#ayla getsumei
houselamentation · 9 months
tddc has a primarily male cast but it actually passes the the Bechdel Test quite often, including:
Ayla's grandmotherly mentor telling her to calm down Ayla's goth roommate telling her to calm down Thirteen trying to take Ayla's soul after she died briefly and then showing up to her party like it never happened and/or was hilarious Ayla's estranged identical twin telling her she belongs in Hell (without the context needed to know how funny that is) Grizelda the Bone Witch possessing Ayla's body in order to solve her own murder Grizelda the Bone Witch telling Ayla to calm down
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dcvilgrams · 1 year
Ayla: How do we keep getting into these situations? Xhura: This many years of friendship and I still don’t know.
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houselamentation · 2 years
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houselamentation · 2 years
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houselamentation · 2 years
ayla sounds very intriguing on her own~ if she strives to be diplomatic as a result of holding no magical power, then is she an opportunist at heart? does she value the truth even in the face of danger, or would she rather stay quiet if it meant that peace would continue?
i ask this because i wonder if the spell she attempted was an attempt to prove something to everyone, or if she wanted to get to the bottom of something. i'd love to hear more!! :]
I put Ayla firmly in the chaotic neutral camp (along with Solomon tbh). She wants to save the world and change it for the better but she also wants the credit for doing that.
She has always had political ambitions and was discovered as a candidate for the exchange program in the first place because she'd applied to so many human world ones and had experience with Model UN-type work and had proven willing to learn from others and teach them in return. She's altruistic but also a little naive. When she arrives in the Devildom and receives the warning that demons will be constantly trying to harm or take advantage of her, she manipulates Mammon into the pact without fully understanding what it means for either of them but believing it will keep her safe. She does not trust Lucifer and believes Belphegor's claim that he is a human wrongfully imprisoned- even when she finds evidence suggesting otherwise. She visits regularly and falls for him. Even after the truth is out, she continues forging pacts with the brothers, determined to free him and help the family heal. She's not always selfish but can commit blindly and relentlessly to a cause she deems important. (She is aware of the risk when she stands between Lucifer and Beel, defending Luke but she also does not protest when Satan wants to make a pact with her *for the wrong reason.* So... a little of both?
The goal is somewhere between peace and progress- she gets along well with Diavolo, with that in mind and she relishes the idea of being the human who led to the three worlds finding not only harmony but reasonable, more common interactions- like peace talks about what benefits all of them and trading agreements- after all this time. But then we get into the Ring incident. Ayla attempts bigger and grander things with her once dormant abilities and finds these spells effortless because she is pulling magic from the universe itself without giving anything of herself in return. It's partly due to limited training and misunderstanding of the concept but it has terrible ripple effects. She's discovered to be the cause of this destruction around the time she suffers a personal tragedy (her sister escapes a cult around the same time their father dies). Ayla is sent back to the human world in hopes that being around fewer temptations and with less access to dark magic and artefacts, she will heal and remember her goals outside of the power she needs to stop abusing.
She's a very angry, scared, and vulnerable young human when she attempts something truly selfish. It's my head canon that even though Belphegor is free to rejoin the family after the Lesson 16 incident (Ayla was not the victim but she did feel close to him and felt guilty for still being in love with Belphie even after that), there was magic in place to keep Belphegor from leaving the Devildom in a way that even a summoning could not easily override. Ayla attempted it anyway. She caused another earthquake and severely hurt Belphie (as well as Beel, who felt the effects through their telepathic link). It was a desperate moment halfway between the need to prove herself and just wanting to feel loved and safe and as though fixing everything was possible- because she technically did that once by bringing Belphie back to his brothers and helping them reconnect and forgive him in the first place?
The Ring of Light has helped restore her magical and emotional balance. She is healing but that relationship will take much more time and it seems Ayla will always prioritize her ambitions and even her impulses.
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houselamentation · 2 years
thank you for perceiving me as someone sweet :,) i'm so glad you like my posts~
and your mc 'unknowingly' kept a sloth little d as a pet? do they know it's a little d, or do they see it as a strange, magical little cat? makes me very curious as to what their relationship with belphie is, too! it's clear that he cares for them, but i wonder how that came to be...
I haven't made my way through all of your writing yet but you are very talented and, yes, sweet and I love how you are adding so much to the OM world with your original ideas and characters- (Godtongue especially intrigues me)!
My MC Ayla is ambitious (derogatory), eager for power and to prove herself, and prone to making mistakes and bad, even selfish decisions along the way. In the AU I share with @dcvilgrams, she is one of three human exchange students and the only one without any natural affinity (or even a tiny bit of skill) for magic. She tries to be important as a political influence instead. By Season Two, Solomon discovers that Ayla's powers have always existed but been dormant and are now beyond her control. She attempts a spell she has no business doing and that leads to Belphie wanting to break off their relationship but it's not just because of the pact they still feel so closely connected. The Little D is named Woodas. He is disguised as a little boy cat and more than happy to follow Ayla home and report to Belphie occasionally about how she's doing and ensuring she doesn't go too far. As far as she knows at first, he's just a really weird cat- which led to some hilarious Devilgram posts because she sees an orange cat but the demons see a Little D attempting the Long Cat pose or getting kissed on top of the head. I'm working up to writing a kind of redemption arc but "Mister Noodles" the "cat" is along for the ride regardless. Thank you so much for letting me rant about all this. I haven't posted nearly as much as I intended to about the OCs, however silly. <3
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dcvilgrams · 9 months
Me again! I've been curious about one thing with Xhura and that has to do with pacts he has. I'm aware he has pacts only with Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus and Barbatos. How come he didn't make pacts with the other brothers? Does it have something to do with trust or some kind of bond or something else? sorry if I'm asking too much- just really curious is all! ^^;;
no no listen i literally love talking about this shit @amberrskiies bb~
so as i've said before, Xhura's world-state is shared with @houselamentation's MC: Ayla Getsumei. they come from vastly different upbringings & lives but the one thing they have in common is they both signed up for the RAD Exchange Program
well — the program & the fact that they are both distantly-distant descendants of Lilith; Xhura on his mother's side & Ayla on her father's side
Xhura was supposed to be an alternate — he was never supposed to get his letter because Ayla confirmed her spot in the program. but lo and behold suddenly they're both in the student council room & Lucifer is trying to figure out how they ended up with three humans & only two angels
& Ayla isn't just a descendant, either. she's Lilith's doppelganger. all of a sudden she's there and all of the brothers feel like they're seeing their dead sister everywhere they turn. its why Belphie reaches out to her from the attic — her & not Xhura
Ayla, being immediately distrustful of Lucifer's 'authority,' wants to free Belphie as soon as possible. Xhura is a little more hesitant. he wants to know what led to Belphie being locked away and the whole family lied to. but he agrees not to tell Lucifer because he doesn't want to see Ayla get into trouble
it's Ayla's idea to make the pacts. she wants to free Belphie after all. but some of the brothers trust Xhura a little more readily than they do Ayla. essentially from here on out the pacts MC makes are split between the pair of them:
Ayla has pacts with Mammon, Beelzebub, & (eventually) Belphegor; while Xhura has pacts with Leviathan, Asmodeus, Satan, & (eventually) Lucifer & Barbatos
after Xhura's pact with Asmodeus is made, Belphie reveals to Ayla that — though he has no idea why — he can feel the shared energy between the duo's pacts, & knows that as long as they have all 6 pacts shared between them that will be enough to free him. this is later revealed to be because Xhura & Ayla are both from Lilith's bloodline
in lieu of a pact with Lucifer, it's the duo's shared magics tying the pacts together that creates the final key for Belphie to be released from the attic
& it all goes tits up from there
but in terms of trust Xhura literally becomes the eighth brother; not just in spirit but in title granted by the House of Lords themselves. he trusts his brothers (& his brother-husband but we gloss over that little detail) with his life, & they trust him just the same. since he does eventually become a fully fledged demon that's really the only reason he doesn't end up making pacts with the rest
& also feel free to keep asking this shit is giving me lifeeee~
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dcvilgrams · 1 year
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✧ The Disaster Duo — 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 Edition ✧
           After learning Ayla has magically journeyed into the Devildom of the past, Xhura calls on all of the skills he’s honed as Barbatos’ surrogate son to follow hot on her heels. He’s determined to stop the overzealous sorceress’ mysterious plans to reach her goal of harmony across the Three Worlds... because whatever she has in mind means influencing the Brothers—his family—at their most vulnerable.
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Obey Me! Nightbringer-design ‘fake’ cards based on original posts [HERE] & [HERE]
CREDITS—   UR+ Card Template: my design (sigil, coloring) layered over @rubystarraven​‘s NB UR+ Templates Faceclaim(s): Akira Kougami from Nil Admirari no Tenbin  — ft. Tsugumi Kuze [same source] as @houselamentation​‘s MC Ayla Getsumei *all images/character designs used belong to their original creators & are only being used as likenesses for mine & my partner’s OM! MCs  
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dcvilgrams · 1 year
Xhura: I don’t like saying ‘I told you so,’ but—— Ayla: The hell you don’t, it’s your favorite phrase.
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dcvilgrams · 1 year
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not me painstakingly recreating the RAD student ids for mine and @houselamentation​‘s mcs as well as all the original demons we’ve made to flesh out our universe~~
yes they are fcs primarily taken from enstars, thanks for noticing!! when ya can’t draw but ya need visuals for functional inspiration, ya do what ya gotta do!!
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dcvilgrams · 2 years
Ayla: How are you so considerate and yet so invasive at the same time? Xhura: It's a gift.
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dcvilgrams · 9 months
Xhura's Pacts & Locations on His Body
"LEVIATHAN itches on his right shoulder blade. ASMODEUS tickles under his ribs. SATAN constantly makes him think he has a rock in his shoe. LUCIFER always holds onto him by the hips; his favorite place to steal a touch. And BARBATOS resides on his left shoulder; stalwart and sure." —— Xhura's Pacts
ft. @houselamentation's MC: Ayla Getsumei
First Pact ➣ Leviathan ➣ Right Shoulder Blade
An impulsive decision on both of their parts — made when Xhura, Ayla, & the Brothers were staying over at the Demon Lord's Castle for the weekend to immerse everyone in the exchange students' different cultures.
As Henry 1.0 chased Mammon, Ayla, & Satan in the underground labyrinth beneath the castle, Xhura & Levi came up with the brilliant(?) idea to just try and talk to the snake — like in the beloved Harrison Porter novels. But since Xhura didn't naturally speak snake, Levi offered to form a pact with him to lend Xhura the power to create an animal-tongue language spell on the fly.
Second Pact ➣ Asmodeus ➣ Sternum
Even though the exchange program was barely a few months in, Xhura was already so attached to the Devildom, to RAD, & especially to the brothers. Asmodeus more than any other — since Asmo had been the one to show Xhura around & help him acclimate.
Xhura's anxiety caught up with him one afternoon & led to him lamenting about what would happen when the program ended. Asmo wasted no time in resting a hand on Xhura's sternum & forging their pact to let him know that 'no matter what happens, I'll always be right by your side.'
Third Pact ➣ Satan ➣ Bottom of Left Foot
Ayla was the one trying to forge pacts with each of the brothers in order to help free Belphie. Xhura was a little more skeptical; harboring doubts about what someone could have possibly done in order to end up locked away like that. But when the time came for Ayla to try and urge Satan into a pact... he agreed to make one — but only with Xhura.
While at first his condition was set just to spite Ayla, Satan & Xhura ended up forming a real bond of understanding with one another — both feeling like the rejects of their family, & both just wanting someone who could look past his mistakes to see the person beneath.
While play-fighting on Xhura's bed in a debate as to where the pact would go, Xhura tried to kick Satan to the floor. Satan caught his foot mid-impact... and the rest is a constantly-itchy history.
Fourth Pact ➣ Lucifer ➣ Right Hip
Lucifer's promise to the constantly-dying-on-repeat Xhura was simple: survive one day longer than the week Barbatos announced that Xhura had left to live, & he would make a pact with him. Well, they jumped the gun a little bit on that one.
After finding out what it would take for Xhura to be saved — a pact with Barbatos that would let Xhura borrow enough of his power to keep him anchored to the reality where he wasn't killed by Belphegor — Lucifer decided not to waste another moment. Their pact was sealed with a claiming bite & passionate kisses on Xhura's hip.
Fifth Pact ➣ Barbatos ➣ Back of Left Shoulder
It was a pact made out of necessity more than anything else. In order to keep Xhura's body from dying with his mind alive & trapped in his corpse, Xhura would need access to Barbatos' unique ability to pick & choose realities. So under the conditions that their pact would only be used to save his life, Barbatos took the majority of Xhura's soul as payment for use of his power.
Of course, neither Barbatos nor Xhura — & certainly not the likes of Diavolo or anyone else — realized just how much of Barbatos' power Xhura would have access to. Which would eventually lead to Xhura's powerful desire to stay & belong in the Devildom making the part of his bloodline that belonged to Lilith 'fall' as the brothers did; turning him into a fully-fledged demon.
( Sixth Pact ➣ Lucifer ➣ Left Hip )
Xhura's only pact as a demon — reciprocated back onto Lucifer's own hip in a mirror image of the one they shared when he was still human.
It is as much a part of their bond & devotion to each other as their marriage vows were, & often serves as a comfort for Xhura & Lucifer both when words are not enough, or when they are far apart.
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dcvilgrams · 9 months
✧ dcvilgrams pinned & masterlist ✧
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✧ about me ✧
i am: jack
he/him. 28.
ace & biromantic. transman.
intj. chaotic dumbass energy
vocal about living w/ my adhd
big Lucifer simp
comfortable writing Asmo, Levi, & Satan (but working on everyone!)
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✧ rules & dni ✧
minors & blank blogs dni. i don't get to clear out/block as often as i would like but i do check through my followers and check for these things!
this blog will contain mature content & at times nsfw content. so minors will not be tolerated. please have your age stated somewhere in your bio/pinned, thank you!
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✧ tags ✧
; dcvilgrams posts — my gen. ramblings
; dcvilgrams plays — misc. gameplay things
my mc: xhura kusumoto — my om! mc main tag
lias mc: ayla getsumei — @houselamentation's om! mc tag
; my writing — gen. writing tag
; my edits — gen. edits tag
; tddc rp — roleplay excerpts from the duo chronicles
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✧ my OM! mc ✧
Xhura Kusumoto
he/him. 25
human (s1). demon (s2+)
primary fc: akira kougami; nil admirari no tenbin
enfj. gay. shipped with & married to Lucifer
4 years sober
pacts with Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, & Barbatos
official title: Kusumoto Xhura; Child of Barbatos, Eighth Lord of Hell & Avatar of Avarice, Official Historian of the Devildom
DISCLAIMER: all images/character designs used belong to their original creators & are only being used as likenesses for mine & houselamentation’s OM! MCs
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✧ the disaster duo chronicles ✧
mine & @houselamentation's angsty OM! au wherein both of our mcs were sent to RAD together & the story that unfolds
filled with tons of new lore, original characters from demons to witches to cults oh my! & a dramatic shift about what could have happened if two descendants of Lilith just happened to meet under the demon brothers' roof
The Disaster Duo Chronicles
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✧ all the om! writing things ✧
✧ headcanons & brainrot
; headcanons tag
Xhura's Pacts & Locations
The Cost of a Pact With Xhura
✧ drabbles
Guided by the Morning Star (Lucifer x m!MC)
I Wasn't Expecting Pillows (platonic siblings Asmo & m!MC)
Family Chores (family-dynamic Barbatos, Diavolo, & m!MC)
✧ fics
( something will go here... eventually? )
✧ roleplay excerpts
"I'm Not Human" | Barbatos & Xhura — Barbatos reveals to Xhura the unforeseen effects of their pact; that Xhura is turning himself into a demon
Emptiness, Consciousness, & Grief | Xhura & Diavolo — under the false assumption Xhura's transformation into a demon is the reason for the natural disasters across the Three Worlds, Diavolo demands he sever his pact with Barbatos; so Xhura shows him what exactly that will mean for him
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✧ non-om! related things ✧
( something will go here... eventually? )
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houselamentation · 2 years
Beelzebub: Why is my name "Beef" in your phone?
MC: You know........ like BF.........
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houselamentation · 2 years
Beelzebub avoiding Ayla because she looks like Lilith and Ayla avoiding Beel because Mammon said he’d literally try to eat her. But then they’re sharing a room. 
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houselamentation · 2 years
Can’t believe I forgot this but add “The only twenty-four year old in the world who says, ‘email me’” to what I said about my MC’s aesthetic
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