#babe treat urself better
slothgiirl · 2 years
the trashpile: dympna devers
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reader runs into dymphna while picking up some groceries. is cleaning out her dead alcoholic fathers place (who probs did drugs too,,mb?). she gets annoyed and snaps at him and he thinks its hot bc everyone else just does what he wants them too
reader takes a walk pretty late because shes sad that her dad died and even tho they had no relationship its like now theres no way he’ll get better and be a dad, hes just gone. dymphna pulls up in his car, tells her to get in, he’ll drive her back. she doesnt want to. he gets out of the car, leaving it running and talks her into taking a ride with her. (he was trying to be friendly in his own obnoxious grandiose way) they end up parking and drinking together and then they fuck. he complains shes prissy bc uni. reader comments uni is just fucking and going to class for exams. “maybe i shouldve gone to uni then?”
reader starts taking her dads stuff to donation centers. breaks apart the table and tries to figure out if she should just leave it on the curb or take it all the way there. takes a break outside, trying to work through the complicated emotions she has over his death. dymphna spots her and is like i can call arm to help u and shes all like oh why dont u just help urself, thinking hes sort of spoiled in the same way the posh girls at her boarding school were even though hes a pretty trashy wanna be gangster. hes all “id help with the right incentive” she tells him to fuck off but ends up blowing him (and getting him to help).
dymphna takes reader to bar. they play pool and he messes with her. reader notices ppl r looking at her and the way they treat him and she wasnt born yesterday like she knows what it means to be a devers but idk shes into his confident aggression. they have drinks and dymphna ditches arm to go fuck the reader back at his. readers like um dont ditch ur friend? but lets it go quick. wakes up alone and his sisters r like “u came out of nowhere” being bitchy and sussing reader out
reader runs into arm and his family. is not surprised his son is on the spectrum and offers to have her mom write a letter of recommendation so she can get the job at the school in Cork. “ur dymphna’s woman.” “hardly, think i'd remember agreeing to that” 
dymphna shows up at her house late at night and makes a fuss until she opens up. they fuck and he learns she handles customer complaints for some websites (compsci major) reader tries to make appointment to sell house but ends up delaying (still mourning her loss). dymphna takes her out for breakfast. 
reader wakes up at his house. this time dymphna is there and reader complains about the mold in the bathroom. they all give her shit for it and dymphna tells arm to figure that out but readers all no dont- charlie asks if its true she went to uni and reader says yeah, it was a bitch but i finished as dymphna pulls her onto his lap to watch tv. she means to get up and leave but feels comfortable and realizes she has a lot of feelings for him
theres a party at the devers and reader and charlie find a corner and nurse a beer while charlie wonders if she might go to uni. reader goes to get another drink and sees dymphna and his uncle doing coke. reader passes on the coke (not stupid). dymphna makes introductions and his uncle comments its probably best she doesnt do coke (look at ursula) reader snaps that its not anyones fault and his uncle is like uve got lip (control ur woman) and dymphna tells her to shut the fuck up yeah babe? reader gets annoyed and goes to bed (when she should just leave) 
reluctantly cleans the bathroom bc fuck shes not using anything when she can see mold and grime built up (scale i think its called on tile?). complains to dymphna that hes a big fish small pond but still takes his uncles shit and dymphna yells at her getting pissed off that she doesnt understand how business is done. throw things at each other and fuck. after he talks about family and stuff (heavy implication he wants her to be his wife) ill take care of u. reader: i make 80k i dont need anyone
theres some party where ppl get pissed drunk. reader doesnt like dymphna getting high and drunk. it reminds her of her father only her dad got comatose and dymphna gets short tempered and somehow even more wild. charlie and reader hide out in her room. charlie mentions sooner or later he’ll come looking for her and readers like ill kick his arse. charlie laughs and asks if reader will help her with her schoolwork. totally. charlie: i thought u were leaving tho reader: idk anymore. finnigan stumbles in and reader tells charlie to go and throws a bottle at the man but misses. he pins her down on the bed but she manages to grab the lamp and smash it on his head. reader is shaking when dymphna comes in to see what the fuck is going on. reader is like “help me take care of this” he agrees. (shes way more hardcore and cool than he is)
reader has arm and dymphna make it look like finnigan was drunk and drove himself off a cliff. arm drives them back into town. dymphna holds reader close. “we take care of each other” “yeah” 
notes: charlie goes to uni and breaks the cycle. reader and dymphna have their weird toxic codependent relationship and reader eventually takes over the family business
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hongism · 1 year
hi sooo....
O______O wow...
U DID IT AGAINNNNNNN, im so.. im so shocked reading the new moc chapter and must i say i love ur interim chapters i think theyre so !!!!!!!!!! chefs kiss truly
okokok so im speechless.. but im thinking abt it now and ... (maybe this is also bc i recently jus binged like all of moc in like 3 days so its still fresh on my brain but) the very first chapters when mc was alr on the ship and and there was that one bit with san and they spent the night together and were talking and it was when she still was carrying around the pardon papers and they had like a heart to heart to be there for each other and the cheek kiss !!!!!! if im remembering right.. i remember sans reaction being written kinda awkward initially (ill have to eventually go back and find it) so it- it makes me wonder how fast hongjoong tried to come up w a plan to manipulate mc... also... my heartbroke even reading the prev chapter when mc was crying and telling san "why did u have to make me doubt ur feelings?" and then reading this chapter- i have hope for them i really do but i fear.. whats gonna happen once she finds the truth out bc... ik she will </3 and i fear its gonna be hongjoong.. But also..??? WAIT NO BC IM THINKING 80 MILLION THINGS RN.
THE DIALOGUE W MINGI........ MINGI AND MINHO..... minho being shocked that his intelligence is more than he lets on.... ITS MAKING ME WONDER LIKE... theyve all kinda treated mingi like Oh he's helpless or struggling rather, we need to care for him diligently-which is true, bro got demons fr but... then im wondering how much mingi really knows bc...?? i remember mingi saying smth to mc too about like "ask urself why it is that ur even trying to disobey in the first place?" or like idk they had that deep ass talk and.... idk.. im thinking abt it now though... what does mingi know.......
im also wondering... 1) if joong has a conscious LOL 2) no i definitely think he does after this but,,,,,,,,, we still dunno WHY he's become this way- why his demons are like this/why theyre presented this way bc in a way (LOL ME TRYNNA PSYCHOANALYZE HIM)... it seems like he keeps everyone at an arms length... except seonghwa i feel like.. at least for now.. but i saw that because he keeps to himself a lot even amongst the ship- so it seems... but he definitely changes the way he wants to come across people... 3) idk if i wanna hug him and tell him its gonna be alright or if i wanna box him LMFAOOO he is so damn crazy... and then jus the way minho described the way they played chess... everyone else doing his dealing... actually now that im thinking about it.. he's been called out quite easily before... so maybe he isnt as hard to read as he thought... in fact ik mc has been the one to call him out hella on his shit so.. i wonder if thats why he's so adamant on keeping her in shape.... oh joong ... babes what did u go thru 🤣🤣🤣🙁🙁🙁 u lil control freak u~~
anywho.. im also confused.... bc i can see that mc does wanna be approved and accepted (?) by joong yet also cant stand the authority he gives so its quite the paradox.........
rn im jus ranting sm... its like everythings clicking..
but also.. im curious.. hongjoong has only lost chess to yeosang among all the members... yet.. seonghwa is the lit. which ofc im gonna assume its also him being a siren that like he said "the closer he is to me the better".. but then if yeosang thought most like joong... why is yeosang just a pawn in joongs eyes ...? yeosang losing the wooyoung </3 lordddd i dont even wanna start... then minho saying he's excited to see how another crew member plays.. joong immediately thinking seonghwa... but interestingly enough im guessing its either san or yunho.. but my best bet is san given he's like another right hand man kinda guy to joong...
ill conclude on that note since its 3am rn... but wow U DID IT AGAINNNNN i love ur writing so much seriously <33333 thank u thank u thank u and im excited for more x
hi hehe :3 i'm so thrilled that you enjoy the interims that's such a relief and so nice to hear ;-;;
you're in the perfect position bc you remember what happened early on and can pick up on the crumbs i was dropping to make it alllll come full circle! what goes around comes around! not only are hongjoong's plans important to consider (ie when he implemented them, when he put them into action) but also both how san carried out his initial duty and when san started to slip away from that duty into something genuine! both those things will be explored and opened up in san's upcoming interim, that will help pull all the pieces together i hope so!! that scene with mc crying to san,,, i cried writing it and i know it made a lot of people doubt san and his feelings but!! please have hope!! there are SOOO many possibilities!! will hongjoong really leave san to lie in the grave he dug for himself or will he dig it deeper or try to help him out…? all remains to be seen :3
mingi is truly truly such a fun and fascinating character to both write and unveil to you guys ;-; he's exceptionally intelligent beyond the scope of understanding emotions period but he gets treated like he's dumber because he doesn't understand emotions bc in the others' eyes emotions are just simple and easy to understand. mingi def possesses a different kind of intelligence but that kind of intelligence is on the same level of yeosang iw ould say! so it's easiest to think of it as mingi has a different kind of smartness compared to someone like say,,,,jongho or san who both have very good and high emotional intelligence!
1) DOES the man have a conscience? this interim is very telling in that regard and his thought process and the what some would call "intrusive thoughts" really showcase who he is as a person!
2) there are so many layers to him and you really get it bc he does keep everyone at arms length, even seonghwa to some degree bc the whole reason him and seonghwa aren't together is bc hongjoong shut him down the moment seonghwa started expressing his feelings towards hongjoong, he likes to keep to himself and doesn't like to leave his space for many reasons but we now know that one of those reasons is the past feelings of failure and loss coming back to haunt him, and bingo right on the money, he changes the way he wants to come across to people. prime example in yunho at the end of the interim, i think that scene is the absolute best showcase of hongjoong's character and who he is and how he operates.
3) he is DAMN CRAZY!!! i feel like i haven't so much shown that to the degrees that his character really is batshit insane so we're tiptoeing into those waters more now. you do have to think though, with the notion that he changes the way he wants to come across to people, when he's being "called out", is it accurate? or is it what hongjoong is presenting so they think they know what kind of person he is? when mc calls him out on his shit, it's often a two way punch where it as much about her as it is about him so much to think about! he's far far beyond a control freak tehe :3
the fun paradox in mc is that dynamic of wanting to be approved and accepted by him but also having this point blank issue with authority and also how hongjoong excises his authority. and that's been a big point of confusion too i think so im trying to delve more into it and expose more of it so that it makes more sense but there is meant to be a contradiction in her actions for sure
yeosang has been the only one to beat hj at chess, and he is not the lieutenant. we know that hongjoong personally selected seonghwa before yeosang joined the crew and that the position has never swayed, and we also know that yeosang is the master strategist on the crew, which is something a lieutenant would usually take care of so it lends to some questions about how hongjoong views authority in his crew? as far as the chess game goes, his queen was indeed seonghwa, the main bishop he used to both attack and sabotage his own pieces was san, he himself was king, then though not as heavily touched on, the other pieces i had in mind were: mingi and jongho were both knights, yeosang was the other bishop, then mc, wooyoung, and yunho were pawns. who minho was really referring to ;) is quite the twist but a fun one :3
bless you for sending me such a long ask at such a late hour you're so sweet ;-; it made my day i was so happy and excited seeing it thank you for letting me ramble right back at you :3 <3
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stvharrngton · 10 months
oh my god, babes. i am actually heartbroken for you. watching you excitedly post about this coming weekend has genuinely made me so happy each and every time. it is such a bummer and i'm so sorry for this truly rotten turn of events. i hope you treat urself to a nice little evening and a tasty bev or something of the sort 🥺🤍
i can’t lie i’m absolutely devastated and i’m trying to be positive and just be like ‘it is what it is 🤷‍♀️’ but it’s proving very difficult rn when it was the only thing i was looking forward to for a while 😭 i am currently eating a crisp sandwich which is making it a tad better lmaooo
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onlyjaeyun · 6 months
ur better than me girl i would’ve stopped updating just to piss that anon off
anyway i hope ur break has treated u well. it’s so exciting to see u slowly getting ur confidence and motivation back. i love when writers write because they want to and not because of their readers. take care of urself babe i love uuuu 🤍🤍
bless your sweet soul 😭😭 you guys are the best honestly, just know the only reason i didnt get petty was bc i wanged to give you guys that chap so they got away with it for now 😷
thank you so much for this baby, i love and appreciate you so so much 🥺🤍☁️✨
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🗣👀 for the ask game
🗣 having an argument
With: 👀 forced proximity
Ari and Edward from Neon Glow in Gold Dust!
I’m not going to lie, I am suffering with writer’s block bigger than the sea, so this is not all that good, but I tried my best.
Ari had snapped at him, nothing all that new, he’s a snappy person. But with the sweat forming on his forehead and the way his lungs are closing up, Edward had just had enough. Being trapped in a room will do that to a person.
“Would it kill you to be a little less of an ass? I run around all day making your life easier, I don’t think you even notice!” And, before Ari could cut a word in, he decides to throw in a “-you barely know half the things I do for you, it’s insane that April is nicer to me than you are!”
He almost feels a little bad, because really April is not all that awful as a person. Deranged, yes, but not a bad person.
“I do notice,” Ari replied, back stiff and jaw clenched in the low lighting of their personal hell. “Do you want a handwritten thank-you card with that?”
“Do you even know how smart you would be if you stopped doing...” Edward gestures wildly towards him “...this every five minutes?” He is, of course, loosely referring to Ari’s penchant for sinking in on himself and throwing a pity party instead of actually helping.
“Do you know how smart you would be if you didn’t keep trying to make yourself less intelligent for my benefit?”
He spoke so quietly, through gritted teeth, but the words landed their punch on it’s own. The realisation settles in, sinking his heart down to the pits of his stomach.
“You knew?”
“I had my suspicions.” Ari looks down at his hands, at anywhere but Edward’s face, which has fallen into heartache.
“How long?”
“Does it m-”
“How long, Ari?” His voice aches with it.
“About a year and a half, give or take, I had a feeling but April essentially confirmed it an-”
“And you didn’t tell me? You didn’t think to let me down, o-or anything, you just let me sit here and-”
“I wasn’t trying to, I just couldn’t understand how to approach-”
“In any way!” Edward’s voice reaches a pitch that is embarassingly high, almost cracking in his annoyance “...I could have moved on that long ago?”
Ari doesn’t respond, a flicker of confusion on his face.
It infuriated him for reasons that aren’t really Ari’s fault, Edward will admit, because it hurt in ways that only unrequited love can hurt. He took a step back a moment, feeling the physical force of the other man’s ignorance in the pits of his stomach. As if he hadn’t spent enough of his life feeling unlovable, this is just salt in the wound.
He decides, perhaps wrongly, that he wasn’t having the grief, so he catalyses it into anger and steps up to a man over a foot taller than him with every intention to throw a punch. Or even just shove him a little, but the moment he moves, Ari catches his wrist and holds it gently, easing it by his side.
“I don’t understand,” he mutters “...you can move on?”
Edward blinks up at him. He opens his mouth to speak but honestly the confession that Ari has only ever loved a single person knocks him speechless. All these years that Ari and Neptune had been seperated, Ari’d never even thought of letting go of the heartache. “Did you never try?” He asks, instead.
“No, of course not.”
Ari’s hand burns where it touches his skin. Edward closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath in. It’s so hot in this room, he feels the desperate need for his inhaler, which, stupidly, he’d manage to leave behind the one time he might actually need it.
“I was waiting for you to tell me yourself,” Ari admits “...I didn’t know how to approach it, or how I felt about it and...I still don’t, I thought if I ignore it long enough, he’ll just tell me himself.”
“Okay,” Edward mutters. 
“Ari, I love you,” he says the words like they’re a burden on him, exhaling them out of his lungs for the first time. When he looks at Ari, he’s poorly concealing his surprise, but honestly Edward is too tired to pry any further into that. “...and now I’m probably going to die in here with you, which is very romantic and all, but not at all what I wanted.”
“You’re not going to die in here,” Ari sighs, reaching up to unbutton his sweat-soaked shirt; Edward tries not to stare, perhaps with very little avail “...two of the most intelligent men in Arcadia are trapped in a locked room, so how do we get out?”
Edward takes a deep breath in, before he nods. “Okay, okay, let me see what I’ve got in my bag.”
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lecl3rq · 3 years
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I have no idea what song u should listen to, so just read it and decide it urself ig??? idk
pairings : mcu!peter parker x fem!reader
summary : peter is the only exception.
warnings : shitty home life.
a/n : this fic is kinda based on me just not the meeting peter and avengers and the ages lols!! and tony being the readers father figure >>> also pls if this kinda hints at the reader having daddy issues im so sorry 😭😭 and theres also not a lot of dialogue cause i work better that way.
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You didn't have a very good illustration of love, your parents got divorced when you were about 7 years old, before that, they fought for about 3 years of your life. You didn't remember clearly what it was about, all you remembered was, your dad cheating on her, your mom seeing other guys behind his back, and all that.
Then, when they got divorced, you stayed with your mom, only seeing your dad once every two weeks, she found a new guy, she loved him, he loved her, at least before they got married, they fought almost every night, ignored each other, they can't have one single conversation without it turning into fights.
So, since then, you hated- no despised the idea of love, but at the same time, you craved love, you needed it. You went to every guy that could give you attention and validation or just love, but when they wanted something more serious, you ran. You couldn't handle it, not after seeing what your parents went through.
Then, you met the avengers, tony to be specific, you met him when you were 14 years old, he became like a father to you, he gave you food, drinks, pocket money, protection, love, not that kind, the love a father is supposed to give you.
You met peter through him, he told you that he was going to recruit someone your age and maybe you could get along well with him, and you did, you guys were best friends, inseparable, you two were a package deal, then you caught feelings for him, because he gave you attention, that was directed to you and only you, and he also gave you validation, and you liked that, and well him.
Then a couple months later he asked you out, you were skeptical because you didn't want to get hurt, so you contemplated on saying no, but he treated you right, he listened to you, he was there for you, he was your shoulder to cry on, he was everything you ever wanted but you were scared. You said yes anyways.
So now, you guys have been dating for over a year, and you've been the happiest you've ever been.
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"Hey, parker" you greeted as you walked into his room in the avengers compound, "Hey, sunshine" he greets back, turning around his chair to look at you, smiling. "What're you doing" you asked, a sigh leaving your lips as you set yourself down on his oh so comfortable bed, "I was studying for a math test i have tomorrow, you should too, you know" He answered, "We have different schedules, babe, i already did my test like 2 days ago" you chuckled, "Oh yeahh, i forgot" he said.
He stood up from his chair, and walked over to you, "Scooch, make some space for me" He said, since you were laying down in the middle of the bed, hands and legs spread out, you whined, but still moving. Peter lays down as you layed your head down on his bicep, his hands making their way to your hair and playing with them.
You sighed, you did not think that you would be in this position right now, in the arms of your dream boy, being in a relationship, you genuin-
"Hey, sunshine?" He asked cutting off the train of thoughts you had in your mind, his eyes looking at you, "Yeah?" You said in a questioning tone, eyebrows furrowed together, looking at him, "I love you" He confessed, his lips moving to make a nervous smile.
You gulped, you wanted to run, you wanted to bury yourself 6 feet underground, you wanted to just leave and start a whole new life, but you knew you couldn't, you had to confront it this time, so you sat up, and looked at him, opening your mouth to say something but no words come out.
Peter felt like he made a mistake saying it, not that his feelings are a mistake, like obviously he has a right to say them but naybe not now, cause right now he felt scared that you didn't feel the same way as him, but then again you guys have been in a relationship for a year now, but what if you were planning on breaking up with him or somet-
"Peter" you said his name, uncertainty lacing your voice, biting the inside of your cheeks, "yeah?" he said, "I- um I love you too" You smiled at him, he felt all the nervousness and worries leave his body the moment you said those 3 words, smiling back at you, he sat up, hands cupping your cheeks, "Can i kiss you?" He asked for permission, god, what did you do to deserve him, you nodded, and so he leaned in, capturing your lips, eyes closing.
You guys pulled away, foreheads resting against each others, maybe you hated love but peter, he was the only exception.
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mysunnylemonade · 3 years
insecurities | lee jeno
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↳ pairing: lee jeno (nct) x fem!reader
↳ genre: slight angst, mostly fluff & suggestive but only if u squint rlly hard
↳ word count: 1482
↳ warning: reader being insecure about her looks i guess?? (love urself ppl yall beautiful <3)
song recommendation: met a girl by tarune
Hate was a strong word, but you felt it was appropriate to say that you absolutely hated nights like the one you were having on this particular day. Standing half-naked in front of the full-body mirror situated in the corner of your shared bedroom, your eyes swept over your body once more. You despised the way your gaze lingered on the stretch marks that tainted your skin.
Wallowing in self-pity and stressing over your physical flaws wasn't exactly a standard routine for you, especially when Jeno was around. But your boyfriend wouldn't be back until late at night, having texted you he had something to do that would require him to stay at the studio longer than usual.
You turned to the side, pressing your palm over your stomach, rubbing up and down as if it would magically flatten your abdomen. Nothing happened, of course, leaving you feeling sick and fed up with the thoughts you were having.
You wiped the tears accumulating in your eyes, not allowing it to trickle down your cheeks. You could see your boyfriend's face in your mind and briefly wondered whether you were truly good enough for him. You didn't blame your insecurities on him, never. Your boyfriend was nothing but loving, and he showered you with gifts just as much as he showered you with loving words, but there were times when it was remarkably hard to believe his kind words.
You wished you could miraculously switch off your mind and climb out of this self-loathing pit you had willingly put yourself into. It was your fault, you would admit that. If you hadn't decided to strip into your underwear and scrutinise yourself in the mirror then maybe you would've been in the dining room enjoying the dinner you had made by now.
As you were stepping closer to the mirror to get a better lock at your face, you heard the turning of a key in a lock before the front door was pushed open. The realisation that Jeno had come home much earlier than you expected kept you paralysed on the spot. It wasn't until you heard the front door shutting that you were finally able to move, hastily wiping the tears from your reddened eyes and shrugging on the robe you had carelessly tossed onto the bed.
You heard him call for your name but you didn't respond, scurrying into the bathroom to wash your face in hopes of being able to get rid of any evidence that you had been crying. Jeno couldn't know. You weren't going to drag him into your mess.
You cursed to yourself as you studied your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Your cheeks and nose were flushed, and your eyes were unmistakably bloodshot. There was no way Jeno wouldn't notice.
"Baby, you in here?" Jeno called out from the entrance of the bedroom. You heard shuffling as he took off his jacket. When he spoke again, his voice was dangerously close to the bathroom, and you immediately faked a smile. "Hey, why haven't you eaten dinner yet? Were you waiting for me?"
Turning your head, you were met with your boyfriend's figure standing in the bathroom doorway. It tugged your heart to see him look so beautiful, even after a whole day of working. You just couldn't understand why he had chosen you. Why hadn't he picked someone with less baggage and imperfections?
You watched as his small smile transformed into a frown. Without any hesitation, he stepped forward to grab your hand. "Hey, have you been crying? What's wrong?"
You forced a quiet chuckle. "I was watching this new romance movie that just released." You watched his face closely, swallowing when you saw that his worried expression hadn't dissipated at all. "Have you eaten dinner yet? Go shower and come eat dinner with me."
You squeezed his hand assuringly once more before walking past him to give him some privacy in the bathroom. "Were you really just watching a movie? You look like you've been crying for hours."
You plopped onto the bed with a huff and looked up to see Jeno had walked out of the bathroom and was slowly approaching your sitting form. "Babe, we've been dating long enough for you to know I'm sensitive when it comes to tragic endings."
He stood in front of you, cupping your cheeks in his hand to tilt your head up. "Yeah, and I also know my girlfriend enough to know whenever she's lying."
You managed to smile and shake your head as he pressed his thumbs to caress the irritated skin underneath your puffy eyes. "Jeno, I'm okay."
Leaning down, he pressed his forehead against yours, causing your noses to brush. The both of you stayed like that for a few more seconds, and you welcomed the distraction. You wanted to forget the cause of your previous breakdown and Jeno's presence was helping tremendously.
Feeling the gentle brush of his lips against yours, you gasped, hands flying to grasp his arms. "Jeno," you breathed, pulling away slightly to look into his eyes. They were dark, wild, so lovely.
"Tell me," he muttered softly.
Unable to look into his eyes as you confessed, you looked down at your lap. "I'm sorry," you began. "It's just so stupid. You're the best boyfriend there is, you treat me so well, and you're just so beautiful, Jeno, and I don't know how to... compete with that."
Once again, he forced your head up so he could look into his eyes. "Baby, we're not competing for anything. What are you trying to say?"
"I just can't understand why you're still with me. I'm so flawed, and you can settle for someone who's so much more good looking, someone who can give you so much more than I can."
Jeno's face remained expressionless as he gazed down at you, but you could tell the gears in his head were all turning. His silence worried you so you shifted in your seat awkwardly.
He seemed to notice your slight movement and finally snapped out of his train of thoughts. "Wait, you're not messing with me, right?"
Groaning, you tried to stand up, but he held your waist before you could walk away. "Okay, I know it's stupid. Can we just forget about it? Please?"
His eyes widened and he pulled you closer to him until there was no space left in between the two of you. "No, no, this is far from stupid. If you feel this way, it means I haven't done a good job at being your boyfriend. I'm supposed to be making you feel loved, but—"
"No! You've been a perfect boyfriend, you're perfect. It's not your fault, seriously, it's mine."
"If this is about the way you look, then I'll have to disagree and say that it's not your fault. Everything you consider imperfections or flaws, they're a part of you, and I fell in love with that a long time ago, and I'm not falling out of love anytime soon."
"I'm sorry for being so insecure. I just... I feel like you deserve better."
His lips broke out into a soft yet wistful smile. "You're not in any position to tell me what I deserve and don't baby," he mumbled lightheartedly. "Being with you was a choice that I made, loving you is something that I choose to do until now. All these choices that I made are all choices that I made deliberately, not because I'm forced to."
Unable to say anything else, your tears began to blur your visions once again, but this time it was because you were thankful. You felt so blessed that out of all of the people in the world, you ended up with Lee Jeno—a boy whose smile shone as bright as the sun and whose heart was beautiful and kind. "I love you so much," you managed to splutter out.
Sensing the oncoming tears, Jeno bent his knees a little so that he was eye-level with you. "Hey, don't cry, I love you too," he spoke, his smile now reaching his eyes, turning them into the little crescent moon that you adored so much. "You make me happy, and that's more than enough for me. Is that enough for you?"
You nodded. "All I ever want is for you to be happy, Jeno."
He visibly relaxed at this, and gone was the solemn atmosphere that once lingered in the air. "That's settled then. You're not getting rid of me that easily because you want me happy and I'm the happiest when I'm with you. So, will you lie down on the bed for me now?"
Tilting your head, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Why?"
"I still need to show you how beautiful you are to me and I don't think words are gonna cut it."
"Lee Jeno!"
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heysatori · 4 years
What it’s like being their s/o
genre: fluff
pairings: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader, Sero x reader, Denki x reader, Mina x reader
a/n: hi <( ̄︶ ̄)> another self indulgent post, but you guys can send in requests if you want! /please send requests (╯︵╰,)/
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Bakugou Katsuki
a lot of ppl headcanon that he'd still be pretty rough in relationships
but i headcanon that he can actually pretty sweet when he wants to be, its just easier for things to turn to anger u know
when you first start going out hes pretty hestitant with things
hes a big ass tsundere
he'd be glaring at you cuz he wants to hug u so bad but he's not sure if you'd like that
you kinda get nervous cuz why the hell is he glaring at u???
u both eventually get over this weird stage and bakubro is no longer scared to give u a hug or a kiss whenever he wants
he's not big on pda though
at most he'd throw an arm around your shoulders cuz he wants you nearby
throw in a few kisses on the side of ur head if no ones looking
when ur alone though he turns into the biggest cuddle bug
demands that u lay down in his arms after class and training
he just feels so at peace when ur in his arms, babbling abt some story u heard or abt the korean drama that ure currently watching
he likes to give u gifts every now and then but he doesnt entirely spoil u with things
mostly cooks for u
pushes u to do ur best all the time !
altho stressful he just knows that u can be a lot better at things and he just wants u to be happy with urself and ur works!
but he knows when ur tired so he wont push, just give u a nice kiss and a big hug
dates consist of hiking, walking around at night (before his bedtime), cuddles, and study dates, you cant forget the study dates
nobody is allowed to know but he likes to call you ‘sweetheart’
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Kirishima Eijirou
our shark boy here is super affectionate!
he'll shower u in kisses and hugs whenever he can
but he totally respects ur boundaries
when u first got together he couldnt stop staring at u whenever ure around
has fucking heart eyes whenever ure in his line of sight
not that he doesnt now, but he learned to manage it to small glances
he just loves u so much
and he feels so lucky that ure his and he is yours !!
gives the second best hugs (bakugou is first sorry)
a LITERAL BEAR when he gives hugs
he just engulfs u in his arms !! and it feels so nice !!
he likes to give you kisses on ur nose cuz he finds the face u make right after absolutely adorable !
likes to rub circles on the back of ur hand when u hold hands
buys u a lot of food cuz bulking up is manly asf
likes to spin u around when u hug !! like those cheesy romantic things in movies
dates r pretty spontaneous cuz hes pretty active
but he likes to take u out to fancy restaurants when he can :)
sometimes takes u out on gym dates cuz its manly and he likes helping u improve in ur strength and ur skills !
loves to call u ‘baby shark’ 
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Sero Hanta
tape boy !! is so loving !
hes a pretty chill dude so he guys are on the down low
he doesnt mind if anyone knows, its just kinda unexpected so no one would rlly think of it happening
always has his arms around u !
will just casually slip his arms around ur waist and lean his chin on the top of ur head , givin you a little kiss every now and then
but if ur a little taller or the same height as him he likes to lean into ur neck and leave u little kisses
honestly doesnt care if ur talking to someone (unless its a teacher), he'll hug u when he wants to ( `ε´ )
pda is mostly hugs and hand holding
he likes to reserve the kisses for alone time cuz he just likes to hold ur face in his hands, thumbs on ur cheekbones, just looking at you with the most loving gaze, and then he leans down and gives u a kiss !
he likes to be intimate with u
appreciates it when u respect his down time
he isnt much of an active person like kiri and denki so he spends most of his time (that hes not spending with his friends) in his room watching a random drama or cooking show
dates consist of naps
school is pretty tiring so theres nothing more beautiful than a shared nap together !!
but he takes u out every now and then, mostly at night time when the streets aren't so busy
he likes to call u ‘my love’ 
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Kaminari Denki
electricity babe honestly could not believe u when u agree to be his significant other !! 
u were so perfect ! 
hes super touchy 
appreciates skin to skin contact so hes very big on hand holding and hugs 
his kisses are kinda sloppy but hes surprisingly super experienced 
hes just really excited that hes kissing u !!! 
swings ur arms when u hold hands <3 
hes a big tease 
so expect a lot of jokes and teasing but he does it out of love !! 
loves to pepper ur face in kisses when he can !
cups ur face and attacks u with his lips <3 
both of u study together most of the time ! 
most times alone but when u two really need to help u go to momo or bakugou 
he buys u a lot of plushies (with the money he has) 
loves to spoil u cuz u look so happy and he’s happy that he made u happy !! 
loves to play video games with u on his console ! 
sometimes he makes u wear the headset and pretend ur playing to fuck with the bakusquad or other people 
likes to have u in his lap when he games 
i just love denki so much HFAUDHADH 
calls u ‘bug’ and ‘nugget’ lovingly
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Mina Ashido
this babe !! adores u with all her heart ! 
was honestly dumb founded when u agreed to date her 
but she treats u like a god ! 
teases u a lot but its out of love 
always fills u in with the latest gossip 
likes to bring u out to buy clothes and have a fashion show later at the dorms 
links pinkies with u all the time no matter where u are 
always !! squishes !! ur face !! 
loves u tackle u in hugs 
if she brings u into her bed u cant get out 
she can cry on command, so dont try and get out of the cuddling session if u want her to cry a little 
lowkey a drama queen but u love her for that 
a lot of dates consists of watching dramas though 
likes to wrap u both in huge blankets so u can snuggle 
will fight anyone for u 
encourages u to do a lot of things esp if ur kinda shy !!
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suganovakawa · 4 years
hi! i found ur blog through saudade and was like!! this the good kush! and earlier i was scrolling through ur blog and saw the jealous hcs and suga's was so accurate 😭 i can totally see him being all smiley and passive aggressive like 'do you want something haha? >:)' anyways! can i request reader being sad and doubting their relationship with noya and tanaka (separate) bc they always talk abt kiyoko and how beautiful she is and how they feel abt her? thank u so much, pls take care of urself!!!
the potential this one has OMG yes i am on it 🥺 u better be taking care of yourself too , anonnie !!!
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karasuno boys remind you that you’re always going to be number one in their eyes, no matter what !
— check out my masterlist !!
we all know kiyoko is a goddess , but it’d be nice if your boyfriend could give you some of that love too , y’know ? let’s see how these two make up for giving kiyoko too much attention .
also yuu’s came out really really long so do be prepared for that — ryu’s isn’t as long because he praises kiyoko the same way yuu does , so there’s no need to repeat everything fjjdndjsjd
— ask to be part of my gen taglist !
taglist : @yams046 @janellion @avylee
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yuu nishinoya
yuu has bunches of love to go around , believe me
but sometimes , it really doesn’t seem that way , y’know ?
you knew even before your relationship with the guardian deity that he was a simp for kiyoko ; how he also fell for you was even a surprise for you
but noya definitely does try and show you that you that you have a special place in his heart , even if he gawks over the team manager at times
but when his appreciation for kiyoko gets out of hand , oh it really gets out of hand
the first time it happened , you were completely shattered — however , you weren’t sure how to even handle a situation like that
everyday of just — “ kiyoko ” this , “ shimizu ” that . . . it was a never ending cycle of yuu going on and on about how the karasuno team manager was just so perfect at everything she does , that she was the paragon of beauty and so forth
and while you held no grudge against kiyoko — hell , she made it very clear that she had absolutely no interest in yuu . like , multiple times — seeing him gush over her so much made you feel self conscious in yourself
you were his significant other , weren’t you ?
so why wasn’t he treating you that way ?
it came to a point where you just didn't say anything the moment yuu brought up kiyoko . there was no point in trying to stop him or changing the subject , because once he was on a roll ; he was on a mf roll
god , even the first years could see that noya was giving kiyoko more attention than you
the only one besides noya who didn't notice this was tanaka , who was just as smitten over kiyoko as the libero was
and everyday , it was the same old topic ; didn't they have anything else to talk about ?
" WHAT , BRO ? "
and your snapping point : yuu choosing to help kiyoko clean stuff up instead of walking you home after practice
was this his way of breaking up with you ? whatever it was , you couldn't handle it anymore . just seeing yuu give so much of his time to kiyoko was heartbreaking for you ; you even began to question if you really were a significant other figure to nishinoya
you stopped showing up to practice
and shortly after , you avoided and ignored the second year as a whole
it took about less than two days for noya to realize that you weren’t around for him
and even worse — you seemed to have no interest in talking to him when he did try and approach you
uh oh , he really messed up now
he approached the third years with his head hung low , wanted advice on how to talk to you again
and they were willing to help , of course ; but not before giving him absolute hell for not noticing his own actions sooner
it took three tries to get you to talk to noya again
daichi approached you first after class , wanting you to come back to practice again ; you politely told him no , and before he could press on further , you hastily turned heel and walked away
second attempt was suga and asahi , suga was more straightforward with his attempt at bringing you back , while the other was just there mainly for support ; he explained that noya felt apologetic and wanted to make it up to you , but you countered with “ if he really was sorry , he’d come himself . not make you do it for him . ” and you left
third time’s a charm — kiyoko was the final person to confront you
you were still upset , and she understood that completely — she explained that even with noya’s , ehem , worship over her , he still cares about you deeply ; he just gets overly excited and doesn’t know how to control it
and she added that there was no practice due to ukai being out that day , but yuu was still waiting for you in the gym
you finally gave in , walking slowly to see kiyoko’s words speak for themselves — there he was , sitting against the wall with his eyes staring intently at the ground
“ yuu . . . ”
his head popped upwards the moment he heard your voice , scrambling to his feet to sprint to you as fast as his two legs could take him
before you could say anything else , he jumped forward and pulled you into the biggest hug he could offer ; shakily , you hugged back with the same intensity , burying your face in him as he just continued to squeeze you as if you’d disappear if he dared let go
he began to blubber all sorts of apologies — about how stupid of a boyfriend he was , that he should’ve noticed he was hurting your feelings sooner , that he shouldn’t have been fawning over kiyoko
he would’ve continued , but you shut his mouth with a finger , smiling softly as you shook your head
“ it’s okay , i forgive you . it just . . . hurt my feelings , is all . i know you like kiyoko a lot , so i didn’t want to — ”
“ no , y/n . you’re my s.o. , i shouldn’t have been like that . you’re my priority , not kiyoko . she used to be , but not anymore . i know that now , and that will never happen again , i promise . ”
and believe me , his redemption went all out
he'd walk you to and from school , catch up with you after every class , walk you to lunch , compliment your clothes and remind you of how much he appreciates you having in his life - kiyoko basically became nonexistent to him after that
tanaka didn't seem to mind - now he had the manager all to himself KDKSKKD
once in a while he gets caught up again , but this time he's more wary of your feelings ; if he sees that your mood has changed even a little bit , he'll ask you if he's too much , and then he'll forget about kiyoko again
yuu definitely has a long way to go until he's a perfect boyfriend , but he'll dedicate himself to make sure you know that you're irreplaceable in his eyes
ryuunosuke tanaka
something tells me ryu would definitely be more attentive than yuu , but he's still a total simp for shimizu
the moment you stop coming to practice , oh he notices right away
i imagine it going the same way as noya — him just talking everyone’s ears off about kiyoko’s a goddess , that she deserves all the best things in the world . . . all while you’re right there next to him
it’s a stab in the heart , to put it lightly ; you can only take so much before it just downright hurts
you’ve tried to talk to tanaka about it — he’ll brush you off with a “ hey babe ! ” with a quick kiss to the forehead / cheek before running off to practice again
so naturally , you felt defeated , and could only defend yourself — your heart — by not going to practice anymore , as well as just avoiding him as a whole
oh boy , did tanaka feel like an absolute failure of a boyfriend
“ y/n was here at school today . . . why didn’t they show up for practice ? they’re usually here , helping set up the net before standing next to kiyoko ”
tsukishima will probably be the one to retort back to him — you are his senpai , and he noticed how dejected you were , the more ryuunosuke ignored you for the team manager
“ oh , y/n decided not to show up today . someone decided they were gonna be a better boyfriend , and not fawn and drool over someone else like a dweeb . ” tsukishima was a jerk , yes , but he hated that tanaka was just so blatantly ignorant to you ; you didn’t deserve that at all and he knew that
“ WHAT ? Y/N WOULD NEVER — ” his voice dropped as his eyes widened in realization , “ oh my god , i’ve been neglecting my own s.o. for kiyoko . . . ”
it was an awkward silence , the third years didn’t know if they should berate him or comfort him of his realization , the second years were feeling awkward AF ( especially yuu ) for not telling him sooner , and the rest of the first years weren’t exactly very well-versed in the romance department so they had absolutely no advice for the wing spiker
even ukai was confused that you weren’t there as he walked in “ where’s y/n ? they said they’d help me with — ”
a bunch of people giving him the “ NO NO NO NO NO ” signal as he finally lays eyes on ryu , keishin understanding that something must’ve happened
tanaka was not doing well that practice , too side tracked and too upset with himself to focus properly
it came to the point where daichi had to pull him aside , and give him a stern talking to
“ listen here , tanaka . i know you now understand how stupid you were in being so overly obsessive over kiyoko with y/n always standing right there , and simply , you are the one who needs to make things right with them . you should wait until tomorrow though , so you have time with them . they’re not the type of person to hate so easily , especially if it’s you . have this be a valuable lesson , and i hope you remember how important of a person y/n is , to us , and to you . ”
tanaka had a whole epiphany with daichi’s speech — damn right , you were his . so why did he need to simp over kiyoko , when he had an amazing s.o. already by his side ?
with the team’s permission , tanaka requested to miss practice the next day — he promised he’d make up for it the following day , he just wanted to spend more time with you and make up for what he did
it wasn’t easy for him , coming to grips with his own foolishness as he approached you after class
“ y/n . . . i want to take you somewhere after school , if that’s fine ? ”
though you were hesitant in responding , you didn’t have the nerve to look away , nor run . “ but ryu , don’t you have practice today ? ”
he smiled sheepishly and shrugged , “ i got permission from the others to skip it today , i just have to work even harder to make up for it . ” taking you by the hand , he pulled you closer to him “ besides , nothing is more important to me than treating my beloved s.o. to something special , especially after how poorly i treated you for the past few days ”
but like woah , what happened to ryu ? going from kiyoko simp to this . . . it flustered you to the MAX
“ but in all seriousness y/n , i’m really sorry for how i acted . i shouldn’t have been paying so much attention to kiyoko like how i used to , now that i’m lucky enough to have you in my life . i want to try and make it up to you , starting with this badass cute date i’ve got planned for the two of us ! ”
you can’t help but smile as tanaka drags you out of the school , you’ve already forgiven him for just this precious moment alone
“ badass and cute aren’t words you’d use at the same time to describe something , ryu — ”
“ well , they are now ! ”
even kiyoko will be surprised at how he’s hardly even fazed by her at after today’s events ; ryuunosuke is a changed man , for you
you’ve got one of the biggest simps in haikyuu as your boyfriend , be prepared for how this mf is going to SPOIL . YOU .
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elysianslove · 4 years
just got my braces done and tooth do be sore 😔✌️ but then again my teeth would look better in 6 months so it IS worth it
anyways .,.,. how would megumi and/or yuuji react to their s/o getting braces? 😭🥺🥺
also i hope you’re feeling better .. please don’t stress yourself out and treat urself to your fav food 🥰🥺🥺 also outfit 5 and 6 looks great i would totally wear those
- 💃
omg babe good luck w braces <333 most of my friends got braces and they struggled but! it really was worth it!! i believe in you <3 
i think megumi would be so worried about you omg. he’s like giving you so much ice and feeding you soft foods like,,, i still have my hands ‘gumi? he’s just so nervous for you :( oh and!!! if you get colored ones, and you show him and go like, “i got em dark blue, bc your eyes” he will faint. like, his heart will not be able to take that softness.  
yuuji would be so weirdly excited about it. he’s already planning on all the colors you’ll be getting, and he keeps making you grin and smile and going like “my god that is so cool. why are you ten times cuter. wait, smile, i want this as my lockscreen.” if you can’t eat specific foods yet, he’ll eat them for you. yuuji logic <3
also! thank you bubs. my anxiety is like 📈📉 but we’re vibing 🧘🏻‍♀️ i hope you’re doing well too!!! ilysm <3 and ty for voting mwah mwah 
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bnha-mha-imagines · 4 years
ooKAY- i know you probs have a ton of reqs so take your time with this, deny this if this is too much even- I would like to request just a small headcannon with the Shiketsu students with reader from U.A? So they meet at the provisional license and Shiketsu student realises, “damn, this person is really neat wtf i really like them-“ and reader is like “kk i like u too” and eeeee? Lmao I know this is really vague but just go however you want with it, take care of urself and make urself go uwu.
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YES Shiketsu students are so fun and so underrated! :) Let’s give 'em some good ol’ fashioned lovin’.
Inasa Yoarashi:
He’s eccentrically friendly, going up to people left and right with an enthusiastic introduction. So he’s the one who comes up to the U.A. students and starts talking with everyone.
He makes an effort to personally introduce himself to every single student but when he sees you… he can’t help but think you look good if you know what I mean.
Pretty much directly walks over to you and shakes your hand. While some of your classmates had been a little hesitant with his forwardness, you actually seemed to share his sentiment. Good looking and sweet! Check. 
He goes on to make a spiel about passion and you just nod your head, giving him your full attention and making him feel seen and heard whereas others just tune him out. He finds himself liking your presence more and more! 
“Wow, we get along great. Now here I am wishing you went to Shiketsu…” 
And you just laugh and it sounds like bells and suddenly his heart is beating fast and his palms are getting sweaty. 
“If all the boys are as cute as you, then maybe I’ll consider transferring!” 
Man is passionate about everything, so his crush on you hits him like a FREIGHT train. 
Camie Utsushimi:
Look, there was a lot of attractive people from U.A., and Camie was always a fan of ogling some eye candy… but when you stepped off the bus, woowee! 
She gets this little smile on her face and Seiji is already trying to reel her back in because it's unbecoming for her to do what she's about to do but… there's no stopping Camie. 
She strides right on over to you to introduce herself and compliment your hero’s costume! She’s very blatant with her flirting, even going as far as to push up her breasts a little. 
Most people would have been embarrassed or stunned at the sudden attention, but you only smiled politely and carried out a conversation with her. You ask her about her interests, giving her the respect and attention that many of her Shiketsu classmates fail to. 
She’s practically hanging off you throughout the hero licensing exam, deciding to team up with you even though you’re with U.A. 
She can’t help it! You’re cute, funny, and treat her kindly? She’s a flirt of a babe maybe, but never did she think she’d score with someone like you!
Definitely slips you her number by the end of the exam, blowing you a kiss.
Seiji Shishikura:
It takes him a while to actually learn that you’re a nice person because he’s so biased against U.A. that he just lumps you in with Bakugo and the rest of the people he believes are undignified. 
But when Inasa drags him over during introductions, he actually admired how respectable and polite you are, unlike many of your classmates. 
Ultimately, you make a pretty good first impression on him and he leaves you alone during the provisional licensing exam since he thinks you have the perfect attitude for an up and coming hero. 
You recognize him later and catch him after the hero licensing exam. When you ask if he passed and he says he wasn’t trying to pass you can’t help but laugh. He raises an eyebrow and you quickly apologize, still smiling.
“Sorry, it’s just that I assumed someone as strong and eloquent as you would have passed early on! I guess you had something more important on your mind?” The way you leaned toward him smiling made him swallow the growing lump in his throat. 
“Yeah…” he said, hands behind his back. He tried not to stare at your lips; such thoughts were inappropriate and impolite. “I guess you could say something like that’s on my mind.”
You hummed, pulling your phone out and handing it to him. “Maybe you can tell me about them later? We can exchange contact information…” 
He only hesitated for a few seconds before putting in his number with a teeny tiny smile. You’ve already proved you were better than the rest of your ingrate classmates… getting to know you better couldn’t hurt.
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majicmarker · 4 years
so i’ve had a lot on my mind lately — the good, the bad, the ugly, you know the drill. i’m used to the bad and the ugly, but i think (and ofc by my therapist’s rec) i need to give a little credit to the good, too. not to mention the good is largely comprised of people, and those people deserve a sports stadium wave, yk? idk shit abt sports, whatever, but i know what the wave is and it’s like the grandest gesture i can think of, SO
listen, y’all. to get real here, i hate fandom. my time spent therein has been hit-or-miss, but the misses got me hard and contributed to some major self-loathing, etc etc. we’re not gonna get into the specifics, i don’t owe that to anyone, but suffice it to say things got Rough.
but so much of it can be so, so good. and rn i want to keep on my rose-colored glasses, and the rosiest parts for me have always been @kitten1618x and @mygutsforgarters
(quite a few others, too, but i no longer have everyone’s info. and some ppl are newer friends, or relationships that have moved more slowly. i have mad love for u guys too, obvs, but ik melissa and gus irl so we know each other More and they’re who this post is rly about atm. pls know i don’t want to harsh on anyone’s feelings)
the tl;dr version of events is i met them both via fanfic. i happened upon theirs like “bitch!!!! **i** wanna do this, they’re bomb as hell” and then i made them be friends w me. they’ll tell you they wanted to be friends w me first, but that’s not important bc **i** am the one making this post, so they can both like,, suck it.
@ melissa : so bitch listen. here’s the thing abt melissa…… i found her while browsing jonsa fic back when i cared abt GOT, and she brought me back to what i loved so much abt romance when i first started, way back in junior high, what’s up. i bad a fascination w historial romantic epics for a loooooong time — those formative yrs, amirite ladies??? — but girl i could never write it so well as melissa. immediately she struck this balance between the drama you expect from historicals and the levity of a good romance, and i was just like, “hand to god this woman must be published already, surely???”
(she’s not, but that’s ridiculous so we’re gonna skip that)
(also she’s busy?? we’ve been friends for like six years and i will never know how many kids she actually has, but the point is she’s a goddamn superhero and i’m obsessed w her, MOVING ON)
i just Had to be her friend for two reasons: 1) she’s too talented, and b) i have said that abt 2 ppl my entire life and she was the first, so i was like, “AH YES MY HOLY GRAIL”
so ofc i slid into her DMs just as effectively as that one guy i had a crush on when i was sixteen and he’s still shooting me texts every valentine’s day bc of the societal pressures i guess (it is Far Less Effective these days, he’s my age and therefore too young for me, gross, but i digress), except me and melissa go way stronger.
she reminded me of why, half a lifetime ago, i started writing romance — bc it’s fun, bc i want to. bc i can do absolutely anything i want, bc who else is gonna read it but me and whoever i share it with? it was all up to me what i wanted to do with it, and i could do anything. nothing really mattered but what i wanted, and i hadn’t felt that way abt anything in such a long time — let alone abt something i used to love so much.
melissa’s writing is so beautiful, it’s everything i wanted to achieve when i was fifteen and never got around to perfecting. and i’m totally okay w that now, bc what do i need to do myself that she’s not already doing/wants to do in the future? when i found melissa’s writing i found a missing part of me — a part i’d maybe lost, maybe i gave it up, idk, but it was totally gone until i found her fics and they fucking clicked. i had to reach out bc there was a part of me that was a part of her, and she helped me find that again w/o even knowing it.
so i found melissa via GOT, and from the start she’d been trying to get me to write some bethyl. years and years, she dropped not-so-subtle hints — and by “hints,” i mean legit directives that i watch just enough TWD to write her some beth/daryl fic. real crafty, she is.
eventually the stars aligned: i was bored w the same dynamics i’d been writing for years, i wanted smthn new, i was restless, i was line editing a bethyl fic she’d written, and — again — this shit clicked. her fic made me want to explore this dynamic i’d never done before, so i watched the prerequisite episodes (no more than that tho, i super hate the show and i’m begging y’all to not @ me abt it anymore). i found smthn that i’d been missing, smthn that challenged and excited me and brought me back around to why i love romance and, more importantly, why i want to write it myself.
so as i was starting to write bethyl, i was poking around the ao3 tag to get a feel for what had been done, what hadn’t, anything i might be missing. and goddamn BAM —
@ gus : this is where u enter dramatically thru a red velvet curtain that i don’t wanna touch (Metaphorically bc you do romance better than me and i’m cool w that bc your talent simply Cannot be touched, and Literally bc i hate velvet) — i was like, “please for the love of god let her want to write contemporary romance, i need some good fckin food”
i happened upon “doo wah diddy diddy” first. ofc the summary hooked me, forget my usual hard no against pregnancy fics (i have issues w pregnancy and that’s all anybody Needs to know, back off), but This Bitch !!!!!!! has a way with words and i wanted to be friends w her straightaway. lmao too bad for her, now she’s stuck w me
gus’s fics gave me what i wanted without having to write it myself. her style is so distinctive, she hits the notes between porn and Actual Affection that is missing from uhhhh, every romance i’ve tried?? (why is everyone so intent on the sex part?? fckin chill. at best it’s unrelatable and at worst u sound like u’d rather wear someone than fuck them, check urself)
she writes w such care, she wants you to know what she’s doing here, and what she’s doing here is combining the physical and emotional needs of both characters w/o infringing on anyone’s comfortability. you root for these characters bc they simply want to be together, no strings (and if there are strings, damn, they talk abt it).
gus makes you believe in love in the modern age. like, not to sound like one of those ppl who post fckin “no one in this generation knows how to love!!!1!!11!!” memes on facebook, those are dumb, but gus’s writing made me think “yeah man, love ain’t dead, it’s just abt how we approach it.”
(if y’all haven’t guessed yet, i have some hang-ups abt relationships. i’ve goddamn earned those. but melissa and gus both brought me back to where i needed to be — in this place where, yeah, we’ve got some shit to deal with, but we all still deserve the things we want, and those things are achievable. i could not have gotten here without them, so jot that down.)
gus is Real, she’s funny, she’s unapologetic in the way she writes. ofc she has her personal hurdles, but who doesn’t?? and tbh nobody writes a sex scene like gus does. physical, realistic, but balanced w the emotional depth that makes you root for these characters bc you can Feel how much they want each other — not just sexually, but in the less-erotic aftermath of that passion. it continues to blow my mind, bc i’ve never seen anyone do what she does. i can’t even pinpoint the specifics, bc she just… Does It. and you’re reading it like “yeah bitch that’s it,” and That’s It.
it’s fckin wild.
these two — my best friends, the lights of my life, both of whom always make me crave chicken tenders at THE most inconvenient hours bc somehow we always talk abt chicken or ice cream or ultimately DQ, but they're both so hot idec — have something special.
i really, really want them both to know that: it’s not just in how they’ve treated me as a friend, but who they are as people, in their creative pursuits. i’ve never known support the way they’ve shown me; i’ve never known this much enthusiasm or investment or belief that i can do what i want with my talent. i want them to know that i feel the same way abt them and their works.
sometimes, when i look back at their writing that completely kicked my ass, i still can’t believe that they’ve become two of my best friends. it’s totally bonkers. they’re This Talented, and they wanna be friends w my spastic ass? GIRL. i’m out.
i’m not always the best at being present, at giving people what they need when they need it. but with everything that melissa and gus have given me in the past few years, i need them to know this — honey!!! i need all y’all to know this, bc i know fandom shit is hard, but you should know some of these friendships are so, so worth all that bullshit, so —
they have so much to give, so much to say, so much to offer. i could not have kept going without them. i couldn’t believe in myself without the faith they’ve given to me. i hope that i can always give that same faith right back.
and that, babes, is what real soulmates are all about.
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xllxxrbxg · 3 years
hello! you will open this when you are lost again, or sad again, and overwhelmed. so i am here to remind you: 1. if they ain't caring for you, they ain't worth it. so just let it be.
2. dont beg anyone to stay. youre just extending their stay, but tbh theyve made up their mind to leave and eventually will. so dont waste your energy with that. okay, girlie?
3. you are your own life vest whether we admit it or not you are capable of saving urself babe!! promise!! time and time again you made it thru nights that seemed unbearable but here you are!!
4. smile!! physically battle depression!! it is effective you need to clear your headspace, then smile bright. silawin mo yang sadness na yan ng apaka gandaaaa mong smilllleeeeee!!!! 5. but dont repress emotions. you have to embrace it sometimes but do everything in your power to fight it afterwards so that we can proceed to having better days in our lives <33
6. self first no matter what!! please we don't have all our lives to be burnt out :) we can't afford burn out after burn out babe, keep your chin up girlie, and never lose composure <3
7. don't punish yourself. if you feel like youve done something bad, its not for you to decide to self-sabotage. the world already has its natural way of balancing things, it is not in your power to punish yourself. never do yourself dirty. always take care of yourself even in days you don't feel like it. even in days where you don't love yourself. you have to and i am more than sure that your future self will be more than grateful for that.
8. you are human it is normal to feel these feelings. on the chart, its not only happiness that a person can feel. so don't treat sadness as something foreign or alien. its not. its natural. we are bound to feel it. so you gotta feel it. but NEVER EVER be addicted to sadness. it can be addictive at times. but you'll only end up in a downwards spiral. please save yourself. you know yourself best. BREATHE. take a step back. you gotta use brains on this too. HECK if you need to, search it up on the net. sometimes you friends wont be able to say what you need to hear BUT THATS OKAY! they arent your therapist. it might be tiring but yea you gotta girlboss your way out of that shithole and BEST BELIEVE I AM PROUD OF YOU!!! <333
9. don't let them dampen your day. they dont have that power if you dont let them. i promise it isnt the end of the world when someone tries to ruin your day lmao <33 you have more power over things than you think !! <33
10. walk. outside. they say it tells your brain you are moving forward physically. so it really helps you get out of that bad juju headspace. and even if it seems bleak, you are NEVER alone. its just the sad hormone tricking you that you are hopeless, but in reality, we live in this biggggg assss hugeeee extra big universe where earth is just a speck in this galaxy. maybe those problems arent big as they seem. theres something about it being that colossal, and us being this miniscule !! keep going bro this aint the end! theres a limit to the storms, and everyday, we'll keep hoping for a rainbow! <333
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
—ult bias tag game!
tagged by: @danishmiilk xing-yi my love i hope you’re taking care of urself drink some water babe ily
rules: list down your top ten biases and answer the following questions
na jaemin (nct)
yoon jeonghan (svt)
jung jaehyun (nct)
lee seokmin (svt)
lee jeno (nct)
kim doyoung (nct)
lee donghyuck (nct)
hwang hyunjin (skz)
lee minho (skz)
kim younghoon (tbz)
PLEASE this was so difficult and honestly not that accurate bcs i’m almost equally in love with these boys HAGSJS also the reason why i don't have any girlies is because i don’t have any gg biases i crush on every member it’s just impossible okok
between one and four who would you rather kiss?
ahshaja already difficult bcs nana is the loml while seokie smooches are....UGH.... but i have to go with jaemin, seokmin can be my backup smoocher
between two and seven who would be your best friend?
TWO DEMONS HELLO so many people have compared me to hyuck and i am very much compelled to agree so best friend donghyuck it is
between five and ten who has the better voice?
WHY DO YOU KEEP PUTTING ME INTO THESE DIFFICULT SITUATIONS <///3 i fell in love with younghoon at first listen so fINE let’s go with him
between one and eight who is the funniest?
jaeminnie he’s just effortlessly funny okay or maybe i’m just in love ://
between six and nine who would you date?
between nine and ten who would you do a collab with?
i am not eligible to collab with any of them but pls let me shoot my shot with minho i’m not a professional dancer but i can be a prop or smn idk
between four and eight who’s the better dancer?
hyunjin his long limbs are so nice to look at did u know that i fell in love at first sight when my friend showed me their side effects relay dance u know that part like t h a t part yeah at that exact moment i swore my heart to him
between one and seven who would you nurse when they are sick?
....jaemin. are we surprised? let me kiss him better plspslpslss boy takes care of others so much let ME tuck him into bed this time >:(
between two and three, who has the better smile?
between six and eight who would you vacation with?
jeno let’s walk around the cobblestone streets of italy and fall in love <3
tagging: if you see this, you’re automatically required to do this <3
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knybits · 5 years
HEY SIS :D!!!! Can I request relationship headcanons for Iguro with a sensitive and shy s/o?? Thank u, I luv u, take care of urself 💓💓💓
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my first romantic iguro request 🥺🥺🥺 thanks for requesting chuu!!! ily and i hope you take care of yourself too!
Iguro x shy and sensitive!s/o 
Ooooh my goood ooooooooooh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Ugh the duality of this man,,,,
He’ll cut down anyone that makes fun of you for being so shy and sensitive and then turn to you and offer you food 
Iguro: babe hold my snake while i fuckem up 
While he isnt the most verbal person, he’ll show you that he loves you with small actions, and honestly its better this way bc if you were to have a super excitable s/o i feel like you would just,,, aways cower away
So iguro buys you nice trinkets when he’s out on a mission and brings home desserts and snacks that you might like
that way, you two can just chill under a tree and talk ab random things
hes super easy to talk to, so you feel more confident around him!
when someone like kyoujurou or uzui yells (in a non threatening way!!) to you and you start to feel uncomfy, iguro would nonchalantly swoop in to whisk you away from the situation or tell them “back off youre intimidating them” 
But just bc youre sensitive that doesnt mean iguro would baby you! 
He knows that youre strong in your own way and treats you with the same respect as anyone else, but he ofc has the biggest soft spot for you and talks in a softer tone
And his snake like you too bc youre just a soft soul :,)
Sometimes he gets jealous of his snake
Iguro, watching his snake curl itself around you like a protective scarf before muttering under his breath: god i wish that were me
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writeiolite · 4 years
iooooo what’s your workout/diet like? T-T i was looking at your who am io thing and you have my ideal body and i want to work harder to look like that. you’re so perfect babe what the ffff
idk if uve seen but all my posts are like “i’m drinking boba milk tea or a margarita and i haven’t had water in days” KSNFJSJAJ i’m 10000% not perfect!! i’m flattered u think this and i’m never opposed to someone wanting to work hard but i hope u’ll be careful and love urself no matter what!!!
pls remember that i’m not a health expert, nutritionist, personal trainer, etc!!
there are probably flaws with some of the things below. theyre the methods that worked for my body+lifestyle so i don’t suggest following everything to a T. just take it with a grain of salt and i hope some of it has value!
i used to go to the gym 2+ hrs a day, 6 days a week and had 2-4+ hr dance practices on top of that 4-5 days a week ^^” i did cardio at the gym either before or after weight training but everyday was a different muscle group.
i’ve never had a specific diet but i ate a lot of vegetarian meals (morning star, gardein, etc) since i was a vegetarian for 7yrs. but it was mostly getting lots of nutrients from fruits & veggies and picking certain days to have lots of carbs vs not. i preferred high protein but that’s bc i was building muscle, not trying to lose weight. plus the gardein orange chicken🤤🤤🤤 i could eat 6 bags of that in a sitting KSNDJSJS. tofu, quinoa, and kale bowls are my best friend and they’re healthy and easy!!!
when i wasn’t going to the gym as much and started dancing more, i would do intermittent fasting. even then, i don’t rly indulge in much foods besides the suggested food pyramid stuff bc like,,, ya girl was already too lazy to grocery shop sometimes AHAHA.
now i just do the fasting and i dance less since covid closed my dance center ;^; i’ve lost a lot of muscle but timing out my meals has kept me from overindulging too much my horrible drinking habits need to stop eventually hhhh
i hope this offers some help but also pls note that i’m not a nutritionist, personal trainer, or anything like that. my college roommate/bff and i frl googled everything bc we did our little health journey together and we picked what would work for us. everyone’s lifestyles and bodies are diff so i hope you’ll treat urs special bc u are special and deserve all the care in the world mwah♡
if anyone has some healthier, safer, better, etc tips that they feel i should add to this, lmk! i’m also in need of improvement 👀
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