#babby jai...
starryscale-art · 2 months
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10 year old jai~!
he was a kindhearted ,boisterous child 💙
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myewten · 1 year
Jay Oneshot
suggestive and jay is with another girl, angst, alcohol consumption, idk if it counts as smut, no proofreading and it's 3am so yolo
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well quiet enough for a club, exactly how Jay likes it. the quiet that could only be provided in one of the club's VIP rooms but not quiet enough as he's still with his friends and his acquaintance for the night that he so humbly invited to join in on what seems like a gathering for nepotism babbies. it's a room where the only keys to entering are power and lust.
another lucky star was within his grasps that night, so full of hope that she won't be discarded after his drunken egotistical lust. a victim of the prime bachelor and a hopeless tramp that so desperately bats her eyelashes at him in Jay's eyes. another bottle of beer to clench his thirst for fine aged wine. this will do, it has to.
jay promptly finishes his whisky as he feels the touch of the woman getting to risky in front of his elite friends. he should harvest the seeds of his patience from her constant inappropriate touches. something only you could do properly, the way only your touch excites him.
so he takes her outside where she can proudly boast that she got a hold of the Jay Park. where she can where him like a trophy whilst onlookers silently feel bad for the naive forgettable girl. in her mind there was hope that maybe she'd be kept. that maybe, just maybe, she could be you.
nobody could be you.
fate was a cruel being, especially to Jay. There he saw you, in a revealing yet sophisticated emerald dress; drinking by the bar with your best friends. You were breathing, something straight out of his wet dreams and nightmares. Something that no longer belonged to him. And he knows that all to well when he sees the man he was supposed to be embrace your delicate waist in a casual yet possessive hold.
there he met the eyes of the man that from the beginning was always there by your side, and could give you the life he could never provide despite his wealth. the man he knew that's been waiting for him to fuck up in order to swoop you away and into his arms. but in the end, Jay knew that you were at least safe in Jake's arms.
a look was shared between the two men and a smirk grew on the winner of the night.
his rough hands descended near your rear and a playful look was only given in response. an act of encouragement and a sign for Jake to stop his teasing. And a big "fuck you" for the onlooking man by the staircase.
and so out of frustration, Jay guides the girl of whom's name he forgot to his sport car. He'd fuck the jealousy and regret once again. at this point he wasn't even in the mood to bring her back to his home. the parking lot will do for now.
the car was fogging up from the passion of his frustrations. his mind fogging up with the memories of you and your touch. you were once in her position, but now that may never happen again. but he couldn't blame you, after all he chose this. he chose to be someone that couldn't be tied down. he chose to be someone that only fucks around with a person once. and he chose to fuck another woman while having you in his life. and so he chose her tonight, because he forgot he'd chosen you.
and as the climax of his haze comes to an end, it was your name that he wept. as Jake's name was now yours to scream.
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modern-inheritance · 12 days
I tried out the mix I had in mind.
Thoughts? Critiques? Comments? Help?? Advice?????
I guess I'm doing a meet up sequence with Murtagh and Arya before Eragon's portion now lol. Murtagh comforts the kids and their young protector, the new Urgal Dragon Rider Uusha and his partner Sevi, before leaving them in the now locked room to hide until the fight is over. Murtagh takes a moment to breathe, reflecting on having to kill again, the children and hatchling's readiness to accept him and go to him for comfort. Arya drops in (literally) to double check he is who he looks like, fistbump, they both go off to kill some more invading asshats.
All the music is from Jay Rivera-Herrans EPIC: The Musical. I used clips from an instrumental/no vocals version of Monster and the unreleased/clipped song King/Odysseus. And some footsteps sounds.
EDIT: it’s not perfect don’t get me wrong but I can’t figure out any other way. I COULD have it end with Murtagh’s stabbing the guy. I’d do another ‘this happened’ really short animatic later to bridge the gap but I really want Murtagh interacting with these kiddos and dragon babby.
I’ll see if I can trail out the end of the stab a bit somehow to smooth that transition. Wish there was a sorta smudge tool I could use to do that. I’ll check Audacity. I’ll mess with the Monster bits as well.
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ronenhfame · 2 years
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Ronen Rubinstein with his band Nights in Stereo
“Hello New York! Some of you may know the fact I am fellow New Yorker! staten island babby! I came to the states at 5 to New York and loved this amazing city from the star. It soon became my home and and a place I will always love!”
“I started acting and love it and that is passion in my life for sure but last year with my friends  Jonny Shoer (who waves when named) and Rodrigo R. Rodarte  (waves and stands) got bored one night and starting jamming and figured we didn’t sound to bad.... and a year later we have two amazing singles and more to come! So enjoy our set!” 
cover: red hot chili peppers - scar tissue
cover: kings of leon - sex on fire
cover: JAY-Z - Empire State Of Mind
Cover with Harry Styles:   Late Night Talking
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inonibird · 3 years
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Chapter 4 of Part Three - Sahuldeem of the Sahuldeem series is up!
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sherlolly-siya · 4 years
All I'm gonna talk about.. until the episode airs:
Why so pretty 😍 😍 [the costume designer has done a fab job 👏👏]
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Someone talk to me on this. My heart is exploding! Tell me he said "you look beautiful" with those puppy heart-eyes 😭
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yamuraiiha · 4 years
What if I....wrote about Raihan and Leon raising a baby trapinch together.....haha just kidding.......unless?
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fedora-cat · 4 years
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slytherpuff98 · 4 years
C2 for jay??
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" Aw ~ Aren't you the cutest babby ever?! "
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starryscale-art · 2 months
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lunar eclipse
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hoodedmenace · 4 years
you have a very different definition of fun -- bruce.
   “I think I have the perfect definition of fun,” Jason hums, obnoxiously popping a purple bubble in the Bat’s direction. He’s not entirely sure how gum wound up in his utility belt—probably Alfred—but he’s not going to question it. “I mean, look at all these rolling hills of rich neighbors we never see.” Jason gestures grandly outward, nearly unseating himself off the hood of the Batmobile. Bristol county spreads out around them, flooding away from the Wayne Manor that they can just barely see through the mist rising from the river, cut by a very squiggly, but very maintained-road that leads towards Gotham. “I mean, yeah, driving to the Batcave really fast is fun and all, but when’s the last time you actually had a joyride that didn’t involve out-pacing the cops because the criminal mastermind is faster than them? Look, I’m serious, hit that hill over there with at least eighty miles per hour and you’ll go SO airborne. It’ll be totally worth it.”
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Oh, shit. He hadn’t expected to see another human out here. The teen tensed, gripping his (clearly inexperienced, wooden) spear tightly with both hands and jerking his arms back to one side, pointing the sharp end at this strange woman. He didn’t recognize her, and he knew no other humans were supposed to be on Bird World (aside from his own Diane, but that was a different, easily explained story.)
He dug his boots into the wet, soft ground, dampened by the light rain that had come with the storm that had hovered over the village all day. Probably, he wasn’t going to be able to really stand his ground, but he sure as shit was going to pretend that he could.
“Wh-wh-who are you? What do you- what do you want?”
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rated-restricted · 4 years
Hey... what about Johnny in C3 for that colorful outfit meme 👀
Here ya go Jaby, hope you like him!
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(Click for better quality if bad!)
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themerrymutants · 5 years
‘ you call that a hug? ’ (to young Jeremy? :'))
soft family things
Currently: accepting
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“Momma said if I’m not careful I might crack someone’s rib so I was being polite,” he said giggling.
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ghost-town-story · 3 years
“Right.” Jay sighed and pushed himself off of the wall. Thankfully, the world didn’t spin that badly at his movement. “How’s little Ay doing?”
Aydan winced. “Not great.”
Not great was a bit of an understatement. The fourteen-year-old version of Aydan was curled up in a corner, knees pulled up to her chest and face shielded by her long hair. Jay had forgotten just how long Aydan used to keep it.
“She hasn’t moved since we got here,” James muttered lowly. “And I don’t know how much we should tell her.”
“Paradox hell,” Jay sighed. “I’ll deal with it.” He crossed the room and settled in front of the girl, hating how she flinched at the sound of his footsteps.
She was so young. It was easier to overlook with himself and Basil; Basil had been trained by his father since the moment he could walk, and James had a certain weariness about him that could only come from knowing the vague shape of his future. But Jay had been Aydan’s first introduction into the world of Novas, and this Aydan wouldn’t meet him for another year and a half.
Jay sat quietly, waiting for Aydan to make the first move. Knowing her older self, he knew she would.
Eventually, his patience was rewarded as the curtain of blonde hair shifted, revealing just the hint of blue eyes. “I want to go home.”
“Okay.” Jay hated how scared and young she sounded. “I can take you home right now if you want.”
Aydan started to nod, but Jay continued. “Or, I can give you some answers on what the fuck just happened before I bring you home.”
That made Aydan pause. Even though he couldn’t see her face, Jay knew that kitten-like curiosity was battling to win out over her fear.
“You promise you’ll bring me home right after?”
“Promise.” Jay held out his pinkie. Somebody, probably the younger Basil, scoffed, immediately followed by a soft little ow as he was inevitably elbowed by one of the two other adults in the room. Jay kept his gaze on the younger Aydan.
Finally, she reached out and hooked her pinkie with Jay’s. “Okay.”
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immanueldid · 6 years
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