rhapsodyred-writes · 10 months
Florida Man birthday headlines:
Pick 5 OCs and enter their birthdays into Google (IE: "January 18 Florida man") and share the best headline for each of them, as well as a reaction from each OC.
Here you go!
Avlaroess, June 8: " Florida Man Dubbed the 'Diaper Bandit' Arrested Again"
Avlaroess looks up from the headline with a look of mingled disbelief and disgust on his face.
"Are you quite sure this actually happened? Perhaps this headline is a hoax of some kind?" He almost seems hopeful...
Toni, October 31: "Florida Man Arrested for Robbery Steals Oreos and Soda"
"That's it?" Toni almost seems disappointed. "This is tame." A pause. "...Actually that's the best part o' this, isn't it? It's not Florida-man crazy; it's actually kind o' normal. Which makes it unpredictable, doesn't it?" She chuckles to herself. "Florida men need to eat too, you know."
Fihn & Tahlen, May 20: "Florida Man with Gun Shoots at Florida Man with a Banana"
For once, both brothers seem to be in agreement - this is absurd and hilarious.
"Does he have something against bananas?" Tahlen asks, visibly trying not to laugh.
"There's gotta be more to it than that," Fihn says once he's fully recovered from a snort that almost took him out.
Alexei, December 18: "Florida Man Wearing Red Thong as Mask Kicked off United Flight"
Alexei blinks a couple times in confusion. "That is odd choice," He says finally. "Would not have been easier to just wear normal mask? I do not understand why thong is necessary."
Lillianna, November 12: "Florida Man Arrested After Drive-Thru Meltdown Over Lack of Lettuce"
Lillianna scoffs and shakes her head. "Some people have absolutely no sense of decorum. You know, you could replace "Florida Man" with "Karen" and it wouldn't be nearly as news worthy."
She seems upset, and she carries on muttering about "some people" for quite some time.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Do I really get a tag? I just noticed that. I adore that.
I hope you have a nice day.
Tell five random OCs and one rand Rent-Free I love them!
Bye bye!
Of course you get a tag! You are a treasured friend! Very important!
'I love you' reactions under the cut! (Written like the message was delivered for you)
Ghost's face lights up when he hears the message, his grey eyes bright with excitement. "Really?" He squeaks. Before any answer can be given, he turns on his heel and runs away. The sounds of distant muffled squealing can be heard from farther into his room.
Salem stands a little straighter, puffing his chest out with pride. The look on his face could be described as sheer self-confidence. "Well of course they do," He smirks, as if there could be no other possibility - as though he was made to be loved, praised, perhaps even worshipped. With the way he carries himself, there's a strong probability that he really does believe that.
Avlaroess freezes for a few moments before canting his head a little to the side, looking politely confused. "I'm sorry?" He asks, but it doesn't come across as an apology - more like an indication that he doesn't think he heard correctly. If clarification is given, he only looks more confused, as though this was never an outcome he'd predicted. And perhaps it wasn't.
Aquarios lights up at those words, and their cheeks gain a pinkish tint. "Really?" They suddenly seem a little shy, but pleased. "Tell them I love them too!" They chirp in reply after a few seconds, smiling bashfully.
Dezyn seems to be caught off guard. "They what?" He asks, tilting his head a little in confusion. His gaze is unwavering, even though his eyes aren't open. After a while he relaxes, an easy grin on his face as he slouches and fiddles with something in his hoodie pocket. "Well, isn't that something?"
Nyx freezes for a moment and then, in the blink of an eye, all his swagger returns. "oh really?" He drawls, edging forward. His grin has a cocky, smug edge to it, and he practically radiates self-satisfaction. He leans in closer, the light from his exposed soul accenting his jawline with a warm glow. "well why don'tcha give 'em a return message from me?" He whispers his message, his tone sly and teasing. Hmm...it might be better not to relay this, actually.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it? For how about the dragons? :)
Avlaroess has seen the ocean a couple times, but he's not terribly interested in it. Especially considering he can't swim, it would be a real shame to get tired flying over such a large body of water. He's not afraid of the ocean, he just...doesn't think it's all that exciting.
Salem never had a chance to see the ocean growing up, as his clan is from a land-locked area. But once he was the only one left, he began to travel and learn more things about the world around him. He quickly discovered he enjoys the beach, and he really enjoys sunning, even though he's an Ice dragon and it's not really necessary. He also really enjoys pranking tourists.
Fihn & Tahlen have never seen the ocean. They've lived most of their lives in captivity, being shuffled from cage to pen to cage for the amusement of traveling humans. Fihn would like to see the ocean, if only so he can fall asleep on the sand. Tahlen insists he doesn't care anymore.
Aquarios is from the ocean! He doesn't have many opportunities to see it from the outside, but personally he prefers to be in the water. Humans like to crowd up beaches near the ocean and make a lot of noise and leave their garbage everywhere. Not a fan.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Favorite type of cheap Chinese food?
Avlaroess doesn't usually indulge in cheap Chinese food; he'd much rather get the expensive, high quality stuff, if he can. In a pinch though, classic chicken fried rice really hits the spot.
Jude avoids the cheap stuff whenever she can, mostly because it tends to be greasy. If she can be convinced to get any though, she'll probably only grab an order of wonton soup or pork chow mein.
Tsuragi is likely to get a meal for three and ration it throughout the week. Wonton soup, chicken fried rice, sweet and sour chicken balls, deep fried shrimp and egg rolls, and they won't share with anyone.
Aquarios likes the shrimp - any kind of shrimp. Deep fried in batter, shrimp fried rice, shrimp lo mein... If it has shrimp, he'll be happy.
Jade always gets the same thing: General Tao chicken, beef lo mein, pork wonton soup and an egg roll. And he generally doesn't have leftovers.
For Violet, everything. His favourite kind of cheap Chinese food is an all-you-can-eat buffet. He takes a little bit of everything and has to go up several times because they just don't make the plates big enough.
Sans generally isn't that picky about Chinese food. But please know that whatever you get, he'll make into a pun somehow.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
(this one might be a little sad lol)
How would any of them act to an S/o that went missing for a week coming back, and it turns out that they got lost in the woods near their house?
They've got some bruises and wounds, maybe a broken arm, but they're alive.
(This is based a little on something that happened to my brother :D but also not really... it's a long story.)
Heck of a story, I bet.
Toni is glad you're alive, don't get her wrong. But you were gone a week? A whole week! What did you eat? Please tell her you knew that those berries and mushrooms were safe to eat! She's taking you to the hospital, but whether it's before or after she figures it out herself remains to be seen.
The relief when Avlaroess sees you is palpable, and he almost crushes you with a hug. You later learn that he was frantic the entire time you were gone, and though he searched everywhere to find you, he apparently didn't search everywhere. He gets you the best medical attention he can, and for the next (long) while, he will happily provide anything you want or need. Just...please don't scare him like that again.
Salem is glad you're alive, but you could swear he looks...older somehow. It's not just in his face, but his mannerisms too. You were only gone a week but he may as well have aged years. You realize later that it was caused by stress, and once he has you again those age signs start to fade. He doesn't take you to a hospital. Instead he opts to heal your injuries himself - he has magic and some knowledge of human medicine. It'll be a long while before he lets you out of his sight again.
If Alexei had known where you were, he would have happily stayed in the forest with you for that week. Then you wouldn't have been lost, and he would have gone hunting to make sure the food you had wasn't poisonous. He would have protected you. Ah, if only you had told him. What? Yes, he knows it doesn't work like that. He is glad you're alive, but next time bring a compass or something (at the very least).
Violet seriously wishes you had told someone where you were going. He knows what kind of dangerous people hang out in woods like that, because he was one of those dangerous people once. You're lucky to be alive, honestly, but not just because someone could have murdered you. You were gone for a week, what did you eat? He knows firsthand what it's like to go without food, so before any serious medical attention is gotten, he makes sure you eat. He'll spoon feed you himself, but it's not because he thinks you're incapable - it's to ease his own anxieties. He has control over this. See? You're eating. And if you're eating, everything's fine. Once you've eaten, it's time to get those injuries looked at. He wants badly to tend to your wounds himself, partly to remind himself very firmly that he is not one of those dangerous people anymore, but some of these injuries are beyond him, so he is kind of forced to take you to a hospital.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Okay so Avlaroess. I have no idea who you are, but I want to ask a question. How would he react to meeting someone that comes from a line of dragon hunters, but they don't hunt dragons.
They help any that their family catches to get away.
I had an oc like that once :3
Avlaroess is conflicted, but not for the reasons you'd think. Av comes from a line of dragons who tried very hard to wipe out all other dragon clans. In some cases, they succeeded.
Avlaroess is his clan's heir, but he is staunchly against their traditional practices - he'd probably find ways to get his clan mates caught - the older and more stubborn ones in particular. Of course he understands that his situation is unique, and if he can get his dragon hunter friend in agreement, Avlaroess will be more than willing to point out his most stubborn and murderous relatives.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Dezyn: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Avlaroess: Wasn't Xilixas with you? Xilixas: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Is Avlaroess someone that lies often or does he not lie at all?
Avlaroess looks at you like you've just said something particularly foul.
"I'll thank you not to insinuate any such dishonesty on my part again." He's practically bristling, but once you explain that you hadn't meant to insinuate anything, he calms down.
"I am not in the habit of telling anything less than whole truths." He says, now looking a little sheepish. "Though I will admit, there are times when I may...skirt the truth, just a small amount." He looks off to the side. "In some cases I have found it easier to avoid speaking on a topic that might tempt me toward being deceitful."
What a roundabout way of saying there are some things he just doesn't like to talk about.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
How would Salem or Avlaroess react to a friend[who they know should not be buying them things] buying them something pretty, just a trinket and deck of cards.
"I got you some stuff! I hope you like it! Some playing cards we can mess with. The trinket is just something that made me think of you."
Two dragons with very different reactions
You've known him for long enough by now to know that Salem is like a magpie; he fiercely covets shiny trinkets. So when you saw this particular one, you just couldn't resist. You knew you shouldn't really be spending your money so much on these kinds of things, but you really couldn't help yourself.
When you gave your gifts to Salem, his face lit up.
"Ah," He all but purred. "A suitable gift for someone like me." The trinket went immediately into his pocket, and you could only suspect he'd display it with the rest of his hoard once you two parted ways.
"And as for the cards," He said, pulling them from the pack and shuffling them lightly. "Why don't we break them in right away?
If you'd been expecting him to scold you for your spending, you were mistaken. However, the next time you met, you left with a bill in your pocket that hadn't been there before. You weren't even sure if it had belonged to Salem, or if he'd stolen it. You were equally unsure as to how he'd managed to slip it into your pocket in the first place.
You've known Av for long enough to know that he very rarely buys himself anything nice. He's a good friend, but he doesn't seem to believe that no matter how often you tell him. This little trinket was never meant to be a way to prove that, though; it was just a way to try and show your appreciation. And really, it reminded you so much of him that it would have been a crime to leave it in the shop.
Av stared at you with confusion when you handed the gifts over.
"And what is it that you think you're doing?" He asked, plastering a wry smile onto his face.
He listened to your explanation, nodding along. By the time you were done, he looked incredibly conflicted.
"I..." He looked between you and the gifts in his hands. "I must insist that you exercise wisdom in your spending habits."
He accepted the gifts, albeit reluctantly, and spent the next few weeks trying to figure out how to pay you back for your kindness.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
How would Avlaroess, Salem, Fihn & Tahlen, Aquarios and Perenia react to a dragon S/o? They look like this but have a human form too, just cause. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/24/30/31/243031f350dea2142afb3cc8a7723e2f.jpg
Lucky for you, all your choices except Perenia are dragons! They love it! Avlaroess loves having a partner who can go on flights with him. Humans are fine (because he can shift), but flying with a human is not nearly as enjoyable as flying with another dragon. Also, since he isn't great with social cues, being with them is less stressful! Human customs are so confusing sometimes...
Salem will brag about them. They're more than arm candy to him, but he'll parade them around like arm candy, especially since their multi-coloured scales complement his all-white scales so well. They're a beautiful couple, and he flaunts it.
Fihn & Tahlen will have to find a way to share them, being conjoined like they are (hard to date one without the other getting involved). Tahlen doesn't like sharing that often, but this dragon is so pretty, and he supposes he could make an exception...you know, just this once. And if they can get Tahlen to behave and be civilized, Fihn will be happy too. Fihn will like them for who they are - getting his brother to be nice is just an added bonus.
It doesn't make much of a difference to Aquarios whether his datemate is a dragon or not. He'll love them just as much either way! Unless they're a water dragon, or can handle being underwater, he'll have to be either on dry land or sitting half in the water to hang out with them.
Perenia doesn't have very strong opinions abut dating a dragon, just as long as they don't torch forests indiscriminately. Her home is the woods, and she takes it upon herself to care for the plants and animals that surround her. Though...those scales are very pretty and shimmery...
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
So! This one might be a little strange but I cut my hair! :D
It wasn't that long but now it's just a little past my ears.
And since this is an ask, I want to see... how would (your choice) characters respond to their S/o who used to have waist long hair cutting it to be like a pixie cut? (The reason they did that was so they could donate their hair. My mom did that once)
They'd all be really proud of you!
Dani thinks you look super cute with your new hairstyle! Isn't short hair so much more freeing? You don't have to worry as much about it tangling or getting in your face. And, of course, she's so proud of you for donating it! Someone out there is going to be so happy to have that hair!
Xilixas loves how you look, but also how you act. It's almost like cutting your hair has given you a new kind of confidence, and he's into it. He knows it can be weird to adjust to such a drastic change in hair length, considering he used to have pretty long hair himself, so he'll be happy to help you out. This might include reminding you that you don't need that much shampoo anymore. Of course, he's never been more proud of you than when you told him where your chopped-off hair is going.
Avlaroess needs a while to adjust. Actually, he almost didn't recognize you when you came back from your hair appointment. He'll miss running his fingers through your long hair, but what he loves most about you isn't your hair as much as your personality. He loves you. He will adapt to your short hair, and love you no less for it. He thinks very highly of your choice to donate it, as well. It's for a noble cause.
Fihn is excited for you, in his calm, subdued way. The two of you match now, isn't that great? Tahlen, on the other hand, is a little put out. You two matched before you cut your hair, so he feels a little...left behind, in a sense. Rationally, he knows that wasn't your intention. Both of them think it's pretty cool that you donated it.
Dezyn does a double take when he sees you post-haircut. You're...so different now. He knows you're the same person, but you look way different. He hadn't really realized just how much hair you had until it wasn't there anymore. He needs a bit to adjust to the change, but he'll be the same Dez the whole time: little regard for personal space, frequent naps, often misplacing things. Functionally, nothing changes. It goes without saying that he's proud of you for donating it.
Briar is a little disappointed, actually. Your hair is too short for her to play with now. She'd really enjoyed braiding it up with ribbons before, but now she can't anymore. It's a bit of a blow, but she'll get used to it. Mostly she's just glad to have an s/o who is as kind and giving as you are.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
For whoever :3
Xilixas is very showy. Sometimes one could wonder whether all that extravagance is to distract from something else...like his fear of commitment.
Avlaroess is a subtle lover. He's so subtle that the people around you might not even notice, but that's because he doesn't know how to relax.
Fihn and Tahlen are opposites in all things. Fihn is subtle, preferring to to be something special just between you. Tahlen is showy - he might be afraid of messing up, but he wants to dazzle his date mate.
Jade is subtle - if he can be convinced to be in a relationship at all.
Jude is showy in everything she does, and romance is no exception.
Sasha is subtle but consistent. She's the kind to leave notes in her partner's lunch box and bake something nice, just because.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Are there any two characters that hate each other?
There are a couple of one-sided animosities, but not really anything where both parties hate each other.
Until quite recently, Avlaroess and Salem didn't get along, but it had nothing to do with anything that Av had done personally to hurt Salem. Av's clan has a traditional practice of eliminating other dragon clans, and Salem's was one of those targeted. As far as Salem knows, he's the sole survivor. He's held Av personally responsible for the sins of his forefathers since, and has only recently started to try and mend things.
Jude likes to know everyone's intentions upfront. So when Dezyn didn't fit into the neat and tidy box she made for him, she immediately mistrusted him. She felt it was fairly clear that he was hiding something and she wanted to know what it was. But when he didn't give her any answers, she was rude and snide with her remarks. When Dezyn was forced to reveal his secret in dire circumstances, Jude decided she wanted to be friends, but because of the way she treated him, Dezyn wasn't interested. Dezyn is still very wary of her and Jude is trying to make him trust her, which is an interesting role reversal.
Lilliana and Roxy aren't fond of each other either, and it just boils down to Lillianna thinking Roxy is uncouth and Roxy thinking Lillianna is a snob. Nothing more to it than that.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Short question time :3
are any of them allergic to anything?
Avlaroess has a shellfish allergy, which suits him just fine.
Salem will say he's allergic to manual labour, but he's actually mildly allergic to peanuts - he never had them growing up, after all.
Owen is mildly allergic to strawberries, but that doesn't stop him.
Kiyba is not allergic, but he is lactose intolerant - so is Luna.
Jade is allergic to cats.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
(The hardest thing about asks is coming up with the characters for it lol. I hope you don't mind if I just leave it up to you!)
Okay so you know how capybaras are like... friends with everyone pretty much? How would some of your characters act with someone like that?
No matter who they are talking to, or really anything like that, the other person sees them as a friend? The other person could be the meanest person in the whole multiverse but they think of Reader as a friend.
Dealer's pick, huh?
Toni thinks you're absolutely precious. The fact that you're able to make friends so easily mystifies her, but you're just so charming that she doesn't question it for long. She'll be the first to offer help if it looks like you're struggling, or even if she just wants to show off.
Avlaroess is a little jealous, if he's honest. Your ability to not only make friends but curry favour with dangerous people just by being yourself is baffling. He doesn't understand it. That said, he knows even capybaras have natural predators so expect him to stick around. Even if all that means is him hovering awkwardly near you, waiting for something bad to happen.
Kiyba goes out of his way to be mean to you at first, but it doesn't pay off for some reason. He's not entirely sure how it happens, but eventually he sees you as a friend! Like a good friend, not even in an exclusive punching bag kind of way. He's a jerk to everyone except you.
Violet appreciates you in a very special way. He's come to expect a fearful response from people seeing him for the first time (and the second, and the third, and so on), but you! You didn't! You just treated him like a normal person, no bones about it. Sure, anyone could have done the same, but there's a very specific vibe he gets from you that puts him at ease. He'll hover nearby as well, and even though he knows the power of your charm, he's going to make sure that no one hurts you.
Just like their brother, Poppy appreciates that you're not afraid of them. Being as tall and sort of...crooked as they are, they're used to people reacting a certain way to them. But you are just the sweetest! If you let them, they'll happily carry you around. The view from atop their shoulders is spectacular. They're genuinely so glad that people love you so much. There's a far lower risk of you being hurt by someone.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Do you have any halloween headcanons for your ocs?
Toni once tried to make her own candy corn. It, uh, didn't work out.
Luna went walking alone once on Halloween night and someone saw her from behind. Because of her long white hair, they asked if she was dressed as a ghost, and got startled when she turned around.
Of all the human holidays, Avlaroess likes Halloween the most. It's an excuse for him to wander around and be intimidating, but he has encountered children who see through his cold façade and recognize him for the softie he truly is.
Owen doesn't know how to make his Halloween candy last - anything he gets has a lifespan of about a week, maximum.
Jude isn't in it for the candy as much as for being able to dress up as someone who's more impressive than she is. Any candy she ends up with is donated - usually to Ghost, who eats more candy at this time of year than he really should.
Alexei doesn't really get the hype. Willingly going out of one's way to get/be scared doesn't really make sense to him? But his housemates enjoy it, so he supports them. When handing out candy, he makes sure there's a good variety and lets kids pick what they want, with a limit.
Every year, Sasha makes Halloween cookies. She decorates them all fancy and everything!
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