#because it is very easy (and horrifying!) to accept that the true ones are in fact true
elainemorisi · 2 years
a) if you would like to indulge in probably overblown panic about world events, do I have the spot on the internet for you
b) are people like, actually commonly incapable of seeing somebody say something they (observer) believes, to a somewhat informed degree, to be probably just catastrophizing and like... dismissing it?
#a. is about yesterday's post here and the answer is r/collapse#(do not fucking go to r/collapse if you are not vv confident in your ability to not doomscroll or panic)#(I appreciate its existence though largely because I think it's a good thing to have an outlet for that impulse!#ONE outlet; one easily-cordoned-off outlet)#b is not at all about that one I'm just being an ass and putting it in the same post#b is about *twitter's* post(s) yesterday#I continue to be boggled by the number of otherwise fairly reasonable tweeps#who are just SO MAD at the covid catastrophizers#SO SO MAD#do I also think many of those folks are overblowing a lot of what they say? sure. also not overblowing some#but the SO MAD reaction just keeps happening and it's like... extremely hard not to interpret it as the lady protesting too much ykwim#and the two things relate because just. like.#what ARE people (generally. but I mean like. individuals. how does general-your individual brain work) capable and incapable of#as far as like... sitting with horror goes#because best I got is catastrophizing doesn't tend to make me mad because it doesn't upset me#because things of that rhetorical shape like... they do upset me ofc horror is horrifying#but I think I'm maybe missing a layer or a mode of upset?#because it is very easy (and horrifying!) to accept that the true ones are in fact true#and because I believe the stuff I think is overblown is overblown... it just totally ceases to be the same sort of thing at all?#and like... if you believe it's bullshit. where is the SO MAD coming from#idk these are very sincere questions I am probably explaining very imperfectly#the horror-admission-question has been one my whole life I promise#and I don't mean it as a virtue to be clear#it also makes it pretty fucking easy to say 'yup. that's bad. not gonna bother me though'#but it's not just a vice. because like. things are in fact bad. feeling bad about that doesn't make them not exist. I really ??
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mouwrites · 7 months
Helloooo!!! Congratulations on 400 followers and may God bless you to have many more celebrations to come! For me (since I can't choose): Zane, Cole, or Lloyd with either Arcade by Duncan Laurence or Hold on by Chord Overstreet
(pick what you please and have much fun with this!)
Tysm, you're so sweet!! I ended up choosing Cole and Hold On if that's okay :]
Ninjago - Hold On (Cole) (400 follower event)
You really shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
When Cole told you to stay back, you were about to listen; but he just had to add that bit about it being “too dangerous.” 
The minute you heard that, there was no way you were staying behind. You told yourself it was because you were worried about Cole, but deep down you knew it had something to do with your pride, too.
And now here you were, rushing into an impossible battle with no plan whatsoever. Well, perhaps that wasn’t true; the plan was as follows: Save Cole.
And that was the last thought in your head as you rushed to place yourself between your love and a killing blow delivered by his adversary.
Cole had been losing. His adversary—a particularly nasty Oni—was far bigger than him, far fiercer, far scarier—but none of that had put him off. He knew he was strong. And he was naturally a very hopeful person, so any doubts he might’ve been having were buried beneath that mountain of self-encouragement.
Unfortunately this meant that he was blind to the situation at hand, which was actually quite bleak and rapidly becoming bleaker.
He couldn’t land a single blow, and he was only pushed further and further back by the second. Soon he’d be cornered against a cliff, and then he’d really be trapped.
But none of this came to his mind. Underneath that cap of thick black hair there was nothing but burning determination. That, and you. 
He pushed even harder every time you came to his mind. He swung harder when he remembered your laugh, jumped higher at the image of your smile. But it wasn’t enough. The Oni raised its wretched weapon high above its head and swung.
Cole put up his arm, accepting at the last second that this was it for him. He waited for the pain, or perhaps it’d happen so fast that he wouldn’t even feel any pain, and the white light waiting to embrace him.
It didn’t come. Instead, the sound of your voice filled his ears. Thinking he must’ve been hallucinating, having passed into the afterlife already, he opened one eye deliberately. The white light he’d hoped to see wasn’t there. What was there was you, on the ground, not moving. 
The Oni was grinning its terrible grin, clearly pleased at Cole’s horrified expression. It made to come after him next, but at the sound of a war horn it turned and ran, sending one last taunting sneer at Cole. It’d done its damage. It was satisfied.
Cole hardly noticed the Oni from the moment his eyes had opened. He dropped to the ground, taking your body in his arms. He scooped you up against him desperately, as if being on the ground was hurting you more. He brushed a lock of hair from your face, squeezing your jaw as he turned your limp head to face him.
“Y/n!” He shouted, voice dripping with terror.
He gave you a once-over, frowning deeply at the gash across your chest. It was bleeding quite badly, and Cole was scared to even touch it.
“Y/n, please don’t be—!” His hand shook as it grasped your wrist. He tried to remember where you were supposed to look for a pulse, but his panicked mind could recall nothing, so he just wrapped his whole hand around it, hoping to feel something.
“No, no, no…”
He tried your neck. He still couldn’t remember where exactly to feel for a pulse, and his hands were only trembling more and more by the second, which wasn’t making it easy.
“Come on!” He cursed, swiping the tears from his eyes.
He tried to watch your chest for breathing, but his eyes kept drifting to that long slash seeping dark fluid, and nausea found him instead of the clarity he needed to focus. So he went back for another attempt at finding a pulse on your wrist.
“Please, Y/n! Don’t be—!”
His throat tightened, and he had to wipe his eyes again. Cursing to himself, he dropped your wrist defeatedly. 
“I told you to stay back!” He snapped, immediately regretting it and pressing your body to his chest. His voice was weak as a child’s when he rasped: “Why didn’t you listen?”
He didn’t wallow for long. With a resolute sniff he jumped up, you still in his arms, determined to save you.
“Hang on, Y/n. You can’t… not yet. I still need you.”
He tried to walk steadily, avoiding roots and rocks to keep from jostling you. He kept glancing at that horrid wound on your chest, wondering if this was the thing that was going to take you from him. He cursed that dark line, cursed it a million times and then some more. Get off my Y/n. You can’t have them.
When you next became aware of yourself, the first thing that registered was a fuzzy feeling in your head and a heavy feeling in your body. You felt your weight pressing into a mattress, a mattress that had the upper half angled so that you were sitting partially upright.
The sound of beeping could be heard as you opened your eyes. It was a slow, rhythmic beeping—like something you’d hear in a hospital. Oh. I guess that’s where I am, you thought as you were immediately blinded by bright white lights.
You looked around the room, your mind struggling to register the machines and cabinets. Why was it so hard to think straight..?
Your eyes landed on a black mass hunched in a chair by the door. Two dark hands were gripping locks of thick, black hair. You blinked slowly, knowing that you knew this person but unable to pin exactly who it was.
“Cole…” The noise came out of your mouth softly, and not entirely voluntarily. It was as if you were trying to remind yourself who it was as much as you were beckoning to him.
His head snapped up, and you could see that his eyes were red and puffy. He ran across the room, dropping to his knees so quickly beside your bed that you almost winced.
“Don’t… hurt yourself,” you slurred, frowning at the effort it took to speak.
Cole shook his head, taking your hand in his. “Look who’s talking.” He smiled sadly, fresh tears brimming his eyes as he looked you over once again.
“I’m sorry.”
“No. Please don’t say that. I’m just glad you’re alive.” He pressed a lingering kiss on your hand, holding it to his cheek while he gazed at you lovingly. There was pain in his eyes, but relief and affection stirred much more prominently in those dark depths.
“I’m glad you’re alive too. When I saw the Oni… I thought…” You huffed, closing your eyes and furrowing your brow. “I thought to myself: not yet. I still need him.” 
Cole laughed suddenly, and you blinked owlishly at him. “What’s so funny?”
He was wiping tears from his eyes; sad or happy ones, you weren’t sure. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”
Now you smiled, understanding the sad irony of the situation. “Oh. Well, I guess we understand each other then. No dying allowed.”
Cole nodded, standing up to press a kiss to your temple. “That, I can agree to.”
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Thanks for participating in our event!! And thank you for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Abyss Watchers headcanons
> Them all having white hair and red eyes are the signs of a lot of exposure to the Abyss, like how Four Kings got white hair, people in contact with any darkness commonly show red eyes etc. + Artorias ended up with these features too, and black hair on his helmet was his own hair cut to decorate it, not unlike Ciaran's braid. This never caused the panic though, it is no more than like getting tan under too much sun exposure. The corruption carries different effects than just a bit of a recolor!
> Wolf blood gave them minor feral features, like fangs and tufts of grey fur in the spots where humans normally have the most hair. no tails though
> @val-of-the-north actually counted the corpses using colorful stones drops to not get lost! So, the amount of Abyss Watchers is only barely above 100! This is very little for a legion, but they were pretty strong at their prime so the number never shifted too far from this number
> The ~100 consisted of mostly the first of them and those who joined in early. They were mostly a pack of these people, very rarely losing members and very rarely gaining those who would grow into "true wolves". Even out of those who were accepted as Abyss Watchers rather than Farron Followers, most didn't fully assimilate. They remained visibly 'distinguished' ones, like Hawkwood who never grew to their common 10'00''+ height and so
> These rare new members were referred to as 'cubs'. The 'distinguished' people like Hawkwood were continued to be called so even after they fully trained, although it then had more affectionate connotation than referring to their lack of experience
> They offer people who have shown bravery and are deemed to have true warrior spirit within to come with them, however, it is quite hard to refuse them. It is very easy to get roped into madness by them by simply allowing them to surround the person and speak of the importance of combating the horrors, how Artorias tooooootally once succeeded etc. They do not even understand the nearly-hypnotic effect they possess, but it is explained by the gravity of the Abyss itself surrounding them due to their job. It horrifies, however humans naturally possess the darkness that finds kinship in it, the wish to fight it endlessly IS just one of the ways it entices and corrupts. Those who managed to avoid getting seduced recruited by them after confrontation do recall that something felt very wrong and otherwordly for a short time.
> 'Semi-hivemind' is the best way I can describe them tbh. There is usually a member who is unmistakeably singled out and seemingly 'leading the pack', and if this particular person was lost, the next strongest guy would get singled out instinctively.
> "True" Abyss Watchers hardly, if ever, need to verbally communicate with each other, instead understanding instinctively. When they do need to talk with anyone it is this 'pack leader' doing the talking, usually with some others accompanying him and performing actions if needed without any signals to do so. The 'leader', also, mostly speaks for them all as they share their thoughts and feelings ("Don't try to lie to us, we could always smell it in your blood", "We all remember your bravery", "We could almost feel you wagging your tail, if you had one" etc).
> And they can, in fact, sense more than average person due to the wolf blood! Blood pressure, heartrate, whether someone started sweating and so on. It is very useful when someone is trying to hide having gotten touched by the Abyss (reasonably so, because it is instant death). Or if someone pretends they totally didn't encourage less-infected people to evacuate the corrupted land before Abyss Watchers came to obliterate it.
> The best way to stay alive after being targeted for "mercy-killing" by them is to run into the Church of the Deep. Abyss Watchers are sceptical about 'purifying' ones with minor corruption, but they cannot cross into this territory without permission for several reasons. And so far those whom Deacons "treated" really seemed to be alright. Abyss Watchers didn't believe in efficiency of this method though and had a feeling that sacred body of water could not fit in everyone's even natural darkness, let alone Abyssal one. They absolutely loathe and pity the place though, but all they really could do was to wait to obliterate it when it'd inevitably drown in filth. (the big "told you so" day that never became their to claim lol)
> Anyone who feels attracted to them is under no pressure to kiss and cuddle all of them they're welcomed to try though if they dare lol . They share their feelings, so getting close even with one makes others happy by effect. Though if such things occur, usually it is the 'pack's leader' who claims this experience, let alone the fact he is the only one who will actually talk. But even then, at least several others will linger around
> If one of the "true" Abyss Watchers, the 'identical' ones, gets somehow separated from the rest for significant time, they might slowly reclaim sense of identity and even remember their name. Addiction to fighting the Abyss can't be helped though, so they will yearn to forget the brief moments of peace and rejoin the group
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all-pacas · 2 months
Would you elaborate on a Chase in The Good Place AU? It's consuming my brain since you mentioned it and I love your AUs
I mean, mostly just an offhand comment on I'd love to have all of them be forced to attend a Chidi philosophy lecture, because it would be fascinating on so many different levels, right? Or just using the Good Place as a shorthand for "surprise! Your life was meaningless and now you're in hell! Change!"
Foreman and Cameron both seem fairly set and certain of their morals and philosophies, but are in different ways hypocritical and inconsistent. They both think of themselves as good people for sure. And I don't know how much critical self reflection either of them do.
Chase is a bit askew of the two of them, not because I think he's much more self aware, but he's also much more morally vague — he doesn't have a ton of stated values or a strict moral code, I'm not even sure how he views himself, how he'd define himself if asked. Cameron would call herself a good person. Foreman would call himself intelligent, a good person. Would Chase? Not out of some enlightened awareness, but just… everyone on the show thinks he's morally vacant, and he knows it too.
(And that's not even touching House or Wilson in the Good Place. House alone, who studies religion and philosophy and both knows his morals and his code and is incredibly ambivalent and self-hating.)
I mean, they're all going to the Bad Place. I think Chase and House would be the least surprised, on a scale: not happy or accepting, but, you know. Sure. (Especially post S6 Chase. He knows he's off to hell.)
Cameron would be horrified, and outraged. She does so much to help people! She's so nice! I think she overlooks or tries to overlook the harm she causes, the ways she can be cruel: they're accidents. They're unintentional. Intent is what matters, and her intents are always good, or at least: she tells herself that they are. Which isn't true. She can behave selfishly, she can behave unkindly. But it's very important to Cameron that she is a good person, both as something to be and something to strive towards. And she is! She is a good person! She does work hard at it! But I do think she ignores her own failings.
Foreman, for his part, strikes me as a utilitarian — he's done net good, so what does it matter if here and there he's bent a rule or hurt someone's feelings? He probably is the one who lies awake and considers himself and his place in the world and how he's doing and what he's done. He wants to be good, but he also wants to be the best, he wants to be admired. (Him and Amber are the same. If they won't like you, you have to be right.) He wants power, partially because he does have that ego; partially because it's a way of proving himself. On the whole, he is a Good Doctor, he Saves Lives, he Helps People. That should outweigh the people he's hurt or been cruel to. That should matter more.
I don't know what sort of philosophy Chase would best fit with. He falls into a sort of … nihilistic hedonism, almost: enjoying himself and wanting to have fun, but only because he also believes that if he's a burden to others he deserves death; because he's Quite Catholic and just sort of accepts when it's over he's going to hell. So what does it matter, right? If he's fucked no matter what, why not sleep around and having a good time? It's sort of a reflection of his talk with House in Cursed: if caring leads to pain, it's better not to care. If you burden others, you have failed.
So they're all in the Bad Place. There was another bus accident or something. And they get to do the fixed version of the game, reincarnating again and again until they reach enlightenment. Foreman's Bad Place seems pretty easy. He's gotta stop caring so much about the opinions of others, getting his self worth via superiority and praise. Cameron's biggest flaw, I think, is that she avoids the consequences from her actions. Runs away and uproots her life repeatedly; ignores the ways she hurts people or ignores their feelings. In a way she's too empathic: she pushes her own feelings and empathy onto others, and assumes they feel the same way she does, need nothing but what she'd need or want. I'm not sure how to make that her personal hell. Chase? He's again the hardest (after House), because I think he'd sort of just accept he was in Hell and that was that: why try to improve? Why try to change? He doesn't try, that's his biggest problem. We know he's incredibly bright, capable of solving cases on his own from early on, but he never tries (because trying means failing which means disappointing others). He stays with House for years after he should have moved on because it's safer and easier. So that's his personal hell: something to make him need to try, want to be better. Put him in a position where he has to.
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crazyunsexycool · 2 months
Lottie and Gracie are such cuties!
I want to see what Gracie's reaction is meeting Steebie because he's her favourite!
Maybe Bruce also helps her with her treatment to get well sooner??
Sweet baby Gracie 🥺🥺🥺!!! she shares Lottie’s love for Steve.
I’m going to also include the second part if your ask to this
Meet your Hero
Warning: sick child, hair loss, probably some references to inaccurate medical treatments, mentions of blood, fluff
Gracie was sitting at Lottie’s play table. She sat patiently while Lottie rummaged through her rather large headband collection looking for something special. She gave a little ‘a-ha’ when she found it.
“Is perfect, Gracie.” She held up a braided headband with red and blue fabric and white star beads woven in. “It matches.”
Lottie was referring to the Captain America shirt Gracie was wearing. It belonged to her older brother Derek but he let her have it since Captain America was Gracie’s favorite Avenger.
“But I don’t have hair.” Gracie runs her small hand over her head, pouting at the feeling of skin on skin instead of hair.
“So what?”
“I look ugly. I can’t meet Captain Merica like that.”
Lottie gasps. She’s truly horrified at what her friend is saying. She’s quick to argue that point though. “You not ugly Gracie. You so cute. An Steebie don’t care if you habe hair.” She says very matter of fact. “I no habe hair and Steebie still lobes me.”
“You were sick too?”
“Mhm.” Lottie moves toward her night stand where she has a picture of her and baby goats from when Tony brought a petting zoo to the compound. “See.” She holds it up to show her dearest friend.
“Oh. But you’re not sick anymore.”
“No. But mama and Buce make me bettuh. They make you bettuh too, I see it.” Lottie nods.
The girls walked the rather large hallways of the compound. Lottie held Gracie’s hand as she walked the same familiar path to Steve’s office. By now the agents and staff of the compound knew of Lottie’s wandering tendencies so they just went about their business. Some said their hellos or waved as the girls walked by.
“You weady?” Lottie looks at Gracie, her big brown eyes now more noticeable since she’s wearing her face mask again. She blinks a few times and nods, with that Lottie knocks on Steve’s office door.
“Come in.”
Lottie opens the door and walks right in like she has countless times before.
“Hey sweetheart, what are you doing here?” Steve says as he pushes his chair back and accepts her hug.
“Steebie this is Gracie, she’s my best friend.”
“Well hello Gracie, I’ve heard many wonderful things about you.” Steve takes a knee and extends his hand to shake Gracie’s. “I like your shirt and it matches your headband, that’s so cool.”
“I told you he’d like it.” Lottie cheered.
Meanwhile Gracie just stared up at Steve with wide, wonder-filled eyes. Steve keeps his easy smile as he listens to Lottie tell him about Gracie some more since she’s kind of starstruck.
“How about we sit you girls down and get you something to drink?”
Steve picks Lottie up and sets her on his desk and then he does the same with Gracie. He loves to the mini fridge he keeps stocked up with a little bit of everything and gets two juice boxes.
“So are you having fun with Lottie?”
“Yeah.” She says quietly.
“Gracie is gonna see Buce. He makes her all bettuh.”
“Well Bruce is good at his job. But it’s ok to be scared sometimes.”
“Do you get scared?” Gracie looks up at Steve.
“All the time.”
“But you’re Captain Merica.”
“That’s true but sometimes there are things that are really scary. The important thing is that you have to face those really scary things and most of the time it turns out it wasn’t that bad at all.” Steve says. “It also help if you have friends and family to help you be brave.”
“Like Lottie?”
“Yup. Just like Lottie. Now I’m going to give you something only the bravest people get because you’re a fighter.” Steve says as he rummages through one of his drawers.
“What is it?” Gracie asks curiously.
Steve holds up a small badge that had the Howling Commandos’ insignia on it. “This was only worn by the Howlies. Do you know who they are?”
Gracie and Lottie nod.
“They were the bravest people I knew and now you’re a Howlie too. And it even goes with your shirt.”
“This is my be brave shirt. My brother gave it to me.”
Steve smiles and blinks back a few tears. “Well now you know I’ll always be with you.” He taps the pin.
Even though she put her mask back on after finishing her juice, Steve can tell she’s smiling with the way her eyes light up.
“Now how about I take you down to Bruce’s lab?”
You, Bruce, Duckie and Mr. and Mrs. Moore are sitting around a table going over what the first few steps are going to be. The double doors slide open and in walks in Steve with two giggling girls on his shoulders.
“I believe these two lovely ladies belong here.” Steve says as Lottie practically jumps off his shoulder. He however is much more gentle with Gracie.
“Look mommy I’m a Howlie now.” She proudly displays her pin. “Steve says only the bravest people ever get this.”
Her parents smile at him and accept his offer to take a picture with her. Gracie subconsciously puts her hand on her head again, obviously self conscious about her lack of hair.
“Hey, how about this, we take a picture now and when you get better we’ll take another one and you can see how much your hair has grown? Although I think you look very pretty either way.”
Gracie blushes at Steve’s words but nods anyway before posing for a few pictures. Steve takes his leave with one last hug to Lottie’s closest friend.
The girls sit patiently, quietly talking about Steve. Gracie absentmindedly running a finger over her new pin.
“Like we were saying before, we have better equipment to see more details. When we complete the scan we’ll be able to determine more.” Duckie says.
“The best course of action would be to let us run a few tests. That way we can come up with the best treatment.”
Mrs. Moore looks at you. You can see how she’s fighting against the hope blooming in her chest at the thought that maybe her baby can receive the best care possible. With a small nod you give her the push she needs and Gracie’s parents agree to run some tests.
You’ve been home for about an hour. The girls still wanted to play after the appointment. Gracie didn’t cry once while getting blood taken or through any other exam. She was a Howling Commando now, she was brave. While you and Bucky sit and talk to your newest friends your phone rings and you step into the kitchen when you see it’s Bruce.
A few minutes later you walk back into the living room. Mr and Mrs Moore’s attention goes to you the minute you step back into the room.
“That was Bruce.” You say calmly. The couple before you grab each other’s hands. “He said that he can have the medication ready by tomorrow. Gracie’s chances are high. Your girl’s going to be just fine.”
Gracie’s parents begin to cry as relief and joy and hope wash over them. They wouldn’t have to see their daughter go through so such a difficult illness for much longer.
And every year Steve keeps his promise and takes a picture with Gracie. Her hair is always different but her smile is always bright and her pin is always with her.
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I think ZKs are projecting Sokka onto Katara. Since let’s think about it, how much of their claims applies more to Sokka?
1. Being one of Zuko’s foils. 2. Being a “Parent” of the group. Sokka does want to be seen as the leader and he often behaves as the Dad Friend. 3. X Has irrational hatred for the Fire Nation, which Zuko and a few others helps him with. 4. Their stories making it make sense to pair them together. As mentioned, Sokka does want to be the Leader. 5. Zuko understands Sokka better than Katara.
Sorry to disappoint, anon, but I STRONGLY disagree.
On them supposedly being narrative foils
Zuko has three narrative foils: Aang, Ozai and Azula. The show goes out of it's way to make that clear through tons of episodes directly highlighting how simmilar Zuko is to Aang, designing Ozai to look like an older version of him that doesn't have the scar, and Azula is a look at the tragic fate he would have had if he had stood by his father's side until the bitter end.
Sokka wanting to be a warrior is not that special in a series about martial arts/war, and him wanting to be the leader is constantly shown as being about his relationship with Hakoda. At most, the "I want to make my father proud" thing would be the real parallel here (and one paralel does not make characters true foils to each other), with Hakoda being a good dad that is worth admiring and taking inspiration from, while Ozai is the cautionary tale his son needs to use as the exemple of what NOT to do.
Sokka is not the parent of the group, and neither is Zuko. Katara is the mom friend, and she has mixed feelings about it exactly because, while she naturally takes on that role, she's the ONLY ONE to do so, and thus she sometimes resents her own motherly nature because she fears her friends see her as "mom friend" first and "one of us" second.
As for the leader of the group, that is very clearly Aang, with Katara taking charge/co-leading sometimes because, duh, he's the main character and the whole show is about HIS mission, of course he calls the shots.
Sokka, at most, has moments of frustration when people are being stupid or disregarding a plan, and the show constantly makes fun of him for taking himself too seriously and trying to pretend he is the "adult in charge". Not at all the same as being the dude in charge of changing an entire nation's philosophy on war - which is ALSO very different from being the dad friend or a leader of a small squad.
Racism VS Righteous Anger
Zuko was indoctrinated from birth to be an entitled, selfish, racist prince, and he also experience emotional and physical abuse, as well as victim blaming after it, and it all made him prone to lashing out at people who have done literally nothing to deserve it. He is trying to help his family, and Fire Lord, commit genocide.
Sokka meanwhile hates the Fire Nation for the DECADES of raids on his tribe that killed his culture and his mother, and forced his father to leave. Still, he speaks out against things like Jet's plan to kill a bunch of innocent people to "free" them from the Fire Nation, doesn't have anything against Piandao, is horrified by Hama's actions, and accepts Zuko into the group once he proves he truly has changed and doesn't want to harm them.
He wasn't eager to save the guy that was constantly chasing him, his friend and his sister around the world, and was willing to kill a tyrant to save himself and others. That is not the same as "irrational hatred" - no, I don't care what a spirit that will not be killed if the Fire Nation wins the war has to say on the matter, it's really easy to say "violence is always bad, even in self-defense" when you're not the one in danger.
"They understand each other more, so it makes sense to pair them together"
Does it? Does it though? Because The Boiling Rock makes a running joke of how much of a not ideal match they are. Awkward silence during their conversation followed by an equally awkward "that's rough, buddy", and Sokka CONSTANTLY not understanding what in the fuck Zuko is talking about when trying to give advice.
Sure, they managed to make it work in the end, but that's not the same as the effortless pair up of Aang and Zuko in the Blue Spirit episode, or Azula always knowing how to get to Zuko so he puts himself in vulnerable position during a fight (and him then using her own tactic against her in the finale) but also working as a great duo with him in Ba Sing Se without having to say a word, or even the time he and Iroh fought against the earthbenders in book 1.
Just because Zuko reacted when Sokka said the word "honor" and they talked about girlfriend trouble doesn't mean they have some deep understanding for one another. Sokka is legitimately one of the few characters that has even LESS of a connection with Zuko than Katara. They're on the same side and they're friends, but they're not as close to each other as they are to literally everyone else in their friend group.
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As someone who's been following for ages, you deserve more blog interaction, so what about da2 companions reacting to a hawke who was knowingly on-board with the destruction of the chantry?
Isabella: This whole thing is way outside her pay grade,
and at the end of the day Hawke's involvement level has little to do with her emotions or acceptance. Kirkwall is now a war zone, and the safest place is Not Here. Hawke is welcome to join her, or not, but either way the captain is leaving with the tide.
Bethany: In truth Hawke's sister, either circle mage or warden, is hardly surprised. In Ferelden, when their family was still whole, Malcom lived with the fear that one day he would be drug away from all he had built and trapped in the circle. In Kirkwall his daughter suffered the same fear. It makes it easy to understand her sibling's decision, if no less easy to accept.
But the Hawke's stick together, and even if she is horrified and frightened of the future Bethany is staying with her family.
Carver: Is anyone really surprised that the almighty Hawke would finally take things into their own hands?
Its not that Carver has no care for his sibling, not really, but over the years over over protection and standing in the shadows Carver is the least surprised that the scion of their family is willing to go to extremes. As a Warden, more distant from the issues and grown used to the apolitical nature of the order, he is disgusted and horrified. As a templar...
Well, something was always going to give. He can neither condemn nor condone.
Aveline: A decade of friendship, of trust and respect and family, go up as quickly as the Chantry. She, who has always stood for order and justice and the understanding that there must be both compassion and discipline in a society, cannot stomach the knowledge. Its unthinkable that her friend would be a party to this kind of...wanton destruction.
Because of their friendship, she will let them live. But while she breathes they will never be welcome in Kirkwall again.
Fenris: What is left to say? For all he admires Hawke and is grateful for their assistance in the past, they have thrown their lot in with the abomination. Fenris has seen enough of Tevinter to know what comes next. They will find no more friend in him.
Anders: It was like a miracle in itself, when he finally tells Hawke and they not only agree but want to help. Carrying this burden alone for so long has been hellish, but a problem shared is a problem halved. Their support keeps Justice banked to an extent, to know that another is willing to take the steps necessary to bring about true unity.
And in the fall out, it is good to not be alone.
Varric: Well....shit.
Very little can shake Kirkwall's resident author from a chosen course, and in truth even this cannot truly demolish his friendship with the champion, but....it's shaken. Things were bad, yes, and Meredith was insane, but now his city is up in flames and on a knife edge from being taken by Starkhaven or in a divine invasion. All he has worked for is literally up in smoke and...
Shit. They need to run, until they can figure out what to do next. And figure out how he can learn to look them in the eyes again and trust what he sees.
Merill: If Hawke refused to let her destroy the mirror, the hypocrisy burns in her. Her eluvian was so dangerous that she can't even experiment, but they are allowed to destroy the Shem's chantry? Where is the justice in that?!
But if pursued to the terrible end, the blood mage knows what it is to be caught in a web from which there is no escape but destruction. She can hardly judge what she herself has wrought, and will stand with her friend no matter the consequences of their actions.
Sebastian: He attacks. There is no mercy, not even if they are in love, for what they have done. So many of the faithful were needlessly slaughtered, and even if he will fall as well the prince of Starkhaven will have their vengeance in blood.
Mod Fereldone
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beybladeninja · 1 month
Figured it was safe to post this little darling because I honestly don’t know if I’m going to include her in the story or not.
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Meet Phoenix Nansui! And buckle up, because her backstory is kind of tragic.
This kind of plays into my Elemental Masters AU. In this AU, Xander falls in love with a woman (no, not revealing her just yet 😈), but both of them are fatally wounded during a tragic battle. As they both died, Xander’s Element of Fire took pity on them and ensured that their love will endure forever. It left Xander’s body with his last breath and burned their fresh corpses together, then breathed new life into the ashes. Those ashes became a beautiful baby girl.
The other Masters were devastated when they learned of the demise of Xander and his one true love. So much so that when the topic of who would take in the baby they apparently “created” came up, almost no one stepped forward. The loss of their big brother was too traumatic, too crippling. On top of that, neither Xander nor his lover had any family that would willingly take a newborn in. It was looking as if the new baby would remain an orphan.
That is, until Yugo Nansui stepped forward. He was Xander’s right hand man, he reasoned, so it was only fair that he take in what he’d left behind. The others were surprised that he of all people offered to take in the baby, but no one said anything against him.
So Yugo officially adopted the baby. He named her Phoenix, saying it was only fitting, given her birth. Xander’s flesh and blood was now his to raise and protect.
Yugo swore on Xander’s altar to do so with his life.
Extra Info
- To officiate the adoption, since both of her parents were dead, Yugo gave Phoenix his last name. Ukyo came along one day to help out and saw the adoption certificate. Here’s what happened:
Ukyo: Oh, so you gave her your last name?
Yugo: Yup. She’s mine now.
Ukyo: Interesting. May I also have your last name?
(Yup, Yukio for life! 💚💙)
So they both decide to look after what their team captain left behind.
- Raising a baby is not easy, and Phoenix was on a whole other level. It became clear early on that she’d inherited her father’s brute strength. From the moment she learned how to grasp things, she was already able to lift items that one would think impossible at her meager age. Toys, sticks, rocks - even other toddlers.
Yugo and Ukyo have had to apologize to so many horrified mothers…
As she continues to grow (growth spurt at 11, obvi), so does her strength. Pray for her dads.
- She also inherited her father’s sharp teeth, and her teething phase was a nightmare. A lot of chewed furniture and fingers…
- Phoenix appears to have vitiligo, which is the explanation Yugo and Ukyo give everyone else who asks. It’s certainly better than telling them the truth: it’s her birth parents’ skin fused together.
- Her right eye is her mother’s, and her left eye is her father’s.
- She refers to Yugo as “Daddy” (later as “Dad”), Ukyo as “Papa”, and Xander, when he comes up in the conversation, as “Father”.
- She would have worn a shirt more similar in appearance to her father’s crop top, but there was no way Yugo was letting her out of the house dressed like that.
- In certain lighting and wind patterns, her hair kind of looks like fire.
- As time goes on, the other Masters start to accept Xander’s death and make attempts to get to know his daughter. It’s not easy at first, as she looks strikingly similar to both her father and her mother, and they don’t take their first encounters with her very well. Phoenix thinks that looking at her is what’s making them sad, so she attempts to cover up her face with things like mud and masks. Upon seeing how far this innocent child would go to make sure they weren’t sad, the Masters start to make a better commitment to get to know her for who she was.
- Phoenix is kind of like Steven from Steven Universe. Both were “created” from a parent (both parents, in Phoenix’s case), but both are their own person. Not to mention, they’re both descended from pretty powerful bloodlines.
Also like Steven, Phoenix is aware of her birth parents’ fates and their roles in her creation. She goes through a period where she doesn’t know where “her parents” end and “she” begins, both physically and mentally. Don’t worry, she gets through it with some counseling.
- Phoenix’s last name may be Nansui, but she is still the rightful heir to the Shakadera family and all of its assets. Right now a branch family is in command of everything, but when she is old enough, she will have the chance to claim her rights to it. Her dads train her everyday for when that chance comes.
- She is also the next Master of Fire, and once she awakens her Element, she will be brought to the Monastery of Spinjitzu to train with the others of her generation.
I’ve had this little darling in mind for a while, and I’m so happy to finally have a reference photo for her! Once again, I’m still not sure if I’ll include her in the story or not, but she’s still a fun concept to have!
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disneydarlin · 1 year
10 Reasons Lila Rossi Is an Iconic Disney Villain
Many Disney Villains have become iconic over the years. Of course, these are mostly classic Disney Villains from animated movies. However, there's one character who has turned an entire Disney Channel series into something truly dark by season five. This article will talk about Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir's true villain, a girl named Lila Rossi. Disclaimer: this article contains spoilers!
1. Skilled Liar: The first thing viewers learn about Lila is how she's a chronic and compulsive liar. She'll lie about the simplest of things to creating elaborate and believable stories. Thus, Lila lies about anything and everything to everyone who crosses her path. What's worse, she's quite the actress as almost everyone believes her claims regardless of what she says.
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2. Skilled Manipulator: Being an actress and a liar makes it easy for Lila to manipulate people's words against them. Thus, she's also capable of manipulating any situation to her advantage. Lila is most notably known for gatekeeping, gaslighting and guilt tripping. Viewers see her do this with civilians and villains alike.
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3. Why lie?: No one knows why or what led Lila to start lying in the first place. The only thing viewers know is she actually enjoys doing it and has no remorse for her actions. There's a speculation where Lila feels lonely and neglected by her mother, Mrs. Rossi, because she's always working. However, she gains plenty of love and attention from other loved ones in her life.
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4. A True Villain: There have been several villains throughout the series. Although Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth is the main bad guy, he's quite wimpy and a bumbling mess in comparison to Lila. This girl isn't afraid to go the extra mile to get what she wants. In addition, Lila doesn't let her emotions get the best of her, thus she's hard to defeat.
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5. One Step Ahead: Lila is incredibly intelligent. She's organized and detailed in her plans. This means, Lila is always one step ahead. When one scheme fails, she has another one up her sleeve. Lila doesn't waste time sulking. Instead, she moves onto her next plan of action.
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6. Master of Disguise: The most horrifying thing about Lila is how she's a master of disguise. She's thorough in her looks as she'll change her hair, skin, eyes, clothes and eyebrows to become a completely different person. The only thing viewers know about Lila for certain by the end of season five is she has messy pixie cut styled brown hair and hazel-brown eyes. This is because she's seen removing one of her wigs and discarding it in the trash. Which means, Lila can't be wearing a bald-cap underneath her hair.
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7. Identity Unknown: Many people drastically change their appearance to become who they truly are. Individuals even change their name to suit themselves too. What makes these things acceptable in society is how said people stick to their new identities. However, Lila does this for deception. As such, in addition to frequently changing her looks, Lila also has many analias too. When she changes her appearance, Lila introduces herself as "Cerise". Meaning, no one knows what this girl truly looks like or what her true name is either.
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8. Multiple Lives: It's obvious to viewers Lila has multiple identities. But no one knows she has spread these identities far beyond herself. In fact, Lila is living multiple lives at the same time too. She has multiple different women in her life who she calls "Mother". It's unknown which of these women are the legal or biological mother. Or if any of the women are the biological mother at all. For all viewers know, Lila is an orphan who went to multiple adoption agencies. In which, she lied about her name and age to be adopted by multiple people on separate occasions. Otherwise, a woman or two could be her foster mother. This scenario is possible as there have been very few cases of this occurring in real life.
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9. More Privileges: Regardless, since Lila clearly has multiple mothers, it means she has different separate homes and bedrooms to herself. Living separately from each woman allows Lila to take advantage of their love, care and support. She lies to each of them and the trio easily believe the stories which explain why their "daughter" spends much time away from them in order for her to be with another one of her mothers instead.
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10. Young Monster: Despite everything, the most scary thing about Lila is how she's managed to achieve all of this at the age of fourteen. Technically, considering how perfected her skills are at such a young age, it's obvious Lila turned into a beast in human skin as a little girl. After all, no one knows how young she was when she planned to have multiple guardians in her life.
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What do you think? Is Lila Rossi a character worthy of becoming part of the famous Disney Villain line? If not, why? Please share with me!
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Repressed anon from before! I was wondering, what specifically do you mean by the horror of love? The inherent vulnerability of it, the fact that someone has to die first, something else?
Dissecting complicated emotions and concepts is a passion of mine too, but I can’t do it through art very well yet so I have to do it with words haha
My family was pretty much polar opposite, but with a similar effect somehow. Instead of sterile, my family was nothing but dysfunction and mental illness incarnate. The only person to provide any semblance of normalcy was my super religious grandma lol.
Your art is like. Super aesthetically pleasing exposure therapy for me right now. Trying to get over my squeamishness one beautifully horrifying picture and fic at a time.
Also, as for the terror and regret that comes with opening up about yourself and your experiences— vulnerability is pure courage. Your art is deeply personal and anything that you choose to share about the creation and meaning of it is an honor to learn. Which sounds sappy as hell but it’s fuckin true!! It’s so easy to tear other people down, but it’s so hard to put yourself out there. Also, salient fact here: it’s your blog. If someone doesn’t like what you say on your own personal platform, then they can leave. This is your slice of the void to yell into. Let the zestyness flow through you 😈
And since we’re identifying ourselves using emojis,
- 🦡 anon
Yay, hello again, sweet! I'm loving the names for anons, really helps me keep conversations straight and organized! Welcome to the family, badger anon 🦡 !
And now, oh shit, you've asked me to explain the horror of love comment. It encompasses my life experiences, so it's very personal to me, and the reason why all my romance stories will probably be thrillers and psychological horror. So see I was like...trying to put the horror genre with the love category, and that's when I started using that phrase to describe my work.
Let me mention some factors of my childhood that give light to this phrase, since you shared about your family, too (and thank you for sharing!).
I grew up with a narcissist and an enabler for parents, parading around as the perfect couple. First horror of love: if you're in someone's care, you're also at their mercy.
Hopefully you see my trajectory with this beginning lol.
The love you grow up with is the one you learn to accept as the definition of love. You seek it out unconsciously for the rest of your miserable life. This isn't the case for everyone, of course, as some can break free of it, but it's been my own curse, thus far. I've only broken free for now because I'm staying away from anything deeper than casual dates.
I've talked about it in other asks before, but to me, love is terrifying. Not because of the vulnerability that comes with it or the chance that a partner might die before you, but because the only experiences I've had with that came from those whose true colors were mortifying. And all because parental love became my example. Love meant being ignored, being lonely, playing pretend. Love meant never having boundaries but respecting others' at all costs. Love meant doing everything in my power to please, or impress, or elicit positive emotions, only to learn that, in the end, nothing would ever be enough. No matter what I did or how I acted, there was always something to be fixed, and if my parents' stellar reputation wasn't polished to its finest, I was a sinner, somehow, and something had to be done.
So I basically grew up with zero personality, mirroring everyone else, to be frank. I had access to two whole emotions: fear and happiness. If me or any of my siblings felt anything else, it was "snap out of it" from the parents, no matter the circumstance. Pet dog died? That's okay, try to move on. Cry for one day and you're probably fine. God forbid you speculate that it's because your father abused it, even if it died because it got left too long on a yard chain. A chain it strangled itself in because it was wildly unsafe. Mother miscarried a child? Let's give the baby a funny name and make jokes about it hanging out in heaven on the same day we announce its death to the family.
And me, when I returned from the worst trauma of my life? Well, eventually I became part of the jokes, too, after telling them what I went through. My siblings even repeated a line my abuser said to me as the punchline, sometimes.
All this is to explain that I grew up numb. I was an artist, expressing myself was the biggest personality trait I had. But that passion was stepped on and boxed away, because I had to dress the way they said, draw the things they approved of. "Be yourself" was literally a phrase that they made fun of and said was bad, so I had no self that I knew of. I was them, or whoever I was supposed to become to make them stop hurting me. I was not capable of playing the same game that they did, however, in terms of religion and being affected by nothing. Eventually I imagined I'd lost the ability to feel at all, because I hid anything that did come out, and behind the scenes was in shock. Nothing affected me outwardly except the power of fear. I was never happy, but my family chronically and toxically was, so I had to mirror it to survive in that environment. Otherwise I became the joke, I was seen as moping, or I was told I was uncooperative.
This environment created a sort of trauma-bonded codependency on my siblings. We didn't realize it at the time, but we were cowering under a tyrant and his wife whom everyone told us were the greatest parents in the world. If they made us feel awful about ourselves or isolated us from interactions outside of their watchful eyes, it was just because that's how families worked, and the families who didn't were wrong. Sinful, even.
No public school, no sleepovers, no TV, no 'secular' media. No sex ed, no outside opinions, no movies with language, no looking at other peoples' phones. No books that weren't garbage christian authors who didn't know a thing about writing.
Everything was barbed wire, everything was rules.
So you can imagine how such a view of loving parents was only horror, and how that transferred right over into my first romantic partner. I ran away with that partner to escape that house, and lived in another house that was exactly the same, except without the play pretend, the bumper rails, or the emotional capacity needed to survive.
I won't go into that part, because a stupid story I wrote covers that bit just fine, lol. Sinner, my silly little fanfic about FyoZai. Sorry for the ad break, but that story is my life. If you'd like to learn about my feelings and certain complexities of how I see love, that's where it is in a better form than I could ever explain it, here.
I don't think you should've encouraged me to let the zestyness flow through. I unleashed the trauma dump, and I'm still holding back so much detail. 😂 I shouldn't be such an open book but hey, who reads Tumblr asks anyway except the asker? Maybe like ten out of the thousands that follow me. Although the rest just read Sinner, which is my professional trauma dump LMAO.
Anyway after all that, I had my villain arc and now I'm the one in charge. Mwahahah. I tried lots of stuff after that first relationship, made things worse, discovered new things, realized that I was a sadist, and that being a sadist didn't mean I had some demonic force to get rid of like my mother had thought when I told her as a kid.
A lot of people have "loved" me along the way. The way I felt about that love ranged from disgusted to afraid. For now, asexuality is the place where I'm safe, so that's where I stay, and I blue-ball anyone who asks for anything else. 😇 BDSM is a nice outlet for that bit, though, so I've had my fun with those who wanted me to do pain play on them, without the sexual aspect involved. I think it would be nice to have a dedicated partner someday who was an asexual masochist or something. LMAO.
IN CONCLUSION! Thanks for your beautiful descriptions of my artwork, and for praising my vulnerability on main! I hope I explained the little deal with the horror of love. I hope through my art and my fiction (if you get into that side of my work) will help you dissect all the things you feel, too.
Much love, my sweet! And sorry to anyone whose dashboard got bombarded with my little tragic drama tale.
(P.s. the TLDR for anyone who knows Sinner is that once upon a time I used to be Dazai and now I'm Fyodor [but the reformed Fyodor, without all the evil villain kidnapper rapist stuff LMAO])
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S1E8 (part 1)
I, Robot, You, Jane
Also known as the perils of online dating
The title itself is a play on 'Me, Tarzan, you, Jane'. The only version of Tarzan I've seen is the 1999 Disney one, Does anyone remember the TV show they did of it? And did anyone like it when it was a playable world in the first Kingdom Hearts game? For me it was kind of meh.
Straight away we know who our monster of the week is. Moloch. A demon that was around in 1400s Italy corrupting people to love him before he kills them. Sort of a Jim Jones vibe here.
Circle of Kayless. Huh, sounds kind of Klingon to me.
Evil demon is trapped in a book and kept in storage for 500 years until it happens to be in the possession of our favourite librarian. Question is: how did he get?
The first appearance of Jenny Calender. And is the complete opposite of Giles. Those tend to attract.
Giles in this season is hesitant to scan his books for easy access, but this is something he tries to do at the beginning of season 5 when he is making plans to leave for England. But the project was probably never finished as when he does leave in season 6 the gang still use the books.
Fritz's speech on the greatness of virtual vs paper is kind of true, but in a very annoying way. We currently have everything an our finger tips, news, books, TV, film, any info we want we can find by going online, and get it quicker than we can brew tea. it's convenient, anyone can access it as long as it's not behind paywall, and it is often cheaper than a physical copy. However, you don't own it. With what we are seeing with streaming services removing films and shows from their libraries is that nothing is permanent. Companies like HBO do it so they can save money. It's imperative, now more than ever, to own physic copies of the things you like because it may disappear virtually. Tech is great and using it can make lives easier, but in some cases just because you paid for it, doesn't mean you own it. Physical copies my cost more and take up space but it will still be there for later.
Giles is horrified that more interactions take place digitally that face to face. Yeah, it just gets worse over time. Giles would hate social media.
Jenny is flirting with Giles, so cute.
How is Willow scanning anything. She's holding the scanner so close to the book that she's missing both sides of the page and she did like 2 pages. What was the point of that?
Demon is a computer? Oh shit!
Chad Lindberg- also starred in Supernatural as Ash, the guy who lived at The Roadhouse with Joe and Ellen in season 2. There are a few Buffy actor who appeared in Supernatural, including Charisma Carpenter who was in season 7 episode 5 playing Maggie Stark, the wife of Don Stark who was played by James Marsters.
Did you notice that Willow has a photo of her and Giles in her locker door? When did they take that? Also gives more credence to her admission that she had a crush on him in season 4 episode 18.
Buffy has a good reason to be mistrustful about Malcolm. This was back when internet dating wasn't as prevalent as it is now. Nowadays it's more widely accepted, hell my dad met my step-mum through a dating site. The internet was still in its infancy here and Buffy just wants to make sure that Willow isn't getting catfished. I mean she is, but they don't know that yet.
An extra is talking about how his history report got messed up to say things that should not be said. We get a few details like this throughout the episode to show the scope of what Moloch is capable of.
Okay, okay, okay. I went on a couple of tangents and turned one point into a slight rant. Won't guarantee it won't happen again because it most definitely will. These posts I'm doing are in order of what happens in each episode and what I think of while watching them, so tangents happen and so long, drawn out thoughts.
Part 2 tomorrow.
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joy-of-life88 · 2 years
Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story] 12 The truth
"Roman told me you've only been working here for 6 months," Pat said as we made our way to the catering after about 2 hours.
While I was doing the girls' makeup, we talked about everything possible. And somehow she was totally fascinated by watching me work. Every time she praised me, I grinned like a little kid.
"Yeah, I just needed a fresh start. And I really like it. There was, or better, is a lot I wanted to leave behind," I explained to her.
"New challenges are often a good way for a new beginning. Even if it often takes a lot of effort. What exactly did you want to leave behind?" she asked.
"Oh, I can imagine what it is." said a spiteful voice behind us.
It was that snake Brenda. Of course. Who else would interfere in our conversation? I decided to simply ignore her.
"Who is this person?" asked Pat quietly as we sat down at a table with our food.
"Oh, she works on the production team and has been stalking Roman practically since his divorce. He's made it clear several times that he's not interested. But it doesn't seem to bother her one bit. In the nearly three months that Roman and I have been together, it hasn't gotten any better. On the contrary, actually. Did you see the look she gave me?" I explained to her.
"Is she stupid or just ignorant?" Pat then wanted to know, finding it hard to suppress a giggle.
"I don't think it makes much difference," I said, shrugging my shoulders.
"Well, anyway.... what was it you wanted to leave behind?" his mother began again.
"It's a long story and I don't really want to tell it here where so many people can listen to us. And to be completely honest, it's still very hard for me to talk about it." I said after I sighed deeply and then swallowed hard.
"What's the matter, Y/N? Are you too much of a coward to tell Roman's mother that you're married?" said Brenda who suddenly appeared next to me.
"What?" I asked, horrified.
"What is she talking about, Y/N?" wanted Pat to know.
"I'm talking about the fact that Miss L/N, at home, has a husband and a son.She's just playing with your son. Because I'm sure the poor guy has no idea. And her husband certainly doesn't either." she blurted out, her voice dripping with disdain.
Everything went silent. Not a single sound was heard. And yet all eyes were on me.
"Y/N... is that true?" gasped Pat.
"Where did you get this information?" asked I as I stood up to be face to face with Brenda.
"Oh, you wouldn't believe how easy it is to find out things about someone if you just put in a little effort." she sneered.
Tears began to run down my cheeks and my hands clenched into fists. I was really about to either run away or slap her. But then I suddenly heard Roman's deep voice behind me.
"What's going on here?" he also wanted to know.
"Come on, Y/N... Tell him. Roman deserves the truth!" she continued to tease.
"You want the truth? You want me to tell you the truth? I was married, that's true. But maybe you should have been a little thorough with your research.... My husband is dead! My son is dead! They were killed by a drunk asshole driver!" I screamed, my voice getting louder with each word.
Then I turned around and just wanted to leave. Far, far away. Thanks to this horrible woman, everyone now knew my secret and from now on, pity and awkwardness would follow me here as well.
I only got a few steps away. Roman grabbed me by the arms and pulled me tightly to his chest. One hand rested on the back of my head while the other stroked my back soothingly.
"I've got you, angel. It's all good. Shhh... shhh.... shhh...." he murmured soothingly.
But the tears did not stop. I was shaking all over as I desperately clung to Roman. He was my rock, because I needed him so much at that moment.
"You can rest assured, Brendas, that this is your last day in WWE today. I will personally make sure of that. That was more than one step over the line. And just so you know, I know all about Y/N's past. You are a backstabbing, two-faced bitch. And I will not accept what you just did. You thought she was lying to me. You thought you could break us up. Well, you thought wrong. The only thing you've broken up is you and your career," Roman said to her in a threatening voice.
And even though I was so agitated, I could hear the growl in his chest and how hard he was trying to keep his voice calm. He sounded very dangerous.
Without another word, he picked me up and carried me away from this place. I didn't care where he took me. As long as he was with me. Part of me wished that what had just happened was just a nightmare, but I knew I wasn't that lucky.
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Pen emoji for vytt and kytt and one more for uriah!
Vytt and kytt will be done together since they are deeply connected to one another.
These two are my bad guys. Like i intentionally make them awful. I listen to a true crime podcast and sometimes i hear something so horrifying i am like “oh… write that down for vytt and kytt”. So you have vytt, a serial killer, and kytt who is a rampant sex offender that went to the flame legion for a very obvious reason.
My recent addition to their past has been deepening their own childhood trauma because i learned recently of modern places people will pay to put their children who are just “too much” whether due to trauma or autism into that still practice horrid techniques of physical torture, humiliation, and sexual assault on children in the guise of making them into good citizens. It was semi-shocking to hear of this still being practiced into the 2000’s and clearly all built up on the horrors from residential schools.
The sad part is if you go through rylands past you can see atleast 18?years ago the fahrar still used brutal near death punishment to cubs. All for the sake of making a good soldier. So you have two cubs- one who is visually an outcast even if he is brilliant and one who isnt good at anything and is often humiliated for it. However just like many of the other they didn’t have to go down the path they did. Another student, Octavos, took that abuse and went on to demand changes in the legions, even if it was often ignored in grothmar. He advocated for better surveillance and preventions of abuse, for a more united unsegregated fahrar system to support interlegion work, fought for the ceasefire (previously saving humans lives when it was dangerous and not looked kindly to do so), and more. But he was also a tribune based in grothmar at a early age and so had that voice to try and enact the changes or atleast start making people think about the change even if those around him preferred the old ways.
Regardless a massive slew of things made vytt and kytt easy targets for flame legion recruitment. Vytt was interested in power. He could see a niche to carve out. Kytt who has recognized his mesmer powers by now just wants the sex. They kidnapped two blood legion soldiers who had similar horns and body shapes and killed the warband (that reluctantly took them as cubs but would put them under the bus first). They scorched the bodies in a way that would suggest flame legion and ash would accept them all dead. Untill Tribune Octavos met Vytts cub.
As flame legion soldiers they were two very odd choices. Vytt convinced them to make him into a spy so the flame legion threw him to a monster they assumed would kill him quick (he aint a magic user anyway) but one of the things that made him special for scout work and spy work was the fact that kytt, who didnt want to do any of that, tattooed him with magic. He made a connection between them so if vytt needed Mesmer magic like disguises or portals he can easily pull kytts power and use it (all while kytt stays in the flame citadel trying to impresss the traditional elemental shamans that a mesmer shaman would do them great stuff)
That monster was Cruciata. She was a high legion interrogator with a particular hatred for flame legion. And boy was she a thorn on their sides because she would have important members kidnapped and they would be killed once she had the info she needed. Or worse she would throw them back to the flame legion with as a cruel cruel joke because whatever charr who came under her fingers were destroyed. The worst part to some shamans was the fact that however she was getting her info it was clear she got it accurate and the legions staved off the expansion into high legion territories because of it. And vytt took a different angle to this issue. He had watched her and realized something peculiar- she enjoyed the human cultural tradition of wooing and would spit in your face if you tried to bed her in the crude charr ways. Looking into her apartment at the black citadel it was even clearer that she had a soft spot for what were traditionally human things. Stolen instruments, flowers, the dresses she wore… and so he decided to romance her.
He played himself off as an unfortunate gladium from grothmar. One who would approach her with flowers and poetry, somwthing he enjoyed as a cub. It worked and when she suddenly disappeared for 9 months (or however many months it takes for charr to have cubs) the flame legion was impressed.
He would occasionally be whisked away to other places to do spy or dirty work for the flame legion. The only time kytt did work was rooting out mesmer ash soldiers and giving them to vytt or whatever flame legion was available who wanted to torture some poor soldier. Vytt never knew his dear mother that he was closw to died this way. He wouldnt have joined the flame if he did.
Vytt and cruciata would continue to get close but she was so embarrased that she fell for a gladium that everything was secret- just as vytt preferred. Sometimes she would foolishly talk about what she was doing and vytt would pass that info onto the flame legion. He learned when his cub came of age, a cub he never met untill later in life, that the reason she was able tonget the info out of charr as good as she did was because something about the magic in their inherited blood mixed with a ancient spell meant they could rifle through their brain if they specified just right what they were searching for. Vytt fell in love with her. With her admirable cruelty and the way she kept encouraging him to write. Become a poet! Become a singer! He almost did but power was waved in his face before he decided on ot. She had kidnapped a very very high up flame shaman and the flame legion wanted her gone once and for all. He will become a tribune and the flame legions scouting and spy master while kytt will become a high shaman as part of the deal.
And he took it. He would invite cruciata on a date, knock her out, and be the one to plunge the blade that would cause her to burn to ash from the inside out. He would be promoted and kytt would become even more a menace in the flame legion but he would save people when the commander helps rytlock, logan, and the pact take down gaheron. Someone had to get the citizens to safety and his mesmer magic worked long enough to hide them untill they got to a safe area. Afterall there was massive sentiment among the high legions that all flame legion should be wiped clean and the charr were in a frenzie to do just so. You think they would have believed anyones words of peace back then? Especially from male flame legion shamans like Efram?
They didnt stay for the scarlet stuff. He and kytt would break away and be their own thing But i have to go to work so i guess i should atop gushing about vytt and kytt and go onto uriah
Now hes partyly kytts story because he is one of kytts cubs. Kytt had many other cubs and coulsnt seem to have boys. They just kept being born female which was second class in flame legion. Hes the first one born since he had become a high shaman. He convinced a centuries old shaman family to let him marry one of their daughters.. They were reluctant but gaheron sealed that deal. Uriah was soon born- an albino intersex cub. Kytt being the awful man he was was disgusted by this and demanded his young wife kill the cub so he wouldnt be associated with it but she refused. He divorced, with some violence, and convinced gaheron to drop her to a slave class for her decision to keep the cub.
Unsure what uriahs gender was he was sent to a female fahrar but he soon dropped out. His mother had been caught smuggling cubs out of the flame legion and helping people who were left for dead. She was a trained doctor after all. Kytt suggested that they should cut her arms off for the punishment and woth that uriah came home to help her cook and clean and eventually he would learn some of her nursing skills. She would take uriah with her to bandage one charr, help anothwr. It was a rough beginning but uriah would donit all over just for his mom.
Uriah will grow to be more masculine and with that he was given a apprenticeship, ironically also due to kytts influence, with a welder/blacksmith because the cub was good with making things from scraps. As a teen he would quietly make friends with others who wanted equality in the flame legion, to modernize and to give a truce to the high legions. He and his little ragtag warband would start to influence and get people to join their currently silent revolution. Uriah was good with words and having been who he was, a intersex charr that many knew from the fact he would help heal the downtrodden with his mother, he was a bit of the spokesperson and the one who could bring up words that moved people.
He and his warband sadly made the mistake to start this at the immediate aftermath of the attack on the flame citadel. They assumed with gaheron dead they could overthrow the old order. It failed. Too many shamans were still alive as scarlet hadnt mutilated them yet and many of the general populace was scared for their lives if they showed support. It would be ciolently crushed and only uriah would be left alive from his warband all because kytt thought it a crueler punishment.
With uriah known his mother begged him to leave. Either a flame legion shaman will kill him or a high legion soldier will since they talked of total destruction of the flame legion. He would relent, sadly saying goodbye to his mother and quietly escape. He would find a pact camp, announce he was a gladium because of the flame legion fight who was tired of the legions and wanted to help a bigger cause. He was good at welding. He would become a pact welder who was shy and kept to himself
Anyway i got to work so this is what you get
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
The Voice In His Head - Comic Script
Endwalker - lvl 83
Wolfram faces his greatest foe. Before facing a primal.
CW: Alcoholism, Mental Health, PTSD, mention of thoughts of self harm (no actions)
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number. A/B mean a frame is split.
Narrator - "I'm not going to catch you up for this one. It’s a doozy so just go read the previous comic - In From The Cold. It has a good summary as well." Wolf on the moon. At the top of the tower looking over at Zodiark. Dark Thought - 'You really think you'll stand a chance against that? You're going to die. Although I suppose that means we’ll both finally get what we want.'
Wolf pondering. Thought - ‘…perhaps I could try speaking to Zodiark? Reason with him. I don't understand this at all. Why is Zodiark "evil" and Hydaelyn "good"? Zodiark didn't let Ysayle die. He didn't steal Minfilia away to be his puppet. If what Emet-Selch said is true, that primal over there saved the world. Perhaps everyone is judging him unfairly?’ Dark Thought - 'There you go again, empathizing with your enemies. What else could a monster do but want to make friends with other monsters?'
Wolf annoyed - "Oh would you stop it already?! Godsdammit… I'm talking out loud to you again." Dark Thought - 'Stop what? Clearly you want to talk to me or I wouldn't be here. I'll never stop. You *need* me.' Wolf says - “It is strangely easier to talk to you now… now that I know what you are.”
Wolf pondering - “… why are you your own voice? I asked Rau about what he hears and it's just himself… like - still a cruel bastard like you but not separate. Also, far less frequent. He's beating himself up I suppose? …but you’ve actually tried to kill me. A few times.”
Wolf confused, pacing - “So am I, right? If you *are* me… then you're simply stating what I think about myself…So why are you separate from my usual thoughts? So very different that I believed it when you claimed to be the voidsent?” Dark Thought - 'Oh, you're so close! So close to saying it! Why did you make me? Why do you *need* me and he doesn't? Come on - what's the biggest difference between the two of you. He told you himself years ago.'
Wolf furrows his brow, leaning forwards against the railing. “I… I don't know.” Dark Thought - 'Come now, surely you do. You remember everything from that night. The night he broke your heart and cast you out of your home. What was he so upset about?'
Wolf ponders sadly - “Well…he was upset about my past. The things I'd done. Understandably so.” Dark Thought - 'No, that was just the idea you latched onto because you didn't understand him properly. He was disturbed - sure. Horrified - most definitely. But what *really* set him off? How about another clue, eh?'
Wolf crosses his arms, annoyed - “You could simply tell me. You're me. If you know then I know.” Dark Thought - 'I can’t make it that easy on you. You deserve to struggle. It's all you deserve. So - here’s your clue. Recently, he told you that he could kill you if he needed to. That it wouldn't destroy him. He wasn't lying, despite how much he loves you. And he told you why.'
Wolf leans with his back against the railing - “... because he already blames himself for so many deaths… that one more wouldn't tip the scales essentially. …Poor Rau, he carries so much guilt with him. Blames himself even when he need not.” Dark Thought - 'Ah… you're *so close*. Now - back to the difference between you two. The thing that made him so furious he shoved you away and stormed out claiming he'd have you arrested if he ever saw you again.'
Wolf confused - “Well...he said I shifted the blame, that my family's death was my fault - not the Garleans. Which is true. I’m not sure why I reacted that way... Yet not long afterwards I did accept it. I've spent my life trying to make amends.” Dark Thought - ‘Yes, but the guilt. Do you carry it with you as he does? Do you take it out from time to time? Stare at it. Think about it?'
Wolf annoyed - “I feel guilt! Of course I do! Hells you're always reminding me what a horrible monster I am. Why do I need to think any more on it. It's there and you remind me every chance you get. You - '
Wolf surprised, finally understanding - "Oh! You're relentless. You're too much. Just berating me until I break down into a sobbing mess. So I do what I've been doing for the past 13 years. I have a drink… to put you away. To quiet you enough that I may go about my day. Get done what needs doing… because if I'm fighting. If I'm helping people. I'm not paying attention to you…a…”
Wolf ponders, hand to his head in confusion - “um…a…manifestation of my guilt that I ignore and distract myself from because otherwise I’d be so overwhelmed I couldn’t function?"
Wolf ponders curiously, looking up at his forehead. Thought - ‘What? Nothing to say now? Alright then… I know what I need to do. Stop distracting myself. And now that I know what you really are, maybe I won’t be overwhelmed? Perhaps I’m finally ready? I’ll take the guilt out and examine it. Let myself feel it… *really* feel it. I will, I swear it.’
Shot of Wolf leaning over with his hands on the railing looking over at Zodiark. Thought - 'As soon as I deal with that thing. My last distraction. But from now on you're not separate. I may still be broken… but my mind is my own.'
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
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polarisdelphi · 8 months
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Another character sheet I did of another character from the ~thing~ I'm writing: Elisabeta!
Like I said before, the art, the design, the writing, the character is all mine. And I'm pretty happy on how she turned out in the drawing, because I had a very specific look for Elisabeta and, luckily, I managed to achieve it *cries in artist tears*
Her looks, actually, was very much inspired by Gigi Goode. Gigi is very beautiful and terribly talented, she was the only face that popped up in my mind while writing a female powerhouse that is Elisabeta.
Also, Elisabeta is my first trans ftm character and I was so happy she managed to come out as a fully-fledged character rather than a staple - she actually matters a lot to the story and now I'm so attached I want to give her more book time :')
And I'm only saying this because, I dunno, I don't like writing diverse characters only to fill a quota. I want their characteristics to matter to them, but I don't want that to be all they are - I hope I'm making sense here. I was glad to be able to make a character that reflects her character, hopes and dreams just like any other person and any other characters - and not another one of those "here, have a diversity character whose personality is only that and who'll disappear without any actual consequences to the story"
More on her and the story below the cut!
Olympia is a city that will eat you alive if you give it the chance. Many survive in it, but few actually make it.
The Wolves of the Kárpati are known and dangerous, being one of the most feared mobsters in Olympia. They are a family and can - and will - protect themselves and eliminate everything in their way. The Alpha of the Wolves, their boss, is always one of the most respected - both by law enforcement or mercs trying to make it in the city of broken dreams.
Elisabeta assumed as the Alpha right after the passing of her father, having to prove herself fit to be the first woman to ever lead the Kárpati - born as a boy, she always hid her true self while competing with her vicious brother, Omor, who would take over; having to admit who she really was and face her father, fighting for his approval, wasn't easy - but, in the end, he died happy knowing his beloved daughter would be a perfect Alpha and make the Kárpati thrive.
Omor didn't accept things as well, though. Even if his sister is Alpha, he doesn't lose the opportunity to sting her with misgendering or bringing up her previous past when she wasn't really herself. Elisabeta only accepts this behaviour because of their sibling bond, but, after she learns horrifying truths from Omor's daughter, her most beloved person in the world that she loves as her own daughter, Elisabeta is ready to show how vicious and merciless she can be.
"I don't enjoy violence for violence's sake. But you hurt me - or worse, you hurt one of my own - I will watch you bleed slowly at my feet, with a smile on my face, having you beg for mercy even when you know, deep in your heart, there is none inside my own." - Elisabeta, sitting by her desk, regal posture, cup of tea on her table, watching you with a glint of fire in her glowing red eyes.
I am still learning how to write trans characters, though. if something isn't well written or too vague and seeming like I'm glossing over, please, feel free to tell me. I'm always willing to learn and I'm still developing my character writing skill!
(alsoooo English isn't my first language, so yeaaaah, it'll be nice to know if some ideas aren't as well articulated as I thought HAHAHA)
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aromanticle · 1 year
on top of that i also have to admit that every single bad experience i've had this past year + few months with people were all really my fault
i literally cannot blame someone for not knowing they were making me uncomfortable and hurting me especially when i encouraged them so much
i had a very bad night yesterday at sagu's boyfriend's house and this night her other bf was here while i was putting on my makeup and he was like mostly joking around but instead of telling him to stop i was just. honestly straight up encouraging him to make me as uncomfortable as possible. not directly but i know he couldnt have possibly known i was feeling pretty awful. neither could the guy last night when i willingly went to his house and said "yes im staying the night" and gave zero signs that i actually wished i was anywhere but there, because deep inside that's not true and i wanted to make myself feel bad so much that instead of asking him to drive me home i stayed in his room sitting on the floor next to the outlet because i felt too uncomfortable and unsafe to sleep. if i actually didn't want to feel unsafe i wouldn't keep coming back to people who treat me badly and couldn't care less about me, i wouldnt have accepted marcus's proposal, i wouldnt keep making new meeff accounts and wandering away from my friends and trying so hard to make the shadiest looking guys in any given place notice me. no matter how you look at it im the only reason i keep having really bad experiences every other week.
except for this time, which i guess is what makes it so infinitely worse and scarier and more traumatizing and its why i have been cryiing in anger and disgust and shame and why the moment i walked into a safe place those memories were instantly blocked and repressed and maybe even entirely forgotten. ive been actively looking for awful things to happen to me and ive put so much effort into making myself as vulnerable and easy to hurt as possible to satisfy my own desires that i forgot how it feels to experience things i actually don't want as opposed to things that would be terrible in any other context except for this very specific one, where even though i feel awful, its the kind of awful that brings back a certain sense of comfort and possibly nostalgia.
this, somehow, makes the whole situation so much worse. to think that all this time i thought i was re-living my early childhood in a way that would help me get over it when in fact i was just suffering for no reason and now that i got to experience what it really was like back then i realize it is as absolutely devastating and horrifying as i thought. i should have known because it hasnt even been that long. in fact, sometimes i randomly feel really bad and immediately know why. i should have known my silly little attempts at making myself the victim of several different things do not feel the same as actually having something really bad happen for real. i guess i just thought i was over it and it didnt hurt me anymore but i only felt that way because i was intentionally putting myself through it. in conclusion im so stupid i regret everything i dont want to ever leave my house again im in pain i want to sleep i want to go back in time i want to have never been born but i also know none of this will stop me from going right back into doing everything i just said i regret
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