#dezyn santiago
rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
OH! And Dezyn for the OC ask game!
01. Full name: Dezyn Santiago
02. Best friend: Xilixas
03. Sexuality: Asexual
04. Favorite color: Purple
05. Relationship status: Single
06. Ideal mate: N/A
07. Turn-ons: Non-sexual: a really good homemade chocolate chip cookie
08. Favorite food: ^ see above
09. Crushes: N/A
10. Favorite music: Electronic and dubstep
11. Biggest fear: Not being strong enough
12. Biggest fantasy: Somehow figuring out who his dad is and why he left.
13. Bad habits: Doesn't finish anything, constantly losing track of things
14. Biggest regret: No regrets
15. Best kept secrets: Whether or not he gets crushes on people
16. Last thought: "Aw man this is way too salty."
17. Worst romantic experience: None to speak of
18. Biggest insecurity: His eyes.
19. Weapon of choice: Fight Mode, but it rarely gets to that. Or at least, it rarely needs to get to that.
20. Role Model: His mom.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
What are 5 fandos favorite colors?
Kazurin likes a nice simple blue - the kind of blue you might pass over for a brighter or more vibrant hue when colouring.
Fihn & Tahlen can never agree on anything. Fihn prefers soft greens and Tahlen likes aggressive oranges (the colour, not the fruit).
Ghost is the kind of pick that brighter blue and pass over the more boring shades.
Dezyn is partial to Super Saiyan Yellow™, even though his own abilities manifest in a sort of bubblegum pink shade.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
This may be a weird ask, and you can delete it if you wanna, but I'm curious! :D
You know my character Shifter, right?
Which of your characters would really like them, and which would hate them, and which would be freaked out by them?
These were fun :3
Ghost and Aquarios like everyone, so them liking Shifter is kind of a given. Ghost doesn't seem to be afraid of much, so it's possible that the way Shifter functions doesn't really bother him. Of course, he can feel that Not Quite Right feeling from being around Shifter - the feeling that all is not what it seems. But Ghost is trusting, and he tends to approach new friends of any species in roughly the same manner: if I don't hurt you, you won't hurt me (hopefully). Aquarios is good at reading people based on verbal and tonal cues, so they would notice there was something off about Shifter very quickly. But at the same time, if they don't sense any ill intent from the way Shifter talks, it's probably fine.
I don't think anyone would really...hate them? Jude and Lillianna would probably make themselves nuisances to Shifter though. Jude has a deep distrust of anyone she hasn't met before, and it takes a long time to earn her trust. Until she trusts someone, she tends to hound them with questions about who they are, why they do things a certain way, and so on, and she does this if there is even something slightly weird about someone. Shifter wouldn't get a moment's peace. Lillianna would be a nuisance in a different way. She gets hung up on propriety and etiquette, and while she would notice the slightly wrong feeling about Shifter, she's likely to chalk it up to some sort of etiquette misstep. She also has a tendency to be kind of rude in the way she speaks. Shifter might end up hating her.
Freaked out and hate kind of got lumped together there, because if both Jude and Lillianna ever found out what Shifter is, they would be deeply disturbed. So! I'll tell you about two who would be fascinated by Shifter instead, if that's alright.
Toni and Dezyn would find Shifter very interesting, and both in very different ways. Toni is a scientist - what she doesn't understand, she takes apart until she does. Of course, she would never cut someone open without permission, but in her dogged pursuit of scientific knowledge, she can get a bit...overzealous. She's likely to ask uncomfortable questions with little regard for personal boundaries. Toni would be interested in Shifter in a "study under a microscope" kind of way. Dezyn would be interested in Shifter in a "kindred spirits" kind of way. He's something of an anomaly himself - he may be human, but he has powers whose origins are unknown. Are they paternal, passed down from his father's side? He may never know, because he's never known his father. Of course he knows there's something about Shifter that isn't right, and though Dezyn is a telepath, he'll let it be a mystery unless Shifter wants him to know; it's not nice to root around in peoples' pasts (looking at you, Jude). He's likely to stick his neck out for Shifter, and defend them against any verbal and physical attacks.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
For Dezyn? <3
Dezyn is practically Mr. Affection. He misses no opportunity to drape an arm around someone's shoulder, and there doesn't seem to be a level of familiarity that starts at. If he gets a good read from you, he'll decide you're a friend, and there's not much you can do about it.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have any surviving family that he's met personally, so it's a bit hard to gauge this one. He was very affectionate with his mom, though.
If he had a romantic partner, there would be no escape for them.
Dezyn leans heavily to the physical side of affectionate displays, and most emotional displays have some kind of humour attached to them for ease of deflection.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Do I really get a tag? I just noticed that. I adore that.
I hope you have a nice day.
Tell five random OCs and one rand Rent-Free I love them!
Bye bye!
Of course you get a tag! You are a treasured friend! Very important!
'I love you' reactions under the cut! (Written like the message was delivered for you)
Ghost's face lights up when he hears the message, his grey eyes bright with excitement. "Really?" He squeaks. Before any answer can be given, he turns on his heel and runs away. The sounds of distant muffled squealing can be heard from farther into his room.
Salem stands a little straighter, puffing his chest out with pride. The look on his face could be described as sheer self-confidence. "Well of course they do," He smirks, as if there could be no other possibility - as though he was made to be loved, praised, perhaps even worshipped. With the way he carries himself, there's a strong probability that he really does believe that.
Avlaroess freezes for a few moments before canting his head a little to the side, looking politely confused. "I'm sorry?" He asks, but it doesn't come across as an apology - more like an indication that he doesn't think he heard correctly. If clarification is given, he only looks more confused, as though this was never an outcome he'd predicted. And perhaps it wasn't.
Aquarios lights up at those words, and their cheeks gain a pinkish tint. "Really?" They suddenly seem a little shy, but pleased. "Tell them I love them too!" They chirp in reply after a few seconds, smiling bashfully.
Dezyn seems to be caught off guard. "They what?" He asks, tilting his head a little in confusion. His gaze is unwavering, even though his eyes aren't open. After a while he relaxes, an easy grin on his face as he slouches and fiddles with something in his hoodie pocket. "Well, isn't that something?"
Nyx freezes for a moment and then, in the blink of an eye, all his swagger returns. "oh really?" He drawls, edging forward. His grin has a cocky, smug edge to it, and he practically radiates self-satisfaction. He leans in closer, the light from his exposed soul accenting his jawline with a warm glow. "well why don'tcha give 'em a return message from me?" He whispers his message, his tone sly and teasing. Hmm...it might be better not to relay this, actually.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Roxy found herself outside the doors to the kitchen. Toni was right, it was high time for a break. And luckily for her, there was a delicious smell sneaking through the crack between the grand wooden doors. It smelled like cookies.
"Hello," Roxy called as she pushed the doors open with a flourish. "I hope you saved some for me!"
A tired chuckle sounded from the other side of the island, a little to Roxy's left.
"Every time I make cookies," Sasha started, crossing her arms. She was smiling wryly, which was a bit unusual for her. "People come running. Why is that?"
"Oh! Oh!" Owen raised a hand from where he was sitting at the island. He wasn't a ferret anymore, but there were still smears of paint up his arms. "It's because they smell so good!"
"And," Dezyn's voice sounded from the other side of Owen. His head was buried in his arms on the island top. "I can't be trusted to make them myself, after last time."
"No wonder," Lillianna scoffed from the far countertop she was leaning against, "when you mix up the salt and sugar measurements."
"Not what happened, but okay." Dezyn sounded tired.
Roxy wondered briefly if he'd re-unorganized his room, or if he'd just given up. Or maybe he was just perpetually tired.
"So we really all just came here for snacks?" Roxy asked, stepping forward to claim the empty seat on the near side of Owen.
"Uh huh."
"Actually, I came to learn Sasha's secret recipe." Lillianna seemed proud to relay that she was not merely here to snack on the results.
"One of these days I'm going to make cookies for myself and not share with the rest of you." There was a hint of sincerity in Sasha's tone, but her easy smile made it hard to tell if she was serious or not.
Owen and Dezyn both groaned, but Roxy felt like she had a right to that.
"It's alright," Roxy waved a hand as Sasha turned to pull the cookies out of the oven. "I can grab something else to snack on."
"Oh it's fine, you're here anyway," She said, putting the cookies on a cooling rack on the island. When Owen reached out to grab one, she swatted at him. "Hands to yourself unless you want to get burned.
"So," Sasha turned to look at Roxy. "Heard you've been running all over the place today."
"Ah, yeah." Roxy chuckled and turned to look at Owen, who looked sheepish about something. "One of my swords has gone missing and now I've learned Salem has it. Or at least he was last seen with it." She sighed. "So now I'm looking for a missing sword and a pompous dragon."
"Who told you he had it?" Lillianna asked, head titled and a slight frown on her face.
Roxy retraced her last few visits.
"Well, Aquarios described something that sounded like the sword I'm looking for, and he also said he thought it was Salem's, so that's who he called."
Lillianna nodded, but she didn't seem convinced.
"Then I went to see Toni, and she said she saw Salem with it. Kind of sounded like he'd left her lab shortly before I got there."
"Well," Lillianna muttered in a very un-ladylike way, "at least you have eye-witness testimony."
Roxy was frozen for a few seconds. She knew Lillianna was old world in a lot of ways, but really?
"Eh, don't let it bother you," Dezyn said, sitting up straight to look at Roxy with his eyes closed at the same time as Sasha rounded on Lillianna for saying something so unbelievably rude. "She still can't stomach me being able to see with my eyes closed."
"You're a biological anomaly!" Lillianna insisted.
Dez just sighed and rested his forehead on his arms again. "Don't I know it."
"Regardless," Roxy said, loudly enough to be heard over Sasha and Lillianna. Silence settled. "I don't suppose anyone's seen Salem recently?"
No one seemed to have any ideas about where he might be, and Dezyn was resolute in his decision not to go into Salem's room uninvited. Which left Roxy with no leads.
"Alright." She grabbed a cookie from the tray, paused, and grabbed another one. "I guess I'll keep looking. Thanks for the cookies." She gestured her thanks to Sasha and headed back through the heavy wooden doors into the hallway.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Dezyn: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Avlaroess: Wasn't Xilixas with you? Xilixas: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Welp! I'm back to ask questions >:3
For any of your characters, if you don't mind.
How would they feel about someone who is very touchy. They're always trying to hold onto either a hand, a bit of their clothing, or just leaning against them.
It's cause the reader has the slight phobia of being left behind, and the touching helps ground them.
I'm writing under the assumption that they're friends with reader. Otherwise, some of them wouldn't be as cool about it.
Kazurin might be averse to most forms of touch, but for you she'll make that sacrifice. It's not something she would do for strangers or acquaintances, so you'd have to be pretty good friends. But she will hold your hand if you need, and if all you need is to hold onto her sleeve, she's more than happy to oblige you. You're dear to her, after all, and your emotional and mental wellbeing is important to her.
Xilixas has mixed feelings about it. He has a complicated relationship with touch, but it feels good to be needed like that. If he can give you any kind of reassurance just by holding your hand, he'll do it. Expect him to flirt though - you're already holding hands, after all.
Salem has issues with propriety and gets kind of prickly when people touch him without permission. Once you explain it to him though, he'll be better about it. He'll be really embarrassed, but he won't make a big deal over it.
You and Fenway are in similar boats! For her, it's general anxiety more than a specific phobia, but touch is very grounding for her too. Expect her to snuggle up beside you without warning, just the same as when you grab her hand or her sleeve to keep from getting left behind.
Dezyn doesn't have a great sense of personal space, so if you apologize for needing to hold onto him, he gets a little...confused. Why are you apologizing? Didn't he come over and drape himself over you earlier? This is normal, right? Don't worry about it.
This is something that Sans takes seriously. He might joke about it a little, but the second he senses you're uncomfortable, he'll stop. He won't make a big deal about you having to hold onto him, and if anyone tries to make fun of you for it, he'll stand up for you.
If you need to make sure you don't get lost out in public, expect Violet to just...pick you up. This is easier for both of you - he doesn't have to worry if you've lost hold of his sleeve, and you don't have to worry about losing hold of his sleeve. It's much easier to keep track of you like this.
Nyx loves it. He loves touch too, and while he'll never admit it, he's also a little afraid of being left all alone. He'll hold your hand or drape himself over you. Any way he can find to be touching you somehow, he will be. And if you need a break? Good luck.
It's true that Ash likes his personal space, but he'll be okay about it as long as you warn him before grabbing onto him, especially if he can't see you. The last thing he wants is a knee-jerk reaction where you get hurt.
Razzle might slightly misunderstand the need for you to be holding their hand or their sleeve when you're out together. They enjoy the contact so much, you might find you've become a Razzle-magnet. They'll curl up beside you on the couch, with their tail curled around them and just pass out like an overgrown, skeletal housecat. Before you know it, they've all but adopted you.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Is there anyone that Salem would protect without question?
"Dezyn." Salem's response is immediate, with barely a second's thought behind it.
He's quiet for a few seconds, and under the weight of your inquisitive gaze, he caves and explains himself.
"Dezyn was the child of a single mother, taken by sickness much too young. His father, he tells me, left the moment he found out about his son's supernatural abilities." It's here that Salem coughs a little and looks off the the side as if he was embarrassed. "I may...be that father. Any half-dragon spawn would have unique abilities, after all. And if I'm not, there's no harm done in acting in his stead."
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Dezyn, untangling an extension cord: This is the path to enlightenment, I can feel it.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
How would (Whoever) react to seeing their S/o being very flexy? Like able to put their legs behind their head and walk around on their hands type.
Personally I am a little envious of those people, but this isn't about me lol
Fihn & Tahlen are...concerned. Dragons are not meant to bend that way, and they had never attempted anything like that. Of course, being conjoined as dragons, pulling off something like that would have required a great deal of coordination, something Tahlen just doesn't have the patience for. As humans - or at least human-shaped dragons - Fihn can approach that level of flexibility if he's left alone long enough, but the balance needed to walk on one's hands?? Incredible. Once you can assure them that it doesn't hurt (much) to put yourself in that position, they'll relax. But until then, Tahlen will torture the both of them by looking up contortionist videos.
You can count Dezyn impressed. He's moderately flexible, mostly out of boredom. He's gotten himself into the habit of stretching when he's bored, and since he's bored so often...he stretches a lot. He hasn't reached near your level of flexibility though, and if he asks you to teach him how to do that, prepare for a difficult student. Dezyn has trouble focusing at the best of times, so it might take a while. Mostly he finds you impressive, though. What's that phrase? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
Toni is impressed too, but she can't reach anywhere near the level of flexibility that you have apparently mastered. If you invite her to stretch with you, she's likely to politely wave it off. She's built for power and brute force; the most finesse she uses in her day-to-day life is handling fragile beakers and vials. Being able to literally bend over backwards wouldn't help her much in her chosen profession, but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy watching you do it. Sometimes she'll watch you walk on her hands while the rest of your body is vaguely pretzel shaped and smile fondly. You're a weirdo, but she loves you.
Sasha is just as impressed with your flexibility - not only because she can't do what you do. She also knows that getting to that point takes a lot of work, especially if your genetics aren't predisposed to easily making the sort of knots you tie yourself up into. And if your genetics make you naturally more flexible than other people? She'll still find something to praise you for, and will encourage you to keep at it, if it's something you enjoy. Besides, stretching is healthy, right?
Beacher would like to be as impressed by your abilities as any other human (he's seen that some humans can make a living entirely on being flexible, as an entertainment act). However, since he doesn't have muscles, he can kind of...do whatever you can do, but more easily. The biggest difference is that he only has one hand to walk on, so that party trick is kind of out of the question. Still, he can tie his limbs up in pretzel shapes just like you, which kind of makes you kindred spirits, in a way. Huh, seems like your relationship is deepening.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
For a long time now, they've been having dreams. There's always one person but the character has no idea who they are.
But in the dreams, they'd be really close! Like best friends/partners.
How would they react if the, one day, see the person in real life?
- Dream anon
Every time he had one of those dreams, Dezyn woke up feeling weird. He barely remembered the dreams themselves for the most part, but there were certain parts he never forgot. It was the same person every time - he remembered their smile and the things they'd say to him.
Even though he knew they were dreams and that person was someone his brain made up, he felt weird because...it always felt so real. It always felt like he could pick up his phone and see their name in his contacts, which usually led to a kind of sadness that he didn't know how to explain.
So he absolutely did not expect to see them in real life.
When Dezyn saw them, the first thing he had to do was convince himself he wasn't dreaming. The second thing he had to do was figure out an excuse to talk to them.
"Hey!" He called, running up to them. When they turned to look at him, he pretended to be confused. "Oh, sorry. You look a lot like someone I know." It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the whole truth.
That wouldn't be enough though - he had to hook them or run the risk of never seeing them again.
"Any chance you're interested in making new friends?"
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Okay so this one is cute! It's a baby thing. I dunno if you're okay with that, but yeah, baby thing -w-'
S/o comes over and gives the character a balloon and tells them to pop it, and inside are pink and blue confetti and if they ask, then S/o tells them that they're pregnant :D
With twins. Cause... you know, the blue and pink.
Got a variety of reactions here
Xilixas is over the moon about it. He's just as excited as you are, but he is a little nervous about being a dad. But if you trust him, he'll trust you. It'll be a joint effort. You guys are a team, and he's willing to give it a shot! He's determined ahead of time to be the fun parent.
Salem needs a bit to wrap his brain around this. He'd never expected to have a chance at being a father, and despite being a dragon thousands of years old, he's not entirely sure if he's ready, you know? He only recently learned to let go of old grudges, does he really have what it takes to raise twins? Once it sinks in, he'll pull you close and hold you tight. He's not sure how to be a dad, but he'll do his best.
Jude damn near cries when you tell her what the confetti means. She knows, logically, that she is not the biological father of these twins. But it was agreed ahead of time that the two of you would raise any children you had together, and she's just so happy. She's going to do her best to take care of you, and when the twins are born, she'll help with anything you need her to, day or night.
Like Salem, Dezyn needs a few minutes - not to recover emotionally so much as to figure out the first step of baby-proofing your house. He has a tendency to get a little ahead of himself at times, but he's just trying to make sure everything goes to plan. He doesn't like changes to his routine, but he's also really excited about this! Mostly, he can't wait to pass on traditions and stories his mom told him when he was little.
Beacher is...very cautiously optimistic. He's a little worried, if he's perfectly honest, if he has the right personality to be a dad. But once you can convince him that there is no set dad personality type, he starts to get a little excited. He'll buy aquatic-themed toys and decorations for their room, and as soon as they're old enough to appreciate it, he'll take them to an aquarium - it's much safer as a start than diving. He has so many plans.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
So! This one might be a little strange but I cut my hair! :D
It wasn't that long but now it's just a little past my ears.
And since this is an ask, I want to see... how would (your choice) characters respond to their S/o who used to have waist long hair cutting it to be like a pixie cut? (The reason they did that was so they could donate their hair. My mom did that once)
They'd all be really proud of you!
Dani thinks you look super cute with your new hairstyle! Isn't short hair so much more freeing? You don't have to worry as much about it tangling or getting in your face. And, of course, she's so proud of you for donating it! Someone out there is going to be so happy to have that hair!
Xilixas loves how you look, but also how you act. It's almost like cutting your hair has given you a new kind of confidence, and he's into it. He knows it can be weird to adjust to such a drastic change in hair length, considering he used to have pretty long hair himself, so he'll be happy to help you out. This might include reminding you that you don't need that much shampoo anymore. Of course, he's never been more proud of you than when you told him where your chopped-off hair is going.
Avlaroess needs a while to adjust. Actually, he almost didn't recognize you when you came back from your hair appointment. He'll miss running his fingers through your long hair, but what he loves most about you isn't your hair as much as your personality. He loves you. He will adapt to your short hair, and love you no less for it. He thinks very highly of your choice to donate it, as well. It's for a noble cause.
Fihn is excited for you, in his calm, subdued way. The two of you match now, isn't that great? Tahlen, on the other hand, is a little put out. You two matched before you cut your hair, so he feels a little...left behind, in a sense. Rationally, he knows that wasn't your intention. Both of them think it's pretty cool that you donated it.
Dezyn does a double take when he sees you post-haircut. You're...so different now. He knows you're the same person, but you look way different. He hadn't really realized just how much hair you had until it wasn't there anymore. He needs a bit to adjust to the change, but he'll be the same Dez the whole time: little regard for personal space, frequent naps, often misplacing things. Functionally, nothing changes. It goes without saying that he's proud of you for donating it.
Briar is a little disappointed, actually. Your hair is too short for her to play with now. She'd really enjoyed braiding it up with ribbons before, but now she can't anymore. It's a bit of a blow, but she'll get used to it. Mostly she's just glad to have an s/o who is as kind and giving as you are.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Are there any two characters that hate each other?
There are a couple of one-sided animosities, but not really anything where both parties hate each other.
Until quite recently, Avlaroess and Salem didn't get along, but it had nothing to do with anything that Av had done personally to hurt Salem. Av's clan has a traditional practice of eliminating other dragon clans, and Salem's was one of those targeted. As far as Salem knows, he's the sole survivor. He's held Av personally responsible for the sins of his forefathers since, and has only recently started to try and mend things.
Jude likes to know everyone's intentions upfront. So when Dezyn didn't fit into the neat and tidy box she made for him, she immediately mistrusted him. She felt it was fairly clear that he was hiding something and she wanted to know what it was. But when he didn't give her any answers, she was rude and snide with her remarks. When Dezyn was forced to reveal his secret in dire circumstances, Jude decided she wanted to be friends, but because of the way she treated him, Dezyn wasn't interested. Dezyn is still very wary of her and Jude is trying to make him trust her, which is an interesting role reversal.
Lilliana and Roxy aren't fond of each other either, and it just boils down to Lillianna thinking Roxy is uncouth and Roxy thinking Lillianna is a snob. Nothing more to it than that.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
What are any of your ocs that you want to talk about now afraid of?
Luna is terrified of heavy machinery. She's always afraid of being chased down by a snow plow or a semi truck.
Lillianna doesn't like bugs. The more legs, the worse her reaction.
Owen is afraid of Red, the skeleton. They have a bit of a...rocky history.
Sykes is afraid of computer viruses. As an android with a learning AI, he's terrified of getting infected and having to be factory reset.
Dezyn is afraid there will come a time when he won't be strong enough to protect the ones he loves.
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