#awww they were probably happy as clams
randomgentlefolk · 1 year
My mood swings like a wreaking ball during this chapter
This review is gonna have lots of photos for the sake of referencing
Aw I like how Becket feels responsible and concerned towards Maria for what he said. He's a sweet guy. I hope he's not gonna get fired (..or maybe fired and then being Maria's lover haha)
I'm sure Gwen will be fine. Maybe some emotional and mental damages, but she'll be fine..probably.
Why is the technical difficulties so aesthetic for some reason? 😭 it's so aesthetically soft in a bloody way.
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And Gwen's siblings staying by her side is soooo wholesome
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Even in their sleep they still have the protective instinct of an older sibling 😭 I may be the youngest in my family, but I have a lovely cat whom I love and protect very much.
Prez is all of us in quarantine. I'm glad the medicine worked! Science, baby!
I wanna talk about 4 scenes
The first one
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This is what I've been wondering the whole time. Where the heck is Jack? How long is this trip? All we know is he's grabbing the omniscient clam and going to wherever he's going. I think the canyon where the princes and the princesses were supposed to get married at? What is taking him so long?
The second and third scenes
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We now know how Jamie's dream is. Sunshine rainbows and all, probably because of her sparkly magic. As the witch said: "They're usually mish-mash of each person's memories, acquaintances, and a lot of nonsense"
She also said "sometimes sounds and smells from the external world can seep in" So I'm thinking of this.
When Gwen ended up in her dream, she smelled flowers and heard birds singing from Lorena and Maria protecting her while she's asleep. Because Jamie realize she could be in a bad dream, I'm gonna bet the pastel family, Agatha and Molly, Frederick, heck maybe even cpc will tell her from the external words sweet messages like "You're loved!" "You're beautiful just the way you are" "I love you" "Please come back to us" over and over again.
What about what Gwen will see? Well from the next chapter's thumbnail we know she's gonna see Leopold. Most probably because of that one time where Leopold become a "therapist" for Gwen. Maybe dream Leopold will tell her the same thing he said in chapter 66:
"You'll never learn to love yourself.. if you can't honestly face your own feelings."
Other than that, she will surely meet her family and Frederick there. Maybe even flashback of when Frederick called her ugly.
But! What I really think is gonna happen is this:
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Her memories of her mom is gonna appear like a repressed memory. That is definitely gonna happen I hope that will happen.
Okay! Stepping out from the dream..
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN LELAND? What do you mean "tomorrow's the big day" the big day to what?! To what?! You know I could've kept my composure but I absolutely LOST it when I saw Lance's face. Like, boy?? Since when he can do THAT? This is bad. This is REALLY bad. Whatever this plan is, I don't think I'm gonna like it. Well, at least they're not being hung upside down anymore..
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Suddenly remembering when I said this and I HOPE I'M RIGHT.
So Jamie and Gwen ARE twins!! Maybe that's gonna play more role further on?
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Ending this review with them because awww look at them :') They're such sweet couples look at how happy Leelathae is <3
See ya guys, gals, and pals
Mono out!
(But still in to listen to your thoughts :) )
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Royal siren erasermic family? They like adopt you after you hatch from an egg bc they found you or something idk and take you back to the castle and make you their little princess or something cute and fluffy like that.
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Shinso was just out and about, swimming through some forbidden areas he wasn’t supposed to be in, avoiding sharks, when he found an iridescent little ball under some rubble of a shipwreck, it made his gills tingle at the sweet aura that it emmited, he knew, that this creature, was something to protect. It was up until he saw something moving inside that he thought it was just some ancient treasure that would’ve died with this ship, he examined it closer, squinting his eyes, that’s when he realized, it was a Siren. A baby one at that, usually they hatched out of boring white eggs, the royal family’s were gold, but a shiny color changing white that combated the finest of jewels? Never, this little pip was special, he could feel it.
So he brought it back home, through his “balcony window”, debating wether or not he should tell his parents. As you know, he was somewhere where he was not supposed to be, and they would throw a fit. Then again, whatever this thing was, he couldn’t just keep it to himself, something was living inside it, and he wouldn’t know if something was wrong, so he has too. When he did, it came as a suprise that his parents weren’t mad, they jsut kindof stared at the orb, inhaling the addictive scent it gave off, the three huddled around it, aizawa carefully picking the Small thing up, it was only about the size of a pumpkin, extremely easy to pick up, yet he could still feel the heartbeat of a creature inside, it just had to be one of the sirenfolk , there isn’t any other explanation. He stared at it in confusion, noticing the small cracks staring to form.
Then a little hand popped through, and scared the shit out of all of them.
As it turned out, you were in fact a siren, a rare subtype of them, thought to have gone extinct long, long ago. The opal-looking scales that littered your arms and tail showed proof of it, this species were intensely more fragile, and weaker, that’s why they went extinct, as they couldn’t hear, and a small crabs pinch could cause major bone breaks, they were just too weak, yet so beautiful. That’s why they were coveted among the royal family. It only helped their growing obsession taht you were so cute.
It might’ve been an act of I’mpulse, but they just needed to have you as their own, of course, their word is law, so they could’ve just kept you, but they felt the need to make it official, they’d already had two pips, you’re just their third! It was simple, of course, you specific species could be born into sirenfolk families, it was just so rare that it had only happened once. You were just so cute, so fragile, just something so breakable, they just
H a d
To protect this tiny lil thing, it was instinctual to feel a protective pull over their little pups, and boy were they feeling that right now, you were special, not just any baby, but you were theirs. Their special little pup, nothing would ever lay a hand on you, ever. It had only be a few days, and word spreads through the underwater kingdom like a wave, from the servant maid who showed them how to take care of you, to the head maid, to a citizen, to the fisher, and eventually, by the end of the week, the whole kingdom was eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of their new princess.
And boy were they shocked to find out it was an opalite, the most rare of rare sirens in the world. Immediately after they had shown you to the world, sitting in a large clam as it was pulled by sharks, the citizens fell in love with you, maybe it was the fact that you were related to their beloved royals, maybe because the royal family would intensely glare at anyone who made negative comments, maybe it was the fact that a few of those people went missing, but who knows right?
You still hadn’t been able to open your eyes yet, and you won’t be able to hear them for a very long time, your hands were about the size of aizawas eye, and you looked closer to a fish than a human, as you hadn’t even developed your face yet, another plus to being the endangered species, note the sarcasm. And guess what? They found it so adorable, just their cute little baby, their little pup who can’t even protect themselves from the water around them. They just loved every part of your little body, from your tails, to your tiny little hands, to your shiny gills. It was all just so perfect- you were so perfect, and you were theirs, they were gonna protect you at all costs.
So of course they did, you were just so tiny right now, they knows practically anything could hurt you, so they opted to be around you all the time, only leaving to hunt for humans that would suffice for their tastes, drawling them in, determined because of that little smile of yours. You motivated them to do it, they were doing this for you. It have them all a sense of pride to have you feel safe with them, to rite them you. On their own terms.
Eri was constantly around you, being that she was a young one just like you, and you were her little sister! So she wanted to always be around while you made those echoing gurgling noises, or flapped your hands around in the water, she didn’t have responsibility in the kingdom yet, unless being cute is a job, so she can be with you jsut as much as she wants. Always sitting with you while you played with the floating pearls that they had arranged over your play area, watching you feel new things, holding you while you dozed off with adorable little bubbles, she always was with you.
Like now, she’s been with you all day, giving you little snacks, glaring at the guards at the door who always had their eyes on you… creeps. The sun was almost setting, and when you’re low down in the ocean it goes pitch black after a little while, and that’s when the jellyfish come out, tonight was one of the most special days out of the year in the northern oceans, the jellyfish festival, the one night a year when the rare white jellyfish would come out to say hi, leaving trails of shimmering sparkle behind them, painting the upper levels of the ocean a shiny silver. It just so happened that it occurred on your first birthday, a very small increment to sirens, as they live almost a billion years, but still a big accomplishment in their eyes. Look! Their little baby girl is turning one! How amazing!
“Do you see them hon? Look, they’re just starting to appear” Aizawa asked both you and eri calmly, swishing his hand through the salty water to pint at the new appearance of white and purple blobs, slowly flouncing their way overhead. Eri smiled up at it, her pointed teeth displayed in full view, her eyes shined at the view, not only of the huge jellyfish, but also at you, who was placed delicately in mics lap, sat up against his chest. Little bubbles escaped your mouth as you blew raspberries into the water, just making the family laugh.
“Mm-hmmm! Look! Look! How pretty! I wanna touch em! Can I touch em!” She yelled at her parents, excitedly pointing towards the jelly’s floating towards the surface, her hair floated behind her as she swished around, shinsho just chuckled, knowing that she eventually would try to touch them, and get zapped, again, like last year, and the year before, and the year before.
“No hon. Don’t do that to us again, you wanna wish your sister a happy birthday? She’s probably really exited!” Mic cheered, distracting his daughter from touching the jellyfish, yet again, meanwhile, you were happily bouncing up and down on his lap, enjoying the freedom of your arms, swishing them all over the place, grabbing the beads around your neck, jsut anything.
“But dad! Why not! It’s not like it’s hurt me or anything I’ll be fi-“ she begged, throwing her hands up in a small tempter tantrum, clearly forgetting her previous events of pain, and idiocy.
“No- nope no no, we aren’t doing this again, please honey, just please, remember last time, we had to clean up your wounds OUTSIDE-of water, you hate going to the surface remember? “
“Yeah but-“ she started speaking, but was soon cut off with a loud giggle, resonating through your lips, kindof rare for you, you hadn’t been very vocal outside of a few gurgles here and there, so it had each and every ones heads turning. That’s when they saw it, your beautiful eyes, shin sing in reflection to the jellyfish. Those beautiful little eyes of yours mesmerized all of them, a pitch black (for protection from the salt), with a shiny silver-like pupal, immediately after they opened, a burst of color filled your vision. You giggled and clapped your hands together with a small toothless smile, watching as the floaty creates went overhead, glittering with the light.
The absolutely gorgeous splash above was admired by the family form their own viewing post, the blues and whites combined to make a heavenly display. You could feel the cool sprinkles of light they emmited hitting your skin, smiling at the feeling, you splayed your hands out and flailed them against the water.
“Ohhhhhh- oh wow. Honey! Honey look! Her eyes opened! Look at taht! Aren’t you just so magical! Look at you, my little pup.” Mic smacked Aizawa over the chest multiple times, pointing at your clearly opened eyes, you just remained oblivious, staring up at all the new things around you, like.. everything! He turned you around to face him, letting you actually see his face for the first time, taking in the long yellow hair, the (also) black eyes, the ethereal face dotted with shiny yellow gills, him, you could see him!
“She’s developing smoothly, I’m glad. Awww, that’s pretty cute.” Aizawa replied to him, holding in his emotions, as soon as he met those new eyes of yours it’s like everything else disappeared, like the world itself didn’t exist, outside of him, and his fmaily. You took his breath away, or what you could call breath, so cute and innocent, such a small thing, that brings so much joy. Your little tail swished back and forth as you stared up at them happily, taking in the features of the people you’d learned to recognize by touch. Blowing raspberries out of your lips with a stream of bubbles.
“Awwwww! I’m gonna cry, she’s growing so fast! Soon she’ll be swimming in her own! In like 200 years! Too soon, way too soon. Comers baby- mm hmmm” mic spoke, knowing full well that even if he did cry, his tears would get sucked in by the ocean. He pulled you close, moving your head I’ve this shoulde is it would rest in the crook of his neck while he hugged you, eventually, the others joined in, eri practically flopping ontop (with careful regard for you of course).
They all stared at you, while you stared up at the “sky”, oblivious to their stares, to the ways they would growl at anyone who came close, to how they kept you from seeing anyone other than what they personally approve. After all, you are jsut their little pup, of course you wouldn’t notice! Their little pup… feels right to say that, it isn’t like you have any family waiting, they aren’t ever gonna come here.
And if they ever did?
Then, well, a few mermaids are going missing
Thanks for requesting, this was fun to write!
Have a great day today! Goodbye.
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dragonshoard · 2 years
I feel pretty chuffed that people took to the Jinx! Crystal Friends AU, and yes that's what I'm calling it 😄❤️
I like to think that her friends and family would figure out ways to get Powder to be less distant with them, albeit a bit clumsy at first *cough* Mylo annoys Powder just to wind her up *cough* 🤦
But after awhile they would try to appeal to her newest interests, Claggor might start it off by asking what the symbols meant and seeing how excited she gets as she explains them, Vi takes to stealing books on magic and runes (and magical beasts after Powder went on for an hour and a half about the Brakerns, which both embarrassed and endeared the Namestones) for her because Vi is totally that parent that buys presents for their kid when they've wronged said kid; she also sits Powder down and properly apologizes for locking her in the basement, which truly starts to improve things in their relationship again.
Vander would probably try to be more hands on in raising Powder, and stops leaving her upbringing to her equally young sister.
Annnnnnnd Mylo...
Is still an annoying little shit 😤 but he at least tries to change his attitude, but him and Powder are still at each other's throats.
There is at least one or two Namestones going "Dew it" to Powder when she contemplates putting bad luck curses on Mylo's shoes, so that he's constantly tripping 😂😂
I like crystal friends!AU :D
awww 0n0 Them actually trying with Powder is literally so sweet!!!!
Mylo purposely provoking her at first to try and get a rise out of her is very in character (to get his little sister to just talk to him because he's starting to feel bad and contrary to popular belief he doesn't actually hate her). I feel like half of the time he doesn't even realize what's coming out of his mouth, so when someone asks why he's so mean to Powder/why he doesn't like her he's genuinely shocked at the accusation.
I feel like it would take them a while to figure out the symbols were runes, and when they'd question her on where she learned about them she would just shrug and not answer.
Personally, I think it would take some prodding to get her to open up about her new interest (I could see Mylo succumbing to his foot in mouth disease and making her clam up for a bit) but when she does open up, she's just so excited to share what she's been learning.
I... feel like she'd be more at ease with Claggor at first (the kid is literally such a good older brother - a bit of a bystander but otherwise very good). Powder would be explaining what she’s learned about runic magic, all excited and bouncy, but then when Vi walks into the room she just goes quiet.
(I'm sorry for taking your happy AU and making it sad TT0TT i had to torture Vi a bit)
Vi bringing her reading material (which would be HARD to get, especially for magic) would definitely warm Powder back up to her - and the apology would definitely help as well. I feel like a part of Powder knew that Vi didn't mean to hurt her, but it still felt horrible in the moment.
AWW HER RAMBLING ABOUT THE BRACKERN. Her being so excited to talk about her new family members TT0TT
(I don't think Vi would be able to find anything on Brackern tbh, but she would find books on different magical beasts and different species in general)
ooo?? Does Powder have luck magic in this world or are the Brackern just teaching her how to put a curse on random objects xD
But damn it Mylo xD
(But to be fair he's not all that older than her? Maybe by 2-4 years - everything I find says he was about 14-16 years old)
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This story is going to be fun!
Earlier before the party
Atsumu Pov:
" That was a fun practice guys! " I tell the team.
" Yea it was! Your spikes have gotten faster!! " Hinata said with excitement. " No need to tell me I know "
" OH SHUT UP," Sakusa said
" HEY HEY HEY!! NO need to get mad! " Bokuto yelled.
" Well anyways do you guys want to go out for dinner!! " Hinata looked at all of us.
" I'm down! " Bokuto said.
" I'll go I guess... just please wash your hands before you eat. " Sakusa said
Aww, I WANTED to go...
" Sorry, guys I can't go! I have to go help Osamu cater for a party. We made a bet a while ago and I lost... Now I have to go help him. " I rolled my eyes.
" Awww ok then Have fun! " Hinata and the others being to leave.
" Ok see you guys on Monday! " I yell at them as they left thru the doors. I packed my things and left the gym. I went straight to Osamu restaurant.
" I'M HERE!! " I yell across the restaurant
People were staring at me, they're probably admiring my looks.
Osamu's head pops out the back, he whispers to get over there.
" SHEEZ BE LOUDER NEXT TIME! " Osamu said mad.
" OK FINE I WILL! " I say annoyed.
" Ok put on an apron and HELP ME! "
" Ugh FINE FINE! "
The bell ring in front.
" Oh someone here! Atsumu you better start helping me! " Osamu left to the front counter.
" aTsUmU yOu bEtTer sTaRT hElPiNg mE! "
After 5 minutes Osamu came..
He didn't seem happy because he found me on my phone.
" SHUT UP THERE A CUTE GIRL OUT THERE! " he loudly whispers.
" OOOOO OSAMU HAS A ~ Crush " I began to laugh.
" Whatever now move over so I can make her onigiri."
" Fine. "
After Osamu made the onigiris for the girl I can hear him get nervous when he hands the food.
" wow, Atsumu said something right for once? "
" Fine fine. "
We started making the Origiris, they were hard to make I don't know how Osamu does it all the time. A while has passed and it was about 9 pm.
Me and Osamu head to the building where the party was being hosted. The host of the party was Eita Semi, he used to play volleyball with Ushijima in high school. When we got there Semi was waiting for us at the back door.
" Hey, guys long time no see! " Semi says
" Hey, Semi! Thank you for letting me cater for the party! " Osamu said thanking him.
" Of course you have the best Origiris! I want everyone at the party to taste them. "
" Well, I can't wait for them to try! " Osamu said happily.
" And you how's volleyball. ". Semi points at me.
" Pretty good it's been fun! " I say happily.
" Good I'm glad you enjoy it. I miss volleyball sometimes but I'm happy with what I'm doing now. "
" Well just tell me when you want to play volleyball! We can bring the old teams back together. "
" HAHA let us do it one of these days, but for now let's get Osamu set up because the guest will soon come. " Semi begin to walk.
After talking to Semi we went inside to set up the catering. All of a sudden guests started to come in slowly. Around 10:45 there was a crowd of people especially Osamu area, there were loads of people asking for Origiris. I got bored so I decided to sit at the bar.
I sat there, some girls recognized me from MSBY. They were flirting with me and asking me questions about volleyball. More girls kept coming until I was circled by them.
" Atsumu you're so cute! "
" Hmm, not as cute as you! " I winked at the girls
" You should introduce us to your team they're all so cute! "
" Hmm, I'll think about it! They, not as cool as me tho just telling you now! "
The girls giggled.
" Oh my gosh we're dying to ask are you talking to any girls or DATING?! "
" No not anyone right now, but hey! One of you can be a lucky girl! " I smirked at all of them as they fell for my little trap.
I kept talking to the girls until I realized a couple arguing. I blocked out the girls so I can focus on the couple. All of a sudden I see the girl with a pink dress slap the man.
" Hey excuse me, ladies! I'll be back! "
" Awwww," they all said the union.
I walked over to the couple as I see the man raise his arm to hit the girl.
 Thankfully I was close enough to grab his arm in time. I notice the girl was completely out.. she was drunk.
" Don't you see she drunk?! "
" Hey man control your girlfriend, she can't let a man flirt. " the man says
" Yo get lost no girl would want you with your nasty personality! " the girl sticks her tongue out.
" Woah Woah, FIRST of all she isn't my girl and SECOND you CLAM DOWN! " I say as I let go of the man's arm.
" Now you're going to tell me what to do?! " the drunk girl says angrily.
" Well man, you saved me from this one! Have fun! " the random man hits my shoulder then leaves.
" Hey, you! "
I looked at the drunk girl when she shouted.
" Yea you, why is your hair two colors you look like an Oreo! "
" I do not look like an Oreo! "
" YES YOU DO! " the drunk girl says as she goes on her tippy toes to touch my hair. " Hey hey STOP THAT! "
" NO! " she pouts
" YES! "
" IM LEAVING! " the girl turned around.
" HEY WHERES YOUR FRIENDS? YOU SHOULD NOT be DRUNK AND ALONE! " I shouted through the noise.
" COME HERE! " I shouted
This drunk girl was running through the crowd of people. Even if I didn't know her I couldn't leave her alone in this state, someone can take advantage of her.
I catch up to her and pulled her arm.
" Where are your friends? You need to go home your so drunk! "
" Friends? I don't know !! "
This girl...
" Come on think?! "
" Is this why he left me? "
Her eyes started watering..
" Why did he leave me?! I know I'm not the Best But I can be! I CAN BE THE BEST GIRLFRIEND HE HAD! " tears rolled down her face.
Now I understand why she this drunk. She must've drunk her feelings away.
" I don't know who you are but I promise you whatever happens it wasn't your fault. "
" Really?! " she says wiping her tears.
" Yes really! "
" you right he was a DI- "
She just threw up all over the floor and herself. NOW I CAN'T LEAVE HER HERE ALONE!
" Sorry! " She says
" Eh EH it's FINE! "
"LET'S GO WE ARE LEAVING! " I say pulling my arm thru the crowd of people.
If Sakusa was here.. he would have passed away from the smell of throw-up.
" WHERE WE GOING?! " She yelled.
" Home?!"
We got to the doors I open them only to see people smoking.
I walked past the people to find my car.
Once I spotted my car, I and this drunk girl walk to it.
She got into the car as she pouted. I got into the driver's seat and started the car. Luckily Osamu house was only 10 minutes away. I drove to his house with this random drunk girl.
" Ok, we are here! "
" You HAVE TO! " I say as I get down.
She also gets down.
Once I open the door to Osamu's house The drunk girl ran inside.
How I'm I putting this up..
I grab her arm to only bring her to the bathroom. I go to the guest room and get a shirt for her to put on.
" I Forgot to ask you what's your name Oreo hair? "
" I- IT'S NOT OREO HAIR! It's Atsumu! "
" What's your name? "
" L/N F/N "
" Ok then y/n GET IN THE SHOWER I'll be waiting in the living room. “
I closed the door as she shouted. I can't believe I brought a drunk girl home. When Osamu comes home he is going to ask so many questions.
10 minutes later.
Y/n came out of the bathroom with my large shirt, running towards the kitchen.
" GOOD NOW DRINK WATER! I'll be sleeping on the couch you can sleep in the guest bedroom. "
" FINE! " she shouted.
I lay on the couch to get ready to sleep. Y/n on the other hand walked into the guest room and shut the door.
Osamu is going to have so many questions on why I brought a girl home. He is going to think I had a one-night stand.
I kept thinking but my eyes became heavier.
Around 3 am
Osamu pov:
" Atsumu I'm home! "
Uh, why is he sleeping on the couch, not in the guest room? Also, why is the guest room shut completely?
I walked over to Atsumu and smacked him to wake up.
" Why ARENT are you sleeping in the guest room? "
" Well... I might have brought a... Drunk girl home. "
" Oh gosh thank GOODNESS! "
All of a sudden the guest door opened.. I recognize the confused girl.
Y/n Pov:
Ugh, why does my head hurt... Umm, what bed am I on? WHAT SHIRT AM I WEARING?? UH UH, WHERE AM I?
As sit up straight on the bed, the only thing I see in this room is volleyballs and jerseys. I looked around the room and hear Loud whispers outside.
I get off the bed.
I get close to the door, I opened it wide to only see the guy from the Origiris and Someone identical to him on the couch.
I looked at them confused as they look at me bewildered.
Chapter 3
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tommyparkerr · 6 years
Like a Date | Peter Parker x Reader
I GOT ANOTHER REQUEST DONE! I am so sorry for it taking so long! School has been a little hectic lately! But anyways, here you go! And to the others who requested something...I haven’t forgotten about you, I promise! I’m on it! And I’ll try to get it done as soon as possible!
Requested by @tomhollandholland: “Can I get a Peter Parker imagine where he asks the reader to prom but someone beat him to it. I don’t care if the ending is sad or happy. I LOVE YOU!!! ❣️💖💗💓”
Side Note: AWWW I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! This request was so darn cute thank you so much for sending it in! 💕
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: Insane amounts of fluff (In the words of @yoinksholland)
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L I K E  A  D A T E :
“Dude, just ask her already!”
Peter shook his head at Ned, shutting his locker door and readjusting his book bag straps. “No, Ned. She’d never say yes.”
“And you know that...how?” Ned pointed out.
“Look at how last year went,” Peter said glumly.
“Last year you didn’t even ask! You just stood in front of her and sputtered until she smiled and walked off!”
“Yeah, exactly! I couldn’t get myself together enough to say hi, so what makes you think I’d be able to land her as my date?!”
“It’s our last year, Peter,” Ned said softer. “It’s your last chance.” Peter was going to retort, but at seeing the sincerity in his friend’s eyes he stopped. “What’s the worst that could happen?” he finished.
“She says no, I get humiliated, and I’m forever known as the nerd who tried to get Y/N Y/L/N to go with me to prom,” Peter quickly spewed off.
“Forever as in the next two months until we’re all done with this school and moving on to college?” Peter opened his mouth again but Ned beat him to it, rolling his eyes and adding on, “Well, some of us. Not all of us have Avenger-level jobs.”
Peter hated to admit that Ned had a point. He’d made it through almost four years of Flash’s harassment, so what was two months more with just a little extra taunting? And if Y/N did say yes, which was doubtful but technically plausible, then those two months would totally be worth it. Maybe they wouldn’t bully Peter at all if he got the insanely beautiful, wildly intelligent, unbelievably kind girl he’d had a crush on for two years to go to prom with him as his date. Surely it couldn’t be any worse than his last experience with Homecoming; he didn’t have an arch nemesis at the moment, but even if he did, he’d seen Y/N’s family—spoken with Y/N’s family—and knew they weren’t capable of any evil whatsoever.
“You really think I should?” Peter asked Ned, eyes hesitant but shining with hope.
“That’s only what I’ve been saying for the past year!” Ned exclaimed a little too loudly, surely attracting the attention of all the people around him. But what surprised Peter was that no one—not one single person—had looked their way. And, with a sinking heart, he soon found why.
“Never mind,” Peter mumbled, turning away from Ned to shut his locker. “Forget it.”
“What?” Ned said, confused at his friend’s sudden change of heart. What alarmed him even more was that the determined shine he’d just seen was completely gone now, replaced by disappointment and dejection. “Why?!”
“Because,” Peter said, pointing over Ned’s shoulder but making a point not to look, “I’m already too late.”
Peter walked away then, leaving Ned to spin around and take in the sight of no other than Flash Thompson holding some cheesy promposal sign and a bouquet of roses, kneeling in front of Y/N and asking her to be his date—for the second year in a row.
Not waiting for the rest of the inevitable scene to play out, Ned ran to catch up with Peter who was already out the front doors and headed to the nearest alleyway. Because Peter Parker was heartbroken and disheartened and everything in between, but Spider-Man...Spider-Man wasn’t.
His mentor’s words ran through his head, the dreaded but true: If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it, but he still couldn’t bring himself to connect his two identities tonight. No, he wasn’t Peter Parker tonight. Tonight he was Spider-Man. Tonight he was an Avenger.
Tonight he would ignore the shattered pieces of his heart.
Whispers were everywhere—on the streets, out in the schoolyard, in the hallways, in class, at lunch—everywhere. And no matter where Peter went, he couldn’t escape them.
“Did you see Flash’s promposal? So cute!”
“I wish Flash would ask me to prom!”
“Those roses were so beautiful! I wonder how much money he spent on them?”
Eventually Peter learned how to tune them out, but he was already too crushed for it to do any good. It only confirmed that he messed up, that he should’ve listened to Ned, manned up, and asked her sooner. But he didn’t, and the fact that it was Flash who’d beaten him to it made him both angry and miserable: angry because out of all the people to beat him asking Y/N to prom it just had to be Flash (again), and miserable because he knew he could never compete against someone like him. Flash had the looks, the money, the popularity, but Peter…well, Peter just...didn’t. And he’d been okay with that. He was Spider-Man—he was an Avenger. He had way more going for him than Flash ever would, but the problem was that no one but Ned, May, and the other Avengers knew that. He couldn’t boast, he couldn’t taunt, he couldn’t fight back, he couldn’t get the girl.
Because sure, he’d love to play football, but he couldn’t then so he shouldn’t now.
Ned had been trying to get Peter to talk all day, but it was to no avail. Peter didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to listen, and most certainly did not want the subjects of Y/N or prom to be brought up which would have been impossible if he opened his mouth or ears now. So Ned obediently trailed along in silence, letting his friend sulk in peace.
“Are we still on for movie night?” Ned spoke up when the final bell rang.
Peter nodded. “Sure.”
“Same time as usual?”
Ned awkwardly shuffled, unsure of what to say to get his friend out of his sulking mood. Eventually he asked whether or not Peter was headed home right away to which Peter shook his head and told him to go on without him, that he had to grab some materials from Mrs. Lowski’s room for the upcoming research project.
The older lady wasn’t in her room when Peter walked in, but he’d already talked to her about borrowing the supplies earlier in the day so he knew she wouldn’t mind. He was able to fit two of her books in his—may he add—brand new backpack, but he had to balance the rest of the supplies in his bare hands. It was difficult to keep the stack upright as it kept wobbling and was in danger of falling at any misstep, but he was managing.
That was until he ran blindly into something and fell to the floor, the pile of books, loose-leaf paper, and brightly colored pencils flying everywhere.
Peter’s blood ran hot and he looked up with fists clenched, expecting to see Flash sneering down at him, but his anger quickly turned into shock when he saw the familiar Y/H/C head of hair scrambling to gather everything that had dropped.
“I am so sorry, Peter! I didn’t think anybody else would be here so I wasn’t watching where I was going!”
Luckily she wasn’t looking at him, too distracted by the scattered materials to see his wide eyes, red face, and open mouth. Peter couldn’t believe that she was the one he’d bumped into, that Y/N was the one who’d knocked him to the ground.
His brain was panicking for a response as it tried to process everything she’d just said in his state of shock, and Peter just knew that it was going to be last year all over again—that he would sputter and stare until Y/N smiled and walked off—until it wasn’t.
It’s your last chance. What’s the worst that could happen?
Suddenly Peter’s eyes were narrowing back down, his face was cooling, his jaw was lifting, and a small, “It’s okay,” was spilling out of his mouth.
“No, it’s not! I should’ve been more aware of my surroundings! I’m such a clutz,” Y/N groaned, guiltily shifting to meet his stare. Peter was surprised when the sight of her beautiful Y/E/C eyes didn’t make him freeze up all over again, instead just making the corners of his lips turn up.
“Really, it-it’s okay,” he said. “I should’ve really figured out a better way to carry all this.”
Y/N stubbornly shook her head, turning away again to pick up another book. Peter helped, grabbing whatever paper he could and organizing it into a neat little stack.
“What do you have all this for anyway?” Y/N curiously asked.
“It-it’s for the math project,” Peter explained. “Mrs. Lowski said that I could-that I could borrow some stuff.”
“Right. I forgot about that,” she sheepishly said, ignoring his stutter. “The one with optional partners?”
“Y-yeah,” he affirmed.
“Are you working alone?” she frowned, taking note of his solitude. “I figured you and Ned would be together.”
Peter decided not to dwell on the fact that Y/N knew his best friend’s name, furthermore that she knew Ned was his best friend, because if he did he’d probably clam up and turn the situation right back to where it began and ended last year.
“He’s, uh, he’s not in the same period I am,” he explained, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. “Ned’s fourth, I’m fifth.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, her eyebrows pulling together as if disappointed in herself for not remembering that fact. “Yeah, all of my friends are in fourth period too so I’m working alone as well.”
“Really?” Peter asked surprised. “I figured you’d have a bunch of people asking to be your partner.”
“I do,” she admitted. “But the problem is that none of them want me as a partner because they’d like to get to know me better; they want me because they could simply leave the project in my hands, never show up to work on it, and it would still be done. An effortless ‘A+’.”
A wild blush spread across Peter’s cheeks as he blurted, “I wouldn’t do that if I were your partner.”
Instead of screwing her face up in distaste and quickly fleeing the scene, Y/N smiled and said, “Well, in that case, would you like to be partners?”
Peter’s heart skipped a beat, and he took a moment to respond. “Really? I mean—yeah! Yeah, I’d love to.”
“Great!” she said as they stood up. “Now, can I help you carry any of this stuff? Seeing as you are kinda my partner now and everything.”
“Oh, no, it’s-it’s okay. I-I can get it,” Peter stuttered, carefully adjusting the tower of supplies.
“You can’t even see over the top of that!” Y/N laughed, and Peter swore he’d never heard anything more beautiful. “Here.”
Suddenly his books, the stack of paper, and the pencil box all came off his pile and went into Y/N’s arms. She slowly lowered the skyscraper to the ground and loaded whatever she could into the same book bag she’d had for years, leaving just one book each for her and Peter to carry.
“There. Now you can see where you’re walking without having to worry about balancing anything,” Y/N said as they exited the school. “When do you want to work on it?”
“Oh, um, any night really,” Peter answered. “I’m not too busy.”
Y/N eyed Peter suspiciously. “Don’t you have that Stark internship, though?”
Peter resisted the urge to ask her how she knew about that and instead focused on what he was going to say to get himself out of the hole he’d dug.
“I-well, Mr. Stark said that I’ve been working a lot lately, so he told me that I could take a day off when I-whenever I needed it.”
“Oh,” she quietly said. Silence, then, “That’s nice of him.”
“Y-yeah,” Peter agreed. “Real nice.”
“Would, um, would tonight work for you?” Y/N asked. Peter almost said no, but he quickly stopped himself; he and Ned could reschedule. Besides, when he told Ned why he was canceling he knew his friend would be nothing but supportive.
“Sure! Uh, yeah! Tonight’s-tonight’s good,” Peter said, his heart skipping another beat. “Your place or mine?”
“My mom usually works a couple hours after I get home from school, and she works from home so I don’t want to disturb her if I can help it. If it’s okay with you and your aunt, your place might be the better option,” she said, biting her lip after all the words left her mouth.
“Oh, it’s more than okay with me, and-and it’s always okay with May, so it shouldn’t be a problem,” Peter rushed on.
Y/N smiled, ducking her head back down. They fell into a silence, but instead of the awkward one Peter had expected, it was rather comfortable. There was something comforting about being the silence in the storm—something comforting about hearing the whirr of voices and the purr of engines, the honking of horns and the crying of babies, but doing nothing to contribute to it. The only noise they made were their steps on the cement walk, but even those were drowned out by the blur around them.
When they finally reached a point where things were a little more quiet, Peter decided to finally bring up the dreaded subject of prom. Not that he really wanted to, but he knew if he didn’t now then he would spend the entire night distracted and unable to get much work done; and if that happened, he was afraid Y/N would think Peter was just like the rest of their peers who asked to be her partner, and that was much, much worse than him not being able to stutter out a simple ‘Hi’.
“So, uh, you and Flash, huh?” Peter lamely started.
“What?” Y/N asked, being pulled from her thoughts.
“You and Flash,” Peter said, feeling the tips of his ears burn red. “You know—prom.”
“Oh,” she said, understanding. “What about it?”
“Well, um, I guess...are you, ya know, happy about it?”
“My friends all think I’m nuts, but I’m actually really happy. Maybe even a little more confident in myself,” Y/N said with a genuine smile, making Peter’s heart sink like a rock. He was about to say something to quickly end that particular conversation, but Y/N continued to speak. “Last year was an absolute mess. First he showed up half an hour late to pick me up, then he got the corsage all wrong and managed to blame it on me, took me to dinner at this fancy restaurant I told him I couldn’t afford when he mentioned dinner plans earlier on but made me pay for my half anyway, and to top things off he only danced with me once! Once!”
Peter blinked in shock at her outburst; Y/N was known to always have a cool head, so to see this side of her was shocking to him. Shocking...but relieving. Not that it made her any less perfect in Peter’s eyes, but witnessing her rant did make her a little more human—a little more approachable. But there was still something he was confused about.
“If it was such a mess last year, then why did you agree to go with him again?” Peter asked, feeling stupid. Surely there was something he was missing.
“Agree?” Y/N repeated with a confused scrunch of her brows. “What do you mean, why did I agree?”
Peter blushed; yes, there was definitely something he was missing. “Yesterday, in the hall after school. Flash asked you to go with him to prom.”
“He did…” she slowly confirmed. Then it dawned on her. “You didn’t watch, did you?”
“Uh-,” He anxiously chewed his tongue, trying to think up a reason as to why he would’ve left. “Uh, no, I didn’t. Internship stuff, you know. Had to go.”
She pursed her lips. “I told him no, Peter,” she softly said, paused, then went on to say, “I turned him down.”
He blinked once. Twice. Three times. “Why...why would you do that?”
“Did you not just hear me?” Y/N giggled, cupping a hand over her mouth.
“Well, I mean-yeah, I-I heard you, but I...yeah, okay,” Peter sputtered. It was all he could do after finding out Y/N Y/L/N was still date-less to the senior prom—after finding out he stood a chance.
Y/N giggled again, making Peter turn an even more embarrassing shade of maroon. “Besides,” she said a little more seriously when her laughs died down, “I was hoping someone else would ask me.”
“Oh,” Peter said, disappointment shining through his tone. Just like that, his hope had diminished once again; as quick as it had come, it had gone. He supposed that was good in a ‘rip the band-aid off’ sort of way, but the initial sting still hurt.
They were quiet again as they crossed the street onto Peter’s block, as they climbed up the stairs to the apartment, as Peter knocked on the door, as he waited for May to let them in. Just like he’d expected, his aunt brought Y/N in without a problem, only asking if she was staying long enough for dinner to which she politely declined. They had to break the silence when they got the project started, but even then the speaking was minimal, only relaying information they thought could be potentially useful in the books they’d each chosen to skim through.
At about a quarter ‘til six, Y/N announced that she had to go if she wanted to make it home for dinner like she’d told her mom she would. Peter insisted on walking her home and wouldn’t accept it any other way, so after a hurried goodbye to May with a promise to be back soon, they set off again, another silence between them. And this time it was awkward.
“Do you wanna work on it again tomorrow?” Y/N quietly asked, keeping her head down. “I mean, you don’t have to since it is the weekend and all, but I’m free if you are.”
“Uh-—yeah,” Peter stumbled. “Yeah, I’m free. My place again? Same time?”
“Sure,” she agreed, and the rest of the walk was finished in the same silence they started with. Y/N went to let herself in her apartment building when they got there, then stopped. She stood frozen for a few moments as if contemplating something, then turned and looked Peter in the eye as she said, “It’s you, Peter.”
He frowned in response, not knowing what she was referring to. “What’s me?”
“Who I was talking about earlier—the someone I was hoping would ask me to prom,” she answered quiet and cautious, as if she were afraid to hear the words exit her mouth. “It’s you.”
Now it was Peter’s turn to freeze; he didn’t move, didn't speak, and the only thing he could hear was the rapid beating of his heart. He blinked and breathed—well, at least he thought he was blinking and breathing—but that was it. He was too much in shock to believe what he’d heard come out of Y/N’s mouth was really true, that it was how she really felt. In fact, he was half-expecting Flash to jump out from behind the corner of the building waving a camera and taunting Peter for actually falling for it.
It wasn’t until Peter saw the hurt dance across Y/N’s face that he knew it wasn’t a prank or a nasty trick; plus, if Flash really was recording the whole thing, Peter knew him well enough to know he was too impatient to still be hiding at this point.
“But now I know I can flush that hope down the toilet,” Y/N hurriedly said with the unmistakable shine of tears in her eyes.  “Goodnight, Peter. We can just pretend this never happened, okay? Okay.”
Peter wanted to tell her that he didn’t want to pretend, that this was quite possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him, that he’d been so helplessly in love with her ever since she first stepped foot in Midtown—but he was drawing a complete blank. Y/N was not so subtly wiping her cheeks as she was desperately trying to unlock the door, and Peter couldn’t think of a single thing to say to make her realize he felt the same. The words just wouldn’t come.
So, he did the next best thing.
Grabbing the sleeve of her sweater, Peter tugged Y/N back, spun her around, and, before she could process what was happening, pressed his lips against hers. She was surprised but quickly caught on, placing a hand on each of Peter’s biceps to keep her rooted to the spot as she kissed him back. It was hurried and desperate and tasted a bit like the M&M's they’d snacked on earlier, but it was better than Peter could’ve ever imagined.
“I-I couldn’t think of anything else to do,” Peter tried to explain when the kiss was over, panicked at the thought of Y/N not particularly liking his spontaneity. “I-I hope that was okay. I guess I didn’t even think to ask you before I kissed you, and—oh no, I completely messed this up, didn’t I?” he groaned, shaking his head and tugging on his curls.
“Peter,” Y/N giggled, “it was perfect.”
“Really?” Peter asked, a bit skeptical.
She reached to plant another, softer kiss on his lips. “Really.”
Peter lopsidedly grinned and a curl fell messily out of its place and down his forehead, reminding Y/N of a young puppy. “I don’t have flowers or a sign or anything, but would you maybe like to, uh...would you like to go to prom with me? Like a-like a date?”
A smile broke out on Y/N’s face, and her teeth found her bottom lip in an effort to tone it down. “I’d love to.” A short pause, then, “Like a date.”
Peter turned a bright shade of red. “And maybe you’d...maybe you’d like to get coffee sometime…?”
“Like a date?” she teasingly asked.
Peter smiled, holding back an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well...yeah. Yeah, like a date.”
She grinned. “I’d love to.”
Two short kisses later and Y/N was back at her door again, this time with a rosy red on her cheeks instead of tears, but before she shut it she peered back out at Peter to wave a bashful goodbye. She watched out the window as he walked off, a triumphant grin on his face. She couldn’t stop her grin as she amusedly repeated, “Like a date,” to herself and left the window, already daydreaming of the boy with brown eyes, pink lips, and a heart of gold.
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movietvtechgeeks · 6 years
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OMG 'Supernatural' Advanced Thantology sent our Lynn over the edge
I was once again at a convention for last week’s Supernatural episode, so that meant trying frantically to set up the "Family Don’t End With Blood" vendor table (which you can get here if you've not picked up your copy yet) and then running upstairs to borrow a friend’s hotel room to watch the episode. But this time, the hotel actually had the CW – yay!! So I was sitting perched on my friend’s bed watching all by myself, which didn’t stop me from making a lot of noise at times. Sorry, neighboring hotel rooms! ‘Advanced Thanatology’ is an unusual title for an episode, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from this one. Season 13 has been making me pretty happy so far, which means I now go into every episode with all my fingers and toes crossed because I desperately want them to keep the quality up. It’s nervewracking to be a fangirl, what can I say? This episode was written by one of the newer writers, Steve Yockey. And guess what? My finger and toe crossing worked! This is the fifth episode of the season and the fifth one I liked. Woohoo! We start with an unusually long opening sequence, in which a few foolish kids play out the horror film genre stereotype of ‘never do this unless you want to die’ behaviors. It was scary as hell, so I appreciated that, even though I admit that part way through I started mumbling ‘where are Sam and Dean, come on!’ I know, spoiled Supernatural fan. I just want my boys! The actor playing Shawn, Seth Isaac Johnson, did an amazing job portraying his character’s terror though – and Alisen Down as his mom totally broke my heart. Someday I really am gonna send a gigantic fruit basket to Supernatural’s casting agency, because not only are the regulars incredible, most of the guest cast is too! The mom and son pair who were this week’s side characters served as the emotional push for Dean’s building sense of failure to go over the edge, because they portrayed fear and grief and loss so vividly. Shawn initially escapes, but he makes the other stereotypical horror film mistake of bringing home one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen – a plague mask from the haunted house of a deceased demented doctor. I was honestly afraid I’d have nightmares that night! Kudos props department, kudos. Meanwhile, once we do move into the Sam and Dean portion of the episode, I’m once again deliriously happy – because Sam and Dean are still talking! And talking about emotional things! And being emotionally savvy and considerate of each other!  Once again, I have the relationship between the brothers that I signed up for loud and clear on my television screen, and that makes me one very happy fangirl. It’s clear that something is up with Sam from the first scene – he brings Dean a beer to have with his breakfast PBJ. Weirdly, Dean says “no, I’m good” and as Sam continues to be kind and considerate, Dean finally demands to know what’s going on with his brother. (Though actually, Sam is often kind and considerate, he’s just not usually so overt about it). Sam suggests that they work a case, “just you and me.” He notes that it’s been a while since they’ve done that, which induced me to start yelling “Yes yes yes!” at the hotel television probably too loudly. They leave Jack behind watching Sam’s fantasy DVD collection, and Dean rallies to some of his more Dean-like behavior by questioning how Sam ever got laid. (Which made me smile just thinking about how many fans were watching and thinking just the opposite about Sam’s geekboy side, btw…) So Sam and Dean put on their fed suits, climb into the Impala and head off to try to save some kids. Iconic Supernatural, and happy fangirl. The scene where Dean goes upstairs to talk to the traumatized Shawn was reminiscent of one of my favorite early season episodes, Dead In The Water. Lucas could also only draw what he’d seen, too traumatized to talk. That episode showed us the depths of Dean’s empathy for people who have been traumatized, especially children, and the depths of his own childhood trauma losing his mother in the fire. It was incredibly touching to see how Dean talked with Lucas, getting down on his level and sharing some of his own past in a willingness to be vulnerable that we hadn’t seen much of before. In this episode, Dean tries again, similarly empathic towards Shawn. You can see that Shawn senses it and wants to open up, but he’s too terrified, drawing that horrible mask over and over and over. We always learn a lot about Dean in those moments too. Dean: I know what it’s like to see monsters…you see them in your dreams. Oh, Dean. He’s the poster boy for PTSD but just keeps shouldering on, same as Sam. The boys leave without much success, which doesn’t help Dean with his increasing depression and sense of failure. Sam, in keeping with his determination to try to make his brother feel better by whatever means necessary, suggests they go to a strip club. Dean (and me) are sort of incredulous, and he reminds Sam that the last time Dean bought him a lap dance, Sam used the time to try to convince the young woman to go to nursing school. Sam sheepishly protests that of course he likes strip clubs, but Dean doesn’t seem to be buying it. (Also, it’s called the Clam Diver? You really went there, Show!) Sam: It got great reviews! I love you, Sam Winchester. Dean finally confronts Sam about why he’s doing all this for Dean – letting him be Agent Page, ordering him chili fries… (Awww, Sammy, you’re the best brother ever) Sam: I’m just trying to be nice. Dean: Why? Sam: You know why. And Dean does. See, that’s what I’m loving so much about this season – the show has remembered that the brothers know each other. Like, really know each other. They’ve grown up together and worked together most of their adult lives too; they’re both family and partners. They get each other. Sometimes Show forgets that, which makes me a cranky fangirl. But not this season! Sam points out that Dean is not fine, that he doesn’t believe in anything at this point, and that is not Dean Winchester. Sam: I just wanna help. Dean insists he’ll fight his way back, that he’s done it before. With bullets, bacon, and booze. Lots of booze. Sam (and all of us) are skeptical. Meanwhile, Show breaks my heart with another scene between Shawn and his mother. She runs in when he has a nightmare and soothes him, and he manages to say “okay” when she tells him to go back to sleep. You can see what that means to her, the sudden flare of relief and hope and so much love – her baby is getting better.  Again, Alisen Down did an amazing job. But then, she tells Sam and Dean, when the house got suddenly cold (NOOOOOOOO I screamed at the tv), she came in to his room to close a window, and he was gone. You can see that Dean is almost as devastated as the mom, that sense of failure burgeoning. Dean: I shoulda pushed him harder to talk. Oh, Dean. This is really not what you needed right now. Next thing we know, it’s morning and Sam Winchester is waking up – and looking ridiculously hot. Sorry, shallow I know, but woah. Rumpled with a bit of bed head and clad only in a tee shirt Sam Winchester is just plain hot. Either they went to the strip club and Sam came back early or Dean went alone, but there he is passed out on the floor snoring away – Jensen Ackles’ comedy genius and willingness to make himself look silly very much in evidence – still in his fed suit, disheveled with a pink bra tangled around his neck, his tie as a headband and what is that draped across his face? The imagination runs wild. Mine does, anyway. Longsuffering Sam takes the keys and leaves Dean to sleep it off, and is able to convince Shawn’s friend to tell them where the boys were that fateful night. (Yes, we not only get kind Sam and hot Sam in this episode, we also get smart Sam!) When he comes back, Dean is awake (sort of) and happily piling on bacon from the free buffet. Which is totally what I do with free hotel buffets, just saying. I pause for a few minutes to ponder just how someone who’s hungover and rumpled and wearing sunglasses inside can look so UNBELIEVABLY HOT. I mean, seriously? More Ackles’ comedy chops as Dean consumes lots of bacon, some of it falling out of his mouth. The face he makes when he looks around to see if anyone noticed before eating it anyway is priceless. I wonder if that was scripted or an Ackles ad lib. My guess is the latter. Sam at first questions what Dean is doing, and Dean grumbles ‘What happened to being nice to me?’ Sam pulls out a beer, and Dean immediately softens. Dean: You are forgiven. The Winchesters go to investigate the deceased demented doc’s very scary old deserted house, which means we get gorgeous flashlight-lit scenes by the brilliant Serge Ladouceur. Once again, this episode got really scary really fast – the doctor appears behind Sam, tosses both the boys across the room, and then approaches a trapped Dean with an electric drill pointed right at his face. I legit screamed at the top of my lungs in the hotel room because OMG was that a terrifying scene, filmed brilliantly. AAAAHHHH!!! Sam to the rescue (add heroic Sam to the list), temporarily vanquishing the ghost and then giving his brother a hand up. It’s those little moments that illustrate their relationship, Sam’s need to make sure Dean is okay and Dean’s quiet thanks. (Thank you, Steve Yockey, for that). I was totally squicked by the row of masks they find in the doctor’s former operating room and couldn’t wait for the boys to burn them. They’re able to get rid of the ghost (with great visual and sound effects from the VFX wizards), and I look at my clock and think huh, it’s way too early for it to be that easy. Uh oh. Sure enough, it turns out the house is full of ghosts – of all the people the doctor killed. Dean, now pushed way too far by his perceived inability to save anyone at all, is desperate to save these trapped spirits. He pulls out a small kit (from the same doctor who helped him kill himself temporarily in Appointment in Samarra, according to the Superwiki, with kudos to the continuity folks) and says he’ll go to the other side and find out where the bodies are. Sam (and me) are understandably shocked. Sam: No no no no, Dean, you’re talking about killing yourself! Dean’s depression (with a generous dose of unwarranted self-loathing) have put him in a very desperate place because he impulsively jams the needle into his chest and immediately seizes up in pain. Poor Sam, totally against the plan, nevertheless grabs his brother and soothes him through the death, holding him as he falls to the floor. (Because that’s exactly what Sam would do, and thank you again Mr. Yockey for knowing that!) Jared did an amazing job in this scene, conveying Sam’s barely contained terror that something will go wrong and he won’t be able to bring his brother back as well as his unbelievable courage in forcing himself to wait the three minutes that Dean asked for. I felt for him so much as he lined Dean’s body with salt to protect him while he’s defenseless, then sat over him vigilant and so horribly anxious, needle poised over Dean’s chest. He pats Dean repeatedly, reassurance for both of them that he’ll be okay. That must have been the longest three minutes of Sam Winchester’s life, and Jared shows us all of that. He also shows us Sam’s anger at his brother for taking this ridiculous risk, which would have to be there too. Sam: (leaning over Dean’s body) Stupid! For sure. Meanwhile, Dean ignores his reaper (as he often does) and finally finds Shawn – and realizes that he is indeed dead. You can see what that knowledge does to Dean, how it amps up his sense of failure even more. Even this kid he couldn’t save. Dean: I’m so sorry. As the three minutes comes to a close, Dean finds what he needs to know and returns to Sam and his body on the floor. Sam stabs the needle in and then waits – but there’s no response. Here’s where Jared really killed me, because it was like Mystery Spot all over again – and it had to be like that for Sam too. Sam: (desperately) Dean! Hey, Dean! Wake up! No no no…. nononononono! My heart absolutely broke for Sam. I think I had to grab some of the hotel tissues, in fact. I wish I hadn’t known that Lisa Berry was coming back, because the reveal that Billie is now Death would have been so amazing. Even spoiled, it was an incredible scene – Lisa pulls off the gravity of being Death perfectly, an imposing figure with her long leather coat and her ring and that scythe. She’s both gorgeous and terrifying. The entire scene between Dean and Billie was off the charts amazing. Lisa and Jensen have the same sort of chemistry that Jensen also has with Julian Richings, the original Death on Supernatural – he always looks torn between being in awe and wanting to be a smartass. And Death always looks torn between wanting to quash this brash human and being reluctantly fascinated (and maybe a little admiring) of him. All of that came through between Lisa and Jensen too. When Billie asks what Dean wants in exchange for some intel about the rift between universes, she’s clearly shocked that instead of asking to go back to his life, he asks for her to free the ghosts. At that moment, he cares so little for his own life and feels like such a failure, all he can think about is to save those poor people. Billie recognizes how significant this is right away. Billie: You’ve changed. Maybe you’re not that guy anymore, who always thinks he’ll win no matter what. You tell people you’ll work through it, but you know you won’t. You can’t. Boy, did she ever hit the nail on the head. I guess that’s the perceptiveness that comes from having a literally universal view on – well, on the universe. Dean doesn’t dispute her take on him either. There’s just no fight left in him, and it terrifies me. Dean: It doesn’t matter. I don’t matter. I couldn’t save mom; I couldn’t save Cas. I can’t even save a scared kid. Sam tries to fix it, but I just keep dragging him down… Billie: You want to die. Dean looks so vulnerable, looking up at Billie, lips parted, eyes blinking. There’s so much emotion there that he’s fighting back and he looks so lost. Billie: I see you, and your brother. You’re important. You have work to do. I was so riveted I was barely breathing through the entire scene. All the kudos to Lisa Berry and Jensen Ackles, because woah. And to writer Steve Yockey for putting in that call back to one of the most iconic lines in the show – it defines the show. We got work to do. And it’s still true, more than twelve years later. (Oh, and how thrilled was I to hear that one of the way Dean Winchester possibly died was ‘burned by a red haired witch’?? Rowena mention, yay!) Billie snaps Dean back into his body, and he wakes up to a desperate Sam still trying to revive him. Sam: You okay??? Dean: (trying to catch his breath) Yeah… Sam: (reassuring himself) You’re okay. He has to repeat it in order to believe it, after what must have been a horrible scare. The brothers lean against the Impala as the ambulances take the bodies out of the house and dig up the ones that were buried. My heart breaks again when they bring out Shawn’s body and his mother says goodbye, cradling her son’s face between her hands and looking utterly devastated. I needed to grab tissues again – it was actually hard to watch, it was so poignant. Of course, it hits the Winchesters just as hard. Sam asks Dean what happened back there, why the shot didn’t work, why the ghosts are all gone. At first, Dean tries to avoid talking about it, the way he most certainly would have last season. But this is Season 13 – and this is what I love about Season 13. Sam doesn’t leave it! Dean: We’ll talk about it later. Sam: No we won’t! You know that. I actually screamed out loud in my hotel room: That’s right Sam, you know you won’t!! And then they DID! Sam: You okay? Dean: No. Sam I'm not okay, I'm pretty far from okay. You know, my whole life, I always believed that what we do was important. No matter what the cost, no matter who we lost. Whether it was Dad or Bobby or... and I would take the hit. But I kept on fighting because I believed that we were making the world a better place. And now Mom… and Cas and I -- I don't know. I don't know. Sam: So you don't believe anymore. Dean: I just need a win. I just need a damn win. The boys climb into the Impala, and an awesome song by Steppenwolf begins to play, reminding us that “it’s never too late to start all over again, who says you won’t be back again.” Sam dozes, Dean drives, a scene so iconic to Supernatural it made me tear up. And then the phone rings. You can see on Dean’s face the shock of what he’s heard, and then they’re parking in an alley (a glowing cross prominently displayed) and at the phone booth? Is Castiel. He turns around, and we see Dean’s look of shocked disbelief – and maybe a bit of hope. I was so worn out from all the emotions I wanted to just collapse onto a hotel bed that wasn’t even mine, but instead, I hurried out into the hallway to get back to the vendor room. Multiple hotel room doors opened at the same time, and Supernatural fans spilled out into the hall, everyone going OMG OMG OMG. It was a moment. So we’re pretty much five for five, Show. Let’s keep this winning streak going. The Supernatural 1306 Tombstone trailer is above to check out. Check Our Our 2017 Holiday Gift Guides: [abcf-grid-gallery-custom-links id="50643"]
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classicallyelegant · 5 years
Maxey is back for her next chapter....I truly hope someone out there is enjoying this story!
I take Joe on the bus to the coffeehouse Russ used to work at. It’s not very far but a nicer atmosphere. We sit and I order pie with a juice. He only gets coffee.
“Now, we’re all alone so what can I tell you?” I ask him.
“You know, when I first thought about you, I had so many things to say and ask, but now that you’re here in front of me, I don’t know what to say. You’re not what I expected, Maxey.”
“I’m not? You’ve known Alejandro for so long, surely I couldn’t be that big of a surprise to you.”
“What I mean is you are his ideal. The long, dark hair, dark eyes, you’re a little beauty. That’s what Alex has always hoped for! I see why he fell the way he did.” I turn so red! I didn’t expect him to tell me something like that! I’m his ideal?! How did that happen? He smiles and puts his head down. “You’re so cute, I’ll bet even more so when you’re not pregnant. I don’t stand a chance with him!”
“I don’t see that at all. I heard him speak about you earlier. You meant an awful lot to him before you left. He is struggling with your absence for no explanation….least that’s how he sees it”
“He is?” he sounds hopeful from this. “I had to leave. I realized that I was hopelessly attracted to him but he never paid attention to me….not in that way anyway! He would flirt with girls but he never seemed very interested in any of them. I fought it as long as I could but no matter what I did to even hint at something maybe ….he never caught on. It was all a big joke to him!”
“But that’s why you came back and put it in no uncertain terms. You returned because you missed him. You wanted to set things straight with him. This time you made sure he saw you and he finally understood what you’ve been trying to say all along.”
“Well, I tried to. I didn’t really think I would find him again and I definitely didn’t expect everything to happen like that. I saw him and I wanted to….I don’t know…I was so happy to see him. He looked even handsomer than I remembered! He sounded like that same excited boy from years ago. I knew he would never let me be what I wanted but a part of me hoped for just one night! If I could only have one memory, I wanted it to be of him!” He looks off; sounding very excited himself until he comes to the close of his speech, then he looks me right in the eye with those last few words. I see it as he puts his head down! This guy is crazy about Alejandro! He’s not questioning whether or not he is, he’s not looking for something to validate this….he knows what he wants is to be around him!
“I must say, I envy Alejandro.” I tell him and touch his hand. He looks up as if to ask why. “You’re telling me that you’re willing to do just about anything because you do love him. It’s not just words for you though. You mean it with everything you have in you. I envy that and I wish he saw that about you.” He smiles and moves his hand to grasp mine.
“I’m envious of you! I saw how he looked at you! He told me he’s been in love with you, but you don’t see him that way. With that guy you had by you, well, I can see why Alex may be a close second at least.”
“Matt? He’s my best friend.” I try to laugh it off, but deep down….if you only knew, Joe!
“He called you Princess! He is much more than your friend! I saw it all over you two! You love each other on such a level, it’s a wonder more people don’t see it!” I just know my face is red!
“I….oh gosh….well, I have to say that Matt and I do have a connection between us. I do love him, but Matt has a boyfriend who adores him as well. As for Alejandro, I do enjoy his attention at times, but….I’m scared of him sometimes. I am older than him and I have my boyfriend, Rod. Alejandro tries to prove his point to me but it ends up scaring me more than anything else!”
He smirks. “His intensity! That’s one of the things I love about him! He sees what he wants and he doesn’t let anything hold him back. It can appear scary at times, but it’s also endearing because it shows how much he wants something.”
I laugh. “You see intensity…I just feel scared.”
“He would never hurt you! Alex is not built that way. He’s always been more concerned about the other than he is himself. Try not to worry. When he does that, it’s just so you see how much he means what he’s telling you.”
“OK, I’ll try to keep that in mind. I thought Katie would prove a great distraction for him but it doesn’t look that way now. He doesn’t seem nearly as interested in her as she does him.”
“Katie? That the girl chasing behind him yesterday?”
“Yeah, that was probably her.”
“Oh no, no no! He would never go for her! She’s so typical of the girls who used to chase him. He always shrugged them off!”
“Oh dear!” I giggle.
“We had a theater advisor who looked a lot like her and she took more than a motherly interest in Alex. She chased him relentlessly! He would hide by me if he saw her coming. He didn’t like her at all!”
“Oh no!”
“Yeah, it got so bad, Alex’ brother came in and told her a thing or two. He was scared if he told her anything, it could cost him his acting, so he just tried to avoid her. Antonio told her to leave him alone and she finally did, but she didn’t like it. I think she wanted him, but he wouldn’t have it. That’s what I mean! Girls would follow him, chase after him….he would maybe say a few words but if they pursued it, he clammed up. He came to me or Antonio to get them to leave him alone.”
“¿Se hablas Español?” His eyes brighten.
“Si, hablo un poquito. Es un parte de mi familia.” I smile.
He looks down, shaking his head again. “Just another reason Alex would be after you! In his perfect image, his girl would speak Spanish as well as English. I’ll never be anything more than a friend with you around, Maxey.”
“Awww, Joe! You shouldn’t be telling me things like this. You’re making me blush so much!”
“And you get cuter every time I do! If I can’t have Alex, I would gladly leave him to you. I always thought his dream girl was just that…a dream he created in his head….now here you are! He couldn’t have created a more perfect picture than the one I’m staring at right now.” He brings my hand against his cheek.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to flirt with me.”
“Would that be much of a stretch? I am in love with him, but I’m not blind or inhuman….a pretty girl is a pretty girl! I have never met a girl like you before.”
I’m brushing my hair back with my free hand. His smile, his eyes….why do I feel the butterflies here? “You do realize I am older than you!” I try to laugh but I feel a lump in my throat.
“What’s a few years when you feel a certain way about a certain someone?” He comes around the table to sit beside me instead of in front of me.
“What are you doing? I think you may be moving quite fast here!” I scoot to keep from being sat on.
“Just one lil….” He very gently kisses my cheek. A huge smile spreads on his face. “I knew you would be…sweet, soft, beautiful, intelligent, sassy, funny…..Alex just had to fall head over heels for you! He’s really found the girl of his dreams!”
I bring my head down. >sigh< “That’s just it…..I’m not some sort of perfect ideal…please don’t try to make me into one! I’m just a messy girl who is struggling to make ends meet. Joe, I like Alejandro, but I’m not in love with him. I keep telling him, I want to be his friend….nothing more! I just told you, I have a boyfriend, a wonderful man that I can’t imagine being without. I have my best friend and his boyfriend….both of which I adore! I just need a sense of peace in my life now. Can you understand what I mean?”
He looks disappointed but then I see another grin on his face. “Alex is really mine to pursue?”
“I think that would be up to him more than me but if you’re asking as to whether I would compete with you or be some sort of obstacle, then no…..I’m not your worry.”
“Oh Maxey!” He throws his arms around me and I can feel his smile. “Thank you! I am happy to hear that and yet, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if I could have you….”
“Me? I’m not the object of your desire.”
“No, but I find you quite irresistible nonetheless.” The look on his face! Have I just done something I didn’t intend again?
“Please, Joe! Don’t lose focus on who you really want. He is who you came back for and who captured your heart years ago, right?”
“He is.” He releases his grip on me. “Still, I’ve been around girls my whole life and none of them have left me with such a feeling.”
“I promise you! There is absolutely nothing special about me. I want you to be happy and I think he could do that for you much more effectively than I ever could.”
“I don’t know about all of that but never say there is nothing special about you. That’s a blatant lie! There is something very unique about you. I can’t say I know what it is, but I see it there! I sense it!” He lets go of me and goes back to his original seat. That was so very close! I still feel his touch.
Our check comes and he insists on paying. I try but he won’t hear of it. If I had known he would do that, I wouldn’t have gotten what I did. We take the bus back and just casually chat until we’re back at the building. He tells me he is going home but for me to tell Alejandro he will see him later.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t seem to be much help to you, but I hope I was able to bring about some good.” I take his hand.
He smiles and squeezes my hand. “You did! You’ve given me several things to think about and….Alex is a lucky man he gets to be around you as often as he does.” I can only blush. Joe is a nice guy…maybe a bit pushy at times, but he seems to have a good heart. I have to find Matt now!
I make my way to his office, but I hear his voice in the booth. He’s working for now. Well, maybe Rod would be better anyway. I go to his booth but he is also busy. Darn! OK, Alejandro…..though he’s not who I would like to see first thing. I feel I really need to build up my nerve to face him. I find the booth but Derek has Dustin behind the mike. “Oh I’m sorry for interrupting, but is Alejandro around?”
“He stepped out but should be back soon. We have a scene for him to do. Say, uh Maxey, could you maybe give Dustin a bit of help?” Derek asks.
“I can do this. I’m trying to find the right mood.” Dustin speaks up. Derek looks at me shaking his head no.
“What is it you want me to do?”
“Well, he needs to be romantic in this scene and let’s just say it’s not going so well like this, so maybe you could help him get there? Please?”
“Ummm, I don’t know about that!”
“I suppose it couldn’t hurt, Maxey. I guess I do need the right motivation.”
“But what would I have to do?”
“Just sit in there with him and maybe read a few lines, so he responds better! That’s all!” Derek brings me into the booth. He pulls that stool in front of Dustin and hands me a script turned to a certain page. ”Just help him sound more emotional!”
Dustin smiles, so I guess I got roped into this now. I look at what we are to say and uh….oh boy! He tells me he loves me! Now, you’ve done it, Maxey!
“Action!” Derek tells us. Dustin begins and I’m reading along.
“Can’t you even say the words?” he starts.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I’m asking you to think about the possibility of us.”
“Us? You mean you and me as a couple?”
“Of course! It is possible, isn’t it?”
“Well, in a scientific sense, sure….”
“That’s not what I mean!”
“Then what are you driving at?”
“I MEAN I LOVE YOU! Is that so hard for you to figure out?!” We are both looking at each other when Alejandro busts in.
“Leave her alone!”
“Alejandro! It’s the show…they’re doing a scene.” Derek comes in behind him.
“A scene? You mean, you’re just acting?”
“Yes, Mr. Screaming Like a Banshee! It’s all a scripted scene,” Dustin stands to show the script in front of him.
Alejandro turns red. “I….I’m so sorry! I thought you were trying to tell her something. I just heard two voices then I recognized Maxey.” Dustin turns his head without another word. I stand up.
“Alejandro, I was looking for you.”
“Yeah, y’all better take a short break. Maxey, thanks for your help. I think we got most of that but the last few words. We can get that though.” Derek hugs me slightly then takes Dustin out with him, leaving me alone with Alejandro.
“I’m really sorry about that, Maxey. I thought Dustin was up to no good and I was trying to save you.”
“It’s OK. As long as he got his scene done, I’m not going to say much. I wanted to see you about Joe.”
“Uh oh….did Joe do something while I wasn’t around?”
I giggle. “Yes and No really, but the point I wanted to get at is that he is very much in love with you. He said that he tried for years to tell you but you always saw things as a joke.”
“He made everything sound like a complete joke. He would tell me things but I never took him seriously because he would usually laugh afterwards.”
“I see. Well, I suppose that’s for the two of you to hash out. He told me to tell you that he was going home but that he would see you later. I really need to go find Matt now.” I smile. “Derek said you have a scene coming up, so I hope all goes well.” I start to head out the door.
“Maxey, Princess, I’m….”
“Is something bothering you, Alejandro?”
“No, it’s not bothering me, I just….” He comes and wraps me in his arms. “Can I ask you something?”
“Do you ever think of me?”
I gently push off of him to see the question in his eyes. >gulp< “Of course, I kind of have to since you’re here.” I try to smile, but I’m sensing that he’s got a lot on his mind.
“Are your thoughts romantic at all?”
“That’s enough!” We both look to see Matt beside us. He puts his arm between us and around me. “Don’t question her like that.” He pulls me away. I can’t say anything; only hide my face. “C’mon, Princess, I need to talk to you.” He whispers and leads me away. We go down the hall before I can speak again.
“How did you know?”
“About what? Alejandro? I didn’t. I came to find you and Derek told me you had been there.”
“Perfect timing as always!” I hug him as close as I can. I’m so grateful he came when he did. “Thank you, Matt!” He smiles his warm smile….yeah I just melted into his arms!
“Princess, you know I’ll always do my best to help you!”
“Yes, but I don’t know that anyone is as capable as you!” He takes my hand and leads me back to his office. “I came looking for you when I returned but you were busy. I ended up in there because I had nowhere else to go.”                
“You could have come in. I’m never so busy that I would send you away….you should know that.”
“No, I didn’t think it would be nice to just barge in on you like that. Rod was the same way. I know you two have work to do and many people depend on that, so I don’t want to get in your way.”
He closes the door but brings me closer. “You are not just people though.” His kiss! My prince has stolen my heart yet again! I hold him in place….I just can’t let him go.
“Thank goodness there is you in this world.” I whisper to him. He smiles and kisses me again.
“I was thinking the same about you.” He tells me. We hold each other a few minutes longer then both let go. “I had to, Princess. I hope you understand.”
“Yes, Matt.” I smile as I sit down in the chair in front of his desk. “I understand perfectly.”
“That was a leftover from this morning,” He laughs as he sits in front of me. “Now, did you find out anything from Joe?”
“I would say he is in love with Alejandro and has been for quite a while. He said he tried to tell him but Alejandro made out like it was a joke. Alejandro says Joe made things into a joke by laughing after he told him anything.”
“So, in other words, he wasn’t much help to you in finding a solution to this problem.”
“It’s like you said, they need to talk this out among themselves. All we can do right now is be there for them.”
“Maxey, where you’re concerned especially, I don’t like to sit back and see.”
“Matt, it could cause more damage than do any good if we try to mess with anything. I know you don’t like it, but dear, I don’t see any other way around this.” He crosses his arms and shakes his head. I stand up and wrap my arms around his shoulders. “You want them to both be happy, don’t you?”
“Yes, of course, but I feel like Alejandro is going to use you as a shield here and I don’t like it.”
“We will deal accordingly. I have you and Rod both here….I believe you two can handle whatever he may try.” He moves his head to smile at me and I feel his arms.
“Alright. We will deal, I suppose. He better be glad you are as forgiving as you are.” He kisses me once again.
I giggle. “He’s lucky to have someone as smart and giving as you in his corner.” Matt beams in my arms. How I adore this man!
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