want and need, would be supportive towards their dreams, does what he can to always be present in their life, everything. And all be it, as long as they come home, he’s perfectly content. He’s quite a selfless person and loving father, only wishing for his children to grow up in a warm home.
DILUC RAGNVINDR, (he has very girl dad energy; he would love it when he has a daughter) he’s the definition of a gentle father, the very embodiment of that word. He never fails to deal with the predicament that he’s having which involves his kids. He’s the type to play house with them, accepting his role as a bodyguard or sometimes, taking on the part as the pet; the type to sit on the floor and play tea party with them, drinking from a plastic cup that has nothing, and say that the tea tastes delicious. He would rather be the one to play such things with them than have others or no one do so even if it will make him look foolish. He spoils them a lot and I mean by a lot. He buys them a lot of things, mainly things that they show interest in or mentioned once that they would like to have—he’s the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, money was never a problem for him. Albeit, the gifts were never enough to express his love for them and it never will be.
Diluc, the man that he is, would give them so much more even if it's himself that they must take.
KAEYA ALBERICH, isn’t exactly too strict towards his children. He lets them do what they want but in a way that they don’t feel like they’re being neglected or he doesn’t care about them. It’s just that he doesn’t wish for them to grow up on regrets and looking back on the memories that they could have had or done. If it makes them happy, then so be it (as long as it’s nothing dangerous or harmful). He occasionally takes his family out whenever he’s not being held by the throat by his responsibilities, taking them to many places away from the city—it could just be for a picnic, for stargazing, for anything just so that he can spend his time with his loved ones.
Kaeya would teach them a lot of things, ranging from small and sometimes foolish things such as how to beatbox to teaching them how to wield a sword if ever they show interest towards it, which would end up with him being seen as a mentor and teacher towards them. Leave it to him to teach them how to cartwheel, however, and he will have them learn and perfected it.
BAIZHU, is an extremely patient and caring father towards his children. Despite often being busy treating patients and having consultations, as well as his research, he still manages to find time to spend with them and finds ways to involve them in his day-to-day activities or tasks in the pharmacy. He brings them along with him to the pharmacy whenever he works but he doesn’t ask them to do anything. His child (or children) could just sit there as they watch him, play around, and take a nap—whenever this happens, however, he brings them to the back room where the bed is and lets them peacefully sleep there.
On one of those days wherein Baizhu could only do nothing but stay in and rest, his children are there to accompany him. Despite how much he insists that they can leave him on his own and they can play outside instead, they wouldn’t listen, preferring to help the herbalist and Qiqi bring him hot water and fruits to aid his recovery. And with them by his side, serene dreams come to his sleep and he feels a little bit better about everything.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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vampireimiko · 10 months
Could I request neuvillette x male reader?
M!reader personality: flirty, mischievous, hard to fluster, can be extremely rude, can be perverted
M!reader region: fontaine
M!reader species: kitsune
M!reader occupation: model
M!reader looks: Slim, curvy, shoulder length hair, shorter than average, he also wears heals most of the time
Likes: Modeling, skincare, makeup, getting his nails/hair done
Dislikes: getting his makeup ruined, getting his hair ruined, dirty things
M!reader extra: extremely popular, extremely attractive, cares alot about his looks, wears some makeup(eyeliner, mascara and lipstick) can be a bit of a narcissist sometimes
Oh and could he be more submissive in the relationship (not sexually)
Neuvillette x Male! Reader Headcanons
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warnings, none !!
note, GAHHH THIS HAS BEEN DONE FOR A FEW DAYS NOW 🤕 I've just been sick and busy 😭🙏🏾 also i need more genshin mutuals so hmu 🤓☝🏾
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જ⁀➴ How you and Neuvillette got together will always be a mystery to the citizens of Fontaine. You two were the complete opposite of one another—where you were flashy and always embraced extravagance, Neuvillette was mostly quiet, speaking only when necessary, and approaching things with simplicity.
જ⁀➴ But against all odds, you and Neuvillette found a way to be together. He became the steady and supportive boyfriend who held the fort in Fontaine, while you embodied the charismatic persona that seemed to charm its way into everything you desired, often accompanied by an effortless air of confidence.
જ⁀➴ Neuvillette's days were consumed by the responsibilities of his position as Chief Justice. On the other hand, you reveled in the luxuries that life in Fontaine provided, a lifestyle that resonated with your natural inclination for the extravagant. You were known not just for your striking looks and unique aura but also for your audacious approach to life.
જ⁀➴ Speaking of couple activities, you found immense joy in playing tricks on Neuvillette, fully embracing your Kitsune nature. From innocently hidden notes to elaborate pranks, you delighted in bringing moments of surprise and laughter into his orderly world. The faintest smile would dance at the corners of Neuvillette's lips, a testament to your success in tugging him out of his formal shell, if only momentarily.
જ⁀➴ Your mischievousness, paired with your innate flirty and perceptive nature, often led to playful banter and witty exchanges between you two. Neuvillette, who rarely allowed himself to be easily flustered, found himself occasionally caught off guard by your audacious comments and innuendos. It was a dance of wit and charm, a constant push and pull that brought a dynamic energy to your relationship.
જ⁀➴ As a model, you knew the value of appearances and the art of presenting oneself flawlessly. It was a commonality that further bonded you and Neuvillette. He might have held a position of authority, but your shared appreciation for grooming and style connected you on a different level. There were instances when you both would spend leisurely evenings together, experimenting with skincare routines or discussing the latest trends in fashion.
જ⁀➴ Despite your sometimes provocative nature, you respected Neuvillette's reserved demeanor. It was in those quiet moments that you found yourself drawn to his depth, his thoughtful perspectives on matters that transcended the superficial. Neuvillette's presence allowed you to explore your own complexity, inspiring you to embrace more facets of your personality beyond the outward flamboyance.
જ⁀➴ So with that being said, you and Neuvillette were definitely opposites of each other through and through. But you loved and cared for one another dearly, despite the contrast of your personalities.
𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄... 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬💀 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !
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𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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Neuvi headcanons
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MY BBGRL,,, MY LIL CUTIE MANS WHO I ADORE,,,, i love him so much he's so fuCKIng CUTE dude, lil dragon mans sksmefkhjrshefkj. i swear i'm a normal individual w/ these characters
list of current h/c's: - i feel like he's socially anxious?? like ok, listen, he's GREAT w/ any formal situation, but THE MOMENT it gets casual he PANICs on the inside bc he's like 'wait what's the right and wrong thing to say'. - following that, i feel like when he's in a casual conversation w/ ppl and starts getting panicked, i feel like he's learned to tap his cane twice on the ground to signal to any of his closer companions that he's freaking out. like a "get me out of this situation please" type deal. - this ties into my belief that he's got anxiety regarding smaller scale things. like if he makes a small mistake on something or breaks an object, he feels SO BAD and panics as he tries to figure out how to fix it. - knowing this, i feel like he feels a bunch of emotions, he just doesn't know how to like,,, put them into words? read below - a yearning for learning,,,, actively seeks out how to label his emotions, but how does one define their feelings? Emotions are not equated to logic, and yet they're a part of human experience, so what is the method to label that which is so intangible yet so real? he doesn't know yet, but he's figuring it out and i'm so proud of him :)c - overprotective in his own way. like he's been putting a lot of stuff on his shoulders so ofc that includes him being sensitive towards people he cares about being harmed. - prideful! he doesn't think he's prideful, he just is Proud Of Things, but tbh i get a bit of a "dragon pride" vibe from him. it's silly goofy and rears up the most around certain Archons. - GOOD DAD. NEUVI IS SUCH A GOOD DAD. IF A MELUSINE COMES UP TO HIM TO TALK ABT A THING, HE IS THE MOST ATTENTIVE LISTENER. HE'LL ASK QUESTIONS, TOO, TO TRY AND LEARN MORE. oUGH i love him he's SUCH a gOOD DAD - afraid of losing everything; Neuvi didn't really realize he had so much to lose until he almost lost it, and now he's like even more scared to lose anything else. - anxious of closer connections. Neuvi wants to be closer to people; he really likes humanity, and he wants to reach out to people. but he's afraid, bc if they ever err away from the side of justice, they may end up in his court. no matter what happens, then, is him sentencing them not a form of betrayal? neuvi ponders this a lot - MOVING AWAY FROM SAD THINGS: y'all i'll be SO real, ppl are so used to Neuvillette being in Fontaine that, when he's Outside of Fontaine, unless they Know Him on a personal level, no one recognizes that he's the Iudex of Fontaine. like not even actual Fontainians register it, bc, like, why would the literal Iudex Leave his Natural Habitat of the Court of Fontaine??? - side note, average ppl are intimidated by him. like most ppl look at him and go 'if i approach him, i will be arrested for war crimes bc CLEARLY he is a PRINCE' (which is the best and funniest shit) - 'unrelated'; Neuvi doesn't talk to a lot of ppl outside of his closer friend group, i think u can understand why - such a hard worker,,, honestly probably overworks himself and doesn't even realize it. - WHICH LEADS ME TO HIS HOBBIES HEHEHHEHEHEHE - ARTIST,,, you CANNOT sit there, after Lantern Rite, and TELL ME that HE DOES NOT start looking into the arts. THIS MAN would ABSOLUTELY get into painting and poetry and shit. he likes watercolors and he ADORES POTTERY (THAT FUCKING LADLE??? I CRIED OVER IT IN MY TEAPOT FOR 30 MINUTES HELP) - loves books and stories. like seriously they're kinda actually really fun for him to read bc he sits and breaks down what is and isn't accurate abt them (crime/detective books) and he gets invested in romance books (he's CURIOUS okay??) - bc he reads Fontainian romance books, any and every romantic gesture is like,,, awkwardly sappy? like he'll do small scale things bc he's a lil nervous baby, but it's THE SAPPIEST of the sappy. - fashion lover. Listen, this man could arguably wear whatever he wants and he chose to wear THAT???? he's a fashion lover / makeup master, and i will die on this hill. - he would laugh at Cyno's jokes, but only AFTER Cyno explains them.
OKAY I,,, I THINK I DID IT,,, i had so much written i'm dying please i love him so so so much. my itty bitty squishy bbgrl i cannot wait to explain why and how he joined the party / poly it's SO silly, this entire thing is my favorite i have been yapping abt them for a MILLENIA
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gnostichymns · 8 months
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Greetings, travelers! As Autumn settles across Teyvat, its nations are in search of plenty of helping hands for the season's festivities! We've gone ahead and gathered the most important of the tasks here, so take a look and see for yourself!
[ Any commission labeled for a specific nation requires one affiliated muse to complete. ]
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[MONDSTADT]: An old tradition in the city of winds has become quite the fun festivity for newer generations. It was once said that during these spooky months of the year, dead relatives would come to visit their families as an act of love and respect, but ghosts happen to be a little clumsy. As such, the people of Mondstadt would hide their knives, and prepare little cakes for their loved ones to eat before lighting a large bonfire outside of town to guide them back to the world of the dead. While ghosts are clearly not real, the tradition of taking the silverware out of the house, preparing a large feast, and lighting a bonfire as part of an Autumn festival still remains. Of course, there’s a lot of work to do, so hustle and help the citizens of Mondstadt out!
[LIYUE]: Qingce Village once had a tradition that during the waning months of fall, the spirits of the deceased would rise from the earth. To appease these spirits, part of this month's harvest was to be given, along with flowers and other gifts to guide these lost souls back to their resting place. Despite allegedly being nothing more than a folktale, there have been increasing reports of crops and other foliage disappearing, as well as strange dirt patterns appearing on the ground. Whether it's a couple of brave weasels, or the myth is true, head to Qingce Village and put these superstitions to rest.
[INAZUMA]: “I just want to play with the humans, but they keep throwing beans at me!”  (A little image of a rather sad looking Red Oni, sitting next to a Blue Oni is depicted).  A tale as old as the nations of Teyvat, a thrilling and heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, The Red Oni and The Blue Oni will be presented during the Mikawa Flower Festival in Inazuma., hosted on Narukami Island. Come see this endearing folktale given life on the main stage, and experience the shocking twists, turns, and bumps along the way. With an average rating of 4.5 stars among InazumaToday and sponsored by the Yae Publishing House, it's a must see for anyone in the area.  (We are also looking for stagehands, actors, and assistants with any background in creative fields or with an artistic mind. Please stop by the Yae Publishing House if interested. )
[SUMERU]: During the previous reign of the Great Sages, many festivities and celebrations were banned in the pursuit of complete control and knowledge. As such, it’s about time we revive and create some new special events to be held. One bright student at the Akademiya read about ancient parties held where people would disguise themselves as monsters to ward off lingering evil energies. While dressing up as a Hilichurl or a slime may not be the hip thing amongst the newer generation, the point still stands that you are hereby invited to the first ever Sumeru Akademiya Costume Party Extravaganza!!! Held in the Rtawahist main hall. Snacks will be provided. :)
[FONTAINE]: Bartholomew, a member of the Fontaine Fishing Association has noticed some invasive fish. Spiny, ugly lil things that are incredibly venomous have been absolutely destroying the ecosystem of Fontaine’s aquatic life. While the Fishing Association has been diligent in reeling in as many as they can, they seem to be spreading like wildfire. They must be stopped. Harpoons will be provided to any set of hands willing to use it for justice and honor! And for shooting these slimy cretins out of the sea.
WARNING. THERE HAVE RECENTLY BEEN SIGHTINGS OF RUIN GUARDS WITH STRANGELY PAINTED MARKINGS NEAR LARGE TRADE ROUTES. IF ENCOUNTERED, FLEE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY.  While most ruin guards either wander aimlessly, or are deactivated until within a certain vicinity, several ruin guards have been found to be quite peculiar as of late. They’ve been collecting whopper flower nectar, slime condensate, and terrorizing local trade routes. These ruin guards all appear to have strange markings as well. We are only looking for reconnaissance, do not try to approach the ruin guard mechs as they are incredibly dangerous. 
Allan, a local ranger and trader, is having some issues with his transport balloon. It appears to have been intentionally sabotaged. Pieces of rope have been burnt, holes have been pierced, and wooden boards are just missing all together. Whether done by a band of lost hilichurls or a tactful saboteur, this is malicious to say the least! Please help Allan repair his balloon and if possible, find the source of what caused this heinous crime.
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blood-orange-juice · 10 months
Hey! I stumbled across your account by accident and I’m curious on what your general take is on Childe (since each language’s VA brings something new to the table). I agree with the (c)PTSD take and often wonder if he might also have ASPD (I say this as someone with antisocial tendencies myself). Anyway, I hope things are going well!
-📀 anon (I’ll probably come back later lol)
Hey. :)
I hope you like walls of text because this turned into a wall of text.
He's a variation of the "came back wrong" horror trope, so a huge part of his behaviour is just some kind of taint/possession/curse (now confirmed in Fontaine's storyline) which you can't really diagnose.
There was a thread started by another psych professional where we still tried!
Personally, I think he doesn't quite fit the antisocial personality disorder profile. - has an aversion to lying and is horrible at it (you know, that thing ASPD brain makes so much easier to do) - shows zero interest in social status or having power over others. People with ASPD usually play social games on par with an average person, although one could argue that they only do it as a source of fun and safety and he has other sources of fun and safety. - is very loyal and, for all his self-centeredness, seems to give others a lot more than he gets in return (although can be argued that he just has too much resources on his hands and really doesn't do that much) - is far too trusting (but also in an unusual way, so it can be interpreted as carelessness) - has that weird "I'll give others the things I never got myself" thing going on (I think ASPD to-go compensatory mechanism would be something else) - shows zero social aggression, it's either 0% ("too polite for his own good" mode) or 1000% (jumps straight to physical violence). I think people with ASPD are generally better with more nuanced agression towards people. But also maybe it's a form of damage control. Or maybe he just never had to learn how to express aggression in socially acceptable form (he's usually the scariest person in the room anyway). - in his character stories it's stated that he used to be a very timid and anxious kid, and it's usually not the case with ASPD kids.
Any of these traits *could* be seen in a person with ASPD and can be explained but all of them in a 20yo guy with pretty horrible life experiences and no access to therapy? I doubt that.
I also think he's a character study on "how can good people end up doing horrible things" and having ASPD would ruin the whole point of his character.
Also it would actually be much easier for everyone inluding himself if he has more ASPD traits. At least half of the terrible shit he does stems from misplaced loyalty, not lack of morals. He might have negative traits of ASPD but not the perks.
My personal headcanon is that he has a dissociative personality type (not a full-blown DID, but a similar way of dealing with trauma by locking away/suppressing parts of himself and shifting between them in different situations), his background fits very well, and the way he deals with relationships, trust and aggression also fits (and it's very easy to write someone like this when writing PTSD, it just happens naturally). His particular brand of chipperness fits too.
But also if you *want* to headcanon him as an ASPD, it's a very good choice too! Low empathy, seeks excitement, doesn't care what others think of him, doesn't adhere to social contract, is fairly cruel, bases his loyalty and ideals on pretty surprising things that have nothing to do with human connection. (it's also questionable whether he seeks human connection in general, can be interpreted both ways)
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nya-vivi · 1 year
those posts about your ocs made me really interested so would you like to tell me a thing or two about some of them? :>
HIII LEN ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡ Sorry for the late reply, I have been kidnapped and subjected to academical torture but here I am again!!
Lolol I have a bunch of ocs!! Mostly of them are fandom ocs (so if there's a fandom you are interested in, do tell! I might have something, I love talking about ocs) and a few non-fandom ocs, I wasn't sure which one do you want to know about so I'm just going to ramble a bit (๑'ᴗ')ゞ
I think I will begin with my main two Genshin ocs and a secret third I'm currently working on 🤭, Lore (travelersona), Vivi (self-insert) and Qinxi (Liyue oc I'm working on, provisional name), because they may be the closest to my heart due to the heavy editing I have done to them!!
More under the cut to not clog the dash!!
The premise is like this: she is an adventurer who is searching for her lost sister, and found Aether (since I choose him at the beginning because pretty boys) and ended up forming a tag-team, since they knew both of them wouldn't distract themselves from their individual goal.
So the first one of them is Lore/Lorena! She is an oc I created based on how I used my traveler and what I did with them. She is under very heavy editing, which she needed, because I have a need of being correct about the lore labdmsdl.
She loves climbing and uses a claymore. Her vision was going to be anemo, but that may be put under revision. She also loves gliding and jumping off a cliff only to open the glider last second hehe <33 she's kinda an adrenaline junkie.
In the end, the lore I thought for her was that she and her sister were children who ended up living in Khaenri'ah and was saved by Gold from a disease (under the exchange of letting her doing experiments on her) so she ended up having a artificial heart (this is a classic for me ♡) and living far more than an average person. For the fall of Khaenri'ah I had thought of having her sleep (as in, making it seem like the operation was close to that event) so her sister (alongside Lumine, because I stan Abyss Lumine so much, they are girlfriends) saved her somehow. Now the details have to be carefully thought more. But that is the general premise I wanted her to have.
But because of the recent lore, I'm afraid I will have to put her on hold, since they touched quite a lot about Khaenri'ah.
And now, my darling, mi joya de la corona, the character I have most thought of and the one I probably love the most.
Vivi is a self-insert that was born due to the question: okay, but realistically, what would I do if I ended up in Teyvat? The answer was to try to work in the Knights of Favonius' Library. And it just, snowballed from there.
Mind you, this story is also completely self-indulgent and I'm proud about it. But I also wanted angst, so I had to balance both. And since I know myself and I know I would not get involved in the plot whatsoever if I knew where I was, I decided to give her a 'reincarnated villainess'-que type of beginning but making it spicy.
(She's a geo catalyst)
She's the adopted daughter of a mechanic from Fontaine and she learned a lot from him, but decided her call in life was learning ancient languages (she didn't know where she was getting into truly 💔) and got into the Akademiya. And here is where the plot thickens!
She was roped into trying to connect with the Irminsul (since a lot of people can't at first time, she was like 'why not, once and last') aand ended up connecting with the Irminsul. With that, she got her memories from her previous life (this will be expanded about if I ever get to write a fic lol) and was like 'shit'. In the end it was too late for her to withdraw from the Akademiya because she already knew canon characters (aka Kaveh and Alhaitham) and the students' debt was going to be incommensurable. So she graduated and took a job as archivist in the Akademiya.
And as soon as she could, she asked for a transfer and booked it off to Mondstadt.
She's obsessively afraid of Celestia and about knowing things (since I am a lore player) and about being persecuted by them, so she didn't want to get a vision nor have anything to do with any canon event if she could help it. So she gets a vision and let me tell you she's excited (not). She legit threw it out of her window when she saw it.
And now rightfully afraid since Celestia is aware of her, she lives her life as if she didn't know anything in Springvale.
Okay this is messy but I have a lot of lore about her, so I might expand on a different post if only for archive purposes.
For now, I am brainstorming about Sumeru's archon quest, because she will not be spared of it and her relationship with Nahida and Wanderer. It's getting pretty interesting to say the least, but still a work in process.
The last one of my ocs is Qinxi (沁汐 to seep; night tides; still working on the name and having to fact-check ;-;). She still doesn't have an assigned vision or weapon, but I'm inclined towards hydro.
She was going to be a pharmacologist or a collector of medicinal plants and work with Baizhu, but the idea quickly evolved into her being a make up maker. Like, the very expensive type of make up.
She's not quite developed yet, but I have a bit of her backstory: she wanted to be an artist but her family wanted her to follow their steps (they are all make up makers). It wasn't like she didn't want to be a make up maker but wanted a bit more of life. Now she fulfills both of her dreams, making make up and hand-painting the boxes.
Both of then are so finely done that Ningguang has a full-time contract with her so she gets priority in her orders (and who's going to complain??).
She definitely deserves to have more brainstorming but a lad does as she can ಥ‿ಥ
That's it, at least. All of them still need a lot of developing process and tie down details, but they are all my darlings who I love. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them (timely this time I promise 🥲) either in comments or asks! I hope this wasn't too boring ajdbkabska I try to make things interesting and I know some people don't like to know the whole process of creating an OC, so I tried to keep things simple, short and sweet.
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cardboard-aliens · 2 years
The cast swap AU 100% is an excuse for Jack & Tenenbaum content, but the main swaps are:
Jack - Eleanor
Tenenbaum - Delta
Atlas - Sinclair
Ryan - Lamb
The basic canon divergent background information leading up to 1960 got long so imma put it under a cut.
Big Mommas and Little Brothers are the protector gatherer duo of this AU. There are no Dads and sisters.
Lamb gathers enough followers and momentum to usurp control of Rapture from Ryan.
Ryan gets promptly thrown INTO jail with his most loyal supports.
The most important detail about Ryan going to jail is that he will not be able to kill Jasmine 😌💖
Lamb now has control of the whole city to devote into her Utopian research.
Various people take issue as the notion of everyone being reborn into one collective mind comes forth. Mostly Sinclair, who can't make money as a pile of ADAM goop, so he uses his resources to arm citizens. Wanting to take advantage of the split in the city for his own plays for control.
Fontaine is pissed he didn't take over the city from Ryan, and has to reconsider all his plans, since they were built around Ryan. Ultimately abandoning his contingency plan to fake his death earlier.
Lamb takes over Fontaine's assets once he's gone for ADAM research, and starts funneling out any problematic staff to be turned into ADAM goop so they can be part of the collective.
Tenenbaum has been unimpressed with Fontaine, Ryan and now Lamb , and was preparing the gatherer cure to try and do some damage to the program. But then Ryan goes to jail, and Tenenbaum knows Fontaine's weapon only served a purpose with Ryan in the picture. And then Fontaine 'dies', and Lamb seizes the company and Tenenbaum doesn't trust her to be any more humane to the children. So she tries for a mad dash to disappear with Jack before Lamb discovers Project WYK.
This escape attempt goes poorly, and they get caught. Lamb assumes Jack is just your average gatherer that Tenenbaum was defecting with, and since Tenenbaum is CLEARLY going to be a problem Lamb is like "You wanna hang out with a brother so much I can arrange that" and ships them off tho the protector and gatherer programs to be bonded. (very much like mark and cindy)
There is now an opening for a lead scientist at Fontaine Futuristics that needs filling. No one is qualified for the job, and Lamb takes someone Ryan had a target on: so say hello to Dr. Johnny Topside. Who knows some marine biology which was good ENOUGH for this understaffed department.
Suchong hates working with Topside, and complains about how under qualified he is constantly. And he complains about Lamb's research goals, and how she cancelled his previous projects to focus on ADAM's memory properties.
Suchong's work load gets smaller as more of his projects get handed off to Topside, which makes him even more irritable. And then he starts to suspect Lamb is phasing him out to turn his egotistical behind into a pile of ADAM.
So Suchong disappears, trying to find refuge in Persephone with Ryan (b/c Ryan IS charismatic, and is doing well enough for himself in prison) trying to barter for his own safety by telling Ryan about Fontaine Company secrets, mainly about Project WYK and how Ryan's flesh and blood was put into the Gatherer Program.
Johnny Topside can't keep track of what's going on, because one minute he mapping the ocean floor, the next he found atlantis, then he's been branded a spy, next he's the lead scientist in a department he doesn't understand, and now his life is being threatened if he doesn't experiment on children. He just wanted to collect rocks samples.
The little brothers are baby and he is NOT on board with their treatment, and starts digging into what research was left behind by the woman who had this job before him--and he finds Tenenbaum's research on the Little Brother cure. Which he then picks back up to finish development, and then prepares to go on the run to save as many brothers as he can.
Sinclair and Lamb have been raising their own tensions across the city, proving they're just the same as Fontaine and Ryan as fights break out. Which ultimately escalate back up to riots breaking out against Lamb's rule, headed by Sinclair this time around.
The chaos causes a lot of canon typical events to happen, Rapture is in decline, Ryan can leave prison to kill a big momma and drag his gatherer son to prison to ride out the war, and Johnny takes a run for it to get away from Lamb with a handful of children.
(For convenience sake Eleanor is her BS2 age in 1960, otherwise she'll be like. 9 or 10. and not able to actually fight. and I want her to do COOL BATTLE STUNTS) Eleanor has been paying CLOSE attention to her mom this whole time, and watching her boil people down into ADAM, experiment on children, and manipulate the people to throw their lives away fighting for her has done a lot to disillusion her from Lamb's way. Some come 1960, she's got a gun, a dream to see the sun, and figured the best way to beat her mother is with the enemy of her enemy: Sinclair.
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sciencespies · 2 years
Physicists have designed a urinal that drastically reduces splashback
Physicists have designed a urinal that drastically reduces splashback
Scientists used observations of the angle at which dogs urinate and laboratory tests with jets of fluid to design a urinal that produces far less splatter than usual
Physics 22 November 2022
By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
The researchers favour the design second from the right, which minimised splash and is accessible for most people of most heights
Mia Shi at University of Waterloo
Laboratory tests using a jet of water have helped physicists determine the ideal angle of urination to minimise splashback at a urinal, and led to an elongated design for urinals that drastically reduces splatter.
“The idea originated exactly where you think it did. I think most of us have been a little inattentive at our post and looked down to find we were wearing speckled pants,” says Zhao Pan at the University of Waterloo in Canada. “Nobody likes having pee everywhere, so why not just create a urinal where splatter is extremely unlikely.”
Enter the splash-free urinal. To design their urinal, Pan and his team had to find the angle at which a stream of liquid hitting a surface produces the least splash. They solved this problem with a computer model that reproduced some previous observations of how dogs urinate. Pan says that dogs instinctively know that lifting their leg will get them closer to a “magic angle” between the urine stream and a tree, or some other vertical surface, that minimises splashback.
To measure how much a given urinal splatters, the researchers directed a jet of water onto test urinals made of very dense foam covered in epoxy. In this splatter test they pitted two experimental designs (the urinals at centre and second from the right, pictured above) against a standard commercially available design and one similar to the urinal featured in Marcel Duchamp’s famous artwork “La Fontaine” (the second and first from the left).
They varied the speed of the jet between different experiments and wiped the splatter with paper towels afterwards. Then they weighed the wet paper towels and compared that to the towel’s dry mass to measure how much water had to be absorbed to clean up the mess. The largest difference in mass corresponded to most hazardously splashy urinals.
Using the dog urination data and the tests with water jets at various flowrates and heights, the researchers determined that for the average human, the magic splash-reducing angle for urination at a urinal is approximately 30 degrees. Accordingly, they designed their test urinals so that no matter what a person does, the impinging angle for urine is close to this value.
While urinals in many public restrooms resemble shallow rectangular boxes, the researchers’ favoured design was deeper and more elongated, allowing for people of most height to achieve the 30-degree angle. As its curvature is similar to a Nautilus shell, the team nicknamed it Nauti-Loo (the second urinal from the right in the image above). In the paper towel test, standard urinals produced up to 50 times as much splashback as this new design.
A rounder urinal design with a triangular opening performed twice as well as the Nauti-Loo in the splashback test, but was not favoured because it doesn’t work for people of all heights. Pan’s colleague Kaveeshan Thurairajah at the University of Waterloo will present their results on 22 November at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Pan thinks that replacing standard urinals with this low-splash version could make restrooms more sanitary and save on cleaning costs for businesses, but the team has not yet determined how much it would cost to mass-produce.
More on these topics:
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siofra-river · 2 years
Anakin, can you explain Bioshock to me like I am 5 years old?
I can! So, most of bioshock takes place in an underwater city called Rapture. The whole idea behind Rapture was that you basically could do whatever the fuck you wanted without interference from any kind of government or religious bodies, and surprisingly, it does not end well.
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Bioshock is the story of a city doomed to fail from the start. The creator, Andrew Ryan, follows what’s essentially extreme individualism and libertarianism, Objectivism, so basically he doesn’t stop people trying to manipulate the system. And so, a right asshole named Frank Fontaine takes advantage of that, he hires two people, Brigid Tenenbaum and Yi Suchong to create and refine what is called Splicing, which is basically modifying your genetics and changing yourself, and the explanation behind the powers you get in the games, but Fontiane uses the Splicers (people who are addicted to Splicing) to start a civil war with Ryan, who also resorts to manipulating Splicers and his security systems and it just sends the whole city to shit. When you’re running through it as Jack (first game protag) or Delta (second game protag) it’s got like lots of damage and decay, whole areas will be closed off or have water up your characters knees. In the second game you can actually go through areas completely underwater and you see a lot of the damage and rust that’s been caused by the neglect.
To explain the enemies more, you have: Splicers, Little Sisters, and Big Daddies. The main enemies of Bioshock 1 & 2. They’re basically all people who have been changed some way by ADAM, and in-game you get ADAM from Little Sisters.
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They’re children taken from the orphanages run by Fontaine . And have the slugs that produce ADAM implanted within them, they’re also like brainwashed conditioned to basically just see everything as a wonderland so they keep gathering/producing ADAM. And little Sisters are always followed around by people known as Big Daddies, who were people who have been experimenting on with the ADAM and have been surgically implanted within Giant Diving suits and have also been brainwashed and essentially turned into attack dogs, they follow around Little Sisters and protect them if they’re attacked by Splicers or You. They’re pretty tragic since you learn a lot of the time they didn’t have a choice or were like blackmailed into getting these experiments done on them. The protagonist of the second game, Subject Delta, is also a Big Daddy, the one on the left of the pic below
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Also I guess I forgot to explain Splicers but they’re essentially the main enemies you’re fighting 95% of the time, average joes and janes who essentially went insane from Splicing too much. And yeah I’ll also say this, I think it’s pretty tasteless for your main enemies in this game to essentially just be drug addicts :-/ who are based off like WW1-2 veteran photos of those who’ve been like. Disfigured during the wars.
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There’s also Bioshock Infinite but it is so far removed from Bioshock 1-2 it’s kinda wacky. It basically takes place in like the 1800s in a city that’s basically a flying white supremacist wet dream. And you play as a guy named Booker trying to get to the daughter of the Racism land leader, and to all goes to shit and there’s like a lot of dimension travel and it gets confusing very quickly and it’s very goofy and doesn’t get the spirit of Bioshock which I’d say is like Isolation, the ambiance and fear of a whole city against you. It just feels like a shoot-fest with lamer powers than bioshock 1 or 2, and also it’s messaging is that if you’re a black person fighting racists with violence you’re just as bad as systemic racism.
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stellarhistoria · 7 months
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"If the right set of experiments can grant someone access to the light of a Vision... I have to wonder..." the doctor mutters to himself for a little bit, looking over the results he had gotten from such specific and yet seemingly otherwise useless research into something he was sure would kill the average person. it was only because he had managed to grab andrii that he even attempted it in the first place.
one gloved hand reaches up to where he had been hit by the traveler not too long ago - the bruise had long since faded, but sometimes he recalls the strength of the hit that had sent him to the ground, physically out of breath for a moment before that grin had spread across his face. knowing that he'd be jailed. knowing that he was. believing that the traveler would be stuck there.
it was a delightful thought to nourish with golden greed.
"Sir, if I may offer something?"
eyes masked behind a butterfly's wings lift to see the person speaking; it was an old friend of his. someone who had followed "him" from the start, someone who had seen what he could accomplish and walked the path alongside him.
"Varik, you don't need to be so formal. You of all people, do not. Speak."
a twitch of a smile forms as varik pushes his glasses up, "It would make sense, in a scientific hypothesis, to test on other subjects, to gauge reaction. We should try again on another, and 'refine' our hypothesis from before." he says as he lets his fingertips rest against the papers. "We can ask the others across the sea if they would have someone willing to work with us. And if not? Well... the woman ruling Fontaine owes us for not causing an uproar in the theater. No?"
"........." a sinister yet serene smile creeps onto dottore's lips.
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"Let us begin our research, shall we, old friend?"
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prodigiousvisions · 7 months
Navia is resilient, Neuvillette knows that even from what interactions they have had over these last few months, but he also knows that being submerged in Primordial Seatwater cannot be good for anyone, much less a native Fontainian. Much less a human. When he had arrived and saw her beneath the surface of the water, her form distorted from the ripples left in her wake, he had felt panic rise up within his chest, and perhaps it was that same panic that hastened his actions, but he knows he would have dived in after her without delay regardless.
She had seemingly shaken the experience - and the dream (nightmare?) - fairly quickly, taking a bit of time before falling in line with that resiliency that she wears so boldly. However, he has suspected that everything, from the flooding in Poisson, the loss of Melus and Silver, the dream in the sea, has left more of a mark on her than she has let show.
"Miss Navia," he says softly, his gaze affixing to her, trying to meet her eyes. He has not become accustomed to trying to console or comfort someone that is not Furina, and she has worn so many faces that he never quite knew if his attempts landed with her. But he wants to try with Navia. She has been through so very much these last several weeks, it makes him wonder if her heart has broken so much that a bit of comfort wouldn't go amiss - even if it comes from a man such as him.
Before he speaks again, he hands her a tea he picked up on the way over. "I wanted to see how you're doing. I...have been worried about you."
unprompted. always accepting. | @svnsworn
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"Do you fancy the 'appropriate' response from a fellow figurehead and peacekeeper of Fontaine, dignified as they are impartial in not allowing their personal feelings spill into their everyday lives?" Sentiment of weakened constitution drips like acid past her straightfaced disillusionment. Navia is not blinded to the hypocrisy of the encounter, sights straying away from his own as he attempts to gauge her for a semblance of her usual impassioned spirit despite all the troubles her journey has currently presented. (Must everything be a stepping stone for her to overcome?) Aquamarine narrows in thought, gripping the object of Neuvillette's careful consideration tighter in her hands. Hues beg to lend to tears again, to spill haphazardously and return to the bottom of Fountain of Lucine at his learned compassion in seeking her out. But the ache persists, the horrors that replayed back in her dreams like cruel fiction, and she realizes she has cried enough these past few years to serve a lifetime.
"It hurts, Monsieur Neuvillette." Admittance. "What gods have I forsaken to bear the brunt of this unyielding punishment?" Her head dips, allowing the shadow of her hat to cascade her face in the fragments of darkness. The people of Fontaine each bore their own sin, but at times, feelings stirred that made it seem as if Navia's own were outclassed compared to the average civilian.
"And yet, I have no room to wallow in my own self-pity. I must stand by my people and be their sun in these dark times. The grief that looms over my shoulders... that is the burden I must pay until the day that I, too, pass. I will not accept anything else. So please, discard your concerns on my behalf. I have no choice but to live and blaze a path forward for those who need to see that light at the end of the tunnel."
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ohmors · 2 years
upon exiting the abyss vesper traveled teyvat for some time, before deciding to settle in snezhnaya. he considered the unwelcoming climate to be the best place for him to stay safe until he could, at least, figure out where his life was headed. he got a job as a mortician just outside of the main city hub, and bought a place to turn into a private workshop for personal projects and self repair.
his work as a mortician caught the eye of the fatui, as he'd agreed to work behind the scenes to cover up certain deaths, bodies provided by the fatui themselves. after a background check that provided little insight into vess' life, the fatui takes him down at his workshop with the intention of expanding on their agreement within the walls of the mortuary house. upon finding vess doing repairs on his prostheses, which had been set on the table in front of him, the agents sent to negotiate reconsidered their initial offer, and left him with a time and place where he should meet them, for an introduction to "someone who might like to meet him".
the meeting took place between vess and the head engineer under il dottore, the second fatui harbinger. vesper was offered a contract through which he would be hired under dottore, as an engineer working with ruin machine parts. though he sensed a deeper danger than he knew, he had grown up practicing on the mechanics of khaenri'ahn technology, and took the offer after some thought. he had been an experiment for his own father — trying to bridge the gap between living human tissue and steel mechanics — and though vesper lacked empathy for the average person, perhaps he would have turned down the offer if he'd known. perhaps, if they'd let him say no.
now, vesper works under the doctor, primarily in snezhnaya, but he does find himself in mondstadt, sumeru, and fontaine from time to time for this work.
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5.3 Geographical Modulation
The following are two translations both carried out by Angeliki Papazoglou, a student from my 2019 Master’s translation class, who, beginning with a tourist text on Montpellier, created a fictive city called Darkon City. She then proceeded to locate some of her other experimental translations for the class in this same universe, thus highlighting an important tenet of the class: the reflection on context and world as a primordial guideline for translation strategy. Darkon city is also an example of ‘antotranslation’ (Outranspo’s version of VD’s contraire negativé), translating sunlight to darkness, comedy to tragedy, cats to reptiles. There are also a number of other Outranspian constraints woven into Papazoglou’s translations: see if you can find them! 
A) Original tourist text on Montpellier and Papazoglou’s translation into Darkon City
Prompt: Translate, changing the time or place (real or imaginary)
Il est un pais où l'eau ne sort que de la terre et le soleil reste bien haut dans le ciel. Avec deux fois plus de journées ensoleillées que la moyenne nationale et une multitude de fontaines, qui ont donné à la ville son surnom de "ville aux 100 fontaines", Montpellier est, dès cette introduction, un paradis pour les aficionados de l'héliocentrisme touristique. Ces deux arguments ayant déjà, certainement, provoqué chez certains un départ précipité pour cette ville promise, ne doivent plus rester, devant ces lignes, que les personnes pour qui le soleil n'est pas la seule motivation d'un voyage. Que ces dernières ne fassent pas l'erreur de rayer la cité de leurs destinations de vacances car Montpellier est aussi riche de découvertes qu'elle l'est de lumière. Dotée d'un centre historique millénaire, la ville foisonne d'attraits culturels et patrimoniaux que font vivre une culture méditerranéenne de la vie en extérieur. Il n'est donc pas étonnant de constater que l'essentiel de la vie des montpelliérains se déroule sur les magnifiques places, fruits d'une riche histoire architecturale. L'un des exemples les plus représentatifs de cette abondance visuelle est la place de la Comédie. Lieu de jonction entre les quartiers anciens et les bâtiments modernes du jeune quartier Antigone, cette place est un lieu de rencontre privilégié pour la population. On aime y déambuler entre le théâtre du 19e siècle (dont l'architecture s'apparente à celle de l'Opéra Garnier), les immeubles haussmaniens, la fontaine des 3 Grâces et les nombreux restaurants et bars qui s'y épanouissent. On y découvre aussi l'édifice le plus spectaculaire de la ville, la cathédrale Saint Pierre. […]
Darkon City
There is a place where water spouts out of the ground and the sky rests its dark veil upon the city. Having twice as many days full of darkness as any average French city and a multitude of fountains that have given the town the name “the town of one hundred fountains”, Darkon City, according to this introduction, is a paradise for the lovers of darkness-oriented tourism. 
These two arguments probably already have convinced many to visit this promised land. All that is left now is to convince those for whom darkness is not the only relevant criterion for traveling. 
Hopefully those people will avoid making the mistake of crossing this city off of their list of holiday destinations, for Darkon City is brims with places to explore as much as with darkness. 
Being endowed with a city centre of a thousand-year-old historical significance, this town is overflowing with cultural and patrimonial attractions which unveil the outdoor lifestyle of the Haunted Mountains. Therefore, it’s easy to assume that Darkonians experience some of the most important moments of their lives in these magnificent squares which are the fruits of a historically rich architecture. 
One of the most representative examples of this visual abundance is Tragedy Square, which is a famous meeting point as it connects the ancient districts to the modern buildings of the newer district of Aspawn. 
You will love wandering around 38th century theatre, which is architecturally similar to the Morbid Opera, the futuristic gothic buildings, the fountain of Three Graces and the numerous restaurants and bars that appear before your eyes. 
There you will also find the town’s most spectacular building, Saint Stone cathedral. 
B) original text on an animal and Pazoglou’s translation into Darkon City
Prompt: Translate changing the world (real or imaginary—and yes you can change the animal!)
Une nouvelle espèce de chats à été découverte en Corse
Imaginez qu’une des créatures de nos mythes et légendes s’avère réellement exister. C’est ce qui fut le cas du « Ghjattu-volpe » en Corse. Baptisé le « Chat-renard » en français, cette nouvelle espèce de félin (d’apparence plus « chat » que « renard ») est un « mythe devenu réalité » qui intrigue les chercheurs.
En méditerranée, sur l’île française de Corse, une légende locale appartenant aux bergers depuis bien des années est connue sous le nom de « Ghjattu-volpe » : un prédateur nocturne pourchassant les mamelles des moutons et des chèvres !
Mais ce n’est que pendant une nuit en 2008, lorsqu’accidentellement l’un d’entre eux fut pris au piège dans un poulailler d’Olcani que cela a finalement attiré l’attention des spécialistes.
En effet, l’ONCFS (Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage) nous avoue que cette espèce auparavant connue n’avait cependant pas encore été identifiée « scientifiquement » et recensée. Afin de justifier cela, Pierre Benedetti, un technicien en environnement à cet Office a déclaré à l’AFP qu’il s’agissait d’un animal extrêmement discret et aux habitudes nocturnes.
Avec sa longue queue aux anneaux noirs, son pelage dense gris fauve, ses rayures sur les pattes antérieures, son ventre de couleur rouge, ses oreilles très écartées, ses moustaches courtes et ses longues canines, il n’est pas étonnant que ce chat sauvage fût un jour apparenté à son cousin le renard. Mais il n’en est rien, car il serait tout bonnement impossible pour un canidé et un félin de s’hybrider…
A new race of reptiles was found in Darkon City!
What if one of the creatures of your bedtime stories actually existed? That was the case with the “Blazesting” of Darkon City. This new breed of reptiles, that looks more like a dragon than a scorpion, is called “Dragon-scorpion” in English. It’s a myth come true and has intrigued many researchers. 
A local legend among Darkonian lumberjacks tells the story of a creature known as the “Blazesting” that has existed for many years in Darkon City. According to this legend, this nocturnal predator loves to hunt vermin and small animals for food late at night! 
It wasn’t until 5034 that Blazesting intrigued scientists, when it was accidentally trapped in a construction site near Blackwood forest during the night that same year.
Nevertheless, NODFS (National Organisation for Draconian Forest Species) informs us that scientists have not yet identified nor classified this already existing creature. In order to explain this, Rock Gooddeamon, an environmental technician who works in this organisation talked to DCNA (Darkon City News Agency) about a very discreet animal with noctural habits.
With its long, stinging, poisonous tail, its skin covered with scales, its brownish red colour that changes regularly depending on weather conditions, its long and heavy wings, its glow-in-the-dark eyes with slit pupils and its big, sharp teeth, we could easily assume that this venomous dragon is related to its cousin the scorpion. However, this is not the case, because it would be impossible for a cross-breeding between a reptile and an arachnid to occur…
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cherry-holland · 2 years
The Lion, the Witch, & the Serpent
The Wizarding Exchange Program
Harry Potter x Latina!OC, Draco Malfoy x Latina!OC
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Author’s note: Hey y’all!!! So I’m going to be doing these chapter intros a bit different than I’m used to, it being a multi-level series and all. These upcoming chapters are going to be a bit more informative, and hold a lot of background detail. But I am super stoked to have y’all finally reading this spur-of-the-moment idea I’ve had for a while! 🥰
May 21st, 1993
There’s a lot of firsts that exist in the average teenager’s life: you experience your first major crush, your first love, your first breakup, your first no-curfew hangouts with your friends, and more. It’s almost a rite of passage for most teens, one that cannot be missed. For Valeria Lopez, her “rite of passage” included that, and a world famous wizard, a popular nepotism boy, and the imminent threat of a war… all within the Wizarding world she was born and raised into.
Valeria grew up in Adams, Massachusetts with her mother and father, who were professors at the prestigious Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her mother, Sarah Kowalski, was an extraordinarily gifted Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, whose likeable personality and bubbly demeanor mirrored Valeria’s grandmother so much that it offset the vigorous work that she did. Her father, Antonio Lopez, taught Potions at the wizarding school, mixing Puerto Rican brujeria with traditional methods well-known in the wizarding universe. He was a quiet, mild-tempered man, but was very passionate when it came to teaching students about the proper dosage of belladonna in a death potion.
Her parents met at Ilvermony when they were young, and have been together since. Because of her parents deep devotion to the school, Valeria was practically raised there, and loved everything about it - befriending Pukwudgies that roamed the halls, the sixth-years being part-time babysitters on weekends, and, most importantly, watching the Sorting Ceremony every year. Seeing the first years get sorted into their houses, as they would step nervously onto the Gordian Knot, in the middle of the Entrance hall, waiting to see which house they would be a part of for the remainder of their school career. It was such a cause for celebration seeing the houses cheer for their new recruits, but to her, seeing the Wampus students celebrate was the best. Her mother and father were both Wampuses, and the pride they had for their house seeped into her own. Wampuses were the fearless leaders, always ready to go to bat for the greater good, and loyal to the end. They were everything she aspired to be, and where she hoped her fate laid in for the remainder of her wizarding school career.
Thankfully, fate was on her side when the time came for her to attend Ilvermony. That booming roar that came from the panther-like head on her first day was, to her, a sigh of relief. Her whole life was centered around the Wampus lifestyle and ideals, so having that confirmed was having a heavy load lifted off her tiny shoulders. She would always remember that day fondly: seeing her parents tear up sweetly at their daughter, their very own Wampus in their own home, the flood of students that came rushing towards her and her other fellow classmates, bursting with excitement, and then receiving her wand shortly thereafter. It was a moment that she cemented not only in a physical picture, but in her mind as well, framed with the most beautiful cranberry frame and the happiest of memories.
As her first and second year came to a close, Valeria had well exceeded her classes, getting high marks on her exams, and even making her Wampus Quidditch team as the youngest beater in the school’s history in her first year. Things seemed to be going well for the young Lopez, until Headmaster Agilbert Fontaine sent for her to come into his office before the end of her second year.
The brunette anxiously walked down the long, wooden hall, seeing the faces of the co-founders, Isolt Sayre and James Steward (a No-Maj, aka “no-magic” person), their sons, and several other alumni decorating the walls. She stopped at her great aunt and grandmother’s pictures, Tina Scamander and Queenie Kowalski, and greeted them with a smile. Sarah always told Valeria such amazing stories about the two sisters, and how Aunt Tina would always sneak Valeria’s mom copies of her husband’s new books. Nanna Queenie would always scold her sister when she did, but rarely did anything to stop her. Sarah spoke so highly of them both, that it sometimes made Valeria wish she was around when they were, but she knew they were with her in spirit, at least that’s what her dad always instilled in her. They would always be watching over Valeria, protecting her and keeping her safe from harm, which comforted the young girl. And, boy, did she need that bit of comfort.
Headmaster Fontaine was a relatively new headmaster to Ilvermony, and he came with a lot of buzz surrounding him. Being a direct descendant of one of the original twelve Aurors in the US, he was highly regarded, even when he was the former Transfiguration professor at the school. Fontaine was a kind man, always taking the time out to check on the students, even moreso as Headmaster, but also was quite intimidating. He was fairly tall, well over 6’6”, and had the darkest blue eyes, which held both a carefree but hardened gaze most of the time. You could never really guess what was going on with Fontaine until he spoke, always showing a confusing face card to anyone he came into contact with. And Valeria barely knew anything about the chestnut-haired man besides all of that, and that made it absolutely nerve wracking when she approached his office, using the password given to the young teen via owl, and stepped into the indigo and cranberry-colored room.
Fontaine was buried deep in paperwork when Valeria arrived, and upon seeing the young witch, he peered up with a smile. “Oh, hello, Valeria! It is so good to see you again, how are you?”
“Oh, um, I’ve been great, thank you Professor,” Valeria replied, shocked at his cheery greeting. “What can I do for you?”
Fontaine stood up from behind his desk and made his way over to her. “Well, I see you’ve been doing wonderfully these past few years, and have been exceeding at all levels. That is quite unheard of, Miss Lopez.”
At this Valeria shrugged, a rosy tint spreading onto her cheeks. Fontaine continued on. “I’m not sure if you have heard of the Wizarding Exchange Program, but it is a program that we and other wizarding schools offer to students who show exemplary marks in all subjects, to have the opportunity to transfer to another wizarding school, to further their education on a ‘different playing field’, as the No-Maj’s say.”
Valeria stifled a giggle at Fontaine’s use of No-Maj slang, and nodded her head as she took in what her headmaster was explaining. “So, you��re telling me I got into the Wizarding Exchange Program? That’s still a thing after You-Know-Who?”
Fontaine’s denim-colored eyes nearly popped out of his socket at Valeria’s words. Everyone in the wizarding world knew about Lord Voldermort and how the fate of the entire world, No-Maj world included, was nearly on the brink of disaster when he rose to power. Of course, that was until a child, the infamous Harry Potter, stopped Voldermort from causing the whole world destruction, ending the First Wizarding War. Even though it wasn’t something that happened in the US, quite a few Ilvermony students lent a helping hand with the war efforts, some losing their lives to Voldermort and the Death Eaters, and it hit home for a lot of witches and wizards in America. “Yes, it has still remained, even after the war. Since… You-Know-Who is no longer around, it has been much safer to continue the program, and has been. So, Valeria, what do you say? Are you ready to accept?”
Valeria had so many thoughts racing in her head as Fontaine was explaining. Going away to another school, Godric-knows where, away from her parents? Her home, her friends that she made in Wampus, the place she’d always known? It was a huge step for her, and at nearly thirteen it was much to take in.
However, Valeria thought about the pros. She could go anywhere? And explore a new country, a new wizarding school? She had heard a lot about the different schools that were much like Ilvermony - Durmstrag, Beauxbatons, and the famous Hogwarts. She knew a lot about Hogwarts as a child from great uncle Newt, and how his experience there changed his life for the better, and having cousin Rolf talk about how much fun he’s having there, made the young witch eager to join her cousin at the prestigious British school. Not to mention, according to Rolf, the Harry Potter is there right now, same year as her, and that point alone was what made her say, “Yes! Yes, I’ll accept!”
Fontaine clapped his hands together in excitement. “Oh, great! I was hoping you would say yes, because I have someone here that would love to meet you.”
After Fontaine’s words, a flash of fire came into Valeria’s eyesight, which she immediately recognized as a Phoenix entrance due to the form the fire had taken in a mere seconds. In a blink of an eye, a very tall, older man appeared in the room, wearing long white robes, half-moon glasses, and had an exceptionally long beard. The older man greeted Valeria with a grin. “Hello, Miss Lopez, I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts.”
The brunette’s face widened with shock. Hogwarts? Did she hear that right? “Oh… hello! It’s nice to meet you!”
Dumbledore chuckled at her reaction as he shook her hand. “I can see you weren’t expecting me to be here, is that so?”
“Oh, no, Professor Dumbledore. I just wasn’t expecting Hogwarts to be the school I will be attending. Is that correct, Professor Fontaine?” Valeria blushed, stumbling over her words at the esteemed headmaster.
“Yes, Valeria. Albus and I have been keeping an eye on you since the start of term, and we have seen such improvements and exceptional work from you, that we both agreed to have you be the recipient of this program,” Fontaine replied, as he walked over to Dumbledore, the American and British headmaster sharing a proud look.
“Wow, I have no idea what to say, I’m so honored,” Valeria flustered. “Thank you, Professor, and thank you Professor Dumbledore for this honor!”
Dumbledore gave a slight nod in response. “My dear, you’ve earned it. Now, as far as what to expect - it is a pretty similar schedule to the one you currently have here at Ilvermony, and you will have to be re-sorted into our houses at Hogwarts. You will have all of your class needs taken care of before the start of term, which begins the first of September.”
Valeria nodded, taking mental note of the fact that she would have to be re-sorted into a new house. She had forgotten that other magical schools don’t have the same houses as Ilvermony, and that made her nervous. Rolf had told her about his house, Hufflepuff, which Valeria thought was a funny name, and even sent pictures of his common room, which reminded her a lot of the Pukwudgie common room, with its warm, earthy colors and plants adorning the space. But never, ever in her life would she have thought she would abandon the house she so desired to be in since she was little.
“We will be sending this information via owl in a few months, so you don’t have to worry about trying to remember all of that,” Dumbledore assured her, Valeria immediately relaxing at the thought. “I can only imagine how hard it is to leave behind your house here, but I’m fairly certain you’ll fit right in at Hogwarts.”
A small, reassured smile made its way onto Valeria’s face in response. “It’ll be hard for sure, Professor, but I am so grateful for this opportunity! You won’t regret it!”
Dumbledore chuckled again at the eager witch in front of him. “You know, you remind me a lot of your grandfather, Valeria. And your grandmother. I got to know them quite well back in the day, and I must say how lovely it will be to have you at Hogwarts.”
“Really? I know Papa Jake has told me about his using a wand for the first time, but I had no idea you knew them. It’s such an honor to be able to attend your school, Professor,” Valeria replied, once again in a state of bewilderment.
Dumbledore gave a slight nod at the compliment. “It is an honor to have you, a Lopez, attend our school. I look forward to seeing you at the start of term.”
With that, Dumbledore clapped his hands above his head, and the flash of fire consumed him, leaving no trace of the elder wizard. Fontaine walked over to his desk, gathering the paperwork he had scattered about his desk. “Valeria, you are dismissed. I have already informed your parents about the opportunity, and I have your transcripts here for your keeping until your arrival at Hogwarts. It will be disheartening to have you leave us here at Ilvermony, and we wish you well with your time at Hogwarts.”
Taking the transcripts from her headmaster, Valeria’s heart dropped at Fontaine’s words. It was bittersweet, her leaving the place she knew as home, and also her family, but also exhilarating and exciting to be attending the school that was held in such high regards, not to mention the school that had Harry Potter there.
Valeria gave a comforting smile and a “thank you” before leaving Fontaine’s office. She immediately ran to the Wampus common room to tell her best friends, with her heart in her gut and that familiar rush of glittering excitement at the news. Valeria Lopez, the future Hogwarts student, she said in her mind. Not a bad thought at all.
tagging some lovely people for this one! lmk if you want to be added 😌: @osterfield-holland-andcompany @thirsttrapholland @thorfemmes @74limelight
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