#awesomaximus world
Spectre: You're going to stand there and pretend you can't hear the planet crying out in pain? I know you can!
Blood Shepherd: You really hear that?
Spectre: Damn straight I do!
Blood Shepherd: Get help.
Spectre: >:(
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raayllum · 1 year
Do you think Erzan has read the letter that Harrow left for Callum? It would be neat way to explore how he feels about himself and leadership as a concept.
Oh I think so! We see Ezran hold the letter in 3x02 with the unbroken seal (which means Callum passed it down to him) and I also think that's part of why Ezran refuses a regent and decides it Has to be him, much in the way that Harrow decided that He had to be the one to pay for his own mistakes. Being king for Ez and Harrow is very much synonymous with taking accountability/responsibility (even if that's difficult or flawed sometimes in how they do so) and I think we can see that in how Ezran decides to simultaneously honour his father's wishes in Breaking the Cycle but also knowing he has to be better than his father, too: "I just wish Dad was here; he'd know what to do, you know?" (2x03) -> "So I've decided that I don't have to be the king my father was. My father made choices to keep fighting battles that started hundreds of years before he was born. To punish kids for crimes their parents committed. I don't want to be that kind of king."
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padawanlost · 4 years
E aí,tudo bem? If there is a post episode III meeting between Rex and Cody,anything that you would like to see?
Oiees, tudo bem e vc?
I don’t think it would go well, at all. I mean, after ROTS Cody ‘joined’ the Empire, training the next generation of stormtroopers. In a way, he was training the people hunting down Rex and his friends. so any meeting between them would be influenced by that. 
Cody was never a ‘true believer’ but, as a clone, he didn’t have any choice because he didn’t have any rights. When the Republic became the Empire, Cody automatically began serving the Empire like he was trained (or programmed) to do. knowing that, one could assume that Cody remained as loyal, hardworking and committed as he was during the war and that would mean he wouldn’t put personal feelings over his duty. 
So, if we are talking about a scenario where Cody and Rex bump into each other, I can see Cody trying to capture Rex as easily as I see Cody being torn by it. 
On the other hand, we have Rex who was much more aware of what really happened during the war and has a better understanding how shitty the clones situation truly was. That’s why I don’t see Rex being antagonistic towards Cody, even if he’s being attacked/hunted by him. I believe Rex would know better than to hate his brother for being a slave.
After the initial shock, I can also see Rex trying to argue with Cody in an attempt to save himself and his brother from the Empire. Might be just wishful thinking, but I like to think Rex would be able to eventually convince his brother to leave.  
Idk, I just hate when the clones don’t get the happy ending they rightfully deserved. Everyone talks about how traumatic Order 66 was for the Jedi, but can you imagine how horrifying it was for the clones? Don’t get me wrong, I love rex with all my heart. He’s my favorite. But I don’t like how part of the fandom puts him on  pedestal for not killing any jedi. tThe clones who didn’t manage to break out of their programming were Palpatine’s victims too and don’t deserve to be vilified by the fandom. 
The fact Cody tried to kill Obi-wan shouldn’t be used to punish him, not when he didn’t have any choice. Cody deserves agency and, sadly, Rex was the only one who would be able (and willing) to offer him freedom.
That’s why even though I believe their initial meeting could potentially go very, very wrong, I still want to believe that Rex wouldn’t give up on his brother and would do everything in his power to save him.
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busta-of-the-day · 6 years
Are you gonna say who is the Busta of the year?
Probably not. There’s been too many to pick from, and that’s just counting the ones mentioned on this blog. In addition, I feel like if I did a poll, the results would likely get skewed towards a single candidate (example: If Ajit Pai was on the hypothetical poll, I’m pretty convinced almost everyone would vote for him).
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Specter: You’re so naive Blue Angel.
You see the good in everybody, even when it’s not there.
You’re living a fantasy. There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Queen of England!
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raayllum · 1 year
Any thoughts about the Crow Lord? I feel the series is building up to something with him, but I can't guess what that is.
The Crow Lord exists mostly as a gimmick character (i.e. for the Crow Master to be continually promoted and also a bit bumbling). However, given that they both exist in universe to deliver messages and "don't shoot the messenger" is a common turn of phrase, I could see Crow Master dying or almost dying at some point - after all, if you get inside Katolis castle and don't want anyone to know, removing the person who's job it is to handle news going inside and out would be pretty good in the short term.
I could also see them just always continuing the bit though, kinda like with Barius the baker - sometimes you just need comic relief characters
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Ai:You can't lock us up like this!Let me go! What about my Miranda rights? You're suppose to say I have right to remain silent! Nobody said I have the right to remain silent!
Playmaker: Ai,you HAVE the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity.
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Valentine Headcanon of Yusaku overthinking on how to show affection to Aoi.
Oh he would totally overthink it
Aoi would give him something very nice but not too nice to fluster him and Yusaku knows that March 14th/White Day, he'll have a lot to own up for so he makes sure that he saves up enough money that he can buy her some nice chocolate since he has no faith in his chocolate making skills... and thinks it would be cheap to cop out and take Kusanagi's offer to make some for him to use
He would want to make sure that she has no allergies to anything that might be in a chocolate or have come into contact with chocolate, but its all good on those fronts but he also makes sure that he doesn't get something that she doesn't dislike
The end result is probably convenience store chocolate since its safe, tried, and tested but the thought and overthinking does mean the world to Aoi regardless
I think he would settle on some sort of white chocolate that maybe has raspberry or strawberry chips in it
- Mod Playmaker
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On my planet,I'm kind of a loser, like you, but here we can more.
Ai to Yusaku, probably
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You fool, I have 70 alternative accounts!
Aoi, probably
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Studies show owning a ladder is more dangerous that a loaded gun.That’s why I own ten guns,just in case some fool tries to sneak in here with a ladder.
Ryoken Kogami, probably
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Shoichi: Oh good Lord. Didn’t anybody here build ships in bottles when they were boys?
Spectre: I did not play with toys.
Earth: I was never a boy.
Takeru: I did.
Shoichi: Thank you, Takeru.
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Kogami: Knights, there is three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way and the Kiyoshi Kogami way.
Aso: Isn’t that the wrong way?
Kogami: Yeah, but faster.
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What does Soulburner mind room looks like?
I feel like it would look like a Pokémon Gym; specifically fire type, let’s be real. or maybe the same vibes as an arc v era action duel field. that kind of funky, energetic get things done kind of vibe. fun splashes of paint (maybe like streaks of fire) on the primarily white walls. I wanna think there are lion dog statues in it;;; one of them having a red orb/markings like Flame. Its well lit and probably has posters on the wall with symbolised versions of characters like Playmaker, Blue Angel, Go Onizuka. he might also have a poster with his parents but its faded, a lot more abstract than the others
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Pandor x Ai
their duel was so fun but rip Topologina Nabee, I really thought that we’d eventually get it added to the anime
they have such a fun chemistry. rival AIs on the other side of the war. you could even turn it into a dashing rogue/sheltered princess scenario and spice in the fact that Ryoken would loathe Pandor being romanced by Ai omg
i feel like Pandor ships are criminally underrated and ignored; like I am a stalwart proponent for Ai/Pandor and even Ryoken/Pandor as well as complete crack like Kyoko/Pandor and Aqua/Pandor (gotta get those femslashes happening, you know?) but, if I am being, completely honest, I think Ai/Pandor is the best combination because again. Dashing Rogue/Sheltered Princess. It’s *chef’s kiss*
and their canon banter is so good and there’s something, I can only describe as, sexy about the fact that Ai can’t touch her physically because of Pandor’s programming and I think there would be such an interesting story of free will and aritficial intelligence and deciding things for one’s self in the grand 100k canon compliant slowburn epic of their love
gosh these two are so good and I like maybe see art of them once every couple of blue moons but I think they deserve more attention, like, please? pretty please with bumblebees on top?
anyways I think these two should be in love, Pandor very earnestly, and Ai, very cheekily
- Mod Playmaker
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padawanlost · 5 years
George Lucas for the character breakdown
How I feel about thischaracter: tbh, Inever cared much for him until Disney screwed him over. I mean, I never hatedhim or anything like it but I never put him on a pedestal and called him my godlike some fans either. But Disney somehow managed to make me respect his integrityas a storyteller and filmmaker, and that (kind of) endeared him to me. Say whatyou want about the guy but I’ve to say I do respect the fact he did theprequels exactly how he wanted to make them (instead of doing what he believedthe fans wanted to see) and how he kept pushing the technology forward bytrying new things, instead of “safe” things.
All the people I shipromantically with this character: his wife?
My non-romantic OTP forthis character: hisfamily?
My unpopular opinionabout this character:read above.
One thing I wish wouldhappen / had happened with this character in canon: He shouldn’t have sold star wars. Hugemistake.
GIVE ME ACHARACTER and I’ll break their ass down
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