#avoiding spoilers for bunny but i will say
conradrasputin · 11 months
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augustinewrites · 1 year
cw: jjk manga spoilers (up to 221), blood, sword fights heh + note: it's finally here, and somehow it's worse than shibuya!
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“is he gonna be mad?”
“satoru?” you snort lightly, taking another bite of your frozen yogurt. “he’s just going to ask if you won. he might try to take the sequel of that new book set you got as punishment— but i’ll see what i can do.” 
across the table, megumi huffs, leaning back into the plush booth. you’d picked him up early from school today, the reason being yet another suspension. his second since he’d started the school year. you suppose that’s the reason for his sullen disposition and existential crisis. 
“am i a bad person?”
you glance up at him in acknowledgement, but take a moment before answering. he stirs the frozen yogurt around in its cup, looking rather glum.
there’s a delicate way of going about these types of things. children (especially teenagers) are complicated creatures. they’re still at their most malleable, your words and actions shaping their very future.
“i don’t think you’re a bad person, megumi,” you answer softly, setting your spoon down. 
“but i…i keep doing bad stuff,” he argues dejectedly. “and— and i was mean to tsumiki—”
“hey. no one’s born wanting to do bad things,” you tell him. “and when they do…it’s usually more complicated than we think. there are bad situations where sometimes we have to do bad things. even if we don’t want to. even if we’re not proud of them.” 
“but how do you know that i’m not?” he asks again, and your heart aches. 
“because i know you,” you smile. “i’ve known you for eight years, megumi. yeah, i think you could afford to try using your words instead of your fists once in a while, and be a little nicer to your sister…but i know everything you do comes from a good place.”
megumi doesn’t reply, staring out the window with that pensive frown of his. all you can do is wonder if you and satoru have done right by him. if you’re doing right by him now. (such is the life of a parent, you suppose.)
all you can do is hope. 
“hey,” you grin, holding your hand out to him. “promise me something?”
you stumble backwards, narrowly avoiding being gutted by a sword. gasping, your fingers fumble with the hem of your shirt, the material sliced right above the small, almost imperceptible bump of your stomach. 
your megumi would never hurt you. your megumi, your sweet, gentle boy who still muttered the song about bunny ears as he tied his shoes. who always offered his sister the last bite of cake, even though you knew he wanted it for himself. who cried the first time his shikigami were injured in battle. 
but this isn’t megumi.
you barely dodge the blade again, ducking and sending your demon dogs out to slow him down as you sprint down the alley. your heart shatters at the sound of a high-pitched whine, but you can’t stop, you can’t look back—
“going somewhere?”
you skid to a stop in front of him, staggering back as quickly as you can. 
megumi— no, sukuna stands in front of you now, holding a sword you’d taught his vessel how to make, how to use. 
“please,” you beg, thinking of tsumiki’s body a few blocks away. thinking of gojo in the prison realm. you can’t lose anyone else today. “please let him go.”
“i don’t think so,” he grins, sick and twisted as he slowly makes his way towards you. “if only he’d unlocked his full potential sooner. if only you had.” 
“he’s just a child.” you say, voice trembling. you look around. there’s no use in running. he’s gotten much too strong.
but you’re not ready to die either.
he wasn’t patient, lunging first and taking the offense. it’s a struggle to meet him at every swing, deflecting blows that send tremors down the sword’s point of impact and reverberate through your arms. 
playing defence is the smart move. you’d wait for an opening or a drop in his own defence. then your goal would be to disarm him and attempt to grant yourself an advantage. 
(in theory, at least.)
when your swords lock once more, he forces them to the side, kicking you square in the chest. the impact knocks you onto your back. before you can get up, he’s on top of you, driving his sword into your shoulder.
the pain is so blinding, so white-hot and tortuous that you almost immediately pass out when he pulls it free and tosses it out of your reach. 
sukuna is in your face now, lips peeled back into a smirk as he laughs, the top of his finger slowly dragging down your face.
“putting you down now would be letting this brat off too easy. doing it slowly, however—”
“get off her.”
your heart skips a beat. that voice. 
there’s a flash of recognition in megumi’s eyes. just a for a second. 
“is that any way to treat the person who washed your underwear for almost ten years?” he tsks, hands in his pockets as he steps into the alley, quite literally kicking the king of curses off of you.
he sweeps you off the floor as gently as possible, your stomach flipping at the familiar sensation of being teleported.
you’re not in the alley anymore, you’re up on the roof of a building. as soon as satoru sets you on your feet, you look up, studying his face. the eyes you love so much stare back at you. 
the emotions you’d kept bottled up since he’d been gone pour out at once. proof of your heartache, anger, pain, and loneliness spilling over your lash line.
suddenly there’s too much space between you and you tentatively take a step forward. 
“it’s you,” you breathe. “it’s really you.” 
he says your name softly, and arms you’d longed for envelop you. you feel safe, if only for a moment.
“you need to get to ieiri,” he whispers, a hand cupping your cheek gently. “go. i’ll stop him.”
you both close your eyes, as if the words hurt.
“promise me you’ll always be good.” 
megumi sighs, but places his hand in yours, squeezing it tightly.
“i’ll see what i can do.”
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queenie-avenue · 4 months
Sent from Below, Fell from Above. [pt.1]
—> an angel meets the demon who killed her all those years ago.
⤻ reader is a female, reader is a bunny-type angel(?), canon-typical cursing, very bad use of 1920s slang, reader takes part in the 'welcome to heaven' song, i even wrote an extra verse, heavily inspired by @jazjelspen 's angel baby fic, death, betrayal, angst, spoilers for all of hazbin hotel season one, alastor went up with vaggie and charlie to heaven in this fic, will be a series
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The pearly gates of hell shone brightly as you stood there, waiting to welcome in any winners that may have unfortunately just died. Saint Peter had been out for hours by now and looked like he might just have collapsed from how exhausted he was. Like the angel that you were, you let him go take a break while you manned the podium. After all, you had done so multiple times already in the hundred years you've been in heaven!
Just then, you watched as a portal opened up, seemingly out of nowhere. You put on your best smile and waited to greet them.
"Look at this place, Vaggie, Alastor! It's so clean!" Your smile faltered for a moment. Not because of the familliar name — you had long since gotten rid of your fear regarding that name — but because people who just died wouldn't act that way.
"Yeah, super cool." The girl beside her mumbled as she dragged her feet over towards the stand.
As for the man at the back, all dressed in red, he hummed as he walked towards the glowing gates of heaven.
"Hello there!" You greeted, making sure your halo was glowing as bright as possible. "Welcome to heaven, darlings. Could I get your name, please?" You asked politely, pulling out the book of names Saint Peter had entrusted you with.
You stared at the trio ahead of you. A tall gal dressed in a suit with rosy red cheeks that almost made her look like a doll, another doll by her side that had ashen-grey skin and a giant x over her eye, poor thing she must have lost it when she died. And the man that accompanied the two ladies, standing at the back in a dapper looking suit.
"Charlie... Morningstar." The girl in the red suit said.
You nodded your head. "Charlie Morningstar." You drawled out the name, opening up the book and scanning your eyes through the book as your bunny ears flapped about, wondering where you had heard that name before. You frowned when you could not find Charlie's name anywhere in the roster. "Charlie... Morningstar. I'm really sorry, dearie, but you really aren't on my list. A-are you in the wrong place?" You questioned.
"Um, my dad got me this meeting so maybe you could try Lucifer Morningstar?" She mumbled, but the name was loud enough for you to hear.
"Oh dear lord in heaven!" You gasped.
The three of them looked at you. You noted that the man in the suit and deer antlers gazed at you the most intensely, tilting his head over as he narrowed his eyes at you.
"Darling, I really think all of you shouldn't be here-" you frantically said as you flapped your wings out, flying down towards them. Your skirt flapping in the wind alongside your feathery wings.
"Oh lord, here we go." The girl at her side muttered.
"No, uh, we're here for a meeting."
"[y/n], we can take it from here." A mature voice from above said as you looked up to see Sera and Emily — the Seraphim sisters — descend down to you, along with Saint Peter who was holding a milkshake in his hand.
You nodded your head, understanding your place, before stepping aside. Though, you felt the burning gaze of that man boring holes into your head. You turned towards him, a frown present on your face as you stared at him, confused. Noticing that you had noticed him, he turned away, his sharp-toothed grin faced towards Charlie now. That smile... you had seen that smile before. Even the way he dressed, it screamed that he died during your time period.
You continued staring at him, even as he avoided your gaze.
"Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say onto thee," Saint Peter suddenly started singing, and you realised that you had lost track of the conversation. "Welcome to Heaven, oh!" He sang as the pearly gates slammed open. You flew up alongside Saint Peter, your wings flapping as your bunny ears twitched. "Where the virtuous reside, 24/7, oh-oh! People are happy that they died," Well, that was certainly an exaggeration considering you didn't exactly... like the way that you died.
As he sang, you flew through the streets, rallying the rest of the winners to join in song. As you flew back, you landed back onto the floor with Saint Peter just as he finished his verse.
"Welcome to Heaven, where everyone hopes to go! Oh-oh! Where angels always glow! Oh!"
You sang as you ran towards all your winner friends as they danced in the streets for the envoys from Hell. Just as you finished singing, you felt those dark eyes on you once again, and you stopped dancing in the street to stare back at him.
Your head hurt as radio static filled your brain, and you struggled to keep yourself upright. You almost toppled over. You grabbed your head, attempting to get the static out of your brain. "Wha-"
"'Cause every single day in Heaven, is a happy day!" Both Emily and Saint Peter belted out as they flew in the air, causing you to break your gaze from the man and focus on the soaring duo in the air.
"Welcome to Heaven!"
The song ended, and you immediately fell to the ground. You had been dead for so many years, so it had been decades since you felt breathless, of all things.
"My, what is a dame like you doing on the floor!" There that static was again, but this time it was accompanied by an eerily familliar voice. You wanted to call out to Emily, or Sera, but they had already run off. Charlie and the girl by her side with Emily, and Sera to God knows where, leaving you alone with this shady man.
"I-" you began.
Without even extending his hand, this strange deer- whatever he was, pulled your hand up abruptly, holding onto it so tight you felt your blood stop pumping through the veins of your hand.
"What is your name, Sweetheart? I have to say, you and those little angels put on quite a show! All you little Oliver Twists are so adorable." The demon chuckled as he pulled you uncomfortably close.
"Please let me go." You said to the man, attempting to push him off but he only held you tighter.
"Aren't I quite the rude chap, I should have introduced myself before asking for your name." He grinned wider, spinning you around in a painfully familliar way.
"Alastor, my dear, pleasure to meet you!" He said, grabbing your hand and kissing it.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
Alastor grabbed your hand, bowing down as he looked up at you, that sweet grin on his face. "Alastor, my dear, pleasure to meet you." He said, before sealing your fate with a kiss on your hand. "I hope that we can get along well." You gazed at him with wide eyes, your eyes raking over his bronzed skin and brown — almost red — hair. Glasses lined his gleaming eyes.
Those eyes were the same words that echoed in your mind in your worst nightmares.
✧ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ✧
And now here you were, reliving that nightmare.
"What the fuck!" You yelled out, which caused some angels to look over at you. Sure, cursing was normal, but it was typically somewhat taboo on cloud nine and this was one of the only times you had ever cursed. You reeled your hand back, your eyes widened as you stumbled back. "I-it's you." You commented, holding your hand close to the pearl-white blouse that you wore.
"Yes, my darling, it is!" Alastor laughed once again, that sinister shit-eating grin still present on his face. "I'm surprised it took you so long to realise it." He commented, grabbing your hands in his, causing you to freeze up. "I had my suspicions the moment I saw you, but when you sang... oh..." He murmured. His face was filled with ecstasy, his claws going up to his face as he grinned deviously.
"I need to get out of here." You muttered as you turned on your heel and snatched your hands away, preparing to leave.
Alastor just grabbed you back into a tight embrace, his face propped against your shoulder. "I knew it was you, little bunny." The nickname only made you more uncomfortable than ever as you remembered the intimate moment when he first gave you that nickname.
"What's wrong, little bunny?"
The moment he spoke, your wings shot up, pushing him away from you and slapping his body aside. You flew up as he stumbled onto the pristine roads of heaven.
Don't come near me again, you wanted to say, but you couldn't find the courage to spit in the face of your murderer, not even now.
So, this time, you ran away.
You should have done that years ago. Maybe you would have lived longer then.
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Some things I’ve noticed on my second viewing of “Five Nights at Freddy’s” (2023)
(Some of these are obvious, don’t @ me, I’m autistic and I had work the day I first watched the film so my brain was all over the place)
On my first viewing I thought that showing the security guard at the very start loosening the bolts of the chair straps was a fake out to make us believe he’d escape, but actually he loosened the bolts which is how Mike was able to escape later on
Just want to say that the opening credits are fucking cool and I love them so much
In my previous post about things in the FNAF movie, I incorrectly said there was no Golden Freddy - Golden Freddy is in fact in the film, he’s the one who goes to the house/kills Aunt Jane/is in the taxi
Following on from the above point, I said last time that I thought the cupcake was the fifth ghost child but I actually think it’s Golden Freddy to be honest - the blonde girl was obviously Chica, the boy with the bunny ears was Bonnie, the ginger boy was Foxy, and then there was the blonde boy and another boy with a top hat on. I originally thought that the blonde boy who wore the brown shirt was Freddy because he seemed like the leader, but now I’m wondering if the boy with the top hat was Freddy and the leader boy was in fact Golden Freddy (given his blonde hair)? I’m interested to hear what everyone else thinks
This is obvious but the doctor foreshadowed the ending because she told Mike that drawings are powerful tools for children to express things and understand things, and that’s exactly how Abby communicated to the gang at the end that Afton was responsible for their deaths
^side note but as an early years practitioner at a nursery/for preschool children, it’s actually true that pictures are used to help children learn things even before they can read, write or talk. I don’t know, it just interested me to be like “oh yeah that’s true!!”
There was not that much focus on Mike’s dad, like he was seen so briefly compared to his mom, which makes me wonder if there’s something to it that might be revealed in a future film. Like maybe his “dad” isn’t his dad or something? Because in the game canon, William is his father, so… I don’t know. I also saw someone else point out that in the training video Mike watched, there was a man working on the animatronics who maybe looked like the actor playing Mike’s dad, so maybe his dad worked there with the animatronics?
The film appears to be set in 2000; I’m 90% sure the security cam of Mike in the careers office showed the date as being in 2000, but if someone else can clarify or confirm the exact date then that would be great. It would make sense though because Garret presumably went missing around the same time as the ghost kids (in the 80s), so the film being set in the present day (meaning Mike would be in his 50s) would make zero sense. Also the mobile phones/computers all seem like they come from the early 2000s
Someone on Twitter pointed out that one of Abby’s drawings on her wall appeared to be a red airplane, which could just be an indication/foreshadowing of her knowledge of Garret’s disappearance (his toy airplane) but also someone else said it could have been 9/11 which….?!?! If this film is set in 2000, then that’s FUCKED
(I think it’s either a random drawing or to do with Garret’s toy tbh but the idea of her having foresight of 9/11 is fucking horrifying)
I’m still not totally sure which animatronic the gang were going to force Abby into, like it’s one with spring locks and at first I thought it might be Circus Baby but it doesn’t really look like her. It looks almost like a marionette or something? And I mean, yeah, it could be that they changed the design a bit but they literally stayed faithful to the designs of all the animatronics in the series so… you know.
Desperate to know if Matthew Lillard is aware of the fact that his DILF status has been multiplied by one hundred after this film like can someone check in on him and see if he’s alright? 💀 the FNAF girlies fans are frankly RABID about Afton
On that note, I wonder if Josh Hutcherson or Matthew Lillard have ever played any FNAF games, like were they fans before being cast or…? I really wish we could have content of them talking about the film or promoting it, but Hollywood refuses to pay their actors fairly so 🤷‍♀️
Listen, I ADORE both Josh and Matthew anyway but in this film I feel like Matthew especially stood out??? Maybe it’s just the character he’s playing but he ATE this role up (so did Josh but still)
I feel like the springlock scene was actually more terrifying upon a second viewing like at my first one I was like “that’s not as bad as I imagined” but this time I was like “holy shit he’s in agony” like his screams were PAINFUL to listen to
Speaking of painful to listen to, Freddy gave this really guttural and pained roar/scream at one point during the ending and it really made my heart hurt, it’s like the child inside of him was reliving the memory of their murder or something??? I can’t describe it but it was such an intense moment
I honest to god feel like I enjoyed it more on a second viewing and I don’t know why??? Maybe it’s just because the other people in my cinema weren’t laughing every five minutes but still.
I now have the urge to rewatch ALL of Markiplier’s playthroughs of ALL the FNAF games so… yep!
Once again begging for people to talk about FNAF because I’m not the most knowledgable on the series but I do enjoy it!
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turtletaubwrites · 1 month
Numbers Game ~ Part 18
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Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 9508
Ao3 Link
Summary: Old friends reconnect, Buggy shows off his work, and you feel time moving by too fast. How can you enjoy the day when your world is falling apart?
Author's Note: This is the first chapter where I still think a lot of you will hate it, but I don't care as much because I'm super proud of it, lol. Although I realllyyy hope you like it!!! It's a rollercoaster 😵 (BIG DRAMA & EMOTIONS WARNING)
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Flashbacks from Reader's Past | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | (These symbols will bracket sections to denote the POV shift)
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic contains spoilers for the end of the Wano arc
Rating/Warnings: Author May Choose to Exclude some Warnings to Avoid Spoilers for Certain Chapters, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Use of Y/N, Dark Content, Blood & Violence, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Drama, Jealousy, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Degradation, Biting, Vaginal Fingering, Hair-Pulling, Cunnilingus, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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“You know, I can’t help but be curious,” Shanks wondered aloud, taking a sip of black coffee. He smirked at you from the newly added table on the balcony, the single round one wasn't nearly large enough for the appetites, or the sheer space that all these pirates demanded. 
“What’s that they say about cats,” Crocodile grumbled, tossing a napkin onto his empty plate before snagging the paper from Mihawk to flatten out on the table. He stared down at the page, giving the air of not caring whether the red headed guest lived or died, let alone replied.
Buggy floated his hand toward you from the second table. His body was so close to his old friend, but his smile was on you while he kept feeding you bits of fruit as he had all morning, his thumb rubbing over your lips when sweet juice would spill. 
Crocodile and Mihawk said nothing about it. 
But Shanks had too much to say.
“It just seems silly to me,” he continued, those brown eyes holding you in place, “that Miss Mystery Girl is keeping secrets from her lovers. Especially since they’ll be forced out of you after the party anyway. Why not share before then?”
“Leave her alone, shitbrain,” Buggy ordered, but there was no real bite in his voice. 
Your mouth went dry, the Emperor’s prodding words had twisted at your growing anxiety, even dipped in that friendly charm.
He’s right. It’ll be worse if I wait.
“Aren’t all the party guests your friends, Y/N? Do they know your little secret?”
“I think that’s enough curiosity for the day, Shanks,” Mihawk drawled as he rested a hand on the hook that had started scraping across the table.
“No worries,” Shanks winked, letting out a relaxed sigh as he stretched his arm toward the morning sun. “Your sweet, little bunny is just so darn interesting.”
“And you’re so darn annoying,” Buggy mocked, earning a playful smile from Shanks’ lips when he met those pretty, brown eyes.
“Alright, President,” Crocodile cut in while the red haired pirate leaned his face closer to your clown. Buggy perked up at the title of his position as their figurehead, his eyes a bit wide as he looked away from Shanks’ gaze. The dreamy look on his old friend’s face didn’t fade when Crocodile went on. “I’d like for us to sit in on your rehearsal this evening. Party’s in two days, we need to know what to expect.”
“Uh, sure, boss,” Buggy straightened up. You smiled to yourself as you caught his gloved fingers tapping and walking up and down his own thigh. “Let’s do dinner and a show!”
“Lovely,” Mihawk said dryly, although his eyes lingered on Buggy longer than usual before looking toward you. “I’m sure our clown will be busy preparing. Why don’t you all join me for a walk?”
“Got your garden set up yet?”
“Not at all,” Mihawk sighed at Shanks’ question, looking up at Crocodile after the larger man had huffed a laugh.
“Too busy building a cat palace, and terrorizing your other pets?”
“I have many fulfilling hobbies,” Mihawk smirked back, before narrowing his eyes at the rest of you. You and Buggy looked away quickly, while Shanks beamed at them. 
“Let’s have a tour then! I’d love to go play in the dirt,” Shanks laughed, his wicked eyes burning into you.
“Miss Y/N and I have some work to take care of,” Crocodile ordered, resting his arm across the back of your chair. If these men were slightly less terrifying, you might have laughed at their antics.
Shanks laughed for you, a low chuckle that sent shivers over your skin, still tingling after Mihawk led him away.
Shanks whistled softly, a comforting tune to keep his steps light as he followed his golden eyed friend outside this castle disguised as a circus tent.
That thought made his steps light.
Mihawk stayed silent, not a hint of lightness in his gait, except for his predator’s grace. He avoided glancing toward the source of that whistled tune he’d been humming lately until they were hidden away in the empty, walled garden, free from prying eyes.
“What exactly are you doing here, Red Hair?”
Shanks ignored the hidden threat under Mihawk’s bored voice as he chose one of the empty beds to inspect. Fisting into the soil, he let the dirt slip through his fingers, taking in the scent. 
“Think you’ll be here long enough for grapes,” Shanks rasped, standing as he tilted his head toward the other man. He wiped his hand on his thigh, huffing a laugh when Mihawk frowned at the stain of dirt on his pants. “You never change, old friend. Wanna hose me down before we go back inside? I’d hate to dirty up your shiny, new dollhouse.”
Shanks was one of the only people in the world that could notice the shift in Mihawk’s expression, his face almost sinking deeper into that lazy mask.
“You’ll never match me with cutting words, Shanks, just like you’ll never best me with a sword,” he reasoned, an unexpected tightness in his chest that he discarded, letting his body be nothing but air in this charged moment. “I’d rather not stand here all–”
“Come on, you ol’ son of a gun,” Shanks laughed, stepping across an invisible line of comfort Mihawk had drawn, touching his shoulder. “Don’t be a sourpuss. I told you I could use a little vacation, and I–”
“And you saw Buggy’s poster,” Mihawk noted, brushing that dirty hand away to wipe the evidence off of his coat. 
“You all looked real cute,” Shanks breathed, his eyes leaving heat as he dragged them down Mihawk’s skin. His lips parted into a cocky smile as he admired the column of Mihawk’s throat, and that chest covered in so many pretty scars. He smirked as he searched for some of his own making. 
“So that’s all you’re here for, then,” Mihawk asked, slipping into stillness under Shanks' hungry gaze. “Just drinking, and fucking as usual? Or just to steal our clown away?”
His hand flexed just slightly. He hadn’t meant to say those words quite like that. And the shadow that grew across Shanks’ face confirmed that he should have reined that question in. 
“Didn’t you used to call him my clown,” Shanks countered, gesturing to himself as he stepped even closer. “You know, back when you would give me shit for talking about him?”
“Dracule Mihawk is speechless,” Shanks laughed, the sound jarring compared to the way laughter normally poured out of him. He stepped away, but only to pace in front of the swordsman, spitting words like daggers at his feet. “Always got something to say, except for now, huh? You’ve said so many things. Ooh, how about when you said I only liked my pathetic clown because of his powers, and that I’d be better off with a pretty, blue dildo? That’s definitely in my top ten. Or what about–”
“I’m sorry.”
Mihawk choked on those words, but he found himself in stillness for a different reason. A different danger.
Shanks stared, his mouth held open as if waiting to catch whatever word had been left forgotten from the shock. 
“What,” he growled, watching those glittering eyes for any hint of a feint.
“I’m sorry,” Mihawk confessed again, realizing that it was true. “I didn’t plan on–”
“Didn’t plan on fucking your best friend’s ex,” Shanks fumed, voice echoing a bit in the walled garden. “Keeping my clown as a toy? Have you used him as a fucking dildo yet, or are you still pretending to care about anyone besides your fucking cats?”
Mihawk cringed, taking each blow like a sword across his flesh. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d been this affected by words. 
Not words. 
“So how’d it happen then, old friend,” Shanks dared, anger still radiating off his skin, the air getting a little harder to breathe. “If you didn’t plan on it, did you just run around with your cock out until it landed in something?”
Mihawk tried to turn his surprised laugh into a cough, but Shanks’ eyes went manic at the sound.
“Who knew all my stoic friend needed to make him laugh was to fucking betray me. I can’t believe I’m surprised.”
“Shanks, wait–”
“Fuck off,” Shanks warned as he dodged Mihawk’s grasping hand, walking toward the exit. 
“Crocodile was going to kill him,” Mihawk called, hoping his friend would stop moving since he couldn’t seem to start. Shanks slowed, stopping to look over his shoulder, silent and waiting. “I suggested we keep him alive as our figurehead. I knew how you… I wouldn’t let him die.”
They faced off as they had countless times before, taking in every detail, every movement the other made. Shanks caught what looked like pain in those golden eyes, and his jaw clenched at the sight.
“That’s a pretty low bar for a friendship.”
After a heavy pause, Mihawk lowered his predator’s eyes, nodding as he looked toward Shanks’ feet. The swordsman was truly speechless now, nothing coming through until he braved looking back up when his friend broke the silence. 
“Are you gonna let me take him?”
“Of course,” he breathed, watching Shanks build up his walls again.
“What about Crocodile,” Shanks questioned. His lungs burned from it all, but his breathing slowed, still not sure what to feel about Mihawk’s words, about the emotion in those emotionless eyes. 
“He will. We promised Y/N,” Mihawk rasped. Shanks furrowed his brows, about to ask for more, so he continued. “She doesn’t want us to force him to stay if he wants to go, and we’ll honor that.”
Shanks tilted his head back, a heavy sigh forced out of him. Mihawk tried again, but he knew that none of the words that flew through his mind would help this moment. This guilt. 
“So it’s up to Buggy,” Shanks whispered before walking away, leaving Mihawk with his empty dirt. 
“Want me to drain the life out of him,” Crocodile grumbled as he opened the door to the lounge. True laughter let your lips now, and you took in a deep breath as you hugged his waist. The pleased hum that rumbled through him felt almost too comforting as he brushed your hair from your face. “Come here, sweetheart.”
Crocodile’s desk was comically large, and you wondered if he could hide a person in the bottom drawer. He stole your focus again, offering you a seat on his lap.
It was ridiculous how eager you were, how much you craved his attention. 
“Top drawer, darlin,” he rasped, not reaching down to meet your lips as you leaned into him. 
“Okay,” you blinked, stuck for a moment before you obeyed. The heavy wood slid open, revealing your notebook with all of your contacts, and their details. Your blood chilled when you set it on the desk, his voice taking too long to question you, leaving you in the discomfort.
“Do these people know your secret?”
Your body slumped at his question, his voice not cold or angry, but still not the way you wanted him to talk to you.
He’s never going to talk to me that way again. It’s over.
Heat built up in your throat as the grief and fear you’d been ignoring all this time crashed over you. 
“Hey,” he soothed, guiding your weak body to sit on the desk, your feet dangling between his legs as he studied you. The back of his golden hook lifted your chin. That hook you knew you should still be afraid of, but instead made you sigh, savoring its cool touch. 
“I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, babydoll,” he urged, and his sweetness brought a tiny choked sob from your throat. Then the sweetness was replaced with a steady calm, a voice that could tip either way. “I promised you that you could tell us after, but I need your word, Y/N. Give me your word that your secret won’t cause any problems at the party. If you can’t do that–”
“I’ll tell you,” you gave in, tears already racing down your cheeks, sobs too heavy to swallow were ripped from you until he pulled you to him.
“I’m sorry, sweet girl,” Crocodile whispered, only making your cries more painful. He held you as you ruined his silk vest, falling to pieces in his arms.
“I don’t want it to be over,” you finally managed, hating yourself for crying, for thinking you could have this. You met his eyes, wanting to shrivel up, and disappear from the concern and questions they held. “Can I… can I please have one more day?”
His pause felt like more weight tied to your limbs, dragging you under.
“Tomorrow,” he agreed, carrying you to the couch to stroke your hair, and call you pretty things while you tried to stuff all those tears back inside. 
Crocodile stayed with you, the bandage on his palm tickling your skin as he left soothing touches on your arms and back while you cleaned yourself up. 
“How did you get hurt,” you choked, searching for anything that would get your mind off of it. “I thought you couldn’t…”
Regretting the question, you cowered under that frightening stare through the mirror. 
“I have a secret too,” he rasped, his breath slowing as he stared through you. “Can I trust you, sweetheart? Since you’re sharing yours…”
“I—” you started, body humming, tingling with fear and something else from the intensity in that deep voice. “I promise. I’ll keep your secret.”
Crocodile leaned over you, enveloping you to turn on the faucet. 
“Try to punch my hand, sweetheart.”
Questions filled you, but you obeyed, fascinated at the sight of his flesh turning to sand to avoid the blow. He reached lower, letting water rush over his fingers, coating the back of his hand. 
No hesitation as you followed his addictive voice, you gasped as your fist connected with the center of his palm, punching straight into the center of the bandage. 
He went to his knees, turning you to face him, gripping your hand in his.
“Sand doesn’t flow when it’s wet,” he whispered, the dangers of what he was sharing sending chills through you. “I can’t protect you as well when liquid touches my skin. Remember that, sweetheart, but never speak of it.”
“Never,” you vowed, wanting to cry again from his trust in you. “I promise, daddy.”
Your attempts to clean your grief away didn’t matter. Every other lover clocked the evidence in your eyes when lunch rolled around.
“Pretty star, you okay, baby?”
“I’ll be okay,” you probably lied, wondering if Crocodile would punish you if it never came true. Buggy wrapped his arms around you, trapping you in place as you caught Shanks’ gaze behind him. The crease between his brows could have been for anything, and you didn’t have the energy to guess what he was thinking.
“What happened,” Mihawk asked, an unfamiliar strain in that liquid voice as he sat you down beside him. He held your face, studying you so intensely it felt like your skin would go raw. 
“Y/N’s going to tell us her secret tomorrow instead of after the party, but we can discuss that in the morning,” Crocodile ordered as leaned back to blow smoke away from the group. “Let’s enjoy the day, the next few are bound to be hectic.”
Avoiding so many eyes ruined any appetite you might have had, but you did accept a few more pieces of fruit from your clown, his eyes going soft when you smiled.
“How the fuck am I supposed to work like this,” Buggy snapped to no one in particular, pacing as he reviewed his plans, needing everything to be perfect. 
All he could think about were Y/N’s red eyes.
And before he’d seen her like that, all he could think about was that stupid red hair. 
He checked every light, barked at every musician until they were all in tune, and snapped at the kitchen staff to coordinate dinner with the show. The clown went over every single detail until a light sheen of sweat coated his skin, making his greasepaint too shiny under the stage lights. 
Now and then, Buggy would remember that this wasn’t just a show. This was it. 
His one chance to prove that he wasn’t a worthless piece of shit.
“Which idiot left this fucking table here,” he spat, focusing on anything else. Anything but the way his pretty star had seen him bleeding on the floor, useless to protect her. Anything but the tears she must have cried today. Anything but that thing he refused to think about.
Anything but that stupid red hair.
“I’m sorry about this morning,” Shanks purred, lounging on a loveseat while he watched you twirl for Mihawk, still deciding what you should wear. “I think I’m–”
“An asshole,” you quipped, trying not to gloat as Crocodile’s pleased laughter floated through the suite. Mihawk just cleared his throat, fetching another dress. 
“Jealous,” Shanks confessed, eyes shining with amusement even as his voice went serious. “I’ve been a jealous brat, and I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Your mouth opened, but nothing came out for a long moment. The air was thick with the silence of the other men in the room. 
“A jealous brat, and an asshole,” you finally teased, the air shifting again as if time had reset itself. “Don’t forget that part.”
A shocked, yet playful grin hit his parted lips, then his eyes trailed down your body until you shivered. It hadn’t felt strange to stand there in lingerie until this moment, until the subtle bite he gave to his bottom lip before meeting your eyes again. 
“How could I forget, when I’ve got such a sweet little bunny to remind me?”
“Not yours,” Crocodile warned. 
“Of course,” Shanks conceded with a nod toward the larger man, though he never stopped watching you. 
Mihawk kissed your shoulder while he pulled you into another dress, and a bit of tension returned to your body as his silence continued. The instinctual fear that silence meant someone was mad at you made your stomach flip, but you couldn’t handle any more stress at the moment, so you shoved yet another feeling as far away as you could. 
You were grateful that his hands still touched you, even though his wicked voice was absent.
Shanks hopped up from the couch, his informal attire switched out for slightly less informal attire that suited him well. Darker fabrics, with no trace of sand, made his skin gleam as he sauntered over to you. He took your hand gently, leaning down as he gave you that disarming smile you’d seen when he first walked into your world.  
“Think you can forgive this jealous, bratty, asshole, Miss Y/N?,” he charmed, the force of it hitting you like a lovely ton of bricks. 
“Maybe,” you managed, unable to hold onto that bite in your voice. 
“I’ll take maybe,” he winked, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before Crocodile pulled your hand away. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” he prodded before leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. “Let’s go see our clown.”
“What do you think, rabbit,” Mihawk checked in, pulling your eyes from the stage. “Will those boring, wealthy clients of yours enjoy this little show?”
Buggy was tossing daggers at his empty wheel. There was no poor soul strapped on for a spin, so Buggy called out parts of the Marine’s symbol that was freshly painted across the wood, landing every shot. Performers and dancers took turns on the small stage, music and lights bringing everything to life.
You knew Buggy was nervous, but as soon as the spotlight touched him, he was in another world. 
Your shining star. 
He led the show before and during the lavish meal, until it would be time for him to hand over the reins, time to drain as many berries as possible from the guests. His speech was the perfect amount of charming and frightening that any of those guests would be craving for their little adventure, their little holiday getaway. 
Crocodile grumbled when Buggy urged him and Mihawk to stand from their place at the long, head table beside you, shaking his head when the clown announced them as his “Executives.”
“And let’s give a round of applause for our Chief Financial Officer, the stunning and talented, Miss Y/N!”
Choking on a sip of wine, you caught Buggy’s exaggerated wink, your coughs turning to laughs as Mihawk pulled you to stand. You smiled at empty tables, pride followed by emptiness when you remembered your promise for tomorrow. 
“Sorry we didn’t have time to find a promotion gift for you, sweetheart,” Crocodile rasped as he kissed your cheek. 
“I have some ideas,” Mihawk purred, his breath teasing along your ear after he kissed your other cheek.
“Are you serious,” you laughed, your body tingling as Buggy’s head flew toward you, stealing a kiss. “I don’t need anything, this is…”
Shanks interrupted your almost tears, lifting his glass up with a shout.
“To Y/N! Buggy, can the band stick around for a bit? Your C.F.O. deserves a party!”
Buggy obeyed without a thought, and soon the air was filled with joyful music, your body starting to sway.
“May I have the first dance,” Shanks grinned, stepping around Mihawk to offer you his hand.
You could almost feel it as the bodies around you went stiff. 
“I’m a terrible dancer,” you said softly, though you couldn’t stop swaying.
“Who cares,” the Emperor laughed, the infectious sound pulling you in. “Let’s go see how much fun we can have with three hands, and three left feet.”
Your hand was in his before you realized you’d moved, and he whisked you away. No one stopped you, and soon you were giggling too much to think about why they would.
“Are you this bad too, or are you just trying to make me feel better about myself?”
“You’ll have to keep dancing to find out,” he teased before grabbing your waist, pressing his hips against you. “Maybe we just need a different dance.”
Already breathless, you stopped breathing completely when he stared down at you, pressing his hand into your lower back. You swore you could feel his pulse against your skin as you swayed together.
“I love how happy he is,” Shanks whispered, guiding you closer to the stage, the music louder with every inch. “That’s your doing, isn’t it, bunny?”
Shanks’ eyes flicked back to you from over your shoulder, and he rotated your bodies so you could look for yourself. You’d already seen Buggy laying across the table in front of Crocodile and Mihawk, alternating between watching and cheering you on, and animatedly talking to his “Executives” about the show. Now you noticed Mihawk massaging Buggy’s disconnected hand the way he always does for you when you’re sitting beside him. A tentative warmth surged through your chest, even though Mihawk dropped Buggy’s hand when he caught you looking.
“You’re running from something, aren’t you?”
The heat in his almost silent voice, and the way he guided your body against his confused the icy fear that those words shot through you. You gasped, almost moaning when he flipped you around, his knees bent a bit as he rubbed against you from behind. His fingers dug into your hip with such strength and control that your body ached to feel them inside you right there on the dancefloor. 
He leaned down, breathing against your ear, the music vibrating through you with so much force that you could barely hear him. 
“There’s no better place to run than the sea. You can be free, Y/N, and we can make him happy together. We can live his dre–”
“Mind if I cut in?”
A voice as sharp as a blade chilled your blood, but Shanks didn’t let you go just yet. He hugged you to him, kissing your cheek, and you could feel a smile on his lips before he released you. His thumb rubbed over your fingers as he lifted your hand to place into Mihawk’s, who held his outstretched while he watched Shanks’ every move.
What happened? Why are they so–
“Hello, darling,” Mihawk purred, interrupting your thoughts as he pulled your body against his. You smiled up at him weakly, moving how his hands pushed and pulled. 
“What’s wrong, pet?”
Shaking out of your daze, you blinked up into those golden, searching eyes.
Fingers like daggers pressed into your back, pulling away in an instant, your gasp lasting longer than the pain. Those eyes were wide now as he scanned your face, and you held your breath.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, the words sounding strange, as if he’d just learned them. “I’d hate to tattle on you, rabbit. Although I must confess, I am morbidly curious to see what daddy does to liars.”
A nervous laugh left your throat, and he gave you a few moments to breathe as he guided your steps around the gleaming floor. 
“I’m sorry. I’m just worried,” you managed, knowing that wouldn’t be enough. His stare confirmed it, so you tried to find a way to hide without lying. 
I can’t tell them. What if they’re angry? What if they fight, or kick him out? What if Buggy can't live his dream because of me?
What if I want to—
You shut down your thoughts, the sound of Buggy’s joyful voice pulling your eyes away.
“I’m worried about what’s gonna happen with…”
Mihawk followed your line of sight, catching the old lovers laughing. Shanks’ hand rested on Buggy’s thigh while he listened to the clown’s stories, the adoration on his face so vivid it was almost funny.
Almost funny, if not for the fact that the look on Buggy’s face was starting to match it more with each passing minute in the red haired pirate’s company. 
“Is my old friend hurting you, love?”
Mihawk had stopped dancing you, tilting your chin up toward him.
“Only by existing,” you laughed, not sure if you were dizzy from dancing, or from the chaos of emotions that Shanks had made you feel since he’d invaded your life the day before. 
“Come on, Miss C.F.O.” Shanks beamed. His eyes were obscured by Buggy’s extravagant hat, sitting askew on that pretty red hair. “It’s afterparty time!”
The two of them dragged you along, almost pulling you into your old suite before other hands pulled you back into the hallway. 
“You wanna sleep in there again,” Crocodile asked, and you almost felt fear as his frustration with your guest had seemed to build and build. But all you had to do was tell him what you wanted. 
“I do,” you breathed, going on tiptoes even though you’d never be able to reach his lips on your own. “Goodnight, daddy.”
His annoyed huff held a bit of satisfaction after your words, and you melted into the kiss he gave you. 
“I’m right next door, sweet girl.”
Mihawk pulled you aside, and you waited for evil, filthy words as he pressed you against the wall of the corridor, everyone else already in their chosen suites. It was hard to tell on his bored face that he’d worn most of the day, but he seemed to be frowning at you as he ran his fingers through your hair before cradling your face. 
He didn’t say anything for too long, until you flinched at the burst of laughter from the middle suite. 
“You are not a pet.”
“You are not a toy,” Mihawk continued, those whispered words sounding vicious, speeding your pulse. “Do you understand?”
You lied with a nod, not knowing what else to say to those burning, golden eyes. 
“May I kiss you,” he breathed after staring at you some more. He tasted your lips as soon as you gave another nod. 
“Mmn,” you moaned into his mouth, eyes rolling back as he kissed you with all that wicked passion you crave from him. His fingers curled into your hair, and he bit your lip before letting his tongue claim you again. 
You were whimpering, whining now, gasping as he lifted you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you lost yourself as he growled against your lips, grinding himself against your core.
His teeth were on your neck, biting deep, biting until your body tightened with need. That sharp, growing pain was its own pleasure, and you pulled at his soft, black hair until he moaned around your skin. Slick was smearing over his leather pants, your dress hiking up until your drenched cunt rubbed over the fabric, nothing but lace panties in the way.
“Always so greedy,” Shanks purred, leaning against the doorframe. His voice was light, a friendly tease, but the hallway felt sickeningly heavy, like gravity had increased, and you’d all be crushed to the floor.
Mihawk released your neck from his teeth, but pressed his forehead against the wall for a few seconds, leaving you to stare at Shanks, then Buggy over his shoulder, and then Crocodile who opened the other door to scowl at the scene. The swordsman lowered you gently, smoothing your dress into place, and whispering in your ear while he fixed your mussed hair. 
“Just say my name,” he breathed before turning around, failing to fix his own mussed up hair.
“The little rabbit and I were just saying goodnight,” he brushed off, heading toward the door. “See you all in the morning.”
Everyone stared as he left, until Crocodile frowned at you. You gave a weak smile and a shrug, and he narrowed his eyes, but let Buggy pull you along. 
Two doors shut, leaving that heavy air to fester in the corridor.
“What the fuck was that about?”
Mihawk didn’t reply, refusing any thoughts until he had a glass of wine. Something to sip, something to hold, something to stare at.
“Hawk Eyes,” Crocodile growled, moving to loom over the man who’d just gulped down a glass of wine he’d normally savor before pouring another. “What happened? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the world’s greatest swordsman is throwing a tantrum.”
Mihawk barked a laugh, walking away from the larger man without looking up to meet his eyes. 
“You may be right,” he said wistfully, wandering through the suite until he stopped at the heavy trunks they hadn’t finished unpacking. He lifted one of the lids, revealing the pile of fantasy books Crocodile had gifted Y/N. 
Mihawk frowned at the colorful covers, thinking about his own gift. He’d remembered that she said she loved cats.
But he would have gotten Adam for himself anyway. 
Crocodile’s body was on edge, waiting for danger as he observed the man before him. It was still Mihawk, still powerful, graceful, yet his usual faces of boredom or vicious glee were dulled, and Crocodile did not fucking like it. 
Mihawk ran his fingers over one of the covers, tracing the shape of a dragon before he snatched the book up. He could feel the other man’s steely eyes as he plopped onto the loveseat by that connecting wall, a new one brought in since the scotch covered sofa had stunk up the whole suite.
Crocodile sat beside him, still watching, still waiting as Mihawk sipped his wine, and tried to read about dragons and heroes.
“Should I just guess what’s gotten your panties in a twist?”
A brief exhale, and an almost smile left the man who turned a page he hadn’t read. Still, he put it all away. Put everything away.
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you need, little bird.”
Golden eyes shot up toward Crocodile, as if he’d offered a threat instead of whatever those words were. 
Crocodile bit his tongue, refusing to look away, and reveal the discomfort he felt as those words slipped past his better judgment. 
Mihawk had never had a day like this. A day when sharp words wouldn’t leave his lips, when sharp blades could do nothing for him. A day filled with so much guilt it made him unsteady. There were plenty of guilty days to forget or regret, but this one felt violent, urgent, and he didn’t know what to do with it all. 
What to do with Y/N.
The words, “Shanks is right,” played on a loop, until his mind was sick of everything but wine. 
“I don’t like the silent treatment.”
There wasn’t real danger, Mihawk’s body didn’t register it. Yet Crocodile fisted his hair, yanking his neck back to expose his throat until that sharp point kissed it, cold metal ready to spill red.
Mihawk had dropped the book onto his lap, though never dropped a glass of precious wine, especially over his clothes. His lips parted, forgetting everything in his mind for just a moment as that scarred face lowered over his.
“Are you gonna tell daddy what’s wrong, or do I need to tear it out of you?”
The swordsman’s body went loose, his eyes rolling back as Crocodile pressed their cheeks together, rubbing along his skin as he breathed in the scent of him. 
“Don’t make me ask again.”
Crocodile released him, brushing his thumb over those pretty lips while Mihawk caught his breath. The satisfaction that pulsed through Crocodile at the other man’s fluttering eyes was intense, piercing, and he had to hold himself still. 
Had to remind himself that he needed to know what the fuck was going on.
Mihawk hated how much he missed the touch of that hand when it was removed from his skin. Hated how needy, how fucking weak he was. Hated that no matter what he did, he would be betraying someone. Hated having to decide who it would be. 
Hated the sick wish that he could stop caring again, that he could treat everything as meaningless. 
That was how he ended up here in the first place. 
Finally, he took another large swig of wine, choosing to side with the friend that would never forgive him. Even though he might lose everything. 
“I have come to the unpleasant realization that I am a bad person,” Mihawk drawled, his voice almost perfect as he straightened up.
The deep, overwhelming laughter of the man beside him made him forget the world again, shock and annoyance pouring through him. 
“I didn’t realize my existential crisis would be so amusing to–”
“Where do you think you are,” Crocodile choked out, still laughing as he wiped a bit of moisture from his eyes. He gestured to the suite, to himself, shaking his head. “Did you forget what this fucking Guild is for? We are all very bad people.”
Mihawk’s mouth hung slack for a moment, until his head fell back. Laughter, thick as honey, filled the air between them, until his hand grazed the book in his lap, tracing over that colorful dragon. 
Crocodile couldn’t shake the feeling that the swordsman was holding things back. He wanted to pull until he got the whole truth, but there was something in Mihawk’s eyes that made him quiet, made him want to see the man with that wicked smile again first.
“Come on, little prince,” Crocodile soothed as he stood, holding out his hand. “Wanna show me what a bad person you are?”
A tiny version of that smile graced those lips, and Crocodile inhaled pride as he stared down at his little prince. 
His breath caught at the thought, at all these dangerous, stupid, distracting thoughts. 
“Thank you, daddy,” Mihawk purred, his voice breathy as he held himself under his mountain of guilt. “But I had hoped to rest and listen tonight, if that’s alright?”
Crocodile nodded, unease flooding his veins again. He tried to convince himself that it was nothing. 
“How are they doing in there,” he asked softly, wanting to shake the man, but not wanting to push their new arrangement too far. 
“Oh, they’re having a wonderful time,” Mihawk reported. The words that would have been tasty the night before were like ashes on his tongue, and he went to pour himself another glass so he could stomach listening. 
Mihawk just brought the bottle with him, drowning while he listened to Shanks steal away both of his shiny new toys.
Hoping that Crocodile wouldn’t hate him for letting it happen.
“Afterparty,” Buggy yelled, pressing that sexy music tone dial before floating you through the air. Giggling, you reached for him, pulling his hair loose to flow around you both. 
“You were amazing, Bugs,” you grinned, the tension of the hallway forgotten when he looked at you. 
“Of course I was,” he agreed, making you gasp when he connected with his lower body to press you onto the bed. His weight was such a perfect relief from every worried thought you wanted to burn. 
Shanks sat on the corner of the bed, but Buggy distracted you, kissing across your face, your chest, humming until you squirmed beneath him. He went still, his face hovering above yours with one of your favorite smiles. Soft and sweet, his crystal blue eyes dancing over your features as if needing to catch every slight movement, every piece of you. 
“You’re my shining star, Y/N,” he confessed, a reverent tone in his voice that made you shake your head, twisting under him. 
“I thought you were the shining star,” you purred, struggling as he trapped your arms, holding your body down. “You’re the shining star of the show, and I’m the pretty star by your side, helping you shine.”
Buggy’s eyes looked down as he quirked his fading red lips, and your cheerful tease felt wrong. Anxiety started to fill you until he met your eyes again. He kissed you slowly, deep and thorough, savoring every bit of you until you whimpered, then you tasted his smile before he pulled back. 
“You’re my shining star, baby,” he whispered, squeezing your cheeks before kissing your puckered lips. “You’re my everything.”
Joy was everywhere as Buggy kissed your lips, then down your neck and shoulders, both of you laughing as you pulled him to you. 
You went cold when you remembered what the morning held, desperate to hang onto this feeling for as long as you could. Your head relaxed to the side as you tried to breathe out those thoughts, and you found Shanks observing you. You felt bare before him, like he could see through every uncomfortable feeling you tried to shove down. 
“She’s your star, huh, Buggy,” he purred, trailing his hand through Buggy’s hair until he stopped kissing your neck to look at the red haired man. 
“Of course she is,” Buggy bragged, tracing a gloved finger around your face. “Just look at her.”
His name left your lips in nothing more than a whimper, and you loved the way it made him straighten, his chin raising slightly as if your voice could lift him up. 
“I watched you feeding her fruit all day,” Shanks’ voice shifted, moving his hand down Buggy’s arm to his wrist before pulling those gloved fingers up to kiss his knuckles. “You were getting her ready for me, weren’t you? Want me to taste your shining star? Make her scream for you?”
Buggy lifted off of you, sitting back on his heels. His hungry eyes looked back and forth between you and his old friend, and you knew it was true. 
“Mm, I knew it,” Shanks rasped, now pulling your hand up for a kiss, staring heat into your skin. “Buggy wants me to taste you. Can I please taste you, little bunny?”
The weight of both of their stares tore you free from the world. You had to say yes. 
“Such a good girl,” Shanks praised, moving between your legs as Buggy helped you out of your dress, your bra, stopping there when Shanks reached out. “Hold on, friend. These are too pretty to get rid of so soon.”
He followed that order by pressing his hand down over the top of your thigh, and rubbing his thumb up and down over your lace covered clit. 
“Please,” you gasped, back arching when Buggy pinned your wrists. He sat behind your head, facing Shanks across your body, and you could see his breathing shift while he stared at the other man.
“Bunny’s being so polite,” Shanks taunted, his voice laced with danger that had your heart racing, “but if you don’t tell me what you’re begging for, I’ll just have to guess.”
He emphasized his threat by pressing his thumb into your desperate, clothed cunt, the lace panties straining under the pressure of his touch. 
“Please, taste me,” you choked out, catching Buggy’s face above you as he scraped his lip though his teeth. 
“My pleasure,” Shanks teased, tugging that fabric down your hips until Buggy’s hands floated down to help. “You know what she likes. Gonna teach me, Buggy?”
“Fuck,” Buggy breathed whiled he watched Shanks setting himself up between your legs. “Fuck yeah. Kiss her clit first, Shanks. Lick and suck her like candy.”
“Anything you say, Bugs,” Shanks agreed, pressing that charming mouth to your core, and your mind couldn’t decide which name to moan, mixing sounds together. “Gods, she’s so sweet for me, Buggy.”
“Quit talking, and make my girl come,” Buggy demanded, grinning at you when his words made you moan. He kept giving Shanks commands, until you were shaking, and those brown eyes stared up at you with so much focus, it made you dizzy before you screamed, coming all over that charming face. 
“Pretty bunny,” Shanks hummed as he moved up your body. He kissed the taste of you into your mouth before leaning toward Buggy. They kissed above you, the sight making your whine. 
“Looks like she needs some more attention," Shanks whispered at Buggy, until they both smirked down at you. “Wanna teach me how to finger your pretty girl now? I bet you know her pretty pussy so well, huh? Know just how to make her scream?”
“You hear that, star,” Buggy bragged, kissing along your ear. “I’m gonna do a magic trick. Make you come without even touching my pretty girl. You want that, baby?”
“Yes, ple–”
“Shove two fingers inside her right now,” he ordered, and you cried out when his words came true. “Spread her out. You feel that perfect cunt, Shanks?”
“Fuck, yes, Buggy,” Shanks rasped while he scissored those fingers inside you, spreading and feeling around, exploring. “She feels–”
“Wreck her. Make her scream,” Buggy growled. 
Buggy sent one hand to trap both of yours, and pressed the other down on your lower stomach. You glanced down just in time to see the spark in Shanks’ eyes when Buggy commanded him, and then his fingers were so fucking deep. 
“You heard him, bunny,” Shanks taunted, a wicked laugh as his strong fingers fucked you until you forgot your name. “You gonna scream for him now, or do I need to shove my whole fist into this sweet, little pussy?”
“Fuck,” you moaned, then screamed as his fingers curled inside you, his thumb attacking your clit. Buggy laughed before kissing you, inhaling your screams until you twitched all the way through that pleasure, twitched until it was too much. 
“Bugs, did we kill your star,” Shanks teased in mock horror, lifting and dropping your limp arm. 
“Nuh uh, my baby can go all night, huh,” Buggy praised, kissing your cheek while you tried, and failed to move. “She just needs a little break.”
“Breaks are nice,” the red haired pirate hummed. He laid next to you, trailing his hand along your body, and you sighed as Buggy laid on your other side. Their bodies, their voices, their heat, everything helped. Everything was good. 
“I know you like to watch,” Shanks rasped, speaking to Buggy before directing his voice, and his wicked gaze to you. “But how about you, Y/N? Do you like to watch your shining star?”
“Yeah, she does,” Buggy bragged, interrupting you before kissing your cheek. “You got in soo much trouble. Remember, baby? You couldn’t take your eyes off of me and Mihawk.”
You almost missed it when your eyes fluttered at the memory, but Shanks’ jaw clenched at Buggy’s playful words, his fingers pressing into your skin for a moment. 
“Do you wanna watch us, bunny? Watch me make your shining star feel good?”
Shanks’ request sounded light, sounded like fun, but you felt it. You felt the pain in him, and you watched him blink and move his eyes around, trying to hide it. He failed, those brown eyes heavy on yours until you smiled. 
“I wanna watch.”
Y/N’s voice was so sweet, so sweet when she said those words. 
And now Shanks was crawling over him, and Buggy stopped thinking. 
This couldn’t be real.
Shanks stared down at his old friend, his old lover, wanting to kiss Y/N again for giving consent. For giving permission for this moment right now. 
“Can I make you scream now, Bugs,” Shanks asked, tracing his fingers around Buggy’s face, his jaw. 
“You can try,” Buggy taunted back, but his hands had already flown away to grab a towel and lube, dropping them in front of Shanks with a grin. 
“Come here,” the red head growled, lunging forward to grab that beautiful blue hair. Kissing Buggy almost hurt from how unreal it felt. Years and years poured into each other, and Shanks straddled his old friend, uselessly pinning one of his wrists above his head. 
So fucking dizzy. 
Buggy knew he hadn’t drank enough tonight to feel like this. His gloved hands were shaking as they ran over Shanks’ bare skin beneath his loose shirt, and he couldn’t think clearly. Every time he almost had a thought, a hungry noise from his old friend’s throat would make him frantic. 
“Can I help you out of these,” Shanks purred, his eyes sparkling with old laughter as he sat back to grab one of Buggy’s hands. 
Buggy’s eyes flicked to Y/N, and her gorgeous smile made everything alright. 
“Mhm,” Buggy nodded as he tugged one of his gloves off with his teeth. Shanks did the same with the other hand, biting down, and pulling at the fabric.
“There’s my Bugs,” he breathed, kissing those bare fingers. “You don’t need to hide from me.”
A hint of ice flashed across Buggy’s face, and though the clown caught and killed it, giving a smile to cover it up, Shanks felt that ice slide down into his gut. 
“Don’t you have something you’re supposed to be doing right now, shithead,” Buggy stopped him with a laugh, tracing along his waistband. “Or are you here to break more promises?”
“Take your clothes off, clown,” Shanks ordered, heat and happiness in his voice. The two of them stood, almost stumbling off the bed with a laugh while their hands searched and freed each other's bodies. Buggy turned to do a silly strip tease for Y/N, earning another beautiful smile as she bit her lip. 
Buggy almost leapt for her, but strong fingers fisted into his hair again, pulling him into another chaotic kiss. 
“Lie on your back. I wanna see your face when you make all those pretty noises for me.”
Shanks’ whispered command burned along his skin, making Buggy’s knees weak. Shanks used that opening to shove him onto the bed, finding his way between those thighs. The red haired pirate sat back on his heels as he watched Buggy’s chest heaving, his body already writhing. Smeared red lips, and sparkling, hungry eyes made the breath catch in his throat. 
This moment was frozen, crystallized in Shanks’ mind. A moment of elation and gratitude, shot through with grief that it would be the last. He swallowed that fear, refusing to believe it. 
Refusing to lose him again. 
“Well,” Buggy prodded, breathless as he gave an impatient face.
“Lube,” Shanks smirked as he held out his hand. Buggy’s floating hands filled his palm, then dropped the bottle as Shanks grabbed Buggy’s swollen cock instead of his own. “Couldn’t resist. You’ve got the prettiest clown dick I’ve ever seen.”
“Fuck yo–” Buggy started, his words cut off by his own gasping moan when Shanks massaged a lubed finger around his asshole before pushing it inside him, slowly adding another. 
“Don’t worry, Bugs,” Shanks taunted as he watched Buggy’s face go desperate. “Help me get ready, I’ll give you what you need.”
The clown sent his hands to rub lube onto that veiny cock, just the touch of it making his eyes roll back. Thoughts kept trying to roll in now, to ruin this, but he shoved everything away. Right now their bodies were together, their bodies were taking pleasure, giving pleasure, and it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but those soft, and dangerous eyes. 
No more words. No more teasing. 
Buggy held his thighs aside easily, all that circus flexibility having so many benefits, and helped Shanks line himself up. The touch of him, barely any pressure yet, was too much, not enough.
Shanks caught Buggy’s eyes as he sank into him inch by inch. He didn’t have to say it. Buggy kept those eyes on his, and Shanks felt the pleasure of watching Buggy fight not to break eye contact. The look of frantic, painful need on his clown’s face felt even better than that perfect tight pressure around his cock.
“You feel so fucking good, Buggy,” Shanks praised, falling forward onto his hand so he could be closer while he started to move, to fuck, to make Buggy moan. He was thrusting harder, more desperate with every breath. “How’s that feel, baby? Needed my cock, didn’t you?”
“Fuck, ye– fuck, please.”
“Please,” Shanks purred, slowing to smile down, noticing the matching sheens of sweat on their skin. “I want you, Buggy. I want you inside me right–”
Buggy’s cock floated out from between their bodies, his hands going so fast as he lubed himself up, then shoved fingers into Shanks ass while he laughed and moaned, still fucking into him. 
“Oh gods, yes,” Shanks breathed, pausing his movements while Buggy started filling him, taking him, fucking him. Shanks' eyes rolled white, throwing his head back as he started his rhythm again. 
Nothing could compare to this.
Not when he looked down into those perfect eyes, tears forming at the corners while his moans got louder with every rough thrust. Not when he lost himself inside Buggy’s body, while Buggy took and gave it all to him too. 
“Come inside me, Buggy, I need to feel you,” Shanks begged as his body fell apart, almost there, but not wanting it to end. “Gods, I missed you so fucking much, baby.”
“Shanks…” Buggy whined, feeling the insane moment of pleasure when they came inside each other, the heat and force of their come bringing wild, needy moans from their throats. 
Dripping with sweat now, they relearned how to breathe, still twitching inside each other. Buggy started to move, but Shanks dropped from his hand to his elbow beside Buggy’s head, pausing to look at him before he lowered his sweaty face down, kissing those faded red lips. 
Neither had any thoughts in that moment. They finally won that battle in their minds, that battle to enjoy this moment for what it was. Whatever it was. 
That kiss was the only thing in the world. 
You weren’t breathing. You had no idea when you’d stopped, or if you’d ever start again. You might die on the edge of that bed, suffocating without ever making a sound. 
They wouldn’t even notice I died.
Bile rose up your throat at that hateful thought. 
It didn’t make sense. You felt so fucking selfish, so disgusting. What gave you the right to feel jealous? After everything Buggy went through, everything you put him through… 
They still haven’t noticed me. 
Entitled. Stupid. Ungrateful bitch. 
So many words and emotions flew through your mind, the speed and chaos of them only making your nausea worse. Anger, jealousy, self pity. 
You fought to keep your face neutral in case they remembered you were there, but your lip quivered, replaying every beautiful fucking moment. 
They love each other so much. 
Swallowing a sob, you dug your nails into your palms. 
I can’t have love. I can never have love.
All you wanted to do was disappear. 
“How’s my star,” Buggy asked, his voice shaky as he pulled away from his lover. 
“Beautiful, that’s how,” Shanks praised, mirroring Buggy as they moved in to kiss your cheeks. 
Liar. I’m a liar. 
Your practiced smile, your fake happiness that was trained into you since childhood lifted your lips, and you filled your eyes with as much of the truth as you could. You were happy for them. 
Part of you was, at least. 
Yawning instead of speaking, you let Buggy kiss you, giggling as he carried you to the shower. You felt lost, empty, trapped in an echoey room, only vaguely aware of the world outside. 
Buggy laid you on the soft carpet while they struggled to change the sheets, laughter, and insults, and deep, heated kisses kept interrupting their task until you wanted to scream. 
I just want to disappear. 
“Mihawk,” you breathed, hoping he could hear you over their laughter and moans as Shanks kissed along Buggy’s neck. 
“May I come in?”
The room froze at the knock, and the cold voice on the other side of the door. The lovers stepped away from each other before Buggy sent his hand to the doorknob. 
“What is it,” Shanks asked, his own voice drained of all the mirth it had held tonight. 
“Sir Crocodile,” Mihawk cleared his throat before his eyes found yours. “He’s tired of sleeping without his sweet girl. Would you mind, darling? You know how cranky he gets.”
Buggy came to your side, helping you up since your wobbly limbs didn’t seem to work anymore. 
“Thank you,” Shanks breathed into your ear before Buggy carried you to your golden eyed lover. “You’re amazing, Y/N.”
His sweet words brought back the bile in your throat, and you thought you might explode if you had to hold up that performative happiness any longer. 
Get me out of here.
“Goodnight, my shining star,” Buggy hummed, pressing a kiss to your temple before placing you in Mihawk’s arms. He smiled at you, but didn’t wait for you to say anything in return before closing the door. 
“Shh,” Mihawk soothed, almost silent while you started to shake in his arms. 
It was just a few steps to the other door, which flew open as Crocodile stood waiting, anger radiating off of him. 
“What the fuck happened? Get out of my–”
“They didn’t hurt her, Crocodile,” Mihawk sighed, walking into the room, and softly kicking the door shut behind him. “At least not on purpose. You’re okay, right, love?”
You were gone now, everything was foggy, and nothing mattered. It was nice.
“Why do you smell like four different wines?”
Both of them paused before Crocodile sat on the edge of the bed, deep, belly laughs filling the air. Mihawk looked half annoyed, and half pleased, eyes dancing over your face. 
“Five actually, but I’m impressed. My lovely, little bloodhound,” he purred as he laid you in the center of that giant bed. Stroking your hair, he whispered the words that finally broke you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
It was a silent, choked nothing at first, your body almost heaving as it tried to fight. Heat built and rolled through your throat until burning tears finally fell, and it felt like the bile would soon follow.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Crocodile calmed, sliding in beside you until they both touched your skin, both watched you struggle to breath around tears that made you sick. “Tell me what you need, Y/N. Anything for my sweet girl.”
You almost begged for them to make the night end, but knew the morning would bring fresh, new pain. Your last night before it was over, and you spent it twitching with pathetic, quiet sobs, unable to ask these men for help. Their comfort only made it worse, and after tomorrow, they would never look at you this way again. 
Would they still care if you cried? Would they use you just like everyone else?
Would they send you back?
They held you now as you lived in this torture of a night you needed to end, and a morning you needed to never begin. 
Somehow sleep ripped you from the world, shoving you back onto stormy seas. You hung on for dear life, waiting for that voice to call your name. 
That voice didn’t call tonight. 
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
a/n: Writing this chapter was such a blast! Helped me through a tough week, and pushed me to write outside of my comfort zone. I would be eternally grateful if you tell me how you felt about the drama! I've been going nuts holding all this in 😅 Also, sorry about the big pile of emotions!! 😭
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Part 19
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kimpossibly · 1 year
THE CHAIN -> e. roundtree PART FOUR: aurora
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PAIRING: eddie roundtree x fem!reader WARNINGS: swearing, drinking, drugs, minor injuries, blood, very suggestive content, implied sex (NOTE: some warnings for this story include MAJOR spoilers for this series down the line, so I'll put those beneath the cut. If you don't want to get the story spoiled, then just ignore it ― but I did want to provide the chance for you to get an idea of how the story will go later down the line if you have any sensitive topics you'd like to avoid. please prioritize your mental wellbeing!)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: HIIIIIIII HI HI HI HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE FOURTH AND FINAL INSTALLMENT OF THE CHAIN! I'm so sorry this took me ten million years to write, it was really hard both time-wise and emotionally, as you'll see later...but HERE IT IS!!!!! This little story has gotten so much love since I posted the first part and it is absolutely insane. I'm almost at 800 followers now, compared to the 300-and-something I had before. It is absolutely crazy how this little plot bunny turned into something that you all really love. I'm glad that this story has brought you guys joy, and I hope I can do that one last time. So, here you go! Part four of The Chain!
WARNINGS (SPOILERS INCLUDED): reader has a life threatening illness. Discussions about death and loss, depictions of grief, hospitals
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AURORA (1977-1978)
EDDIE: It started with little things, you know? The drip before the dam breaks. She would have these moments of...of absentmindedness. She'd say "I think I'm going to wear the red sweater at tonight's gig." And I'd say, "I love that one." And she'd say. "Me too." And then she'd pause, and go back to whatever the hell she was doing ― strumming on the guitar, packing for tour ― and all of a sudden she'd say, "Oh, Ed, I'm going to wear the red sweater at the show tonight." I thought maybe she was telling a joke, but she'd look up at me, waiting for a response. So I'd say, "Baby, you just told me that." And she'd say, "I did?" And I'd say, "You did." And then she'd pause again, thinking. And then she'd shrug and just say, "Oh." Oh. Like it didn't even matter that she'd just said the same thing twice and forgotten she'd even said it in the first place. I don't blame her for it. I mean, she was like the opposite of a hypochondriac. She could stitch you up when you got hurt, but she thought she was indestructible. It was all I could do to get her to see that everyone has a breaking point. Everyone has that point that they can't come back from. And I didn't know it then, but she'd already crossed it.
KAREN: The first time it happened ― the first time we really started to realize that something was up ― was during a rehearsal. I think...I think we might've been recording, actually.
Aurora was coming along better than any of them thought it was. The songs were recorded in six days. The band was in the middle of the fourth day, mid-recording of "Kill You To Try," when the drums came to a sudden halt at the song's peak.
And Billy, whose only goal was getting the album recorded so that he and Teddy could take over on the mixing, was on the verge of losing his mind.
It took him a moment to realize the drums had faded away until they were completely gone. The rhythmic guitar faded next, next the bass, and then Billy caught up, his voice breaking off and his headphones pulled away from his ears.
He turned around, an angry knot forming between his brows. "Y/n?" he said impatiently. When there was no answer, he said it again. "Y/n."
She was staring straight forward, arms fallen limp to her sides, a blank look on her face. Her eyes fluttered rapidly, more half-blinks than full stops.
Karen, who was closest to her at the keyboard, walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Honey, are you all right?"
And then it stopped. Y/n blinked one last time and her eyes went still. She looked around at all of them, a crease forming between her brows. "What?" she asked, looking back at their stares. "What did I do?"
DAISY: We just...we didn't know what to say.
"You zoned out, dude." Warren replied.
"I did?" she asked. There were nods. "Oh. Sorry."
They went back to recording then, mostly at Billy's insistence, but Eddie couldn't help watching Y/n through the corner of his eye for the rest of the day. She seemed fine enough for the most part, but he couldn't get rid of the sneaking suspicion that something was very, very wrong.
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"Okay...okay. Mom, go, I don't need Dr. Medina getting mad at me. I'll call you in the morning. I hope the surgery goes well. Be the best damn nurse the world has ever seen. Okay, bye. Love you."
Y/n hung up the phone and jumped over the top of the couch, lying down and laying her head in Eddie's lap. Everyone else had left the house in Laurel Canyon by now, making them its only two residents. It was quieter than it was before, sometimes unsettlingly so, but they liked it. With the band becoming more and more chaotic, they both needed the quiet. Plus, they could make out in the kitchen without worrying about anyone walking in on them. That was a definite plus.
Eddie stared off into space for a moment, absentmindedly running a hand through Y/n's hair. "You ever think about getting married?"
Y/n sat up, eyes wide. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Getting married. Out of the blue. Just like Camila and Billy."
Y/n stuttered, "Camila and Billy have been together since, like, the beginning of time. We've only been together for...we can't..."
She trailed off, and Eddie's face fell. He covered it up with a shrug. "No, it's fine."
"Eddie, hey."
"No, no it's fine, I get it," he said, getting up from the couch. Yes, it was a risky thing to say. And he hadn't exactly known what to expect, but it definitely wasn't that.
Y/n got up to gently grab his wrist, stopping him in place. "Eddie, Eddie," she said gently as he reluctantly turned. He looked somewhat dejected ― it hurt her to see, so she put on her sweetest smile as she laced her fingers behind his neck. "Camila and Billy got married at three in the morning because she got knocked up. That's not me. That's not us."
He said nothing, but his features softened just the slightest bit.
"It can't be out of the blue, okay? Call me old fashioned, but I want the planning. The pretty cathedral, the stupid vows, the white dress...I want it all. And being in a rock band doesn't really coincide with that, yeah?"
Eddie just rolled his eyes at that, but there was a slight grin on his face as he did so. "Come here," she muttered, pulling him closer and hugging him tightly. He held her back, his chin resting atop her head like she'd fly away if he didn't try hard enough.
"Give me some time. We have a world tour coming up, but after that..." she trailed off with a smile. "That sound okay?"
"Yes ma'am," Eddie responded with a shit-eating grin. Now it was Y/n's turn to roll her eyes and push him away, smiling.
"Why are you in such a rush to get tied down? Aren't rockstars pretty flighty people?"
"I'll let you know you when I see one," Eddie said, and pulled her in to kiss her.
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Billy and Daisy were nowhere to be seen. Daisy Jones & The Six's World Tour of Aurora was set to begin in less than a month, and their main attraction was missing from rehearsal. The rest of the band sat around like sitting ducks, fiddling with their instruments like they had no purpose. Well, right then, it was like they didn't. Without Billy or Daisy...practice almost wasn't worth it.
And eventually, Eddie had had it. "Okay," he said, standing up, "this is bullshit. Just because Billy and Daisy aren't here, we have to sit with our thumbs up our asses?"
Warren paused. "Yeah, basically."
Eddie shook his head, giving a bitter laugh. "Yeah, fuck that. Up."
He slung his guitar over his shoulder as they all reluctantly got up, groaning in exasperation. Y/n took her seat behind the drums, Karen got behind the keys, and Warren picked up his guitar. And Eddie headed for the mic, causing a few confused glances between the other band members.
"Hey, Ed?" Y/n called. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing? We're going to rehearse."
"Yeah, but...you're not going to sing, are you?" Graham said.
Y/n threw a drumstick at him. "Dude."
Warren and Karen held back laughter. Eddie looked around the room, eyebrows raised. "Fine. Anyone else want to volunteer?" he asked. "Please, someone else take over."
No one moved to take his place. Eddie nodded. "That's what I thought. Okay, let's start with Regret Me."
"You're going to sing Daisy's part?" Y/n said, eyebrows raised.
"Nope," Eddie responded. "You are."
Y/n froze. For a moment she thought that might've been a joke.
KAREN: She looked like a deer in headlights. I knew Eddie wouldn't ask me, probably because he was still a little scared of me. But Y/n always hated being front and center. She looked like she was going to be sick.
Eddie beckoned her forward. She looked at the others for help, but all she got in return was wide-eyed looks and desperate shrugs. She looked back at Eddie. "N-No! I-I have to do the drums!"
"Teddy can play the drums. Right, Teddy?"
Caught off-guard, Teddy pressed the speaker button. "Um, sure?"
As Teddy came from the booth into the studio, Eddie walked over to where Y/n sat behind the drums. She had shrunk down as if to hide herself. She stared up at Eddie as though he were about to lead her to the slaughter. "What the fuck are you doing?" she said in a harsh whisper. "I'll kill you, you know. The second we get home, I'm taking the bat and crushing your fucking kneecaps."
Eddie just laughed as he took her hand to guide her to the mic with him. "I know you can do this," he muttered, quiet enough so that only she could hear, "I've heard you sing it."
"In the shower."
"Still counts."
She resisted the urge to slap him right then, looking around at the rest of the band. "If any one of you ever bring this up ever again―"
"Yeah, yeah, save the death threats," Warren said. "Can we all just shut up and rehearse?"
"Oh, now you have a sense of urgency." Y/n muttered.
After one final look around, Graham counted them in, and the song began. And Y/n who had no instrument to play, only stood a solid foot away from the mic, her heart beating so quickly that she could feel it in her skull. Eddie gently took her hand to pull her closer. When he opened his mouth to sing, hers stayed shut.
"You regret me and I regret you," he sang alone. "Except I don't care what you're feeling and I don't need your reprove."
He squeezed her hand, trying to encourage her with only his eyes. And then, quietly, she joined in on the next line.
"I'm a slippage in the system with a natural gift, how I move," he found himself starting to sing through a smile, "So go ahead and regret me but I'm beating you to it, dude."
The chorus was approaching, making Y/n feeling more and more like she was going to throw up. The logical part of her knew that she wouldn't burst into flame if her voice cracked. But the other part? The other part of her wanted to punch Eddie in the face for ever bringing her within a five foot radius of this mic.
"You regret me and I regret you!"
WARREN: They had that chemistry that Billy and Daisy had, but it felt more…lived in. Daisy and Billy were like two pieces of flint that you’d knock together. Sparks would fly and hey, maybe something would catch on fire. Eddie and Y/n were like a bonfire. Controlled. And, if you stood a good enough distance away, you could see how nice it was. It wasn’t as exciting, but it sure was good enough to take the place of the real thing.
She gained confidence the more that she sang. Whether it was the fact that her voice held on or the fact that she got to stand so close to Eddie, she didn't know, but she felt okay.
"Go ahead and regret me, but I'm beating you to it, dude." Y/n finished the song with a smile at Eddie, her face flushed. It took her a moment to realize that the room around her was silent.
Her smile fell. "What?"
"Nothing," Graham said. "That was great. Um...what about Honeycomb?"
Everyone nodded in agreement, going back to their instrument. Eddie pulled Y/n to his side, pressing a kiss to her head. "Told ya."
She suppressed a smile. "Shut up."
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EDDIE: The lead up to the tour, I think. That was when things got really weird. She was tired all the time, no matter how much sleep she got. I mean, yeah, we were recording an album and getting ready for a world tour, but it wasn't like normal. We'd come home and she'd go straight to be, sleep until the morning, wake up, and an hour later she'd be yawning again. For a while I thought she might've just been tired of me [laughs].
"Y/n, come on. Time to get up," Eddie said quietly, crouching beside their bed to be at her eye level. Her eyes blinked open reluctantly and she groaned, rolling over.
"My head is killing me."
"I'll get you some Advil."
"No, no, I got it," she said, and then proceeded to lay in bed, eyes shut, curled under the blankets.
After a few moments, Eddie spoke. "Y/n?"
"Five more minutes."
He laughed quietly. "Come here," he said, sliding one arm under her back and one under her legs, scooping her up into his arms.
She wrapped an arm around his shoulders gratefully, burying her head in his neck. "Wow, you're so strong," she said with a little giggle.
"Yeah, yeah. I can still throw you down the stairs."
"Ooh, I'm counting on it."
They went to rehearsal―where, luckily, Daisy and Billy were already located―and got to work. Eddie kept an eye on Y/n out of the corner of his eye. Her headache had worsened on the drive there despite her taking more pain pills than was probably necessary. She played just fine, but she cringed ever so often at the punctuated hit of a hi-hat. He thought about taking her off the drums for a bit and putting Teddy in her place, but she'd just get angry at him.
In the middle of Let Me Down Easy, the drums stopped suddenly, drum sticks clattering to the floor. Everyone looked up to see Y/n sprinting out of the room, a hand clamped over her mouth. Eddie froze. Karen was the first to move, running after her to make sure she was all right.
They all stood in silence for a minute or two, unsure of how to proceed. Karen came back, running a hand through her hair. "She just got sick. She's fine now, but I think we should give her a minute."
"What, does she have the flu or something?" Graham asked.
"Maybe she's pregnant," Camila suggested. Everyone turned to look at her at once. She blinked. "What?"
Eddie left the room then, feeling like he was about to be sick himself. The bathroom door was ajar when he got there. Y/n was sitting on the floor when he walked in, knees tucked to her chest, her head propped up by one palm.
"Hi," she croaked.
"Hi. You okay?" he asked, sitting beside her.
"Fucking fabulous," she replied with a slight grin.
He smiled and kissed her forehead, wrapping an arm around her. "D'you think that maybe it's time you see a doctor? I mean, the headache, you're tired all the time, and now this?"
"No, no," she waved her hand to brush that away. "I get like this sometimes. It's like allergies. It's whatever. I'll ask my mom on the phone later. She's never failed me."
Eddie nodded, going silent for a moment. "Are you maybe...do you think you might be pregnant?"
"No, I'm―" Y/n began, then cut herself off. She paused for a moment, thinking. Then she turned back to Eddie, eyes wide. "Um."
Cut to the two of them in the bathroom at midnight, Eddie pacing and Y/n staring at a little pregnancy test on the counter. It had taken them nearly half a dozen drug stores to find a regular pregnancy test, not to mention the fact that they grew more and more panicked with every second that passed.
"What if―"
"Nope, no," Eddie cut her off, "We are not playing the What If game right now. Whatever happens happens, and we'll deal with it."
Y/n nodded, pursing her lips. "But, what if―"
"Y/n, no."
After a few minutes of anxious silence, Y/n exclaimed. "Look, I see a line!"
Eddie quit his pacing to rush to her side, looking down at the test. "What does that mean?"
"Two lines means I'm pregnant."
"There's only one."
"I know that, Eddie."
"Well, what does that mean?"
And then they were scrambling for the box, looking for the instructions they worried they might've accidentally tossed out. Once the box assured them that one line meant Y/n was definitely not pregnant, they both let out a sigh of relief, Y/n slumping over the counter in exhausted victory. "I feel like we should take several rounds of shots right now."
Eddie wrapped his arms around her waist. "Thank God, I was about to call Karen's priest."
She laughed, feeling giddy.
"Would it have been the worst thing In the world, though?" he asked.
Y/n turned her head to look up at him. "Sweetheart, we're about to leave for a world tour. The timing isn't exactly ideal," she paused. "But no, it wouldn't have been the worst thing ever. I mean, I would have a lot to explain to my extremely Catholic grandparents, but no, I wouldn't be entirely devastated."
Eddie couldn't stop a smile that spread out of her sight. "First you want to marry me and now you want to have my children? God, are you obsessed with me or something?"
She gasped in mock offense, tearing herself from her grip and glaring at him. "You precocious son of a bitch."
"Careful, you might accidentally turn me on."
She narrowed her eyes, staring at him for a moment. Then, quick as a flash, she turned and ran to the bedroom. Eddie chased after her, their screams of laughter floating up through the ceiling as he slammed the door behind them.
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WARREN: Tour life was crazy, man. It always had been, but that one was insane. Daisy and Billy had it out in Rolling Stone, and everyone wanted to see their little shitshow. I'm not saying that their blowup was what rocketed us to the top...but it fuckin' was. Drama, man. The people eat it up.
Daisy Jones & The Six was the shit. Everywhere they went, massive crowds followed. Record sales were at an all-time high. Everyone knew the band. They were on top of the world.
Eddie thought every day about taking a knee and proposing to Y/n. In the middle of a show, even. He'd do it in the dead of night. They never tired of each other, no matter how long they were together. They were attached at the hip until they were forced away, which, now that they were on tour together, wasn't often.
They had made a routine. Wake up, rehearse with the band for a couple hours, and then go walk around whatever city they were in. Then they'd play the show, go to a party, and go back to their hotel room. They clung to each other through all of it. Eddie wasn't quite sure what the terms of common law marriage were, but he was sure that they would meet all of them. But he'd wait until the tour was over, just like she said. And then he'd marry her. That much he knew.
When they got to Chicago around early July, it was set to be their biggest show of the tour.
KAREN: Tensions were high. I don't think the two of them noticed, or they were too in love to care.
They stood backstage, the sounds of the crowd growing louder and louder as more people arrived.
Camila turned to wish her good luck with a smile, but it quickly faded. "Oh, honey, your nose."
Y/n frowned, then felt a drip. She swiped her thumb underneath her nose and it came away slick with blood. "Oh," she muttered, "oops."
"Are you alright?" she asked in a very mom-way.
"Yeah, feeling okay," Y/n nodded. "Goodnight, Julia."
Camila rocked her daughter, "Say bye-bye, Julia."
Julia lifted a hand and made a grabby motion in farewell. Y/n giggled and did the same back, still holding her nose. "Bye, Squishy," she said, poking one of Julia's little dimples. The girl giggled and clung to her mom, disappearing out of sight.
She staunched the blood as best she could once she found tissues, stashing bloody tissues in her bag rather than the trash can so as not to worry anyone. She swiped on some glitter anywhere that would catch the light. Eddie came in as she was tying her hair up. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and she wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his shoulder.
The moment her eyes closed, she got this feeling like she wanted nothing more than to let them stay closed, to drift away into sleep right there. She was tired. There were thousands of screaming people out there waiting for her, and all she could think about was getting to sleep as soon as possible.
"Maybe this tour is it," she muttered into Eddie's shoulder.
She paused, trying to form a thought into words. "After this. I don't know if I can do it again."
They pulled apart and Y/n saw a crease between Eddie's brows. "What makes you say that?"
Before she got a moment to figure out what exactly made her come to that conclusion, she was being pulled forward onto the stage by Warren. The crowd came to a deafening roar as they appeared, and Y/n waved and smiled like she had done a hundred times, taking her place behind the drums.
They all picked up their instruments, and then Billy turned and gave Y/n the nod. The first drum hit of 'Aurora' rang out, and the show began.
EDDIE: The show was great. We all played great, the crowd was great, it was all...[pauses] it was great.
The set was coming to a close. They had played through nearly the entirety of the album, throwing in some older songs of theirs. But the crowd had ceaselessly been chanting for one song in particular, one that had purposely been left off the setlist for the entirety of the tour: Look At Us Now.
Everyone looked around at each other, then at Billy. He glanced back at them as if asking permission. They each gave a nod, and Daisy turned back to the mic. "Who wants to hear Honeycomb?"
The screams of the crowd that followed were enough to answer that question. Billy looked back at all of them again. "You know what to do."
Billy picked up an acoustic guitar from the side of the stage and came back. He tapped his foot a couple times to set the pace, and then he began to play.
The crowd sang every word with them, for them at times. And Y/n selfishly thought she had the best seat in the house. From the back of the stage, she could see it all. The crowd, the band, and everything in between. How could she let this go? This tour couldn't be the end of it all. She decided right then that she wouldn't let it. Not when there were views like this in the world and she was one of the few that got to see it.
And in an instant, it all went haywire.
Daisy and Billy were so caught up in the song for a moment that they both failed to notice as the drums grew more and more muddled until they stopped all together. Drum sticks clattered to the ground, heads snapping in their direction. Thousands of eyes saw as Y/n slumped out of her seat, collapsing on the ground beside the drums.
Instruments were dropped haphazardly as everyone on that stage stopped what they were doing to rush to the drum set. Rod left his spot in the wings to see for himself as Y/n laid stiff on the ground, seizing.
What followed was a rush of colors and light, of ambulances and ceilings, none of which she could really see or understand. But Eddie could. Eddie saw and understood all of it. And that, possibly, was the worst part.
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Y/n woke up not long after, feeling as though she had just woken up from restless sleep. She asked quick questions, which were answered in short, quick words by Billy and Camila. Who she really wanted to speak to was Eddie, but he was laser focused on whatever needed to happen next. All he could do was hold her hand and squeeze back.
By the time she was in her hospital bed, she was convinced that she was perfectly fine. The part she was most upset about was ending the concert early―which, she assured them, would not happen again.
"After I get treated for whatever this is, I can come back, right? Rod?"
"Calm down, kid. You just had a seizure. Give yourself some time to be overdramatic before you get back on the road," he said with a slight chuckle.
"Miss L/n, have you ever had a history of epileptic seizures?" the nurse in the room asked. Y/n shook her head, and the nurse gave a nod. "I'll be right back with the doctor."
She left, and Warren suddenly gave a shiver. "Fucking hate hospitals."
Y/n shrugged. "I basically grew up in one."
"Ah, so that's why you're...you."
Several people had to dodge as Y/n hurled a pillow at him. Then, realizing it was the only one she had, she pouted. "Give it back."
"Oh, this pillow? The one you threw at me?" Warren said, being annoying as usual. "No way, sister. This is my property now. Bequeathed to me by your sorry arm muscles."
"I'll beat you up as soon as I get out of this bed."
"Sure you will, honey."
The door to her room opened and the doctor stepped in. He was tall, older, and graying a bit at the ends. "Hi there," he greeted. "I'm Doctor Lawrence."
Y/n waved, and he suddenly seemed to realize how many people were in the room. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid only family are allowed in here," he said.
Y/n immediately grabbed Eddie by the wrist. "He's my husband!" she said. Everyone quieted. "And they're my brothers," she looked at Billy and Graham, "sister-in-laws," she glanced over at Camila and Karen, "he's my cousin," she nodded to Warren, "and he's my weird uncle," she said, looking at Rod. Then she looked back at the doctor. "They're my family."
The doctor didn't believe a word she'd said. But after a moment of silence, he nodded to the group. "You can stay."
Y/n sighed in relief, lacing her fingers with Eddie's. If anything were to happen that night, she'd rather have him by her side.
Doctor Lawrence asked her a couple menial questions, then rambled a bit about what exactly seizures are (which, of course, she already knew) and suggested a CT scan to better understand what was going on. She agreed.
The next few hours were rather boring. Silences were punctuated with pain, as Y/n grew to realize how stiff her neck was. Her arms and legs were sore, but that, she assumed, was from the seizure.
"It's too bright in here," she commented when she was returned to her room. "Can I turn the lights down a little?"
People milled about. Camila had to go to be with Julia and the twins. Graham and Karen got coffee. Warren and Rod sat around her hospital room, competing to see who had the crazier stories (the winner, of course, was Rod). Eddie sat beside Y/n on the hospital bed the entire time, talking to her as she came in and out of consciousness
One of the times her eyes blinked open, she frowned, looking around in confusion. "Where the hell am I?"
Eddie paused. "You're in the hospital, Y/n."
Her eyes widened. "Why?"
"You...you had a seizure."
"Oh," she said. He felt her flex her fingers in his. "My hands feel weird. I can't feel your hand."
Eddie began to panic. She was treating every new horrible thing as though it were a new science fact she had just learned. "Y/n, what―"
Doctor Lawrence returned then, Karen and Graham trailing behind him. Billy returned not soon after. The only one not pale and freaked out was Y/n, who seemed content braiding small strands of her hair.
"The CT scan came back. She has a severe case of encephalitis."
Everyone looked around, most of them either hearing that word for the first time or not knowing what it is. Y/n did. "How? Meningitis?"
"Hard to say. It probably started out as a virus, something that triggered a strong autoimmune response."
"Can I take an antiviral to treat it?"
"Sorry, can someone explain what the fuck you're saying?" Warren finally asked.
Y/n sighed, letting go of her third braid. "My brain is inflamed, and it's swelling. It's pressing on my brain stem and it caused the seizure."
"That sounds...bad?" Graham said.
"Yeah, but it can be treated," Y/n said with a shrug. "I'll need to take antivirals for a bit, right?"
The doctor paused. "Yes, you would for a less severe case."
Her eyes narrowed. "So, what do I do for my case?"
He went silent. Y/n froze. Everyone looked to the doctor, who seemed unsure of how to continue. "I'm sorry."
Y/n understood what he was saying. She felt her sore muscles stiffen up again, this time from panic. "You're saying there's nothing? Do I just have it let it go away on its own, or...?"
"A case this advanced won't go away on its own."
"Well, if it won't go away on its own and we can't treat it, then...then what?" she asked, her voice becoming more panicked. "What do I do? Tell me what to do, I'll do it."
Lawrence just shook his head again. "I'm so sorry. I'll give you all a minute to figure out how you want to proceed."
He left then, and everyone was silent.
"Y/n," Eddie said, his voice quiet and careful, "what does that mean?"
She was staring at the blanket over her legs, eyes blank. "Can someone please get my mom on the phone please?" she asked quietly.
"Y/n, what does it mean?"
"It can't be treated. It's not going to go away on its own, it'll just get worse," she said in a quiet, calculated voice, like she was reading from a textbook. "It'll put more and more pressure on my brain stem. And the brain stem regulates circulation and breathing, so..."
Karen let out a sob, her hand reaching up to cover her mouth. Y/n couldn't bear to look up at the faces around her, because she knew she'd see a reflection of exactly what she was feeling right then: hopelessness.
It meant that she was already gone.
"Someone get my mom on the phone. Please."
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The night that followed was awful. Camila returned, having finally found someone to watch Julia and the twins. Y/n had watched as Billy told her the news. She teared up, tears streaming down her face within minutes. But she shoved them away as she walked into the room to give Y/n a hug. She chatted about how Julia missed her. She did a good job of keeping the conversation off of the obvious. Y/n was glad for it.
Eddie ended up beside Y/n on her bed. She curled into his side, floating in and out of consciousness. She seized twice more, once just past one in the morning, once after the sun had just started to come up.
Her mom arrived on a flight from Pittsburgh at two. The first time Y/n cried was when she saw her walk into the room.
The morning brought some sense of comfort. Karen and Billy went out to get coffee and bagels for everyone. They all sat around and talked about something other than music, which they hadn't done as a group in years, maybe in forever.
Y/n glanced up at Eddie at some point during the conversation and noticed that he had a strange look on his face. "What?" she asked, nudging him.
Eddie looked down at her, a million thoughts in his head at once, all of which combined to form one coherent sentence.
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EDDIE: I told her right then and there that I wanted to marry her. I didn't care how much time she had left. I wanted to call her my wife.
KAREN: When I looked at Y/n, I could just tell...he didn't have to say it twice.
GRAHAM: It all happened so fast from there. Karen called the minister that had done Camila and Billy's wedding ― once we told him the circumstances, he was pretty quick to agree to officiate. That guy was metal, man. He'd done two last-minute weddings for a rock band within two years. Show me another priest who could brag about that. Not that priests brag, right? Jesus was humble and shit. But you know what I mean.
CAMILA: Eddie left to get a tux. He said he wanted to do his part, even if Y/n was wearing a hospital gown.
EDDIE: I think I said something really cheesy about how, if she could look that good in a hospital bed, then I could at least do my best to look the part of a groom. She loved it.
KAREN: Graham went with him, for "style advice," is how I think he phrased it. Really I think he just went to make sure he had someone there with him. None of us really wanted to leave Eddie alone.
GRAHAM: I think we got the first one that fit. He wore it as we left the place. Eddie wasn't screwing around. He was giddy the whole time. He would go dead silent for a few minutes and then talk my ear off for another few. All in all, I think we were gone for maybe forty-five minutes. An hour, tops. We didn't know...we didn't realize they couldn't call us if something happened.
KAREN: It happened so fast. She was so excited, she was talking so quickly I could barely understand her. But she was beaming at us the whole time. You couldn't help but be happy for her.
BILLY: Twenty minutes after they left, she asked for something. Ice chips, I think. The nurses gave them to her all the time, she was kind of addicted. She asked if we could get her some, and Karen said something stupid like, "I'd get you a private jet if you asked for it." And she laughed and said "Don't tell me that ― I might ask, just to see you sweat."
DAISY: Billy left the room to get her some ice and then...I'm no doctor, I can't tell you exactly what happened.
CAMILA: She started seizing up again, so Karen and I tried to put her on her side, but she started fighting us. Like, smacking us away whenever we tried to touch her. I don't know if it was her or...[Pause] something other than her. That's the kind of thing that keeps me up, you know? She was so happy to get married. So happy. But when she hit us away...it was almost like she knew exactly what she was doing.
KAREN: The doctors came in and shooed us back out into the waiting room. Camila didn't want to let go. Neither did I. They practically had to pull us off of her. Billy found us out there, still holding the ice chips, and Camila just started bawling. She didn't say anything, but I think he could piece together what it was that'd happened.
DAISY: Karen sat down. Billy stayed up with Camila, holding her while the ice in the cup started melting down to water. We couldn't have been out there more than ten minutes when the doctor came out. The look she gave us...we just knew. We knew.
BILLY: Camila was almost screaming. Karen left; we didn't ask where she was going. All of a sudden, it was like...like the first time I ever took a punch. You know, you've heard about getting in a fight and taking a hit so hard it makes your head spin. And then there's the first time it really happens to you, when you take your first punch. And there's this brief moment in between the hit and the pain. You know it's coming, but there's that delay before it gets you. In a second, you get the air knocked out of you, and then...[Shakes head] and then it hits you. It didn't feel like losing a friend, either. I lost a sister.
KAREN: I was just completely blindsided. I walked out, not really knowing where I was going. I felt like I was going to puke, and I didn't want to do that in front of everyone. I think we all forgot, you know, that Graham and Eddie were out...
CAMILA: I remember looking over Billy's shoulder, seeing the car drive back up and Eddie stepped out in the tux. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, talking a mile a minute, and I just...[Chokes up] I couldn't tell him.
BILLY: He walked into the room, and he saw her, and...God, he just...he pulled out this little box from his pocket. He took her hand, opened the box, and put the ring on her finger. He kissed her on the forehead, and then he left.
KAREN: Camila was his first love, yeah. But Y/n? She was the love of his life, man. He had something people would die for, kill for. And the minute he realized it, the minute he realized what he had, the universe snatched it away from him. Life is un-fucking-fair, man. Always has been and always will be.
CAMILA: God, he really loved her. He really did.
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When Eddie got the call, he was surprised to hear that she wanted to speak to him directly. Even more so, he was surprised to hear that someone wanted to write a book about the band. He had always been a firm believer in leaving the past in the past, but she was persistent. Plus, he couldn't say no. Not to her.
They met in a park near the coast. They chatted about life, what she was doing, what he was doing, and it was the general consensus that all was good and well.
"So, where should I start?" he asked as she hit record on the camera.
Julia stepped back from the camera. "Just...tell me about Y/n."
He paused, caught off-guard. And then, he smiled. "This might be a while."
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EDDIE: It's not all bad anymore. I got time with her. I'll always wish I had more, but the time I got...it was great. It was the best time I've ever had. But I was able to move on, meet someone new. I think about her every day, and I always will, you know? A person like Y/n...that doesn't leave you. And Jesus Christ am I grateful for that. Julia...I'm really glad you're doing this. Your Aunt Y/n would've loved it.
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ursulaap · 6 months
It's my baby
Warnings: 18+, dark Ethan , pregnancy ,
manipulation, humiliation, violence.
No spoilers
Part 1
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Ethan is an attentive boyfriend.
He's like a lost puppy.
He is always by your side.
You also knew the opposite of Ethan.
He appeared every time Ethan met his father.
You avoided these meetings.
At first he only treated you badly in front of your father.
He manipulated you and humiliated you in front of him but at home it was your Ethan again.
Attentive Ethan.
Over time, when she refused to go to meetings with his father, it changed.
He humiliated you at home for several days.
Everything changed on your anniversary.
You are sitting on the toilet with a pregnancy test.
You rub your eyes and take a better look at him again.
You still see two commas.
You put it down and pick up a second pregnancy test.
This one is digital.
The thoughts in the head become cloudy for a little while.
You start thinking.
Fear is followed by joy.
You imagine a baby with Ethan's brown eyes and curly hair.
With your lips and little freckles.
Your heart skips a beat.
You hope that when you tell Ethan this news he will realize the role of a father and not let his own father be manipulated anymore.
Today is your anniversary, perfect planning.
You will make a romantic dinner and decoration as you have always imagined.
You will wear your tight red dress for the last time.
You put a vase of flowers on the table.
You sit down and wait.
Ethan is a few minutes late, but that doesn't matter, there are convoys on the roads.
After 30 minutes it feels weird.
You call him.
In that you hear the keys in the castle.
All happy, you place your palm on your still flat stomach.
Erhan enters.
"What are you calling me for?"
Ethan replies in disgust
"It's our anniversary, I was afraid," you answer confused.
Did he forget?
"So you made dinner? Great I'm hungry. Give me something to eat."
sit down.
"I have to tell you something as soon as possible" you can't resist and you are looking forward to telling him about the pregnancy.
"You didn't hear, give me some!"
she screams and drops the vase of flowers.
You jump to the side so that the shards don't hurt you.
You will get hungry.
You have tears in your eyes.
Ethan wakes up and notices it, looks at you and wants to touch you.
"I'm sorry bunny"
You jump away from him and run crying into the room.
You lock the door and grab your suitcase.
You really pack all your things.
Ethan just stands quietly by the door and cries.
He won't say another word, this time he knows he overdid it.
And you realize that your child cannot grow up in this household.
65 notes · View notes
writing-ca-ira · 1 year
YJ/Teen Titans Dick Grayson x Reader
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Prologue << MASTERLIST >> Part 2
Dick Grayson is no stranger to death, but that doesn’t make it any harder to deal with. As it turns out, however, the grieving process for you would prove to take an interesting twist when Tim calls him with some shocking news.
The reader is gender neutral.
Contains: civilian reader, mentions of death (your death), mentions of a dead body (your dead body), spoilers: you’re actually alive… kinda, I’m probably forgetting something.
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“Does the hurt ever go away?”
“I wish I could say yes… but it will get better over time. For you. That, I can promise.”
Dick felt his grip on the picture frame get weaker and weaker. Had he not snapped out of his thoughts a moment sooner, it would’ve slipped out of his hands and clattered on the floor, shattering the glass in the process. The mere thought of that happening caused his stomach to churn, guilt eating away at his heart despite managing to avoid that outcome. To ensure the safety of the picture frame (well, more importantly, the photo within it), he gingerly placed it back in its rightful place on top of his nightstand, right next to his old digital alarm clock and bedside lamp.
You keep thinking..."If only I'd done something differently,” Bruce’s voice echoed in his head. “If only I could've...warned them." But there isn't anything you could've done. There isn't anything either of us could've done.
That conversation happened years ago; over a decade by now. Back when Dick was still processing the death of his parents, and when Bruce was there to help him through it. Despite the consolation those words provided in the moment, he never expected them to carry such weight throughout his life.
There isn’t anything you could’ve done.
His eyes drifted back to the picture frame. The photo within it was taken 4 years ago, during his sophomore year of high school at Gotham High. He still remembers the crisp autumn air against his skin, the red and orange leaves scattered on the ground, and the chocolate flavored milkshake he was halfway through. There was a giant smile on his face, his blue eyes sparkling with such joy and vibrancy.
It’s because you were right next to him.
The photo caught you mid-laugh, your eyes crinkling with happiness. You had haphazardly thrown up a peace sign with one hand while holding your own drink in the other. Though you were too busy laughing to notice, Dick had snaked his arm behind your head to give you bunny ears, which caused you to playfully throw leaves at him when you found out afterwards.
Thinking about that day still causes a fond smile to tug at his lips. Wally had to bail on their plans that day due to a date he forgot about with Artemis, so Dick found himself in the Cave to hand out with you instead. That’s how you two ended up walking around Happy Harbor — your idea, if he recalls correctly — exploring random shops and goofing around outside.
Had that really been 4 years ago?
Whatever warmness that flooded his chest while reminiscing on the past was immediately extinguished by the coldness of reality. It’s been 2 years without you now. The anniversary of your death was a week and a half ago, which was when he found himself so filled with grief that he could barely even get out of bed. It took all of the senior members of the team to rouse him out of his depressive episode; much like the year before.
You were gone. He still wasn’t used to saying that. Even with the time that’s passed since you died, he can feel his heart drop whenever he thinks about it, as though he’s learning about your death for the first time. The tears still wouldn’t stop, and neither would the nights filled with feverish dreams of your face.
If only I could’ve done something differently.
Of course, Bruce was right all those years ago; there wasn’t anything he could’ve done. Much like with his parents, Jason, and now the recently deceased Tula (all whom he still has nightmares of to this day), there was logically nothing he could’ve done to save you. He was all the way in Santa Prisca leading a covert mission when he received a distress call from your phone in Happy Harbor. All he could do was make sure someone was en route to your coordinates — which led to the Happy Harbor boardwalk — and pray you were safe.
But by the time Aquagirl and Tempest got there, it was too late.
Learning about what happened to you was hard for Dick. The ringing in his ears blocked out every sound except for his own shaky breaths, and he could barely even stand without feeling dizzy. But he managed to fight through his state of shock and despair to listen to the report. You were caught in a domestic dispute gone deadly at the Happy Harbor health clinic. A man stormed into the clinic to take back his kid from his ex-wife, who was there for a check-up. Things escalated, and the man shot and killed his wife, threatening the doctor in the room if she didn’t let his son go with him.
You happened to be in the next room over. Hearing the gunshot must’ve made you spring into action, making a 911 call along with the distress call to the team. The doctor that was with the son said that you snuck up behind the man and lunged at him, yelling at her and the kid to run. There was signs of a struggle in the room, but you unfortunately weren’t the one to walk out of there alive.
The man was neutralized by police around 3 to 4 minutes after your estimated time of death. If you hadn’t had your scuffle with him, it’s possible that he could’ve grabbed his son and escaped before the cops arrived. Your face was on the news after that, journalists proclaiming you to be a hero that sacrificed their life.
Except you should’ve never had to in the first place.
It’s not fair, Dick decided. Why did you, the one who wasn’t supposed to be risking their life, have to die because of some other people’s marital problems?! You weren’t even a hero; you were just a normal civilian going about your daily life. So why did you have to die like this?!
Even thinking about it caused his eyes to sting from frustrated tears, his jaw tightening as his fists clenched at his sides. If that guy wasn’t shot down by the cops, lord only knows what Dick would’ve done to him. The fact that he couldn’t even see justice for your death — your murder — get delivered also feeds into his anger. God, why couldn’t he just be there to at least get justice for you himself?!
Justice and revenge aren’t the same thing.
God, he hated it when Bruce was right.
There was nothing he could’ve done. There was nothing anyone could’ve done. Everything happened to fast; from the man barging into the clinic, to the shouting between him and his ex-wife, to the gunshot, to you calling 911 and sneaking up on the man, to the struggle that happened for a solid minute or so, to the gunshot that ultimately ended your life. All of that happened in under 10 minutes, according to the timeline, and that just wasn’t enough time for someone to come help you.
“There isn’t anything you could’ve done,” he had to solemnly tell Tula and Garth, who were both blaming themselves for not being there. Tula Zeta’d in from Atlantis, while Garth had to go on foot from Mount Justice. They were the only ones who weren’t on a mission at the time; the only ones who could respond to your distress call. But no matter how fast they moved, they just couldn’t be there in time.
A buzzing noise snapped him out of his thoughts. It caused enough surprise to him that his shoulders jolted upwards, his heart completely skipping a beat. He soon realized that it was his phone buzzing. Someone was calling him.
Shakily reaching for his phone (which was unceremoniously tossed onto his bed), he held it closer to his face to read the caller ID. Ah, Tim. It was a bit unusual for his successor to give him a call (he was a bit too socially awkward for that), but anytime he did, it would make Dick feel special. In fact, maybe a conversation with Tim would help clear his head a bit.
He cleared his throat as a small test for his voice, then hit accept and held the phone up to his ear. “Hey, Tim. What’s up?”
“Dick—! I… it’s—” Panic was evident in Tim’s voice. Hearing his shaky words on the other end caused Dick’s brows to furrow. At first, he thought that there was something going on with Batman and Robin, but he remembered that it was Tim who called Dick, and not Robin who called Nightwing. So, did that mean something happened at the Manor?
“Tim,” Dick softly began, though with slight urgency in his tone, “is everything okay?”
“They’re… I’m— I don’t…” an uneven puff of air could be heard before the teen tried again. “I’m really sorry, Dick, I didn’t mean to poke around!! It’s just that Ba— Br— B had been spending so much time away from the Manor and the Cave, and I wanted to know what he was doing, a-and I used the Bat Computer and found the file about everything, and— a-and…!!”
Dick had to raise his voice a bit to interject. “Tim!! Tim, calm down… what are you talking about? What’s wrong?”
For a moment, all Dick got was a shuddery breath as a reply. Before he could repeat his question, however, Tim finally responded. “Don’t… don’t get your hopes up, alright? Promise me you won’t get your hopes up.”
“… Okay,” Dick decided after a moment of hesitation. “I won’t.”
There was a long pause. Anticipation and apprehension was building up in Dick’s chest, his heart thumping against his rib cage. It seemed as though Tim was trying to carefully choose his words; trying to find the best way possible to break whatever news he had.
But nothing in the world could prepare Dick for the next few words that came out of Tim’s mouth. “There’s another (Y/N).”
Everything in Dick’s body stopped working.
From his heart to his mind, his hearing to his vision, Dick felt as though he was shutting down. He almost let the phone slip out of his hands entirely, the blood in his veins feeling cold as ice and causing his limbs to tremble. Even trying to get air in his lungs was a tough task, despite his mouth hanging open. The room was spinning for him, and the ringing in his ears almost blocked out Tim’s panicked ramblings entirely.
There’s another (Y/N).
What did he mean by that?
“I-I know how close they are to you, Dick,” Tim practically wailed. “I know how close they are to the team… I didn’t know that Bruce was hiding this from you— I-I-I don’t even know if I should’ve told you… oh, god, Dick… is Bruce going to fire me—?”
Dick swallowed thickly, hoping to get rid of the lump in his throat. Despite his tongue feeling like sand, he spoke up anyway. “What do you mean by another (Y/N)?”
Tim sputtered out something completely incomprehensible to Dick. It was hard to tell if the poor kid was scared of what he knows, scared of Bruce finding out, or scared of both. Either way, Dick knew that he wasn’t going to learn anything from Tim in this state. He bit the inside of his cheek before dawning the most imperative voice he can muster in the moment.
“Tim,” he lowly chided. “Give me a report.”
That got Tim to his frantic rambling of nonsense. Getting him to think of this like a mission debriefing would calm him down, Dick figured. And, from the deep breaths the former Robin could hear on the other end, he knew he was right.
“Someone was taken in by the police a week ago,” Tim started, his cracking voice taking a factual tone. “Said their name was (Y/N) (L/N). Cops ran that name through their database and found (Y/N)’s death certificate. This (Y/N) was confused, ‘n started saying weird stuff about… something called the Titans.”
“Titans,” Dick echoed. It was meant to be a question, but came out more as a statement.
Tim hummed. “Titans. A… supposed team of young superheroes, o-or something. I don’t know, the report didn’t really…” he trailed off, possibly realizing he was rambling again. “Tests were ran. Their DNA is an exact match to the real (Y/N)— but when they… they checked (Y/N)’s grave a-a couple of days ago…”
The thought of someone digging up your grave made him clench his teeth together. They went through with something like that and he didn’t even know? Who gave them permission?!
Probably Batman, he bitterly thought.
“They’re still there, Dick,” said Tim. “(Y/N)’s body is still there. But this other (Y/N) is an exact copy..!!”
Dick’s freehand was digging into the flesh of his other arm. “Cadmus?”
“Isn’t involved.”
“How do you know for sure?”
“No biological trace of Cadmus’ synthetic enhancements in this (Y/N)’s bloodstream. No psychic trace of Genomorphs in their mind, either. This (Y/N)…” Tim struggled with his words for a moment, “is natural. Genuine.”
Genuine. Dick couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was another version of you walking this earth, supposedly confused about your own death, and Batman was planning to hide this from him? No, even worse, Bruce was planning to his this from him?!
No biological trace… no psychic trace…
All of these people to run tests, and yet he still didn’t know?
“Send me the file,” he monotonously demanded.
There was a small pause on the other end before Tim’s fragile voice spoke up. “What… are you going to do?”
“… I don’t know,” Dick answered, a tired sigh escaping his lips. It was an honest answer; what was he supposed to do after learning this? There was a (Y/N) alive out there, but not his (Y/N)…
“Are…” Tim trailed off, then tried again, “are you mad at me?”
“No—!!” Dick’s answer was quick. When he heard the sharp intake of breath on the other line, he realized that he might’ve spooked the poor boy, so he took on a softer tone. “No, Tim. It was good that you… brought this to my attention. Why would I be mad at you?”
“Bruce is going to be mad,” Tim practically whispered. “I shouldn’t of gone through his stuff… and… he would’ve wanted me to keep this all from you…”
Dick took a few moments to think of his response. “Well, you made the right choice telling me. He shouldn’t be keeping secrets like this in the first place.” Definitely not secrets that revolve around you…
“… ‘M sending the file now.” Distant clicking noises could be heard through the call, and then Tim followed up with, “I’m… sorry that Bruce didn’t let you know.”
“It’s not your fault, Tim,” was Dick’s soft reply. “He’s always been like that. Thinking it would protect us, or something.”
Protect us. The words were like acid on Dick’s tongue. Using secrets as protection always made Dick feel sick to his stomach. Looking at the past couple of years, Bruce’s secrets have done anything but protect others. They drove Dick away from him, they put Jason six feet under, and now…
God, why wasn’t Dick the first person to know about this other (Y/N)?
Maybe it was selfish of him to think that. He wasn’t your only friend, so the rest of the Team had just as much as a right to know as he did. But he still should’ve known. He should’ve been involved with the investigation; he knows you better than anyone. And Bruce knows this.
“You… gonna be okay?”
Tim’s voice pulled him back to reality. With a weak cough, Dick wet his lips and said, “yeah. I’ll be alright. Just gonna read over the file for myself and… figure out what to do from there.” An awkward pause, then he continued. “Thank you for this, Tim. Call me if anything else comes up.”
“Yeah… yeah, of course. I-I will.”
And, with that, the call ended.
His hand dropped to his side, the phone in his hand almost slipping from his grip. This couldn’t be real. None of this could be real. You were dead, yet… you were back. Someone with your face was out there talking about some other team… the Titans, and he was just now finding out about this.
After a week, he bitterly recalled.
Taking a final glance at the picture frame, his eyes scanned over your face. This new supposed (Y/N) wasn’t you. It couldn’t be you. The memory of your dull, lifeless face at the morgue still haunts him to this day, causing a chill to run up his spine and his hair to stand on end. Dick knows what death looks like, and you were, without a doubt, dead.
So, who was masquerading as his dead friend?
The answer seemed to be simple; you were masquerading as his dead friend. But… not you. Even if your DNA was an exact match, and Cadmus didn’t have any involvement, whoever you were, you weren’t his (Y/N). He’d like to believe that his (Y/N) would demand to see him, to assure him that you were still alive. You wouldn’t have let him go an entire week without knowing, leaving him to mourn someone that was still alive. As far as he concerned, this new (Y/N) was a stranger.
But, that just led him back to square one; who was this stranger?
Guess I’m about to find out.
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reiynm · 10 months
Reiyn- listen—
Listen to me
If you ever have the chance or patience, whenever you're bored and/or don't feel like doing much or have anything in the way
You should make a SFW Alphabet for your yandere. (And only if you're comfortable, an NSFW one too)
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I'm on my hands and knees here...
The world DEMANDS IT /j (no pressure just a suggestion ❤️❤️❤️)
Okay! Okay!! OKAY!! 😂
Just the sfw version for now tho, I'll tag you if I do a NSFW one ;D
Probably broken english btw I had to pass my english dictionary to my roommate and I don't know when I will get it again urg ;w;
SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He's not particularly affectionate 🤔 But with you… He'd always be on you, if you'd let him!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Hard to say… Before he met you, he wouldn't let anyone near him, let alone cuddle him. So I would say he likes it but only with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He will never break up with you and he will never let you go.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Your hands and your forehead, but he just likes to smooch you (no matter where). And he loves to bite your bottom lip before kissing (if you're comfortable enough with him)
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?) Don't say it often but only because for him it's just obvious. He wouldn't go to so much trouble if he didn't love you xD Bro literally kidnapped you after all.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?) Very jealous, and reacts to it very VERY badly. Can get nervous if you show a little too much attention to anyone. Situations where he could become jealous are to be avoided at all costs. He always has an eye on you, especially on the "roommate" route. If someone gets a little too close to you, even in a friendly way, you can be sure that this person will disappear the very same day (and no need to ask questions, he'll deny everything…)
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?) Bwaha good luck with that. If you want to know stuff about his past or his life, you'll have to spy on him, because he'll never tell you anything. Never.[SPOILER] The only thing you know for sure is that he's not a bodyguard. It's an excuse he uses to not scare you.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?) He has the patience of a Saint. Seriously, even after all the times you try to escape xD The only thing that makes him freak out or lose his patience is attacking him and/or managing to hurt him (Y/N will learn it the hard way)
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?) Sleep with one eye open. If you try to do anything against him while he's sleeping, it won't work. He always shamelessly invites himself into your bed (no matter the path you choose) and wants to have Y/N against him when he sleeps.
P.S: I love @pica-bunny heacanon about his body odor. So now he smells like pine trees :D
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prodbyblush · 1 year
mitsuki mario aka Rao as bfie pleasee 😭💖
dating rao
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▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
an: contains spoilers for the worst cross. read with discretion.
→ fem!reader
• with his well built and muscular figure, i say good luck in escaping from his arms during cuddle sessions. • most especially when you woke up first and you want to get out of the bed. even just one lift of your muscle, rao's eyes will immediately flutter open and you're being scooped back to bed. • house husband rao!!! but that's saved for another headcanon yes. • always has an arm around your shoulders or waist, but mostly around your waist! • prior to dating, he talks to Mercy a lot about you - gushing about how pretty you looked today with a new hairstyle or how pretty you looked smiling while with friends. • takes you to the orphanage of where he grew up and fondly recalls some of the memories. • not only is he very protective around children, he's very much protective around you as well. if anything, he detests violence and doesn't want you getting mixed up with suzuran's or his factions business. • not in the mood to workout with him? it's fine! he'll use you as his weights when exercising - cling on his back or have you underneath him when doing push ups, have you stand above his head when lifting weights and all! • he loves physical dates because it allows him to show you how strong he can be. like going out for a bowling and air hockey! • given his cold nature, he gives off as intimidating to others but he's a puppy through and through with you! fights are very rare and avoids conflict at all costs! but if disagreement arises between you two, then he'll try and understand where you're coming from. • doesn't get jealous too often. he trusts you and he trusts that no one from his faction will do anything bad or funny to you. but if anyone else in suzuran were to make a move on you, you best believe that he'll grab them by the back of their head and toss them away from your sight. • i honestly cannot help but say that rao is going to become a great and proper dad figure to his kid. as someone who's been abandoned the moment he is born, he'll never let his child / children feel like they aren't loved by him. • whatever ever he does, he always asks for your opinion. it could be asking you which between going to the city or to the countryside would you prefer when going on vacation, which ice cream flavor do you like best or do you prefer bathing with cold water or hot water. it also helps him get to know you more a little deeper in a sense! • has a whole album gallery of you on his phone. doesn't let anyone in on it. • his favorite spot to kiss you? the top of your head! have i mentioned it's because given his tall stature and he can't help but find your small height as cute size? now you know! • will never let you be the big spoon. • a dom. is very gentle and makes sure to put your needs on top of his. • calls you "baby", "babe" or "bunny". • prior to dating you, he doesn't have any dating experience. but he makes it a goal to always make sure you're happy and comfortable with him. • would probably be the first to say ily!
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paramountpetrichor · 1 month
good timezone my fellow celestialcesters!! today i bring you bunch of characters in pretty outifts, bc i wanted to draw A Bunch of Characters in Pretty Outfits!!! (and. and the fits get more and more extreme as it goes on agakgaay)
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starting off simple!!! Eclipse in a wedding dress :] since my handwriting sucks ass, he's saying "I don't know, Earth, this isn't really my... style." and yeah Earth is behind this bc who else could convince him to get in a wedding dress???
not pictured but Definitely there in spirit: Every Other celestial seeing Eclipse in that and then RUNNING to buy wedding rings (sorry boys- he already's spoken for!!! to Earth <3)
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Bloodmoon in a maid outifit :3c, or its Supposed to be a maid outfit- it kinda just looks like a normal dress afajqfahaag dont got much to say about this one!!! other than that lunar roped them into wearing it lol. oh, and he's Thinking, "This is so dumb." :3c
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kitty kitty kitty moon!!! this ones actually rather tame compared to *glances briefly at the two down below*, but i marked it as third craziest cause why are you posing like that brother /ref. he's thinking "LMAO this is supposed to be hot?" bc he does not consider himself hot in that moment!! he is just being a kitty!!! but if you were to ask any Other celestial how hot he looked like that... agskshsha
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listen i cant make excuses for myself- Earth Pretty so i wanted to draw her in a swimsuit. and i didnt Mean for it to be a bikini but it just. Happened like that okay?? okay. sigsisgiag
please imagine a beach episode where she comes on screen dressed like That, and then she does a classic "Can anyone help me put sunscreen on my back?" and Now there's a looney toons esq catfight going on between everyone else to see who gets to do it. (spoiler, Solar did. cause he was the only one smart enough to avoid the damn fight acajfajaafag)
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uhm. uh. i. i dont. man i cant even defend myself for this one AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
it started off as just Ruin in a bunny outfit. but then i thought 'Haha what if carrot gag.' and then i. well, i gave him a carrot gag. and it just Spiraled into him thinking "Well, this is unexpected." coughMoonfinallyfoundawaytoshuthimupcough i mean WOAHHH DID YOU ALL HEAR SMTN CAUSE I DIDNT AHAHAHAHAH
anyways thats it. thanks for letting me be Insane my fellow freaks <3
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athena-xox · 3 months
Hi! I've been wanting to send asks for a while but couldn't think of a good question until recently.
I have three questions (or perhaps I should say headers).
One: How's your rewrite progressing? At what stages is cannon altered? Are there going to be concepts/characters ignored entirely?
Two: I've seen your (humorous) plea for long/multi chapter eah fics what are some of the favorite's you've read already? Any chance you have an idea of your own outside the rewrite? long or short (chances are yes, for literally anyone in this fandom but it bears asking).
Three: What fairytale(s) would you
A: Like to repeat
B: Could functionally thwart if you had to live through it.
C: Die in, or flee the land to avoid at all cost's.
Omg love the questions. I will admit I’m a bit to brain dead to fully comprehend all the questions so if I answer I different question that what you intended feel free to correct me.
With that being said, the first chapter of my rewrite is done and basically fully edited I believe it’s around 6000/7000 words. Chapter two hadn’t been edited but it’s kinda a weird one so it doesn’t really need to be edited and it’s only around 2000 words.
Chapter 3 I’ve written a bit of it and it’s also a short and I have a layout for it. And chapter 4 is going to be on the longer side probably 6000-10000 words. But after those are done and edited hopefully I’ll publish the fic!!
So that’s the progress, for what parts of canon are being altered, I think a lot of characterization. Bunny, Alistair, Crystal, Milton Grimm, Snow White & EQ are all characters who were either portrayed as good or morally grey that I’m going to make evil (whoops spoilers) and then also kitty isn’t really going to have a redemption arc like she did in spring unsprung, she’s just going to continue to chaotically be herself.
And then just every plotline / character will just be slightly more mature and in depth. And it depends on how you see canon because the rewrite is going to be a mix the tv series + the books which vary a bit on canon. And then obviously a lot more queer representation.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that the epic winter arc is being disgraced but it’s going througu many changes. I’ll probably get ride of the whole through the woods concept because it doesn’t really add anything to the plot (although I am adding a musical that doesn’t really do anything for the plot except allow be to geek (theatre kid) out and give us some cute dizzie moments).
I really want to include her but I don’t think there’s going to be any room for Bella sister. Other things from canon that I’m not including is darise, Meeshell being a horrible singer, DARABELLA, Maddie having visions, the snow king, cupids crush on dexter, the revealer rays, probably lots more but I can’t think of them.
Onto the next question I definitely have some fic recs. I’ll probably make a separate post for it but my top 2 are rewrite ignite restart and a legacy of brambles and thorns.
I think the reason why I’m actually commuting to the rewrite is because it’s really the only eah fic I want to write since I plan to hopefully cover all the characters and ships I like. In my past fandoms I’ve had like 20 different fics I wanted to write but I never got a around to all or them.
Oh wait actually I guess I have one idea but I doubt I’ll ever write it since I want to focus on the rewrite. But during my transition stage from the mlb fandom to the eah I was thinking about an au. Either the eah characters with miraculous’s in the real world or mlb characters at ever after. 
Okay and for the last questions im assuming you’re asking which fairytales I’d like to 1. Be a part of 2. Don’t want to be a part of and I could stop it 3. Would have to run away from ?
1. When I was little I had the yearbook thing that had you create your own eah character and I always wanted to be a princess so I made myself goose girl
2. Definitely wouldn’t want to be like Jack in the beanstalk so I just wouldn’t take the beans
3. Sleeping beauty was my fav when I was younger so I definitely wouldn’t want to have Faybelles destiny. Or be an ugly sister, that would kill my self esteem (no wonder Bella and Brutta ran away)
For the last 3 questions I wasn’t sure if you were asking all abt me or if any were for my rewrite.
Anyways tysm for the ask !!
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pityslash · 1 year
IN THE WATER. chapter four
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SHIP: bakugo x fem reader
DESCRIPTION: one year unexpectedly turned into two, you start to think all hope is lost in the apocalypse. spoiler warning: the real danger in the zombie apocalypse isn't the dead, it's the living.
TAGLIST: @smashboxgirl26
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the clicking of channels fell on deaf ears as news reports split through the hum of static. “rates have risen to the tens of thousands worldwide and the government leaders are still trying to say they understand this virus. you know, james, i call bullshit! how many more—”
“—notified by the media or public safety. you are advised to minimize contact with all outside services, avoid droplets or residues, remove contaminated clo—”
you spent the first few days of the outbreak alone, in a dark room and you couldn’t tell if you were even conscious. maybe you should open the curtains, but were you ready to look outside?
before the news cuts off for the last time, you make out the voice of a man, scared like the rest of humanity. “ladies and gentlemen, if you have a god; now is the time to pray. may he have mercy on us all.”
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“we’ll meet back here.”
izuku shouldn’t have lied, it felt wrong and it wasn’t him, but he could form his own opinions. he watched you walk off with a pep in your step. the warm sun felt nice against his face and he took a deep breath. it was midday and he put it off long enough.
so he turns around and goes the opposite direction, scratching at his cheek. soon the itch on the palm of his hand became unbearable —the streets were empty and maybe he was psyching himself up the whole way there.
he mutters under his breath before undoing the wraps. there was a bite, veins prominent under his pale skin and he flexed the stiff joints.
“midoriya!” shoto stabs the undead in the neck, blade deep in the rotting flesh and he throws it to the ground. the monster growls from under his foot, trying to claw at his pant leg.
izuku winces at the loud clatter of shoto’s staff on the ground, there was a bloody mess. he held a look of despair and held izuku’s arm. “no, i- i’m fine! look, it’s okay. maybe—”
it was then he suddenly felt his bicep tense up, and he almost screamed, fist clenched tight. the bite was swollen and inflamed, izuku wanted to rip his entire arm apart.
shoto watched the infection spread underneath the skin and tunneling its way into his veins, rotting him from the inside out. “i’m sorry, i wasn’t paying attention.” he whispered.
small clouds reminded you of jumping bunnies in the sky, colored orange and purple and pinks; the air wasn’t clean by any means. the mass unrest and widespread death all around.
you stopped in front of the drug store further in the city, doors were locked and you weren’t going to break the glass. the walls were cracked and sprouts of stems— life wasn’t all dead, you glared at the thriving weeds in the shade.
suddenly you see a shadow past your reflection, and your nails dig into the skin of your palms. walking around the building and you try the back doors, the narrow alley smelled gross and you bury your nose in your shirt collar.
the back door was open, not much but it was just enough to raise suspicion. then you hear the footsteps.
the monster slowly moves into an aisle. you were about to pull the trigger when it spun around —there was a cold blade against your neck, and you’re staring back into the prettiest eyes you’d ever seen. the man glared at the barrel of the gun pointed at him.
“are you human?” there was a noticeable scar on the left side of his face, and his weird hair was a mess but it still looked perfect. you said the first thing that comes to mind; “can the dead speak?”
“yes, but not like that.” he said. you slowly lower your gun (and he did the same with a literal katana,) realizing you were both just survivors. but you kept your guard up.
there were boxes and boxes of medicine on the floor, and you start to check for any usable food left. he seemed to have already looked through everything.
“what’s your name?” you asked. he paused briefly, but turned to you with a small grin. his nose crinkled and it was charming. “shoto.”
you notice the walkie-talkie strapped at his waist, and it piques your interest. but he didn’t seem like much of a talker, huh?
you were going to open your mouth when there was a loud bang, like a fist on metal, and you both froze. you definitely closed the back, but now you weren’t sure. a beat goes by. then two. “hello? anyone in here?” shoto perks up hearing the voice, light and strung with recognizable dorkiness.
“midoriya?” he called out. and there the boy was, a smile so bright you feared you’d die of radiation poisoning. his face dropped, however, when his eyes met yours, and suddenly he looks uncomfortable.
“i’ve been looking for you, midoriya. where ha—“
“around.” izuku clears his throat, cutting him off. shoto looked up from the canned goods and izuku glanced at you, who stood on the side watching them. you catch them, and raise an eyebrow. are we keeping secrets? shoto took a moment to think, before throwing his bag over his shoulder. we’re friends.
“i have to meet back with the others.. are you coming?” shoto asked izuku loud enough for you to hear, and you watched the two shake hands. “they will be glad to see you. especially ochako, but i wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”
“you have a group,” you feel a lump in your throat. “is that where you go?” the freckled boy scratches at the back of his neck with a smile, it was obvious that he didn’t want to say too much. izuku acted so differently. “uh, kind of. we stick together sometimes, don’t worry about it.”
you bite your lip and stare at the ground, but it wasn’t long before you three gathered bags and started toward the exit. the walk back home was lonely without izuku. a part of you was surprised but the other not so much.
the bag is full and heavy on your back, even after splitting it three ways. a loose black thread on the old straps tickled, when you felt a sharp ache on your neck and rub the sore spot.
“y/n?” it was loud and your light footsteps ceased, turning around slowly. you try to stem your breathing and silence your heartbeat; just in case katsuki’s calling out for you.
you see something from the corner of your eye. you freeze, with only the bristles of leaves and trash blowing in the wind. you hear your name being called again, and it was so familiar; one you wanted to forget.
and then you see the most important person in your life, and all at once you felt grief and heartbreak. “oh, look at you. it’s been so long..” the soft touch of a hand on your cheek, but you couldn’t get out a word. it was like your body wouldn’t allow anything but a whisper.
“y/n, are you done?” they asked. it started to hurt, like the innocent prick of a rose horn on your fingertips. “come home. it’s time to rest.”
.. home?
the drag of a body dragging against the concrete floor. and suddenly you’re staring at a monster, unaware of your presence, its teeth chewing at the neck of another unlucky. your face was hot with tears, the crowbar almost fell through between your fingers, you wanted to unleash the anger.
the savaged face was one you couldn’t recognize. but you don't think about that, not now. your shoes pound against the pavement, swinging your lifeline and digging the curved end into the side of its head. every last one of you.
warm blood hit your face. god, it made you feel sick.
you couldn’t take in the moment and burning of your arms, a scream ripped out of your throat when nails dug into your ankle, breaking skin. teeth tearing the flesh of your lower leg and the pain was unimaginable.
“fuck! fuck!”
you feel everything and nothing at the same time. you had a gun, and so you shoot.
blood spills over, tears falling down your face— most likely due to shock —slumping to your knees. the bullet would bring others, so you had to pull yourself together.
your hands come down to cover the exposed, gushing wound on your calf, but it’s too late. the parking lot is empty and you hear nothing else.
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izuku should have died the day he got bitten. should— unless he already was and this was all some kind of sick dream. but after the shock wore off, he woke up alone, and cleaned up, with food and a bottle of water next to him.
a specific gene found in some people has proven immunity against the E-20 virus. and there has to be a cure, there has to be something they didn’t know about.
nine made him feel on edge no matter how many times he’d come ask for favors or rations for two, when there was only him. izuku has never killed someone before; he helped people, he saved you.
but izuku knew too much.
over the time he spent at your small sanctuary, he realized just how oblivious you were to the world around. the people hiding in the shadows, willing to take everything from you.
eventually he and shoto were standing in front of a group, small next to the huge men armed with guns and he did not want to know what’d happen if he says the wrong thing.
it was a quick stop.. green eyes met grey and a hand shoved his shoulder forward, izuku trips over his own feet. we’re so close. tell him, say it.
“you.. were looking for two kids, right? a little girl and boy. i know where they are. how about a trade?”
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hate4buzi · 4 months
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AAAA TYSMMMM IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY OC, MBAJSBAJBHSA….!!!!!! Also, heckkk yeah ill tell you about them!!!!!! I’ve been dying to talk about B the moment i started writing a story for them LMAOO,,, ofc this will include spoilers lol
B is the tallest disassembly, they’re also the laziest… they do NOT want to do their job LMAO. They’re probably J’s least favorite because of how lazy they are. They like to sleep, a lot, and when i say a lot i mean ALOT. This is mostly to escape their issues, but its also because they’re always exhausted LOOL… due to not hunting a lot, N usually brings them worker drones to eat so they dont overheat and die, he cares for them a lot !!!!! I wouldn’t call their relationship with J rivalry, but they both DEFINITELY hate each other JAJAJJAJA,,, as for B and V… i ship them,, loll,,, in fact, in my mind they start dating after ep 3!!!
(Here’s a description thing i made for B before drawing them…) Serial Designation B, other known as Bunny or simply just B, is more laid back and simple minded compared to their companions. They really don’t care about most things, and prefer to sit back and watch. They’re lazy, and disobedient (their ass does NOT follow orders from J.) When hunting, it’s common for them to stalk their “prey” before killing, (while this is rare, since they don’t want to do their job and barely hunt 😭) They’re often sarcastic, and rude, (Towards J mainly) and make dead toned jokes at the worst times possible.
In the Mansion days, B used to be quiet, and overly nervous. They were self conscious and hyperactive at times, feeling abnormal being the tallest drone at the time. Despite Tessa’s encouragement to socialize, they were more distant with the other drones, sneaking off during work hours to avoid getting caught in any social situations. They’re easily bully-able, (cough cough, J, cough cough.) and usually get pushed around by the other drones. When they aren’t anxiously running around as a maid, they sneak away to play piano in the library. No one usually ventures in there, so that’s why they like to spent most of their time alone there, playing till their hearts content in secret. That is before N heard them playing one day JSJAHSJA
THATS ALL I REALLY HAVE FOR NOW, if u have anymore specific questions about them, feel free to ask 0D
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shuckinbeanz · 9 months
SCREAM (Yan!GhostFace!Tama)
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He also comes maskless! So check out his spoopy mug! 👻
warnings/notes: NSFW, college!au, reader was nearly ran over in broad daylight, Tamaki Slowly Snaps™, stalking, attempted murder(two times, reader nearly gets ran over & Tamaki's first victim manages to escape once), murder, Tamaki is a yandere(who knows his obsession is wrong, but he ends up snapping. and getting worse.), Tamaki & Mirio do the Billy & Stu tagteam except Tamaki is the killer of the duo, Mirio has his own darling which I may or may not write the origins of, Tamaki is the creepy kind of Ghostface due to his introverted nature he's slightly Micheal Myer's-esque and the opening scene features no Scream franchise signature burner calls!
This is gonna be a three part fic and I wanna say reader is a bit fruitloopy, too.(just because of what i have planned for the end. this is a consent blog, sooo)
Underage characters are Aged Up!
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Similar to Ghostface!Baku, I cut back unnecessary parts(who cares how the minor bg characters croak ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we’re here for the opening, the ending, and the lovin’), but there still is movie spoilers/references. Enjoy!
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream , @shadoweepingscream , @dementedinc-blog, @survivorofmath , @blackchim3ra
Tamaki was an introvert by nature. He wasn’t exactly the type of person to go out of his way for anything. Much to his chagrin, he was popular, but he only kept a small circle of friends. He was studious, and his nimble frame helped him greatly with sports that demanded dexterity.
He wasn’t exactly the type of person to go out of his way for anything.
But you caught his eye. And even though he denied it, he fell in love with you at first sight. His social anxiety would ultimately lead him to overthink things.
He knew what your favorite foods were by heart. It wasn’t right of him. He knew your favorite color(s), and he even knew your favorite subjects. It’s not normal. You always looked so pretty, bunny, oh God he’s such a creep, wearing your favorite outfits and styles.
Unfortunately, you were a victim of delinquents who’d always find ways to harass you. Usually, a few words would make them stop, for a while. 
But this tops everything they’ve done. Popularity can only go so far. 
Those laughing bastards drove an expensive vehicle they ‘borrowed’, tires screeching across the parking lot as they gassed it off campus, nearly running you over in their joyride.
You were on your rump, terrified and wailing from narrowly avoiding death, but everybody else just stood around like dumb asses. He didn’t waste a second, jogging towards you to see if you were okay. Mirio would know better what to do in this type of situation, he mused as he fretted over you, asking if you were hurt, if you were okay.
When you clung to him, something in him that was hanging by a thread finally snapped.
He decided then and there as he awkwardly and very hesitantly embraced you, he’d kill every last one of them.
It took some time, and unfortunately, his grades suffered a little. He had to spend late nights staking out the places those bastards frequented, and find out their addresses and numbers. He’d spend what time he could planning. He couldn’t get caught, now, could he?
He had to make sure he wouldn’t be.
He had a ghost mask Mirio had jokingly plastered hollow tentacle-like formations on from last Halloween. It would do perfectly. He had just the right things to hide his tattoos, too, just like the majority of his wardrobe.
It was form fitting, a black sweatshirt with deep navy butterfly printed leggings. He broke out the black leather boots he'd never worn before just for this, too.
One of the ones who mercilessly bullied you had to work the last hours working their family bookstore tonight. They were probably bored out of their mind, and what better electrifying thrill to face imminent death? But he wanted to have a little fun, first.
Mirio lived nearby, and with a beloved of his own, he'd be more than happy to help after hearing what those bastards did to you.
Devices in hand and a plan in mind, he thinks; yes. Yes...they would do perfectly as the opening scene.
He can't contain the deranged grin creeping across his face.
It's the small things that make the largest of impacts. Tiny objects moved from places one knows they were, odd sounds, and small new additions. Thankfully this one was observant, much to his amusement. He'd bugged that bookstore and tinkered with it, relishing in how this bastard slowly began to lose their mind.
He watched them plant their own devices; probably pilfered from friends and family. Their shifty eyes were almost comical. Perhaps they wouldn't have nearly ran you over when they were this aware of their surroundings?
He smiles widely, a giddy feeling rising in him as he decides he should acknowledge their efforts.
Armed with the knowledge of every camera they'd attempted to sneakily place, and dressed to impress, he lingers just outside the peripheral of the devices.
It was so entertaining fucking with them, and once they caught his silhouette, they'd brought it up with their family who knew well enough the crowd they mingled with.
'Perhaps one of your friends is pranking you? Don't sweat it, it's typical.'
And as typical, they threw a tantrum, knocking over a cart of books before promptly exiting. It took several days for them to come back, needing money. He watched them mind the desk for some time, before donning the costume he'd thrown together after the sun had set, close to their closing time.
Tonight was the night he'd hunt them down, Mirio tagging along.
He skulks out of sight, loitering in the back alley where they'd come out after closing up for the night.
Unfortunately for them, the alleyway was long with twists and turns. He followed them, looking for a chance to attack. All was silent, with the exceptions of his and their footsteps, and their quickening breathing. He made sure to match their steps, stopping each time they stopped.
He expected them to turn around right away-but they didn't, choosing instead to pick up their pace, soon breaking into a bolt, surprisingly fast.
In a fit of fear and desperation, they threw anything and everything they could behind them in an attempt to block his path to them as they rounded the corner to the awaiting Mirio.
Unfortunately for him, it worked. It was tough navigating through a dark alleyway at night with a mask that limited his sight.
He curses under his breath; he was so close, too.
"Whoa, you okay there, bud?" he hears Mirio, following his mock-surprised grunt when they collide into him.
As they begin to stammer in a panic, he pulls down his hoodie and removes his mask, stashing it aside temporarily with his weapon and gloves before tugging his sleeves over his palms.
"Slow down, there. Can't understand a word you're saying--" Mirio tries to placate them as they panic,  "Someone's following me, for fuck's sake, I--"
"Oh, hey, Tamaki." the blonde interrupts, absolutely beaming as he rounds the corner. "You chasing this person or something?~" he asks as that bastard whips around, heaving a sigh of relief as he plays ignorance. "Chase...? You know I'm not that type, Mirio." he fakes a worried smile behind his sleeve as Mirio all but guffaws. "Real panicky, this one, eh?" he exclaims, casually hanging an arm around their shoulder. "Hey, hey, you're shakin' up, how about I take ya home, bud?" he starts, "C'moooon, this way or that?" overwhelming them with his sunny personality, soon whisking them off the moment they point.
"Til next time, Tama!~" he waves farewell, the double edged meaning making him seethe.
This time he failed...but he has a backup plan. He'll murder that bastard's sister.
And by pure luck, he finds her going for a night time jog in the park.
He won't let her get away, no, no, not in such a wide-open space.
She'd make the perfect...what would it be called again?
The perfect opening scene.
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partnersatfazbear · 8 months
Last minute predictions, some art, my spoiler tags for the film
So I'm going to see the FNAF Movie in a few hours!! I will be marking my review with #FNAFmovie #FNAFmoviespoilers #spoilers so make sure you MUTE those tags for a bit!
I will be seeing the movie at least once in the theatre and on streaming, so I'll write my review once I've watched both (especially twice) and I'll type up a short like 'first impressions' before that, all in the same post.
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This is my outfit for the movie! I was SO HAPPY my wife got me this Springtrap shirt because I LOVE this artist so much and I got to support them. I'll also be sporting my purple bunny ear bow, hopefully carrying Spring Bonnie, and my Tamagotchi Pix Party (purple, with Mametchi in his FNAF themed room! Of course I will have it on silent / in my wife's purse for the film itself. Remember movie etiquette people, don't be an asshole) I also have my plaid face mask but I shouldn't need it.. lol Also my wife put some of my Willry art on one of those phone pop holders! I needed a new one for my crappy phone that is more busted than Springtrap lol...
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So my predictions, what you came here for...
I think the movie is gonna be fairly easy going and similar to the novels in the terms of the first batch of kids meeting their happiest day/being freed. I think a lot of the film will be Michael trying to keep Abby/Elizabeth in line as he tries to work his 6 hours. I imagine this trouble will summon Vanessa or Vanessa will be Michael's boss. I think we will get flashback footage to Fredbear's Family Diner but it will be minimal. I have been staying spoiler free, but I think Hank/(Maybe?Henry) will be more present than he has been in previous material, but not by much. Perhaps as Uncle Hank he took care over for Michael and Abby after William's disappearance. Who knows? My biggest fears for the film are my perception of William changing a lot... I have a very counter-fan view of him but I also think the sociopath fans make him is inaccurate. Scott's William is very much a madscientist with a flamboyaunt streak and that's what I wanna see! (I mean, he's still a serial killer, so he will be creepy, but I think in a very fun camp way ala 90's slashers, perhaps something closer to a 70's sci-fi mad scientist if we see more of Scott's personal influence) All in all, I think the first 30 minutes will focus on the status quo of the Diner, Fazbear's backstory, and Michael and Abby's relationship leading up to the night shift. The night shift itself will be a slow build for another twenty to thirty minutes, probably prolonged by Vanessa's inclusion and her explaining more about the history (from what I heard in the trailers) after the animatronics start to move. We'll get an action sequence kind of like Aliens where they learn how to animatronics work / attack and avoid them, Abby will probably be a huge PITA and get seperated, possibly running into Spring Bonnie and the dead kids. Michael and Vanessa try to rescue her, ultimately leading to a confrontation with William/Spring Bonnie that will tie into FNAF 2 (and based on what my wife told me about Bazz, this will be where we see the original 4 kids set free--I can't say how active Golden Freddy will be... I imagine if he IS Michael's brother, we will get splashes of him through the film and I don't think he will be freed at the end). The post-credits scene will show Springtrap and maybe a hint of the Toys for FNAF Movie 2. That's my prediction!! :)
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