#b is about *twitter's* post(s) yesterday
elainemorisi · 2 years
a) if you would like to indulge in probably overblown panic about world events, do I have the spot on the internet for you
b) are people like, actually commonly incapable of seeing somebody say something they (observer) believes, to a somewhat informed degree, to be probably just catastrophizing and like... dismissing it?
#a. is about yesterday's post here and the answer is r/collapse#(do not fucking go to r/collapse if you are not vv confident in your ability to not doomscroll or panic)#(I appreciate its existence though largely because I think it's a good thing to have an outlet for that impulse!#ONE outlet; one easily-cordoned-off outlet)#b is not at all about that one I'm just being an ass and putting it in the same post#b is about *twitter's* post(s) yesterday#I continue to be boggled by the number of otherwise fairly reasonable tweeps#who are just SO MAD at the covid catastrophizers#SO SO MAD#do I also think many of those folks are overblowing a lot of what they say? sure. also not overblowing some#but the SO MAD reaction just keeps happening and it's like... extremely hard not to interpret it as the lady protesting too much ykwim#and the two things relate because just. like.#what ARE people (generally. but I mean like. individuals. how does general-your individual brain work) capable and incapable of#as far as like... sitting with horror goes#because best I got is catastrophizing doesn't tend to make me mad because it doesn't upset me#because things of that rhetorical shape like... they do upset me ofc horror is horrifying#but I think I'm maybe missing a layer or a mode of upset?#because it is very easy (and horrifying!) to accept that the true ones are in fact true#and because I believe the stuff I think is overblown is overblown... it just totally ceases to be the same sort of thing at all?#and like... if you believe it's bullshit. where is the SO MAD coming from#idk these are very sincere questions I am probably explaining very imperfectly#the horror-admission-question has been one my whole life I promise#and I don't mean it as a virtue to be clear#it also makes it pretty fucking easy to say 'yup. that's bad. not gonna bother me though'#but it's not just a vice. because like. things are in fact bad. feeling bad about that doesn't make them not exist. I really ??
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alarrytale · 4 months
I get what your saying but louis does those things anyway? he still talks about him in interviews, he still goes to la to look like he’s there to see him, and he still looks like a weirdo that encourages fans to bring gifts to his “kid” because he enables their para social relationship with him.
Hi, anon!
He does, but were you here in 2015-2016? It can be a hundred times worse and he can do it twice as often. The only time we saw Louis was when he was stunting with F and in all his interviews he talked about F. He only replied to people on twitter who asked about F. He posted pictures on his social media of them. Nothing was stunt free. Nothing was sacred.
Now he flies to LA to pretend to see F, but we don’t get pap pics from the Calabasas Commons of them together anymore, we don’t have to deal with the Clar*s being fame hungry anymore, we don’t have to see everything blasted in the press anymore. It's more contained and it's peanuts compared to what it used to be. How many fans will even know about the jersey thing that happened yesterday? Some might, but not all. It was way harder to ignore TMZ's bg push and the ridicule that larries got for believing F wasn't his son. Things are better now both for L, F and this fandom. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t still suck balls.
Louis can't get away from having to pretend to be a dad to F. He can't escape it and he can't choose to do nothing. If he does that he'll be dragged back to LA and be papped going to a parent-teacher conference with B.
Every F mention or reference sucks the life out of us larries and reminds us of how fucked up this stunt is. It's like a cold shower and it dampens excitement and engagement among fans. Despite that it could be worse. He's doing the bare minimum required and he does it as quickly as he can. He knows it won't be taken well and he knows it hurts his career when he has to do it. It sucks.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 1 Side B
The History of Wrong Guys - Kinky Boots Musical
"But I've been here before Have I come back for more? Another chapter in the history of wrong guys Yesterday no spark No heart-aching allure But today I'm feeling Something I just can't ignore"
Order Made ([blank]'s Order Made) - RADWIMPS
(Original lyrics and translation provided by lyricstranslate)
"きっと僕は尋ねられたんだろう 生まれる前 どこかの誰かに 「未来と過去 どちらか一つを 見れるようにしてあげるからさ どっちがいい?」"
(English Lyrics:)
"Surely before I was born, I was asked by someone, somewhere, “The past or the future - I’ll let you see one of them, So which one do you want?”"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
The History of Wrong Guys - Kinky Boots Musical
No Written Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Ace Attorney
Lams Animatic
BNHA Tododeku Animatic
The Arcana Julian x MC Animatic
Be More Chill
Order Made ([blank]'s Order Made) - RADWIMPS
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
Genshin Impact
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure JotaKak Animatic
Hypnosis Mic Ichiro Animatic
Karmaland Luzuplay Animatic
Hololive Council
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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quincyhorst · 1 year
A Little Recopilatory post of all Euro B References (So far)
Yesterday, I reflected on the rather unfortunate treatment when it comes to certain FFI teams. The whole topic of how Inazuma treats its (minor) characters is still debated to this day, but I'll give credit to the franchise of doing some unexpected yet appreciated gestures; such as including artwork of almost every single minor team player in specific merch (Inazuma Eleven All Player Directories, or Memories) or in in-game sections. However, not everybody gets the same luck.
In the case of the plot irrelevant Block B teams (Germany, Spain, France), unfortunately they weren't given proper anime artwork (Despite 2/3 teams appearing in-series) nor the team roster was given full references. It's sad, really. But the same way there were fans that still used what they had, I guess we'll have to do the same.
So, I'd like to make a little "masterpost" for Tumblr, recopilating everything that could be taken in consideration when drawing these characters (Mostly focused on heights), with things both from the videogames and anime.
Either way, let's start. Long post ahead.
To clarify, both BB and RM references are from the IE3 gallery, whose images were ripped and uploaded to The Spriters Resource by PokeAdry. I will post two versions of said images, one being the original and the other being an upscaled version with Waifu2x; as to make it look more clearer. Looks decent on the following ref, but not in the spanish one... :(
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In this image of particular there isn't an Endou/average height placeholder, so we couldn't really say how taller or shorter the characters are compared to him.
Missing Characters: BB Bench (Gerald - Erwin - Jens - Ern - Manuel)
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Red Matador
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...Yeah, not even W2x is able to properly show the little side/behind doodles of each character's face. Sad :( (But I guess the wikia 3D models are enough?)
Something that I find interesting about the character placement of this chart is that it follows the order in which the team lineup appears during Episode 85's FFI Opening Ceremony (Not posting the original picture as it takes too much space, but you can see it for yourself). Like in Brockenborg's chart 5 players are excluded, but 3/5 are benchers (Federico - Juan - Carlos) and 2/5 (Mikel, which is covered by the emblem - Igor). Kinda curious that the excluded main ones appeared the less on episode 102.
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Rose Griffon
Unfortunately, out of the three, RG is the most unlucky, not appearing neither on the IE3 Gallery not any official good. However, the japanese fans who loved this team never gave up, and thus made their own height chart using as reference the 3D in-game models. Here's the link to the original one, posted originally by the user mofmoffu over on Twitter (ありがとうございます!!🙏).
The intent was to repost it, but I don't want to make the original user uncomfortable by making this image appear on any search console.
And here's the Waifu2x upscaled version, given the original is too tiny:
Also in the form of a link as to respect the original format.
(Keep in mind this is most likely NOT 100% accurate, given the 3D models are quite limited when it comes to the actual heights. But for now, that's all we have.)
Of course, there's also their appearance on the opening ceremony, being the closest to official art there is, but it doesn't tell us anything about their heights.
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So, I guess that's all there is for now. Let's hope VROH manages to bring anything new to these teams 🙏 But for now, hope what's here manages to help out someone!
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artbybai · 2 years
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[ ENTRY LOG: ??? ]
It found me again, yesterday at dusk. I knew going into the woods that late was a bad idea, but, I just wanted evidence. Nobody believed me. This thing is real. This thing is fast. Hopefully I can make it back to town before sunrise...
My horror OC, Bunstrosity! Plus, a version without chromatic aberration, & one that's a clear shot of my creature design!
Hoping to post more about my bunny beastie soon!
You can find the original posts over on my Twitter in the link below!
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daidoruyume · 1 year
Chapter 10 New song release
 Kaho had left early, at 6AM, and I was alone with my thoughts once again. I could still feel Miyuu's lips in mine, not to mention I had another dream where it was just us two. I started feeling like I was even deeper in love with her. Whenever she liked my comments, or when we talked during the meet and greets, I considered myself lucky. But being kissed…? That was bigger than luck, right? It was something else. Something bigger. Destiny, maybe.
 I happily skipped my first class in the morning. I looked so, but so silly… but that happiness I was feeling, oh, no one could take it from me. The day passed so quickly, and everything seemed so bright. During my lunch break I got to open Twitter and see what Miyuu had posted.
There were backstage and after-party pictures of the girls, and lots of "Thank you". But, I finally knew, amongst all the fans, I was very special. 
 There was, though, an announcement. Because of the great reception they had, they would start releasing the solos earlier as Digital Singles, and the album and the title and b-side would be released on the assigned date. Miyuu was going to release Hanabi at midnight. As usual, I commented on it, saying I was excited and that the concert was great. Only Miyuu and I would ever know what actually had made me truly happy.
 It wasn't uncommon for her to like my comments, but she didn't reply often. This time, though, she did.
 It was great to see such a memorable face once again. I hope you have recovered well from what happened yesterday. Let's do our best today, too! 
 I had to show it off. For obvious reasons, no matter how great it was, I couldn't just tell everyone Miyuu had kissed me. But I could tell everyone she had remembered I passed out (and it was quite a known topic from that day) and wished me a good recovery. Of course, I screenshot it and Tweeted it. Miyuu was so kind… I couldn't wait to see her again… I couldn't wait to be wrapped in her arms.
 The rest of the day went by quite slowly, now that I was excited for her new song. When I arrived home I was quite tired, but I kept thinking of Miyuu and it gave me a lot of strength. I ate, showered, did my little chores and enjoyed my time leisurely until the clock hit midnight. The PV appeared in the front of their YouTube page and I was finally able to watch it. I was so excited!
 It opened with Miyuu dressed in a Yukata, in some kind of festival. She sang about star-crossed lovers, but that had to be apart. Still, whenever they saw fireworks, they would remind of their love and their hearts found peace. I soon recognized that scenery, from years ago. I knew it from my childhood, when I had met a girl there. A weird feeling started taking over my body, and I was surrounded by "what if?s". But… that couldn't be, right? The MV ended with a photo of Miyuu as a child, in that festival. And with that, I had no doubts. It was Miyuu that I met years ago. 
 I wanted to go on Twitter to talk about the PV and the song, that were absolutely amazing, but that realization… it froze me. I couldn't do anything. It was… it was so crazy how I wasn't simply a fan, or someone delusional, but rather someone she had been looking for. Someone she promised she would go back to. But, now… how was I going to tell her that? There was literally no way to privately message her, and I was afraid that if I, for example, sent her a letter, the staff would read it. I could only wait for Miyuu to reach out for me. Somewhat troubled, I fell asleep.
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junbugsarchive · 1 year
🐞 JunBugs Newsletter #13 🦋
Yesterday's setlist (in order)
✧ Shin Takarajima - Sakanaction
✧ Yūnagi - Utada Hikaru
✧ Chikai - Utada Hikaru
✧ PINK BLOOD - Utada Hikaru
✧ Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI PROJECT
✧ Tōmei Shelter - kukui
✧ Baka Mitai
✧ Let Us Adore You - Steven Universe
✧ Tears of an Angel - Mike Oldfield
Also, you guys can post your own setlists and what you sang on stream as well .₊̣̇.ಇ/ᐠˬ ̫ ˬ ᐟ\∫.₊̣̇.
These are some songs that I been practicing for karaoke (some upon request)
✧ Niji no Kanata ni - Reona - requested by Lynzu
Please let me know if there is a song request that you have for me, I really loved doing the "Simple and Clean" (Utada Hikaru) cover that was requested of me last week!
^ ^
Special thanks to the lovely co-hosts: Martyr ("Lucy")!
Here are all of the people featured in the new photo album:
✧ Lucy
✧ sana
✧ Trever
✧ Maya
✧ Sweetheart
✧ Luna
Please remind me if I forget your name, I try to remember to the best of my ability. If you would like a picture with us too, please do not feel shy about asking on stream, sometimes I don't include people because I either don't take good pictures of them or forget to while they are singing, so please let me know. I never want anyone to feel excluded!
Twitter Album 1 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1644944448961519617?s=21
Twitter Album 2 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1644945300262625282?s=21
Twitter Album 3 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1644945690370646017?s=21
Twitter Album 4 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1644944902449680385?s=21
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICE #1 - There will be no karaoke next week, unless they are impromtu.
⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICE #2 - There will be a special "Drakenguard" + "NieR" series timeline review next Saturday morning (after we finish "Ghost Sweeper Mikami"), there will be spoilers for the entire franchise, so head's up beforehand!
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICE #3 - The next chapter of my web novel will be publishing next Saturday! I am also drawing all of the JunBug regulars, so if you want your character to make a cameo or have a small role in the web series/visual novel, then please send a shot of your avatar over DMs!
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I felt like there was a need for a change, since I haven't had time to effectively produce art or more of my novel with the current schedule. For the time being, I will do karaoke if I get all of my other projects and daily goals done. I felt a bit emotionally clogged, I missed expressing myself through writing (with prose and poetry) and through art. There are also skills that I'm working on right now, like music theory for writing an original song, improving my singing technique, Japanese learning, and improving my digital painting skills, so for my health and for the sake of my dreams, I think the morning anime stream will remain the only routine stream for the moment.
I think I might do a little bit of singing in the morning stream, too, before the episode starts. Also, too much collaboration feels like it a deracination of my individuality. I still want to have time to live and read novels and the like, so that In can feel like a complete person rather than a hollow shell moving from point A to B. Thank you for understanding, if I do finish everything early and have enough energy on certain days, I will try and give and 30 minute to an hour notification in the GC before the singing streams. Thank you for reading, sending love to all!
Morning Anime Stream ☯️ 6:30am MST︱5:30am PST︱8:30am EST︱1:30pm BST︱12:30pm GMT︱10:30pm AEST︱9:30pm JST
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your-dietician · 2 years
Louis Tomlinson Supports One Direction Bandmate Niall Horan’s New ‘The Voice’ Gig: ‘I’ll Watch If Niall’s On’
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/louis-tomlinson-supports-one-direction-bandmate-niall-horans-new-the-voice-gig-ill-watch-if-nialls-on/
Louis Tomlinson Supports One Direction Bandmate Niall Horan’s New ‘The Voice’ Gig: ‘I’ll Watch If Niall’s On’
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Niall Horan‘s already got Louis Tomlinson‘s stamp of approval when it comes to joining The Voice for season 23.
Tomlinson addressed the news on Twitter during an impromptu Q&A with fans Wednesday (Oct. 12). “Louis did u know about niall in the voice? AS A COACH[?]” one fan wrote, to which the One Direction alum replied, “I saw yesterday when he posted. He’ll be great at that!”
Another fan was quick to suggest that the “Bigger Than Me” singer should serve as a “guest judge” during his pal’s freshman stint in the show’s red spinning chairs, leading him to ask, “Do they have guest judges on the voice?” (Technically, what the fan was probably thinking of was the show’s battle advisors.)
Later in the thread, Tomlinson admitted he’s never watched the popular singing competition in the past over its 22 seasons and counting, but promised, “I’ll watch it if Niall’s on.”
News of Horan joining the show next season coincided with Blake Shelton announcing that he’ll be leaving his longstanding role as The Voice‘s last original coach after season 23. Kelly Clarkson will also make her return as a coach next season after taking the current season off while The Kelly Clarkson Show took off on a cross-country road trip to launch its fourth year, and Chance the Rapper will join the panel for the first time alongside fellow rookie Horan.
When it comes to the One Direction guys supporting one another’s solo careers, Horan has been particularly vocal in his fandom of Harry Styles’ latest era, dancing the night away at the fellow boy bander’s June show at London’s Wembley Stadium and naming Styles’ record-breaking No. 1 hit “As It Was” as his current favorite song.
Check out Tomlinson root on Horan below.
I saw yesterday when he posted. He’ll be great at that!
— Louis Tomlinson (@Louis_Tomlinson) October 12, 2022
Do they have guest judges on the voice?
— Louis Tomlinson (@Louis_Tomlinson) October 12, 2022
I haven’t either but I’ll watch it if Niall’s on
— Louis Tomlinson (@Louis_Tomlinson) October 12, 2022
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
According to BAs for the rest of the season BA is going to try for a baby, have a bachelorette party, get married with a wedding reception, baby announcement and be endgame forever. All of those around them having zero scenes unless there’s not Veronica or Jughead involved, dealing with time travel, the powers negative effects on them (Archie not feeling emotions confirmed being one of those), an American Psycho musical episode, TBK story line with Betty, the fight for good and evil or whatever, and the witch situation. This is as accurate as the love confession in the porch BAs were so so sure was happening on 509. They already have the whole time line in their head about all this based on what exactly?
okay but they based the entirety of their porch scene love confession based off a picture posted of the cooper house bts so take that as you will for how they get from a to b.
but also they don't think about anything else outside of b/a tbh. so there's that. having seen their reactions to what they've gotten this season, they seem to think riverdale is a totally different show from what it is. they've reworked their epic childhood friends to lovers soulmate 5 season slowburn for so long with such insistence that the show's suddenly going to give them everything they want within a handful of episodes? okay.
what if it doesn't happen? if they're so sure they're endgame forever, why the absolute need for marriage and baby by the end of s6? like damn, if they're convinced archie wants to lock it down, trust that the show will get them there.
but to answer you, it's based on their own wants. i was told specifically that kj in a suit means a wedding yesterday. then as soon as they said that, it was proven wrong. we were told lili was hiding her left hand. she's not. that she clearly had a baby bump and was hiding that. she's not.
i honestly don't even buy half the trolls i get, i think it's half performance art and half stan twt teens who can't function unless they know they've spread their bad takes.
(and man oh man, some of the bad takes i see from twitter. whew. even non b/a shippers on there at times say the dumbest stuff because so and so said so even when the show is saying something totally different each week onscreen)
Listen to me. I know this won't happen but just bc I wanna troll as well and enjoy this thought so much. Ba's are convinced that ba will make a love Child in episode 13 bc of the s rating, right? We saw a still of jughead wearing the same outfit as Vale jughead when they planned to save the universe. So. Listen. We get the Vale remembering from Bhs makeout in episode 13 and that's the s rating💁🏻‍♀️ @bas stalking rn :it's a joke. I'm not as delusional as you
live your truth! i can already think of a handful of people who will totally ignore the part where you said that you're joking but that's the internet for you, ha.
here, doll. let me manifest your wish list for you:
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Imma tell y’all something funny that happened to me yesterday and today cuz I simply cannot get over it. I talked about West Side Story being a remake and how it’s not supposed to outdo the original on my twitter as well. Tell me why a mutual of mine was basically like “it’s automatically better than the original cuz actual Latinos are playing latino characters. We also have a Latina playing Maria, which is better cuz Natalie Wood was a White Russian woman.” I agreed cuz it’s true…The Natalie Wood fans found the post.🤣🤣🤣
This one commenter in particular was…ion even know what to call them. Last night they made a comment and was like “Your bio says your 22 and Black. You don’t look Black. You don’t even look mixed.” I thought they were talking about a pic that I have pinned which is clearly me using a Snapchat filter and sitting under a lamp🧍🏾‍♀️. Still not enough to even make me look mixed. I wasn’t even gon entertain it tho. Told them I was clearly black and went to sleep. I wake up to see that they responded. Come to find out…They were talking about my pfp WHICH WAS A PICTURE OF JIN FROM MOTHERFREAKING BTS! B TO THE T TO THE FREAKING S. WORLD WIDE HANDSOME. KIM SEOKJIN. I-I was stunned and all I could do was laugh, but to top it all off somebody else commented. Another Natalie Wood fan who is now blocked for their usage of the word “blacks” and saying Black ppl can’t stan BTS. ANYWAYS…they responded to the other clearly not smart person saying “He’s a BTS fan so it makes sense blah blah blah.” Are y’all this simple??? Please make it make sense! How you gon misgender me AND be stupid????? PICK A STRUGGLE 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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souichieatr · 4 years
wanna be yours, ch2
suna x freader , foxy boy
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where in which two opposites fall in love
a/n: for everyone who commented on the posts youve been added sorry i cant reply <//3 if you're interested in being in the taglist send me an ask, i was thinking of making a playlist for the au would anyone be interested? lmk !! sorry if there are any mistakes or if its bad this is my first writing <3
ch1. this voice im hearing rn? , hey bestie
word count: 2,090
the first song- The Ghost of You- my chemical romance
second song- I Bet on Losing dogs- mitski
third song- Crybaby- destroy boys
pocketing her phone after reading tendous message, she opens the door waving to a couple friends and offers friendly smile taking her seat. a pair of pale green eyes follow her. after yesterday suna did a little research about her y/n y/l/n the bassist and youngest in the band called 4u, she has quite a big following on twitter, she's really nice and interacts with the fans. looking at her now you can't imagine her on stage suna thought. breaking away from his thoughts as the teacher walks in. spouting for about what feels like hours and the students taking notes, finally lunch approaches. y/n jumps from her seat grabbing her case she walks to the third year hallway. waving to her friends they walk to her, tendou wrapping his arms around her “y/n!!!!!! i missed you” laughing as she hugged him back “tendou!!! i missed you toooo.” she turns to the grey haired male, “semisemi!!” she says giving him a hug, he rolls his eyes and hugs her back “and ushi!!” she turns to the brunette to which he pats her head “good afternoon y/n.” as they go to the lunch room to grab their lunch, they walk to one of the music rooms they usually occupy. a beep from her phone grabs her attention seeing her friend atsumu asking if him his twin and their friend can join for lunch, “hey guys you dont mind if atsumu and his friends come join us?” she says setting down her case against the wall. “nah you can invite them, atsumu is our biggest hype man” tendou says, grabbing his drum sticks from his back pocket. texting him its cool she goes to unzip her bass. “oh ms lady ive missed you” she says hugging the instrument, “i can't believe you two and always wanting to play, dont yall have any other hobby?” semi says, grabbing the schools given guitar setting the speaker up for y/n. tendou gives a scoff “semisemi dont act like you hate hearing us play i see you listening to our covers alllll the timeeeee” he says “yeah semi besides we have a concert soon and it wouldnt be bad to have an audience” y/n says walking to semi to connect her bass to the speaker when the door opens, entering is atsumu in the middle, osamu on his left, and a mystery guy in the back. setting her bass down running up to the blond “tsumu!!” giving him a hug “y/n!!” he hugs her back, she waves to osamu, who shes met on an occasion. looking towards the dark haired guy she walks up to him, noticing shes seen him somewhere. “youre suna right? we're in the same class?” she says giving him a hand and a awkward smile, nodding at her words. “hope its okay im here” he says taking her hand giving a slight shake. “nah dont worry its nice to have a different face, seeing tsumu is getting boring” turning around to the male. “what she means to say is we could use practice in front of new people” the grey haired male says giving a small laugh when tendou scoffs at him, both guys walking towards the small group. “this is semi and this is tendou” she says introducing them. when the introductions are over the two males go back to setting up, y/n walks the newcomers to the sitting area “here you guys can sit, im sure you all know ushijima” on hearing his name he looks up from his name giving a small head bow. they all sit “any recommendations tsumu?” y/n says walking to her bass making sure everything was good, looking towards the small group. “y/n you know my favorites” atsumu says stealing one of his brothers onigiri. y/n laughs and rolls her eyes, turning to tendou “anything you wanna try tori?” tendou looks at her with a smile “y/n lets show semi whatweve been working on” hearing this semi looked at them “what do you guys mean? what did you two do” y/n chuckles at the grey hairs doubtful expression “mr semisemi you know your favorite mcr song” when she sees him nod she continues “me and tori learned it” she says pushing him lightly. semi looked at her with wide eyes then at tendou, looking at semi tendou flicked his drum stick between his fingers with a nod. “wow semi cant believe you, we spent so much hours perfecting a my chemical romance for your sap self and he doesn't believe us y/nie i might
” tendou says fake sniffing. the little group in the back beyond confused, atsumu clearing his throat “have you three forgotten us already, wheres our show” ushijima nodding his head “yeah why are you guys being so vague” tendou snickers “dont worry you three and wakatoshi we have decided to play a new song or well cover i should say” “yeah and its semi’s favorite band you know the one that he wears on his shirts?” ushijima looking towards the girl after hearing her statement he nods. “okay can we play now ive been waiting to show my skills and get our lovely semi's opinion” y/n says removing her pick, both boys giving a ‘yeah’. finally tendou does the countdown. suna looks at all three of them with slight excitement in his stomach, ‘is this a new song im going to hear?’ before he could think of anything else, semi started playing a few chords by himself and y/n starting to add her own strums then tendou adding drums. sunas eyes widen at how well all the sounds blended together, freezing in his spot when semi started singing, when hitting the chorus y/n joins him. suna looking at her, he felt like he had been put in a trance, feeling like theres a spotlight on her when she starts nodding her head seeing her tongue sticking out when stringing the instrument. towards the end you can see y/n lose focus and her eye twitches, ending the song she sighs. “hey sorry about the end” waving to the guys to her left with a frown. hearing applause from the group the frown doesnt last long. “WHOOO!!!!! THAT WAS MY BESTIES GO SEMI! GO TENDOU! GO Y/N!!” atsumu gets up and yells. “that was so good what the hell that was yer first time too?” he says going up to the group, high-fiving y/n. “i mean me and tendou practiced together but semi basically has every song by them memorized but together? yeah our first.” tendou getting up to get his water that was next to ushijima. semi joining the fake blond and the girl, patting her on her back “that was a good first for us i can tell you and tendou worked hard, we're definitely adding it to the set list.” getting a laugh from both of them semi walks to the small group. “hey man that was really good, you have a nice voice” suna says as semi approaches, semi turned to him surprised “oh thank you im glad you enjoyed, do you listen to our stuff?” he says taking a seat next to him. “ive recently just started, i hope that doesnt sound too weird” the dark haired suddenly getting a little embarrassed, chuckling “its not weird i promise, well its good you listen to us or im sure it would've been awkward to just be here” nodding along to what he said. tendou going back to the drums “are you cowards tapping out now?” “COWARDS?!?!” y/n yells back turning around “i am no coward tendou satori i'll make you eat those words semi get over here” she said grabbing semis attention and shooing atsumu back to his seat. chuckling as he sat back down, turning to suna “howd ya like em? theyre good huh?” suna rolling his eyes “im not going to help inflate your ego tsumu” “yeah tsumu yer big ego is not cute” gasping to their remarks “you guys are so mean to me, i introduce you to nice music and even the artists and this is the thanks i get” before any could respond tendou starts clicking his sticks. starting this one is tendou with a slower sound, y/n entering second then semi with vocals. y/n leans down to mess with something by her foot turning a notch noises like static come out adding to the music, coming up fast she starts adding her vocals complimenting semis. pressing on the box she leans down as more noises come out. atsumu leans over to sunas ear “thats a pedal that holds other sounds and can help stretch other sounds” suna giving him a nod. towards the end y/n reaches down to the pedal again adding a distorted sound before adding her last bit of ‘oohs’ before the song ends. everyone clapping as the members stay still for s bit before y/n dramatically bows “youre so welcome lovely audience” she says blowing kisses to them, laughing at her atsumu jumps up and down pretending to be a crazy fan “oh y/n you were so go
od i love you y/n!!!” y/n laughing at him. “hey atsumu what about me!” tendou asks swinging his hand “howd i do?” “oh tendou you were so good, i love you too tendou!!!” he says swinging his arm back. tendou satisfied with his response nods his head, “and with that lets play one more i still want time to actually eat before we play again later.” “yeah lets try ‘crybaby’ we haven't done that in awhile” semi says getting in position.“remember y/n you do the verses” y/n nods clearing her throat “go tori” she says and tendou starts the counting again. starting the counting fast he gets one beat then y/n starts off with singing, swinging her bass back she grabs the mic. suna cracks a smile nodding his head a little as he remembers this song on their youtube, atsumu whistling when y/n dips down her mic as she sings, letting the boys have a solo in between verses she bobs her head. the last few seconds of the song she swings the instrument back as she steps on the pedal creating feedback, as semi goes to vocals she starts getting a solo with tendou playing, y/n leans forward and her and semi sing the rest of the song. after the last note they all look out of breath. clapping for them again letting them catch their breath, y/n starts laughing “i forget how hard that song is towards the end” laughing with her tendou nods “its literally the last 50 seconds that get the hardest” “alright lets clean up” semi says laughing at both of their bored looks they send him. finishing up they all go to the group whove are talking among themselves. sighing as she sits y/n takes the seat next to suna, “so howd you like the songs?” she says with a smile “they were good though i only recognized the last one” he replies, “tsumu told me you started listening to us recently so i thought or well semi thought wed show off a bit with our best song being that” she says with a smile grabbing her bottle. a small smile appears on his face “oh hey tsumu told me youre like really good in your classes and i really need help in history and since we have that group project coming up do you wanna pair up?” she says setting her bottle down grabbing a bag of chips. “yeah i dont mind as long as you actually do something and i can help you study if your grade is that bad” he says. “thatd actually help me out a lot i really appreciate it” she lets a breath out. after that the two spent all lunch just talking, the conversation coming easy for both of them. hearing the bell ring y/n hugs her friends and walks with suna to their class, pairing up in the project the teacher had given them in their period. after class before y/n rushed out she passed him her number with a wink “text me for the deets foxy boy.” ‘foxy boy? suna thought to himself shaking his head texting her with a simple ‘hey its suna’ and heading home.
facts !
during lunch when suna and y/n we're talking the followed each other on twitter
semi was really touched they learned the mcr song
the 4u concert is at a small venue but no one really cares about the other groups going there
osamu and atsumu almost started fighting over the onigiri until suna said something about ushijima being right there
atsumu was watching suna and y/n talking
osamu actually really enjoyed being there during lunch
@applekenm , @xhanjisungiex , @astronomyturtle , @sirachano0dles , @yn-tingz , @killmepls-uwu , @bakugouswh0r3
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Stranger Things Season 1-4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I've been wanting to write a review about this freakin show for quite a while now (because twitter isn't enough for all the feels lol) but I always don't know how to start. Might edit this post sometime, but here are some unstructured feels:
I like this show. Period. The first non-sitcom western series that I really followed.
The anatomy for me of a good drama is when every single character, including the villains, is well-thought of. I'm also into problem-solving and coming-of-age type of stories. And all these is basically Stranger Things.
The chemistry among the casts is overflowing - romantic, platonic, familial, squad, trio, duo -- name it.
The balance between (a) the very humorous/nerdy/quirky atmosphere when they're in the normal set-up, and the (b) thrill when they're in the Upside Down, is spot-on.
I'm in love with the overall aesthetic (music, location, clothes, etc.) of the show. Who would've thought that sci-fi + 80's setting would be a good combination???
It's sentimental cause you get to see the casts get old from being kids in Season 1 til they become teens later on. As I mentioned a thousand times in this blog, character development is an essential element for me. Reminds me so much of Harry Potter.
My fave character has to be Dustin. He's always the one to crack the code and he's so hilarious. Apart from him, I also love Steve (and the DustinxSteve duo!), Nancy (except for her tendency to two-time), Robin and Max.
Yesterday, I just finished Season 4 Volume 2, and I was a total mess. That two-episode release was too jampacked to process. Imagine wanting to linger on one emotion (say kilig Jopper scenes), but then the Hawkins scene enters, and suddenly fear becomes the dominant emotion, and so on and so forth. But thankfully, I wasn't the only one. As Jamie Campbell Bower tweeted, "Ya'll broke the internet!". Some even made memes that they needed their psychiatrists after watching the show, because SAME. Anyway, it's gonna be a long wait again til the release of Season 5.
Hopefully, a heartwarming Kdrama or anime comes along while waiting. Or maybe, it's time to start watching Sex Education 3.
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Ep 12's blog post
This post, with Sakata's 3rd entrance, was dated 2nd of July 2021. Spoilers and also a mention of suicide below, due to a brief discussion of ep. 9.
Once again, I've skipped all the descriptive bits, but still took a while because Sakata's written a lot...Because I'm scarce on time as it is (it's almost 1 am as I type this and the blog post dropped around about 9 pm, but I did get sidetracked by a bunch of stuff while I was working on this, including some stuff from yesterday regarding En's birthday...Sorry.), I'll leave the copy-pasted text in as an indication of what I'm talking about, since I skipped a lot.
The original formatting of the paragraphs might be lost while I was trying to break it down into something comprehensible for myself, so please, please consult the actual blog post if you can.
If anyone can help with the exact translation of the Final Fantasy 15 line, that would be great as well.
どうも、坂田将吾役の阿以蘭丸です。 Fairy蘭丸最終回、ついに放送されましたね。
Sakata introduces himself and this is the final ep.
今回も、最終回の内容などについて、僕の主観で語っていきたいと思います。 どうかお時間のある時にでも読んで頂ければ幸い。 11話に引き続き、倒れている蘭丸の元で、バックン警報が鳴り響いているところから話はスタートします。 そしてみんながいつものドアを通って駆けつけて来てくれました。 一人づつ「蘭丸!」と心配してくれた。 嬉しいね… でも今は感傷に浸っている場合じゃないぞ蘭丸!急げ蘭丸!妖精界のピンチだ! そして某ドアで妖精界に行くと、 そこには網タイツが破れたおじさんが!!! 大丈夫ですか豊穣さん!? 「女王がシリウスに」という情報と、 豊穣さんの懐中時計をもらう蘭丸たち。 そして豊穣さんは子供の姿ver(以下「豊穣くん」と称する)が女王の時計係に就任する時を顧みます。
He calls young Houjou "Houjou-kun".
"もどして"コメント多すぎィ笑 「かわいい顔しとるの。」と言わ���顔真っ赤にする豊穣くん。かわいいかよ。
There were a lot of comments going, "Go back [to being cute]." (LOL) At this point, Houjou is bright red, due to the comment of "You have a cute face." Sakata asks if Houjou-kun is cute.
その懐中時計は豊穣さんにとって、 女王への忠誠と愛の象徴なんだね…。 豊穣さんは、息も絶え絶えに5人に 「陛下を頼みます」と、託します。 そして気がつくと意識が無い女王陛下の元へ。 5人は言います。 「あなたの心、いただきます!」 女王の手に5連キッス。 一斉に変身し、同時に降臨!!! 最後のジャ◯コ…!エモい…次からジャ◯コ入店したら思い出して泣いちゃう…。
Sakata makes a joke about this being the final advent! It's like the final Ju_co...! Next time he enters a Ju_co, he'll cry.
いつもは艶歌が流れるところで オープニングが流れます!!! いやほんとカッコいい…! アツい演出ですね…! 実は皆さん知らないかもですけど、この曲を9/18日に山野ホールでキャストが歌って踊るらしいんですよ!!!↓ https://f-ran.jp/spceial/event_003.html みんな来てね!!! (ダイレクトマーケティング)
He advertises the event on the 18th of September at Noyama Hall, even adding the link and a "(direct marketing)" on the end.
閑話休題。 妖精界の玉座の前で、女王とシリウスが対峙しています。 シリウスわっるい顔しとんなぁ。 哲栄さんのこんな悪いセリフ聞けるの珍しいよなぁ。
The Queen confronts Sirius while on her throne. Sakata comments that it's rare to hear these kinds of bad words come from Sumiya.
そこに蘭丸達が駆けつけます! 間に合いました! 女王はシリウスを葬り去れと言います! 蘭丸は何も答えず…。 するとシリウスが高笑い。 「知らないのか?この国を滅ぼしたのは… 俺じゃあ無い…この国を滅ぼしたのは… ベテルギウスなのだぞ!!!」 バババーーーーーン!!! な、なんじゃとーーーーーーー!?!? ウソだろベテルギウス!?信じてたのに!? そして過去回想へ。 女王を殺そうとするシリウスをベテルギウスが泣きながら止めるシーンです。 ベテ「こんなことなら、最初から、最初から何も無ければ良か��たのに…!!どうして…? 僕は君が…!君の事が…!!!」 そして、シリウスを吹き飛ばし、 妖精界をも破壊します。 最後には自分自身すらも。 ここが第1話の冒頭に繋がるわけですね…。 そう。ベテルギウスは、シリウスのことが…。 共にアイドルとして愛著を集めたあの日々。 それがベテルギウスにとってはかけがえのないものだったんです。
少し遡りますが、 11話のシリウスが「好きな人がいる」とプロキオンとベテルギウスに打ち明けるシーンの時のベテルギウス。ここには、切ない感情を乗せて演じさせていただきました。ぜひ見返したときに注視していただけると、面白いかもしれません…!
Sakata goes back in time a bit to ep. 11, when Sirius admits there's someone he likes to Betelgeuse and Procyon. Sakata played this scene with heatrending emotion, so it might be interesting to observe when you watch the anime again...!
衝撃の真実を知った女王は、蘭丸に問います。 蘭丸は何も答えません。 女王は、怒りによりシリウス曰く醜い姿へと変身してしまいます。 5人は女王の能力(チカラ)の前に為す術もありません…! ですが蘭丸は諦めません。 力強く女王を見据えます。 「なんだその目は!」 やばい目ぇ付けられた。 「女王に対する礼儀作法を教えてやる。 (足スッ)舐めよ。女王の勅命である。」 わぁ、本当の女王様プレイじゃないですか… ニコニコの「監督の実体験」コメントやめて! 監督がそんなプレイするはずないじゃない!? そうよね菱田監督!? とまぁ冗談はさておき、 蘭丸は舐めます。
Sakata jokes the Nico Nico comments saying "this is the director's [Hishida's] real experience" should stop and [Hishida] didn't expect to script it like this.
が、まだ折れる意思は見せません。 女王はその姿に動揺します。 好機!!! 仲間に「今だ!!!」と伝え、 豊穣さんの懐中時計を取り出します! 「オン マヤルタ ハリキラ!」 豊穣さんの心根開錠キーブ◯ード!!!
Sakata jokes Houjou produced a Keyb__de when he yelled out "On miyalta harikira!"
なるほど豊穣さんはこの為に懐中時計を託したんですね…! 豊穣さんの力、お借りします!!! 劣勢になった女王は、苦肉の策として、 焔にある事を暴露します。 「知らんのか焔?お前の父を死に追いやったのは、うるうの母なのだぞ!!!」 女王を心根開錠するには、5人の心を一つにしなければいけない…! 心を乱され、5人は弾かれてしまいます。 そして女王を殺そうとするシリウスを止める為、ベテルギウスが応戦するところでAパートは終了。 今回は愛キャッチは無し。
At the end of the A part, Sakata notes there is no eyecatch. [It seems he made a typo, because he used 愛 (love) instead of アイ (the "eye" in the word for "eyecatch").
Bパート。 ギャン泣きの焔とうるうが暗い空間で2人きり。何も起こらないはずもなく… ここで先程女王が暴露した事は、この作品を通して敷かれていた伏線の一つ。 焔の父は、うるうの母と不倫していたのです…!!! 既に9話あたりでお気づきのかたもいらっしゃったかもしれません。 僕の憶測ですが、きっと、うるうの母は、政略結婚に利用されるなどして、幸せでない結婚生活をしていたのかもしれません。 この先の幸福を想像できずに、死のうとしていたところを、焔の父と出会い、本当の愛を知り、救われたのだと思います。
B part. This info about Homura's father and Uruu's mother overlaps with that of ep. 9. Sakata's guess as to what happened to Homura's father and Uruu's mother is that Uruu's mother was being used in a strategic marriage and so on and was living an unhappy married life. From this point, she couldn't imagine a happy life anymore and wanted to commit suicide, but she met Homura's father, knew real love and was saved.
そして焔の父の稲田さんは仰っておりました。 「いやでもヤっちまったら言い訳だよね笑」
Then [Tetsu] Inada, who plays Homura's father, speaks. "Even if it's bad, it's an excuse to get laid (LOL)".
そうだぞ!不倫自体はいけない事だからね! 真似しないでね!!!
Sakata then starts yelling about how adultery is bad, much like Balletta did in his last post.
そして他にも現場でのエピソードをいただきました。 焔の父役の稲田さん、うるうの母役の豊口さん、うるうの父役のてらそまさんが収録時間が同じだったらしく、 そこで第9話17分あたりの 焔父とうるう母の濡れ場のシーンの収録。
Inada and Toyoguchi (who plays Uruu's mother) seemingly recorded at the same time, so it was like episode 9's love scene. [T/N: the word Sakata uses could be interpreted as "love scene" or "sex scene".]
稲田さんは、知り合いと濡れ場を演じるのは内心少し照れ臭いものがあるらしいのですが、 そこをうるうの父役のてらそまさんがいる前で演じるのは、もう状況が面白かったと仰っておりました笑
When Sakata met Inada, the latter seemed to be secretly slightly embarrassed. This was because he was performing in front of Terasoma [Masaki, who plays Uruu's father], so the circumstances they were speaking in were already interesting (LOL). [T/N: Sakata uses very formal language when talking about Inada and Terasoma because they're his seniors in the voice acting world.]
Then, after recording, Terasoma declared to Inada in a clear voice, "You showed me something interesting." (LOL x3)
Sakata wanted to tell this story ever since it happened, since he heard about it from Inada himself. However, it might have spoilt the story, so he kept from doing so.
時を戻そう。 真実を知り、うるうに赦しを乞う焔を、うるうは優しく慰めます。あんなに仲が悪かったのに…なんかもうそれだけでうるっときますね… 焔は、うるうの優しさに涙ぐみます。 そこで呼びかけられうるうの方を向くと。 ズキュゥゥウウウウウウウン!!!(キス音) キマシタワーーーーーーーーー‼︎‼︎‼︎ うるう「これで許してやる。」
Sakata gets quite worked up about the kiss between Homura and Uruu and the "With this, I forgive you." (<- building off the CR translation)
カッコよい。 ヨシ! これで心は一つだね! そして2人はキスしないと出られない部屋から脱出します。 各部族の世界に行き、覚悟を問われる4人。 玉座の前の空間では、シリウスにすごい捕まり方した蘭丸。 あっヤバいトドメ刺されちゃう!!! そこで蘭丸が取った行動とは!? はいこっちもズキュゥゥウウウウウウウン! シリウスの中に、シリウスが好きな彼女の言葉が流れ込みます。 彼女も、シリウスの事を愛していた。 だからこそ離れてしまったのです。 帰ってくる4人! そして…豊穣さん!!!!! このときの女王の諦めたような表情はエモいし、蘭丸から懐中時計を受け取るときの豊穣さんのカット、好きです。 さぁ行きますぞォオオオ!! 6人で心を一つに! 心根開錠!!!!! バックンとケモナマも力を貸してくれました! 女王が本当の姿になり、 気持ちを吐露してくれます。 そうだったんですね…。大変でしたね…。 ヨシヨシしたいですね…。女王様、あやまれてえらい…。
After the Queen reveals her true form and speaks her mind, Sakata goes, "So that's how it is... It was difficult for you, huh? I want to console you... The Queen is great for forgiving everyone..." 「言えたじゃねぇか…」コメントたくさんでしたね…。検索したらネタバレ注意系でした。 F◯15未プレイの方は調べないようにね…
He then quotes a line from Final [Fantasy] 15 which translates roughly to "I could have said it, couldn't I?" [Apparently, this line is said by Gladiolus during ch. 14 and the full quote is "ちゃんと言えたじゃねえか" ("I could have said it properly, couldn't I?"), but I'm not well-versed in FF15 enough to know if I can chase an equivalent line in the English translation.]
There were a lot of comments of "You spit it out [before I could]". Sakata warns to be careful of being spoilt if you check it up, specifically if you haven't played Final [Fantasy] 15.
蘭丸達は、 「僕はこれからもずっと、あなたを笑顔にしたい」と伝えます。 このセリフは、視聴者にも向けて言っているんだよと音響監督の納谷さんに教えていただき、 心を込めて言わせていただきました。
Ranmaru's "I want to keep trying to make you smile!" (<- CR translation) was also intended for the audience (according to [Ryousuke] Naya the sound director), so Sakata said this line with all his heart.
伝わってるといいな…。 女王は言います。 「ありがとう。」 すると、妖精界に愛著が降り注ぎます。 愛ってすげぇや。 そして、天狼院シリウスはクールに去るぜ…。
To the C part.
高台のような、いつもの場所にいるシリウスのところへ、5人がやってきます。 寶が、一通の手紙を渡します。 「桜、咲く…か」 良かったねシリウス…。 そこへ蘭丸が声を掛けて、 「◯◯◯◯◯」 と口パクで何かを言ったような…。なんだろなぁ…なんて言ったんだろうなぁ… 公式Twitterにあるエンドクレジットの菱田監督の絵で謎が解けるかもしれないなぁ!(クソデカ音量) あの絵、優しい表情でとても好きです。
Sakata goes "I wonder what the word Ranmaru mouthed was?" He then tells the audience to refer to Hishida's picture on the official Twitter to solve the mystery. [T/N: As you may know, Hishida revealed the word was "Aishiteru".]
第一話でもあった女王の玉座の前で、会議が始まります。 寶さんの「しょぼぼーん」良いっすね笑 なんか腹立つけど笑 最後は、 BarFで、カレーを前にみんなで十訓! みんな日常へと戻っていく。 裏で「夭聖哀歌」も流れてて本当に終わるんだなぁという気持ちもありつつ、でも気持ちは爽やか。最高でした…! ふと、第一話のアフレコを思い出します。
Yousei Aika plays in the background, giving a feeling of real finality to the anime, but there's also a refreshing feeling to it. Sakata calls that feeling the best and suddenly, he is reminded of ep. 1's recording.
最初に菱田監督から作品の説明を受けた時です。 「これは愛のお話です」と軽いトーンで言った監督。
Hishida's initial explanation of the anime was "This is a story about love" in a light tone.
第一話の台本の内容しか知らなかったのと、あまりに軽いトーンだったので、冗談なのかな?と思ってしまったりしました。ですが、アフレコが進み、 アニメの最終回を見終わって。その言葉を鮮明に思い出します。 「これは愛のお話だ」って。 心から思えます。
You couldn't tell from the contents of ep. 1's script, but there wasn't much of a light tone, so Sakata wonders if Hishida was joking about having such a light tone. However, recording has progressed and now the final episode has aired. Those words, "This is a story about love", are still vividly in Sakata's memories. Seems like the words came from [Hishida's] heart.
本当に素敵な作品だと思います。 菱田監督。 愛のある作品を創ってくださって ありがとうございます。 そして観てくださって、 応援してくださる皆様。 本当にありがとうございます。 あなたを笑顔にできるよう、 これからもみんなで頑張ります。
Sakata wraps up by thanking Hishida for the wonderful work full of love and he thanks everyone for watching and cheering them on. He'll try his hardest so he can bring smiles to everyone's faces.
次は、あなたの心 いただきます!
Takara: Next, we'll help your heart!
Update: Fixed the FFXV quote slightly. I now have someone to help me with it, so expect an update on it soon!
Update 2: Thanks Beelzebass for helping with the Final Fantasy quote.
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rainbowsky · 4 years
Just fyi, you are followed by some known toxic solos, who use your words and take ss of them to post on Twitter, to "argue" with b*g or use aganist whole cp... Why are they like this
Anonymous 2 said: 
Idk if u were aware but toxic solos stalk ur blog and use it in arguments https://twitter.com/forxzthings/status/1374172983716159490?s=19
Yes, I saw that and I’m not concerned, nor should you be.
Also, let’s not overblow the issue by pluralizing and making it sound more prevalent than it is. One person screencapped a comment I made about the BTS and shared it on Twitter as evidence that there are ‘some shippers who get it’ that the BTS aren’t necessarily in GGDD’s best interests.
A much bigger concern to me than “newsflash: toxics are toxic!” is that there are BXG arguing with toxic solos. I really find that frustrating because - as I’ve said a thousand times and will continue to say until I’m blue in the face - fan wars harm GGDD. The single most important thing we can do to protect them - even more important than anything relating to the BTS - is refrain from engaging in fan wars.
GG just made a statement yesterday denouncing people for inciting war. What did you think he was talking about? He was talking about fan wars.
This is particularly frustrating given that the entire thread was about Fefe trying to explain this exact concept to everyone.
As for solo(s) following my blog, suibian. Maybe they’ll actually learn something about BXG - that we are human and do, in fact, have GGDD’s interests at heart. Maybe seeing what we are about will soften their opinions about us. And if not - if all they get out of my blog is a few clips to try to use against other BXG - there’s nothing I can do about that and I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
As I often say, we can’t control what others do, say or think. The only thing we have any control over is how we respond to what others do, say or think. And how we should be responding to this particular situation is to leave it alone.
Fan wars are toxic. Anyone who engages in them is participating in toxic behavior that is harmful to GGDD, regardless of which camp they belong to.
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gullethead · 4 years
Writing In Eternian
Hey! I made a post about a little season 5 easter egg yesterday (not linking it here because for some reason it blocks the post from showing in the tags)and while I was poking through the tags, I noticed that a lot of people want to learn how to use First Ones writing! Writing and orthography are actually things I'm really interested in, so I decided to make this guide for people. It's a bit more in-depth than the official press release, so if you just want to use that, feel free!
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Here’s the original tweet from the She-Ra Twitter account, which has more examples: twitter. com /dreamworksshera/status/1055474341553623040
Here we go! Putting it under a break so it doesn't eat up your whole screen.
So first of all, we need to start with a brief introduction to the IPA. (If you’re already familiar, you can skip to the next big heading.) Lots of languages use a lot of different letters or other characters to represent certain sounds, but when you're working with linguistics, you need to be able to say exactly what you mean. So, we made the International Phonetic Alphabet. This is a long list of individual letters and markings that represent very specific sounds, and you use them by placing them between slashes, like /d/, and sometimes to distinguish, you place the actual writing between corner brackets, like <d>. So for instance, /t/ and /h/ make the same sounds that <t> and <h> make in English, but <th> (usually) makes either the /θ/ or /ð/ sounds. These change based on where you live, but in general the consonants are the same for all English speakers.
Knowing this is important, because something I love about the First Ones alphabet is that it isn't just a letter substitution! Many "secret language" alphabets I've seen in kid's series (like Artemis Fowl, for instance) are just simple one-to-one substitutions for the Latin alphabet we use. But First Ones writing is actually very different! It uses the actual sounds made in the word. So if you wrote "cat" in the First Ones script (which I'm gonna call Eternian, after Eternia from He-Man, which flows better than "First Ones script"), it would actually look like "kat", because the letter c can be used for the sounds k or s, so it doesn't translate.
The alphabet we're using right now was created for the Latin language, derived from the Greek alphabet, which itself has a very long history behind it. English is NOT descended from Latin - it's a Germanic language, and the Germanic family is only kind of related to the Romantic family that developed out of Latin. However, a lot of our vocabulary has a Latin infusion because of mixing with Old French in the 1000s-1100s, and even before that, we used the Latin alphabet because it was the most common. This means that in order to express all the sounds we have, English speakers writing English had to combine different letters together; this, plus over a thousand years of different spellings and dialects, means that our orthography - our way of writing the sounds we say - is FUCKED. The Eternian alphabet is actually a much more efficient way of writing these sounds!
This is the total list of English consonants:
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A few notes here:
To make sure you're not lost, /ŋ/ is <ng>, /j/ is <y>, /θ/ and /ð/ are <th>, /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ are <sh> and <zh> (the French <j>, not usually distinguished in English writing) respectively, and /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ are <ch> and the English <j> respectively.
Most consonants can come in voiced and unvoiced versions (although, because English is weird, these are called "fortis" and "lensis" because we pronounce them with different amounts of energy). /b/ is /p/, but pronounced using the vocal chords. Only the nasal sounds, the "approximants", and /h/ don't have pairs in English, although /h/ DOES actually have a common voiced pair, and you can technically pronounce the others voiceless in some languages although it's very rare.
The /x/ sound, famously the end of the Scottish word "loch", is only found in Celtic accents (Scottish, Irish, Welsh) and in the South African accent (because of influence from Dutch). Other English speakers realize it as /k/.
The /r/ sound is weird. What /r/ technically represents is a trill, like in the Spanish <rr>. However, in English, that trill is very rare; what we use <r> for is called a "postalveolar approximant", [ɹ̠]. However, it is usually easier just to write the letter r, so that's how we transcribe it for English's IPA.
English also sometimes has what are called "syllabic consonants", which are consonants that can act as the center of a syllable in the place of a vowel. In English, these are mostly /l/, /m/, and /n/. For instance, the word "bottle" is technically pronounced [ˈbɑɾl̩] in General American English, and the same goes for words like "rhythm" and "button"; however, because this would complicate things a lot, phonologists consider it to include a very small vowel, so with the example of "bottle", it would be /ˈbɑtəl/ instead.
The vowels are a bit more weird than the consonants. Our alphabet was originally created for Latin, which only has ten vowel sounds, long and short a, e, i, o, and u (although technically the short vowels are /a ɛ ɪ ɔ ʊ/ instead of /a e i o u/, because fuck it I guess). However, we have a MUCH different vowel "inventory" in English - instead of the uniform 10 paired Latin vowels, in General American English we have anywhere from 11-13 vowels depending on your interpretation along with three diphthongs (combinations of two vowels used as a single vowel):
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If you look at the British (Received Pronunciation) chart it's much different from that, which is why the accents are so distinct; however, Eternian is made with GA English in mind, so I'm just going to focus on that.
More notes:
/ə/ (a schwa, like in "uh"), /ɜ/ (very similar and hard to distinguish in writing), and /ʌ/ (something between an "uh" and an "ah"), are all very close to each other and sometimes interchangeable, especially between the first two.
/oʊ/ is usually simplified to /o/, and /eɪ/ is sometimes simplified to /e/, since the normal versions of those sounds don't show up so we don't have to make the difference clear.
A lot of accents in North America make /ɔ/ sounds (similar to "aw" or "au", like in "caught") into /ɑ/ sounds (the o in "hot").
Now, let's move on to the alphabet!
The "letters" of the Eternian alphabet, in my opinion, are better described using the more general term "glyph". This is because, while they are distinct shapes that mean specific sounds, they are used kind of artistically and variably within one large interconnected word-shape called a "sigil", much different than we would consider letters in the English alphabet. These glyphs are organized in words by lines starting at the basic shape of the sigil and stringing them together in order.
Eternian glyphs are split into two major categories that differ by shape: consonants and vowels.
The system of glyphs for Eternian consonants is actually very easy to remember, once you get the shapes down! Let's go back to the voiced/voiceless pairs. English has eight pairs of these, four plosives (made by quickly starting and stopping air with your mouth) and four fricatives (made by constantly moving air through your mouth). These eight pairs - along with another pair for /r/ and /l/ even though they aren't voiced/voiceless, because they're also closely related - make up most of the sounds in English and most of the consonant glyphs in Eternian. In each of these pairs, the voiceless (and /l/) have a basic, empty polygon shape; the voiced pair (and /r/) use the exact same shape, but with a dot in the middle. Like so:
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Outside of this, English has four more vowels - /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, and /h/ - and two "semivowels", which can be used either as a vowel or a consonant. One of these semivowels, /j/ (the English y), is used as a vowel in Eternian, while the other, /w/, is treated as a consonant. Except for /w/, these remaining consonants are all marked by the fact that they’re solid color; they also all use the same basic shapes as many of the others, but aren’t related to the sounds which share their shape:
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Pretty simple once you get the hang of it! Excuse the messiness; if you want a more precise rendering, you can reference the original release at the top.
I'm pretty sure this is all accurate, but there's one thing that seems weird to me. In English, <th> can be used to express either voiceless /θ/ or voiced /ð/. However, in Eternian, they gave us a "dh" glyph. I assume that this is meant to represent /ð/. However, in Wrong Hordak's "Smooch The Chef" apron, "the" is spelled with the glyph used for /θ/. But honestly I'm just assuming human error on that one, especially because /ð/ is very rare at the beginning of words except for articles or pronouns like the and these, most cases of <th> at the beginning of a word are /θ/ like in "thorn".
Now, for vowels!
Like I said earlier, this bit is much more complicated to get than the consonants, but luckily, this is actually much better for English than Latin letters!
Eternian vowel glyphs are divided, seemingly at random, into two subsets with a single exception. First are line-glyphs, which are formed by altering the connective line between two geometric glyphs. The others are circle-glyphs, the ones used for /ɛ/, /i/, /u/, and /o/. These function in the exact same way as the consonant glyphs, except that they are all circles where none of the consonants (except /n/) are.
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There's a few issues here with transcribing words, but they mostly come out of simplifying English's horrible vowel fluidity. For instance, there's no distinct letter for writing the schwa /ə/, but it can be folded into the letter for /ʌ/. That, and combining /ɔ/ with /ɑ/, simplify 16 sounds into 13 letters. The last letter, /j/, is the other semivowel I mentioned above; <y> in English can be used for either /j/ or /aɪ/ and /ɪ/, but this letter specifically represents the /j/ sound like in "yes" or "yak".
This is where things get very interesting. Let's start with the basics, walking through how to write the word "Adora".
Eternian, as a writing system, is much more artistic by design than Latin, and words and sentences can be constructed in many ways which are all read the same way. Eternian words - better called "sigils" - are read right-to-left, like Hebrew, Arabic, or traditional Japanese and Chinese. We form the sigils starting with a line sloping down in that direction book-ended with dots. The exact angle and length doesn't matter, but the right side is always noticeably higher than the left, like this:
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We then add two additional decorative lines built off of that base, which end in dots:
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These flourishes can be curved, geometric, or a mix of both, and often inform a lot about the "personality" of both a sigil and its writer, and can distinguish one sigil from another. They're like the sigil's signature. They can be any shape or length, but never overlap with themselves or other lines.
The next step is to begin adding the sounds. Much like the flourishes, these are constructed differently for every sigil, although again they are all read from right-to-left and the symbols are placed with that in mind. These are strung down from the sigil's base, connecting with straight lines. Let's start by placing the a-sound in "Adora" near the right-side edge of the line (this is the /ʌ/ line-glyph, like the u in "fun"):
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Because the /ʌ/ glyph is a line, it replaces the normal connecting line. Let's finish this syllable line with the /d/ glyph:
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...and then add another line with the glyphs for /orʌ/:
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Generally, when a cluster ends with a line-glyph, it connects back to the base line. Clusters not at the end cannot end on a line-glyph (though I'm not sure about what to do for line-glyph-only words like "I" or "a" - perhaps the base line is changed, the line curves in an arc, or it ends at the changed portion?). Additionally, line-glyphs are always turned in the direction they're going - the beginning and ending /ʌ/ glyphs are flipped from each other, because the ending glyph is turned upwards going towards the base line while the beginning is stemming from it.
The important thing to remember is that sigils can be formed in a variety of ways - the flourishes, line angles, how you structure the syllables, all of these are dependent on the writer, so long as they follow those general rules. I constructed that sigil “AD.ORA”, but it could just as easily be “ADO.RA”, and in larger words there’s much more potential for structural changes.
Sigils in a sentence are connected through lines which meet the word next to each of the flourishes, and which bend to fit the shape of the sentence. Sentences are not read in any specific direction, but words are clustered in aesthetically pleasing ways and sentence order is shown by these connecting lines. However, The initial word in a sentence only has a line connecting on its left side, the final word only has a line on its right side, and words in between connect to the previous word on their right and the next word on their left.
Let's try extending this to a simple sentence - "Adora is She-Ra." We already have the She-Ra sigil from canon, so we just need to connect them with the word "is".
First, let's write the next word, below and to the left:
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And connect the two with a line:
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And then repeat with the "She-Ra" sigil.
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...and finally...
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There we go! You've officially written a sentence using Eternian glyphs! I hope you have fun with it! If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an ask. Thanks for reading!
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lokisasylum · 3 years
A little more context on the situation
Just so you guys get more context on what my last post was about.
Since Yesterday, bl*nks have been attacking Jimin for no apparent reason. It started with making weird comparisons of Jimin's body with their faves (which is borderline f*cked in the head considering that Jimin is MALE and their faves are FEMALE), to even claiming he might've gotten s*rgery or "padding" to make his jibooty look that thicc (do they not know that people who practice Modern Dance develop such great bodies due to their intense training and discipline?  Are they THAT uncultured? )
Then the whole thing escalated all throughout today when the attacks got even more personal by insinuating about JM's gender (some downright stating that “because they’ve never seen his bulge” that “he MUST be a woman” and some other weird messed up shit about how “all asian men are said to have small d*cks anyway” ). But later on they began attacking other members as well (I believe it was Namjoon, Jin, Jhope at first until it was a full on attack on OT7). They then made this "space" on twitter where they began talking about the aforementioned members calling them f*ggots, fat shaming them, making jokes about the pandemic, making r*pe jokes, sending death threats to ANYONE calling them out.
But because this wasn’t enough for them, this soon escalated FURTHER to them making transphobic/homophobic comments/jokes, racial slurs  against minorities and this is only half of what I came across on the  bird app through the hashtags “armyrants”, “JiminKING” (which is being used to clear the searches) and so on.
As of right now, the other fandom are currently playing the victims and trying to turn this whole situation around to try and “prove” how armys are “more toxic” than them and how “Their faves are the ones who have suffered more than B/T/S” yadayadayada blahblah, but refusing to acknowledge and call out these supposed “fake stans” giving their own fandom a bad rep.
Others are simply deciding to turn a blind eye, slide the situation under a rug and pretend it didn’t happen.
But no amount of bullshit and apologies will be enough to bury the damage that’s already been done. And the same way others expect armys to call out toxic stans on our end (which we do, that’s why there’s hundreds of Report accounts, but there’s so many that the site itself begins to filter the reports as spam. Why do you think some of the worse fake armys/fake OT7s still have a platform despite the constant reports?), we expect the same from other fandoms as well.
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