#ayyye i had this one typed up already
inkyvendingmachine · 3 years
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“Is there ink in this room...?” “Is there a party in this room?”
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
First though:  Spoilers for the First Scenario from Tales of the Crescent City, which has been reprinted out of the Great Old Ones; We are actively playing, please no spoilers, but also we will have spoilers from it ourselves as we play. Read at your own risk.
aaayyeee gets another one out right away too... now it’ll bet 8 more years for the next one (hopefully not)
Staff in hand, the five run towards the exit only to encounter a weird foggy door, clearly magic, no telling what’s on the other side. Moonlight was ready to sick some goons on them, but a gunshot rings out, which was probably Avedon?? Attempting to kill Fowler or Moonlight?? Who knows, thanks for the distraction dude!! Joey struggles for a moment, fighting Party!Bendy who really wants to go eat, and slips down a stability level (now has starry eyes + tail!! Can’t stop grinning!!! This will be great.), though Joey does manage to go through the door, everyone else following near.
We end up in a kind of castley looking room… that contains no ink, Sammy immediately notices. Meanwhile, Henry notices that the room has a weirdly similar layout to his living room, and there’s literally photographs of his family on the walls. Joey insists that it’s an illusion, a trick to keep us here scared, and insists we go on through the next door. Meanwhile, Sammy tries to snap Jack out of… whatever he’s doing, but Jack just is worried about the fact we’re probably snooping around where we shouldn’t belong, and wants to get back to the party. As everyone heads towards the door, Henry’s family starts fading out of the pictures, only he is in them now… 2 SPOOKY LETS GO.
We end up in a hallway, which seems to be back in Fowler’s Mansion. There’s decorations and the same writing on the walls as was at the studio. But this time, the ink is black… and calling for Sammy. He starts to go for it, and Henry manages to grab him and steer him towards the end of the hall. As they move towards the door, realizing how much of a danger Sammy is in right now, it’s noticed that there’s a mirror on the back… and Sammy sees something in that, and starts running towards it. Joey, having no idea bout this though, simply opens the door and ushers everyone through.
We pile into a new room that’s castley again, but this one doesn’t seem to have an exit. Actually, it seems to be made not to have an exit, as it is a prison cell. The door they came through is bars now instead of being foggy. Joey screams in frustration. Sammy meanwhile, breaks down muttering about how “he was there, he can help,” as Jack tries to console him… Jack knows Sammy doesn’t like parties, but this seems to be more upsetting than usual. Otherwise, he doesn’t notice anything is wrong beyond “we’ve still not gone back to the party.” As this happens, Sammy grabs Jack by the lapels and starts trying to beg for him to get out of this weird party mode he’s stuck in… but it’s not getting through. 
Meanwhile, Joey has toon-ed his way through the bars and manages to pick the lock open on the other side. It takes some convincing to get everyone heading down the hall again, but he’s not going to leave anyone in that prison cell. As they reach another foggy door, Joey finally picks up on some of Peter’s mumbling about how Carcosa works, and gets an idea about using the door. Like usual, he ushers everyone through, though this time he holds himself back. Joey closes his eyes and walks through the door, thinking less of a specific place, and more “take me where I need to be to fix all of this.” As he moves forwards into darkness, the hallway gets smaller and smaller, until eventually he hits a locked door. There’s something glowing though…
Meanwhile, the other four pile into what seems to be the room where Sammy knew the vault holding the slick stone was. Some of reality is wonky in here, being half castle, half mansion… but there’s still two guards standing in front of the giant safe hidden by large painting. Henry decides to try “Pulling a Joey” since he’s dressed up as staff, and walks up claiming it’s an emergency and they need the contents of the safe. The two guards seem… wary, and only then does everyone notice, by his lack of  stepping in, Joey is… missing? Sammy steps up behind him and tries to help out, or at least make sure he’s ready to help fight if they try to attack Henry… but they manage to convince the guards to let them open the safe. Henry puts in the code, a birthday he got from Fowler’s diary, and opens the safe to… Joey???
Yeah somehow Joey managed to door his way into the safe, which contains the stone!! Very carefully and with Bendy’s help, he manages to take off his comically large bow tie and wrap the stone up in it, then Bendy tucks it in an inner pocket of his vest. He walks out of the safe like nothing is weird about the situation, though the guards are sort of worried about his face… as it seems to fit some of the description of the Yellow King’s… messenger??? who’s been causing issues… but he doesn’t exactly fit, and when Jack steps in to reassure that it’s all fine, they manage to head towards the exit without much more difficulty. 
There IS a plate of sandwiches right next to the door, which Bendy stacks up and eats in all one bite… just like in the cartoons!! Except he was still in Joey’s body as all this happens so uhhhh EVERYONE TAKES SANITY DAMAGE FOR WITNESSING THAT.
With a little more confidence on how to control the door, they try to head towards the room with the pictures and ritual circle again… though end up at a gazebo?? Perhaps outside of Fowler’s house, but the garden is really nice at least. Too nice…
We head out towards the mansion, and then uhh a person falls from the sky?? And based on Peter’s screaming, it’s indeed the same reporter guy that started his entire investigation into these matters. Seems weird to be happening here and now and everyone is uneasy,,, especially Joey who miiiiight have a thing about watching people fall to their death. Just a little bit. But the main fact is that Peter does NOT want to be in open air and tries to run back to the gazebo, at which point we all grab him and run back towards the mansion instead. 
When we reach the doors going in, they’re foggy again, so Joey takes this as another opportunity to try and get into the ritual room by doing what he’s been doing. Turns out… the less sane you are attempting this feat, the better the results will be.
They end up in the room with the inky circle and the pictures and everything, though half of the room has melted into a hill that leads back down to the lake, and most things are weirdly strewn about now because of it. Sammy immediately goes for the inky circle though gets caught by Henry, who also tries to stop Joey from tampering with the circle since there’s protection runes around it. For whatever reason, Joey believes they cannot hurt him, and goes for the circle anyways, indeed getting hurt and turning into an inky goo creature. Sammy pulls away from a distracted Henry and immediately goes to the ink, while others in the party behold the inky demonic form of Joey/Bendy. Prophet Sammy, however, walks up and reaches out to touch the ink creature's face, asking “My lord, what do you need of me?” 
Joey and Bendy have no way to communicate in this form. Internally though, they’re both making a lot of noise at each other.
MEANWHILE, Jack just really wants to get back to the party and suddenly believes he can get there if he just gets through this wall, starts ripping down photos and stuff as…
Fowler shows up.
He demands to know what they thought they were doing, obviously he would know if they were messing with the circle. While Henry tries to talk to him, Prophet grabs the rocking horse and tries to smash Fowler in the back of the head with it. 
Fowler seems… pretty unphased by this, and turns to grab Sammy’s face after saying “This isn’t how the story goes.” And starts trying to attack the masked messenger out of Prophet’s system and turn him to the Yellow King. Jack is still foggy brain, but can realize that his friend is being harmed and manages to shove Fowler away from Sammy. Henry steps between Fowler and everyone else, making it clear that if Fowler tries to do anything to hurt them he will attack back. Fowler raises a hand and says “It’s too late, nothing can be done,” before trying to shift the room, and Henry takes a swing at him but… again, just doesn’t seem to affect him. He does get to see the bullet hole though; Fowler did indeed get shot earlier.
Joey finally manages to recompose, at which point he toons out his arm to just… gRAB??? FOWLER??? And fLING?!?? AT LAKE?!?!? Bye dude,
After Joey flings him, there’s a distant splash, as well as some distant ramblings of Avedon that we could hear go silent. That bought us a little time: Joey and Prophet instantly start to put together the spell to convert the stone. Also Prophet removes his mask, it’s a false mask and he refuses to wear it. 
Joey actually lets Prophet take the lead on converting the stone, wanting to make sure they get this done right and as quickly as possible so they can move on with all of this. But as soon as the spell starts up, there’s an upset “NO!!” in the distance, and the room starts to shift more. Henry tries to run down to the lake and confront Fowler, stop him?? Inform him that we have a way to get his family back, without doing all this! But Fowler simply replies for him to prove it, before teleporting all of them away. Joey and Prophet both tackle the stone the moment they notice they won’t be able to complete the ritual, and Joey actually manages to grab it… as they end up back at the party. 
Prophet and Henry end up seeing the Yellow Sign again, but Henry is able to push it out of himself, and Prophet is... a bit more filled with other things and has less room for sign. Joey starts trying to plan with Henry to get out to the lake; get the family back, then go to the picture room again. Prophet obviously disagrees, though eventually goes along with it when the other two point out that Fowler will probably just continue to kick them out until the situation has changed. Jack objects because we finally got back to the party, at which point Joey turns to him, grabs him, and starts trying to boss-voice demand him out to fight through the sign. For a moment, it works, and Jack looks horrified… and then he slips away again. Prophet also tries a softer approach…?  Trying to lead his sheep away from the lies of the false king, but it doesn’t get though… Jack is handed off to Peter to watch and they head towards the door that was found earlier to head out to the lake. 
Jack does have some issues with doors now, so it takes multiple people to shove him through and head out into a hut near the ritual site they had been at earlier. Also, Norman is here!! Dressed kinda like the Cheshire cat and peeking out the window of the hut, down to one of the monoliths where Avedon is tied up and being questioned by Doc Moonlight, who’s very sure that he’s with JDS??? (While Avedon thinks JDS is with the yellow king?? It’s a very confusing conversation.) 
Well, Norman wants to get his buddy back, and this seems like a good time to try and take out moonlight, so Prophet borrows Henry’s whackity stick and tries to knock him out. That fails though, and the moment he’s threatened, Joey bounds out, turning his arm into a giant cartoon hand claw and going for Moonlight on the way. The doc actually manages to dodge and gets a spell off on Prophet that causes him to Bleed From Face, at which point Jack runs out with Peter nearby to help get Sammy out of danger while he is blind and screaming. Henry also runs out and scoops up the stick to whack Moonlight with, giving opportunity to Joey to pin him down, and then Henry knocks him out. Carefully but with big-ol-cartoony claws, Joey unties a very frazzled Avedon and uses the ropes to tie Moonlight to the thing instead. 
With a moment of quiet, they try to start planning out the next step… but there’s only a moment of quiet, as Angels scream in the distance.
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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RP Log: Riylli is worried about Cravs.
Riylli Aliapoh knocks on the door to Cravs room, having grabbed some emergency drinks beforehand just in case. "...Cravs? You in there?" She called out, shuffling her feet awkwardly. "I was thinkin' we could talk a little? About the whole... plan, thingy..."
Cravendy Hound is right about to tuck into a pastry roll when Riylli knocks on the door. Panicking, she grabs the plate and hides it unceremoniously on the ground behind the bar. She then clears her throat and shouts to welcome the miqo'te in. "AH YEAH. I'm 'ere! To talk."
Riylli Aliapoh enters the room, drinks in hand, and gives it a look over. "...Huh. This place is a lot... Cozier than I expected." She muses, stepping further inside. "I was kinda expectin' it to just be a hammock. That's how you folks sleep in Limsa, right?" She asked, moving to take a seat by Cravs' minibar, realizing her grabbing drinks from upstairs may have been a little pointless
Cravendy Hound rolls her eyes. "Did ye expect my room to be an empty space with a hammock in the middle, then? Haha, yer right about 'em being common in Limsa, but mostly cause they're cheap and fit on boats." Behind her is an assortment of bottles, most half empty. She sets out two glasses and pours Riylli a bit of rum.
Cravendy Hound: "So, mind pourin' me a bit of what ye brought?" She eyes the drinks that Riylli has with her.
Riylli Aliapoh watches Cravs pour her a drink, then looks towards her own. "O-Oh, uh, this is just some stuff I grabbed upstairs... Sorry, I only remembered last minute you're supposed to bring gifts to peoples homes..." Riylli mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. Still, she picked up one of the bottles and pours Cravs out a shot. "It's just some mead. I didn't know what you liked but you brought that bottle yesterday so..."
Cravendy Hound chuckles, but accepts the mead anyway. "Word of advice. If yer regiftin' someone somethin' ye got for free, it's best to not let 'em know. I don't care, but a fancier fella like Mivo would."
Riylli Aliapoh 's cheeks coloured a bit at the gentle scolding. "...Sorry. I don't exactly care what that pompous shitehead thinks, but I'll make sure to bring you a proper housewarmin' gift next time!" She declares with a nod, taking the first sip of her drink. A strained expression on her face makes it obvious she is clearly struggling with it, but she manages to get it all down thankfully. "It's... good." She fibs
Cravendy Hound: "Yesterday I learned the guy ain't a thoroughbred, though 'e might talk like one. But anyway, enough about 'im. Look, Riylli, I literally don't expect anythin' of the sort. I'm not the type to get wound up over 'ousewarmin' gifts or proper etiquette." She gestures over to the pile of dirty dishes stacked on top of a barrel behind her to drive home the point.
Cravendy Hound picks up on Riylli's struggle and grins. "......well, if ye like it so much, 'ow about a refill?"
Riylli Aliapoh hesitates, but nods. "S...Sure." She says, trying her hardest to be a good houseguest. "And, I still wanna get you somethin'! I don't suppose you'd accept an animal pelt or something along those lines? That's usually what we Miqo'te gift when visiting other clans. Can use it as a rug!"
Cravendy Hound: "Could use a rug. Yeah, why don't ye bring me one?" Cravs grabs the bottle of rum and empties what little remains into Riylli's glass. She thinks for a second. "...would 'ave to be pretty big to be used as a rug. Ye 'untin' bears out there?"
Riylli Aliapoh: "Usually antelope and boars, but those won't do as a gift. I could totally get you a bear if that's what you want!" She says with a grin, picking up her glass and holding it for a moment. "Though... Might take a bit. I doubt Ava will let me use one I don't catch myself." She pauses to take a deep breath before once again downing her drink, trying to swallow it before she can taste it and making another face when that plan failed. "...Speaking of. I talked to her like I said, and she seems to agree that goin' about things the legal way is probably the best path... But... I sorta... I don't know." She shuffled in place awkwardly, before closing her eyes and taking another deep breath. "I... Don't think it's a good idea to go through those... 'friends' of yours..."
Cravendy Hound: "Well, be careful? Bears are no joke, and 'onestly...ye'll 'ave the Elementals to worry about too. Stupid forest ghosts sent a buncha bees after me, even though it was just a misunderstandin' on my part." Cravs twitches and looks around herself. "They can't 'ear me in 'ere, can they? Shit. I mean, the blessed, all-mighty Elementals."
Cravendy Hound leans back and focuses on the bits of dust caught on the edge of her glass, the topic change putting her a bit on edge. She sighs. "Well, what do ye suggest then? Go diggin' for a different crime to catch Mindred with?"
Riylli Aliapoh shrunk a bit, feeling the change in the atmosphere. Though Cravs could not see from behind the bar, her tail had ended up in her lap and she was nervously fiddling with it. "I... Don't know. I don't think I have any suggestions really... I just... Don't like the idea of you getting close to them again." She mumbles, deciding the nearby plant had become rather interesting and keeping her eyes on it instead of Cravs. "But... I'm sure we can think of something, right?"
Cravendy Hound raised a brow. Was Riylli...worried? Or jealous? Both, neither, something else altogether? Either way, Cravs was having trouble reading Riylli's reaction. "Eh? Oh, uh, they're really not that bad. I'm sure if ye met 'em ye'd change yer mind. And it's not like I'm plannin' on goin' back to piratin' full time anyhow, I've got responsibilities 'ere now."
Riylli Aliapoh raised an eyebrow, not in disbelief but in curiosity. "They... Aint? But I thought..." She hesitates, not really sure how to put her words together. "Um... Tell me about them then? If they really aint bad, then we can go through them. Just... I don't want you going back to... Y'know..." She mumbled, hoping the implication was enough for her to avoid mentioning anything specific.
Cravendy Hound: "A bandit's a bandit until ye get to know 'em. Not sayin' they ain't crass, violent, or dumb as 'ell sometimes, but at the end of the day, they're just people who value....freedom," Cravs tries, as she attempts to present them in the best light possible. "Don't go lookin' for 'em yerself though. Seriously."
Cravendy Hound tilts her head as she tries to complete Riylli's thought. "...don't know if I can make any promises. I'm naturally....well, I'm not particularly good at bein' good."
Riylli Aliapoh makes a face. "Violent is what I'm worried about... There are plenty of Miqo'te clans and tribes that aren't afraid to kill if someone trespasses or goes against their laws, but... They don't go lookin' for trouble like bandit groups do." She says, before Cravs speaks again. Her frown returns, "That aint true! I know you're a good person! That's why you helped build Dirtpatch back up, and that's why you're helpin' keep Baldur safe to begin with!" She insisted, something about the Roegadyns words seeming to strike a nerve. "Your past don't matter to me, but... I can't let you go back to being bad. So... Please, if working with those people might push you back on that path, can't we just find another way..?" The anger in her voice wavered near the end as she made her plea, a hint of fear in her eyes
Cravendy Hound is silent for a moment. She downs her mead and holds her glass upside down in her hand as she looks away. This isn't the first time she's heard something like this, and every time her gut reaction is disbelief. She can't shake the feeling that she's fooling everyone. Pretending. It'd be easier if no one put their trust in her, let her flail about without pressure.
Cravendy Hound: "I am...already...that's." She shakes her head. "Okay. If we can find another way. But if we can't, well. Then I wouldn't be opposed to bringin' ye along, if yer up for meetin' some unsavory saltfolk."
Riylli Aliapoh's eyes light up. "...Really?" She hops to her feet suddenly, leaning against the bar counter excitedly and absolutely not standing on her toes to do so. "Yeah! We'll come up with a great plan! And, if not, then I'll be there with you when we meet 'em to keep you safe!" She declares, grinning wide enough to show off her fangs. "Rising can help us come up with somethin' clever I bet, I always hear those folk up in Idyllshire are supposed to be smart after all, so maybe some of that rubbed off on her!"
Cravendy Hound lets out a well-meaning laugh at the thought of Riylli and Rising keeping her safe. "Wha? Pf, if I bring ye two to meet 'em, I'll be the one on babysittin' duty! I'm worried one of ye'll rub one of 'em the wrong way!"
Cravendy Hound: "Does it work that way? Don't think I ever get any smarter from talkin' with Lin..."
Riylli Aliapoh: "Course it does! You've learned stuff about earth magic from hangin' around me, haven't you?" She asked, a question that clearly only had one safe answer. "If anythin' bad happens with them, Rising and I can handle ourselves! I aint scared of wannabe bandits, no way they can live up to what we got in the shroud! But... Anyroad. As long as they don't try to pull you back into their mess, I won't start nothing. Even if I really want to."
Cravendy Hound shakes her head with a grin. "Ayyye, I'm really startin' to regret agreein' to this...it's like take yer kid to work day. Ye'll, uhh. Ah," She pauses and a slight blush crosses over her face. "I've got a reputation to uphold in that group, okay? Ye guys see a real soft side to me, but they don't, so don't say anythin' embarassin' and leave most of the talkin' to me when it 'appens!"
Cravendy Hound: "Oi, I've done a lot of watchin', but not a lot of learnin'. And tossin' a rock with my 'ands doesn't count as earth magic!"
Riylli Aliapoh 's cheek colour. "I-I aint a kid! It'll be fine dammit!" She huffed, Cravs striking a nerve. "Though, I aint gonna let them try to say bad things about you, reputation be damned. That's why I'm goin' really, to make sure you remember that you aint that person anymore. Er... But we won't go! We'll come up with a better plan, remember? Solve it the 'lawful' way!" She said with another nod. "Or... At least a way not involvin' them."
Cravendy Hound: "Haha, yeah, that's right. Let's 'ope for the best then," Cravs answers. She doesn't want to get her hopes up, but Riylli makes that hard. "....Wait. Are ye actually a kid? I don't remember if I ever asked yer age."
Cravendy Hound: "Always thought ye were 22 or 24. But maybe...Gods, don't tell me yer actually...older than me..." Cravs trails off, pale as a sheet.
Riylli Aliapoh crosses her arms, giving Cravs a glare. "I said I aint! I'm an adult dammit, this is my twentieth summer." She mutters, daring Cravs to try and say something further about it. "Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't make me a kid. Everyones shorter than you!"
Cravendy Hound lets out a sigh of relief. Then: "Risin' ain't shorter than me."
Riylli Aliapoh: "She aint?" Riylli has to pause to think about it for a moment, it was rather hard to tell from her perspective. "Well, everyone not a Roegadyn then. My point still stands! Don't treat me like a kid just because I'm a Miqo'te, it's not my fault I wasn't born a giant like you!"
Cravendy Hound: "I think she's a little taller than me. Or maybe I'm gettin' mixed up with 'er lance. Eh." She shrugs. "I ain't treatin' ye like a kid! It'd just feel weird if ye were older than me is all!"
Riylli Aliapoh keeps her arms crossed, eyeing Cravs suspiciously for a few moments more before finally nodding. "...Good. We Miqo'te get looked down on all the time, but even if you're my friend I aint gonna let you do it too! It's gettin' late for you though, yeah? Should we make plans to meet up with Rising later to brainstorm? Can get drinks at the same time!" She said, flashing Cravs another bright grin
Cravendy Hound: "'ow else can I look at ye? Yer all the way down there!" Cravs teases, shooting Riylli a smug wink. "Hah, sounds like a plan. Best ideas come while drunk!"
Riylli Aliapoh glares back at Cravs. "Very funny. We'll meet up later then." She says, turning to leave. She opens the door only to pause for a moment, then turning to flash Cravs one final grin. "Enjoy your pastry!" She says, sending Cravs a smug wink of her own as she taps her nose and quickly disappears out the door.
Cravendy Hound 's eyes go wide and her mouth opens to shout something back, but Riylli is gone before she can get anything out. Damnit, how long did she know?! Cravs groans.
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TAG GAME: 10 Shuffle Songs
Thank to @thevintagious and @hildy-dont-be-hasty for tagging me :D
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!
I don’t have a favorite playlist (most of mine are either highly-thematic or organizational [e.g.Come Fly With Me-esque globetrotting, Verve records recordings, or music from Warner Bros. movies, sessions Emil Richards played on, etc.) so here’s a shuffle from the like 50 days of music I have in my iTunes library.
1. Opus One / The Four Freshmen / off Stars In Our Eyes (1961)
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I love the punchy brass backings on this record (arranged by I think either Dick Reynolds or Bill Holman), though something about The Four Freshmen’s vocal harmonies is weird for me. I much prefer the Hi-Lo’s for group-vocal harmony, but still this is a fun song and the arrangement and playing make up for my  lack of enthusiasm for the FF.
2. “You’ll Never Know “ / Eartha Kitt / off The Romantic Eartha (1962)
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 I love Eartha Kitt, she’s amazing on sexy swingers and in foreign languages, but her limited vocal abilities make a straightforward love ballad like this a poor fit for her and the arrangement’s kinda dull.
3. “Saudade de Bahia” / The Paul Winter Sextet / off Count Me In: 1962 & 1963 (50th Anniversary Anthology)
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A thrift CD I picked up last year, it’s solid early-60s jazz combo work. 
4. “Gigi ” / Louis Jordan / from the soundtrack to Gigi (1958)
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I really love this song, and though I prefer Steve Lawrence’s version, this original’s pretty good too - even if Louis Jordan isn’t much of a singer. I have 2 versions of this soundtrack - the 1st is a crappy 80s CD, and the 2nd is a Sony Music expanded edition. The cover for that one wasn’t really different than what I already had, so I made this red album cover edit so I could tell them apart in iTunes.
5. “Tem Mais Samba” / Quarteto Em Cy / off Bossa Nova Sua História Sua Gente (1975)
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This is one of my favorite recordings from this 70s Bossa Nova collection I picked up at my university’s library. The vocal harmonies are rich, the song’s groovy, and I love those flute falls. Highly-recommended!
6. “When Love Breaks Down” / Prefab Sprout / off Two Wheels Good  (1985) [released in the UK as Steve McQueen] 
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Okay FINALLY something that’s not mid-century jazz/traditional pop. This is my favorite song by the band Prefab Sprout, which I got turned-on to by one of my professors after I asked him for 80s pop recommendations to go with my Steve Harrington Halloween costume 2 yrs ago. Great song.
7. “Attaboy” / Stuart Duncan, Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer & Yo-Yo Ma / off The Goat Rodeo Sessions (2011)
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This was a free Starbucks download  my mom got back when they used to give out iTunes song cards every week or so. It’s cool kinda Irish/Celtic’y stuff, even if that’s not a style I’m usually in the mood for, it’s cool.
8. “The Mirror” / Jerry Goldsmith / Star Trek: Nemesis soundtrack (2002)
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I’ve never listened to this album. Cool track. Some of the synth work is really dated, but it’s Jerry Goldsmith so musically it’s still good. Not a track I think I’ll be listening to a lot. The ‘chase’ish section towards the end is neat.
9. “Peaks and Valleys” / Alan Silvestri / off the CHIPs Season 2 soundtrack (1978-9)
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Groovy disco-pop-cop underscore. I’m here for it.
10. “A New Hope” / Aaron Wheeler & Robert Bagshaw / KPM Music: Uplifting Strings & Beats (2011)
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Some libary/stock music I was given by one’a my professors last year as sample listening for an assignment where I wrote a stock cue in this style according to a brief my prof. got from a real library music co. It’s poppy stock music...
tagging: @reluctant-martyrs @bottomsrightsactivist @tyronepowerbottom @nitrateglow @aliveandfullofjoy @silveraspens @puhtatos-ayyye @missgarbos @classic-flicks-chick @mcwithaminthetardis
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Kings’ Trip (4)
T’Challa, M’Baku, Redeemed! Erik
Warnings: Cussin’, Family rivalries, slight, light peppering of implied smut, not even alladat. You’ll see.
Word Count: 2.8K  (it’s a miracle I stayed within rule max)
A/N: This is part of a The Black Panther fandom collab created by @royallyprincesslilly.  I really enjoyed doing this chapter, way more fun than I could’ve ever expected.  Honored to have taken part, this community it so blessed.  @katasstrophey, SHE READY!
Chapters: Kings’ Trip (1) By: @sisterwifeudaku, Kings’ Trip (2) By: @blackandfair (3) By: @royallyprincesslilly
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 The trip was proving to be a lot more than T’Challa signed up for.  It was something when Erik’s reckless, loudmouth self and M’Baku’s narcissistic, disrespectful attitude were the most mild people he would have to deal with.  The stress sat heavily on them into the next day.  At least, on everyone but Erik.
“Aight niggas, we headed to the beach.  Sun’s out, guns out.”  Erik clad in his swim trunks, towel around his neck, and stunna shades on.
M’Baku was on the TV trying to figure out a video game Erik beat him on.  “I’m not a very summer sun kind of individual, eh?  I’ll just stay back.  AGH!”  He yells as he loses the level again against the CPU.
Erik snatches the controller from M’Baku.  “Listen, you not gonna get any better at this today, trust me.  If my trash ass beat you on Rainbow Road, you just not cut out for the Kart.”
M’Baku crosses his arms in a huff.  Erik looks over to T’Challa who is stewing over a cup of coffee.  “Now what the hell is your problem?”
T’Challa shakes his head, “Have you been here for the past couple days?  I have a half-brother I never knew existed, you remember that?”
Erik sucks his teeth.  “Don’t be actin like you never been through this before, dawg.  You got a new cousin outta some Maury type shit, and we good!”
T’Challa looks over at Erik sullenly, “Our scenario is exactly what I am afraid of.”
Erik claps T’Challa on the back, “Don’t take it so hard, T.  That’s why we need to get you out the house.  This is still our kingcation, remember?!  Let’s get out there, check out the waves, the honeys, and get it poppin!”
Nakia comes in the living room from the back, “You guys are going out?”
Erik looks sideways at T’Challa, “No wonder you all blue and shit.  You know we can’t have no real fun unless your girl ghosts, right?”
Nakia glares at Erik, “Please, I couldn’t careless.  But the way you all are treating Adrian, I think it is only right you think of him before going out.”  She looks at T’Challa for confirmation, who turns his face scratching his scalp.
M’Baku steps over to them.  “For the record, I have no ill feelings towards the little guy.  But I wonder the significance of him being brought to our attention now?”
Nakia answers, “This is a sensitive predicament to break down to the tribal leaders.  We don’t want to expose him to too much of what is expected from his existence.  There are two groups of people that could be affected by this; we cannot risk an uproar like LAST time.”  Nakia works her neck in Erik’s direction.
“Aye, it worked itself out in the end right?  Chiiiill.  So what y’all gon do, cuz I’m headed for some mai tai’s and gettin a good spot on the beach real quick.”
Nakia shrugs, “That’s fine.  I’ll call Adrian to join you all.”
T’Challa perks up at this, “Eh?  Why do you keep pushing this boy off on us?  He is a grown man, he can make his way on his own.  Why are you acting like his mother?”
Nakia steps right under T’Challa’s nose.  “He is still young and impressionable though.  You spent all of your life thinking your father was the greatest man, without flaws.  As you have become grown, you see it is the opposite and it just keeps getting deeper!  How DARE you blame him for his situation.  You need to soften your heart and welcome him as your blood.  Stop thinking about the throne and your status and take in your family!”
M’Baku plants his hands on both their shoulders, “Ok, let us calm this lover’s quarrel.  Nakia, go ahead and call him.”
T’Challa knocks M’Baku’s hand off him, “What gives you any right to-”
“That is MY cousin, T’Challa.  I have EVERY right to see him while we are here.  Watch your tongue when speaking of a Jabari.”  M’Baku says pointing a finger in T’Challa’s face.
Erik claps his hands, “Aight!  I fucking love Black ass family reunions.  Leggo!”
The crew make their way to the beach and it’s packed with folks.  Erik and M’Baku race to get to some chairs that were unoccupied to claim.  M’Baku stretches out, yawning, “Ahh, the sun is so draining….”
Erik taps his chest, “Uh uh, Baku, getcha ass on up.  We goin to get some liq up in our sys.”
M’Baku sits up confused, “Why do you always speak like a broken radio?  I can only understand every other word with you.”  He gets up to walk off with Erik.
“T’Challa, you coming through?”  Erik asks.
T’Challa is laying back in a chair, towel covering his face as he waves them away without a word.  While they were gone, T’Challa contemplated the complexities of his family tree.  He prayed that his father didn’t have some kind of Zeus complex, making children wherever he laid his head.  
Soon as T’Challa started to drift off, an annoying yet familiar voice came to him.
“Aye!  The seagulls will make a meal out of you if you don’t stop laying out here roasting like this.”
Moving the towel, T’Challa sees his sister Shuri.  She had her braids half up and half down, with a cute patterned bikini on with a skirt coverup.
T’Challa sits up mortified, “Eh, you walk out of the house looking like this?!”  
Shuri puts a hand on her hip, “I do and I have already.  No angry mobs have rushed me in horror brother, so thanks.”
T’Challa tosses his shirt at her, “Put this on.  You are too young to be wearing that.”
Shuri looks at him sideways, throwing the shirt back.  “You do realize toddlers where things very similar to this as well, yeah?  Calm your blood pressure, umkhulu.”
Erik and M’Baku are laughing and chatting coming back to the chairs.  “Aye look who found us, y’all!”  Erik had Adrian in a headlock.  
T’Challa’s heart rate began to speed up, he did not want Shuri to know about their new found brother yet.  “Good, you all made it!  Shuri is here, but she was just about to leave to meet with Nakia, right?”  T’Challa makes a face for her to scram.
Shuri waves him off, “Pssh, I have no obligations at the moment.  Let me hang out with my cousin and Baku!  Who is this guy, Erik?”
Erik’s face lights up as he starts but T’Challa cuts him off, “ERIK!!  Let’s take Adrian for a drink, eh?  We need to catch up!  M’Baku, keep Shuri company, please.”  T’Challa spins Erik around who still has Adrian locked up.
Erik looks at T’Challa confused, “Why ain’t you lettin’ the little nigga see his sister, man?”
“That was my sister??  Oh man, I always wanted a sister!”  Adrian says under Erik’s pit.
“We need to talk about that, I don’t want to upset her with something like this.  Who knows what she will do.”
They sit under a tiki bar and order some strong cocktails and a round or beers.
“Yeah, get me three beers, yo.  They for me.”  Erik looks over at Adrian winking.  T’Challa smack his arm, “He can’t drink, what are you doing?”
Erik looks at T’Challa, heavy lidded from his alcohol consumption so far.  “Chiiiill, he grown enough.  He already had a beer anyway and he handled that.  I promised him one more, then he cut off, right cuz?”  The shake hands in a cool way that makes T’Challa feel a jolt of envy.  
“So Adrian, what have you been up to lately?”  T’Challa asks.
Adrian sips his beer burping, “Ahh, just helping with the community center mostly.  I’m taking courses at a nearby community college as well.”
T’Challa furrows his brow, “Community college?  Why aren’t you at a university?  You have to apply yourself to the best institutions to get the best-”
“Aight, are we gonna be talking about careers and futures with the kid right now, for real?  T’Challa that’s like the number one thing you should NOT asks a student about: what the fuck they doin in school.”
“Thanks, cuz.  But T’Challa, I’m only going since it is the best thing for me to do, financially.  I get my prerequisites covered by going to community college first.  And I’m passing with flying colors, so it’s all good.”
T’Challa nods, blankly drinking his cocktail.  He forgot about how America’s schools were not as accessible as Wakanda’s.  He cursed himself for assuming Adrian was a slacker.
The bartender lines up some shots in front of them, filling them.
“We did not order these.”  T’Challa speaks up.
The bartender smiles jerking his head in to the right of them, “They’re covered.”
Two melanated baddies wave sipping and giggling at them.  
“Well shit, that’s my day made, right there.”  Erik says as he downs all three of the shots.  “Y’all conversate and shit while I go and knock down some walls.”
Adrian asks, “You mean break the ice?”
Erik turns rubbing his hands together Birdman style, “Nah, cuz.  Knock. Down. Some walls.”  Erik turns with a flourish.  “Ayyye, y’all wanna feel my scars?  They soft as fuck...”
 T’Challa shakes his head scoffing to himself.  “Now he is the crazy one.  Try not to let him influence-”  T’Challa looks over but Adrian is gone from his seat.  T’Challa sees him attempting to hula hoop with Shuri and M’Baku.  M’Baku is somehow impressively good at it despite his ox-like body.
T’Challa goes back to his original chair to keep tabs on how the conversations were going between Shuri and Adrian.  He still wanted to keep control on letting that information out.  Erik strolls over with the two baddies on either arm.
“And Veronica, this is M’Baku, my man!  I know you like em thicc, he do too, baby.”  
M’Baku drops his hula hoop puffing his chest out as he makes his way to Veronica.  “Pleased to meet you...Veronica.”  M’Baku dips his voice an octave, and Veronica notices with pleasure.
“Mmmm, nice to meet you!  You work that hula hoop pretty good...your hip movements are pretty on point.”  Veronica coos as she holds onto M’Baku close.
M’Baku chuckles, “My dear, I can move anyway you need me too.  That is, if you can keep up?”
Night starts to fall on the beach as Erik has his portable speaker blasting some trap jams, his lady grinds on his lap inconspicuously as they are completely inebriated and feeling each other.  M’Baku is into a beach game with Veronica, Shuri and Adrian.  Adrian has Shuri on his shoulders, Veronica is on M’Baku’s as the girls attempt to push one another over into the water.  Their laughs echo across the beach as T’Challa looks at them and how happy they are.  Adrian definitely acts more like Shuri than him, if he had to admit anything about their relation.  
He watches as M’Baku topples over with Veronica.  Shuri flexes and growls imitating a Jabari chant in victory.  Once M’Baku gets back up he tackles Adrian sending, Shuri and them into the water.  Shuri comes up, disgruntled as she yells at M’Baku for his antics.  Adrian and M’Baku wrestle in the water until M’Baku drags Adrian to the shore, putting him in a sleeper choke hold.
T’Challa thinks it’s getting a little too rough, so he gets up running over to them, “All right, that is enough!”
M’Baku laughs, “It is over when he taps out.  Show me what you’ve got, little one!”
Adrian squeaks, “I know you are getting tired; water sports are easier on the joints for the elderly!”
M’Baku lets out a hearty laugh, “Oh, how rich!  He has the Udaku mouth, that is for sure.  Jabari act more than speak!”
T’Challa puts M’Baku in a hold that shakes him up.  M’Baku lets Adrian go, rolling his body forward to whip T’Challa off of his back.
“The hell is wrong with you T’Challa?  Did you think I was going to kill him?”  M’Baku asks.  Shuri watches from a distance.
T’Challa gets up, wiping sand off of him.  “You know better than to hurt someone of royal blood.”
M’Baku guffaws, “Oh we acknowledge him now, do we?  The lost brother is now welcome!  Bring your fattest pig, finest clothes, rings for every finger!  Oh PLEASE!”  M’Baku’s nostrils flare, eyes bucking.  Veronica holds his arm to anchor him.
T’Challa points to him warning, “M’Baku, you treat my brother with resp-”
“HE IS A JABARI! My cousin!”  He says, beating his chest with each syllable.  “You have a problem with how I engage with my cousin, I’ll take it into consideration when you treat him like your brother!”
“T’Challa…”  Shuri looks at him confused.
“Shuri, it’s not-”
“I have been playing this whole time with my own brother, and you knew??  When were you going to tell me?”
“It’s not that simpl-”
“Save it, brother.  I’m calling Nakia to take me to my loft.”  Shuri walks away.
M’Baku asks T’Challa, “The child gets her own loft?”
“I run all the vibranium in Wakanda, what do you think?!”  Shuri calls behind her.  
M’Baku raises his eyebrows, “With ears like a rabbit, it seems.”
T’Challa collects his things, “It’s about time we call it a night.  Adrian you can come with me.  Where did Erik go?”  He and M’Baku look around but see him nowhere.
“Do you wanna call it a night, M’Baku?”  Veronica asks, eyes fluttering.
M’Baku takes her hand, kissing it.  “I must admit that our festivities have drained my energy considerably.”
Veronica frowns, “Well I’m right across the street if you could...walk me home?”
T’Challa starts to head for the penthouse with Adrian , “I will see you later M’Baku.  I’m heading back.”
Once he makes it back to the penthouse, T’Challa crashes on the couch, sighing deeply.  His phone dings with a message from Nakia saying she dropped off Shuri and is coming to get Adrian.
Adrian turns on the TV.  “So Shuri seems nice.”
T’Challa grips the bridge of his nose, “That will change.”
Adrian gets up to go to the fridge, grabbing a water.  “Well maybe she just likes me more than you, who knows.”
T’Challa looks back at him like he is crazy.  “You know her for all of five minutes, and you think she would pick you as a favorite brother?”
Adrian takes a sip, “I’m just saying, we are close in age, and when we were having fun, she was mad at you and storming off so, boom!”  
T’Challa shakes his head, “I don’t argue with children.”  
Adrian walks slowly to the couch, looking confused, turning down the TV slightly.  “T’Challa...I think Erik is here.”
“Yeah I saw shoes and shirt by the door when we walked in.  No home training.”
M’Baku walks in, “How are we doing, gentlemen?”  He is beaming from ear to ear.
“I take it you and Veronica had a nice goodbye.”  Adrian says.
M’Baku plops on the couch, causing Adrian to hop from his weight.  “I do not kiss and tell…”
“Fuck! Oh!” a woman’s voice says
Everyone freezes at the distant exclamation.
“What was….”  T’Challa starts.
“What’s my name, Princess?  Lemme fuckin hear it!”  Erik growls.
“Daddy!  Oh, gimme that daddy dick!”
Adrian covers his giggles, “Remember I told you Erik was here?  It sounded straight up like LL Cool J’s song ‘Doin It’ back there.”
M’Baku gets up striding out to the balcony, “I should’ve just stayed the night with Veronica.  Now I have to hear this.”  He closes the glass behind him.
Nakia walks into the penthouse, “Hey, guys.  Did things go well?”
“Oh! Oh! Oh!”   the woman sounds operatic as she ought to be climaxing with all the noise.
“That’s it, nut on this dick-”
“ERIK!! Keep it down!  Adrian, come on, get out!”  He pulls Adrian to the door to rush him and Nakia out.
Adrian walks down the stairs as Nakia turns to T’Challa.  “I didn’t think of you as someone to half-ass things, T’Challa…”
“I was protecting her-”
Like your father was protecting you!  What does keeping the truth from people do T’Challa, huh?  Has it done you any good?  Erik?”  Nakia storms off. T’Challa leans against the wall outside the penthouse.  He is not used to being the bad guy, but his father left a trash legacy that he must try and turn into a treasure.  Heavy is the head of the privileged.  As T’Challa goes to open the door to return inside, it opens by itself.  Erik’s date walks out, hair a mess, and all around disheveled.
“Aight Leslie, you be careful walking down those steps.  Your hips oughta feel better by Thursday.”  She smiled goofily waving goodbye as Erik leaned against the doorframe watching her go.
“Phew!  Well, what’d I miss?”
@blublubleu @mbakusthrone @dramaqueenamby @muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @imagine-mbaku @airis-paris14 @katasstrophey @thewriterinflannel @blackandfair @sisterwifeudaku 
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Chapter 1 Part 2 : Disruptive
genre : Thriller/Angst/trigger warningsss/smut/exo, oc, and blackpink gang au
Summary : This fast paced kind of life style isnt for everyone, but for these young rich savages this stuff is second nature.
I told you i would catch you up, and im a girl of my word when i want to be. So imma take you back, Back before the drama with jiyong the dragon. Back before i even knew baekhyuns weird ass was a member of the notorious exo gang. Before he knew i was a member of the infamous blackpink gang. Before we all started to hate eachother.
“I am so gonna make a virgin cry tonight” jennie spoke to herself while looking in the mirror as if she was taking a selfie, which i love watching her do for some reason, but in my defense she does look really hot. Looks like tonight is going to be one of those nights that we put on our less expensive clothes and act like we’re regular teenagers, i hate these nights, i’d much rather be at the club in balenciaga, sitting in the vip lounge with jiyong, but my girls wanted me to go and if my girls want something from me the word no always goes into hiding.
“Ayyye lit wayyy.” lisa sang out as she took a picture in the mirror with jennie
I looked over to the room that jisoo and rosé share in our three bedroom condo,  I wasnt getting a good enough look at them so i decided to go inside of the room, i know i sound like some kind of crazy smother but the relationship between me and my girls is not normal and probably never will be. I cant be away from them for too long and if im not close to them i have to atleast be able to lay my eyes on them or i just might kill someone. Yes i do tell you alot but i dont know if im ready to talk too much about that, so lets change the topic.
Snapping out of my thoughts, i realized that jisoo and rosé still werent ready at all. Instead of intervening or saying anything, i decided to just do something else, guess ill call my mans.
“honeyy, how is the party going?” 
“Haii oppaa” i said with a higher voice than usual you know the one you use when you talk to the boy you like? yeah that one. “im not there yet oppa”
“Aaahhh okayyy i seee” judging from the way he was using that sly sexy voice of his, i think he wants something from me.
“What is it oppa?”i said, i dont know why im getting an unfamiliar feeling about this.
“babyy, at that party tonight....”
what the hell does he want with this dumb high school party, i should be the only thing in his mind that has anything to do with high school... okay im kidding....alittle.
“Some of my associates will be there i want you to keep an eye on them.” his voice switched up this time.
“What the fuck jiyong, who the hell are these “associates”?”
“exo.” well he never was one to beat around the bush for too long, i could already hear it in his voice he was getting impatient.
“First of all, fix your tone, and second, boi you know i know most of all that the whole damn exo gang hates you and all your men, dont talk to me like im just another one of those dumb skanks you like to play with.”
What did you just ask? oh, well let me tell you alittle more about him. Jiyong the dragon is the top dog the ultimate big man in this business. He was one of those get down or lay down type of guys, of course that shit didnt work on me and my girls, which was the reason why he took such a liking to me in the first place. Does that cure your curiosity? what do you mean you didnt ask that!? 
“Hahahhah” hes laughing at me.
“ugh, oppa im supposed to be relaxing at this party.”
“i know babyyy, all you have to do is keep an eye on maybe three of them and...”
“Aaand make sure they dont leave until my men get there.”
“What!?, jiyong are you seriously going to try to kill them at a highschool party!?”
“Who said anything about killing themm...babyy come onn for mee?”
“You know that type of shit dosent work on me oppa.”
“please baby? ill owe you one big time.”
That caught my attention “ owe me huh?” thats what i like to hear. I could care less if those exo guys die or get kidnapped or whatever jiyong is gonna do with them, and the mention of him owing me sounds so delicious “hmmm....”
I hear a little laughter on his side before i make my decision,
“You got yourself a deal oppa” i say with a sinister smirk. And with that we say our goodbyes and i hang up.
My girls are so quiet.......shit.
I whip my head around quickly, with my anxiety building up, getting ready to run to where ever they are, whether it is in the house or not. 
“Cha cha?” jisoo called out. My real name is park bong cha, aya is just a street name. Not alot of people know my real name, and i like it like that.
My girls were standing in the doorway of my room which i share with no one due to the fact that all of the extra space in the room is filled with all of our weapons and money. 
“Damn i wish you saw the way your head turned just now” rosé said with a small giggle. She and jisoo looked like they were finally done getting ready. 
“Lets dip girls.” i said, actually feeling alittle excited to go now, which is such a first.
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I was posted up on the wall with some concoction lisa had some girl she was macking on make for me. It tasted good though. I had already informed the girls about the little deal i made with jiyong, they took it well thankfully. i have been occupying my eyes with this cute guy who is dancing his ass off. And just when the song finally changes and he notices, the entrance door swings open and some heads turn, and mine follows the others.
Just the boys i wanted to see, i think to myself while smiling.
I let my girls know by text and we all, being on the same floor of the house, exchange looks. 
shall we?
I watched the exo gang walk in all together, some were rubbing their hands together like fuckboys, and others just looking around observing the party and the people, easily you could tell they are a close-knit group like me and my girls.
I decided to keep my eyes on the linky big eared one, the one who looked like he wanted to scream in someones face, and the one-
“omg” I said under my breath as I watched one of the exo members slightly bite on his beautiful index and middle fingers.
Lisa quickly slapped my shoulder with a grin “aye, you thirsty girl?” she said as she tilted her drink towards me with her adorable smile, “shut the fuck up.” I said with a dead expression.
The other girls came up to us in three different directions. “So whats the plan?” rosé asked while referring to my end of the deal I made with jiyong oppa. I wasn't listening though, still stealing glances at the exo members mouth and fingers.
“Stop bitching guys, I will remember what she looks like, trust me, damn.” chanyeol stated as he scrunched up his face a little. All I can think is that its such a damn shame chanyeol is the only one who saw jiyongs girl, putting all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket is really fucking annoying. “Baekhyun, I know what your thinking, and no im not stupid enough to put all our eggs in chanyeols fucked up basket, just know that.” Suho spoke while he squeezed my shoulder as if he was trying to make me feel his words,  what the hell is he? a fucking mind reader!? 
We already know what jiyong the fucking snake is going to try to pull tonight, we heard from a mole hes going to have some girl hes been fucking to watch us all night, but we came here tonight in spite of that to do our usual rounds, because not a lot of things are better than money and confrontation.
“Alright split, chanyeol stay with Baekhyun” Suho said with an exhale
Chanyeol puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk towards the crowd of dancing teens. “Anybody lookin familiar?” my voice giving off my bored and annoyed mood, I spoke with a quick elbow into his stomach. “Nahh, just lemme go get a drink real quick. want one?” chanyeol asked and got a nod yes in return.
I start looking around, eyeing all the girls in the room.
“Girls really love this song huh?” I said to myself as I watched a swarm of girls running to the impromptu dance floor as they screamed and giggled.
My eyes automatically land on two girls that looked like they just jumped off a runway stage or some shit, “damn” I said out loud on accident, could they be jiyongs? 
“Damn is right.” chanyeols deep voice crept from behind me, “all the girls in the kitchen were uggos.” he tilted a red plastic cup my way.
I took it from him and stole a quick sip, “those two girls right there ring any bells?” I asked as I brought up my left hand to wipe my mouth and used the index finger of the hand holding my cup to point in the direction of the girls I was talking about.
Chanyeol licked his lips, “I don't know I think I need a closer look.” he voiced as he rubbed his hands together, his fuckboy mode starting to kick into gear.
I smirked at the possibilities.
“Okay I guess we can have some fun then.” 
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“You know if you don't make this shot im going to make you strip right?” the guy I now know as Baekhyun spoke to me sexily with a sharp smirk on his face while he held a ping pong ball that had earlier been cover in cheap beer.
“Well maybe I want to strip.” I stated, readying another ping pong ball. Hopefully I can finally make a shot.
Baekhyun, and his friend who is also an exo member, chanyeol came up to me and jennie a little while ago, the convenience being too perfect, we've been talking to them ever since, and somehow I ended up in a game of beer pong with Baekhyun, while jennie and chanyeol decided to look through each others instagrams on the couch next to us.
I finally flick my wrist with hopes I get it into one of the cups on baekhyuns side.
“Yess.” I said as my ball landed in a cup on the left of Baekhyun.
“aahh noo” Baekhyun spoke playfully.
my phone buzzes at that. I quickly look at jennie, Jiyongs men might be....
“What is it?” Baekhyun speaks. I don't answer, instead I remove my phone from the back pocket of my jeans to see if my earlier thought was right.
  my men are there baby where are you
“Aye jennie the girls are looking for us we should go.”
“awww already?” chanyeol said, his voice giving off a new dangerous tone.
They know.
I saw ayas face change after chanyeols comment.
that's right bitch, feel it. 
chanyeol told me she was the one three minutes into talking to her. I have to admit shes good. I totally would have fallen for her act. too bad I didn't.
“Jennie lets move now!” aya yelled at the other girl as we heard screams coming from all around the house.
“Grab her chanyeol!” 
The moment I jump on the ping pong table and take out my gun, jennie jumps off the couch, chanyeol grabs her, and Baekhyun pulls out the gun hes been hiding so well. 
Jennie struggles in the hold of the huge man, while I stare Baekhyun down. Both our guns pointing at each others head. aiming for an instant kill.
“You don't think im about to just give up do you?” 
I quickly shoot at the gun in Baekhyuns hand and roll off the table, about to shoot at chanyeols foot, he kicks the shit out of me, and jennie took the chance to get out of his hold, all of a sudden a crowd of people fill the room. 
Jiyongs men come running in like the CIA.
I start shooting the men coming at me. suho and d.o run into the room probably getting ready to carry out plan b.
Me and chanyeol somehow end up back to back in the middle of jiyongs men, this isn't looking to damn good.
I grab jennie and run to the exit of the room in full panic mode because I don't know where the hell my other girls are. 
A exo member with bushy eyebrows comes out of nowhere and stands in front of us looking like satan himself, looking calm despite all the chaos going on. 
I don't have time for this.
I push jennie backwards getting ready to jump out of the next window I see, until I turn around and see another exo member staring us down with one of his eyebrows lifted, as more of the exo gang pile in the room to help with jiyongs men. fuuuck meee.
I charge in the other direction gripping jennies wrist, and my girls come out in front of us rushing to get to the men chasing behind.
Me and jennie continue running with intentions of getting the car ready, hating the fact that I have to leave the other girls here. 
We reach a window and I look for something in the room I could use to break it. I find golf clubs in the closet and take a hard swing at my target, breaking it in one go. we both jump out and sprint for the car we came-
My eyes feel like led but I finally start to open them, looking around to only find darkness. shit I must have gotten knocked out by one of the exo boys.
my eyes widen. jennie.
I feel her breathe on my neck as she tries to get closer.
“same plan as usual?”
“ Yeah.”
These exo assholes should have fucking killed me when they had the chance, they should know never to cage wild beasts.
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When the car finally came to a stop I realized my eyes were closed in anger the whole time.
I heard muffled voices and doors opening before closing right back.
My eyes shot open in anticipation.
Open the trunk, I dare you.
as if on cue the trunk door pops open and the exo men look down on us laying in their trunk, this isn't all of them though, where are the rest? I look up at them wishing looks could kill.
“awww you are such a good girl, I didn't even have to gag youu.” a dinosaur looking exo member said as he bent down to get me out of the trunk.
This time, this time when I shoot I wont miss.
The moment my feet touch the ground I feel a rush of adrenaline, I keep my composure until jennies feet does the same.
I close my eyes again readying myself for the moves im about to make. as they start walking us to what seems like a rundown hideout.
They are circled around me and jennie as we walk towards the destination and I look at the men in front of me, eyeing them up and down in search of a knife.
Spinning around as fast as I can in the direction of the knife in the mans pocket on the left of me, jennie quickly backs up planning on distracting atleast two of them.
I get my hands on it and move swift and fast cutting myself loose, cutting up an exo members leg and whatever else is in the way of jennie,
I cut her loose and spin again, always trying to use my speed as an element of surprise, I grab hold of a gun in someones hand and start shooting at everyone around us, as jennie follows my actions.
my shoulder takes a shot, as jennie grabs my hand and makes a run for it. 
we keep running into the dark forest for our lives as we try our best to avoid the bullets the are flying from behind us.
What a fucking night.
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We spent the rest of night running through the woods and making sure I don't bleed to death. When we got back to condo, the sun was up and the rest of the girls were crying and loading machine guns. 
“We thought you guys were never going to come back!” they cried at us. I couldn't help but feel like shit, I wasn't on my a game last night and because of that my girls suffered. 
After that my shoulder was tended to by jisoo and we made our way to jiyongs place to talk about everything.
“I cant fucking believe this shit!”
“Jiyong what the hell are you talking about?” I said as I walked into his office with my girls
“im never gonna trust you with shit ever again.” oppa spoke in a vicious tone while walking towards me.
“Chill the fuck out jiyong!”  jisoo said about to step in front me, I put my arm out in front of her and walk into his personal space.
“Got a fucking problem?”
“Its your fault they got away, you unprofessional piece of trash. Do you know how much that night cost me!” well look at the balls on this one.
“I tried my best you fucking asshole don't do that to me I held up my end of the deal all you said I had to do was keep them there!” 
“Get the fuck out of my face aya, you and your girls are making me sick to my stomach, and don't even think for a second I was serious about me owing you!”
Ah shit my hands are gonna misbehave. suddenly my fist made their way to his jaw and accidently on purpose clocked the shit out of him.
My girls start giggling at the scene and I back away from jiyong as his eyes become wild with anger.
“Do you have a fucking death wish you bitch!?” yes.
“Nah, not really.”
He starts walking towards me again and I can finally tell that he’s not sober. He takes a slow swing at me and my face scrunches up in disgust.
I push his head backwards and he falls completely over. What a pig.
“Jiyong stop come on your better than this.” I said with a frustrated tone.
“DIGGIE” he screams for his body guard who does all his dirty work. Truth is jiyongs actually a little bitch, but hey gotta fake it till you make right?
“Do you really think that guy can kill our crazy asses?” rosé speaks with a raised eyebrow to jiyong, who is on the floor looking completely distressed.
“diggie” his cry for his body guard becomes soft as he starts to sob.
“Come on, lets get outta here girls, he’s obviously really fucked up right now.”
“Don't worry jiyong, we’ll leave diggies head at the door for you.” 
All caught up?
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AUTHORS NOTE : woooo! im doneeeee ayyy I had a lot of fun with this chapterrrr. I hope you guys enjoyed it! its like 5 30 right now sooo imma go to sleep nowww but thanks for reading! kisses <3 ~ laila
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searchingff-blog · 7 years
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“Bring that ass here.”
Zeus smirked when he saw one of his favorite strippers at Aces. Tonight was a celebration for his homeboy, Roman. Roman was sitting in the section next to him with a bottle of Hennessy in one hand, and a stack of money in the other. His latest song, No Limit by G-Eazy, was climbing it’s way up the charts. This was his first major song as a producer, so celebrating wasn’t a question. Aces was the duos old stomping ground, and since he’s been out of the jail the two have been there every other week.
In the VIP section Lotus and Rose were making sure the men were taken care of. With next to nothing on, both of the females were shaking their asses making sure they left tonight with rent paid for the next couple months.
“Ayyye, fuck it up girl.” Roman responded with excitement to Lotus twerking on his lap.
“Now I see why you cuffed Hazel up so fast. Ya ass get this on a reg dontcha.” The laughed together, because back when Hazel was on the scene she was a force to be reckoned with when it came to getting her money at the club.
“You already know.” He chuckled, dapping Zeus up.
Once they had gone through four racks each the girls left them alone for a minute. They needed to work the crowd.
“So how you feelin and shit? I leave to ya ass bein a average nigga to come back to you on ya music producin steezo.”
Roman wasn’t involved with the gang shit, but the two of them were like brothers. Anytime one was out making moves, so was the other. Even when Zeus was locked up he put money on his books, and made sure his goddaughter was taken care of.
“Maaaane, on some real shit I’m livin for real, for real. Gettin in this business ain’t no easy task, so I just been working my ass off. Worked with the niggas from the hood and just been gettin my reputation up to where I get a call from G-Eazy to do a song, and then to find out who on the songs was like a cherry on top of the ice cream.” He smile was wide before he threw the bottle back. “How’s the barbershop going?”
“It’s dope. I’m just glad he letttin me cut hair while I work on getting this license. With this damn probation I can’t be out in the streets slanging like I want to, but I guess it’s for the better. Plus, my baby moms on that dumb shit this week.”
Knocking Jasmine up was the biggest mistake of his life. He loved his daughter with everything in him. However, the one he wanted to get pregnant was Azure. He wished the two never meet each other, or Jasmine gave him time to break the news to Azure. She was the only one that was keeping up with him when he was locked up. She was the true definition of a rider, and he fucked it up with his third leg.
“The hood still trying to figure out why you did that dumb shit, and fucked that shit up.” He started cracking up.
“I still don’t know why I did. Shit’s crazy man.” He shook his head and finished off the bottle.
“You know she’s divorced now.”
“Yeah, I heard about that in the shop.”
“Might be the right time to see if she still fuck with the kid.”
Zeus nodded, really thinking about seeing what she was up to.
It was a Friday night, and Cassi and Gigi weren’t going to be cooped up in the house. The duo walked into the club, as if waiting in line was beneath them.
“Girl you crazy. I’m just trying to get a couple drinks in my system, and collect some numbers. Now all that extracurricular foolishness you doing I’ll pass.” She giggled, intertwining their fingers so they wouldn’t lose each other in the crowded club.
“You need to open up that new pussy anyways. I don’t know what you’re waiting for.” Laughing, they made it to the bar and order to Sour apple martinis.
“You see anybody in here that catches your eye?”
Gigi looked around the club, and was being let down. Being fully transitioned, she never had to worry about being clocked because her features were gentle.
“I don’t see any-, wait “
Her eyes had fallen on Roman and Zeus. Roman was her brother, so it most certainly wasn’t him who she was looking at. Zeus’ handsome, rugged self instantly made her mouth water.
“Bitch I want him.”
Cassi followed her finger, and could have died when she figured out who she was pointing at. Her taste was dead on, but Cassi already had her claws dug in him.
“Girl, as much as I would love to pass him to you I can’t.” Just as she said that the two of them connected eyes.
Back in the day he stepped out on Azure a couple times with her, but the two of them bonded on a deeper level. The only reason he hadn’t cuffed her was because of her reputation. She ran game on niggas, and tended to run game on them. However, they managed to form a strong friendship.
“Better be careful with all these people in here. Saint is getting more popular and you’re always with him.”
Gigi wasn’t in agreeance with her actions, but that was her best friend and having her look crazy in these streets wasn’t an option.
“Wassup Cass, how you doing ma?” Zeus reached their location, and walked over to her with a hug. “Who’s your friend? She cute?” He said, looking her over.
The liquor was starting to get to Zeus, and anybody could tell by looking at him.
“This is my bitch Gigi, and this is Zeus.” The two smiled, and acknowledged each other but his true attention was on Cassi. She was looking amazing tonight and he wanted her juices.
“I’m a give y'all a moment.” She noticed how he was looking at her, and took that as her que to leave.
“I see you out, and living life. Got strippers, bottles, and you looking good.” Her hand fell on his chest as she looked up at him.
“Not even. You know my boy Roman, we out celebrating.” He licked his lips. “But you out here lookin good and shit. Must mean ya boy working, and you need some dick.”
He chuckled. The two of them had an understanding, so knowing that she had a man didn’t bother him.
“You fucked up right now.” She laughed.
“You right, but” He leaned in, and whispered in her ear. “Nah, I’m trying to fuck you up right now.” He pecked her neck, and his hand had made it up her dress.
Cassi instantly got wet, and was ready to pounce on him. Before she could answer Roman approached them.
“What y'all talking about?” His attitude was sour, and it had everything to do with Cassi. He knew the type of chick she was, and hated how I’m love Saint was with her.
“Not shit.” Zeus smirked at Cassi.
“Aight, let’s go guy.”
“Mane, I’m good for real.” He chuckled, knowing what he was doing. “Fine, Cass text me.” He winked, letting her know that he meant in the next hour.
The two men walked out of the strip club. “Ya ass ain’t learned nothing.” Roman said to Zeus, and the both of them laughed.
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honestlypeter · 7 years
Confessions |Spider-Man: Hoco|
Summary: Peter has a crush on fem!reader, and Ned is quick to think she likes him back. Peter, however, doesn’t believe him.
A/N: Aight, so this is my first fic for this fandom. Let’s do this. Quick thing, Flash is super dicky in this one, so be prepared. Like, not creepy, just hella dick-ish.
Word Count: 2633
Warnings: cursing, that’s it, and i barely proof read this
         Peter, Ned, and Michelle were having an intense conversation about who would win: a shark or a personified tornado. Okay, maybe just Peter and Ned, because Michelle was reading her book; however, she would add in little comments every now and again. Usually, the comments would consist of insults, but Peter and Ned didn’t really mind, for she was their friend and knew it didn’t mean a thing.
“Look, all I’m saying is that a shark can’t go on land! Your argument is bogus!” Peter told his best friend, Ned.
Ned shook his head, ready to tell Peter that the shark would obviously win, because it had razor sharp teeth.
“The tornado is personified, meaning it can get hurt! It has feelings! And the small tornado would never stand a chance against a beast of the ocean!” Ned exclaimed, getting more frustrated as this conversation went on.
“Wait- we never said how big the tornado was. So you admit that if it was a big tornado-”
“Peter, shut up,” Ned said, cutting the other boy off. Peter rolled his eyes, about to continue, when Ned swatted his arm.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Okay, don’t freak out, but (Y/N) (L/N) is coming over here, and you need to act cool,” Ned explained, his voice suddenly a lot lower.
“Dude, no way, why would she- holy shit, you’re right.”
Peter’s chest tightened as he saw the most beautiful girl in school walking towards him and his friends. As she got closer, Peter started breathing heavier, his mind swarming through all the embarrassing outcomes that could come from the interaction he was about to have. When she finally got to their table, which to Peter took years because it felt like he was watching her in slow motion, she sat down.
“Hey, you guys!” (Y/N) said, all eyes on her, even Michelle’s.
“H-Hey, (Y/N),” Peter squeaked, eyes widening. Puberty was going to be the death of him. The other two said hi, Ned giving her a small smile, and Michelle returning back to her book.
“Soooo, whatcha guys talkin’ about?” (Y/N) asked, seeming genuinely interested in their conversation,”You seemed to be pretty heated.”
“Oh uh- n-nothing-”
“Sharks and torandos! Like, who would win in a fight. A personified tornado or a shark.” Ned informed (Y/N). It was Peter’s turn to whack Ned’s arm for confessing to talking about such a stupid topic.
“Oh! That’s cool. Which team are you guys on?” wondered (Y/N).
“I’m on Team Shark,” Ned said confidently, proud of his answer.
“I, uh,” stuttered Peter,”I’m on Team Tornado.”
“Hm, interesting,” (Y/N) said, tapping her manicured nails on the table.
“Why is that interesting?” Peter asked, surprising himself, Ned, and Michelle, with how calm his voice came out.
“Because, well, how do I put this lightly? You’re both wrong.”
Peter and Ned glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes, both unsure of where the conversation was about to go.
“I mean, c’mon. Clearly, sharks and tornados would team up to destroy humanity. Haven’t you seen the cinematic masterpiece known as Sharknado? Sharks would be pissed that humans were in the ocean- because let’s be real here, we’re the ones infesting the waters, not them! They’re the ones that live- sorry, that’s a whole other conversation. Uhm, where was I?” Peter was about to help (Y/N) find her train of thought, but she got there before he could,”Oh! So, sharks would be pissed, and tornados are just ready to fight. Basically, tornados are the muscle, sharks are the brains, and together, they’re unstoppable.”
Ned’s jaw was dropped, Peter’s jaw was dropped, and Michelle simply looked impressed.
“But uh, I came here for a reason other than to school you on sharks and tornados. Liz is having a party on Saturday, and I wanted to invite you guys,” (Y/N) said, smiling brightly. But when they all just stared at her, the smile faltered and she quickly went to her own rescue.
“But you totally don’t have to come if you don’t want to! I mean, obviously, but-”
“(Y/N), we’re going.”
(Y/N) looked at Michelle, who had spoken.
“Okay! Awesome! Uhm- let me just give you guys my phone number and you can text me and I’ll give you the details…does anyone have paper and a pencil?”
Ned and Peter scrambled to search for paper and pencil, but Michelle already had the items out, so she pushed them towards (Y/N). Quickly, (Y/N) wrote down her number, before getting up and telling them all goodbye.
Peter and Ned stared at the ten digits in front of them.
“What the fu-”
Before the sentence was finished, the bell rang, indicating that lunch was over and to head back to class.
“Dude, I swear (Y/N) has been looking at you ever since she invited us to the party,” Ned said excitedly. Peter glanced up at at the girl who sat across the lunchroom. She was, in fact, looking over at their table.
“Wha- no. She’s probably looking at you,” Peter told his friend, a frown on his face. There was no way the iconic (Y/N) friggin’ (L/N) was looking at the not-so iconic Peter Parker.
“Have you seen me? I’m like-”
“Hey!” Peter interjected before his friend could deprecate himself,”you are a handsome guy, Ned! You have just as much of a chance with (Y/N) as any other person.”
Ned smiled at his friend, feeling better about his appearance. Peter was right, Ned was quite a catch.
“Thanks, man! But honestly dude, she’s totally into you.”
         Peter sat at his desk, working on his advanced geometry homework. Peter rarely hated being in advanced classes, but when it’s an advanced class that’s meant for the grade higher than your’s as well- it’s hell. To Peter, it felt like everyone was judging him, mainly because Flash always picked on him, which lead to him having a nerd reputation. So yeah, basically everyone was judging him, except for one person: You.
         The only reason why Peter didn’t bash his head open with his geometry textbook was because you were in his class. You were the perfect person. Kind, smart, funny, stunning, etc., etc. Every single adjective to describe you was always positive. Peter didn’t think he had  seen a single day where you weren’t smiling at people, and brightening their days.
         When Flash Thompson first started calling Peter “Penis Parker” you called him “Flaccid Thompson,” which shut him up as quickly as he had opened his mouth. From that point on, Peter admired you, which quickly became a crush.
         Finally giving up on his never ending geometry homework, Peter decided it was time to text you.
To: (Y/N)
From: Peter
hey (y/n)! It’s peter! i was just wondering if i could get the deets for the party?? haha!
Peter, for some reason, decided it would be best to send the text and then reread the message. Dear God, he thought, there’s too much punctuation! Who types out that many exclamation points? OH MY GOD! Did I actually use the words ‘deets?’ Kill me, just kill me. Before Peter could plan out how to run away from home, you texted back.
To: Peter
From: (Y/N)
Aye! Yeah, I got the deets. B)
Hold on.
Okay! So it’ll be at 1205 Lakeview Blv., and it’ll start at like 8, or 8:15-ish? Don’t know when it’ll end, but sometime late I’m sure. Ned already texted me and told me he’s going, but have you heard from Michelle?
To: (Y/N)
From: Peter
i’ll text her real quick.
Peter sent a quick message to Michelle, reminding her about the party before getting back to (Y/N).
To: (Y/N)
From: Peter
just texted her! thx for the info. i’ll be there!!
Peter needed to chill on the exclamation points.
To: Peter
From: (Y/N)
Ayyye, just got her message. I’m so excited to see you guys there! And hey, if Flash tries to start any trouble, let me know. He’ll catch these hands (ง •̀_•́)ง
Peter laughed, wondering how such an amazing girl could be texting him.
To: Peter
From: (Y/N)
Hey, Pete, I gotta go. Mom’s making me do the dishes. Sigh. But I’ll see you tomorrow :)
Peter groaned, not wanting to wait until tomorrow to see (Y/N). But he had to, and to pass the time, he figured he might as well work on more geometry.
“Alright, be safe, have fun, don’t do anything too wild,” Aunt May reminded Peter and Ned, a smile on her face. Peter hadn’t always been the most social teenager, so seeing him go off to a high school party was exciting for her.
“Yeah, yeah. Can we go now, Aunt May?” Peter whined, becoming more and more impatient by the minute.
         Aunt May sighed before unlocking the car doors. Both Ned and Peter scrambled out of the vehicle (not before saying goodbye, of course) and hurried up towards the relatively large house on the hill.
           Peter was so excited that he was actually shaking. And apparently it was noticeable enough for Ned to tell him to chill out. When they walked into the house, the first thing Peter noticed was the lack of people, but quickly realized it was because everyone was in a group in the living room.
“Hey look,” Flash yelled out,”It’s Penis Parker!”
Everyone looked at Peter and Ned, which caused them to wave awkwardly.
“Why don’t you join us? We’re playing truth or dare,” Flash told the two boys, a cocky smile on his face.
The boys nodded, considering the fact that everyone else was doing it. Peter and Ned sat in the back of the crowd, but Flash quickly told everyone to move that way Peter was nearly in the middle.
“Since the doofuses were late, let’s have one of them go first,” Flash suggested. Peter’s heart dropped, knowing that Flash would probably use this as a moment to mess with him.
“So, Parker, truth or dare?” Flash asked.
“Okay, tell me now, and be honest. Is it true that you having a crush on (Y/N)?”
Peter’s face flushed red, as he stammered to redeem himself. But, Flash was relentless and continue to hammer Peter. That was, until, (Y/N) stepped in.
“Fuck off, Flash,”she said, a scowl on her face,”If he doesn’t want to answer the question, then I’ll take his place.”
Flash looked over to (Y/N), rolling his eyes,”Fine, fine, but you ruin all the fun. So, since Penis picked truth, you get truth.”
“Fair enough,” (Y/N) mumbled, a bit relieved that it wasn’t dare. She had no clue what Flash would make her do. The relief was short lived once Flash asked his question.
“(Y/N), I heard from Alec something very interesting, and I’m dying to know if it’s true.”
(Y/N) stiffened at the name of her ex-boyfriend Alex Westfield. Apparently, they ended on very bad terms.
“Get on with it,” (Y/N) told the boy.
“Alec told me that the reason you dumped him is because you prefer softball to baseball. Is it true?”
Peter was confused, what did sports have to do with anything? (Y/N), however, seemed to know what Flash was getting at.
“Shut the fuck up, Flaccid,” (Y/N) warned, clenching her hands so tight her knuckles were becoming a lighter shade.
“No, I’m not finished yet, (L/N),” Flash spat. Peter was still extremely confused, and as the tension grew, the more silent the room became.
“As I was saying,” continued Flash,”(Y/N) over here really enjoys swinging for the other team.”
The other team- oh shit.
“(Y/N) LIKES PUSSY!” someone from a corner of the room shouted. A few giggles erupted in the room, but it stayed mostly silent.
“Bingo!” Flash said, clapping his hands together, seeming thoroughly impressed with himself. Peter looked over at (Y/N), her head was hanging low, and she was visibly shaking. Slowly, she got up, fixed her dress, and walked out the front door. Peter quickly got to his feet, and chased after her, leaving the awkward room.
“(Y/N)!” Peter called out, chasing her down the road. For a girl in wedges, she sure could run fast.
“(Y/N)!” Peter shouted, finally catching up to her as she slowed down,”Are you…are you okay?”
She sat down on the sidewalk, feet out in front of her. Peter sat next to her and put an arm around her. She leaned into his chest, and quietly cried.
“I-I’m sorry Peter,” she whispered in between sobs.
“For what? You didn’t do anything,” he reassured her.
“F-For being l-like this,” (Y/N) explained, sitting up. She hated feeling like a mess, it reminded her how weak she could be. It felt, to (Y/N), that she always had to be the strong one in her family. Keeping face for her siblings during her parents divorce was one of the hardest things she had even done. (Y/N), not wanting to further embarrass herself, pulled out her phone and went on to the camera app.
“Jesus, I look like a raccoon,” (Y/N) sighed, trying to fix the mascara and eyeliner that ran down her face. When she was satisfied with her work, (Y/N) stood up again.
“I don’t live too far from here,” the girl told Peter, who was silently staring up at her,”Walk me home?”
Peter nodded, and got to his feet. He and (Y/N) walked, neither saying a word until they got to her house.
“So, are you wondering if it’s true?” (Y/N) asked as the pair approached her front door.
Peter tried to brush off what she was asking,”Uhm, wondering if…what’s true?”
(Y/N) gave her newfound friend a cold stare, basically telling him to cut the bullshit.
“…Yeah, I am,” Peter confirmed, feeling ashamed in himself. That wasn’t his business.
“Well, it’s true. I do “like pussy” as that one fucker said.”
“You sure do curse a lot, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes,”I only curse when I’m being emo, but…that’s what you choose to focus on? I enjoy your company, Parker.”
Peter smiled at his crush, and made a mental note to never trust Ned again.
“Well I better go.”
“Before you do,” Peter paused to make sure she was listening,”Why did you take sudden interest in us? Like, Ned said it was because you liked me…Jeez, that sounds so conceited, but I mean…why us? If you didn't…”
“It may not have been you I had a crush on Peter,” (Y/N) told him, a shy smile adorned on her face,”But…oh hold on. My phone buzzed.”
(Y/N) checked her phone, and her smile got even bigger. She typed a quick response back, and giggled a bit. She put her phone back in her purse, and gave Peter a quick peck on the cheek.
“I’ve gotta go, Peter. Thank you for being so lovely.”
And with that, (Y/N) opened the door to her house and went inside, leaving Peter to his thoughts. As Peter walked back to the party, he made the (what should have been) quick connection to who she had feelings for, and honestly, Peter felt really stupid. Now that he was looking back on it, it was right there in his face.
(Y/N) liked Michelle!
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fluffyyeollie · 7 years
Tag game~
rules: tag 20 people I was tagged by @kang-yoochanie thank you bub, we really should start talking. Also, yOU LIKE MERLIN?! THE LAST… 1.Drink: Sisi Mango with no bubbles 2.Phone call: my mom 3.Text message: my friends to tel them my mom's taking us out for a movie after school ends cause we deserve it 4.Song you listened to: Yeah - BLANC7 5.Time you cried: today after my physics test 6.Dated someone twice: I haven't dated someone once, let alone twice 7.Been cheated on: nah fam 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: I haven't kissed someone 9.Lost someone special: nah, the people I lost were assholes, I just didn't realize it at that time 10.Been depressed: that's basically my existence 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: no man, I don't drink and I don't plan on doing so either LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: Pastel pink Ice blue Idk that light, bright green that makes you happy 15.Made new friends: yep, and I love them all to bits 16.Fallen out of love: first I gotta fall IN love to be able to fall out of it 17.Laughed until you cried: yep 18.Found out someone was talking about you: always. I have instincts and ears 19.Met someone who changed you: yeah, my bullies 20.Found out who your true friends are: yep, after being bullied 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i don't even know who's on my facebook list GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all 23.Do you have any pets: 2 hamsters and 2 birds 24.Do you want to change your name: idk what I should change it to 25.What did you do for your last birthday: nothing, I was in the middle of being nastily bullied and had just lost all my friends except for one 26.What time did you wake up: 7:12 am 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: watching The Best Hit 28.Name something you cannot wait for: being done with school 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: about 10 mins ago 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing. Life is going the way it is to shape me into who I'm going to be and I'm fine with that, even though it's hard 31.What are you listening to right now: 1.2.3 - B.I.G 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yea 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: my friends spamming in a chat 34.Most visited website: kprofile.com 35.Elementary: ???elementary school or??? 36. High School: I still got at least two years of high school to go fam (stupid Dutch school system) 37.College/university: thinking about studying architecture 38.Hair color: pass- 39.Long or short hair: pass- 40.Do you have a crush on someone: yea on Chanyeol 41.What do you like about yourself: my eyes, eyelashes and lips 42.Piercings: yea, one in each ear 43.Blood type: I believe AB- but I'm not sure 44.Nickname: Marshmallow, Mallow, Snowflake, Yuki 45.Relationship status: single 46.Zodiac sign: Aries 47.Pronouns: she/her 48.Favorite tv show: ehh do kdramas count? I'm gonna make them count so; Merlin, Goblin, Healer, The K2, W - Two Worlds, I probably forgot a whole lot but okay let's keep it at this 49.Tattoos: nope 50.Right or left hand: right 51.Surgery: nah 52.Piercings: already done fam 54.Sport: archery 55.Vacation: gonna go a week to England and then two weeks to Sweden this summer~ gotta see my family 57.Eating: ice cream! 58.Drinking: nothing 59.I’m about to: eat a donut (I rarely eat donuts but my dad bought some so I gotta help finish them since only my dad and I are awake and we have 3 donuts left) 60.Listening to: c'mon I already did this. Now it's White Noise by EXO 61.Waiting for: Summer break so I can write 62.Want: to hug EXO 63.Get married: yea with a nice man after I get myself a stable job 64.Career: I hope something I like so either something medical or artistic WHICH IS BETTER.... 65.Hugs or kisses: backhugs omg 66.Lips or eyes: eyes 67.Shorter or taller: I don't really care but since all the idols I like are taller, I guess taller (I'm 162cm so it ain't that hard) 68.Older or younger: older 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: idc 71.Sensitive or loud: how bout both 72.Hook up or relationship: Relationship all the way. I don't do things half-hearted and on a whim 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: again, both HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: I haven't kissed anyone to begin with 75.Drank hard liquor?: nope 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: I don't even have them 77.Turned someone down?: lol who'd like my lame ass 78.Sex on first date?: I haven't had any dates but even if I had, it'd be a no. Sex is for after marriage 79.Broken someone’s heart?: Idk 80.Had your heart broken?: idk 81.Been arrested?: no man, I'm a good child 82.Cried when someone died?: no one I know has died yet, thankfully 83.Fallen for a friend?: nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: dunno 85.Miracles?: nope 86.Love at first sight?: eh 87.Santa Claus?: nope 88.Kiss on the first date?: no 89.Angels?: yes OTHER… 90.Current best friend’s name: Sarah 91.Eye color: brown 92.Favorite movie: I don't really watch movies but I really liked Hyung Tagging: @softyjihoon @aceangel-official @fluffyshua @sanhacuddles @mans-ayyye @kollectionn @solarkwan
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deathtotheangels · 5 years
Do all the uncomfortable asks please!
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
May 17th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
Marsh green
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
I have so many pets.
I have dogs, cats, and guiena pigs
8. Where are you from?
Rhode Island, but now I live in PA
9. How tall are you?
5’ 7”
10. What shoe size are you?
Size 10 1/2 men’s 👌🏼
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
About 4 pairs.
12. What was your last dream about?
Ayyye. No.
13. What talents do you have?
I can play a bunch of instrumentsz
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I can tell when shitty things are going to happen, but that’s probably anxiety.
15. Favorite song?
Right now it’s probably The Bluest Things On Earth by the Wonder Years
16. Favorite movie?
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
18. Do you want children?
Sure. That’d be neat.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Many times.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Kind of? I’ve gotten a speeding ticket, a ticket for running a red light, and I’ve been threatened with being arrested three times by police officers.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes I have. A bunch of band members from various bands.
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
None socks with left foot.
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Absolutely not.
28. What type of music do you like?
Pop punk til I die.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
One, but Emma insists on putting their pillow underneath mine during the middle of the night.
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
32. How big is your house?
I think it’s over 3500 sqaure feet.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Black iced coffee.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes I have.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yes, not real archery but like, real fake archery.
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Around 30ish hours.
39. Do you have any scars?
A whole bunch because I’m a clumsy bitch.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
I’d like to think so. But I don’t lie about anything big. Just stupid shit.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Oh boy. I don’t know?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Yes. Really horrible English and Australian accents
44. Do you have a strong accent?
Emma says I have a strong New England/New York accent. I think it only comes out when I’m angry and not paying attention.
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Probably my work boots or my carhartt jacket.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
An innie
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
I’m fucking terrified of spiders but I will always be the one to “take care” of one.
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
I had a really incredible apple drink in Germany. It was really fucking great.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Both. I’m not supper messy. But I do like being neat and tidy.
55. Most used phrased?
What’s up my dude.
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Anywhere from 5-15 minutes.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
Hahaha. No, I lost that years ago.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Who the fuck bites lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Not usually.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
I sing in the shower sometimes.
62. Are you a good singer?
Oh fuck yeah.
63. Biggest Fear?
Right now? Probably my mom breaking into my house.
64. Are you a gossip?
Boy do I love some good gossip. But only true shit. I don’t have time to make stories up.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Short hair.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Yes? I can name them all, I probably can’t point every one out on the map though.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert who likes going out and being with one or two friends at a time.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
Kind of?
71. What makes you nervous?
Literally everything omg
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Nah buddy. I’m scared of what happens in the dark.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Oh shit yeah. All the time. It’s horrible.
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
All of the time when I was younger?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Yeah? If you call the devils lettuce drugs.
79. Who was your first real crush?
My first girlfriend.
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
Normal speed? Unless we’re talking about those old typing speed tests from primary school, then I can type over 120 words in 15-20 seconds on a desktop.
83. How fast can you run?
Pretty fast?
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Bees and misogyny.
87. Do you keep a journal?
Not exactly. I have to start writing for a trauma group I’m in but I’m nervous and procrastinating on it.
88. What do your parents do?
My dad is an electrical engineer and my mother lies and manipulated everyone.
89. Do you like your age?
Sure? I mean. I’m too young to have a career and too old to do fun stuff. It’s great. It’s the most uncomfortable weird age.
90. What makes you angry?
When my shoes get wet and my socks get damp, when people drive like idiots, when people hurt Emma’s feelings, when people talk shit about me.
91. Do you like your own name?
Kind of. I love my nick names.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Yes but I don’t like them anymore.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I don’t care? There are more genders than that? Whatever gender they are???
94. What are you strengths?
I can work under a lot of pressure, I can diffuse a lot of stressful situations, I can always make someone laugh.
95. What are your weaknesses?
I cry when I get overwhelmed, I’m stubborn, I will never say no, I will do anything for anyone.
96. How did you get your name?
My parents gave it to me.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
No, but I have a great grandfather who was a mayor of a town in Germany before the War.
98. Do you have any scars?
Yes? I thought I answered this already. Im a dumb clumsy bitch.
99. Color of your bedspread?
Right now I think it cream colored, but I really want those dog flannel sheets from Walmart.
100. Color of your room?
Taupe. A gross oatmeal color. I want to change it. I was looking at paint swayed today.
Thanks Em for asking! These were pretty fun!
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