#b lister
19 days tell Heartstopper season 3
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blitheringbongus · 5 months
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blisterthigh · 6 months
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old but 90s domino save me
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deathbypufferfish · 7 months
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So today the divorce was finalized... Marinella got custody of all the kids and Ume took ALL of the money. Things ended bitterly and terribly between these two, despite how hard Marinella tried... :(((
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age-of-moonknight · 1 month
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“Three Moments,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #8.
Writer: Jed Mackay; Penciler and Inker: Devmalya Pramanik; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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listerbirdloml · 1 year
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i enjoy lister very much and i support this message (8/????)
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catboylister · 2 months
lister bird the type of guy to self sabotage when a relationship is going too well because he has a chronic fear of commitment and and abandonment issues 🫶
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When ya'll told me I was crazy for saying s5 is gonna take up to a year to film and so I stayed quiet, but now it's low-key being confirmed:
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#byler#stranger things#i tried to tell you guys#even if they could finish filming it all in 7 months#they still aren't able to because of scheduling conflicts with the cast#if this was s1 and they had mostly unknown actors#they could get it done quicker#the problem is they're all a/b-listers now#meaning they are high in demand#meaning that they all have to negotiate and plan their scheduling so that they are able to film everything#this means that some actors could be unavailable to film a few months out of the total months allowed for filming#meaning that adding on a few extra months is going to accommodate a lot of those conflicts#and that's not even including unforeseen delays#more often than not they will take longer than they estimate bc it just happens#so if they said it would be early 2024 that filming would be complete#you could hope it's Jan 1st#but it's more likely to be April#and then even in that scenario you might as well shoot for May/June#the good news is that time goes by a lot fucking faster than we realize#and by the time filming is done early/mid 2024#they'll have a good 8+ months to do post production#i do think that it's likely March 21st 2025 is a big possibility after this new atlanta extra posting#that would mean filming ending in june/july 2024#and then i'd imagine they would be able to have it done by like January if they really wanted to#but why do that when they can get another 2 months of wiggle room and less sleepless nights with a March release#that release date would also be them acknowledging Will's birthday which is likely to be explored right away at the start of s5#march 21st would allow them to re-contextualize stuff from 4x01 that wasn't brought to light...#who knows for certain though!#we could see a vol 1 in late 2024 if they want to roll it out asap#but i just don't think they want to
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secondtolastart · 2 months
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and loose the dogs of whatever
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the-quasar-hero · 8 months
The new Suicide Squad game is, somewhat unsurprisingly, not being received well by the gaming community. Largely due to its gameplay mechanics. Still, I’d like to address a more obvious aspect; the line up they chose for the playable characters. In this game you can play as Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark. Three relatively dangerous human beings and an aquatic demigod. The main objective of the game is to kill the Justice League members that have taken over by Brainiac. The League members include Flash, Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman. Out of all them, the only member I think they’d have a chance against is Batman. Harley Quinn is a great character, and a deadly fighter; but she’s not taking out Superman. Especially not a Superman who’s no longer encumbered by morals and doesn’t hesitate to kill. I also don’t see any of them taking out Green Lantern either. I think it’s strange they picked this tier of superheroes for the players to go up against when most players logically know they shouldn’t stand a chance.
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creaturefeaster · 11 months
assuming host ages aren't secretly around it already (unlikely), how old do you think the mimes would be if they were living? ignoring that they're all like the same age. like, personally, i can't see foxglove being older than 20 and so on so forth
Host ages are generally not related to their social maturity, yes. And social maturity is what I'll be basing these ages on-- as in, based on the way they tend to act in the midst of conversation-- or perhaps a little more like how aged the living tend to perceive them. Some mimes are a little harder to pin to an age than others.
Assuming the typical human age range:
Uppsulka: 43~
Foxglove: 22~27
Caela: 18~22
Maggie: 16~20
Rede: 20~30
Twiddle: 35~45
Chickenstab: 18~25
Holly: 25~
Jarna: 36~
TyV: 50~55
Ching: 19~24
Calamea: 28~32
El Ganso: 22~26
Atrox: 25~35
Weepy: 20~
Gotta reiterate, these are not ages I've based them around. Purely based on a locally perceived maturity level. Don't take this as gospel.
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wheerl · 1 year
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knight-says-rollout · 2 years
OK so taking inspiration from @novafire-is-thinking ‘s current robot husband poll and with a final boost from @kittaykattz & @mech-mantis in a post a few days ago
I will be hosting a b-list robo partner poll
(I’m bad at names. Tell me if y’all have any better suggestions)
After this there will be a 2nd poll for c-list characters, so if your super obscure little guy isn’t on here it’s just bc these ones aren’t all that obscure! That poll will be more similar to the one requested in the post that led to this but I want to take more time to gather the characters for it and this poll will be good to figure out how this’ll work
The bots included will be general less popular characters, though a good amount of them aren’t gonna be unknown
The current cast list So Far is as follows:
Cheetor & Scorponik (they’re maybes atm because I don’t know beast wars that well)
Blast off
Drag strip
Dead end
Long haul
First aid
Inferno (?????? I can’t tell if hes popular or not bc he’s popular to Me. To Me he matters a Lot but he could be on either Tracks level or Prowl level I Don’t Know. Same for Red Alert. Please help.)
Please recc more characters if you want!!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Cluemaster: Hey, bro, I know I never call...
Kiteman: You did drunk call me that one time.
Cluemaster: I already said I was sorry for spreading around that you were in love with your kite and calling you to brag about it. As you said I was hella drunk and angry your weird ass podcast somehow now has the same level of fans as my old gameshow. Who the fuck cares that much about kites? Or C list vilany?
Kiteman: Did you just call to remind me why I hate you?
Cluemaster: Of course not, Chucky boy, your my favorite lil bro.
Kiteman: Arthur... I'm your only brother.
Cluemaster: Yeah? You're still my favorite.
Kiteman: Okay. Fine. What do you want?
Cluemaster: You're good with kids right?
Kiteman: Oh do you want me to babysit little Steph? I haven't see her since she was a baby! That'll be soo much fun!
Cluemaster: Oh, no, no. She is too old for a babysitter. I kindda called 'cause I need your advice.
Kiteman: Sure. Go on.
Cluemaster: How would you stop a prank war between your teen daugther and your bussiness partner that happens to be living at your house?
Kiteman: Woah. Define prank war?
Cluemaster: Like they just being annoying with each other... like non-stop Shrek music and painting one of her walls green?
Kiteman: Are you working with a child, Artie?
Cluemaster: No. Childrem are not really good at puzzle robberies.
Kiteman: So who the hell is in a prank war with your fourteen year old daugther? Is it that Polka Dot weirdo?
Cluemaster: ... Riddler.
Kiteman: Be honest, Arthur.
Cluemaster: I am!
Kiteman: Why the fuck would he work with you? Didn't he like was brought on to one of your trials and tried to sue you for being a copycat?
Cluemaster: No idea. I don't really remember all my trials.
Kiteman: Fair. Still isn't he like an actual treat? Like Batman actually tries to be always involved in his crimes instead of just sending a Robin or a cop kindda treat? Or hangs out with Cooblepot and Harley Quinn and fucking Catwoman and even Scarecrow and Joker kindda treat?
Cluemaster: Yes, so what?
Kiteman: He is waaay above your league. How the fuck do you got him to work with you?
Cluemaster: He is working for me because he recognizes my genius.
Kiteman: *sarcasm* Yeah, sure. At least it explains why I've been hearing that your plans don't totally suck anymore.
Cluemaster: Will you help me or not?
Kiteman: Anything for little Steph. But seriusly bro, the guy is a mentally instable killer, he is real Arkham loonie, A-lister and all this shit are you sure is safe to have him living with you? Specially if he and Stephanie are fighting!? She is just a kid! What if this prank war thing escalates and next thing she is in saw type death trap or something?
Cluemaster: Well than help me not to! I can't just kick him out, do you know how much I've been proffiting later?
Kiteman: And also he is an instable killer that used to hate you and wouldn't react well to being kicked out?
Cluemaster: Yeah, this too. Look I think you're overestimating the guy. He is smart and all and he can take a punch but I could take him out real easy in a one on one. He screamed like a little girl when he found a roach in the kitchem. I think I'll be fine.
Kiteman: Sure, you do you.... Maybe.... you could just.... help them find something they have in common? A TV show they like or something. It used yo work with us. They will bond over the thing and forget they hate each other for a bit.
Cluemaster: See was it that hard to help me?
*Chuck hangs up*
[Three months later]
Cluemaster: Chuck! I need help!
Kiteman: Can you call in another time? I'm bowlling with the guys, Calendar Man and Condiment King cannot win a second time, one weird rap about their love conquering all was ENOUGHT.
Cluemaster: Is about the whole prank war between Nygma and Stephanie thing.
Kiteman: Oh. So I guess my advice didn't work.
Cluemaster: No, no, it did. It worked way to well actually.
Kiteman: *worried* That sounds bad.
Cluemaster: Yeah... it happened that the thing they had in common was that they really hate me.
#this might be the start of a brown family au#because i have a lot of feelings about them#for me kiteman is actually a pretty chill down to earth guy besides the whole kite crimes thing#and instead of the tragic backstory were his kid died in the dumbest riddler plan ever#he just always wanted to have a family but he is too akward and has some nd coding and didn't had the chance yet#so he wants to bond with steph because she is his niece and all#but he and arthur don't have a good or stable relationship and he haven't been there for steph and she doesn't even know about him#so he is just afraid of talking to her#he and arthur started fighting because their parents divorced when they were 13/15 and they stayed with different parents#also while i preffer charlie a lot Cluemaster is a B Lister here while Kiteman is a C/D Lister#Kiteman is friends with all Gotham C-listers with the exception of Polka Dot Man because they just don't hang in the same places#they have some misinformation about each other and think the other is a freak but they would be pals if they meet#cluemaster hangs with b listers and non gothamite c listers#chuck actually got relieved after the last bit cause he imagine grooming or steph becaming a killer or smt real bad#he actually likes Riddler a bit after that because sibbling rivalry and because he is starting to realize Arthur is a shitty dad#Eddie did try to sue Arthur in Arthur's first trial#he was called to testimony why Arthur shouldn't go to Arkham and it was when he discovered that you can't copyright a criminal mo#it was also his first time on trial cause some rogues are considered unfit to stand trial and he is one of them#riddler#edward nygma#stephanie brown#arthur brown#cluemaster#kiteman#chuck brown#cheatday is @sillymanwithocs ship I'm just borowing it
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I don’t think you people understand that trump does not share the beliefs of his followers. he would not fucking think that
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imaginarydaughterz · 3 months
it's so isolating how no one seems to understand how to talk to me or react to my self harming. it's either disgust or avoidance, but always with disappointment mixed in. it breaks my heart every time and confirms there's really something truly wrong with me at my core
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