littletantrums · 10 months
do u think u could write something for awsten being a bit fussy and patty laying him down for a nap?? it just sounds so cute 💕
Awsten has been teary and sensitive all day, Patty notices. He’s been acting up, not wanting to eat his meals but begging for snacks, and making messes with his toys that would normally drive him nuts. There can’t be anything that wrong, Patty thinks, picking up yet another spilled bin of trucks and blocks. Does his tummy hurt? He wonders. Maybe he’s just stressed about work?
“Awsie,” Patty sighs, as Awsten starts pulling cushions off the couch. “What’s wrong? Why are you so fussy today?”
“I’m not!” He insists rather loudly, accidentally letting a cushion fly out of his hand across the room. His eyes go wide as it hits a table lamp and makes a loud noise. “Sorry,” he squeaks, as the lamp rocks back and forth, dangerously close to falling over before resting back on its base. “I’m sorry Papa, I won’t do it again.”
“Awsten,” Patty sighs, rushing over to pick up his baby before he can create any more chaos. “I think you need a nap.”
“No!” He protests with urgency. He tries to push himself away from Patty’s grasp, but not quickly enough. He feels his legs swept from under him and reflexively grabs his caregiver for safety.
“You need a nap, bud,” Patty coaxes while rocking his baby in his arms. “I promise it’ll make you feel better.”
“I don’t need one, Papa,” Awsten cries, burying his face in Patty’s neck. “I’m not tired! I swear!”
“Just lay down for me for a minute, will you baby?”
Awsten whines, but doesn’t protest any further as Patty carries him to the bedroom. It’s dark, the gentle light from the hallway streaming in through the crack Patty left in the door behind them. The bed feels so soft, he notices as his Papa sets him down carefully. Maybe a nap isn’t such a bad idea?
Crawling under the covers, Awsten looks up at Patty for reassurance, almost like he’s not sure he’s doing it right. Patty gently pulls his sweater off of his baby for comfort’s sake and starts stroking his hair, gently.
“You’re okay, darling,” Patty promises, his hand gracing over his partner’s bright red hair. “Everything is okay. Just get some rest, alright?”
“But what if there’s a monster under the bed?”
Patty stifles a giggle from the question. “I promise I’ll keep you safe, little guy. Just relax and go to sleep.”
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whyicantdraw · 4 years
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💜 happy valentine's day ❤️
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kyleknight · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: As It Is (Band), Waterparks (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Awsten Knight/Patty Walters Characters: Patty Walters Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Angst Summary:
Sometimes it’s the little reminders.
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awstenspenis · 6 years
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donttellmark · 6 years
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Awsten Knight + Universe
Reblog if you save, credit if you repost :)
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twinkaws · 6 years
i just wanna see an awstty selfie :((((((
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babydollaws · 5 years
i know i said that awstty one shot would be done by now but i had a mental breakdown and didnt work on it at all but im back now we back bois
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running this blog without sie would feel so wrong. i'll try to be more active on beforethepeach but i think this is it for epsig.
i think im done writing Gawsten, aside from Peach. Just to be as respectful as possible. i sincerely apologize for what i said about the situation resembling babygate, but im in a bad place with change right now so i didn't see at the time how unecessary and rude that was. I will say though, what i said wasn't because of Gawsten in the least, just like the OG babygate wasn't about Larry. that kinda thing DOES happen to some celebrities, i just read too deep into it for shit that wasn't actually there.
i'm definitely not any less invested in Awsten being bi and i stand by what i've said about certain parx songs being about a boy, it's just clear now that that boy isn't Geoff. Any fics that i have planned as Gawsten right now (aside from Peach) will be switched to Awstty/Cawsten or a seperate ship entirely.
i wish Geoff and Chloe the best ofc. i adore them both and that's not gonna stop. i hope Rory has an amazing childhood, in fact i know she will because she has amazing parents.
Parx is still my favorite band. Geoff is still my favorite fucking guitarist like jfc i could watch that man work forever, he's so unbelievably talented. Chloe is such a fantastic director and i hope they figure out a good way to balance Rory and their careers because i'd be crushed if either of them had to even temporarily give up their dreams (but of course they would for her, they're both so selfless and amazing) idek where im going with this i just love the both of them so much.
sorry this is so rambly. i guess this is goodbye. i genuinely love y'all. These past 9 months or so wouldn't've been nearly as bearable without you guys. All of our mutuals, even the ones who got upset at me for what i said, i genuinely consider my friends. i hope you guys can forgive what i said. once again, i love you guys and this community so much. see you later i guess. -F
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thebluepoptarts-arc · 6 years
speaking of Awxxtty why the hell does anyone call Aws/Patty Pawsten when Awstty is so much cuter
easier i guess 🤔 awstty is cute
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littletantrums · 5 years
Awsten and Patty sharing animal crackers. Awsten has to make the animal's sound and if he gets it wrong or doesnt do it right, Patty gets the cracker.
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kreiiideprinz · 6 years
i was tagged by @angelsmadefromneon !! hello!!!
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: mint, peach, grey
Chapstick or Lipstick: chapstick
Top three ships: x
Last song I listened to: skin - dead!
Currently reading: how to ruin everything - george watsky
Last film I saw: isle of dogs
i tag @otto-wood @alexsbluehairx and @waterparks-awstty !!
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kyleknight · 5 years
23: You deserve better than someone like me. Patty/Awsten requested by anonymous hey look its fluff and still some self-hatred but also support and love
What’s the point of a sunroof if you don’t drive out into the desert in the middle of the night to open it up and stand up in the middle of the car to look out at the nightscape? Well, Patty would have been just as happy just lying on the ground or on a blanket, but Awsten hates that, so he settles for the car.
“Isn’t this beautiful?” he says to Awsten, standing on the middle seat next to him as they look up at the endless world of stars above them.
“It is…” Awsten says.
Patty looks over. Awsten’s looking at him with an adorably lovestruck expression. Patty grins and leans over to kiss him. “Not me, silly, the stars.”
“Yeah, there are two stars out here: me and you.”
Patty laughs. “You’re so cute.”
Awsten leans against Patty, so Patty puts an arm around him to hold him close. All around them, the desert is quiet and still. Patty looks back up at all the stars.
Beside him, Awsten winds his arms around Patty and holds him just a bit tighter. “I love you,” he says, his voice low but audible.
Patty knows that tone. Awsten still isn’t looking at the stars, for a reason Patty doesn’t like. He forgets about the stars and turns to face Awsten. He reaches out to take hold of Awsten’s face and moves it up so they’re looking directly at each other.
“Hey,” Patty says. “Awsten. I love you. I love you.” Awsten makes a sad sound in the back of his throat. Patty pulls his face forward so he can kiss Awsten breathless. Awsten relaxes against Patty, and his arms go slightly lax against Patty’s back. When Patty moves back, Awsten’s eyes are closed.
“I don’t want you thinking we shouldn’t be together,” Patty says.
“I wasn’t—”
“I just… I still can’t stop— I almost—”
“But you didn’t,” Patty says firmly. He pulls Awsten close again and kisses him again. Awsten sighs into Patty’s mouth and Patty carefully guides them both back down into the car.
“I don’t want you thinking those things about yourself,” Patty says. “You’re beautiful, Awsten. You’re brilliant and wonderful and kind and so funny. You make me smile every time I see you.”
Awsten still looks conflicted. “You deserve—”
“Don’t you dare,” Patty says, leaning down on top of Awsten to kiss him again.
He knows what Awsten was about to say. ‘You deserve better than someone like me.’ Patty’s going to kiss that out of him, no matter how long it takes. And he’s going to keep going to therapy with Awsten until Awsten can smile and love himself just as much as he did before. He got out of that hospital, albeit with some pretty impressive scars, but he woke up and got out nonetheless. He made his physical recovery. Now they’ve just got the mental recovery. And they’re going to take that together.
“I love you, Awsten,” Patty says.
Awsten smiles, his eyes full of the reflection of the stars above him. Oh, if he could only see what Patty sees. Patty settles for just kissing him again.
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awstenspenis · 6 years
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rare-2018 · 6 years
I was “tagged” by @waterparks-awstty
nicknames:: nothing rly but @waterparks-awstty calls me Mickey Mouse
gender:: female
star sign:: leo
height:: 5′5′’ (ish) 
sexuality:: questioning
hogwarts house: slytherin (hiss hiss motherfuckers)
fav animal:: prob hedgehog
average hours spent sleeping:: maybe like 4 hours (min none max 9)
dogs or cats:: dogs ftw
number of blankets I seep with:: i have 2 sheets (one fitted) and my comforter
dream trip:: idek
dream job:: broadway
when I made this account:: sometime between december and january (2017-18)
why I made this account:: I stan a band named after parks of water
followers: 741
idk who to tag so just like do this if you want 
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twinkaws · 6 years
awstty is the type of relationship where casual kisses in the kitchen turns into hands pulling each other closer and hips against hips, which turns into a makeout session and then sex against the kitchen counter
uhuh yep, they try to be all cutesy but as soon as they get their hands on eachother they cant stop
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nho-jungle · 4 years
will u make me an edgy awstty moodboard 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 ~ zack
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me: “How edgy is edgy?”
zack: “literally either soft skater boys up to serial killer idc.”
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