#babel event
ancicntforged · 2 months
Giving me some real Final Lesson vibes wtf
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With Doctor's plan in hand, Theresis rushed to Londinium and left Kazdel, Doctor used this gap as pretext for Babel to strike KMC so they can recapture Kazdel, hence Babel deployed all of their elite units include Kal'tsit to every key strategic location, leaving only Theresa and Doctor on landship.
Doctor went to defense room leaving Theresa alone inside the command room, there he turned off the security system letting the assasins sent by KMC to enter the landship, Amiya inside her room hearing the strange noises went to met Theresa, Theresa told Amiya to wait and get outside the command room to solo the assasins, Theresa returned but Amiya saw her face covered with exhaustion due to her wounds.
Theresa: ...Amiya, it's okay.
Theresa: I'm here. The villains in those stories have been temporarily defeated.
What's wrong, Miss Theresia?
Amiya tries to wipe away the exhaustion from Miss Theresa's face.
But she can't lift her own hand.
(Theresa hugs Amiya)
Theresa: I'm sorry, I don't have the power to change the outcome of the story.
Theresa: But you can, Amiya...
Theresa: You will embark on a difficult journey.
Theresa: The only way I can help you is by giving you this black crown.
Theresa: For millennia, my people have wrongly used this crown due to the limitations of history.
Theresa: It's been tainted, bound. But it shouldn't be this way.
Theresa: If we're to break the curse, change our fate... I need your help.
Theresa: Are you willing to rewrite the ending?
Amiya wants to say "yes," but she can't make a sound.
She nods anxiously, thinking that at least this might help Miss Theresa...
Might save her—
Theresa: Although I don't have much power left now, it's enough to transfer its authority to you.
Theresa: I've sealed off most of its areas for you, to prevent the overwhelming flood of information from confusing your thoughts.
Theresa: Amiya... I'm sorry for placing the weight of this crown on your shoulders.
Theresa: I thought... I would have many, many days left to accompany you, to see you grow, to be there when you bravely face the departure of your parents, to be there when you can give your own answers—
Theresa: Answers to whether you're willing to continue for me...
Theresa: But the time left for us is always too short, Amiya.
Theresa: I've selfishly placed the burden I carry onto you...
Theresa: I'm sorry, my child—
Amiya tried to cry out, but she couldn't open her mouth, or even move her limbs. The black blade seemed to pierce through her chest. She should have felt pain. But what the blade left behind—was warmth. Warmth filled with anticipation.
Theresa: Amiya, it's hope, as well as pain.
Theresa: You'll be confused, you'll hesitate.
Theresa: But please believe, Dr. Kal'tsit will always be by your side.
Theresa: She'll help you explore, to approach the secrets of existence again.
Theresa: You can overcome it, right, Amiya...
Theresa: You've always been a child so strong that even I'm amazed.
Theresa: Ah...
Theresa: I'm really tired.
Theresa: Thank you, Amiya, for bringing joy to me these days.
Theresa: Now, let's rest for a moment. Sleep...
Sleep peacefully.
I'll be here with you always.
Theresa heard a familiar voice.
Doctor: ...Amiya!
Theresa didn't look up at the approaching figure.
The crown withdrew, then reunited. But her breath grew weaker.
Theresa: ...Doctor. Why did you come here?
Doctor: .....
Theresa: I sense... your emotions. I see, your past.
Theresa: But you could have stayed elsewhere, waiting calmly for my death. You know this time, I won't escape, nor retreat.
Theresa: Are you here to find Amiya? Or...
Theresa didn't need to hear the person's answer.
Behind him, assassins surged from the shadows, rushing towards Theresa—
Theresa: This is your answer, isn't it, Doctor...
Theresa was relieved that Amiya had fallen asleep.
Amiya didn't witness the Doctor's betrayal, nor did she see Theresa's final sorrow.
As Theresa eliminated the last assasin, the black crown finally passed securely into Amiya's hands.
Theresa: It's okay, Amiya, it's all over...
Theresa: It's over.
She didn't look at the person who had frozen in place; she just gently patted the child's back and planted a kiss on her innocent face.
Doctor: .....
Doctor: Theresa. I can't abandon the opportunity that took billions of lives and thousands of years to obtain.
Doctor: I can't allow you to thwart the plans of the Originium. I can't allow you to turn this land into a beautiful but brief dream.
Theresa: So, you hurt Amiya.
Doctor: .....
Doctor: ...Since the Lord of Fiends has seen my memories, there's no point in saying more.
Doctor: Do you hate me?
Theresa: You hurt Amiya, and you're about to hurt Kal'tsit and those soldiers who trust you.
Theresa: Is this how you treat the lives of today?
Doctor: I'll do everything to ensure they don't perish in the upcoming conflict. That's also Theresis' promise to me.
Doctor: As long as... your death.
Theresa: Are you seeking the last peace before Originium destroys Terra?
Doctor ...I'm sorry. That's not going to change.
Theresa: You know it's futile... yet you still want to cure Amiya's illness.
Theresa: Even though in the not-so-distant future, Amiya's family, hometown, and those people and events that you might establish connections with in the future will all become immutable Originium.
Theresa: You can't bear to see the child in front of you suffer.
Theresa: That's your sincerity. Your purity. Your nature.
Doctor: .....
Theresa: Actually... I'm relieved, Doctor.
Theresa: I'm glad that the you Kal'tsit is willing to believe in, the you who's willing to believe in us, is real.
Theresa: You... the creator of Originium... Doctor. You're the poison that destroys everything, but you can also be the antidote to everything.
(Here Theresa call Doc by his name not title)
Doctor: ...What?
Theresa: I see you're crying, Doctor...
Theresa: Yes, that's who you are. You know your own vulnerabilities, you know that even in this moment, I pose a fatal threat to you... yet you still came.
Theresa: So, I still... choose to believe in you.
Theresa: Believe in the real you.
Theresa: Believe in you who brings rain and sunshine to us.
(Theresa delve deeper to dismantle every inch of the Doc's memories, to erase it, Doc's memories dissipate completely, leaving only the last fragment of the soul)
What are you doing to me, Theresa?
Theresa: Even though it's the end, I suddenly want to give it a try. Don't blame me, Doctor.
Theresa: I will tell you...
Theresa: "Go find yourself."
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dearreader · 3 months
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He misses home his friend, Riza. She misses her friend fathers former apprentice, Roy.
i had no idea what to do for the love letters event, so i decided to make the postcards i forgot to do last year. since the theme this year was “home” i thought it would be nice to think about young royai and both of them missing each other.
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vfdinthewild · 1 year
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“He was no longer trembling, but his head felt very fuzzy. Drinking didn’t help, but it at least gave him something to do with his hands.”
-from Babel by R.F. Kuang, ch. 5. 
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starsnsparkles · 2 months
so my current theory on priestess’ thing with originium is that, since we know that originium can “store” people and their psyches inside it, that she & doctor cooked up a plan to get everyone into originium like that so they can try and survive “the end of the cycle” (cycle being “the arrival” of the observers, which would mean that the world/universe/terra gets obliterated and created anew, basically restarted).
by GOD evangelion lives on!
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cluescorner · 1 year
Me, during Al Haitham’s world quest: *Sigh*. I miss my wife, Al Haitham. I miss her a lot. 
Al Haitham: *Laughs* 
Me, going back to the Tanit camp halfway through his quest to stand next to Jeht and pretend that I’m her girlfriend now: I’ll be back. 
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joyeeuxe · 1 year
One thing about ling i love is this dragon doesn't try to hide anything
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Suppose doctor truly is immortal or at least, has lived for a long long time it is not surprising if they encountered each other (pre-babel era). Back then i thought that doctor settled in yumen for a while or maybe worked for Yan when the two siblings are still there because so far only both ling and chongyue expressed familiarity with doctor (nian and dusk didn't, afaik) but then chongyue lines stated this:
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I doubt chongyue would forgot doctor if, let's say they met just a century ago. Maybe they met waaaay back then. That is to say:
Don't be shy hypergryph. Drop the lore.
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reis-miscellany · 7 months
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Damn, luck's been with me
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cynocephal1 · 16 days
im stuck in the arknights pits until they do something with bolivar/ dobermann/tequila. like can they do something with bolivar thats not a summer event (slop)
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little-lanterns · 2 months
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how does even one become normal after watching that pv
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foxgirlplushie · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking four, how about 2, 12, 16, and 20?
2. What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
Yes. Any food is good food. They're the type of person who will not eat anything until 7 pm, and then demolish a bag of chips that they're dipping in hot sauce and chocolate syrup in under 5 minutes. They will never initiate eating themselves, but they will always eat whatever you put in front of them. sometimes without looking at it. Amiya uses this fact to force them to eat something healthy. Aak uses it for evil.
12. What perfectly-normal-to-them-thing does your OC do that confuses/pisses off/terrifies thier neighbors?
Oh any number of things. The constant hand/finger stimming. The lack of a regular sleep or bathing schedule. The aforementioned food crimes. The war crimes.
16.How often does your OC “zone out” or do things on autopilot and how severe have the problems that have arisen from that been?
Reynardynes problem is more that their brain doesn't shut off even when they want it to. See "lack of sleep schedule". And the unhealthy amount of caffeine they consume on a daily basis. They have a feeling that the last time they zoned out, it was bad. Very, very bad. (See 'Fall of Babel, pg. 107)
20. What’s your OC smell like?  no, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically.  Body odor? what have they been touching all day? When was thier last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
Vaguely spicy, sharp, toasted pepper, but you can still smell the body odor that it's trying desperately to hide.
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ancicntforged · 2 months
Another one
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Theresa took the hand of the person in front of her, just like their first meeting.
She quietly met their eyes, seeing emotions shifting constantly, until finally, only emptiness remained.
She knew the last memory had been erased, the soul purified.
Theresa: Your memories have died, but your soul will be reborn...
Theresa: It's a frightening trick...
Theresa: But those people underestimated your kindness, underestimated your desire for victory. They underestimated us, underestimated the resilience of Terra's origins.
Theresa: Doctor, let me call you that one last time...
Theresa: This is my small revenge against you.
Theresa: It's also my last gift to you...
Theresa: Memories never define you. Be your true self...
Theresa: ...and live again... on the Land's surface. Go explore this world, experience life's joys and sorrows, meet the diverse people of Terra.
Theresa: Perhaps... your journey will begin in hardship, always under the gloomy moonlight of this land, but you will always... see the sunrise.
Theresa: Then, I believe, you will find a new answer. Your true answer.
Theresa: It will surely be... same as the whispers I once heard from Kal'tsit...
Theresa: Bring tears to your eyes.
Life is fading.
Theresa's own breath was gradually weakening... but she also felt an unprecedented sense of ease.
She did her best to hold Amiya in her arms, protecting her. Amiya's heartbeat reassured her.
Theresa: I... I'm a bit tired. Carrying that crown is really tiring. (Man, please let her rest already)
Theresa: When you're tired, you have to rest, right, Amiya?
Theresa: I once thought...
Theresa: Perhaps one day... together, we will let everyone on this land peacefully dream.
Theresa: Although it's far away, maybe you will see that day for me...
Theresa: Amiya, when you wake up...
Theresa: ...You must keep moving forward.
Theresa: *sigh*... so tired...
Theresa: No, she's not here yet...
She only has the last precious bit of strength left.
She's waiting for someone.
Fortunately, she has heard the sound of that person rushing over.
Finally, even though she's too weak to open her eyes again, she knows—
That person has returned—
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dearreader · 4 months
me realizing my time traveler oc is making me fall back in love with my story and helping it grow in a similar way he does to the immortal with life in the story:
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vfdinthewild · 1 year
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“They told us the very first day.”
-from Babel by R. F. Kuang, ch. 32.
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unbindingkerberos · 1 year
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Babel and his Leeches at the beach.
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The rise of Nimrod
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kanophane · 2 months
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