#ayurveda for skin
swathikrishna123 · 4 months
Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Under-Eye Dark Circles
Under eye dark circles are a common concern among people. Screen time, stress, job pressure… under eye dark circles can appear due to various reasons. It is true that it downgrades our appearance and confidence but the most frustrating thing about under eye dark circles is ineffective medicines. But don't worry Ayurveda is there for us, it offers various medicines to cure under eye dark circles naturally. For instance Almond oil,  rich in vitamin E,which is highly beneficial for skin. It will nourish and moisturize delicate under eye skin.Cucumber Slices: highly beneficial against dark circles under the eye because of its cooling properties. Rose water; it can produce a soothing effect on the skin and it helps you to lighten dark circles. Turmeric: it is known for its anti-inflammatory and skin brightening properties. Amla: it contains vitamin c,which will help you to lighten the dark circles. Coconut oil: it is a good moisturizing agent that helps you to reduce dark circles and wrinklesAyurvedic Eye Creams: There are many Ayurvedic eye creams Available in the market to remove under eye dark circles. These unexplored gems will offer a permanent solution for your under eye dark circles. Are you excited to know more about Ayurvedic medicines for under eye dark circles? Follow this link and level up your confidence.
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At night, use Manjish Glow Elixir® With Indian Madder, Wild Lemon and Butter Tree Glow-Giving and Complexion Restoring Night Facial Massage Oil, Ayurveda’s Pink Power Potion
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A beautiful pink colored elixir, this face oil is specifically meant for patchy skin as well as dull and uneven skin tones, and those who're not very keen to use heavy oils on the face. This oil is not your usual face oil. In some countries, formulations like Manjishthadi Oil are treated at par with medicinal products! 
With no added fragrance at all, this herbal oil contains some very interesting and highly effective ingredients like Indian Madder or Manjishtha, Butter Tree or Mahua, Lemon or Jambheer and Shellac or Lakh amongst other well-known ingredients like Licorice, Cow Milk and Sesame Oil. 
To quote ancient Ayurvedic texts: “Massaging with this oil helps dealing easing the appearance of spots. It clears the look of the face (evens the skin tone) and eases the appearance of wrinkles. Massaged for seven consecutive nights, it makes the face glow as if it was gold!”
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eliteayurveda · 2 months
11 Skin Conditions You’ve Almost Certainly Never Heard Of
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Millions of people in India suffer from at least one skin condition. You’ve probably heard of the more common ones, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. In fact, there’s a strong possibility you have one yourself.
There are also a number of uncommon skin problems that you may be unaware of. They can range in severity from minor to fatal. They can have an impact on the quality of life of persons who develop them in some situations.
Continue reading for an overview of some of these lesser-known conditions.
Hidradenitis suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes lesions to grow on skin-to-skin contact points on the body. The following are the most prevalent locations for breakouts:
underarms, groin, buttocks, upper thighs, and breasts
Although the etiology of HS is uncertain, hormones are likely to play a role in its development because it often begins around puberty.
The illness affects up to 2% of the population. It is especially common in those who are obese or who smoke. Women are more than three times as likely than men to have HS.
Genetics and the immune system are thought to play a role in who gets the condition.
People who have hidradenitis suppurativa are more likely to have specific conditions (or comorbidities), such as:
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) acne
Acne conglobata, dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, and pilonidal sinus disease are all part of the follicular occlusion tetrad (a collection of inflammatory skin disorders).
metabolic disorder
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Type 2 diabetes with squamous cell carcinoma of the afflicted skin
The first signs of HS are outbreaks that resemble pimples or boils. These outbreaks could remain on the skin or fade and recur.
If neglected, more severe symptoms like scarring, infection, and breakouts that rupture and produce a foul-smelling fluid might develop.
There is presently no cure for HS, however there are several therapy options to assist control symptoms. These are some examples:
topical ointments, anti-inflammatory medications, injectable biologics, and hormone therapy
In more severe situations, surgery may be recommended.
Psoriasis inversa
Intertriginous psoriasis is another name for inverse psoriasis. This illness, like HS, causes red sores on regions of the body where skin touches skin. These lesions do not resemble boils. They appear smooth and gleaming.
Many persons who have inverse psoriasis have at least one other type of psoriasis on their body. Experts aren’t clear what causes psoriasis, but genetics and the immune system both play a role.
Psoriasis affects roughly 3% of the world’s population, and 3–7% of those with psoriasis have inverse psoriasis.
Because the skin in high-friction parts of the body is sensitive, treating the condition can be challenging. Steroid creams and topical ointments can be beneficial, but they can also cause unpleasant irritation if used excessively.
People with more severe inverse psoriasis may also require UVB light therapy or injectable biologics to manage their illness.
Harlequin ichthyosis
Harlequin ichthyosis is an uncommon genetic condition that causes children to be born with rough, thick skin covered in diamond-shaped scales.
These plates, which are separated by deep fissures, can shape their eyelids, mouth, nose, and ears. They can also impede limb and chest movement.
Around 200 instances have been recorded around the world. The disorder is caused by a mutation in the ABCA12 gene, which permits the body to produce a protein required for normal skin cell formation.
The mutation hinders lipid transfer to the skin’s top layer, resulting in the scale-like plates. Because of the plates, it is more difficult to:
control water loss
combat illness by regulating body temperature
Harlequin ichthyosis is an autosomal recessive condition caused by faulty genes inherited from both parents.
Because biological carriers rarely show symptoms, genetic testing can detect changes in genes and calculate your risk of developing or passing on genetic illnesses.
A stringent regimen of skin-softening emollients and skin-repairing moisturizers is the most popular treatment for harlequin ichthyosis. Oral retinoids may also be utilized in extreme situations.
Morgellons syndrome
Morgellons disease is an uncommon ailment that causes microscopic fibers and particles to emerge from skin wounds, giving the impression that something is crawling on the skin.
The Morgellons Disease is poorly understood, although it affects nearly 14,000 families, according to the Morgellons Research Foundation.
Morgellons disease is most common in middle-aged Caucasian women. It’s also closely linked to Lyme disease.
Because the symptoms are similar to those of a mental health illness known as delusional infestation, some experts assume it is a psychological issue.
The symptoms are unpleasant but not life-threatening. Typical symptoms include:
weariness anxiety sadness itchy skin rashes or sores black fibrous substance in and on the skin
Lesions only affect one part of the body: the head, trunk, or extremities.
There is no standard treatment option for Morgellons disease because it is still poorly understood.
People suffering with the disease are usually encouraged to maintain close contact with their healthcare team and seek therapy for symptoms such as anxiety and depression.
Elastoderma is an uncommon disorder characterized by increased skin looseness in particular parts of the body. As a result, the skin sags or hangs down in loose folds.
It can affect any region of the body, but the neck and extremities, particularly the elbows and knees, are the most usually afflicted.
The illness affects less than one in one million persons worldwide. Elastoderma’s actual cause is unknown. It is assumed to be caused by an excess of elastin, a protein that provides structural support to organs and tissues.
Elastoderma has no cure or recommended treatment. Some people will have surgery to remove the problematic area, although the loose skin often returns after the procedure.
Pilonidal sinusitis
Pilonidal sinus illness causes small holes or tunnels at the buttocks’ base or crease. Because symptoms aren’t always clear, most people don’t seek therapy or even recognize the issue until it causes problems.
It is caused when the hair between the buttocks rubs together. The friction and pressure that results pushes the hair inside, causing it to become ingrown.
This minor illness affects 10 to 26 people in every 100,000. The majority of people with this illness are between the ages of 15 and 30, and men are twice as likely as women to have it.
It frequently affects persons who work occupations that demand long periods of sitting. It is often associated with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).
A few things influence treatment for an infected pilonidal sinus:
signs and symptoms
the size of the abscess, if it is a new or recurring infection
In most cases, treatment entails removing any visible pus from the affected pilonidal sinus. Antibiotics, hot compresses, and topical ointments are also frequently utilized.
If you’re one of the 40% of people with the illness who has reoccurring abscesses, talk to your doctor about other surgical alternatives.
Pemphigus vegetans
Pemphigus is classified as an autoimmune illness by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)Trusted Source. It causes your immune system to target healthy epidermal cells. The epidermis is the top layer of the skin.
Lesions or blisters form where skin naturally meets or rubs together, as in HS. They can also be found in or on the:
mouth, throat, eyes, nose, and genital areas
Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common kind of pemphigus. It affects 0.1 to 2.7 persons in every 100,000.
Pemphigus vegetans, a pemphigus vulgaris variation, accounts for 1 to 2% of pemphigus cases globally.
If untreated, Pemphigus vegetans can be lethal. The treatment focuses on removing the lesions or blisters and preventing them from recurring.
Corticosteroids and other anti-inflammatory steroids are frequently used as the first line of defense. In addition, you can have surgery to remove the lesions or blisters, while also cleaning and dressing the affected area on a daily basis.
Medicated mouthwash or clobetasol, a corticosteroid and ointment used to treat oral problems, are examples of mouth and throat remedies.
Crohn’s disease 
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) of the digestive tract.
It affects around 780,000 Indians. Every year, approximately 38,000 new cases are reported. Researchers believe that genetics, the immune system, and the environment all have a role in Crohn’s disease development.
Between 20 and 33 percent of persons with Crohn’s disease have skin lesions as a result of the condition. This is referred to as a cutaneous epidemic.
Cutaneous lesions, which resemble genital warts, appear after bowel disease has shown on the skin or another organ outside of the intestinal tract. The eyes, liver, and gallbladder are all included. It might also have an impact on the joints.
If your Crohn’s disease and lesions have metastasized, or spread, they can become painful and potentially lethal. There are currently few therapy options for this stage.
Sneddon-Wilkinson syndrome
Sneddon-Wilkinson illness is characterized by clusters of pus sores on the skin. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (SPD) is another name for it.
Experts are unsure what is causing it. The disease, which is uncommon and sometimes misunderstood, primarily affects persons over the age of 40, particularly women. As a result, its precise prevalence is uncertain.
Soft, pus-filled pimples occur between skin that rubs together a lot, just like in HS. Skin lesions appear on the body, between skin folds, and in the vaginal area. They “explode” as a result of friction.
This popping of the lesions may be accompanied by an itchy or burning feeling. These feelings are followed by scaling and discolouration of the skin. Despite being chronic and painful, this skin ailment is not lethal.
The antibiotic dapsone is the preferred treatment for this condition, with a daily dose of 50 to 200 milligrams (mg) taken orally.
Lichen planus 
Inverse lichen planus pigmentosus is an inflammatory disorder that causes skin fold discolouration and uncomfortable pimples.
Only about 20 cases have been documented worldwide, mostly affecting Asians. Nobody knows what is causing it.
Small clusters of flat lesions, or macules, of discolored skin appear. They don’t normally contain pus, but they do occasionally. Some people’s skin spontaneously clears up with time, whilst others may experience symptoms for years.
This is a mild condition that can be addressed with a topical treatment. Corticosteroids are the most often used treatments for wound healing and can even aid with pigmentation in some situations.
Dowling-Degos syndrome
Dowling-Degos disease is a hereditary illness that causes darker skin, especially in folds such as the armpit, groin, and joint areas.
Pigment changes can also affect the neck, hands, cheeks, and scalp, albeit they are less prevalent.
The majority of the lesions are minor and resemble blackheads, however red areas resembling acne might form around the lips.
Lesions on the scalp might also look as fluid-filled lumps. Itching and burning sensations are possible.
Skin changes, like HS, occur in late childhood or early adolescence.
However, some people do not have breakouts until they reach maturity. Dowling-Degos is not a life-threatening disease, but it can cause distress and worry in those who have it.
This disease presently has no cure. Treatments ranging from laser therapy to topical steroids to retinoids have been tried, but results have been mixed, and nothing has proven to be consistently successful.
If you have a skin issue, pay attention to your body and treat any signs seriously.
Consult your doctor who can assist you in obtaining a diagnosis and determining the best treatment options for your specific problems.
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arogyamcentre · 3 months
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mrjoseph129 · 9 months
Glow and Radiance Blend
Inveda Glow & Radiance Blend is not merely a skincare potion; it is a sensorial journey that transcends the mundane. As you apply the elixir, close your eyes and let the subtle aroma of exotic essential oils transport you to a fragrant garden of blooming bliss. The blend of Grapeseed and Lavender not only enchants your senses but also works synergistically to calm and rejuvenate the skin, allowing your inner glow to radiate effortlessly.
The essence of  Ylang Ylang oil, delicately harvested at the break of dawn, is captured in every drop, bestowing upon the blend a soothing and balancing touch. Sweet Almond Oil, with its timeless beauty secrets, hydrates the skin, leaving it supple and velvety. Lavender, the succulent powerhouse, steps in to replenish and revitalize, infusing life into every pore and creating a canvas for the radiant transformation.
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vividnaturesblog · 7 months
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Overview of Ayurvedic skincare
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, has long been revered for its holistic approach to health and beauty. Ayurvedic skincare focuses on achieving balance and harmony within the body, which in turn reflects on the skin. Unlike conventional skincare that often relies on harsh chemicals, Ayurveda emphasizes the use of natural ingredients to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.
Benefits of Manjistha for skin
Manjistha, also known as Rubia cordifolia, is a key player in Ayurvedic skincare. This herb is packed with a multitude of benefits that can transform your skin. One of the most notable benefits of Manjistha is its ability to detoxify the body and purify the blood. By eliminating toxins from the system, Manjistha helps to promote a clear and radiant complexion from within.
In addition to detoxification, Manjistha also possesses powerful antioxidant properties. These antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals, which can cause premature aging and other skin concerns. Regular use of Manjistha can help to combat fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.
Understanding the properties of Manjistha
To fully appreciate the benefits of Manjistha, it is essential to understand its unique properties. Manjistha is known for its bitter taste, indicating its powerful detoxifying nature. It has a cooling energy, making it particularly beneficial for those with Pitta dosha, characterized by sensitive and easily inflamed skin. Its red color signifies its affinity for the blood, where it works its magic to purify and rejuvenate.
Manjistha also possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent choice for those dealing with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Its ability to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria helps to soothe irritated skin and prevent further breakouts.
How to use Manjistha for beautiful skin
Now that we understand the benefits and properties of Manjistha, let's explore how to incorporate this powerhouse herb into your skincare routine. Manjistha can be used both internally and externally to reap its full benefits.
Internally, Manjistha can be consumed in the form of capsules, tablets, or as a powdered herb mixed with warm water or milk. It is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the appropriate dosage for your specific needs. Regular consumption of Manjistha internally helps to purify the blood and promote overall skin health.
Externally, Manjistha can be used in various ways. One popular method is to create a Manjistha paste by mixing the powdered herb with rose water or aloe vera gel. This paste can be applied to the face and body, left on for 15-20 minutes, and then rinsed off with lukewarm water. This simple yet effective mask helps to brighten the complexion, reduce pigmentation, and promote a healthy glow.
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hameesh · 8 months
Where can I find reliable skin infection treatment in Ludhiana?
Are you searching for a skin infection treatment?
The best way to get permanent relief from skin infections is with natural medicine, which means Ayurveda.
Unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle choices are the cause of this, as they directly affect the digestive system of the body and can seriously harm your health. Numerous investigations have determined that a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet are the root causes of fungal infections and other skin-related disorders. You may end up becoming dependent on creams and steroids as a result of this. 
People often say that a person's skin is a reflection of their internal wellness.
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There are many Skin Care clinics in Ludhiana which provide a solution to your problem. But based on my experience and analysis , Dr.Sharda Ayurveda takes on traditional Ayurvedic treatment that supports physical, mental, and spiritual healing. This hospital treats people from all around the world with Ayurvedic medicine and has the best success rate in treatments. With the help of Ayurveda, she treats eczema, psoriasis, and fungal infections on skin. Last year I was suffering from eczema. I had a red patch on my right arm, which annoyed me because of the itching, and the skin became weak and lost its moisture, which resulted in darker, rougher, and thicker skin. I took many medications from different doctors and applied creams, powders, and lotions to my skin. But I was unable to get permanent relief or a solution. One day I was scrolling on Facebook, then I reached out to the Dr.Sharda Ayurveda profile and searched for my skin problem on their website, and I was shocked when I knew that this hospital was treating 50+ diseases under one roof. Furthermore, they have four branches in Punjab. Several people get a permanent solution to their diseases. The very next day, I visited their Ludhiana branch and explained my whole situation about my skin infection to her doctor. She recommended guidelines for diet modification, exercise, and taking and applying herbal medications to the skin. After almost 3 months, I got better results with Ayurveda and the problem of skin infection was permanently solved. My skin was crystal clear, and all the red patches and dryness were removed. I am really thankful to the Dr.sharda Ayurveda clinic doctors for helping me overcome my disease.
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nkogneatho · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering if you guys could recommend me brands or types of products that are good for facial skin care (like dark circles, eye bags, dry skin with oily T line)?
i don't ever do skincare. i never needed any but for dry skin, i use ponds light moisturizer with lakmé spf 50 at day but at night, i just use aloevera gel with shea butter.
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restorationwellnessinc · 11 months
Revitalize Your Skin
Revitalize Your Skin: The Art of Ayurvedic Abhyanga Oil Massage"
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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care and nurturing our skin. But what if I told you there's a centuries-old practice that not only rejuvenates your skin but also promotes overall wellness? Enter Ayurvedic Abhyanga oil massage—an ancient art that has stood the test of time, offering a holistic approach to skincare and well-being.
The Essence of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine originating in India, places a strong emphasis on maintaining balance within the body, mind, and spirit. Abhyanga, a key component of Ayurvedic self-care, involves the therapeutic application of warm, herb-infused oil to the body. This practice is not just a beauty ritual; it's a profound method to nourish and revitalize your skin while promoting inner harmony.
The Benefits:
Deep Hydration: Ayurvedic oils penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, providing intense hydration. This helps combat dryness, flakiness, and dullness.
Improved Circulation: The rhythmic and intentional massage strokes of Abhyanga stimulate blood flow, promoting better circulation. This, in turn, enhances the delivery of nutrients to skin cells and encourages detoxification.
Stress Reduction: The soothing nature of the massage calms the nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. As stress is a common culprit for skin issues, this can significantly contribute to a clearer complexion.
Lymphatic Support: Abhyanga aids in lymphatic drainage, helping to flush out toxins and reduce inflammation. This can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with puffiness and skin conditions related to inflammation.
How to Perform Ayurvedic Abhyanga Oil Massage:
Choose the Right Oil:
Sesame oil is a popular choice for its warming properties.
For a cooling effect, opt for coconut or sunflower oil.
Infuse the oil with herbs like lavender, chamomile, or neem for added benefits.
Prepare Your Space:
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
Warm the room slightly to enhance the soothing experience.
Warm the Oil:
Place the oil in a warm water bath to achieve a comfortable temperature.
Begin with a Self-Prayer:
Take a moment to set an intention for your self-care practice.
Start at the Extremities:
Begin massaging your limbs, moving towards the heart in gentle, circular motions.
Focus on the Joints:
Pay extra attention to joints, such as the knees, elbows, and ankles, using circular motions.
Massage the Abdomen:
Use clockwise motions over the abdomen to support digestion.
Allow the Oil to Absorb:
Leave the oil on your skin for at least 15–20 minutes to allow absorption.
Follow with a Warm Shower:
Rinse off the excess oil with a warm shower, using a mild soap if needed.
Incorporating Ayurvedic Abhyanga oil massage into your self-care routine isn't just about achieving radiant skin; it's a commitment to your overall well-being. Embrace this ancient practice as a ritual of self-love, and let the nourishing benefits ripple through your body, mind, and spirit. Your skin will thank you, and so will your inner balance.
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theluckyluxmi · 2 years
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IG: @theluckyluxmi
“from one modern goddess to another”
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sureshotherbals · 1 year
Best Acne Doctor in Yamunanagar
Acne, a common skin condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. It not only impacts physical appearance but also takes a toll on self-esteem and confidence. In this post, we will discuss causes and symptoms of acne, as well as explore Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment options. We are proud to introduce Dr. Garg - Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic), who specializes in providing holistic solutions for managing acne.
Understanding Acne:
Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It predominantly affects areas with a high concentration of oil glands, such as the face, chest, and back. While it is most commonly associated with adolescence, acne can persist into adulthood, causing discomfort and emotional distress.
Causes of Acne:
Several factors contribute to the development of acne:
Excess Sebum Production: Overactive oil glands produce more sebum, which can clog hair follicles and lead to acne.
Clogged Pores: The combination of dead skin cells and excess oil can create blockages in hair follicles, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.
Bacterial Infection: The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes can thrive in clogged hair follicles, causing inflammation and breakouts.
Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can trigger acne.
Diet and Lifestyle: Certain diets high in dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods, as well as high-stress levels, can exacerbate acne.
Symptoms of Acne:
The symptoms of acne can vary in severity:
Blackheads: Small, dark bumps that form when hair follicles become clogged and the top remains open.
Whiteheads: Similar to blackheads, but covered by a thin layer of skin, giving them a white appearance.
Papules: Small, red, raised bumps caused by infected or inflamed hair follicles.
Pustules: Red bumps with white or yellow centers, often referred to as "pimples."
Cysts: Large, painful, pus-filled lumps that form beneath the skin's surface.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne:
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system, offers natural approaches to managing acne:
Herbal Cleansing: Cleansing herbs like neem and turmeric help purify the blood and detoxify the body.
Dietary Changes: Avoiding excessive spicy, oily, and junk foods, and incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, and water can promote clear skin.
Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements like guggul, amla, and manjistha can balance hormones and promote skin health.
Homeopathic Treatment for Acne:
Homeopathy addresses acne by considering the individual's constitution and symptoms:
Sulphur: Used for acne with intense itching and burning sensations on the skin.
Pulsatilla: Prescribed for acne worsened by rich, fatty foods and hormonal fluctuations.
Hepar Sulph: Suitable for acne that is extremely painful and sensitive to touch.
Meet Dr. Garg - Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic): Best Acne Doctor in Yamunanagar
Dr. Garg is a renowned practitioner at Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic), specializing in holistic approaches to acne management. With years of experience, Dr. Garg offers personalized Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatments to address the root causes of acne and promote clear, healthy skin.
Acne is a common skin condition with various underlying causes. While it can impact self-confidence, effective treatment options are available. Dr. Garg Your Skincare Expert (Scientific Clinic) offers personalized Ayurvedic and Homeopathic solutions that address acne's root causes, providing hope for those seeking clear and radiant skin. Remember, achieving healthy skin requires patience and consistency in following the recommended treatments.
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ayurvedexperts · 1 year
Ayurvedic medicine has the potential in curing white spots in the body as it works in healing the body to produce melanin in the dead cells which regain normal skin pigmentation. Medicinally tested as the best ayurvedic medicine for vitiligo treatment.
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ayurvedaoasis · 1 year
Science of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.
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khadiorganique · 1 year
Very easy & simple for exfoliates and hydrates your skin. This Khadi Organique Aloe vera gel repairs new skin cells, protects skin from harmful UV radiations, and solves all skin related problems in a short period of time. Ab no more aloevera dhundne ka tension , khadi organique launched their aloevera gel with no harmful chemicals.🌱🌿
Shop Now! 🛒 https://bit.ly/42FeJDL .
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guduchiayurveda · 2 years
Organic Ayurvedic Skin & Face Care
Get Best Ayurvedic Skin & Face Care Products!
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Buy online Ayurvedic skincare, professionals, hair care, body care, beauty products. It is Pure, Chemical Free, and Ayurvedic.
Guduchi Ayurveda skincare can give you visible results.
Guduchi Ayurvedic skincare products are formulated with all potent natural ingredients that benefit your skin.
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theaurvedicshala · 2 years
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Is your skin prone to irritability and inflammation? Do you frequently get rashes on your skin? If your answer is yes, then you may have sensitive skin. Although sensitive skin is prevalent, it is critical to take proper care of it. Chemicals, scents, and colours cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin. Furthermore, kids may become bothered by their clothing or develop rashes. There is a possibility that sensitive skin is a sign of an underlying illness. As a result, it is important to prevent triggers and soothe inflamed skin in order to enhance your life quality and find relief. Many cures for face inflammation may be found online, however Ayurveda is the most efficient therapy for face itching. This holistic technique is completely safe and can give you immediate treatment from any skin problem.
What Predisposes You To Skin Rashes?
Skin rashes can be caused by a variety of factors. The sort of skin rashes and allergies that a person has, as well as the skin allergy treatment, vary from person to person. The following are the most prevalent causes of skin rashes.
1. Genetic Predisposition
If a person has sensitive skin and has no underlying health concern, their skin might quickly get more inflamed. The following are some of the most typical causes of annoyance:
Strong winds
Temperature Drops Due to Sunlight
Excessively hot temperatures
Aside from that, the symptoms of reactive and sensitive skin can manifest in a variety of ways, including:
Redness patches
Dry Skin
Dry skin can be sensitive because it loses the protective fat and moisture that stops the skin from drying out. Furthermore, this skin type is more prone to occur on the hands, arms, and face. It is critical to keep it wet in order to keep it from drying out. Using face creams and hydrating lotions can aid in symptom prevention.
Atopic dermatitis, often known as Eczema, is a skin ailment that causes itching and dry spots on the skin. The symptoms of this illness differ from person to person. This illness can affect both adults and children. Legs, ankles, elbows, face, neck, and wrists are the most commonly affected locations. In certain places, people get rough, itchy rashes.
This disorder causes visible blood vessels and red skin, particularly on the face. In a rare cases, the skin might develop pus-filled, little pimples. Rosacea may be classified into several varieties, each with its own set of symptoms. These are itchy, puffy eyes, flushing, redresses, and acne-like rashes.
This disorder develops as a result of aberrant skin reactivity to sunlight. Photodermatosis is a disorder in which UV radiation from the sun cause the sensitive immune system to react, resulting in skin rash, scaly areas, and blisters. The response worsens if the skin is in contact with the skin for an extended length of time. As a result, it is advised to wear a hat and apply sunscreen when going outside in the sun.
Most Common Causes of Dry Skin That Cause Face Itching
Without a question, the skin has a complex relationship with the body and psyche. Indeed. When looking for the fundamental cause of skin disorders, there are various locations to look. The most important players are:
The Blood
Digestive system
Pitta, Kapha, and Vata imbalance
Disturbances in emotions
Most skin problems stem from deep inside the body, from organ weakness, digestive imbalances, excess toxins, and heat in the circulation. As a result, it is critical to seek for the safest solution for face itching that might assist!
When it comes to skin disorders, Ayurveda has a variety of therapy choices. If you have a skin issue, a skilled Ayurvedic doctor can assist you in identifying the symptoms and providing the best therapy to help you focus on your healing efforts and obtain the finest therapies.
The Yogshala offers treatments for various skin diseases. Get in touch with The Yogshala and get yourself treated with the best ayurvedic treatment.
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