worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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by Thiago Braz | Instagram @z_arb | Tumblr
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
About today | A Letter for my Boss
June 9, 2017
*The contents of this letter that was sent to my boss were edited. This is the version I wish I could send to her.
I'd just like to express my feelings for the week. As you know from our conversation yesterday that I really felt overwhelmed, pressured and stressed out. I even had an accidental meltdown with Ms. Kate and Ate Mae because I bottled my feelings during class hours. I felt like the world was on my shoulders and that I was failing the kids with their learning and growth. I want to give up po. I want to leave, resign, quit. But I love this school so much, I love my students so much to let this go. I worked so hard for this opportunity during all my years in school. During all those years when people put me down and discriminated me, belittled me, crushed my spirits, and outcasted me. I worked through all of that because I don't want anybody to do the same thing that was done to me. I don't want any child to experience what I have gone through in school. 
But sometimes its too much. Last year, I remember that moment when I couldn't take it anymore. When it was too much. I asked my parents if I could see a therapist, talk to them, figure things out, release. I saw one for a couple of months then felt I could be myself again. 
This time I'm beginning to feel like its becoming too much again. And this time I want to really give up. To really leave, resign and quit. I can't keep this up. I feel like I'm falling apart and I'm turning into someone I don't like. I'm not happy with what I'm doing anymore. I don't love it. I don't feel the passion I once had. 
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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Movies Meme: [2/5] Animated Movies → The Lion King (1994) ↳ “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or… learn from it.”
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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band superlatives
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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Some Disney movies released in June (including the upcoming films The Incredibles 2, Cars 3, and Toy Story 4)
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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Forever A Sleepwalker
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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Sunset | Thiago Braz | Instagram | Tumblr
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
why is stiles here? it should be void stiles. still hot. 
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
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“You have to accept that some people are not made for deep conversations, or for holding you together when you’re about to fall apart, or for keeping you from unzipping your skin, or for talking you out of suicide, or to love you through the worst moments of your life. Some people are made for shallow exchanges, and ridiculous banter, and nothing more. And that’s okay. That doesn’t make them horrible people because they simply aren’t able to handle a storm like you. It doesn’t make you a bad person because you won’t divulge all the gritty details of your horror show. It makes you smart. You have to accept that there will be people that cannot give you what you need. It doesn’t mean they are not worth keeping in your life. You just have to figure out who these ones are before you’re disappointed. And you have to keep them at arm’s length. You cannot expect everyone in your life to understand, to be nonjudgmental, to get it. But that’s okay, because not everyone was made to impart wisdom, or wax-poetic, or speak on politics and the depravity of society, or discuss how crucial it is that the stigma of mental illness be abolished. There are times when you have to get away from all that heaviness. You have to. And you will need superficial conversation about Kim Kardashian’s arse, or a debate on the color of The Dress. You will need those ones. So don’t go round cutting people off and dropping your friends. You need people for all your seasons. You need people or you won’t survive this.”
—Anonymous, What my therapist told me this morning
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