#ayurvedic face wash for oily skin
manav-khadi-herbal · 2 years
Khadi is not merely a piece of cloth. It is a philosophy a way of life a symbol of empowerment of pride of history of a great man vision of the relevance of roots. A window to India, carriying the smell of the soil. Blending the wisdm of the old with the needs of the present offering a way to return to nature. Hand-spun Hand woven Refined Pure Elegance natured in the lap of the earth. An excellence beyond just mechanical perfection.
A gift for today from the treasury of the past a gist from India. Herbal Villages Products : Thousand of years ago india’s greatest sage established ayurveda, or the knowledge of life. They saw all illness and all health as part of an interlocking whole-the mind, body and sprit-that must be treated as one.Each ayurvedic formula was designed with specific constituents for different healing purpose and cures.
For their ingredients they looked to the natural world around them, using herbal extracts used by forest tribes since the beginning of history. The set of face and body products has been made in keeping with the principles of ayurveda.
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sreemedayurvedic · 3 months
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Farmherbs 100% Pure Herbal Face Wash
Formulated with a blend of herbal ingredients, this face wash gently cleanses away impurities while maintaining the skin's natural moisture balance. Free from harsh chemicals, it leaves the skin feeling soft, smooth, and revitalized. Perfect for daily use, Farmherbs' Herbal Face Wash offers a refreshing and rejuvenating experience, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion with each wash.
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divisastore · 2 years
Roop Mantra cucumber face wash with the goodness of natural ingredients cleanses skin properly and gives a natural glow. It’s a perfect face wash for oily skin; removing excess oil on the skin surface. Roop Mantra cucumber face is just a perfect pick to use for daily skin care ritual; it’s a chemical free face wash.
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luvdivy · 6 months
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2024: a year of transformation pt. 1
As 2024 approaches, im sure most of you are thinking about transforming your life. But I personally believe that transforming your life starts in December, not January. So here is the first part to transforming your life. Introducing: health is wealth.
health is wealth
Health is crucial for well-being, but most forget to take care of all aspects of it.
1.) Figure out your skin type:
There are numerous skincare quizzes online and youtube videos. Knowing your skin type is so important so that you can truly take care of your skin barrier.
2.) Products:
You don't *always* need crazy expensive skin care products to heal and clear your skin. I love CeraVe because they are affordable and available in most stores. If you are unsure, consulting a dermatologist is a great idea.
Regardless of your skin type, here are three basic and crucial steps of your skincare routine
Find a cleanser special to your skin type and use in the morning and night. I like to double cleanse with a cleansing balm and my regular cleanser in the night using the CeraVe hydrating cleansing balm and the CeraVe hydrating cream-to-foam cleanser (I have dry skin) to remove any dirt on my face. Make sure when using a cleanser you take your time to cover all parts of your face and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS before washing and touching your face.
Regardless of whether or not you have oily, combo, dry, etc skin, hydration is important for soft and nourished skin (especially if you live in a dry or cold climate). I use the CeraVe moisturizing cream which really hydrates my dry skin. Do some research on what moisturizer will hydrate your skin without adding oils and buildup.
Sunscreen is incredibly important to protect your skin against UV rays and blue light. Suprisingly, blue light from devices can affect your skin. To avoid skin cancer, use a sunscreen. I use the Black Girl sunscreen and the Beauty of Joseon sunscreen which don't have whitecasts and give a really glowy look. They are great for more melanated skin and last throughout the day. When researching sunscreens, look for those which don't give off whitecasts and for ones that are SPF 50
3.) Its bigger than your skincare:
Diet, stress, sleep, mindset, water, the vibration you are at (all of which I will cover later) play major roles in the appearance of your skin. When you fuel your body with nutritious food and ample water, you glow more. You look healthier, and skin will clear up more. Give it time and trust the results. Get atleast 7+ hours of sleep and manage your stress levels. Improving your mindset and operating at a higher vibration improve everything, and you will glow more.
Additionally, your hormones, allergies, etc may affect acne and skin. Consulting a dermatologist is amazing for this.
Also, don't feel pressured to buy the newest skincare products. Invest in affordable and quality skincare products.
4.) Natural:
I love using natural resources and ancient ayurvedic techniques to improve my skin. I use aloe vera gel in the night on my face because of its numerous nutrients and benefits for the skin. Get 99-100% natural aloe vera gel for this.
Qasil powder is a natural somali soap which is incredible for your skin. Its known as the purest cleanser for the skin and body. Make sure before you buy it, that it is 100% true Qasil powder.
Look to make face masks with natural resources. From my culture, turmeric is amazing for the face, but don't leave it on for too long. Search online for homemade face masks with turmeric. Honey is also amazing for skin as well.
Research on different natural resources (especially ayurvedic skincare) because they are age old practices which are great for skin.
Body Care and Hygiene:
Hygiene is so so important for health (also so you don't stank)
1.) Shower:
When showering, cleanse from top to bottom. From behind your ears, to neck, all the way down to feet. Use soap or a body wash to remove all dirt from the day and make sure you wash your underarms, feet, privates, and butt. DON'T wash your down-there with soap because it'll mess up your pH balance, no matter how tempting it might be. Water is enough. I like the method body wash because its super affordable and smells amazing (especially the nourishing wash and pink peony). I would also recommend African Black Soap because its amazing for your skin on body. There are so many benefits to using it, you can never get enough!
For odor, I love using the panoxyl benzoyl peroxide wash to remove bacteria from my underarms. I leave it on for 2-3 minutes and wash it off. It does a great job of removing the onion-y odor from your armpits. I would highly recommend (get the 4% one) because its also really cheap.
For softness, I like to exfoliate my arms, stomach and chest area, legs, feet and back. It removes all of the dead skin cells and excess dirt that may be on your skin. I do this once a week and my skin feels AMAZING after.
2.) Shaving:
Shaving is COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY your choice. Never let anybody tell you you have to shave. I love shaving because I love the way my skin feels, but thats my personal liking. I wax my arms and shave my legs. When shaving, use a shaving cream. I like the Athena Club cloud shaving cream and its affordable. I recommend 5 blade razors and make sure you exfoliate before shaving. Lastly, just be gentle when shaving.
3.) After shower:
I love to lotion-ize my entire body (especially in the winter) after showering in the night. It hydrates your skin overall and avoids cracking of the skin. I LOVE the vaseline body lotion (its cheap) and smells amazing. For dyer areas, I recommend shea butter. Don't forget about the heels of your feet, your knees, elbows, and hands because they can get the driest in the winter. If you want to go the extra mile, using a body oil makes your skin feel great after the shower and adds extra glow
4.) Deodorant
Deodorant should be worn every day on your armpits to avoid odor. I've heard the salt and stone deodorant is great (its $20) but I just use Dove.
5.) Down-there:
Please please do not put random products down there, otherwise your pH balance will be messed up.
Oral Health:
1.) Brushing your teeth:
Brush your teeth atleast twice a day. Brush your tongue as well, and use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue. It really does improve mouth odor. I also recommend using a mouth wash. The TheraBreath anti cavity mouth wash is great (I haven't tried it but I've heard great things about it). Floss everyday in the night to remove things caught between teeth
2.) For white teeth:
I recommend oil pulling with coconut oil for white teeth. It removes that yellow stain from your teeth. To do this, swish a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and spit it out into the trash can.
I also recommend avoiding coffee and chocolate (excessive) because it makes your teeth yellower.
Stretching is so important for your muscles and body movement. Its amazing in the morning to wake up your body and help it move/function better. It removes tension in the muscles and body and can help reduce the likelihood for injuries and cramps. Movement and mobility is so so important for the body.
Yoga is also great for this. There are so many yoga excersises and stretches that work amazing alongside mobility exercises. If you want to feel healthy in the body when you're 80, stretch!
As an athlete, a basketball player, exercise is so important. Being active has numerous benefits, so many that I can't name all of them. Here are some ways to be active:
1.) Go to the gym:
Get a gym membership. Lift weights, yoga, cardio, etc. If you have a dream body, this is the start. However, don't go to the gym solely for the body. Remember this: Health is Wealth. If you are optimally working out in the gym, your body will reflect that. Train so that you can move freely when your old, train to play with your kids and grandkids, do it to enjoy life more. There are hundreds of videos and resources for gym workouts, ill also make another post on this!
2.) Sign up for workout classes:
These can be so much fun! Pilates, spin class, cycling classes, etc signing up for a workout class can make you gain motivation and enjoyment for working out.
3.) Go on walks and runs:
Fresh air has so many benefits for your health. Going on walks and runs especially in the early morning can be not only a great way to wake yourself up, but it can also improve your muscle functions. Plus, you may even discover a new part of town!
4.) Sports and dance:
My favorite! I love sports in general and dancing. Sports and dancing can be so much fun, especially with friends. You can gain so many friends from it.
Aside from this, don't be afraid to try new sports! Its one of the best forms of exercise because you use everything in your body, especially your mind. Here are some sports:
Soccer (football)
American Football
Pickle ball
Field hockey + hockey
Track and Field
Ice skating
Softball and Baseball
I will be doing an in depth guide to exercise and being an athlete in the future!
1.) Nutritious food:
You need nutritious food to fuel your body and reap the benefits. Eating more vegetables and fruits will have your entire body thanking you.
Incorporating fruit and veg into your diet can be hard, especially if you're used to processed food. Start by substituting a craving for something sweet with fruits. Eat vegetables with your meals, and better yet make them into your meals. Curries, salads, pastas, burgers, the list goes on. I will do an in depth guide to this later!
Vegetables don't need to be bland. There are so many ways to make them tasty.
2.) Protein:
Protein fuels your body. I'm vegetarian, so I generally get my protein from eggs, nuts, dairy, and lentils. Try working in protein into your meals in a non-fried way.
3.) Dairy + Milk:
Dairy has so many nutritional benefits, and if you're lactose intolerant, dairy alternatives still have numerous benefits. Calcium increases bone strength. Yogurts and cheeses also provide calcium alongside other vitamins such as E, D, B12, etc. When you have breakfast next time, try having a glass of milk (whole milk or soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, etc) or incorporating greek yogurt.
4.) Water:
Drinking water will improve all parts of your body, even your brain health. Drink atleast 64 ounces of water a day (or 8 cups). I would recommend getting one of those timed waterbottles so you don't forget to drink water.
5.) Overall:
Like I said, I will do a thorough in-depth guide to diet later but if you focus on putting healthy, non-processed and homemade foods into your diet, you will reap the benefits. Make sure you eat so that you are nourished. Diet also doesn't have to be restrictive. You can still have the dessert and enjoy the comforts food can bring. More than anything its about being mindful for the nutrition of the food you eat, and knowing the healthiness of it. I guarantee you, if you control your cravings and focus on putting in nourishing and homemade food into your body, you will feel better. What you put into your body will reflect on the outside
A Final Note:
If you really want to transform your life, I think one of the best ways to start is with health and exercise. Use that discipline to channel self-love and care into your life. In 2 weeks you'll feel it. In a month you'll see it. In 2 months people will notice. In 6 months you'll feel like a new person. Start now and you won't regret it. When you feel good on the inside, when you're healthy, you feel accomplished and amazing. More posts will come in the future about spirituality, mindset, the soul, purpose in life, and more. Have a blessed day and lead with love!
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nhlovesadri3 · 1 year
When you hear the words "Victoria's Secret Angel," you can't help but think of iconic models like Alessandra Ambrosio, Tyra Banks, and, of course, Adriana Lima. Lima walked her last VS Fashion Show in 2018, retiring from the brand after almost 20 years of modeling countless pieces of lacy lingerie and decorated wings. But, as the saying goes, you'll always find your way back home, and Lima is rejoining her Victoria's Secret family this month.
The brand recently re-launched Heavenly Eau de Parfum, now with a chic updated bottle and a brand new campaign, and Lima is the face of the iconic scent's return. I had the pleasure of sitting down with her at the Heavenly launch event in NYC. (She's just as beautiful—and towering—IRL as she is on-screen, FYI.) There's a common misconception that all models are cold and standoffish, but Lima proved to be quite the opposite—her warm and bubbly personality shined through as we discussed everything from her mascara obsession to her return to the brand.
"I’ve been with Victoria's Secret since 1999," Lima told me. "I feel like my career grew since I became part of the Victoria's Secret family, and I feel like I am back home. Coming back with Heavenly has been an honor because one of my favorite campaigns with Victoria's Secret was Heavenly back in 1999. It was my first fragrance campaign with Victoria's Secret, and it's my favorite fragrance with Victoria's Secret. I cannot imagine a better way to return."
Over the course of the event, we chatted about the beauty practices and tips she swears by. Ahead, everything Adriana Lima relies on, from her best-kept fragrance trick to the dramatic mascara hack she learned on set.
Why Fragrance Is the Best Accessory
"The most empowerment in a look comes from a fragrance. No matter what you wear, if you don't have the fragrance at the end, you cannot feel empowered. So, to me, and I guess for every woman, the most key, essential item in a look, no matter if it's a night out, red carpet, or day-to-day, is a fragrance."
The One Thing That Smells Like Home
"Home to me smells like my family—when we are together with a home-cooked meal, or the lingering Heavenly scent in my closet when we’re going out or coming back from a date night. Those scents that bring you back to the present moment, or a special moment, and remind you of your loved ones."
The One Fragrance Trick She Loves
"I have this trick that I do with fragrances. I have a fragrance for every occasion, and I like to be remembered. So, I tend to use the same fragrance at particular times, like events. I have different scents, so people will know my smell, and when they smell it, they will think of me. And then to be remembered, I choose particular people to gift my favorite fragrances, so that way when they use it, I will continuously [be] remembered."
The Best Beauty Tip She Learned On Set
"One of them is that I'm obsessed with mascara. I like to keep adding layers on top of each other. Like, I don't wash them off. I know it sounds crazy, but I add layers for one or two days. I like [my lashes] very heavy!"
The One Makeup Look She Can Always Count On
"I think one of the trends that I've never stopped doing, no matter what season [it is] or where I am, is red lipstick. My signature thing is red lipstick."
The One Thing She Does Before Bed Every Night
"I like to take care of my skin. So, I wash my face with cleanser. And then use my Soma Ayurvedic Vitamin C Serum ($118). I like natural, organic products."
The One Skincare Step She’ll Never Skip
"It’s very important to moisturize your skin on a daily basis and use sunblock. I love oils—absolutely any kind of oil. Right now, I'm using the Rozuri Anti-Aging Super Oil ($115). I know some people get scared because you don't want to make your skin oily, but you can find something really easy to absorb, depending on your skin type. I personally like the heavy oils—the heavier, the better so that I have that dewy, glowy kind of finish."
The Beauty Products She’s Been Using Forever
"I use the Soma Ayurveda vitamin C oil. I’m obsessed with the Tatcha The Water Cream ($70). And I love to take cotton pads soaked in coconut water and put them on the fridge to get cold. Then I put them on my eyes."
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advik-ayurveda · 6 days
The Benefits of Neem Basil Face Wash for Clear and Healthy Skin
Neem basil face wash is an exceptional skincare product known for its numerous benefits for clear and healthy skin. This combination of natural ingredients is highly effective in addressing various skin concerns, making it a popular choice for those seeking a gentle yet powerful cleansing solution. It leverages the medicinal properties of neem and basil to promote a radiant complexion while tackling issues like acne, excess oil, and dullness.
Neem has been a cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, revered for its potent antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Neem basil face wash effectively combats acne and other skin infections by targeting the bacteria responsible for these conditions. The antibacterial properties of neem ensure that the skin remains clean and free from harmful microbes, reducing the likelihood of breakouts. Regular use of neem basil face wash maintains a clear complexion, as it prevents the formation of pimples and reduces the occurrence of blackheads and whiteheads.
Basil, also known as Tulsi, is another powerful herb included in neem basil face wash. Basil is rich in antioxidants and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for soothing irritated skin and reducing redness. The antioxidants in basil protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature aging. By incorporating this face wash into your daily skincare routine, you benefit from the protective and healing properties of both neem and basil.
One of the primary benefits of neem basil face wash is its ability to control excess oil production. Oily skin is often prone to acne and other skin issues due to clogged pores and bacterial growth. This face wash effectively removes excess oil from the skin without stripping it of its natural moisture. This balance is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, as over-drying can lead to increased oil production and further breakouts. The natural ingredients in neem basil face wash ensure that your skin remains hydrated while keeping oiliness in check.
Neem basil face wash is also an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. Its gentle formulation soothes and calms the skin, reducing irritation and redness. This makes it suitable for individuals with conditions such as eczema or rosacea, who often struggle to find products that do not aggravate their skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of neem and basil work together to provide relief from these conditions, promoting a more even and comfortable complexion.
Apart from offering acne-fighting and oil-controlling properties, neem basil face wash is also highly effective in enhancing the overall texture and tone of the skin. Its regular use results in a smoother, more refined skin surface. The exfoliating properties of neem remove dead skin cells, revealing a fresher and more radiant complexion underneath. This gentle exfoliation process prevents the buildup of dead skin, which can lead to dullness and clogged pores.
Neem basil face wash is also beneficial for those looking to reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes. The healing properties of neem promote the regeneration of healthy skin cells, which aids in the fading of scars and dark spots. Basil's soothing and rejuvenating effects further enhance this process, resulting in a more even skin tone over time. Consistent use of this face wash diminishes the visibility of past acne scars and blemishes, leaving the skin looking clearer and more youthful.
Using neem basil face wash as part of your daily skincare routine is straightforward. Begin by wetting your face with lukewarm water to open up the pores. Apply a small amount of face wash to your fingertips and gently massage it onto your face in circular motions. Focus on areas that are prone to oiliness or breakouts, such as the T-zone. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat your face dry with a clean towel. For best results, use it twice daily, in the morning and before bedtime.
The natural ingredients in neem basil face wash make it a safe and effective option for daily use. Unlike many conventional face washes that contain harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances, neem basil face wash is free from harmful additives. This makes it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The absence of synthetic ingredients ensures that neem basil face wash does not cause any adverse reactions, such as dryness or irritation, making it a reliable choice for maintaining healthy skin.
Apart from using neem basil face wash, adopting a holistic approach to skincare enhances its benefits. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and essential nutrients supports overall skin health. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins and keeps the skin hydrated from within. Regular exercise improves blood circulation, promoting a healthy and glowing complexion. Practicing good hygiene, such as changing pillowcases frequently and avoiding touching your face with unclean hands, also contributes to clearer skin.
Key Takeaway
Neem basil face wash is a highly effective skincare product that offers numerous benefits for clear and healthy skin. The combination of neem and basil provides powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, making it ideal for treating acne, controlling excess oil, and soothing irritated skin. Regular use of this face wash enhances the texture and tone of the skin, reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes, and promotes a radiant complexion. By incorporating neem basil face wash into your daily skincare routine and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, you can achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy skin.
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kinaya-farms12 · 16 days
The Best Natural Skin Cream for Pimples and Wrinkles - Kinaya Farms
In the quest for flawless, youthful skin, many turn to various products promising quick results. However, the key to healthy skin often lies in natural, time-tested remedies. At Kinaya Farms, we are proud to introduce our Shata Dhauta Ghrita, a natural skin cream that has been crafted with care to address common skin concerns like pimples and wrinkles. Our product also doubles as an effective night cream, making it a versatile addition to your skincare routine.
Natural Skin Cream for Pimples
Pimples can be a persistent issue, especially for those with oily or acne-prone skin. The Shata Dhauta Ghrita from Kinaya Farms is an exceptional natural skin cream formulated to help reduce pimples and prevent future breakouts. Made with pure, high-quality ingredients, this cream soothes the skin, reduces inflammation, and balances oil production without clogging pores. By integrating this natural remedy into your skincare regimen, you can achieve clearer, healthier skin.
Shata Dhauta Ghrita: An Age-Old Remedy
Shata Dhauta Ghrita, which translates to "100 times washed ghee," is an ancient Ayurvedic preparation known for its numerous skin benefits. This unique process involves washing the ghee repeatedly to enhance its cooling and healing properties. The result is a silky, lightweight cream that deeply penetrates the skin to provide intense hydration and nourishment. Kinaya Farms' Shata Dhauta Ghrita is crafted using traditional methods, ensuring you receive the full benefits of this time-honored remedy.
Night Cream: Rejuvenate While You Sleep
The importance of a good night cream cannot be overstated. Your skin undergoes repair and regeneration during the night, making it the ideal time to apply a nourishing cream. Kinaya Farms' Shata Dhauta Ghrita serves as an excellent night cream, offering deep hydration and repair while you sleep. Its natural ingredients work harmoniously to rejuvenate the skin, leaving it soft, supple, and glowing by morning. Regular use can help improve skin texture and tone, making it an essential part of your nightly skincare routine.
Best Face Cream for Wrinkles
Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but with the right care, you can maintain youthful, radiant skin. Kinaya Farms' Shata Dhauta Ghrita is one of the best face creams for wrinkles, thanks to its rich, nourishing formula. The cream's potent anti-aging properties help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting smoother, firmer skin. By boosting collagen production and enhancing skin elasticity, this cream ensures that your skin looks its best at any age.
Why Choose Kinaya Farms?
At Kinaya Farms, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, natural skincare solutions. Our Shata Dhauta Ghrita is made with the utmost care, using only the finest ingredients. We believe in the power of nature and the wisdom of traditional remedies, which is why our products are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic additives. When you choose Kinaya Farms, you're choosing a brand committed to purity, sustainability, and the well-being of your skin.
In conclusion, Kinaya Farms' Shata Dhauta Ghrita is a versatile, natural skin cream that addresses multiple skin concerns. Whether you're dealing with pimples, looking for a nourishing night cream, or seeking the best face cream for wrinkles, our Shata Dhauta Ghrita is the perfect solution. Experience the benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic remedy and reveal your skin's true potential with Kinaya Farms. Visit our website today to learn more and make a purchase: Shata Dhauta Ghrita.
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shreyavk · 18 days
Buy Kumkumadi Tailam at Herbnhopes | Improve Skin's Radiance
Buy Kumkumadi Tailam at Herbnhopes and experience the transformative power of this ancient Ayurvedic formula. Improve your skin's radiance naturally.
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How to Use?
Apply 2-3 drops of Oil and massage with your fingertips until fully absorbed.
Leave it overnight and wash your face in the morning.
For oily skin, apply 1-2 drops of oil over your face and neck & wash it off after 30 minutes
Note: Do not rub, Gently massage on your face n neck area
Why Choose Us 
Cruelty Free
Made in India
Free from Harsh Chemicals
Made from Organic Herbs
visit our site : https://herbsnhopes.com/
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ze2-us · 2 months
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Zenius Aloe Neem Facewash paraben-free and sulfate-free formula gives gentle cleansing without over-drying it, thus controlling the rebound oil secretion. Neem has been used from time immemorial in India for its effect on acne conditions. Zenius Aloe Neem Facewash for normal oily and acne-prone skin is an ayurvedic formula specially formulated to soothe oily and acne-prone skin. Thoroughly rinse off with water. Squeeze out a small amount of face wash on your palms and gently massage for building up a lather on the skin. Aloe Vera soothes irritated and inflamed skin. Neem, Aloe Vera, cleanser base.
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ayurvedasifa · 2 months
Salicylic acid face wash
Are you tired of battling stubborn acne and blemishes? Look no further than salicylic acid face wash, your key to achieving clear and radiant skin. Say goodbye to pesky breakouts and hello to a smoother complexion with this powerful skincare ingredient.
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What is Salicylic Acid?
Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) known for its ability to penetrate deep into the pores, effectively unclogging them and preventing acne formation. Unlike harsh exfoliants that can strip the skin of its natural oils, salicylic acid gently exfoliates, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Benefits of Salicylic Acid Face Wash
Unclogs Pores: Salicylic acid Face wash works by dissolving the buildup of dead skin cells and excess oil that can lead to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne.
Prevents Breakouts: By keeping pores clear, salicylic acid helps prevent future breakouts from occurring, giving you clearer skin over time.
Reduces Inflammation: This powerful ingredient also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in calming redness and swelling associated with acne.
Improves Skin Texture: Regular use of salicylic acid face wash can result in smoother, more even-toned skin, with fewer visible blemishes and imperfections.
Suitable for All Skin Types: Whether you have oily, combination, or sensitive skin, salicylic acid is gentle enough for daily use, yet potent enough to deliver noticeable results.
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How to Use Salicylic Acid Wash Face 
Cleanse Twice Daily: Incorporate salicylic acid face wash into your daily skincare routine, cleansing your face morning and night to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.
Massage Gently: Apply a small amount of face wash to damp skin and massage gently in circular motions, focusing on areas prone to breakouts.
Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water, ensuring all traces of the cleanser are removed.
Follow with Moisturizer: Always follow up with a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and balanced.
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Tips for Optimal Results
Start Slowly: If you're new to salicylic acid, start with a lower concentration (around 0.5% to 2%) to minimize the risk of irritation.
Use Sun Protection: Salicylic acid face wash can increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun, so be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily.
Avoid Overuse: While salicylic acid is effective, using it too frequently can lead to dryness and irritation. Limit use to once or twice daily as needed.
Say goodbye to acne woes and hello to clear, radiant skin with salicylic acid face wash. With its ability to unclog pores, prevent breakouts, and improve overall skin texture, it's no wonder this powerhouse ingredient is a staple in skincare routines worldwide. Incorporate it into your daily regimen and get ready to put your best face forward.
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kusumasposts · 2 months
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Antifungal properties of this magical Charcoal Facewash remove acne-causing bacteria and attract dirt and impurities.
This Cleanser extraordinarily planned for men and women with regular and ayurvedic fixings which not just eliminate pollution that infiltrates your skin because of sunbeams and contamination however it likewise eliminates stopped up hair follicles bringing about more brilliant skin.
Suitable for all skin types and Makes oily free.
ANTI ACNE / PIMPLE – This Face wash helps clear and reduce pores, breakouts, and acne control. Makes it pollution-free and gives a brightening glow. Helps prevent future outbreaks.
PRIMARY BENEFITS – This charcoal face wash good for acne-prone skin. Removes pimples, skin tone, and blackheads. gives Bright and Purifying skin. No Side-Effects of this facewash for men.
GENTLE ON SKIN - This scrub Face wash is highly effective for dark circles and giving your skin a soothing and good look.
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manav-khadi-herbal · 2 years
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glaceorg · 3 months
Unveiling India's Top Skin Care Products: Elevate Your Beauty Routine
In the vibrant landscape of Indian skincare, a plethora of products cater to diverse skin types and concerns, promising radiant and healthy skin. From traditional Ayurvedic remedies to cutting-edge innovations, the Indian skincare market offers a treasure trove of effective solutions. Let's explore some of the Top skin care products in India that have captured the hearts of beauty enthusiasts across the nation.
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Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Face Wash: Renowned for its purifying properties, this face wash from Himalaya Herbals harnesses the power of neem and turmeric to cleanse and clarify the skin. Ideal for oily and acne-prone skin, it helps combat breakouts and blemishes while leaving the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Lakmé Absolute Perfect Radiance Skin Lightening Day Crème: Formulated with precious micro-crystals and skin lightening vitamins, this day cream from Lakmé is a favorite among those seeking luminous and even-toned skin. Its lightweight texture and SPF 30 PA++ provide hydration and sun protection, making it a must-have in every skincare regimen.
Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid: Drawing inspiration from ancient Ayurvedic recipes, Kama Ayurveda's Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid is a potent blend of saffron, sandalwood, and other precious herbs. This luxurious facial oil nourishes and revitalizes the skin, reducing pigmentation, dark spots, and signs of aging for a radiant complexion.
Forest Essentials Soundarya Radiance Cream with 24K Gold and SPF 25: Infused with pure 24-karat gold, this exquisite radiance cream from Forest Essentials is a symbol of luxury and indulgence. Enriched with potent botanical extracts and SPF 25, it deeply hydrates the skin, improves elasticity, and protects against environmental damage, unveiling a youthful and glowing complexion.
Biotique Bio Fruit Whitening Lip Balm: For soft, supple, and rosy lips, Biotique's Bio Fruit Whitening Lip Balm is a cult favorite. Enriched with the goodness of fruits like almond, dates, and anjeer (fig), this nourishing lip balm hydrates, smoothens, and brightens the lips, keeping them moisturized throughout the day.
In conclusion,
India's skincare market offers a diverse array of products catering to every skin type and concern. Whether you seek the time-tested wisdom of Ayurveda or the latest advancements in skincare technology, there's something for everyone. Incorporate these top skincare products into your beauty routine to unlock the secret to radiant and flawless skin.
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divisastore · 2 years
Roop Mantra's cucumber face wash is what you need for a well-cleansed face this summer. Its blend of Neem, Turmeric, and Cucumber helps cleanse all the excess dirt, oil, dead skin cells and other impurities, leaving behind smooth and hydrated skin. Prepared with natural ingredients, this cucumber face wash is suitable for all skin types. 
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indranicosmetics · 4 months
Types of Skincare Products for Women in India
In the realm of skincare, India boasts a vibrant and diverse market, offering a plethora of products tailored to various skin types and concerns. From ancient Ayurvedic remedies to modern innovations, the Indian skincare industry continues to evolve, catering to the unique needs of women across the country. In this blog, we delve into the different types of skincare products for women in India, highlighting their benefits and popularity.
Cleansers and Face Washes: The cornerstone of any skincare routine, cleansers and face washes in India come in a variety of formulations to suit different skin types, including oily, dry, combination, and sensitive. From gentle foaming cleansers enriched with natural ingredients like neem and tulsi to oil-based cleansers that effectively remove makeup and impurities, there is a wide array of options to choose from.
Moisturizers: Hydration is key to maintaining healthy and radiant skin, and moisturizers play a vital role in replenishing moisture levels. In India, moisturizers range from lightweight lotions to rich creams, catering to the diverse climate and skin needs. Many formulations incorporate ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil, and hyaluronic acid to provide hydration while addressing specific concerns like dryness, dullness, or aging.
Sunscreen: With India's tropical climate and high levels of sun exposure, sunscreen is essential for protecting the skin from harmful UV rays. Women in India have access to a variety of sunscreen options, including broad-spectrum formulations with varying SPF levels. From lightweight, gel-based sunscreens suitable for daily wear to water-resistant options for outdoor activities, there is a sunscreen for every preference and skin type.
Serums and Treatments: Targeted treatments and serums have gained popularity in the Indian skincare market for addressing specific concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and aging. These potent formulations often contain active ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, and retinol, known for their skin-rejuvenating properties. Whether it's a brightening serum to fade dark spots or a retinol-based treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, women in India have access to a wide range of solutions to enhance their skincare routines.
Face Masks: Face masks are beloved for their ability to provide intensive treatment and instant results. In India, face masks come in various forms, including clay masks, sheet masks, and gel masks, each offering unique benefits. From detoxifying clay masks infused with charcoal to hydrating sheet masks soaked in botanical extracts, women can indulge in a spa-like experience at home while addressing specific skin concerns.
Natural and Ayurvedic Products: India has a rich tradition of herbal and Ayurvedic skincare remedies, and many women prefer natural and organic products for their skincare needs. From traditional formulations like ubtans (herbal pastes) and herbal oils to modern interpretations infused with potent botanical extracts, natural skincare products are increasingly popular among women seeking gentle yet effective solutions.
Specialized Skincare: With advancements in skincare science, specialized products targeting niche concerns have become increasingly available in the Indian market. This includes products like eye creams for dark circles and puffiness, lip balms for dry and chapped lips, and spot treatments for acne and blemishes. These products cater to specific areas or concerns, providing tailored solutions for women looking to address particular skincare issues.
In conclusion, the skincare market in India offers a diverse range of products catering to the unique needs and preferences of women. From traditional Ayurvedic remedies to cutting-edge formulations, there is something for everyone, ensuring that women can craft personalized skincare routines to achieve healthy, glowing skin. By understanding the different types of skincare products available and selecting those best suited to their individual needs, women in India can embark on a journey towards radiant and beautiful skin.
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The Ultimate Diwali Gift Guide: Skincare Hampers for Loved Ones
The festive season is upon us, and it brings with it a sense of charm and joy that’s hard to beat. From adorning every nook and cranny of your home with shimmering lights to dressing up in your finest attire, from spending quality time with loved ones to the sheer delight of exchanging gifts — Diwali is truly a special time of year. As we prepare to celebrate the festival of lights, one question inevitably arises: What’s the perfect Diwali gift?
Well, if you’re looking to light up the skin — and the lives — of your loved ones, skincare hampers are the way to go! This Diwali, why not gift the radiance of healthy skin to those you care about? We’ve curated a list of fantastic Diwali gifting ideas that will add a glow to the celebrations of your dear ones.
Products That Shine Bright From Glamour World Ayurvedic:
1. Insta Glow Kit with Glow Active Facial Oil:
Who doesn’t want an instant glow? The Insta Glow Face Pack is a magical concoction that not only unveils your natural radiance but also does so efficiently, saving both time and money during these busy seasons. The best part is that it has all the necessary ingredients in a single-face pack, which is full of goodness. What’s not to love? This kit also includes a rose toner and facial oil that work wonders, leaving skin radiant and revitalized.
What’s in the hamper?
Insta Glow Face Pack
Glow Clean Rose Toner
Glow Active Facial Oil
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2. The Ultimate Oily Skin Combo, Kapha Dosha:
For friends and family who struggle with oily skin, this combo is a game-changer. It contains carefully crafted Ayurvedic products designed to balance Kapha dosha and leave the skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated.
In Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing, the Kapha dosha represents qualities like heaviness, oiliness, and stability. When Kapha dosha is out of balance, it can lead to an excess of these qualities, resulting in oily and congested skin. The “Ultimate Oily Skin Combo” is designed to bring equilibrium to Kapha dosha, helping skin regain its natural radiance.
What’s in the hamper?
Glow Shine Face Wash
Glow Fairness Scrub
Glow Shine Pack & Shine Solution
Glow Clean Rose Toner
Glow Fair Moisturiser
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3. Sensitive Skin Brightening Combo, Pitta Dosha:
In Ayurveda, the Pitta dosha is associated with qualities like heat, intensity, and inflammation. When Pitta dosha is out of balance, it can manifest as sensitive skin, prone to redness and irritation. The “Sensitive Skin Brightening Combo” aims to soothe and balance Pitta dosha, allowing the skin to shine with health. Regular use helps overcome breakouts and full-scale flare-ups with gentle and effective ingredients. It helps in hydrating freshly surfaced skin and protecting it against pollutants and toxins, giving even-toned, fairer, fresh-looking skin.
What’s in the hamper?
Glow Mint Face Wash
Glow Fairness Scrub
Glow Active & Glow Shine Solution
Glow Shine & Mint Gel
Glow Mint Moisturiser
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4. Dry and Normal Skin Hydrating Combo, Vata Dosha:
Those who have dry or normal skin know the importance of keeping skin well-hydrated and nourished. The “Dry and Normal Skin Hydrating Combo, Vata Dosha” is the answer to achieving a radiant and healthy complexion. This skincare regimen is thoughtfully designed for those with dry or normal skin types, with a focus on deep hydration and nourishment.
In Ayurveda, the Vata dosha is associated with qualities like dryness, roughness, and instability. When Vata dosha is out of balance, it can manifest as dry, dehydrated skin that’s prone to fine lines and dullness. The “Dry and Normal Skin Hydrating Combo” is designed to nourish and balance Vata dosha, leaving skin looking and feeling deeply hydrated and radiant.
What’s in the hamper?
Glow Smooth Face Wash
Glow Fairness Scrub
Glow Fresh & Glow Fair Solution
Glow Brightening Hydrating Serum
Use Glow Young Moisturiser
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5. The Ultimate P.M. Routine:
Give the gift of a luxurious evening skincare routine. This package includes products designed to pamper the skin before bedtime, allowing your loved ones to wake up with a radiant complexion.
There’s a reason they call it “beauty sleep.” Your skin is at its most receptive when you’re at rest. The Glamour World Ayurvedic’s Ultimate P.M. Routine harnesses this power and combines it with carefully selected products to create a skincare ritual that delivers impressive results. So, as you lay your head on your pillow each night, know that you’re not just resting; you’re indulging in a little skincare magic that will leave you waking up to the best version of yourself.
What’s in the hamper?
Glow Kesar Milk Face Wash
Glow Clean Rose Toner
Glow Brightening Anti–Wrinkle Serum
Glow Night Cream
Glow Fresh Facial Oil
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6. P.M. Care For Acne Control:
For those dealing with acne-prone skin, this thoughtful gift is a gem. It contains products aimed at controlling breakouts and supporting clearer, healthier skin.
Dealing with acne can be a challenge, but a well-thought-out skincare routine can make all the difference. The “P.M. Care For Acne Control” routine is a secret weapon for combating breakouts and achieving clearer, healthier skin.
What’s in the hamper?
Glow Mint Face Wash
Glow Mint Moisturiser
Glow Clean Rose Toner
Glow Brightening Hydrating Serum
Glow Active Facial Oil
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A Personal Note: To make your skincare hamper even more special, consider including a heartfelt Diwali greeting card. Pen down your warm wishes and express your love for your dear ones. A personal touch can make the gift all the more meaningful, letting them know that you’ve put thought and care into their Diwali surprise.
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