#azriel shadowsinger x platonic reader
riddlesb1tch · 1 year
Nasty Bat
Azriel x reader
word count: 0.5k
summary: little drabble about how azriel and his best friend's mornings usually go
warnings: none!
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Early in the morning, you lay in bed, consciousness slowly trickling into your senses from your dreamless sleep the previous night. Sunlight filtered in through the window, warming your exposed skin cooled by the chilly morning air coming in. You smiled to yourself sleepily, humming while pulling the soft and cosy blanket closer, and losing yourself in the bliss of slumber once again. 
You stood on the precipice of unconsciousness when the door to your room barged open. You internally groaned, not even bothering to open your eyes. You already knew it was the same annoying bat as every morning coming to bother you. 
“Good morning, princess!” Azriel’s booming voice greeted. He stalked into your room. He saw you cuddled in your blankets still and smiled mischievously.
Walking up to your slumbering figure, Azriel plopped himself down on your body. You shrieked suddenly at the weight, throwing the blanket off and swatting his arm in annoyance. Azriel simply chuckled before standing back up. 
“Wake up,” he poked your head. 
You grumbled unintelligibly at him and pulled the covers back over your head. You heard footsteps walk to the other side before you felt the bed dip beside you. Azriel pulled the covers from your face. 
He said in a sing-song voice, “It's time for training.” At the lack of response, Azriel poked your cheek and you huffed in annoyance, swatting his hand away. You pried your sleep-addled eyes open to look at him and grumbled, “Why must you wake me up every morning?”
“Because it's morning and you should be up,” he said with a smirk.
“By that logic, you should be asleep when it's nighttime but you stay awake till sunrise,” you smirked. 
Azriel narrowed his eyes at you. “Smartass.” 
You grinned at your victory and pulled the covers back over your face in hopes Azriel would leave you alone for today. Soon you felt him get up from beside you and took a breath of relief. His footsteps sounded on the other side of the room now, and you knew he was heading for the door now, and settled in comfortably, ready to get a few more hours of sleep. 
The footsteps suddenly stopped but you didn’t hear the door open. Your brows furrowed. Before you could comprehend what was going on, Azriel yanked the covers back from your body and started tickling you all over. You screamed which quickly turned into a fit of laughter as you tried to push Azriel’s hands away. 
“Get away from you nasty bat,” you shouted in between your laughter. Azriel laughed too.
After a couple more seconds, he stopped tickling you, allowing you to catch your breath. Then, he hit you in the face with a pillow. 
“Ow!” you exclaimed. 
“Get up, it's time for training,” he said. 
You groaned loudly, turning to lie on your stomach. “Five more minutes,” you muttered with your face in the pillow. 
“Nope!” Azriel chirped then moved to the foot of the bed, grabbed your ankles and pulled you off the bed. 
“I’m being assaulted by a bat!” you shouted. “Someone help!” 
“No one’s coming to your rescue here, princess,” Azriel grinned down at your frowning face as you sat up. 
You huffed in annoyance at him before standing up to head to the bathroom. 
“I hate you,” you grumbled on the way. 
“You know you love me,” Azriel grinned.
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serpentandlily · 11 months
Butterfly Fly Away
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Butterfly Fly Away - Platonic!Reader x BatBoys
Summary: You’ve been bestfriends with Rhys, Cassian and Azriel since childhood but with the new additions to your Inner Circle, it's starting to feel like you are being replaced. When confronted, your three friends brush off your concerns, leading you to believe it’s time to move on and start a life of your own. But once you’re gone, the three brothers begin to realize just how much they need you in their lives. 
Based on this request.
Warnings: A mix of angst and fluff. 
Butterfly Fly Away
You let out a long shaky breath, sitting on the edge of your bed, looking around your now empty room in the Townhouse. You had packed up everything. Your clothes, your trinkets, the parchments full of scribbles from Nyx, the painting Feyre had gifted you of the whole family together. All of it.
Your chest felt hollow. The silence and emptiness was deafening. So many memories were made in this room, down these halls, in this city. The thought of leaving that all behind made your heart ache but the thought of staying here hurt worse. 
You had met Rhysand, Azriel and Cassian during your youth and struck a friendship with them. A friendship that had grown and grown into what felt like an impenetrable bond between the three of you. 
And they had always stressed how much importance you had within the family. The peacemaker, the mediator, the one who could end fights between them before they even began. Your magic was able to read the emotions of others, making you adept at talking others through their own feelings—of helping them understand why they felt the way they did. 
It was really the only thing you were good for. You weren’t a skilled fighter, or strategist, or politician. All weakness you hated considering your family was made of the most powerful fae.
But when it came to matters of the heart? Well, you were an expert. For everyone else anyways, considering yours was currently being torn apart. 
You had been there for each of them during the best and worst of days. Through the war, through Rhysand losing his family, through the forty-nine years without him. The four of you with Mor and Amren included had built a small family together. 
A family that was no longer around because they had all found another. And you had been left with none. 
Slowly but surely they had completely erased your spot in the family with the Archeron sisters. It wasn’t even that you didn’t like the three sisters. Each of them had a special place in your heart. But they changed the dynamic of the group so drastically. 
And you no longer felt like you belonged. 
Mor had felt it too, which was why she was more than happy to be sent to the continent to work on alliances there. Amren had found herself a lover and seemed content with keeping him all to herself. 
But you…you had nothing without them. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. 
You had tried to bring it up with them, had tried to hint that you felt a bit left out and neglected. But they had brushed you off, telling you it was time you “found a life of your own like they had.” You thought you did have a life of your own already. Here. But apparently that was not the case. 
You let out another sigh as you stared at the last three things you had to pack. You picked up the first one, a smooth rock—a red creek jasper. You still remembered the day Azriel had given it to you when you both were only eleven. 
“You can do it, Az!” you shouted. 
You were standing underneath a very large boulder, holding a hand over your eyes as the sun shone down on you and Rhys. Cassian and Azriel were both on top of the boulder, wings spread wide as Cassian tried to direct Azriel on how to fly. 
Azriel’s face was nearly white and you could tell even from where you were standing that his hands were shaking. You took a few steps closer to the rock, holding your little arms out. 
“I’ll catch you if you fall,” you yelled up to him. “I promise!”
It was at that moment that Cassian decided he was over waiting for Azriel to jump and pushed the boy off the rock instead. Azriel shrieked, a sound he had never made before, and frantically tried to pump his wings but it was no use. He crashed right into you, sending you both sprawling on the ground.
“Y/n,” he gasped, rolling off of you. “Are you okay?” 
His eyes were wide with both shock and concern. They only widen more when you burst out laughing, clutching your stomach. It hurt, a lot. You were both eleven but Azriel was already bigger than you. 
“I told you I’d catch you!” The look on his normally unreadable face sent you into another fit of giggles. 
Later that day, Azriel had gone to the nearby creek and dug around for hours looking for the perfect rock to give you, knowing you liked collecting the cool ones you found. He had apologized numerous times, even though it had been Cassian’s fault, but he still felt guilty. He finally stumbled on a tiny, smooth rock that was a mixture of dark orange and red swirls.
When he came home that night and offered it to you as another apology, Cassian and Rhys had laughed themselves nearly sick but you had just smiled at the shy boy and squeezed the rock in your hand, holding against your chest. 
It was the first gift Azriel had given you and it had stayed with you all these years. 
You wrapped it back in the silk handkerchief you kept it in and placed it in your bag. 
Your eyes moved to the next item. A scarf made from various scraps of fabric. Definitely not fashionable, but it had been a special gift from Rhysand.
“Why do you carry that old blanket around with you still?” The thirteen year-old Rhys was peering at the dirty blanket in your hand with a sneer. “We’re not babies anymore, y/n. You should get rid of it.” 
You pulled the blanket closer to you—a blanket made up of random scraps of fabric, the only thing your mother could afford at the time. It was ratty, falling apart at the seams, but it was special to you. 
“It’s the only thing I have left of her,” you said, quietly, blinking away the tears that started forming in your eyes. 
Your mother had passed away years ago and your father, who had never loved her in the first place, had tossed out all her belongings. You had only managed to get your hands on the blanket before it was taken away.   
Rhys had said nothing else about it until winter solstice came around that year. You hadn’t noticed that he had snuck into your room and taken the blanket—bringing it to his mother to make into something a little better for you to carry around with you. 
He had given you the scarf that night and every single snowfall, it was the first one you pulled out. You packed it away with a heavy heart. You were moving to the Day Court, something you had already discussed with the Inner Circle, and you would hardly have use for it there. 
The last item sat on your dresser, a white, stuffed pegasus toy—a gift from Cassian. 
A knock sounded on your door but you ignored it, rolling over in your bed and wiping your tears.
Another knock.
“Y/n! Open up! I know you’re in there,” Cassian shouted through the door.
“Go away, Cass,” you managed to croak out through your tears. “I’m not in the mood.”
There was a pause before he shouted through the door again.
“What’s wrong, y/n? I can tell you’re crying!”
“Nothing, just go away!”
The door burst open and you shot up in your bed, cursing at yourself for not making sure it was locked. Cassian walked into your room, his eyes widening as he took in your appearance. 
“Y/n?” He asked, quietly, shutting the door behind him. “Why are you crying? What happened?”
A tiny sob broke through your lips and Cassian was at your side instantly, wrapping an arm around you. You both were only sixteen, but Cassian was already starting to look more like a male than a boy with how big he was getting. 
“Cyrus b-broke up with me,” you choked out. 
“Oh thank the gods!”
You glared up at Cassian, shoving him away from you.
“Get out if you’re going to be like that.”
He held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, y/n, I just mean… Well, we all think you’re too good for him, you know. He’s an asshole.”
More tears poured from your eyes and Cassian pulled you to his chest again. “I am really sorry, y/n. I know how much you liked him.”
Cassian had stayed with you that night, holding you until you cried yourself to sleep. When you woke up the next day, a tiny stuffed Pegasus was waiting on your nightstand with a note attached to it.
‘I hope this little guy helps you feel better. But if you need to let off some steam, come find me in the training ring—Cassian.’
You hugged the pegasus to your chest for a moment before dropping it into your bag with the last of your stuff. 
You were supposed to leave in the morning after a goodbye breakfast with the whole family, but the trip down memory lane had you feeling too upset.
You didn’t know if you could handle seeing them all, especially when they seemed to have no qualms about you leaving. 
Cassian didn’t need a secondary sparring partner to Azriel anymore now that he had Nesta. Rhys didn’t need help reading through correspondence now that he had Feyre. And those serene walks through the woods with Azriel? Well, those went to Elain now. 
You pulled out the copy of keys you had for the Townhouse and River House and set them down on the dresser in the room. You took one last look around, your heart breaking in your chest, before finally winnowing away.
“This alliance with Vallahan could go two ways,” Rhys said, stroking his jaw. “They fight with us against Koschei and end this whole thing before it becomes a full blown war. Or they’re faking their support and have already sided with Koschei.”
“If they are, the results of that will be devastating,” Mor said with a frown. “Our armies are still so depleted and even with the help of the other courts minus Autumn, Koschei has triple our numbers if Vallahan has already sided with him.” 
Cassian let out a low whistle as he stared over the battle plans. “We’d be fucked. Utterly fucked.”
“We can’t win in that scenario,” Azriel piped up from next to Cassian.
“We can’t win without their help either,” Feyre said. “This decision is everything. Everything relies on this decision. You really couldn’t get a read on them, Mor?” 
Mor shook her head. “They were careful with their wording and vague. They were certainly speaking the truth, but it meant little.”
“Their mental defenses were too strong to get through without force. But if they are being honest and I break into their minds, we might as well kiss the alliance goodbye,” Rhys sighed. “If only there was another way to get a read on them. I hate going into this blind with only our own faith.” 
The room was silent as they all pondered what this meant for the battle against Koschei. 
“There is…someone who could help.”
Everyone’s head whipped towards Cassian. Rhysand waved a hand at him to continue. Cassian swallowed audibly.
That name had everyone sitting up straight. Rhysand raised an eyebrow at him, not understanding. Not until it clicked in his head.
“She can read people’s emotions,” he breathed out. “I… I never thought about her using it this way. I just thought it was good for—well, you know.”
“Just meddling?”
Rhys nodded, feeling a bit ashamed. The room went quiet again, everyone soaking in what Cassian was suggesting.
“Would she even help? You all basically ran her out of this court,” Mor huffed, causing tensions to rise. 
“Not this again,” Cassian groaned.
Mor stood from her seat, bristling at Cassian’s words. “I’m being serious. She has been your guys’ friend since you were kids. And you all left her in the dust even after she tried to tell you guys how she felt!”
When Mor had returned from the continent and learned of you leaving the court, she had been beyond angry at the three males for their treatment of you. She had written you several letters apologizing and you had welcomed her back into your life. 
But she was the only one you still talked to. 
The room was dead quiet. Each of the three males shared looks of guilt and embarrassment because Mor was right. They had completely taken you for granted and cast you aside once the sisters started having bigger roles in their life. And they had let you go without even trying to convince you to stay. 
“I miss her.”
Azriel’s voice was so quiet, like he hadn’t even meant to say those words out loud. 
Cassian let out a long sigh. “I miss her too.”
Mor glanced around at the other members of the Inner Circle before gesturing towards the door. “I think the boys need to discuss this amongst themselves.” 
Once the door shut behind Feyre, Rhys leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “I hadn’t realized how much of an impact she had. Things haven’t felt right here without her.” 
“No, they haven’t,” Cassian agreed. “We really did kind of… forget about her. Not intentionally but still.” 
“Have you talked to her?” Azriel asked, looking at his High Lord.
“Have you?”
Azriel looked away in answer, feeling a bit of guilt. 
“Do you think she’s still in the Day Court?” Cassian asked. 
Rhys nodded. “Yes, Helion is quite fond of her it seems.” 
Cassian snickered while a ghost of a grin crossed Azriel’s face. It wasn’t hard to imagine you in Day. You had always been a beacon of light for the group and they knew how easily you made friends wherever you went. It came naturally to you as an empath. 
“Do you think…” Cassian trailed off, sounding a bit insecure. “Do you think she’d come home? If we asked?” 
“She didn’t even say goodbye before she left,” Azriel murmured. 
“We can try but I think we should be honest with her about our feelings,” Rhys said. “I’d hate for her to think we’re just asking her back so she can help us with this.” 
“She’s going to know how we’re feeling anyways,” Cassian laughed. “Remember?”
Rhys grinned, thinking of all the times you had caught them in blatant lies because of your abilities, all the times you meddled with their love lives and friendships too. 
There really was a you-shaped hole in the group now. The three shared a look of guilt. It was a shame it took this long for them to realize it. 
Three knocks against the door of your small cottage woke you up. You groaned, sitting up and blinking the sleep from your eyes. You had gone to one of Helion’s illustrious parties last night and had not been expecting to be woken up this early.
You shrugged on a silk robe over your nightgown and made your way to your front door.
Your eyes widened in shock as soon as you opened it, staring at the three males you hadn’t seen in a little over a year. You stepped aside, wordlessly, letting them into your new home. The distance had not made the bond between the four of you shrink, even after all this time, it seemed.
They greeted you in their own ways. Azriel with a soft smile, Cassian with a booming hello and hug, and Rhys was a feline grin and pat on the shoulder. You strode to the kitchen as they took a seat in your living room.
“I need coffee,” you announced. “Anyone else?”
“Long night?” Cassian teased.
“Don’t even ask,” you joked back, pulling out four mugs as they all said yes to your offer.
It was silent while the coffee brewed, and their emotions were all over the place. Nervousness, guilt, hope and regret. Your eyebrows furrowed as you grabbed the mugs and set them on the coffee table, taking a seat on an armchair.
“No offense,” you started. “But why are you guys here? I haven’t spoken to any of you in over a year.”
“That’s kind of what we’re here about,” Rhys replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
You raised an eyebrow at them, taking a sip of your coffee.
“I’ll get straight to the point,” he continued. “We…We want you to come home.”
You nearly spit your coffee out. That was not what you were expecting him to say. After all, they didn’t seem very upset when you told them you were leaving the Night Court in the first place.
“Why?” you managed to choke out.
“I’ll be honest. We’re dealing with a situation back home and it made us realize how much of an importance you played, not just in our court but in our lives. We miss you, y/n. We regret how we treated you the past few years.”
“We all just got so caught up in our own problems, we didn’t even realize how much we were neglecting you,” Cassian added with a sincere frown. “You were such a constant in our lives and I guess we sort of took that for granted, assuming you’d always be there.”
“I tried to tell you how I felt,” you murmured, hiding half your face behind your coffee mug.
“I’m sorry for brushing you off,” Azriel said, quietly. “Truly. A lot was happening and like Cassian said, I just figured once we got through it all, things could resume as normal.”
“So why have none of you written to me in the year I’ve been gone?”
“After you left, Mor kind of chewed us out,” Cassian said, sheepishly. “We all just assumed you were mad at us and left because you needed space. I know it’s not a good excuse but well, you know more than anyone that we’ve never been great at communicating.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. That was the reason you meddled so much. To get them to talk about their feelings, express themselves. It was hard staying quiet when you knew how a person truly felt.
“We miss you and we need you, y/n,” Rhys cut in. “Things haven’t been the same since you left. I’m sorry it took so long for us to realize and I’m sorry for how we treated you. You’re our best friend, our sister. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“Me either.” Both Azriel and Cassian interjected.
You thought about it, thought of the year you spent without them. While you had started anew, made new friends, had lovers, you did miss them dearly. It made you realize something about the bond you all shared, about your friendship in general. Life changes and sometimes people get preoccupied with other things but that bond you felt hadn’t shrunk, hadn’t grown any weaker. It was still the same as it had been the day you left.
They would always be your best friends, your brothers by name.
And their feelings were genuine. You of all people would know.
“Please come home,” Cassian begged. “I need you--we all need you.”
This house was not a home without the people you cared about. As much as you loved the Day Court, it wasn’t the same. Not without all the memories tied to it. And perhaps this had just made your friendship with them stronger, made you all realize how much you needed each other despite now having more priorities in your lives. You couldn’t fault them for finding love, for building families.
The three of them were nearly holding their breath with anticipation, waiting for your answer. A smile broke out on your face and their shoulders dropped.
“Okay,” you finally said. “I’ll come home. But I’m keeping this as my vacation house and you all owe me a years’ worth of mooncakes when we get home.”
Laughter filled the tiny cottage as they eagerly agreed to your terms. A new warmth spread in your chest. You were finally going home back to your true family. 
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alyslittlehaven · 3 months
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Mood/idea board for my Azriel x Vanserra!reader 😩😩😩😩
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mischiefmanagers · 6 months
Rhysand Fic Rec Library 🦇💜
"Rhysand is the most handsome High Lord. Rhysand is the most delightful High Lord. Rhysand is the most cunning High Lord."
here's a list of one hundred Rhysand x Reader and Rhysand x OC fics to celebrate the most handsome High Lord ✨
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @sarawritestories
The Most Beautiful High Lady 🥀💞
You Looked Like You Could Use a Partner 💞
by @lalacliffthorne
starshine (series) 🥀💞
by @marvelsmylife
Not As It Seems 🥀💞
Protecting his high lady 🥀💞
I think I wanna marry you 💞
by @swansworth
The Handsome Stranger 🥀💞
My High Lady 🔥
by @writingsbychlo
how we survive 🥀 platonic Rhysand x Reader but it's AMAZING
Home To Us 💞🌼
How to Save a Life 💞
by @azrielsdove
The High Lords 🥀🔥
Til Death Do Us Part 🥀🔥
Money, Power, Glory 🥀
Beautiful Girl 🥀💞
by @historiaxvanserra
What Our Souls Are Made Of 🥀💞
by @honeybeefae
Pretty Little Tears 🔥
by @wishfulwithwine
The Great War 🥀
by @leafsandstarlight
Against Your Brother's Wishes 🥀💞
Easy Like Sunday Morning 💞🔥
Welcome Distraction 🔥
Little Reminders 💞
by @cherhys
Anything, Always 🥀💞
Colliding Visions 💞
by @k-daydreams
Touch in the Dark 🥀
by @azsazz
Dioxazine 💞
Lavender Haze
Hung Up 🔥
by @jeannineee
Pining 🥀
Daddy Kink 🔥
by @ughthatimagineblog
love and loathing 💞🔥
forever and a day 💞
by @fieldofdaisiies
I Never Mean to Hurt You 🥀
by @daydreaming-nerd
The Bonds That Break Us 💞🥀🔥
by @hellcat8908
Returning Home 🥀💞
by @thehighladywrites
This Isn't Goodbye, This Is Simply See You Later 💞🥀🔥
Just One More, I Know You Can Do It 💞🔥
by @lure-of-writing
Where my soul can rest 🥀
by @saphirered
The Ice Queen and the High Lord 🔥
May We Meet Again
by @bookish-whore
'Til Death 💞
Never Made A Difference 🥀
by @tadpolesonalgae
mine 🔥
Knocked up 🔥
by @itsphoenix0724
Promises 🥀
by @fanttasttica
I hate you more.. 🥀
Shy priestess 💞
Finding you 🔥
Your love healed me 🥀💞
Just love me 🥀
One plus one makes three 💞
by @illyrian-dreamer
Dance with the devil
Make a bargain with me 💞🥀
by @azrielbrainrot
My Body Keeps Saying it's Yours 🔥
by @b00kdiary
by @solbaby7
Lose Control 💞
Put On A Show 🔥
Testing the Waters 💞🔥🌼
by @luxsky
Kicking out 💞
by @themusingsofacurlyhairednerd
Warm Me Up 💞🔥
by @starstruckunknown-princess
Black Rose 🥀
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Needs Must 🔥
With Me, Always 🥀💞
Shrinking Violet 🔥
Forget Me Not 💞
by @lanitalay
At sea 💞🥀
by @redheadspark
Truth 💞🥀
Carry 💞🥀
My Pleasure 💞
Title 💞
by @azrielslightintheshadows
Game night disaster 🥀
Between you and danger 🥀
by @danikamariewrites
Take Them All Down 🥀🌼
Only For You 💞
Pointless Meetings 💞
Pranks 💞
by @bloodycassian
winter court runaway
by @thevanserrras
The Stolen Night 🥀💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
Winter Without You 🥀
Love Needs No Voice
by @prythianpages
Wanna Be Yours 💞
by @milswrites
Out of the Mountain 🥀
by @readychilledwine
Requiem for a Dream (series) 🥀💞
Broken 🥀
Flight Patterns 🥀💞🌼
Subtle 💞
Scream 🔥
Plot Measure 🥀
Drumming Song 🔥
Family Matters 🔥
Pieces of You 🥀🌼
by @clairebear08
Questioning Motives 🔥
by @serpentandlily
Falling Apart for You 🥀
by @shadowdaddies
Heavy is the Head 🥀💞🔥
Crawl to Me 🥀🔥
by @throneofsapphics
if you insist 💞
surprise reunions 🔥
by @azriels-shadowsinger
Reunited 💞🥀
by batboylover
secretly mated 🥀💞
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parkerslatte · 7 months
Centuries Coming
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 8.7k
Warnings: none.
Summary: Y/N and Azriel have been close friends for centuries. When Azriel begins to pull away from Y/N to spend more time with Elain, a mating bond snaps.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
It had been nearly three centuries of friendship and Y/N was sure she would never get bored of her relaxing sessions with Azriel. For two weeks, he had been away on a mission while Y/N continued her intense training sessions with Cassian. They both were well and truly exhausted. 
Y/N’s room, which was situated right next to Azriel’s, was nearly silent as the two friends relaxed. The only noise emitting from the room were the soft sounds of the pages flipping in a book and an occasional content sigh. With her left hand, Y/N held the book up to her eye level, skilfully flipping the page with her thumb when it was needed. Her other hand occupied Azriel’s head, her fingers threading through his soft locks as his head rested on her stomach. The two were utterly content. 
Once Y/N reached the end of the chapter, she spared a glance at Azriel. His eyes were closed and his breathing even. Y/N stilled her hand movement in his hair for a brief moment simply to admire the shadowsinger laying before her. He was beautiful, she had always thought he was beautiful ever since she had met him. Azriel carried a sense of elegance in his features that only stone carvings held. From the smoothness of his skin to the sharpness of his jaw, everything was sculpted to perfection. 
“Why did you stop?” Azriel questioned, nudging his head against Y/N’s hand. 
Y/N let out a breathy laugh before continuing to thread her fingers through his hair. Azriel wasn’t the only one who enjoyed this. She was very much enjoying herself too– as well as enjoying the way his arms were wrapped around her waist tightly. 
“I was just lost in thought for a moment,” Y/N replied, playing her book down on the bed next to her, the hand previously holding the book coming to rest upon Azriel’s shoulder. 
Azriel opened his eyes to view the book she had set down before his gaze shifted to meet Y/N’s. “Are you tired? You normally only stop reading when you are tired.”
The smile on Y/N’s face was soft. She loved it when Azriel noticed small specific details about her. “I’m not tired, just relaxed.”
Azriel’s head lifted from Y/N’s stomach before he shuffled himself up her bed to sit against the headboard, his wings splayed out behind him.  
“What are you doing?” Y/N questioned, curling her legs closer to her body, suddenly feeling the cold now that Azriel had moved. 
“Returning the favour,” Azriel responded before gently gripping Y/N’s arm and pulling her so her head rested against his chest. 
Y/N couldn’t help herself but inhale the familiar scent that she loved so much. Nothing relaxed her more than Azriel’s scent. Whenever she was stressed or simply having a rough day, she would always seek him out and over the course of the past few months, she hadn’t even had a reason to seek him out. Y/N just wanted to be around him. 
One of Azriel’s arm wrapped around Y/N’s shoulders and tangled in her hair whilst the other wrapped around her waist, keeping her body close to his. Y/N rested her hands on his firm torso, feeling the ridges of hard muscle beneath. She blushed. 
“Oranges,” Azriel muttered, his head turning into hers. 
“What?” Y/N asked, her voice muffled by his chest. 
“Your shampoo,” Azriel said. “It smells of oranges.”
“And other citrus fruits,” Y/N responded. “I bought it when–”
“When you went to the Summer Court,” Azriel cut her off. “I remember you mentioning it a few months ago.”
Moments like this with Azriel were quite common within their friendship. The two would often find themselves wrapped up with one another. Of course it was strictly platonic, it was what it had always been. At least that is what Y/N thought it was, but over the past few years, she had begun to notice Azriel in a new light. At first she would just take note of how handsome he looked when he was at ease surrounded by his family. She would then notice how much she enjoyed being around him while it was just the two of them. Y/N never thought anything of this at first but that feeling of disappointment that overcame her when someone else walked into the room was one she couldn’t explain. 
One particular moment where Y/N realised that she was falling hard for Azriel was on her four-hundredth birthday, just a little over three years ago. He had decided to give her her present in private. It was a small charm bracelet. Whenever Azriel would go away on a mission, he would always buy her a new charm to add to it. Nothing meant more to Y/N than that bracelet. However, the bracelet was not the thing that made Y/N realise her feelings– it was the kiss on her cheek. 
As soon as his lips touched her skin, Y/N could only wish that they had connected only a few centimetres to the left. She needed to feel his lips upon hers but she could only ever imagine it. Whenever she found herself staring at his lips when he spoke or when he wasn’t looking, she always imagined the way they would feel on hers– and other parts of her body. Even now as Y/N could feel Azriel’s lips graze the top of her head, she wished she could just lean up and capture them with her own. 
Y/N could only wish that they were more than friends.
Many months later, Y/N found herself knocking on Azriel’s door. She hadn’t seen much of him since she had bought her own house on the outskirts of Velaris. It was a small cottage with a large stretch of land overlooking the mountains. Y/N loved the location as she could sit and stare at the stars all night long and never get bored. But one thing she did miss was Azriel. 
As she waited patiently outside of his door, she heard footsteps approaching before the door opened and Azriel came into view. It seemed as if he had just woken up as his hair was a mess and he was rubbing sleep away from his eyes– and he was shirtless too. Y/N had to refrain herself from admiring his figure. 
“Y/N,” Azriel said, genuine surprise in his tone. “I didn’t know that you would be here.”
“I decided to stop by,” Y/N replied. “I haven’t seen you much recently, and I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me? I have a day off from my duties and was planning to visit the bakery that had just opened in the city.”
“Oh,” Azriel said. “I was going to take Elain there later. I promised I would go with her days ago.”
Y/N tried to keep the smile on her face, though it did falter a little. Her moving out was not the only reason she hadn’t seen Azriel much, the second reason was the middle Archeron sister who had seemed to take up a large majority of Azriel’s time.When she offered to hang out or train together, he was always with the middle Archeron sister. Even when they did make plans, Azriel always cancelled at the last minute to be with Elain.  Y/N didn’t want to say that she was a jealous person but she couldn’t help but be jealous of Elain. She was beautiful and kind. Of course Y/N was both of those things too but Elain made it so effortless, even when she wasn’t trying to be beautiful and kind– she was. 
“Okay,” Y/N said, stepping back from his door. “Well maybe we could go another time. What about tomorrow? We can make a day of it.”
The shake of Azriel’s head broke her heart. “I’m out with Elain tomorrow, as well. I don’t have the time.”
His answer was blunt and straight to the point. Y/N tried not to let his answer affect her but embarrassment seemed to encase her body. 
“Oh,” Y/N said, the smile now completely gone from her face. “I hope you two have fun, then.” Her gaze fell to the floor as she took another step back from his door. 
Before she could step further away from his door, Azriel caught her wrist in his hand. Y/N’s breath hitched as his skin touched hers. It had been a while since they had touched and it still sent goosebumps down her spine. Y/N’s eyes slowly travelled up his torso, the black tattoos swirling across his chest and shoulders. As her eyes met Azriel’s, Y/N felt as if she had stopped breathing altogether. That feeling in her chest seemed to pull her right to Azriel, pulling taunt until it snapped into place. 
A mating bond. 
The feeling of Azriel’s hand on her wrist was too much for her to bear. Y/N pulled her hand out of Azriel’s gentle grasp and held it close to her chest, missing the hurt look that flashed across his features for a brief moment. He folded his arms across his chest, hiding his hands. 
“If you want to wait, we could all go together,” Azriel said, his voice unusually quiet.
Y/N, somehow finding her voice, said, “No, I think I’ll just go on my own. Enjoy your time with Elain.”
Before Azriel could get another word in, Y/N practically raced from his doorway and out of sight. Her breathing became more and more ragged. Mate. Azriel was her mate. As Y/N hurried down the hall, she collided with a hard chest and stumbled back slightly. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Cassian asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Y/N frantically nodded her head. “I’m okay. I’m fine, I was just going for a walk.”
Cassian didn’t get to ask another question as Y/N continued her path, ignoring her friend even when he called out to her. 
That had been three days ago. Y/N had asked Rhys for a few days off from her duties. With the mating bond snapping into place for her, she hadn’t been able to think straight. All she could think of was Azriel. The bond urged her to go to him but her mind fought back. It clearly hadn’t snapped for him and Y/N didn’t want to pressure him into anything if she told him. 
For centuries the two had been friends– close friends. She had confided in him over everything because he would always sit and listen. He would hug her in her times of need and hold her until she fell asleep. Azriel was her rock. Y/N let out a sigh as she laid down on her bed. Why now? She thought. What was it about that one singular touch and conversation that made the bond snap? 
They have had many more intimate touches before. With Azriel’s hand gently caressing her cheek. His arms wrapped around her waist as he lifted her from the floor to hug her tightly. Y/N’s hands gently touching his wing as she helped heal a painful gash. All of those touches had been a lot more intimate than the simple touch of her wrist. 
Even their conversations. The two had deep conversations about insecurity, inadequacy and many other important matters. There were conversations full of playful teasing that sometimes shifted over into the more flirtatious territory. Those conversations always made Y/N’s heart beat a little faster. But the bond hadn’t snapped for any of those. It had snapped when Azriel rejected her to spend time with another female.
Y/N rolled over in her bed and pulled the blanket further around her body. She still couldn’t believe that Azriel was her mate. The way Y/N was feeling, she was sure she had never had so many emotions within her in her whole life. 
She glanced at the charm bracelet on her wrist. It was decorated with eleven charms. The newest one was just over a year old. Normally Azriel would buy her a charm whenever he was away for a long period of time or on special occasions. Of course Y/N tried to stop him, she didn’t want him to spend his own money on her. But every time she mentioned it, Azriel would simply return with a new one much more beautiful than the last. Y/N touched the last charm he had bought her. It was a simple silver heart. There wasn’t anything special about it but it was Y/N’s favourite. 
As Y/N was lost in her thoughts, loud knocking came from her door. Y/N didn’t even attempt to move from her position on her bed, even when the knocking got louder. 
“Y/N, let me in!” Cassian’s voice came from outside. 
Y/N didn’t respond even as he complained about the cold. She pulled the blanket to her chin and looked at the heart charm. When she had first received it, she was sure that was a hint toward his feelings, that he might have loved her in the way she loved him. But only a week after gifting her that charm, he began to spend almost all of his spare time with Elain. Of course Y/N tried not to let it affect her too heavily– if Azriel was happy then she would try to be happy for him. 
“Y/N, I’m coming in!” Cassian called and she heard her door unlock. 
Cassian’s heavy footsteps came up her stairs until her bedroom door was pushed open. 
“How did you get in?” Y/N questioned, her head poking out of the mass of blankets. 
“I took the spare key from Az’s room while he was out with Elain,” Cassian explained.
Y/N felt her heart drop at the mention of Azriel out with Elain once again. He always seemed to have time for her but whenever Y/N spoke to him recently, he was always in a rush to get away or on his way to see Elain.
“What’s wrong?” Cassian asked. 
The bed dipped as Cassian sat down, pulling off his boots. Y/N turned over in the bed to face him as he got comfortable under the covers. She had missed Cassian recently. Of course he had been tasked with training Nesta so she knew that he had a lot to do but she missed these moments where they could just sit and talk. 
“I am just…confused,” Y/N said, sitting up in her bed slightly. 
“Why?” Cassian asked, folding his arms across his chest. 
Y/N looked down at her bracelet. “It’s about Azriel.”
Cassian’s gaze softened. “I thought as much.”
“What?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. “How would you know?”
Cassian glanced down to the bracelet on her wrist. “I was with him when he bought that bracelet for you. He made me follow him around every single shop in Velaris to find something perfect for you.” Y/N’s smile was small but it was there as she conjured up the image in her head. “Azriel decided on that bracelet for you because he could buy you the charms to add to it and it would give him an excuse to give you presents.”
“I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t accept my refusal,” Y/N said, finally looking up at Cassian.
“He’s a stubborn bastard,” Cassian said, humour lacing his tone. “Especially when it comes to you. He loves you.”
Y/N scoffed. “He does not love me. Don’t joke about things like that, Cassian.”
“I’m not joking, Y/N,” Cassian said. “He has never told me, but I have noticed it in his actions. At every opportunity he has, he seeks you out.”
“It’s only because you and Rhys probably are not around,” said Y/N. 
Cassian chuckled. “Az has sought me out before when he was having a bad day, but he has never cuddled me until we fell asleep together in bed.”
Y/N glared at him. “How did you know about that?”
“You left your door open once and you were both asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. I have known Az all of my life and I had never seen him look so content. Every worry, every doubt, every trouble he has seemed to evaporate when he was in your arms.”
“That still doesn’t prove that he loves me, Cass,” Y/N said. “Now, can we please not talk about this anymore. I don’t have the energy.”
Cassian studied her for a brief moment. “Why did you rush out the other day?”
“I told you, I was going on a–”
“A walk, yes, but why did you rush out? You were clearly upset and you had clearly just come from Az’s room.” Cassian commented.
Y/N sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I just asked him if he wanted to come to the bakery that had just opened in the city but he was already going with Elain.”
“And you were jealous?” Cassian asked.
“It’s not that simple,” Y/N said and fiddled with a loose thread on the blanket. “It seems that since I have moved out, I have barely seen Az. I didn’t even move far away, it's about a fifteen minute walk, even faster by flying. Everyone but him seems to make the effort and whenever I make an effort, he is always busy with Elain.” Y/N sat up in her bed, now fully facing Cassian. “Sometimes I think he is purposefully avoiding me to spend more time with Elain. And I–” 
Y/N cut herself off. She had never voiced these thoughts aloud, they had just been swirling around her head for ages.
“And you what, Y/N?” Cassian asked gently. 
“I just miss him, I miss the way things were, I wish I never fell in love with him.” Y/N could feel the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. “Falling in love with him had to be the stupidest thing I could have done–”
“Don’t say that,” Cassian interrupted. “Don’t ever say that. Azriel deserves all of the love you have given him, and you deserve all of the love he has ever given you.”
“Cassian, Azriel does not love me!” Y/N exclaimed. “If he loved me, why didn’t the damn bond snap for him too!”
Everything was still and silent as Cassian took in the words of the revelation. Y/N felt a small amount of weight lift from her shoulders but it wasn’t enough for her to get out of her bed. 
“You and Az are mates,” Cassian said slowly, processing everything. 
“The day I ran into you was the day it snapped,” Y/N said, hugging her knees to her chest. “Why now? In the many years we have known each other, why did it snap now?”
Cassian shrugged. “I couldn’t tell you. It’s possible that neither of you were ready.”
“I’m not ready now!” Y/N exclaimed. “Az and I barely see each other. He doesn’t have the time for me anymore.”
Cassian gently grasped Y/N’s clasped hands. “Y/N, listen to me when I say that you don’t have anything to worry about. Azriel loves you so much, it is so obvious to everyone around except you. He is in love with you.”
“You can’t be sure, Cass,” Y/N said. “I don’t want to tell him and fuck up out entire relationship.”
“Y/N, tell him,” Cassian said, squeezing her hands. “He deserves to know that he has a mate and he deserves to know that you love him.”
“You are sure that he loves me back?” Y/N asked, her voice quiet.
“I have never been so sure of anything else,” Cassian replied. “And it's Solstice in a few days, you could tell him then.”
“How do I tell him?” Y/N asked. “I don’t even know where I would begin.”
“That is the part I cannot help you with,” Cassian replied. “But whatever you do, I am sure that Azriel will love it. He loves anything you do.”
Y/N let out a breath as she walked through the halls to the living room. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She had asked Rhys where Azriel was and he had told her without question. The small box was clutched in her hands. Her plan was to give Azriel his Solstice present early and to tell him that she loved him and that they were mates. It was quite a simple plan but Y/N had to motivate herself to leave her house. She was rippled with nerves. 
“Just breathe,” she whispered to herself as she closed in on the living room. 
From down the hallway, Y/N could hear the mutter of a familiar voice and she smiled. It was Azriel’s voice. I can do this, she thought. 
As Y/N turned into the living room, her heart sank to the floor and the smile vanished from her face. Azriel and Elain stood in the centre of the room in an embrace and their lips only centimetres from one another. Azriel’s fingers were tangled in her hair as his hand rested on the back of her head and his arm was wrapped around her waist. Elain’s hands were placed on Azriel’s chest as her head was tilted up, waiting for their lips to connect.
Neither of them noticed Y/N, too focussed on one another. Tears immediately sprung to Y/N’s eyes. Azriel didn’t love her. If their passionate embrace connoted anything it was that Azriel’s infatuation resided with Elain. 
Y/N left the room before either of the two noticed, and she let the tears fall. Azriel wasn’t in love with her. Azriel was in love with Elain. 
Cassian was wrong. 
It was the morning of Solstice and Y/N stood in Rhys’s office waiting for him to enter. After she had left Azriel and Elain the previous night, Y/N had cried herself to sleep. If only she had never fallen for Azriel. If only she wasn’t his mate. Maybe then everything would be okay, she would happily tease Azriel about his infatuations with the middle Archeron sister and she wouldn’t be in this position now. 
But that wasn’t the case. Her mate was in love with another. Y/N should have seen the signs. Azriel had spent nearly all of his free time with Elain, the two had gotten so many chances to fall in love since they had began to spend time together. 
Rhys entered his office and sent Y/N a smile. “Why did you want a meeting this early, Y/N? It’s Solstice morning, you should be getting ready for tonight.”
“Send me on a mission,” Y/N stated. “Make sure that it is a long one.”
The smile fell from Rhys’s face. “Why?”
“I just need to get away for a while,” Y/N answered. 
As she lay in her bed deep into the night, Y/N just knew that she needed to get away from Azriel for a while. Just seeing him knowing that he was in love with someone else hurt her like nothing else. The bond only seemed to heighten the pain. Y/N wasn’t sure how Lucien was coping.
“Where is this coming from, Y/N?” Rhys asked. “You are normally the one most excited about Solstice.”
“This year I am not,” Y/N replied, her response blunt. 
Concern clouded over Rhys’s eyes. “Are you okay, Y/N? If there is anything you need to talk about you can–”
“I am fine, Rhys,” Y/N said, forcing a smile onto her face. “I just need to get away, preferably by tonight.”
Rhys studied her for a moment longer before finally nodding, knowing how stubborn Y/N could be. “Give me a few hours and I will have something sorted for you.”
“Thank you, Rhys,” Y/N replied. 
Without another word, Y/N left Rhys’s office. She thought that this space from Azriel would lift some of that weight from her shoulders, if anything the weight got heavier. 
Music was playing and laughter filled the room as gifts were handed out to each person. Azriel remained by the doorway, far away from everyone else– especially Elain. He was not sure what came over him the previous night but he was sure that he never wanted anything like that to happen again. Even as Elain sent him looks, Azriel only ignored them. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Feyre asked no one in particular as she piled presents up. “She has a lot of presents to open.”
Rhys’s joy suddenly vanished and Azriel stiffened. “About Y/N,” Rhys began, “she will not be joining us tonight.”
“Why?” The question left Azriel’s mouth before he could stop it.
“This morning she asked me to send her on a mission,” Rhys said. “I don’t know why but she was adamant.”
“For how long?” Cassian asked. 
“Three months,” Rhys answered.
“Three months!” Cassian exclaimed. “Why?”
Rhys shrugged. “She didn’t tell me.”
Azriel’s shadows swarmed around his shoulders anxiously. Y/N was gone and she hadn’t even told him where she was going– or why she was going. 
Cassian suddenly turned on Azriel. “Why would you let her leave? She told you everything and you let her leave after that.”
“Told me what?” Azriel questioned. 
Cassian’s face dropped. “She didn’t tell you?”
“Told me what, Cassian?” Azriel asked, his voice dropping lower.
“Look, Az, this isn’t my place to–”
“What was she going to tell me, Cassian?” Azriel snapped.
“That she is your mate, Az!” Cassian exclaimed. “She told me her plan and said that she was going to do it last night. She really didn’t tell you?”
“She’s my mate?” Azriel whispered, mainly to himself. 
The room was silent as everyone awaited Azriel’s reaction. He didn’t move, didn’t breathe. Mate, Azriel thought. Y/N is my mate. The shadows previously moving anxiously around Azriel came to a sudden halt as he pushed himself from the doorway. 
“Why did she tell you and not me?” Azriel said, trying to keep his voice level.
“That is not my place to say,” said Cassian. “You will need to talk to Y/N.”
Azriel felt everyone’s gaze fall upon him. He didn’t even register them. All he could think about was Y/N. She was his mate. How long had she known? Why didn’t she tell him? Why did she want to go on a mission? 
“Where is she?” Azriel asked, his gaze falling on Rhys. “You said you sent her on a mission. Where is she?”
“The mission was on the continent,” Rhys answered and glanced at the clock. “She asked to be gone by tonight but it wasn’t possible considering the short notice. She might still be at her house if she hasn’t left early.”
Without another word, Azriel raced out of the house, the calls and protests from his family quickly growing silent as soon as he was in the open air and shot to the skies. Azriel was sure he had never flown as fast as he had. Within a matter of minutes, he was outside of Y/N’s house. 
He remembered when she had first told everyone she was moving, Azriel had been delighted. But the longer he thought about it, the more distraught he became. Nearly every single night, he would fall asleep listening to Y/N’s heartbeat, even if she was in another room, he would hear it and it would soothe him. During those nights, he had noticed that he didn’t have any nightmares. In fact, all he dreamt of was Y/N. 
The lights in Y/N’s house were off and Azriel’s heart sank. If she had already left then he would return and demand Rhys to tell him exactly where she was going. The surrounding area was quiet, even the wind seemed silent. Azriel closed his eyes and hearted a quiet and familiar heartbeat. Y/N’s heartbeat. 
Before he even began to think, Azriel was frantically knocking on her door. “Y/N! Please let me in!”
There was a quiet shuffle from inside the house but not any movement of the door Azriel was frantically knocking on. “Y/N, please let me in, sweetheart.”
The term of endearment slipped from his lips before he could stop it but Azriel didn’t care. All he wanted was to talk to Y/N. Talk to his mate.
“Please,” Azriel whispered desperately. “I need to talk to you, Y/N.”
“Please leave, Azriel,” Y/N’s voice came through the door. “I need to leave soon.”
“No you don’t,” Azriel said. “Please don’t.”
“I am,” Y/N said, and the door was ripped open.
There was a small pain in Azriel’s heart as he looked at Y/N. There were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep and they appeared to be bloodshot. Azriel wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and tell her that everything was okay. But from the look on Y/N’s face, she decided against that. 
“Please leave Az,” Y/N whispered. 
“No,” Azriel said, forcing himself into her house. “I’m not leaving until I talk to you.”
“I need to get going–”
“When were you going to tell me that I was your mate?” Azriel asked. Y/N stilled and Azriel noticed that she refused to look him in the eye.  He stepped closer. “How long have you known?”
Y/N took in a sharp intake of breath before lifting her gaze to meet Azriel’s. “I found out a few days ago. The day I came to you asking if you wanted to go to the bakery with me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Azriel asked softly.
Y/N scoffed. “I tried! Last night.”
Azriel furrowed his eyebrows. “You never came to me last night.”
“I did. I had this whole plan but I showed up and you were with Elain again!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Of course I was with her!” Azriel said. “Rhys asked me to look out for her and make sure she was okay. I’m only doing what he asks.”
Y/N hummed. “Did he ask you to ignore me in the process? Did he ask you to seduce her? Kiss her?”
Azriel’s eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “You know exactly what I mean, Azriel. Last night, I walked in on you and Elain.”
His heart seemed to drop to his feet. “You saw us?”
“Yes I did,” Y/N said, taking a step back but Azriel didn’t let her as he took a step forward. “Please just leave me alone, Az.”
“No,” Azriel said. “You are my mate.”
“And?” Y/N said. “It doesn’t matter when you clearly have your sights set on someone else.”
“Don’t say that Y/N!” Azriel snapped.
“Why? It’s true. You spend all of your time with Elain to the point where I never see you.”
Azriel groaned. “I told you, I was doing as Rhys asked.”
Y/N shook her head. “Azriel, for so many months, you have ignored me in favour of her. Every time I ask if you want to do something, you are always busy because you are with Elain. I haven’t even had a full conversation with you in weeks.” Y/N let out a shaky breath. “I don’t want to admit that I am jealous, but I am.”
“Y/N, please, I don’t like Elain like that,” Azriel said desperately.
“Az, please leave. I need to get going,” Y/N said, trying to push past him. 
Something overcame Azriel and he wasn’t sure exactly what it was. One second he was standing with his arms by his side and the next his lips were pressed against Y/N’s as her back hit the wall behind her. 
Azriel pressed his body against hers as his arms trapped her against the wall. As soon as their lips connected, Azriel felt the bond. The overwhelming feeling caused him to only kiss Y/N harder. It was almost instinct the way his arms wrapped around her body to keep her close to him. He never wanted her to be anywhere else except in his arms. It had been months since he had felt the curves of her body, although this time in a much more intimate setting. He had missed the feeling of her skin on his. He missed the feeling of holding her. He missed everything about her. 
Y/N’s hands came to rest on his chest and Azriel melted further into the kiss, his arms wrapping around her waist tighter. It wasn’t until Y/N used all of her strength to push him away and his mouth was torn from hers. As Azriel opened his eyes, he wished he didn’t. Betrayal was lingering behind the colour he loved so much. 
“Why did you do that?” Y/N whispered, clearly hurt.
“Because it's you who I want, Y/N. Not Elain,” Azriel said, his hand trailing up her body to rest on her cheek. 
Y/N shook her head. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Lie to my face, Azriel,” Y/N said. “You can’t just quickly switch where your affections lie.”
“They lie with you–”
“Oh, please stop!” Y/N exclaimed, pushing Azriel further away from her. “I saw how close you and Elain were last night. I know that Rhys asked you to look after her but did that really need to entail pushing me away. If you really wanted to court Elain, Azriel. I would have helped, no matter how painful it would have been for me. There was no reason for you to push me away.”
“I already told you that I don’t want Elain. I only want you,” Azriel said, growing more and more desperate. 
Y/N scoffed. “Only because of the stupid mating bond.”
“It’s not stupid–”
“Yes it is! If it wasn’t stupid, why didn’t it snap when I fell in love with you years ago!”
Azriel stilled at Y/N’s confession. Y/N loved him. She loved him. Those words Azriel was too afraid to say himself, Y/N had said to him. His mind screamed at him to respond but as soon as the words reached his mouth he couldn’t get them out. 
“You say that you hold no affection for Elain but your actions speak differently, Azriel,” Y/N said, stepping past him. 
“Y/N, please listen to me,” Azriel said, reaching out to grip her hand. 
Her fingers seemed to curl around his before she seemed to think better of it and pulled away. 
“Tell Cassian to come and lock my door assuming he still has the keys,” Y/N said before she left through the front door. 
“Y/N,” Azriel said, desperation evident in his voice as he followed her to her front garden. 
But Y/N was nowhere to be seen, she was gone, taking Azriel’s heart with her in the process.
It had been days since Y/N had left and Azriel hadn’t left her house. Each night he would curl up in her bed missing the scent of her. Even though the bed was too small to accommodate for his wings, it didn’t force Azriel to move. Rhys had tried to contact him multiple times but Azriel had ignored him as he buried his head further into Y/N’s pillows. 
There was a pain in his chest that had never been there before, it was as if he could feel all of the pain and betrayal Y/N felt and Azriel thought he deserved it. He deserved every bit of it. He should have explained better, he should have sat Y/N down and explained everything he was feeling in detail. 
Azriel pulled the covers further over his body, inhaling her scent. It was fading in favour of his own and Azriel hated that. As he closed his eyes, loud knocks sounded throughout the house. Azriel groaned. 
“Azriel,” Elain’s voice shouted through the door. “I know you are there.”
If Azriel didn’t want the ground to swallow him up before, he wanted it to now. He had no intention of speaking to Elain again– at least for a while. That night of their almost kiss was a mistake. 
“Azriel!” Elain shouted, her voice seemingly more irritated. 
With a groan, Azriel lifted himself from Y/N’s bed and he immediately missed the comfort it brought him. He dragged his feet out of the room and down the stairs until he stood in front of the door. Through the frosted glass panes he could see Elain standing there, her arms folded across her chest. 
Azriel’s hand shook as he reached out and opened the door. He revealed Elain’s face and there was an emotion upon it which he had never seen before. It reminded him of Y/N’s expression when she had pushed him away after he had kissed her.
“What are you doing here, Elain?” Azriel asked, his voice hoarse from not talking for days.
“What are you doing here, Azriel?” Elain questioned, forcing her way into Y/N’s house. “No one has seen you in days.”
“I’ve been here,” Azriel replied. 
“So it seems,” Elain said, surveying the living room. “But why are you still here? Y/N left days ago.”
Azriel remained silent as Elain inspected the flowers sitting in the middle of Y/N’s coffee table. He wanted her to leave. He didn’t want to be anywhere near her. 
“I know,” Azriel responded. 
Elain sat down on the sofa and finally met Azriel’s gaze. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
“What?” Azriel said, wanting nothing more than to bury himself underneath Y/N’s many blankets and wish the day away. 
“Ever since that night, you haven’t even looked me in the eye. Why?” Elain’s eyes filled with tears but Azriel could tell she was trying to fight them back. It only made him feel guiltier. 
Azriel’s mouth opened and closed, trying to search for an answer. But every single answer he thought of would only hurt her feelings. “Please leave, Elain. It will be better for both of us.”
Elain shook her head. “I’m not leaving until I get an answer, Azriel. Why did you pull away from me? Did all of those dates mean nothing to you?”
“They weren’t dates,” Azriel found himself saying. 
Elain looked as if she had been struck. “But you have taken me to dinner, on walks in the park, to that bakery that just opened.”
“They weren’t dates,” Azriel said, only feeling guiltier. 
Elain frowned. “Then what were they, Azriel? Because you have been very invested in my life since I have arrived here.”
“I was tasked by Rhys to keep an eye on you,” Azriel admitted, ripping the bandage away.
“What?” Elain asked, her voice quiet. “So all of those days were you just pretending to like me?”
“No,” Azriel said, running his fingers through his hair. “No, it wasn’t like that.”
“Then what was it, Azriel?” Elain questioned, an edge to her voice. 
“I tried, okay? I really tried to like you, I really did,” Azriel said, admitting to the middle Archeron sister what he never thought he would. “That's why I agreed to go on all of those outings with you. I could never think of you more than a friend.”
“You were trying to force yourself to fall in love with me?” Elain asked. Azriel broke eye contact and looked to the floor, he didn’t want to see her hurt expression any longer. “Why?” She followed up.
“If I forced myself to love you, then maybe I wouldn’t still love–”
Azriel couldn’t say it. He had never said it out loud before. If he said it then it would become too real and there would be no turning back. 
Elain studied his expression, rising from the sofa. “Y/N. You are in love with Y/N.” Azriel’s silence was just as good of an answer spoken for Elain. “Why would you use me like that, Azriel? Unlike you, I actually began to feel something for you. I thought you returned those feelings.”
Something wet fell down Azriel’s cheek. He hadn’t even realised he had been crying. “I am sorry, Elain. I am so sorry.”
“Can you at least tell me why? You owe me that much.”
“I fell in love with Y/N a long time ago, long before you were even born,” Azriel began. “We were friends at first, but it wasn’t long before I fell in love. She is so perfect in every single way. Her intelligence, her kindness, her strength, her beauty. Everything.” Elain nodded although Azriel could see the sadness in her expression. He continued nevertheless. “I never thought that she would love me back. I never thought that she would return my feelings so I repressed them.”
“How did you manage that?” Elain asked, quietly.
“It was difficult. I have killed, tortured many for information and sometimes that takes its toll. But hiding my love for Y/N had to be the most difficult thing I have ever done. It wasn’t until you showed up and took an interest in me where I tried to fall for you instead.” Azriel picked at a loose thread on the shirt he wore. “I thought it was a perfect plan. You are kind, beautiful and understanding. I thought it would be easy for me. And when Rhys tasked me with looking after you, I thought it would be even easier. But whenever I was with you, all I could think about was Y/N. And when I nearly kissed you–”
“All you could think about was Y/N,” Elain finished. 
Azriel nodded. “When I opened my eyes and saw you, I panicked and left without any explanation. From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry, Elain.”
“I don’t forgive you, Azriel. You used me because you loved someone else and were simply trying to distract yourself.” Elain said and there was a long pause before she began to speak again. “But I cannot blame you. Loving someone can be hard and difficult and can make you do stupid things. And Y/N is perfect and I don’t like that you made me out to be some kind of villain in her eyes.”
Azriel opened his mouth to speak but Elain cut him off.
“Please don’t apologise again, Azriel,” Elain said. “It would have never worked out between us. I never want to be someone’s second choice and that was all I was to you.” Elain began to walk over to the front door. “It will take me a while to forgive you, Azriel. But listen to me when I say this. Tell Y/N the truth, tell her everything.”
“I’ve already fucked up whatever friendship we had, I don’t want to make it worse,” Azriel whispered.
“You are her mate and her best friend, the one who knows her better than anyone, do you truly believe that your whole friendship is gone because of one stupid decision you made?” Elain paused as she stood on the threshold. “I hope you find your happiness, Azriel. I am going to find mine and I will not be a back up choice for a male who is too afraid to admit their feelings.”
“I hope you find it, Elain,” Azriel said. “And I hope you can forgive me someday.”
With a simple nod of her head, Elain left the house, closing the door behind her. Azriel was left alone once again. 
It had been a month since Y/N was last in Velaris. She thought that the trip would be good for her to get her mind off of Azriel but she wasn’t needed as much as she thought she would. For the month she had been on the continent, Y/N was sure that she had only done a few hours of work, the rest of her time she spent in her room she had been so graciously allocated. 
And in those lonely hours all she could think of was Azriel. His had been the last face she had seen before she winnowed away and it was ingrained into her brain. The hurt expression on his face, the desperation that lingered beneath it. Y/N turned over in the bed. It was comfortable but it was nothing like the one at her house. She missed being in Velaris and she missed her family– and that included Azriel. 
“Y/N,” a guard rushed into her room. “A letter has come for you.”
Y/N pushed herself up from the bed and took the letter from the guard's hand. “Thank you,” she muttered. 
As soon as Y/N looked down at her name in the familiar writing, she felt her heart rate increase. Tearing into the envelope, Y/N pulled the letter from its confines. Rhys’s writing was a welcome sight of home but his words were not. 
The words she read about how Azriel was faring after her departure sent shocks to her heart. She knew it was stupid for her to feel sorry for him, after all he had brought everything upon himself, but she couldn’t help it. She was in love with him and that would never change. 
The moment Y/N finished the letter, she picked up her travel bag, she hadn’t even unpacked anything, and exited the bedroom, wanting nothing more than to go home. 
As Y/N appeared in front of her house, she could immediately feel the air shift. Even though it was her own house, she was reluctant to enter. Everything suddenly felt too real. 
Finally Y/N pushed open her door and found Rhys and Cassian inside while Azriel sat on her couch, his wings slumped behind him. Y/N’s heart immediately fell at the sight of the shadowsinger. The bags under his eyes were prominent and he had clearly lost weight. Y/N had never seen him in such a state. 
Rhys’s gaze met Y/N’s. “Cassian and I will wait outside.”
Y/N didn’t respond as he gaze shifted back to Azriel who continued to look down at the coffee table, fixated on the dead flowers. As soon as Rhys and Cassian had stepped outside, Y/N slowly shuffled closer to Azriel and sat on the couch next to him. The bond connecting their souls seemed to hum happily as they were finally reunited. 
“Azriel?” Y/N broke the silence. 
“I am so sorry Y/N.” Azriel’s voice was hoarse and quiet. “About Elain. About ignoring you. About kissing you. About everything.”
When Azriel lifted his gaze, Y/N could see the sadness within them and she could feel it in her chest.
“Why?” It was all Y/N could say. 
Azriel sighed. “When you told me you loved me, I was shocked because I thought that someone so kind, so smart, so beautiful, so…perfect, would never love me back.”
Y/N stilled. “You love me?”
Azriel nodded. “Y/N, I have loved you for centuries. I was afraid that if you ever found out, it would ruin our whole friendship. And if I lost you, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. You…complete me. I feel like I can always be myself around you. Before I met you I always felt like there was something missing in my life and when you stumbled into it, it was as if everything fell into place.”
“But everything with Elain? You say you love me but you have been surrounding yourself with her for nearly a year.” Y/N said. 
“I never felt anything but friendship for Elain,” Azriel admitted. “But I tried to like her romantically. I tried to force myself to fall in love with her.”
“Why would you do that, Azriel?” Y/N questioned.
“Because I never thought that you would love me back,” Azriel said. “If I fell in love with Elain then maybe I could forget all about my feelings for you, maybe they would disappear. But the more time I spent with Elain, the more I realised that I would never be able to fall for her because I was so utterly in love with you that I thought about you every minute I was with her. I thought about you that night before Solstice. When I opened my eyes and saw her instead of you, I panicked. I wanted it to be you.”
Y/N frowned, taking in Azriel’s words. “But what of Elain? Why would you mess with her feelings like that?”
Azriel’s shoulders seemed to slump. “A few days after you left, Elain came to me and demanded to know everything that was going on. It is safe to say that she is not happy with me.”
“Good,” Y/N said. “Because I am not entirely happy with you, Azriel. Why didn’t you just speak to me? Why didn’t you tell me you loved me? You just assumed that I didn’t return your feelings.”
“I couldn’t know for sure,” Azriel said. “I know it was stupid of me–”
“It was,” Y/N said. “In the three centuries I have known you, this is the stupidest thing you have done. We have always been open with one another.”
“I know. I regret everything I did. I regret using Elain to try and get over my feelings. I regret pushing you away in favour of her. I just never thought you could possibly like me back?”
“Because you are perfect!” Azriel exclaimed. “You are everything I am not. You are everything good in the world. You are a goddess in my eyes.” Azriel tore his eyes away from Y/N and focussed on his hand folded in his lap. “I am damaged.”
“Don’t say that,” Y/N said, moving to sit on the coffee table in front of him. “Don’t ever say that Azriel.”
“But it’s true,” Azriel said. “I have so much blood on my hands, Y/N.”
Y/N slowly reached forward and took Azriel’s hands in hers. He tried to pull them away but she held on tight. “Azriel, I have blood on my hands too. I am not perfect at all. Neither of us are, evident by the way we both handled our emotions.”
The shadowsingers gaze was no longer fixated on his hands as he slowly met Y/N’s gaze once more. “I am not going to easily forgive you, Azriel. You messed with Elain’s emotions and you made me feel unimportant as you pushed me away.”
Azriel’s shoulders deflated. 
“But,” Y/N continued. “That does not mean that I don’t still love you. My mate.”
All the weight on Azriel’s shoulders appeared to be lifted and his eyes seemed to clear. “Say that again…” he whispered.
Y/N leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his. “My mate.”
Azriel exhaled slowly and pulled Y/N’s body closer to his until he could circle her waist with his arms. “I am so sorry, Y/N. For everything.”
“I know you are,” Y/N said, threading her fingers through his hair. 
“I love you, Y/N,” Azriel mumbled into her shoulder. “Will you ever be able to forgive me?”
Y/N pulled away and rested her forehead on his. His eyes were closed but slowly opened as Y/N gently caressed his face. “You might have hurt me, Azriel, but I will forgive you. I know you well enough to know how you sometimes process things and act upon things.” Y/N pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. “And sometime in the near future, I will be ready to accept the bond.”
Azriel’s eyes lit up. “You will accept the bond?”
“Of course I will,” Y/N replied. “I am in love with you Azriel. No matter how much you convinced yourself that I never could, I do love you. I wouldn’t want anyone else as my mate. But first, I want us to get back to where we were before. Before I accept the bond, I just want my best friend back.”
“I love you so much,” Azriel breathed out. 
And when he placed his lips upon hers, Y/N welcomed them.
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7seas-of-ryy · 1 month
Another Hangover Cure
Author’s Note: I got this idea from @yearninglustfully on this post! I recommend reading Hangover Cure first!
Summary: You, Rhys, and Cassian aren't allowed to be together alone anymore... but what about when the three of you are paired up for business?
Pairing: Azriel x Reader, Platonic!Rhys x Reader, Platonic!Cassian x Reader
Warnings: drinking, implied smut, let me know if I need to add any others :)
Your specialty for the Night Court had always been spells and wards. You could easily place a spell or ward anything. Your intelligence is what made Rhys invite you to work for him so long ago. That is how you started at the Night Court and it quickly became your home.
For a while, you had been practicing breaking wards and spells. It was much harder than it seemed and you had yet to master it.
Rhys had brought you a box that had been warded many many years ago and after working on it for a month, you told him you needed help. It was a much older and stronger magic than you were used to and you weren't afraid to admit when you couldn't do something.
After much contemplation, Rhys decided he would go to Helion, the High Lord of the Day Court, to get his help. He wanted you to come with and told Cassian he would also be coming for extra security.
You were currently in a meeting with everyone in the IC discussing this.
"Absolutely not. You three cannot be trusted together." Az immediately stated.
Feyre and Nesta immediately agreed with the male.
"Listen, we need Y/N for this so she can learn and see how its done. This is literally her area of expertise, she is crucial for this. I am the High Lord, it is a curtesy for me to go and the only reason Cass is going as security is because the rest of you are busy." Rhys told the group.
"Don't think I forgot about the tree you three stole!" Az responded.
"You told him?!" Cassian asked you.
You grimaced and gave him with a sorry look.
"This won't be like us going out for a night out, this will be us doing work." You reasoned with Az.
"Yes, strictly business" Cass added with a salute to the shadowsinger
"Fine, but not for too long. You three have to come back by tomorrow." Az compromised.
"Deal." You, Rhys, and Cass all said in unison.
Azriel pulled you aside before you left.
"Please be safe my love. And as much as I am worried about the three of you together, I do want you to enjoy yourself still...just not too much. Helion can get handsy." He ended the sentence with a scowl.
"You're the only one I could ever want. I promise I will be safe and responsible." You told him
He placed a kiss on your forehead and helped you strap on your bag.
"I love you so much, have a safe trip." He spoke and then placed a loving kiss on your lips.
You heard Cass make a gagging sound and Az rolled his eyes at his brother.
You walked over to him and Rhys and the three of you started the journey to the Day Court.
Azriel, Nesta, and Feyre all stood watching you three leave.
"This is not a good idea" Nesta spoke
"Terrible idea" Feyre agreed.
"Lets just hope they learned their lesson last time." Azriel added
The three split up and went to do their work for the day.
Once you made it to the Day Court, Helion was quick to greet you.
"Ahh Y/N, my protege! I am so excited to teach you my ways." He announced and brought you in for a kiss on the cheek.
"Hands off, Helion. I promised my brother I wouldn't let you be all over her." Cassian told him
You all laughed and after the rest of the greetings, he led the three of you inside.
The warded box was laying on the table in front of you all while Helion examined it.
"Hmm this is rare and old magic indeed. I believe the reason you could not crack it was that it requires two to break the spell." He told you.
You let out a sigh in relief, knowing that it wasn't entirely your fault that you couldn't figure it out. The Day Court High Lord explained what you had to do and how these specific wards worked. You actually learned a lot from him and were grateful for this experience.
The two of you worked on the box and eventually broke it open. Rhys stored the contents of it in his bag and began to talk.
"Alright, well thank you for all of your help. This has been very-" he started but Helion cut him off.
"You're leaving already? I had a whole meal and night planned, which included the finest wine we have to offer." He told you three with a smile that showed all his teeth.
You looked over at Cass who was already smiling at you and then Rhys who looked to be contemplating his next words.
"It would be rude to leave when they went through all the effort of putting it together for us." Cass spoke before Rhys could.
"So its settled! You're staying. I have rooms for you all so you can stay the night as well. Our wine is no joke, you probably won't be able to have three glasses before blacking out." Helion stated, leading you to the dining room.
The four of you ate a lovely meal, sharing stories and enjoying the wine. It seemed every time you would drink it, it would fill itself up. Perhaps thats why a few glasses would get someone drunk beyond belief.
Before you knew it, you were already feeling tipsy. You could tell the others were as well, due to their pink cheeks and loud voices.
"Are you guys interested in seeing how the Day Court parties?" Helion asked.
"Absolutely!" Cass responded.
"I'm intrigued." Rhys added.
You just nodded and giggled, knowing the wine was taking over quickly.
That was the last thing you remember from the night. Well, you remember dancing and laughing, a lot of laughing.
"I can't believe they did it again!" You heard Feyre speak.
"I can. I told you it was a bad idea." Nesta added.
Azriel just stood in silence watching the mess on the ground with a smile on his face.
He didn't care that he had to come help you after you had a fun night. He trusted you and he trusted his brothers. He secretly enjoyed getting to take care of you for the day. He was just concerned with you getting so drunk that your shields would be down.
Your eyes slowly opened and the feeling of drinking too much wine last night hit you. You were laying on your back sprawled out like a starfish. Everything hurt and you had no idea what you were even laying on.
You slowly began to roll over and continued rolling as if you were going down a hill until you hit the floor. Once you looked over, you realized you were laying on top of Rhys, Cass, and Helion, who were all bunched into a ball, and there was a...door laying between Rhys and Helion. You weren't even sure who's limbs belonged to who, they were so twisted up.
They all started to wake up after you moved off of them and all were groaning and grunting in pain.
"Is this what you call strictly business?" Az asked with a smirk on his face.
"Don't tell me we did it again." Rhys mumbled
"Cass why are you wearing my socks as gloves again?" you asked, holding your head to stop the pounding.
"At least I didn't go through a wall this time." Cass said in defense.
"Actually..." Helion stated as he raised his pointer finger and pointed it at the wall behind them, "we both went through that wall. Y/N sure can make one hell of a ricochet ward."
"Helion, you told me you would watch over them so it wouldn't happen again!" Feyre scolded him
"After you told me about how these three party, I wasn't going to let the night go to waste. I wanted to have some fun!!" He defended himself.
"So that's why my glass kept refilling itself!" You said in an accusatory tone, pointing at him.
"Ok I'm leaving for 20 minutes to let you four figure out what happened and once I get back I want to know everything." Nesta stated and Feyre and Az followed her.
"Well, it could be worse than this, I guess." Cass stated
"Could it?" Rhys retorted.
You grimaced and looked around as a memory hit you.
"Helion, did I ride a pegasus last night?" You asked
"I believe you did and I believe it bonded with you." He replied with a nod of approval.
You looked over at Cassian and only then realized he was entirely orange.
"What happened to you?!" You exclaimed.
"I don't know!" He replied starting to freak out.
"I can help with that one. You said you could pull off any color so Y/N bet that you wouldn't look good if you were orange." Rhys said, his voice rough
You looked at the orange male with a sorry look and said, "oops?"
"Rhys, why are you laying with a door on top of you?" It was Helion's turn to ask.
"I was cold." Your High Lord told him.
The four of you were silent for a few moments, just watching each other.
"You have a black eye." Cass told Rhy.
"You're missing a tooth." Rhys told Cass.
"Y/N warded my hand to make it stick to whatever it touches so when I peed, it got stuck to my..." Helion admitted, his voice getting softer towards the end of his sentence.
"Oh, Y/N, no..." Cass said in horror.
"You have got to stop drunk warding things." Rhys added.
You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment.
"This is worse than last time!" Cass exclaimed.
"Our 20 minutes are almost up and we still don't have our story straight. I mean, I don't even know how they knew to come for us. Do you guys?" You exclaimed
Cass and Rhys shook their heads no.
"I think I let them know their assistance would be needed in the morning... but I might have also sent them our breakfast order." Helion explained.
"Breakfast sounds so good right now" Cassian groaned and the rest of you made noises of approval.
"Ok, heres the plan. We pull ourselves together and act like we had a normal night with a normal amount of drinking." Rhys told the rest of you.
"They saw you using a door as a blanket!" You whisper-shouted at him.
"It's not the best plan but its the only plan we've got." He replied in the same tone.
"I think they're coming. Act natural." Cass whisper yelled.
Feyre, Nesta, and Azriel all entered the room and looked around.
You were leaning with your elbow against a wall, resting your hand on your head. Rhys was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, his ankle resting over his knee while he pretended to be deep in thought. Helion was leaning against a table pretending to read a book. And Cassian was standing in the middle of the room with his eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
"You're all idiots." Nesta deadpanned.
"Rhys, how could you let this happen again?" Feyre spoke dissapointed.
Azriel was quiet so the sisters looked over at him, they were expecting him to scold the group as well. When he didn't, Feyre nudged him.
"Do you have anything to add Az?" She asked him
He was still just smiling at your attempt to be normal and shook his head no.
"I just want to get my mate home as quick as possible." He stated
Everyone snapped their attention to him, even you.
"Mate?" You questioned.
"Mate." he stated with a huge smile, "in the middle of the night, I recieved a breakfast order from Helion. I assumed that meant the four of you were incredibly drunk. I was going to let you have your fun and wait til you got home to poke fun at you but this morning I felt it snap into place."
You walked to each other and he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in for a kiss. The urge to be close to him was stronger than ever now.
"Let's get home." You told your mate, bringing him in for another kiss.
"Quickly please, before the two of you start devouring each other's faces in front of us" Cass spoke with a gross look, but you knew he was happy for you.
Azriel lifted you up and started flying with you, headed back to the Night Court.
"Do you want me to make you some food once we get home?" Your mate asked you.
"No, I just want to get home as fast as possible. I need you." You told him, his eyes darkening at your insinuation.
"You seem to be feeling much better than when you woke up. I think I truly am the best hangover cure." He joked.
After you got home, the frenzy started and lasted a little over a week. Once it calmed a bit, you finally showed up to the River house for a nice family dinner.
Conversation was flowing and that night out got brought up.
"You know, I really don't remember much of that night." Cass said.
"I know everything that happened." Azriel spoke before taking a bite of food.
"WHAT?! How?!" You exclaimed.
"After everything that happened last time, I made sure to send a shadow with you for your safety. It hung back and watched, it would alert me if you were in real danger. Before we showed up to get you guys that morning, it reported back to me what happened the entire night." He spoke so matter of fact.
"Show me." Rhys told the shadowsinger.
You watched as a grimace overtook the High Lord's face, watching your entire night get played in his head.
"Yeah, the three of us aren't allowed to be alone together anymore." Rhys stated with a horrified look on his face.
"We want to know!" Cass complained.
Rhys replayed everything in your and Cass' mind. There was nothing but silence for a few moments.
"I'm deeply sorry." You told Cass with a grimace.
"You pulled my tooth out!" Cass shouted, jumping up.
"In her defense, you did tell her, 'I bet you can't pull my tooth out.'" Rhys added.
Azriel pulled your chair closer to him, wrapping an arm around you. The three of them might be idiots but he loved them and felt grateful for his family.
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shadowdarlings · 4 months
Blood Will Rain II
Azriel x Reader
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Synopsis : After emerging victorious in the war with Hybern, you are learning to be a part of a family again. Your recovery after being captive is slow, but a certain shadowsinger makes it his responsibility to see that you get well again.
part one
Pairings : AzrielxReader , ReaderxInnerCircle!Platonic , ReaderxRhysand!Siblings
A/N : part two of idk. if you’d like to be tagged in any other series updates please comment!
Warnings : slight angst, mentions of captivity, az being sweetie pie hehe
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It had been weeks since you and your family had returned to the Night Court. After half a millennia you were thrilled to be back in the city of starlight. Velaris, your home, finally. You had taken up a semi-permanent residence in the House of Wind alongside Cassian and Azriel. Although the elation of returning woke something that had been long asleep within you, the scars of your captivity rang throughout your very bones. Rhysand made a habit of coming to check on you frequently. Sometimes under the guise of wanting to meet with his general or shadowsinger, but it was all to see you. You noted his efforts and appreciated his call to be your older brother, but you did not know how to be a sister anymore. You did not know how to be a friend. These titles had been forgotten, the only thing you knew how to do was be prisoner. You often caught yourself falling into old habits that had been developed during the 500 years you were Hybern’s pet. The chambers in which he kept you at the grey stone palace had changed throughout the years. The first 200 you spent confined to a small dungeon with little light or air. After much beguiling the King saw fit to move you into a room similar to what their servants were housed in. It was nothing compared to the space and lavishness of your quarters in the House.
This did not stop you from remaining mostly confined to that room. It was rare that you strode the halls or explored the libraries or training ring. Interactions with the rest of your brother’s court were kept short and polite. You did not want them to see that you now felt stranger to them, this world. Although you had grown up with the three Illyrian males they had become something you did not recognize. They too had gone through extensive changes during these years. Rhysand had become High Lord. Cassian a commanding General to the Night Court’s armies. Azriel had become something completely different than what you knew before. He was the same in some regards, still reserved and watchful, but his presence held a more powerful purpose than it did during those years in Illyria. These people were your family, yes, but they were also strangers. The Archeron sisters were also completely foreign to you. Feyre visited as Rhys did and made efforts to give you any comfort you requested. The other two sisters you hardly spoke to or saw at all. Strangers. They were all strangers. Except that this was their House, their family. There was a sickening realization that it was not them but you who was the stranger. So you kept to yourself, to your abominably large quarters, and to the small tasks you gave yourself each day.
You were up before dawn as you practiced each morning. The power that the Cauldron had bestowed on you was something that needed an outlet. These last hours of night were perfect, you would not disturb anyone as you released waves of magic. The stars winked at you from the lightening sky as you levitated each item in your room several inches then gently placed them back down. It was simple magic, not anything that could be used productively, but it was something to quell the ocean inside. One floor above you felt movement coming from Cassian’s rooms. The General was often awake early but typically not for at least another hour. The shock of it was enough that your bed landed with a dull thud instead of silent ease. Panic struck through you and it was an effort to control your breaths. “Relax,” you said to yourself, “he is not your enemy.” The footsteps and noises that came from the two Illyrians often sent your survival instincts into hyperdrive until you reminded yourself that they were not the guards. You were not prisoner. You were home. Loosing a calm breath you considered. His steps were no longer solitary but accompanied by a lighter pair, and they were making their way down to your floor. Then seconds later a soft knock sounded on the large wooden door to your sitting room just outside your sleeping quarters. You shouldered on the floor length robe that hung on your bedpost and pulled your midnight hair back from your face. Padding over gently you opened the door slightly to reveal a towering Azriel waiting to greet you.
“There’s breakfast,” he offered observing your entire figure. He seemed to note the thin sheen of sweat that adorned your forehead from your morning magic. He did not comment, but raised his palm slightly in invitation. “Let me change into something more appropriate and I’ll be ready,” you said assessing him in a similar manner. The shadowsinger was not in his usual Illyrian leathers, but instead he donned casual black pants and a loose fitting long black shirt. The swirls of ink on his chest peeking just above the neckline. Whispers of autumn were upon the northern territory, a slight chill had claimed the mornings while the sun still heated the afternoons. He bowed slightly, “Of course,” was all he said before you shut the door and turned to get yourself ready. The outfits you’d worn at the House had all been casual. Rhys did not deem it fit for you to take up any sort of fighting anytime soon, and you were inclined to agree with him. “Recovery,” is what he had said, “that is all I want you to focus on. If you need anything at all please let any one of us know.” You smiled slightly at the thought while pulling on a lightweight sweater that matched your violet eyes and a pair of black leggings accompanied by woolen socks. It had been longer than you could remember since such kindness had been extended to you. It was so foreign, but you welcomed it nonetheless. After tying your hair into a loose bun at the nape of your neck you strode to the double doors that entered the hallway. Upon opening them you were surprised to see Azriel still standing there waiting for you.
“You didn’t have to wait,” you said, willing the slight blush that threatened to climb up your cheeks to dissipate. “I know,” was all he said before gesturing towards the hall that led to the dining room. The two of you took the short walk in silence. Whether Azriel knew the silence was born by feeling like a stranger he did not let on, but silence with him felt different than with the others. With the rest of your family you were always searching for something to say, something to fill the emptiness that gave away your alienation from them. With Azriel the quiet did not seem so desperate. Perhaps it was just the nature of a shadowsinger, you thought.
The two of you entered into the grand dining room and the silence was broken by Cassian’s bellowing laughter and Mor’s palm thwacking against his bicep. Surely you did not want to know the words they had exchanged before your arrival. Rhysand and Feyre swooped into the main room not a second later, the two of them giving knowing glances as they strode in and joined the rabble. You were happy for your brother, and it was then you made a mental note to try and get to know his new mate better. When you halted a few feet from the group, Azriel stopped with you. Rhysand turned his attention from Feyre and his eyes landed on you and the towering Illyrian standing just to your side. “Good morning, Y/N. Good morning, Az,” he purred. Cassian and Mor paused their bickering to gaze over to you both as well. The sets of eyes that all laid upon you now had you toying with the sleeve of your sweater, but you simply replied “Good morning, everyone.” Feyre approached and wrapped her slender arms around your shoulders. “I hope you slept well,” she said pulling back after her short embrace. You nodded and plastered a cheery smile on your face. This was your family. They love you. “Good,” Rhysand stated, “because we have a long day ahead of us.” At your confused look Azriel leaned down to say gently “We’re going to celebrate your birthday.”
Taglist : @annamariereads16 @lilah-asteria @sidthedollface2 @todaywasafairytale07 @doodlebugg16-blog
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Triad Part 1 — How You Met Cas and Az
A Cazriel x Reader Headcanon
Series Masterlist
A/N: This is a headcanon on steroids, haha! Kind of a prequel in the same universe as this one. I’ve got a few more in the works but feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any requests!
You met Cassian and Azriel when you were sent from your tiny border village to Velaris, hand-picked by Madja as one of her healer’s apprentices.
Cassian first; even through teeth gritted against pain, he’d been a shameless flirt.
“Wow, you’re really good with your hands,” he said, flashing a cheeky grin over his shoulder as you wrapped it in a bandage to keep it stable while his muscles finished healing.
You patched him up a few more times before meeting Az, but eventually the Shadowsinger showed up with a gash in his back, bisecting his wings.
It was clearly not an injury from active combat, nor did it seem like torture. It was a threat. Using power for power’s sake.
You’d made eye contact, and your eyes drooped at the corners like you knew not to mention it, but your concern needed to express itself somehow. Like your empathy for others was woven into your skin.
When you finished your apprenticeship, Rhysand offered you a job in his court as a field healer. Later, you’d learn it was Azriel who’d recommended you.
In hindsight, you should have seen it sooner. When Rhys needed a job done right, no questions asked, he sent his dream team. The general, the spy, and the healer.
You spent 5 decades convinced the connection between the three of you was purely platonic.
It was Azriel who started suspecting the mating bond first. He felt his shadows tugging him towards you like they’d already sniffed you out. They never listened properly around you unless someone was in mortal danger; preferring to lap at your feet like gentle waves. Sometimes, one would escape from his grasp and snake its way up your body and you’d giggle—it was over for him the first time heard it. So he kept quiet, either biding his time until the bond snapped and proved him right or left him doomed to an eternity of pining.
You were worth the risk.
Cassian, on the other hand, went straight to Rhys when he started suspecting. Just barged right into the High Lord’s study like he owned the place and draped himself over the armchair in the corner.
“What’s wrong, brother?” Rhys asked, secretly grateful for a distraction; he’d been doing paperwork all morning
“I just got done training with Y/N,” Cassian grumbled.
“Congratulations, or I’m sorry that happened?”
“I dunno, it’s been weird lately. Like my siphons aren’t working properly, or something. I can feel my magic flowing through my body when I’m around her and… it’s so fucking stupid, Rhys, but…” Cas trailed off, too afraid to say the words in case they weren’t true.
“You’re wondering if it could be the mating bond?” Cas buried his head in his hands and nodded. Rhys laughed at him. “Well, just from looking at you I think that it probably is, but I can take a look and see if your magic looks any different.”
“Do it.” There was no hesitation. He had to know.
Rhys slipped into Cassian’s mind and it was pure chaos. The red threads of his magic were tangled up with shimmering gold and deep violet.
Rhys pulls out and Cassian’s head snaps up, wide eyes locking on Rhys’s. Cas’s face lit up sight of the High Lord’s shit-eating smirk.
“Really?” he asked, letting the words escape atop a soft exhale.
“Congratulations, brother,” Rhys confirmed.
Cassian attempted to keep it a secret; he didn’t want to force you into anything you’re not ready for or cloud your judgement. But, Mother, he wanted to scream it from the top of Ramiel and let all of Prythian know that you’re his.
So one night, when he and Az were in Windhaven to check on Devlon, he spilled his secret over pints of ale in front of the fire at Rhys’s mother’s cottage.
“Wanna know a seeeeecret?” He slurred, lifting one finger off his glass to point at Az, squinting at the shadowsinger from across the room.
“You’re keeping a secret?” Az asked, one eyebrow raising alongside the corners of his lips. His expectations were low; most of the time, Cassian’s “secrets” were only secret to the male himself — he was usually the last to know.
But when Cassian leans forward and whispers, “Y/N’s my mate,” it takes all of Azriel’s hard-earned self control to keep his magic to himself. The bond was angry, wanted to lash out, but he forced an amused smile onto his lips and mumbled his congratulations into another sip of ale.
After that, Az tried so hard to keep his shadows under control. After all, he had only started suspecting his own bond a few weeks ago, and it’s not like he laid any claim to you, or anything, but… His magic seemed to think otherwise, and the longer he kept it contained, the harder it got to control.
And then the bond snapped while the three of you were on a mission together in the mortal lands. It didn’t snap for you, though, so they try to act normal around each other but it’s SO HARD, like their magic is butting them against each other. (It is, because they’re stupid).
Rhysand picked up on it as soon as you returned, the tension between the two of them that hadn’t been there when you left. Both men came to him with their concerns, and even though he suspected that there weren’t two separate bonds but one single thread of gold tying the three of you together, he kept quiet. He sat back, watching as their glares and muttered insults turned to heated arguments.
You were baffled at the abrupt change in their dynamic. You suspected it had something to do with a female, but that was none of your business. They’d eventually work out their differences; they were brothers, after all.
A part of you, deep down, felt burning, white-hot rage every time you thought about her, this nameless, faceless female. You bury the burn in work; whenever you’re not in the field, you pick up extra shifts with Madja, healing until you’re too exhausted to do anything but grab a sandwich from the cafe near your apartment and fall into bed. It’s the only way sleep comes without a fight.
It takes a few weeks for the pressure building between them to boil over; your shift is almost over when the two Illyrians show up, bruised and bloody. They stand in the doorway to your office, shoulders hunched and eyes downcast. Something in you snaps at the sight of them, that white-hot anger bursts into raging golden flames.
“What the fuck has gotten into you two lately?” You yell, crossing the small room in two long strides to poke a finger into each of their chests, reveling in the twin winces on their faces.
Cassian opens his mouth to speak but you glare at him to shut him up. “Actually, no, I don’t want to hear it. Whatever it is, you gotta figure that shit out because this is ridiculous.” You pause to take a deep breath before continuing. “The two of you have been so fucking annoying lately, I told Rhys not to send me back out with either of you until you pull your heads out of your asses.”
Like they were two halves of the same whole, their faces fell in unison. Warmth bloomed from your navel inwards, filling you with magic like molten caramel. The last thing you saw before you passed out were the apologies lurking behind their eyes, and then everything went black.
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illyrian-dreamer · 2 years
Changing Shadows (Part 15)
Azriel x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5* | Part 6* | Part 7* | Part 8 | Part 9* | Part 10 | Part 11* | Part 12* | Part 13 | Part 14
Summary: Azriel and Gwyn’s friendship has you burning in jealousy. And when Rhys suggests the two work together, your feelings are pushed to the point of no return.
Jealous reader and cocky Az. Fluff, angst, and the start of some pretty big smut. 18+ (minors DNI)
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Image by koike9023
Warnings: Swearing and smut. 18+ (Minors DNI)
Word count: 1,233
Part 15:
It had taken another week for you to return to normal duties. Training had been the hardest part, your injuries compromising your fitness and agility. Cassian coached you back slowly, knowing a thing or two about rehabilitating wounds on the abdomen.
Recovering from your fight with Rhys was just as slow and delicate. He made himself more present again, the sweet and caring brother you knew returning with each visit. In return you decided not to push back on his orders while you recovered. There was no need to rock the boat any further.
And Azriel and you hadn’t had shared so much as a kiss since the night in the storeroom. He spent time with you among with the others, taking personal interest in your recovery and caring for you in a platonic way. But he hadn’t once crossed the line, likely too worried for your fragile state. It had you frustrated beyond words.
Training that morning had you feeling particularly irritated, hot with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
It was a particularly difficult lesson with Cassian, as he pushed your fitness that was still lacking due to the amount of rest you had needed these past few weeks.
Not to mention, your eye kept catching a certain Shadowsinger and red-headed Valkyrie share an occasional laugh and exchange banter.
“Hey, eyes over here,” Cassian ordered as he took you through sword movements.
“Sorry,” you grumbled, shaking your head to refocus.
“Something bothering you, Y/N/N?” He grinned.
You didn’t have anything to hide anything from Cas, but you also didn’t want to acknowledge how much seeing Azriel and Gwyn together bothered you. You’d push those feelings down for now.
“We’ve all been there,” Cassian offered kindly. He always had a great read on people.
You offered him a small smile, as if to say you’d be ok.
When training finally concluded, you isolated yourself from the rest of the circle for the day, focusing on some paperwork in your room. You needed the distraction.
Later that night Rhys winnowed into your room. You didn’t get up from your desk.
“Hello sister,” Rhys greeted you.
“Hello brother,” you played along with the formal greeting without raising your head from your work.
“How are you?” Rhys sauntered over, hands in his pockets as he waited for you to properly acknowledge him.
“I’m well,” you sighed, before dropping your pen to finally look up. “And yourself?” You offered a smile.
He shrugged as if to say fine, looking around your room. You had made a mess of your desk.
“I’m just checking in on you, but was hoping to ask a quick favour.”
“Sure, I can get it done after dinner,” you waved him off, refocusing on your work.
“Y/N, it’s past midnight.”
You frowned, looking up outside your window. When had it become night?
“You’re working too hard, sis,” Rhys grinned as he slouched into the chair opposite you, playfully juggling one of your trinkets he had swiped.
“Says you,” you retorted, pushing the papers away from you. “The favour?” you asked, a hint of impatience in your voice.
“I couldn’t find Az in the house, and don’t want to disturb him mind-to-mind. Would you pass on a message?”
For Cauldrons sake. “Sure.”
“I was hoping he could work with Gwyn to find some records kept in the library. He’ll know which ones I mean. Ask him to have them to me in three days time, ok?”
Your heart beat hard, jealousy encompassing you yet again. Of all the tasks.
“Consider it done,” you said tightly.
“You’re my best sister,” Rhys joked, standing now. “Duty calls,” he grinned, dropping your trinket from the air before winnowing away.
You leapt from your seat, catching the trinket just in time before it broke to pieces on the floor.
Prick, you swore in your head. You heard his laughter in return.
You made your way down to Azriel’s chamber where you knew to find him, one of his unreachable places that Rhys didn’t like to pry in.
When you started working for the Night Court, Azriel had inducted you to the room, quietly explaining what ‘tool’ was used for what. He had initially protested to showing you anything, but Rhys deemed it important for your on-boarding, to which you agreed.
You weren’t intimated by the work he did there, it was essential to keep your people and court safe. But never had you seen him actually torture, his victims remaining nameless and faceless. That was the part he kept private.
You took quick but reluctant steps to his chamber, entering a cold and quiet part of the house as your skin itched in irritation at the task ahead.
Calm down, you told yourself. You were simply going to pass on the message from Rhys and leave. But intrusive thoughts kept plaguing you as you made your way. You were jealous of Gwyn’s and Azriel’s friendship, their chemistry at training making your neck hot. And now you were here to deliver an opportunity for them to get even closer.
You knew you were being ridiculous, but you couldn’t help the jealousy rising in you at an uncontrollable rate.
The chamber door was open, Azriel's back to you as he put away equipment. The room was pristine, no traces left behind.
Memories flashed from the night you took him in your mouth, and your heart beat at the excitement. No, tonight would not be that.
You cleared your throat to announce yourself, unable to stop the attitude that seeped off you as you stepped inside the chamber, your arms crossed.
He turned and raised his eyebrows at you in surprise. “Hello,” he said simply.
“Rhys has asked that you seek out Gwyn,” you looked at your nails, not greeting him back. 
You were sure he would be happy to work with her, shoulder to shoulder in the quiets of the library. You couldn’t stand that thought.
“Why?” His deep voice churned a feeling inside you that you tried to ignore.
“Record hunting,” you shrugged.
He frowned at your short answer. “Alright.”
You lingered, wings tussling, arms crossing again.
“Was there something else, Y/N?” he asked with a cocked eyebrow, picking up on your attitude.
“Yes,” you scowled, words escaping you before you could stop them. “Try not to get caught when you fuck her in the aisles.”
You stayed long enough to see Azriel’s eyebrows raise in shock, before you turned your heel and made for the door.
You didn’t get very far before dark shadows swirled in front of you, stopping you from leaving.
“I beg your pardon?” Azriel asked from behind you, his voice cold. Your face was red and flushed, you couldn’t believe what had just come out of your mouth.
You couldn’t answer him, couldn’t even look at his face.
But the shadows pushed you back, forcing you to turn. Your stomach dropped at the sight before you.
Azriel fingered a blindfold through his scared hand, one boot braced on the chair in the centre of the room, his shadows pooled on the floor.
He was looking down at the fabric in his hands when he said “Did you think you could just leave after saying something as filthy as that?”
You gulped, unable to answer. A shadow swung the chamber door shut behind you.
He met your eyes now, a dark smirk forming. “Oh, Y/N,” he sighed, stalking towards you. “You’re in trouble.”
Part 16* >>>
AN: Get ready for the kinkiest chapter yet, chains and rope may or may not be included....
Comment to join the tag list, and as always, I love hearing what you think of the story so far!
Tags: @slvtherinseeker @judig92 @kennedy-brooke @hyacinthoideshispanica @brekkershadowsinger @its-me-meg @acotar-thirst @5moremin @honeyrydernot @littleshopofwhoress @azzydaddy
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Azriel x reader
Authors note: Someone send help, I can’t stop writing fics about Az or Cass. 🥴 if you have other characters you’d like to read things for, send me prompts/ideas with characters from the following fandoms:
Otherwise enjoy some fluff with everyone’s favorite friendly neighborhood shadowsinger. 🥰
I landed straight on my back on the mat. Again.
“You have to engage your core. Your left side is weak, you need to watch your blind spots.”
Azriel had agreed to meet me early in the morning to train. I still hadn’t fully recovered from the last mission, when one of the warriors had nearly speared me like a kabob. However, I knew if I didn’t start training again soon, I’d never fully regain all my strength.
“I did engage my core! I even leaned left to try and brace for your impact!” I growled, hands over my face. “What more can I do?”
“Let’s take a quick break. You’re still healing, and even though I’m proud of you for getting back in the ring, you’ve gotta take it easy for a while.”
I smirked at the shadowsinger, “You’re proud of me?”
A low chuckle rumbled from his chest, “Don’t get mushy on me now, soldier.”
I set down my water, and walked towards him until I was standing toe to toe with him. I craned my neck to look up at him, poking one finger into his chest, “Oh, trust me. I’m definitely not the mushy one in this friendship.”
Cauldron boil and fry me.
I can’t pinpoint the exact moment where my feelings for Azriel had gone from purely platonic to something more. It happened like a summer storm - out of no where, full force. But I refuse to risk ruining the time we spend together over some silly feelings. He means too much to me.
“You okay in there?” Azriel tapped gentle on my temple, tearing my attention from my thoughts.
“Hey lovebirds! You mind if I take a turn sparing with your boy-toy?”
“We are NOT- “
“He is NOT my-“
We both stopped and glared at Cassian as a playful grin crept across his face. I grabbed my water and slid on my boots, bracing myself for the cold to come as I trudged back to the main part of the house.
After dinner that night, things got a little out of hand. It started with some ridiculous drinking game Mor begged me to play with her. She dragged all of us into it, and then I had the idiotic idea to challenge Cassian by saying I could out-drink him.
“I want to **hic** dance!! Azzie, can we dance, pleaseee?!” The strong arms that carried me away from the rest of the circle held me tighter.
“You can barely even stand upright, let alone dance.”
“Nuh-uh. I can **hic** totally stand. Watch. **hic** Put me down and I’ll walk in a straight line.”
“You’re full of shit and you know it.”
I smirk up at the shadowsinger, “Actually, **hic** I’m technically full of tequila.”
“If you want to be a smartass,” Azriel chuckles, “I can take us for a fun little flight and see how well you handle your liquor.”
My stomach lurched even at the thought of tumbling through the air, doing loops and turns…
Azriel gently set me down, keeping me between his arms as he opened the door to steady me. As we entered the dark room, I walked towards the bed and threw off my awfully uncomfortable shoes.
When I looked up, all I could see was those glimmering hazel eyes and incredible sapphire siphons illuminating Azriel’s face as he stood in the doorway.
“Stay,” I whispered, so quietly I wasn’t even certain he would hear.
He stood, still as a statue. The only sound was our breathing, and a muffled conversation from the rest of the circle in the living room.
“Stay,” I repeated, a little louder, a little more brave this time.
Those hazel eyes widened, and it took Azriel only two strides across the room to reach me.
He placed one hand on my cheek, the other tilting my head up to look at him.
“Fuck it. I can’t be your friend any longer.” He exhaled.
I tried to move my chin from his grasp and turn away, offended by his words. He held my face gently but firm.
“You’re so much more than that.”
And then we kissed. It was like, I was a star during Starfall, and I had finally found my way home. Like I had been waiting to find the missing piece of me, and it had been right there all along. I felt a tug in my chest as Azriel’s tongue swept over mine.
I gasped as he pulled away, feeling completely sober now, regardless of how many drinks I had downstairs.
“You’re -“
“Your mate.”
“How long have you known?”
“A month. When that soldier had almost taken you from us. From me.”
I was completely in awe.
“While you were unconscious and the healers were working, I could feel the bond fraying. I tugged on it every now and then to keep you with me. I was a complete mess. You can ask Rhys or Cass -“
“They’ve known this whole time?”
“I didn’t intentionally tell Rhys, but when you were hit I lost all control over my mental shield and he could sense it. I told Cassian not long after.”
I stared up at him, completely at a loss for words. This whole time, he had known and continued to care for me out of fear of losing me.
He leaned down to kiss me again, but I took the opportunity to grab his wrists and twist him over onto the bed, pining him down.
“You need to engage your core, and watch your blind spots, Spymaster.” I smirked down at him.
His eyes were like burning embers, flaming with lust and desire.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’ll let you take me down anytime.”
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elleclairez · 4 years
Cassian x reader - Cas is your mate, but he doesn’t know it yet
I finally wrote it! I am so sorry for the wait and thank you so much for your patience. The last month and a half were a bit crazy and I didn’t have much inspiration. I hope you like it! 
Request: Can I request for cassian where the reader knows he’s her mate but cass doesn’t and he goes around flirting with nesta, hurting his mate without knowing and azriel notices that she’s hurting and comforts her, until cassian realizes and makes it up? 💙
The night was quiet. Not a dead quiet but a peaceful one. Which clearly was a nice change after all the horrors that we've been through. The war is over and yet you couldn't feel happy. At least not completely. Yes, you were happy that your friends, no, family, was safe. Happy that the bloodshed and the pain are over. But no matter how much you tried to fight it, the sadness in your heart wouldn't leave.  
You couldn't bear it. Couldn't bear to see your mate flirting and following Nesta like a lost puppy.  Especially tonight.
The Inner Court decided to throw a party to celebrate the end of the war. Everyone wanted to at least for a night forget about the nightmares of the past. You, yourself, wanted to have fun, get drunk with your cousins Mor and Rhys, maybe even annoy Amren to tease her. But all of those plans went down hills the moment you saw Cassian practically beg Nesta to dance with him.
You couldn't bear it, not tonight.
Which is why you found yourself on the huge balcony of the Wind House, staring at the beautiful city of Velaris that you've called home for more than a few centuries now. No matter how sad you were, you couldn't deny the beauty of the city you grew up in.
You considered yourself lucky, you, unlike your friends, grew up in a loving family. Your father, brother of the late High Lord, was very much unlike his family, he was like his sister-in-law (Rhys's mother), a dreamer. Which led him to fall a similar soul, a woman from the Autumn Court. They both fell in love, found out that they were mates, flew to Velaris and had you. They knew the price for their happiness, not everyone understood their way of thinking, and unfortunately, your father paid the price, he gave his life protecting yours and your mother's. You loved her dearly, but since his death, your relationship wasn't what it used to be but you were always by each other's side. And while you chose to live a life full of adventures with the Inner Circle, she chose to live a peaceful life in the Summer Court, something that you respected and even agreed to. She went through way too much and deserved some peace. But no matter how much time has passed you always remembered how in love your parents were and you always dreamed to have that one day. But unfortunately, fate had other plans and while the love of your life, your mate, was clearly having fun with the woman that he adored, you, on the other hand, were silently trying to stop yourself from crying.
The Mother did have a strange sense of humour, you thought. You were in love with a man who was in love with a woman who was in love with... Books maybe?
Your sad thoughts were interrupted by the presence of a not so sneaky shadowsinger. No matter how hard the Illyrian male tried to sneak up on you, he never could.
"I thought sulking in the shadows was my job." Started Azriel. You and Az were always the closest, actually, you already called each other "Platonic soulmates" (even though you were very drunk when it happened). Some people even thought that you were mates, but those rumors were shut down immediately. As was also the only one who knew about your mate's identity, and even though he told thousands of times to admit to Cas everything he still respected your decision and stayed by your side every time you weren't feeling good.
"Sorry, but tonight I'm stealing it." AZ chuckled at your response, but quickly stopped when he saw your longing stare. A stare that was clearly looking at Cassian and Nesta bickering and everyone was laughing at them... Actually, two persons weren't...
"Rhys and Feyre know." Az said as if reading your mind. "Rhys already had doubts, but they were confirmed when the Suriel decided to show up during one of their getaways and tell them everything." Explained Az while trying to decipher your face.
"What a gossiper. Remind me to beat his ass if I see him one day." You weren't sure if shock was good enough to describe how you felt right now. If Rhys suspected then it could mean that anyone else could and you certainly weren't ready for Cas to know about all of this.
"Very well." A comforting silence fell and you stayed like that for a few minutes until Az decided to break it. "I am the last person that you should listen when it comes to love, but I think you should tell him. But then again, it is up to you, I'll be there for you no matter what." He said with a smile and surprisingly hugged you, something quite unusual for Az.
"Thank you Az. I'll think about it." You answered truthfully while hugging back your best friend.
Little did you know that back inside the house, a not so drunk Cas watched you two angrily, Nesta long forgotten. For a few minutes Cassian couldn't quite understand where that anger came from until suddenly, it clicked, you were his mate. And at that moment the Illyrian male couldn't be happier, secretly he always hoped that you two could be mates, but centuries passed and nothing, so he decided to try to move on and keep you out of his mind by distracting himself with other women.
But with happiness came anger. Seeing you in the arms of another man, even his brother (best friend technically, but more like a brother),  made him furious. He knew he had no right to be jealous, especially since he himself was running after Nesta like a puppy, but he couldn't help himself.
A few hours late, you found yourself back in your flat, makeup off, comfy clothes on, a nice book in your hands. Everything felt peaceful and then someone knocked at your door.
You swear if it's a drunk Mor, you will murder her.
Much to your surprise when you opened the door you didn't see a wasted Mor but a very sober Cassian. You couldn't understand what was he doing here and you didn't even try to hide your shock.
Seeing your expression Cas quickly started talking before he could start getting scared of you rejecting him and him being left broken-hearted.
"You are my mate."
You were too shocked to even comprehend what he was saying. You couldn't form words, your brain was literally exploding. Taking all your willpower in your hands in put on a serious face and said.
"I see that Nesta rejected you again. Didn't know that you would get that drunk because of it that you'd start imagining things." You didn't want him to know. Yes, you wanted to be with him, more than anything in the world, but not if another woman was in his heart at the same time.
"What?! No! I am not drunk and no she didn't reject me! I mean, yes she did but it doesn't matter because we're mates!" And before you could object Cassian put his hands on your cheeks so that you would at each other right in the eyes, he was so close that you feel his breathing on your face. It was silent for a few seconds and then Cas took a deep breath and whispered. "Y/N I have loved since the moment I met you. The moment I saw you, walking side by side with Rhys I knew that one day you would mine and I would be yours. Never could I ever imagine that you would love me, let alone be my mate, so I decided to move on, keep you out of my head but it never worked.  No matter who I spent time with, deep i my heart, I would always think of you and tonight seeing you in Az's arms, when the bond clicked I told myself that I will stop being an idiot and that I will finally win you over. And that one day I could call you mine, my mate and you could do just the same. Y/N I am yours like it or not and I hope that one day you will let me call you mine." By the end of his speech both of you had tears running down your cheeks and the only thing that you could think about was how much you loved the man.
A few minutes has passed with him still holding your face and you his arms. Complete silence surrounded you with only your heart beats as sounds.
Then at one moment a wide smile grew on your face and you uttered.
"You are so lucky that I am the only good cook in the Inner Circle. I was thinking of cooking something right now, what do you think?"
At your words Cassian smiled like he never did before and took you in his arms causing him to lit you in the air and the finally kissing you.
The two of you couldn't happier. You have finally found each other. You were finally together and no one to get in between the two of you.
The next morning the whole Velaris could hear Mor's angry shouts at how was she not aware that her friend and cousin were actually mates. Those shouts were then soon followed by Rhys's laugh who quickly became silent when his cousin sent a shoe at his face for keeping that information to himself and his mate. It's a good thing that she doesn't know that Az was the first who knew.
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serpentandlily · 1 year
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Untouchable - Azriel x Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI ➻❥ Part VII ➻❥ Part VIII ➻❥ Part IX ➻❥ Part X
Summary: For as long as you can remember, you have always had feelings for Azriel, your court's spymaster. But after centuries of watching him pine after your own cousin, hoping he'd eventually move on, your wish came true. He moved on-with Elain, your brother's mate's middle sister. Unable to watch him fall in love with someone else again, you flee from Velaris, from him. But things are a lot more complicated than that - more complicated than you ever imagined.
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Wicked Games - Batboys x Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥Part III
➻❥ Halloween Special
Summary: Desperate to pay off a debt, you decide to break into the penthouse of one of Prythian’s richest males, one rumored to make his money in a less than legal way. But after witnessing something you weren’t supposed to, you find yourself caught in a wicked game of cat and mouse with three of the most dangerous males in Prythian. (Modern AU!)
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Archeron!Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI
Summary: You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one.
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Lost in a Labyrinth - Azriel x Reader
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III Summary: Lonely and heartbroken after his near kiss with Elain, Azriel finds himself at the door to the most exclusive pleasure house in Hewn City, The Labyrinth, taking Rhysand’s cruel advice. What he expected to find was a pretty girl to warm a bed with him for a single night. But instead he finds something he never thought existed—his mate. A mate that is tangled up in something far more sinister than he could ever imagine.
𝓞𝓷𝓮-𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 & 𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼
fluff ☀︎ angst ☾ smut ♡
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Scared to be Happier - Azriel x Reader ☾ ♡
No Going Back - Azriel x Reader (Part I) ☾
↠ Now That We Don’t Talk (Part II) ☾
Mystique - Azriel x Reader ☀︎
Arcane - Azriel x Reader ☀︎
The Crow's Poet - Azriel x Reader ☀︎
The Shadowsinger's Secret - Azriel x Reader ☾☀︎
Birds of a Feather - Azriel x Reader (Part I) ☾
↠ We Should Stick Together (Part II) ☾
Falling Apart for You - Rhysand x Reader ☾ ☀︎
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Reader ☾ ☀︎
Last Solstice - Eris x Reader ☾ ☀︎
Butterfly Fly Away - Batboys x Platonic!Reader ☾ ☀︎
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