#avoid overmedication
quietasfire · 5 months
do u feel things so intensely its ruining ur life or are u normal
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platinumpharmacy · 12 days
How to Choose the Right Medicine for Your Cold in India
Navigating the vast array of cold medications available can be overwhelming, especially in a country like India where there are numerous options tailored to different symptoms and preferences. Choosing the right medicine for your cold requires careful consideration of your symptoms, health conditions, and personal preferences. This article aims to provide guidance on selecting the appropriate cold medicine in India, taking into account various factors that can influence your decision-making process.
1. Understand Your Symptoms
Before selecting a cold medicine, it is essential to identify and understand your specific cold symptoms. Common symptoms of a cold may include:
Runny or stuffy nose
Sore throat
Mild fever
Body aches
Different medications target specific cold symptoms, so knowing your symptoms can help you choose the most suitable medication for relief.
2. Types of Cold Medications
In India, cold medications are available in various forms, such as:
Decongestants: These medications help relieve nasal congestion by reducing swelling in the nasal passages.
Antihistamines: Antihistamines can help alleviate sneezing, runny nose, and itching.
Cough Suppressants: These medications help suppress coughing and provide relief from a persistent cough.
Expectorants: Expectorants help thin mucus, making it easier to cough up and clear the airways.
Analgesics: Pain relievers such as paracetamol can help reduce fever and alleviate body aches associated with a cold.
3. Considerations for Choosing the Right Medicine
Understand Your Health Condition: If you have any preexisting health conditions or are taking other medications, consult a healthcare provider before choosing a cold medicine to avoid potential interactions.
Check for Allergies: Be mindful of any allergies you may have to specific ingredients in cold medications, especially if you have a history of allergic reactions.
Avoid Overmedication: Do not use multiple cold medications simultaneously, as this can lead to overdose or adverse effects. Stick to one medication that addresses your primary symptoms.
4. Popular Cold Medications in India
In India, some commonly used cold medications include:
Dabur Honitus: A popular cough syrup that provides relief from cough and throat irritation.
Vicks Vaporub: Used for nasal congestion relief and soothing cold symptoms.
Crocin: An over-the-counter pain reliever that can help reduce fever and body aches.
Sinarest: A combination medication that addresses multiple cold symptoms like congestion, runny nose, and headache.
5. Herbal and Ayurvedic Options
In India, there is a rich tradition of herbal and Ayurvedic remedies for cold and flu. Consider trying herbal preparations like:
Tulsi (Holy Basil) Tea: Known for its immune-boosting properties and soothing effects on cold symptoms.
Ginger and Honey: A popular home remedy for cough and sore throat.
Turmeric Milk: Contains anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate cold symptoms.
6. Read Labels Carefully
When selecting a cold medicine, carefully read the label for dosage instructions, potential side effects, and contraindications. Pay attention to the active ingredients to ensure they target your specific symptoms.
7. Consult a Healthcare Provider
If your cold symptoms are severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment recommendation. A healthcare professional can guide you in choosing the most appropriate medication based on your individual needs.
In conclusion, choosing the right medicine for cold in India involves understanding your symptoms, considering different types of cold medications, checking for allergies and interactions, exploring popular cold remedies, and reading labels carefully. By taking these factors into account and seeking professional advice when needed, you can make an informed decision when selecting a cold medication that effectively addresses your symptoms and supports your recovery.
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truechemists · 29 days
Thyronorm 50 mcg: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients in the USA
What is Thyronorm 50 mcg?
Thyronorm 50 mcg is a synthetic thyroid hormone replacement therapy, specifically containing levothyroxine sodium. Levothyroxine is the synthetic form of thyroxine (T4), a hormone naturally produced by the thyroid gland. The medication is used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones, leading to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, and depression.
How Does Thyronorm 50 mcg Work?
In individuals with hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones to meet the body’s needs. Thyronorm 50 mcg works by supplementing the body's natural hormone levels, restoring them to normal. Once ingested, Thyronorm 50 Mcg in USA levothyroxine is converted in the liver and kidneys into triiodothyronine (T3), the active form of thyroid hormone. This hormone then helps regulate the body's metabolism, energy levels, and overall health.
Dosage and Administration
The dosage of Thyronorm 50 mcg varies depending on the patient's age, weight, medical condition, and response to treatment. For adults, the starting dose typically ranges between 25 to 50 mcg daily, gradually adjusted based on thyroid function tests and clinical response. The medication should be taken on an empty stomach, preferably 30 minutes to an hour before breakfast, with a full glass of water.
It’s crucial for patients to adhere to their prescribed dosage and not to make any adjustments without consulting their healthcare provider. Regular monitoring of thyroid function tests is necessary to ensure the medication is working effectively and to adjust the dosage as needed.
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Side Effects of Thyronorm 50 mcg
While Thyronorm 50 mcg is generally well-tolerated, some patients may experience side effects, particularly if the dosage is too high or if there’s an abrupt change in hormone levels. Common side effects include:
Increased heart rate or palpitations
Nervousness or anxiety
Weight loss
Excessive sweating
In rare cases, overmedication can lead to serious complications such as osteoporosis, heart problems, or hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). If any unusual symptoms occur, patients should contact their healthcare provider immediately.
Precautions and Interactions
Before starting Thyronorm 50 mcg, patients should inform their doctor of any existing medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or adrenal insufficiency, Buy Oestrogel Online as these may require special monitoring or dosage adjustments. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider, as thyroid hormone needs may increase during pregnancy.
Thyronorm 50 mcg can interact with several medications, including blood thinners, diabetes medications, and antidepressants. Additionally, certain supplements like calcium, iron, and antacids can affect the absorption of levothyroxine. To avoid interactions, patients should take Thyronorm 50 mcg at least 4 hours before or after these substances.
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Whoof. That was not the most reassuring medical appointment I've ever had 😅
Mostly bedside manner things, nothing new on the table conditions-wise. It was weird.
Cut for long complaints because I like whining into the void
I get that allergists as a group are all up on their IgE high horses, but damn you'd think they get enough 'strong reaction that may not be IgE mediated' patients sent to them that they'd at least be nicer to us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, "there's no such thing as a fragrance allergy" and I even opened by acknowledging that, but I didn't write the referral so what do you want me to do about it? I have a reaction that likely involves some segment of my immune response so I got sent here 🤷
Some choice phrases from today: "horse dose," "you're in the complicated bucket," "we don't want to overmedicate," "if you need ADA paperwork we'll send you to [big city]."
The weirdest thing is he brought up MCAS, asked us if we'd "gone down that rabbithole," and then when we responded that we knew what it was but didn't think that was the problem, he said he didn't think my symptoms fit? Like, my guy, why did YOU bring up the anaphylaxis disease? Do you have anaphylaxis concerns? If so, I'd kinda really like to know. You see, not dying is one of my goals for seeking medical care. Do you just think MCAS is the new hip disease that all the young people are seeking diagnoses for? What gives?
Everyone else has been more along the lines of 'well, most likely it's going to be asthma and most asthma patients do get it under control so don't lose hope, it'll get sorted' and this guy was very much 'doesn't sound like allergies, fragrance allergies don't exist, you're probably just sensitive to irritants, you'll be like this for the rest of your life, just try to avoid irritants, if you need disability paperwork we'll just send you to get further testing, oh by the way do you have a therapist to help you cope with this loss?'
They took like 8 vials for a bunch of blood allergen tests anyway so I get that I guess 🤷
He's taken my doctor ordered pulmonary function test & changed it to add a methacholine challenge. I don't wanna 😭 Like, I know that's more likely to have an obvious result, so I'll probably do it anyway, but I have shrunk my life incredibly already to avoid attacks because they'll take me out for at least a day or two and things just keep getting worse. I don't want to go intentionally cause an attack, I want to be able to do things again
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ink-asunder · 4 months
I'm having a lot of sickness dysphoria and health anxiety lately. I still have not recovered from a procedure I had in November, and the bentyl has worsened my disease to the point that I'm having symptoms every single day. I used to be able to just ignore that I have a digestive disease as long as I avoided certain foods, but now I'm eating rice and ramen noodles every day and I still feel like shit basically permanently.
I also feel kind of scammed because for the last 10 years I was convinced doctors had more information on my disease when they really don't. The last time I went to the ER, the NP literally told me the guide is vague and just says "prescribe prednisone" without giving a dosage or time frame for prescribing that medication.
One nurse said I'm getting older so I'm "more sensitive to my condition," but I'm only 25. I genuinely believe my current health problems are iatrogenic caused by both that procedure and the meds I was forced to take because my GI specialist didn't want to fill out a form for my fucking disability claim.
I just feel like I'm untreatable at this point and I'm constantly being neglected and then overmedicated and fucked over at every turn by my doctors. But like. This is AFTER switching a million doctors. I've exhausted my options. There's no "just fire them and go to someone else" anymore. And I've done my own research and there's nothing more that can be done for me because we don't have the medical science to treat my issues.
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budandtender · 11 months
Understanding Overmedication with Cannabis: Risks, Symptoms, and Management
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Introduction to Cannabis Overmedication
Overmedication with cannabis, while not a life-threatening situation, can lead to a series of highly unpleasant symptoms that can last from three to eight hours. Despite the discomfort, it's important to note that there have been no recorded fatalities resulting from a cannabis overdose. This is in stark contrast to other substances such as opioids or alcohol, which have a well-documented history of fatal overdoses.
Cannabis Overdose: Most Common Form and Symptoms
Oral administration, such as through edibles or oils, is the most common route leading to cannabis overdose. When cannabis is ingested, its effects are delayed and can be more potent than when smoked or vaped, often leading users to consume more than intended.
The symptoms of a cannabis overdose can range from mild to severe, and they typically include hallucinations, paranoia, panic, rapid heartbeat, and nausea. These symptoms can be disconcerting for the individual experiencing them and can cause significant distress. However, it's crucial to remember that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body metabolises the cannabis.
Managing a Cannabis Overdose: Reassurance and Comfort
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When dealing with an individual who has overconsumed cannabis, the best approach is reassurance and making the person as comfortable as possible. It's essential to remind them that they are not in danger and that their feelings of discomfort will pass. Encouraging rest is also crucial, as sleep can help expedite the process of metabolising the cannabis.
Hydration is also recommended, but it should not be forced. If the person is unwilling or unable to drink water, it should not be pushed. Forcing hydration could potentially lead to further discomfort or even choking.
Emergency Procedures: Children and Adults
In cases where the individual who has consumed too much cannabis is a child, immediate contact with the nearest poison control centre is advised. The professionals at these centres can provide guidance on what steps to take and whether emergency medical attention is necessary.
For adults, transportation to a hospital may be necessary in some cases. At the hospital, they will typically be given an anti-anxiety medication to help manage their symptoms before being sent home to rest.
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Potential Treatments: The Role of Pregnenolone
New treatments for severe cannabis overdose are currently under investigation, with pregnenolone showing promise. Pregnenolone is one of the body's own steroid precursors, which has been shown to prevent intoxication from cannabis. While more research is needed, this could represent a significant advancement in the treatment of cannabis overconsumption.
Responsible Use: Informed Dosage and Underlying Conditions
While cannabis can offer therapeutic benefits for various conditions, it's essential that its use is carefully monitored and dosed. Up to 99 percent of all adverse effects from cannabis can be controlled through careful and informed dosage. This requires understanding the potency of the product being used and starting with a low dose, especially when using edibles or oils.
It's also crucial to consider any underlying health conditions that may preclude the use of cannabis. Certain conditions or medications may interact negatively with cannabis, and its use should always be discussed with a healthcare provider.
Conclusion: Overmedication is Manageable but Avoidable
Overmedication with cannabis, while uncomfortable and distressing, is a manageable situation. However, with proper education and responsible use, it is largely avoidable. As cannabis continues to become more widely accepted and used, both recreationally and medicinally, it's essential that users understand the risks of overconsumption and how to use the substance responsibly.
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pazodetrasalba · 1 year
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Dear Caroline:
I find this connection of your younger self with pain a bit mysterious, although I guess it could be interpreted under the guise of authenticity and of valuing (and aestheticizing) intense emotion. Perhaps there might have been some element of testing your limits, and/or of punishing yourself, but I am no psychologist, and you only possess the keys to the secluded garden of your mind.
I have a tendency for serious, canonical literature, but I must confess that I empathize too much with fictional characters, which means I suffer non trivially when reading about their misfortunes. Fiction has this really weird aspect, in that even if you are perfectly aware that characters don't exist, have never existed and never will, and yet you find yourself experiencing emotions for them as if they were real. More than real, actually: in many ways, I feel closer to (and understand better) say, Hamlet, Jane Eyre or Hecuba (What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, / That he should weep for her?) than to the currently existing people that live far away and which I'll never meet and talk to. But then, as you say, literature is also a school of empathy and putting yourself in other people's shoes.
Now that you've grown to avoid the pain (which is weirdly appropriate for a utilitarian), it would be easy to thread a metaphor where this numbness and desensitizing of the emotions leads to a certain callousness and a predisposition to overmedicating and substance abuse when dealing with the maddeningly stressful environment you must have suffered in Alameda, but as with your youthful dalliance with pain, only you can verify the truth of these hypotheses. In fact, those last lines of yours come to mind when thinking of the whole situation in which you have ended up: what would you say to the ghost of younger Caroline if it were to appear and demand an explanation for what has come about? Would she accept and take kindly the “You’ll understand when you’re older”?
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #130
Is there a person you talk to everyday? Mom and Girt without fail. I'd say most days some messages go between me, Mazzy, and Tez.
Does one of your parents ever complain to you about the other parent? My mother will take any opportunity to talk shit about my dad, yes, meanwhile Dad NEVER has while I've been with him. As a matter of fact, all my dad ever has to say about her around us kids is that she did a damn good job raising us/is a wonderful mother. I honestly would not be surprised if Mom, meanwhile, would prefer him dead with how she handles the topic of him. I know I don't know everything about why they split, but how she is about Dad nearly a whole decade after they split is kinda ridiculous. It's uncomfortable showing in any way that we care about him in her presence because she VERY obviously hates it.
If you have a webcam, do you take more pictures or make more videos with it? I've never used this webcam and historically have also avoided using them at all costs. I only ever really have for virtual appointments.
Who was the last person you wished a “Happy Birthday” to? Actually Kelsee today; she's the daughter of my favorite teacher. Basically an impossibly sweet human being.
Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones? No.
Does your best friend have a job? Yeah, he's worked at the same place for very nearly a decade.
Do you ever visit people at work? Thus far I've brought lunch to Girt at work once, and I plan to keep doing that occasionally forever. I just don't do it a lot now because his work is rather far and Mom has a super shitty car that doesn't need to drive that far, but also I don't have my own income and am not having Mom pay for it. The one time I did do it was with gifted money.
When you move out your house (or if you already have moved out) do you plan on still visiting your parents' house? I fully intend to invite Mom over for dinner like once a week, and I'd absolutely come back here if she wanted me to for something. It breaks my mom's fucking heart how Ashley and Nicole are, generally acting like she's no longer important, and I'll fucking die before I let her feel like I've left her behind, too. I'd still visit Dad too, probably occasionally invite him over. It's a hard situation to imagine just because I already very rarely see him.
What is one thing you hope never changes about you? How much I care about people.
Who was the last person you were mad at? Me.
Why did you break your last promise? Honestly, I feel like the only real promise I HAVE broken (that I remember, I'm sure it's happened more than just once, realistically) is the one I made with Sara, to keep her straight-up diabolical political stance a secret. I broke it because I don't protect the feelings of Nazis/very literal Hitler fangirls. I never should have kept it secret in the first place.
Has anyone ever told you that you were really pretty? Yeah, somehow.
Do you listen to a wide variety of music? Not really, but I've been more open to pop music in recent times... granted, they're primarily songs I grew up with lmao, but still.
What holiday are you looking forward to next? So I'm not very big on the 4th of July just because I'm not this country's biggest fan, but it's more appealing knowing I'll probably spend it with Girt's family, like last year.
Did you ever go through a phase when you didn’t want to take medicine? My problems have always been just being upset over how many medications I've been prescribed during certain periods. There have been many occasions in the past where I've gotten verbally pissed off and even cried over just how many medications I was waking up to and having to take before bed. 100% convinced my memory and focus problems hold DEEP roots in just being so grossly overmedicated by the time I was just a young teenager, and it remained that way for a very, very long time. Thankfully, I'm more at peace with the number I take now; I'm not happy about it, but it's absolutely nothing like it used to be.
Do you love popsicles? They're fine.
Do you like your smile? No, entirely convinced I look high as shit and I know I have a lazy eye when I do smile.
Was the last book you read good? Yup, it was. Jesus, I need to start reading more again... I've been on the same book for SO fucking long.
Does sunlight make you feel happier? Yes, it absolutely does. This was something I learned around the time I started recovering from the breakup and my worst level of depression: I used to be the person who kept the shades closed, lights off always, and just live in the dark. Then I started keeping my shades open and just in general stay in decently-lit rooms, and it made a pretty profound impact on my happiness, eventually. It's why I'm not even big on rainy days anymore; they used to be my favorite, but nowadays I will absolutely feel a difference if it's gloomy outside.
What helps you fall asleep? Fucking nothing. I finally almost cried last night over just how atrocious my ability to fall asleep has been lately; I'm regularly not falling asleep until early morning hours. I just lay in bed for hours on end tossing and turning and being completely fucking miserable. Thankfully I'm starting a new medication tonight that is meant to help me fall asleep... I just hope it works, because historically, meds meant to assist in good sleep have had zero effect on me. I'm one of those people that isn't even knocked out by Benadryl, and you always hear about how that'll knock you flat on your ass.
Do you have stomach problems? Yes.
Do you enjoy editing photos? Yeah, that's basically mandatory to be a notably successful photographer lol, as much as many people don't like to admit.
What was the last photo filter you used? I think it was this one called "Honey" that's on my phone for a picture I took of Girt's sister's dog Onyx.
Do you live a simple life? I'm sure it looks like it on the very surface to people who don't know me well whatsoever, but you realize pretty fucking quickly it's astronomically far from "simple."
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? "Rein raus" by Rammstein.
What are three of your favorite toppings for a pizza? Pepperoni, sausage, and jalapeno are all good.
What are three of your favorite ingredients for a salad? Besides the lettuce, I'm assuming? Cucumbers, bacon bits, and uh... that's it lmao I am MEGA basic with salad. WELL I will say I do absolutely love the jalapenos that are in Olive Garden's salads, like that's my favorite part of the whole thing haha, but idk if I'd enjoy them in every salad.
Do you express yourself better out loud or in writing? Oh there is ZERO competition here, my ability to express myself in writing is indisputably WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than my capability to do so verbally. I can barely make a normal sentence when speaking.
Do you sing in the shower? No.
What are three random things you are good at? Writing, taking pictures I'd hope, and understanding animal body language, generally.
What is one thing you’ve been waiting patiently for for quite some time? Finding a job, I guess. Though I've been less patient about it lately. I've been doing daily (and I do mean daily) checks online for around three months now for various job titles I feel I could realistically do, and I'm just not getting lucky at all.
What are three of the most painful things you have ever stepped on? Uh idk, honestly.
If you could choose three US states to visit, which three states would you pick? Alaska, Arizona, and one of the states Yellowstone is part of; I'd have to research more about each state.
What color is your camera case (if you have one)? It's black.
What are three things you like that start with the same letter as your middle name? MEERKATS (are you even remotely surprised), music, and mountains.
Which do you use more: Facebook or Instagram? Facebook.
When was the last time you swam in a pool? Today actually; I did hydrotherapy today at PT because there were no land slots for this week when we were scheduling. Well, I guess I didn't really swim because I couldn't get my tattoo wet (it's a saltwater pool), like both my feet never completely left the bottom, but still.
Who or what do you worship? Nothing; I'm not even really a "hail thyself" person just because I think it puts too much divine worth on just us insignificant humans. We're nothing special in the grand scheme of the universe and I think that mentality feeds the ego too much.
Do you know a Ted? Yeah, that's the name of one of my childhood friend's dad.
Have you ever swam in one of the Great Lakes? No.
What is one thing you wish were more easily accessible? ADEQUATE FUCKING HEALTHCARE.
Have you ever chopped something with an axe? No.
What is one mistake you’ve made that you hope to never repeat? Hand my entire identity and worth over to another person.
What was the last thing that kept you awake? My brain doesn't know how to shut the fuck up whenever I try to sleep; that's the primary problem, and it's been that way since I was a literal child. My brain is just always, ALWAYS going, even when I try to tell myself to just concentrate on sleeping. Then there's also the fact my tattoo is starting to scab, and just because of the location, I can really feel the scabbing pull when I roll around in bed, and that obviously hurts.
If you have pets, do they sleep in your bedroom at night? Roman generally does, and sometimes Cookie decides to sleep in my bed instead of Mom's. Venus' terrarium is also in my bedroom.
Can you sleep with background noise or does it keep you up? Only if it's something on the quieter side and monotonous, like a fan. I definitely struggle with like, a TV being on.
Who was the last person to cook you a meal? What did they make? Mom made popcorn shrimp and white rice tonight.
Who was the last person you cooked a meal for? What did you make? I made eggs once when Sara was here.
Who is your female celeb crush? (If applicable) Y'ALL I fucking hate wrestling and find the acting cringy as shit, including whom's I'm about to mention (I know because my niece and nephew like watching????), but Rhea Ripley could RUIN ME and I would thank her
Who is your male celeb crush? (If applicable) I don't think I'll ever be able to explain my level of attraction towards Richard Kruspe even though he could literally be my dad h e l p
Do you have a favorite Marvel character? Probably Deadpool.
Favorite DC character? Harley Quinn.
Who has been your favorite actor to play Batman (live-action)? No opinion, I haven't even seen them all.
Who has been your favorite live-action Joker? Heath Ledger was MADE for the role imo, even if it did cause him a lot of harm. I probably also just have a bias because Heath Ledger's Joker was Jason's favorite thing on the face of the planet.
Has a horror film ever actually scared you? Which one(s)? [TW: RAPE MENTION] There's only been one that has, and that's only because it fed off my pregnancy phobia: The Rite. Doubt it's spoiler material with just being a big part of the plot and it's an old movie now, but a woman is raped by either a demon or just straight-up the devil and it's EXTREMELY fucking gross, like I could not handle it. I still wouldn't watch it to this day, I'm pretty sure I didn't even finish watching it when Nicole had it on. Like obviously I don't believe in supernatural impregnation but I still couldn't handle it.
What was the last horror movie you saw? Well Girt and I startedThe Black Phone but didn't finish it, I've told this story enough.
What was the first horror movie you remember seeing? What did you think of it? Hmmmm... it might have been the OG Paranormal Activity movie. At least, that's the first I remember. I liked it; I tend to like "paranormal evidence" horror films, the ones that seem like they actually happened and can't be explained. I find those much easier to put yourself into/imagine them happening to you.
Name a few historical figures you find interesting. Why? I don't care enough about history for this lmao.
What is your favorite historical film and why? The Boy in the Striped Pajamas because it tears my fucking heart ENTIRELY open every time I see it. I'm crying without fail.
Do you usually enjoy historical films? Not usually, or at least they're not the sort of movies that I seek out.
Name a sequel film (any franchise) you like better than the first film. Why is that? Shrek 2 lmao, the first movie is absolutely legendary and I love it but the second is just more fun to me.
Which do you find most interesting: Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology? Why? Greek. I think it's just because that's what I know most about, though. I will say what I know of Norse is awesome too; it has total potential to be my favorite if I actually knew more about it. All I do know comes from the two most recent God of War games, and while I'm quite sure it is a rather accurate representation of key roles and events, I'm definitely not sure.
Which tale from whichever mythology you listed above do you find most interesting? ... You're making me realize I actually don't remember a lot of Greek mythos lmao, it's been too long since I was in mythology class. With Norse though, I think Jörmungandr as well as Sköll and Hati's lore are very cool.
Do you collect anything? What was the last item you added to that collection? Meerkat stuff is my primary collection; I think the last thing I got relating to meerkats was a shirt. I also collect Silent Hill merch, but I can't recall what the last thing I added on was.
What is your favorite vampire movie? I don't really have one.
Your favorite fictional couple? This is BASICALLY impossible, but I thiiiink I can pick one: Woo Young-Woo and Lee Jung-Ho from Extraordinary Attorney Woo, like that is just a STRAIGHT-UP wholesome, genuine relationship that warms my fucking heart to mush.
Do you have a favorite historical couple? Nope. Again, just don't know enough about history or care enough to dig into their personal lives, especially.
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046 to the workaholic ones
Nice one, thank you for the ask, anon! Enjoy!
CW: descriptions of highly unhealthy habits, self-neglect, and sickness/vomitting/overmedicating
046. How do they handle getting sick?
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When Katakuri gets sick, he pretends that he's alright for as long as he possibly can. He stops himself from coughing, he avoids having his body temperature checked, and most importantly, no matter how sick he is, he never lays on his back in public.
If his illness is really bad, though, and he wakes up feeling unable to get up, he will lock himself in his room and not allow anyone to enter. He's very self-conscious about being seen while vulnerable, weakened, or resting, after all.
Normally, Brulee is the first one to notice if he's acting off and the first one to guess why this is the case. Once she knows, she either gets a strong sibling (like Oven) to try to force Katakuri to at least sit down and eat soup, or she sneaks dinner and meds into Katakuri's room through the mirrors, discreetly enough to never be caught entering or watching.
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Oven actually was never properly sick before. Being as hot (not only literally) as he is, it's near impossible for him to catch a cold. Still, he suffered through food poisoning before, so that's what we'll describe.
Despite being sick, Oven always acts as usual, going on with his tasks and even not being in too much of a bad mood. He'd be out acting totally normal, then all of a sudden vomit his guts out, get up, and continue being hyper. Even if this repeats multiple times throughout the day, he'll just claim he's fine, which definitely won't work to calm anyone around him down.
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Mont D'Or's sickness equals overmedicating. To keep working, he'll just take painkillers, antibiotics, drink coffee right after, and isolate himself with his work (passing instructions through Galette) to not get others sick and so that others don't worsen his headache. If it gets horrible, he'll probably pass out on his desk and when he wakes up he'll just be mad at himself for wasting time, which will cause him to overwork again.
If his siblings want to make him rest and care for him in his sickness, they will definitely need to use brute force. Mont D'or bites and scratches when forced to rest, yelling about how much shit he has to do and how he doesn't have the time for this. Fortunately, there's plenty stronger siblings in the family who can get Mont D'Or to bed eventually; once there, he will fall asleep before long, and his body will thank him for it.
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lupinepublishers · 3 years
lupine publishers|Comparative Evaluation Of Postoperative Pain Scores and Opioid Consumption In Septorhinoplasty After Administration Of Single-Dose Pre-Emptive Paracetamol and Ibuprofen: A Randomized Controlled Trail
Comparative Evaluation Of Postoperative Pain Scoresand Opioid Consumption In Septorhinoplasty After Administration Of Single-Dose Pre-Emptive Paracetamol and Ibuprofen: A Randomized Controlled Trail
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Abstract Introduction: Septorhinoplasty operates on cartilage and bone of the nose and is ensued by severe postoperative pain. The objective of this study is to evaluate effects of preoperative administration of intravenous (IV) paracetamol and ibuprofen on postoperative pain scores in patients undergoing septorhinoplasty. Methodology: 150 patients undergoing septorhinoplasty were randomly assigned into three groups with 50 patients in each group. The control group (Group A) was administered 100 ml saline solution, paracetamol group (Group B) was administered 1000 mg IV paracetamol in 100 ml saline and ibuprofen group (Group C) was administered 800 mg IV ibuprofen in 100 ml saline before surgery. Opioid analgesics were employed to achieve postoperative analgesia. Postoperative pain was evaluated using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Postoperative opioid consumption and adverse effects were also recorded for each patient. Results: In comparison with Group A, VAS in Group B and Group C was statistically lower in all the time intervals (p<0.05). In 1st and 6th hours postoperatively, VAS in Group C was lower than Group B (p<0.05). In control group, total opioid consumption was highest in all time intervals (p<0.05). In Group C, total opioid consumption was significantly lower than Group B at 0-6 and 6-12 hours interval. (p<0.05). Conclusion: Single-dose pre-emptive administration of ibuprofen has more profound postoperative analgesic effect than paracetamol during first 6 hours in septorhinoplasty. After first 6 hours of the procedure, there is no difference in analgesic effect between ibuprofen and paracetamol. Keywords: Septorhinoplasty; Ibuprofen; Paracetamol; RCTs; VAS; Pre-emptive analgesia
Objective Pain is considered as the fifth vital sign in modern medical practice. Hence apart from other vital parameters, evaluation of pain has become a primary and necessary requirement for proper patient care and comfort. Septorhinoplasty is an elective and ambulatory surgical procedure which involves massive hard and soft tissue manipulation in the nasal region of the face. The postoperative pain is severe in septorhinoplasty since it necessitates to operate on the nasal cartilage and bone [1]. This postoperative pain is often disturbing, distressing and requires efficient pain control management [2]. Severe postoperative pain can lead to complications such as delayed wound healing, ischemia, thromboembolism, pulmonary complications, immunological changes, increased hospitaliza tion and cost of treatment [3,4]. In this quest to provide effective postoperative pain control, patients are frequently prescribed opioids. Opioids acts centrally on the nervous system and thus have strong analgesic potential [5]. Although they provide relief in acute pain but are associated with opioid-related adverse events (ORAE), dependence, abuse, overdose and deaths [6]. This situation is undesirable and hence is the need to develop regimes which involves the avoidance of opioid overmedication and at the same time provide adequate analgesia. Therefore, American Society of Anaesthesiologist (ASA) has recommended the use of multimodal analgesia techniques involving local anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to potentiate pain relief and reduce adverse effects [7].
Pre-emptive analgesia is one such modality to reduce the severity and duration of postoperative pain. Pioneered by George W Crile, it is an antinociceptive drug administration done before tissue trauma to prevent the peripheral, central sensitization and hyperexcitability of the central nervous system [8]. This decreases the nerve sensitization and thereby reduces postoperative hyperalgesia and allodynia [9]. Administration of apt analgesia at appropriate time, dose and form before the surgical procedure has shown to reduce postoperative pain and need of analgesia. Pre-emptive analgesia also contributes to comfortable recovery, reduces the need of opioid consumption, improves patient’s satisfaction, outcomes and reduces cost of care [10]. Thus, the combination of multimodal and pre-emptive analgesia techniques in post-operative pain management have been researched and clinically experimented. Recently, pre-emptive intravenous (IV) administration of ibuprofen and paracetamol for post-operative pain management has been extensively researched. Ibuprofen is a common NSAID with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti- pyretic effect. It is a non-specific inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2 isoenzymes) which is associated with the analgesic effect [11]. Ibuprofen does not increase the risk of bleeding or gastrointestinal problems [12]. Paracetamol is another time-tested safe drug with analgesic and anti-pyretic effect but no anti-inflammatory action. Paracetamol acts centrally which effects both the peripheral and central antinociception process [13]. Clinically, paracetamol is more advantageous and safer over other NSAIDs since it causes less gastric irritation, antiplatelet activity and untoward drug interactions [14]. The primary objective of this presentstudyistoevaluatetheeffectsofpreoperativeadministration of IV paracetamol and IV ibuprofen on postoperative pain scores in patients undergoing open septorhinoplasty. The study also aims to evaluate the postoperative opioid consumptions in patients treated with pre-emptive analgesia approach. The secondary objective of this study is to evaluate the incidence of adverse effects associated with the study drugs. Material and Methods Ethics: The study was conducted at Najran University Hospital, Saudi Arabia and ethical approval was obtained from the institutional ethics committee. The study protocols were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. Study Design : It was a prospective, randomized and double- blinded study in which 150 patients between 18-60 years of age to be operated for open septorhinoplasty with ASA physical status I-II and planned hospitalization stay of minimum 24 hours were included. Written and informed consent form was obtained from each patient. Demographic data including age, gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), ASA score, duration of surgery (minutes) and duration of anaesthesia (minutes) were recorded. Patients graded ASA III and above, with history of renal, hepatic, cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, allergy to study drugs, long-term abuse of NSAIDs or opioids, history of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, furosemide or aspirin use, bleeding diathesis, platelet dysfunction, gastrointestinal disease, peptic ulcers, neuropathic diseases, pregnancy, those planning pregnancy in near future, breastfeeding mothers were excluded in this study. On the day of the scheduled surgery, the patients were explained about the study protocol, drugs used in the study, visual analogue scale (VAS). A computer software program was used to assign patients in three random groups (Group A – control, n=50; Group B – paracetamol, n=50; Group C – Ibuprofen, n=50). Group A was administered 100 ml of saline solution, Group B was given 1000 mg IV paracetamol in 100 ml saline and Group C received 800 mg ibuprofen in 100 ml saline before the surgical procedure. General anaesthesia was administered after a 30 min waiting period in all the
three groups. Propofol 2-3 mg/kg, rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg and fentanyl 50-75 mcg were administered during induction. Anaesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane 2% in 40-60% oxygen-air mixture and remifentanil 0.125 μg/kg/ min intravenously. Standard ECG, peripheral oxygen saturation level (SpO2) and non-invasive blood pressure were monitored and recorded in all the patients. All the surgical procedures were performed by the same surgical team using similar technique. Fifty milligram (50 mg) of tramadol was administered to all the patients about 30 min before the end of surgery. Following surgery and extubation all patients were taken to postoperative care unit. The patient, surgical team and anaesthesiologist were blinded to the study drugs. Postoperative pain intensity was self-assessed by the patient using visual analogue scale (VAS 0 = no pain, VAS 10 = the most severe pain) in the presence of nurse who was blinded to the drugs and groups. VAS was recorded at 1st, 6th, 12th and 24 hour interval. Opioid consumption was measured at 0-6, 6-12 and 12-24 hours interval and total at 24 hours. Pethidine 0.25mg/ kg was given to patients with VAS score of 4 and above for rescue analgesia. During postoperative care, all the patients received single dose of 0.5 mg/kg methyl prednisolone to control inflammation and 40 mg esomeprazole for gastric protection. During the 24 hour postoperative follow-up duration, the adverse effects of the drugs used in the study was recorded. Events of constipation, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, sedation/confusion, urinary retention, pruritus and dyspepsia were charted for each patient. Statistics: The statistical analysis was performed by IBM SPSS 20.0 software program. Power analysis was performed based on the total opioid (Pethidine) consumption. It was found that the sample size was 95.42 in the 95% confidence interval and the power was 0.99 in the significance level. This indicates that the sample size is sufficient. The descriptive statistics were explained as mean±SD. The data distribution was analysed using the Kolmogorov
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consolecadet · 5 years
I spent pretty much all of 2019 trying to recover from 2018 and getting trapped in a chain reaction of health problems that I am only just now starting to feel like I’m emerging from
The good news is I feel like I’m emerging, the bad news is I was so waylaid by my body that I barely achieved any of the things I had hoped to this year
I’m far from hopeless -- in fact some aspects of my life are finally finally falling into place in a way that will let me have a smidgen of agency -- and yet I do still feel more depressed right now than I have in years, and very scared of failure on a variety of timescales, and am generally just bummed about how I spent 2019. I made some new friends and reconnected with old ones, and I did do some creative things I had been hoping to if not at the volume I would have liked, and I did work a tiny bit and save a couple hundred dollars, but those things feel hugely overshadowed by the amount of time I spent this year lying down in agony, staring at my phone while shitting my soul out on the toilet, begging and manipulating doctors to help me, scheduling pathetic meals around having to take different meds 4 times a day, and calculating my every movement to avoid pain and further injury
I know I did not waste this year, because if I had not put most of my time and energy into surviving and trying to claw my way up out of the pit of injury and illness I found myself repeatedly falling into, I would be looking at yet another year of severely disabling pain, diarrhea, overmedication, and so on. But I do still wish I had gotten to spend more time trying to grow up and thrive and less of it crying or drawing graphs about antacids
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Your ten favorite movies
Movie number one: The Fountain 1) Who’s the main actor? >> Hugh Jackman. 2) When did it come out? >> I want to say... 2007. 3) What’s the genre? >> Er... hmm. Fantasy? Maybe? I’m going to ask google. ...Oh, apparently Wikipedia classifies it as an “epic romantic drama film that blends elements of fantasy, history, spirituality, and science fiction”. Like, okay, sure, whatever dude. 4) Do you know where it was filmed at? >> I don’t, but I’m about to find out because that’s an interesting question. ...Ah! Montreal. 5) How old were you when you saw it? >> The first time I saw it was... probably not too long after it came out, so early 20s. I rented it from Netflix back when that was new and was a DVD-only service. I didn’t pay it a whole lot of attention at the time and was mostly confused by its storyline (I wasn’t as practiced at following nonlinear timelines and heavily allegorical plots back then). The next time I saw it was a whole different story and tbh that’s a frequent occurrence with me, which is why I always go back to rewatch/reread certain things later on in life.
Movie number two: Sunshine 1) Who’s an actress in this movie? >> Rose Byrne.
2) Out of 10 stars you’d give it? >> I mean, 10, I guess? It’s a top favourite of mine, so... 3) Did it have a surprise ending? >> No. I mean, it had a kind of weird twist for the climax? But the actual ending was kind of what you’d expect. 4) How long was it? >> 1hr 47min. 5) Did you first see it in theatres? >> Nope, but god, if only I could... Movie number three: Interstellar 1) What’s this movie rated? >> PG-13. 2) Did critics approve of it? >> If I recall correctly, yeah, it was pretty widely praised. Mostly for the, you know... Nolan-ness. 3) Who were you with when you saw it? >> Sigma and I went to see it, and then we went to see it again, and then we went to see it yet again, lmao. 4) Did this movie make you cry? >> Sure the fuck did, sure the fuck does. 5) Who are five actors/actresses in this movie? >> Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Ellen Burstyn, Jessica Chastain. Movie number four: District 9 1) Is the main actor your favorite actor? >> No, but I generally enjoy watching Sharlto Copley in stuff. 2) Do you know how old he is? >> No, and that’s not a detail I care to look up. 3) Did this movie make you laugh? >> I mean, yeah, there were a few funny bits, mostly because Wikus is a fuckin dork sometimes. But mostly it was not a laughing matter. 4) Last time you watched it? >> Uhhh... hmm. Maybe a year or two ago? I tend to avoid it because it gives me way too many feels. This is a common thread with me and things I really have emotional attachment to -- you’ll notice I’ll find excuses not to rewatch or reread them because I’m afraid of my own feelings, lmao. 5) Are you the appropiate age to see it by yourself? >> Well, yeah? Movie number five: Requiem For a Dream 1) What made you mad about this movie? >> Nothing made me mad, exactly. That’s definitely not the emotion I feel when watching it. 2) Was it based on a true story? >> It might have been based on real things that happen to real people, but not in any concrete “this is historical fiction” sort of way. 3) Do you wish it was real in any way? >> I’m sure a lot of it is real for a lot of people... I definitely do not want my life to go in that direction, though. It’s very much a “pay attention to that hole in yourself before it consumes you” story for me. 4) So what’s it about, anyways? >> The intertwined stories of four addicts. 5) Did they make a video game out of this movie? >> That... would be disturbing as fuck and I would not play that, lol. Movie number six: mother! 1) Did this movie bore you at any time? >> Oh, absolutely not. I was on tenterhooks the entire time. I even had to pause it at one point so I could have an anxiety attack. (That was also the moment when I realised I was definitely going to rate it 5 stars on Letterboxd. Listen, it makes sense, I promise.) 2) Was there a kiss scene? >> Er, well, the main characters were romantically involved, so there was kissing. 3) Who was the protagonist (main character)? >> The Mother, I guess. I don’t remember what she was called in the credits or in director interviews or wherever (she doesn’t have a name in the movie, no one does). 4) Have you seen this movie more than once? >> Nope. I sometimes consider watching it again because I do feel the need to, but that’s an experience I have to really be prepared for and I feel like I’m never prepared, lol. 5) Last time you saw it? >> Uh... I want to say... a year ago? Movie number seven: The Prince of Egypt 1) What is this movie’s genre? >> Er... I guess, like, animation. Which isn’t a genre to me either, but hey. (Maybe “family” or “adventure”...?) 2) Are there any kid actors in this movie? >> Probably, since there’s a fair number of kids in this movie and I don’t think they were all voiced by adults... but hey, maybe they were. 3) Where did it all take place? >> It’s animated so it technically just takes place in a studio. But the movie’s setting is Egypt and thereabouts. 4) Who was the biggest star in the movie? >> Like, as in... most famous actor in it? I really couldn’t say, it’s an incredibly star-studded cast all around. 5) What year did it come out? >> 1998. It was the first-ever movie I saw in a theater! Movie number eight: Quills 1) Main actor and/or actress? >> Joaquin Phoenix and Kate Winslet. 2) Is this a one-time only movie? >> Like, it didn’t have any sequels or anything, if that’s what you mean. 3) Is it a sequel to anything? >> No. 4) How much money did it make? >> I don’t feel like looking that up. Probably not a whole lot. 5) Favorite part? >> Oh god, uh. I couldn’t even pick one. Any of the dialogue scenes between the Marquis and the Abbé, also any of the scenes where the Abbé is overcome with horniness lmfao. Movie number nine: Event Horizon 1) When did you first see this movie? >> 2005, when I was in a psych hospital. It was one of the only films they had on tape.
2) Did it take a second time for you to like it? >> Nope, I loved it immediately. And proceeded to watch it every day for like a month. I don’t know how anyone in there put up with me. (Everyone being overmedicated probably helped.)
3) Does it have a happy ending? >> It doesn’t. Most horror movies don’t, right? 4) Who would you recommend it to? >> People who love gory space horror, and especially space movies of that particular nineties variety, you know what I’m talking about. 5) What’s its theme song? >> It doesn’t have one. Movie number ten: Repo! the Genetic Opera 1) Do you still have the movie ticket? >> I didn’t see it in a theater. I had planned on seeing it at a Vampirefreaks sponsored theater event in SoHo, but the line was so long I gave up and went home. Ended up hating it when I finally did get around to watching it, and then watched it again like a year or so later and loooooved it. Funny how that happens sometimes. 2) Favorite part? >> Oh man, how could I even choose? Maybe the Thankless Job scene. Or Night Surgeon! Obviously I’m going to pick anything Nathan-centric, lol. 3) Were there any songs you knew in this movie? >> No, the songs were written for the movie. 4) A quote from this movie: >> I’ma get lazy and say “Zydrate comes in a little glass vial”, sue me. 5) Were the main actors/actresses a perfect match or not so much? >> Like... romantically? Wasn’t that kind of movie. But as far as how they interacted in general, it was a really fun cast. Random Questions 1) Which one have you seen most on DVD? >> Actually, the only one I recall ever watching on a DVD is The Fountain, because I rented it from Netflix. 2) Which one have you seen most in theatres? >> Interstellar (3 times). 3) Did your parents like any of them? >> The only one my father saw was The Prince of Egypt because he took me to see it, and he complained about the skin colour of characters (not dark enough for his liking) in the car on the way home. While I was just basking in the divine afterglow of having just seen something beautiful that had changed my tiny life. 4) Which one did you see with your best friend? >> Well, Sigma was my best friend at the time we saw Interstellar. 5) Would you see #1 again? >> I do rewatch it sometimes, but not very often. It’s a real emotional trip. 6) Is #4 a movie you can only watch every once in a while? >> Yeah, and I mentioned that in one of the answers. 7) Was #5 hard to understand? >> Only if you have a hard time keeping up with multiple character arcs. Or if you’re just completely clueless about the mental mechanics of addiction, maybe. 8) Did you see #2 the day it came out? >> I didn’t. 9) Do you have #3’s movie ticket still? >> I think I kept at least one of the tickets for a while, but I never keep that kind of thing for long. What I really miss is the posters we’d gotten at the Franklin Institute showing. Those were nice, and I’d looked forward to putting one up in a room of my own one day. :( 10) Are there any sequels to these movies coming out? >> Not that I’m aware of. 11) Does your best friend like #9? >> --- 12) Did #10 have horrible special effects? >> I wouldn’t say that. 13) Who directed #6? >> Darren Aronofsky. He directed three of these movies, actually. 14) Did #8 scare you? >> Nah, it wasn’t that kind of movie. 15) Does #7 have a better effect at night? >> No, lol.
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angel-macabre · 5 years
having a parent who is diagnosed with a personality, attention, mood, and exec function disorder, and is possibly on the spectrum as well, has made me an adult from day one. i am very against overdiagnosing and overmedicating and getting too caught up in the defining of mental illness and i am especially against people using whatever label for mental illness to cover their shortcomings but in my dad's case he really has one effed up brain and his shortcomings really do come from deep mental illness. i could see it as a child too, but the thing you don't see as a child is how it affects you. i have been secretly accommodating his mental state from a time where i was even too young to realize the impact of my own actions and i just thought i was trying not to hurt his feelings or trying to be a good daughter. i have looked at my dad as mentally stuck at about 10-14 age range from when i was probably about 8 or 9, because as i neared his own maturity i could start to see how bad it was for an adult to be acting only a few years older than me. obviously it was more pronounced when he was angry, but even when he was in a good mood he was unpleasant to be around, just because he was so incredibly selfish and unaware of the needs of others. like i was as selfish and unaware as an average 9 year old would be but even still i could see how immature he was being. this is why when i myself was 10-17, we were on such bad terms, because it was as though i was arguing with a peer or even a younger child who had an unwarranted control over my life, and then once i reached about 18 or 19 our problems started to slowly dissipate just because i started to develop more maturity and intuition to avoid those situations with him. it's not that the problems stopped, it's that i learned not to trigger the problems. i will never forget how once i was angry at him for being a dick to my mom (i now realize that he had skipped taking his meds for a few days) and we weren't speaking to each other, and he walked past me as i was making myself some food in the kitchen, and leaned in and ate some of the food off my plate while basically rubbing it in my face, taunting me and trying to incite anger. it just shocked me that he could do something that immature, and because i was 17 and angry i told him to fuck off which then prompted him to grab my whole plate of food and throw it on the ground. that moment really was a game changer in how i looked at him, because i realized that as angry as i ever got i would never dream of doing something so immature, so trashy, and so straight up hateful to a family member. i wouldn't have ever dreamed of doing that even to a stranger who i hated. it felt like he was begging me to hate him as much as he hated me. it breaks my heart that he could do that to me, and that so much of his actions seem to just tell me that he doesn't really like any of his family at all, and then it makes me angry because i know we are all too good for him. even my fuckup sister who is just a female version of him deserves better. and it is upsetting to see my brother go through this too because as much as not having a supportive father has affected me i know it has affected him far deeper. i could talk more about it but you can only focus on your problems for so long before it starts to hurt more than it helps. mainly i just feel like my dad is simultaneously regressing in age and also has died before his death and it's hurting most to see him treat my mother poorly when she's already down and to see her desperately trying to use reason and logic to combat it. it would be better even if he was doing it with intent but he does not even see how much of a dick he's being. i just feel primarily that my mom deserves better
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realtalk-princeton · 5 years
How can I help my mom who is having severe health anxiety over covid19? She is NOT ill but thinks she is. She overdoses on medications/GP prescribed antibiotics, obsessively monitors her temperature (that is perfectly normal), walks around with an inhaler, and is avoiding from me out of germs. She insists that I follow her bizarre rituals (over-cleaning, drinking gallons, taking meds that I don't need, wearing thermal clothes, etc.) and gets angry when I tell her that everything is okay!
Response from River:
so sorry youre dealing with this! the overmedicating sounds particularly dangerous. i wonder if you could find some evidence from a trusted source (the CDC, her GP/a family doctor) that shows that overmedicating can be harmful to you. in general you should never take more of any prescription medication than what is stated on the label. antibiotics are for bacteria not viruses, so you probably shouldnt be loading up on them for no reason (the coronavirus is obviously a virus so antibiotics won’t do anything for you). the rest sounds incredibly frustrating to deal with for you, and it’s probably absolute torture for her to be experiencing that much anxiety about contracting this disease, but at least temp monitoring and over-cleaning and drinking water are basically neutral if not productive activities in this time. hopefully as the dust starts to settle and we get a better sense of what this crisis means for us your mom will cool off a bit.
tldr as i said earlier i would encourage your mom to reach out to a trusted medical source (like her doctor) for advice if she’s not willing to hear from you that she’s taking this too far. if nothing else, try to put your foot down about the unnecessary meds shes taking and forcing you to take.
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Benefits Associated with Recreational Medical Dispensaries
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Dispensaries are commonly known as places where patients obtain medical marijuana products. In this case, the consumers get to experience multiple merits. One of the main advantages of medical marijuana dispensaries is that they provide safe access. Dispensaries ensure that they provide a safe and health-focused environment in which patients are able to get marijuana. It can be very hard for patients to get cannabis outside the dispensary setting. Some of these patients actually encounter a lot of threatening situations. In this case, dispensaries get rid of the negative surroundings. This provides them with a healthy relationship with marijuana that is encouraged by accountability and education. The Marijuana programs that are appropriately regulated always ensure that patients get cannabis safely and legally. This makes it easy for patients and providers to promote responsible behavior.
An added advantage if recreational, medical dispensaries is that they offer personal care and attention. These dispensaries always ensure that they know their patients at a personal level. This is what ensures that the patients are provided with the insight and guidance they need. In this case, it is always easy for these patients to talk about the health goals they hope to achieve and how the sales staff treats them. In marijuana dispensaries, there are very knowledgeable employees, and they always ensure that they provide advice to the patients about the appropriate dosage and products based on the condition of each patient. Patients even choose what's best for them and use cannabis in a way that will benefit their conditions because of the relationships they have. The Memory Care dispensaries always provide this guidance to ensure that patients avoid abuse and dependence.
Another benefit associated with recreational, medical dispensaries is that they boost product selection and quality. These dispensaries use modern cultivation techniques. Patients with precise requirements are able to get personalized solutions in this case. Patients always use the strain that is most suited for their symptoms. This ensures that they can better treat their condition without dealing with unpleasant side effects. Patients also avoid overmedication because they can easily change their dosage. Medical marijuana dispensaries have strains that have high levels of CBD, and they offer symptom relief. You should select a marijuana dispensary because you will be assured of getting quality products. This is because these dispensaries thoroughly test their cannabis products in a lab environment. Getting this guarantee when buying cannabis in the streets can be very hard. Buying cannabis from the dispensary will ensure that you will be safe and very confident. You will also ensure that you will benefit in all the above ways.
Learn more on this link: https://www.britannica.com/science/medical-cannabis.
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fiboni · 8 years
5 Ways to Avoid Overmedication and Go Natural Instead
5 Ways to Avoid Overmedication and Go Natural Instead
According to countless reports, overmedication is one of the most insidious problems of our medical system, especially when patients from ends of the age spectrum are concerned. This issue concerns all Americans, but it can become especially problematic in the healthcare of elderly patients, as well as in children’s healthcare. This phenomenon is too complex to tackle here and is subject to…
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