#azure gleam: chapter 12
fireemblems24 · 9 months
Azure Gleam Ch 12
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that this is, by far, my favorite route. Spoilers below.
I forgot we had Claude on our "side" here.
Oh, here comes Byleth. This is AG's chapter for Byleth, right? And ugh, this time I need to actually recruit Byleth or else someone I love will die bc someone from Faerghus will die.
Oh, there's Randolph. Ready to die again. I swear to God this man is allergic to life.
He's hiring Jeralt, so yeah, this is the recruit Byleth chapter.
Adrestian nobles are real peaches. They're burning villages and looting, or a good handful of them are. I swear they have the worst nobility. Only Faerghus Western lords rival them.
If Randolph dies, than Jeralt's contract is terminated. So that means I have to trade Randolph for Jeralt and Byleth? Deal.
Man, that mint hair is a CHOICE. Whyyyyy. The darker blue hair is much better.
I like Byleth more after Hopes. I liked Byleth before, but Hopes has helped me see the characterization easier. It also makes the whole "one man army"/Ashen Demon seem more real.
And yep here's the sword again from the other routes.
I'm just so happy they gave Felix the high ponytail look.
Time to make Adrestia sweat.
Jeralt scars the Blue Lions way more than Randolph.
Leave it to Sylvain to strategize. Haha, Rodrigue says Sylvain reminds him of his dad, Sylvain isn't sure if that's a compliment.
I love how much you can tell all these people have known each other for so long.
OMG, there's so many side battles.
Weird to only give them on support and it's only B given how popular their ship is.
Another support about Annette's songs lol. They really increased that in this game, but it's adorable so I'm good.
Dorothea and the church are performing operas for Faerghus.
Annette's "opera" song is about taking a hot bath when she's already hot. Felix is impressed with her mental fortitude. Lol.
Annette's flustered because it's supposed to be serious, not about bathing lol.
They basically set up a date to go see an opera together.
I saw this in another route already (but forgot), so I unlocked it here too! But not going to write about it twice.
These two rooted out spies together. Well, mostly Yuri lol.
Yuri's impressed with Sylvain's layers.
Neither of them are going to let Dimitri know what they're up to until after it's done lol.
Yuri's earned Sylvain's trust, but still threatens Yuri if he switches sides.
Yuri calls Sylvain out for being super loyal, which, yes, he is and that's often so overlooked part of his character.
Wait . . . Sylvain hit on Yuri with a bad pickup line? Lamo.
Sylvain mistook Yuri for a girl. Yuri is going to blackmail Sylvain with his back pickup lines for life lamo.
Yuri's open to a date with Sylvain though. Sylvain is into Yuri's flirting.
That would be a nightmare couple.
Mercedes looks at the little things and it reminds her of what it was like before the war - like tea parties with Shez and kids determined to get stronger.
Mercedes hates the war and wishes she could go back to those days. Getting really sentimental.
Mercedes used to just accept whatever happened and didn't realize how much she valued the past until peace got destroyed.
I had Shez be nice and tell Mercie that it's ok to get sentimental.
Mercie was happy with that.
Shez says she's always there to listen to Mercedes if she needs it.
So Mercie's like, let's tea party now! She bought new ingredients.
Their only support
Ohhh, Dimitri's in it too. They're talking strategy. Dimitri wants a head-on approach, Felix wants a sneaky one, Dedue withholds his opinion.
Dimitri tells Felix to stop pestering Dedue lamo.
Dimitri wants to head the mission, but Felix is like no, let me. Strategy resolved and Felix confronts Dedue.
Dedue values Felix's input and recognizes his unique role with Dimitri.
Dedue just stays amused the whole time and doesn't let Felix get to him.
Felix will not spit it out that he's so worried about Dimitri.
Dimitri returns and is about to tell Dimitri what went on but Felix cuts him off, which I'm sure just amuses Dedue.
I love how it's pretty much cannon that the vast majority of the cast never take Felix seriously when he's spouting his tsundere.
OMG I'm so happy with this.
Ingrid's worried because her horse didn't eat all the feed. Marianne recommends hay and explains why.
Ingrid is happy and compliments Marianne, who of course downplays it and tries to get out of Ingrid asking more questions (likely about horses).
Of course, later Marianne tells Ingrid her horse (or pegasus?) is probably scared after acting up after being on the battlefield the first time. Marianne goes full horse whisperer and fixes the problem.
Then leaks that she's talking to the horse lamo. Ingrid catches it. Ingrid thinks it's awesome though.
Ingrid tries to give Marianne confidence; it doesn't work.
As a fellow horse-girl, I love this.
Dimitri catches Bernadetta out again, and ofc she gets scared, but Dimitri just wants food bc he's working too hard and missed dinner.
Haha, Dimitri hates being shut in all the time.
Bernedetta thinks Dimitri's work is spying on her, but Dimitri assures her that's not it bc he has too much work to spy lamo.
Bernadetta is amazed at what Dimitri puts on his plate because it'll taste awful, but like he can tell :(
So they cook together. And she tries to cook something he likes, which is kind of sweet actually.
She got too flustered and messed up the dish. I know where this is going lol . . . Dimitri and his iron stomach.
Yep, she's shocked that Dimitri just . . . eats it.
Oh, God, she's going try it, but of course she hates it.
Bernedetta thinks he'll have her executed now, and Dimitri's like "do you seriously think I do that?"
So I guess this is his Hopes "Dimitri can't taste anything" support.
I love how he seems immune to Bernedetta's antics though. He just calmly explains that her fears aren't true and moves on.
Ignatz figured out a general time period that Sylvain's painting came from.
Oh, geeze, it's a color made from crushed gemstones? That must've been $$$$. Geeze.
Sylain was reading up on saints to get more info on the picture and might've figured out who it was. An archbishop (was it one of Rhea's fake personas?)
Ah, they think she looks like Rhea. So I'm right. Hahaha.
They're confused about that. Never in a million years . . . .
So this does confirm that Rhea just keeps faking her death.
I'm pleasantly surprised by this support. I love Sylvain, but Ignatz is . . . not interesting, but I like how it expanded on Sylvain's studious side, and he's an art fan! Now I like him even more.
Ashe is fishing to feed the army. Ashe, sweetie, one fish is . . . not going to make a difference.
Naturally, though, Flayn is very interested. Because fish.
Does Ashe place well in the fishing tournament in 3H? Would be interesting to see if the lore stayed the same about Ashe's skills.
Poor Flayn isn't allowed to fish bc Seteth gets too nervous with her around water, but Ashe lets her fish like she used to.
Honestly, Flayn looks too young for most of the guys, but she fits Ashe's look (and personality) really well.
Flayn almost catches a large fish but fails to catch it. B support will be about her catching it, I'm betting.
Catherine comments that Faerghus now trusts Dedue and Dimitri more. Dedue gives all credit to Dimitri, lamo.
Apparently people gave Dimitri crap for choosing Dedue over everyone else.
Catherine isn't religious either. But I thought Rhea was a tyrant who only allowed religious people near her??? /s
Neither Dimitri nor Rhea get too wrapped up in their own titles.
Both spend their free time helping people out.
Catherine is like, maybe Dimitri is rested by helping people out like that. Something Rhea, Dimitri, and Byleth have in common.
Catherine and Dedue think they could be friends, as long as Rhea and Dimitri stay on the same side.
Not ready for this, guys.
Dimitri wants to know how Rodrigue felt when Lambert died. :(
Rodrigue didn't believe it at first, but accepted reality eventually and remembered the promise he made.
Dimitri then asks what if he'd died in Duscur too?
Dimitri also thinks Rodrigue intended to die with Lambert, but Rodrigue confirms that he never wanted to die, but wouldn't mind dying to protect Dimitri/keep him in line.
(hahahah, no)
Dimitri says losing Rodrigue would be like losing another father :( confirmation that Rodrigue is like a father.
Rodrigue calls Dimitri out for not valuing his own life enough :( (or that he doesn't even value it at all :( ) saying that he's only following his king's example then.
And Dimitri's response is like, yeah, guess you're right, I have no excuse - probably . . . not what Rodrigue was looking for :(
He's like, yeah, that was probably too harsh, but thinks Dimitri sounded a lot like Lambert :(
Rodrigue always wanted to tell Lambert that.
Dimitri's emotional about sounding like his father :(
Sounds like Faerghus people are always telling each other not to throw their lives away.
Haha, Dimitri's like, I'm jealous of your bond with your friends, and Rodrigue implies that Felix wouldn't like hearing Dimitri imply he's not close with his, lamo. Rodrigue is such a dad to Felix, like that teasing king, which is just perfect for Felix being so prickly lamo.
Sylvain would rather turn enemies into allies than attack them. He's talking about Jeralt's mercenaries, but it's just more proof that he disliked resolving conflict with violence.
The common folk find Dimitri more approachable now. He's working on being more relaxed lol.
Dedue and Ashe talked about how Dimitri broke a pen during a war council. Shez suggests they name the pens so Dimitri's more attached to them and is less likely to break them. I cannot with these people. (also, can you imagine how put out Dimitri would be breaking a pen he named?) They also talk about how some people are scared of Dimitri because of his freakish strength :(
Seteth is impressed with Dimitri, who asks him about tactics a lot (which, side note, I'm so happy to see this game heap more praise on Dimitri, I get that AM's plot structure didn't really allow it as much, but it's nice to hear. Also, that it's Seteth is so cool, because he's by far one of the most wise characters).
Back to Seteth though, he explains he knows so much because he's studied this military genius Saint Cichol and really recommends his book. No bias at all there, guys.
And the saga of Balthus being obsessed with fighting Dimitri continues, lamo. (nobody blames you, Balthus, because, same, how can you not be a little obsessed with Dimitri's body after seeing it).
Mercedes and Constance were friends! That's cool. Also, not two braincells between them. (and I say that with affection)
I love how the game is going out of it's way now to show that Dimitri is asking for advice from experts, then making a decision based on what he's learned. His FEH support was about that, and I always liked that, so I like seeing him do it here.
Also, it seems I can't use Rodrigue again :( Actually, here's here for the side battles, so maybe I can?
OK, guys, time to get Byleth. Please let this be easy.
Someone very kindly wrote up a guide for me in a message. I never posted it so I could reference it, so let's hope I get it right the first time.
We're in the weird dimension with Arval, who's on high alert bc Byleth. But this time we recruit Byleth.
"Defeat Randolph" - Don't mind if I do!
Ok, so step 1 is selecting "Locate Ambushers." But I don't see that?
Kidding. I picked it.
I can't use Dimitri??? Oh, shit. He's BY FAR, my strongest unit. This is a shitty battle to lose him for. And Rodrigue. So I'm down 2 of my actually trained units. This sucks.
No Felix either?? This is really bullshit at this point. I basically only have Shez, Sylvain, Ingrid, Dedue, and Mercedes and Mercedes can't do shit, Dedue is also pretty awful, and Ingrid always dies. Ugh. This is going to be impossible. So basically just Shez and Sylvain.
Honestly, if this is too hard, I'm just going to let Byleth die because, to be honest, I'm really sick of playing this game. This route IS the only one I actually care about finishing though.
Ugh, I knew I'd hate this chapter, but taking away 3 units with no warning is just total bullshit.
Dimitri following me around is kinda cute though. And I forget how good Shez is. It's just, Dimitri's so strong I'm used to one-shotting at this point, lamo.
I also love how when Dimitri's a green unit, he's still fighting and not getting protected like the other 2. He's also . . . not someone I have to worry about dying. He's, uh, level 57 and suggested level is 44 so um.
Ok, so far so good. I got Fleche to show up, which is the next step. Now I just have to kill her quick.
Defeated Fleche. Now I need to see a command to defeat a dude, and a side command I ignore (guessing either defeat Byleth or Jeralt, the side one that I ignore).
So pretty sure I messed up and I need to "kill" all the mercenaries attacking the base BEFORE Fleche.
Ok, got Alois before he invaded. Just got Fleche. Pretty sure what's left is to not engage Byleth and rush kill Randolph.
Took Randolph out because I saved up all my warrior gauges.
OMG, I finished Randolph before the side mission was even announced lol.
I DID IT!!!! I got Byleth and Jeralt 😭
And I did it without Felix OR Dimitri 😭
So Jeralt surrendered after defeating everyone bc they decided to use logic and know they couldn't win. Plus, they want new clients.
Jeralt doesn't care about the conviction with the Empire, only coin. But he wants to avoid Rhea because of their past, but Dimitri sets conditions to make sure that Jeralt and co avoid her.
Guys, I can't believe I'm seeing the recruitment and not character death (I know it's Rodrigue, I couldn't let him die, no matter what)
I just saw the Byleth is playable card 😭
Guys, I saved Rodrigue.
Most of the Blue Lions are like, this is weird, but good. And they want to bond by sparing bc that's what the Blue Lions do lamo.
Shez ran off though. She's talking to Shez and figured that's best done not with people around.
Arval is way more chill about it than I thought.
Shez still has a goal though, to win the war and bring peace with Dimitri and co.
Getting ready to attack the monastery. Still kinda wish Claude was our enemy like the other 2 routes.
Everyone is standing by Dimitri.
Oh . . . Mercedes thinking about Death Knight? Betting she'll run into him soon. Can you recruit him in AG?
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nenoname · 1 year
3 Hopes’ Timelines
“Timelines without a calendar system and with only occasional mentions of time passing in cutscenes? How do you figure this out?” The age sections in the profiles. Obviously. Because most players obsessively check the profiles of every character every chapter.
Be prepared for many “???” dates and honestly probably tons of typos cos numbers hard to look at.
3Hope's war generally takes around two years, placing the characters pretty close to their 3H ages by the end
The latter bounds of the dates I'm giving are from upcoming birthdays that haven’t occurred yet and in some instances of early shared events, I cross referenced other routes.
Shared events that I’m assuming have similar timeframes in all routes are; the prologue/pre-war section, the war being declared at the end of 1181 (aka March), the Empire crossing the bridge of Myrrdin, the Garreg Mach attack, Rhea fleeing to the kingdom, Lonato’s attack, Adrestia’s attack on Leicester (done by either Ferdinand or Count Bergliez) and Cornelia’s coup. Events like the Arianrhod map, Maccas pact and the TWSITD Hrym attack are out of sync.
Also check out the datamine for the shadow library book about calendars for more lore
Chapter 1 (Meeting the lords): 20/4 1180
Assuming that this event takes place on the same day as Three House’s version did
Chapter 2 (Monica rescue): Takes place between 30/4 - 8/5
Ferdinand’s birthday took place while Annette’s hasn’t yet
Stated to be two weeks after Shez joins a class
Chapter 3:
Empire coup: ? - 3/6 Kingdom revolt 9/5 - 4/6
Annette 17 (9/5)
Stated to be several days after the Empire coup
Alliance defense - 18/5 - 12/6
Raphael 18 (18/5)
Scarlet Blaze Part 1
Chapter 4 (Garreg Mach Attack): 15/3 1181 - 16/4 1182
Edelgard 19, Hubert 21, Ferdinand 19, Linhardt 18, Caspar 18, Bernadetta 19,  Dorothea 20, Petra 17, Monica 20, Jeritza 23
Assuming that this take place after GW’s ch 4, where Ignatz already had his birthday
Chapter 5 (Lonato defense): 17/4 - 29/4
Hubert 22 (17/4)
Chapter 6 (Leicester bridge attack): 30/4 - ?
Ferdinand 20 (30/4)
Chapter 7 (Count rescue): ? - 12/6
Chapter 8 (Arianrhod attack): 13/6 - 21/6
Lorenz 21 (13/6)
Chapter 9 (Assassination attempt): 9/7 - 6/9
Edelgard 20 (22/6), Caspar 19 (1/7), Balthus 29 (9/7)
Scarlet Blaze Part 2
Chapter 10 (Western Faerghus and Jeralt attack): 28/2 - 3/3
Linhardt 19, Bernadetta 20,  Dorothea 21, Petra 18, Ashe 19, Lysithea 18 (28/2), Marianne 20, Hapi 23
Narration states it to be 5 months after the previous chapter and is the end of 1182
Chapter 11 (Fight with the western lords): 4/3 - 13/3
Monica 21, Jeritza 24 (4/3)
Chapter 12 (Hrym and Ordelia TWSITD attack): 14/3 - 19/3
Ignatz 20 (14/3)
Chapter 13 (Duke Aegir rebellion): 30/4 1183 - 12/6
Hubert 23 (17/4) Ferdinand 21 (30/4), Constance 21 (20/3)
Happy patricide birthday Ferdinand!!
Chapter 14 (Ailell fight with main factions): 9/7 - ?/7
Edelgard 21 (22/6), Caspar 20 (1/7), Lorenz 22 (13/6), Balthus 30 (9/7)
Secret Chapters
Didn’t record for this route rip
Final Chapter: ?/7
End narration states it to be Blue Sea Moon (aka July)
Azure Gleam Part 1
Chapter 4 (Rhea escort quest): 16/3 1181 - ?
Dimitri 19, Dedue 20, Felix 19, Ashe 18, Sylvain 21, Mercedes 24, Annette 18, Ingrid 19, Rodrigue 45
Takes place after SB’s Garreg Mach attack
Chapter 5 (Lonato attack): ? - 8/5 1182
If you assume it takes place at the same time as SB’s version then it’s 17/4 - 29/4
Chapter 6 (Arundel territory attack): 9/5 - 26/5
Annette 19 (9/5)
Chapter 7 (Cornelia coup): 5/6 - ?
Mercedes 25 (27/5), Sylvain 22 (5/6)
Chapter 8 (Cornelia and Western lords attack): ???
Rodrigue 46
Chapter 9 (Arianrhod defense): ….Around July
Since this is stated to be 5 months before the next chapter, this is as accurate as we’re gonna get
Azure Gleam Part 2
Chapter 10 (Saving civilians): ? - 11/12
Dedue 21, Ashe 19, Dorothea 21, Petra 18
Chapter 11 (Fighting western Adrestian nobles): 4/1 - 14/1
Dimitri 20 (20/12), , Ingrid 20 (4/1), Bernadetta 20 (12/12)
stated that its Guardian Moon aka January
Chapter 12 (Randolph and Jeralt attack): 15/1 - 19/2
Hapi 23 (15/1)
Happy (maybe) dead dad almost-birthday Felix!
Chapter 13 (Ailell Adrestia fight): 20/2 - 13/3
Felix 20 (20/2)
Chapter 14 (Chasing Duke Aegir): 14/3 - 19/3
Ignatz 20 (14/3)
Secret Chapters: 20/3 - 26/3
Constance 21 (20/3)
Yeah, this took me off guard too
Final Chapter: 27/3 - ?/4 1183
Shamir 28 (27/3)
It’s stated to be Great Tree Moon (aka April) so happy ‘war ended while you got fridged offscreen’ birthday Hubert and Ferdinand!
Golden Wildfire Part 1
Chapter 4 (Bridge defense): 14/3 1181 - ?
Claude 19, Lorenz 20, Hilda 20, Raphael 19, Ignatz 19, Lysithea 17, Marianne 19, Leonie 21, Shamir 27
Chapter 5 (Derdriu defense): ? - 17/5 1182
After Rhea’s escape in AG
Chapter 6 (Chasing Ferdinand): 18/5 - 12/6
Raphael 20 (18/5)
Chapter 7 (Gronder attack): 13/6 - 23/7
Lorenz 21 (13/6), Holst 29
* missing Balthus on this run
Chapter 8 (Fodlan’s Throat defense): 24/7 - 20/8
Claude 20 (24/7)
Happy “gotta kill my brother :/” birthday Claude!!!
Narration says it’s 6 months after the war started
Golden Wildfire Part 2
Chapter 9 (Church and Adrestia skirmish): 23/11 - 2/2
Marianne 20 (23/11) , Leonie 22, Petra 18
4 months after last chapter
Chapter 10 (Assassination attempt): 3/2 - 27/2
Hilda 21 (3/2)
Chapter 11 (Fraldarius territory attack): 27/3 - ?
Ignatz 20 (14/3), Lysithea 18 (28/2), Shamir 28 (27/3)
Chapter 12 (Fhridiad attack): ? - 17/5 1183
Chapter 13 (Hrym and Ordelia TWSITD attack): 18/5 - 12/6
Raphael 21 (18/5)
Chapter 14 (Garreg Mach Defense): 13/6 - 23/7
Lorenz 22 (13/6), Holst 30
Secret Chapters:
Didn’t check
Final Chapter: 12/8 - ?
Claude 21 (24/7), Yuri 23 (12/8)
Narration states it’s Blue Sea Moon despite Yuri’s age?
We also have approximate birthdays for the new retainers!
Monica’s between 29/2 - 3/3, Rodrigue’s birthday is…. uh, between 6/6 and 29/8 and Holst’s is between 19/5 - 12/6
And here’s a general timeline/comparison of events in SB/AG/GW part 1 and SB/GW part 2
Meeting the lords: 20/4 1180 Monica rescue: 30/4 - 8/5 Enbarr coup: ? - 3/6 Kingdom revolt: 9/5 - 4/6 Alliance defense: 18/5 - 12/6 Bridge crossing: 14/3 1181 - ? Garreg Mach attack: 15/3 1181 - 16/4 1182 Rhea escort: 16/3 1181 - ? Lonato mission
SB: 17/4 - 29/4
AG: ? - 8/5 1182
Derdriu defense and Ferdinand’s escape (GW): After GM attack, 18/5 - 12/6 Rescuing Count Bergliez (SB): 30/4 - 12/6 Cornelia’s coup and defeat: 5/6 - ? Arianrhod fight
SB: 13/6 - 21/6
AG: ….Around July
Shahid’s attack: 24/7 - 20/8 Enbarr assassination: 9/7 - 6/9
SB (may be a while before since separate from the mission): 28/2 - 3/3
GW (after chapter start): 23/11 - 2/2
Hrym and Ordelia TWSITD attack
SB: 14/3 - 19/3
GW: 18/5 - 12/6
SB Duke Aegir rebellion: 30/4 1183 - 12/6 GW Garreg Mach Defense: 13/6 - 23/7 SB Ailell fight with main factions: 9/7 - ?/7 SB ending: ?/7 GW ending: 12/8 - ?
Anyway if you can understand this/narrow down the dates even more/tell me when Balthus ages in GW, then good for you!!!
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shadowshrike · 2 years
FEW3H NPC Analysis Pt. 3 - Countries outside of Fodlan
We all know that Fodlan has a fraught history with its neighbors. Claims of invasion, impending war, and forced isolation by the Central Church have made a mess of discussions about foreign policy by fans of the games. So in 3 Hopes, what prejudices and reconciliations do we see between Fodlan's general populace and those outside their borders?
This analysis takes a look into how citizens of Fodlan feel about various foreign countries through what the NPCs say. Sreng, Duscur, Almyra, Morfis, Dagda, and Brigid are all mentioned at least once by generic units throughout the camps in 3 Hopes.
Disclaimer: This is just for fun. The data was manually tagged & compiled, so may have errors. Also, counting was weird for this one, so %s might be off. Dataset used
Analysis Background
Sentiment was split by foreign and domestic army members for all but Scarlet Blaze, where there are no NPC foreigners in your camp. The Tragedy of Duscur also got a separate category because it's a major negative event people mention, but the NPCs do not necessarily equate that to Fodlan or Duscur being evil.
Sreng is viewed completely negatively on all paths because there's both a language barrier and generations of invasions from them, much like Almyra before Nader swapped sides. You'll notice Almyra has similar negativity attached to it. For those who need more context, I've detailed Sreng's history and common misconceptions that have been disproven in 3 Hopes at the end of this analysis.
Scarlet Blaze NPCs largely don't care about the world outside Fodlan, though they're aware of international trading. Golden Wildfire NPCs mostly ignore foreigners or only talk about them being a threat. Azure Gleam NPCs dislike Sreng for their invasions but are making massive strides with Duscur.
Scarlet Blaze
Unsurprisingly, Scarlet Blaze doesn't talk much about other nations since it's primarily focused on domestic affairs, and Brigid's promised 'new relationship' is kept secret. In the small amount of text it does have, it mentions Morfis and trade routes across the sea that seem to be well-established.
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Golden Wildfire
Despite the focus on Almyra early in Golden Wildfire, it has the least amount of awareness or positivity shown by NPCs about foreign nations. Of the positive comments we get, the two by Fodlan natives are about Tiana's story (which they think is a fairytale) and rumors of Nader being both horrific and kind. It's noted that Almyran NPC(s) follow Fodlan rules because Nader says they need to, but all Almyran voices and mentions disappear entirely after chapter 12.
There is also no mention of Almyra by Fodlan NPCs after Chapter 9, nor of sharing cultures or trusting or hating them at all. Some members of the army are pro Sreng attacking the Kingdom (their enemy) when that happens in Chapter 12, going as far as saying they should have told Sreng the Margrave was dead, though that plan was shot down by Claude.
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Azure Gleam
Azure Gleam is relatively meaty when it comes to foreign relations, featuring both the restoration of Duscur and ongoing Sreng raids potentially orchestrated by Cornelia. Their one mention of Dagda and Brigid is negative because it mentions the old war, not because they dislike the people from there. Since Petra is an optional recruit, all talk of her spearheading Fodlan relations as Queen is locked to her dialogue.
There is a notable amount of culture-sharing going on with Duscur from both sides in Azure Gleam. Naturally, the positive sentiment is somewhat stronger from the Duscur Generals than Kingdom soldiers, since the Duscur troops are volunteer-only and can self-select away from the Kingdom army.
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Regarding Sreng
There are a lot of misconceptions around Sreng and Faerghus' relationship due to 3 Houses being unclear regarding who owned what land when. This has led to most people in the past (myself included) believing that Lambert stole a bunch of land, causing Sreng to attack them in retaliation.
New textual evidence in 3 Hopes suggests they are NOT attacking to 'get back land' from modern Faerghus. It is likely that, while still an aggressive act, no part of Sreng was annexed in Lambert's campaign. Sreng has been raiding raided Fodlan for 300+ years with no change in border.
Per the ingame description of Sreng:
"Sreng was once the name of an enormous peninsula to the north of Fodlan. Today, only the northern half has kept the moniker, while the southern half now falls under the dominion of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Several warlike clans call this great wasteland their home. Certain areas of the region are comprised of rocky desert."
Yes, "Sreng" used to refer to a peninsula to the north of Fodlan. However, you can see from the map that the full peninsula includes not just Gautier, but Fraldarius and Blaiddyd territories as well.
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You could argue that the peninsula here doesn't refer to the whole thing, implying the Gautier lands near the border were 'stolen' recently, but we can see that's unlikely from the "Military History of Partholon":
Harpstring Moon, Year 892 The Sreng people mounted a large-scale invasion. They crossed the Ruska Mountains in the north and descended south into Faerghus. King Banfig built a string of strongholds along the north of his domain, from Blaiddyd to Fraldarius, including Conand Tower.
Wyvern Moon, Year 895 Having finally forced Sreng to retreat, Faerghus was in position to counterattack. However, Sreng's resistance and the harsh, snowy conditions caused them to abandon their attack. Thus, hostilities drew to a close. After the campaign, a young and fierce general by the name of Laetitia Zoe Gautier, royal knight and descendant of the elite hero Gautier, was widely praised.
Great Tree Moon, Year 896 Banfig confers the northern part of his territory on Laetitia. She is given the title of margrave and tasked with defending Faerghus's border. Laetitia sets to work strengthening defenses in the north, constructing strongholds throughout the Ruska Mountains on the border with Sreng, and reclaiming the Lance of Ruin from the Church of Seiros.
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If you map out this history, it implies Gautier territories have belonged to Faerghus since at least 896 in the least-generous reading. In the most generous, the fact Faerghus failed to counterattack Sreng in 895 means that land was already Fodlan's when Sreng invaded in 892. It is entirely possible, given what we know about Nemesis, that the peninsula was actually split during his time, although there is no concrete evidence of this.
At least 10 generations of hostilities with no land exchanging hands is supported by other in-universe factors as well. Most notably, that Sreng and Faerghus didn't have any language sharing until Leif was taken, which is highly unlikely for territories conquered within the last generation.
Leif himself said his raid was necessary for his way of life, perhaps a reference to Sreng's resource poverty or culture, but not that the Gautiers stole his land.
Don't hate us for this! Our way of life hangs in the balance!
He also says:
This payback has been years in the making, Gautier! Hahahaha!
But that doesn't necessarily have to refer to any sort of land exchange. More likely it relates to cultural or personal history.
Per the "Military History of Partholon" :
Horsebow Moon, Year 1169 The Kingdom Army is progressing northwest through the peninsula, but while engaging the Sreng chief Oleg and his forces, a gigantic beast suddenly enters the fray. It lays waste to both sides. Lambert sustains grave injuries, and Oleg disappears into a ravine. Oleg's son offers his own youngest child Leif as a prisoner to House Gautier to broker peace.
Leif was a war prisoner from the nation that had killed that Margrave Gautier's wife, and yet was raised by him. At that point, the Margrave was known as the Wall of Ice and had given up on peace between their peoples. He was notorious for being a great general, but a poor, cold father to even his blood sons. Seeing how Miklan and Sylvain were treated, it's natural that a prisoner of a hated enemy like Leif would grow up resentful of Faerghus, and specifically, Gautier.
Unfortunately, there is still a large loose end in Sreng's recent history. We still don't know why Lambert's campaign happened - vengeance for the Margrave's wife? A deterrent counterattack to stop the ongoing raids? A failed attempt to conquer? What we do know is that Sreng has been raiding Faerghus for generations, before and after it, continuing a cycle of mistrust between their peoples.
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
Quest bosses with unique lines
This is a list of all bosses that have non-default lines in those smaller missions you do along the way! I've also written down some characters I'm not certain react to playable characters, but since they have unique lines for being themselves, I figured, why not (looking at you Pallardo and Metodey)
I've sorted this post's list by route and by chapter, so some characters pop up several times. I've also made an excel sheet for this because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Everything under the cut!
Scarlet Blaze:
Seteth, chapter 4, Prepare for the Conquest of Garreg Mach
Pallardò, chapter 5, Recapture the Storehouse
Rodrigue, chapter 5, Save the Gaspard Archers
Gustave, chapter 5, Crush the Kingdom Army (female units only)
Leonie, chapter 6, Rescue the Detachment
Judith, chapter 6, Take the Banks of the Airmid
Judith, chapter 7, Rendezvous with the Bergliez Squadron
Sylvain, chapter 8, Profit While Others War (can be defeated before the mission ends for dialogue from the PC if applicable)
Rodrigue, chapter 8, Cover the Rowe Soldiers
Annette, chapter 8, Rematch at Magdred
Metodey, chapter 8, Keep the Peace
Sylvain, chapter 11, Cover the Scouts' Retreat
Felix, chapter 11, Stop the Kingdom Army's Reinforcements (can be defeated before the mission ends for dialogue from the PC if applicable)
Cyril, chapter 14, Eliminate the Scouts
Golden Wildfire:
Petra, chapter 5, Strike the Vulnerable Imperial Forces
Ladislava chapter 5, Delay the Enemy's Advance
Randolph, chapter 6, Attack the Imperial Camp
Metodey, chapter 7, Evacuate the Imperiled Citizens
Ferdinand, chapter7, March for Gronder Field (can be defeated before the mission ends for dialogue from the PC if applicable)
Pallardò, chapter 9, defend the Border Stronghold
Felix, chapter 11, Breach Fraldarius Territory
Ingrid, chapter 12, Rescue the Scouts
Sylvain, chapter 14, Hold the Line
Gustave, chapter 14, The Way to Garreg Mach (can be defeated before the mission ends for dialogue from the PC if applicable)
Cyril, chapter 17, Clash in Charon
Seteth, chapter 17, Seize the Brennius Territory (male units only)
Flayn, chapter 17, Arrival at the Tailtean Plains
Azure Gleam:
Dorothea, chapter 5, Halt the Enemy's Pursuit (male units only)
Count Varley, chapter 6, A Clash in Gillingr (can be defeated before the mission ends for dialogue from the PC if applicable)
Ladislava, chapter 9, Skirmish in Former Arundel Territory
Randolph, chapter 10, Guard the Convoy
Ladislava, chapter 11, Capture Enemy Supplies
Hanneman, chapter 11, Take Formation in Essar
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few3hd · 2 years
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Guide
Azure Gleam, Grinding Class EXP
Chapter 12, Intel on the Imperial Army
Quest Restrictions: You can only take one unit into battle
This level is fast, so you get end of level bonuses quickly. It also lets you focus on one character, and is very manageable. It has some enemies of every class, so no matter what class you pick, you will be able to S-rank by focusing on enemies you have an advantage against.
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a-pale-azure-moon · 2 years
Some small updates, since I know I haven't been terribly active around here lately. The holidays were more emotionally draining than I initially realized and I only now feel like I'm starting to bounce back from it. Winter in general tends to bring on a sense of ennui and listlessness that just makes me withdraw, kind of like a bear in hibernation, and some days it's easier to fight through it than others. My priority on the good days is always on my fic to keep with my update schedule, so other things, even gaming, tend to fall by the wayside.
-I've ordered Fire Emblem Engage, but my copy's not here yet. I am looking forward to playing it, since the gameplay looks fun, but I have no expectations that any of the characters are going to invade my brain the way Dimitri and the Lions did. Doesn't mean I won't enjoy them or the game though, even if I'm never going to stop cringing at some of the character designs.
-My beloved tablet (which I've had for over five years) got pretty much bricked out of the blue one morning when it spontaneously yeeted Google Play off of itself. It's as bizarre as it sounds. Attempts to get it back have not been successful, and since apps will not work without a Google Play check, the thing's basically useless. TL;DR, I bought myself a new tablet, which was not an expense I'd planned on, but I at least found a good deal on one. Until it arrives I've had to temporarily move FEH back to my phone (bleh), which is four years old and slowly dying. So that's something else that'll need replacing this year too, I guess. Planned obsolescence is SO great, isn't it?
-For anyone who still cares, my Azure Gleam writeups aren't dead, just on an extended hiatus. I had wanted to finish the game before Engage came out but obviously that's not happening. But I always try to finish a project once I've committed to it, so I WILL finish it eventually. I have completed AG's chapter 12 (both paths) and, uh....wow. I am still angry about it. Like, so angry/gobsmacked by the choices the writers made with it that it's hard to distill my thoughts into words. I'll have a whole-ass rant about it by the time I actually get the writeup done, so that's something to look forward to? lol.
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melodiaemfrp · 2 years
Hiiii Owl here! Slapping this in at who knows when but- Updating Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd from FEW3H's canon point to post Chapter 12 in Azure Gleam Route! As per usual you can find me in the void staring at you or here / twitter!
hey owl!
DIMITRI's canon point has been updated for you!
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dimitrez · 2 years
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"His one regret would be never getting to see the new Faerghus his beloved king created."
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shokuheshi · 2 years
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together we share their memories. 
azure gleam, chapter 12-13
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professor-tammi · 2 years
yet another Big Azure Gleam Text Post, up to ch. 12 (this is mostly me talking about supports because I unlocked a bunch)
Main story stuff:
- in Part II of AG, the Kingdom is actually invading the Empire, which has been completely taken over by Slithers. Duke Aegir rules with an iron fist, and the Empire’s military apparently frequently loots and pillages the villages in their own country. what’s interesting is that the game goes pretty all-in on “hey, the Kingdom is the invading force now”, and practically guilt trips you about the whole thing via random boss dialogue:
“You force your way into my city and kill innocent people, and you’re shameless enough to claim you’re on the side of justice?”
“How ironic. My territory has always strived for peace, yet it’s the first claimed by the flames of war.“
certainly, one of the more clear ways in which CF was an effective anti-villain route laid in the simple fact that it has you declare war on sovereign countries to force reforms and unification upon them... so AG pulling something similar is an amusing way for the writers to turn the tables here. (the situations aren’t the same, of course, but it is nevertheless A Parallels Thing.)
either way, Dimitri is understandably unsure of whether or not he’s doing the right thing, and the rest of the Lions voice their support of his decision, both because they know the Empire would invade the Kingdom sooner than later if left alone regardless, but also because, well, Slithers. (Felix’s line supporting Dimitri here has him tell Dimitri, “don’t look back”... is that the line. I’ll have to cross-check with the JP dialogue at some point)
- the ch. 11 battle has you go up against Monica and her father, Baron von Ochs. you end up killing him, and Monica vows to avenge him before retreating to presumably show up again later. ... where have I seen this before (it’s a Ran thing. Ran also loses his father and swears revenge. I swear Monica is just girl!Ran)
- after the battle, Rodrigue comments that “only our king will be fettered by the vile moniker of invader”, and Felix chimes in with an angry “don’t put this all on him” (to which Rodrigue tells Felix that it’s his job to support Dimitri through it and Felix goes “hmph, obviously”)
- there’s a little Rodrigue/Shez heart-to-heart scene as part of the story here. Rodrigue comments that Dimitri and Lambert are birds of a feather, but that he and Felix couldn’t be more different... but admits that Felix actually does share some traits with him, but mostly ones he’d “hoped to avoid”. and then he says this:
Rodrigue: “He can’t live without some great purpose in life urging him forward. There is no peace in such an existence -- I know because I’m the same way. As Lambert’s right hand, I devoted every waking moment to serving him. Supporting him. And when he was lost, so too was my reason for being. I had no choice but to search for something else to propel me forth.”
and he’s right! Felix is utterly lost when recruited to non-Lions routes in Three Houses, because those routes all lead to Dimitri’s death... :(
- on a lighter note, this chapter has this cute little Rodrigue + Felix moment in camp:
Rodrigue: I will be overseeing our main base’s defense, per our discussion with His Majesty. Which means I won’t be able to accompany all of you. Do try to not slow His Majesty down, Felix.
Felix: Please. Me, slow him down? I’ll be the one dragging him to the enemy’s door.
Supports + other:
- I only now realized but in the Dimitri/Dedue A support Dimitri makes some off-hand comment about how if he hadn’t been born a prince maybe he’d be a mercenary traveling the world with Dedue and... those are some Sike ending vibes!! :D
- Yuri is basically a honorary Lion in Hopes, and I love that! I liked Yuri in Houses, but none of his supports in og Houses particularly spoke to me, so I couldn’t really get into his character in a, I guess fannish? sense because I mostly get attached to relationships. in Hopes, he has both supports and a paralogue with Ashe (+ Catherine), and also supports Dimitri, Sylvain, and Seteth, who are all AG-exclusive. I think his dynamic with Ashe and Dimitri is especially fun; he’s probably risen to a top 5 favorite character for me now :D (I await the ashe/yuri and possibly also sylvain/yuri content... I’m sure we’re getting some sooner or later....)
- by the way Yuri’s real name is Regulus, in case anyone was wondering :)
- also, Ingrid’s father’s name is revealed to be Gunnar, and I feel the need to point this out bc evidently House Galatea have very distinctly Scandinavian-sounding names, as opposed to the rest of Faerghus being mostly French.
- poor Dorothea has spent the entirety of AG worrying herself sick about Edelgard -- in og Houses I found that she made for a very good honorary Lion between her supports with Ingrid, Sylvain, and Felix, but in Hopes she’s just miserable to be there... to the point that she goes, “perhaps I should’ve died with them.” Dorothea no!! :(
- Rodrigue/Dimitri A convo stuff that caught my eye: Dimitri tells Rodrigue “if you were to die because of me, it would destroy me”... well. that. is a thing that happens. Rodrigue rambles about Lambert a bunch, as you’d expect, and Dimitri says he envies how close their bond was, to which Rodrigue goes “ok don’t tell Felix that he’d be offended” :’D
- the Dimitri/Sylvain support is very interesting as it’s pretty much entirely about politics. they discuss whether people without Crests should be allowed to be nobles, and both characters agree they should; but Sylvain also brings up that the Kingdom needs Crests due to the constant threat of invasion from Sreng, and then goes on to say that Faerghus has basically two options:
1. “Bolster our military and promote prosperity while delicately letting the bloodline dance play out”
2. “Admit bloodlines won’t last forever and create a social system that doesn’t rely on inheritance”
What surprises me is that Sylvain goes on to say that option one is the better option for the Kingdom. that’s... an actually surprisingly conservative take? and amusing, with how often Edelgard fans like to claim Sylvain would agree with her policies. I’m so curious about this that I’ll probably go back and check if it was any different in Japanese
(a bit disappointingly, Dimitri’s response is kind of non-committal; he says it’s easier said than done but doesn’t really clearly indicate whether or not he agrees. anyhow. 2 sounds better, come on, you two)
- Mercedes’ trait of being the most openly flirtatious Lion who isn’t Sylvain is still a thing -- in her A support with Dimitri, Dimitri is visiting her home village undercover and feels awkward about having to introduce himself as someone he’s not, so Mercedes offers to just introduce him as someone “very important” to her and Dimitri’s is like. wait no don’t do that
- annnd Mercedes/Sylvain is perhaps the most blatantly romantic m/f support yet; Mercedes is being married off to a House Gautier noble she has no particular interest in, so Sylvain offers to marry her himself so she doesn’t have to marry the guy. (it’s rather cute!)
- Sylvain/Dedue has Sylvain say Dimitri and Felix are like brothers to him. ... him calling Felix a little brother was also in Houses, to be fair, but I wonder if this is why I never could get behind Sylvix -- they have individual moments that read as romantic, undoubtedly, but the actual dynamic as a whole reads as sibling-like? (idk I just want to figure out why I like or dislike things. that is important to me)
- anyhow, speaking of Sylvain/Felix having romantic moments, that is still a thing in their Hopes!A support, which once again features a blushing Felix :’)
- Felix/Raphael A, of all places, has some extra Dimilix content because of course it does: Felix shut up about Dimitri challenge
Felix: House Blaiddyd and House Fraldarius used to go on hunting trips together. On one trip, a certain prince bagged so many animals it proved impossible to fit them all on the sled. Meanwhile, I went off on my own, encountered a boar, and barely escaped with my life.
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! - (sorta spoiler stuff ahead, you’ve been warned) - !
so. i just had the worst scare of my life.
i finished chapter 12 of azure gleam.
making sure to do everything right thus far so a *certain thing* doesn’t happen.
i’m over 70 hours in (don’t ask).
and bc the game’s instructions can be SO FUCKING unclear in battle,
i fucked up. if you know you know.
ALAS. if i hadn’t saved on a different file right before the battle, i would honestly not be able to finish azure gleam bc fuck that shit.
i had to check both save files a dozen times to be sure i wasn’t dreaming.
i’m still shaken up. everything’s ok thankfully but send PRAYERS for what i just had to witness.
if you needed a sign to save on multiple files in any fire emblem playthrough, this is that sign!! 🫡
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
Have Some Three Hopes Story Predictions
I don't usually like to make predictions for upcoming content, but with Three Hopes only a week away and with plenty of material already from which to build ideas I decided to take a crack at it. Beware of extensive spoilers from datamined info.
Scarlet Blaze
Edelgard conquers All The Things, as is her wont.
Probable battlefields include the Great Bridge (Chapter 6, when the Empire is retreating back across it after taking Garreg Mach?), Arianrhod (Chapter 8), either the palace again or the streets of Enbarr (Chapter 9), Shambhala or another Agarthan holdout (Chapter 12 or 13), and Fhirdiad during endgame.
During her conquest Edelgard discovers and kills Thales and Kronya. Solon is also a possibility, while Cleobulus is more of a longshot for this route. This will be used to retroactively validate the war for continental conquest; Shez may possibly be allowed to question this, but nothing will come of it.
Around Chapter 9 Aegir and Varley will return to the story as antagonists, and Edelgard will have to kill them both to solidify her hold on the Empire. Ferdinand and Bernadetta will not be named as ministers in their fathers' places, however, because apparently only cold-blooded patricide nets you that honor.
The final chapter is "Torment of the Eagle and Lion," indicating that it either takes place at Gronder Field or that Dimitri is a final boss alongside or - less likely - in place of Rhea. The latter seems much more plausible from a geographic standpoint.
Azure Gleam
A standard FE plot with the invading red emperor and counterinvasion by the lord, with bonus homoromanticism.
Probable battlefields include Arianrhod (Chapter 9), the Rhodos Coast and Lake Teutates (see below), Merceus toward the end, and Enbarr and/or its palace in endgame.
Ongoing civil conflict with the western lords of Faerghus will create issues, and bring out Gwendal and possibly even Lonato as antagonists. Cleobulus will likely be involved here, and will in any case be addressed on this route.
The Western Church will also be an antagonist per foreshadowing in SB that they still have a contact with the Empire, which leads to them attacking the Rhodos Coast (which may also be where Seteth and Flayn pop in to become playable). This may be source of the Chapter 10 title "Fanaticism"...or it may be a reference to the nationalist and or/anti-Nabatean propaganda of the Southern Church which AG builds up as more of a threat.
Lake Teutates is located in the Kingdom, so it's likely that one chapter will involve either visiting Indech or protecting him from the Empire. This could dovetail with the anti-Nabatean push above...and will absolutely drag up old discourse re: the equivalent paralogue in Three Houses if true.
If Gilbert is not in fact playable then he may fully take Rodrigue's place and die during the course of the story, although based on Annette's description if he does die it won't be until near the end.
In Chapter 14 ("The Absent Emperor") Edelgard will pull an Ashnard and not be there when the Kingdom army reaches Enbarr. Instead, they'll be confronted by the demented duo of Hubert and Ferdinand, the latter getting to live however momentarily his dream of standing in the emperor's place. Ideally I'd want this to as fabulous and melodramatic as possible, and the Lions to feel like a leather convention that accidentally wandered into the most evil drag ball in the world.
This is followed by a fight against the Hegemon in some other location, except she's probably even more conventionally appealing here than in Heroes because marketing, and it's all so very tragic that Edelgard didn't have a self-insert to reach for her hand. Monica is also in this final battle, having at last usurped Hubert as Edelgard's #1 minion after she was totally on board with the Hegemon thing: she's totally down with monsterfucking, but Hubert (very ironically) is not.
Golden Wildfire
Foreshadowing plus the opening of the war arc of SB suggest that Gloucester will betray the Alliance early on, allowing the Empire to cross the Great Bridge to attack Garreg Mach even after you defend it in Chapter 4. This contributes to by far the largest political shakeup in this game that we're aware of -
Halfway through GW Claude dissolves the Alliance and names himself king of Leicester. Gloucester is definitely not on board and is apparently killed off after this, possibly as an enemy, making Lorenz the new count. This new show of unity may be the explanation for the Empire not outright conquering the Alliance, or failing at it since the chapter titles seem to swerve away from that storyline.
Of course Shahid will return as an antagonist, and Thales (maybe Solon?) is also likely with Shambhala in Alliance territory. I would also be surprised if Nemesis didn't make an appearance in GW, likely as the final boss, to tie it all back in to VW.
Chapter 12 ("The Two Kings") will see now-king Claude and Dimitri either fighting each other or teaming up - could go either way.
There are a few chapter titles in GW that could indicate a continuation of Shez's story, although alternatively one of the unaligned chapter titles is "The Hour of Vengeance" which could be just for them squaring off against Jeralt's Mercenaries again as a side bit in all routes.
Speaking of, there are a handful of other such titles that could either be postgame content or some sort of lategame branching path, but the latter is less likely for all routes given the massive story divergence. Maybe "The Path Forward" is the title setting up New Game+, and when you choose that option Sothis breaks the fourth wall in a Clue-style "That's what could have happened...but how about this?" transition kicking you back to the house selection at the start of the game, only with the route you completed removed as an option (or alternatively Arval complains at you if you try to pick it again). The second time this happens you're railroaded into the third house, and after that you can choose any of them again.
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ecclectricity · 2 years
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    ;; hey, everyone playing Azure Gleam in 3 Hopes! I don’t know any information, so no spoilers, but apparently there is a story relevant choice in chapter 12! Make sure to save right before the final battle of the chapter if you want to see both outcomes without having to completely restart!
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sevarix-blogs · 2 years
I’m still waiting my copy to come in the mail. When I recruit Byleth can I bench Shez for most maps? I really don’t like Shez, but I like my house more and want to bond with them.
you don't recruit byleth until later in the game (in azure gleam it's chapter 12 out of 15)
BUT. that said. after a certain point early in the game you can bench shez for all the maps except the main story ones and the paralogues. i always bench shez and then just use gold to level them up so they don't die during the main story maps. and you don't have to play as them either. you can play as any other of the units instead, which is what i do.
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few3hd · 2 years
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Guide
Azure Gleam, All Demonic Beast Locations
Ch 2: Wild Demonic Beast
Ch 7: Bandit Raid, Giant Wolf
Ch 8: Quelling the Rebellion, Titanus
Ch 9: Eliminate Attacking Bandits, Golem
Ch 10: Guard the Convoy, Wild Demon Beast
Ch 11: Take Formation in Essar, Giant Crawler
Ch 12: Scramble for the Strongholds, Altered Golem
Ch 14: Save the Alliance Army, Alt demon beast
Final Chapter, Titanus
The Ashen Wolves’ Reunions, Giant Crawler
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
Hey! How are you doing? Do you think you could share with us the interactions with Byleth (like the screenshots with Byleth who is surprised that no one is afraid of him/her/them)? There's probably a lot, but just do it and what you can if you want.
Hi! I'm doing fine, thanks!
I posted the rest of camp conversations I have with Byleth!
Considering we get Byleth in chapter 12 in Azure Gleam, there aren't a lot of conversations with them, actually. Only in chapters 13, 14 and 16 (final chapter)!
If there are more/different ones when I play Golden Wildfire and Scarlet Blaze, I'll be sure to share 😊
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